02 24 2004

Page 1

Liberal hurdles

Beat the rage

Bobcats claim victory against Cajuns/Sports/Page 10

Vintage threads

Retro Exchange provides an alternative to modern fashion/Trends/Page 5

Nothing but marriage is acceptable for gay couples/Opinions/Page 4


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 55 www.universitystar.com

FEBRUARY 24, 2004



U N I V E R S I T Y - S A N



Ethics commissioners drop investigations City Council members no longer face conflict of interest complaints By Dan Mottola News Reporter The San Marcos Ethics Review Commission decided Wednesday against holding hearings for any of the alleged conflict-of-interest complaints against the mayor and three City Council members filed during the past five months. However, the politics that spawned the flurry of ethics complaints originated from battle lines drawn in 2001 when the city was divided because of the annexation of a south San Marcos neighborhood. The passage of October 2003’s disannexation ordinance and this month’s ethics amendments have failed to quell much of the uproar still resonating from section D of the annexed tract. Of the two subsections not disannexed in October (D and E), D is the most heavily inhabited and closest to the city. Jon James, of the city’s planning department, said the area was left in the city because water services had been extended to the area at the time of the ordinance. Following the first and second readings of the disannexation ordinances, San Marcos resident Chris North filed ethics complaints against Mayor Robert Habingreither and council member Bill Taylor. North alleged there were conflicts of interest violations involving their votes to disannex subsections A and F, in which Habingreither and Taylor own property. North called for an investigation into the legality of the men’s actions as well as modifications to the existing ethics ordinances. While North is pleased with the ethics amendments, which passed on second reading Monday, she believes the ordinance needs to be further

amended and simplified. “No city official should vote or participate in any decision-making process if that official has a direct financial interest under consideration,” North said. One of the recent ethics amendments calls for restrictions on communications between City Council members and ethics commissioners. During the review process of the initial complaints, three of five ethics commissioners resigned, citing a lack of cooperation from the City Council and letters from the mayor who was described as angry and threatening. In previous University Star articles, he cited numerous legal opinions Habingreither sought pertaining to his participation on the disannexation matter, in addition to the statements of two property appraisers who he said concurred that his south San Marcos home’s value would not be affected by disanexation. Throughout his candidacy he stated he would act on disannexation if it came across his desk and would establish a temporary residence within the city. Habingreither wrote in a Dec. 19 letter to City Attorney Mark Taylor that if his opponents are going to make an issue out of this, so would he. “If this becomes a hangman’s court, everyone will be hearing plenty from me and my supporters,” Habingreither wrote in his letter to Taylor. Tom Clendennen, resident of subsection D in the south San Marcos neighborhood, said that as long as their mutual interests coincide he would support Habingreither. “I believe the mayor has done an excellent job, and I will support his bid for re-election,” he said. Clendennen filed an ethics complaint Jan. 16 accusing council member Susan Narvaiz of failing to report supposed campaign contributions from g See ETHICS, page 3

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo Robert Gratz, Academic Affairs vice president, Katsuyoshi Kanno of the National Collegiate Network Institute; Kentaro Sawa of the NCN Institute Los Angeles; Pat Cassidy; and San Marcos Mayor Robert Habingreither participate in the Sakura Festival. The Sakura festival is held to celebrate the blooming of cherry trees in the spring.


Japanese tradition honored with tree planting

By Amber Conrad News Reporter lowering peach and Mexican plum trees were planted in the green space between the J.C. Kellam Administration Building and the Theatre Center at 11a.m. Friday to symbolize a harmonious relationship between Japan and the United States. Members of the National Collegiate Network, Japanese Language and Culture Club, San Marcos officials and university staff were on hand to dedicate the five trees, which have cherry blossoms grafted to them,


Amusements....................7 Classifieds........................8

Comics/Crossword........7 News..............................2,3 Opinions...........................4

