Connection Spring 2019

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EXECUTIVE EDITOR Megan Gonzalez ’09, ’15 MANAGING EDITOR Margaret Roberts ’12 PRODUCTION EDITOR Brittany Louhier ’12 SENIOR EDITORS Allison Morgan Brittany Sherwood '14 Brittany Swinford ’11 Olivia Teeney ’16 DIRECTION, DESIGN AND LAYOUT Jennifer Peck ’08 Lacey Berry ’12 ART DIRECTION AND PHOTOGRAPHY Bernard Wilchusky Morgan Givens ’18 idgroup WRITERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND EDITORS John Blackie, Colton Currier ’18, Missy Grace ’10, Amy Minchin, Jenny Pedraza, Margaret Roberts ’12, Kharas Denson ’18, Will Kennedy ’93, Michael LeFevre ’17, Brittany Sherwood ’14, Claire Stewart, Jamie Calvert ’20, Dawn Gresko ’15.




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UWF Connection is published semi-annually by Alumni Relations and Institutional Communications. The purpose of Connection is to communicate and engage with UWF alumni, donors, friends and others interested in the activities of UWF.


Spring 2019




Mail UWF Alumni Association, 11000 University Pkwy., Building 12, Pensacola, FL 32514


15 LIKE VOYAGERS ON A QUEST for new horizons, UWF shows the world what it means to live life without fear or limits.


Q&A with President Saunders

The University of West Florida is becoming an unstoppable force. Groundbreaking partnerships and innovation allow UWF to chart new courses and make the impossible, possible. President Martha D. Saunders gives an inside glimpse into the University’s culture of "no limits" and the significant impact it has for students and Northwest Florida. Explain what “no limits” means to you. UWF’s identity and the very fabric of our culture is our ability to rally around the notion that the future is ours for the taking. We’re a smaller university in our state but our dreams are big. We’re bold, unafraid and ready to rise to the challenge. The concept of “no limits” embodies the spirit of UWF, our campus and our people. We’re perfectly sized to make us nimble and agile to meet the demands of the individuals and communities we serve.

In what ways is the University stepping out and pushing beyond its limits? Our dynamic and innovative programs have direct connections and partnerships with the world beyond our campus. It’s imperative that we respond to industry, meaning we have to listen to our community partners about the workforce needs of tomorrow. Our response has included our emergence as a leader in cybersecurity education and the development of the first intelligence systems and robotics doctoral program in Florida, among others. How would you describe UWF’s culture? UWF has always had the heroic spirit it is known for today. Fifty years ago, our students chose the Argonauts as their mascot— daring, fearless and adventurous champions who navigated a perilous quest, defied the odds and challenged every obstacle to achieve the seemingly impossible. Every day at UWF, I see students and faculty with the same unwavering commitment to win.

Spring 2019



News & Notes Letter from the

Vice President

Recent news from the University of West Florida BY JAMIE CALVERT ’20


Throughout its evolution, the University of West Florida has maintained a commitment to innovation. In this issue of Connection Magazine, you’ll find stories of individuals and groups who shatter expectations and act as champions for our University and community. You will read about INERTIA, a non-profit organization created by UWF students, which is increasing student success in STEM learning in Escambia County. You will also learn more about the Argos Suit Up! initiative. A dedicated group of donors, led by President Martha D. Saunders, provided the opportunity for Argos to purchase affordable, professional clothes. Another program that has attracted invaluable donor support is the Argo Athletic Band, which is enhancing athletic events and Argo pride at football and basketball games. You will learn more about the band members’ diverse backgrounds and how you can contribute to their growth. You will also be introduced to Dr. Jim and Melba Morrow, who are shining examples of alumni loyalty and giving. They have made a gift to UWF for 50 consecutive years following their own graduation in 1969. We rely on your continued friendship and support as we strive for greatness in the coming years. There are no limits to what we can achieve together. Sincerely,

Howard J. Reddy Vice President University Advancement


Spring 2019

UWF receives award for Higher Education Excellence in Diversity

INSIGHT into Diversity Magazine, the oldest and largest nationwide diversity publication, awarded UWF with the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award for the third year. The national honor recognizes 96 colleges and universities across the country that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. Among the many University initiatives that promote inclusive excellence are Diversity Week and the massive open online course, Cross-Cultural Competency, structured around acceptance and respect of all cultures.


Switzer family collaborates with UWF Historic Trust to open History Hall in downtown Pensacola

UWF celebrated the opening of History Hall, located at One Palafox Place in the newly renovated Blount Building. The opening was made possible thanks to the Switzer family and the UWF Historic Trust. The most prominent features of the Hall include the mural wall, which displays Pensacola’s storied past, and a collection of Historic Trust artifacts. The mural collage will change and rotate over time, demonstrating the ever-changing history of Pensacola.

NSF awards $1.3 million to UWF

UWF received a five-year, $1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to benefit students pursuing teaching careers in STEM fields. Eighteen eligible juniors and seniors will become Robert Noyce scholars and receive scholarships for their last two years at UWF.

UWF becomes first university in North America to host parkrun

UWF became the first college campus to host parkrun, a volunteer-based nonprofit that offers weekly 5ks. This partnership allows UWF to showcase its natural campus beauty while strengthening community ties. UWF is one of three parkruns in the state of Florida and among 1,400 worldwide. Pensacola resident Robin Foley attended two parkruns in Ireland and introduced the idea to Caleb Carmichael, head coach of UWF men and women’s cross country teams, and Howard Reddy, vice president for university advancement.

UWF opens Museum Plaza, historical preservation and educational project

The UWF Historic Trust hosted a grand opening event for Museum Plaza, a new multi-use and educational community space that helps tell the story of Pensacola’s rich history. Museum Plaza is anticipated to become both a staple of downtown Pensacola and a frequented attraction for the community. The project was made possible by the UWF Historic Trust, Quint and Rishy Studer, Dave and Emily Walby, IMPACT 100, Fiesta of Five Flags, the Florida Division of Historical Resources and the Division of Anthropology and Archaeology. Spring 2019


PRESIDENT SAUNDERS with the 2018 Top Scholarship Recipients


Second class of National Merit Finalists, Top Scholars arrive at UWF

Mason Hutchinson Computer and Information Science Major

Fiama Mastrangelo Psychology Major

Not Pictured: Joshua Wood, Mathematics Major

James Henderson Physics and Engineering Major

Last fall, UWF welcomed its second class of National Merit Scholars for a total of seven students enrolled to date. Additionally, UWF hosted its Pace Presidential Scholarship competition, awarding scholarships to five top-performing high school students in conjunction with Florida Bright Futures. Their potential to be great leaders drove these high-performing students to come to UWF from all across the nation to pursue research, feed their intellectual curiosity and propel our University into the future.

