Reflections of Our Success

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2008-2012, a Plan in Review


Let t e r f ro m th e Presiden t

Dear UWF Community and friends, “Not only are we succeeding, we are poised for potential unlike any other time in our history.” Dr. Judy Bense, University of West Florida President

As we conclude our 2008-2012 Strategic Plan, we must take time to celebrate our many accomplishments. We set an ambitious plan—one that was penned during prosperity and implemented during the worst economic recession of our lifetimes. Yet, despite many challenges, the University of West Florida prevails. Not only are we succeeding, we are poised for potential unlike any other time in our history. We built upon the legacy and greatness of much success before us. Then, we added our own recipe of hard work, commitment to solid values, an inspiring mission and bold aspirations. These ingredients enabled us to accomplish our five major priorities of the 2008-2012 plan: High Quality Academic Programs; Purposeful Enrollment Growth; Academic and Student Support Services; Partnerships and Collaborations; and Investment in People.

This document outlines some of the many successes of the University of West Florida from 2008-2012. I hope you will take time to reflect on the ways that you played a significant role in meeting our challenges, creating new opportunities and excelling at our goals. Together, we changed the lives of thousands of students; we made a lasting and positive mark on our community and region; and we positioned ourselves to be a first-choice University. Our future is bright, our mission is noble and today we celebrate our success as we look to the future with our bold new 2012-2017 strategic plan.

Judith A. Bense, Ph.D., President,University of West Florida


Snapshot of Strategic Focus Areas & Goals 2008 - 2012 Creating Great Futures requires a plan. The plan should reflect the history and traditions of the University as well as the realities of delivering high-quality education in an economically challenging environment. The plan should also produce outcomes that can be monitored to help us determine our success. Our planning priorities lend themselves to five important strategic emphases:

High Quality Academic Programs Purposeful Enrollment Growth Academic & Student Support Services Partnership & Collaboration Investment in People UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012


Table of Contents

Outlining Achievements Snapshot of Strategic Focus Areas & Goals 2008-2012


Strategic Focus: High Quality Academic Programs UWF’s Six Rankings & Designations 2008-2012 New Programs Accreditations Student Accomplishments UWF Plans for Academics of the Future UWF Creates Office of Undergraduate Research

5 6 6 6 7 7 8

Strategic Focus: Purposeful Enrollment Growth UWF Reaches Milestone of 12,000 Students, a Year Early First Generation Scholarship Program Excels

9 10 11

Strategic Focus: Academic & Student Support Services 13 We are Transforming the Campus 14 UWF Builds Champions for Life, and Brings Home National Championship 17 Strategic Focus: Partnerships & Collaboration Applied Research UWF Creates Great Futures

19 20 22

Strategic Focus: Investment in People UWF Distinguished Faculty Awards Tenure, Promotion and Emeritus Faculty UWF Staff Professional Excellence Awards President’s Award for Leadership in Diversity

23 24 24 24 24

The Future of UWF UWF Strategic Plan 2012-2017 UWF Campus Master Plan UWF 50th Anniversary

25 25 26 26

Feature Writers: Dr. Kimberly Brown, Bob Bryan Contributing Writers: Brittany Carr, Michelle Henderson, Sarah McCartan, Sabrina McLaughlin, Tracy Miller, Megan Prawdzik Design/Photography: John Blackie, Jennifer Morgan, Lauren Smith, Pola Young


Strategic Focus:


High Quality Academic Programs

The University of West Florida plays an important role in Florida’s higher education landscape as a moderately sized public university. Our scale facilitates a special intellectual community—different by design—that is committed to the pursuit of excellence, inspiring the highest levels of student engagement, learning, creativity and success. UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012

UWF’s Six National Rankings & Designations 2008-2012 Forbes “America’s Top Colleges” Named one of “America’s Top Colleges” (2011 and 2012) Ranked No. 27 in the “Best Buy Colleges” category (2011) Ranked No. 136 in the “Best Southern Colleges” category (2011) Ranked No. 168 in the “Best Research Universities” category (2011)

