02 18 2004

Page 1

Say it ain’t so

The good life

Roosevelt Brown leads his life with energy/Sports/Page 10

Island in the sun

Mustang Island offers peaceful getaway/Trends/Page 6

Living in the dorms costs more than an apartment, but what’s new?/Opinions/Page 5


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 54 www.universitystar.com

Provost candidate PRESERVING visits Texas State for future FEBRUARY 18, 2004


NATURE generations

By Jennifer Wisnoski News Reporter

Nearly 60 faculty members questioned Kweku Bentil, a candidate for the provost position, Tuesday as part of the interview process. President Denise Trauth announced in March that Texas State needs a No. 2 administration official. The search formally began in September and has whittled down the applicant pool to five candidates. So far, Glen Hahn Cope of the University of Illinois-

Springfield; Perry Moore of Wright S t a t e University; and Neal Smatresk of t h e U n i v e r s i t y BENTIL Texasof Arlington have already visited Texas State. Zulma Toro-Ramos from the University of New Haven will visit with university staff and faculty today and Thursday.

Bentil, Indiana State University School of Graduate Studies dean, holds a doctorate in civil engineering from the University of Florida where he also became an associate professor in 1985. He has also held positions at the University of Washington and Southern University-Baton Rouge. Bentil showed a slide show to faculty that highlighted some of the potential goals he’d like to achieve as provost. One major focus was to

Alterman discusses issues concerning the Middle East By Kassia Micek Assistant News Editor


By Ryan Coggin News Reporter hrough the efforts of San Marcos residents and city officials, a 502acre tract of land has been designated as city green space in an environmentally sensitive area. What originally began as the purchase of a nine-acre park in southern San

Marcos and a proposal to connect Wonder World Drive with Ranch Road 12 has turned into what many hope will become an escape and nature preservation for the city and its residents. The city acquired the property during the last five years, one-fifth of which was donated, in an effort to protect the sensitive recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer g See PARK, page 4

Tony Ramos/Star Photo

The director of the Middle East Program for the Center for Strategic and International Studies spoke in a lecture titled “After Saddam, Then What? The Middle East in Troubled Times” Tuesday in Flowers Hall, Room 341. Jon Alterman said the United States is trying to democratize Iraq, but is going about it the wrong way. The United States should help Iraq do what they want to do and not lead them to what the United States wants them to do. “We need to keep in mind how little we can do,” Alterman said. The United States needs to embrace Iraqi reform without smothering it and encourage governmental liberalization.


g See PROVOST, page 4

“We have to show some respect,” he said. “We have to show we know how to listen. We’re going to have to be a little more interactive.” Alterman said that although Saddam Hussein was evil, he kept things running in Iraq. Now that the U.S. is in Iraq, things are not running

smoothly, he said. “ (Arab countries) don’t want the U.S. to leave a huge footprint in Iraq,” Alterman said. Surrounding states don’t want the United States interfering in everyday things. Current leaders in Arab countries are elderly g See ALTERMAN, page 4

Business forum aims to improve etiquette, networking skills By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter Students searching for jobs may find it necessary to brush up on skills required in the business world, including negotiating, networking and business etiquette. Career Services has teamed with the College of Business Administration to help students do just that. They will be hosting their second annual Business Leadership Forum Thursday. “The whole day is to help our business students be better prepared to go into the work force,” said Roselyn Morris, College of Business assistant



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High: 69 Lo w : 4 4

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Wind: From SE at 9 mph Precipitation: 0% Max. Humidity: 53% UV Index: 6 Moderate Thursday’s Forecast Partly cloudy 72/51

dean. “It gives (them) hands-on learning for what we’re doing in the classroom.” The forum will begin with the Business Organizational Fair at 3 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. The fair will be a way for business organizations around campus to get the word to students about their groups. “It’s to acquaint our business students with the business organizations,” Morris said. “It’s kind of an exchange of information.” Some groups attending include the Students in Free Enterprise Team, the Accounting Club and the American Marketing Association.

At 3:45 p.m. guest speaker and Texas State alumnus Jesse Luxton of the National Picture and Frame Company will discuss character, ethics and leadership in business. Immediately following the fair, a networking reception will take place from 5-6 p.m. in the hallway of the 3rd floor of the LBJSC. It is designed to teach students how to meet and network with business professionals in numerous settings. “Networking is all about establishing a relationship so you can call on them when you need to,” said LaTonya Croskey, career adviser. “It’s about working on skills of communication.”

The event is invitation-only, but an invitation can be obtained from the Business Dean’s office or from Career Services. The event is not just designed for business majors; anyone with an invitation can attend. At 6:30 p.m. a business etiquette dinner will be held in the Reed Parr Room on the 11th floor of the J.C. Kellam Administration Building International Business Protocol expert Margaret Martin will be the presenter at the reception and dinner. “Students never know what type of setting they will find themselves in during an interview,” Croskey said. Martin will lecture about etiquette at

a business dinner, such as what to eat, how much to eat and what to do if the food does not taste good, as not to offend the host. She will primarily focus on a buffet-style meal. Food will be served at the event including soup, salad and an entrée. Croskey said she believes the dinner to be a continuation of the networking that will take place earlier in the day. She said that it will help students learn how to small talk. “Being in a room full of strangers, whether you need a job or not, is sometimes intimidating,” Croskey said. g See FORUM, page 3

Design students put knowledge to use, helping restore San Marcos By J.J. McLaughlin News Reporter

Family and consumer sciences faculty and students are reviving an almost forgotten piece of San Marcos history by refurbishing dilapidated houses within the Dunbar Historical District. Richard Gachot, family and consumer sciences instructor, challenged his research and environmental design students to find a part of town within a particular environment and develop a program based on needs and issues that would impact the community. The students chose the Dunbar neighborhood, which was designated as a historic district by the San Marcos Historic Commission, and in their efforts are helping preserve some of the community’s historic buildings. The students developed proposals in the form of models, drawings and spatial designs for the renovation and creation of three museums and a community center. These proposals turn already existing buildings into a modified edu-

cational and contemporary interior that is best suited for each building. The 1884 Hays County Jail was transformed into the Calaboose AfricanAmerican Museum, which recently held a showcase of the Texas State interior design students’ works. Tami Becker, interior design senior, created a plan to renovate a nearby abandoned Baptist church, turning it into a theatre and performing arts center. Crystal Lazo, interior design senior, designed a plan to turn the church into a community center that includes a small theatre, mentoring programs, gathering rooms, classrooms, a kitchen and a computer lab. Lazo said she feels that the work of everyone involved in the project has greatly benefited the community. “I think that the community center can offer a lot for the neighborhood and the surrounding community,” Lazo said. “It’s beneficial to businesses and it can g See RESTORE, page 3

Brian Garcia/Star Photo Proposals are being made by Texas State interior design students to renovate the historic 1908 First Baptist Church. The church is located on the corner of Martin Luther King Drive and Comanche Street.

2 - The University Star


As ian St udent s As soc iat io n meets at 6 p.m. LBJSC, Room 3-10.1. Co lleg e R epublic ans meets at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-13.1.

Calendar of

EVENTS Wednesday

I nte rnship Fair is from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. Christ ia ns a t Te xa s St a te meets at noon in the LBJSC, Room 310.1. Se xua l A ssa ult & Abuse Se rvice s meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 2452208.

Cro sst alk meets at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater.


Texa s St a te bas eba ll te a m plays the University of Louisiana at Lafayette at 3 p.m. at the Bobcat Baseball Field. Admission is free with student ID.

f the week

SWAT , the organization that provides free rides back to campus, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Bible St udy meets at 8 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center.


Ca ree r Se rvice s hosts a seminar about deciding on a major at 10 a.m. in LBJSC, Room 5-7.1. P ublic Re la tio ns St udent So cie ty o f Ame rica meets at 5 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-10.1. I nte rnat io nal I nte rio r De sign As soc iat io n meets at 5 p.m. in the Family and Consumer Sciences Building, Room 123.

Saturday Texa s St a te bas eba ll te a m plays the University of Louisiana at Lafayette at 3 p.m. at the Bobcat Baseball Field. Admission is free with student ID. Texa s Pho t og ra phic So cie ty ’s 19th Annual Members Only Show opening reception is at 7 p.m. on the 7th floor of the Alkek Library.

Te xa s St a te Cru meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Academic Services Building-South, Room 315.

SWAT operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

St ude nt Vo lunte er Co nnec ti on meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1.

The R oc k meets at 7:30 p.m. at the CSC chapel.

H ighe r Ground meets at 5:30 p.m. at St. Marks Church.

Chi Alpha Chr isti an Fe llows hip meets for worship at 8 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320.

Bo bca t Suppe r is at 5:30 p.m. at the Campus Christian Community Center.

Christ ia ns on Ca mpus meets at 9:30 p.m. at the McCarty Student Center.

C alen dar Sub missio n Policy

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday -Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadli ne: Three working days prior to publication.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday noon - midnight

Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk

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Linda L. Smith/Star photo Stuart Little is a beige, male cat who is fixed and declawed. If interested in adopting him, contact the San Marcos Animal Shelter at (512) 393-8340. Be sure to mention his identification number: 20884.