BY PARTNERING WITH IHMC, UWF will answer the national demand for experts in intelligent systems and robotics by developing an education in software and hardware technology.


Spring 2019


Longtime donor gifts scholarship for STEM students

UWF announced a $118,000 scholarship that will provide full tuition for eligible students, based on merit. Donated by Hal Marcus, the “Pat and Hal Marcus Excellence Scholarship” will recognize the hard work of STEM students and continue to support the future of the college. In 2016, Marcus gifted $5 million to the University, creating UWF’s first named college, the Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering. He has also gifted to the UWF archaeology program.

University Park Center renamed after major gift from alumnus

UWF’s University Park Center, adjacent to Pen Air Field and home to Intercollegiate Athletics and the Usha Kundu, MD College of Health, was renamed the Darrell Gooden Center in honor of a significant donation from the alumnus and his wife, Debbie Gooden. The gift commitment is a continuation of their legacy at UWF, to which Darrell attributes his professional success. Gooden founded Gooden Homes and has built numerous subdivisions and nearly 3,000 homes in the Northwest Florida area.

UWF, IHMC develop first intelligent systems and robotics Ph.D. program in Florida

The University partnered with the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition to form a doctoral program focusing on intelligent systems and robotics, the first of its kind in the state of Florida and one of only a few in the country. The doctoral program in intelligent systems and robotics centers on developing leading-edge software and hardware technology that combines human and machine elements. IHMC is a pioneer of technologies aimed at extending human capabilities through a unique approach combining computer science, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, engineering, medical sciences and related disciplines. For more UWF news, visit Spring 2019




Argo Athletic Band It’s game day, and there’s audible enthusiasm for the UWF football players who have stepped onto the field at Blue Wahoos Stadium. Alumni greet friends, old and new, at tailgate parties. Argo cheerleaders pump up the crowd for the Green and Blue. Students and fans cheer and applaud. UWF Athletics is a rallying point and a beacon of pride for students, alumni and the local community, fulfilling part of the vision of UWF administrators when they launched a football program at UWF. But starting football wasn’t the end of the dream.




Spring 2019

Spring 2019



r. Sheila Dunn, chair of the Department of Music, was tasked with establishing a full athletics band in the stands for the third season of UWF football to boost student and community engagement even more. “A small pep band already played at UWF volleyball and basketball games, but many more students would be needed to entertain and energize crowds at home football games,” she said. A campus-wide recruitment effort began. Dunn said the first email received 89 responses from interested students. Contacting area high school band directors also helped spread the word that students who chose UWF for college could help make history by joining the first ever Argo Athletic Band. Dunn accomplished what she set out to do: the Argo Athletic Band debuted in Fall 2018 with 56 members from varying academic programs. “The energy at UWF football games has always been great, but the Argo Athletic Band has transformed the game day atmo-


Spring 2019

sphere, providing a more traditional college feeling,” Dunn said. “Our student section is electric. Students are part of a vibrant University community, and the music is integral in creating that experience.” The band will be expanded over the next few years, with a goal of eventually performing as a marching band.

“There is a palpable excitement and enthusiasm regarding the Argo Athletic Band.” —Dr. Steven F. Brown, dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities “So much energy and excitement has been generated in our inaugural year,” said Laura Noah, director of percussion. “There

is a lot of potential for continued growth as our Argo Athletic Band becomes a marching band in the near future.” In November, UWF announced a $50,000 gift from the Russenberger Foundation supporting the Argo Athletic Band. Ray and Valerie Russenberger, musicians and long-time supporters of the arts in Pensacola, also hosted an event in their home garnering support for the Argo Athletic Band. Additional gifts have included $10,000 from John and Jerre Peacock and $10,000 from Levin Rinke Real Estate— Teri Levin and Robert Rinke. Blues Angel Music has provided in-kind sponsorship. “I am continually stopped at games, campus events or in the community by local residents and University patrons who mention what a tremendous asset the Argo Athletic Band is to our entire region, and how grateful they are for the University’s willingness to develop the group,” said Dr. Steven F. Brown, dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. “There is a palpable excitement and enthusiasm regarding the Argo Athletic Band.”


BENEFITS OF MUSIC With the momentum and support established in its first year, the Argo Athletic Band is poised for growth, which means more opportunities for students interested in playing an instrument, no matter their degree program. Dunn estimates about 25 percent of band members are music majors. The majority are majoring in other fields of study, with about half pursuing degrees in STEM subjects. “We’ve needed a band program for a long time,” she said. “Many prospective students in our area want the college band experience, especially those who want to become music educators and perhaps one day direct a school band themselves.” The benefits of playing music go far beyond setting the tone for spirited football games. Many studies show a correlation between playing a musical instrument and academic success. A 2012 study by College Board found that college-bound high school seniors who had participated in music scored an average of 31 points above average in reading, 23 points above average in math, and 31 points above average in writing on the 2012 SATs. “I’ve talked with students in the Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering who have said they are excited to study engineering and play in the band at UWF, or they are here to major in cybersecurity and play in the band,” Dunn said. “Being a member of the Argo Athletic Band provides a positive social and creative outlet that allows these students to take a break from academics. They can enjoy playing and then leave band practice or a performance feeling rejuvenated and excited for their chosen course of study.” Evan Rowell, a sophomore mechanical engineering major who plays the trumpet, is one of those students. “Engineering as a whole is a difficult subject, as a lot of us know,” said Rowell. “Band lets me unwind from the stress of calculus and physics. Playing music has always been a huge stress relief for me, and coupling that with some good friendships I’ve made in the band makes my UWF experience pretty great. I get to go to basketball games for free and be the loudest thing in the gym. I call that fun.” Clarinetist Delaney Borrelli, a sophomore biomedical sciences major and one of band’s first-ever drum majors, shares the same sentiment.

“I love studying biomedical sciences, but music adds a certain enrichment to life, no matter whose life it is,” said Borrelli . “I can make an impact on children, current students, adults and faculty as drum major of the band.” Although they come from all corners of campus, Josh Bledsoe, director of winds and brass, said they all have one thing in common. “They all share one defining trait above all others: dedication,” Bledsoe said. “I’ve

ARGO FIGHT SONG Argos clad in green and blue. Standing steadfast valiant and true. Strength and might, an awesome sight, The Pride of West Florida! (Go Argos!) Lift your voice in praise and song. Brave and fearless, Argo strong. Deep within each Argo beats The Heart of a Champion! © 2015, Joseph T. Spaniola and the University of West Florida, Joseph T. Spaniola Music. All Rights Reserved.

been humbled to direct these wonderful student musicians as they develop lasting traditions that help define what it means to be an Argo.” Argo Athletic Band members can add establishing college traditions to their list of experiences at UWF. At a 2017 football game, the official Argo Fight Song was introduced via a recording played over a loudspeaker. Now, the band brings to life the words and music, which were written by Dr. Joseph T. Spaniola, professor and director of music theory and jazz studies and professional composer.