The Princeton Review Named in “Guide to 311 Green Colleges” (2011 and 2012) Designated a “Best Southeastern College” (2003-2012)

Military Advanced Education Magazine and G.I. Jobs Magazine Named a top “Military-Friendly School” (2011 and 2012)

The Chronicle of Higher Education Designated as a “Great College to Work For” (2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012) Received recognition for Professional/ Career Development Programs and Supervisor or Department Chair Relationship (2012) Received recognition in the following categories: Work/Life Balance, Supervisor/Department Chair Relationship, Facilities and Workplace & Security (2011)

New Programs


The University of West Florida is responsive to the professional workforce needs of our region. We added seven new programs during the past four academic years.

The success of an institution is often measured by its prestigious accreditations. The University of West Florida is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and we successfully completed our fifth year midterm review in 2011. Additionally, UWF sought and received four new program accreditations between 2008 and 2012.

Social Work, M.S.W. (2008) Business, General, B.S.B.A. (2009) Music Education, B.M.E. (2009) Criminal Justice, M.S. (2010) Nursing, M.S.N. (2011) Athletic Training, B.S. (2012) Criminal Justice, Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Program (2012) During this same period we deleted nine low-enrollment programs and 63 specializations.

New Program Accreditations Social Work, M.S.W. (2008) Computer Engineering, B.S.C.E. (2009) Electrical Engineering, B.S.E.E. (2009) Public Health, M.P.H. (2009) Reaffirmation of Program Accreditations Business School, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. (2008) Athletic Training, B.S. (2009) Professional Education, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D. (2011) Social Work, B.A., M.S.W. (2010)


Student Accomplishments The pride of our work is academic achievements by our students. Our students rank nationally, statewide and regionally in many of their endeavors. College of Arts & Sciences

UWF Plans for

Academics of the Future

1st Place by ENLACE, in Florida Universities for mathematic performance in math gatekeeper courses, 2009 2nd Place in Flight Competition in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Competition, 2009 1st Place to the Forensics Team at Florida Intercollegiate State Championship, 2010 1st Place at the Association of Information Technology Professionals at the National Java Programming Contest, 2010 1st Place to The Voyager student newspaper at the Southeast Journalism Conference (SEJC) championship, 2010 Communication Arts students awarded Florida Public Relations Association’s Golden Image State-wide Awards for public relations campaign work, 2008-2012 College of Business 1st Place by MBA Student in Global Business Strategy in the Business Strategy Game International Competition, 2009 3rd Place in National Operation Stimulus/ Denver Transportation Club Annual Logistics Competition, 2009 3rd Place in Supply Chain Challenge at Michigan State University, 2009 2nd Place in National Operation Stimulus/ Denver Transportation Club Annual Logistics Competition, 2011 1st Place in National Operation Stimulus/ Denver Transportation Club Annual Logistics Competition, 2012

In 2011, a 22-member Strategic Academic Visioning and Empowerment (SAVE) Committee was charged with the task of gathering data to answer key questions about UWF’s identity, opportunities and quality touchstones. After conducting a broad-based, thorough examination of student needs and current issues in higher education, the committee recommended several goals to guide academics and benchmark progress. Eight themes were established: 21st Century Skills Academic Visibility Community Engagement Innovation

Purposeful Enrollment Growth Quality Research Teaching

College of Professional Studies 1st Place in National Case Study Completion in Human Performance Technology and Instructional System Technology, 2011 Former UWF graduate with a BA in International Studies, Political Science/ Pre-Law from UWF was selected for a US Student Fulbright award for research in Bulgaria, 2012


Concept papers covering each theme were presented to internal and external stakeholders during an Academic Visioning Conference. These plans are expected to have a profound impact on the University’s future. Strategies for implementation are currently in progress.

UWF Creates Office of

Undergraduate Research Research by a recent University of West Florida graduate has the potential to positively affect the lives and health of millions of people worldwide.

attempting to chemically synthesize the compounds he designed. This could potentially lead to a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of AIDS.

As a UWF undergraduate student, Joshua Brown was a member of a team which developed four compounds that could have the potential to inhibit the spread of HIV through the body. HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is the virus that causes AIDS.

