01 17 2006 Section C

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quoteof the day

“The fact that they looked it up in a book just shows that they don’t get the idea of truthiness at all. You don’t look up truthiness in a book, you look it up in your gut.”

Stephen Colbert, host of The Colbert Report, on the Associated Press’ failure to credit him with originating the word “truthiness.” The AP originally referenced the Oxford English Dictionary as defining the term in the 1800s. Source: Associated Press

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - Page C1

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Mike Wood/Star illustration

Congress’ actions concerning new bill fit ‘annoying’ definition “Whoever … utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet … without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person … who receives the communications … shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” -H.R. 3402, Sec. 113 On Jan. 5, President George W. Bush signed into law a bill titled the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005. While preventing violence against women is no doubt a worthy effort and certainly funding the Department of Justice is necessary, one piece of the legislation is especially troubling. The above statement is troubling because of the use of the word “annoy” without much of a description of what’s actually considered annoying as well as requiring people to disclose their real identities. How many of us have posted on a message board about our favorite artist or sports team? How many of us have written that we’re not too fond of a professor on Facebook or MySpace? Well, that’s only one part of the equation. Those mediums don’t allow for much anonymity. Are those now considered an annoyance to law enforcement officials? To random staff members of The University Star; television commercials, Madonna and people who can’t tell the difference between “to,” “two,” and “too” are annoying, but is it actually necessary to regulate and file criminal charges to those who “annoy” us online or in person? Now while we’re fairly certain people won’t face legal action for typing “your favorite band sucks” to somebody who might be offended or annoyed; the signing of this bill into law calls into question the possible ramifications of testing the law and its usage by prosecutors. One of the welcoming qualities of the Internet is the ability for people to remain relatively anonymous in posting their thoughts. By making those postings subject to criminal prosecution, those who post anonymously face the very real threat of being labeled a criminal for their actions in the virtual world. Congress should immediately review the law and either remove it or further define the terminology used in the law to distinguish between those who make real threats or harassment versus those who choose to be annoying solely for the sake of annoyance.

Americans should reevaluate stance on liberties As Americans 11, the USA Paentrenched in pop triot Act has culture and entercome under tainment, we’ve all heavy fire. It is seen them — movies, designed to aid books and programs the government that glamorize and in protecting idolize spies. They American citiare the enigmatic and zens from anothRACHEL ANNE unknowable select er attack. There FLETCHER few who protect our is a catch though: Star Columnist country behind the it may infringe scenes. upon a few of our James Bond with civil liberties. The his “license to kill” and Tom same goes for the recent NaCruise protecting the NOC tional Security Agency wirelist in Mission Impossible at all tapping scandal. The New York costs. However, in today’s soci- Times reported in December ety, is all this even legal? that President Bush authoWe applaud these Holly- rized wiretapping of American wood spies for their ruthless citizens without the usually reenthusiasm for our nation, and quired court order. The legalnot just because they offer lots ity of Bush’s actions has yet to of shoot-’em-up entertain- be determined. But these wirement; we want to be protected taps, like the Patriot Act, were and find some level of comfort designed to find internal and knowing we have those peo- external threats and to protect ple out there safeguarding us Americans. from the evils of the world. Of It is for the courts to decide course, Hollywood is an entity whether or not Bush has suball its own, not comparable verted the legal system by auto the real world. However, it thorizing these wiretaps, and it does raise the question: What remains to be seen if this will are we willing to sacrifice to turn into the Watergate of our protect our nation and way of generation. life? Nevertheless, I find myself Since its passage after Sept. agreeing with Bush’s actions.

He obviously is not doing this for personal or political gain. Look at the heat he is getting for his actions. Some call it an abuse of power and argue that he is turning into “King George.” Bush authorized these wiretaps in 2002, after Congress gave him the authority to execute the war on terrorism. According to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, it should be noted that wiretaps on communications between two U.S. citizens still require judicial approval. Only in the rare case involving communications between a U.S. citizen and known terrorists in other countries — where there is a very real possibility of a security threat — does the president’s order bypass the judiciary and bring the case under the information security jurisdiction of the CIA, NSA or Defense Department (in a war zone). These organizations do not normally have to go through the courts to monitor an external threat. If these wiretapped calls can be viewed as an external threat, I fail to see the scandal. I am not calling to give the president all-out freedom to

defer our civil liberties and right to privacy. But herein lies the catch: We want protection from attacks and to maintain our liberty and way of life. Still, in order to achieve this protection, we must surrender some of those liberties, therefore preserving others. In the months shortly after Sept. 11, everyone was gungho about doing whatever was necessary to thwart another terrorist attack. I feel we have lost this fervor. Collectively, we have pushed those events nto the back of our minds and are willing to compromise our national security for a few more day-to-day conveniences. This is a terrible affront not only to those who lost their lives that day, but also to those who have died and are still dying to defend this nation. Giving civil rights to terrorists who conducted a heinous terrorist act in the United States would be hard to explain to grieving family members of the victims. Countless men and women gave their lives to preserve this nation. Are we so callous and selfish that we’re unwilling to sacrifice anything to do the same?

Stern tests boundaries with new satellite radio show RYAN JOHNSON U. Arizona Arizona Daily Wildcat

C:> You smell like feet|

Jeff Cole/Star illustration The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos.

