Development review v2 (2)

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Development Trust Review 2016 Aspire Invest Excel




scholarships awarded to date

100% of recipients of the Sir Tom Cowie Scholarship graduated with a first class degree



raised in scholarship support in 2015/16

“We k n ow t ha t o ur s tud e nt s a n d g ra d ua te s have l i fe - c ha n g i n g e x p e r i e n c e s he re be ca us e t hey te l l us . Eve r y p e r s o n a l s to r y o f t r i um p h, re s i l i e n c e a n d a c hi eve m e nt i s i n s p i r i n g a n d we n eve r t i re o f he a r i n g the m . ”

At the University of Sunderland, we are very proud of the

If you are already a donor, thank you, we are hugely

support we offer our students throughout their journey

grateful for the support you give our students. I hope that

with us. And by that I mean from their first visit, to their

you will enjoy reading about the ‘Tomorrow Makers’ who

application, their years of study – filled with learning,

are benefiting from your generosity.

teaching, research, assessment and I hope some fun to their proud graduation day, when we congratulate their personal achievement and welcome them to our ever-expanding Alumni family. In the pages of this publication we share with you just a snapshot of some of our student and graduate success

If you are not already a donor, I hope you will be equally inspired. If you would like to talk to us about supporting the University of Sunderland please get in touch, we would be delighted to talk to you. Kind regards

stories, as well as news of our most recent developments at our Sunderland campuses. Many of these successes and developments are thanks to the generous donations,


both large and small, that we receive via the University’s

Shirley Atkinson

Development Trust.

Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive



A futu re t h at pic t u res the p ast Opportunity Scholarship

Futures Fund: building a future for change makers

David writes his own future in Denmark “I can’t thank the donors enough for this award. It’s helped me fulfil a dream I have been working towards for years and helped me launch a successful career.”

Graduate Development Scholarship

Denise sets herself on path to business success Excellence Scholarship

David McQuilling was able to take advantage of a truly

The Excellence Scholarship provided mother of three Denise

unique opportunity to work at the Copenhagen Post with

Williams with the necessary financial support that allowed

help from a Graduate Development Scholarship.

her to focus on her studies.

The money he received went towards funding his travel

The money the Business with Sociology student received

For Mara Acoma, the Futures Fund helped her to pay

“When I first held the initial proof copy in my hands,

and accommodation costs which enabled him to stay in the

from the scholarship went towards helping her pay for

tribute to her late mother.

it was hard to hold back the tears as the book I had

Danish capital for two weeks in May 2016.

childcare costs, giving her more time to study and attend

Once there, David was thrust into the centre of operations

classes, along with funding some of her travel expenses to University and covering the cost of books.

With the money she was awarded, Mara was able to

dreamed of became reality.” she said.

publish her photobook, The Ghost Project, which she

With a career in photography now on the horizon, she

for Denmark’s only English language paper, taking part in

has worked on for the past four years.

paid tribute to the Development Trust and donors who

editorial meetings and pitching and writing his own stories,

helped bring the project to life.

two of which made it onto the front cover.

The book is what Mara describes as a ‘symbolic closure’ of an emotional journey started by her mother’s

David says that he has gained a huge amount of

terminal cancer diagnosis. After returning to the North

experience, which has reaffirmed to him that journalism is a

East from Essex to care for her, Mara enrolled on the

viable career that he would like to pursue.

MA Photography class at Sunderland after her passing.

In July, Denise graduated with a first-class honours degree, a just reward for the hard work she had put in to her course. She was left in no doubt as to the role the scholarship played and paid tribute to the Futures Fund donors.

He explained: “During my time there, I experienced another

The financial support she received from the Futures

culture, made several important contacts and boosted my

“The Excellence Scholarship has allowed me to stay

Fund allowed her to start a limited edition print run of

portfolio with a series of strong stories. I would like to

committed to my studies, taking advantage of childcare

the book. It has gone on to be showcased at galleries

personally thank the donors of the University Development

options which would have otherwise been inaccessible due

across Britain, receiving critical acclaim.

