02 05 2004

Page 1

Master your domain

Going for No. 1

Smoke up

Head shops have hefty supply of handblown glassware/Trends/Page 9

Media tries to control what people think, but what else is new?/Opinions/Page 7

Bobcats aim to stay on top in conference play/Sports/Page 16


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 49 www.universitystar.com

FEBRUARY 5, 2004


President describes provost’s role Responsibilities clarified to Faculty Senate By David Doerr News Editor President Denise Trauth clarified what the roles and responsibilities of the yet to be named provost and vice president of Academic Affairs will be once the position is filled during the President and Academic Affairs Group meeting on Wednesday. Faculty Senate Chair Bill Stone, criminal justice professor, asked Trauth to clarify the phrase “first among equals” that was included in the job description of the new administrative position circulated to the Faculty Senate. “What it comes down to is the difference between leadership and management,” Trauth said. “Because what we are expecting in a provost is a leader, a person who the other vice presidents will look to as a leader, because we are not changing reporting lines. The other vice presidents are not

reporting to the provost.” She said reporting lines are not everything. “Relationships and realizing that the academics are at the center of the university is what makes the provost job different than any other vice president,” Trauth said. However, there are some tangible differences between the provost and the other vice presidents, she said. The provost will convene the university budget committee, receive information concerning university development issues and make recommendations beyond the Academic Affairs division. Trauth said the budget decisions made in Academic Affairs has a rippling effect across all priorities of the university’s other divisions. The intention of having the provost convene the budget meetings is to send a clear message that this is the No. 2 person at the university, she said. Sen. Mary Brennan, associate history professor, asked Trauth what would happen if the search committee is unable to find the right person for the job.


Andy Ellis/Star photo Jay Hodges powers through tackles during Saturday’s rugby game against the University of North Texas. The Renegades won the game 17-8, putting their record to 3-2.

Management class gives real-life insight g See SENATE, page 5

Class helps students develop business ideas By David Doerr News Editor This semester’s Studies in Entrepreneurship course will bring speakers from backgrounds as diverse as former San Antonio Spurs player David Robinson and Asleep at the Wheel frontman Ray Benson to campus to talk business with Texas State students. The course Management 4350, taught by Sam Barshop, the Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte Chair of Entrepreneurial Studies and founder of La Quinta Inn, and Jim Bell, business professor, provides students with presentations by entrepreneurs on Tuesdays and allows students to develop business plans on Thursdays. During the semester, students learn how to pitch their ideas and how to write and present a business plan.

Amanda Luckemeyer/Special to The Star James Bell, business professor, presents Sam Barshop, founder of La Quinta Inn, with a plaque during the Studies in Entrepenuership class.

In 1998, former SWT President Jerome Supple asked Barshop if he was interested in being a Mitte chair and teaching a class at Texas State. Barshop was initially hesitant about accepting the position. “I didn’t know if I wanted to do it or not, because I’m not

educated in teaching,” Barshop said. “He came to me in November, so I asked (Supple) if I could let him know after the new year and he said that would be fine. I went out at Christmastime and I started asking friends to come up there and speak, and everyone I asked

said ‘yes.’ Before Christmas was over, I had about 15 people that said they would be willing to come up there and spend a couple of hours and tell their life story.” Bell said it is the only course he knows that combines a speaker series with a business plan development course. He said students pitch their ideas during “elevator interviews” in which students have two to three minutes to get other students in the class to pursue their plan. However, faculty, staff and local businessmen have also pitched ideas. Bell said out of about 10 business plans that are created during the course, one typically becomes operational immediately. Bell said many of his students often pursue implementing the business plans they create in the course after they graduate. “I probably get an e-mail message once a week from a former student saying ‘I’m g See STUDIES, page 6

Event celebrates life of local jazz musician By Rickey Purdin News Reporter

An influential big band composer and jazz legend will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Friday in Evans Auditorium during the Eddie Durham Jazz Legacy Night 2004. The free event is a retrospective that will expose the legacy of Durham to those who don’t know who he was and commemorate his accomplishments with those who have been longtime fans.

“I started teaching here 15 years ago and realized that Durham was from San Marcos,” said Keith Winking, music professor and professional musician. “There is a lot of history in this that people just don’t know about and they should.” Winking said Durham’s musical career spread from Texas to Kansas City, where he teamed with other like-minded musicians, such as Bennie Moten and Count Bessie, to develop the sound of

Southwestern Swing or “Kansas City Jazz.” Durham went to New York City where his contributions to music hit their peak as he pioneered the use of electric guitar. “Rock ’n’ roll would never have been around without electric guitar,” Winking said. “His work made all that possible, and people need to know about it. That legacy is here in San Marcos.” The event, sponsored by the Texas State School of Music and department of history

Taylor Lecture Series along with numerous other local contributors, will spotlight various songs from Durham’s career, performed by the Texas State Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Orchestra. Among presenters will be Dave Oliphant, Stanley Crouch and Loren Schoenberg. Also attending the evening is Marsha Durham, daughter of Eddie Durham. Oliphant, the authority on g See JAZZ, page 6

Job fair hosted by Career Services gives summer opportunities Star Staff Career Services will be holding a summer job fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 12 in the LBJ Student Center ballroom. Employers from around the nation will be on hand taking applications and interviewing potential employees. “This is a great opportunity for students to find summer jobs,” said Josie Garrott, Career Services director. “Often times most students think that February is too early to look for summer jobs, but it’s not,” Garrott said. “If they wait until late in the semester, most of the positions may be filled by then.” Some of the employers attending the fair are Adventure Experiences, Inc. (located in Taylor Park, Colo.), Blue Streak Stables, Girl Scouts Councils, Camp Arrowhead and Camp Carter


Amusements...........12 Classifieds...............13 Comics/Crossword..12 Music......................10,11 News..........................2-6 Opinions....................7,8 Sports.....................14-16 Trends......................9-11

YMCA. Other non-summer camp employers include Clean Water Action, Target stores and Texas State Residential Life. “There are opportunities for everyone, and we try to give all of the students a little bit of information about everything that’s out there,” Garrott said. Registration will be held at the door. Students will be encouraged to have their valid Texas State IDs on them so that they may print out nametags. Students are also strongly encouraged to bring copies of their résumés and to be prepared to fill out multiple application forms. Formal business attire is recommended. For a complete, up-to-date listing of representatives attending the fair, students can visit www.careerservices.txstate.edu.

Today’s Weather

High: 68 Lo w : 41

Partly cloudy all day

Wind: From NW at 9 mph Precipitation: 20% Max. Humidity: 49% UV Index: 5 Moderate Friday’s Forecast Partly cloudy 55/31


2 - The University Star fraternity rush meeting is at 8 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-14.1. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship meets for worship at 8 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320.

Calendar of

EVENTS Thursday

First Generation Students Organization Valentine fund-raiser is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in The Quad. Frree food and drinks will be provided before the Texas State basketball game at 5 p.m. in the Strahan Coliseum parking lot. Public Relations Student Society of America meets at 5 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-10.1. Bike for the Right meets at 5 p.m. at the San Marcos Library. College Democrats meets at 7 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 245. The Rock meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center. Alpha kappa psi co-ed business

Christians on Campus meets at 9:30 p.m. at the McCarty Student Center.


information, call 245-2208.


First Generation Students Organization Valentine fundraiser is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. CSC provides a free lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the center. Christians at Texas State meets at noon in LBJSC, Room 3-10.1.

First Generation Students Organization Valentine fundraiser is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Breaking Free From Dieting support group meets at 3 p.m. at the counseling center.

Texas State Alcohol and Drug Resource Center classes meet from noon-1 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 4-1.9. Pre-registration is required.

Geography Honors Society meets at 5 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 311.

SWAT, the organization that provides free rides back to campus, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Graduate Business Student Association meets at 5:45 p.m. in Derrick Hall, Room 111.


Catholic Student Center hosts a welcome back dinner at 5:30 p.m. at the center.


First Generation Students Organization Valentine fundraiser is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in The Quad. Dealing with Dysfunctional Families meets at 5:15 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more

College Democrats meets at 7 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts building, Room 245. Victory Over Violence, an event about Buddhism, happens at 7 p.m. in the LBJSC Ballroom.

Calendar Submission Policy Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Hours of Operation

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday -Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday noon - midnight

Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk

Thursday, February 5, 2004

College education includes lessons on Latin heritage, identity, Americanization By Richard Brand Knight Ridder Newspapers GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Katherine Estevez always thought she was the allAmerican girl, captain of her high school’s volleyball team and a devoted fan of Britney Spears and N’Sync. Now, as a junior at the University of Florida, the Miami Lakes native uses the word “American” to describe her Anglo classmates and hangs a Cuban flag in her dorm room. She’s not confused — or rebelling. She says she’s simply reveling in her Cuban heritage on a rural campus dominated by Southern whites. “You get off the highway and pull into Gainesville, and you’re like, ‘Oh God.’ I’ve never seen so many blondes in one place,” said Estevez, 20, a journalism major. “It was definitely a huge culture shock. Because of that, I feel closer to my Hispanic friends than I do with my American friends.” Experimenting with identity has always been part of college life. Now that experience is being enjoyed by an exploding number of second-gene r a t i o n Latinos like Estevez, Americanized as they come, yet still the children born of Hispanic immigrants. For them, the search for identity is complicated by the way race and belonging sometimes overlap and contradict. Their parents called them gringos, their classmates now call them Hispanic. The issue of Hispanic identity is even further muddled because for the first time the number of Hispanic births has surpassed the number of immigrants as a source of population growth — meaning that second-generation Latinos are fast becoming the dominant face of the Hispanic community. The identities they shape in college will reverberate in American society, where Hispanics have become the largest minority group. According to recent surveys, second-generation Hispanics tend to be wealthier, more liberal and better educated than their parents.

For many of them, identity is fluid. “It’s confusing. When you’re in Miami, they’ll say I’m not Argentine because I wasn’t born there, but when I’m in Gainesville, I don’t feel American,” said Michelle Murphy, a pre-law senior who founded the Argentine Student Association, which has 10 members. “We cling together.” Those feelings of confusion are common for second-generation Hispanics, says Roberto Suro, director of the Washington-based Pew Hispanic Center. “Immigrants tend to call themselves the nationality of their country of origin. Later generations tend to call themselves American. And the second generation is a mishmash,” Suro said. Indeed, a recent national survey conducted by Pew showed that 38 percent of second-generation Hispanics identified themselves by their parents’ country of origin, 24 percent identified themselves

president of the Hispanic Association, an Student umbrella group that has a budget of nearly $90,000. “Hispanics stick out here. They have a thick Miami accent, an accent I didn’t even know existed before I got here,” Sanchez says.___ Their dorm rooms take on a Hispanic flair. Walk though campus, and a visitor will notice Dominican, Venezuelan and Cuban flags hanging in the windows. Inside, many Latino students keep their refrigerators stuffed with croquettes; espresso makers sit on stovetops. Of the 1.5 million students enrolled at the large campuses that are members of the Association of American Universities, about 5 percent are Hispanic. At UF, the figure is closer to 10 percent, with about 4,776 Hispanics on a campus of 48,184 students. Most are from South Florida. Although Gainesville’s nonstudent population has a g r o w i n g Mexican community, the areas surrounding the university are not the most welcoming to — Roberto Suro minorities. Pan Hispanic Center director The Ku Klux Klan is as Latino or Hispanic and 35 active in nearby Lake City, percent called themselves Fla., and small rallies are not American. uncommon. The day before “What those numbers mask student body president elecis something we’ve seen in tions in March 2001, the year a focus groups, that one individ- Hispanic candidate named Gil ual uses all these different Sanchez was in the running, labels in different contexts,” somebody sprayed an ethnic Suro said. slur across the walls of a While there has long been a Hispanic culture center. presence on the University of Then there are the little Florida campus of Hispanics, things. who formed their first organi“People give me dirty looks zation in 1975, the number of when I’m talking on my cell student groups has boomed. phone in Spanish,” Estevez Today the state’s largest cam- says. pus is home to about 50 Despite those unpleasant Hispanic student organiza- experiences, Estevez says she tions, including those for wouldn’t ever consider changChileans, Panamanians, preing to a school in South med Hispanics, and Brazilian Florida, even though her Capoeira fans. father, who wanted her closer “A Miami outpost,” jokes to home, “has tried to bribe me Danny Sanchez, as he strolls with a new car if I promise to though campus wearing a guayabera, paying homage to return.” She drives around campus his family’s Cuban roots but in an old Chevrolet with two looking out of place on a campus where students more often bumper stickers: one carrying wear jeans, T-shirts and flip- a Cuban flag and another that says, “UF: Worth Leaving flops. Sanchez, a sophomore, is Home For.”

“Immigrants tend to call themselves the nationality of their country of origin. Later generations tend to call themselves American. And the second generation is a mishmash,”

News Briefs

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Mass. court grants same sex couples right to marry

BOSTON — The highest court in Massachusetts, clarifying its stand on gay unions, ruled Wednesday that same-sex couples are entitled to marry, beginning as early as May 17. The Supreme Judicial Court ruling makes Massachusetts the first state to grant the full rights of marriage to gay and lesbian couples. In clear and forthright terms, the court declared that civil unions or other marriage-like institutions would not meet the state's constitutional standards. “The history of our nation has demonstrated that separate is seldom, if ever, equal,” the court ruled. Three of the seven justices dissented. The landmark ruling comes as states across the country are considering constitutional amendments to keep gays from marrying and are passing statutes to protect the union between a man and a woman. The issue is likely to be troublesome for Democrats in this year's presidential race. The front-runner, current Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, long has opposed gay marriage but advocates full legal protection for same-sex couples. The controversy may remind conservative voters that he comes from a liberal state. Kerry did not comment on the court's action.