Sports...........................9,10 Trends............................5,6

Today’s Weather

High: 69 Lo w : 43

AM Rain/PM Clouds

Wind: From NW at 13 mph Precipitation: 30% Max. Humidity: 65% UV Index: 5 Moderate Wednesday’s Forecast Cloudy 55/33

as part of what will become an annual celebration of the Sakura Festival on campus. Chinatsu Fukuda, Japanese Language and Culture Club president and accounting junior, attended the event and presented her mother’s traditional Japanese-style artwork depicting cheery blossoms in bloom. “It’s hard to establish a Japanese culture within the hugely diverse Texas State community, and with this symbol of friendship we hope to better express ourselves through the festivals yet to come,” she said. Janis Schiller, English as a Second g See SAKURA, page 3

ASG voting begins in March By Amelia Jackson News Reporter March is election month at Texas State. Associated Student Government hopefuls can announce their intent to run by filing March 1. Elections will be held online March 30-31. Senators are required to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher; however, a 2.75 GPA is necessary for presidential and vice presidential candidates. All ASG members must be fulltime students. “I encourage anyone who is interested in running for a student government position to

look at our Web site and contact us with any questions,” said Ernie Dominguez, ASG president. Filing forms will be available on the ASG Web site and in a half page ad in The University Star. Dominguez also said a public debate will be held the week before elections for presidential and vice presidential candidates. A grievance session will be held March 2-3 in the LBJ Student Center and The Quad for students to talk to senators about problems with the university. Next week, ASG will hear

from Brad McAllister, assistant director of Auxiliary Services, about the Tram system at Texas State. Currently, the Senate is hearing about plans to expand Tram routes and add additional buses. Representatives from the Pedagog, Texas State’s yearbook, will also speak to ASG. Students who have opinions on the buses or the reinstatement of the yearbook are encouraged to attend next week’s meeting at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-14.1. ASG also approved the dismissal of Senator Elizabeth De Socarraz, pre-psychology senior, from the Senate for two unexcused absences.

College Democrats learn from local state representative Rose tells students about his first term in office By David Doerr News Editor District 45 State Rep. Patrick Rose encouraged members of the College Democrats to get involved with his re-election campaign and explained how state government directly affects the lives of college students during the organization’s Thursday meeting. For almost 30 minutes, Rose spoke and answered questions concerning tuition deregulation, funding of public schools and lowering property taxes. Rose also mentioned sev-

eral members who helped with his initial campaign for office and several members who are currently helping with his re-election campaign. Rose cited tuition deregulation as one of the issues currently affecting college students. “If your family is poor you can get the need-based grants and scholarships to pay instate tuition, and if you are wealthy you can pay for it as well,” Rose said. “But if you are middle-class in this state and you are trying to pay for college tuition, particularly now that it is being raised, it’s very tough.” He said legislators knew tuition deregulation was going to pass because the speaker of the house, the lieutenant governor and governor were all for it. However, he and others had concerns with

it, which is why he worked with Democrats and Republicans to amend the legislation to include a provision that would require 20 percent of the tuition increases to be set aside for grants to middleclass students, he said. Rose, who is 25 years old, said one of the lessons he has learned by serving in the legislature is that young people can have an impact in state government. “We can win races, we can help shape policy and we can make the state a better place, but only if we get involved,” Rose said. “We, as Democrats, sit in a unique time. In the House, we have got to be bipartisan in the way Andy Ellis/Star Photo we get to 76 votes if we are State Rep. Patrick Rose stopped at campus Thursday to speak with going to impact policy. That’s interesting because some of the College Democrats. Rose attributed some of his past success g See DEMOCRATS page 2

directly to the Texas State Democrats, some of whom are currently contributing to his re-election campaign.


2 - The University Star CSC gives “Liturgy of the Word” and distributes ashes at 4 p.m. at the center.

Calendar of

EVENTS Tuesday

Sexu al Assau lt & Abu se Se rv ices meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. Ca re er Serv ices hosts a presentation that outlines characteristics employers seek at 5 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 5-7.1. Stu den t Vo lun teer Co nn ection meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1.

Caree r Serv ice s hosts a seminar on how to build paper portfolios at 11 a.m. at Old Main, Room 320.

Higher Gro un d meets at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church.

Cat ho lic Stu den t Ce nt er provides a free lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the center.