Brown returned to UWF after the summer program and worked closely with Dr. Mike Huggins, Chair UWF Chemistry to continue his research.

A 2012 UWF graduate with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, Brown is now a graduate student at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) where his research began with a Summer 2011 program in which he worked with Dr. Mike Summers, a professor at UMBC and UWF alumnus. “Josh is an extremely bright and motivated young man. He made terrific progress on a project aimed at developing a new class of antiviral molecules that bind to the HIV-1 capsid protein and inhibit viral maturation,” said Summers. “His progress exceeded that of some of the graduate students in our Ph.D. program, so I invited him back to the lab this past winter so he could finish his work.” Summers said Brown took the project to a new level by

“The great thing about UWF is that because it is a bit smaller than some other universities, I was able to get so much lab experience,” said Brown. “It definitely gave me an edge during my internship at UMBC.” Brown’s efforts are widely recognized. He is the first student from UWF to enter into a dual M.D./Ph.D. program, having been accepted for that program not only by UMBC but also several others. UWF Created the Office of Undergraduate Research in 2010 to enhance our niche and focus on undergraduate research. Students work side-by-side with world-class teacher-scholars, even at the undergraduate level, giving our students unparalleled opportunities, and providing a competitive edge as they enter the job market.


Strategic Focus:

Purposeful Enrollment Growth


Great institutions shape their own destiny and fulfill their promises. The University of West Florida will target increases in enrollment to provide a more vibrant campus experience and improve our resource base without eroding its commitment to an enriched personal experience for every student. We commit to creating and managing growth strategically to produce an optimal mix of intellectual interests and a diverse population of students. UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012

UWF Reaches Milestone of

12,000 Students, A year early The 2011 freshman class at UWF can take pride in being part of a historic event. The University’s goal of reaching an enrollment mark of 12,000 was met one year early, as we welcomed nearly 1,500 incoming freshmen to campus that fall. As the bustling activity on campus demonstrates, UWF’s student population is purposefully growing, transforming the University into a dynamic institution determined to become a first-choice University. In addition to expanding our majors and programs to attract students with diverse interests, this transformation includes a strong emphasis on building on a traditional collegiate experience. This shift includes offering more opportunities for students to take advantage of living-learning environments and enriching interaction on campus. UWF continues to increase the number of ways students can get involved and is now home to more than 300 student organizations in which students can engage.

Total Enrollment

Total New Freshmen

Total Living on Campus

Total Alumni

Fall 2007 10,358 Fall 2011 *12,021

Fall 2007 1,034 Fall 2011 1,460

Fall 2007 1,465 Fall 2011 1,850

Fall 2007 55,378 Fall 2011 64,460

Growth of more than 1,600 students

34% of class ethnically diverse, a 9% increase in 2011

Nearly 400 more students living on campus

Alumni represent all 50 states and 55 countries More than 9000 degrees conferred

*first day of classes


First Generation Scholarship Program Excels The First Generation Scholarship Program has a significant impact on students who are the first in their family to attend college. The scholarship was established in response to Florida’s new First Generation Matching Grant Program in order to increase the number of first generation college students attending Florida public universities. The program sets a maximum match amount for each Florida university, and in 2008, UWF received the highest available match. Studies show that those who earn a college degree are much more likely to find and keep employment, and to earn at least 62 percent more over their working lifetimes than a high school graduate.

“It is hard work, but it is an honor for my family to see me succeed.” Amy Bueno, Health Administration, ’13


To be eligible for a First Generation Scholarship, neither of a student’s parents (or single parent) can have earned a bachelor’s degree. Students must also be Florida residents and be classified as degree-seeking. UWF serves a high proportion of first-generation students who have substantial financial needs. Approximately 1,300 students at UWF have received a total of more than $1.6 million since the program began in 2006. Amy Bueno, the first member of her family to ever attend college, knows the value of a college education. She is able to attend the University of West Florida thanks to the school’s First Generation Scholarship program.