Supermarket chains reject striker’s offer of arbitration A proposal by grocery union leaders to immediately end the long-running strike and submit their contract dispute to binding arbitration fell flat Wednesday when the supermarket chains quickly rejected the offer, crushing the hopes of many striking and locked-out workers. In a joint statement, the Albertsons, Ralphs and Vons chains characterized the union's offer as “just another effort to shift the focus away from the United Food and Commercial Workers’ apparent inability to find a negotiated settlement to this labor dispute.” The markets said they wanted to continue negotiating with the help of federal mediator Peter Hurtgen. The arbitration offer was intended to put pressure on the supermarkets to settle the near4-month-long dispute. ly Flanked by the Rev. Jesse

Jackson, Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn and other religious and elected leaders, Rick Icaza, president of UFCW Local 770, said, “Our members have struggled too long. The public has struggled too long. Let's put an end to this strike.” Icaza did not specify an arbitrator, but said union members would return to work as soon as the stores agreed to the offer. The idea grew out of a meeting between the presidents of the seven UFCW locals in the strike area, which involves about 70,000 workers in and Central Southern California, according to several of the presidents. They have been getting increasing pressure from members, many of whom have run through savings and lost cars and homes.

Battle brewing over a bush judicial nominee

WASHINGTON — For much of his professional career, William G. Myers III has been a lawyer and lobbyist for mining, grazing and cattle interests and a severe critic of environmentalists. Now, Myers, 48, has been nominated by President Bush to the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which reviews federal court decisions from nine western states, and considers more significant environmental cases than any other federal appeals court. Myers, an attorney in Boise, Idaho, faces a tough confirmation battle as more than 100 environmental, tribal, civil rights, labor and women's organizations have mounted a major campaign to defeat him in the Senate. Myers’ first hearing will be Thursday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary has called Myers “an ideologue who would use his position on the court to promote his personal agenda of attacking safeguards for tribal rights and the environment in order to favor” the industries he has represented. Jackie Johnson, National Congress of American Indians spokeswoman, which represents about 250 tribes, said this is the first time the organization has formally opposed a judicial nominee during the Bush administration. Johnson criticized Myers' role as the Interior Department's chief lawyer during the first two years of the Bush administration. Briefs are from wire reports.


Presentation explores tactics of negotiating

By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter

Any student who has ever walked away unhappy from negotiating a situation can brush up on bargaining skills Tuesday at a presentation called “Power Negotiating: The Art of Getting What You Want.” The 6 p.m. presentation is in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-7.1, and will be presented by Rod Fluker, assistant dean of students and Student Justice coordinator. “Negotiating is about getting what you want and at the same time letting everyone else get what they want,” Fluker said. “People negotiate all day every day, and the reason they don’t walk away pleased is that they didn’t realize they were negotiating. Any time you go toe to toe with another human being, you are negotiating.” Fluker said his presentation includes many aspects that can help students negotiate better and deal with the negotiations of other people. He will discuss tactics and counter-tactics of negotiating. The tactics Fluker will discuss are the same used in international negotiations and business. The counter-tactics are to be

The University Star - 3

used if someone else is trying to use the same tactics to get what he wants. “I wish I’d made some of them up. I would be a rich man,” he said. “These are tried and true strategies.” He will also discuss what he considers to be three critical components of negotiating — time, information and power. Fluker said most people feel a very important aspect missing from those components is money, but he believes when money is involved, it is really about a bigger issue. He used the example of Emmitt Smith’s negotiations for a higher salary with the Dallas Cowboys. “They said that an NFL player cannot make more than ‘X’ but he knew he was worth more than ‘X,’” Fluker said. “In that case, it was all about power and respect. It wasn’t about the money.” He expects the event to be high-energy and interactive, not just what he calls “talk and chalk.” Children are natural negotiators, which is the reason so many parents give their children something they were not planning to give them, Fluker said. A portion of the

program will be reteaching the concepts all children know but grow out of when they become analytical adults. Hundreds of books have been written on the topic of negotiating to get what a person wants, and typing the word “negotiating” in a search engine can yield more than 3 million hits. Win Squared software even exists to give answers to possible negotiating problems. “Using a database of more than 600 techniques, Win Squared analyzes the unique facts of your situation and recommends practical approaches for exchanging information, making proposals and gaining concurrence,” according to winxwin.com. However, Fluker said he feels each negotiation is a different experience. He believes his techniques can be used in multiple settings and are not just based on one limited experience. “This is win-win negotiating,” Fluker said. “I have purposely exposed myself to negotiating situations to see if this really works and I have literally saved thousands of dollars in a matter of eight seconds.”

Kay sheds light on weapons hunt during testimony By Nell McGarity U-Wire WASHINGTON — The former head of the Iraq Survey Group, David Kay, testified last week about his findings in Iraq, mainly that the arsenal that intelligence claimed was there is yet to be found. This public scrutiny of a portion of the Bush administration’s support for invading Iraq has spawned several announcements that transpired earlier this week. Kay testified Jan. 28 before the Senate Arms Services Committee that he failed to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that not only was U.S. intelligence wrong, but so was other leading intelligence agencies. He testified that while there have no been weapons found, there were still clear violations of U.N. Resolution 1441, which was still reason enough to remove Saddam Hussein from power. “Resolution 1441 required that Iraq report all of its activi-

ties — one last chance to come clean about what it had,” said Kay. “We have discovered hundreds of cases, based on both documents, physical evidence and the testimony of Iraqis, of activities that were prohibited under the initial U.N. Resolution 687 and that should have been reported under 1441, with Iraqi testimony that not only did they not tell the U.N. about this, they were instructed not to do it and they hid material.” Kay went on to explain that he did not think that analyst were being pressured to find conclusions that fit political goals, but rather analysts found reasonable conclusions for what they knew at the time. He urged the committee that a panel should be formed to investigate the intelligence failures. “I think we’ve got other cases other than Iraq. I do not think the problem of global proliferation of weapons technology of mass destruction is going to go away, and that’s why I think it is an urgent

issue,” said Kay. This week, the administration responded to the issue. Monday, in an interview with The Washington Post, Secretary of State Colin Powell said that had he known that there were no stockpiles of weapons, he is unsure as to whether he would have as broadly supported the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq. Monday also brought a meeting between Kay and President Bush in the Oval Office, and the announcement that the administration will form a bi-partisan panel to investigate the intelligence failures relating to Iraqi weapons claims as well as CIA information on weapons programs in Iran, Libya and North Korea. “(The panel) is important and intelligence failures need to be investigated, but Kay's statements should not be over simplified,” said Robert J. Lieber, a professor of government and foreign affairs at Georgetown University.

“On one hand David Kay’s statements and testimony express his judgment that significant stockpiles have not been discovered,” said Lieber. “But on the other hand it is important not to distort what he said. After all, Kay emphasized that the pre-war estimates were consistent through the world’s leading intelligence agencies.” Lieber went on to reiterate that Kay did say that the case for Iraq could be made other ways, and that US intelligence was not the only agency that was incorrect, but that a panel was necessary to investigate the failures. “The panel is necessary and it needs to go forward. I just hope it doesn’t turn out like the Hutton report and be too one sided,” said Donald Daniel, a professor in the security studies program at Georgetown University. The Hutton Report is the first inquiry into WMD by Tony Blair, which investigated the British intelligence report about Iraqi weapons.


4 - The University Star

CAMPUS UPDATES Gilb’s Gritos nominated for prestigious NBCC award Dagoberto Gilb, an associate professor of English at Texas State and an instructor with the MFA program in Creative Writing, has been named a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for criticism. Gritos, Gilb’s 2003 collection of essays from Grove Press, is nominated for the criticism award along with Susan Sontag’s Regarding the Pain of Others, Ross King’s Michelangelo & the Pope’s Ceiling, Rebecca Solnit’s River of Shadows and Nick Hornby’s Songbook. Other award categories include fiction, general non-fiction, reviewing and poetry. Winners will be announced Mar. 4 at the annual NBCC awards ceremony in New York City. The National Book Critics Circle, founded in 1974, consists of nearly 700 active book reviewers who are interested in honoring quality writing and communicating with one another about common concerns. Gilb’s other published books include The Magic of Blood (Albuquerque, 1993/Grove Press, 1994), The Last Known Residence of Mickey Acuña (Grove Press, 1995) and Woodcuts of Women (Grove Press, 2001). Among his many awards, Gilb was honored with a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship in 1992, the Whiting Writer’s Award in 1993 and a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1995.

Carl Glickman featured speaker at Wimberley Lecture Series Carl Glickman, Mitte Chair in School Improvement at Texas State, will deliver a free public lecture Tuesday as part of the Wimberley Lecture Series. The lecture will be at 7 p.m. at Chapel

in the Hills in Wimberley. Glickman will speak on “America’s Schools: Reinvigorating Education, Citizenship and Democratic Life.” The series, featuring Texas State faculty, is held the second Tuesday of each month. Future speakers include Gary Hartman, director of the Center for Texas Music History, on Mar. 9; Sally Caldwell, sociology faculty, on Apr. 13 and Verna Henson, criminal justice faculty, on May 11.

Act now to maximize financial aid opportunities Media Relations Students at Texas State University interested in filing for fall 2004 financial aid should begin the process now. The Student Financial Aid office recommends that students file for aid as soon as possible in order to improve chances of maximizing potential financial aid packages. The 2004-2005 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be found on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov. A FAFSA application needs to be completed each academic year. The application is used to apply for state and federal grants, work-study and student and parent loans. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has developed a comprehensive resource on applying and paying for college available at www.collegefortexans.com. The Financial Aid office is available to assist in accessing available funds to help defray students’ educational costs. For more information, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Web site at www.finaid.txstate.edu or call (512) 2452315. Briefs are from Media Relations press releases

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Guard head says deployments will not drive soldiers out By John Hendren Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON — Despite indications that Army National Guard troops are dissatisfied with prolonged spells abroad, the head of the National Guard predicted Wednesday that deployment to war zones would not drive soldiers en masse from the service. Describing the deployments as “the first real test of the allvolunteer force in this country,” Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum downplayed the significance of a recent internal survey that found widespread unhappiness among soldiers returning from Iraq and other overseas deployments. Reserve and National Guard soldiers make up 40 percent of the nearly 125,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. The survey taken last year of 5,000 returning troops indicated the rate of those members who might leave the National Guard could increase from the current 12.5 percent to more than 20 percent. However, Blum likened the voluntary survey to asking a woman in labor if she would have another child — adding that those who filled it out were more likely to have concerns. The study indicated that many troops are “not exactly thrilled by what is going on,” Blum told reporters at a breakfast meeting of defense writers. “Now, am I concerned? Yes. . . . But the sky is not falling and we are meeting our established goals for retention.” Blum acknowledged that a

potential drop in retention levels might be masked by socalled “stop-loss” orders temporarily preventing many National Guard members from leaving the service. The use of National Guard and Reserve troops over the past 2 1/2 years has marked the largest sustained call-up since an all-volunteer military force was established after the Vietnam War. The increased reliance on National Guard troops has transformed a fighting force of part-time warriors that, military enthusiasts contend, was designed to fight either forest fires at home or World War III abroad — but nothing in between. But concern has spread throughout Capitol Hill, where members of Congress are fielding complaints from constituents. “Concerns about morale and, potentially, about recruitment and retention are real,” Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, ranking Democrat on the Armed Services Senate Committee, said Wednesday in questioning Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. “The risks posed to our Guard and Reserve system are real.” Even Sen. John Warner, RVa., the committee chairman and a staunch Rumsfeld ally, agreed. “We are blessed with a military that has responded to these demands with extraordinary commitment, but even the best military has its limits,” Warner said. Some senior officers in Iraq, speaking on condition of anonymity, have acknowledged anecdotal evidence of a

potential retention problem, saying that soldiers who had signed up for re-enlistment had withdrawn their papers after their tours of duty were prolonged. Nearly four in 10 of the nation’s 120,000 National Guard troops have joined since the Sept. 11 attacks, and therefore knew about the likelihood of deployment, Blum said. The proportion of troops in Iraq from the National Guard and Reserve is expected to fall from 40 percent to 30 percent in the third round of troop deployments, slated to begin early next year. Rumsfeld, who testified in back-to-back hearings of the Senate and House Armed Services committees Wednesday, acknowledged the need to restructure the Reserve, as Pentagon strategists are now considering doing as part of a worldwide study of forces. However, he emphasized to lawmakers that use of the National Guard and Reserve units is necessary. “Each of us knew when we signed up that it was not simply to serve one weekend and two weeks’ active duty,” Rumsfeld said, noting that some committee members had been National Guard members and reservists. “We signed up so that if war was visited on our country we would be ready to become part of the active force. And on Sept. 11, war was visited on our country. And if we were not to call up the Guard and Reserves today, then why would we have them at all?”

physician for the football and baseball teams at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. SAD is a clinically diagnosed disorder and women are up to four times more likely to experience it, than men — especially those in the Northeastern parts of the country, Jacobs said. Symptoms of SAD are similar to those of regular depression, except they disappear when warmer weather comes in the spring. Appetite changes, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating, irritability, loss of pleasure in typically joyful activities and carbohydrate cravings are all symptoms of SAD, with the highest incidence occurring in January or February, Jacobs said. Many who experience SAD also report having trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, something many Indiana

University students can relate to. “It's warm in bed and cold outside,” freshman Adam Hirschkatz said. “I'd just rather be snuggled up in bed.” Students can also find themselves feeling lazy and unmotivated in the winter and find it harder to study and do homework. Phillip Summers, adjunct professor in the IU department of psychology, said he read a study about SAD once which said there were more phone calls made home by college students in the winter months than at any other time. “In January and February, students suffer for different reasons,” Phillips said. He also noted the reality of the long semester looming ahead, the ending of the holiday vacation and the return to a full load of homework as factors students face during the winter season.

