01 27 2004

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Ad cam-pains

Men’s and Women’s basketball victorious over Lamar University/Sports/Page 10



Controversial ad not airing during the Superbowl/Opinions/Page 5



Bobcats eat Cardinals

New exhibit showcases everything murderful and mysterious/Trends/Page 6


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 44 www.universitystar.com

JANUARY 27, 2004


University continues search for provost Five finalists chosen; committee to decide on most qualified By Amber Conrad News Reporter

From engineering experts to zoologists, Texas State has selected five finalists for the provost and vice president of Academic Affairs position, which is scheduled to be filled by summer. The five finalists are Glen Hahn

Cope of the University of IllinoisSpringfield, Perry Moore of Wright State University, Neal Smatresk of the University of Texas-Arlington, Kweku Bentil of Indiana State University and Zulma Toro-Ramos of the University of New Haven. “The committee really wasn’t looking for specific fields and study areas,” said Eugene Bourgeois, provost search committee chair and history chair. “It did not matter to us what field of study the applicant was from, as long as he had that background of scholarly achievement. His specialty could be music, architec-

ture, anything as far as we were concerned.” Cope will be the first of the five applicants to be interviewed on campus. Cope has been professor and dean of the College of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Illinois-Springfield since 1996. She earned her doctorate. in public administration from Ohio State University. In her professional career she has focused on different aspects, budgetary processes and public affairs. She began in the state sector working as a program analyst in the


Michigan Department of Management and Budget, and as the budget analyst and acting budget director in the Michigan Department of Social Services. Cope spent two years as an associate professor in the department of public administration at The American University from 1987 to 1989. In 1981, she joined the University of Texas’ LBJ School of Public Affairs, where she ultimately served as associate dean from 1991 to 1996. In 1996, Cope became professor and dean in the College of Public Affairs and Administration at the

University of Illinois-Springfield, where she continues to work. Cope will visit Texas State Feb. 56 and will meet with various university officials, including the President’s Cabinet and the deans and department chairs. The university will welcome Moore Feb. 9-10 for his campus interview. Moore earned his doctoral degree in government at the University of Texas in 1975, and has served as the senior vice president at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, since 2002. Moore began at g See PROVOST, page 4

City Council reviews new amendments

cil members John Thomaides and Susan Narvaiz, directly addressed the matter of utilizing an outside attorney in ethics commission hearings. In their resignation letters, Tilka and Cauble cited doubts that City Attorney Mark Taylor was capable of advising both the ethics commission and the City Council simultaneously. By Daniel Mottola The proposed ordinance proNews Reporter vides for the automatic appointment of an outside attorney in The city’s cloudy ethics any ethics matter. atmosphere became a little Thomaides noted that the clearer Monday night after the city attorney’s contract is estabCity Council agreed to discuss lished and renewed by the three amendments to the ethics Council and for that reason he ordinance and appointed three or she shouldn’t be expected to new ethics review board mem- offer advisory opinions to a bers to restore a voting quorum. commission regarding the guilt The Ethics Review or innocence of a council memCommission investigation into ber. Mayor Robert Habingreither Later in the meeting, the and council member Bill Council unanimously approved Taylor’s votes on the an ordinance to appoint divisive disannexaan outside lawyer to tion ordinance was advise the ethics complicated by the review commission’s resignations of three investigation of the of the ethics commiscurrent complaint. sioners all filed with The second amendthe city attorney last ment brought forth by week. HABINGREITHER Thomaides and Nar“We will work vaiz pertained to comout way through it munication between a and the city will come council member havout better because that ing ethics complaints is what political conbrought against them troversy is all about, and commission memand that is what this bers hearing the comcountry is all about,” plaints. Habingreither said. The measure would Susan Tilka, forprohibit all communiNARVAIZ mer commission chair cation outside the and Texas State English lectur- ethics proceedings. er, and former commission Thomaides and Narvaiz said members Mary Cauble and the amendment was based on Regina Henderson, stated in their combined experience with their resignation letters that they city government during the past felt the commission did not several years. have the support of the City “These are some issues that Council. The two letters specifi- have been discussed by prevically mentioned the Council’s ous councils before,” Narvaiz refusal to appoint an outside said. “Mr. Thomadies and I felt attorney. it was a good time to have the The first of the proposed policy level discussion.” amendments to the city ethics g See COUNCIL, page 4 ordinance, introduced by coun-

Resignations from ethics board complicate already tense atmosphere

Andy Ellis/Star photo A local youth watches as a Phi Psi member loses control of the ball Sunday during a game that included the children of the Greater San Marcos Youth Council.

ASG addresses tuition increases By Amelia Jackson News Reporter The subject of tuition increases presented itself at the Associated Student Government meeting Monday. Jerry Parker, executive assistant and Senate clerk, voiced his concern about the tuition rates that have increased by 30 percent in the past four years. Parker spoke as a student and not from his official role in the President’s Cabinet. “I know tuition increases are necessary, but look at what has

happened in the past four years,” Parker said. “My biggest concern is: Where will enrollment be in five years?” He pointed out the possibility that increasing tuition could mean decreasing enrollment in the future and possibly lead to a much less educated population. “Students should understand there are student leaders interested in voicing the concerns of all students,” he said. Parker called on ASG to pave the way for other university student governments by standing up and saying some-

thing needs to be changed. “We all have the responsibility and opportunity to voice the concerns for students not here on Monday nights,” Parker said. “There are about 40 of us here representing 26,000.” He clarified he was bringing up the matter to raise student awareness, not to point fingers at responsible parties. Allen Goldapp, Campus Lighting and Safety Committee chair, spoke about the new committee’s first meeting. The committee is responsible for identifying places on campus

that could be improved by added lighting or new blue lights and ensuring safety, day and night, for faculty and students. Blue lights are a campus service many students are unaware of, Goldapp said. There are 30 to 40 lights placed strategically around campus and are designed with students’ safety in mind. The lights put a call to the police when the button is pushed. Expected response time is two to three

ships to 16 students entering the university this fall. “We are grateful for the foresight shown by the Terrys and the Terry Foundation in their support of higher education in Texas,” President Denise Trauth said in a press release. “We are proud to have Texas State selected to participate in one of the premier scholarship programs in the nation.” The Houston-based foundation, which will incorporate the University of Houston this

year as well, planned to integrate Texas State into its program in Fall 2005, but rushed the process after an initial tour of the campus, which included a meeting with Trauth. Ed Cotham, Terry Foundation president, said determinants in incorporating the foundation with the university were the school’s “excellent facilities” and overall campus beauty. “We were convinced that Texas State offers one of the very best educational experi-

ences in the state and deserved to be included in our program,” Cotham said. Mariko Gomez, Financial Assistance director, said the university’s reputation of having a “friendly, welcoming environment” was evident during the representatives’ visit. “Undoubtedly, the representatives were impressed with our academic programs as well as with our faculty,”

g See ASG, page 4

Texas State to receive Terry Foundation recognition

By Ryan Coggin News Reporter

Texas State will be included among four other state universities this fall as a recipient of scholarships awarded by the Terry Foundation to college freshmen. The Terry Foundation, the chief source of private scholarships at Texas A&M University and the University of Texas, responded to Texas State’s 32 financial aid nominations by awarding scholar-

g See SCHOLARSHIP, page 4


Amusements.............7 Classifieds...............9 Crossword.................7 Music/Arts...............8 News......................2-4 Opinions....................5 Sports......................10 Trends........................6

Today’s Weather

High: 56 Lo w : 30

AM Sun/PM Clear

Wind: From NW at 7 mph Precipitation: 0% Max. Humidity: 39% UV Index: 5 Moderate Wednesday’s Forecast Partly cloudy 60/46


2 - The University Star Admission is free.


Calendar of

EVENTS Wednesday

Texas State Alcohol and Drug Resource Center classes meet from noon-1 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 4-1.9. Pre-registration is required.

Saturday SWAT, the organization that provides free rides back to campus, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Sexual Assault & Abuse Services meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208.

SWAT operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Dealing with Dysfunctional Families meets at 5:15 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208.

Career Services offers a seminar to assist undecided students on discovering major and career goals at 5 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 5-7.1.

Career Services offers “Making Steps Into Human Resources,” at 6 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-15.1. Crosstalk meets at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater.


Southwestern Writers Collection presents “Texas As The Scene of The Crime” from 6-9:30 p.m. on the 7th floor of the Alkek Library.



Organizations with announcements in The Star from the fall semester must send new announcements for the spring.

