01 28 2004

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Stepping up

Baseball team ready for season opener/Sports/Page 10

Warm cup o’ Joe

Find out what the coffee shops in town have to offer/Trends/Page 9

You can take the SWT out, but that doesn’t make us better/Opinions/Page 6


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 45 www.universitystar.com

JANUARY 28, 2003



Treatment plant causes big stink for residents City officials acknowledge bad odor

By Anna Lisa Moreno News Reporter The San Marcos wastewater treatment plant on River Road has caused quite a stink for residents living in the area for the last few years. Since the plant underwent a redesign in 1998 to facilitate a more efficient treatment of waste and solids, city officials acknowledge that the odor from the plant has increased noticeably. Melissa Millecam, city communications manager, said the reconstruction of the plant was designed as a high quality treatment plant of waste and water through the use of stateof-the-art equipment that

would turn solids into a material that could be recycled and reused. However this process has created an odor problem in the area. “The reason we smell it in San Marcos is because its processors and containers at the plant are not covered,” said Laurie Anderson, environment and engineering director. “We did not install covers ... when we did the construction.” In reaction to the odor problem, Tom Taggert, director of water waste utilities, stated that the city has covered two tanks, reducing the odor by half. Anderson said that before the construction of the plant, the city did not plan on the area surrounding the plant to be developed. Apartment complexes and real estate in the area have suffered financial losses as a

result of the odor. Robert Devereaux, River Place Apartments owner, has encountered such losses because of the smell. “I’m losing the entire complex,” Devereaux said.” My losses are up to $500,000.” Devereaux explained that potential residents are immediately turned away from signing a lease because of the odor. Colony Square Condos have also been financially affected. “We have lowered our rent, which has hurt the owners financially,” said Rachel Bond, manager of Colony Square Condos. “It is so hard to lease because people think that the strong odor outside will be a problem inside the apartments.” Colony Square Condos rent has gone from $650 to $575 for a two-bedroom.

director. The grant was awarded in partnership with the Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction departments, Mathworks and San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District. The program has several goals to meet during the next three years. The first is to double the number of students who graduate as certified math teachers. Currently, 80 students annually graduate with teaching certificates in mathematics, but the goal is to reach 160 students annually by the year 2007. The university and San Marcos CISD will also work together to develop “Math

Inquiry Groups” at Hernandez Intermediate School. These groups will include a faculty member from the mathematics department, three to four teachers from Hernandez and three to four university undergraduates. “It’s a small learning community that would work with students,” Warshauer said. “This would give our own students first-hand experience working with (children) and hopefully a very pleasant and enjoyable time in teaching using discovery learning, and at the same time raise the level of mathematics for the students in the schools.”

g See PLANT, page 4

Philanthropic foundation awards $244,000 grant to university

By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter

Andy Ellis/Star photo Children’s librarian Ashley Schimelman helps Zachary Tipps, 5, of San Marcos construct a birthday hat like the one she is wearing. The children’s crafts were one of a handful of events celebrating the San Marcos Public Library’s 10th anniversary last Sunday.

Residents attend library birthday celebration By Chris Boehm News Reporter On Sunday, the community celebrated the 10th birthday of San Marcos Public Library’s current

building. Among those attending the event was San Marcos Mayor Bob Habingreither, library director Stephanie Langenkamp, 1994 City Council members and mem-

bers of Friends of the Library who were instrumental in pushing for a new building at its present location on Hopkins Street. g See LIBRARY, page 4

Texas State recently became the recipient of a $244,000 grant that was awarded in an effort to increase the numbers of certified math teachers and help fifth- and sixth-grade students become stronger in math. The award was presented in January by the Meadow’s Foundation, a private institution that awards grants to institutions around the state. “The Meadow’s Foundation is a philanthropic organization that tries to improve the lives of citizens,” said Max Warshauer, math professor and Texas State’s Mathworks program

g See GRANT, page 4

Kerry wins New Hampshire primary By James Kuhnhenn Knight Ridder Newspapers MANCHESTER, N.H. — Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts won New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation presidential primary on Tuesday, securing his status as the Democratic Party's front-runner and rocketing his candidacy into next week's frenzied round of cross-country contests. Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was far behind in second place, enough to keep his hopes alive but far short of the close finish his aides said he needed to rebound from last week's weak third place in Iowa.

Far behind Dean, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark, who'd staked much of his campaign on a strong showing in New Hampshire, was battling for third place against Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, the third New Englander in the race, struggled to keep pace with them. With 75 percent of the vote counted, Kerry led with 38 percent and Dean had 26 percent. Kerry greeted uproarious supporters in a ballroom of the Holiday Inn in downtown Manchester and aimed directly at Bush: “I have a message for the

influence peddlers, for the polluters, the HMOs, the drug companies, big oil and all the special interests who now call the White House home: We're coming. You're going. And don't let the door hit you on the way out.” Kerry's robust victory, coming off last week's impressive win in the Iowa caucuses, means he's reinvigorated his campaign and has history on his side as the man to beat. Since 1976, every candidate who won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary has won his party's nomination. Kerry's campaign was all but given up for dead by many pundits, pollsters and analysts last

fall after he failed to register well in early polls, his campaign contributions declined and he fired the head of his campaign staff. But since mid-December, he's sharpened his message and worked tirelessly to sell himself as the candidate most likely to beat George W. Bush in November. With few issues separating the Democratic candidates, voters increasingly responded to Kerry's message. In New Hampshire he drew support from practically every voting group — the young, the old, working-class voters as well as higher income professionals. It wasn't always enthusiastic, however.

“Campaign Corps is exactly the kind of organization we encourage our members to participate in,” said Tim Small, Texas State College Democrats president and public administration senior. The Texas State College Democrats plan on sending seven to 10 members to the session and is awaiting official

acceptance. The recruitment program at UT will be a mini-camp, intended to give students an idea of what Campaign Corps is about while learning critical aspects of campaigning. The smaller session will also give Campaign Corps directors the opportunity to evaluate 2004 candidates. The more extensive cam-

paign school will be at the end of July in Washington, D.C., in July. It focuses on what organization considers the essential in political campaigning: voter targeting, field organization, press strategy and fund raising. Small group projects in realistic campaign circumstances will follow

Campaign Corps recruits student Democrats

By Amelia Jackson News Reporter

Campaign Corps is launching its 2004 campus recruitment program on Feb. 7-8 at the University of Texas campus. The organization trains recent graduates and college seniors and places them on Democratic campaigns.

g See CAMPAIGN, page 4

Chuck Kennedy/KRT Presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., stops motorists, including this fireman to ask for support in downtown Manchester, N.H. Democratic presidential candidates made last-minute pitches to New Hampshire voters on the day of the state’s primary vote.


Classifieds...............11 Crossword...............10 Music.......................10 News......................2-5 Opinions....................6 Sports......................12 Trends................7,9,10 Arts............................8 Film.........................8,9

Today’s Weather

High: 57 Lo w : 47

AM Clouds/PM Rain

Wind: From SE at 12 mph Precipitation: 0% Max. Humidity: 51% UV Index: 5 Moderate Thursday’s Forecast Rain and Cloudy 63/45


2 - The University Star Southwestern Writers Collection presents “Texas As The Scene of The Crime” from 6-9:30 p.m. on the 7th floor of the Alkek Library. Admission is free.

Calendar of

EVENTS Wednesday

Sexual Assault & Abuse Services meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208. Dealing with Dysfunctional Families meets at 5:15 p.m. at the Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208. Career Services offers “Making Steps Into Human Resources,” at 6 p.m. in LBJ Student Center, Room 3-15.1.

Thursday Crosstalk meets at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater.


Texas State Alcohol and Drug Resource Center classes meet from noon-1 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 4-1.9. Pre-registration is required. SWAT, the organization that provides free rides back to campus, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.


SWAT operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.


Career Services offers a seminar to assist undecided students on discovering major and career goals at 5 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 5-7.1.

Calendar Submission Policy Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Hours of Operation

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday -Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. noon - midnight Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk

Discriminating computer virus targets attacks on software company

By Joseph Menn Los Angeles Times

A new computer virus proved Tuesday to be one of the fastest variants of the modern annoyance — and one of the most finicky. The rogue program, whose monikers include MyDoom and Novarg, tells machines to attack the Web site of SCO Group Inc., a software company reviled by many techies for its legal assault on the free operating system Linux. But MyDoom's author displays even more discriminating taste by telling machines to steer clear of e-mail addresses belonging to the U.S. military or the federal government, perhaps, some anti-virus experts surmise, to avoid prosecution under the USA Patriot Act. MyDoom plays other favorites. It protects the University of California, Berkeley, and other institutions of higher learning, the beloved search-engine company Google Inc., anti-virus software maker Symantec Corp. and the software behemoth Microsoft Corp., a veteran of several virus attacks. “I can't explain it,” said systems engineer Tony Magallanez of F-Secure Inc. in Finland. Updated anti-virus programs stopped MyDoom soon after it began spreading, primarily by email, on Monday, but the infection knocked out an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 machines more quickly than any of its predecessors, security professionals said. The virus infects machines running most versions of the Windows operating system made by Microsoft, which pledged Tuesday to keep security spend-

ing the top priority in its $6.8 billion annual research-and-development budget. Once it installs itself, MyDoom creates a back door to its host computer that can be used by the author, other hackers or senders of unsolicited commercial e-mail, known as spam. While the program doesn't break much technical ground, it effectively uses jargon to mimic the look of a harmless returned email. MyDoom can also spread itself through the popular Kazaa file-trading service, which claims more than 100 million users. Lindon, Utah-based SCO took the assault personally. The MyDoom code orders an attack aimed at shutting down its Web site starting Feb. 1. Spokesman Blake Stowell said SCO's main Web site was knocked offline briefly Tuesday, perhaps by infected computers that didn't know what day it was. SCO, which is threatening to sue major Linux users on copyright grounds, has been the target of three previous attacks that weren't spread by viruses. One of those campaigns is believed to have been launched by a fervent Linux supporter. “We have our suspicions” that a Linux enthusiast is also to blame for MyDoom, Stowell said. SCO offered as much as $250,000 in reward money for information leading to the arrest and conviction of MyDoom's author. Stowell said he didn't know why a Linux fan would go out of his or her way to protect Microsoft, a traditional foe. “If you have opportunity to talk to the perpetrator,” Stowell said, “you should ask him that question.”

in May and wasn’t sure what to do next. Now I am the finance director on a top-targeted State House race in Virginia and loving it,” said 2003 participant Rebecca Leal on the Web site. Registration for the minicamp is open to current students and recent graduates. The camp is free, but spots are limited. Students interested in applying should send their

resume as a Word attachment to denise@campaigncorps.org with the subject line: Austin, TX Mini-Camp. Meals and training materials are provided, but housing and transportation are participants’ responsibilities. More information about Campaign Corps and the upcoming sessions can be found at www.campaigncorps.org/mini-camps.

CAMPAIGN: Students encouraged to participate g Cont. from page 1

traditional classroom instruction each day. At the end of the week, the groups present their campaigns to professionals who pick a winning team. Individuals who can show a commitment to electing Democrats and have an interest in politics are encouraged to apply. Those who complete the

program are placed on campaigns as paid staffers for the final three months of the campaign until Election Day. The program will accept 40 students. Participants undergo an intense, weeklong session and once placed on a campaign receive housing, travel and a living stipend. “The training was incredible. I graduated from college

Check out the sports section for all the stats, stories and features you can handle!

News Briefs

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Eleven bodies found in Mexican during search for drugs

MEXICO CITY — Mexican police have discovered the bodies of 11 men buried beneath a middle-class home in the border city of Ciudad Juarez at a time of rising drugrelated violence in Mexico. Police officers searched the house Friday as part of an investigation of a suspected drug cartel leader. They discovered four bodies buried in the yard over the weekend, then seven more on Monday. Police said some of the bodies were covered in lime, apparently to mask the smell of decomposition in the quiet neighborhood where the modest home was located. Police said they were trying to determine a motive for the killings. Some bodies showed signs of torture, had tape over their mouths and were naked. At least one had a plastic bag over his head. One official said the men had been suffocated, not shot — drug traffickers' usual method of execution — perhaps because these killings took place in a residential area. Along the border and in many other parts of Mexico, there has been a spike in drugrelated executions this year, with 48 executions in the state of Sinaloa alone. In another border city, Nuevo Laredo, “Los Zetas,” a group of elite former soldiers who were trained to fight drug traffickers but have since joined them, have been involved in several gun battles. Federal anti-drug officials have blamed turf battles resulting from the capture of many high-ranking drug traffickers, as well as a large supply of marijuana and cocaine.