Ice Cream flavor promotes voting By Leigh Shelton The Reveille BATON ROUGE, La. — From ice cream giveaways to “Meetups” at coffee shops, political activists are pulling out all the stops this presidential election year to ensure that young people get out to vote. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream and “Rock the Vote” have teamed up to introduce “Primary Berry Graham.” This rich, decadent treat is not just strawberry cheesecake ice cream swirled with a thick graham cracker crust — it also serves as an important reminder to go to the polls in the Democratic primary and in the general election next fall. Rock the Vote is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization encouraging youth to get involved in the political process and take advantage of their right to vote. By partnering with Ben and Jerry’s, a corporation that says it believes business also is a vehicle for community service, Rock the Vote hopes to keep young people thinking and talking about politics. The ice cream made its debut last month at the New Hampshire Democratic primary, where voters took an “oath to vote” for a free scoop of the frozen confec-

tion. “I don’t know if it will actually increase voting, but I think it’s a cool idea,” said Courtney Rawls, a Louisiana State University mass communication sophomore. Political science senior Brandon Stevens said he heard about the ice cream promotion somewhere on the Internet, but was unsure whether the ice cream would actually help get young people to vote. “If Rock the Vote can continue to talk about it and make it a big deal, that will keep (voting) in the minds of young people,” Stevens said. Stevens, who is also president of Youth Elect, a campus organization that encourages 18- to 25year-olds to get involved politically or civically, said he thought that this election will bring more young people to the polls that were not involved before. “I think with the war and everything that’s going on now, politics is becoming a lot more personal to the Generation Y and X age group,” Stevens said. “I’ve heard a lot more people talking about things.” A Harvard Institute of Politics survey conducted last year agreed with Steven. After polling 1,201 undergraduates, it found


that 59 percent said they intend on voting this year, perhaps making the college-age voters the key to winning the general election. Christopher Boudreaux, history senior and University College Republican Alliance president said he has not seen an increased effort compared to years before. “I know that Rock the Vote works every election year to get out voters,” Boudreaux said. “It’s a noble effort to try to educate our age group, but the bottom line is the decision still relies on us, whether we decide to vote or not.” To further promote voter registration, MTV and Rock the Vote have utilized the “Meetup” system to unite young people interested in becoming active in their community. By connecting with other interested participants via the Internet, then meeting at a location within the city, activists can discuss ideas, issues and candidates in the 2004 election. In Baton Rouge, 11 people have signed up for the National MTV and Rock the Vote Meetup Day on March 2. For further information on how to get involved in Rock the Vote, students can refer to www.rockthevote.com.

In the Feb. 11 issue, an article about the Calaboose museum stated that the Texas Historical Commission designated the Dunbar neighborhood as an historical district. It should have read that the San Marcos Historical Commission made the designation. In a Jan. 29 article on tattoos, it was stated that minors could get tattoos with the consent of a parent. This was dated information and minors can only get tattoos in cases where the tattoo is to cover a preexisting tattoo that the parents have deemed offensive. The specifics can be viewed at www.capitol.state.tx.us/tol/78R/billtext/SB01317F.HTM. In the same article, Mystic Marks Tattoo Co. was incorrectly referred to as Mystic Marks Cosmetic Studio. In addition, Thunderstruk Tattoos is no longer in existence. In an article published in Fall 2003, the minimum price for a tattoo at Sharp Things Tattoos is $30 not $300.


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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Job shadowing much more beneficial when you are actually in the firm and doing things for a client.” Karen Julian, Career Services assistant director, said in a press release that during the last five years the job-shadowing program has offered students a unique externship possibility. “(It) provides an opportunity for students to gain first-hand

Offers unique opportunities and experiences By Erin McGowan News Reporter Students interested in experiencing what it is like to work in their chosen career field outside the classroom have until Friday to apply for this semester’s jobshadowing opportunity. From March 15 to 19, students will be able to work with professionals in their respective career fields to get a sense of what it is really like on the job. Career Services has offered the program for the last five years during winter and spring breaks. “Job shadowing was very beneficial because it was the first time I had gone into an interior design firm and been able to work with someone,” said Tiffany Farnham, interior design junior. “We learn all of this stuff in school, but it is

shadowing program, students must submit a résumé and fill out an application, which they can find at the Career Services office located in the LBJ Student Center, Room 5-7.1. Students also need to fill out the “Release and Indemnity Agreement Form.” Career Services recommends that interested students submit their resume for critique before they turn it in. Once the paperwork is filed, students are matched with organizations based on the employers’ requested qualifications and students’ selections. The program can also establish links between students and alumni in their fields. Employers are typically chosen

“(It) provides an opportunity for students to gain first-hand knowledge about the career fields they are interested in pursuing,”

— Karen Julian Career Services assistant director

knowledge about the career fields they are interested in pursuing,” Julian said in the release. “In addition, in this past winter break program, Career Services had an astonishing total of 153 job shadowing assignments.” To participate in the job-

U. Mass. students launch pro-Israel campaign flyers. Also highlighted was cell phone technology, America Online Instant Messenger, the Intel Pentium MMX processor and Microsoft Windows NT. According to the group, Israel has played a significant role in the development of these technologies. “When people think of Israel, they tend to think of it as a far away place that doesn’t affect them, but here we are trying to show them that Israel affects them everyday and that it shouldn’t be thought of as a distant place,” said Steven M. Spiegel, a sophomore history major. “These are all technologies that were either invented, or significant portions of (their invention) were the results of Israeli technological advances,” said Meir L. Dashevsky, a sophomore philosophy major. “And these are things we just use every day.” According to Skolnick, about 500 fliers were posted across campus in Marcus Hall, Thompson Hall, Herter Hall, Whitmore Administration Building and the Campus Center. There were nine different messages the group posted, he said. The group is planning to continue its efforts during the course of the semester on a consistent basis. The campaign will culminate with a celebration of Israel's Independence Day, on April 26 of this year.

By Morris Singer Massachusetts Daily Collegian AMHERST, Mass. — The University of Massachusetts Student Alliance for Israel recently organized a semesterlong flier distribution effort to promote Israel’s image on the university campus, and launched its inaugural attempt yesterday after dark. Pro-Israel student advocates met at 7 p.m. Monday at the Hillel House, and passed through campus, posting in their wake, their messages of Israel’s technological, environmental and humanitarian accomplishments. Gilad Skolnick, a sophomore communications and Judaic studies major, who is the vice president of communications of SAFI, organized the flier campaign, which has involved more than 20 students since its inception less than two weeks ago. To Skolnick, displaying a positive message of Israel is more important in promoting Israel than focusing on criticisms from the other side. “Everyone focuses on the negative aspect of suicide bombing and people getting blown up from terrorism, and (hasn’t) focused enough on the positive aspects of Israel, like a heart attack blood test diagnosis by phone.” Indeed this somewhat complicated-sounding technology is only one of many modern conveniences the group brought to attention through its

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from Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, New Braunfels, San Antonio and San Marcos. “We are working toward building an alumni mentoring network,” Julian said. “That’s one of the activities that’s on our strategic plan that our direc-

tor will be submitting for this academic year. That will be a project that I am doing with some other professional staff members. That will be something students can use if they need some mentoring contacts.” Job shadowing is designed for juniors and seniors who have a specific career field in mind, but dedicated sophomores who are aware of their career goals are welcome to participate. “I think one of the best results a student can get from job shadowing is an opportunity to take a next step with an employer, whether it be an internship, or whether it even be a contact for full-time jobs down the line,” Julian said. “What we are trying to do is create opportunities for the students who are participating in the program to have some good experience,” said Curt Schafer, Career Services director. “But we are also trying to create opportunities down the road for future job shadowing. The number of job-shadowing experiences that have turned into internships, and the number of job-shadowing employers that have turned into full-time employers for our students makes the program worthwhile.”

DUNBAR: Class helps history come alive g Cont. from page 1

bring awareness to San Marcos and encourage Texas State students to get more involved with the community.” An additional objective of the students in the class was getting in touch with the history of San Marcos. The students took their practical knowledge of design and put it to work in remodeling buildings, which would have been otherwise demolished. “At the moment, we want to just protect what’s there in Dunbar,” Gachot said. “It was an enormous task but the students pulled it off really well.”

“Why are people so fast to tear down a building?” Lazo asked. “The building has a great amount of history and once renovated, like many San Marcos homes, is a beautiful building with much potential.” The efforts in restoring a neighborhood may be complex at times, but Gachot believes that it is essential. “It is so important to restore old neighborhoods because it is a form of heritage that needs to be preserved and it’s a great way to get familiar with the community, which is going on at Calaboose Museum now,” he said.

g Cont. from page 1

“This gives students a forum to practice.” On Thursday, separate from the Business Leadership Forum, an event will be held to help students decide on a major. “It is aimed mainly at freshmen trying to decide on a major, but it is not something exclusively designed for freshmen,” Croskey said. “It’s geared toward giving them some tools to figure out their

interests and how that can lead to a career choice.” Morris said all of the events taking place have been planned for the same time as the Internship Fair, happening today in the LBJSC Ballroom. “It’s going to help them do better in their job search and help them get better jobs,” Morris said. “Sometimes these skills help you make a first impression, and an awful lot of hiring is based on first impressions.”


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Pakistan intensifies hunt for al-Qaida

In northwestern territories of Pakistan where U.S. authorities suspect Osama bin Laden and members of his al-Qaida network may be hiding, Pakistani forces have begun confronting tribal leaders by threatening the destruction of homes in some cases to enlist help, the senior U.S. military commander in Afghanistan said Tuesday. Pakistan’s past reluctance to take action in the territories, which have a tradition of semiautonomous rule under strong tribal chiefs, had frustrated U.S. authorities in their campaign against al-Qaida. There have been reports before of increased Pakistani military action, though few indications of solid success. But Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, who commands about 11,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, said Tuesday that the latest Pakistani efforts, which began in the past two months, “show the greatest promise we have seen in a while” of rooting out al-Qaida operatives.

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Tuesday endorsed the government’s “donot-call” list, rejecting telemarketers’ claims that the popular program violates their free speech rights. “We hold that the do-not-call registry is a valid commercial speech regulation,” wrote a threejudge panel of the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, overturning a lower court ruling that the list was unconstitutional. The decision cleared the way for the government to more aggressively enforce the registry, which includes 56 million phone numbers that are off-limits to telemarketers.