FANS CAN BRING the sound of the Argos with them everywhere they go. To download the Argo Fight Song as a ringtone for Apple or Android devices, visit

Spring 2019



INERTIA UWF students start non-profit organization to broaden the potential of students within the Pensacola community BY OLIVIA TEENEY ’16


he value of a university within a community is limitless. Universities not only have the ability to produce a coalition of professionals, unprecedented economic growth and community pride, but also the responsibility to look to the future. Together, one group of University of West Florida students and alumni are using their time and talent to invest in the next generation of big thinkers in Escambia County. INERTIA Education Programs Inc. was founded in May 2017 by Hal Marcus Col11

Spring 2019

lege of Science and Engineering students Basil Kuloba, Marcus Jackson and Carson Wilber. The program’s name references Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, which states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. In one year, INERTIA has been a force in reaching more than 100 students in two Escambia County schools. Programs hosted by INERTIA use household materials such as pencils, paper and pipe cleaners to teach elementary students STEM concepts through engaging, hands-on activities. During one program, a

volunteer used the bottom of a soda bottle, a small balloon and water to demonstrate how boats stay afloat. In another, they created DNA models using toothpicks and marshmallows. Their objective is to teach complex lessons in simplistic ways. “When young students can master a subject that was originally difficult for them, their confidence skyrockets, their motivation to learn grows and they realize they are capable of doing so much more than they originally thought,” said Kuloba, executive director of INERTIA. “We believe that programs like INERTIA are

crucial to developing the next generation of scientists, thinkers and world-changers.” Kuloba struggled with math when he was in elementary school, but a middle school teacher changed his life by teaching math and science in a new way. Now, as a senior computer science major, he hopes to inspire other people to discover a similar passion for math and science. Currently, INERTIA partners with Oakcrest and Ensley elementary schools to host after-school programs, events and guest speakers. One of the main organizational goals is to allow youth to realize their full potential early on and create a practical understanding of STEM subjects. The team measures progress and success by surveying everyone involved - students, volunteers, educators, administrators and family members. The INERTIA leaders listen to their audiences and are already noticing increased academic enthusiasm, specifically related to STEM learning. “Last fall, we hosted a family night and I had a parent thank me for helping change her daughter’s life,” Kuloba said. “She said before INERTIA, her daughter was disengaged in school, but after our first aid lesson, she went home and told her mom she wants to be a nurse when she grows up. Shifting mindsets and creating avenues to success is what our organization is all about.”

Beyond increasing STEM enthusiasm and introducing students to future occupations they never considered, INERTIA is looking to elevate the community. “After years of teaching STEM programs, working in underserved schools and communities, and having candid conversations with experienced educators and community figures, we came to a simple conclusion: we all have a responsibility to be a part of the solution,” said Carson Wilber, a senior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science, cybersecurity and mathematics and co-founder and director of fun for INERTIA. UWF students primarily make up the group of about 40 volunteers at INERTIA events. The organization’s board of directors is comprised of three UWF students, all under the age of 24. Eight of the nine members of INERTIA’s leadership team are also UWF students and alumni. “We’re just getting started,” Kuloba said. “We would like to expand our programs into every Title I school in Escambia County. Our goal is to work in collaboration with the other incredible education non-profits locally to make Escambia County the best place in Florida to live and learn.” To learn more about INERTIA Education Programs, Inc., visit

“When young students can master a subject that was originally difficult for them, their confidence skyrockets, their motivation to learn grows and they realize they are capable of doing so much more than they originally thought.” —Basil Kuloba

BASIL KULOBA, Marcus Jackson and Carson Wilber, the founding members of INERTIA, are on a mission to teach elementary students STEM concepts through engaging, hands-on activities.

Spring 2019



UWF Faculty Spotlight

Rick Scott

Department of Communication Chair and lecturer, Rick Scott, transforms Argos into communication professionals through dynamic, real-world applied learning. BY OLIVIA TEENEY ’16


ore than two decades ago, Rick Scott visited the University of West Florida and was hired on the spot by UWF President Martha Saunders, who was dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the time, to teach Principles of Public Relations as an adjunct instructor. Since then, he has become an integral member of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. He has developed new courses within the college, connected students with internship opportunities and most recently, assumed the role of chair for the Department of Communication. “Instructors like Mr. Scott are important for UWF because they are unforgettable,” said Nicole Stacey, UWF alumna and director of communications and marketing at Visit Pensacola. “They take time out of their day to get to know you, learn about your dreams and career aspirations and then help you plan how you will get there. Mr. Scott earns his students’ respect by making things relatable and being there, not only in the classroom, but for years to follow.” Scott’s family has called the Milton, Florida, area home for six generations. His credentials include being Accredited in Public Relations and a Certified Public Relations Counselor, with more than 20 years of service in the U.S. Army. His last military assignment was at the Pentagon as a spokesman for the Department of Defense and director of public affairs planning for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. This expertise translates to the classroom and provides students with applicable, real-world examples of media relations training, crisis management and more. Scott has been recognized for his dedication to teaching and the public relations profession. He has received the UWF Distinguished Teaching Award 13

Spring 2019

for his commitment to excellence in teaching and learning twice. In addition to teaching, his role as the chair for the Department of Communication enables him to be a part of growing an adaptable program, which is one of the things he said he loves about UWF. “There’s a climate at the University that encourages change,” Scott said. “I think the most exciting thing we’re working on is our increased presence in Fort Walton Beach at the Emerald Coast location. This fall, students will be able to enter our program there and complete their degree requirements entirely at UWF on the Emerald Coast. Additionally, our graduate program is now a Program of Strategic Emphasis and we’re working hard on ways to grow it in a sustainable way.” Scott’s students are met with challenging, relevant curriculum designed to prepare them for the public relations industry. From the basic Principles of Public Relations course, to upperlevel classes such as Managing Media Relations and Crisis SCOTT comes Public Relations, lessons tranfrom a family of scend textbooks and bring concertified master cepts to life. barbeque judges. “One particular memory I will never forget was during our Crisis Communications class,” Stacey said. “As I was presenting to the class for a mock press conference, here comes Mr. Scott flashing the camera, making loud noises and doing anything he could to throw me off track. It was something we knew was a possibility as he wanted to make the scenario as real as he could, but it was also something I never expected.” When he’s not thinking about communications, Scott spends time with his wife, Diane, and his daughter, Cara, judging barbeque cook-offs. His family of certified master barbeque judges have judged nearly 100 contests across seven states and Puerto Rico. He also enjoys hunting, fishing and playing guitar, and he’s a first-degree black belt in Taekwondo.