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

(U-WIRE) TUCSON, Ariz. — During his first satellite radio broadcast on Jan. 9, Howard Stern promised a new breed of radio. He declared himself free from the federal regulators who hounded him during his terrestrial radio days and vowed that his new show will be wild. With no censors to stop his cursing, he announced that he would pursue previously banned acts, including live sex, on the show. For Michael Powell and others who had badgered Stern from the Federal Communications Commission for two decades and fined him $2.5 million, it was time to cringe. But for a growing population of nearly 10 million satellite radio subscribers, it was time to rejoice. When Sirius announced its $600 million Stern deal in 2004, satellite radio gained new legitimacy, and it is now culling creative content from traditional radio. Whether you’re someone like me who listened to Stern during high school or you think he’s a chauvinistic asshole, this push toward less

regulation should be welcomed. The main difference between satellite radio and AM/FM, besides the ability to access it anywhere, is that it is subscription-based. This means that companies such as Sirius derive their revenue from users rather than advertisers, leaving music stations commercial-free. But equally important is that the FCC doesn’t regulate content on satellite radio; according to Stern, that’s what drew him away from his 8 to 12 million-listener base to Sirius’ mere 3.3 million. It’s not that the FCC is regulating less. In fact, it has been increasing the stringency of its regulations for a decade, though its pace was quickened by 2004’s infamous Super Bowl halftime show. As an illustration, when Stern broadcast “greatest hits” episodes that weren’t restricted when they first aired, stations had to censor significant portions to fit today’s standards. No, the trend away from regulation is because users are migrating to media forms that aren’t tightly monitored. This isn’t a new trend, either — look at the long-running success of HBO. People are moving to unregulated outlets at an accel-

erated rate because of novel technologies. And it goes beyond television and radio. Not even satellite radio is as unfettered as the Internet radio stations, which can be broadcast from anywhere in the world. Want to have racier content? Find the least restrictive government. Regulators need to realize that if they don’t wise up, they will become a dying breed. Just look at gambling regulators. Internet gambling is outlawed in the United States. Lawmakers thought it should be restricted to casinos and worried about its influence on children. But instead of journeying to casinos, millions of users flock to online gaming sites based in England and other foreign countries. Of course, this only adds insult to injury for the federal government: Not only are they unable to regulate it, they can’t even tax it. Many in favor of stricter regulations argue that they are merely watching out for kids. But that responsibility should fall to parents. A more valid cause would be technology that allows parents to censor what their children see and hear.

But something tells me this isn’t the true aim of organizations such as the American Family Association. Based on the vigorous campaign they unleashed after “Nipplegate,” it seems they simply want to dictate content for all Americans. After all, most children now have access to the Internet, which has content far worse than that of Howard Stern. Even so, Stern isn’t 100 percent safe yet. The FCC does regulate satellite in one respect: It controls the bandwidth and presided over its sale to the two highest bidders, XM and Sirius. Every eight years, the terms are renegotiated, and the FCC could threaten content by saying decency will influence bandwidth decisions. And many are pushing lawmakers to give the FCC more power to censor satellite radio. They may succeed, but will still ultimately fail. For those who like creativity and dislike regulation, the trend toward new technologies is already set. Strict media regulation is a goner, one way or another. This column was originally published in the Arizona Daily Wildcat on Jan. 12.

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.........................Jason Buch, jb1163@txstate.edu Trends Editor..............Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor.......................................A.D. Brown, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief.........................Emily Messer, starcpchief@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright January 17, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


Page C2 - The University Star

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Surviving college a tough part of surviving life Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

Our parents can’t Here we are again really blame us for after what seemed making below-avlike the longest Christmas break in erage grades when all of history. we’re working at the The week before same time. But let’s classes start, you say your parents encan begin to sense a courage you to just KELSEY VOELKEL vibe going around; focus on school, and Star Columnist it’s this tense yet not require you to exciting feeling that get a job. If that is the involves everyone case, then you’re in a moving back in and getting ev- position where if you don’t get erything in order as far as un- excellent grades, your parents packing, getting registered for are going to wonder what you courses, buying textbooks and have been doing all semester. making sure they didn’t leave If you don’t have a job, you anything at home. We are all have spare time. If you have all getting nervous about actually this spare time, why aren’t you starting this semester and get- studying for classes? Like I said, ting use to a whole new sched- it’s a vicious circle. Some people are better at ule after having more than six weeks of staying up late balancing everything in their and sleeping in. We leave our lives. They can study, go to homes with a new goal, which class, and work 35 hours at a is to survive another semester job, all while finding time to sleep and maintain friendships. of college. It is a sad but true statement Those of us who are not able to — we need money; the world take on that much must limit revolves around money. We what is on our to-do list. But need money to eat, pay rent, pay the good news is that we are in for fuel and pay for bills. We are charge of what goes on the list beginning to realize that, as our and what comes off of it. Whether you work a fullparents always told us, money does not grow on trees, and time job and take 18 hours of as college students, we rarely classes and maintain a perhave money to spare on things sonal life with relationships for ourselves. Some of us try and friendships, or you take to find a job while in college, 12 hours and spend all your essentially working a double spare time watching TV and schedule, while others depend hanging out with friends, it is on bank loans and grants to get all a matter of personal choice. us through each semester. Our All things considered, if you’re parents may pressure us into able to maintain a personal life working so that they can get a in college, whether you work break, or they may convince us or not, and graduate with your to not work, preferring that we sanity, you’ve accomplished focus our energy and time on something that will help you our studies. the rest of your life. When there is parental presLife is tough, and college sure, we work and go to school is a crash course in how hard and when we are in that situa- life can be. I keep thinking that tion, we actually have an excuse there is no way life outside of as to why our grades are not college can be this hard, that that great; when we are asked life shouldn’t be this harsh. to work during the semester, And as insensitive as it sounds, we’re entitled to use the “well, all we can do is stick it out and when you’re working and going wait until graduation, so that to school, you don’t have all the we can find out what is on the time in the world for studying other side of the wall — the world. and sleep” line.



1929 1947 1948

Born Jan. 15 in Atlanta

1953 1955

Marries Coretta Scott


Publishes first book, Stride Toward Freedom


Gives “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington D.C.

