02 23 2006

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Sean Wardwell shoots down media coverage of VP’s gunplay.

San Marcos band The Happy Families has its own brand of indie-rock



FEBRUARY 23, 2006



Candidates present debate views

Council meeting ends with new parking prohibitions, skate park construction

CONGRESSIONAL CLASH: District 28 congressional candidates Ciro D. Rodriguez (Left) and Victor Morales squared off Wednesday night in a debate sponsored by the League of Women’s Voters at the San Marcos Activity Center.

By Clayton Medford The University Star The City Council amended an ordinance prohibiting parking on grass in single-family residential neighborhoods at its meeting on Tuesday. Included in the amended ordinance is the removal of the ban on parking on unpaved areas in single-family districts. Also included are several changes to the list of parking prohibitions and a more thorough definition of a “junked vehicle.” Under the new ordinance, residents of single-family districts will not be allowed to park personal watercrafts, which includes boats and wave runners, uncovered for any amount of time on the street, in their front yard or in their side yard. Additionally, parking a commercial vehicle on the street or in the yard in a single-family neighborhood now garners a $50 fine — up from $30. The council approved the

amendments by a 5-1 vote, with Councilman Chris Jones citing safety concerns as his reason for voting against the ordinance. Jones attempted to amend the ordinance to allow for motor vehicles to park in unpaved areas of the vehicle owner’s yard if parking in the street could hinder the flow of traffic. However, Mayor Susan Narvaiz prematurely ended Jones’s discussion, and no council members gave Jones the support he needed to vote for the amendment. “We have several streets in the city that are not wide enough to facilitate cars safely parking in the street,” Jones said. “I wanted to amend for an allowance for street width; I just think I went about it the wrong way.” Planning and Development Services Director Carol Barrett said the ordinance allows residents to park in their yard if the street is narrower than 30 feet or the street has no curb.

he council T approved the amendments by

a 5-1 vote, with Councilman Chris Jones citing safety concerns as his reason for voting against the ordinance.

Bridgette Cyr/ Star photo By Clayton Medford The University Star Candidates for local and national offices met on Wednesday night for a debate organized by the San Marcos Area League of Women Voters. The crowd of more than 100 residents and several students filled a room in the San Marcos Activity Center to hear brief remarks from 21

candidates competing for U.S. Congress, district judge, county judge, county commissioners, county clerk and justice of the peace. Former U.S. Congressman Ciro Rodriguez and Victor Morales, one of his opponents in the democratic primary, took the stage first. Current Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar did not attend the de-

bate. The debate format limited participants to one-minute responses to questions from league moderator Brenda Smith followed by a 30-second response from the opponent. Only Rodriguez and Morales were allowed to field questions from the audience. After the debate, Rodriguez spoke about the importance of

promoting higher education in his district and making it easier for students to receive graduate degrees. “The issue of higher education is not only a Texas issue, it is a U.S. issue,” Rodriguez said. “The tests that you take when you came to school, that was not to see if you were ready, it See DEBATE, page 4

See COUNCIL, page 3

Bush’s budget proposal may do away with student loan program By Leah Kirkwood The University Star President Bush’s 2006 budget proposal threatens at least one longstanding student loan program. Andrew Stringer works for the Coalition of Higher Education Assistance Organization, which is dedicated to fight the Federal Perkins Loan program elimination. Stringer said Bush has two reasons for cutting the Perkins Loan program. “The reason that the administration gives is the Perkins Loan program is duplicative of other

student loan programs,” Stringer said. “We strongly deny that. It has a very specific role and, with its interest rate, is going to be a lot cheaper than other loans.” Stringer said Bush has another reason for “streamlining” federal spending that is unstated. “The behind-the-scenes issue is the president has to make cuts to get his programs through and cut the deficit as he has promised,” Stringer said. Although Stringer said the Perkins Loan program is only one of several student loans available, he said the Perkins Loan is unique because it is a campus-based student loan pro-

Students will have an opportunity to hear speakers discuss the importance of good communication skills next week during the 18th annual Communication Week, held by the department of communication studies. Events will begin Monday and will run through March 3. Each event will feature a different speaker and topic, and all lectures, workshops and seminars are free. Marian Houser, assistant communication studies professor, said the topics will not only be geared toward communication studies majors, but will have practical themes including keeping résumés organized, persuasion in politics and the importance of nonverbal communication in sales. The week will be highlighted by two spotlight events: “How

Today’s Weather

A.M. Showers 63˚/48˚

By Eloise Martin The University Star

to Make the Most of Your Communication Studies Major” and “Communication Studies Convocation.” The two events will be held in larger auditoriums in Centennial Hall, and Houser said she expects attendance of up to 400 students. Each spotlight presentation will be followed by a questions and answer session. “It is a good chance for everyone to get engaged in the topic,” Houser said. Other presentations will be held in classrooms during class times. Houser said although the events are part of classes, students are encouraged to participate. “A lot of students don’t know they can come in; they feel weird creeping up to a classroom,” Houser said. “But we want them to come in.” The week was organized and funded by the department of See WEEK, page 3

Precipitation: 30% Humidity: 53% UV: 4 Moderate Wind: NNE 12 mph

a response to Sputnik.” One of the advantages to the Perkins Loan is its loan cancellation policy. Stringer said the Perkins program allows students “up to $5,000 in loans cancelled just for going into a service-based field.” Graduates who become teachers in some public schools or join the military are among the students who qualify for the loan cancellations. “The Financial Aid Office is definitely against the cancellation of the Perkins Loan program,” said Harold Whitis, associate director of financial aid at Texas State.

“The program has great loan cancellation benefits for teachers, and teachers aren’t paid well enough as it is,” he said. “Also, the benefits for teachers occur when they work in atrisk schools, so that helps those students who actually need the help the most.” The government participates in the Perkins Loan program in two ways. “The federal government gives all schools participating extra money to help build their revolving funds,” Stringer said. The government also reimburses universities for two-thirds of the total cost in cancelled

loans. The government stopped making contributions to participating schools after giving the program $7 billion in 2004, but continues to provide loan cancellation reimbursement. Under the proposed budget plan, the federal government will require universities to begin paying back all contributions made to the program since it began 48 years ago. Stringer said that amount would equal $664 million this year alone. “Congress now has to look at that proposal and decide if they See LOAN, page 3

Wastewater concerns could cost university

Communication Week offers free workshops for all interested students By Eloise Martin The University Star

gram. “Each school has its own Perkins Loan fund,” Stringer said. Each university participating in the Perkins program has its own revolving pool of funds for the loans, and Texas State offers Perkins Loans to students. “The students pay back the money to the school, and then that (money) is relayed back to the next round of students,” Stringer said. The Perkins Loan program began in 1958, when it was called the National Defense Education Act. “It’s the oldest student loan program,” Stringer said. “It was

Texas State may face a surcharge of more than $57,000 from the city, beginning in April, if the university does not find ways to lower the level of contamination in the wastewater. Ed Sprencel, San Marcos water quality service supervisor, said the university has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) level that would result in a monthly surcharge of $57,888. Each year, the city tests the level of COD in the university’s water. COD measures the amount of pollution, mainly the threshold of food particles, found in wastewater. Samples are taken from seven manholes around campus and are then averaged to produce a COD level. Any test measurement more than 350 milliliters per meter of COD results in a surcharge based on a sliding scale. Testing is conducted from samples collected from different areas around campus. Because the samples are combined for one calculation, a point of origin for the pollution cannot be determined. Sprencel said be-

cause the surcharge comes from, in part, food particles in the water, he has heard the cafeteria on campus may be looked at as the source of the excess COD levels. “Any waste food should go in the garbage — not down the garbage disposal,” Sprencel said. “It is the same with grease, another big item.” Sprencel said the surcharge is not a fine, but is put in place as a deterrent for agencies that may not be discharging waste products safely. “The surcharge is to encourage the handling of food waste in a different manner,” he said. The university will be tested again in April. If the COD level has not decreased, the university will be held accountable for the monthly surcharge. The university contracts Chartwells Dining Services for all food distribution. Because one cause of the surcharge results from food particles in wastewater, the dining halls may be considered as the primary cause. Paul Taylor, Chartwells resident district manager, said he

Saturday Few Showers Temp: 69°/ 46° Precipitation: 30%

TESTING THE WATER: Water sampling from manholes on campus showed a high level of contamination in the university’s wastewater.

See WASTEWATER, page 4

Two-day Forecast Friday Showers Temp: 65°/ 45° Precipitation: 40%

Monty Marion/Star feature photo



News ..............1-5 Trends .............6-9 Comics .............. 9 Crossword ......... 9

Sudoku .............. 9 Opinions .......... 10 Classifieds ....... 11 Sports .........12-14

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

Thursday in Brief

February 23, 2006

starsof texas state Students Andrae Turner and Kristin Kaminski were recently elected to leadership positions at the Mid-American Greek Council Association Conference in Chicago, which they attended with other officers of the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council. Andrae, IFC president and healthcare administration senior, was elected MGCA

president, and Kristin, Panhellenic vice president and criminal justice junior, was elected MGCA Area I Director. Andrae is the third Texas State IFC president to serve on the MGCA board, but the first to serve as MGCA president, and Kristin is the first Texas State sorority woman to serve on the board. —Courtesy of the LBJ Student Center



News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of


ranching internship in Iowa. They will also be discussing the shoot-out fundraiser and volunteer opportunities. Everyone is welcome.

Clubs & Meetings Thursday

Quarrel in The Quad

Annual Latina Social. Come, make friends, meet Latina faculty, staff and students. Everyone is welcome. Sunday

Facing the Fear: An Anxiety/Panic group will meet from 4 to 5:30 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center. The Hays County Greens will be meeting at 6 p.m. in the San Marcos City Library lobby. For more information, e-mail haysgreens@gmail.com or Yahoo! group http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/hayscomalgreens/.

Friday Hays Country Greens will meet at 3 p.m. at the Coffee Pot on The Square. For more information, e-mail Hays County Greens.