“There’s a climate at the University that encourages ”


Spring 2019



Spring 2019

UWF is charting new territories BY JENNY PEDRAZA

The University of West Florida’s inaugural class chooses a mascot, cementing a powerful symbol of inspiration and adventure for years to come. Tucked into the pine forest in Northwest Florida, this fledgling University is teeming with quiet potential, a hopeful sign of the generational impact to come.

Spring 2019


Nestled among longleaf pines, UWF’s innate connection to the neighboring emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico is an undeniable fit for the students’ choice: UWF becomes the home of the Argonauts. According to the Greek myth, King Pelias challenges mythological hero Jason, the rightful heir to the throne, to an impossible task: sail the treacherous seas, retrieve the Golden Fleece and reclaim the throne. Undeterred by the perilous journey, Jason enlists the help of mighty warriors, the Argonauts, to brave deadly creatures, monsters and other formidable foes and villains. In the end, Jason and his Argonauts remained steadfast in their perseverance to overcome the odds and return home victorious. More than 50 years later, navigating the waters of opportunity and working together to make the impossible possible is a driving force for UWF. “This University was born from a spirit of boundless drive, of moving with purpose to rise above obstacles and ultimately emerge ahead of the curve,” UWF President Martha D. Saunders said. “Now


Spring 2019

more than ever, it is imperative that we maximize this grit—this daring mentality—to move beyond the status quo. We are breaking through barriers, expanding our disciplines, forging stronger connections and charting new paths.” The University is much more than an institution, and its purpose transcends degrees or departments. At its core, UWF represents a spirited community of learners, launching the next generation of big thinkers who will change the world. These words are a promise shared as part of UWF’s teaching and outreach; supported by every community partnership and industry collaboration; and carried out by every student, alumnus and faculty member. This is what it means to be an Argonaut.

ARGONAUTS MOVE WITH PURPOSE, driven by care and concern for our fellow man, to nurse their wounded soldiers and communities back to full health.

STORIES OF IMPACT Take a typical day on campus: Associate Professor Dr. Youngil Lee and his research team in the Usha Kundu, MD College of Health Department of Movement Sciences and Health are conducting research on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The team’s findings in animal models show how regular endurance exercise can reverse motor impairment. Walk across campus, and on the second floor of the Darrell Gooden Center, you will find a UWF-based hub for partnerships and programs in healthcare. Students from Florida State University’s School of Physician Assistant Practice complete clinical rotations in area hospitals and private medical practices. They are part of a cohort of 40 students admitted to the highly competitive 27-month program that culminates in a master’s degree in physician assistant practice. A new pipeline agreement between UWF and FSU guarantees spaces for a select number of students coming from the Florida Panhandle. In its most recent class, UWF graduates filled all eight spots for students. In the Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering, the new doctoral program in intelligent systems and ro-

botics will usher in its first class this fall. The program is in exclusive company as one of a few in the nation, and the first and only in Florida. A dynamic partnership between UWF’s stand-out academic programs and the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition allows students to tap into the expertise of a world-class research center and leave an indelible mark in this field.

“Robotics holds the power of transforming the future of technology, and by blending the latest in future-tech theory with hands-on practice, this program will train students to develop new smart technologies that combine human and machine elements in groundbreaking ways,” said Ken Ford, director and cofounder of IHMC. “UWF graduates will emerge from this program as technical powerhouses, armed and ready for highdemand jobs in manufacturing, healthcare, defense and high-tech industries.” Across campus, UWF is launching collaboration across disciplines with the University’s new STEAM installations. Through the multidisciplinary work, the installations will become permanent reminders that when art and design meet science and technology, new ways of seeing the world are unearthed. The University’s Sea3D Additive Manufacturing Laboratory houses cuttingedge technology and serves as a hub for multidisciplinary research, invention and discovery in the high-demand field of additive manufacturing. The lab provides a space for real-world problems to be transformed into creative solutions. The lab recently allowed UWF supply chain logistics students the ability to design and print 3D models of their innovations

ARGONAUTS FLY TO NEW HEIGHTS. UWF is leading Florida in robotics by partnering with IHMC to offer the state's first doctoral program in intelligent systems and robotics. Spring 2019



Spring 2019

ARGONAUTS ORCHESTRATE LOGISTICS and transportation operations by utilizing STEAM knowledge to understand and manage complex supply chains.

in warehousing and terminal management. Students were given access to computeraided drawing software used by engineers, working with technicians at the Sea3D Lab to produce prototypes of their designs. “As the industry continues to grow, UWF is matching trends by exposing students to innovative ways to improve supply chains,” said Dr. Scott Keller, professor of logistics, and director of the Center for Supply Chain Management Excellence. “In this program, students get hands-on experience with technology, data and engineering, and from that, we see nearly a 100 percent placement rate for students who want to work in supply chain logistics management.” Next, stop in for a visit at UWF’s new Center for Cybersecurity facility downtown. There, students are running cybercrime models in the Florida Cyber Range, a state-of-the-art platform that provides cutting-edge, scenario-based training in public utilities, financial systems, air traffic control centers, chemical plants and cyber operations centers. Pushing the boundaries in cybersecurity training through simulation exercises is just a typical day at the facility. By recognizing the demand for an extraordinary cybersecurity program in Florida and capitalizing on the region’s military assets and a growing industry tasked

with protecting information and critical infrastructure, UWF is now the integral home base on the “Cyber Coast.” The Center’s model for customizable, ondemand, scenario-based training has led to partnerships with the Florida Division of State Technology, Florida Department of State and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, helping key personnel keep

up with the rapidly-evolving cyber threat landscape. UWF faculty prepare graduates to fill a job shortage estimated to reach 3.5 million globally by 2021, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. Fortune 100 companies, Department of Defense agencies and the Department of Homeland Security are among the dozens of employers who hire UWF graduates. Collaboration and innovation are the essential undercurrents in all these programs —and the countless more that are moving full-steam ahead each day on campus. As colleges and universities across the U.S. are under pressure to innovate, adapt to changing student demands and be responsive to industry needs, UWF’s nimble character has shaped the University’s trajectory and made it a force to be reckoned with. Driven by a care and concern for our fellow man and the world, UWF is transforming the lives of our students and the future of Northwest Florida. Much like Jason and his Argonauts, the University is overcoming the odds and breaking past the boundaries of what’s possible. Its community of learners and world-changers are shifting paradigms and shaping new frontiers. Through words, deeds, values and actions, we’re proving that our reach and impact have no limits.

ARGONAUTS LEAD THE FIGHT against growing cybersecurity threats that face businesses, institutions and individuals every day.