Ordained as minister Graduates from Morehouse College

Led boycott of segregated city buses in Alabama

1964 Wins Nobel Peace Prize 1968 Assassinated in Memphis 1986 Martin Luther King, Jr Day

is declared a national holiday

Comedian’s poignancy no substitute for real news MICHAEL CATALINI Penn State Daily Collegian

(U-WIRE) UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — We’re all excited about Jon Stewart hosting the Academy Awards. He’s so funny. He’s made the news interesting. He’s replaced the dry and almost pompous-sounding newscasts of broadcast television. Jon Stewart represents the face of a new way of reporting the news on television, and the people of our generation no longer have to grin and Michael Goulding/Orange County Register bear bad newscasts. They can Jon Stewart celebrates his two Emmys at the 55th annual Emmy now simply grin. And more often than not, they’ll laugh. Awards show in Los Angeles, Calif., on Sept. 21, 2003. I, however, am happy he’s ally the time of year people hosting the Oscars for a dif- tal information. For shame. ferent reason. I think it will Hey, what’s so bad about make resolutions about losing reveal Stewart for what he enjoying the news a little? weight or following a healthier is, an entertainer, and not a Why shouldn’t you be able to diet, all ahead of the summer newsperson. Too many times laugh and make fun of the of- beach season. Add this to your I’ve heard voices around cam- ten-absurd intricacies of gov- list of resolutions, although pus saying that they exclu- ernment? Nothing’s wrong I can’t promise my solution sively learn what goes on in with those things. They’re will trim your waistline: Cut the world from this Comedy essential to a healthy democ- the fat from your news diet racy, at least I think. Central mainstay. and add a little protein. Cut It’s common to hear people It is not healthy, however, to Jon Stewart’s banal current say there isn’t enough time to develop a news diet that con- events jokes from your daily pick up a newspaper and read sists solely of Jon Stewart. It is information diet. about the community, the na- no healthier than it is to conIt’s time to beef up with a tion and the world. It’s too sume only strawberry Pop- little bit of news by picking up much of a challenge, even, to Tarts just because they taste The New York Times around watch cable or broadcast news good. campus, reading The Washto passively suck up some viAs diets go, this is usu- ington Post online or flipping

on C-SPAN, just to see what a Supreme Court nomination hearing actually looks like. This country is fortunate to have vast and various media to report the news to us. I’m suggesting taking advantage of an outlet that conveys real news. It’s lazy and irresponsible to rely on a sole source, especially when that source is a man who values comedic timing over timeliness, a man who esteems silliness over accuracy and precision. The news enables us to make important decisions about the way we lead our lives. I feel passionately about this point, and I think it’s disastrous for democracy to have a citizenry that pulls information only from a funnyman. That many in our generation have come to expect the news to have an amusing twist and funny innuendo interspersed in it says that people need a watered down and much-adorned version of events. It’s time to recognize the importance of real news. Let the newsmakers report the facts of events, and let Jon Stewart report who won best actress in a supporting role. This column was originally published in the Daily Collegian on Jan. 11.

Times compromise with government request disappoints readers COLLIN W. SULLIVAN U. Nebraska Daily Nebraskan (U-WIRE) LINCOLN, Neb. — Last month, The New York Times printed an important exposé that has been a topic of controversy since the story ran. On Dec. 16, a story by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau outed the National Security Agency for spying on hundreds of American citizens via telephone and e-mail without warrants, as authorized by a 2002 presidential order. Some said this was new territory for the NSA, an organization with a mission to monitor communications abroad. Numerous officials expressed concern over the legality and constitutionality of warrantless eavesdropping on those protected by American domestic law. Others defended the practice as necessary in the name

of national security. It’s the type of story that critics of the “liberal media’’ may call “yellow journalism” — sensationalizing a story to an exaggerated point. Yellow journalists make mountains out of molehills. But The New York Times made this story much more intriguing than the surface implies. Maybe a bigger story was suggested in the ninth paragraph of Risen and Lichtblau’s work: “The White House asked The New York Times not to publish this article, arguing that it could jeopardize continuing investigations and alert would-be terrorists that they might be under scrutiny. After meeting with senior administration officials to hear their concerns, the newspaper delayed publication for a year to conduct additional reporting. Some information that administration officials argued could be useful to terrorists has been

omitted.” Suddenly the story is less powerful, the message diluted from a smack in the face to a playful poke in just 65 words. And even as we read, The New York Times morphs from a valiant knight on horseback to a rebellious pawn lashing out at his king. What’s more infuriating is that, as of this writing, the newspaper has not provided any further explanation for the story’s delay. Even The Times’ public editor, Byron Calame, was denied answers when he contacted executive editor Bill Keller and publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., as explained in Calame’s Jan. 1 column. Thus, speculation abounds. Why did The Times sit on the story for so long? This was more than breaking news. This was another example of the very real challenges America faces in George W. Bush’s recycled “war on terror.” How much are we


Compiled by Jason Buch


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“I don’t have one. I’m pretty content with my life.” — JASON ZIMM physics senior

r’s a e Y New

willing to give in the name of security? How powerful and secretive are we willing to allow our government to become? In an Associated Press/Ipsos poll released yesterday, 56 percent of respondents said the government should be required to get a court warrant before eavesdropping on the overseas calls and emails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism. Would people’s opinions have been different a year ago? This sort of action is very much in tune with Times reporter Judith Miller’s infamous protection of Scooter Libby and Karl Rove. The paper is beginning to get a reputation for pandering to government will, essentially the opposite of what a newspaper needs to be doing. In fact, the paper’s own selfinterest seems to have been a factor in this decision as well. Risen

n? o i t u l Reso

“My whole new plan this year was to express myself more; more accurately and more often. I felt that it should be a priority and I should communicate with the people around me and in my world more and better.” — JUSTIN GRONQUIST undecided freshman “I have to walk every day because my dad is unhealthy, so I told him he has to promise to walk every day, so I do too.” — LEAH CAMPBELL interdisciplinary studies sophomore

recently wrote a book called State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration in which he discusses the government spying on its own citizens. The book’s publication was scheduled for mid-January but instead was released on Jan. 3. Executive editor Bill Keller insisted in a statement that the timing of the article had nothing to do with the forthcoming publication of Risen’s book, but it seems very plausible that the newspaper didn’t want to be outshined by its own reporter. Because the story broke before the book was released, The Times had the story first, not the author. Don’t forget that there was an election about a year ago, too. There’s always a controversy over publishing important stories critical of a sitting president during election season. Surely this was part of the administration’s push to keep the story off the pages.