Trust for helping me undertake this fantastic opportunity

to affordability, she said.

as none of this would of been possible without the support from the Futures Fund.”

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the supporters of the fund that make scholarship opportunities possible.”




Ambition is paying dividend The support the University has received for its ambitions

type of programme makes the University the leading

over the years, particularly in relation to its capital

university in the UK in integrated working practices in

developments, has been exceptional. This past year has

these areas. In recognition of Garfield Weston’s support

been no different.

the University has named the simulation suite, the Weston

It’s impossible today, to imagine Sunderland without its

Simulation Suite.

University - though it is easy to take for granted its impact

Another unique project supported by the Development

on the city’s landscape, culture and economy. Over the

Office this year has been the Hope Street Xchange, the

past 20 years close to £150m has been invested in its two

University of Sunderland’s new £10m centre for Enterprise

Sunderland campuses, fantastically supported by a variety

and Innovation.

philanthropists, trusts and foundations.

Thanks to the belief and commitment of a range of

The Development Office has played such an integral part

funders, in particular the Sir James Knott Trust, the new

in raising funds for capital investment made across the

centre is set to open in early 2017 and will become not

two campuses and continues to be a key source of support

only an iconic city centre building but the place to go for

in facilitating philanthropic giving - The Sciences Complex

enterprise and innovation.

Phase II development being a case in point.

The new centre will support fledgling start-ups, as well

Sciences Phase II was completed in time for the start of

as offer space for businesses to scale up. It will be the

the 2016/17 term and includes - as well as excellent new

gateway to the myriad of research, expertise and problem

pharmacy labs and staff and student engagement spaces

solving capabilities across the university, and will also be

– the Living Lab, a unique purpose-built environment for

home to FabLab Sunderland, the North East’s first digital

teaching and learning.

fabrication laboratory.

The Development Office secured funding from the Garfield

Our commitment to ensuring our society, economy

Weston Foundation for the Living Lab, which houses a

and culture in the region continues to benefit from our

full simulation suite and the latest advanced hi-fidelity

ambitions is matched by that of our donors.

equipment. The whole offer supports integrated working between university researchers, staff, students and healthcare and life sciences partners. The impact of the Living Lab on the student experience; the relationship with key health providers, and on patients will be significant indeed and will signal a raft of new effective working practices. There is no doubt that this




Lady Cowie with recent recipients

Beadnell Trustees with Oliver Marsay

Oliver engineers his future

William Beadnell Scholarship Award Engineering student Oliver Marsay has graduated with first-class honours thanks to the support from the William Beadnell Foundation. The first-class grade he received was one of the highest ever seen on the course and is testament to his cutting-edge final year project, supported by the scholarship funding. Bill Beadnell was a proud supporter of the University, having studied Mechanical Engineering at Sunderland Technical College. Bill’s wife Marina said: “Bill was a great champion in the quest for ‘excellence’ in all fields and I know he would be extremely proud that the scholarship has supported such an outstanding student.” Oliver acknowledges his achievements are down to the support the funding provided, “I would like to thank the William Beadnell Foundation for their support throughout my final year.”

2015/16 recipients Ashleigh Diamond and Shauna Barry

Legacy lives on through scholarships Sir Tom Cowie Sch olars h ip

The Sir Tom Cowie Scholarship provides financial support

After completing a PGCE, Michael has gone on to become

to outstanding local students who need it most.

a teacher at a local secondary school, and was left in no

The scholarship is funded by the late entrepreneur and philanthropist’s foundation, with the winners embodying

He said: “At the time, I was working part-time and had

Sir Tom’s passion for the region and hard working spirit.

a family to support. As a result, it eased the pressure

Each year, two final year students are selected from the

financially and helped me concentrate on my studies.”