Spring 2019


UWF VOLLEYBALL’S KENZIE CHRISMAN SHINES DESPITE HEALTH CONDITION Before spiking her way to the Gulf South Conference title, UWF Volleyball star Kenzie Chrisman battled with a blood sugar spike and the adversity of living with Type 1 Diabetes. BY WILL KENNEDY ’93

enzie Chrisman was nine years old and a fourth-grader in Sterling, Colorado, when she received a lifechanging diagnosis: Type 1 Diabetes. “We really didn’t have any idea what was going on,” said Chrisman, a senior middle blocker for the University of West Florida volleyball team. “I was losing a lot of weight and drinking a ton of water. We just decided to go see a doctor.” When doctors suspected diabetes, they wanted to rush Chrisman by ambulance to a children’s hospital in Denver, about two hours away. Her mom wanted to drive her there instead.


Spring 2019

“It’s kind of a funny story in hindsight,” Chrisman said. “We didn’t know anything about diabetes at the time, so we stopped at Wendy’s and got a Frosty to try and calm me down. Sure enough, I got to the hospital and my blood sugar was off the charts, too high to read.” Her body was not producing enough insulin and her blood sugar was spiking; if left untreated, it could be fatal. She spent three days in the hospital, where she learned more about her condition and how to administer her own insulin shots. Chrisman, who began playing volleyball at seven years old, wondered if she would ever

MIDDLE BLOCKER Kenzie Chrisman ’19 helped the Argonauts to 56 wins in her two seasons here at UWF.


be able to play again. The doctors told her it might be hard, but she and her family were up for the challenge. She got back on the court and went on to become an All-State standout in both high school volleyball and basketball. After deciding that volleyball was the sport she wanted to pursue, she attended and joined the team at Chadron State College in Nebraska. After two seasons with the Eagles, Chrisman’s collegiate volleyball journey led her from the Great Plains to the Florida beaches. Chrisman’s mom, Dianna Chrisman, said her daughter’s path to Pensacola and UWF, was somewhat fated and a little humorous.

Region, First Team All-GSC and GSC AllTournament selection her senior season. “Kenzie has played a huge role in the success of our program during her two years here,” said UWF Volleyball Head Coach Melissa Wolter. “She set goals going into her senior year and pushed herself to the limit to achieve them for the team. I have great admiration for Kenzie’s toughness in fighting through dealing with her diabetes, multiple injuries and other setbacks. She is one of the toughest players I have ever coached.” The affection, admiration and respect are mutual. “Kenzie would not have developed into the player she is today if it wasn’t for Coach

She is on track to graduate in May 2019 with a degree in informal education and learning. “It’s the same thing with school work,” Chrisman said, of life off the court. “Ironically, I guess, everything affects my blood sugar. So if I’m stressed out, it’s going to affect it. If I’m worried about a test, it’s going to affect it. If my blood sugar is too high and I’m taking a test, it can actually alter the way that I’m thinking. It’s just something you have to manage 24/7.” Chrisman recently accepted an assistant coach position at Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colorado, and will begin coaching after she graduates in May. She

WITH THE HELP OF AN INSULIN PUMP, Kenzie is able to change her life on and off the court with the click of a few buttons.

“People always ask how my daughter ended up in Pensacola from Colorado,” Dianna Chrisman said. “We joke that part of it was our bad sense of geography. We have family in the Tampa area and didn’t realize quite how far the Florida Panhandle extends when we made the initial contact with UWF.” The fit turned out to be a good one for both the player and the program. Chrisman helped the Argos to 56 wins in two seasons, back-to-back NCAA Tournament appearances and a Gulf South Conference title in 2017 and 2018; ultimately setting a program record for blocks in a season in 2018 with 141. She was also chosen as an All-South

Wolter and her program design,” Dianna Chrisman said. “It was the combination of a hard-working athlete and a staff that believed they could bring out the best in her.” Playing volleyball with Type 1 diabetes has never been easy, but advances in technology helped along the way. “I switched to an insulin pump on and off the court and it changed my world completely,” Chrisman said. “I went from having to take a shot every time I eat, to just clicking some buttons. I have my little things on my arms, and I’m good to go.” Chrisman is also a standout student, earning Gulf South Conference academic honors in both the 2017 and 2018 seasons.

was inspired by her experience working with young players at clinics in Pensacola during both of her seasons at UWF. Chrisman said she has a message for all young athletes who face the adversity of a Type 1 diabetes diagnosis and have dreams to play at the collegiate level. “You have to tell yourself that you’re capable of doing absolutely anything you set your mind to. Type 1 diabetes is something that you manage in your everyday life. I wouldn’t tell you it’s going to be easy, because it’s not. But it’s completely possible. Most importantly, you have to stay positive and tell yourself you can do it.”

“I have great admiration for Kenzie’s toughness in fighting through dealing with her diabetes, multiple injuries and other setbacks. She is one of the toughest players I have ever coached.” —Melissa Wolter, UWF Head Volleyball Coach Spring 2019



SUITING for Success UP Wave of support rolls in for Argos Suit Up! initiative



Spring 2019

THE ANNUAL ARGOS SUIT UP! initiative offers students and alumni the chance to purchase professional wear and accessories from JCPenny at discounted prices during an after hours event.


or three hours on a Sunday evening in February, the JCPenney in University Town Plaza is taken over by a sea of green and blue. It’s Argos Suit Up!—an initiative that makes it easier for University of West Florida students and alumni to dress to impress on a budget, giving them the support and confidence they need to put their best foot forward in the workforce. The program was launched in February 2018 when UWF President Martha D. Saunders pledged $10,000 of personal funds, after learning about the national initiative through a UWF student. Hosted by the Office of Career Development and Community Engagement, the event is made possible through donations and a partnership with JCPenney to provide an exclusive shopping experience for students and alumni and a 40 percent discount on eligible professional clothing. Donations allow the University to provide participants with gift cards, which are administered through an application process ahead of the event and at a raffle during the event. To fund this year’s event, the Office of Career Development and Community Engagement utilized UWF’s new crowdfunding website, launched by the Division of University Advancement. A crowdfunding campaign encouraged donors to “support a suit” and ultimately raised more than $11,000, exceeding its goal of $7,000. Members of the community, including many UWF Foundation Board members and UWF faculty and staff actively participated as donors. “A student told me this was the most impactful event they have been to, and that spoke volumes,” said Lindsey Walk, director of community and employer engagement at UWF. “I look forward to continuing this event and finding new ways to fundraise.” More than 800 UWF students and alumni have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase

