Welcome Pack - University of Swing 2018

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2 - 4 February 2018

University of Swing

Edinburgh University Swing Dance Society

Student Handbook




Dear Student We are pleased to inform you that you have been given a place to study at the University of Swing from 2-4 February 2018. Whether you are enrolled for classes, extracurricular activities or both, you are in for an educational treat of swinging proportions! All the information you will need to be successful in your studies can be found below, but if after reading this you have further questions do not hesitate to get in touch. Kind Regards,

University of Swing Staff

A note from the organisers: Thank you for joining us as we celebrate Edinburgh University Swing Dance Society’s 20th anniversary (and University of Swing’s 5th anniversary). This event would not be possible without the longtime dedication and commitment of the society’s founder, Dr. Jamie Davies and his dance partner Dr. Katie Brooks. Together, they have given untold hours to developing and maintaining the swing scene at the University of Edinburgh. Please make sure to ask them for a dance and thank them for starting and remaining committed to EUSDS. We would also not be here if it weren’t for 20 years worth of committees, including Kat Rüberg, who along with the 2012/2013 committee organised our first big workshop weekend: the 15th Anniversary Birthday Bash, and Kayleigh Ellis and the 2013/2014 EUSDS committee, who organised the first ever University of Swing.

Matriculation Registration

Friday: 19:00 - 22:45 Our administration officers will be on the front desk on Friday night between 19:00 and 22:45 at the Welcome Party at Assembly Roxy, and on Saturday morning in your class. You will be handed your welcome pack which includes your timetable, wristband and t-shirt (if you ordered one). Please make sure you register, as you cannot attend classes unless you are fully matriculated.


The campus is roughly a 10-15 minute walk from Edinburgh Waverley train station, which is also where the Airlink 100 bus terminates. The easiest way to get around is by foot, however if you are staying further out of the city centre then public transport is available. The Lothian Buses website (www.lothianbuses.com) has excellent information on timetables and bus stops.

Directions to Assembly Roxy: From Airport: Taxis will take you directly to Assembly Roxy or take the 100 AIRLINK bus to its terminus at Waverley Station, or the Tram to St. Andrew’s Square and follow station directions below.

From Waverley Station: 15 minute walk. Exit the station on Princes St. and turn right walking past the Balmoral Hotel. Turn right on South Bridge and walk up until you get to Drummond St. (about 10 minutes) and turn left. The Assembly Roxy will be ahead of you on the right on Roxburgh Place.

Driving (Car Park Information): Please use Google Maps or other service to direct you to 2 Roxburgh Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9SU. There is paid on street parking available within easy walking distance of most venues. University Car Park information is available here: http://www.ed.ac.uk/transport/parking/car-park-locations/central-area

Finding your way on Campus All of your classes will be situated as near as possible to University of Edinburgh central campus. If you need more information on these venues, please do check the online version of this map available at www.universityofswing.com or at the link below. The interactive map will also list nearby grocery stores, coffee shops, and restaurants. https://tinyurl.com/uofs2018map

Assembly Roxy - 2 Roxburgh Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9SU The Hub - 348-350 Castlehill, Edinburgh EH1 2NE Teviot Row House - 5/2 Bristo Square, Edinburgh EH8 9AL • The Debating Hall - Top floor of the spiral staircases • The Study - To the right through the doors, up the short staircase to your left, go in the New Amphion, walk straight to the back and through the doors at the right

The Pleasance - Pleasance Courtyard EH8 9TJ Quaker Studio

Ochil Room (first floor)

The Counting House - 38 W Nicolson St, Edinburgh EH8 9DD South Side Community Centre - 117 Nicolson St, Edinburgh EH8 9ER University Centre for Sports & Exercise - 46 Pleasance EH8 9TJ • The Salle - Front desk will direct you

Social Life Please do NOT bring outside alcohol as there are bars on site at each venue. Do bring your water bottle, a towel, fan, and a spare shirt or two.

Welcome Party – Assembly Roxy – Friday Night – 19:00 - 22:45 After matriculating, come along to our welcome party for new students. Live music will be provided by Swingessence. Wondering what to wear? It’s a great night to represent your local scene on each t-shirt you change into as the night progresses.

Hot Hub Time Machine – The Hub – Saturday Night – 19:00 - 01:00 As it’s EUSDS’s 20th anniversary, we’re hopping in the Hub’s time machine and going 20 years...but in which direction!? You make the choice between a totally retro 90’s night or a futuristic adventure in the 30’s...the 2030’s! (Of course there’s always the chance your time machine got confused and took you to a different era entirely...these things happen.) Your adventure includes some of the best DJs going, live music from Tessa Smith and the AppleJacks, unforgettable performances, demonstrations, and a chance to see the instructors strut their stuff! Our competition finals take place at 21:30 for all of you brave souls who faced preliminary examinations.

Nostalgia Dance – Teviot Debating Hall – Sunday – 17:30 - 21:00 Now that you’ve completed your degree, relax and enjoy some more dancing in the Debating Hall at Teviot Row House. Reflect back on all we’ve accomplished together in our time traveling adventure.