Russians reassured about U.S. base placement

MOSCOW — Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday that the United States might establish military bases in parts of the former Soviet empire, but he sought to reassure Russians that increased U.S. influence in the region does not pose a threat to them. Russian officials, led by Minister Sergei Defense Ivanov, have complained about U.S. plans to shift part of its European-based military forces east and south. The United States already has some troops based in Central Asia, and others are training soldiers in Georgia. “We are not trying to surround anyone,” Powell told Ekho Moskvy, an independent Moscow radio station. “The Cold War is over. The Iron

Curtain is down. We should not see things in old Cold War terms.” Powell, finishing a four-day trip to Georgia and Russia, also spoke about the limits the Bush administration faces in war-battered Chechnya. Powell said, however, that he was “impressed” with Russian President Vladimir Putin's “open attitude” toward a U.S. demand that several thousand Russian troops be removed from Georgia. Powell criticized the Putin government Monday for backsliding on issues of democracy and the rule of law. But Powell said Tuesday that the Russian leader had assured him that the prosecution of several jailed Yukos oil company executives would be fair.

Experts warn of bird influenza’s threat to human health

The outbreak of bird influenza in Asia has reached proportions that are “unprecedented” and pose a global “threat to human health,” according to the World Health Organization. But “we still believe that we can control this outbreak,” World Health Organization chief scientist Klaus Stohr said in a news conference Tuesday, through massive culls of chickens, ducks and other infected animal populations throughout Asia. The scale of global alert, and efforts to kill off potentially infected poultry, are without parallel, he said. So far no infection of animals or people has been seen in the United States, Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a news conference in Atlanta Tuesday. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson ordered activation of the CDC's emergency operations center, a move taken when there is threat of a significant epidemic or bioterrorism outbreak. China acknowledged infection in ducks in the southern region of Guangxi, bringing to 10 the number of Asian countries with infections among domestic birds, mostly chickens and ducks. Health officials expressed concern because ducks usually harbor harmless flu infections, and some in this outbreak have died. There are indications, Stohr said, that at least two other Chinese provinces also have outbreaks. Ten human cases have been confirmed, eight resulting in deaths. All the human cases are believed to be the result of transmission through close contact with infected birds. Briefs are from wire reports.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

The University Star - 3

Giving an ear to criticism pays off for Kerry, Dean By John F. Harris and Ceci Connolly The Washington Post MANCHESTER, N.H. — John Kerry heard it when he went to Iowa and he heard it when he went to New Hampshire. He heard it from voters and from longtime confidants, the criticism couched in respectful language but increasingly urgent as last fall came and went along with Kerry's once-formidable advantages in the Democratic presidential race. There was a problem with his campaign, and it was him. For a lifetime high-achiever — a war hero in his 20s, a successful prosecutor in his 30s, a U.S. senator in his 40s — it wasn't the easiest thing to be told that as a presidential candidate, he was something of a clod. His message was muddled. His manner with voters was discursive, distracted, unpersuasive. Kerry said he welcomed the blunt reviews. “All my life I've been capable of accepting criticism and advice,” he recalled in an interview this week. “All of us can always try to improve as people, and I try to. ... I kicked into gear. I'm known as a good closer, and I brought my game up to what I have to do, and I brought the campaign up to where it needed to be.” So he did, measured by the verdicts of Democrats in Iowa last week and in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Starting in mid-December, Kerry engineered one of the most dramatic turnabouts in modern political history. The hurtling trajectory of the past six weeks — Kerry's ascension, and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's stumble and halting recovery Tuesday — is a reminder of the powerful premium that presidential politics places on self-discipline and the penalties it imposes on impulsiveness. Kerry, still far from a natural as a presidential campaign-

Chuck Kennedy/KRT U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean holds a town-hall meeting in Claremont, New Hampshire, January 22, 2004. New polls of New Hampshire residents show Dean now either in a statistical dead heat with rival candidate and U.S. Senator John Kerry or falling behind Kerry after the senator's win in the Iowa caucuses.

er, has risen by methodically addressing his shortcomings: bringing order to the internal disarray that had marked his campaign, tightening his speeches, forcing himself to connect with voters by sharing more of his personality and life story. Dean crashed in Iowa by winging it. On one graceless Sunday three weeks ago, he told an impertinent questioner at a town hall meeting where he could get off. That evening, he breezed into a crucial debate with virtually no preparation time and gave a performance that matched his effort. His stump speech, crackling with one-liners and colorful denunciations of President Bush, began to fall flat with an electorate more interested in a substantive argument for Dean's candidacy. If Dean has given himself a

second life with his respectable second-place showing here Tuesday, he has done so with some of the same methods that worked for Kerry. His aides say he began to listen their critiques. He pushed himself to do things that don't come naturally— talking about his personal side and coaxing his reticent wife out onto the campaign trail. He both toned down and beefed up his speeches so they were not mere exhortations to the committed as he sought to persuade Democrats who were still shopping for the most impressive opponent to Bush. All manner of outside factors — such as the apparent retreat of Iraq as a pre-eminent issue for Democrats in the wake of Saddam Hussein's capture — have buffeted the race in ways at least as consequential as the individual performances of Kerry and Dean.

But the constellation of factors had a similar effect: They placed ever greater demands on the candidates to demonstrate seriousness. Democratic voters no longer hungered simply for a powerful voice against Bush; they wanted that voice to be a steady and substantial one, say a variety of strategists within the campaigns and close observers from outside.

Bush was virtually unbeatable. Such an environment, he noted, created a feeling among partisans that “we might as well make a statement” by rallying behind whoever was making the most florid argument against the Republicans. That favored Dean's fluent and blunt-spoken style, and penalized Kerry's penchant for lengthy explanations. Only toward year's end, with an economic recovery still leaving many people jobless or underemployed and some polls showing the incumbent vulnerable, did the conversation among Democrats shift to “what kind of candidate maximizes the chance to defeat Bush,” Vilsack said. The problem was that in December Kerry was hardly well-positioned to exploit the more favorable circumstances. In October, his strategists warned him that his campaign was near death. Internal and public polls alike were crediting Dean with what looked like an insurmountable lead in New Hampshire. The only good news, still based more on hope than evidence, came from John Norris, Kerry's Iowa director. Norris “made the case that we had a real shot at winning Iowa, more so than any other place,” recalled Mike Malaise, political director in the Hawkeye State. While Dean waged a strategy aimed at conveying strength — and inevitability — in all the early states, Kerry, around Thanksgiving, placed all his

“All my life I've been capable of accepting criticism and advice ... All of us can always try to improve as people, and I try to.”

— John Kerry For much of last year, said Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, many Democrats in his state subscribed to the popular perception in political circles that

money, time and organization in just one place. He had some advantages there, including strong support among the

politically influential firefighters, as well as veterans. “All roads to New Hampshire went through Iowa,” a senior Kerry strategist said. “We needed an event to shake up New Hampshire.” Kerry's desperate circumstances seemed, at last, to enliven his own flaccid performances. Being front-runner, as Kerry had been at the start of 2003, “is not a place John Kerry is at his best,” said Michael Meehan, a veteran Kerry operative. Kerry's highminded but bland policy pronouncements did little to engage rank-and-file Democrats. By fall, the hazards of being front-runner were no longer a problem. Kerry, an intensely competitive man, in private moments shared his disdain for Dean. He was galled by what he regarded as Dean's glib comments on serious policy issues, and how quickly this breezy approach had lifted Dean to the top of the race. His wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, began appearing more frequently on the trail, lightening the candidate's mood. “He was having more fun,” Malaise recalled. “He would never let us drag him out of the room. He was joking around a lot more.” Kerry was also relieved of a burden that aides said occupied much of his psychic space through much of 2003: refereeing disputes over personnel and strategy in his strife-ridden campaign. In November he fired campaign manager Jim Jordan, replacing him with Mary Beth Cahill. Kerry had wanted to make the change in July, an aide said, but stalled because he had no good alternative. Bill Shaheen, Kerry cochair in New Hampshire, said he quickly noticed that decisions were no longer “bottlenecked in Washington,” and that the candidate was free to leave the driving to others, concentrating only on his own performance.

Dems rework strategies, focus on target states to improve campaigns By James Rainey Los Angeles Times MANCHESTER, N.H. — Even before the votes from New Hampshire were tallied Tuesday night, the Democratic presidential contenders were quickly reconfiguring their strategies and preparing for another feverish week of campaigning that will culminate in seven caucuses and primaries. A complex and fragmented playing field awaits the seven Democrats, who will be pushing on from a small, mostly white state to, among others, southern and southwestern states with substantial minority populations. While the major candidates intend to compete in all of next Tuesday's contests, the limited time and money at their disposal means that each is likely to target a few of the states, hoping for at least one or two strong finishes to propel their candidacies onward. Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and retired Gen. Wesley K. Clark — both raised

in the South — are headed for a showdown in South Carolina. But Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts — New Hampshire's winner — also will try for a strong showing there. Much of Kerry's efforts, however, may be concentrated on Missouri, where 74 delegates to the Democratic national convention are at stake — the most among next week's contests. Wednesday, his campaign will become the first to air television ads in the state. Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean planned to focus on Arizona and New Mexico. But Arizona also may evolve into a hard-fought battle among several candidates, including Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. “It seems the pressure is on everyone, other than John Kerry, now to show that they can win somewhere and to prove that they still have a chance to win the Democratic nomination,” said Stuart Rothenberg, publisher of a Washington-based nonpartisan guide to campaigns and elec-

tions. Other states with contests next Tuesday are Delaware, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Few of the Democrats wasted time moving on from New Hampshire. The Rev. Al Sharpton, who received only a fractional vote in New Hampshire, has been campaigning in South Carolina in recent days. Tuesday night, Edwards and Clark were flying to South Carolina. And all the candidates but Dean planned to be on the road Wednesday. Dean was to spend the day at home in Vermont, but relaxation was not on his agenda. He planned at least four hours of television interviews, via satellite, with stations in states with contests next week. Kerry made it clear that Missouri was one of his top targets by scheduling St. Louis as his first stop Wednesday. One of his commercials in the state will feature his service in Vietnam, another will lash out at special interests he contends have cor-

rupted Washington politics. Edwards added two stops in Missouri, in Springfield and St. Louis, to his schedule Wednesday. After starting in South Carolina, he also will campaign in Oklahoma. Missouri had been largely overlooked because it was assumed it be carried by its native son, Rep. Dick Gephardt. But Gephardt dropped out of the presidential race after his poor showing in last week's Iowa caucuses. Kerry and Edwards, the first and second finishers in Iowa, quickly picked up Gephardt staffers in Missouri. The two also appeared to have the best prospect of winning Gephardt's support, if the former House Democratic leader decides to endorse anyone. Before Missouri came into play, South Carolina loomed as next week's key primary. The state not only provides the first test of strength in the South but among blacks, the most loyal of Democratic constituencies.

Blacks could account for as many as half the votes in the South Carolina contest. Edwards has promised for months that he will win the state, where he was born and he already has campaigned extensively. When he travels the state, he reminds voters he is “the son of a millworker.” That message may play well in the economically distressed state, which has lost jobs for three years running for the first time since the Great Depression. Edwards held a narrow lead in two recent polls, although Kerry has been coming on, following closely by Clark and Dean. Sharpton, who is black, could be a factor in the race.

Clark, a native of Arkansas, has banked heavily on breaking through in South Carolina, a state with several military bases and large population of veterans. But the retired general's plans for the state — and relying on backing from veterans — became complicated when Kerry assumed the front-runner's mantle with his victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. Clark has been on South Carolina television more than any other candidate recently; Lieberman also has spent heavily there. In Arizona, with 55 delegates at stake, Dean had been leading in the polls. But in a recent survey, Kerry led by a small margin over Clark.

