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President’s Message

Society is experiencing historic transitions in both the higher education and health care industries. Exponential advances in the technology sector initiated much of this disruption, and the world pandemic accelerated the process. As a health sciences university, UWS is positioned at the crossroads of the higher learning and integrated health care enterprises, and we are creatively adapting to these challenges. In creating the priorities and strategies for our future, we are focused on optimizing our teaching and learning environments and exploring how we can best prepare our graduates to provide health care that is “For the Good of the Patient.” Over the past decade, UWS has developed new academic programs, relocated our physical location to a new and modern facility, and substantially renovated our campus technology. The UWS college of chiropractic is completing a comprehensive curricular revision to meet the needs of future students. Over the coming months, the UWS digital learning environment is transitioning to Canvas as the university’s Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas provides high-quality learning experiences for both instructors and students, and supports innovation of educational models, curricula and course offerings to enhance all of our learning environments.

To meet evolving needs of patients, our innovative model of integrated, whole-person health care is embodied in the UWS Connected Whole Health Clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Bill Moreau, where student interns participate in providing world-class health care to patients from all backgrounds. Patients seek health care experiences where they feel listened to and empowered, and where health care teams collaborate with patients to deliver customized care informed by evidence, clinical experience and patient preferences. Connected Whole Health is leading the Joseph Brimhall, DC UWS President and CEO charge. These steps are just the beginning. The entire university community is actively engaged in discovering creative ways to advance health, higher education and student learning. Albert Einstein is credited with observing that, “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Tomorrow’s solutions will arise from fresh ideas and creative innovations, not from replicating the strategies of the past. I invite you to join with us as we continue to design and deliver a brilliant future for UWS! Sincerely, Joseph Brimhall, DC President and CEO

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