Business, Education or Engineering programmes to receive

David Gray, FRICS, Chairman of Trustees of The Sir Tom

£10,000 to help with their studies. They must be from the

Cowie Charitable Trust, said: “The scholarship is very

City of Sunderland, be on track for a high 2:1 or a first and

much in the spirit of Sir Tom, his ethos of hard work from

in need of financial assistance to maximise their potential.

humble beginnings, and it represents our commitment to

For recipient Michael Spowart, the scholarship was the platform for a successful career change. The former plasterer, 43, excelled while studying a Physiological Science course at the University and was awarded the £10,000 reward ahead of his final year. The money allowed Michael to dedicate more time to his studies, helping him achieve a first-class degree.


doubt as to the scholarship’s importance to his success.

the values of the University.” The scholarship is now entering its fourth year and all recipients to date have graduated with first-class degrees. All recipients have expressed what a huge difference the Sir Tom Cowie Scholarship made to their studies and the Development Trust would like to thank Lady Cowie for her

Scholarship creates Hope

Robson Visual Arts Masters Award

The Hope Winch Society is the University of Sunderland’s

From October 2016, the Robson Visual Arts Award will give

largest alumni group. Their aim is to provide networks and

financial support to students studying Masters Degree in

opportunities for current students and graduates.

visual arts.

Hope Winch Benevolence Scholarship

This includes the Hope Winch Benevolence Fund which helps current students alleviate financial pressures and supports them in completing their pharmacy degree. The 2015/16 academic award ceremony saw three Hope Winch Benevolence Fund scholarships awarded. Recipient Shauna stated “I was so incredibly relieved and thankful to receive the scholarship. It allowed me to continue my studies and gave me a life changing experience.

recently launched

A student from MA Glass, MA Ceramics, MA Photography, MA Curating and MA Fine Art will each be awarded £2,000 to assist with their studies. Maria Zulueta Lacalle who has been recently awarded to support her studies in glass said “This funding will greatly benefit my future professional aspirations. This will allow me to take a huge step towards realising my own creative expectations.”

continued support.

To find out how you can support or to make a donation to the University of Sunderland Development Trust please email 9




High-fidelity Living Lab How to leave a legacy The generosity of friends and supporters has given thousands of students the opportunity to realise their potential through academic endeavour and personal development. Our Futures Fund is a part-endowed fund that supports students through a range of scholarships and project funding. Kitted out with the most advanced healthcare industry

Foundation. In recognition of their support the University

apparatus, including specialist simulation equipment, the

named the high-fidelity simulation suite the ‘Weston

recently opened Sciences Complex Phase II offers students

Simulation Suite’, a high tech simulation area, the likes of

hands-on practical experience in a number of realistic

which are not available anywhere else in the region, and

settings based on the patient journey.

certainly not at another University.

The most exciting element is the new Living Lab, with its

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing,

mock hospital ward, pharmacy dispensary and dementia

Professor Tony Alabaster, said: “We’ve developed the

friendly patient’s flat, as well as hi-fidelity simulation suite

Living Lab in collaboration with Sunderland’s CARE

and an updated Point of Care Centre, which delivers

Academy. The new facilities will provide staff, students

The team would be happy to have a confidential

education and training to those involved in patient care,

and health professionals with the skills to meet the future

conversation with you and discuss further opportunities.

using the latest technology to enhance treatment and

challenges of health care.”

Some legacy benefactors look to support scholarship opportunities, in particular, subject areas via a named scholarship or bursary arrangement which may be related to their own particular interest. Alternatively, some of our donors look to support capital developments to allow the University to invest in facilities such as the Media Centre at the Sir Tom Cowie Campus.

diagnosis for patients. The ultimate aim of the Living Lab is to prepare graduates of the School of Nursing and Heath Sciences; School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; and its Paramedic Programme with the knowledge, skills and experience to be effective health care providers. The Sciences Complex Phase II campaign has been generously supported via philophropic giving to the Development Trust, in particular, The Garfield Weston


Ways to give 0191 515 3664 and talk to the Development Office



11 0191 515 3664 University of Sunderland Development Trust Charity Number 1041658

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