4 - The University Star

GRANT: Program helps students learn, enjoy math

said. “It opens doors for students who, if they don’t have The program will use the a foundation in math, would discovery learning method, be relegated to not-as-interwhich is a hands-on instruc- esting opportunities.” Warshauer believes that tional method used in teacheducating ing. Terry citizens in McCabe, high-level assistant math math will professor and help solve assistant some of the director of problems Mathworks, that the said that chilU n i t e d dren love States is math but lose facing. interest in it “ W h a t ’s because of — Terry McCabe the teaching assistant math professor h a p p e n i n g is a lot of methods. the high“We’re tech jobs are trying to change the way math is taught moving overseas because we to a much more engaging, dis- don’t have enough U.S. citicovery-learning way,” zens in those fields,” McCabe said. “We teach the Warshauer said. “Our citizens (children) a willingness to are really capable of doing explore and figure things out. high-level math. This is just a (Children) talk about how way of developing our own much fun it is to learn that talent as opposed to letting way rather than just sitting in jobs go overseas. I think it is a desk and letting somebody really important for our country to develop our own leadlecture to them.” Also in the program, 17 ers.” McCabe said he believes fifth- and sixth-grade teachers will be trained as master math that what Mathworks has done in the past is part of teachers and mentors. The Mathworks program what helped them get the promotes innovate teaching grant. “A lot of academic promethods and works to get children interested in math by grams have to wait for big holding summer camps for grants and a lot of money middle and high school stu- before they can start things,” dents. It also holds training he said. “We’ve always just sessions for teachers to learn gone out and started stuff, about the hands-on approach then hopefully we can get money to do things. Because to math. “If you’re going to go into we’ve done a lot more stuff science or medicine in this than if we had just waited technological world we live around for some big sugar in, math is the foundation for daddy to come around. We’re so many careers,” Warshauer a ‘doing’ group.” g Cont. from page 1

“We’re trying to change the way math is taught to a much more engaging, discoverylearning way.”


SEWAGE: Odor impacting buisness g Cont. from page 1

The effect of the odor has also decreased the property value of other housing in the area. However, the appraisals on the property have remained the same. “Our problem is not with the quality of the plant in terms of how well it treats water,” Anderson said. “It treats the waste water very well. It’s how it processes the solids that cause the odor

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

problem, and we’re embarking on a program to fix that.” Anderson said the city is doing several things to fix the problem. “Probably the main thing to address odors at the plant is that we are installing a bio filter,” she said. According to a San Marcos press release, the City Council held a workshop Jan. 12 where engineers offered solutions to the problem. CH2M-

hill, an engineering consulting firm from San Antonio, briefed the City Council on recommendations for eliminating the bad odors that have come from the plant since its expansion and upgrade in 1998. According to a San Marcos Daily Record article, bio-filters remove odor from collected gas emissions. Bio-filters also filter hydrogen sulfite, which produces the odor.

It is collected from deteriorated liquid and food particles, Anderson explained in the article. The process for eliminating the odor, which is estimated to cost $10 million, is expected to be complete sometime in 2005. “The odor is supposed to be cleaned up by 2005, but that’s not going to help me,” said Devereaux. “I’m going bankrupt.”

thing we accomplished, especially the building of the library,” he said. Moore was also involved in the building process of the San Marcos Activity Center and Police Station. “I had a tear in my eye when I thought of the first time I entered those doors and saw what Stephanie, the architect and the citizens have caused to happen,” he said. Each member of the council was presented with a book

for a new automation system, which serves as an online card catalogue, said Community Services Manager Suzy Smith, who helped organized the event. “The library has become a fixture in town, and this celebration gives us the opportunity to let people know how widely used it is,” Smith said. Following a brief biography of Langenkamp, who worked as a reference librarian at Southwest Texas State

cluded at about 2:30 p.m., at which time O’ Leary welcomed people to stay for cake, music and various historical displays honoring the building, its creators and founders. Children were kept busy with art projects and activities. Established in 1918, the library has gone through multiple location changes, from its original place of residence in the back of Terrell’s Grocery Store to the third floor of the Hays County Courthouse in 1925 to the Central Presbyterian Church in 1927. A new building opened in 1966 on West Hutchinson Street before the town’s population began outgrowing the location in the 1980s. The plan for a new building on Hopkins Street began in 1990. Operating now as a city department, the San Marcos Public Library has 24 employees and more than 300,000 visitors a year.

LIBRARY: Celebration helps perpetuate reading g Cont. from page 1

The celebration began at 2 p.m. with City Manager Dan O’ Leary welcoming everyone in attendance before giving Habingreither the floor. “I spent my whole life in a library,” Habingreither said. “This library represents knowledge, which is what makes us powerful and successful.” He finished by issuing a proclamation in which he called the library a “sanctuary for education” and stressed the importance of the public library in the community before declaring 2004 as Public Library Year. Langenkamp then thanked the civic leaders from the city council who put together the 1990 Blue Ribbon Bond committee that gained public support for the building. “Without them I’m not sure we would be (at this party) today,” she said. Billy Moore spent a combined 12 years as a member of the City Council and as San Marcos mayor. “In my 20 plus years of service I am proud of every-

“I had a tear in my eye when I thought of the first time I entered those doors and saw what Stephanie, the architect and the citizens have caused to happen” —Billy Moore former City Council member in his or her name, which would eventually go into circulation at the library. Langenkamp also presented books to the Friends of the Library, which in turn gave her flowers, as well as a $50,000 check to the council

University before applying for the directorial position she currently holds, a group of 10-year-olds cut a ceremonial birthday cake. Habingreither also participated in the gesture. Formal ceremonies con-

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Vote2004 Your guide to major candidates on the road to the White House


John F. Kerry

Previous Occupation: Attorney Previous Political Exp.: Lt. Governor, Massachusetts; U.S. Senator, Massachusetts Birthday: 12/11/1943 Web Site: johnkerry.com

George W. Bush

Previous Occupation: Businessman; Managing Partner, Texas Rangers Baseball Team Previous Political Exp.: Governor, Texas; President, United States Birthday: 7/6/1946 Web Site: georgewbush.com, whitehouse.gov Abortion: The president opposes abortion, but he has said that neither the country nor Congress is ready for a ban on the procedure. Affirmative Action: Bush says he opposes racial quotas and racial preferences. Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: President Bush has signed tax cuts each of the past three years, including a $1.35 trillion cut throughout 10 years signed in 2001. Education: Supports taxpayer-financed vouchers for tuition at parochial or other private schools. Environment: Favors allowing oil drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge. Supports market-based solution to improve air quality. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Following Sept. 11 attacks on United States, instituted policy of pre-emptive strikes against suspected threats to the nation’s security, where U.S. would act alone or with others to protect the nation. Gay Rights: Opposes gay marriage; apparently undecided on whether to back a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Healthcare: Signed a law giving the elderly prescription drug coverage under Medicare for the first time, at an estimated cost of $400 billion during the next 10 years. Homeland Security & National Defense: Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, created new cabinet-level position to coordinate antiterrorism efforts.

The University Star - 5

Abortion: Supports abortion rights. Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Death Penalty: Opposes the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Would repeal President Bush’s tax cuts, primarily for families with incomes above $200,000. Education: $3.2 billion community service plan for high school

Wesley K. Clark

students that would qualify for them for the equivalent of their state’s four-year public college tuition. Environment: Would steer $20 billion from oil and gas royal-

ties to development of cleaner energy. Would set goals, incentives to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Supported decision to go to war but now says he did so based on faulty U.S. intelligence. Gay Rights: Would ban job discrimination against homosexuals and extend hate-crime protection to gays. Healthcare: Planned spending on large health care programs amounts to about $76 billion a year. Homeland Security & National Defense: Voted for the Patriot Act, but is now in favor of letting it expire.

Previous Occupations: Supreme Allied Commander of NATO; Investment Banker; Military Analyst for CNN; Chairman of WaveCrest Laboratories Previous Political Exp.: None Birthday: 12/23/1944 Web Site: clark04.com Abortion: Favors abortion rights. Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Would repeal President Bush’s tax cuts primarily for families with incomes above $200,000. Education: Would expand access to Head Start, make preschool universal for all of our nation’s 4-year-olds, and a rising number of 3-year-olds whose families want it. Environment: Would not allow oil drilling in the Artic National

Wildlife Refuge. Would update electrical grid and diversify energy sources. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Focus is on restoring transAtlantic alliances. Says Bush administration is “wrecking NATO.” Gay Rights: Would ask military leaders to “rethink” policy and come up with one that does not bar gays. Backs civil unions

John R. Edwards

Previous Occupation: Attorney Previous Political Exp.: U.S. Senate, North Carolina Birthday: 6/10/1953 Web Site: johnedwards2004.com Abortion: Supports abortion rights. Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Would like to repeal President Bush’s tax cuts for families with incomes more than $200,000. Education: Opposes the use of taxpayer-financed vouchers for

tuition at parochial or other private schools. Environment: Supports tougher clean air and water rules for farms. Would cut research and development funding for major

Dennis J. Kucinich

Previous Occupation: College Professor Previous Political Exp.: Mayor, Cleveland; State Senator, Ohio; U.S. Congressman, Ohio Birthday: 10/08/1946 Web Site: kucinich.us Abortion: Kucinich abandoned his longtime opposition to abortion and now supports Roe v. Wade, a decision he says he reached after consulting with

with full rights; leave “marriage” label for states. Healthcare: Americans without job-based insurance could enroll in system for federal employees and be assured of “fairly priced” premiums. Homeland Security & National Defense:Has said he is suspicious of the Patriot Act antiterrorism legislation and has called for a review of the Patriot Act. oil companies. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Edwards voted for the war last year in a Congressional resolution but against the $87 billion appropriation in the fall to finance rebuilding and some military operations. Gay Rights: Opposes same-sex marriages, supports domesticpartner benefits for same-sex couples. Healthcare: Plans call for spending $53 billion a year on large health care programs. Homeland Security & National Defense: Favors creating a new domestic intelligence agency, modeled after Britain’s MI-5, to fill the F.B.I.’s role. “the women in my life.” Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Campaign Finance: Has chosen to accept public financing for his campaign. Death Penalty: Opposes the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Would repeal all of President Bush’s tax cuts, but would offer $87 billion in tax credits for middle- and low-income families. Education: Called for spending

Biography issue information compiled from New York Times, CNN.com and candidate’s Web sites, Photos courtesy of respective candidate’s Web sites.

Howard Dean

Previous Occupation: Physician Previous Political Exp.: State Representative, Vermont; Lt. Governor, Vermont; Governor, Vermont Birthday: Nov. 17, 1948 Web Site: deanforamerica.com Abortion: Favors abortion rights. Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty for extreme and heinous crimes. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Originally proposed repealing all of President Bush’s tax cuts. Dean is preparing a new tax plan that is widely expected to offer tax relief for the middle class. Education: Would rework federal annual testing in grades three through eight, allowing

Joseph Lieberman

for more state and local control. Environment: Would like to accelerate adoption of healthbased standards for air toxins. Would Undo Bush energy policies; end conflicts of interest; open energy market. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Opposes the war in Iraq. Gay Rights: Signed first state law on same-sex civil unions giving gay couples rights to inherit property from each other, obtain child custody, control a partner’s affairs upon death. Healthcare: Wants tax credits to help workers of moderate income buy affordable coverage similar to that offered to federal employees. Homeland Security & National Defense:He has said he is opposed to some the Patriot Act’s provisions concerning intelligence gathering and surveillance.

Previous Occupation: Attorney Previous Political Exp.: State Senator, Attorney General, Connecticut; U.S. Senator, Connecticut Birthday: 2/24/1942 Web Site: joe2004.com

Abortion: Supports abortion rights. Affirmative Action: Supports affirmative action policies. Campaign Finance: Has chosen to accept public financing for his campaign. Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty. Economy, Taxes & Trade: Would repeal President Bush’s tax cuts primarily for those making more than $200,000, and offer additional middleand lower-income tax cuts. Education: Has supported limited experiments with school vouchers. Environment: Spend 15 times more on clean coal technology. a higher percentage of the federal budget on education. Environment: Would toughen pollution penalties. Would expand public ownership of utilities and revise regulations. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Opposed U.S. going to war, and wants United Nations to take over in Iraq. “It is time to bring our troops home.” Gay Rights: Supports right to gay marriage and would seek federal law to protect civil unions from any abridgment by

Proposes to forgo foreign oil by 2023 and up efficiency and new technology. Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Lieberman was one of the most outspoken Congressional Democrats favoring invasion Gay Rights: Would ban job discrimination against homosexuals and extend hate-crime protections to gays. Healthcare: Planned spending on large health care programs amounts to $54 billion a year. Homeland Security & National Defense:Voted for the Patriot Act, which gave the federal government broad new law enforcement powers. states if courts do not recognize those rights. Gun Control: Opposes granting gun makers immunity from civil lawsuits arising wrongful use of weapons. Healthcare: Planned spending on large health care programs amounts to $2 trillion by 2013 for “Medicare for all.” Homeland Security & National Defense:Voted against the Patriot Act, which gave the federal government broad new law enforcement powers.

OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487

Page 6


THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Incentives should be given to teachers, not schools THE MAIN POINT


Select Few Children Not Left Behind” seems to be the motivating tactic behind Gov. Perry’s proposals to fund education in Texas. On Monday Perry revealed his $500 million-per-year plan, which would reward schools with cash payments for helping students stay in and do good in school. It would include paying schools $100 for each student that stays in high school, $100 for each student who scores at least 90 percent on every Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills ($200 if the student is labeled “atrisk”) and $1,000 for each student

that graduates from the state’s Distinguished Achievement Program, which includes taking Advanced Placement and collegelevel courses. Starting to notice a pattern? The point of No Child Left Behind is that, well, no child is left behind in school, as Cathy Douglass, a member of the Texas Association of School Boards, said in an article in Tuesday’s Austin AmericanStatesman. It’s hard to say that Texas isn’t leaving children behind when Perry’s proposals clearly target the not-so-average student. It also leaves wide open the opportunity for

schools to label students “at-risk,” even if they aren’t, so they can get more money from the state. But the money toward education is money. It may not be the $4.2 billion that some education advocates were asking for, but $500 million is better then nothing. However, the only way to get this money would be to raise taxes. Already, homeowners’ taxes increased from 1993 to 2001, while during the same period many districts fired teachers and cut back on education programs to make ends meet. The people being left out of this

equation are the teachers. If the state would really like for education to be aimed toward excellence, perhaps the money should go to raise teachers’ pay or offer teachers incentives, much like it did in the 1980s with its “career ladder,” as was reported in the Statesman. While the quality of education should improve, how can the state expect students to learn more when teachers are not motivated to teach or when there’s a lack of teachers? Perhaps Gov. Perry should reevaluate giving incentives to students and focus more on giving back to the people that are teaching them.

Bush’s trail of deceit leaves no child behind

New name ≠ new image

Subtracting the Southwest doesn’t necessarily add prestige


The University Star 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487; Fax: (512) 245-3708

Contrary to what President Trauth and the administrators seem to think, some of our students would actually like to work on school-related stuff on the weekends. It would be nice if they allowed us to do that. Instead, they give us plenty of time to party on the weekend. Now, our school has some awesome professors. It’s a damn shame such gifted individuals are forced to draw rough chalk maps on the board to make up for second-rate accommodations. If this school wants to change its image, they have a long, long way to go. It is going to take a lot more than changing our school’s name to bring us up to the caliber of UT, A&M or Texas Tech. Oh well, it is now 1 a.m. and the library is closed. I guess school can wait; it’s time for a beer. Cheers to our school, the biggest party school in the South, whatever its name may be.

Blame it on his conscience. With Colin Powell’s assertion Saturday that Saddam Hussein may not have had the massive stockpile of weapons used to justify war, the Bush Administration’s most blatant fraud appears to have run out of steam. Given Powell’s credibility in the international community and the degree to which he misled or was Murlin Evans pressured to mislead the U.N. Security Council a Star Columnist year ago, his comments carry considerable weight. He says he’ll get to the source of the slip-shod intelligence he gave his imprimatur. Just don’t get your hopes up. The scenario calls to mind the Bush Administration’s No Child Left Behind Act 2001. I recall Secretary of Education Rod Paige, with Powell-like resignation, acknowledging to the New York Times last July “there probably was” a dropout problem in Houston ISD. After a state audit found the district had forgotten to count about 3,000 students who had left the school in the 2000-2001 school year. Oops! Paige, Houston’s superintendent from 1994 to 2001, was Bush’s poster boy for the Texas “miracle” in education that helped ally-oop the former to the presidency. This “miracle” appeared to show students passing all three grade 10 TAAS tests (reading, writing, math) from 1994 to 1998 improve from 52 percent to 70 percent and a steadily declining dropout rate. Unfortunately, as researcher Walt Haney carefully argues in his report, “The Myth of the Texas Miracle in Education” — the reality of Texas’ high stakes testing adventure bodes quite the opposite of the media swell surrounding Bush’s education agenda. Through Haney’s investigation, the lowest performing students, frequently poor and minority, were systematically left out of the testing composite effectively, stomping them through the cracks for the sake of inflated test scores. While impossible to condense his voluminous statistical analysis here, Haney’s comparison of scores from the state’s college readiness exam, the TASP, to TAAS scores. Between 1994 and 1997, TAAS results showed a 20 percent increase in the number of students passing all areas, TASP results showed a sharp decrease (from 65.2 percent to 43.3 percent) in the percentage of students passing all three parts (reading, writing, math). How could this be? Such discrepancies led Haney to conclude, “something is seriously amiss in the Texas system of education.” Furthermore, using multiple comparable measures, Haney concludes that during the 1990s slightly less than 70 percent of students in Texas actually graduated from high school – a 1 in 3 dropout rate. In other words, out of the graduating classes from 1992 to 1999, 700,000 Texas children were effectively left behind. Instead of a model for the nation (via NCLB), Texas public schools and our high stakes testing experiment of the 1990s should stand as powerful evidence of the dangers of statistics based reform strategies — a system with a high potential for abuse. Instead, the prevailing winds that swept George Bush into the White House have essentially made this deeply flawed accountability system the law of the land, foistering the Texas myth on the nation’s public schools at large.

Cline is a political science senior.

Evans is a special education graduate student.

James Apel/Star illustration

he powers that be at Texas State want to leave our partyschool image in the past along with the SWT name. However, it is going to take a lot more than just a feel-good name change to bring our school up to par with other major Texas Rugh Cline universities. Star Columnist As long as our school provides second-rate accommodations for our student body, we will remain a second-rate university despite whatever the marquees around campus say. For the following figures, keep in mind there are 168 hours in a week. According to the University of Texas’ Web site, they have a total of 16 libraries, and at least one of the libraries is open 147 hours of the week. Texas Tech has six libraries. Of those six libraries there is an open library 121 hours per week. Baylor has two libraries, which are open 112 hours per week. The University of Houston has six libraries of which you can find one open 108.25 hours per week. Texas A&M has five libraries that students can access for 116 hours per week. The one library at Texas State is open a minuscule 104.5 hours per week. Why does our school only have one library? Why does our library have such a skimpy selection of resource materials? Why is it that whenever I want a book our library never has it and I’m forced to borrow books via interlibrary loan from other better-stocked Texas universities? Why is our library not open 24 hours a day during finals like the libraries at every other major Texas university? The administration at this school doesn’t have any interest in getting rid of our party-school image. Our library promptly closes at 6 p.m. on Saturday. That leaves us with a good eight hours to get sloppy drunk. Then we can sleep in on Sunday because the library doesn’t open until 1 p.m. How convenient. Give me a shot of Maker’s Mark. No wait, better go ahead and make that two shots. Now, what about recreation center accommodations? Texas A&M’s recreation center is open 114 hours per week and Texas Tech’s is open 111.5 hours per week. Our recreation center is only open 107 hours per week. I would like to see better accommodations. I think we deserve to have a recreation center that is open at least a few more hours per day. After all, how are we going to burn off those extra calories and carbohydrates from the binge drinking they encourage us to do by closing everything on campus nice and early on Saturday and opening nice and late on Sunday? How about school newspapers? Texas Tech’s newspaper runs 5 days a week, UT’s runs five days per

week, Texas A&M’s runs five days per week and the University of Houston’s runs five days per week. But sorry, at Texas State, our newspaper only runs three days per week. Our accommodations as far as student publications are second-rate compared to all other major Texas universities. But what else is new? Forget reading the newspaper; I think I will just have a Heineken. I often wonder if the administrators have ever taken a look at the maps in the history department. Call me crazy, but I feel that they should replace the maps more than once every 50 years. I don’t know if I am the only person to ever notice, but every single map in the history department predates the end of the Cold War. As far as our history department is concerned, the Soviet Union is still on the map and Germany is still divided. Some of the maps are torn to shreds after many decades of use. I’ve had history classes in classrooms with no

maps at all, where the teacher is forced to draw a rough chalk outline on the board. Right now I am taking a Mexican American history class in a classroom with no maps of North America. But don’t fret, we still have plenty of Soviet Union maps. I’m wondering if the computer science department is using computers as old as the maps the history department is using. All these second-rate accommodations are frustrating. Hey bartender, I’ll take a strawberry margarita, with no salt please. And where are those shots of Maker’s Mark I ordered? Why does our school look for any and every reason to close down campus? On Martin Luther King Day, everything is closed. On Easter, everything is closed. During Spring Break, everything is closed. Between semesters, everything is closed. Let’s take it a step further. We should close everything early on Mondays, that way we can all make it to happy hour at Nephew’s.

Editor In Chief..............................................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.......................................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor...........................................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor........................................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor...........................Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu Assistant Entertainment Editor................................Jeff Greer, jg1201@txstate.edu

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to Star_Letters@yahoo.com. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All emails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Photo Editor....................................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.........................................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator...........................Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Calendar of Events.............................Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator.........................................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Graduate Asst..............................Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Advertising Representative...............................Carson Coots - carson@txstate.edu

Advertising Representative......................Mindy Gieselman - mg1188@txstate.edu Advertising Representative..........................Richard Para, Jr. - rp1060@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager...........................Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord..............................Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director...............................Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The University Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright January 28, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

Gibson’s production company blasts stealthy critics KNIGHT RIDDER NEWSPAPERS Officials from Mel Gibson’s Icon Productions film company have blasted Jewish critics who used a fake church name to sneak into a private screening of The Passion of the Christ. Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-

Defamation League, said he viewed the film “in stealth mode” at an evangelical pastors’ conference in Orlando, Fla., last Wednesday. Foxman and Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, ADL’s interfaith consultant, registered as pastors of the fictitious Church of Truth. Afterward, Foxman said the film’s portrayal of Jews was

Showing support

“painful to watch.” Foxman has warned that the film could stir up anti-Semitism by blaming Jews for the death of Jesus. Gibson, who has hosted invitation-only screenings around the country, has refused to show the film to Foxman. A statement from Gibson's company accused the two men of “deceit.”