Calendar Submission Policy Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Hours of Operation

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday - Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. noon - midnight Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk

Documentary retells story of Alamo battle

By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter

Students were given the opportunity Thursday to preview an American Experience documentary titled Remember the Alamo before the f i l m ’ s debut on NAVARRO PBS. T h e 1795-1871 film included interviews by historians and anthropologists including Texas State’s own Jesus “Frank” de la Teja. The documentary is a retelling of the famous story of the battle of the Alamo from the perspective of the Hispanic culture. It centers primarily around former San Antonio mayor, Jose Antonio Navarro. “Probably his single greatest feat is at the convention of 1845 because there is very serious debate to denying the Tejanos citizenship,” de la Teja said of Navarro. “They were going to be cast with the black population and the Indian population and left out of Texas citizenship. So he’s an important character, generally, not just for the Tejano population but one who doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves.” The film shows how Navarro was injured as a child. He more than made up for what he could not do physically by throwing him-

self into his studies. Navarro was not at the battle in 1836 when a Mexican army of 4,000 attacked the 200 volunteers defending the Alamo, but his influence was great nonetheless. “He not only participated in Texas’ separation from Spain during the Mexican war of independence and Texas’ separation from Texas Mexico in the Revolution, but he also participated through his sons in the separation of Texas from the United States in the Civil War,” de la Teja said. “Both his sons were Confederate officers. It just portrays the turbulent time that it was.” De la Teja was asked to interview for the film along with a number of other historians and anthropologists from across the country. “The cast of characters is, for the most part, credible,” de la Teja said. “There are always differences of opinion, especially of interpretation, and there are some things I wouldn’t have done the way he did. But I think the purpose of this film is to give you a sense of not only the native Tejano participation in the struggle for Texas independence but how they got there.” The viewing of the documentary took place in the Taylor-Murphy History Building after being moved, because of technical difficulties, from the Centennial Teaching Theater. The film’s director Joseph Tovares was also supposed to have been on campus for the event but a scheduling conflict prevented his appearance. Tovares is also the writer and producer of the film. The hour-long American Experience documentary will air Feb. 2 on PBS. De la Teja, as a historian, believes that Tovares could have covered more information in the documentary, but he understands that there is only so much that can be covered in such a short amount of time. Linda Sullivan, history senior, said she enjoyed the film despite some artistic camera angles. “The documentary was definitely trying to focus on the Tejano influence,” Sullivan said. “The names we remember are Travis and Bowie, but the names we often forget are the ones of Navarro and other Tejanos.”

News Briefs

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Fake guns find way to streets, have grave consequences

The mean streets of Philly have become a battleground for a new wave of weapons. Would-be thugs and gangsters have started arming themselves with guns that fire blanks. Police report the pistols look, feel and sound like the real thing. Capt. Gregory Malkowski of the Philadelphia police's gun-violence task force says police rushed to the scene of a reported shooting recently and discovered a teenager carrying a fake gun, which he had ordered on the Internet. The guns, which are legal to carry, cost less than a bullet-shooting firearm. Malkowski says police have information that indicates some robbers have taken to using the guns and some people flash the harmless gun to look cool. “This type of gun is going to be widespread,” he said. “I'm trying to get the word out because of how realistic this thing looks. You get guns that look realistic; it's unreal.” Police warn that poseurs face a potentially lethal encounter with a real shooter.

Links found between multiple sclerosis, sun, vitamin D Scientists have long suspected that sunshine and vitamin D may protect against the development of multiple sclerosis; now they have additional evidence. Oxford University researchers hypothesized that if solar radiation is protective, multiple sclerosis patients probably would have less solar exposure — and thus lower rates of skin cancer. They then examined skin cancer rates among more than 432,000 Oxford-area patients treated by England's National Health Service from 1963 to 1999. Among the more than 5,000 patients with MS, the prevalence of skin cancers was significantly lower than average. The authors suggested that a minimum amount of sun exposure might guard against the neurological disease, perhaps by damping down the immune system. The study, published in the February Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , follows a

report in the Jan. 13 issue of the journal Neurology that women who took vitamin D supplements of at least 400 international units per day reduced their risk of developing MS by as much as 40 percent. There are two basic ways to get vitamin D: by taking supplements or by exposure to sunshine, which helps the skin produce it.

Shareholders hold nominations over directors’ heads

WASHINGTON — The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed, in a regulation titled “Security Holder Director Nominations,” new rules to make corporate directors more accountable to shareholders through new nomination procedures. When the SEC proposes these things, there's always a comment period, when interested folks can opine on the proposal. Sometimes the responses come from pointy-headed academics not knowledgeable in the ways of the world. But one academic, Wendy Gramm, formerly chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and now director of the regulatory studies program at the Mercatus Center at suburban George Mason University, is wellversed in these issues. And Gramm thinks the new regulation is a bad idea: “While some boards of directors have acted contrary to the interests of shareholders” she wrote in her comments, “the SEC has provided no quantitative or even qualitative data to support its assertions that this problem of misalignment (of interests of the board and the shareholders) is widespread enough to warrant a federal regulation or that the proposed rule will address the problem.” One can only hope the SEC listens to Gramm, since she is well-versed in the failure of corporate boards to represent shareholder interests. She joined the Enron Board of Directors in 1993 — after helping draft new CFTC rules that exempted some of Enron's more creative dealings from regulation. She also served on its famous audit committee. From 1996 until its demise, Enron donated $50,000 to the Mercatus Center. Briefs are from wire reports.


Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Environmentalists ask for students’ support for bill By Kirsten Crow News Reporter Advocates from local environmentalist organization Texas Public Interest Research Group were present on campus Thursday and Friday to draw support from students to pass a bill requiring 10 percent of Texas’ energy to be derived from renewable resources by 2015. TexPIRG, a coalition of nonprofit groups and a part of the Solar Austin Campaign, sent advocates as a campaign for “citizen outreach.” The advocates encouraged students to become members by donating to the organization. “In general, the student population is more progressive with environmental issues,” said Jason Tipton, TexPIRG citizen outreach director. TexPIRG has traveled across the state to stimulate what Tipton described as a “grassroots campaign.” Aside from college campuses, TexPIRG advocate Luke Metzger said the group has been going to other public places such as libraries and grocery stores to obtain citizen collaboration. “This is definitely a grassroots effort,” Tipton said. “We’re building public support, encouraging public comment and lobbying public policy makers and officials.” Metzger said the prospects for achieving a 10 percent renewable energy rate in Texas are “very good,” citing Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s campaign promise of passing a bill requiring 10 percent renewable energy sources. Aside from Dewhurst’s pledged support, Metzger said the time to push the bill is now, while circumstances are unique. “The Public Utility Commission is up for review by the Sunset Commission,” he said. “Historically speaking, this is a grand opportunity to move forward with this policy.” Texas is slated as the potential national clean energy leader because of its surplus of wind and solar capital, Metzger said. He also said that Texas has the technology to efficiently convert solar and wind into electricity — not just for Texas — but for other states. “We have a great deal of energy experience here,” Metzger said. “We can use our wind and sun to power our own homes, but we can also export those resources to other states.” Texas has already begun the shift to renewable

resources. In 1999, TexPIRG endorsed a bill that was passed by then-Gov. Bush to require a 3 percent renewable energy rate. Austin Energy, Austin’s municipal utility, is also taking steps to create cleaner energy options by announcing their goal of a 20 percent renewable resource rate by 2020 and publishing Silver in the Mine. Michael Osborne, author of Silver in the Mine, was hired to write about the energy outlook of Austin’s future. Osborne’s book suggests that in the future, 80 percent of Austin’s energy could be drawn from renewable resources. Although Texas has begun making energy reforms, oil companies are seeking the state for four new coal-fired plants and oil drilling at Padre Island National Seashore. According to the Web site, TexPIRG (www.texpirg.org/energy) Texas drew 49 percent of electricity from natural gas/oil, 10 percent from nuclear power and 2 percent from renewable resources. In a post-9/11, post-Iraqi war era, the need to find other sources of energy other than foreign oil is absolutely critical, Metzger said. “Foreign policy has an unending need to secure foreign energy,” he said. “It’s very misguided because we are capable of engineering our own energy right here at home.” Metzger believes that by producing its own clean energy, Texas would not only protect the environment from pollution, but would also safeguard the nation from foreign price spikes and terrorism. He also thinks it would lead to independent foreign policy. According to a Public Citizen/SEED Coalition study, clean energy would have other benefits in addition to less dependence on Middle-Eastern oil and pollution reduction. The study said a switch to more renewable energy sources would also create 20,000 jobs, $30 million a year in lease payments to farmers and ranchers and $200 million in revenue for schools and hospitals. Metzger encouraged students interested in supporting the cause to contact Dewhurst and become a member of TexPIRG. “This semester is a prime time for students to be involved with environmental activism,” he said. “Putting in a few hours now could pay off for the environment in the future.”