Lack of sunlight may cause depression By Brittany Hite Indiana Daily Student

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — During the winter months, temperatures aren’t the only things dropping. As the snow begins to fall and readings on thermometers plummet, so too, do moods for many people. This change in mood, combined with other symptoms, can be diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, “a type of winter depression that affects an estimated half a million people every winter between September and April — in particular during December, January and February,” according to the SAD Association's Web site, www.sada.org.uk. “SAD is the result of the limited sunlight exposure that accompanies the shorter winter days,” said Dr. Michael M. Jacobs, board certified team


An epidemic built on ignorance Thursday, February 5, 2004

AIDS victims in Haiti rise to dangerous levels

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By Carol J. Williams Los Angeles Times PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — “Best to stay away from that one.” That was the whispered warning about Liony Accelus when neighbors, fellow drivers on the tap-tap bus runs and even some lifelong friends concluded that the evil eye had given him AIDS. “They thought it was a voodoo spell that was making me sick,” the 36-year-old father of four said of the time, just two years ago, when he weighed 105 pounds and was too weak to hold his head up. “I thought so too, because I was having so many mechanical troubles with the van as well.” Haiti’s AIDS epidemic, fueled by ignorance, rages on despite education and medical breakthroughs that allow people in wealthier countries to live with the disease. Compounding the suffering of the 350,000 Haitians infected with HIV, an ingrained prejudice tends to cast the ill as defective and not worthy of sympathy or respect. Although progress has been made in lowering the incidence of new infections in the last two years, breaking the vicious cycle of poverty that propels the AIDS epidemic is such a herculean task that it daunts even the most committed relief workers. An effort to broaden the use of lifesaving antiretroviral drugs has become enmeshed in the bitter and divisive political crisis gripping the country, with many foreign relief programs that refuse to provide aid directly to a dysfunctional government instead putting it in the hands of nongovernmental agencies that are criticized as ineffective. At least 30,000 Haitians die of AIDS complications each year. More than 100,000 are too sick to care for their children, leaving 200,000 minors abandoned, many of them living on the streets of Port-au-Prince, the overcrowded and staggeringly

Carol J. Williams /Los Angeles Times Chenet Poteau gives her daughter Sheila a dose of AIDS medication outside their home in Cange, Haiti. Both mother and daughter are infected. impoverished capital. They sleep in alleys flanked by mudladen mounds of trash and overflowing sewers, begging or stealing food from other slum dwellers, coming of age without schooling or much prospect of employment. It is these lost children who enter in ignorance the most vulnerable age group for HIV infection: the 15- to 24-year-olds who make up half of Haiti’s popula-

Haiti, home to 90 percent of all AIDS patients in the Caribbean, has more than 100 people die of the disease every day, according to the Washington, D.C.based Academy for Educational Development. tion of 8.5 million. The percentage of HIV-positive incidence among those test-

ed for the virus that causes AIDS has been on the decline for more than a year from a 6.1 percent zenith, said Paul Farmer, a physician and anthropologist who has spent more than 20 years in medical relief work in Haiti. The decrease suggests that massive efforts undertaken to encourage safe sex may be having some influence.Still, in Haiti, home to 90 percent of all AIDS patients in the Caribbean, more than 100 people die of the disease every day, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Academy for Educational Development. Haitians in the countryside have begun learning to embrace the victims of AIDS, many of whom return to their native villages to die after despairing of getting treatment in the cities. But that nascent rural solidarity bucks an urban tide of discrimination and stigma, Farmer said. He complained that the Haitian public health community was slowing down the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, arguing that the limited funds should be spent on infrastructure and other health aid that would help people with curable diseases. “They say you can’t use these

drugs in places like Haiti because of the lack of healthcare infrastructure and the risk of developing resistance,” Farmer said. “But we can use these drugs, and we have to use them. It’s the job of a doctor to take care of the sick.” A passionate campaigner for antiretroviral therapy for the tens of thousands here who need it, Farmer demanded to know: “Who are we saving this for?” Farmer has been fighting back on his own, through the Boston-based Partners in Health nonprofit program that has him dividing his time between a Harvard Medical School teaching post and a clinic he founded in the Haitian village of Cange. He began treating 60 local AIDS patients in advanced stages of the disease in late 1998 with medicines bought with donated money. The therapy is now available to more than 2,000 people nationwide through a program Farmer created from an existing tuberculosis treatment and monitoring network. Each day, 700 deputized community health workers fan out across the mountains to deliver the lifesaving pills directly to AIDS victims.

California man nabbed for $200 million fraud By E. Scott Reckard Los Angeles Times When a financial adviser told Georgia state authorities about the money manager who was guaranteeing his clients returns of 18 percent, alarm bells went off. It was the spring of 2001, a year after the stock bubble burst, and the promise just sounded too good to be true. As they learned more about the Californian tout-

SENATE: Trauth clarifies roles of committees

The University Star - 5

ing his investment prowess, James P. Lewis Jr. of Villa Park, regulators in Atlanta became increasingly suspicious. They saw red flags in his boasts of traveling the world by private jet and, among other things, in the 60-day waiting period he imposed when clients asked to withdraw money from their accounts. In a telephone call that April and in a letter the next month, the regulators alerted the California

Department of Corporations to their serious concerns. “This was not our standard referral letter,” said Tonia Curry, chief enforcement attorney for the Georgia Division of Securities and Business Regulation. The warning went nowhere. Curry said Georgia had no record that the California agency ever even replied. Lewis was indicted Wednesday on 14 counts of mail

fraud and money laundering, accused of bilking more than $200 million from some 3,000 people, many of whom lost their life savings. But it was the federal government — not the state of California — that brought the case against him. That has left some aggrieved investors wondering why the state failed to go after Lewis and his company, Financial Advisory Consultants Inc. of Lake Forest, when it had the chance.

“In my mind the only failed search is when you hire the wrong person,” Trauth said. “If we have to start over, we will start over.” Sen. Ted Hindson, political science professor, asked Trauth if the provost would be given tenure when he is hired. Trauth said if someone is going to be making decisions about others on the full professor level he would have to be able to attain tenure at Texas State. Hindson asked Trauth if the department the provost would become a part of would have the opportunity to vote on the level of professorship the new administrator would have. Truath said it would, but that ultimately you want somebody that is “respectable.” “You want somebody that people will say ‘this is the chief academic officer,’” Trauth said. “And as such, I don’t want split hairs or twist arms. I want it to be a slam dunk on tenured full professor.” Stone also asked Trauth to clarify the role of the committees appointed to “read across” the academic department and college plans to which Trauth deferred to Cathy Fleuriet, Institutional Effectiveness associate vice president. According to the Strategic Planning Web site, the Steering Committee for University Planning has recommended appropriate committees to read across the five planning categories of academic plans. The Institutional Effectiveness office has also been recommended to read across the maintenance category of all department plans. Fleuriet said the specific charge of the “read across” committees is to read across college plans because deans make decisions as to whether or not certain things in the department will move forward. Fleuriet referred to the following five objectives listed on the

Web site: 1. Identifying “opportunities” within the areas reviewed. 2. Aggregating/outlining resources requested. 3. Identifying infrastructure needed to fulfill requests. 4. Reporting on types of support/guidance that can be provided. 5. Based on information presented in Nos. 1-4 above, make suggestions to the President’s Cabinet for developing priorities for the university plan. Sen. Michele Conroy, art and design professor, said it seemed to her that the way the committees were set up could have a dysfunctional filtering effect on the priorities of the academic departments, which would result in a recommendation that does not reflect the desires of faculty members. Fleuriet said that to believe that you would have to make the assumption that the committees had the authority to make recommendations that were going to be followed through. She said the true filters are the college deans. “I see it as a magnifying glass where we’ve never really looked at all these parts before or we’ve rehashed these same kind of things before and never put them on paper to get them out in the open to discuss,” she said. “This is a point of discussion I think. Filtering happens way down there and has much to do with the committees themselves.” The Faculty Senate also tabled a proposal until next week to decrease the number of advanced hours students are required to take to satisfy the general university core of classes from 40 to 39. The proposal was suggested to make the required number a multiple of three so that students would not have to take an additional course to obtain a single hour of credit. However, Stone said he thought the issue was a non-issue because most departments require more than 40 advance hours.


6 - The University Star

Thursday, February 5, 2004

STUDIES: Future entrepeneurs get ideas

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ready to launch,’” Bell said. “There was a magazine that came out of the class. I actually gave the kid in his team a C and he sent me the third edition.” Bell said most entrepreneurial businesses are under the radar screen for several years before they come visible to the general public. He cited Dell Computers as an example. “Out of a dorm room first, then out of a garage, then out of rented space,” Bell said. “It wasn’t five years before they realized and said ‘Oh my God, this guy is selling computers.’ That is how most of these are going to happen.” The College of Business Administration will offer a new concentration in entrepreneurial studies sequence of classes beginning in Fall 2004. The final course in the sequence, Management 4351, Applied will include Entrepreneurship, in which students will actually start and run a business. Bell said only five other universities in the United States offer a similar course. Students with any major can take the concentration in entrepreneurship. Bell’s goal is to get non-business majors into the entrepreneurship courses. “We’ve had mostly business students (in the past) just because it is housed in this college,” Bell said. “But my goal

is to get the word out and have people say ‘I want to start my own business.’ And this is their opportunity.” Students enrolled in the Studies in Entrepreneurship class also participate in groups such as College Entrepreneurs Organization, which has

ers help inspire students with their stories and advise them with their general business knowledge. “The founder of Grande Communications was a really good speaker,” he said. “He was a young guy. He inspired me, as far as his age and how he is very successful now. Grande is pretty big now.” Garcia said the biggest lesson he has learned in business so far is that you need money to make money. “We started with the least amount of money possible,” he said. “We, my partner and myself, scrapped it up together and got it going and fortunately it survived the first month and started running itself.” Barshop said most entrepreneurs have an independent spirit and don’t like to take orders. “(To be an entrepreneur) you have to work hard, have a passion for what you do, be a risk taker, treat your employees well and be willing to work long, long hours in the beginning,” Barshop said. “And once you become successful, you have to participate in your community and you have to give back.” For more information on the course, including the semester’s full list of guest speakers, visit www.business.swt.edu/users/jb15/MGT4350/default. htm. Bell said 10 seats are open to visitors for each speaker.

Students with any major can take the concentration in entrepreneurship. Bell’s goal is to get non-business majors into the entrepreneurship courses. placed second in 2002 and 2003 and won $7,000 for two different business plans at the Ernst Young/Nasdaq New Enterprise Creation Competition sponsored by Ball State University, the only two years Texas State students have entered the contest. Albert Garcia, of Bobcat Delivery founder and course alum, said he had the idea for his business before he took the class, but the entrepreneurship course helped him create a more detailed and comprehensive plan. Bobcat Delivery, which specializes in delivering food and other products to college students, is today a profitable business with revenues greater than $400,000. “It worked out good for me because I took the entrepreneurship class and got to write the business plan simultaneously while I was starting a business here,” Garcia said. “I learned a lot more about starting a business than I would have ever known.” Garcia said the guest speak-

Photo courtesy of Texas State music department

JAZZ: Retrospective of local musician celebrates his life, musical legacy

Eddie Durham posing with a trombone. Durham’s music greatly expanded the sound of jazz.

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Texas Jazz, has published articles and books about Durham’s works. Crouch, a New York Daily News and The New York Times writer, will discuss Durham’s musical legacy in “conquering the Southwest.” Schoenberg, faculty member at the Julliard Institute for Jazz Studies and Grammy-award winner, will perform some of Durham’s compositions. As a former protégé of Durham, Winking believes Schoenberg will present a unique view of Durham’s effects on music. Along with the music and speeches, plans will be revealed for a proposed development initiative located around the Dunbar Historic District in central San Marcos called “The Dunbar Heritage and Museums District.”

The area would include an Eddie Durham Heritage Park and Durham Music Museum, preservation efforts in the historic Dunbar neighborhood just south of The Square, improvements to the Calaboose African American Museum and several additional restorations that would include a visual recreation of “The Beat,” the once-vibrant commercial heart of San Marcos’ AfricanAmerican community. “This event is appealing to journalism students, music majors and anyone who likes jazz,” Winking said. “It can appeal to so many; we just need to get students there and get them involved with the history of the community they live in. If attendance permits, we’d like to make this an annual event. We’d like to have an Eddie Durham Jazz Festival.”

The Other Side of Radio plays:



OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487

Thursday, February 5, 2004

THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Trauth: Model of integrity and fairness

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hen Texas State President Denise Trauth came to San Marcos in 2002, she talked about bringing integrity to the university. If the events of Jan. 28 are any indication, Trauth is certainly living up to her words. That was when she removed Athletic Director Greg LaFleur and football coach Manny Matsakis after 12 NCAA violations were discovered in an internal investigation. It wasn’t so much that she

removed LaFleur and Matsakis because of the violations that showed her integrity, nearly anyone in their right mind would have done that. It was the fact that she removed them exactly one week before National Signing Day — when the 2004 recruiting class would be announced. By doing what she did when she did it, she sent a message to the athletic department that if things are going to be done, they

are going to be done right. They are going to be done with integrity. On the other hand, the timing of the removals could set the football program back a couple of years. If she had waited to get rid of them until after National Signing Day, Texas State likely would have been able to attract better recruits and more of them. It is hard enough to recruit with a head coach, but is almost impossible to recruit without one.