“It is hard work, but it is an honor for my family to see me succeed,” said Bueno, a senior majoring in health administration. “I see their excitement and that pushes me to do my best.” Bueno was born in New York and shortly thereafter moved to Tampa. Her parents are from the Dominican Republic. She has faced struggles during her college career including working two jobs, living in a new city and being away from her family. Despite her busy schedule, Bueno stays involved on campus. She currently serves as the Senate president of the Student Government Association (SGA) after previously serving as chief of staff to the SGA president. The challenges don’t discourage Bueno from achieving her goals. “I wouldn’t change my decision for the world,” she said. “I love the beach and I love UWF.” Elyssa Yero is another First Generation Scholarship recipient who knows that “with hard work comes great success.” She also works two jobs, while attending UWF as a full-time student. Yero is a mathematics major and wants to be a college professor one day. “College takes a lot of effort, but if you put your mind to it, you can do it,” she said. “Life is all about challenges and taking risks. I’m doing something no one in my family has ever done. I have three younger siblings, and I want to be their inspiration.”

“College takes a lot of effort, but if you put your mind to it, you can do it. Life is all about challenges and taking risks. I’m doing something no one in my family has ever done.” Elyssa Yero, Mathematics, ’13


Strategic Focus:

Academic & STUDENT Support Services


Outstanding facilities and support services are essential to serving the needs of our students, our community and our region. UWF commits to efficient and ethical use of the resources entrusted to us by the State of Florida, students and their families, alumni and friends. Effective planning and strong accountability practices enhance the great outcomes we can accomplish together. UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012

WE ARE Transforming the UWF Campus Offering small class sizes, personalized attention and a world-class faculty, the University of West Florida is widely recognized for providing a quality education. Now we are building our brand and reputation, and are transitioning to a campus that offers a more robust collegiate experience, featuring new academic facilities that match the quality of instruction offered within. We opened four new buildings between July 2008 and June 2012. Additionally, all of UWF’s new facilities are being constructed with our commitment to the environment and sustainability in mind and are being certified to the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold or Silver levels.

School of Science and Engineering The $32 million School of Science and Engineering Building is the most technologically enhanced building in Northwest Florida. Opening in 2010, the nearly 95,000 square-foot building features state-of-the-art labs and classrooms, solar paneling to provide electricity for student projects, an Internet café, 92-seat auditorium, and the “Holodeck,” a 3-D virtual reality simulator. Scholarly activities are interdisciplinary with teams from many disciplines coming together to work on projects in robotics, unmanned systems, engineering and math. The School of Science and Engineering includes seven programs and more than 950 students and 53 faculty and staff.


Heritage Hall

Heritage Hall Perhaps no other structure better symbolizes the quest to build a traditional campus than a new residence hall. Heritage Hall, named for UWF founders, opened in Fall 2010 and accommodates 252 students. The modern facility provides a unique suite-style living opportunity and includes contemporary furniture, community kitchens and the latest safety features. Heritage Hall is home to first time in college students.

Student Health, Wellness and Counseling Center A new, state-of-the-art Health and Wellness Center opened in 2011. The 16,114 square-foot facility houses three interrelated departments: the Health Center, Counseling Services and Wellness Services. Designed as a one-stop-shop for students’ health and wellness needs, the new center contains seven treatment rooms, two observation rooms and a procedure room. Architectural highlights include exterior plazas, an open glass lobby and a roof garden. The center also triples the space in which counseling services formerly operated, enabling UWF to expand its services to meet the needs of the growing student body. Student Health, Wellness and Counseling Center


Department of Applied Science, Technology and Administration Building Aided by benefactors and matching grants, the Department of Applied Science, Technology and Administration building, originally built in 1975, was completely renovated and reopened in 2011. Designed to enhance UWF’s Building Construction program, the building features exposed LEED and mechanical visuals as teaching tools. Windows were added for energy efficiency and all ceilings are an open design to showcase sprinkler piping, conduit and duct runs. Classroom space is modular; classrooms and conference rooms feature state-of-the-art computer technology; and a portable computer laboratory supports student projects.

Educational Research Center for Child Development The new state of the art childcare center opened in 2009. The $2 million facility offers childcare service for the children of students, faculty, staff and alumni. The center is staffed by professionals in the field of education and provides a broad range of learning experiences for each child, as well as opportunities for research, internship and supervised teaching experiences for university students.