The University Star

TRENDS Wednesday, January 28, 2004 — Page 7

Student shows his support for Dean at Iowa Caucus EDITOR’S NOTE: Sports Reporter Travis Summers attended the Iowa Caucus. This is his first-person recollection of the time. BY TRAVIS SUMMERS SPORTS REPORTER President Bush has begun his re-election campaign with stops in New Mexico last week and a stop in New Hampshire at the end of this week. While he is not campaigning for his party’s nomination, he is battling the Democratic candidates in terms of fund raising and public relations. One of Bush’s strategies to raise money is awarding the title of “Texas Ranger” to any individual who can provide a $200,000 donation to his campaign. This contrasts starkly with many of the Democratic candidates’ strategies, which focus on getting out the vote. Presidential hopeful Howard Dean provided a charter bus trip to Texans who wanted to volunteer to canvas Iowa’s icy sidewalks in hopes of gaining support of undecided voters. There were supposed to be two buses picking up the progressive version of the “Texas Rangers” on the hazy Thursday night before the Iowa caucus, one that was already halfway to capacity from its first stop in Houston earlier in the day. When the buses arrived I helped load my luggage, as well as the bags of Paul Molina, the only other Texas State student departing for a week filled with Iowa fun. Molina, Texas State’s College Democrats vice president, introduced me to the members of University Democrats of the University of Texas. Paul and I were by far out-numbered by the more than 20 UT members. There was also a healthy supply of college-aged supporters who had no affiliation with a school or university giving the first Austin bus a youthful demographic. After traveling for a while, Glenn Maxey, Texas field director for the Dean campaign, stood in the front of the bus to officiate a bus survey. He asked the charter constituents how many working the trip this weekend had never participated in a political campaign before Dean’s. “Fifty people were on the bus,” Maxey said. “Twenty-three of them were political ‘rookies,’ and half the bus was under the age of 29.” The demographics of supporters excited Maxey, as he said he had never seen such a youth movement in a national election ever this early in the process. Around midnight, everyone settled in while passing through Fort Worth for what was expected to be a 17-hour bus ride, with the exception of a few college students in the back of the bus, who were busy cracking the seals on bottles of liquor, and Maxey who was stressing about the next set of “Rangers” to be added later in the night. On two separate occasions the bus had to stop to pick up more people. We drove through Oklahoma City, stopping on the southern edge of town

to pick up a biker from Amarillo who had ridden his bike from Amarillo to Oklahoma City that day to meet the Austin-to-Iowa route. We were next on our way to Blackbell, Oklahoma, in the northern part of the state, just 15 minutes from the Kansas border, to pick up Lisa Coons and her 11-year-old daughter. We arrived in Des Moines, Iowa, in the late afternoon; there was still snow on the ground from the previous day so a few of the foreigners (Texans) had a mini-snowball fight as soon as their shoes hit the frozen sidewalk. We arrived at the Dean headquarters and were given sack lunches to munch on while work instructions were given. Our job was to fill a seven-person van and drive to a selected area of Iowa. In that selected area, members of the van would break off with a map and list of addresses. It was our job to convert the fencesitters into Dean supporters. Walking through San Marcos and knocking on doors might sound bad, but consider below freezing weather with strong winds. I grabbed my packet and jumped in a van filled with UT students I had met on the bus. When we arrived to my canvassing blocks, I got out and noticed a light drizzle in the 12-degree temperature. As soon as the van turned the corner at the next block and disappeared from my sight, that light drizzle turned into a frozen thunderstorm. As a lifelong Texan I always assumed that any precipitation that occurred in below freezing cold would be either snow or sleet. However, after walking the first block I realized that the only frozen water was attached to my now numb face. Part of my clothes were soaking wet and the parts that were not were frozen. I told myself enough was enough. I was going to walk down the street until I came across the first gas station and call for some help. About a mile down the road I saw a gas station, while at the same time I heard my cell phone ringing in my pocket. Unable to feel my fingers or legs, I told myself to get to the station and deal with the phone later. Iowa does not have Sac-n-Pac, nor do they have 7-Eleven. Instead they have a convenience store called KumN-Go. Shivering and numb with ice attached to my face, I stepped inside the Kum-N-Go. Standing in front of me was a frozen, shivering, wet-haired college student who was sporting a John Edwards sticker. He told me everything I was thinking. “It’s too cold and wet,” he said. “I’m all for Edwards but this is ridiculous … no one is home on Friday afternoon here anyways.” I checked my phone after I regained use of my hands and called my van to come pick me up; everyone else in the group had given up as well and the van was making the rounds.

I stayed in the corner of that Kum-NGo for half an hour and listened to the Edwards supporter. He had traveled from California to work in Des Moines for the past six months. He told me that this Iowa election reminded him of the one in 1992 when Bill Clinton looked like the third-place finisher when it started. But Clinton’s campaign platform of the “nice Southern gentleman” slowly worked and helped him eventually win Iowa. The Edwards volunteer said that same formula was showing similar success for Edwards, who had moved up in the polls to be even with Dean and Kerry supporters. My van showed up and we drove around Iowa wasting time until we could return to the headquarters. We met up with the 150 other Texans and took our buses 56 miles outside of Des Moines to Boone, Iowa. Outside of Boone, we came across a YMCA camp down a pitch-black, hilly, winding road with tons of “winterized” cabins. This was the lodging for our trip as all hotels had been long taken by the only attention Iowa gets every four years. Each cabin held 30 people, and the majority of the college students crammed into one cabin. While the other cabins called for lights out, this cabin remained open and so did the cans of High Life Light and bottles of Maker’s Mark Whiskey. We sat around playing drinking games with cards (the Iraqi most wanted deck, to be exact), and we heard a knock on the door around 12:30 a.m. A woman in her late 20s asked to come in. She told us her name was Zephyr and that she was a writer for the official Howard Dean blog. She wanted to know why all the cabins had lights off besides ours. As soon as she stepped in from the cold and viewed the empty beer cans and multiple flasks lying on the card table, she knew. She asked if anyone in the group was going to bed anytime soon. No one was, and she replied with a sly, “that’s good.” About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Someone opened the door to find Joan Jett and Janeane Garofalo standing on the other side. We invited them inside for some whiskey and conversation. They told us how they had driven in from Des Moines to thank the volunteers. Within five minutes, the rest of the 150-member group was fitting snuggly with the celebrities. Janeane enjoyed the whiskey and began showing off her various tattoos. One of which was a circle with snakes with the word “LIBERAL” written in

ABOVE — Travis Summers with fellow Dean supporter Janeane Garofalo. LEFT — Summers with Tucker Carlson, the host of CNN’s Crossfire.

Photos are Special to The Star

the circle. After half an hour, our celebrity guests announced that they had to leave and return to Des Moines with an hour drive in between. They left and so did Zephyr. The next two days the weather was dryer and warmer, if 5 degrees above zero is warmer. Because of the improved weather my group was able to complete our packets and reach every house on our list just before sundown for the weekend. The highlight of this was walking through one extremely low-income neighborhood and having one man answer the door without his shirt on. My immediate thought to this was, “didn’t I see you on Cops?” However I did my job. “Hello sir,” I said. “I was wondering if you planned on attending the caucus tomorrow and if so whether you were supporting Howard Dean?” “No,” he said. “I am a convicted felon. I’m not allowed.” Monday, Jan. 19, 2004, might go down as the second most important political day this year, with Nov. 2 being the first. The Iowa caucuses were to happen that evening, and our Austin group was scheduled to leave Iowa as soon as results were made final. We were supposed to load our charter buses with our luggage and head to Des Moines for more block walking. However, the weather in Iowa was so cold that two of the three charter buses froze and stopped working. The bus company said they would have all problems fixed before the night was over. The college students had to load everyone else’s luggage on one bus and later that night we would sort out the bags. As every other group left Boone that morning, the 18- to

25-year-old group was given the option to go to Des Moines and block walk or sightsee. My van of six decided our time would be best spent driving around and seeing the sights of Des Moines. But who are we kidding; there is nothing of interest in Des Moines, or Iowa period. So we walked around their capitol building and looked at each other trying to find an answer. Then I made the suggestion to take off all Dean paraphanalia and check out the other campaign headquarters. And so went down the list of candidates. First stop was Kerry’s, which was large and roomy. Fortunately for me they were still too busy and did not notice when I walked in and stole 30 “Veterans for Kerry” bumper stickers. The Kucinich camp was smaller and more hurried, but they also were charging for T-shirts, bumper stickers and buttons, so I left. The Edwards HQ was hopping. I walked in and was met by a woman who asked if I was attending the caucus that evening. “Of course!” I said, grabbing a handful of stickers and literature. At 3 p.m. we drove to Ames, Iowa, where a rally was to be held as one final push to get the Dean vote out before the 6:30 p.m. caucuses began. I was standing on the front row by the entrance the former Vermont governor entered and exited. He got up on stage and talked about taking our country back, shook hands with Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, and got off the stage. As he exited the room, Dean shook my hand, four hours before The Speech and what might be the end of his campaign.


MonkeyWrench throws book in spokes Drafthouse amuses 8 - The University Star

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


AUSTIN — For those who don’t see eye-to-eye with mainstream politics, Austin has just the place for you. MonkeyWrench Books, your one-stop radical shop, has books, magazines, pamphlets, bumper stickers, T-shirts, CDs, videos and more — everything a budding dissenter needs. The store earned one of the Austin Chronicle’s ubiquitous “Best Of Austin” banners for being the “Best Way to Subvert the Dominant Paradigm,” and its comprehensiveness is recognized in the activist community and beyond. MonkeyWrench Books delights in defying conventions and providing obscure books and unique services to the community. Not only does it have A People's History of the United States, communist literature, children’s radical coloring books and a bookshelf just for Noam Chomsky, it boasts a large collection of underground music ’zines, courtesy of nowdefunct Sound Exchange. Less radical publications are also in abundance, such as ecology, natural living and music magazines; vegetarian cookbooks; independent comic books; even humor books. And paper isn’t the only thing that finds shelter under MonkeyWrench’s roof. Activist group meetings, concerts, film screenings and art openings all take place in the inviting North Austin location. MonkeyWrench Books not only sells theory but also practices what it preaches. The store is a non-profit business and is collectively owned. It’s sort of like a cross between a library and a commune. There is no boss, all members get a say in every part of the business, and members and volunteers work the register without pay. The collective’s impetus was in the 9-11 attacks and the government’s subsequent response. Even in “weird” Austin, “post9/11 is a very scary time for dissenters,” said collective member Anne Merrill. “It’s important to have a public face, and a bookstore

patrons with food, diverse shows


Courtesy photo Part of the interior of MonkeyWrench Books in Austin.

provides that.” Merrill also sees the store as meeting a more personal need in the radical community. “You can come to the store and see you’re not the only one who feels a certain way,” she said. “You can talk to someone who won’t think you are insane.” But one doesn’t have to be a vegan anarchist to poke his head into the store. “Radicalism is relative,” said Connor Hopkins, another member. “We make it a point not to discriminate against someone for being ‘too radical’ or ‘not radical enough.’” Even if one’s idea of subverting the dominant paradigm is reading the relatively mainstream manifestos of dissent of Al Franken, Michael Moore or Jim Hightower, MonkeyWrench is still the store to visit, especially if the alternative is a national chain bookstore. Showing solidarity with local businesses is a dear issue for MonkeyWrench Books. The recent closing of Guadalupe Street’s dearest music store, the previously mentioned Sound Exchange, was a cover story in an Austin Chronicle. In Monkey-

Wrench’s own neighborhood, Jupiter Records closed Christmas Eve. The city government has done nothing to stop the culling of local businesses, going so far as to allocate $2.1 million in incentives for Borders Books and Music to open a store at Sixth and Lamar, where independent music, video and book sellers already exist and thrive. Borders withdrew its proposal to develop there last year, but the battle continues. It would be easy to see dark clouds above, but the MonkeyWrenchers seem very happy with their lot. The store is continually growing closer to self-sufficiency, and less philanthropy is needed to keep the doors open than when it opened in April 2002. The laidback and friendly attitude of those stocking the shelves is part of its success, and the store’s comfortable, Salvation Army-style couches are perfect for discussing books and politics. It’s obvious that everything isn’t as serious here as one might expect from a store opened by radicals to sell books meant to change the world. On Tuesday mornings, parents and children visit the store.

The children run wild while the parents discuss — one supposes — diapers, feedings and insurrection. Hopkins also showed the lighter side of an activist’s weary lifestyle, putting on shin guards during his interview in preparation for none other than anarchist soccer (note of interest: Hopkins’ team went to Chiapas for an anarchist soccer tournament and was brutally destroyed by teams of Zapatistas). For those interested in subverting the dominant paradigm, MonkeyWrencher Dan Elgin says to just “question authority and develop alternatives.” One can also donate time, money, books, videos, magazines and other items to the store, or just stop by, get a cup of organic coffee and discover the plethora of alternative paradigms available. MonkeyWrench Books is located in Austin at 110 E. North Loop, a few blocks east of Lamar. Hours are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. For more information, call (512) 407-6925 or visit www.monkeywrenchbooks.org.