Higher Ground meets for Holy Communion at 7 p.m. in St. Mark’s Church. The service is preceded by a free dinner at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Arts & Entertainment


Thursday Thursday

The Rock Praise & Worship will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Catholic Student Center chapel. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship will hold its weekly meeting at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday in Old Main Room 320. Enjoy contemporary worship, relevant teaching, prayer and plenty of fun. Everyone is welcome. Contact (512) 5577988 or mail@texasstatechialpha.com

The Society of Professional Journalists will host Etgar Lefkovits, Jerusalem correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, at 6 p.m. in Old Main, Room 232. Mr. Lefkovits will discuss the upset Hamas victory, covering suicide bombings and the security barrier under construction.

Career Services will be holding a Business Leadership Forum from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-14.1. For more information, please contact Josi Garrott at (512) 245-2465.

TNRM (Trap, Neuter, Release, Maintain) needs volunteers to assist with a campus-wide feral cat program. The program will take place at 7 p.m. in the Agriculture Building, Room 204. For more information, contact Karen Cowen at (512) 245-3901.

There will be a Texas State Wildlife Society meeting at 6 p.m. in Supple Building, Room 153. Renee Keleher will describe her participation in researching elk in Northern California. Jared Kasper will discuss his

The second annual Latina Social hosted by Latinas Unidas will take place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in George’s on the first floor of the LBJSC. There will be food, door prizes and lotería. Celebrate your gender and heritage at the 2nd

Texas State Symphony will play at 8 p.m. in Evans Auditorium. Tickets are $2 for general admission and $1 for students. Saturday Adam Conerly, senior clarinet, will play at 8 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Free admission. Sunday “Peace and Harmony” will be performed by Juli Wood, soprano, and the Austin Chamber Ensemble at 6 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Tickets are $2 for general admission and $1 for students. Monday Jazz Orchestra will play at 8 p.m. in Evans Auditorium. Tickets are $2 for general admission and $1 for students.

CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

STARS OF TEXAS STATE POLICY Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

Monty Marion/Star photo Political science freshman Tyler Ferguson argues with Jesse Morrell of Open Air Outreach about the issue of homosexuality in Christianity in The Quad on Wednesday. Members of Open Air sparked heated debates over controversial issues during their weeklong visit to Texas State.

Library Beat Internet Repository services now available at Alkek To support research and intellectual activities, and to facilitate scholarly communication, many higher education institutions have recently established Institutional Repository services. IR services are frequently hosted by campus libraries. Through an IR, the scholarly work of the university becomes available to the campus community and beyond in digital form. The repository’s open access ensures timely distribution of research to others while also providing archival storage of scholarly works.

ECommons@Texas State University (http://ecommons. txstate.edu) is a new IR initiated by the Alkek Library. Faculty, staff and students are now able to share scholarship such as research papers, journal articles, dissertations and theses through this digital repository. The goal of the eCommons site is to bring all of the university’s research to one location, to provide easy and timely access to content and to preserve such works for future generations. Many scholarly works may not currently exist in digital form and are not accessible via the Internet. Library staff will assist converting such works into digital form as part of

the eCommons service to the university community and will assist with copyright clearance. Library staff members are contacting researchers and university departments for content, but authors are also encouraged to contact the library directly. To contribute to Texas State’s digital repository, call the Alkek Library at (512) 245-2133 or e-mail Sam Khosh-khui, serials cataloging librarian/webmaster at sk03@txstate.edu. For more Alkek Library news, read the Spring 2006 issue of Bookmarks online at http://www.library.txstate.edu. —Courtesy of Alkek Library


Thursday, February 23, 2006

The University Star - Page 3

Eitquette, ethics to be discussed at fourth annual Business Leadership conference think he will give insight to the “T students about expectations in the workplace and also about By Eloise Martin The University Star

The Business Leadership Forum will take place from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. today in the LBJ Student Center. The forum will be broken into three parts and will focus on topics such as corporate philosophy and business etiquette. The event is a collaborative effort from the McCoy College of Business Administration, Target Corporation, Beta Gamma Sigma and Career Services. Brian McCoy, president and CEO of McCoy Building Supply Centers, will open the program with his talk on Corporate Philosophy in Room 3-14.1. Roselyn Morris, accounting professor, said McCoy’s presentation will focus on part of the general theme of character ethics and leadership. “These are topics important for business students — all students — to hear outside of the classroom,” Morris said. Morris said although etiquette and character ethics may be discussed during classes, she is not sure they are completely covered and said the students will benefit from hearing all of the information at one time.

professionalism,” Croskey said. “I expect he is going to be very informative.”

— LaTonya Croskey assistant director for Career Services

LaTonya Croskey, assistant director of Career Services, said she thinks the students will find McCoy inspirational. “I think he will give insight to the students about expectations in the workplace and also about professionalism,” Croskey said. “I expect he is going to be very informative.” Croskey said one misconception students have is that if they are not business majors, they do not need to learn the different aspects of the field. “All students who graduate will probably work for some type of business. Too often our students confuse business with the business world and think these topics won’t apply,” Croskey said. “Regardless of whether or not you have a business degree, you are probably going to be working for a business.”

The forum will continue with a networking reception in the LBJSC in Lilly’s Lounge at 5 p.m. Students will have the opportunity to learn necessary skills for a business environment. Croskey said it may not seem enticing, but students will learn tips that will make them appear professional. “I try to excite students by telling them that they will learn how to balance a saucer, cup and napkin in one hand and leave their shaking hand free,” Croskey said. The forum will conclude with an etiquette dinner hosted by Margaret Martin, international business protocol expert, at 6:30 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. Croskey said etiquette is important in a business setting and students will learn what to do in any situation.

WEEK: Variety of events to educate attendees about graduate opportunities CONTINUED from page 1

communication studies, and speakers were chosen by faculty members. Each faculty member could recommend speakers they had heard lecture in the past or knew of their publications. This year’s speakers include not only professors but also a county judge, executives from companies, therapists, judges and counselors. Also in attendance will be Nina Vaca, president of the Pinnacle Technical Resources and Texas State’s National Hispanic Businesswoman of the year. Vaca is a communication studies alumna, and Houser said she will be inspiring for students.

“It will be a good time for students who are looking for jobs to see what others have done with a communication degree,” Houser said. The week is also run with help from the communication studies honor society Lambda Pi Eta. The society helped publicize the speakers and will assist students with directions to each presentation. Brandy Williams, Lambda Pi Eta president and communication studies senior, said the week will be a good chance for students to discover opportunities for communication studies graduates. “Communication studies is such a broad topic; it will be

good to get a feel for what you can do with the major,” she said. Williams said there is not a specific speaker that she is looking forward to. Each event, she said, has its own value. “Everything is going to be really good this year,” Williams said.

For a complete list of Communication Week events, visit www.finearts.txstate. edu/commstudies.

“I don’t think that people often remember that receptions can be for everyone, not just in the sphere of business, but in everyday life,” Croskey said. “It is a situation that any college graduate will likely encounter.” Morris said each year the dinner’s featured food may be difficult to eat, such as this year’s shrimp, so students will learn how to handle the situation. Student will also learn how to treat the wait staff. “How interviewees treat the wait staff often affects how the potential employer thinks they will treat others,” Morris said. Today marks the fourth year for this event, and Croskey said it is a good way for Career Services to work as a support unit for the academic progression of students. “Careers are very important for students at Texas State,” Croskey said. “Our philosophy is to program as much as we can with the campus.” Croskey said the guest speakers usually draw a crowd of close to 100 listeners, and last year 80 people attended the dinner. Tickets are still available for $10 in the dean’s office at the McCoy College of Business Administration.

LOAN: Program at Texas State one of many colleges to suffer from budget proposal CONTINUED from page 1

want to change any part of it,” Stringer said. “We’ve asked Congress to reject it.” The COHEAO is on a mission to keep the Perkins Loan program alive. “We’re doing a lot of grassroots networking,” Stringer said. “We’re trying to contact campuses in each state, and also parents and students as well, and encourage them to contact their senator.” The COHEAO’s Web site, www.coheao.com, provides a venue for persons to express concern about the cuts. After filling out an electronic form, the site will automatically send a letter protesting the elimination of the Perkins Loan to the appropriate Congress member. “If you are a concerned citizen, student, parent or work in the school system, you can send a letter to your representative and two senators,” Stringer said. The site will be updated and improved within the next few weeks. Each participating school sets its own eligibility criteria for the

Perkins Loans, but the program targets lower and middle-income families. Last year, more than 600,000 students received Perkins Loans. Stringer said the Perkins Loans tend to cover the extra tuition and expenses after students receive other loans. “They provide the last few dollars that you need to go to school,” Stringer said. Brady Overstreet, pre-communication studies junior, took out a small student loan from a bank to help with school expenses. He said student loans are important to many students seeking higher education. “I’m on loans right now,” said Kiesha Migura, agriculture sophomore. “It’s already hard enough for students to go to school, and then they have to try and find the money.” Migura receives the federal Stafford Loan and a loan from a private bank in addition to her two scholarships. She said both loans don’t help cover the cost of textbooks or living expenses. Migura said the federal budget plan to cut the Perkins Loan is “horrible.”

COUNCIL: Member opposed to $20 million conference center project CONTINUED from page 1

“Like I said (in the City Council meeting), this provides a safety valve for older parts of the city where the lots are so small, you have to park in the street,” Barrett said. However, those provisions still require residents to pave any area of their yard on which they park. The council also approved an agreement with Austin-based engineering company DAVCAR Inc., to design a 10,000-squarefoot skate park for the city. The company will also provide guidance to the city in choos-

ing a construction company to build the park near the city library and activity center. The four phases of the $380,000 project will begin as soon as DAVCAR and city officials decide on a contractor. The first two phases, which include the “streetscape” portion of the park, are fully funded by the city. The city is seeking grants to fund the final two phases of the project — the “bowl” portion. City officials said they did not have a set timeline for construction of the skate park. DAVCOR recently finished work on the 50-acre Mable Davis Park in Austin, which in-

cludes a bowl and streetscape skate park. Council member Ed Mihalkanin continued to voice his opposition to the $20 million conference center project at Interstate 35 and McCarty Lane by voting against the adoption of a resolution related to the project and amending the city’s budget to provide the funding. Mihalkanin previously cited the lack of cooperation on the part of the city’s partner in the project, John Q. Hammons Hotels, which he claims led to the 25 percent increase in the cost of the project since its conception, as his reason for opposition.