National media attempts to master thought control


egardless of who is playing whom, the Super Bowl still remains arguably the biggest social event of the year, and though I care little for sports, I still enjoy the annual spectacle. Some of Tre Miner us had our hopes riding on a certain team, while others prefer to indulge in the refreshments and double-over Star Columnist laughing at the commercials. But, as much as I would have liked, I simply could not bring myself to partake in the tradition this year. CBS aired the big game along with its infamous line-up of new commercials, which included most of the big corporate names from AOL to Pepsi to Visa. However, commercials you did not see included advocacy groups such as MoveOn.org and its 30-second advertisement attacking President Bush’s fiscal policy, as well as an ad from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (both were mentioned in The Main Point on Jan. 27 in The University Star). CBS defended its rejection of these two groups by stating they don’t run “issue ads,” which would be completely understandable had they not accepted an ad from the White House anti-drug office. If this wasn’t a blatant disregard for free speech, I’m afraid to ask what is. In defense of such accusations, CBS executive vice president Martin Franks claimed the network “didn’t want to appear to favor for one side or the other,” even though they seem to have done just that. Big media does not favor the conservative or the liberal, only those with deep pockets. Just when you thought I was

The University Star 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487; Fax: (512) 245-3708


going to rant about the happenings of one lone Sunday, let me tell you that we have bigger fish to fry. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission, in accordance with Congress, further relaxed the restrictions of media ownership, a decision which can and will exacerbate the obstruction of our First Amendment rights to both free speech and press. How would you like to be forced to fish in the same few ponds for the rest of your life while being barred from more exotic lake and ocean game? Media conglomerates were allowed to reach as much as 35 percent of viewers until a recent congressional bill, approved in

January, which allowed as much as 39 percent ownership and removed the FCC’s power to cap ownership in the future, a bill President Bush openly threatened to veto had the percentage not increased. Why would Bush, Congress and the FCC allow such a bill? More than likely, it was just too hard to turn down $2.3 million in campaign contributions and the $5.5 million in congressional lobbying provided between 2002 and 2004 by media giants Viacom (owner of the aforementioned CBS) and News Corp. (owner of Fox News). Both companies, having already exceeded the previous 35 percent cap, were allowed to keep all of its subsidiaries as a result of the bill’s passage, making its lobbying efforts worthwhile. FCC Chairman Michael Powell, son of Secretary of State Colin Powell, certainly did his fair share of advocating for government deregulation as well. An unfortunate byproduct of ever-expanding media is its effort to boost ratings by appealing to cultural consumerism. News reports jump from the war in Iraq to Kobe Bryant’s sexual escapades to the current chart-topping songs without the anchorman batting an eyelash. Our efforts to obtain information have become trivial-

Editor In Chief..............................................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.......................................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor...........................................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor........................................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor...........................Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu Assistant Entertainment Editor................................Jeff Greer, jg1201@txstate.edu

However, had Trauth done that, it would have sent the message to the recruits coming into Texas State that the university is going to do anything it takes to win. Even if that means cheating or deceiving recruits into coming to a university that is preparing to fire the coach that recruited them. So, Trauth decided to do the right thing — difficult timing or not — and because of that showed that she is the model of integrity.

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All emails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Who will speak for you?

ized as the line between news and entertainment becomes increasingly distorted. The job of the media should be to inform, but when pop culture gets higher ratings, we cannot simply abandon television and radio’s more informative aspects. When news and entertainment conglomerates are allowed to go unchecked, the tunnel of ideas and insight becomes too narrow for a multiplicity of perspectives, thus allowing for only those with enough money to decide what the public sees and hears. Companies such as Clear Channel end up controlling more than 1,200 stations while its content and diversity continues to diminish; companies such as CBS will continue putting political self-interest before those whose interests they serve — the public. The battle about media control is far from over, with the next possible turning point on Feb. 11 when the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decides whether the FCC’s ownership rules are permissible or not. As concerned citizens, it is our duty to inform our government that our “right to know” can’t be bought out, manipulated or marginalized by the highest bidder.

November brings the presidential election and I, like many others, am faced with a difficult decision. Do I vote for a Democrat who will most likely lose to the all-powerful Bush campaign, or do I simply give in and mark down Republican? Robert Lopez If you’re like me, you’ll Star Columnist have neither the time nor patience to learn all ideas and proposals put forth by one candidate, much less all of them. My vote will probably go to whoever comes out on top in the circus show of Democratic caucuses, but it’s not because I’m a Democrat or a Bush-hating fanatic. I simply feel that our current president isn’t handling national or international affairs in a competent manner. Still, even if Bush manages to find himself out of a job, what then? One lucky Democrat will find himself in the same position, dealing with the same problems. Democracy is one of the greatest ideologies ever invented, but with parties who constantly bicker about the other’s sad approach to vague issues when the real issues are not being addressed. Division amongst top leaders of any nation divides the public at large. With both sides yelling at one another instead of listening, nothing can be decided on or implemented. These bickering officials may be saying the same things, but affiliations lie with only one side. Hence, no one cares who is right or wrong, just who wins or loses. Democrats, Republicans and the meager third parties all speak for certain demographics which further splits the public into classes based on characteristics ranging from income to race. Now pardon me for saying, but didn’t science prove there is no such thing as “race,” and aren’t we all guaranteed equal rights and privileges? How is it that generation after generation the same groups of people are being underrepresented? You would think politicians might solve one of the many problems our society faces such as unemployment, poverty or weak educational standards. Instead, government officials are making rules about what words can be used or what piece of art should be classified as offensive. This clashing of political views not only takes place in the United States but throughout the globe as well, where the repercussions of any decisions far surpass those of one country merely concerned with its own welfare. There’s so much potential in cooperation, but when it is not realized on a political, national or world scale, no one wins. I am one to believe in ideals and as such I take any deviation from the pursuit of perfection as a lack of effort. If you’re not striving to do your best or to make the world a better place, nothing you do or say will ever render a better impact on yourself or the world you leave behind. World leaders are in their positions because they are elected, appointed or imposed upon the people whom they represent and control. It is not because they are the necessarily best person for the job; rather, it is the notion that whatever actions they take will be the best for the people. I’m not in charge of the most powerful country in the world and for good cause, but I would hope the person who is would at least take the time to understand and appreciate me and the countless others his decisions impact.

Miner is a political science sophomore.

Lopez is an English sophomore.

Louis LeSassier/Star illustration

Photo Editor....................................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.........................................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator...........................Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Calendar of Events.............................Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator.........................................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Graduate Asst..............................Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Advertising Representative...............................Carson Coots - carson@txstate.edu

Advertising Representative......................Mindy Gieselman - mg1188@txstate.edu Advertising Representative..........................Richard Para, Jr. - rp1060@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager...........................Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord..............................Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director...............................Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The University Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright February 5, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


8 - The University Star

Thursday, January 29, 2004


Sarcasm will get you everywhere

Chris Sipes/Star illustration

Textbook publishers should put people before profits


ITTSBURGH — If buying a sport utility vehicle there's one thing more when all you need is a station emotionally painful than wagon. Students have little watching someone maim a kit- choice, as publishers continue to ten, it's buying college text- publish “updated” editions every few years. The books. Every study also concluded semester, students Jesse Hicks that most new edishell out hundreds U-Wire Columnist tions, especially in the of dollars — the U. Pittsburgh fields of math and sciaverage outlay is $898 a year, according to a new ence, contain little new informastudy by the California Student tion. Many merely juggle probPublic Interest Research Group. lems and illustrations to justify Most of that money, of new editions. The publishers have what course, goes to funding new advances in the fields of statis- every business wants — a captics and calculus, which change tive market. They can hold a with the breathtaking speed of student’s education hostage, molasses flowing uphill. That's because what recourse do stuwhy selling back old books nets dents have? Boycott expensive you only pennies on the dollar: classes? Threaten to walk out if the statistics theories you just book prices don’t come down? It’s ironic that, while college learned have already become has become a virtual necessity obsolete. Take that, kitten. The CALPIRG study con- to success, it’s become a heavier firmed what every college stu- financial burden. Tuition and dent knew intuitively: we're get- fees have increased 14.1 percent ting what Richard Roundtree in the last year, according to the calls “the Shaft.” Its first finding College Board; 39 percent of are college graduates leave with reads, “Textbooks Expensive and Getting Even unmanageable levels of debt. Book prices might seem like More Expensive.” Revelation! Why are textbooks getting a small worry compared to thoumore expensive? We've been sands of dollars in student loans, doing this printing thing for a but those dollars add up. Sure, few years now. It seems like online book searches like we’d have most of the bugs addall.com and the soon-toworked out, and the prices come SWAPitt can help ease the weight, but that doesn’t change should reflect that. CALPIRG’s study places the dynamic of a system that much of the blame on big pub- heavily favors publishers. The lishers who bundle extra, sel- big textbook publishers’ need to dom-used CD-ROMs and other make a profit runs directly supplements with their books, counter to the larger need to driving up the price without make education accessible to adding any value. Since most everyone. The situation isn’t going to professors don’t use the supplements, paying for them is like change overnight. Back in

August 2001, The Pitt News concluded an editorial, “Every year, we all complain about the prices of books. It’s about time we did something about it.” So far, it seems students have only been able to find small loopholes in the system. We may be able to get books cheaper online or by buying them used, but the price of new textbooks continues to climb. The extra expense still hurts those who have no choice but to buy new books. There's a need among textbook publishers and the larger university system to rethink priorities. Profits are indeed a just and wonderful thing, but at a time when most students work their entire college careers in order to graduate with a manageable level of debt, maybe it's time to look to slightly less tangible ideals -- emphasize the much-touted value of a college education instead of the cost. What's required is a greater awareness on the parts of both publishers and professors -who, after all, select the books you have to buy -- that their choices have real impact upon students. A professor who makes up his own calculus problems and posts them online might save his students a hundred dollars. A publisher who foregoes that unnecessary new edition might help even more. When the choice comes down to giving up some of your time or profit to help someone further their education, imagine yourself on the other side of the equation. Better yet, imagine it's your kid whose future you're affecting.

Web site of interest Presidentmatch.com AOL and Time created this online quiz to help people determine whom to vote for in the 2004 presidential election. Unlike other online quizzes, this one has some merit to it. The questions are based on actual issues and cover social issues, crime, education, international policy and the environment, to name a few. For each question you

vote on whether you oppose, favor or have no opinion on an issue. Your answers match you up with the candidate that represents your stances on issues the most. If you already have one candidate in mind, you might be surprised by the results of the quiz. You just might match up with Kucinich, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

CAMPUS QUOTES “Everyone is under the same rules. If you mistreat the players, you have to pay the consequences.”

— Russell Lewis business management freshman

Thank God or whatever deity you follow for Rugh Cline. I mean, I was amazed when I read his brilliant piece on the Opinions page. Finally, a writer/intellectual who hates sports! Oh, and our government, too. Now we of superior intellects have a voice. These past three years we have been tortured souls under this fascist, imperialistic Cheney regime. Everyone knows Bush stole the election. I mean, Gore won the popular vote! I realize this technically means nothing, but laws should be changed to allow Gore to usurp the fascists. Finally, someone is talking about the rape and plunder of the poor, defenseless country of Iraq. Iraq was always a peaceful nation. Its charismatic, peaceful, caring, kind, just ruler is simply misunderstood like all the great minds in history — Stalin, Hitler, Castro and Che. Be it communism, socialism or fascism, I don’t care; I just hate these damn capitalist Americans. I have been following politics for about five years now, and Saddam hasn’t done anything except disobey the only power (the United Nations) I think should be able to make a decision. But hey, just because someone defies international law doesn’t mean they’re bad, right? Bush defied the United Nations when he enforced U.N. policy! Wait, nevermind, that’s not my point. The unjust, imperial Americans with their fangs dripping blood from their defenseless enemies will stop their imperial quest ... unless people like Rugh and me stand up and finally break the silence! I cannot even imagine how Rugh got out of bed this morning. I know it was tough for me. All this doom and gloom consumes me. I hate the Super Bowl. I guess watching inspirational Castro speeches would get me through the day, too, but I don’t have cable. I have to watch the conservative-biased big three network newscasts. Curse those complacent happy Americans! How can we enjoy a world with so much pain and suffering? Oh, woe. But, there is hope. In reading Rugh’s column, I realized that he is exactly what this country needs — a fine upstanding PETA-loving, car-hating, tree-hugging, Kumbayahsinging god that we can worship for his remarkable intelligence and skill in the use of hyperbole to fool dumb-asses into thinking he has something important to say. — A.C. Barnes English junior Columnist note: If your response wasn’t so sarcastic, I would say that I agree with everything you have to say. Minus the sarcasm, you seem to be hitting the nail right on the head. It is unquestionable that the current regime in Washington is indeed fascist. It is also unquestionable that, like him or hate him, Gore did win the last election. I love how you attempt to use the “two wrongs equals a right” argument to defend Bush’s intentional violation of international law. You should have read my column last semester, “Bush’s Actions Not Much Better Than Saddam’s.” I would like to say I am a PETA-loving, car-hating, tree hugger — I can’t argue with you there. But I honestly couldn’t tell you the lyrics to Kumbayah if my life depended on it. — Rugh Cline

Super Bowl is a necessary distraction Is Mr. Cline serious? Not about the Yankees being a “foozball” team, but his assessment of the Super Bowl as a whole. He infers in his Tuesday column that the Super Bowl is merely a ploy by the Bush Administration to keep the attention of the nation of the war in Iraq. This is the most preposterous idea that has been printed in this newspaper since I have attended this school. Allow me to explain. I would like to start by bringing Mr. Cline up to date with a thing I call math. In Cline’s article, he

states that one in seven Americans cannot find Iraq on a map. This does not surprise me since six in seven Americans probably cannot discern between Washington state and Washington, D.C. Now, 87 million Americans watched the Super Bowl, and in a country of approximately 300 million that means only two of the seven people that were asked to find Iraq on a map were watching the Super Bowl. That leaves me to wonder where the other five spent Super Sunday. Maybe they were holed up in their rooms reading 170-year-old books on democracy; I don’t know. Next, Mr. Cline decides that the only way he would ever celebrate the Super Bowl is if this “instrument of ignorance” is canceled. For a person that considers himself open, you sure are quick to dismiss what does not interest you as “insignificant.” Do you think that any football players are sitting around saying, “The only way I would care about the Pulitzer Prize is if they stopped awarding it?” While you are at it, why don’t you protest the Special Olympics because clearly the games are nothing more than a distraction for the senseless masses. The point I am trying to make is that yes, the Super Bowl is a distraction, but so is going to the store, reading a book or writing an article. It has been said that people fear what they don’t understand, so I am extending an invitation to Mr. Cline to come to my house to watch the Super Bowl so I can explain to him why it is a necessary distraction. — Kirk Larson marketing senior