“National security and aiding terrorism,” they said, but what sort of damage could this cause a president seeking reelection? We could ask 56 percent of those polled. In order for a newspaper to gain the public’s trust, it needs to be clear that the reader is the paper’s primary interest. Stories like this discount the readers for the leaders. The New York Times defaulted to the very government it exists to report on at the expense of hard news and truth, for fear that it might “jeopardize” an illegal practice. Sitting on such an important story was cowardly and insincere. So, ironically, the detractors may be right. In the practice of journalism, this may be as yellow as it gets. This column was originally published in the Daily Nebraskan on Jan. 12.

“I have a new horse that I’m breaking in this year. I’m the only one who can work with her because I’m the only one she’ll let on. She bucks everyone else off.” — ANDREA ROCHA interdisciplinary studies sophomore

“I never go through with one so there’s no sense in making one. Actually, I did make one this year, but I didn’t go through with it. I was going to stop dipping snuff..” — JUSTIN VILLARREAL management freshman

“Stop being an alcoholic. I spend too much money and I do lots of bad things.” — KYLE OLDHAM education freshman

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Page C3 Wednesday, August 24,- 2005 - Page 33

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Page C4 - The University Star

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Texas State Golf hoping to start season on par

Armando Sanchez/Star file photo Danielle Mask will be leading the way for the women’s golf team in its 2006 campaign while maintaining her primary objective at Texas State — an education.

By Miguel Peña The University Star The men’s and women’s golf teams are both on their way down south for the start of the 2006 season. Coach Bill Woodley will be taking a young group of men to Guadalajara, Mexico, for the Club DeGolf Santa Anita UNT Classic hosted by the University of North Texas. “It’s always good to let the guys see

different types of golf courses. It also gives them a chance to taste what it feels like to be a real golf pro,” Woodley said of the upcoming trip. The women’s team will be headed to Corpus Christi for the Islander Spring Classic hosted by Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi for the first event of the season. The tournament will include most of the Southland Conference schools, the Lone Star Conference and several northern teams, such

as Southern Methodist University and Baylor University. The men’s team is stepping into competition with only two players who have seen any playing time on the Division-One level: Tyler Barnes and Colin Meredith. “We are going to be playing against the best competition possible, but with a squad so fresh to the Division 1 level of play, it is hard to say who is really going to step up and give us the leadership on the field,” Woodley said. With two new transfers and a crop of freshman, Woodley expects to have a better idea of what his team can do after it returns from Mexico. Juniors Danielle Mask and Anessa Thompson lead the women’s squad of seven for spring competition. “Danielle especially is the leader, both on and off the field,” said women’s coach Dacia Mackey. “She is an Arthur Ashe Award winner and still stays grounded enough to stay focused on a team championship for conference while maintaining her individual game.” The Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholar Award, which Mask received in April, recognizes student-athletes of color who exhibit academic excellence and community activism. In her second year of competition with the Bobcats, Thompson’s game has taken off after a tough mid-season transition from the University of South Alabama. “Anessa had a bit of a rough start, but her hard work over the summer paid off, and it showed on the course as she dropped her stroke average from an 82 to a 77,” Mackey said. The addition of Christine Brijalba

brings promise, as the freshman from Hanks High School in El Paso finished off the fall stint of competition with a first-place rank after three rounds at the Bronc Classic hosted by UT–Pan American. Brijalba was one of the most heavily recruited freshmen coming out of high school, a distinction that came with high expectations at the beginning of fall competition. “She placed a ton of pressure on herself, which caused her some performance anxiety as she started the fall with an 88 against Lamar,” Mackey said. “Now, when she gets on the golf course she’s as nice as can be, but she’ll also go out there with the killer instinct it takes to win.” One of the areas that Mackey is very proud of is the team’s ability to deal with the physical stress of tournament play, especially after running through the course twice in one day, which is the norm for most two-day competitions. “Our strength and conditioning coach, Jerold Gaitan, has done a great job working with the girls helping them to be prepared to deal with the big days better,” Mackey said. Mackey said she was pleased with the team’s overall performance in the fall. “We started pretty good, but we ended great. We will start the spring with a team scoring average of 309, which is one stroke lower than that of (the University of Texas),” she said. However, the team is still unsatisfied with its marks and hopes to drop its average to 305 before the conference tournament scheduled for April 3 and 4.

Spring Golf Schedule Men’s


Feb. 19-20 Club DeGolf Santa Anita UNT Classic Guadalajara, Mx.

Feb. 20-21 Islander Spring Classic Corpus Christi

March 6-7 Louisiana Classic Lafayette La.

Feb. 27-28 Centenary Ladies Invitational Shreveport La.

March 17-18 Border Olympics Laredo March 20-21 SFA Crown Colony Lufkin April 3-4 Hal Sutton Intercollegiate Bossier City La. April 17-19 Southland Conf. Championships Houston

March 10-11 NIU Springlake Invitational Sebring Fla. March 20-21 UTSA Rowdy Round-Up Comfort April 3-4 Bobcat Classic Kyle April 10-12 Southland Conf. Championships TBA

