Business Partners Brochure

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Business Partners Program Your guide to accessing University of Western States’ resources to advance and accelerate your business goals.

REASONS TO GET INVOLVED • Since 1904, UWS has been the leader in evidence-based, integrated health care education. UWS has educated thousands of health professionals in the areas of chiropractic, nutrition and functional medicine, lifestyle and dietary counseling, exercise and sport science, sports medicine, and sport and performance psychology. • Connect with highly engaged alumni. We keep in touch with more than 6,000 alumni and friends in varying stages of their careers, who are serious about building relationships to benefit their life, skill sets and patients. You’ll also reach our extended community of non-alumni practitioners, faculty and students. • Reach your future clients today! More than 1,000 exceptional, driven students – the health care leaders of tomorrow – are enrolled in on-campus and online programs at UWS. Exposure to your products and services will help them hit the ground running when they begin their career. • Win-wins for everyone. Our program offers a wide variety of price-points, benefits and target audiences for you to choose from, with customization options at all levels, so that you can reinforce your brand, generate sales, and make clients for life while contributing to the success of UWS.

Contact us to discuss your partnership with University of Western States. Kelli Rule, CFRE, Development Officer • 503-847-2556 or •

Annual Support Packages $10,000 +

$5,000 - $9,999

$2,500 - $4,999

PUBLIC RECOGNITION InTouch, the UWS alumni magazine (approx. 3,500 readers and growing)

Interview about your company A quote from you about and your support of UWS. your company and your support.

Your name acknowledged with other new or renewed partners.

Social media

Your interview posted for Facebook and Twitter; a distinct post thanking you for your support, tagging you and with a link to your website.

Your quote used on Facebook and Twitter; a distinct post thanking you for your support, tagging you and with a link to your website.

A Facebook and Twitter post recognizing you and other recently joined partners, tagging you.

UWS website

Your interview posted in the “donor stories” page. Link to your website in the donor honor roll.

Your quote in the business partners page. Link to your website in the donor honor roll.

Link to your website in the donor honor roll.

The Insider, UWS quarterly newsletter for major donors and student referrers (approx. 200 readers and growing)

Your logo, and a link to the InTouch interview about your company and your support of UWS.

Your logo listed with other new or renewed partners.

Your name listed with other new or renewed partners.

Your name on our Recognition Tree in Hampton Hall

Gold engraved leaf.

Gold engraved leaf.

Silver engraved leaf.

AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT Recruit a campus student rep and receive UWS staff support as liaison




Host an on-campus Lunch and Learn presentation




Complimentary vendor table (if desired) with premium location; Receive additional event-specific benefits, i.e. category exclusivity, reception tickets, name on promotional mailers and signage.

Premium location for vendor table (if purchased); Receive additional event-specific benefits, i.e. category exclusivity, reception tickets, name on promotional mailers and signage.

Receive additional event-specific benefits, i.e. category exclusivity, reception tickets, name on promotional mailers and signage.

Direct your gift toward sponsorship of an event, i.e. NW Symposium / Alumni Homecoming or Summer in December continuing education event in Hawaii

BRAND PROMOTION Include a gift in commencement bags (subject to approval)


Campus sample/info table

3x P

Product spotlight for one month for existing vendors, or sample spotlight for potential new vendors.

2x P

Want something you don’t see here? Contact us to customize your annual support package.

1x P

A La Carte Options If an annual support package isn’t right for you, you can select a specific benefit from our a la carte menu. “The lunch and learn went so well! About 80 students attended, and our presenter said it was one of the most attentive student groups he’s seen. We are absolutely interested in doing another event.”

– Blake Morgan, medical sales manager, Integrative Therapeutics

On-campus Sample or Info Table Share information about your company with students, faculty and staff. We will work with you to book a prime day, time and location. $150 (per day) Lunch and Learn Share about your company or present an educational topic to our campus community. We will work with you to find the optimum time for your presentation, and will market your presentation to your target audience. $300 plus lunches or refreshments Finals Week Brunches (4x/year) The associated student body provides brunch for approximately 350 students each quarter during finals week. It is an event that the students really appreciate as it means one less thing to think about during such a stressful time. Opportunities with tiered benefits are available from $100 - $5,000. Please inquire. Associated Student Body (ASB) Gala The gala provides an opportunity for students to escape the pressures of daily life and look forward to a night where they can relax. Opportunities with tiered benefits are available from $100 - $2,500. Please inquire. Sponsor a Student Club You can make a cash or in-kind donation to support a UWS club. Donors have given soil and gravel to the garden club, funds to cover student club travel and conference expenses, blankets, blocks and mats for the yoga club, prizes for club fundraisers and much more! For a list of active clubs at UWS who could use your support, visit

“Students are in the process of generating their business plan while in school, and exposure to a variety of companies will aid in their planning process. “

– Rebekah Wilks, 2018 student body president

UWS Special Events and Other Opportunities

Table at the NW Symposium.

Your product spotlight in the entrance to the campus store.

UWS produces two signature events with sponsor and vendor opportunities, the UWS Homecoming and NW Symposium, and Summer in December, a continuing education program held in Hawaii. Details about these events change every year so visit the links below for the most current information. NW Symposium and Alumni Homecoming - Summer in December - Other opportunities include: • Capital (bricks and mortar) projects • Campus beautification • Student conference sponsorships • Named scholarship funds and professorships • Regional alumni and friends dinners • Continuing education events • Alumni homecoming • Alumni of the year awards

“I have met so many doctors from Canada and the U.S., giving me the opportunity for personal, professional and practice management discussions. I’ve been practicing for 30 years and I never miss an opportunity to improve clinical skills that aren’t found in a text book or online. And being in Hawaii doesn’t hurt!”

– Michael Zarchynski, DC, Summer in December attendee

If you would like to learn more or be notified of opportunities as they arise please contact our development officer at 503-847-2556 or

Thank you for considering a partnership with University of Western States.

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