Reviews should be based more on facts On Jan. 28, an article was written in The University Star depicting the pros and cons of several coffee houses in town. However, the author decided to take a unique methodology in presenting his critique of The Coffee Pot. Though it was a personal review, thereby reflecting a subjective experience, it had virtually no coherent foundation. For instance, Mr. Cobb mentioned that a once Bohemian salon, which implies a salon full of artists behaving in unconventional ways, had now become the town’s newest retirement community. As a customer for the last four years, I will vouch that the first part of the statement is accurate, but a retirement community? It’s obvious that Mr. Cobb has not visited the salon lately, because at least 8 percent of the clientele are college students. Then immediately came a contradiction. If retirement means no longer working, then why would Mr. Cobb suggest the place is full of businessmen jawing about their portfolios and Jaguars? This review lacks logical flow, something every student should learn in introductory college writing. Furthermore, it’s absolutely false. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Jaguar, especially in a place where mostly poor college students reside. Then on a smaller note, he said the price of a small coffee is $1.35, but written on the chalkboard is $1.25 in simple numeric fashion. Unfortunately, I can do nothing to improve Mr. Cobb’s perception of The Coffee Pot, but I will give some facts from a business standpoint. In his article, Mr. Cobb suggests that by kicking out the “undesirables,” The Coffee Pot has lost its character. What Mr. Cobb needs to realize is The Coffee Pot is not a socially-funded establishment like the library; it’s a place of business. And what makes a business is the providing of goods and/or services in return for financial gain. So, it comes as no surprise that past owners who opted not to regulate a profitable business had to eventually sell it. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, including Mr. Cobb, but bear in mind that all comments should be based on factual information, not merely data conjured up by the imagination. — Drew Sowersby biochemistry junior

Compiled by Alissa Shilander and Linda Smith

“Yeah, if he breaks the rules then yeah. They set the rules for a reason.” — Bill Suker undeclared freshman

“I think it’s messed up because they’re really stupid rules, but he still broke them so I suppose it’s justified.” — Will Ralph undeclared freshman

“I read about it in the newspaper recently, and haven’t yet made a certain opinion. I didn’t even get a chance to see any of the games played under these coaches.” — Sylvia Miranda Texas State staff for two years

“If they gave him fair warning and a chance to correct himself then I think the university has to take the actions necessary. We all have to follow the rules. They set an example for the students.” — Humberto Garcia Spanish graduate student



SAN MARCOS Cheatham Street Warehouse TONIGHT: Ryan Turner with Live Wire FRIDAY: Shelley King Band SATURDAY: Monte Montgomery SUNDAY: The Ash Family

Triple Crown TONIGHT: Cory Richardson (6 p.m.), Fender and the Skirt Chasers (9 p.m.) FRIDAY: Bill Jerram (6 p.m.), Unified Feel Theory (9 p.m.) SATURDAY: Word Association (10 p.m.)

NEW BRAUNFELS Saengerhalle FRIDAY: Open Mic hosted by Gerald (9 p.m.) SATURDAY: Max Stalling (9 p.m.)

AUSTIN Emo’s TONIGHT: Duvall (ex Smoking Popes), The Fall Collection, Panic In Detroit, Your Red Hands FRIDAY: The Fiery Furnaces, The Arm, Pack of Lies, The Black SATURDAY: Honky (Outside Stage), Speedealer, Electric Cock SUNDAY: (Early show) Senses Fail, Moneen, A Beautiful Mistake, Boys' Night Out (Late show) These Men Are Liars, Games and Theory, Mayor, Choking Ahogo

The University Star

TRENDS Thursday, February 5, 2004 — Page 9

Hooka me up Local stores supply eclectic glassware BY BRANDON COBB TRENDS REPORTER

Andrew Nenque/Star photo

Political correctness has reached an all-time high in our culture. No one is poor anymore, people are economically disenfranchised, and the local garbage man is now a sanitation engineer. An entire lexicon of “phraseology” has been instituted in literature to avoid negative connotations for people who might find phrases like “homeless” offensive. These people are “edificialy challenged.” The old axiom that, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” is more relevant today than ever. In keeping with the spirit of political correctness, and for the sake of clarity, let’s make a few things clear. For the purposes of this article, the terms “glassware” and “pipe” shall refer to hand-blown glass apparatuses designed for smoking tobacco and legal herbs. The term “bubbler” shall refer to a similar hand-blown device with a small water chamber for smoking tobacco and legal herbs. “Hookas” are large devices designed to smoke flavored shisha tobacco. None of the businesses mentioned in this article condones the use of any of its products for use with illegal substances.

That being said, San Marcos has several unique establishments that cater to the individual looking to purchase fine glassware, hemp products and a myriad of collectables, jewelry and clothing. Tranquilty Trading Co. 829 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 102 East India Trading Co. is San Marcos’ newest combination gift shop/glassware retailer featuring beautifully crafted glassware, all hand-blown by local artisans. Owners Brea and Jeff Cauthron offer competitively priced pieces from $15-55 that are all, without exception, quality works of art. The display case also houses beautiful bubblers starting at around $60. The front of the store is dedicated to displaying their great collection of small gifts, carved wooden boxes and jeweled decorative pillboxes. The store also carries a nice assortment of scented candles and incense as well as hand woven hemp clothing, including tams and handbags. Connoisseurs of fine glass pipes won’t be disappointed with East India’s selection, and the casual shopper looking for a unique gift should certainly stop by. Maddog Curios 318 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 318

Located just off The Square, Maddog Curios runs the gamut from decorative, original glass pipes and bubblers to hemp jewelry and antique glass beads. From their background as antique dealers, Darcy Gorril and Michael Matott utilize their keen eye for glass art to provide their customers with the finest and most unique glassware, all crafted by local artists. Original turquoise jewelry is made in the store and Maddog boasts the best selection of antique trade beads in town. Knitted caps, tams and handbags line the walls, along with a great selection of sarongs and tie die. Couple their friendly atmosphere with their extensive knowledge of jewelry and antiques and you have one of San Marcos’ most eclectic, funky curiosity shops. Puffin Paul’s 700 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 113 Puffin Paul’s carries the largest selection of hand-blown glassware in town, importing pieces from California and Oregon. There are the simpler, budget-minded pieces for about $20 and the more intricately colored and thicker pieces that run upwards $50. Paul’s carries an assortment of beautifully crafted bubblers, displayed proudly in a glass case in the center of the store,

ranging from $140 for the smaller ones to $300 for the larger, more elaborate, double-chambered pieces. The store also prides itself on a large selection of wall-sized, hard-to-find imported posters as well as providing an array of stickers, T-shirts and detoxifying materials. This is the perfect place to pick up the essentials for sprucing up a bland dorm room. The Hemp Store 232 N. LBJ Drive San Marcos’ oldest purveyor of hemp clothing and accessories has been serving the community for more than 10 years. The glass cases display a mix of imported and locally blown glass pipes as well as an assortment of acrylic water pipes. The Hemp Store prides itself on its selection of smokeable legal herbs found in the Herb Room. A selection of funky vintage clothing occupies the back of the store, while the front contains back issues of High Times magazine, humorous stickers and rolling papers. Owner/operator Rose Phillips obliges friendly shoppers who are curious about hemp with a brief, knowledgeable presentation about its origins and uses and the enormous array of hemp products available.

COUNTERCLOCK WISE FROM TOP — The Hemp Store is located at 232 N. LBJ Drive in between Hopkins and Hutchison streets; Tranquility Trading Co. is located at 829 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 102; Maddoy Curios is located at 318 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 318; Puffin Paul’s is located at 700 N. LBJ Drive, Ste. 113 Brian Garcia/Star photos


DJ Klassen ready for the big 21

10 - The University Star


special trip to perform on four turntables with Klassen for one last nostalgic time. Skyhorse, San Antonio’s musical mas- comprised of Manhattan expertermind is turning 21, and the imental hip-hop townies whole San Antonio hipster Quizno Clusaki and MC Era, scene will celebrate with him will collaborate with fellow Saturday at Sin 13. DJ Klassen, group member Klassen, as known to the working world as well, to bid him the ultimate Chris, has invited his closest birthday bonsoir through their friends, most-valued kitschy urban beats. musical constituents Though Klassen’s and anyone else roots are originally wanting to join in laid in hip-hop, he, and help ring in a like most artists, soon new year of his life. found himself Those in attentrapped inside the dance can expect the glass box limitation night’s entertainof genre exclusivity. ment sealed with the The reality of the sitDJ Klassen promise of being uation was that he just as varied as was tired of being Klassen’s extraordinary musi- pigeonholed as a one-trickcal tastes. He has called upon pony and was ready to start San Antonio’s finest in electro taking some risks. He had clash, hip-hop, indie rock, riot “always listened to everything grrrl and drum and bass to light and wanted to show everyone the night ablaze with the fire of else” his varying degrees of musical desire. musical influence. The night’s bill features Klassen decided the only diverse DJs Donnie D, way to placate his public and Bart+Celeste, The Spark, contain his growing artistic Notes and Aquaman, along restlessness was to start playwith the electro clash/Rapture- ing music for himself and himlike trio Animals of the Bible. self alone. He stopped perThe capper for the night is forming and began exploring the two headlining acts, DJ his inspirations through testing Jester and Skyhorse. Jester, musical boundaries. It was this fresh off a four-month tour important decision that took with Kid Koala, is making a Klassen from being just anoth-

er hip-hop DJ to being a true artist of varied tastes. It was also through this artistic development that he gained a bigger and more diverse following of fans. A few months ago he organized a collaborative artistic collective of visual artists, digital designers and musicians to throw an Austin-sized party at Emo’s called “1983.” Aside from being the year of his birth, 1983 symbolizes the New York City post-punk, no wave, new wave explosion of the early ’80s. It was his dream to bring music lovers from varied genres together to celebrate and congregate under the nonexclusive blanket of melodic music beats, much like 1983. His boundary-defying experiment catapulted his dream of expansion, looking away from Central Texas and focusing on an upcoming move to Brooklyn. His birthday bash/goingaway party is using the wellattended Austin party as a template of what to expect, what to reach for as a music scene and what to strive toward as a people. When asked what he wanted for his birthday, Klassen said “a new girlfriend or an IPod.”

What are The Star staffers listening to? Matt R. — Nine Inch Nails Mando F. — Rasputina Scooter H. — Big Black Brad S. — Bob Seger John B. — Jason Mraz

Jason O. — Brad Paisley Kassia M. — The Doors Laura V. — The Darkness Terry O. — Donny Hathawy

Choral director reaps well-rounded rewards

Thursday, February 5, 2004


“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” — From Emerson’s essay on Self-Reliance Eavesdrop on enough conversations around campus and the topic of post-graduation anxiety is bound to come up. While a college degree will certainly open some doors,it is not an employment guarantee. Many students in college completely immerse themselves in their chosen field, often to the exclusion of everything else. However, employers (and graduate schools for that matter) take into consideration more than mere academics when considering an applicant. Often times, the wellrounded individual who can demonstrate participation in a diverse array of subjects becomes the most attractive candidate. To succeed then, one must have the fortitude to pursue all of his interests, no matter how seemingly unrelated to his major they are. Take the example of the high school senior who is simultaneously active in the Future Farmers of America, the school choir and has his eyes set on medical school after graduation. Monster.com isn’t exactly overflowing with job postings for a singing surgeon who can operate a cotton gin, so how does a student like this reconcile his incongruous interests? If you are Texas State’s Choral Director Joey Martin, you combine these diametrically opposed interests and earn yourself a coveted spot in the National FFA Chorus. How’s that for wellrounded? This experience, while completely unrelated to Martin’s original plan to pursue medicine, eventually opened doors that would shape the rest of his life and lead him into a successful career as vocal coach, professor and accomplished accompanist. It was as an FFA Chorus member that Martin discovered his fascination for the human voice. Still thinking of medical school, he pursued his undergraduate degree in music at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. It was during this time as an undergraduate that Martin developed a strict practice regimen, logging two hours of piano practice before classes every day. This sort of relentless deter-

Joey Martin mination molded Martin into a sought-after accompanist, offering opportunity for him statewide in Oklahoma. He recalls the time as an undergraduate when the choir’s director dismissed a particularly bad pianist and made a request for a replacement accompanist. “I knew how to play the piece because I was practicing it every morning, so I raised my hand and volunteered … (I) played the piece well and was offered the job,” he said. “Before long, I was overwhelmed with requests to perform for student as well as faculty recitals.” Those long hours in the practice room every morning had finally paid off. After receiving his undergraduate degree, Martin declined his acceptance to med-

music which he brings to his students. As a choral conductor, Martin finds his role to be a conduit of musical expression between the master composer and the audience, rather than an interpreter who merely relays a message. “Serve the music” is his mantra. “This is more than simply performing the music well,” Martin said. “It requires researching the material, analyzing it … even studying other works by the same composer to understand the piece contextually.” A deeply religious man, it is no surprise that Martin is drawn to choral music. The evocative power of a choir has been an integral part of Christian church services since the advent of chant. “Music ministers to the soul,” Martin said, and he endeavors to reveal this universal truth, what T.S. Elliot called the objective correlative, in every musical performance. From agriculture to medicine and eventually music, Martin is a shining example to his students, who often find themselves at odds with their own diversity, trying to reconcile opposing interests into a constructive path toward success. Dedication and hard work aside, it was Martin’s diverse, well-rounded résumé as a college student that made him an attractive candidate to medical schools as well as graduate programs in music. “Every vocal ensemble at Texas State is open for anyone to audition for, not strictly music majors,” he said. Joining one of the choral ensembles is not only a great way to broaden your college experience; it is also an excellent opportunity to travel the world with a well-respected musical organization. “We are invited to perform all over the world at refereed competitions,” Martin said. Auditions are held the day before classes start every semester for all vocal ensembles. The university features everything from VocalLibre, a jazz-oriented troupe of performers; to the Texas State Chorale, which performs classical works from master composers; to the University Singers’ lighthearted, contemporary stylings. Those students wishing to explore their musical interests are urged to audition.