New Hampshire takes up same-sex marriage issue

CONCORD, N.H. — The samesex marriage dispute steamed into New Hampshire Tuesday, as what was intended to be a staid legislative committee hearing turned into an impassioned public outpouring. After the location was moved twice for lack of space, more than 500 people filled the Capitol assembly hall here, normally used for the full House of Representatives. And unlike the shouting and singing that took place in Boston last week, foes and supporters of same-sex marriage — about equally divided — patiently waited for more than two hours before lawmakers arrived to discuss “an act relative to the definition of marriage.” The move in New Hampshire to close a statutory loophole that would acknowledge same-sex unions from out of state was under way even before a court ruling made neighboring Massachusetts the first state to legalize same-sex marriages beginning in May. But the issue took on heightened urgency here as legislators watched their Massachusetts counterparts last week unsuccessfully grapple with a constitutional amendment to ban gay and lesbian marriages. Weekend news clips of same-sex couples in San Francisco, waiting in long lines to take out marriage licenses, made New Hampshire lawmakers all the more determined to deal with the matter once and for all. Briefs are from wire reports.


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PARK: City efforts aim ALTERMAN: Lecturer answers to keep San Marcos green questions about the U.S., Iraq 4 - The University Star

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

g Cont. from page 1

and prevent high-density development that would occur because of the planned road extension. Following a proposal in the mid-’90s by realtor Randall Morris to build town homes on the nine acres, known as Prospect Park located at the end of Prospect Street, Chris North, who lives near the park, sought a way to protect the area. North, who now heads the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, said the more she questioned San Marcos residents, the more their concerns took on the life of a project. “We didn’t really have a group who was looking after and helping acquire green space,” North said. “An important part of being in a rapidly growing area is preserving green space.” In 1999, the city purchased the small plot of land for $90,000 from the Randall Morris group to serve as a park. Shortly afterward, the Rivers and Trails Program for the National Parks Service, which gives groups like North’s technical support and assistance, accepted the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance into their program. With the help of a grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife, the alliance has been able to add trails and benches to the park, which they hope to have finished in June. A $6,000 kiosk will be added to the park’s entrance in March. Melanie Howard, San Marcos water protection manager, said the other 450 acres bordering the park were acquired in 2001, as mitigation for the impact the future extension of Wonder World Drive would have on the area. North said the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has done extensive studies on the land.

and will not be around much longer. These countries need solid, firm, energetic leadership and communication, because younger leaders will have different views. There is no way to tell what the result will be, and each country will have a different outcome with new leadership. “As technology gets more advanced, Iraqis’ educations get lower,” Alterman said. Unemployment in Iraq is between 60 and 70 percent because there are no more government jobs, which once employed most of the country. “That’s a real problem,” Alterman said. The number of years Iraqis spend looking for jobs is getting worse. Alterman said Iraqis don’t see the need for school because it will not guarantee them a job when they are finished. No job causes Iraqis to have no money for a marriage or a family. This is causing a less educated and less responsible population, because going to class, having a job and having a family makes people more responsible, he said. “This has been going on long before Sept. 11 and will go on long after,” Alterman said. The United States has an idea

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g Cont. from page 1

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City of San Marcos/San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance “There are endangered species out there,” North said. “If you’re going to do a project that will take their habitat, you have to mitigate for that.” Currently, San Marcos owns 792 acres of parkland. According to a recent survey, San Marcos citizens want more trails for hiking and bike riding. Environmental educa-

“An importaint part of being in a rapidly growing area is preserving green space.” — Chris North San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance

tion, which those surveyed felt would allow the citizens to appreciate local nature, was also a concern. “This is one of the most environmentally sensitive areas in Central Texas,” Howard said. “These parks will allow the public to grow and appreciate what San Marcos has.” Collette Jamison, San Marcos director of administrative services, said the city

received an Edwards Aquifer grant for $500,000 to help pay for a portion of the park, also known as Purgatory Creek Green Space. Certificates of obligation were passed by the City Council that were used to acquire the rest of the land. Carter and Burgess, a Fort Worth-based architectural and engineering firm, currently has a contract with the city to pursue a master plan based on public input for the 502 acres. The plan will include trails, property markers and rules for the park. “It’s important for people to go to public meetings and fill out the surveys for the park,” North said. “It’s important that people who want to use that land have a say in what happens there.” North said though the land is public, it has not yet been annexed into the city, making the proper signage and land markers for the park absent or hard to find. She also cited the difficulty in finding an entrance, and hopes Prospect Park will become the official park entrance. North encouraged San Marcos residents to attend the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance annual meeting at 3 p.m. March 3 at the greenhouse interpretive center.

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that not everyone should work for the government. Iraqis should create something to work for, and not wait for it to be handed to them, Alterman said. “There’s no right answer,” Alterman said. “There are a lot of wrong answers.” He said some Iraqis feel the people the United States is working with have sold out and become allied with the United States and not their own country. “The kind of people we want to work with aren’t trusted by their own people,” Alterman said. The United States has to do some things that are uncomfortable, Alterman said. “We can’t do it for them, but we can’t let them fail,” he said. During the question and answer portions of the lecture, Alterman answered a question about why the war began. “What was this war about?” Alterman asked. “It hasn’t made Iraq better, it’s made them struggle more.” He did not see any evidence while he worked for the State Department during 2001-2002 that the war began for personal gain of oil. Audience members came to the lecture for many different reasons. “I had to come for class,” said Corretta Sanders, interna-

tional studies senior. Sanders said she thought the lecture was very general, but she learned a lot of details, such as the unemployment rate in Iraq. “It was recommended by a professor, but I saw fliers,” said Ryan Williams, history and political science senior, about why he came to the lecture. Williams thought the lecture would be interesting because he took a class on Islamic history last year. “I thought it was very informative and it answered a lot of the questions about what we’re doing in Iraq,” he said. A labor economic and industrial relations professor from Turkey was also in attendance. “I just wanted to know and learn about the U.S. knowledge of the Middle East,” said Ayaln Ari, who is visiting on sabbatical. Margaret Menninger, history associate professor, brought Alterman to campus for the lecture. “I was delighted that so many people came and paid attention,” said Menninger. The United States needs to help Iraqis gain control in Iraq, but watch how they do it. “We need to be more active in doing the right thing,” Alterman said.

begin an orientation for new staff and faculty on how to teach. He would also like to see a program where a senior staff member mentors minority staff beginning on their very first day on campus. Bentil said he would spend his first few months learning about the culture and the campus and then would work on academic priorities. “Academics should drive what we do,” Bentil said. “Academic and Student Affairs need to work closely, but the key is developing academic priorities with the departments. We need to work as a team but keep academics key.” Faculty members asked Bentil what he would do if there is resistance to change. “I believe the provost should be a strategist. If there is resistance, it would be at the faculty level. I’d look at the big picture and strategize for getting there.” Bentil said he might need to find creative ways around getting new resources, new faculty and new degree programs. Faculty members also asked Bentil about some of his accomplishments. 1/22/04 9:00 AM Page 1 “I am proud of initiating 4

Ph.D. and 3 masters degree programs at Southern University,” he said. “I’m proud it was done so well.” Bentil also told the faculty about a hall of fame he initiated at the University of Washington. He talked to wealthy company presidents and created an advisory board, which created criteria for nominees. Bentil organized a sold out dinner, auction and induction ceremony. In the second year more than 300 people attended and last year the event was held at the Seattle Civic Center. The event has contributed thousands of dollars to the University of Washington. Information on all of the candidates is available at www.provost.txstate.edu. An open question and answer forum will be held for ToroRamos from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m on Thursday. A search committee will give its recommendation to Trauth by April 2, and the new provost and vice president of Academic Affairs will begin his job on July 1.

PROVOST: Bentil outlines his goals g Cont. from page 1

promote diversity within faculty and staff. While working at the University of Florida, Bentil was part of a program to recruit Hispanics and blacks to the school. “I currently run the McNair program, which provides money for under-represented students,” Bentil said. “The federal government provides $300,000 a year for students.” He has been the program’s keynote speaker for the last two years in Indiana. “I was amazed to see the amount of research coming out of that program,” he said. Anthropology professor Ana Juarez asked Bentil about his experiences with Hispanic students and faculty and what he would do to promote diversity at Texas State. Bentil said he would like to see the McNair program implemented at Texas State. He said there are two major things to remember about minority staff and faculty. “First, we get them to the campus. Second, we keep them and help them to succeed,” he BIO191-867_5.75x5Logo.qxd said. Bentil would also like to

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OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Page 5

Law enforcement must keep community educated THE MAIN POINT


ver gotten pulled over by a Department of Public Safety officer or someone from another agency because you didn’t change lanes or slow down when passing a parked emergency vehicle? According to the DPS, it has issued more than 200 tickets for violating this state law (which went into effect Sept. 1) since the department began enforcing it in December. However, the

story is a bit different in Austin. The Austin Police Department, which has issued no tickets in violation of this law, is doing something that not even the DPS has done: It is focusing on a public education campaign. Considering the hundreds of new state laws passed in September, informing the public about them would have been a novel idea; it’s just a shame that it’s now midFebruary and so far only the

other forms of media, but that doesn’t mean they will get any coverage. And if the press releases aren’t being used, then taxpayer money is getting wasted. Setting up some way to better inform the public about new laws is something that needs to be done. Citizens need to be educated about laws before getting ticketed for them; that’s the way education works.