Page 4 - The University Star

Thursday, February 23, 2006

DEBATE: Early voting to be held at LBJ Student Center CONTINUED from page 1

was to weed you out. Unfortunately, to (Congress), it’s not about providing an opportunity, it’s about how they can avoid funding it.” College Democrats President Eric Heggie said his organization supports Rodriguez in his bid to unseat Rep. Cuellar. Heggie said Rodriguez reached out to students more than the other candidates. After the debate, Morales expressed his opposition to the way education policy has been handled by the current Congress. “You can’t do both — keep the cost of education down while cutting taxes, going to war and spending like they do,” Morales said. “If you ask me for something important, I will fight for it. But if you ask me for fluff, I will tell you no, Texas State. I am a true fiscal conservative.” Morales ran unsuccessfully

for U.S. Senate in 1996 against then-Sen. Phil Gramm. During his senate bid, the schoolteacher traveled around the state campaigning from his truck. Morales said he went to college with help from the G.I. Bill of Rights and said he has since “given back to my country by teaching.” Hays County Judge Jim Powers and his opponent in the Republican primary former Hays County Republican chairman Ernest Murry had a heated debate. The relationship between Murry and Powers soured when the two split regarding the issue of redistricting in 2001. Murry left his post as GOP chair following the disagreement. In the debate for the primary race for Hays County judge, the two former colleagues hurled allegations of mismanagement and misinformation at each other. “It’s easy to control someone else. The right thing to do is to put some controls on the coun-


f you ask me for something important, I will fight for it. But if you ask me for fluff, I will tell you no, Texas State. I am a true fiscal conservative.”

— Victor Morales candidate in Democratic primary for U.S. Congress

ty,” Murry said after the debate. Powers said that fliers Murry is circulating allege Powers mismanaged the county are false. “I have nothing to say about (Murry) as a person,” Powers said. “I will say his literature is distorting the facts; and I guess when you get desperate, that’s what you do.” Murry said he hopes the voters of Hays County will pay attention to the facts, not the images of the candidates. “The next election is going to be decided by a picture on a postcard, a personality,” Murry said. “This race is not about

personalities. Jim is a good man, a good father, but he’s a bad manager.” The debate between Democratic primary candidates for the newly created 428th Judicial District Anna Martinez Boling and Michael Marcin retained a more amicable tone than Powers and Murry. Marcin said his experience representing Hays County residents in the Friendship Alliance, a homeowners group in Dripping Springs, qualifies him to represent Hays County residents on issues such as ground water use and the development

of the Edwards Aquifer. Marcin cited Boling’s lack of broad legal experience as her shortcoming. “I just believe my experience is greater than hers,” Marcin said. “Her background in family law will be limiting.” Boling, a Texas State alumna, believes that if elected she could “build bridges” between the city and the university. “You hear a lot of people complain when the students come back (from summer break),” Boling said. “But I came to this town because of the university.” Boling said that if elected, she would encourage mediation in cases where appropriate in order to save the county money and reduce the backlog of cases. The main issue of contention between Republican district attorney candidates Wesley Mau and Paul Velte was experience. Velte claimed Mau had less experience than he, as well as no

experience on the defense side of litigation. Mau cited Velte’s lack of experience dealing with matters in Hays County as reason to vote for Mau. Both candidates said the reduction of the current backlog of cases at the district attorney’s office would be his first priority. Some candidates found the strict time management of the debate to be limiting. “I just wish I had more time to respond to what (Murry) said,” Powers said. Boling said she wanted more time to talk about her personal experiences. “I wanted to talk about my community service,” Boling said. “I think it says something about a person, what they do in the community.” Early voting for the primary races will be held at the LBJ Student Center on Feb. 28 and March 1. Voting on the day of the primary election, March 7, will not be available on campus.

WASTEWATER: Surcharge applied if university’s COD level not lowered CONTINUED from page 1

became aware of the possibility of a surcharge three months ago. He said the university alerted all departments of the improper waste disposal and Chartwells was not singled out as the source. Despite an accusation, Taylor said Chartwells has already begun making changes that will be completed before the next water test in April. “We are working in conjunction with the university to make sure that on our end, we have made every possible effort so that the least food particles pass through as possible,” Taylor said. The changes include modifying the Commoms Dining Hall dish area and also purchasing new equipment to extract water from food and trash. The food and waste would then be placed in the garbage and would not enter the draining system. Taylor said Chartwells has also begun a program to promote less food waste from stu-


e are working in conjunction with the university to make sure that on our end, we have made every possible effort so that the least food particles pass through as possible.”

— Paul Taylor Chartwell’s resident district manager

dents. Trash containers will soon be placed before the dish room to encourage students to dispose of any leftover food before they send their dishes to be washed. Taylor also said there has been a problem in the dining halls where students can take as much food as they want. He said there are students who take more food than they can eat, causing excess waste. “You can take all the food you can eat; we encourage it,” Taylor said. “Just make sure that you only take what you want.” Taylor said waste reduction is a combined effort. “It is going to be an education

process with our staff, but also with the students,” Taylor said. Chartwells has been contracted by the university for 28 years and provides services at Commons Dining Hall, Harris Dining Hall, Jones Food Court, The Lair, Paws-N-Go and The Den Food Court. John Root, director of Auxiliary Services, works with contracting Chartwells. He said the department was made aware of the possibility of a surcharge when a meeting was held to discuss the calculations. Root said one cause of the high surcharge is the result in a flaw in the process of computing COD levels on campus.

“They included the residence halls in the calculation which made the rates much higher,” Root said. “The city does not charge apartment complexes, and we feel the residence halls are in the same category.” The COD level uses a calculation, which involves monthly water use. Root said the erred in its calculations and the surcharge should be lessened after a new calculation, not including the residence halls, is produced. Sprencel said the city and the university are working to find a way to calculate a COD level that does not include the residence halls. Options include monitoring the residence hall water use and subtracting it from the total or monitoring the cafeteria usage. Root said the testing system based on an average of areas around campus does not provide enough information to determine a source of excess waste. He said until there are tests done near each academic building, residence hall and dining facility, only assump-

tions can be made. Root said he is aware the university may look into Chartwells as the source of excess waste. He said if it is determined that Chartwells is the source of the excess waste, they will be looked at for assistance in paying the fees. New rules and procedures would also be put in place to correct any problems. Jordan Anderson, Associated Student Government president, said there is an additional concern to the financial cost of a high COD level surcharge. “We are not protecting the environment; we are not taking responsibility,” Anderson said. Anderson said he first became aware of the high COD levels when a San Marcos resident came to him with concerns of the university and the environment. He said he then began asking questions. “I want to know where this is going and how much it is going to end up costing the university,” Anderson said. “And it always goes back to the students.” Anderson said although he

has not been made aware of the origin of the pollution, the university should take action to find the source. “The university needs to respond by doing research to find out where the problem is,” Anderson said. “If someone is responsible, it should be made clear who.” Anderson said this is an issue students should be aware of. “$57,000 a month is more than $600,000 a year; students should be very concerned,” he said. Anderson said for students who are concerned, they may voice their opinion at any open forum meeting or speak to any ASG senator. He also said he is always willing to receive e-mail from students with specific concerns. Although Anderson is not ready to place blame on any department of the university, he said it is an issue that should be resolved. “I think somebody knows,” Anderson said. “It has to come from somewhere.”

Thursday, February 23, 2006


The University Star - Page 5

Bush sees bright side in outsourcing to India and Pakistan By Ron Hutcheson Knight Ridder Newspapers WASHINGTON D.C. — President Bush found a bright side to outsourcing on Wednesday, saying that the loss of U.S. jobs to foreign countries helps create markets for American business. “It’s true that a number of Americans have lost jobs because companies have shifted operations to India,” he said in a speech previewing his trip next week to India and Pakistan. “We must also recognize that India’s growth is creating new opportunities for our businesses and farmers and workers.” Bush’s visit to South Asia is intended to strengthen ties to two countries on the front lines in the war on terrorism. His diplomatic mission is complicated by longstanding antagonism between India and Pakistan, both of which have nuclear weapons Chuck Kennedy/KRT ungoverned by the Non-Proliferation Treaty. GOING TO THE SOURCE: President Bush speaks to the Asia Society Washington Center on WednesAlthough Bush made sure to day in Washington D.C. Bush urged India to separate its civilian and military nuclear programs and ascover the big geopolitical issues sure the world that it will be a good steward of nuclear material needed to fuel its fast-growing economy. in his speech, he acknowledged In previewing his upcoming trip to the country, Bush also said Americans should not fear U.S. jobs going that many Americans are far to India. The president, who is visiting Pakistan as well, also called for an end to violence. more concerned about India’s

status as a magnet for jobs, especially in the high-tech sector. More than 1.2 million Indians work in high-tech jobs, many of them for U.S. companies or their affiliates. Echoing a view widely shared by economists, Bush said the benefits from globalization more than offset the damage from lost jobs because of outsourcing. He noted that the United States accounts for only about 5 percent of the world’s population. “India’s middle class is now estimated at 300 million people,” he said. “That’s greater than the entire population of the United States. And this middle class is buying air conditioners, kitchen appliances and washing machines — and a lot of them from American companies. “Younger Indians are acquiring a taste for pizzas from Domino’s, Pizza Hut,” Bush added. “And Air India ordered 68 planes valued at more than $11 billion from Boeing.” But even with India’s growing prosperity, Americans buy more goods from India than they sell to Indians. The United States had a $10.8 billion trade defi-

cit with India last year, because even though U.S. exports to India have been steadily increasing, imports from India have risen more. Bush’s prime objective in India is to remove the last hurdles to a landmark agreement that would acknowledge India’s status as a nuclear power 32 years after it successfully tested a nuclear device. The agreement would open India’s civilian nuclear program to international inspections while leaving it free to produce more nuclear weapons. With time running out before Bush’s visit, U.S. negotiators are pressing India for guarantees that the civilian program wouldn’t be used to boost weapons production. Bush urged India to develop “a credible, transparent and defensible plan” to separate the two programs. In Pakistan, Bush will seek to discuss both the war on terrorism and Pakistan’s path to democracy. He praised Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf for his help in the war on terrorism, but said Pakistan “still has a distance to travel on the road to democracy.”


Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Page 6

happeningsof the weekend san marcos Thursday Cheatham Street Warehouse — Micky & The Motorcars Riley’s Tavern — Karaoke The Triple Crown — Black Water Gospel, So Long Problems

Friday Cheatham Street Warehouse — The Gougers Lucy’s — Eleven Fingered Charlie The Triple Crown — Apse Affinity, 8 Systems, Every Other Fate

Saturday Cheatham Street Warehouse — James McMurtry Lucy’s — Grupo Fantasma The Triple Crown — Newborn Dance Conspiracy, Kallisti Gold

Trends Contact — Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Local artist makes

‘Happy Families’ across San Marcos By Sam Ladach-Bark The University Star

going to be a face to remember. A recent graduate of Texas State with an English literature degree, this modest leader of You may have seen his face the San Marcos band The Happy Families around San Marcos, or you may has a very unique and whimsical style that have overlooked it. His pile of has been slowly attracting San Marcos and untidy curls may have been spot- Austin residents who know good music ted from behind a record-store when they hear it. cash register or buried Graham grew up in Elgin, a small town in a sketchpad at the found just east of Austin, which is perhaps Coffee Pot. Boone where he adopted his humble and kindGraham’s every- hearted nature. As soon as he was able to day appearance drive, he was in Austin all the time, soakmay not have ing up its vibrant music scene. He first turned your picked up a guitar when he was nine. head, but in “I can remember my uncle taught me E the years to minor, and I would run around the house come, I strumming the hell out of that, but it have a wasn’t until I was 18 that I got serious and feeling started reading and taking lessons on the his is bass,” Graham said. Since attending Texas State, he has played with three different bands. The Happy Families is a collection of connections Graham made while playing and growing with each group. Its amazingly talented and statuesque guitar player, Mikey Rogers, first played with Graham in his first musical endeavor, Goodbye Lo-fi, while drummer Anthony Castaneda followed him from his more recent group, The Attention Spaniards. Since graduating, Graham has been finding a lot of free time to devote to his musical endeavors. The Happy Families has been together for almost a year and steadily book live performances and have regular practices. Not only does Graham provide much of the creative influence behind the music, but he also designed the cover for their first album. This debut release, entitled The Happy Families Would Like to Invite You, was also featured on the employee-pick shelf at Waterloo records in Austin. When asked about how they create their distinct quirky sound, Graham laughed, “I make a lot of demos. I try to record and write everyday. Sometimes it’s a band verSam Ladach-Bark/Star Photo sion of a demo, and sometimes it’s a just a jam session child.” GETTING HAPPY: Boone Graham, lead singer and guitarist for The Happy Families, devotes most of his time to They have tried to hold true to a ’60s

playing music since graduating from Texas State.

theme, drawing influences from obscure bands of that era like The Velvet Underground and Bo Diddley. The band also ties in many other musical persuasions such as those of underground bands Silver Scooter and The Clientele. Lately, as the band begins recording its new album to be released sometime after May, they have been busy booking and playing shows. “We are trying to play a lot of free shows, especially those sponsored by our label Chorizo Approved Records. Word of mouth is huge for us; it’s all about putting people in the same room to listen to our music,” Graham said. If you have seen them play live, The Happy Families is not easily forgotten. The music, although heavy with distortion at times, comes together in what can only be described as rock ’n’ roll folk. Graham’s trademark tiptoed bounce is one aspect of the band’s live show worthy of appreciation. Slowly, The Happy Families have been breaking into the Austin live-music scene. Just last month, they opened for Peel at Stubb’s and kept a hipster Austin crowd quite entertained. However, Graham doesn’t expect more than one show a month in Austin at the moment. “We are taking it slow; we don’t want to grow too fast, and we want to do business for ourselves,” Graham said. In the selfless underground-rock business, it is never about the money but about connecting with people. With every show The Happy Families plays, these indie-rock warriors will trudge on, not in hopes of fame and fortune but in hopes of change and respect. “To all people who are excited about playing/seeing good music, it is available. Get out there, and be adventurous; you might like what you find,” Graham said.


March 4 – The Triple Crown, San Marcos March 17 – The Chorizo Records Compound, Austin April 8 – Sourthwestern Campus, Georgetown


Thursday, February 23, 2006

The University Star - Page 7

Webb makes opinions heard on Mockingbird By Vanessa Lau The University Star

Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox DATING DISASTER: As Grant and Julia, Adam Campbell and Alyson Hannigan seek the help of a Jennifer Lopez-like wedding planner in Date Movie.

No ‘happy ending’ in Date Movie By Destiny Barnett The University Star The best part of Date Movie was that it was NO STARS short — only Date Movie 83 minutes Dir.: Jason long. HowevFriedberg, Aaron er, 83 minutes Seltzer is a long time Stars: Alyson Hannigan, Adam when you are Campbell aggravated Rated: PG-13 within the first 10. The part of the movie most vomit-inducing was when Grant Funkyerdoder (Adam Campbell) meets his love interest Julia Jones’ (Alyson Hannigan) parents. The urn with the remains of Julia’s grandmother falls off the mantle a la Meet the Parents to reveal an entire corpse. However, that is not the most nauseating part. The Jones’ cat then proceeds to devour the grandmother’s remains. Here’s the plot, well, sort of: An overweight Caucasian woman, Julia, with an AfricanAmerican father, Indian mother and Japanese sister, falls in

film review

love with a British man, Grant. to reality shows The Bachelor Julia consults a date doctor, and Pimp My Ride and the vidwho then gives her a makeover eo series Girls Gone Wild. SeltPimp My Ride-style. Throw in zer and Friedberg even so went a woman trying to crash their as far as to poke fun at Michael wedding plans by moving in Jackson in a scene where Julia slow motion at all times in and Grant are having a romanskimpy outfits, “humor” that tic time. Then, you see a Mimakes you want to puke and chael Jackson look alike in the random references to comedies background attempting to pick and pop-culture icons like Jen- up a young boy. It’s old news alnifer Lopez and Michael Jack- ready. Who really cares? son, and that’s Date Movie all The intro for the movie says, summed up. “Date Movie. For people who With two of the six writ- LOVE date movies and people ers of Scary Movie, this movie who HATE them. Everyone should have been a humorous, wants a happy ending.” If a slapstick parody, but Aaron happy ending is really what Seltzer and Jason Friedberg you’re waiting for, don’t hold must be the two writers from your breath watching this one, Scary Movie suffering from folks. Unless you’re looking to Adult Attention Deficit Disor- waste 83 minutes of your life, I der. Their plot is so completely wouldn’t recommend this movunsystematic that it leaves the ie to anyone. viewer confused and irritated. If the writers would have stuck with one theme, it might have movies rating key actually been a movie worth No stars – Must skip seeing. Included are spoofs of ✯ – Bad, fails overall several date movies, such as ✯✯ – Mediocre, wait for DVD Sweet Home Alabama, but then it switches to non-date movies ✯✯✯ – Good, few flaws like Meet the Fockers, and even ✯✯✯✯ – Outstanding, must see includes outlandish references

First impressions of Derek Webb are formed quickly by his strongly constructed lyrics that music delve deeper for subject review than ✯✯✯✯ matter most artists Derek Webb these days. Mockingbird Backed by INO Records a number of conventional and nonconventional instruments, Webb puts his message out there for listeners to ingest and reflect upon. On Mockingbird, Webb’s third studio album, he takes a stand about issues that concern him. “I take seriously my role as an artist,” Webb said in a press release. “I know it’s a luxury to spend hours on the porch talking about these issues. The point of this record is to give people language enough to get started.” Webb’s objective is clearly met on this record, which is as beautiful to listen to as its topics are engaging. Webb’s audio style combines a striking voice, reminiscent of Simon and Garfunkel, with acoustic guitars and pianos that are unfiltered and raw, as if every sound captured on the track has its individual importance. Heavily influenced by The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour, Webb describes Mockingbird as “a fascinating record for headphones.” Even on normal speakers, the gentle melodies and accompaniments create a tension with the lyrical content that Webb relies on the listener to resolve. The basic appeal of this record lies in Webb’s unapologetic approach to topics that range from wars and government to religion and relationships. Webb’s strong Christian perspective can be felt on “A King and a Kingdom,” where he bluntly states, “My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a land/My

Brit band doesn’t ‘Monkey’ around; get ready for real deal By Jim Farber New York Daily News Another year, another massive pop phenomenon from England. Last year, the United Kingdom was all abuzz about James Blunt, an ex-soldier who came “from nowhere” to top the U.K. album chart for an unprecedented number of weeks (nine). This year — as every rock hipster already knows — it’s all about the Arctic Monkeys. It’s a fourman band from an unfashionable nook in Northern England (Sheffield) that gave away its songs on the Internet to seed an audience. Then they signed to an indie imprint and wound up having the biggest-selling debut CD in British history — or at least the biggest since they began accurately counting these things in the early ’90s.