AUSTIN — When the Alamo Drafthouse hastily opened in downtown Austin in May 1997, patrons were treated to the comfort of folding chairs. The Drafthouse has come a long way since those days, expanding to three more locations, including one in Houston. Drafthouse owner Tim League said the idea was a long time coming but has developed beyond his original expectations. “My wife and I learned the business at a similar theater in Bakersfield, California,” League said. “It was a financial disaster but we learned from our experiences there and brought the concept to Austin.” The entrepreneurs have continued with their project, finding an enthusiastic audience for their diverse and innovative programming in Austin. The Drafthouse is not like other movie theaters. In addition to having a full menu and an ample wine and beer selection, the refreshments are served to you by a wait staff that dexterously moves in and out of the aisles. Though this concept is not exclusive to the Drafthouse, the eclectic screenings and signature events make these theaters unique. The only way to give a sense of what the Drafthouse does is to discuss what’s on the schedule. Thursday at 7 p.m. there will be a special screening titled The Yuppie Pricks Meet Office Space. The screening of Mike Judge’s film will feature a cash-filled copier smashing followed by a Lumberghimpersonation contest. At 9:45 p.m. the running series Chemistry 101 will be

shown. The show is like those blind date shows on television, except it’s done Alamo-style. The audience votes on who dates for the next episode and the guinea pigs are all Austin locals, as opposed to aspiring actors and actresses from L.A. The midnight screening will be the ’80s classic Transformers the Movie. There’s nothing like a feature-length cartoon to take you back to the bliss of youth. On Saturday Spike and Mike’s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation will kick off. This festival is in its 14th year and promises to be just as sick and twisted as ever. The festival shows animation that is just too graphic in nature for other animation events. Judge’s Beavis and Butthead premiered at the festival before it ever made it to the big time. The Drafthouse will be screening some of the movies that inspired Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol. 1 Feb. 1618. It should be a good opportunity to “geek” up on film trivia. By mid-March, South by Southwest should be in full throttle and will take over the theater for a week and a half. There is no way to fit all the special programs into a single article. There is always something going down at the Drafthouse. The downtown location tends to have the majority of special screenings, while the other locations tend to run more independent, first-run movies. If you’re planning to visit the Drafthouse, go early. The pre-show shows are always worthwhile, and you can work on your buzz while you wait. For show times, tickets, program descriptions and other helpful information, visit the Web site at www.drafthouse.com.

Place your bets, take a gamble on The Cooler The Cooler is a story about “Lady is an easy one, his life lacks any kind Luck” and what a bitch she can be. It’s of meaning or substance. They have a about that two-headed dragon that you volatile friendship that is mutual but is know is going to kill you but also based on fear. gives you a moment of sad anticBernie walks with a ipation to think about hope. limp that Shelly gave film Macy plays Bernie Lootz, an him many years before. unlucky gambler of supernatural R E V I E W Enter Natalie (Bello), proportions who is working off but attractive a trampy «««« The Cooler cocktail waitress who his casino debts working as a “cooler.” That is, when players Dir.: Wayne Kramer befriends Bernie after Stars: William H. are winning too much money, he Macy, Alec Baldwin he does her a favor. She comes around and with a touch, Rated R slowly gains interest in or a look, or with his very presparticularly Bernie, Courtesy photo ence at a table, cools it down. what he does. She cannot believe that Maria Bello, Alec Baldwin and William H. Macy in a scene from Baldwin plays Shelly Kaplow, the anyone could be that unlucky. The Cooler. guy Lootz was in debt to for a lot of Eventually, Natalie shacks up with money. Bernie has eight days left on Bernie and suddenly his luck changes, his debt to Shelly and, though the job to the chagrin of Shelly and other casi-

no executives. Shelly knows something is up and it doesn’t take too long to figure out what, or more precisely, who is the trouble. He decides to “take care of the problem,” if you know what I mean. The climax comes and blah, blah, blah. You’ll have to see the movie to find out what happens. Baldwin and Macy are amazing. They take this film to a level that other actors simply could not have pulled off. There is some really funny material in the script, but also some really dramatic moments, which takes a professional to know how to do believably, especially when it’s in the same movie. Bello was a good choice for the

young seductress because she was hot, but not too hot. She looked like she had been beat up by life a bit, and that made the love affair seem possible. Sorvino turned in a nice cameo as an aging lounge singer. The scene between Baldwin and Sorvino was pure magic. This movie got some attention from critics, but not enough. The limited release of the film is one more sign of the decline of modern cinema. Unless there are genital jokes or exploding faces in a movie, it seems like the studios only want to market PG-13 films. This movie is for mature audiences only. — Jeff Greer

The Other Side of Radio plays:


Coffee shops stimulate San Marcos BY BRANDON COBB TRENDS REPORTER

There is a Turkish proverb that says, “Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love.” While I prefer my coffee a creamier shade of purgatory, it’s hard to argue with the sentiment of this colloquialism. Coffee is powerful stuff. Any java-junkie worth his Arabica can describe the stimulating aroma of a freshly brewed pot, or the eye-opening power of a steaming cup first thing in the morning. Authors such as T.S. Elliot and Jonathan Swift have sung its praises in their prose; J.S. Bach wrote an entire cantata devoted to the ebony elixir “more delicious than a thousand kisses.” Coffee culture has become something of a novelty, complete with its own “java jargon,” at times adding a degree of pretentiousness when ordering a favorite flavored drink. And while there are a multitude of coffee recipes to fit every taste, from the narcotic rush of a triple espresso to the benign shudder of café au lait, the environment of a coffee house can have as much to do with the enjoyment of the beverage as the coffee itself. Music, lighting and the temperament of the local barista all play a part in a coffee house’s overall atmosphere. While some strive to be quiet hovels dedicated to reading and hushed conversations, others provide a more social environment suitable for discussions about politics and art, often times with complete strangers. San Marcos is no exception, with several places to get your caffeine fix: Joe On The Go 312 University Drive Conveniently located on University Drive directly behind Falls Hall, this female-owned and -operated establishment couples a warm, friendly atmosphere with the best coffee in town. Conversations flow among the snuggly-nestled tables as the soothing sounds of avant-garde jazz in the background. The walls are adorned with local artists’ works and the front window is the best place to get the low down on community events. This place prides itself on its laidback vibe and community-oriented spirit, which makes it the perfect place for those looking to escape the sterility of a Starbucks-esque environment.

Pros: Hands down the best coffee in town and the best prices to match. ($1.00 for a large coffee, 50 cents for a refill). Support of local art and music makes it the hub of the community art scene. A genuinely friendly staff devoid of the plastic sentiment found in corporate coffee houses. Great music. Non-smoking environment. Cons: Small interior makes it difficult to find a table at peak hours.

Misc: Open mic from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays.

Mochas and Javas 700 N. LBJ Drive / 102 Wonder World Drive In two locations, each with its unique charm, Mochas and Javas provides excellent places to pacify your caffeine addiction. The location on LBJ is directly behind the music building and is a bustling fueling station with stained concrete floors and an art deco interior that adds an air of upscale elegance to the establishment. There are plenty of tables for studying and reading, although at times the level of conversation (especially near finals time) is a bit distracting. The second location on Hunter Road and Wonder World Drive combines the same elegant setting with a slightly more subdued atmosphere, adding an outdoor patio for the sun worshipers.

Pros: The best Chai tea in town (made even better when poured over ice with soy milk). “Java Junkie” program rewards repeat patrons with a free cup of anything in the house. Daily specials entice you to try new concoctions. Free wireless Internet. Cons: Decent coffee but a bit expensive; $2 for a large brewed cup. Evenings at the LBJ location, especially during finals, are occasionally crowded and a bit noisy. Misc: Saturday nights at the Wonder World location will feature live music in the near future, and the occasional appearances by local virtuoso Brady Muckelroy are a “don’t miss”. Lyndon’s LBJ Student Center basement Located next to Chick-Fil-A in the LBJSC, this dimly lit café provides a convenient stop between classes for everything from a steaming cup of coffee to a sub sandwich. There are several computer terminals located along the far wall to check e-mails and surf the Web while you enjoy your Starbucks coffee. Of all the coffee shops in town, Lyndon’s has the best food menu by far, boasting Blimpie subs for the ravenously hungry and Krispy Kreme doughnuts for those conspiring to cheat on their Atkins diet. A small stage hosts live music events and unlike other strictly java joints, an assortment of beer is available.

Pros: Prime location perfect for a quick pick-me-up. Plenty of food options. The only place on campus to get a frosty beer. Cons:

During peak lunch hours, the noise from the adjoining dining area approaches extreme decibel levels. Misc: Live music on Tuesday and Thursday nights, Karaoke every other Wednesday and monthly spades and dominoes games.

The University Star - 9 Linda L. Smith/Star photo


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

The Coffee Pot 129 E. Hopkins Oh, how the mighty have fallen. This one-time bohemian salon and coffee house has transformed, by new ownership, into San Marcos’ newest retirement community. Gone are the tables full of aged poets and Goth people discussing the socio-political ramifications of free range chicken farming. Instead, the tables are lined with businessmen in ties jawing about their stock portfolios and Jaguars. The enormously popular open mic night on Monday is no more, to be replaced sometime in the near future by live music on Saturdays. Although moderately priced, the coffee is at best mediocre and served up with a curtness that leaves you feeling as if you are in a time constraint to finish your coffee and leave. Acting in their own business interests, the Coffee Pot has done a great job of chasing away the “undesirables” who rarely bought anything and took up space, but in doing so they have also eliminated any trace of character from what was once the coolest coffee hangout in San Marcos.

Pros: Plenty of chess boards for the gamers. Outdoor seating with a beautiful view of the square. Cons: Secondhand smoke can reach critical levels in the evenings. Secondhand smoke Nazis beware. The house blend is weaker than my little sister. The small cups are extremely small, especially for $1.35. It’s like pouring coffee into a thimble. Misc.: Live music on Saturdays will begin soon.

The Big Bounce: All downs, no ups www.UniversityStar.com

In The Big Bounce, set in Hawaii, Sinise will soon be transferring a a conman (Wilson) and a surfer girl load of money to pay off the local (Sara Foster) can break into a house, mob. All Wilson needs to do is sneak meddle with the knick-knacks in through the backdoor and then, instead of being while the house is arrested, get affectionately film empty — courtesy of a shooed away by a benevolent R E V I E W key and safe combinaold woman armed with a shottion left behind by « Foster — and escape gun. The Big Bounce “Get a room!” She says, Dir.: George Armitage with the cash. Quickly, and then playfully adds: “And Stars: Morgan the whole island gets in Freeman, Owen on the heist and Wilson a condom!” Wilson must find out who is After losing his construcRated PG-13 tion job, Wilson assumes the scamming whom. role of a handyman for This world of funFreeman, a judge with investments in lovin’ criminals squabbling on an real estate. A chance encounter with Foster, the knockout mistress for construction tycoon Gary Sinise, points Wilson in the direction of his next big break.

island paradise isn’t a bad premise — it’s adapted from a novel by Elmore Leonard, whose previous work was the basis for Jackie Brown — but it suffers from an embarrassingly sloppy presentation. Big Bounce may be Wilson’s story, but Armitage (Grosse Point Blank) would have benefited from occasionally shifting the focus away from the sleepy-eyed Wilson. His trademark role as a blundering charmer is watered down, as though Wilson just read his lines before staggering on camera. Rather than lend time to escalate

the tension of conmen conning conmen, Armitage indulges in montages of lush tropical scenery and shots of gigantic waves toppling hapless surfers. Oh, yes, Hawaii is a wonderful place, but it’s unnecessary for the plot to take a backseat to pretty scenery. When the finale inevitably arrives, it is rushed, jumbled and unrewarding. The few twists that do get thrown in can be predicted 30 minutes in advance. Big Bounce is an eye-candy kind of movie suited for a lazy summer afternoon when the television pickings are slim. – Chris Robinson

10 - The University Star

Triple Crown blown away by Big Orange

By Jeff Greer Assistant Entertainment Editor

If you weren’t at the Triple Crown on Friday night, you made a big mistake. That may seem like a bold statement, but I was there. Big Orange put on a show that kicked ass. The instrumental band consists of keyboards, percussion, electric bass and saxophone, and its sound, like most good bands, is hard to describe; maybe the Doors-meets-Miles Davis when he was doing that fusion rock in the early ’70s; or maybe Morphine-meetsSantana’s original lineup in 1969. But really, no description does the concert justice. Part of the refreshing appeal of Big Orange is its lack of flash. If you saw the guys sitting at the bar, you wouldn’t know they were even a band. But when they’re at their instruments, the music does all the talking and has a polish that shines like the sun. That isn’t to say that you’re going to get the same show every time you see them. They jam in and out of songs and then bring it back to the same place, then switch it up where you can’t tell how they know when to syncopate. But somehow they do it with almost supernatural precision. The solos were loose, and the able musicians passed the spotlight around with casual ease. The saxophone melted in at just the right parts, adding that final ingredient to each song. Sitting in with the band for a couple songs were the emcees from Liquid Stereo Project. The band threw down some nasty freestyle that had the whole room rolling with it. Big Orange kept improvising the breaks like they were all turning the same page. This wasn’t the first time I had seen the band, but it was definitely the best. I happily recognized some old material, and I was blown away by the new stuff. Some bands are good, but this band is better, so look out.