APD has thought about setting up some way to inform the public. Informing the general public about these laws should be a bigger priority than setting up grace periods, because by setting up grace periods you’re already assuming the public knows about these laws, which is rarely the case. Conversely, informing the public isn’t always an easy task. Agencies can send press releases to newspapers and

The Mai n Poi nt is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Let ter s poli cy : E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Columnists should research before forming opinion

Campus living not worth cost

What is it about the residence dorms, you ask? Well, at College Inn a student pays $596 halls at Texas State that makes a month to share a room, which them so expensive? Is it the means, counting abundant parkboth people in the ing? The ample Rugh Cline room, the university privacy? The Star Columnist is charging $1192 a clean bathmonth. Blanco Hall rooms? The comes out to $625.72 a month functional air conditioners? The per person, with a grand total of unstained mattresses? Is it the $1251.44 a month per room. large living quarters? The Tower comes out to In preparation for this col$566.29 a month, or $1132.58 a umn, I have pondered questions month per room. like these for the last couple of How about San Marcos Hall? weeks. I have come to the conclusion that students who live in You should be sitting down when you read this. The studorms are grossly overcharged dents pay a whopping $695.43 a for these half-ass accommodamonth to share a room with tions. someone. Which means the For the following monthly grand total for a room in San rate figures, I took the semester Marcos Hall between both residorm rate, added the $150 “life dents is $1390.86 per month! safety surcharge” and divided For that kind of money stuby the total three and a half dents could go to Palazzo, Park months a person gets in the Hill, Dakota Ranch or any other dorms during the spring semesreally nice apartment complex ter. These figures do not, howin town, get their own place, ever, include the exorbitantlypriced meal plans students in the pay their own utilities and still have money left. dorms are forced to purchase. The people sharing a room in Much like everything else on any dorm, lets say The Tower, campus, the dorms are closed during Spring Break, leaving the could take the $1132.58 they are paying per month to share a entire dormitory population bedroom with someone. They homeless for a week. I did not include in these figures the price could go to Palazzo and rent a a person pays renting a hotel for very nice two-bedroom apartment for about $800 a month. that week of homelessness. For your typical dorm, that in Then they could spend a couple hundred bucks to pay their theory has a working air condimonthly utilities and in the end tioner, a student pays $460.57 a they would still come out with month. Keep in mind this is to more than $100 to put into their share one dorm room with a complete stranger. Both students pockets. Not to mention they would enjoy the privacy of their together are paying $921.14 a own bedroom. month for the room. Then, of course, there is How about some of the nicer

The University Star 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487; Fax: (512) 245-3708

always the parking factor. I have a friend who lives in Falls Hall. His visitors are not allowed to park in the parking lot of his building when they visit. In fact, he isn’t even allowed to park in his own parking lot. When he registered his car, the university only issued him a commuter parking sticker, which means when he uses his car he has to walk the distance from Bobcat Stadium to Falls Hall to pick up or drop off his car. In the five months he has been living in the dorms, he has found it necessary to park in his own parking lot (God forbid) five separate times. For the heinous crime of parking in his own parking lot, he has received five parking tickets. The first four tickets cost $15 each. The fifth ticket cost $150. The university is trying to charge him $150 for parking in his own parking lot! He and his roommate are paying $921.14 a month for their room, and that doesn’t even buy him the right to park in his own parking lot. These parking tickets are just another way to siphon money off of the captive freshman body in every way possible. In preparation for this column, I contacted Jim Settle, Residence Life director. On the phone, he was very rude and disrespectful, to put it mildly. He invited me into his office to review the budget. To his surprise, I gladly accepted. I couldn’t just let him blow me off after one phone conversation, could I? After reviewing a stack of pie charts and statistical information

Editor In Chief............................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.....................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor.........................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.....................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor......................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor.........Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu

he provided, I am still not at all convinced the dorms are worth the money. Excuse me; allow me to correct myself. They are called residence halls, not dorms, according to Mr. Settle. So, anyway, these dorms are overpriced. Granted, freshmen need to get acquainted with campus. For the most part, they need to live on campus to learn their way around and to find out what the campus has to offer. Also, they may need the social atmosphere of the dorms. I am a senior and half the people I know I met in the dorms. The dorms are a positive experience. Students who live in the dorms get better grades overall and make the transition of college life easier than students who live off campus. However, there is nothing in my research for this column that answers the fundamental question I am trying to solve: Why are these dorms so ridiculously expensive? Apartments are much less expensive, more spacious and have sufficient parking, as opposed to the over-priced dorms. So why are these dorms so expensive? I don’t know. Apparently neither does the director of Residence Life. Maybe the campus should go ahead and buy the Palazzo Apartment complex and start calling it a dorm, that way students in the dorms can get something close to what they are paying for.

This letter concerns one of your columnists’ strictly opinionated article titled “Get ’Em Out Of There” (Feb. 12). The problems I see, as a United States Marine Officer candidate with an aviation slot and a Citadel cadet, are VERY large. Daniel Mottola’s misuse of information in a conveniently weighted fashion is just as deceiving to the common reader as are his so-called “censorship” conspiracy theories. I have several acquaintances, personal friends and even family members serving in Iraq and all around the world, and with their stories and information comes a very large, very real conception of our global military situation. I do not believe Mr. Mottola has any such clue. Nor do I believe the average reader does (or needs to, for that matter). My problem does not lie in either of the two previously stated facts. I just see a columnist’s job as to inform the reader of what he does NOT know, rather than forcing opinions by rattling off some completely random, weighted and, in many instances, unproven “facts.” All I ask of you is to make sure someone truly understands a topic before it is written and published for thousands of readers to establish opinions from. — Jam es Nash En glish so p ho more Colum nist Rebu tt al The main reason my column might seem “strictly opinionated,” James, is because it is column in the opinions section. Free speech is one of the constitutional freedoms you are employed to protect. It seems that your “conception of our global military situation” is based upon commonly held information and beliefs from within the military culture. Suggesting that the average reader really doesn’t need to know about the military situation hints toward fascism. If I am “misusing” information about Iraq deceitfully, James, please, from your informed officer candidate standpoint, give all of us civilians the truth! Our elected officials certainly can’t manage to do it. I assume you did not take issue with George W. Bush telling the American people that Iraq had WMDs and intended to use them. Those facts were “highly weighted,” totally “unproven,” and by definition conspiracy theories themselves! If you are willing to give your life, like more than 500 others already have, you must fully understand and respect what you’re fighting for and the truth as to why you‘re fighting in the first place. Dan Mo ttola Star Co lu mn ist

Hey bus drivers ... pedestrians have the right of way

For years, I have been under the impression that college campus pedestrians always have the right of way, especially in the crosswalks. Apparently I am wrong. This has been proven to me on more than one occasion when buses that are catering to students have almost run me down and sent me to an early grave. Just so you don’t think I’m an idiot who never learned in kindergarten to look both ways before crossing the street, let me share a recent incident. The Bobcat Stadium bus dropped me off at the LBJ Student Center. I exited the bus and proceeded to look both ways before I crossed the street. All other buses were stationary. However, in the middle of my cross came one of the previously stationary buses. And, before you tell me I need to stay on the sidewalk, let me share this point with you. Parking at Texas State is impossible. Buses here often run back to back, which means if you miss the bus, you’ve inadvertently missed it twice. They’re also slow and wait at some stops for five minutes or more. Therefore, I will do anything I can to make it to class on time, including crossing the street instead of sticking to the sidewalk. Perhaps Texas State should invest in longer, more comprehensive training programs for its student bus drivers. Or maybe, just maybe, the only thing Texas State needs is to inform its bus drivers that pedestrians have the right of way, especially in crosswalks. — Stef ani Gassiot mass commu nicat ion sen io r

Cl i ne i s a p ol i t ic a l s ci e nc e s en i or .

Assistant Entertainment Editor..............Jeff Greer, jg1201@txstate.edu Photo Editor..................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.........Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Calendar of Events...........Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu

Advertising Graduate Asst...........Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager........Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord...........Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Co pyrig ht F eb r ua r y 18, 2004 . All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

T he U n i v e rs it y S t ar

TRENDS R o a r i n g ’ 2 0s

Page 6 — Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Fashions influence today’s couture BY PORSHA THOMAS TRENDS REPORTER EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a weekly series about fashion throughout the decades. Do you ever wonder from where modern style stems? Sure, modern day designers enlighten (or frighten) with edgy, creative designs, but the idea that these “makers of high fashion” are gifted enough to succeed in giving birth to untouched ideas each season is kind of ridiculous. Remember begging your parents for a pair of bellbottom pants in the late ’90s? Does your grandmother refer to your “Capri” pants as knickerbockers or cigarette pants? In the exploration of the clothes we buy that our mothers wore, we’ll travel first to the time period in which modernization began. When women were granted the right to vote, Margaret Sanger illegally distributed information about birth control, and young women raised eyebrows with their outlandish and immoral behaviors. The Roaring ’20s marked the beginning of a new type of female. Today’s independent woman is the descendent of the flapper — a stylish, defiant woman of the decade. Defined by their heavy makeup, short dresses, bobbed hair and bared arms and legs, flappers were the first women to apply makeup and smoke in public. Designs by Coco Chanel and Madeleine Vionnet became the epitome of 1920s style. Neutral tones, such as beige, sand, cream, navy and black, were popular. Women’s dress became more “manly.” Tossing out the corset, women’s clothing became looser and shapeless in fit. The bust was suppressed, waists disappeared, shoulders became broader and hair became shorter. Narrow, boyish hips were preferred. A flattened chest was emphasized, and womanly curves were eliminated as clothing became simplified. Before the dawn of the 1920s, skirts were calf-length. The early ’20s did not see much variation. It wasn’t until 1925 that skirts rose 14 to 16 inches, creating the shorter hemline associated with that era. The late ’20s brought the creation of uneven, asymmetrical hemlines that can be seen in today’s fashions. Women wore girdles instead of thick-boned corsets; to create a naked

look, beige instead of black colored stockings were rolled to their knees (which enabled easy dancing). Patterned stockings became a hot commodity in the 1920s. Embroidery wrapped the ankles up to the knees. Flesh and soft pastel colors were popular. Made of silk and the silk-like material rayon, stockings were often shiny. Women powdered their legs for a matte look. Women of the 1920s wore Cloche hats, which told everyone they had short hair. Because foreheads were unfashionable in the ’20s, the hat was pulled over the eyes, causing women to hold their head at a specific angle in order to see. This was thought to affect body posture. Coats were mostly long until 1926. Most of them were wrap-overs worn to one side. Big buttons or buckles were used as fasteners, and many coats featured a fur collar. Coordinating coat linings with dress fabrics became popular at this time as well. Sound familiar? T-bar shoes with buckles, bows and straps were popular during that decade. “Mary Janes” were the shoes of the time. Because hemlines were shorter, shoe styles began to matter. Heels were more than two inches tall until the 1930s, but that decade is another story. Now let’s review: Wrap-over coats, Mary Janes, girdles, patterned stockings, short hair and short skirts are things we all have seen before, if not worn, right? To my dissatisfaction, the narrowed hips of the ’20s appear to be popular today as well. Despite personal feelings, it is easily seen that the 1920s gave birth to the ideals of wild and free women in America. And to think, you thought your grandmother was old fashioned!