Women’s tennis hopes to serve some winners By Carl Harper The University Star

This semester at Texas State, the women’s Tennis team will open up the season at 10 a.m. Jan. 29 in San Marcos versus the Southern Methodist University Mustangs. The team consists of three returning freshman — Ashley Ellis, Christina Amo and Lainy Chafitz; two sophomores — Natalie McLeod and Sumarie Muller; and three seniors — Jana Cucciniello, Margaret Potyrala and Leja Sirola. The band of eight young racketeers are starting back after a long winter break as they played their final tournament of the 2005 season on Oct. 29 at University of Texas-San Antonio. Early in the 2006 season, the team will play some tough schools including the University of North Texas. “UNT is one of our first matches that will be a show case. North Texas will be a good indication of where we’re at and what we need to work on,” Plunkett said. Before they face off with UNT, the ’Cats begin the fresh season with a home event against the SMU Mustangs. Rob Howarth, who is in his third year as head coach for the Mustangs, proudly announced in late November that they added three freshman to the team for the 2006 season. Hillary Collins, from La Quinta, Calif., has been ranked in the top five nationally. Pavi

Francis, from Lewisville, was runnerup at the 2005 Texas Open and has been ranked in the top 30 nationally. Claire Rietsch, from Laguna Beach, Calif., advanced to the quarterfinals of the USTA Nationals in 2005 and has also been ranked in the top-50. Leading these newcomers into 2006 for the Mustangs are veteran twinsisters, Brooke and Halley Rambally, who are seniors and co-captains on the team. In addition, Senior Svetlana Kouzmenko, from Belarus, who entered the 2005 season tied for 10th on the all-time career singles victory list, will also be leading the herd. The Bobcats head coach Tory Plunkett has some new players to look forward to this season. Her two players with the most singles wins from the fall season are currently freshman. “The three freshman bring a lot of strength in their game and power behind the ball. They win a lot of points off their serve,” Plunkett said. “Our freshman came in doing excellent both on and off the court.” Ellis, from Amarillo, who was a four-time district MVP, and Amo, from Fort Worth who held the top singles and doubles spot in high school, are two freshman who have begun a strong career. Even though Ellis had a 3-8 doubles record in the fall, she led the team with an impressive 9-5 singles record. “Ashley has a good head on her shoulders; she brings a strong mental game,” Plunkett said.

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Amo was second behind her with a 6-6 singles and a 5-6 doubles record. Senior Sirola, who is a 5-foot-10inch marketing major from Slovenia, is looking to end her collegiate career this semester on a good note after struggling in the fall semester with a 4-5 singles record and a 3-3 doubles record. “Leja Sirillo has worked hard over the holidays. She played in the No. 1 spot for us last year, and she should be ready for the competition,” Plunkett said. In 2003 and 2004, Sirola had her winning ways in the doubles matches with senior and teammate Potyrala and will press onto continuing the successful tradition this season. This last fall, Sirola had teamed up with Amo and Cucciniello for doubles matches. Cucciniello, who transferred from North Carolina at Charlotte before the Fall 2004 season, is the only transfer student on the team. In Charlotte she put up an overall record of 18-18 in singles, and 13-16 in doubles. But before entering the college ranks, she posted an amazing 42-1 doubles record her junior year and 47-1 her senior year at Humble High School. The two sophomores on the team, Muller and McLeod, from South Africa, are hoping to rebound from a disappointing fall season as they both fell under .500 for their singles record at 3-4 and 3-7. Muller was league champion as a senior at Parys High School and McLeod was the No. 1 player at

Photo courtesy of Media Relations The 2005-2006 women’s tennis team seen here in a photo from Oct. 15. looks to make a run at the Conference title this Spring. From Left: Ashley Ellis, Sumarie Muller, Jana Cucciniello, Natalie McLoed, Coach Tory Plunkett, Margaret Potyrala, Leja Sirola, Lainey Chafitz and Christina Amo.

Benoni High School for three seasons. Texas State is Tory Plunkett’s first school to serve as head coach, and third school overall; the other two schools being UT-Arlington and UTSA where she served as assistant head coach. “This is my third year and I think we have the strongest team we’ve ever had. This will be our first year with a full team of eight women that are

ready to play,” Plunkett said. As an All-America selection in 1988 for the Horned Frogs, she graduated from Texas Christian University in 1989, and soon after began her coaching profession. Plunkett is in her third year as the ’Cats head coach, and has high expectations for this team along with hopes of a Southland Conference championship.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Spring semester offers variety of intramural sports for students By Chris Parrish The University Star

After a month break from the stresses of school, many students yearn to burn the excess holiday slack. For those seeking to make the transition from lethargy to activity, the department of campus recreation offers many exciting and fun solutions. Students can find physical activities to fit their lifestyle at campus recreation centers while the more competitive athlete is also offered solace in the forms of intramural and club sports. Intramurals Kyle Prunty, philosophy senior, is an avid enthusiast of student recreation. “We are lucky to go to a school that offers sports to regular students and not just the ones on scholarship,” Prunty said. During the fall semester, Prunty played on a coed flag football team; last spring, he participated on an intramural basketball team. Because of those outlets, he is now a member of the practice squad for the women’s basketball team. “Intramurals are a great way to meet people with similar interests,” Prunty said. “They’re well organized — better than pick-up games. Everybody likes sports, and this gives everyone a chance to play.” Trevon Walker is the assistant director of intramural sports at Texas State, and Coulson Thomas is a graduate assistant. The two work together with other Student Recreation staff members to cultivate the university’s intramural program. “Intramural sports benefit students by keeping them involved,” Walker said. “They add to the whole college experience.” The transition from high school to college is challenging for new students. For those who competed in high school sports but do not at the college level, it can be especially strenuous. By competing on an intramural team, students can keep their competitive spirit and drive toward athletic success. There is a multitude of intramural sports available in the spring to satisfy every person’s palette; bowling, golf, racquetball, soccer, tennis and volleyball are all available. “Basketball and softball are the two most popular sports in the spring,” Walker said. “Our softball and basketball leagues have over 100 teams apiece,” Thomas said. One new spring sport that has made a major impact is dodgeball. When students asked for the nontraditional sport to be added to the intramural curriculum, the Student Recreation officials obliged. “The students demand new sports, and dodgeball has recently become a popular one,” Thomas said. Other new intramural activities under review are eight-and nine-ball pool tournaments, water polo and kickball. Intramural sports are readily available to all students. If interested, one can visit the Intramurals Office located in the Student Recreation Center. Brochures are also available, complete with schedules, dates and fees. Thomas, Walker and the rest of the staff will be scouring campus during the first few weeks of the semester to spread the word about intramurals. Representatives are also targeting freshman orien-

