1 minute read


At the University of Surrey, supporting those who struggle to reach higher education is part of our DNA. This is why we continue to invest in our students through scholarships.

Each generation of students attending university have had to face many challenges during their studies. But for young people today, particularly those from care experienced or minority backgrounds the route to higher education is full of additional challenges. Less than 12% of young people in care enter higher education by the time they’re 23, compared with 43% of all young people.


For those students who do make it to university, financial struggles can be a key reason why students drop out. Just under a quarter of all students, 24%, said they were less likely to finish their degree due to their financial circumstances.

Our vast programme of scholarships is already ensuring talented young people can undertake degrees, regardless of their personal or financial backgrounds. But there are many more students that are in need. By supporting scholarships, you can invest in a talented student who may be the first in their family to go to university.


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