professional wear and accessories through Argos Suit Up! “It’s like Black Friday in the middle of February,” said Hailey Currington, a UWF alumna and mental health clinician. “There are still expenses after graduation, so I’m very thankful this program continues providing support to alumni.” Linda Tierney, a first-generation college student and alumna who earned a master’s degree from UWF on the Emerald Coast in Spring 2018, attended Argos Suit Up! last year before graduation. “I didn’t know how I was going to pay for professional wear,” Tierney said. “I was thinking of visiting thrift stores and using some of my paycheck, but then I got an email about the Suit Up! program and applied.” Tierney, like many others, wore her outfit to her first interview and was offered the job. She now works as a therapist in Pace, Florida. “I felt a lot more confident when I wore my new outfit to my interview, and I still wear it at work,” Tierney said. “I wore one of the outfits I purchased to a conference in Atlanta recently, where I had to present in front of an audience. A professional, comfortable outfit really changes you in front of people. Your credentials are the same but your feelings are different.” Isiah Griffin, a graduate assistant in the Office of Career Development and Community Engagement, had the unique opportunity to work at and participate in the event. “I was able to see how impactful it is for all of the students on campus,” Griffin said. “I got to see the excitement and curiosity in students for what they can wear. It was fascinating to watch this part of their development and motivating to see how many students want to take that next step and prepare.” Argos Suit Up! will continue annually with the support of generous donors. To learn more about giving to UWF, visit

“A professional, comfortable outfit really changes you in front of people. Your credentials are the same but your feelings are different.” —Linda Tierney ’18 Spring 2019


Recent graduate with hands-on engineering experience seeking well-qualified boss. OUR GRADS WILL SURPRISE YOU.

Conner, Electrical Engineering Student

Conner is putting her imagination to work, having completed three rotations of Experiential Learning in Manufacturing Engineering at a major international industrial company—before graduation. Conner is ready. Are you ready for her? Higher level graduates. Higher level candidates. Hire UWF.

*A C T U A L S T U D E N T


Spring 2019



2 3 1. UWF chemistry alumnus Luther McDonald speaks during an alumni roundtable discussion hosted by the Department of Chemistry. 2. Alumni show their Argo spirit at an Argonaut Football game. 3. Graduates of the Last Decade, known as GOLD, mingle at an exclusive happy hour at Perfect Plain Brewing Co.

FELLOW ALUMNI, The UWF Alumni Association continues to grow in size and pride. We enjoyed an energyfilled atmosphere at football games with the addition of the Argo Athletic Band, and we reached a historic milestone at Fall Commencement with more than 100,000 degrees conferred. Our Alumni Board introduced new events and ideas to engage more Argos worldwide and we have some exciting upcoming events this spring. Mark your calendars:

Network Visits

Spring Commencement

GOLD Alumni Event

Tuesday, April 30 | Washington, D.C. Visit with former classmates and hear a University update from UWF President Martha D. Saunders.

Saturday, May 4 Welcome the class of 2019 to the UWF Alumni family at one of three commencement ceremonies. Learn more at

Wednesday, May 22 Graduates of the Last Decade, known as GOLD, are invited to join the Alumni Association for an exclusive preview of the “Worn In/Worn Out: Soul of the Shoe”— Highlights from the Teri Levin Shoe exhibit at the Pensacola Museum of Art.

Thursday, June 13 | Tampa, FL Catch up with fellow alumni and enjoy hearing from special guests from UWF Athletics.

The UWF Alumni Association strives to engage our alumni throughout the country. If you do not live in the Pensacola area, we may have a UWF Alumni Network near you! Learn more about UWF Alumni Networks, update your contact information or visit our event calendar for more event details by visiting As my term as president of the UWF Alumni Association comes to an end, I want to thank you for allowing me to serve as president and lead the charge in connecting Argo alumni everywhere. I look forward to seeing you at future events. Go Argos!

Stay Connected with UWF Alumni | |

Brett A. Barrow ’87 President UWF National Alumni Association

/UWFAlumni Spring 2019



Jim and Melba Morrow

Retired Professor of Measurement, Research and Evaluation Methodology

Retired Research Administrator at Cooper Institute

Jim and Melba (Smith) Morrow have donated annually since graduating from UWF as members of the Charter Class in 1969. Their generous gifts have helped to recently establish the Smith-Morrow Family Scholarship Endowment for Usha Kundu, MD College of Health students, support the First Generation Scholarship and continue to benefit the University at large. Preference for the scholarship is given to students residing from Holmes, Washington or Jackson counties, Florida.

Where did your careers take you? After serving in the Air Force, Jim earned his doctorate and taught for 40 years in the professoriate: first at the University of Houston, then the University of North Texas. Melba was a teacher, then a stay-at-home mom, and later re-joined the workforce for 20 years at the Cooper Institute, a non-profit organization focused on researching the relationship between health and disease. Why is giving back important to you? We feel it’s important to enable others to have the same opportunity we did. As Jim’s

mother reminded him, “You can’t afford not to give.” We wish more people would recognize when everyone gives, even the smallest amounts add up.


What fond memories do you have from UWF? We met at UWF through friends and started dating in 1967. It was interesting, because we got to see the University in its early stages, when we lived in “Pizza Hut” dorms and there were no sidewalks. Because of the small enrollment, we knew everyone on campus and we still have many friends we keep in touch with today.

“We wish more people would recognize when everyone gives, even the smallest amounts add up.” 27

Spring 2019

Jim and Melba Morrow on the day of their graduation from UWF in 1969.

Luther McDonald

Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah

Luther McDonald’s research in environmental radiochemistry and nuclear forensics earned him a spot on the Forbes’s “30 Under 30” science list for 2017. His studies aim to improve fuel performance in nuclear power, ensure safe storage of used nuclear fuel and prevent the proliferation of nuclear materials.

Why focus your research on nuclear materials?

How might your research help train others?

From my first chemistry class at UWF, I was fascinated with the periodic table’s bottom row of actinides. Determined to “play” with plutonium, I interned at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. There I learned about radiochemistry and was encouraged to pursue a doctorate. Now, I have my dream job of running a research team studying actinides.

My research program at the University of Utah focuses on training the next generation of scientists and engineers in radiochemistry. I’ve had undergraduate students gain hands-on experience working with actinides, many of whom are graduate students now working in the U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories.

Can you recall a notable professor from your time at UWF?


My first chemistry professor at UWF was Dr. Royappa. It was easy to fall in love with the subject after seeing how much fun he was having in his career. To this day, I still think about the excitement he brought, and I try to do the same during my lectures.

Spring 2019



Smile! Whether we gather at commencement, a banquet, network event or tailgate, our events provide the perfect opportunity to show our appreciation of your continued support. They are also a wonderful chance for you to socialize with fellow alumni, current students, staff, faculty and friends of the University.

Don’t miss out! We continue to add new events to the mix. For a look at upcoming events, visit

CUBED Luminous partners with Evan Levin, the UWF Historic Trust and the Pensacola Museum of Art to feature a diverse selection of digital and projection public art for the community to enjoy at Museum Plaza during Foo Foo Fest.