Health & Safety & Safe Spaces We ask that you all behave in a safe and courteous manner, but we understand that accidents do happen. In case of a serious emergency, dial 999 immediately. Qualified First Aiders are Shannon Clerkin, Eleanor Linton, and Katherine Henderson. EUSDS also wants to ensure everyone has the most fun they can this weekend without any worry. Please read our code of conduct, linked below. If you are having a problem with another individual or feel that someone is violating the code of conduct, you can reach out to Clement McGeown or Eleanor Linton, our safe spaces officers, or one of the event organisers. Please do not give unsolicited feedback in class or on the social dancefloor. Thank you for your support, and to read our full code of conduct, visit our website: http://universityofswing.com/code-of-conduct/

Semester Timetable Friday, 2 February 19:00 – Registration opens 19:00 – 22:45 – Social dancing with live band (Assembly Roxy)

Saturday, 3 February 10:00 – 11:45 – Workshops 12:00 – 13:00 – Lectures/Tasters 13:15 – 15:00 – Lunch/Competition Prelims 13:15 Collect Numbers and queue up 13:30 Open Swing Roulette 14:00 Newbie Swing Roulette 14:30 Solo Jazz 15:15 – 17:00 – Workshops 19:00 – 01:00 – Hot Hub Time Machine (20 Years!) - The Hub 21:00 Performances 21:30 Competition Finals 23:00 Teachers Showcase

Sunday, 4 February 11:00 – 12:45 – Workshops 13:00 – 14:00 – Lectures/Tasters 14:00 – 15:15 – Lunch 15:15 – 17:00 – Workshops 17:30 – 21:00 – Social Dance and drinks (The Debating Hall)

Please note the location changes between classes for the streams and check venues carefully. Debating Hall - Teviot Quaker Hall - Pleasance Counting House Southside Community Centre Ochil Room - Pleasance The Study - Teviot The Salle - CSE

Sat. AM

Sat. PM

Sun. AM

BSwi BSwi BSwi MSwi MSwi MSwi Back to Basics Back to Basics Back to Basics Flash & Trash Flash & Trash SugaBomb SugaBomb Flash & Trash SugaBomb

Sun. PM

BSwi MSwi Back to Basics

Flash & Trash SugaBomb

Class Timetables Saturday, 3 February Registration Flash

9:45 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:45


MSwi Quaker Hall Pleasance

Debating Hall Teviot

Southside Community Centre Break

11:45 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:00 Swing Walk Lectures/ Debating Hall Teviot Tasters

Triple Step Turns


SugaBomb Ochil Pleasance

The Counting House

A Scientist’s Guide to Dancing The Counting Boogie Woogie

Quaker Hall Pleasance

The Study Teviot


13:00 - 13:15


13:15 - 15:00

Competition Prelims - Debating Hall - Teviot

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 -17:00


Debating Hall Teviot


MSwi Quaker Hall Pleasance

Southside Community Centre


SugaBomb Ochil Pleasance

The Counting House

Sunday, 4 February 11:00 - 12:45 12:45 - 13:00


Debating Hall Teviot

A Hep-cat’s

13:00 - 14:00 Guide to Human

Lectures/ Tasters

14:00 - 15:15 15:15 - 17:00


MSwi Quaker Hall Pleasance

St. Louis Shag

Quaker Hall The Dining Room Pleasance Teviot Lunch


Debating Hall Teviot

MSwi Quaker Hall Pleasance


The Study Teviot Break

Alive & Kicking

The Study Teviot


The Study Teviot


The Counting House

SugaBomb The Salle CSE


The Counting House



The Counting House

“If in doubt, wiggle something.” - Katie Brooks

SugaBomb The Salle CSE

Examinations (aka: Competitions) Unlike most other universities, our examinations are optional with only a limited number of participants. This year we are holding a Newbie Swing Roulette (J&J), an Open Swing Roulette (J&J), and a Solo Jazz competition. Newbie Swing Roulette is roughly limited to dancers who started Lindy Hop after 1 Jan 2017 (you’ve been dancing around one year or less). You may register in advance, online, or on Friday evening when you matriculate, if there are spaces available. University of Swing prides itself on fostering healthy competition, so we encourage students of all levels to sign up. We will be awarding prizes in each competition to the couple judged to be have embodied the style, musicality, and technique of Lindy Hop or Vernacular Jazz to the highest standard. For those of you who might be put off entering because you don’t feel like those are your specialities: we have the “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” Award for having the most fun on the dancefloor. For anyone who enjoys being a creative dancer – this one is yours for the taking. The prelims are Saturday during the lunch break (starting at 13:15) with the finals on Saturday night at 21:30pm. Prelims Schedule: (The Debating Hall) 13:15-13:30 - Collect Numbers and queue up 13:30-14:00 - Open Swing Roulette 14:00-14:30 - Newbie Swing Roulette 14:30-15:00 - Solo Jazz Come along and cheer on your fellow classmates as they swing out in the hope of winning some great prizes which allow the winners to continue their studies at other prestigious institutions. Examinations will be evaluated by the University of Swing faculty. Prizes:

• Social Passes to Herräng Dance Camp 2018 in Herräng, Sweden • Full Passes to Univerity of Swing 2019 • Full Passes to ESDS Winter Swing Weekend 2018 in Edinburgh • Full Passes to Swing Revolution 2018 in Leeds • Full Passes to Moonshine Lindy and Blues Weekend 2018 (This pass does not include accommodation on site) in Edinburgh/Peebles • Full Passes to Hullzapoppin 2018 in Hull


Lectures, Tasters, and Additional Studies. While attending University, why not try something outside of your field of study? Some tasters have extended descriptions availible on our website: www.universityofswing.com.

Saturday • The Swing Walk - The Swing walk is the progressive dance of the Lindy Hoppers at the Savoy. If you are interested in actively exploring the history of Lindy Hop and its origins, this is the taster for you! • Boogie Woogie - Boogie Woogie is a playful and improvised couple dance, often in medium or slightly fast tempo, with a significant footwork based on musical interpretation, inspired by American Rock’n’Roll/Lindy Hop of the 1950’s. • Triple Step Turns - This class is aimed at intermediate level dancers and above and will focus on balance, control, and dynamics techniques for better turning. No more cheating those triple steps! • A Scientist’s Guide to Swing Dance - (Lecture) Dr. Vladimir Ivan will be delivering a curated video and commentary session on Lindy Hop from a physics and engineering perspective. Get you dose of graphs, equations, swing dancing robots, and references to peer-reviewed articles.

Sunday • A Hep-cat’s guide to Human Anatomy - (Lecture) Rest your aching legs for a bit and find out exactly why you’re so sore with Professor of Experimental Anatomy Jamie Davies and Dr. Katie Brooks. These two are anything but dull scientists, so be prepared to have a blast learning about your body to help you swing through the rest of the workshop! • St. Louis Shag - St. Louis Shag is an incredibly fun regional dance from St. Louis Missouri. Descended from Lindy Hop and Charleston, it was danced all the way through the swing era, and into the 50’s and 60’s, developing all the while. Come learn the St. Louis basic, a couple of classic moves, as well as some transitions into and out of other swing dances to help you blend it with the rest of your dancing! • Tap - Amongst other dances, tap is thought to be a predecessor to swing dancing and is a great addition to your Lindy Hop. We are lucky to have the incredibly talented Derek Roland to give you an hour-long introduction. • Alive and Kicking - (Film Screening) Alive and Kicking is as diverse and dynamic as the dance it depicts. This feature-length film explores the culture surrounding swing dance from the emergence of the Lindy Hop to the modern-day international phenomenon.

Bibliography and massive Thanks to: • Instructors: Hector Artal Parada, Sonia Ortega Betriu, Cátia Vieira da Fonseca, David Miguel Pegâs Afonso, Nils Stefan Jansson Andren, Bianca Locatelli, Trisha Sewell, Stephanise Kokay & Peter Grange • Taster Teachers: Jamie Davies & Katie Brooks, Adam Harries & Rebecca Brouwers, Vlad Ivan, David & Catia, Nils & Bianca, Derek Roland • Photographer Kit Carruthers and Ellie Morag • Competition Organiser: Alex Parker • DJs: Ray Finlayson, Katarina Rüberg, Shell Davies, Vincent Pettavel • Bands: Swingessence, Tessa Smith and the AppleJacks • Edinburgh hosts who provided accommodation • Volunteers from EUSDS • Venues: Assembly Roxy, Magda and her team at the Hub, EUSA, Southside Community Centre, Nick and the Counting House team

The Rest of the Team President/Printer of materials/ Proofreader: George Papamakarios Secretary & Really Helpful Person: Phoebe O’Caroll-Moran Treasurer & Really Helpful Person: Sarah Hall Social Secretary: Katherine Henderson Decorating Committee: Katherine Henderson, Eleanor Linton, Lorna Sherry, Shannon Clerkin Tasters/Food/Band/Photography/ On-site Teacher Coordinator: Anne Rushing Teacher Coordinator: Adam Harries DJ/Performance Coordinator: Ray Finlayson Accommodation Coordinators: Shannon Clerkin & Eleanor Linton Event Team Captain/Venue Coordinator: Clement McGeown

But most of all... Have a great time learning all that we have to offer at the University of Swing. We look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh and to introducing you to student life. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of the University of Swing Staff with any questions you might have!

EUSDS Committee

Events Organisers (contacts) Anne Rushing - +447719161904 Clement McGeown - +447751697394 Shannon Clerkin +447500061609




The University of Swing does not discriminate in opportunities or decisions for qualified persons on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetics, sexual orientation, dance skills, crazy legs, solo jazz technique, facial expressions while dancing, accidentally kicking someone on the social floor, slipping and falling while trying a new move, or forgetting your dance shoes.




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