Library Renovations The Skylab, a 21st century learning space on the fifth floor of the Pace Library, was constructed with the technology needs of students in mind. The facility, opened in 2011, consists of a non-traditional computer lab, information literacy classroom, multimedia studio and media conversion center.

Educational Research Center for Child Development

Also, The Great Good Place, a haven for meetings or conversation in the middle of campus, opened on the second floor of the Pace Library in 2011. This space offers a open place for students to converse with their peers, as well as an area for student/ faculty meetings.

Military and Veterans Resource Center The Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC), opened in 2011. The primary goal of the MVRC is providing a “one-stop� location for all military and veteran students to simplify the transition process from the military to an academic environment. The center provides assistance with coordinating academic advising, tutoring, counseling, disability accommodations, GI Bill education benefits information, and referral to state and federal resources and services. The MVRC also offers transition

Sky Lab

coaches to assist individual veteran students, a computer center that can be used to complete coursework, a lounge area to relax and network with peers, and a private study room for group study.

New Campus Food Venues UWF is expanding food service. The Argo Galley was renovated in 2009, followed by the opening of Outtakes in the Science and Engineering Building, and a new coffee shop opened on our Fort Walton Beach campus in 2012. Most recently on the main campus, a new, portable restaurant Bistro Blue also opened in 2012, featuring jazz music, a permanent seating deck and a New Orleans-inspired menu. Bistro Blue is a self-contained restaurant-on-wheels, allowing it to travel to various locations on and off campus. Its primary location on campus is between buildings 12 and 18.

Military Veterans Resource Center

Campus Cafe Fort Walton Beach


UWF Builds Champions for life and Brings Home National Championship

In addition to student organizations, recreation opportunities, Greek life and living-learning environments, another critical component of the student-life experience exists— athletics.

“To come here and achieve this kind of feat is an amazing feeling.” Taye Larry, Left Fielder

Athletics not only provides the opportunity to instill a great sense of Argo-pride among our campus community, it enables us to capture the hearts of the local community and gains attention both regionally and nationally. The University of West Florida has 13 varsity teams that compete in the Gulf South Conference and NCAA Division II. A key focus of division II athletics is that students are scholar-athletes putting their classroom academics ahead of the playing field. At UWF, student athletes consistently achieve an overall average higher GPA than that of the student body. Over the last several years, the UWF athletics program has created many defining moments, including winning our first baseball national

championship in 2011. Our Argos continued breaking records through the 2011 Major League Baseball draft, with a record five draftees, and three signing as free agents, for a total of eight team members moving on to play Major League ball. The introduction of football is yet another step in meeting our goal of creating the type of traditional campus atmosphere enjoyed by older, longstanding higher education institutions. UWF President Judy Bense’s 2011 announcement of plans for a UWF football program came after an 18-month-long process that included recommendations from the UWF athletics visioning team and the UWF football feasibility committee. After the committees’ positive recommendation, the UWF Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee also endorsed the plan. UWF is now planning for implementation of the football program in years ahead.

Athletics UWF’s intercollegiate athletic teams have won six national championships, 64 Gulf South Conference championships, five Commissioner’s Trophies, four GSC Men’s All-Sports Trophies and 10 GSC Women’s All-Sport Trophies.


“It’s an amazing moment for West Florida baseball, the University and the Pensacola community. You wonder as you’re out there if anyone is ever going to see the fruits of your hard work. It’s special. Words can’t describe it.” Mike Jeffcoat, UWF Baseball Head Coach


Strategic Focus:

Partnerships & Collaboration


As the public university in Northwest Florida, UWF fully embraces its leadership role in creating great futures for its region as well as its students. We pledge to be responsive and supportive in relation to Florida’s institutions of higher education, businesses, K-12 schools and other community partners. Our academic programs will reflect the changing needs of the region and our research and service agendas will remain closely tied to the communities we serve. UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012