Calling all Methodists

Welcome back dinner

Career Services takes steps toward human resources

By Julie Suenram News Reporter

Career Services will host a workshop titled “Making Steps into Human Resources,” featuring a Texas State alumna as guest speaker on Wednesday. Lomisa Talbot graduated in December 1999 with a management degree. She will discuss what human resources is, all it encompasses and how to get a job in the industry. The presentation will take place at 6 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-15.1. “I am going to try to talk to a wide audience as far as where they are coming from and maybe some of the things they want to look at,” Talbot said. “It would help their focus if they wanted to go toward this career path instead of revamp-

The University Star - 3

ing their whole degree.” LaTonya Croskey, Career Services adviser, said the event was spurred by the amount of inquiries about the human resources industry, which involves, but is not limited to, the hiring and firing of employees, salary and employee relations. It is also found in almost every industry. Talbot began working at LaQuinta Inn and is now working for First Mark Credit Union. “Human resources is everywhere and that is the beauty of this industry,” Talbot said. “My job is so flexible that they always need HR in any line of work. To me that’s job security, and my skills are relevant no matter what industry I go into.” Texas State does not offer a degree in human resources. Talbot will discuss dif-


ferent paths and courses that students can take through the different colleges. She also stressed the importance of part-time jobs and internships. “I see that they have worked through college, that they were able to juggle a stressful college schedule and some sort of job,” Talbot said. “And I can understand that they can be pulled in several different ways. Your professor might want something completely opposite from what your boss wants.” The presentation is open to all students and is not geared toward a specific degree. “The best position that a student wants to find himself in is one where opportunity meets preparation,” Croskey said. “It is another chance to be prepared for those opportunities they will encounter.”

Andy Ellis/Star photo The sign at the intersection of Aquarena and Sessom drives was finally changed to accomodate the name change.

ASG: Pride and tradition among various issues discussed g Cont. from page 1

minutes. The committee is also looking at the design and landscape of the campus and how that relates to safety, Goldapp said. He clarified a brightly lit area isn’t necessarily a safe one because lower lighting increases the distance lighted. The committee is looking at the lighting policies of the University of Cincinnati and University of Oregon for comparison. ASG President Ernie Dominguez reported that the search for a new provost has been narrowed to five candidates. There are four upcoming dates for students to meet the candidates, all from 8:309:30 a.m., on February 6, 10, 12 and 17. Students who are interested need to e-mail Dominguez at ErnieDominguez@txstate.edu and

tell him of their intent to attend the meetings. More information about the candidates and selection process is located at www.provost.txstate.edu. The Pride and Traditions task force of ASG is working with the university to bring back The Pedagog, the university yearbook. “Because important things happened this year and important people were lost; it is important to have a record of this year,” Dominguez said. Students interested in the yearbook can contact ASG. Students repeating classes for the third time or more will now be required to pay outof- state tuition rates. This is because the university will not receive formula funding for these students after a law passed in the last section of the Texas Legislature.

ASG Vice President Justin McGarry reported the intercampus tram system will begin running in late February or early March. The plans were initially finalized without complying with the American Disabilities Act and had to be revamped, causing delay in the implementation of the program. A resolution that calls for and identifies the duties of the Senate Treasurer was also passed. There are 10 remaining seats to be filled in ASG and officials are hoping to receive more applications soon. A temporary member of ASG was in attendance at Monday night’s meeting. A

wooden cow wearing boxer shorts and a Bobcats T-shirt with a pom-pom tail sat in on the meeting. Senate Pro Tempore Chris Jones was voted Bobcat Fanatic of the week and is required to carry the cow with him to all classes and school meetings until the next home game. “It’s speaking to the pride and tradition of the university,” Jones said. McGarry expressed his hopes for a new semester of student government. “It’s great to have everyone back and I am looking forward to a productive semester,” he said. “We really have a lot to do.”


4 - The University Star

PROVOST: Search committee given tough decision in filling position g Cont. from page 1

Wright State in 1974 as an assistant professor of political science and gradually advanced in position until he became provost in 1998. As provost, Moore acted as chief operating officer by supervising all vice presidents, deans, the university librarian and the athletics director. His current position as senior vice president focuses on the university’s external relations. Moore continues to oversee broad issues within the university that cross divisional lines. Wright University is a doctoral-granting institution that contains approximately 16,000 students, with 2,200 full-time employees and a budget of about $300 million. It contains 11 colleges and schools, including a school of medicine. “I have developed and implemented university strategic plans and campus master plans, as well as enrollment, marketing and technology plans,” Moore told the Provost Search Committee in September. “My success rests on a capacity to lead numerous and sometimes conflicting constituencies to mutually acceptable solutions. This approach has worked well in maintaining effective relations with the university’s faculty senate and staff councils.” Moore also believes that his sense of humor and ability to laugh at himself have assisted in his efforts. Smatresk earned his doctorate in zoology from the University of Texas. After a National Institute of Health Postdoctoral Trainee term at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, he began work at the University of Texas-Arlington in 1982. Smatresk was the chair of UTA’s biology department from 1994 to 1998, at which time he was promoted to the position of

College of Science dean. In serving as chair and dean, Smatresk focused on fund-raising and program development within his department. “While I enjoy my current success as dean of science, I am interested in assuming an appointment of greater responsibility with a wider range of challenges,” Smatresk told search committee members in October. “Thus, I welcome the opportunity to translate my skills into service as an effective administrator and visionary leader dedicated to building a premier institution that serves the needs of its students, faculty and the greater community.” Smatresk will be on campus Feb. 11-12 for interviews with university officials and campus community members. Bentil, the fourth member of the provost finalists, will visit Texas State Feb. 16-17. He is currently serving his eighth year as a dean, having served as associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and dean of the Graduate School at Southern University-Baton Rouge, and then as the dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Indiana State University since 2002. He earned his doctorate in civil engineering from the University of Florida in 1990 and went on to hold several engineering and management positions in the private sector with Parsons Brinckerhoff, Tudor & Bechtel Corporation, MCAP Inc., Hanscomb & Associates and The Polote Corporation. In 1985 he joined the faculty at the University of Florida as an associate professor then went on to chair the department of construction management at the University of Washington before joining SUBR in 1996. “Along with my academic and administrative accomplishments, I have also been very active in advancing campus diversity and global education,” Bentil said. “At Southern University, I devel-

oped and successfully piloted a creative recruitment strategy to enable the university meet a federal government mandate to desegregate that campus.” Toro-Ramos, who has a doctoral degree. in industrial and systems engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, will visit the campus Feb. 18-19. In 1988 she joined the faculty at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, working in the university’s industrial engineering department. Toro-Ramos then spent a year as an industrial engineering professor at the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico, and re-joined the faculty at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez in 1992. While there she served as industrial engineering chair, graduate studies director and associate dean for Academic Affairs, acting dean of the College of Engineering and chancellor. She currently is dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of New Haven. Each provost finalist will give a public presentation titled “The Role of a Provost in Enhancing Texas State as a Doctoral Intensive University” from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. on the last days of his or her stay in the LBJ Student Center. “The applicant will actually address the audience, and give a presentation on the role of a provost,” Bourgeois said. “Then following that talk, we will allow the audience to ask the candidate questions about their presentation or some other aspect of their candidacy.” The search committee stresses the attendance and participation of the campus community. Decisions are based in part on the feedback from the students and staff, and responses are encouraged from anyone who is present at these discussions, Bourgeois said. Evaluation forms will also be available for commentary.