Pop stars become gladiators KNIGHT RIDDER NEWSPAPERS

There were pop stars, cameras and lights, but the excitement wasn’t for a movie premiere. It was the world debut of a Pepsi commercial starring Britney Spears, Beyonce Knowles and Pink. The three were at the National Gallery in London Monday for the first screening of Pepsi’s “New Gladiator” ad, in which they play gladiators and Enrique

Iglesias plays an evil Roman emperor. “Filming the ad was awesome,” breathed Spears. “It made me feel empowered, and I got to work with these two fantastic gladiator women.” Right. Beyonce, by the by, also has a new deal with Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries. The company said Tuesday that she'd be shilling a new, as-yet-unnamed fragrance come fall.


I was an Iowa caucus-goer

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

A small loss for Dean ends with an empowering speech EDITOR’S NOTE: Sports Reporter Travis Summers attended the Iowa Caucus. This is his first-person recollection of the time. BY TRAVIS SUMMERS SPORTS REPORTER It was 7:30 pm and we were on our way to a hotel ballroom for the Howard Dean “celebration” party. A van full of people trekked through freezing rain, snow and Iowa to help with a campaign that meant so much. Results were beginning to pop up on National Public Radio, and as we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, the NPR host was interviewing a participant in one precinct. The caucus-goer told how Edwards had 28 people, 23 for Kerry and 15 for Dean. She explained how she expected a lot of young people in support of Dean, estimating anywhere from 25-50. But after the caucus she was amazed to see only one 18-25 year-old Dean supporter. That was when we knew we were in for a long night. The doors to the party opened at 8:20 p.m. I was one of the first inside the ballroom. The room looked like a bowling alley with wooden planks over the lanes to convert it into a wooden sawdust dance floor. At the front of the dance floor was a stage covered with Dean signs; the middle of the floor was a giant roped off area with a stage and about 10 news cameras with reporters from CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, etc. I saw CNN’s Candy Crowly working on her make-up behind the velvet ropes.

I saw the hosts of CNN’s Crossfire, Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala, sitting at a table chatting together. I walked over and waited for them to finish and introduced myself to Begala, who wanted to know my life story, where I came from (we both come from the North Texas area) and how a Dean guy can go from North Texas to Iowa. Carlson, resident CNN conservative, was just as pleasant. I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he agreed. “So you’re a Dean guy huh,” he asked. “Yeah,” I said “So am I,” he said as he put his hand on my shoulder for the picture. I sat a table in the corner and observed the room as it began to fill. Everyone with Internet capabilities on their cell phone was checking on updates. Rumors began to swirl – some true, some not: “CNN has announced Kerry the winner.” “Dean’s pulled into second place.” “Gephardt just dropped out.” After the final results were in, everyone knew the truth. Not only did the front-runner’s campaign with the most money and best organization fall to third, it was a distant third. Morale was low for this “victory” party. In any usual campaign, the after-party for an underachieving candidate is filled with five to 10 people who are too drunk to know any better and just clap from their barstools as the candidate gives his concession speech.

After everyone knew Dean lost badly, no one left. Instead, everyone congregated to the front of the room where Dean would be delivering his bronze medal acceptance speech. A worker began handing out blue and gold pom-poms, another passed out tiny American flags, and the crowd’s volume began to grow. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) got up on stage with more than 20 union workers and gave a pleasant speech about how much Iowa means in the long run, then introduced Howard Dean. Dean took the stage and began with the generic “thank you to the people of Iowa.” He went on to explain that he had called both Edwards and Kerry and congratulated them on their fine showing. After he was done, he began to give his thanks to the Iowa Democratic Party assistant director and other nonimportant people to a national television audience. While he did this, the crowd’s energy began to grow exponentially. More and more American flags were waved as the volume grew. Dean finished thanking special volunteers, and waved to the crowd. He then took off his jacket rolled up his sleeves and gave the crowd his familiar workingman look. He then pulled an orange beanie hat from his pocket and waved it around, eventually tossing it to the crowd. This gesture was an acknowledgement of all the 3,500 volunteers at the party that had to wear the orange beanie as they trekked through the bitter Iowa landscape. The crowd’s noise at this gesture

was enormous. He continued rallying the troops, this time giving his now infamous “non-concession rant” followed by his “Dean scream.” To be in the room, it was easy to understand his rant was not for the American people, but instead to boost morale for the hard-working “Texas Rangers” and all the other foot soldiers. It was to remind the volunteers that their campaign was not over in Iowa or New Hampshire or any of the other states he mentioned. With each state, he yelled. The crowd got louder and louder, peaking at his statement about “taking back the White House.” Unfortunately for me the volume was so loud I was not able to hear his now legendary “Yeeeaahhh!” Dean then asked his assembly whether they were prepared to give up after New Hampshire. “NO!” the crowd barked. “South Carolina?” “NO!” And this went on until he ran out of states to name. After the speech he shook hands and left the stage. We exited the ballroom, and I noticed something different from when I had first arrived. People began “hitchhiking” for rides to New Hampshire, or calling their friends to explain this passionate speech they had just witnessed. I got on the charter bus and settled in for a 20 hour bus ride back to Austin, unaware that the inspiring speech I had just heard, which was broadcast repeatedly in snippet form, would be perceived more as a crazy, red-faced rant than passionate sermon.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2004 - 11


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FOR SALE, “LOVE MACHINE” 1977 Ford Van 12 passenger, clean/ no rust, ‘351’ V-8, auto, a/c, runs great perfect for “ musicians” “the beach”, “big bend”, “ friends and family” $2,200 o.b.o. 512-444-9564. (1/28) ____________________________ $500! Police impound! Honda, Chevy, Jeep, Toyota, etc. From $500. For listing: (800)719-3001, ext. 7462. (2/3) ____________________________ 1986 Mercury Grand Marquis. excellent condition/ all the extras. Call: 830-629-3218 or 512-245-2358 (2/5)

for rent

Move in today! University Club Apts. 1b/1ba, w/d, free cable and internet. $410/mo. Will pay $210 towards 1st mo. 512-294-1168. (2/12) ____________________________ Country home on 5 acres. 2 bed/ 2 bath. Central heat and air. 6 miles from San Marcos. $750/mo. Call 512-357-6271 or 830-379-9682. (1/29) ____________________________ Take over my lease. Looking for female at Windmill Townhomes. Walking distance from school. Rent $367.50, no deposit, move in immediately. Contact april 972-342-0468. (2/12) ____________________________ FOR RENT: Efficiency apartment, suitable for one person. Quiet location, near Martindale. Call 357-6297 for more information. (2/5) ____________________________ Take over my lease 1/1 no rent until March. Free deposit, 20 inch Flat screen and water, on bus route, walk to HEB. 512-665-9505. (2/12) ____________________________ Designer apartment, beautifully appointed, high ceilings, stained concrete floors, private garden patio, 2/2 located on manicured 400 tree pecan grove, 5 min. from downtown. 357-1235 or 557-8356. (2/5) ____________________________ 1 bd/1.5 bth. Shalamar Townhome, available for 7 month sublease in Jan, $495/m. Call Derrell @ 512-619-6115. (2/12) ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29)

for rent

Sub-lease my 1 bedroom apartment. Lease ends in May. 2 blocks from school. $400/month + util. Call (512)754-9654. (1/28) ____________________________ Martindale. Unique 3/2 tiled, fenced, privacy, 1 blk to river, w/d, dishwasher, alarm, $800 + dep. Sam 512-443-3290. (1/29) ____________________________ 4b/2b CA/CH, carpet throughout, w/ appliances, 8 blks from University. $1,000/month, $500 dep. 392-2708. (1/28) ____________________________ 1b/1b next to Tx State. no parking or shuttle hassles. Low price, includes all bills paid. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Female roommate. Next to SWT, don't worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom , $320. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $800. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. On-Site laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Wide Open Spaces. 3 bedroom 2 bath home with carport, features hardwood floors and a large backyard 1002 Earle St. No maintenance headaches or problems, we guarantee it! Call VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Seeking the perfect match! 3 bedroom 2 bath home 308 Keystone Loop. Kyle, Texas. Features full size washer/dryer, fenced yard, hardwood floors asking $1095. It only takes a call. Too good to be true!!! VJE Realty 353-3002. ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/3 parking, w/d, short or long term, 396-1520. (2/4)

for rent

Spacious and private 2 bedroom 1 bath duplex w/ pool near campus and bus route. Call 787-5156. ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2 condo, practically on campus. Beautiful wooded area, small yard, washer/dryer, paid cable and trash, pets welcome. Available February 7th $999/month 393-3300. (2/5)

for sale

Wooden signs, letters, paddles, lap desks, names, custom, don’t pay retail (512)665-5617. (3/2) ____________________________ 4 shelf bookcase, $45, 4 drawer heavy pine chest, $65, computer desk, $45, oak entertainment center, $65, old style drafting table, $68, 3 drawer file cabinet, $28, grey love seat, $68, white Boston rocker, $75. Partin's Furniture. 2108 Ranch Road 12. 396-4684. FREE DELIVERY. (1/29) ____________________________ 16x60 2b/2b, clean, deck, storage unit, $13,900 o.b.o. 512-751-6104, 817-249-7592. (1/29) ____________________________ Mobile Home For Sale 1983 Fleetwood, 14x80, 3/2 gas heat, A/C, full appliances. Good Condition, $5000 (830)303-2354. (1/29) ____________________________ HP Monitor with speakers. Great condition. $40. 754-6893. (1/29)

help wanted

Camp Counselor positions available at camp Weequahic, a co-ed children’s camp in northeastern Pennsylvania. We will be at the University Camp Day Thursday, February 12th to conduct on-campus interview. Positions available for all areas of sports, waterfront, and hobby specialists. Salary starts at $200/week plus room, board, and travel expenses. Please visit our website at www.weequahic.com for information and online application, e-mail us at newsweeq@aol.com, or call and leave a message at 1 (866) 206-3323, PIN # 7944. We will contact you prior to the 12th to set up an appointment. (2/11) ____________________________ Responsible college student wanted for babysitting and light house cleaning. Please call Tracy at (512)357-2714. (2/5) ____________________________ SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, e-mail campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29)

help wanted

Web programmer wanted for p/t contract labor HTML/PHP/SQL knowledge required. Apply online at www.cedsn.com/apply (TN?) ____________________________ WANTED: Part-time experience house keeper. Moderate lifting and stair climbing. Weekends required. Must provide references. $9/hr. Call The Inn Above Onions Creek @ 512-268-1617. (2/26tn) ____________________________ Computer people for technical support call center. 805-9074. (1/29) ____________________________ Sales people needed. 805-9074. (1/29) ____________________________ Have the summer of your life at a prestigious coed sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, 2 1/2 hours from NYC. We’re seeking counselors who can teach any team & individual sports, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding, mt. biking, theatre, tech theatre, circus, magic, arts & crafts, pioneering, climbing tower, water sports, music, dance, science, or computers. Kitchen and maintenance positions also available. Great salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships available for many majors. On-campus interviews on February 12th. Call 800-869-6083 between 9 and 5 eastern time on weekdays for application, brochure, & information. www.islandlake.com info@islandlake.com (2/5) ____________________________ Extend-A-Care for Kids. Do you enjoy sports, board games, science, snacks, and weekends off? Apply today to be a role model working with elementary age children. Starting pay $8.75/hr. Sites at 63 elementary schools. Hours 2:15-5:45/6:30pm Monday - Friday. Extend-A-Care for Kids. 55 north IH 35, 472-9929 x264. www.eackids.org (1/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Looking for part-time/full-time handyman. Basic knowledge of carpentry, sheet rocking, miscellaneous. Contact Alain @ (830)660-5973. (1/28) ____________________________ University Club Beach Club looking for Sales Reps to post Spring Break flyers. Earn Free Trips and Extra Cash. Call 1-800-BEACH-BUM. (1/29) ____________________________ Homeworkers urgently needed! Earn up to $700/week doing simple assembly work. Guaranteed. Free info. 1-713-947-1325. (1/28) ____________________________ Math tutoring. San Marcos Academy. $8.50/hr. Contact Margo. 753-8062. (1/29)


help wanted

MOVIE EXTRAS/MODELS NEEDED, Local And Statewide Productions, No Experience Required, All Looks, Minor And Major Rolls. UP TO $300/DAY, 1-800-818-7520. (1/29) ____________________________ CS major wanted P/T Contract labor. HTML/PHP/SQL Knowledge required. Apply on line www.cedsn.com/apply (1/28) ____________________________ Clear Springs is now accepting applications for daytime servers and hostesses. Experience necessary, apply in person at 1692 Hwy 46 South in New Braunfels. (1/29) ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride-$open! 5.attractive models who ride well-trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatre-arts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext. 316. (2/19)