UWF celebrates a significant milestone at the Fall 2018 Commencement, awarding the 100,000th degree since the institution opened its doors in 1967. 29

Spring 2019

UWF hosts the eleventh annual Emerald Coast BEST competition in the UWF Field House.

Campus faculty and staff join President Saunders and fellow UWF alumni for breakfast in the University Commons Auditorium.

UWF Alumni tailgate at the UWF Homecoming game against West Georgia.


Harry and Pam Schwartz celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an Aging Artfully cocktail reception at the Pensacola Museum of Art.

Graduates of the Last Decade, known as GOLD, mingle at an exclusive happy hour at Perfect Plain Brewing Co.

Kevin Ducros, men’s tennis, Shakira Duncan and Kaley Morris, women’s soccer, Daniel Vargas-Vila, baseball, and Dr. Pat Wentz, UWF’s most recent Faculty Athletics Representative, are inducted into the UWF Athletics Hall of Fame as the Class of 2018.

UWF Alumni Relations, UWF Athletics and Argie join crowds in downtown Pensacola for Gallery Night.

UWF Alumni Relations and UWF Historic Trust host a frightfully fun night of ghost tours exploring the haunted history of downtown Pensacola.

UWF donors are recognized at the Annual Donor Recognition Dinner at the Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center. Spring 2019



Class Notes 1970s ’71 Larry Englande, B.A. Accounting; Englande, a finance, banking and accounting executive with 35 years of experience, was chosen to sit on the board that oversees operations of Slidell Memorial Hospital. ’73 & ’74 Ruth Lovejoy, B.A. Social Work & B.A. Communication Arts; Lovejoy was named the 2018 Person of the Year by Northwest Florida Daily News. ’74 & ’77 Dr. Leon White, B.A. Political Science & M.A. History; Dr. White was re-elected to the Okaloosa County, Florida, School Board. He has served on the school board since 2014 and has served as chairperson since 2016. ’75 James Buchli, M.S. Aeronautical Systems; Buchli was inducted into the United States Astronaut Hall of Fame® located at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. ’78 Donald Snyder, B.S. Physical Electronics; Snyder retired from the U.S. Air Force with the title of Emeritus Fellow of the Air Force Research Lab after 38 years of service. This prestigious title recognizes his exceptional accomplishments as a program manager in the “Technology Development and Technology Transitions” category. ’78 James Cost, M.A. Communication Arts; Cost received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by the world’s premier publisher of biographical profiles, Marquis Who’s Who. ’78 & ’79 Antoinette McCorvey (Pete), B.A. Accounting & MBA; McCorvey has been named vice president for finance and administration and chief financial officer of Davidson College. ’79 Cindy Parden (Rigby), B.A. Elementary Education; Parden has been presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who. 31

Spring 2019

’79 Martiza Keen (Soto), M.A. Psychology; Keen, a senior public service faculty member at the Fanning Institute, was appointed interim director of the institute. ’79 & ’93 Linda Evanchyk (Patrick), B.A. Communication Arts & MA Communication Arts; Evanchyk was elected to the Okaloosa County, Florida, School Board in August 2018. She has served as an educator for almost 40 years.

1980s ’83 Anthony Graham, B.S. Management; Graham was appointed to the Florida Supreme Judicial Nominating Commission by former Gov. Rick Scott. ’84 Wendy Livingston (Mallette), B.S. Marketing; Livingston was named Destin, Florida, library director. One of her goals is to digitize old photos and videos to preserve and share local history. ’84 Charles Logue, M.S. Cell and Molecular Biology; Logue was named special projects manager for technical services at Spartanburg Water. He will be providing project leadership for water quality studies, land prioritization and watershed protection. ’85 Doug Marshall, B.A. Accounting; Marshall has joined the Board of Directors for the Presbyterian Oaks senior housing community. ’87 Cheryl Worman, B.A. Legal Administration; Worman was named charter fellow of the Construction Lawyers Society of America. The CLSA is an invitation-only international association of lawyers specializing in construction law and related fields.

1990s ’90 Laura Fazio-Griffith, MPA; Fazio-Griffith was appointed by Gov. John Bel Edwards to the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners. ’90 Kathryn Lawrence (Easton), B.S. Chemistry; After 16 years of leading life science sales and marketing teams, Lawrence has been named Redbud Lab’s vice president of business development.

’91 Kevin Mason, B.S. Management; Mason was named 2018 Agent of the Year by Insurance Journal. ’93 Dr. Caryn Turner, B.A. English Education; Turner was named Clayton County Public Schools’ Principal of the Year. She is principal at Rex Mill Middle School in Rex, Georgia. ’94 Jason Yarborough, MPA; Yarborough was hired as North Port Assistant City Administrator by North Port City Manager Peter Lear. He will serve as a second assistant city administrator. ’95 & ’97 Gerard Johnson, B.A. Accounting & MBA; Johnson has been named partner at Frazier & Deeter, a CPA firm. ’95, ’08 & ’10 Katherine Tyler, B.A. Psychology, Ed.S., Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction; Tyler received the Joint Civilian Service Achievement Award from the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by the President of the Joint Special Operations University. She was awarded for her exceptional service from July-October 2018. ’97 Dave Damrath, MBA; Damrath was recently named chief operating officer of the American Dairy Association North East. He previously held positions with Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, DanoneWave and Byrne Dairy. ’99 Monica Tsai, BSBA Business Administration; Tsai has opened Life Journey Counseling LLC, her own mental health private practice, in Jacksonville, Florida. She is in the process of becoming a licensed mental health counselor. ’99 S. Lizbeth Martin, M.A. Communication Arts; Martin recently joined Georgia State University as a visiting faculty member in the communications department. Prior to GSU, she taught for 10 years at Palm Beach State College. Martin is also an inaugural member of the editorial board for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for MacMillan Education.

2000s ’00 Jennifer Zayszly, B.A. Interdisciplinary Humanities; Zayszly was hired as a real estate agent by Michael Saunders & Company.