SCHOLARSHIP: Foundation rewards outstanding students g Cont. from page 1

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Gomez said. “When coupled with outstanding student services and programming, (this is) a win-win situation for all involved.” The Student Financial Aid office, which is acting as liaison between the school and the program, will determine the amount of aid given to students eligible for the scholarships. Gomez said Student Financial Aid will work with the University Honors Program, Career Services and Residence Life to ensure a balanced environment for each scholar. “This has catapulted us into an enviable position,” Gomez said of the scholarship program. “(It) has given us an opportunity to develop truly collaborative programs between the academic side of the house and the Student Affairs side.” The Terry Foundation, established in 1986 by Howard and Nancy Terry, lists leadership, academic excellence and financial need as criteria

considered during selection. Recipients may have cost of tuition, books, on-campus room and board and various expenses waived for as many as eight semesters at the discretion of the foundation’s board of directors. James Studer, Student Affairs vice president, said in a press release that contributors such as the Terry Foundation are becoming “increasingly important” as higher education costs in Texas continue to rise. “We applaud the Terry Foundation for its commitment to make the dream of a college education a reality for outstanding Texas students and their families,” he said. Applications for students interested in the program are available in the Student Financial Aid office, located in in the J.C. Kellam Administration Building, Room 240. The Terry Foundation will not accept applications directly from students. Its Web site can be accessed at www.terryfoundation.org.

COUNCIL: Amendments focus on ethics review commission g Cont. from page 1

However, in Tilka’s letter of resignation she referred to anger that had been directed toward the commission members. Cauble and Henderson’s resignation letters also contain statements about threatening and unprofessional behavior on the part of the mayor in his communications to the ethics commission. In Habingreither’s Jan. 11 letter to the ethics commission, he discusses Tilka’s status as a non-tenured lecturer, who must be reappointed every academic year. Later, the mayor mentioned serious personal issues between he and Tilka as well as a strong and personal dislike Tilka had for him. Habingreither also alleges that Tilka referred to him with highly distasteful profanities in

conversations with Texas State students and community members. Tilka has declined to comment about the allegations. The final amendment addressed the idea that the ethics review commission could be used as a political tool to lash out against individual council members. No restriction would be placed upon the filing of ethics complaints, however the commission could not convene to hear a complaint within 60 days of an election. When the council was asked to approve the amendments on an emergency vote, the mayor refused. “You have to see those things in writing and you have to have time to digest them,” Habingreither said. “Anything that I have seen that has been put through on an emergency

vote usually has ulterior motives or reasons for it.” Although Habingreiether left the room during tonight’s ethics commission appointments he expressed displeasure toward some of the Council’s choices. “I watched the TV in the back and I saw a couple of them that I just didn’t feel comfortable with, but its not my decision, I had to step out of it,” Habingreither said. Narvaiz, who will be challenging Habingreither in the upcoming election, said she thought holding elected officials and appointed officials accountable. “I think what we’ve done tonight shows citizens that the majority of the Council does support them and the role that they play and that we believe that this is an important process,” Narvaiz said.

Los Angeles federal judge says part of USA Patriot Act unconstitutional By David Rosenzweig Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES — A provision of the USA Patriot Act that makes it illegal to give “expert advice or assistance” to foreign terrorist organizations has been declared unconstitutional by a Los Angeles federal judge. In a ruling issued late Friday and made public Monday, U.S. District Judge Audrey B. Collins said the language in the law was so vague that “it could be construed to include unequivocally pure speech and advocacy protected by the First Amendment.” The Washington-based Center for Constitutional Rights, which brought the legal challenge, said it was he first time that any part the sweeping, post9/11 anti-terrorism law had been declared unconstitutional. Passed overwhelmingly by Congress, the Patriot Act contains more than 300 pages of amendments giving sweeping powers to law-enforcement authorities. Since then, the act has come under increasing attack from a variety of quarters, from civil libertarians to librari-

ans and politicians. A spokesman for Attorney General John Ashcroft said an appeal was being considered. The center filed its lawsuit on behalf of two individuals and five organizations that support the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, in Turkey and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or LTTE, in Sri Lanka. Both groups were designated as terrorist by the State Department in 1997. The American plaintiffs in the lawsuit said they were interested only in providing humanitarian aid to the two groups, including advocating on their behalf before Congress and the United Nations and helping them with various nonviolent economic, social and educational programs. “Our clients sought only to support lawful and nonviolent activity, yet the Patriot Act draws no distinction whatsoever between expert advice in human rights, designed to deter violence, and expert advice on how to build a bomb,” said David Cole, an attorney with the center and a Georgetown University

law professor. In a 36-page opinion, Collins concurred, saying that “the USA Patriot Act places no limitation on the type of expert advice and assistance which is prohibited, and instead bans the provision of all expert advice and assistance, regardless of its nature.” The Justice Department denied that the law was vague. It contended in court papers that the Patriot Act does not bar advocacy on behalf of terrorist groups, but that other forms of support are clearly prohibited. The contested portion of the law bars anyone from knowingly providing material support or resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Material support and resources are defined as money, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safe houses, false documents, communication equipment, weapons, explosives, personnel and transportation. Medicines and religious materials are specifically exempt. Violators can be imprisoned for as long as 15 years or face life imprisonment if their activities cause a death.

OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487


THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

CBS refuses to air commercial, seems biased

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Page 5



he political organization MoveOn put out a call to Americans in October to create a 30-second advertisement exposing President Bush’s policy failures. Once all entries were in, a panel of politically-active, anti-Bush celebrities collaborated and chose the top entries in several different categories including Best Animated Ad, Funniest Ad and Overall Best Ad. The Overall Best Ad winner was intended to air on CBS during the Super Bowl and get MoveOn’s point out to an estimated 90 million viewers. However, MoveOn’s efforts were squelched when CBS refused to air the

ad. CBS representatives said that it is their policy to reject airing ads with controversial messages. They also rejected an ad from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals whose ad featured an insinuation that eating meat causes impotence. Granted, CBS has the right to refuse any advertisement it wants, especially since it will be directly represented during such a highly-rated event as the Super Bowl, but why would it reject an ad denouncing the Bush administration when it has already planned to air an ad for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy?

this is the same CBS that has lobbied hard and will benefit from recent changes by Congress in Federal Communications Commission restrictions on the ownership of local TV stations.” This FCC rule change was maligned by Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle as “a special interest giveaway that harms the national interest.” In the end, CBS has the right to air whatever it chooses. However, it is a shame that a national network could claim that it is balanced while allowing one side to post its propaganda and not allowing the other.

Some may remember ads from last year’s Super Bowl from the same group that were quite controversial and featured teens admitting to drug use and, in turn, supporting international terrorism. If CBS claims it wants to avert controversy, why would it accept an ad from an agency that ran controversial ads in the past and reject one from another group with a different, but not necessarily as radical, position? “It seems to us that CBS simply defers to those it fears or from who it wants favors, in this case the Bush White House,” said Eli Pariser, campaign director for MoveOn.org. “And

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to Star_Letters@yahoo.com. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All emails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Atkins should take lessons in nutrition Remember that little food pyramid we learned about in grade school? We were supposed to learn the nutritional value of each food group and we were supposed to eat a certain amount from each one. But I remember staring at that huge chunk at the bottom filled with bread and pasta, and wondering why I had to eat like a fodder-eating work animal. It seems the idea of “carbohydrates = bad” Kimberley Hardin is not an uncommon one. Star Columnist The explosion of the Atkins diet (aka Zone, Protein Power, Sugar Busters and Stillman diet) has created an anti-carbohydrate attitude in the United States. Popular restaurants such as Subway and TGI Friday’s have created “Atkins-approved” menus. But does the popularity of this diet represent its health value? As I’m sure you know, the Atkins diet involves restricting high-carbohydrate foods and concentrating on proteins. This means that the diet eliminates such foods as bread, pasta, even fruits and vegetables, and promotes large intakes of eggs, cheese, bacon and other meat. According to an Atkins diet review at www.leonardfitness.com, this diet works on the principle of ketosis, “a process by which excess body fat is burned as fuel, resulting in a rapid weight reduction.” Basically, your body is feeding off itself. So how healthy is this new health fad? The American Heart Association Web site reports that high-protein foods are usually high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Eating nothing but meat, eggs and cheese for a long period of time raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and several types of cancer. If that doesn’t convince you, think about this: An article on MSN Health states that in addition to the health risks I’ve mentioned, eating a highprotein diet can also cause bad breath and body odor. Our bodies excrete toxic substances. This happens because excessive amounts of meat take a long time to digest. So, this surplus of meat is just sitting in our intestines, putrefying and decaying, and causing our breath to smell bad, our sweat to smell bad and our bowels to smell extra bad. So what is healthy? There are two different types of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates — sugar and other concentrated sweeteners, alcohol and white flour — are absorbed quickly, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar level. In response, our bodies secrete insulin to lower our blood sugar back to normal. Eating too much of these foods creates chronically elevated insulin levels which accelerate the conversion of calories to fat, raise cholesterol, along with other harmful effects. However, complex carbohydrates — whole wheat, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, all the things Atkins says are bad — are rich in fiber, which slows their absorption. WebMD says that because they are absorbed slowly, our blood sugar does not elevate and our bodies do not need to produce more insulin. Eating right isn’t about eliminating one food group or another. It’s about eating the right amount from each food group, adding at least one fruit or vegetable to each meal and staying active. Creating a healthy eating lifestyle when we’re young could save us from a lot of health problems in the future. Hardin is a mass communication junior