UWF’s Economic Impact: $1.4 billion annually 2008/2009

$13.9 million


$16.7 million


$19.1 million


$29.9 million

Four Year Research Total: $79.6 million

UWF Researchers Make Big Impact The explosion of the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon oil rig 42 miles off the coast of Louisiana on April 20, 2010 made a permanent imprint on Gulf Coast residents. The disaster put the University of West Florida on center stage, spotlighting its location, resources, expertise and dedication to Northwest Florida. Because of their past work and expertise, three UWF researchers— Drs. Richard Snyder, Will Patterson and Wade Jeffrey—were awarded grants totaling $748,913 from the $10 million BP gave the State of Florida to support oil spill-related research. These researchers, along with their students, conducted water and sand sampling, studied coquina clams as environmental indicators, tested sediments across the Continental Shelf offshore, and monitored sea grass beds, fish, invertebrates and microscopic plants. Additionally, the UWF researchers participated in numerous speaking engagements, as well as interviews with print, radio and television outlets locally, nationally and internationally.

Office of Economic Development and Engagement UWF’s Office of Economic Development and Engagement was selected to manage and administer $30 million over the next three years to aid in job creation and economic diversification within the eight Northwest Florida counties disproportionally affected by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

UWF is now involved with two additional projects funded through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative with $112.5 million over the next three years.


UWF Creates Northwest Florida Higher Education Presidents’ Coalition One of the most successful partnerships in recent years revolves around the creation of the Northwest Florida Higher Education Presidents’ Coalition, established in 2008. The leaders of Northwest Florida’s six institutions of higher education—the University of West Florida, Pensacola State College, Northwest Florida State College, Gulf Coast State College, Chipola College and Tallahassee Community College—knew that close collaboration would benefit all of the schools and the region much more effectively than each institution making its own way. Collectively, these institutions serve more than 81,000 students. Shortly after the coalition was formed, a joint proposal by the six institutions was funded, resulting in offering 366 scholarships in the important science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. Most recently, the Department of Labor awarded a $3.9 million grant for a collaborative project between UWF and Chipola College for workforce training in information technology and health care. Further, the partners are working to offer seamless transition for students between institutions. Together, the coalition is making a difference for the students of Northwest Florida.

UWF Partners with the National Flight Academy One of the most unique partnerships in UWF’s history was recently unveiled when the University teamed with the National Museum of Naval Aviation’s National Flight

Academy along with area middle and high schools to help foster interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) among K-12 students. After nearly 20 years of planning and preparation, the National Flight Academy held its grand opening in June 2012. Many famous aviators and astronauts, including Mark Kelly, Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan were present for the occasion. UWF led the curriculum development for the academy, and has a related classroom, the USS Argo, on campus. This unique partnership launches UWF into a new world of simulation and innovation that has the potential to revolutionize STEM education in Northwest Florida and around the globe.

UWF Launches Revolutionary App Welcome to the latest innovations in heritage tourism developed at UWF. Thanks to a team from the Departments of History, Engineering and Computer Technology, and WUWF Public Media, you now can find a wealth of historical tourism information, photos and videos right at your fingertips. Because of this team’s work, information on thousands of destinations worldwide can be delivered instantaneously and tailored to a specific location. TellusPoint enables the creation and delivery of videos and photos of historical locales via smart phones with GPS capabilities, and Next Exit History delivers this material for free to iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile users. These applications currently contain information on more than 54,200 historical sites around the world, many with multimedia clips associated with locations. Further, they were selected as the official mobile application for Viva Florida 500, the yearlong, statewide observation of Florida’s 500th anniversary in 2013.