Brynn Leggett/Star photo

Tom Broiles, seen here spotting Andrew Bates, are two of the thousands of Bobcats taking advantage of the on-campus amenities the Student Rec Center has to offer.

tation and new student registration to find those looking for a way to satisfy their athletic craving. Student Recreation Texas State presents students with a few facilities for informal and outdoor recreation. The Student Recreation Center, located on campus at Sessom Drive and Academy Street, contains basketball, racquetball and volleyball courts, extensive weight and exercise rooms and an elevated track. From today until Monday, the SRC is offering 17 free classes to entice students, ranging from Power Flex, a weightlifting course, to Hydro Fit, a nonimpact water workout. The Aqua Sports Center, located on central campus next to the Hines Academic Center, has a 25yard pool for swimming. The Outdoor Center is located in Sewell Park next to the Jowers Center. Here students can rent tubes, kayaks and disc golf equipment, among other outdoor items. Students can also sign up for the University Camp, located 20 minutes away in picturesque Wimberley. Texas State also offers students a nine-hole golf course located on Post Road right off Aquarena Springs Drive. Club Sports Intercollegiate sport clubs are highly organized athletic teams that compete with other Texas universities. Students with a common athletic interest can register for a sport club with the campus recreation department. Baseball, softball, soccer and tennis are all represented, as well as rodeo, ultimate disc and water polo. A sport club fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Jan. 31 in The Quad.

The University Star - Page C5


Page C6 - The University Star

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Track and Field set to spring back into action By Miguel Peña The University Star The 2006 track and field season will soon be underway with a fresh crop of 26 newcomers who have been putting in their work in since Aug. 24. Led by a senior class that boasts more than six former conference champions and a group of juniors who are used to collegiate-level competition, the women’s team can look toward a strong 2006 season. The men’s team, however, is at a loss for senior leadership with only five upperclassmen returning to the field. While Jacque Iwuchukwu will be leading the women’s team in field events, she is hoping for a strong return to the long jump and triple jump after struggling through injuries in 2005. Iwuchukwu, who only finished eighth in 2005, captured a conference title in 2004 with a mark of 41-11 1/4 in the triple jump. Alicia Anthony is stepping back into the competitive ranks following her 2005 redshirt season. Anthony, who was the second-best point winner in 2004, earned 24.5 points in total at the 2004 Southland Conference meet, second to Luanna Levette, who led the team with 45 points Photo courtesy of Media Relations for her performances in the Sophomore hurdler Katya Kostetskya kept busy in the off-season 100-meter, 200-meter and 400by running a season-best time of 55.89 seconds in the 400 meter meter relays, the long jump and hurdles to claim the silver medal at the European Junior Champithe triple jump. Camilla Davis will be addonships in Kaunas, Lithuania. ing her competitive edge to the team, making her way back from a fifth place finish in 2005. Davis earned all-conference honors after finishing second in the long jump at the SLC Outdoor Championships with a personal best leap of 19-3 1/2. “Both Iwuchukwu and Davis placed a little bit lower last year in their respective competitions, but their marks were about the same, showing some improvement but placed lower because of greater depth in their fields,” assistant coach Blaine Wiley said. Courtney Fischer, Denisha Goldsmith and Amber Everett are all returning title-hold-

Where the good meat is

ers from the strongest class of athlete in the Bobcat program — relays —with runners such as Katya Kostetskaya and RaShandra Harris. Kostetskaya is returning after her run to the national ranks at the conclusion of the 2005 season. The sophomore from St. Petersburg will be competing mainly in the hurdles, but fans shouldn’t be surprised to see her in a variety of other events as well. Mila Litvinova will also be stepping back onto the track after sitting out the majority of the 2005 season with a persistent injur sy that kept her sidelined until the final two meets of the season, at which she still wasn’t fully rehabbed. “Harris competed well over the course of the season, earning a second-place finish in the 100-meter and a third-place honor in the 200-meter at the Southland Conference meet,” Wiley said. On the men’s side, John Akinloye, Justin Callis and Robert Gill have all been progressing well during the off-season and will be taking the lead among the men’s sprinters. The dark horse for the sprinting team is Erroll Harris, a transfer from Texas A&M University-Kingsville who will be taking his talents from the Lone Star Conference to the Southland. A returner to the team, Chris Demerson, who competed behind Brian Veal in the 2004 indoor season but redshirted for the outdoor stint of that year, will make his way to the track looking for a shot at the SLC championship in the long jump. Sarah Baker will be the leader for the women’s throws, as the senior returns after her all-conference performance in 2005 for indoor weight throw and outdoor hammer throw. For the shot put, Ashlea Byrom will return as one of the best all-around throwers for the 2006 team, but the acquisition of freshman Seneca Guenther will be one of the spotlights for

the new season. “As a coaching staff we are expecting great things from Guenther in the upcoming year,” Wiley said. The men’s side of the field events is dealing with several newcomers, such as David Hernández, who hails from McCollum High School in San Antonio. Kemuel Morales is the only man returning to the throws events. As a sophomore, he is the ranking throw specialist with one letter year under his belt. Hernández was recognized as the 4A state champion in 2005 in the discus throw and received a fifth-place rank for shot put. He was also named San Antonio Field Athlete of the Year in 2005, as chosen by the San Antonio Express-News. Another big man new to San Marcos will be Robert Melin. The 6-foot-6-inch freshman, who is bringing his talents all the way from Bottnaryd, Sweden, will be a much-needed boost to the throws squad. “Melin is a throwing monster who specializes in throwing ev-

erything but the kitchen sink,” Wiley said. One of the strongest areas of competition for the Bobcats has been pole-vaulting, led by Rebekah Vickers, who placed third at the SLC tournament. A new transfer from Texas Tech is Britni Lawrence, who earned the fifth overall ranking in the Big 12 Conference and is a two-time state champion from Hays High School in Buda. Dimitri Kabakov will be leading the way for the men’s pole vaulters as a 23-year-old freshman after serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Shane Stubblefield, a sophomore from Fredericksburg, will be stepping back onto the runway for this year’s competition as the senior pole-vaulter. Freshman Casey Cummings from Alvarado High School was a 4A runner-up with a mark of 16-4 at the state championship. “Every year, our goal is to be conference champions, and we have a young talented squad that is committed to going out and competing to the best of their ability,” Wiley said.