The University Star 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487; Fax: (512) 245-3708

ADD scare tactics get people’s attention

I’m sure you can imagine, atten- AdultADD.com Always anxious to see what’s tive readers, how shocked I was this week when it was revealed to me really behind such Lynch-esque fear that I may have the symptoms of mongering, I went expediently to the adult attention deficit disorder. And site. There I found Ann again — the although I can already hear the cho- friendly face of adult ADD, evidently — and a self-report rus of shock that this screener of which curiosannouncement sends up, I have to admit that Nate Hendrix ity obliged me to take. The screening test it’s true — at least contained a few incrediaccording to Eli Lilly & bly general questions. Co. Do I often procrastinate? Let me explain: Not Do I usually fidget when too long ago, I was I have to sit for extended watching TV when I periods of time? How saw an ad that piqued often do I have trouble my attention. It features Star Columnist staying organized? This a woman sitting in a struck me as less of an meeting at the end of a long table, at the other end of which adult ADD screener and more of a drones some faceless suit. The cam- screener for university students. I answered the questions as truthera zooms in close on her face, capturing her increasingly uncomfort- fully as I could and I answered able expression. The woman, whose “rarely” only to the question “How name is Ann, is having trouble con- often do you have problems rememcentrating. Disparate images begin bering appointments or obligaflashing across the screen: a birthday tions?” With the responses to a mere party, an angry parental lecture from six questions, the Web site respondher childhood, a person in a rabbit ed that I have symptoms that may suit. Ominous music begins as the indicate the odious presence of adult narrator says, “What if this was your ADD; they were ready to prep me mind? ... (it’s) like the channel keeps for my doctor’s visit where I would changing in your mind and you don’t be promptly medicated. The whole experience at have control of the remote.” As the music reaches a crescendo and AdultADD.com struck me as the shrieking violins enter into the mix, pharmacological equivalent of a the camera cuts back to the board- horoscope: Widely applicable quesroom where the man at the end of the tions were asked and answers that table asks, “What do you think, Ann? favored the answerer given. Beneath the shiny, easy-to-navi... Ann?” At the end, the deeply uncomfortable viewer is directed to gate veneer of the Web site, I found

Editor In Chief............................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.....................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor.........................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.....................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor......................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor.........Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Assistant Entertainment Editor..............Jeff Greer, jg1201@txstate.edu Photo Editor..................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.........Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Calendar of Events...........Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu

The thesis of these ADD scare tactics is one that favors institutions far too much to the detriment of humanity.

something much less innocuous than the silliness of the test. First, I have to say that I didn’t appreciate Eli Lilly & Co.’s pushing me out the door and on to my doctor without so much as mentioning possible mitigating factors such as diet or want of exercise. But push they did, and ceaselessly at that. After the dubious results of my test had come back, one of the first things shown on the site was a graphic with the heading, “Preparing for your doctor visit.” When I clicked to see what they’d have me do to prepare, they gave me a list of questions with the instructions to print them out and show them to my doctor. They were clearly eager to free me of this scourge. Most disturbingly, the symptoms they say characterize adult ADD did not strike me as anything but temperamental characteristics that would make somebody unfit for certain occupations. The antithesis of these characteristics, though, is downright ghastly: A world where every bit of minutiae is neatly filed away and the highest priority — order — crushes the spirit of any

who don’t march in time. Adolph Hitler, you will remember, kept the trains running with unflagging punctuality. The massive surge in the diagnoses of ADD largely represents a sinister way of maintaining the ideological status quo at the cost of human nature. When children are constantly stimulated by television and high-sugar foods and adults are constitutionally unfit for sedentary office jobs seek “respectable” employment therein, it’s big business that benefits. When those same people are medicated to make them better fit in this system, the benefit is doubled. There’s a healthy balance between responsibility and adventure, and finding that is a sort of freedom. The thesis of these ADD scare tactics is one that favors institutions far too much to the detriment of humanity. It is for that reason that this columnist won’t be seeing his doctor regarding this topic to which he’s devoted so much precious and waning attention. Hendrix is an English senior

Advertising Graduate Asst...........Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager........Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord...........Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright January 22, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


Trendy Thoughts

“Yes I did, but I’m still smoking. Next year is the final deadline to stop, before graduation.” — Ashley Workman English/philosophy senior

“I’m starting today to stop drinking and smoking. I need to leave the partying to the weekends only.” — Andrew Green psychology junior

Page 6 — Tuesday, January 27, 2004

“Yes I did make a resolution, and no I didn’t keep it. (As he holds his cigarette in the air.) — Eric Kuykendall finance junior

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Did you keep it?

Whodunit? Joe Lansdale

“The butler did it” is not a phrase you’ll hear exclaimed in any mystery novel set in Texas. And that’s what the Southwestern Writers Collection is bringing to campus with “Scene of the Crime,” an exhibit that centers on the sleuth-centered. The exhibit, on display until Feb. 29, features manuscripts and memorabilia from several mystery/detective writers. As part of the exhibit, SWC is presenting a panel discussion with four of the state’s popular novelists — Susan Wittig Albert, Joe Lansdale, Rick Riordan and Mary Willis Walker. They will discuss how Texas makes for a rather distinct setting in novels. The panel discussion takes place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Special Collection on the 7th Floor of the Alkek Library. An hors d’oeuvre reception will take place before the discussion at 6 p.m., with a book signing afterward at 8:30 p.m. Admission is free.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2004


The 4th Dimension

The University Star - 7

By Nick Tracy...

Slang for the week stage presence (noun): A code word for your or someone else’s privates, your unmentionables, etc., when they are obviously showing in a public place. Example: Did you see that guy’s stage presence in class? He should be in porn! That girl’s pants were so tight you could see her stage presence.

“Run, Gingerbreadman, run. Run as fast as you can.”

Yes, yes. We know The Star Web site was rather unreliable last semester, but we promise things will go better this semester. Check us out at www.UniversityStar.com ... soon.


Titus takes the stage

8 - The University Star

Ivan Lozano/Special to The Star A scene from Titus Andronicus, in its latest performamce at the Austin Shakespeare Festival on Friday.


AUSTIN — More then 400 years after his death, Shakespeare is so deeply a part of culture in the English-speaking world that I would say his works are our culture’s own, rather than his; that is, like myths, they change with the times and no longer strictly represent his initial intentions. The way that his 1593 play Titus Andronicus has recently come back into fashion is a perfect example of this principle. In the past decade, this story has been revised into a musical, a B-movie slasher and an artistic, masterful feature film. The latter, Julie Taymor’s Titus, was released in 1999 and has had the most notable influence on Elena Manuela Araoz’s recent production of the play for the Austin Shakespeare Festival. Araoz’s rendition begins with an incredibly imaginative sequence representing the war with the Goths, which has just ended as the play begins. In this sequence, the stage lights are dim enough that the viewer can just barely make out the forms of the actors. At the cue of a single actor’s hissing breath, the other players shift positions suddenly, eventually going from the writhing forms of battle to a swaying mass meant to indicate the people of Rome. From this group leaps Saturninus, the

now deceased emperor’s eldest son, who addresses the crowd and claims that it is his birthright to succeed his father’s place on the throne. With a shout and a sudden turn of the Romans, Bassianus, the emperor’s other son, leaps from the opposite side and makes his claim to the throne. The choreographic eye that so informs the opening sequence can be seen throughout the play’s entirety, especially in the segues between scenes. These transitions largely function as a means of setting the stage, and are made necessary by the minimalist approach taken — something the Austin Shakespeare Festival calls its “Bare Bard” interpretation. At its best, this minimalism manifests itself as a resourcefulness that draws visible connections between different parts of the play. Araoz says that the decision was made “to cut all the fake blood ... (from) Shakespeare’s bloodiest play” in order to focus the audience on “the reactions to violence and not the violence itself.” In its place are stylized elements such as glitter, lace and feathers; the effect is more cerebral than visceral. In what I believe is this principle’s most well-considered application, the red sand spread by mute Lavinia to identify her assailants becomes a pool of blood surrounding slain Goth queen Tamora and Lavinia

herself several scenes later. The costumes, on the other hand, were a less satisfying example of minimalism; while I enjoyed the Taymor-inspired Saturninus’s leather pants and black, rhinestoned shirt, the other costumes left me wanting more. The actors, though, love what they are doing and this is evident by their performances; the acting is energetic and appropriate to the tone of the play. Especially good were the performances of Harvey Guion as the title character Titus Andronicus, and Patricia Pearcy as the malicious seductress Tamora. The Austin Shakespeare Festival began in 1985 with the mission to provide the public with highquality interpretations of Shakespearean plays “that both entertain and stimulate” and “build a strong bridge between the classical theatre and the truly popular theatre of our own time.” They are one of only a handful of companies that continue to put on completely free, outdoor Shakespeare performances with their annual “Shakespeare Under the Stars.” The Austin Shakespeare Festival performs year-round and offers discounted student admission to most of its indoor performances. More information about the group and upcoming performances can be found at www.austinshakespeare.org.

