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Get more than a degree

Get results. Your university education should be the experience of a lifetime and support your success. Go beyond the status quo with opportunities like:

• Undergraduate research available to all majors.

• Study abroad programs plus resources to help you prepare.

• The Kugelman Honors Program, designed for ambitious students who love an intellectual challenge.

• Industry and peer mentoring programs for one-on-one guidance and support.

Career prep focused on you

UWF supports students’ professional success throughout their education and after graduation. Resources include: uwf.edu/Career

• Career and major exploration and coaching.

• An online Career Readiness Module for new students.

• Access to thousands of experiential learning opportunities.

• Career fairs and special events like Argos Meet the Pros.



By graduation, almost 60% of Argos have completed at least two high-impact practices like internships and study abroad.


Deja Gamble, an English major and theatre minor, brought her original play, “Wishful Thinking,” to the UWF stage in March 2023. Along with her entrepreneurial ventures, Gamble rallied support to produce her play with grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research, Alumni Association, and Student Government Association.

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