Indoor Track and Field Schedule/Spring 2006 Jan. 20 Texas Tech Invitational - Lubbock Jan.27-28 Pole Vault Summit - Reno, Nev. Jan. 28 Houston Indoor Classic - Houston Feb. 4 Houston Invitational - Houston Feb. 10-11 Tyson Foods Invitational - Fayetteville, Ark. Feb. 11 UH/Runsport All-Comers - Houston Feb. 17-18 SLC Indoor Championships - Houston March 3-4 Iowa State Last Chance - Ames, Iowa March 3 LSU Last Ditch - Baton Rouge, La. March 10 Texas State Open - San Marcos March 10-11 NCAA Indoor Championships - Fayetteville, Ark.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bobcats still out in the cold Men’s basketball looking for a leader in early conference play By Miguel Peña The University Star Texas State men’s basketball started its conference season the same way it started off the year, with a loss. The continuation of a losing effort lasted through the holidays with two high points, wins over UT-Tyler and UT-Pan American sandwiching their Dec. 22 loss to the Longhorns in Austin. Texas State sits with a 0-2 conference record on the books after falling to Lamar University in Beaumont and to UT-Arlington. The Bobcats traveled to Arlington on Jan. 12, where they fell by a 19-point margin to give the Mavericks an 83-64 victory. Three Texas State players earned double digits in the loss: junior forward JuShay Rockett (12), junior forward Charles Dotson (14) and freshman forward Jason Rogers (11). The 85-58 loss to Lamar University seemed be within the grasp of the Bobcats and Coach Dennis Nutt at halftime, when they led, 29-25, but the game slipped away from the ’Cats early in the second half. After tying it up at 31, Lamar was quick to light up the goals, going on a series of scoring streaks in the final 10 minutes of the game. Junior guard Lance Burroughs, who led the Bobcats in scoring with 15 points, was complemented by a strong performance by Dotson, who earned 11 points and 11 rebounds. “We have been rebounding well and running the court well, but the thorn in our sides has been turnovers. We have to maximize on every possession,” Nutt said. The Bobcats have been averaging 19 turnovers per game, leaving them with a –5.1 turnover margin. Texas State is averaging 14.5 assists per game, giving the team a 29/38 assist-to-turnover ratio. The team is also struggling on field goals, barely staying above 40 percent from the field. Junior guard Antwoine Blanchard, at 12-23, has the highest scoring average with a .522.

The team has been shooting 69 percent from the free-throw line, but Nutt said hopes to bring that percentage closer to 75. Senior guard Chris Langhorne, who sat out the first few games of the season, has been easing back into the rotation. His return is just in time for the bulk of the conference schedule. The team is currently getting the majority of its offense from Dotson and freshman guard Brandon Bush, with 92 points each on the season. “We are still looking for that one player who is going to step out and give us big offensive production on a consistent basis,” Nutt said. Bush also leads the team with points from the free-throw line at 21-30. Dotson’s efforts on the boards have given him a total of 63 rebounds, while Rockett leads the team with 72 boards. The junior transfer from Long Beach has also racked up 15 blocks on the season, while freshman Trevor Cook leads the team with 22. The big man in the middle has started nine games and is second in minutes played to Rockett, who has 305. “The younger players have a chance for some good outings, but they are also dealing with the inconsistency that comes along with getting adjusted to the competition early on,” Nutt said. The Bobcats have had only two losses by 10 points or less, a 69-75 loss to UT-Permian Basin on Nov. 23 and a 73-67 loss to Arkansas on Dec. 6. Their first of two wins came in a close game that could have gone either way. The Bobcats traveled to UTPA and edged out the Broncs with a 58-57 victory. Cook earned his first career double-double as the high man with 17 points and 10 rebounds. The second win for the Bobcats came against UT-Tyler on Dec. 30, earning Texas State its first win at Strahan Coliseum for the season. Langhorne kept the ball in rotation, earning six assists while shooting a perfect four-for-four from the field. Dotson led the team in scoring with 17 points and four

The University Star - Page C7

Spring Basketball Schedule Men’s Team Jan. 19 vs. SFA Jan. 21 vs. SHS Jan. 26 @ La. Monroe Jan. 28 @ Northwestern Feb. 2 vs. SELA Feb. 4 vs. Nicholls Feb. 8 @ Lamar Feb. 11 vs. McNeese Feb. 13 @ SELA

Spencer Millsap/Star file photo Chris Langhorne is just now getting back into the swing of things after sitting out the early part of the season with a leg injury. The junior guard will be taking aim for the Bobcats from all over the court as he gets used to the rigors of competition.

rebounds, while Rockett came up with nine rebounds and 14 points against the visiting Patriots. The Texas State offense has scored the majority of its points by way of perimeter shooting and decent midrange production. “We lost C.J. Webster, who added a good low block presence that we are missing,” Nutt said. Webster, who hasn’t played since the Bobcats’ Dec. 6 game against Arkansas, offered a legitimate wide-body presence. Standing at 6-foot-8-inches and 245 pounds, he managed to overpower several taller matchups at the low post.