DJ Lewis rocks Sake on Sixth

Tuesday, January 27, 2004


AUSTIN — An Austin crowd welcomed Dallas house producer and DJ Demarkus Lewis Saturday at Sake on Sixth. The Feedback magazine-sponsored patio event drew a crowd of a little more than 100 people, despite storm clouds and flood warnings. The rain stopped about 30 minutes before the opener hit the deck, and the locals soon had the dance floor generating plenty of body heat. Sake is a unique venue, offering a full sushi bar inside and signature drink, the Sake Bomb. JScro, or Jeff Scroggin, managed the difficult opening spot with ease, pulling the women onto the dance floor toward the end of his set. Coy West stoked the fire, priming the inferno that would later ignite under Lewis’ skills. After West took the headphones, the bodies flocked to the dance floor, drawn by his house sound that clubbers love. Lewis began with a bevy of vocal tracks, calming the mood West had started, then found Andy Ellis/Star photo his groove 45 minutes into his set. Demarkus Lewis invigorated bodies and minds Saturday From that point, there was no turning back. Patrons were soon pouring sweat and pop- night at Sake on Sixth. ping dance moves; even the wallflowers were bobbing their heads. a good party.” “Demarkus ripped it up, plain and simple,” said While Feedback delivered a bumping event as Dustin Kinney, or Kadabra, electronic media jun- usual, the venue owners were unprepared for the ior. “He’s one of the few house DJs who can get crowd and could have increased revenue and satisaway with playing house as deep as he does and faction with a larger staff and more supplies. It not bore the crowd. It was well worth the $7 took more than 15 minutes for sushi eaters to cover.” receive menus or service and the bar ran out of Lewis, a Dallas native, is best known for his Bud Light and Shiner Bock. production work and cultivation of the Dallas However, the music soon had critics forgetting house sound. In an interview with Feedback mag- about anything other than the sound. azine in April 2003, he commented on his favorite Lewis played a mixture of records and CDs and part of the night as a DJ. the bass in the night drew curious Sixth Street par“(I enjoy) the feeling I get when I drop a record tygoers to the back gate to see what was happenand people completely feel where I’m going with ing at Sake on Sixth. that record,” he said. The night was a success, with Lewis ending at It is safe to say the crowd was feeling Lewis 3 a.m. to a packed dance floor that was definitely Saturday night. not ready to quit. Feedback publisher, promoter and DJ Damon Scroggin and West will be opening for Williams was excited after house aficionado Lewis DoubleDown’s Dizzy Feb. 7 in another Feedbackthrew down an out-of-character track. sponsored party at Caucus Club. “We got Demarkus playing techno,” Williams For more information on the show or upcoming said from a packed dance floor. “You know this is events, log on to www.feedbackmagazine.com.

DiFranco shows listeners the light “School is in session, get your of a loveless relationship of oblichin off your desk,” she chides gation. “I am tired of being your with fingernails-on-chalkboard savior … I could never need to be subtlety. DiFranco’s alone … as much as you class, “Indie Rock need your queen.” Badass 101,” is now in music Ouch. “The True Story of session, so pay atten- R E V I E W tion. This is the mesWhat Was” is a beauti«««« fully crafted piece of sage of the album’s Ani DiFranco musical poetry that title track, “Educated Educated Guess muses about truth and Guess,” which finds Rightous Babe the mind’s ability to her lecturing on the warp our memories, paltry state of musical creativity and fickle nature fanati- obscuring truth. This song is a cism. sure-fire tearjerker for anyone in “I have something sweet for the process of getting over someyou,” she tempts, “and I don’t one: “Words that fill me quickly, care if it’s more than you deserve.” The song’s crystal- and then are slow to clear guitar sounds frame the drain/Dialogues that dither down poetry of her lyrics and the quickly, the way it likes to rain.” quirky, falsetto harmonies that Each line is an intimate glimpse into the mind of a torpeek through. The album’s opening poem, mented soul who has given up “Platforms,” foreshadows the hope of reconciliation and has melancholy yet resilient tone of only the gradual process of healthe rest of the album. DiFranco ing to look forward to. “Bodily” speaks of pain and loss, mourn- opens up with a dark, Metallicaing and torment, and the esque guitar riff, but thankfully strength to persevere that resides after four measures we’re greetwithin. One particularly stinging ed with DiFranco’s bittersweet track, “Origami,” relates the end vocals, and not James Hetfield’s

middle aged, rusted mettle. This track showcases her beautifully simple guitar virtuosity. Not all the tracks on the album are a trip into misery, however. The CD’s fifth track, “Bliss Like This,” is a glimmer of hope capturing the bubbly, unstated curiosity of a burgeoning romance. And the false start at the beginning of “You Each Time” shows that despite her sharp tongue and rapier wit, DiFranco still has a sense of humor. The CD’s lyric insert booklet, complete with artwork and poetry, is enough justification for any DiFranco fan to run out and buy the disc. This album is a languid, folky lament and stern admonition all in one. The song “Animal” is a not-so-gentle warning to Americans about the dangers of our culture of excess, and the repercussions it carries. “(A) hawk is circling the strip mall,” she tells her listeners. That hawk is DiFranco, silently circling the shuffling masses, waiting for us to look up and see the light. — Brandon Cobb

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Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 9


Fraternities-Sororities-ClubsStudent Groups Earn $1,000-2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our free programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraier at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com (2/12)


1986 Mercury Grand Marquis. excellent condition/ all the extras. Call: 830-629-3218 or 512-245-2358 (2/5)

for rent

Move in today! University Club Apts. 1b/1ba, w/d, free cable and internet. $410/mo. Will pay $210 towards 1st mo. 512-294-1168. (2/12) ____________________________ Country home on 5 acres. 2 bed/ 2 bath. Central heat and air. 6 miles from San Marcos. $750/mo. Call 512-357-6271 or 830-379-9682. (1/29) ____________________________ Take over my lease. Looking for female at Windmill Townhomes. Walking distance from school. Rent $367.50, no deposit, move in immediately. Contact april 972-342-0468. (2/12) ____________________________ FOR RENT: Efficiency apartment, suitable for one person. Quiet location, near Martindale. Call 357-6297 for more information. (2/5) ____________________________ Take over my lease 1/1 no rent until March. Free deposit, 20 inch Flat screen and water, on bus route, walk to HEB. 512-665-9505. (2/12) ____________________________ Designer apartment, beautifully appointed, high ceilings, stained concrete floors, private garden patio, 2/2 located on manicured 400 tree pecan grove, 5 min. from downtown. 357-1235 or 557-8356. (2/5) ____________________________ 1 bd/1.5 bth. Shalamar Townhome, available for 7 month sublease in Jan, $495/m. Call Derrell @ 512-619-6115. (2/12) ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29) ____________________________ Sub-lease my 1 bedroom apartment. Lease ends in May. 2 blocks from school. $400/month + util. Call (512)754-9654. (1/28) ____________________________ Martindale. Unique 3/2 tiled, fenced, privacy, 1 blk to river, w/d, dishwasher, alarm, $800 + dep. Sam 512-443-3290. (1/29) ____________________________ 4b/2b CA/CH, carpet throughout, w/ appliances, 8 blks from University. $1,000/month, $500 dep. 392-2708. (1/28)

for rent

1b/1b next to Tx State. no parking or shuttle hassles. Low price, includes all bills paid. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Female roommate. Next to SWT, don't worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom , $320. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $800. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. On-Site laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Wide Open Spaces. 3 bedroom 2 bath home with carport, features hardwood floors and a large backyard 1002 Earle St. No maintenance headaches or problems, we guarantee it! Call VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Seeking the perfect match! 3 bedroom 2 bath home 308 Keystone Loop. Kyle, Texas. Features full size washer/dryer, fenced yard, hardwood floors asking $1095. It only takes a call. Too good to be true!!! VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29)