This is more than simply performing the music well. It requires researching the material, analyzing it … even studying other works by the same composer to understand the piece contextually.

ical school to continue his study of music, this time as a graduate student at the University of Texas under the direction of Craig Hella Johnson. It was here, through Johnson’s mentoring, that Martin discovered the musical inspiration he was looking for. “Graduate school was a crucible … all of the silly things about music were burned away,” he said. Martin was left with a deep and profound appreciation for the beauty and sincerity of

Vallejo brings act back to San Marcos venue

Thursday, February 5, 2004


Facing nature

The University Star - 11

Outdoor Recreation Center offers students an adventurous alternative BY IAN RAGSDALE TRENDS REPORTER

Courtesy photo BY RYAN COGGIN MUSIC REPORTER Austin’s favorite rock band of 2003, Vallejo, will bring its characteristic high-energy performance back to San Marcos Friday to help start the new semester. Vallejo will play Lucy’s Retired Surfer’s Bar, which, according to owner Brian Scofield, shares a long history with the band dating back to the club’s beginning in Austin. “They used to do their head bangers ball shows here often,” Scofield said. “I think they feel comfortable at Lucy’s, and I think the crowd really enjoys their shows.” Shortly after relocating from Birmingham, Ala., to Austin in 1995, the band signed a deal with Chicago’s IMI Records, which stumbled upon the band during the city’s South by Southwest festival. “We started drawing from the day of the record-release party A.J. Vallejo on,” said (vocals/guitar) in an August 2000 interview with the Austin Chronicle of the band’s fan base. “I think it was pretty simple. People needed a CD they could bring home and familiarize themselves with.” The label surprised the band by handing them to TVT Records without prior consent, which came as both a curse and a blessing. The single “Just Another Day” was promoted well enough to sell an impressive 50,000 copies of its debut album. Failure to have similar success with 1998’s Beautiful Life, as well as alleged poor decisionmaking by TVT, prompted a split between the band and record company. Vallejo added guitarist Heath Clark to the lineup of brothers A.J., Alejandro (drums) and Omar (bass) Vallejo with Diego Simmons (percussion) in 1999 while inking a new deal with Crescent Moon Records/Sony to

record Into the New, produced by Michael Barbiero (Blues Traveler, Guns N’ Roses, Metallica). The album’s tour included runs with bands such as Fuel, 3 Doors Down and Disturbed. The band is now touring in support of its seventh album, Black Sky, which according to Clark, reflects experiences shared by Vallejo’s five members while on the road for 2001’s Into the New tour. “Being on the road is a joyous time, (but) can be a lonely time as well,” said Clark, who attended Texas State from 1993-94. “The songs on Black Sky reflect those experiences.” Clark said the album also captures the devastation surrounding the events of 9/11. “It can possibly be described as a dark and heavy album,” Clark said. “However, it is a very intimate portrait of our lives during a spectacular and eventful time.” San Marcos continues to be included in Vallejo’s tour schedule each year, and is regarded by the band as a top-notch stop while on the road. “San Marcos is not just any college town, it’s one of the best,” Clark said. “Everyone there knows how to throw down and have a good time.” Scofield said his goal at Lucy’s is to have his customers enjoy themselves at each show. “Vallejo puts on an excellent live show with lots of energy,” Scofield said. “The crowd really enjoys them.” Clark said San Marcos residents should expect nothing but the best from Friday’s show. “Our shows and performances continue to get better and better, and each one is different,” Clark said. “You won’t be disappointed, that's for sure.” Animus will open the show at 9:30 p.m., followed by Vallejo at 10:30 p.m. Cover is $7 for all ages.

No one is really happy to be up a mere two hours after sunrise on a weekend, but all are looking forward to breaking the routines of campus life, if even for just a couple of days. The camping trip is part of the Adventure Trip Program, the jewel of Outdoor Rec. Throughout the year, the ATP sponsors trips and classes relating to the great outdoors. In store for this semester are rock climbing, kayaking, caving and backpacking trips, as well as kayaking and Dutch oven cooking classes. Adventure Trip activities are a great way to relieve stress, get exercise and meet other active people, and, fortunately, you don’t have to be a Sherpa to participate. “The important thing is to just ‘get out there and do something,’” said Robert Landry, third-year biology/geography student and Adventure Trip Program guide. “There are a lot of people who do camping on their own, but there is also a big group of people who want to camp but don’t know what to do.” “We don’t do really primitive trips,” said Matt Swanson, a graduate assistant with Outdoor Recreation. “It’s not all Spam and crackers. We have a variety of great meals and a well-trained staff with great personalities.” On the trip to University Camp, students were introduced to such delights as cream cheese and pepperoni on a bagel and Dutch oven peach cobbler, eaten to the sound of the lazy Hill Country river or a humming Coleman lantern. After the sun went down, the crinkle of graham cracker wrapping was heard and S’mores were soon steaming in the crisp night air. Into the night, campers played cards around the fire or went on a midnight hike to watch the stars from a cliff overlook-

It’s 8 a.m. on a Saturday. Most San Marcos residents are sleeping off Friday night parties, only midway through their slumber. But a few students are up-and-at-’em and mulling around the Outdoor Recreation Center in Sewell Park, signing release forms and gathering sleeping bags and backpacks for a weekend trip to Texas State’s University Camp on the Blanco River.

ing the Blanco River Valley. “You just have to take a break sometimes,” Landry said. “And experience something different.” Some Texas State students have the knowledge to camp on their own, but the cost to purchase the necessary equipment is beyond their reach. For those who want to camp unescorted, Outdoor Rec rents everything imaginable, from lanterns and stoves to tents and backpacks, all at prices within the student budget. For river-dwellers, kayaks and canoes are also available. “Renting a canoe from the (Outdoor Rec Center) was a fun, cheap way to spend a couple hours with my lady,” said Matthew Krautkremer, physics freshman. “You can take a romantic stroll down the San Marcos River in a canoe for two.” With Valentines Day coming up, clueless studs should take note. For those not used to spending money to enjoy Mother Nature, Outdoor Rec wants to remind you of how you usually blow your dough. “People think $40 is a lot to spend on camping,” Landry said. “But you'll probably spend that much at the bar.” More than one camper on the outing agreed and was slightly groggy from having proven Landry’s point. Outdoor Rec is also very excited about its affordable Spring Break options. “People who can’t spend $600 to go to Cancun can experience the San Marcos River and go camping,” Swanson said. There are two kayak trips on the San Marcos River this Spring Break on March 13-15 and 18-20. The trip is

perfect for students who can’t take a whole week off work or who would like to avoid the crush at popular Spring Break destinations. If you’d like to go on the trip but your kayaking skills are rusty, there is a free kayak roll session Feb.11. Even if your kayaking future is in doubt, a roll session is a fun way to get your feet wet and have something to write about for University Seminar. Also coming up this semester is climbing in and around Austin and at Enchanted Rock, backpacking at Pedernales Falls and two caving trips with location to be announced. For more information about Outdoor Rec and Adventure Trip Program events, visit www.campusrecreation.txstate.edu/outdoor.

DJs show off their scratching skills at Underground gig BY AMELIA JACKSON MUSIC REPORTER

Tonight will begin the first of three electronic shows to be played at Styx in The Basement at the LBJ Student Center. Dustin Kinney, or Kadabra, electronic media junior, is producing Deck Support-Underground with the help of Lyndon’s manager Cassidy Collins, communication studies senior. “I want to promote the image that DJs are artists and musicians, not just sophisticated stereos,” Kinney said. “This is about show-

casing the craft. Each of these guys has his own style and flavor.” This month’s event will feature four DJs playing in sets of two on four turntables. Amews and Blaze, two turntablists from Del Rio, will begin at 8:30 p.m. with beats, bass lines and scratching. “I’m really excited for this,” Kinney said. “Amews’ CD is like Q-Bert’s WaveTwisters, with multi-track scratches over scratches.” Brach Thomas, art junior, and Phil Quast, local jungle DJ, will

battle from 9:45 to 11 p.m. They enjoy mixing the sound up and are likely to drop anything from soulful jazzy numbers to hard-hitting, in-your-face bass lines. The event is free and open to all ages. Beer will be provided by Lyndon’s for patrons 21 and older. Kinney is planning two more shows for March and April. He said he would like to extend the series to next year as well, with possible park parties this summer. March’s show will have three DJs also playing on four tables. Kevin Titus, Gritty and Ruckus will be the talent March 4.

On April 15, Kinney will play alongside fellow house DJ Patrick Kelley, applied sociology senior. Other events at Styx include Wednesday night Karaoke, which rotates with spades and dominoes tournaments and various other musical events. Collins is hoping to have a preSouth by Southwest week with live bands performing the week before Spring Break. “I book everything from country to hard core. We’re seeing how (more electronic shows) will work out for the future,” Collins said.

12 - The University Star


Concert benefits local production company BY JEFF GREER ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR

Tonight there will be a concert benefiting A Chick & A Dude Productions at The Vibe in Austin. The theatre company, which is part of the Austin Circle of Theatres, was conceived by Shanon Weaver and Melissa Livingston in October 2001. The benefit, titled A Chick, A Dude & Some Bands, is the third of its kind and will feature Ainjel Emme, Shawkanaw, No Hay Banda, OK Beth and San Marcos’ Mood Swing. The first two benefits featured all punk bands, but this one has more of an eclectic mix. “We didn’t imagine it would be a series,” Weaver said. “The first one pretty much funded our first season, so we decided to do it again.” The duo met while working on a play

called The Gypsy Chain. Both were veterans of Austin theatre and had an interest in producing original scripts. “I had just returned from Italy when we got together,” Weaver said. “We had similar ideas and dreams of where we wanted to go, so we created our own company.” So far, the material performed by the company has been original and has received critical acclaim from the Austin press. The company received three nominations at the 2002-2003 B. Iden Payne Awards for Outstanding Original Script (Weaver), Outstanding Director of a Drama (Livingston) and Outstanding Cast Performance (Weaver, Ken Bradley, Joel Citty). The play HIT won for every category and secured the company’s reputation for excellence. The other players in the company are

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Dan Price and Tiffany Coleman. Weaver said they have several scripts in the works and plan to continue their original programming. “We want to give Austin a chance to express their outward wantings,” Weaver said. “We will continue to tell our stories until we run out of them.” The benefit will help fund their second show of the season titled Did You Say Love? The original workshop version of the show received a good reception during its run last season. The finalized version will play at the Ventana del Soul Cultural Center from March 25 to April 10. For more information on the venue, call (512) 707-7447. Tickets are $7 and all proceeds will benefit A Chick & A Dude Productions’ second season. The Vibe is located at 508 E. Sixth St., and its phone number is (512) 474-4264.

Invasion of rap artists can’t save album’s Armageddon George Burns/I’m on the prowl Shady Records’ in-house disc while the days go past/looking for jockey, DJ Green Lantern, enlists music one great face and a J.Lo ass,” to some of the biggest names in hiphop right now, such as Eminem, R E V I E W turn the track into an instant classic. Eminem’s group, D12, reunites Dr. Dre, G-Unit, Lil’ Flip and «« the first time since 2002’s 8 Mile for Redman to help him pump out his DJ Green Lantern Invasion Part 3: soundtrack with “6 In The Morning,” third installment of the Invasion Countdown to a song that is, in fact, nothing spemix tapes. Armageddon Green Lantern sets the record cial considering how much time the Shady Records off with his usual blend of hip-hop band had to put into it. D12 needs to quotes upon hip-hop quotes over classic beats step it up a notch if it wants to make noise on just before Eminem unleashes one of the its sophomore album coming out later this meanest freestyles I’ve ever heard. year. One of the purposes of this release is to Wyclef, former member of the Grammy expose some up-and-coming artists like Joe Award-winning Fugees, comes flying out of left Beast, Stat Quo, J-Hood and Grafh. In addi- field on this compilation on an especially bad tion, it’s meant to be a preview to DJ Green song with D-Block member Sheek Louch, and Lantern’s official Shady Records debut com- should have stayed away from this record. His ing out later this year. whiny voice and ridiculous antics are in comThe first two chapters of the Invasion mix plete contrast with the entire release. tapes were centered around being unofficial Something about the mix tape that irritates releases dedicated to dissing rival artists and me is that there’s a lot of “bring that back” record labels like Ja Rule, Benzino and when they start something completely over Murder Inc. after you’ve already listened to it for a minute Next to Eminem, the hottest freestyle off or more. There was also a lot of downtime Armageddon is G-Unit member Lloyd Banks’ where Green Lantern let certain artists have freestyle over Snoop Doggy Dogg’s “Tha their say by screaming at the top of their lungs Shiznit” instrumental from his Doggy Style over silence about how you can’t f**k with this album from the early 1990s. Banks spits or that. The two worst tracks on the whole CD are “life’s a bitch, so I’m getting high as the world turns/I’ve been through more cigars than the two where premiere artist Stat Quo

“freestyles” with Dr. Dre hooting and hollering in the background. Simply put, the two songs are four-minute beats with mumbling and laughing and no rapping — a frustrating waste of time. Overall, the mix tape isn’t as good as the first two volumes, and the general purpose of the original mix tapes is overshadowed by Green Lantern trying to expose new artists (although it was nice to see Eminem not devoting too much of his time toward dissing other artists who don’t stand a chance against him). Then again, maybe the exclusion of those things is what makes this album not really worth listening to. — Paul Lopez

the university star classifieds

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Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 13


Fraternities-Sororities-ClubsStudent Groups Earn $1,000-2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our free programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraier at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfundraiser.com (2/12)