UWF USS Argo Classroom


UWF Creates Great Futures In 2007, the University of West Florida publicly announced its most ambitious fundraising effort to date, the $35 million Creating Great Futures Campaign. The goals set rapidly became milestones achieved. In December 2010, the campaign closed a full 13 months ahead of schedule, surpassing its goal by more than $4 million, making it a monumental milestone in the University’s history. As of December 31, 2010, gifts to the campaign totaled $39.3 million. Through Creating Great Futures, $6.8 million in scholarships were awarded to UWF students, including $1.6 million to first-generation students. Scholarships are important to every university, particularly UWF. Almost 7,000 of the University’s students apply for federal

financial aid and almost 1,000 are first-generation college students. Additionally, the campaign enabled UWF to create 46 new endowments to help shape the future of Northwest Florida. “By helping UWF raise money for permanent scholarship endowments, we are sowing the seeds for the education of future generations of students in financial need,” said Malcolm Mcleod, president/CEO of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation in announcing a $700,000 pledge to UWF in 2008. “This education will empower them to get better jobs, become more independent and enjoy a better quality of life. Education of future generations will also move us towards a more just and productive society.”

Highlights 17,329 donors, including alumni, parents, friends, foundations, corporations and businesses Fifty-four benefactors gave more than $100,000 Six donors gave more than $1 million $8 million in state matching funds awarded 11,143 first-time contributors 147,777 total contributions


Strategic Focus:

Investment in People


The heart of a great university is its people—its students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. We commit ourselves to recruiting, engaging and supporting a talented and diverse group of faculty and staff who pursue meaningful traditions to fulfill the promise of the University of West Florida. UWF Strategic Plan 2008-2012

UWF Distinguished Faculty Awards Distinguished University Professorships

The Distinguished University Professorships serve to recognize full professors who continue to excel in teaching; scholarship and creative projects; service; and contributions to UWF and UWF faculty colleagues. Dr. Kuiyuan Li, Mathematics & Statistics, 2010 Dr. John Smykla, Criminal Justice & Legal Studies, 2010 Dr. Al Cuzan, Government, 2012 Dr. Hedi Salanki-Rubardt, Music, 2012 Distinguished Faculty Service Award

The Distinguished Faculty Service Award is given to a faculty member who, while in the employment of UWF, has given service to the University and/or the community. Ms. Mamie Hixon, English, 2008 Dr. Wynn Teasley, Management & MIS, 2009 Dr. Laura Tissington, Education, 2010 Dr. Stacie Whinnery, Education, 2011 Distinguished Teaching Award

The Distinguished Teaching Award is granted annually to four outstanding faculty. Recipients are chosen by the Student Government Association’s Academic Committee. 2008 Dr. Ronald Bush, Marketing & Economics Mr. Robert Isossaari, Health, Leisure & Exercise Science

Mr. Kevin Kern, Theatre Dr. Gregory Tomso, English & Foreign Languages 2009 Dr. David Alvis, Government Dr. Richard Hough, Criminal Justice & Legal Studies Mr. Donald Roark, Accounting & Finance Dr. Tim Royappa, Chemistry 2010 Dr. Tressa Kelly, Communication Arts Dr. Felicia Morgan, Marketing & Economics Dr. Chenxiang Song, Health, Leisure & Exercise Science Dr. Susan Walch, Psychology 2011 Capt. Stefanie Emery-Hoffman, Air Force ROTC Dr. Jocelyn Evans, Government Dr. Scott Keller, Marketing & Logistics Dr. Gregory Tomso, English & Foreign Languages

Tenure, Promotion and Emeritus Faculty The University prides itself on retaining a distinguished team of high quality, faculty members. From 2008-2012, the UWF Board of Trustees awarded 55 UWF faculty members tenure after each completed a rigorous process of review at many levels of the organization. Additionally, during this period 88 faculty received promotion (some also received tenure) and 23 retiring faculty were given the distinguished title of Emeritus. 81.7% of UWF faculty members hold the highest level of credentials in their field. 73.3% of faculty members are tenured or on a tenure-earning track.