Female roommate needed! 2-2/ $275 + 1/2 bills, bus route. For more info call 512-787-5948. (2/5) ____________________________ Female roommate needed to share house w/ 3 great girls. Next to campus, walk to class, corner of Alamo and Sessom. Sublease my room $393. 512-293-8125. (1/29) ____________________________ Need Roommate to fill 3/2 home. Cheap rent. Pref. female. CH/A, furnished. Call 512-878-1894, 512-557-4941, 254-498-6388. (1/29) ____________________________ One female roommate needed. $233/mo. plus 1/3 bills. Call 512-557-3992. (1/29) ____________________________ Sublease room at University Club $365 a month. Call Kristen 210-269-5899. (1/29)


SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica, Florida & South Padre. Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! breakerstravel.com 800-985-6789. (2/26) ____________________________ Spring Break 2004! Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. BIGGEST PARTIES, BEST CLUBS! Call for group discounts. Information/Reservations 1-800-648- 4849 or www.ststravel.com (3/4) ____________________________ SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit www.sunchase.com (3/5)


aplusapts.tv why waste time when you can shop online! Or stop in at 325 E. Hopkins. (4/29) ____________________________ Do you need dependable, efficient, affordable housekeeper. Call Lacey 512-557-0860. (1/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)


Spo r t s

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Page 10 - The University Star

S t a n d i n g s Bobcats ready to step up to the plate Texas state

SLC WOMen’s BBall Standings Teams Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Texas-Arlington McNeese State TEXAS STATE Sam Houston Texas-San Antonio Stephen F. Austin Southeastern La. Lamar Nicholls State

SLC W 6 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6

Overall PCT 1.000 .833 .600 .600 .600 .600 .400 .400 .200 .200 .000

W 13 9 9 5 3 3 6 2 8 4 1

L 4 8 8 11 12 13 10 13 7 11 16

PCT .765 .529 .529 .312 .200 .188 .375 .133 .533 .267 .059

PF 74.7 68.2 63.3 55.1 54.1 54.2 55.0 59.5 61.5 54.5 54.3

PA 68.8 65.2 60.8 65.6 74.1 66.6 60.2 81.2 65.1 70.5 71.1

Tx State WOmen’s bBall Schedule


29 at La. Monroe............. 5:30 p.m. 31 at Northwestern St.........2 p.m. February

5 Host Southeast. La....5:30 p.m. 12 at Lamar.............................7 p.m. 14 Host LA-Monroe................4 p.m. SLC Men’s BBall Standings Teams


TEXAS STATE Northwestern St. Southeastern La. Louisiana-Monroe Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Lamar McNeese State Nicholls State

W 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 6

Overall PCT 1.000 .833 .800 .667 .600 .400 .400 .400 .200 .200 .000

W 10 7 12 8 12 7 7 7 7 5 5

L 6 9 4 12 4 9 9 11 10 11 12

PCT .625 .438 .750 .400 .750 .438 .438 .389 .412 .312 .294

PF 69.9 73.2 71.1 68.3 72.0 78.6 69.7 68.5 78.9 72.9 66.3

PA 68.6 76.2 63.9 71.9 57.9 78.6 71.0 69.9 77.2 74.8 75.5

Tx State men’s bBall Schedule


29 at La.-Monroe........... 7:45 p.m. 31 at Northwestern St.......4 p.m. February

5 Host Southeast. La..7:30 p.m. 11 at Lamar..........................7 p.m. 14 Host La.-Monroe......6:30 p.m. 19 at Sam Houston........7:45 p.m. 21 at UT-Arlington...............4 p.m. 25 Host UT-SA.................7:30 p.m.

By Travis Summers Sports Reporter

Coaches generally do not enjoy hearing the term “rebuilding season” for their program. However, with the current look at the Texas State baseball team roster, coach Ty Harrington has no other labels to give this mix of players. “Essentially we are a brand new team,” Harrington said. “We’ve got a lot of new faces and a lot of new guys who haven’t spent much time on the field who we’re counting on.” The Bobcats finished 30-28 last season, including a 19-7 Southland Conference record and a second-place finish, both of which were the best in school history. But Texas State lost five starters among position players as well as its designated hitter and top pitcher, Brandon Hankins, from last year. The noticeable crop of fresh faces in this year’s lineup is on the infield. Gone from the infield are third baseman Marc Coles and all-conference selections, second baseman Jacob Spencer and shortstop Ignacio Suarez. The only starter remaining from last year’s starting infield is senior first baseman Mark Cooper. Cooper was named to the preseason All-SLC Second Team after hitting .307 with five homeruns last year. Joining Cooper as starters are junior shortstop Dominic Ramos, junior third baseman Kyle Anson and sophomore second baseman Patrick Crumpton. Ramos is the only familiar face to the Bobcats from last year, getting in 92 at-bats, hitting .174. Anson and Crumpton are new to the team. “Infield-wise, we’ve got a

Southl and Conference Preseason Baseball Polls Coaches Poll 1-Lamar (5) 2-UT-Arlington (3) 3-Northwestern St. 4-LA-Monroe 5-TEXAS STATE (1) 6-McNeese St. (1) 7-Sam Houston St. 8-UT-San Antonio 9-Southeastern La. 10-Nicholls St.

74 71 62 56 53 40 34 24 23 13

SIDs Poll 1-Lamar (6) 93 2-UT-Arlington (2) 86 T3-Northwestern St. (1) 69 T3-TEXAS STATE 69 5-LA-Monroe (1) 62 6-McNeese St. 52 7-UT-San Antonio 45 8-Sam Houston St. 38 9-Southeastern La. 25 10-Nicholls St. 15

SLC’s second best ERA at 2.70. He also went 7-4 and was named Second Team All-SLC last season. Schappert returns for his senior year bringing with him a 5-6 record and 5.53 ERA in 17 starts. This season’s schedule, like every previous season in Harrington’s tenure, is filled with high-quality opponents on the road. Only 23 of the 56 games on the Texas State schedule will be played inside the confines of Bobcat Field. However, the team is hosting a three-game tournament in mid-March, which will be played at the Dell Diamond in Ashley A. Horton/Star file photo Round Rock. Mark Cooper, senior first baseman, tries to tag McNeese State’s Brian Guilbeaux last season. The Bobcats take The Bobcats are also set for a two-game “home and home” on the University of Texas-Pan American Broncs at 7 p.m. Saturday in Edinburg. series against Texas A&M ferred from Temple Junior University; however, when long way to go,” Harrington from last season. “We don’t have what we College this summer. said. “But they are making Texas State hosts its home game, “I think overall just the fact it will be in the neutral setting of progress. There are some things would say a ‘No. 1’ catcher right we’re going to work on to get the now,” Harrington said. “They all that we’ve been here means the Dell Diamond. infield (players) working as a kind of do something different we’re going to provide more The Bobcats open the 2004 better than the others. But it will leadership,” Martinez said. “But season with a two-game series group.” Another hole the team is probably be a revolving door at I think we’ve picked up some beginning in Edinburg against looking to replace is catcher. that position until about the first players this off-season with good the University of Texas-Pan Last year’s catcher, Ben Carter, month when we start to get com- heads on their shoulders.” American, Jan. 31. The first The pitching staff shapes up action the Bobcats will get to see has left the team, opening a four- fortable with one guy.” The outfield is the most veter- to be led by seniors Tom in San Marcos will be a threeperson battle for top catching duties. Juniors Doug Pearce and an unit of the roster with two Robbins and Paul Schappert. game weekend series against C.J. Quayle and sophomores returning starters, seniors Evan Robbins began last season as a Texas A&M University-Corpus Jarrett Williams and David Tierce and Richard Martinez. relief pitcher, but worked his Christi, starting at 6:30 p.m. Feb. Bednarek are in the running. Filling the void in left field will way into the starting rotation and 6. Only Williams is a holdover be junior Matt Miller, who trans- started nine games, posting the

Super Bowl XXXVIII: All about football, not about headlines

It’s Super Bowl week, but for This year, most of the talk is some reason it just doesn’t have actually about the actual game of the same feel as it usually does. football, so I’m just going to Think about it. jump straight into this year’s Last year, we had Tampa Bay match-ups and who has the edge. coach John Gruden competing against his old team. Two years Carolina offense vs. ago, the New England Patriots New England defense While Delhomme may be this were playing in the first Super Bowl following 9/11 and it seem- year’s biggest Super Bowl story, the Panthers would be ed as if there was content if he didn’t some sort of divine Jason Orts throw the ball once. intervention. That would mean runThree years ago, ning backs Stephen Baltimore Raven Davis and DeShaun Ray Lewis played in Foster are ripping up the Super Bowl after the Patriot defense. being involved in an Not gonna happen. incident that ended The New England with two men dead defense is the league’s — after a Super Sports with Orts best, with apologies to Bowl party the year the Dallas Cowboys, who finbefore. The list goes on and on. So ished the regular season with the NFL’s No. 1 defense. what do we have this year? Carolina won’t run wild on We have the Patriots, back after winning the Super Bowl the Patriots, but needs to get itself two years ago and winners of 14 into second- and third-and-short in a row, facing the Carolina situations. This will allow the Panthers, a franchise that entered Panthers the option of run or pass, which is crucial to their sucthe NFL in 1995. Not exactly a match-up brim- cess. If New England’s defense can ming with intrigue. Jake Delhomme, Panther win on first and second down, quarterback, was a backup at the look out. Nobody is better at beginning of the season, but he blitzing a quarterback and maktook control of the team in the ing him uncomfortable. Look at first week, leading a come-from- what the Patriot defense did to behind win against the Indianapolis Colts quarterback Jacksonville Jaguars. He has Peyton Manning in the AFC Championship Game by forcing never looked back. And not long ago, Delhomme him into four interceptions. Even if Delhomme is able to was a backup in NFL Europe. Turns out the guy he was backing get the ball away, he still has to up was Kurt Warner, who ended contend with Patriot cornerbacks up a Super Bowl-winning quar- Ty Law, who grabbed three of terback himself in his first year as those Manning interceptions last game, and Ty Poole, a solid veta starter. But that’s probably the most eran. Delhomme then must deal interesting story this Super Bowl has to offer. Other than the NFL with safeties Eugene Wilson and Europe stuff, it’s a storyline that’s Rodney Harrison, two guys who will knock his receivers’ heads been done before.

off if his passes aren’t perfect. Edge: New England

New England offense vs. Carolina defense While the Panther offense relies on Stephen Davis and the running game, the Patriot offense relies largely on quarterback Tom Brady. The Patriots have ripped off 14 wins in a row, and have done it without a consistent running attack — an amazing accomplishment, especially since outside of Troy Brown, they don’t have a proven wide receiver, even though rookie Bethel Johnson is blossoming into one. Carolina counters with the most imposing defensive line in the NFL. Defensive ends Julius Peppers and Mike Rucker along with great outside pass rushers and with tackles by Brentson Buckner and Chris Jenkins to take care of the running game inside. And the Carolina secondary is blossoming before our very eyes this postseason, especially cornerback Ricky Manning Jr., who starred in the NFC Championship game with three interceptions. Edge: Carolina In a defensive struggle like this one appears to be, the game comes down to special teams and intangibles. The special teams edge goes to New England because of the right leg of Adam Vinatieri, who is possibly the greatest big-game, clutch kicker ever. The intangible edge also goes to New England because of coach Bill Belichick and his experience of having been at the Super Bowl two years ago. Prediction: New England Patriots 20, Carolina Panthers 10.

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