for rent

3/3 parking, w/d, short or long term, 396-1520. (2/4) ____________________________ Spacious and private 2 bedroom 1 bath duplex w/ pool near campus and bus route. Call 787-5156. (1/29) ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2 condo, practically on campus. Beautiful wooded area, small yard, washer/dryer, paid cable and trash, pets welcome. Available February 7th $999/month 393-3300. (2/5)

for sale

4 shelf bookcase, $45, 4 drawer heavy pine chest, $65, computer desk, $45, oak entertainment center, $65, old style drafting table, $68, 3 drawer file cabinet, $28, grey love seat, $68, white Boston rocker, $75. Partin's Furniture. 2108 Ranch Road 12. 396-4684. FREE DELIVERY. (1/29) ____________________________ 16x60 2b/2b, clean, deck, storage unit, $13,900 o.b.o. 512-751-6104, 817-249-7592. (1/29) ____________________________ Mobile Home For Sale 1983 Fleetwood, 14x80, 3/2 gas heat, A/C, full appliances. Good Condition, $5000 (830)303-2354. (1/29) ____________________________ HP Monitor with speakers. Great condition. $40. 754-6893. (1/29)

help wanted

SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, e-mail campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Web programmer wanted for p/t contract labor HTML/PHP/SQL knowledge required. Apply online at www.cedsn.com/apply (TN?) ____________________________ WANTED: Part-time experience house keeper. Moderate lifting and stair climbing. Weekends required. Must provide references. $9/hr. Call The Inn Above Onions Creek @ 512-268-1617. (2/26tn)

help wanted

Computer people for technical support call center. 805-9074. (1/29) ____________________________ Sales people needed. 805-9074. (1/29) ____________________________ Have the summer of your life at a prestigious coed sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, 2 1/2 hours from NYC. We’re seeking counselors who can teach any team & individual sports, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding, mt. biking, theatre, tech theatre, circus, magic, arts & crafts, pioneering, climbing tower, water sports, music, dance, science, or computers. Kitchen and maintenance positions also available. Great salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships available for many majors. On-campus interviews on February 12th. Call 800-869-6083 between 9 and 5 eastern time on weekdays for application, brochure, & information. www.islandlake.com info@ islandlake.com (2/5) ____________________________ Extend-A-Care for Kids. Do you enjoy sports, board games, science, snacks, and weekends off? Apply today to be a role model working with elementary age children. Starting pay $8.75/hr. Sites at 63 elementary schools. Hours 2:15-5:45/6:30pm Monday - Friday. Extend-A-Care for Kids. 55 north IH 35, 472-9929 x264. www.eackids.org (1/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Looking for part-time/full-time handyman. Basic knowledge of carpentry, sheet rocking, miscellaneous. Contact Alain @ (830)660-5973. (1/28) ____________________________ University Club Beach Club looking for Sales Reps to post Spring Break flyers. Earn Free Trips and Extra Cash. Call 1-800-BEACH-BUM. (1/29) ____________________________ Homeworkers urgently needed! Earn up to $700/week doing simple assembly work. Guaranteed. Free info. 1-713-947-1325. (1/28) ____________________________ ATTN EDUCATION MAJORS: Now Hiring part-time employees Saturdays with possible weekdays Apply at education station 512-353-2527. (1/27) ____________________________ Math tutoring. San Marcos Academy. $8.50/hr. Contact Margo. 753-8062. (1/29)

help wanted

MOVIE EXTRAS/MODELS NEEDED, Local And Statewide Productions, No Experience Required, All Looks, Minor And Major Rolls. UP TO $300/DAY, 1-800-818-7520. (1/29) ____________________________ CS major wanted P/T Contract labor. HTML/PHP/SQL Knowledge required. Apply on line www.cedsn.com/apply (1/28) ____________________________ Clear Springs is now accepting applications for daytime servers and hostesses. Experience necessary, apply in person at 1692 Hwy 46 South in New Braunfels. (1/29) ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride-$open! 5.attractive models who ride well--trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. ____________________________ Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatre-arts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29)

help wanted

Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext. 316. (2/19)


Female roommate needed! 2-2/ $275 + 1/2 bills, bus route. For more info call 512-787-5948. (2/5) ____________________________ Female roommate needed to share house w/ 3 great girls. Next to campus, walk to class, corner of Alamo and Sessom. Sublease my room $393. 512-293-8125. (1/29) ____________________________ Need Roommate to fill 3/2 home. Cheap rent. Pref. female. CH/A, furnished. Call 512-878-1894, 512-557-4941, 254-498-6388. (1/29) ____________________________ One female roommate needed. $233/mo. plus 1/3 bills. Call 512-557-3992. (1/29) ____________________________ Roommate needed: new 3/2 home call or come by and check it out $380 for a 12 month lease. Call Cody @512-923-9472. (1/27) ____________________________ Sublease room at University Club $365 a month. Call Kristen 210-269-5899. (1/29)


SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica, Florida & South Padre. Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! breakerstravel.com 800-985-6789. (2/26) ____________________________ Spring Break 2004! Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. BIGGEST PARTIES, BEST CLUBS! Call for group discounts.Information/Reservations 1-800-648- 4849 or www.ststravel.com (3/4) ____________________________ SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800SUNCHASE today! Or visit www.sunchase.com (3/5)


Do you need dependable, efficient, affordable housekeeper. Call Lacey 512-557-0860. (1/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)


Spo r t s

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Page 10 — The University Star

Bobcat basketball shoots down Cardinals Anthony Dill rounded out the quintet with 12 and 11 points, respectively. Texas State outrebounded Lamar 42-32, led by Dill’s eight. The Cardinals were able to take advantage of having eight more shot attempts than the Bobcats and took a three-point lead into intermission. By Jason Orts Lamar shot just 33 percent in the Sports Editor first half while Texas State made 46 percent of its shots, but the After an emotional win Cardinals had just one turnover, against an archrival, it is often which came with 54 seconds remaindifficult for a team to get up to face ing. its next opponent. The Bobcats immediately tied the Such was the case for the Texas game on a three-point play by State men’s basketball team Conerway, the beginning of an 8-0 run Saturday as they came out flat that gave Texas State a 44-39 advantage against the Lamar University at the 18:03 mark. Cardinals three days after claiming The Cardinals went on a 10-2 run of a thrilling one-point win against the its own during the next 4:05 minutes, University of Texas-San Antonio led by guard Teddy Davis, who had six Roadrunners. points during that span. For the game, But the Bobcats, who went into Davis was 10-15 from the floor and break trailing the Cardinals 39-36 had game highs with 25 points and after a lackluster first-half effort, nine rebounds. turned it around in the second half Texas State reclaimed the lead, and went on to an 82-66 win. 54-53, at the 10:39 mark of the secThe win gave Texas State a 5-0 ond half on a jumper from Brown record in the Southland and never trailed again. Brown Conference and sole possesadded another jumper to extend the sion of first place after lead to three, 56-53, before Northwestern State UniConerway nailed threes on succesversity’s 84-82 overtime loss sive trips and the Bobcats were off to UTSA Saturday. and running. “Starting 5-0 is big for us,” Ashley A. Horton/ Dill finished off the 14-2 run said senior guard Terry Star photo with a layup and a 64-55 Bobcat Conerway. “It’s good to come Josh Naylor, junior guard, shoots lead. Lamar would get as close as home and take care of busi- for two against Lamar University ness. But now we’ve got to Saturday night in Strahan Coliseum. three at 64-61, but Texas State The Bobcats defeated the outscored the Cardinals 18-5 the take it on the road.” rest of the way, culminating with Five Bobcats scored in Cardinals, 82-66. double figures for the first time since Feb. 8 in a Naylor’s three-pointer with eight seconds left that gave the Bobcats the final margin — their largest win against Northwestern State. Senior guard Roosevelt Brown led the Bobcat of the game. The Bobcats will travel to face the University of offense with 17 points on 8-10 shooting and also added a team-high seven assists. Conerway also Louisiana-Monroe at 7:45 p.m. Thursday before had 17 points, while junior forward Zach Allison taking on Northwestern State in what could be a added 16 on 4-6 shooting, converting all three of battle for first place at 4 p.m. Saturday. Both games can be heard on KTSW 89.9 FM or on the Internet his three-point attempts. Junior guard Josh Naylor and senior forward at Boostercast.com.