Last month, the Monkeys’ CD, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not, moved 360,000 copies for that unprecedented opening flourish. It makes for an awfully good story — especially the bit about the band giving away its first songs over the Net. (“How modern,” you’re meant to think, as if lots of young bands don’t do the same thing on sites like MySpace.com.) Also, by the time the Monkeys put out their debut, they had an unusually powerful indie label backing them — Domino, the British home to Franz Ferdinand. Also keep in mind that postpunk history is awash in bands that have wowed the Brits only to tank with Yanks. For every Spice Girls and Radiohead, there’s a Travis and Supergrass (groups whose American audiences measure a mere fraction of their followings

at home). On Tuesday, the American appeal of the Monkeys will finally be put to the test when Whatever hits U.S. shores. Commercially speaking, it could be an uphill battle. We’re talking about an album, after all, whose lyrics use phrases like “knackered,” “lairy” and “full on,” delivered in a regional, working-class English accent. And the music can sound as swaggeringly British as Blur. Creatively speaking, however, Whatever is stupendous fun. It’s packed with the brash riffs and cheeky humor of the most animated of modern Brit pop. The riffs in the band’s big single, “I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor,” have a frantic brilliance that

perfectly mirrors the frustrated lust of the lyrics. Most of the band’s words deal with the drunken embarrassment of trying to find sex and love in the deafening din and deceiving lighting of dance clubs. They’re fairly typical concerns of anyone of the Monkeys’ ages (early 20s). Thankfully, there’s nothing typical about their hipshaking sound. First, it has nothing to do with the ’80s recycle that mars so much modern rock. It forges its own sneering path. Second, singer Alex Turner has a uniquely sputtering, mile-a-minute delivery that could impress even the most fleet rappers. If the Monkeys don’t make it here, it’s our loss.


ebb’s strong Christian perspective can be felt on “A King and a Kingdom,” where he bluntly states, “My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a land/My first allegiance is not to democracy or blood/It’s to a king and a kingdom.

first allegiance is not to democ- the complacent, his fortitude racy or blood/It’s to a king and a in delivering his message and kingdom.” Similar messages are the musical expression he has contained in “Rich Young Ruler” chosen to support it make this and “In God We Trust.” While record an amazing listen. Lishis morality never takes a back- teners who prefer lighter subject seat to other topics, two tracks matter will still find something focus on relationship dynamics. to enjoy about Mockingbird. “I Hate Everything (But You)” captures what it’s like to feel like the world has turned against cd rating key you, and all you have is that one No stars – as bad as it gets person by your side. “Please, Be- ✯ – poor quality, don’t bother fore I Go” also centers on how ✯✯ – ask a friend to burn it one person’s actions can change ✯✯✯ – good quality, few flaws the course of another’s life. While Webb’s songs are not ✯✯✯✯ – great cd, a must-buy intended to soothe or cater to

Courtesy of INO Records MELODY WITH A MESSAGE: Derek Webb’s third studio album, Mockingbird, deals with issues such as war, government and religion.


Page 8 - The University Star

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Indie filmmakers make a scene at Flicker Festival By Nixon Guerrero The University Star Austin-area filmmakers gathered at the Downtown Alamo Drafthouse to screen their independent films on the big screen — a coveted luxury that countless aspiring filmmakers have not achieved — to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Flicker Film Festival on Thursday, Feb. 16. Flicker provides highly talented — but financially strapped — filmmakers with the opportunity to have their independent films screened before a theater full of film-lovers. The wonderful thing about Flicker is that it’s free to submit a film, as long as the filmmaker meets certain criteria. The requisites for entering the festival are minimal. First, the movie must have originated on Super 8, 16mm or 35mm film, but it does not need to be screened in that format. VHS and DVD transfers are allowed. Second, the movie must be un-

der 15 minutes in length. Upon arriving at the Drafthouse, each audience member paid $5 for a ticket and was given a raffle ticket. And the prizes for the raffle were in abundance. Audience members had a chance to win an I Love Video gift certificate, free Drafthouse passes or tickets to the Paramount Theatre and more. Before the short films started, audience members could order off the menu and listen to King Tears, the live duo for the night. After King Tears was done, the light slowly dimmed as Flicker coordinator Cory Ryan welcomed everyone. First film: The six-minute frivolous comedy Auteur, by Bill Palmer. Auteur is a funny look at a young teen’s whole-hearted and resolute attempt to make a low-budget noir film using only a single mini-DV camera, his garage and himself as the entire cast. He even experimented with his own squibs and special ef-

fects. Second film: the dark, spacey and somewhat awkward Slim, by Matthew Caron. In the blackand-white Slim, we follow the title character’s journey from a diner to his supposed girlfriend’s house. While there, he runs into his girlfriend’s bathing sister, who has a disgustingly repulsive sea-weed-like infection on her crotch. Slim, for whatever reason, is either wantonly in love or instantly aroused. Next is the diner scene in which Slim meets the sisters’ disapproving father. Ultimately, Slim must make a choice and marry one of the sisters in their father’s living room. Third film: the three-minute, highly original Updebum, by Jim Minton. Surely this was one concept that nobody expected to see on the big screen. This film is a collection of Xrays that displayed what people have had stuck in their derriére. As to what the objects were that people had lodged in their anus

will not be disclosed at this time. But, know this: You haven’t seen anything like Minton’s work on Updebum. Fourth film: the two-minute Super 8-to-DVD esoterically nostalgic A Eulogy for Memory by Karl Lind. Lind collected old Super 8 footage of his family and compiled a touching montage of memories. Although the film did revolve around only his memories, on some level we’ve all experienced the exact same ones. Fifth film: the six-minute eerie and touching Refrigeration, by Marlo Nespeca. During the film’s opening scene, we view a young couple lying on a bed, covered with white sheets in a brightly lit bedroom. The man turns over to his motionless counterpart and begins to circle the small of her naked back with his finger tips. She still remains motionless. Why? That as well will not be divulged in this story, but Nespeca’s film is wonderfully shot and patiently delivered.

Courtesy of Alwayswas.com SLIM BUDGET: Roger Peffley stars in Matthew Caron’s Slim, which was screened at the Flicker Film Festival in Austin.

Next, Ryan hosted the raffle drawing, along with another performance by King Tears then the re-screening of past Flicker audience favorites. With their bellies full and wallets empty, the audience, along with the attending filmmakers, was invited to the after-party at

the Light Bar. Kelly Knowles performed on the outside balcony stage, and DJ AM/FM spun inside the bar. The event was the perfect place for aspiring or accomplished filmmakers in the Austin area to get their short films screened and their names out there.

Mad Black Woman returns to big screen By Daniel Fienberg Zap2it.com LOS ANGELES — When Diary of a Mad Black Woman opened last February, more articles were written about a Wes Craven werewolf flick and a supposed comedy pairing Tommy Lee Jones with cheerleaders. After Diary scooped up nearly $22 million, Hollywood was stunned. The media was stunned. Film critics, who mostly panned the movie, were stunned. The film’s writer, Tyler Perry? Not so stunned. “I wasn’t surprised, I was thankful,” Perry said. “Again, being on tour all over the country, you see all of these people and they say, ‘We’re going, Tyler. We’re going to support you. We’re going to support you.’ And then they go. So I was grateful. I knew they were there, but to have them go was a whole ‘nother thing.” Madea’s Family Reunion, Perry’s Diary follow-up, won’t be sneaking up on anybody. The film, which features Perry as smack-talking, pistol-packing, audience-friendly Madea, has a

slightly higher budget and a few familiar faces (including Blair Underwood, Lynn Whitfield and Cicely Tyson), but the same difficult-to-describe style. “It’s schizophrenic — that’s how I describe it,” Perry explains with a laugh. “It’s all over the place, man. It’s joy, it’s happy, it’s sad, it’s everything. It’s just an emotional roller coaster, you know? Even the plays themselves, you come to see them and it’s like a stand-up comedic routine. I’m breaking the wall. I’m talking to the audience. It’s theater. It’s some of everything. It’s concert.” One thing Perry, who still tours the country playing Madea to sell-out crowds, doesn’t expect is complete acceptance. “I don’t know if it’s necessarily about critics or just people in general,” he admits. “There’s such a disconnect in this country. There’s such a just, everybody has their own life and their own world and everybody’s in their own compartment and nobody’s crossing or peaking to see what’s over on the other side or in the other areas. I think the main reason that people don’t get it is because they don’t understand

what this character represents, this Madea character represents, what these movies or shows or plays of mine represent.” He said, “I’m so used to the mediocre reviews or the terrible reviews, when I see a good one — which I don’t read or pay attention to — when I hear about it, I’m really surprised, because I expect people not to get it, I really do.” Even if reviewers don’t get him, Perry sees his message getting through post-Diary. “I’m seeing more non-black people represented in the audience,” he said of his shows. “I can see it from the stage. It’s really amazing, since the movie’s been out I can look out in the audience and see 30 percent of people who are not black and that’s pretty amazing, especially in a lot of Southern cities.” He said, “I’ve always said, even from day one, I said, ‘This is universal. Everyone can relate to love, hurt, pain, learning how to forgive, needing to get over, needing the power of God in their life.’” Madea’s Family Reunion goes wide on Friday.

Courtesy of Weinstein Company HITTING THE ROAD: Alongside Kevin Zegers, Felicity Huffman stars a pre-surgery transsexual in Transamerica.