Island makes for a fun getaway BY JEFF GREER ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR U S TA N G ISLAND — When one thinks of the beach, images of bathing suits, cold beer and hot days usually flood the mind. As I watched the snowfall Friday night, it seemed strange that I would be heading for the coast the next day. I was pleasantly surprised to find perfect weather when I arrived. Fifty-five degrees may seem a bit cool for a swim, but as I squished the sand between my toes and took in the fresh ocean air, I was immediately pleased with my travel. This time of year, Mustang Island is quiet and peaceful, refreshingly uninhabited by visitors. There were less than 50 people in the entire park, offering opportunities to walk on the beach and to remember what the ocean sounds like. It brought back pleasant memories of childhood, when my parents used to take all seven children to the island to sail and fish. We would camp on the island and the sound of the waves in the morning would serve as a pleasant natural wake-up call. The island was originally named Wild Horse Island for the “mestenos,” horses that were brought by the Spanish in the 1800s. The first recorded account of the island was by Alonso Alvarez de Pineda in 1519. Padre Island was a Spanish land grant named for Padre Nicholas Balli at the beginning of the 19th century. The Balli family established a long tradition of cattle ranching in the region. Mustang Island has enjoyed a rich history, housing a fort during the U.S. Mexican War as well as serving as a key outpost in the Civil War. The park was acquired from private owners in 1972 and was opened to the public in 1979. Mustang Island is a barrier island protecting the coastline from hurricanes and other types of heavy


weather. Other than a few raised buildings and granite boulders, the island has remained untouched by developers. The result is a beach that is as close to nature as one can find on the Texas Gulf Coast. The winter months are not an especially great time for gulf fishing, but the island has a variety of wildlife to divert one’s attention. The rolling sand dunes are covered with animal tracks, providing an interesting hike or mountain bike tour of the park. It is interesting to note the old picnic tables that are now covered with sand and vegetation. It is just another reminder of the changing face of the Texas coast. The park has several piers consisting of granite boulders, which are about 100 yards off of the beach. Visitors fish these waters year round for the 600 species of saltwater fish that inhabit the waters. The five miles of open beach provide ample space for camping and recreation. In addition to 300 primitive campsites, the park has 48 campsites with running water and electricity. Fires are allowed on the beach, but some of the campsites are subject to high tides, so it is a good idea to check with the park’s office before setting up camp. During the summer months, the park transforms into a frenzy of alcohol and hormones. Reservations are a must and the daily-use area fills up quickly. Spring Break is especially busy for the park and law enforcers alike. It is highly recommended that visitors be cautious not only in how they drink but how they dispose of containers as well. Park rangers are more than happy to lay down the law when it comes to refuse. Though the park is uniquely located away from hotels and other visual distractions, it is not so remote that someone can’t get a good meal. There are many restaurants and bars within a five-minute drive, many of which will actually cook the fresh fish one might catch during a productive day at the beach. In addition to being a great place to camp or hang out, Mustang Island is in a prime location along the Gulf Coast. It is just 20 minutes from

Corpus Christi and is in close proximity to the Copano Causeway State Fishing Pier, Padre Island National Seashore and Lake Corpus Christi State Park. Mustang Island State Park is open year round, seven days a week, unless of course there is a hurricane. It is a little more than three hours from San Marcos in good traffic, and directions and fees can be obtained at www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/mustang/index.htm or by calling 1-800792-1112. For reservations, call 512389-8900.

Beach safety tips n Protect y our s kin: Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear a sunscreen with a sun protection factor containing a high rating such as 15. n Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water regularly and often even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. n W atc h f or signs of heat s troke: Heat stroke is life-threatening. Signals include hot, red and dry skin; changes in consciousness; rapid, weak pulse; and rapid, shallow breathing. Watch for signals of breathing problems and make sure the airway is clear. Keep the person lying down. n W ear eye protection : Sunglasses are like sunscreen for your eyes and protect against damage that can occur from UV rays. Be sure to wear sunglasses with labels that indicate that they absorb at least 90 percent of UV sunlight. n W ear f oot pr otection: Many times, people’s feet can get burned from the sand or cut from glass in the sand. SOURCE: American Red Cross

Rollins takes time to share thoughts BY MALCOLM X ABRAM KNIGHT RIDDER NEWSPAPERS

The Other Side of Radio plays:


In articles about Henry Rollins, the phrase Renaissance man is often used. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a Renaissance man is “a person who has wide interests and is expert in several areas.” Rollins is the former lead screamer for punk icons Black Flag and current leader of his own Rollins Band. He’s an actor who has appeared in everything from small indie films (Desperate But Not Serious) to evil Hollywood behemoths (Bad Boys II) to cartoons (Batman Beyond). He hosted the shortlived Night Visions anthology series and was “e-Bay AssKicking Guy” on The Drew Carey Show. He owns 2.13.61, which publishes his books (oh, yeah, he’s an author, too), CDs, DVDs and other paraphernalia.

Yeah, that’s a lot of stuff for one man to do, but the term “type A workaholic” might be more apt. He’s been touring for 24 years and performing for 25 and refuses to slow down. Of all of his endeavors, Rollins has been receiving most of his recent accolades for his seemingly nonstop spoken word tours. The current tour is titled “Shock and Awe My Ass!” (an obvious reference to the Bush administration’s title for strategic airstrikes in Iraq — Rollins hasn’t turned into Dennis Miller). “It’s a reference to the working of the war,” Rollins said from a tour stop in Pennsylvania. “The way it was pumped in the press like we’re giving the Iraqis a light show the likes of which they’ve never seen; like it’s a sports package on DirecTV. That’s OK, you’re going to say the things you’re going to say — it’s not like I can stop you — but

this is war you’re talking about, so you’re going to have allied KIAs and you’re going to be killing bad guys and you’re going to be killing women and kids, and no one wants to kill women and kids. It just happens, it always has and I took exception to the wording and thought, wait a minute, the world is watching you speak. Can’t we have a little bit more decorum and gravity in this moment?” The uninitiated might surmise that seeing Rollins speak is like spending three hours being yelled at by a thick-necked, heavily tattooed, angry drill sergeant who knows the lyrics to a lot of Black Sabbath tunes. But, as evidenced by his latest DVD, Live At Luna Park, Rollins’ lengthy shows are chock full of self-deprecating, observant, self-aware and, yes, angry humor. g See ROLLINS, page 7


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Louis Vuitton makes for fashion faux paux

The University Star - 7


Andy Ellis/Star photo Mimes and Mysteries presented Stronger than Silence, an entertaining mix of magic and mime with an underlying message. Thursday night’s event was sponsored by the Texas State Baptist Student Ministry.

Highwaymen offers new type of horror At the beginning of the film, the audience is taken into a punishing world of crushed metal and t w i s t e d film f l e s h . REVIEW Make no ««« mistake; Highwaymen

this is a Dir.: Robert Harmon h o r r o r Stars: James Caviezel, Rhona Mitra, movie, but Frankie Faison not like Rated R you’re used to. Highwaymen is from the director of the 1986 cult classic The Hitcher that stars Rutger Hauer and C. Thomas Howell. After that film, it seemed Hauer, Howell and Harmon were launched into an abyss of low-budget movies and mediocre scripts. Harmon was the obvious choice to do this gritty film about murder and the weapon everyone plays around with: the automobile. Caviezel, who portrays Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of The Christ, plays the Mad Max-type persona of Rennie. Rennie’s wife is murdered by a big green Cadillac, or more precisely, murdered by the man behind the wheel of it. Rennie vows to avenge his wife’s death and chases the man across deserted highways, much like a detective tracking a serial killer. Molly (Mitra) is one of the

It’s over in five for Angel BY KATE O’HARE ZAP2IT.COM

Courtesy photo Rhona Mitra and James Caviezel in a scene from Highwaymen.

