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SQUARE, where the future of learning and teaching is explored


In February 2022, the University of St.Gallen officially presented the SQUARE, the completely privately funded new building in Guisanstrasse 20. The imposing glass construction by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto is a field of experimentation for new, trailblazing forms of learning and teaching – an innovation that the entire HSG will profit from. In addition, the SQUARE is a public place for encounters and a forum for dialogue – between academia, society, business, politics and culture.

The SQUARE is also a “base camp”: the intention is for students, as well as alumni and alumnæ, to cooperate with researchers and other interested parties in an inspiring environment.

As a prototype of the university of the future, the SQUARE will become a place of surprising encounters and mutual inspiration. This is where outstanding heads from business, politics and culture meet students, teachers and HSG alumni. In the 21st century, ideas and innovations emerge in teams, at the interface of different perspectives, interests and biographies. Today, an exchange across technical and social borders is more important than ever.

“Inspiration for the entire HSG”

More than 1,000 alumni and alumnæ of the University of St.Gallen, initial funders and donors raised a total of approx. CHF 65m in order to make the SQUARE a reality. The first donor pledges were made as early as 2016. In a mere two years from November 2019 to November 2021, the SQUARE was finally built. The cornerstone ceremony took place in May 2020.

“I’m deeply impressed by our HSG alumni’s commitment,” said Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller, President of the University of St.Gallen. “Being able to realise a project of this scale and relevance entirely through private contributions is remarkable – and is evidence of the strong ties to the HSG that many of our alumni maintain long beyond their time as students.” The SQUARE has made an essential contribution to the future development of the HSG, President Bernhard Ehrenzeller added. “The new learning and teaching formats that are being developed in the SQUARE are intended to inspire the University as a whole and prepare our students for practical working life in the best possible way.”

About 3,000 visitors at the inauguration of the SQUARE

On the Friday evening of the inauguration weekend, the SQUARE was reserved for the numerous donors and for specially invited guests; on the Saturday, the building was inaugurated by the HSG community. Finally, on the Sunday, numerous people seized the opportunity to have a look at the new HSG building, the SQUARE. On that sunny day, the people in charge of the event counted approx. 3,000 guests from near and far: a veritable fair on the Rosenberg. The visitors did not miss the opportunity to explore the SQUARE on their own or during a short guided tour conducted by HSG students and asked many questions concerning the architecture and sustainability of the building, as well as the programme. Many guests were also surprised by the fact that the building would be publicly accessible. “I hope that in the future, too, many St.Gallen people will drop into the SQUARE in order to attend one of the public lecture courses, to talk to members of the University or simply to have a cup of coffee. At any rate, we’re looking forward to the dialogue,” said Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller.

A foretaste of the Platztor campus

With the SQUARE, the University is opening itself up even more to the general public – a foretaste of what is planned with the Platztor campus from 2029 onwards. The experiences that the HSG will be gaining in the SQUARE in the course of the next few years will also have an impact on the plans and facilities of the Platztor campus.

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