‘The road picture’ rarely disappoints audiences By Roger Moore The Orlando Sentinel It’s as old as Homer and as new as a Hummer. It’s the quest tale, the hero or heroine’s series of tests — a journey of discovery. Or, as Hollywood calls it, “the road picture.” It has been one of the movies’ most enduring genres, from It Happened One Night to The Sure Thing, Midnight Run to, well, Transamerica or The World’s Fastest Indian. “Road trips go back much further than the movies,” said Duncan Tucker, writer-director of Transamerica, about a presurgery transsexual — played by Golden Globe winner Felicity Huffman, who tries to get to know the son he fathered when the soon-to-be-she was a he. “The Odyssey was a road trip, Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz is a road trip.” It’s straight out of Storytelling 101: If you want your character to experience a change, change the scenery first. “Hitting the road is a great background for almost any kind of story; the act of traveling opens up so many options in characters and plot,” said Gregg Hale, a producer on The Blair Witch Project and a director of the road picture Say Yes,

Quickly, about a cross-country romance and/or stalking. The changing incidental characters and backdrops of a journey story make it “a great canvas to paint on,” Hale said. And in its modern movie form — with a car — that car symbolizes “freedom and possibility.” But the road is also a trial, a test of a character’s mettle. “The hero’s quest is what we’re looking for,” Tucker said. “Bree, my hero, is given a quest by her mentor and therapist. You have to go on a quest and perform a task in order to get a treasure (her surgery). Like Frodo, she has to leave her safe home, unwillingly, to go on a dangerous journey across unknown lands to get rid of a burden she doesn’t want.” The World’s Fastest Indian sends Burt Munro (Anthony Hopkins) on a journey from Invercargill, New Zealand, to the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah. Roger Donaldson, an Aussie director who now calls himself a New Zealander, wanted to do a story that tied together the place he loves as home with the things he loves about the place where he work — the United States. He settled on the story of this aged motorcycle speed demon he used to know, an eccentric charmer who was helped by friendly Americans

every time an obstacle moved into his path. Road trips, with their “you never know what’s ahead,” quality, made it a natural form to build World’s Fastest Indian around,” Donaldson said. “The naiveté of this character out there in the real world, on the road, being helped by all these different people, appealed to me.” Sam L. Grogg is dean of the University of Miami’s film school, but in an earlier life, he produced The Trip to Bountiful. In the movies, he said, the road is “liberating,” a connection to the American myth. There is always “a place to go, a better place” with nothing “but positive opportunity ahead.” And as in classic myths, “the hero or heroine hits troubles along the way,” Grogg said. “Sometimes the troubles are so great that there is a complete loss of hope.” On the road, even the most confident character is out of his or her element, Donaldson said. They’re all fish out of water because they’re dealing with people they do not know, situations they haven’t anticipated and places they have (usually) never been. “That’s why they make good movies,” Donaldson says. “The road — it never, ever disappoints.”


Thursday, February 23, 2006

✯Star Comics

The University Star - Page 9

my latest tunes Entertainment Editor Kyle Bradshaw reveals what he’s been listening to this past week.

This Year’s Model Elvis Costello

The Squid and the Whale Soundtrack Various Artists

The Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground

Favorite track: “Pump it Up”

Favorite track: “The Swimming Song”

Favorite track: “Pale Blue Eyes”

SU DO KU Complete the grid so that every row, column, and 3-by-3 box contains every digit from one through nine inclusively.

Wednesday’s solutions:

Puzzles by Pappocom


Wednesday’s solutions:

Go to www.UniversityStar.com for today’s answers.


quoteof the day “It is the time for the South Dakota Legislature to deal with this issue and protect the lives and rights of unborn children.”

Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Page 10

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Goodmail spam-filter bypass turns AOL and Yahoo! into Badmail America Online and Yahoo! recently announced an anti-scam initiative — one their users might not like. AOL and Yahoo! are partnering with a company called Goodmail Systems, which offers a service that certifies e-mails as genuine at a cost of a fourth of a cent per message. A portion of the money Goodmail charges goes to its partnering e-mail providers. The e-mail certification involves background checks of senders, which are aimed at protecting against fraudulent e-mails by providing assurances of the sender’s identity. AOL and Yahoo! will allow these certified senders to bypass all of their spam filters, sending these messages straight to a user’s inbox. This partnership with Goodmail will not help filter out spam; rather, it’s a guarantee to the senders of these certified e-mails that you are indeed receiving their messages. This could be setting a trend that could hurt legitimate businesses if Goodmail’s service becomes popular. Imagine AOL and Yahoo! tightening spam filters even further, and the only way you can get online offers or notices that you actually want is through the offering company paying to send it to you. Either people are going to stop using e-mail services that use Goodmail’s certification service or important e-mails will end up requiring the equivalent of a postage stamp. If these senders want a guarantee that spam filters won’t reject their messages, and it’s sent in bulk, chances are that you don’t want to receive it. AOL says that e-mail addresses blocked by users will still block these certified messages, but if you don’t want any of these certified messages, be prepared to have a lengthy block list. Goodmail claims that companies wanting to use its certification service must agree to only send to users who have agreed to receive messages. The problem with that requirement is you have likely unknowingly agreed to receive messages from countless organizations. By signing up for a service and not reading the terms of service or privacy policies stating that you agree to receive e-mail from the company, you are signing up with it and all of its partners. A service guaranteeing that an e-mail will be received is part of a growing trend that pushes more advertising into electronic media. Google has sponsored links in its search results, and the Gmail service scans the contents of an e-mail and displays advertisements with relevance to that message. Sites with streaming videos have you watch an ad before you see what you want to see. You already have banner ads on AOL and Yahoo! mail, so pushing advertisements back into your inbox makes sense. The emphasis for online content used to be on a clean and user-friendly interface, but now it’s all about the money. In the coming weeks, look forward to pressing the delete key for all your new certified e-mails. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State UniversitySan Marcos.

— South Dakota state Sen. Julie Bartling talking about the state Senate’s passage of a ban on abortion. The state’s House passed a previous version, but must now accept the Senate’s revised version. The bill would make the performance of an abortion a felony with a maximum penalty of five years in prison. (Source: The Associated Press)

Media’s aim rivals Cheney’s God, I hate the media sometimes. Odd statement coming from a mass communication major, isn’t it? I can’t SEAN WARDWELL help but look Star Columnist on in disgust, though, when I think about how we went from Edward R. Murrow to Bill O’Reilly. If it bleeds, it leads. Well, Harry Whittington bled, and he led. He led every news cycle for days. I tend to have a pitch-black sense of humor, so I honestly thought the vice president of the United States shooting a 78-year-old man in the face with a shotgun was more than a little funny. I’m not insensitive. I’m glad he’s all right. I just find the situation comical. I would have laughed just as hard if it were Gore, harder still if it were Quayle. But the thing that really ticks me off is that the media devoted so much time to it. I was just waiting for someone to attach the suffix “ — gate” to it. Was Cheney shooting a 78-yearold man in the face news? Yeah, of course it was. Given the circumstances, though, was it worth that much coverage? Not at all. In the hierarchy of news, the shooting is, and really always was, on par with that waterskiing squirrel from Anchorman. The thing that absolutely drives me insane, though, is that if the media really wanted to do their job and call people like Cheney on their crap, there are so many legitimate things to choose from. Taking down Cheney for a legitimate hunting accident is like busting Capone for income tax evasion. Sure, you get the same end result, but it’s just not as satisfying. For example, the media could investigate the leak of the identity of an undercover CIA operative in a blatant act of political revenge. Or perhaps the MSM (Mainstream Media for those not on the right) could look into war profiteering by Cheney’s old company Halliburton, which seems to get all the good no-bid contracts. I guess if they had time after that, they could investigate the White House Energy Task Force that Cheney led, which threw its arms wide open for industry lobbyists, but only gave environmental groups 48 hours to prepare and submit suggestions. If the media still has time to kill, they could look into Cheney’s involvement with the Enron scandal and Bush’s good friend Kenneth “Kenny Boy” Lay, or perhaps the vice president’s recent revelation that he suddenly has the authority to declassify

Mike Wood/Star illustration

documents that just happen to save his ass. Only the really rabid and devoted in the media would stick around to investigate how Cheney feels about six major U.S. ports being handed over to the United Arab Emirates, which is not in the United States, and is in fact very close to a lot of countries that don’t like us. This is a deal that has politicians on both sides of the aisle going, “Huh?” Yet the administration thinks it’s a good idea. Go figure. It’s not like we need to be secure or anything. Sadly, I could literally go on and on and on and on and on and on and on … So I’d prefer that the media go after Cheney for reasons that are worth the amount of scrutiny given to the shooting. Nobody wanted Capone to do time for income tax evasion, and I don’t want to see Cheney get taken out for this. It’s just distasteful. I think he’ll be fine. I don’t see a resignation this. There are just other things that he needs to be called on, and nobody is doing it. The Bush administration has managed to make the Grant administration look like the Jedi Council. I’m always amused to hear my

friends on the right complain about liberal bias in the media. Even this paper has been said to be liberally biased, largely because of what appears on this page. I really have to laugh, because they don’t realize that we on or near the left can’t stand the media either. We just want them to do their jobs and report the news in the public’s best interest. But then again, I guess I’m dreaming an Edward R. Murrow dream in an American Idol world. When you go home, watch the local news. Take notes if you have to. Then ask yourself if you really needed to know anything outside of the weather report. Look at the magazines in the checkout line at the supermarket. Does anyone really need to know whom Paris Hilton is currently rutting with? I hope not. They only keep pushing it because we keep gorging on it. In the meantime, all the things we really need to know to maintain a functioning democracy quietly get swept under the rug. It’s called misdirection, and it’s the oldest trick in the book. The really tragic thing is that we are doing it to ourselves.

Letters to the Editor Warding off Wardwell Mr. Wardwell, I found your column Tuesday (“Government can’t get bad bull past the kids”) to be quite entertaining — and a little out of touch with reality. I don’t believe for a second that our government thinks we are stupid. If that were truly the case, it would be quite a bit harder for people like you and me to get an education. Wouldn’t it be much easier to use their quality “BS” stockpile on a mass population of uneducated individuals? Your viewpoint is “The only thing the government should be interested in is telling you what you can or can’t do to another person.” This viewpoint is in complete contrast with your unlimited-drug-usage viewpoint. I think you should look at the statistics of crimes that involve illicit drug use. Drugs are very often part of the equation, but I guess you could always think these statistics are manipulated by our government, or quite possibly that our congressmen and — women have found just how much better life is with hardcore drugs and don’t want the mass population to get in on the secret. If you believe I am alone in my thinking, I challenge you to look at polls on the issue. If Americans really thought drugs should be legalized, they would be.

Why did you stop to listen to the evangelists in The Quad? “Because it’s good to see open public debate.” — Joel Denney applied sociology sophomore

— John Schneider finance senior

“I first stopped yesterday after hearing a random offensive comment when I was walking by.”