victims of the killer who has to witness her friend getting systematically torn apart by the green machine. Fortunately for Mitra, she escapes, but not before the killer can take her picture. Rennie tracks her down and convinces her the killer will return. She disregards the advice only to have her boyfriend torn to shreds as well. This leads to the final showdown between Rennie and the killer, with Mitra as the bait. Interlaced into the quick-moving plot are flashbacks and reverse exposition

about Rennie’s relationship with the killer and with Mitra’s bloodstained past. The best part about this film is the sound effects. The car accidents are fast and realistic, and you can almost hear the wind of the victims being squeezed out of their lungs. Harmon does a great job conveying the idea of the green Cadillac as a living entity and an extension of the killer’s hate and insanity. Rennie sports a burnt orange 1968 (426 hemi) Barracuda. There are some dangerouslooking chase scenes between

the rival cars, and props must be given to the stuntmen of the world. Some interesting views are expressed in this film about traffic victims and amputees. It seems obvious that the screenwriters borrowed concepts from other movies, but the final product is surprisingly original. Any fans of the original Mad Max, Crash, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Hitcher are encouraged to spend a little time checking this one out. — Jeff Greer

stand-up comedy. “I respect those that can do it. I like comedians, but I would be terrified at the prospect of ready, set, make ’em laugh.” As for acting, Rollins considers it a side gig at best and only pursues jobs when time permits. So how and why did he end up in Jerry Bruckheimer’s cynical, soulless, kill-’em-all-and-letGod-sort-’em-out “action-comedy” Bad Boys II? And how does a punk icon reconcile his squalid past with his comfortable present? First, Rollins couldn’t care less about anyone’s “punk” ideals and has said he takes some glee in confounding those who think the

ex-singer of Black Flag should still be squatting in a hovel with other gutter punks raging against the machine. Second, how often does anyone not named Schwarzenegger, Willis or Smith get to see behind the scenes of a Hollywood blockbuster? “Working in those big movies is fascinating because it’s like working in the middle of the Universal theme park,” Rollins said. “The choppers are real, the

stuff that gets blowed up stays blowed up. It’s all 30K an hour, and a lot of yelling and testosterone and ego, and it’s cool to be kind of a minor, minor player in that and not get your ego swept up into it and just do your work and still look around and say, ‘Man, these people are intense.’ It’s interesting, you definitely come out with a story. Half the stuff I do or a good portion of it, I’m in it for the story. I’m in it for the laughs.”

Rollins: Punk icon discusses his music, major film roles

g Cont. from page 1

Each of Rollins’ long, rambling, highly animated tales comes with equally humorous tangents and eventually a denouement that often includes a point. One of the highlights of the DVD is the bonus featurette “Rollins vs. Iggy Pop,” wherein Hammerin’ Hank details his increasingly futile attempts to blow the aging, proto-punk legend off the stage at various gigs over the years. As funny as Rollins can be, he doesn’t think he could put together a tight 15 minutes for the folks at the neighborhood Giggle Plex. “That would scare me, that idea,” he said of doing regular

Here’s a reveprice tag should be Christina Gomez a deterrent to the lation: Louis Vuitton doesn’t The Fashion Assassin perpetually broke just make handcollege student. Not bags. Yes, I know that may be to the resourceful Texas State hard to stomach, but it’s true. fashionistas — they simply buy Once upon a time, Louis the biggest (read: cheapest) bag Vuitton was one of my favorite they can afford. The result? An designers. His classic leather authentic Louis Vuitton big designs were characteristic of enough to carry some Tic-Tacs professionalism and class. His and a stick of gum. footwear collection is on the cutOf course, you could always ting edge of haute couture and take the other route and buy a his accessories are renowned for fake bag. Fabricated designer their cult appeal and functionali- bags have become so mainty. stream it is politically incorrect Once upon a time, a Louis to actually call them “fake.” Vuitton meant you had arrived. Now they are known as “knockThat is until the conformist offs.” You can find them on Reich took his traditional eBay and at mall kiosks or flea designs and mass marketed them markets. It is bizarre to see a bag to today’s trendy sheep. that symbolizes the wealthy elite Now, the Louis Vuitton bags being sold next to wooden figare symbols of unadulterated urines and coffee mugs. But, materialism and unabashed con- amazingly, they fly off the formity, and they can be found shelves as quickly as the store en force on campus at Texas can acquire them. State. Coupled with a baggy TReal or knock-off, women shirt and sweatpants, it is every have convinced themselves havgirl’s must-have this season. ing a fake Vuitton bag is better And the bigger, the better. I’ve than not having one at all. And even seen someone hauling a that is the real tragedy. The abilpiece of luggage around campus ity to think for themselves has imprinted with the trademark been replaced with mindlessly LV. Apparently, the point is that following fashion magazines. carrying a Louis Vuitton bag to The entire premise of fashion is school proves that someone is to create a look that defines and fashionable and has no problem accentuates your character, not plopping down a financial aid to adopt everything US Weekly check. says as dogma. So, maybe if you It certainly can’t be because are reading this column and realthe standard LV bag is attractive. izing you are guilty of crimes It is basic weather-all leather against individuality, you can with bulky zippers and the infa- confidently retire that silly bag. mous imprinted initials. Not You know you really didn’t even your initials. The hefty like it, anyway.

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LOS ANGELES — An announcement was made Friday to the cast and crew of The WB’s Angel that this season, the show’s fifth, would be its last. “It’s official enough to know it’s real,” David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, tells Zap2it.com, “but I haven’t talked to anybody at the network or the studio. I can tell you that it’s real, that it makes Mr. Whedon and myself very sad, that we wish it had kept going and we thought it was only getting better. “Joss and (executive producer) Jeff Bell told the cast and crew today, We have no understanding of the inner workings of the corporate world, but we’ve had a long and fruitful relationship with

(producing studio) 20th Century Fox and The WB, for which we (are) grateful. We just wish it could have gone on forever. Apparently, it’s not going to. “Joss literally called me this morning, so it’s very new.” This news comes on the heels of airing the 100th episode of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off, the taping of which was marked by a party on the show’s sets last November. On Wednesday, Angel airs one of its most innovative episodes, called “Smile Time.” Written and directed by Ben Edlund (The Tick), and based on an idea by Whedon, it sees the show’s title character, a crusading vampire with a soul, forced to fight evil after being transformed into a walking puppet (with voice by series star David Boreanaz).

8 - The University Star

E ntertainment Briefs Court drops charges against Courtney Love Courtney Love has done good. Well, relatively speaking. The absurdly embattled actress-singer actually made it to a Beverly Hills court Tu e s d a y. Superior C o u r t J u d g e Elden Fox Love then threw out the arrest warrant she had issued last week after Love failed to appear for a hearing involving felony charges of illegal possession of two painkillers. (Love said she couldn’t make the hearing because she didn’t have a bodyguard to ensure her security.) The 39-year-old Love was unusually reserved in court and answered only, “Yes, ma’am,” when asked by the judge if she would agree to appear March 16

Today’s slang

for a preliminary hearing. The case stems from Love’s Oct. 2 arrest outside a boyfriend’s house.

Spears, Aguilera may bury hatchet We think it would only be appropriate for that other sweet pop tart, Britney Spears, to buy Christina’s pool water. And she just might. According to MSNBC.com’s The Scoop, the two former Mouseketeers, who’ve been feuding over the past months, may bury the hatchet. Christina reportedly sent Brit a letter suggesting the pair become friends again, and a source tells MSNBC.com that Brit may well take her up on it. No comments from either one of the girls’ reps.

Turner to portray Indian goddess We have always thought of Tina Turner as a sort of goddess. And now the 64-year-old singer and practicing Buddhist will play


College Guy by Christy Gray

a real one — an Indian goddess, that is — in a movie helmed by those masters of the costume drama, Ismail Merchant and James Ivory. Turner, who completed her farewell tour four years ago, told the Times of India, “I’m ready to move onto another kind of performance.” “I think Ismail (Merchant) chose me because of my Shakti (strength) within. ... I’m special in that I’ve had a long run and I’m still here.”

Do you believe in gay marriage?

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 Yeah. It is just a piece of paper that will make thousands of people happy. Honestly it won’t hurt anyone, and the people pushing for it will not stop until same sex marriage is legal. Why do you ask?

Wanna go to San Francisco and get married?

Stork report The creator of Bridget Jones has created a baby of her own. Helen Fielding’s rep said on Monday that the author of Bridget Jones’s Diary gave birth to a boy Wednesday in L.A. “It all went very well, and all three of us are overjoyed,” Fielding and partner Kevin Curran said. “The baby currently has 12 names, but we are working on narrowing it down a bit.” Briefs are from wire reports.

The 4th Dimension

By Nick Tracy...

n ugget (nou n) Someone who is very desirable who you wouldn’t mind having sex with. Example: This girl that sits in front of me in class is a total nugget.

gayd ar (nou n) An imaginary radar that allows you to tell if someone is a homosexual. Example: I was at this party and this guy started talking to me and he made my gaydar go off the charts. “Damn you, Columbus, damn you!”