Men’s team takes sole possession of first place, go to 5-0 in Southland

a 48-23 lead. The Bobcats shot a scorching 60.7 percent from the field, including hitting four of their six three-point attempts. The Bobcats also connected on 10 of 11 free throw attempts. The second half was much sloppier for the Bobcats, which caused their lead to shrink. Every player on Texas By Kevin Washburn State’s roster received playing time, Sports Reporter which might have played a part in the lackluster second half. After competing in four close “I wish it would have been games to start its conference schedcleaner,” Fox said of the second ule, the Bobcats women’s baskethalf. “But it’s real tough when ball team made sure the outcome you’re rotating so many kids of its game against Lamar so fast.” University was decided by halfThough the lead was time. trimmed, the players felt The Bobcats recorded season confident when Fox highs in points, shooting percentbrought in players off of age and assists en route to an 82-67 the bench. win, moving them to 3-12 overall, but “When we had rotamore importantly 3-2 in the Southland tions I didn’t feel like we Conference. lost anything,” said senior The season highs can be attributed to guard Julie Brooks. a stellar first-half performance. “Sometimes that’s hurt us “It was nice for us to get out and realin the past. We have rotaly look good in the first half and exetions and it feels like we cute,” said Texas State coach Suzanne lose our momentum or we Fox. “Our (team has) worked hard and lose our game plan, but for some things to come together it made tonight it didn’t feel like it nice.” that.” The Bobcats came into the game Brooks was one of with momentum after their last-second three Bobcats to score in win at the University of Texas-San double figures. Talbert Antonio Wednesday. Junior center Tori had 20 points along with Talbert had a game-winning layup with Ashley A. Horton/ eight rebounds and 3.9 seconds left in that game. Star photo “(The win against UTSA) changed Julie Brooks, senior guard, goes up Brooks had 19 points while collecting six the attitude of this team,” Talbert said. “I for the first three-pointer of the rebounds. Sophomore think that first (half) we came into the game against Lamar University game really confident because of the Saturday night. The Bobcats defeat- guard Christen West was the third double-digit way we played at UTSA.” ed the Cardinals, 87-62. scorer with 12 points. Before the game, Fox stressed the Brooks hit a jump shot with 16:04 left in the secimportance of her players to hit outside shots, and ond half to give the Bobcats a 32-point lead, their they did not disappoint. “Our guards did a great job of hitting shots early largest of the game. Texas State’s next game will be Thursday as it and really took (Lamar) out of what they wanted to do,” Talbert said. “And then we were able to pick faces the University of Louisiana-Monroe at 5:30 p.m. The game can be heard on KTSW 89.9 FM or them apart.” By the time the first half ended, Texas State had on the Internet at Boostercast.com.

Women dominate Lamar in first half, go 3-2 in SLC

Men’s BBall vs. Lamar 1/24/04

S coreboard

1st Half

TEXAS STATE Northwestern St. Southeastern La. Louisiana-Monroe Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Lamar McNeese State Nicholls State

SLC L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 6

W 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 0

Lamar (6-12, SLC 1-4)

Overall PCT 1.000 .833 .800 .667 .600 .400 .400 .400 .200 .200 .000

W 10 7 12 8 12 7 7 7 7 5 5

L 6 9 4 12 4 9 9 11 10 11 12

PCT .625 .438 .750 .400 .750 .438 .438 .389 .412 .312 .294

Players PF 69.9 73.2 71.1 68.3 72.0 78.6 69.7 68.5 78.9 72.9 66.3

PA 68.6 76.2 63.9 71.9 57.9 78.6 71.0 69.9 77.2 74.8 75.5

SLC WOMen’s BBall Standings Teams


Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Texas-Arlington McNeese State TEXAS STATE Sam Houston Texas-San Antonio Stephen F. Austin Southeastern La. Lamar Nicholls State

W 6 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6

Overall PCT 1.000 .833 .600 .600 .600 .600 .400 .400 .200 .200 .000

W 13 9 9 5 3 3 6 2 8 4 1

L 4 8 8 11 12 13 10 13 7 11 16

PCT .765 .529 .529 .312 .200 .188 .375 .133 .533 .267 .059

PF 74.7 68.2 63.3 55.1 54.1 54.2 55.0 59.5 61.5 54.5 54.3

PA 68.8 65.2 60.8 65.6 74.1 66.6 60.2 81.2 65.1 70.5 71.1

33 43 3 11 13 5 21 32 40 44

Petteway Grant Davis Goodrich Anthony Matti Whittle Smith Hester Goodwin Totals

FG M-A 2-6 1-4 10-15 4-15 5-16 1-2 0-4 0-0 0-2 0-0 23-64

3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A Of-T 0-0 1-2 2-4 0-0 4-6 5-8 1-4 4-4 3-9 1-8 2-2 0-1 4-15 1-2 0-2 0-0 0-2 2-2 0-3 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-3 0-0 2-6 0-1 6-30 14-24 15-32

Allison 4 Dill 25 Brown 2 Naylor 15 23 Conerway 1 Blanchard Ponder 10 11 Burroughs 30 N. Goellner 33 J.Goellner 34 Patterson

A 0 0 1 3 2 1 2 0 0 0 9

TO 2 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 10

B 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3

S 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5

Pt 5 6 25 11 15 2 0 0 0 2 66


FG 3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A M-A Of-T A TO B S P 4-6 3-3 5-6 0-2 1 1 0 2 16 4-7 0-0 3-3 2-8 1 2 0 1 11 8-10 1-3 0-0 1-3 7 3 0 0 17 4-10 2-6 2-2 0-3 5 2 0 1 12 7-14 2-7 1-1 0-4 4 2 0 4 17 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 2 0 0 0 1-6 0-3 0-0 2-3 1 1 0 0 2 2-2 0-0 0-0 3-5 0 2 0 0 4 1-1 0-0 0-1 0-2 0 1 0 0 2 0-1 0-0 0-0 1-6 1 1 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-1 0 0 0 0 1 31-57 8-22 12-15 11-42 20 17 0 8 82

Technical Fouls: Lamar — None, Texas State — None Attendance: 2,914

1st Half

2nd Half


Lamar.......................................23.................44........................67 TEXAS STATE ........................48.................34........................82

Lamar (6-10, SLC 2-3) Players

TEXAS STATE (10-6, SLC 5-0) Players

WOMen’s BBall vs. L AMAR 1/24/04


Lamar......................................39.................27.......................67 TEXAS STATE ........................36.................46.......................82

SLC Men’s BBall Standings Teams

2nd Half

15 Samuel 25 Carson 12 McDougald 3 Lowe 11 Howard 10 Hines 20 Bryant 22 Kostla 23 Silva 24 Lambert 40 Hayes


FG 3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A M-A Of-T A TO B S Pt 4-9 0-0 2-2 0-1 2 2 1 0 10 6-11 0-0 6-8 2-3 0 2 0 5 18 1-1 0-0 4-4 1-2 0 1 1 0 6 5-12 1-4 4-7 2-3 3 2 0 3 15 4-8 0-3 3-4 0-3 0 2 0 0 11 0-1 0-0 1-2 0-1 0 1 0 1 1 3-3 0-0 0-2 0-1 0 4 0 0 6 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 0-0 0-1 0-2 0 4 1 0 0 23-49 1-7 20-30 6-18 5 18 3 9 67

TEXAS STATE (3-12, SLC 3-2) Players 15 Ale. Johnson Talbert 33 10 Alp. Johnson Kelly 13 30 Brooks 1 McGruder 3 Perkins 12 Burrow 21 Riley 22 West 24 Carter 25 Pink 42 Cook 45 Hinton 50 Putnam


FG 3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A M-A Of-T 3-5 0-0 3-4 0-3 6-11 0-0 8-10 1-8 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-1 2-5 2-4 0-0 1-1 5-7 1-3 8-10 2-6 3-4 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-0 2-2 3-3 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 4-6 2-2 2-2 0-1 0-1 0-0 1-2 1-1 1-3 0-0 2-3 1-1 0-1 0-0 1-2 2-2 0-1 0-1 0-0 0-4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 24-47 5-11 29-37 12-36

A 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 1 1 18

TO 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 26

B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3

S 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6

Pt 9 20 2 6 19 6 2 0 0 12 1 4 1 0 0 82

Technical Fouls: Lamar — Howard 2, Team Texas State — None Attendance: 1074

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