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Grants Office HSG
With a variety of funding instruments, we support you actively in advancing your research projects and academic career. For this, we have a wide range of funds of our own, work closely together with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and serve as an interface to European research. Ph.D. students (and postdocs) will find the SNSF research fellowships of particular interest. We assist researchers in third-party fund raising and support the dissemination of research results. Additionally, our “Funding Finder” (funding.unisg.ch/en) provides you with information about relevant grant funding and other types of financial help that can foster your personal career in research. The Research Promotion HSG is the contact point for • your project: GFF-Project Funding, SNSFProject Funding, HORIZON 2020 and other European funding programmes, Innosuisse, Foundations, etc. • your academic career: Doc.CH-Grants, SNSF-Mobility Grants, Ambizione, PRIMA-Grants, SNSF-Ambizione, SNSF-Eccellenza, Grants of the European Research Council, Marie Curie-Grants, International Postdoctoral Fellowships (GFF-IPF), etc. • the dissemination of your research results: publication contributions of the Publication Funds, Alexandria Research Platform and other HSG-Media, Congress subsidies and Research Panel Fund.
Dr. Stefan Graf Grants Office HSG
University of St.Gallen (HSG) Grants Office HSG Tellstrasse 2 CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland
+41 71 224 28 79 research@unisg.ch research.unisg.ch/en