UWF’s Staff Professional Excellence Awards The Professional Excellence Awards recognize staff members for substantial contributions and outstanding performance. More than 20 awards are given each year to staff selected by their peers. Staff Employee of the Year

UWF’s Staff Employee of the Year is selected from those receiving recognition during the Staff Professional Excellence Awards. Ms. Sara Groh, University Advancement, 2008 Mr. Shaun Boren, Recreation Services, 2009 Ms. Nancy Wilson, Financial Services, 2010 Mr. James Hammond, Biology, 2011 Ms. Theresa Marie Glass, Administrative Services, 2012

President’s Award for Leadership in Diversity The President’s Award for Leadership in Diversity is an annual award that recognizes and rewards UWF students, faculty and staff who have demonstrated a commitment to diversity through their deeds and actions. 2008 Dr. Sherry Schneider, Psychology Ms. Mai Naito, Student 2009 Dr. Darryl Smith, Communication Arts 2010 Ms. Alesia Ross, University Advancement Ms. Diane Nguyen, Student 2011 Dr. Laura Koppes Bryan, Psychology Dr. Brian Turner, Counseling and Wellness Services Ms. Sarah Nguyen, Student


The Future of UWF UWF Strategic Plan 2012-2017 We are at a crucial time in the history of our institution and the history of higher education in America. Universities are being called upon to be more accountable, more efficient and more relevant in a rapidly changing environment. At the University of West Florida, we are poised to meet these challenges—today, tomorrow and well into the future. Our new Strategic Plan 2012-2017 is visionary yet achievable. It is relevant, yet inspiring. It is innovative, yet realistic. We are still a young institution, and are poised for great potential. As we approach our 50th Anniversary, we will continue to honor our foundational traditions and values, while positioning ourselves to respond to new challenges and opportunities. Student learning, development and success will continue to be our highest priority. We will remain committed to providing students with a personalized experience in an environment where students work side-by-side with faculty who are high-quality teacher-scholars.


UWF Strategic Plan 2012-2017: • Enhanced Student Access, Progression and Learning and Development • Distinctive Teaching, Scholarship, Research and Professional Contributions • Valued Partnerships: Community Engagement and Service • Sustainable Institutional Excellence Now is our time to lead the way. This is our plan. We created it; we will live it; we will achieve it. Our future is full of potential and together we can reach it.

UWF Facilities Campus Master Plan The University of West Florida has updated its Facilities Campus Master Plan that will transform the University, providing for our growth needs for the next 20 to 30 years. The 2011-2021 master plan will aid in transitioning UWF’s campus to a more residential and traditional experience, while building a true sense of space for students, alumni and the community. Plans include mixed-use facilities to house classrooms and academic space, residence halls and retail space; a new student union; an events center; parking garages; restaurants; a hotel/conference center and a football stadium. As the University grows, so will its efforts to aid regional economic development. UWF’s Business Enterprises, Inc. is developing public-private partnerships to enable us to continue to develop and grow, as state resources are strained. These partnerships will bring enhanced revenue to the University to further address our facility needs.

UWF will Celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2017 The University of West Florida’s horizon is limitless as we approach our 50th anniversary in 2017. From our beginning as a two-year, upper-division institution of higher education, UWF is now Northwest Florida’s only four-year public university with an enrollment approaching 13,000. In addition to our 1,600-acre main campus, UWF serves students at Fort Walton Beach, Eglin Air Force Base, Hurlburt Field and shared facilities at regional state colleges. In downtown Pensacola, the University manages 27 historic properties, which serve as a living laboratory for students interested in history, archaeology and tourism. The University is answering the call of its community, from

Some of the specific highlights include:

Hotel/Conference Center on East Campus A hotel and conference center located in the northwest corner of Campus Drive and U.S. Highway 90. East Village development Greek Village; campus housing for military, married students, graduate students and faculty/staff. University Park Several new buildings providing: housing; classroom, office and administrative space; a University Union; parking garages; Phase I Football Stadium; Multi-purpose events center; Argonaut statue; grass plaza/mall connecting perimeter buildings; and a bell tower.

supplying key research related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to responding to regional workforce needs. “UWF is on the move. By 2017, UWF will be bigger, stronger, more vibrant,” said President Judy Bense. “We will be known for our quality academic programs, our unparalleled personalized attention and service delivered in state-of-the-art facilities.” No matter how much the University grows, Bense assures it will remain one that is creative, student-centered and strategically focused on excellence. “Our future is full of potential and we intend to reach it. Please join me in celebrating how far we’ve come and brace yourself for the exciting journey ahead.”


Office of the President 11000 University Pkwy., Bldg. 10 850.474.2200


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