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President's Message
As our 2019-2020 Annual Report reaches you, we are actively moving to our new campus in Portland, Oregon and navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that these recent weeks have been trying and uncertain. Be assured that university leadership and employees are dedicated to ensuring that our students receive the best educational and clinical experiences possible as we all work together to address this difficult public health challenge. We will be fully transitioned to the new campus by April 6, and though all lecture classes will be conducted online until further notice based on directives from the State of Oregon, we are excited about what this new space means for the university's future and our student's education. Your support has provided us with such substantial forward momentum - through donations, students referrals and investment in your UWS community. We couldn't do this important work without you, and I thank each of you for the ways you have championed UWS through this evolution. Below are just a few examples of your direct impact when you support UWS.
INNOVATION The construction of our new campus has afforded us the opportunity to partner with Dr. Bill Moreau to lead an interdisciplinary clinic inside our new, larger and more modern clinic space. This partnership will allow senior student interns to observe and engage first-hand in a world-class integrated clinic and work alongside chiropractic physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, acupuncturists and a variety of other provider to deliver optimal care to each patient. This interdisciplinary model is the future of health care, demanded by patients and supported by positive outcomes.
EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Our new campus is designed specifically to provide high-quality education for the health care professions, with multiple large technique classrooms to support hands-on lab work of all kinds, flexible classrooms that support active learning styles such as discussion and group work, and multipurpose rooms that allow a blended delivery of lecture and lab work. All these spaces have been equipped with the latest technology to ensure that our students continue to thrive in an increasingly complex health care ecosystem.
IMPACT The impact of our relocation goes beyond just our students and employees—it touches our whole community. Our new, central location allows for greater patient access to our clinic and new partnerships with community, clinical and educational organizations. And, of course, our continued focus on innovation and educational excellence will shape our students into the whole-person, integrated health care practitioners of the future, all for the good of the patient.
As a thank you for your contributions and a celebration of what we have accomplished together, you are invited to attend our New Campus Grand Opening on Friday, August 21 and Saturday, August 22. Please save the date. Additional information will follow soon.