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Editorial: Stefan Kölliker

Lighthouse with regional foundations

In stormy times, lighthouses serve as landmarks. In the past academic year, too, the University of St.Gallen was confronted with extremely turbulent times: on the one hand, the corona pandemic continued to affect teaching and cooperation; and on the other hand, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the consequent disruptions sent a shock through the economy, academia and society in general.

With due care, HSG managed to largely normalise university life. Thus, it was also able to fulfil its important function of analysing global and economic affairs with its integrative approach, launching discussion platforms, placing contiguities in a wide context and revealing perspectives for the future. HSG evidenced responsible action very practically by supporting refugee academics and students from Ukraine, as well as participating in the Round Table of the City of St.Gallen.

From the return of the St.Gallen Symposium with its international impact to running the public lecture courses as an exciting service for the region, HSG’s indispensable role manifested itself as a reputation factor for education and the future in St.Gallen. SQUARE, HGS’s forum for dialogue and field of experimentation, established itself as a lighthouse in the very best sense of the term. It is no coincidence that a partnership for future technologies was signed on its premises with the Land of Vorarlberg, since this is an initial lighthouse project of the Lake Constance metropolitan area.

What is also indispensable on a stormy sea is a compass: HSG has provided one for itself in the form of the Strategic Plan in order to chart a course for the university members and the region and to implement its Vision and Roadmap 2025. With this comprehensive navigation tool in place, I am pleased that the University of St.Gallen is successfully heading for its 125th anniversary as an educational institution.

Cantonal Education Minister Stefan Kölliker Chairman of the University’s Board of Governors

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