Firearm mishaps unfunny? I really enjoyed the cartoon of Dick Cheney in the opinions section (Kelly Simmons, Feb. 16). I can never pass up a good laugh when someone gets shot and has to be hospitalized. Also, I have missed many of the older issues and was wondering if you have published any cartoons making fun of when Pope John Paul or Reagan was shot.

— Lindsey Coble marketing junior

“I want to be open minded and hear what people have to say.” — Christina Labbe music sophomore

Compiled by Jason Buch

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

— Tyler Fischbeck computer information systems junior

Monty Marion/Star photo GETTING PREACHY: Jesse Morrell of Open Air Outreach preaches to a crowd of students at the stallions Wednesday. Most students in the audience took offense to Morrell’s opinions on topics ranging from homosexuality to the validity of non-Christian religions.

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.........................Jason Buch, jb1163@txstate.edu Trends Editor.................Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor......................................A. D. Brown, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

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Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright February 23, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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WANTED WANTED: USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS. Any condition. Running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. 512-353-4511. The University Star is available at 70 locations on campus and over 40 locations in San Marcos. Let us know where you would like to see The Star! Email starad1@txstate.edu with your suggestions.

Page 12 - The University Star


Rec Center provides variety of ways for students to shake up their work out By Joshua Zapata The University Star

usually cost more money (traveling to other colleges to compete), many clubs offer good coaching, competitive athletes and a national or state tournament of some kind. Many of the practices have been going on for a while, but new players are welcomed at any time. Most club sports aim to get bigger, and gain more sponsors; therefore, the clubs encourage any player who is enthused about playing for, and representing Texas State to sign up. Students who do not have the time, money or desire to join a team can go to the SRC for their workout needs. The SRC also holds a wide array of options and facilities that include basketball courts, a gym, a track and different classes that anyone can sign up for. Freshman Michael Noble said he goes to the SRC several times a week to stay in shape and relieve stress he gets from his classes. “I go to the Student Rec Center in between classes, or whenever else I get a chance to,” Noble said. “Working out is one of the most important ways for me to relieve stress that would otherwise distract me too much from school, and life.” The SRC reminds students, reminding that a healthy body supports a healthy mind.

Many students find themselves with a desire to let loose some energy in the off chance they are not bogged down with a heavy class schedule. The department of campus recreation is focused, dedicated and excited about the wide array of activities that they provide for students. Offering everything from club sports and intramurals to personal trainers, the department of campus recreation aims to make itself appealing to everyone. It is easy to be discouraged for first-timers participating in intramurals, or for those just entering college. Because of a hiatus taken from high school soccer, freshman Dean Kelly felt nervous about joining an intramural soccer team during the fall semester. He had not known what to expect, nor was he acquainted with anyone who was participating in intramurals. “Though I had my reservations, I was soon pleasantly surprised by the friendly and competitive environment,” Kelly said. “It made my first semester at Texas State a much more enjoyable experience. I made some good friends while playing some good soccer.” One of the important aspects of the intramural programs is their ability to grow and maintain interest in students. Many college students who enter intramurals are not used to the responsibility of joining or starting a team, but they almost all leave the experience satisfied and looking for more. “I am excited about the spring season because we’ll be playing 9-by-9 soccer, instead of the smaller scale 5-by-5,” said Kelly. “The 5-on-5 style of play was a new and fun experience; I expect this new season to be just as rewarding.” Intramurals, however, are not just focused on soccer, but a variety of other sports. The most popular sports are basketball and softball, though there are more unconventional sports for those hoping to try new things, such as dodgeball, racquetball and bowling. This wide array of sports not only supports, but instills the desire to meet new people. Many of the intramurals have either started, or are ready to begin, so students are encouraged to join as soon as possible. To research information on the different intramurals (when they begin, the costs and the rules), go to the Intramurals Office located in the Student Recreation Center. Another easy and useful resource is to check the campus recreation Web page. It holds a variety of online handbooks, schedules and any informaDanny Rodriguez/Star photo tion necessary to participate in any of the intraJUST FOR FUN: George’s player Nathan Bucek murals held on campus. For those wanting to participate in club sports, plays tight defense on Teal Hausman of the Rockthere are many teams one can join. Though they ets to help seal a 53-40 victory on Sunday night.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Texas State shooting for a weekend win on the road By Ericka Hailey The University Star The Texas State men’s basketball team will be on the road tonight going up against No. 2 Sam Houston State (17-7, 8-4). On Jan. 19, Chris Jordan led the Bearkats with 20 points in the first contest between these two teams and was recently named the Southland Conference player of the week for the second time since January 30. The Bobcats were down 4136 coming into the second half when the Bearkats made an 11-2 run. The Bobcats retaliated with a 16-5 barrage, including six points from Charles Dotson and four from JuShay Rockett. Bobcat fans sensed a comeback, but high percentage shots by Jordan, Jejuan Plair and Ryan Griffin sealed the 10-point lead over Texas State, giving Sam Houston an 80-70 victory. The Bobcats will also play Stephen F. Austin (13-10, 6-6), the SLC’s sixth-ranked team this Saturday at the Lumberjacks’ William R. Johnson Coliseum. The Lumberjacks’ Josh Alexander helped the team to defeat the Bobcats in a 59-55 victory earlier this season by contributing 15 points, three assists and 11 rebounds. Brandon Bush led the Bobcats with 17 points and five rebounds, while Rockett added another 13 points from the floor. Freshman Trevor Cook put in seven points for the Bobcats, along with six rebounds and four blocked shots. The Lumberjacks took control of the game in the second half as they made a 12-4 run on the Bobcats. SFA led by 11 points at the 9 minute, 6 second mark. The Lumberjacks’ rebounds were a big factor in their success with 14 second-chance points gained on 16 offensive rebounds in comparison to the

A.D. Brown/Star photo OUT OF REACH: Texas State senior guard Chris Langhorne makes a high-flying attempt at the basket during the Bobcats’ 17point victory over the UT-San Antonio Roadrunners.

Bobcats’ six. The Bobcats clawed their way back during the next 7 minutes, cutting the Lumberjacks lead to a field goal when Bush was fouled, sinking a free throw to make the score 53-55. Antuane Miller closed the game giving the Lumberjacks a 59-55 victory. The Bobcats will play their last home game next Wednesday against the Northwestern Louisiana State Demons (18-7, 11-1), who rank number one in the SLC standings. The Bobcats will also be celebrating their senior night as senior guards Chris Langhorne and Lance Burroughs receive recognition.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bobcat baseball falls to UT With three errors during the game, Texas State could not bring home the win Texas State 4, Texas 7 Feb. 22, Austin TEXAS STATE New Mexico

R H E 300 000 001 — 4 6 0 110 000 000 — 7 7 3

Texas State



Field ss Babcock lf Bunn ph Garza dh Merrell 1b/3b Jones rf Keel cf Witek 3b Bednarek c Guest 2b Crumpton 2b Ross ph Siers 2b Wood ph/1b

3 4 1 5 4 4 3 2 4 0 1 1 0 1

0 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0




Van Hook 2b Peoples rf Stubbs cf Kainer dh Russell 1b Wheeless 1b Danks lf Clasrk c Suttle 3b Fuller ss

5 4 1 3 2 0 3 3 4 1

0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 0

2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 1

0 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 2

1 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

E: Ramos BARBA, SMITH; DP: TxSt-3, NM2; LOB: TxSt-6, NM-5; 2B: Bunn, Jones, Rodriguez; HR: Babcock, CASTILLO; SB: Ramos

Texas State Bennett Fiske Hill Armijo Baca Hart

New Mexico Boening Parigi Kasparek




2.1 1.2 2.0 0.2 0.1 1.0

4 0 1 1 0 1

4 0 1 2 0 0




4.0 4.0 1.0

4 1 1

3 0 1

4 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 1

Win — Parigi (3-2) Loss- Bennett (0-1) Attendance: 4,550

Baseball Schedule ■ Feb. 24 @ Nebraska ■ Feb. 25 @ St. Johns ■ Feb. 26 @ Rice ■ Feb. 28 vs. Baylor ■ March 3 @ SFA ■ March 4 @ SFA ■ March 5 @ SFA ■ March 7 vs. Texas A&M

1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

5 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 1

1 0 1 1 0 0 5 3 1

Courtesy of The Daily Texan READY, STEADY: Junior second baseman Casey Guest keeps an eye on the base during Texas State’s disappointing 7-4 loss to the UT on Wednesday night in Austin.

Media Relations Cody Merrell drove in three runs, and Thomas Field crossed the plate twice, but Texas State was unable to overcome two innings in which the bases were left loaded in a 7-4 loss on Wednesday at UT. Texas State (3-6) struck first in the top of the first inning, scoring three runs on two hits and a pair of Longhorn miscues, but UT (6-6) scored the next seven in the three-run Bobcat loss. Field led off the Bobcat-first with a walk and a stolen base, followed by a one-out drawn walk by Aaron Garza that put runners on first and second. Merrell, the Bobcat clean-up hitter, hammered and 0-2 Riley Boening offering into right center for a triple, scoring both Field and Garza on the play. Texas State’s third run came when Kyle Jones singled home Merrell up the middle to give Texas State a 3-0 lead. Texas would even the score

in the bottom of the second, scoring the inning’s first two runs on Bradley Suttle’s twoRBI double down the left-field line. Suttle later scored on Chais Fuller’s RBI sacrifice fly that tied the game at 3-3. Texas State nearly regained the lead in the third, but Boening forced Bobcat catcher Dawid Bednarek into a two-out fly out, leaving three on and ending the Bobcat threat. UT took the lead for good in the third, when Drew Stubbs scored on an RBI double by Jay Russell, and UT took a 5-3 lead in the fifth, when Russell again drove home Stubbs, this time with an RBI single into right. Texas State chipped at the lead in the ninth, as Field scored on Merrell’s one-out sacrifice fly, but the Bobcats could not overcome 10 runners left on base in the 7-4 Longhorn win. Bobcat starter Ryan Bennett took the loss for the `Cats, falling to 0-1 on 2.1 innings

pitched with five walks and a strikeout. Bennett surrendered four runs on four hits to Longhorn batters. Boening, the younger brother of Bobcat pitcher B.J. Boening, struck out a career-best five for the Longhorns, despite gaining no decision in the game. Joey Parigi picked up the win for the Longhorns, tossing four shutout innings with only one Bobcat hit. Merrell finished the day 3for-4 at the plate with a run scored and three RBIs, while Jones drove in a run in a 2-for4 performance at the plate. Texas State’s next action will come Friday, when the Bobcats travel to Houston for three games in the Rice Crowne Plaza Classic at Reckling Park. Texas State opens the tournament with a 1 p.m. game Friday against Nebraska, and the `Cats conclude action in Houston against St. John’s on Saturday and tournamenthost Rice on Sunday.