’00 Anjella Neece’ Warnshuis (Parish), B.A. Interdisciplinary Humanities; Warnshuis was named as a member of the University of Central Florida Forum opinion series. She will share her commentary on topics spanning from local happenings to international issues. ’00 & ’02 Shannon Ogletree, B.S. Business Administration & MBA; Ogletree was named one of Consultant Connects top 50 economic developers in North America for 2018. ’01 Kristen Miller (Dagenais), B.A. Communication Arts/Television & Film; Miller was named the 2017 SpringHill Suites Sales Leader of the year by Marriott International. She has been working in the hospitality industry in various locations throughout Florida for 10 years. ’02 Kendra Marks, B.S. Health and Leisure Sports Medicine/ Athletic Training; Marks has joined AgentOwned Realty as a realtor in Summerville, South Carolina. ’02 John McCorvey, B.S. Engineering Technology; McCorvey opened Casks & Flights, a wine and mead tasting room on Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola, Florida. ’05 Nicolle Cestero (Szewczyk), M.A. Psychology/Industrial Organization; Cestero was named senior vice president for human resources and chief of staff of American International College. She has worked at AIC in human resources roles since 2011. ’05 Nathan Thomas, B.S. Business Administration; & ’08 Libbi Thomas, B.S. Business Administration; Nathan, Libbi and their four children were named the Beach Breeze 2018 Christmas Family by The DeFuniak Herald in December 2018. ’05 Sean Reeves, B.A. Criminal Justice; Reeves was named associate attorney at the Jacksonville office of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman and Goggin. ’08 & ’17 Liza Da Cunha, B.A. Elementary Education & M.A. Teacher Education; Da Cunha was hired as a third grade teacher at Chesapeake Conference Spencerville Adventist Academy in Spencerville, Maryland. ’09 Jasmine Romaine, B.A. Communication Arts/ Telecommunication and Film; Romaine was recognized in the

Florida Times Union after holding an online Global Summit for entrepreneurs.

of Florida in Graceville, Florida. She will teach and train students in the Teacher Education Division.


’17 Bailie Tate, B.S. Business Administration; Tate was recently hired as Group Sales Executive for the Blue Wahoos.

’12 Christopher James Jardine, B.A. Political Science/Pre Law; Jardine has joined the Wisconsin Dells Events as a reporter. ’12 Mckenzie Nicholas (Vaughn), B.S. Exercise Science; Nicholas has been named to the Visit Pensacola Board of Directors for 2019. ’12 Chloe Diehl, B.A. History; Diehl married Mr. Joseph Fulton in Veteran’s Memorial Park on Nov. 5, 2018. The two proud Argos support several local charitable causes in Pensacola through annual gifts and volunteerism. They are continuing their education at UWF to acquire degrees in workforce development and economics. ’13 Tyler Nicholson, B.A. Fine Arts; Nicholson curated the new exhibition at Gulf Coast State College of Art. The artists represented in this exhibit are military veterans. These former active duty service members served during Vietnam, Desert Storm and the Global War on Terror. ’13 Herald Matthew Cavenar, B.S. Business Administration; Ann Elise DeCoursey became the bride of Herald Matthew Cavenar at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27, at Goodwin Manor. ’14 Dr. Peter Agbo, MPH; Agbo received the 2018 Emerging Leader Award from Pacific University. Each year he returns to West Africa with his charity, Raphas Hand, to deliver health care services and supplies to those in need. ’15 David Sanford, B.A. Theatre; Sanford wrote a book of poetry, “If My Heart Could Talk & Other Poems.” Diagnosed with DORV as a child, he was not expected to survive another month. This book of poetry describes personal stories from his life with a congenital heart defect. His book is available on Amazon. ’15 Michael Corelli, M.A. Industrial/ Organizational Psychology; was hired as an associate by Harter Secrest & Emery LLP in New York. ’16 Hannah Strickland, M.Ed. Elementary Education; Strickland was hired as a professor at Baptist College

’17 Cory Potter, Ed.S. Curriculum and Instruction; Potter was appointed director of planning, effectiveness and research at Danville Community College.

In Memoriam ’69 & ’79 Moneva A. Handrop (Arrant), B.A. Elementary Education & M.A. Elementary Education ’70 Donald B. Page, B.A. Psychology ’71 & ’86 James C. Williams, M.S. Aeronautical Systems & M.A. Accounting Information Systems ’71 Cdr. Robert F. Abels, MBA ’71 Hal Derrington Holland, B.S. Management ’71 Eugene Petree, B.S. Management ’72 Katherine W. Lindenborn (Webb), M.A. Elementary Education ’72 Paul Henry Garst, B.A. Economics ’72 & ’74 Warner B. Carmichael, B.S. Health, Leisure and Physical Education & M.Ed. Educational Leadership ’72 Thomas S. Sherman, B.S. Marketing ’73 Ellis D. Andrews, B.S. Industrial Technology ’73 & ’80 Thomas L. Ewing, B.A. Music Education & M.Ed. Educational Leadership ’73 & ’76 William F. Willis, B.A. History Education & M.A. History ’74 David G. Bakerian, M.A. English ’74 Patricia M. Ellis, B.A. Elementary Education ’75 Richard M. Harris, M.A. Psychology ’76 Dekle B. Vickers, B.A. Special Education ’76 David C. Aman, B.S. Marketing ’76 Carolyn E. Latham (Ennis), M.A. Psychology ’76 Gail S. Warmack (Forehand), B.A. Elementary Education Spring 2019



’76 Dr. Lois A. Dixon, B.S. Chemistry ’76 Patrick C. Remele, B.S. Marine Biology

’83 David W. Waldroff, B.A. Interdisciplinary Social Science

’96 Meredith M. Snow, B.A. Music Education

’84 John S. Walker, B.S. Marketing

’97 Stephen Green, B.S. Marine Biology

’77 Kenneth R. Wilson, B.A. Communication Arts

’84 & ’86 Joseph H. Williams, B.S. Management & MBA

’77 Rosemary F. Crosby, M.S. Health, Leisure

’86 Mozelle S. Folmar, B.S. Nursing

’77 Constance L. Williams, B.A. Special Education ’77 Scott P. Birdwhistell, B.S. Chemistry ’77 W. David Turner, B.S. Marketing

’89 & ’90 Colleen M. McGuire, B.A. Communication Arts & MPA ’90 & ’93 Jeanne P. Besse (Pernot), B.A. Accounting & MBA ’90 & ’03 Stewart Herbert Hoffman, B.A. English Education & M.A. English

’79 James J. Lang, M.A. Mathematics

’91 Leslie J. Garrison (Bohmer), B.A. Interdisciplinary Humanities

’82 Charles W. Jewell, MBA

’92 Judy H. Durden, B.A. Social Work

John E. Jarvis, Jr. 1931-2018

John E. Jarvis, Jr., longtime campus planner at the University of West Florida, passed away in his home on Nov. 8, 2018. In 1966, John became UWF’s campus planner, and he served in that role until his retirement in 1996. UWF was his professional pride and joy.


Spring 2019

’97 Bryan J. Smallin, B.S. Electrical Engineering ’98 Lisa E. Jackson, B.S. Elementary Education ’03 John A. Shouse, M.Ed. Educational Leadership ’08 Juliana W. Sampson, M.Ed. Reading Education ’09 Jennifer L. Dawson, B.A. Interdisciplinary Social Science ’15 Tyler Chase Norwood, B.S. Building Construction

UWF STUDENTS enjoy the winter chill of Florida as they walk by the John C. Pace Library on their way to class. Spring 2019


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