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Tuesday, February 18, 2004 - 9


GET TRULY EXCELLENT TUTORING FROM THE STUDY NOOK! * Only 2 blocks from campus! * Only $30/hr. * Discounts Available Stop stressing and start addressing YOUR study needs! To call for an appointment: 512-665-1230. (3/23)


$500! Police impound! Honda, Chevy, Jeep, Toyota, etc. From $500. For listing: (800)719-3001, ext. 7462. (2/17)

for rent

Awesome Deal 1/1, $395, gas, water, trash incld. Now pre-leasing Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Townhome Community 1/1.5, $475, 2/1.5, $595 w/ dryer incld plus 1 month free. $0 app. & 1/2 off dep. Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Quiet country garage apartment 1 bed/ 1 bath $300 deposit, $475/month, 6 month lease. Utilities paid, satellite available. 392-1224. (2/18) ____________________________ Want easy rent? 2/2 sfbo, ask parents for down payment, charge roommate house payment. You practically live for free. Get money back when you sell after graduation. 787-7277. (2/19) ____________________________ Sub-lease my one bedroom apartment. Lease ends in May. 2 blocks from school. $400/month. This month’s rent paid. Call 665-1568. (2/19) ____________________________ 1b/1b next to Tx State. no parking or shuttle hassles. Low price, includes all bills paid. 757-1943. (2/26) ____________________________ Female roommate. Next to SWT, don't worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom , $320. 757-1943. (2/26) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $300. 757-1943. (2/5)No rent in February! 3/2 next to campus, w/d, free cable, pets ok. $999/month. 393-3300. (2/26) ____________________________ Great views of Tx State. 1/1 $435 +, 2/1 $550+, Now pre-leasing for Fall ‘04. Pet friendly. Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Clean, Quiet, large, lovely 3bd/2bth all appliances, 3 min from town, 2 people only, $600/mo. 357-6636. (2/26tn) ____________________________ Brand New Community. Fully furn., most bills pd. Ethernet, local ph, w/d incl. $399 +, AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Texas Size Townhomes. 1 & 2 bdrms $495, most bills paid w/cable. Pets ok. Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Industrial Modern Living. $375 +, cable, ethernet, phone & w/d incl. AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Downstairs 1 bedroom apartment. $400/monthly, $200 deposit. 754-0954. (3/26) ____________________________ Great Community. 1/1 $460 +, 2/1 $480+, on shuttle, pets ok. Now preleasing for May ‘04!!! Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ $100 prelease + bonus offer, 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms w/d 396-1520. (2/3?) ____________________________ Elegant Living. 1/1 $505+, 2/2 $587+, 3/2 $697+ with w/dryer conn. (rest. apply.) Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) 350 N. Guadalupe St. Ste. 140 San Marcos, TX


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for rent

Big Dogs Okay! Walk or shuttle to class. most bills pd. w/cable. 1/1 $450+, 2/2 $595 + Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Small Community, 1/1 $450, 2/2 $650, with free wireless internet. Pet’s o.k Apt. Experts 805-0123. ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. OnSite laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2 condo, practically on campus. Beautiful wooded area, small yard, washer/dryer, paid cable and trash, pets welcome. Available February 7th $999/month 393-3300. (2/5)

for sale

Nice walnut wardrobe, $158, love seat, great shape, $85, large waterfall chest, $125, 3 drawer file cabinet, $28, vanity stool, $45, new full size mattress set, $129, Bentwood rocker, $48. Partin Furniture, 2108 RR 12. 396-4684. (2/19) ____________________________ 3/2 in San Marcos Mobile Home Park. All appliances, excellent condition. $25,000. 210-213-7700. (2/19) ____________________________ Wooden signs, letters, paddles, lap desks, names, custom, don’t pay retail (512)665-5617. (3/2)

help wanted

P/T Help Wanted. The Boxcar Swim and Surf, New Braunfels, Tx. 830-708-1818. (2/26) ____________________________ TEACHERS: Dynamic child development center needs quality teachers. FT/PT positions available. Lead, Assistant, Aid. Experience needed. Degree/ CDA. Bi-lingual, ASL preferred. Also accepting applications for bus driver, kitchen staff, and front office manager. Rocking Horse Academy, Kyle, 512-405-3700 or fax 512-405-3701. (2/26)

help wanted

Help wanted: The San Marcos Parks & Recreation Dept. needs energetic individuals to work spring break madness camp (March 15-19, 2004.) Hours are 7:30 a.m-5:30pm, call LisAnne Foster at 393-8283 for more information or to set up an interview. (2/26) ____________________________ Buda based company seeking person with accounting experience and Quickbooks, general office skills. Fax resume to 512-295-2603 or PO Box 308. (2/19) ____________________________ Tutor needed for organization, History 1320, Political science 2320, Bio 1310, MC Visual. $7.00/hr, 6 hrs/week. 512-289-3563. (2/26) ____________________________ Hiring experienced sales people. 353-0789 Health Club. (2/26) ____________________________ Soccer coaches wanted for youth soccer league. Great experience, resume builder! Contact Tony tlashley@aegistg.com ____________________________ Webmaster wanted for local youth soccer organization. Volunteer only. Great resume builder. Contact Tony at tlashley@aegistg.com ____________________________ Sales people needed, 805-9074. (2/19) ____________________________ Computer people for technical support, call center 805-9074. (2/19) ____________________________ Experienced sales person needed. Bring resume to Audio Outlet. 392-2886. (2/19) ____________________________ Wimberly Eye Associates. Part-time office help, fax resume (512)847-2072. (2/26) ____________________________ The City of New Braunfels is accepting applications for seasonal positions in the park and Recreation Department: park rangers, lifeguards, cashiers, attendants, asst. managers, river spotters, laborers, counselors and swim instructors. Positions open until filled. Must be at least 16 YOA. 15 - 40hrs/wk, including weekends, holidays, and evenings. Starting pay range is $6.91 - $10.00 depending upon position. For more info. call 830-608-2160 or on the city website: www.ci.new-braunfels.tx.us (4/1) ____________________________ FITNESS MINDED. Exploding health & wellness company seeks sharp, motivated individual to help with sales marketing. Call 512-206-0620. (2/26) ____________________________ Part-time work. Great starting pay, flexible schedules around class, sales/service, training provided, perm/temp conditions apply, work in San Marcos, apply in Austin 512-458-6894. collegeincome.com (3/4) ____________________________ Housekeeper Needed. Local house keeper needed for light cleaning: dusting, vacuuming, laundry. 3-4 hrs./day paid $50 cash. One Possibly two days/week. Call (512)557-6502. (2/19) ____________________________ MODELS WANTED-All Sizes-All Shapes. Teens/College Students/Parents/Grandparents. Footed pajama internet business-. Please NO CALLS Apply online: http://www.kozykomfy.com/ modelapp.htm (2/25) ____________________________ Athletic, outgoing students for calendar greeting cards, etc. $50 150/hr no exp needed. 512-684-8296. (4/29)

help wanted

Camp Counselor positions available at camp Weequahic, a co-ed children’s camp in northeastern Pennsylvania. We will be at the University Camp Day Thursday, February 12th to conduct oncampus interview. Positions available for all areas of sports, waterfront, and hobby specialists. Salary starts at $200/week plus room, board, and travel expenses. Please visit our website at www.weequahic.com for information and online application, email us at newsweeq@aol.com, or call and leave a message at 1 (866) 206-3323, PIN # 7944. We will contact you prior to the 12th to set up an appointment. (2/11) ____________________________ Web-Site Designer WANTED. JavaScript knowledge preferred. Footed pajama internet business. Part-Time-Ideal job for a Student http://www.kozykomfy.com CALL 512-585-9100-Ask for Mark . (2/25) ____________________________ SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, email campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride$open! 5.attractive models who ride well-trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities.Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatrearts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29)

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help wanted

Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext. 316. (2/19)


STUDY ABROAD: Study Abroad with Nicholls State: For 6 credit hours of credit ($1740 Costa Rica), ($1707 - Mexico), ($1672 - Ecuador), ($1918 - Spain), ($3263 - Paris), ($3144 - Nice), ($2097 - Austria), ($1916 - Italy for 3 credits). Longer programs for more credit are available. No Deadlines. For all levels. 985-448-4440/toll-free = 1-877-Nicholls, www.nicholls.edu (2/19S)


The American Women’s Medical Association reported that 27,000 condoms fail every day in the United States due to slipping and breaking. That’s almost 10 million failures each year. Condom break? Call Central Texas Life Care for a free pregnancy test at 396-3020. (2/19)


ROOMMATE NEEDED NS F/M to share 2 br, 2 bath apartment. $325/mo, no deposit, utilities. Langtry Apartments, contact Vaudie 396-2673 or Chad 787-0863. (2/26) ____________________________ Roommate needed, spacious, very nice, 2 living areas, W/D, close to outlet mall. All Bills paid includes Cable. $350. Paige 353-2177. (2/26) ____________________________ Sublease in a 4bd/4ba, all bills paid except electricity. $405/month. 393-8500 or 361-275-9183. (2/26) ____________________________ 3/1 house $225 + 1/3 bills. Walk to campus. Call Ryan 832-283-2213. (2/26) ____________________________ Roommate needed ASAP for master bedroom on Crest. Someone who likes to have fun, but serious about school. No deposit, 1/3 utility, M/F. Call Leah-817-881-5324 or Derica 512-787-7842. (2/25) ____________________________ Roommate needed to share large, newly remodeled house w/ 3 great girls. Have your own spacious bedroom. Walk to class. $393/mo. + 1/4 utilities, free cable, lease lasts thru Aug. Between Student Center and Rec Center on corner of Alamo and Sessom (1001 Alamo St.) 512-393-8125. (2/17) ____________________________ One female roommate needed. $233/mo plus 1/3 bills. Call 512-557-3992. (2/19)


Take over lease only $365/month. Call Kristin 210-269-5899. (2/19) ____________________________ Roommate (M/F) to share new town house with 2 others. Master suite avl. $360 + 1/3 bills (cheap). On bus route/ 2 miles to campus/ pool/ gated. very social atmosphere. INCENTIVES to offer. Call Cody 512-925-6406. (2/19)


SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica, Florida & South Padre. Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! breakerstravel.com 800-985-6789. (2/26) ____________________________ Spring Break 2004! Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. BIGGEST PARTIES, BEST CLUBS! Call for group discounts.Information/ Reservations 1-800-648- 4849 or www.ststravel.com (3/4) ____________________________ SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit www.sunchase.com (3/5)


Typing etc! Audio transcription, resumes, notary public, applications, binding, editing, bumper stickers, tables, etc. 392-9880. (4/29) ____________________________ Professional Photographer Specializes in weddings, portraits & modeling. Visit my website @ www.ashleyhorton.com For Additional info. Please contact me via e-mail @ ah1005@txstate.edu (?) ____________________________ aplusapts.tv why waste time when you can shop online! Or stop in at 325 E. Hopkins. (4/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Wanted: Used cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell, please call Willis Mitchell at 353-4511. (4/29) ____________________________ Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)