It is the consistency in the paint and better ball control that will allow the Bobcats the time to set up higher percentage shooting. More productive possessions means less opportunities for opponents to run up the scoreboard with quick plays in transitions, which will allow the Bobcats to take a more territorial approach to the clock. Texas State is now in preparation for their upcoming game against Stephen F. Austin University on Thursday in their second of three consecutive home games, following the Monday night repeat effort versus the Broncos from UTPA.

Women’s Team Jan. 19 @ SFA Jan. 21 vs. SHS Jan. 26 vs. La. Monroe Jan. 28 vs. Northwestern Feb. 2 @ SELA Feb. 4 @ Nicholls Feb. 9 vs. Lamar Feb. 11 @ McNeese

Feb. 18 vs. UTSA

Feb. 18 @ UTSA

Feb. 23 @ SHS

Feb. 23 vs. SELA

Feb. 25 @ SFA

Feb. 25 vs. SFA

March 1 vs. Northwestern March 3 @ Nicholls March 6 SLC Tournament

Feb. 28 @ Northwestern March 3 vs. Nicholls March 6 SLC Tournament


sports snortsquotes from the sports world


“Oh, I like that middle linebacker that you got. He’s a hell of a player. He’s big, he’s fast, and he’s tough. I think he’d qualify to play for me.” — Buddy Ryan, former defensive coordinator for the 1985 Chicago Bears, on the recent attention to Brian Urlacher of the Bears, the NFL’s Defensive Player of the Year.

Tuesday, January 17, 2005 - Page C8

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Women’s basketball team finding their groove By Miguel Peña The University Star As the women’s basketball team burned its way through the early season schedule, it achieved the best opening win streak in Texas State history with a 7-0 record after the first three weeks of the season starting with a 77-69 victory over Oklahoma State, when the Bobcats traveled to Stillwater on Nov. 19. The ladies continued with six straight home wins before suffering their first loss of the season to South Dakota State on Dec. 16. The 67-51 loss was followed by another failing effort — this time to the University of Nebraska when the Bobcats scored a dismal 47 points to the Huskers who shelled out 97 points during 40 minutes of play. Before entering its conference schedule, Texas State improved its record to 9-3 with its only other loss coming by the hands of the Miners in a 76-63 loss at the University of Texas-El Paso. Joyce Ekworomadu and Tamara Thompson have been leading the way for the Bobcats from the paint, both with double-digit scoring averages and consistent rebounds night in and night out. “Joyce helps with rebounds and is the leading scorer on the team; right now we just have to improve on her

Danny Rodriguez/Star photo Head coach Suzanne Fox and assistant coach Patrick Henry looked on as the women’s team fell on its home court to the visiting Mavericks from UT-Arlington.

consistency,” said head coach Suzanne Fox. Ekworomadu is the leading scorer on the team with 185 points through 14 games, giving her just more than 13 points per game. She has also been busy on the boards earning 67 rebounds on the season, giving her the third most on the team. Thompson has only played in 12 games this season and only started in eight of those outings. She is second on the team in scoring with 172 while she is averaging just more than 14 points per game. “Tamara struggled a little against UTPA, but she is really playing the way we need her to on the court,” Fox said. “Her play has improved and will hopefully continue to progress.” Thompson’s ability to work the paint by pulling down 90 rebounds is second best on the team to Erica Putnam who has grabbed 97 on the season starting in all 14 games for the Bobcats. The junior forward has also earned 104 points with 21 assists and eight blocked shots. “This year, our coaches have driven me to be more intense on the court and work hard at practice every day,” Thompson said. The only other two players to start every game so far this season are the Hoffman twins, Jenna and Jeana, who have been earning the majority of their points from the perimeter and midrange. Jeana is the third-leading scorer on the team with 133 points on 41-101 shooting with 19 field goals coming from beyond the arch. Jenna has been starting at the point guard position all season distributing the ball to her teammates with a teamleading 51 assists and 82 points. “With Jenna running point, she isn’t scoring a lot, but she is giving us a high assist to turnover ratio and gives an equally strong effort on the defensive side,” Fox said. Another player of mention would be newcomer Ashley Leffingwell who is the fifth-leading scorer on the team putting down 31-82 from the field and 15-19 from the free-throw line, giving her a total of 95 points on the season. Fox led the Bobcats to a 2-0 start in conference play with wins over Sam Houston State and Lamar University,

both road games against former conference contenders. When Texas State returned home for its first conference game of the season on its home court, the team was met by a strong team from University of Texas-Arlington, who came to win. The Mavericks started the game early, playing hard working the glass and outhustling the Bobcats on both the defensive and offensive side of the ball. The Bobcats struggled from the field shooting 17-41 on their way to the second-worse defeat of the season as they fell with a final score of 88-54. Ekworomadu showed a lot of heart throughout the game hustling on both sides of the court and earning 17 points from the field and shooting 2-for-2 from three-point range, but it wasn’t enough in the end. Texas State was outworked from the field and on the glass as the Mavericks outrebounded the team by 47-21, adding to their total time of possession and ability to run the court. One might ask what the Bobcats have done to achieve the early success, but the proof is in the pudding as the ladies have put together a fast team that has been able to produce by way of its transition game while still managing to play strong halfcourt basketball. “The main thing for us is to come in every day and work hard at practice, then take that to the game and communicate while on the floor,” Jeana Hoffman said. Something that helps the women keep their game in perspective is breaking the game down into increments. “Our coach tells us to play fourminute games to help us keep focus on what we are doing on every possession,” Thompson said. According to Fox, the Bobcats have been dealing with matchup problems going into games with a size disadvantage, but they have found a way around that by playing hard position defense and concentrating on blocking out and hitting the boards. “Every game counts for one, and we get up for a lot of them no matter if they’re from far away or right next door,” Fox said.

Danny Rodriguez/Star photo Joyce Ekworomadu led the Bobcats on Thursday night when she scored 17 points, earned four rebounds with six assists and two blocked shots in a loosing effort against the visiting Mavericks from UT-Arlington in their first conference home game of the season.

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