$500! Police impound! Honda, Chevy, Jeep, Toyota, etc. From $500. For listing: (800)719-3001, ext. 7462. (2/10) ____________________________ 1986 Mercury Grand Marquis. excellent condition/ all the extras. Call: 830-629-3218 or 512-245-2358 (2/5)

for rent

Great views of Tx State. 1/1 $395 +, 2/1 $475+, only $99 dep. Pet friendly. Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Clean, Quiet, large, lovely 3bd/2bth all appliances, 3 min from town, 2 people only, $600/mo. 357-6636. (2/26tn) ____________________________ Brand New Community. Fully furn., most bills pd. Ethernet, local ph, w/d incl. $399 +, AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ It’s cooler in Austin. Unique Austin Condos, Loft Apts. from $375. Austin pictures, info., and maps. Austincool.com 512-693-7231. Member Alumni Association. (2/12) ____________________________ Texas Size Townhomes. 1 & 2 bdrms $495, most bills paid w/cable. Pets ok. Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2 in Pecan Plantation. Pool, tennis, fitness center and playground available. $625/month. 357-2627. (2/12) ____________________________ Industrial Modern Living. $340 +, cable, ethernet, phone & e/d incl. AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Downstairs 1 bedroom apartment. $400/monthly, $200 deposit. 754-0954. (3/26) ____________________________ Great Community. 1/1 $460 +, 2/1 $480+, on shuttle, pets ok. Now preleasing for May ‘04!!! Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ $100 prelease + bonus offer, 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms w/d 396-1520. (2/3?) ____________________________ Elegant Living. 1/1 $510+, 2/2 $545+, 3/2 $590+ w/d included. (rest. apply.) Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublet 1 bdr apt. $400 plus deposit. Call Amanda 754-0218. (2/11) ____________________________ Big Dogs Okay! Walk or shuttle to class. most bills pd. w/cable. 1/1 $450+, 2/2 $595 + Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublease in a 4br/4ba, all bills paid except electricity. $450/month. 393-8500. (2/5) ____________________________ Small Community, 1/1 $450, 2/2 $650, with free wireless internet. Pet’s o.k Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Move in today! University Club Apts. 1b/1ba, w/d, free cable and internet. $410/mo. Will pay $210 towards 1st mo. 512-294-1168. (2/12) ____________________________ Take over my lease. Looking for female at Windmill Townhomes. Walking distance from school. Rent $367.50, no deposit, move in immediately. Contact april 972-342-0468. (2/12) ____________________________ FOR RENT: Efficiency apartment, suitable for one person. Quiet location, near Martindale. Call 357-6297 for more information. (2/5)

for rent

Designer apartment, beautifully appointed, high ceilings, stained concrete floors, private garden patio, 2/2 located on manicured 400 tree pecan grove, 5 min. from downtown. 357-1235 or 557-8356. (2/5) ____________________________ 1 bd/1.5 bth. Shalamar Townhome, available for 7 month sublease in Jan, $495/m. Call Derrell @ 512-619-6115. (2/12) ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29) ____________________________ 1b/1b next to Tx State. no parking or shuttle hassles. Low price, includes all bills paid. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Female roommate. Next to SWT, don't worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom , $320. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $300. 757-1943. (2/5) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. OnSite laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Wide Open Spaces. 3 bedroom 2 bath home with carport, features hardwood floors and a large backyard 1002 Earle St. No maintenance headaches or problems, we guarantee it! Call VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Seeking the perfect match! 3 bedroom 2 bath home 308 Keystone Loop. Kyle, Texas. Features full size washer/dryer, fenced yard, hardwood floors asking $1095. It only takes a call. Too good to be true!!! VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Spacious and private 2 bedroom 1 bath duplex w/ pool near campus and bus route. Call 787-5156. (1/29) ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2 condo, practically on campus. Beautiful wooded area, small yard, washer/dryer, paid cable and trash, pets welcome. Available February 7th $999/month 393-3300. (2/5)

for sale

SONY Brand New, still in the box, HT - DDW750 Home Theater System 575 WATTS, Receiver, 5 speakers and 8” subwoofer $200 512-738-9048. (2/5) ____________________________ Nashbar - Mountain Bike $125. Lightweight, good condition, new tires (512)619-3967. (2/5) ____________________________ 2/2 Mobile home for sale. $9,000. 357-2627. (2/12) ____________________________ Wooden signs, letters, paddles, lap desks, names, custom, don’t pay retail (512)665-5617. (3/2) ____________________________ 4 shelf bookcase, $45, 4 drawer heavy pine chest, $65, computer desk, $45, oak entertainment center, $65, old style drafting table, $68, 3 drawer file cabinet, $28, grey love seat, $68, white Boston rocker, $75. Partin's Furniture. 2108 Ranch Road 12. 396-4684. FREE DELIVERY. (1/29)

help wanted

FITNESS MINDED. Exploding health & wellness company seeks sharp, motivated individual to help with sales marketing. Call 512-206-0620. (2/26) ____________________________ Make money promotng fundraisers to campus organizations. Set you r own hours. Excellent resume material while earning $500-$5000 per fundraiser. Interviews this week. 512-260-9191. (2/10) ____________________________ Part-time work. Great starting pay, flexible schedules around class, sales/service, training provided, perm/temp conditions apply, work in San Marcos, apply in Austin 512-458-6894. collegeincome.com (3/4) ____________________________ Local cattle ranch needs help with show cattle. Experience with feeding and grooming cattle desired. Reply to jcstolte@swbell.net or call 830-625-1099. (2/12) ____________________________ Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar is looking for fun, energetic door staff that are TABC certified. Apply within at 421 E. 6th St. Austin any time after 7, Tues-Sat. (2/5) ____________________________ Housekeeper Needed. Local house keeper needed for light cleaning: dusting, vacuuming, laundry. 3-4 hrs./day paid $50 cash. One Possibly two days/week. Call (512)557-6502. (2/19) ____________________________ Extend-A-Care for Kids. Do you enjoy art and cooking projects, reading, and fun activities with children? Apply today to be a role model working with elementary age children. Starting pay $8.75/hr. Sites at 63 elementary schools. Hours 2:15-5:45/6:30pm Monday-Friday. Extend -A-Care for kids. 55 North IH 35, 472-9929 x 264. www.eakids.org (2/5) ____________________________ Wanted: 4th year or graduate photography student needed to take some pictures. Great money. Please contact 557-2542 for info. (2/11) ____________________________ MODELS WANTED-All SizesAll Shapes. Teens/College Students/Parents/Grandparents. Footed pajama internet business-. Please NO CALLS Apply online: http://www.kozykomfy.com/ modelapp.htm (2/25) ____________________________ Athletic, outgoing students for calendar greeting cards, etc. $50 - 150/hr no exp needed. 512-684-8296. (4/29)

help wanted

Camp Counselor positions available at camp Weequahic, a co-ed children’s camp in northeastern Pennsylvania. We will be at the University Camp Day Thursday, February 12th to conduct on-campus interview. Positions available for all areas of sports, waterfront, and hobby specialists. Salary starts at $200/week plus room, board, and travel expenses. Please visit our website at www.weequahic.com for information and online application, e-mail us at newsweeq@aol.com, or call and leave a message at 1 (866) 206-3323, PIN # 7944. We will contact you prior to the 12th to set up an appointment. (2/11) ____________________________ Web-Site Designer WANTED. JavaScript knowledge preferred. Footed pajama internet business-. Part-Time-Ideal job for a Student http://www.kozykomfy.com CALL 512-585-9100-Ask for Mark . (2/25) ____________________________ SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, e-mail campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Have the summer of your life at a prestigious coed sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, 2 1/2 hours from NYC. We’re seeking counselors who can teach any team & individual sports, tennis, gymnastics, horseback riding, mt. biking, theatre, tech theatre, circus, magic, arts & crafts, pioneering, climbing tower, water sports, music, dance, science, or computers. Kitchen and maintenance positions also available. Great salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships available for many majors. On-campus interviews on February 12th. Call 800-869-6083 between 9 and 5 eastern time on weekdays for application, brochure, & information. www.islandlake.com info@islandlake.com (2/5) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatrearts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext. 316. (2/19)

help wanted

Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride$open! 5.attractive models who ride well--trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477ranch. (4/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29)


STUDY ABROAD: Study Abroad with Nicholls State: For 6 credit hours of credit ($1740 - Costa Rica), ($1707 - Mexico), ($1672 Ecuador), ($1918 - Spain), ($3263 - Paris), ($3144 - Nice), ($2097 Austria), ($1916 - Italy for 3 credits). Longer programs for more credit are available. No Deadlines. For all levels. 985-448-4440/ toll-free = 1-877-Nicholls, www.nicholls.edu (2/5S)


FM roommate needed ASAP. 2/2, cable, water, waste paid. Pay $303 and 1/2 utilities. Move in by 2/15. Deposit $150 by 2/12. 512-754-6344. (2/5) ____________________________ Sick of dorms and small apartments? Would you trade a little extra drive time for a home in the beautiful Hill Country/ This 3 bedroom, two bath home is on 5 acres and offers space, privacy, vaulted ceiling, great room, fireplace, large deck, and huge oak trees. non-smokers. 2 roommates, girls only. ($450 to $550) Call Meera at 512-751-3727. (2/12) ____________________________ Roommate wanted ASAP to share 2 bdr/ 2 bath apt. on University Tram Route. $299/mth + 1/2 of utilities, water and waste paid for. (956) 286-0791. (2/5)


Roommate needed. 3 bedroom/ 2 bath on an acre and a half. <None> 350 a month. plus 1/3 of utilities. Call 512-738-7147 or 512-353-4320. (2/11) ____________________________ Roommate needed, 3/2, w/d, backyard, walking distance from campus, $283 + bills, 754-0593. (2/12) ____________________________ Female roommate needed! 2-2/ $275 + 1/2 bills, bus route. For more info call 512-787-5948. (2/5)


SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica, Florida & South Padre. Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! breakerstravel.com 800-985-6789. (2/26) ____________________________ Spring Break 2004! Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. BIGGEST PARTIES, BEST CLUBS! Call for group discounts. Information/Reservations 1-800-648- 4849 or www.ststravel.com (3/4) ____________________________ SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit www.sunchase.com (3/5)


Typing etc! Audio transcription, resumes, notary public, applications, binding, editing, bumper stickers, tables, etc. 392-9880. (4/29) ____________________________ Professional Photographer Specializes in weddings, portraits & modeling. Visit my website @ www.ashleyhorton.com For Additional info. Please contact me via e-mail @ ah1005@txstate.edu ____________________________ aplusapts.tv why waste time when you can shop online! Or stop in at 325 E. Hopkins. (4/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Wanted: Used cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell, please call Willis Mitchell at 353-4511. (12/4) ____________________________ Buying DVD movies, in good working condition. Sell your old movies and make $$$. Call Neal in SM at 395-7469. (2/5s) ____________________________ Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)


Successor: Bailiff succeeds Matsakis as football coach

14 - The University Star

g Cont. from page 16

In 2001, he left SWT to take the assistant head coach/defensive line position at Texas Christian University and became the Horned Frogs’ defensive coordinator in 2002. “David has been involved with winning teams for a good part of his career,” Studer said. “He was very successful as the defensive coordinator with our team under Bob DeBesse and has had a lot of great success at TCU.” The Bobcats also announced the signing of 11 players to national letters of intent as well as the addition of seven mid-year transfers. Of the 11 who signed Wednesday, six play on the defensive side of the ball. “We were able to hold onto our committed athletes and managed to gain a few

Thursday, February 5, 2003

“Everything we’ve heard about (Bailiff) is that he’s a great coach and that the academic success of his players his high on his list. His track record while he was here proves that, as does a 75 percent graduation rate at (Texas Christian University).”

— James Studer Student Affairs vice president more commitments from some other high-profile athletes as well,” said Texas State recruiting coordinator Frank Hernandez. “Our recruiting success in the midst of a transitional stage speaks volumes about our university, our community, the potential of our football program and positively reflects the exceptional job our coaches and current players did of promoting Texas

State University.” All told, Texas State added 10 defensive players — three defensive linemen, two linebackers and five defensive backs. On the offensive side of the ball, the Bobcats signed three running backs, a wide receiver and four offensive linemen. Texas State will open the Bailiff era at home Sept. 4, taking on Angelo State University.

Texas State 2004 recruiting class Name



Marcus Applewhite Shawn Bednarczak Ramel Borner Daniel Carrillo Jaron Fountain Billy Harrison Nate Langford Mitchell Odom Jamiell Turner Melvin Webber Stan Zwinggi


6-0/165 6-3/240 6-0/298 6-4/274 5-8/165 6-1/265 6-1/235 5-9/180 6-0/190 6-0/195 5-10/190

Garland Roanoke Dallas Robstown Winter Haven, Fla. San Antonio San Marcos Houston Houston Reedley, Calif. Fredricksburg

Mid-Year Transfers Nicholas Clark Fred Evans Craig Kuhrt Edmund Pringle Tamayrr Salahuddin Douglas Sherman Derwin Straughter


6-0/230 6-5/300 6-7/280 5-11/190 6-3/340 5-7/200 5-8/175

Ft. Worth Chicago, Ill. Cedar Creek Ft. Worth Grand Rapids, Mich. Ft. Worth Jacksonville, Fla.

Wanna know what’s cool?


Ashley A. Horton/Star photo

Evan Tierce, senior outfielder, hits the ball into the outfield last season for a single. The Bobcats take on Texas A&M-Corpus Christi at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Bobcat Field.

Baseball: Men face home series

g Cont. from page 16

62, while Schleweky hit .347 with 11 home runs, 53 RBI and was successful with 16 of 17 stolen base attempts. On the mound, the Islanders return their top pitcher from last year in Scott Walker, who finished with a 7-5 record and a 2.88 ERA. Jorge Huerta, who was 5-2 with a 4.89 ERA, also returns. Texas State will counter on the mound with senior left-handers Tom Robbins and Paul Schappert, who are expected to be the team’s anchors this season, especially with Bobby Sawicki, 2003 preseason Second-Team All-American, likely out for the majority of the season with a shoulder injury. Robbins and Schappert picked up wins in the Bobcats’ series with UTPA last weekend. Robbins allowed an earned run on four hits in five innings of Sunday’s 6-2 win, while Schappert gave up

three runs, two earned, on seven hits in Saturday’s 8-7 win. Offensively, the Bobcats will lean heavily on outfielders Evan Tierce and Richard Martinez to lead a young team. Last weekend, Tierce and Martinez combined to go 11 for 18 with six RBI and five runs scored. The rest of the Texas State lineup finished just 10 for 56 (a .178 average). After this weekend, the Bobcats will be on a four-game road trip, facing a three-game series with Texas Christian University Feb. 13–15. They will then play a single game against the University of Texas Feb. 17, before returning home for a three-game set with the University of LouisianaLafayette, Feb. 20-22. First pitch for Friday’s series opener is set for 6:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday’s games will be afternoon affairs, scheduled for 3 p.m. and 1 p.m., respectively.