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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The University Star — Page 10

Faithfully Grounded Brown keeps priorities straight with school, life


Getting to know Roosevelt Brown

By Lindsey Roberts Sports Reporter inding success along life’s little journey isn’t hard to achieve for someone as driven as Roosevelt Brown. Approaching what is the end of his collegiate basketball career, Brown has felt the elation of his team being crowned State Champions as a senior at Duncanville High School in 1999, experienced the madness of the Big Dance while spending his first two seasons at the University of Texas and now embracing a leadership role as a Bobcat. “He’s accepting his role and running with it,” said Texas State coach Dennis Nutt. “He’s a really grounded young man who’s got his priorities straight and whose faith is strong. We’re really going to miss him next year.” In his 23 years, Brown attributes relationships, injuries and family to keeping both of his feet firmly planted on the ground. The importance of holding values like family, honesty, perfection and caring for others close to his heart has helped shape the man he has become. “If I don’t take care of my teammates, sometimes, like a family, we could fall apart,” Brown said. Brown met with the game of basketball when he was four years old, and they have been friends ever since. He remembers playing ahead of his age group, and by middle school he was a “big-time seventh-grade player,” recalls long-time friend and former teammate David Sykes. Brown grew up watching Jalen Rose’s Fab-Five days at Michigan and began to emulate Rose’s actions. “That would explain my floater,” Brown said. However, Kevin Garnett, and his versatility, gets the nod as his favorite player. As sophomores at Duncanville High School, Brown and Sykes found success at the varsity level and, in their last

6’3” 190 lb. senior Birthday falls on Halloween Averaging 10.4 ppg and 2.8 assists per game this season Currently tied for 10th in the NCAA in free-throw shooting at 90.6% Major: exercise and sports science Minor: mass communication Favorite basketball player: Kevin Garnett Most emulates- Jalen Rose Part of Duncanville High School’s Class 5-A State Championship in 1999 Hobbies include: writing poetry, listening to music. Quoting Brown: “ Don’t change … make change.” On court motto: “Kill ’em with kindness.” Best advice ever given, from his mother, Sylvia Brown: “Never compromise yourself for anyone or anything … and always keep God first. Best advice he can give: “Stay true to your values, go for your dreams and be yourself.”

chance as high school players, led the team to a 35-3 overall record, grabbing the class 5-A state title in 1999. Brown ranks that season as one of his most memorable basketball moments. Coming out of high school, Brown was the No. 2 prospect in Texas after racking up 16.5 points, four rebounds, 3.7 assists and two steals per game as a senior. He earned All-State, All-Region, AllArea and district MVP honors, as well

as Blue Ribbon and BCI AllAmerican picks. He was also a McDonald’s All-American candidate. Brown chose to play at the University of Texas where he saw playing time as point-guard and wing spots in his first two seasons as a collegiate athlete. Having experienced the level of competition that comes with suiting up for UT, Brown has seen much and is using that wisdom to his advantage. “He brings a lot of speed, leadership and intangibles to the team, and usually guards the other team’s best player and likes the challenge,” Nutt said. After two years in Austin, Brown made the decision to move in another direction. He didn’t have to move too far, and with Sykes’ assurance, Brown trekked to San Marcos to become a Bobcat. Thus, old friends reunited on the hardwood for another season. “We know each other like the back of our hands,” Sykes said. “We just stick together.” Now, in his final year as a Bobcat,

Roosevelt Brown, senior guard, goes up for two against Southeastern Louisiana Feb 5. The Bobcats lost to the Lions, 63-64. The Bobcats will face the Sam Houston State University Bearkats Thursday in Huntsville.

Ashley A. Horton/Star photo

he’s posting 10.7 ppg and 2.7 apg per game and is tied for 10th in the nation in free throws at 90.2 percent. Senior guard Terry Conerway, compares Brown’s presence to that of the Energizer Bunny. “He always has energy, he leads by example and he keeps me into the game,” Conerway said. Along with his speed and quickness, Brown brings a savvy demeanor that screams motivation and what now has become his trademark to the court: long socks and a headband. It began in a game last season when Brown’s shin splints had to be taped. In order to hide his injury from the opposing team, he wore long socks. He has done the same ever since. Before each game, Brown is hungry to compete and welcomes any challenge that may come his way, hence the variety of facial expressions you will witness during a game. But, when he’s not intensely defending someone toe-to-toe, he’s quick to let out a sly smile or two. Brown saves his aggression for game time because, before the opening tip, the size of his heart truly shows. “I always salute my Mom,” Brown said. “It’s sort of like a ‘Hi’ or ‘I love you’ between us.” Off the court, he could be described

Bobcat baseball falls to No.1 University of Texas, 4-1 By Travis Summers Sports Reporter

AUSTIN — Texas State baseball coach Ty Harrington always makes it a point to fill his schedule with tough opponents outside of Southland Conference play. Tuesday was no different as the Bobcats traveled north to square off against the No. 1 team in the nation, the University of Texas, only to be defeated 4-1. The Longhorns remain undefeated after picking up their 10th win, while the Bobcats fall to 6-2.

But after the game, Harrington made sure his team found positives in the loss. “You hope going into a situation like this to gain something,” Harrington said. “If you get beat and you don’t learn something from it, then it’s a double loss. But I think we learned something from a team of this caliber.” UT shot out of the gate early in the first inning, taking advantage of a nervous Tom Robbins, who started the game on the mound for the Bobcats. The senior was hit hard by the middle of the UT lineup, first when


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junior catcher Curtis Thigpen hit a one-out, line drive single into left field. Sophomore first baseman Taylor Teagarden then took a pitch to the right field wall that bounced on the shoddy Texas Astroturf, over senior right fielder Richard Martinez’ head, allowing Thigpen to score on the Teagarden triple. Junior second baseman Seth Johnson drove in Teagarden with a double in the next at-bat. Johnston was jammed by Robbins’ pitch, but was able to send a blooper over first base, falling to the fair turf just before rolling to the fence into foul territory. “I was a little nervous,” Robbins said. “Pre-game jitters come into play against a team like this. You feel like you have to make that perfect pitch to an offense that swings the bat as

well as they do.” But after the first, Robbins was able to settle down and hold the Longhorns scoreless for the next 3 1/3 innings. In the fifth, Robbins again dug a hole for himself when he hit junior Will Crouch with a pitch and walked junior right fielder Dooley Prince. Thigpen then knocked in Crouch with a smash single to left field giving the Longhorns another run and a 3-0 lead. “Against a team like this that has hit so well with runners in scoring position, it was a positive to only give up one run in that situation,” Robbins said. The Texas State offense managed to get on the board when junior left fielder Matt Miller drove in senior center fielder Evan Tierce on a sacrifice fly in the sixth inning. Texas scored another late

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as nonchalant and secretive, which is why adding poet to the list might come as a surprise. His writing style ranges in poems about love, life, inspiration and some just “out-of-the-blue.” Aside from expressing himself through words, Brown’s passion for music, especially R&B, alludes to his collection of more than 300 CDs, also including rap and gospel. Brown is earning a bachelor’s in exercise and sports science, with a minor in mass communication. He plans to pursue a career in broadcasting, where he would love to be a radio personality. That is, when basketball has taken him as far as it will. Brown is definitely his own person, one who others find easy to count on. “He’s good to talk to and rely on. We’re like a family,” Conerway said. “We call each other brothers.” Brown’s life-long aspirations paint a perfect picture of his will to strive. “I want to use all of my hidden talents, affect as many lives as I can and be the best husband and father I possibly can,” he said.

insurance run in the bottom of the eighth to give the score its final look, 4-1, when center fielder Drew Stubbs scored from second on a throwing error by shortstop Dominic Ramos. “We pitched pretty OK,” Harrington said. “(Texas) is pretty good hitting team. You look at them and see that they’re hitting .336 as a team at home; to only hold them to eight hits is pretty good.” Texas State plays its next game at home this weekend when it takes on the University of Louisiana-Lafayette with a three-game weekend series against the Ragin’ Cajuns, who will be playing its season opener after rain postponed their action last weekend against Sam Houston State University. The first game of the series will be at 2 p.m. Friday.

Baseball at No. 1 TEXAS 2/17/04 R H E

Score by inning

TEXAS STATE.............0..0..0...0..0..1...0..0..0 1 6 2 Texas...................... .....2...0..0...0..1..0...0..1..X 4 8 1

TEXAS STATE (6-2) Players SS Ramos CF Tierce RF Martinez LF Miller 3B Anson 1B Cooper DH Pawelek C Pearce PH Chavez 2B Crumpton

AB 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 3

R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0

Texas (10-0) RBI 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Players RF Prince c Thigpen 1bTeagarden 2b Johnston cf Stubbs 3b Reininger ss Hollimon dh Crouch ph Spencer lf Harris lf Warrick


TOTALS 30 1 6 1

AB 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 1 3 1 32

R 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4

H 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 8


Robbins Jean Gultz



6.0 1.1 0.2

5 3 3 1 0 0

3 0 0

2 1 0

5 23 26 1 7 8 1 2 2

Texas Pitching IP

H R ER BB SO AB BF 2 0 13 15 0 1 9 10 1 3 8 9

4.0 2 0 0 Boone Gallenkamp 2.1 3 1 1 2.2 1 0 0 Cody

Win - Randy Boone, Loss - Tom Robbins, Save - Cody Umpires - Brandon Padgett, Tim Henderson, Randy Christal, Jon Bible Time - 2:13, Attendance - 4,305

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RBI 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

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