The University Star - Page 13

Texas State golf swings into action on the road By Carl Harper The University Star The men’s golf team ended the fall season at the Battle on the Bend where they placed ninth out of 13 schools and since has been looking to start off 2006 with a better swing. Junior Bobby Hutcherson led Texas State with a five-under score of 139 after two rounds at the Santa Anita UNT Classic held in Guadalajara, Mexico on Sunday. Hutcherson, who is in his first season of Division I competition, shot an impressive 69 in the first round, followed up by a 70 in round two. At the end of the day, he was tied for first with Louisiana-Lafayette’s Michael Smith and the team was a stroke off the lead behind Houston, Indiana and Southeastern Louisiana. The Bobcats were sitting on a score of 579, while the leaders shared 578. Tyler Barnes was tied for 10th with a score of 144, while Chase Barnes shot a 145 to finish up day one of the tournament. On Monday, Hutcherson lost the lead to Pablo Acuña of Houston after shooting a oneover par of 73 during the final round to give him a score of 212 for the weekend. “I didn’t play bad, I just didn’t make the putts I needed,” Hutcherson said. Acuña finished with a score of 210. Tyler and Chase Barnes completed this opener with a score of 217 in a three-way tie with SLU’s Matthew Carvell. Texas State ended in fourth place at 879, while Houston won the classic with a score of 865. Coach Bill Woodley and the players said they are pleased at where they are as a team

right now. “I think we are a lot better in practice and have been progressing well. I can’t wait for the next tournaments to come around,” Hutcherson said. AS far as the team’s expectations go, Woodley said what he thinks will be good for them. “If we can get a fourth and fifth player, we will be quite good. You need five good players to make up a strong team; and we have our first three through Bobby, Tyler and Chase.” For the women, they started off the 2006 season with a tournament in Corpus Christi at the Islander Classic. Texas State shot a 306 in round three which proved to be their best round for the tournament. They tied for eighth place with division rival Sam Houston State with a score of 938. Arkansas-Little Rock won the Islander Classic with a score of 899. Texas State freshman Christine Brijalba, who ended the 2005 season with individual medalist honors at the Bronc Classic, led the Bobcats with a three-round score of 230. Brijalba finished in a four-way tie for 15th place. Freshman Jennifer Crawford and junior Anessa Thompson both had three-round scores of 233 to finish in a six-way tie for 25th. Camila Sola, of second place finisher Redlands Community College, not only led her school with the best score of 214, but individually led the tournament. The women’s team will get back to the green in Shreveport, La. for the Centenary Ladies Invitational on Feb. 27 through 28 prior to the men making their next appearance in Lafayette on March 6 through 7 for the Louisiana Classic.

Golf Schedule Men’s team

■ March 6-7 Louisiana Classic ■ March 17-18 Border Olympics ■ March 20-21 SFA Crown Colony ■ April 3-4 Hal Sutton Invitational

Lafayette La. Laredo Lufkin Bossier City La.

■ Feb. 27-28 Centenary Ladies Invit. ■ March 10-11 NIU Springlake Invit. ■ March 20-21 UTSA Rowdy Round-up ■ April 3-4 Bobcat Classic

Shreveport La. Sebring Fla. Comfort Kyle

Women’s team


sports snortsquotes from the sports world “I’ve seen a couple of guys who were asked to play, and they turned it down. They turned it down? I don’t like that one bit. I think you owe something to your country.” — Tommy Lasorda, Major League Baseball Hall of Fame manager, in repose about American athletes not playing in the World Baseball Classic. (Source: ESPN News)

Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Page 14

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Softball team scores big at Troy Cox Classic Trahan, Taylor, Gunter earn All-Tournament recognition By Miguel Peña The University Star The Texas State softball team opened up the Troy Cox Classic in Las Cruses, N.M. with an 11-2 win over Utah Valley State on Friday. The team finished the tournament with a 4-1 record with another win over Miami (Ohio) and consecutive wins over George Mason and Moorhead on Sunday, improving their season record to 8-5 overall. Pitcher Katie Ann Trahan, catcher Karen Taylor and first baseman Kristen Gunter were all named to the All-Tournament Team for their performances in the three-day event. An additional honor went to Gunter, who was named the Southland Conference hitter of the week with a .429 average with four RBIs and two home runs. “Gunter provided some muchneeded power at the plate, and Taylor did a good job swinging the bat,” said head softball coach Daccia Woodard. “I am pleased with where we are at offensively, but we do need to get some more consistency throughout the lineup.” Sarah Lancour gave up a twoout home run to UVS second baseman Rachel Hartgrove in the first inning of play, putting the Bobcats down 1-0 before putting up three runs in the top of the second inning. Ryan Kos got the ’Cats started with a single, scoring Karen Taylor who advanced from third following an Ashton Peters double. Jetta Weinheimer put the team in first with her first hit at bat with a sac-fly scoring, Peters followed up with a single by Tamara Keller that gave Kos the third run of the game and a 3-1 lead. In the bottom of the second inning, the Wolverines scored their final run of the game as Emily Zupan advanced Kaylie Neal on a single to right field, cutting the margin to 1. Texas State closed the game out in the fifth inning after scoring eight unanswered runs, giving Lancour her second win of the season. In the Bobcats 10 a.m. meeting with Miami (Ohio) on Saturday, the team continued their tradition of falling behind early, setting up another comeback victory, which gave Lancour her second win in the tournament. After giving up a three run deficit in the first inning of play, the

’Cats got it going by scoring in the third inning of play with Amy Rhomadkas’ lead off triple, followed by a single from Jill Klosel. Karen Taylor scored in the fourth on her first home run hit as a Bobcat cutting the Redhawks lead to 1. But it was the five runs in the fifth frame that gave the ’Cats the decisive 8-3 victory over Miami (Ohio). With 11 batters stepping to the plate, the Bobcats went on a tear, giving the Redhawks their first loss of the weekend. Texas State’s only loss in the series was to tournament host New Mexico State as they fell 21 on Saturday afternoon. NMSU’s Sarah Seagrave had a strong performance, retiring the first 17 batters she faced in five perfect innings of play. Alex Newton scored the only run of the game with her first homerun as a Bobcat with a long shot to left field, cutting NMSU’s lead to one; but that was all she wrote for the ’Cats as they gave up more than they could manufacture, dropping six errors on the game. On Sunday, Texas State came back hungry for a victory and set their sights on George Mason in the tournaments early game. “We need to make sure we are taking care of the ball defensively,” Woodard said.” We have way too many errors for this early in the season.” Once again, Texas State fell behind in the early goings on a three run homer in the top of the first inning; but the Bobcats were quick to answer back. This time, Taylor got the team going with a sacrifice fly to right field that scored Hromadka from second base. Gunter and Newton added consecutive RBIs scoring, Peters and Klosel tying things at up 3-3. Klosel advanced Peters in the bottom of the second to break the tie. Despite five Bobcat errors, the team rose to a 5-3 victory before facing their final opponents in the tournament. Both teams were held scoreless through six innings of play, but the game was decided in the seventh when Gunter and Chelsea Giroux launched back-to-back home runs before adding two more runs in the inning. Morehead fell 4-0 in Trahan’s second shutout victory of the season, improving her team-best ERA to 0.78. “The thing she brings is her focus and intensity,” Woodard said.

U.S. Olympic Medal Winners Ted Ligety Alpine Skiing-Combined Gold Shaun White Snowboarding-Halfpipe Gold Danny Kass Snowboarding-Halfpipe Silver Hannah Teter Snowboarding-Halfpipe Gold Gretchen Bleiler Snowboarding-Halfpipe Silver Joey Cheek Speed Skating-500 meters Gold Speed Skating-1000 meters Silver Shawni Davis Speed Skating 1000 m. Gold speed Skating 1500 m. Silver

A.D. Brown/Star file photo DOWN THE PIPE: Texas State senior pitcher Katie Ann Trahan, pictured during preseason practice, struck out 10 batters while only allowing three hits during the Bobcat’s 4-0 victory over Morehead State.

“She always expects to dominate when she has the ball in her hands.” The Bobcats will return to action Friday when they go up against Rhode Island in the first of a five game series at the Crown Plaza Classic in Houston. The Bobcats will also be going up against Houston, Brigham Young, Wichita State and Iowa State in the remainder of their tournament rounds. “The tournament at Houston is going to some of our best competition and will show us a little bit more about were at as a team,” Woodard said.

Troy Cox Classic Feb. 17 Utah Valley W. 11-2 Feb. 18 Miami (Ohio) W. 8-3 Feb. 18 New Mexico State L. 2-1 Feb. 19 George Mason W. 5-3 Feb. 19 Morehead W. 4-0

Chad Hedrick Speed Skating-5000 m. Gold Speed Skating-1500 m. Bronze Toby Dawson Freestyle Skiing-Moguls Bronze Lindsey Jacobelis Snowboarding-Snowboard Corss Silver Apolo Anton Ohno Short Track Skating-1000 m. Bronze Seth Wescott Snowboarding-Snowboard Cross Gold

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