Softball starts off

Read the Trends section in The University Star every day to find out what’s going on around campus and town. Word.

Bobcat/CenturyTel Classic February 6-8 Friday, Feb. 6 9 a.m.-Texas Tech vs. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 11 a.m.-Texas A&M-Corpus Christi vs. Tulsa 1 p.m.-Tulsa vs. Texas Tech 3 p.m.-New Mexico State vs. TEXAS STATE 5 p.m.-TEXAS STATE vs. UT-San Antonio 7 p.m.-UT-San Antonio vs. New Mexico State

Saturday, Feb. 7 9 a.m.-Tulsa vs. TEXAS STATE 11 a.m.-TEXAS STATE vs. Texas Tech 1 p.m.-New Mexico State vs.Tulsa 3 p.m.-Texas A&M-Corpus Christi vs.New Mexico State 5 p.m.-Texas Tech vs. UT-San Antonio 7 p.m.-UT-San Antonio vs. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi Ashley A. Horton/Star photo

Texas State University’s first baseman Hannah Snow concentrates on catching the ball to make a third out of the inning. The Bobcats won against Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 2-1 last season.

Sunday, Feb. 8 10 a.m.-Texas Tech vs. New Mexico State Noon-Tulsa vs. UT-San Antonio 2 p.m.- Texas A&M-Corpus Christi vs. TEXAS STATE


Thursday, February 5, 2003

The University Star - 15

State Men’s basketball S cTexas oreboard goes for outright lead of first place SLC WOMen’s BBall Standings

over that span. The leader on the inside is a newcomer, junior center Nate Lofton. At 6 The Southland Conference lead is feet 10 inches and 250 lbs., Lofton has up for grabs as first-place Texas State the size that causes problems for men’s basketball team hosts second- opposing teams. He averages 10.5 place Southeastern Louisiana Univer- rebounds per game to go along with his 11.4 ppg. In SLC play, his rebounding sity tonight at Strahan Coliseum. The Bobcats (11-7, 6-1 SLC) number jumps to more than 14, almost regained the conference’s top spot twice as many as his closest competiSaturday after beating Northwestern tor. “We need to put a lot of our energy State University. A win against SLU (13-4, 5-1 SLC) would create some and thoughts into blocking him out,” distance between Texas State and a Nutt said of his strategy to contain Lofton on the crowded middle of boards. “(We need the conference. to) keep him off of “This is a very the glass.” important game,” The Bobcats will said coach Dennis likely call on all of Nutt. “Being that it’s their big men to try a team we only play to keep Lofton off once this season, it the glass, especially could be very imporforwards Anthony tant a month or two Dill and Nick from now.” Goellner and center The Bobcats are 8Josh Goellner. 0 at home this seaThe other douson, 4-0 in confer— Dennis Nutt ble-digit scorers for ence play, but after men’s basketball coach the Lions are senior today they will fight guard Michael six of their final eight Gardener and senior on the road. The SLU Lions are riding the forward Terry West. West is third on momentum of a three-game winning the team, averaging 13.3 ppg. Gardener streak, with four double-digit scorers not only scores 11.4 ppg but also leads the SLC in assists with more than five and an effective inside-outside game. On the outside is SLU senior guard per game. “They’re probably the most talented Amir Abdur-Rahim. He was the key member to last year’s SLU team, the team in the league with the five only team in the league that swept the (starters) on the floor,” Nutt said. The Lions have been solid on the season series with the Bobcats. He had a combined 56 points in the two games defensive end of the floor also, ranking against Texas State, including a career- second in the SLC, allowing 66.8 ppg high 31 in the Lions’ 82-77 double during conference play. SLU has played one fewer game overtime win against the Bobcats in than Texas State because its game Hammond. The brother of Atlanta Hawks All- scheduled for Jan. 31 was postponed Star forward Shareef Abdur-Rahim, after the death of Stephen F. Austin Amir’s 15.8 points per game ranks State University player Greg Wallace. The game will tip off at 7:30 p.m. It fourth in the SLC. He has upped that average to 20 ppg during conference can be heard on KTSW 89.9 FM and on play, which is second in the league the Internet at boostercast.com. By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter

“This is a very important game. Being that it’s a team we only play once this season, it could be very important a month or two from now. ”

Ashley A. Horton/Star photo Anthony Dill, junior forward, goes for a lay up against Lamar University Jan. 24 in Strahan Coliseum. The Bobcats take on the Southeastern Louisiana University Lions at 7:30 tonight in Strahan Coliseum.

Women: Bobcats face Lions in weekend conference games g Cont. from page 16

The focal point on defense for Texas State will be stopping 6-foot junior forward Nakeya Downing, who is averaging nearly 15 points and 10 rebounds through seven conference games. She averaged more than 20 points, 10 rebounds, two blocks and two steals in two games last week while shooting 52 percent from the field and was named to the SLC Honor Roll. Against McNeese State University on Jan. 29, Downing poured in a career-high 26 points and pulled down 13 rebounds for her eighth double

double of the season. SLU will also turn to senior guard Shanna Achord to share the load. Achord is putting up 11 points per game and is the team’s best shooter, making 40 percent of her shots from the field and 33 percent from behind the arc, while averaging 32 minutes a night. On offense, the Bobcats can prepare for a physical game between the post players down low and will need Talbert and Christie Hinton to control the paint on both ends of the court. Talbert is nearly averaging a double double with 15 points and nine rebounds per game, while

Hinton is putting up four points and five boards. Texas State will also rely on West for the same outside spark she provided at NSU off the bench, scoring 20 points on 7-12 shooting in that game. The Bobcats would also like to get significant minutes from forward Heather Burrow, the team’s best on-the-ball defender. Burrow, who has been limited most of this season because of a bad right knee, came alive Saturday, scoring a career-high 15 points and added six points and three steals in 25 minutes of action. On paper, both teams are

evenly matched, and SLU’s conference record can be deceiving. Both teams shoot about 37 percent from the field and pull down around 37 rebounds a game. Turnovers are an important factor in every game, but Thursday’s matchup may very well come down to who takes the ball away more. The Lions turn the ball more than 20 times a night while the Bobcats lose the rock about 23 times per game. Last week against the University of Louisiana-Monroe, the ’Cats turned the ball over 31 times and cannot afford to make that many mistakes if they want to

be successful during the second half of the conference schedule. Tip-off is set for 5:30 p.m., and the game can be heard on KTSW 89.9 FM and on the Internet at boostercast.com.



Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Sam Houston McNeese State Stephen F. Austin TEXAS STATE Southeastern La. Lamar Nicholls State

W 7 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 0


L PCT 0 1.000 1 .875 2 .714 3 .571 3 .571 3 .500 4 .429 4 .429 5 .286 6 .143 8 .000

W 14 11 11 8 4 5 3 3 9 4 1

L 4 8 8 10 14 12 14 14 8 13 18

PCT .778 .579 .579 .444 .222 .294 .176 .176 .529 .235 .053

PF 74.1 69.6 64.5 56.7 55.9 55.2 60.1 54.8 62.4 53.5 54.3

PA 68.4 64.9 59.4 59.4 67.0 66.0 79.6 74.1 64.9 69.7 72.2

Southl and Conference Preseason Baseball Polls Coaches Poll 1-Lamar (5) 2-UT-Arlington (3) 3-Northwestern St. 4-LA-Monroe 5-TEXAS STATE (1) 6-McNeese St. (1) 7-Sam Houston St. 8-UT-San Antonio 9-Southeastern La. 10-Nicholls St.

74 71 62 56 53 40 34 24 23 13

SIDs Poll 1-Lamar (6) 93 2-UT-Arlington (2) 86 T3-Northwestern St. (1) 69 T3-TEXAS STATE 69 5-LA-Monroe (1) 62 6-McNeese St. 52 7-UT-San Antonio 45 8-Sam Houston St. 38 9-Southeastern La. 25 10-Nicholls St. 15

Tx State baseball Schedule


6 7 8 13 14 15

Host A&M-Corpus..6:30 p.m. Host A&M-Corpus......3 p.m. Host A&M-Corpus......1 p.m. at Texas Christian.....7 p.m. at Texas Christian.... 3 p.m. at Texas Christian.....1 pm.. SLC Men’s BBall Standings



TEXAS STATE Southeastern La. Northwestern St. Stephen F. Austin Louisiana-Monroe Texas-San Antonio Sam Houston Texas-Arlington Lamar McNeese State Nicholls State

W 6 5 5 4 5 4 3 3 2 1 0

L 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8

Overall PCT .857 .833 .714 .667 .625 .571 .429 .429 .286 .167 .000

W 11 13 8 13 9 9 8 8 8 5 5

L 7 4 10 4 13 11 10 10 11 12 14

PCT .611 .765 .444 .765 .409 .450 .444 .444 .421 .294 .263

PF 69.1 71.8 74.1 71.8 68.4 70.6 77.7 70.4 79.8 72.8 66.5

PA 68.3 64.4 76.0 58.4 71.4 70.8 77.5 71.6 77.9 75.2 76.1

Southl and Conference Preseason SOFTBALl Polls Coaches Poll 1-TEXAS STATE (8) 2-McNeese St. (1) 3-Sam Houston St. T4-UT-Arlington (1) Nicholls St. 6-Northwestern St. 7-UT-San Antonio 8-Southeastern La. 9-Stephen F. Austin 10-LA-Monroe

89 65 58 57 57 56 53 24 19 17

SIDs Poll 1-TEXAS STATE (8) 2-Northwestern St. 3-UT-Arlington (1) T4-Sam Houston St. 5-McNeese St. 6-Nicholls St. 7-UT-San Antonio 8-Southeastern La. 9-Stephen F. Austin 10-LA-Monroe

95 67 66 63 62 55 48 38 34 22

Tx State softball Schedule


6-8 Texas State Tourn........TBA at Baylor.................... 6 p.m. 11 13-15 at Fiesta Bowl..............TBA 20-22 at NM St. Tourn............TBA 25 at Texas (2).......... 5/7 p.m. 28 Nicholls St. (2).....1/3 p.m.


Spo r t s

Baseball team looks to sweep TAMU-CC’s season opener at Bobcat Field

Thursday, February 5, 2003

The University Star - Page 16

By Jason Orts Sports Editor

Texas State baseball took care of business on the road last weekend, sweeping a two-game series from the University of Texas-Pan American and will open the home portion of its schedule with a three-game set against the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Islanders Friday through Sunday at Bobcat Field. The Bobcats are 2-0 after the season-opening sweep against UTPA and carry a six-game winning streak at Bobcat Field into this weekend’s series. This will be the season opening series for TAMU-CC, which is coming off its best season in school history, posting a 33-17 record, but was average on the road, finishing 14-13 away from home. Texas State and TAMU-CC split two games last season at Bobcat Field and were scheduled to play a third game later in the season in Corpus Christi, but it was canceled. The Bobcats lead the all-time series, 7-1. The Islanders hit .327 as a team last season and smashed a school-record 56 home runs but lost its main power source, Humberto Aguilar, to graduation. Aguilar hit .402 and finished with school records in home runs and RBIs, with 20 and 74, respectively. He earned third-team All-America status for his performance. The Islanders only return two of their top five hitters from last season, infielder Jamie Landin and outfielder Mike Schleweky. Landin hit a team-best .421 and led the Islanders in hits with 85 and runs scored with g See BASEBALL, page 14

Matsakis’ successor named By Jason Orts Sports Editor Just a week after the dismissal of Athletic Director Greg LaFleur and football coach Manny Matsakis sent shock waves through the Texas State athletic department, it has restored some stability by naming David Bailiff as Matsakis’ successor. With the cloud of 12 alleged NCAA violations hanging over Texas State from Matsakis’ 13-

Alphalisha Johnson, senior guard, goes for a lay up against University of Texas-San Antonio Jan. 21. The Bobcats take on Southeastern Louisiana University Lions at 5:30 tonight in Strahan Coliseum.

Ashley A. Horton/ Star photo

month tenure, integrity Christian University). A was a major issue during lot of people had a hand the hiring process. in that, but he was one of “Everything we’ve them.” heard about (Bailiff) is Bailiff, a 1981 SWT that he’s a great coach graduate, returns for his and that the academic third stint as part of the success of his players is Bobcat coaching staff. high on his list (of imporHis first tour of duty with BAILIFF tance),” said Student the Bobcats ran from Affairs Vice President James 1988-92, the last four years of Studer. “His track record while he which he was the defensive line was here proves that, as does a 75 coach. percent graduation rate at (Texas He left SWT in 1992 to take the

same position at the University of New Mexico, where he stayed until 1997, when he returned to San Marcos to take the position as defensive coordinator. Bailiff held that position until 2000, adding the title of assistant head coach in 1999. He was selected by the American Football Coaches Association as the NCAA I-AA Assistant Coach of the Year in 1999. g See SUCCESSOR, page 14

Texas State searches for tournament bid By Jim Bob Breazeale Sports Reporter

If the Southland Conference Tournament began today, the Texas State Bobcats would receive a bid. Barely. At 3-4 in SLC play, the ’Cats are tied with Stephen F. Austin State University for seventh place, meaning those teams would grab the final two tournament seeds. If that were to happen, Texas State would play a first-round road game against either the No. 1 or 2 seed — not exactly the way you want to start a tournament. Fast forward to today, when center Tori Talbert and company host the Southeastern Louisiana University Lions, looking to pull their conference mark to .500. The game takes on even

more importance in terms of tiebreakers when determining conference tournament bids. With the Bobcats tied for seventh place, every win counts. SLU (9-8, 2-5 SLC) comes to San Marcos for the first of a three-game conference road swing. The Lions had a twogame winning streak snapped Saturday with a heartbreaking loss to SFA. The Ladyjacks put together a 16-2 run to end beating the Lions 69-64. The ’Cats are coming off a heartbreaking loss of their own to Northwestern State University Saturday. Texas State nearly handed the Demons their first conference loss, but guard Christen West’s 18-footer at the buzzer fell short and NSU escaped 63-62 to maintain first place at 7-0. g See WOMEN, page 15

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