Ash We dn esday Service is at 5:30 p.m. at the Campus Christian Community Center.

Ch rist ians at T exa s Sta te meets at noon in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-10.1.

CSC holds mass and distributes ashes at 7 p.m. at the center.

Breakin g Free Fro m D ietin g support group meets at 3 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information call 245-2208. Tex as Stat e C ou nselin g C en ter offers an educational training seminar on “Components of Anger” at 3:15 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 5-1.4. Colleg ia te Ent repren eu r’ s Orga niz ation meets at 5 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1. Kap pa D elta Pi meets at 5 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 220. Geo grap hy Ho nors Society meets at 5 p.m. in ELA, Room 311. Fed eral Go vern men t Employee Wo rksh op is at 5:30 p.m. in the LBJSC Teaching Theater. Hig her Grou nd hosts the Mardi Gras Crawfish Boil at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church.

Crossta lk meets at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater. Bible Stu dy meets at 8 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center. CSC gives “Liturgy of the Word” and distributes ashes at 9 p.m. at the center.


Pub lic Rela tion s Stu de nt Societ y o f America meets at 5 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-10.1. Ca re Ne t at Te xas Stat e, a program dedicated to helping those with unplanned pregnancies, meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-3.1. Te xas Stat e C ru meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Academic Services Building-South, Room 315. Th e Rock meets at 7:30 p.m. at the CSC chapel.


Ch i Alph a Ch rist ian F ellow sh ip meets for worship at 8 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320.

Caree r Serv ice s hosts a seminar on how to build electronic portfolios at 11 a.m. at Old Main, Room 320.

Ch rist ians on C amp us meets at 9:30 p.m. at the McCarty Student Center.

Ch rist ians at T exa s Sta te meets at noon in the LBJSC, Room 3-10.1. Cat ho lic Stu den t Ce nt er holds Mass and distributes ashes at 12:05 p.m. at the center.

Calen da r Su bmission Policy Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. D eadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Hours of Operation

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday -Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. noon - midnight Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk

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DEMOCRATS: Rose encourages students to think politically g Cont. from page 1

these issues we can’t get the votes; others we can.” Rose said the biggest policy issue he expects to face in the future is how to lower Texans’ property tax burden while at the same time improving excellence in public schools. He expects Perry to call a special session soon to overhaul school finance, which relies heavily on property tax revenues. The plan, which is called “Robin Hood” because it takes property tax revenues from wealthy school districts and gives it to poorer districts, has drawn criticism from homeowners in wealthy districts are already being taxed close to the maximum amount. Proposals to restructure school finance have included legalizing video gambling at racetracks, increasing cigarette taxes, making businesses pay franchise taxes and offering incentives to teachers and schools that produce highachieving students. The one thing state leaders — Rose not excluded — have not proposed is a state income tax. Rose said there would not be an income tax if he could help it. “(Not having an income tax) is one of our unique advantages we have in Texas from an economic-development standpoint and from a family standpoint. We are a relatively low tax-burden state,” Rose said. “When we look for changes in the tax code to get (the tax burden) off of property tax payers, we need to look for fairness and uniformity, but I don’t think we need to look at the income tax.” He said another important issue for students he is addressing is transportation. One of the things Rose is working on is the establishment of a commuter rail that would connect Georgetown with San Marcos along the I-35 corridor.

News Briefs

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Currently, The Union Pacific Railroad owns the right of way on rail lines that pass through San Marcos. Rose said he is working to get Union Pacific to use rail lines east of San Marcos so commuter trains can use the line that passes through the city. “Talk was originally that it was not going to go all the way to San Marcos,” Rose said. “We are working in our office to make sure that it does. For folks that are commuters from North Austin, we need to give that option.” Rose encouraged anyone interested to attend his re-election campaign opener from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Dripping Springs “Old” High School Gym, located at 510 W. Mercer St. Tim Small, College Democrats president and public administration senior, worked on Rose’s first election campaign and encourages others to get involved in the political process. “ T h e campaign trail was — Patrick Rose e x c i t i n g , ” District 45 State Small said. Representative “I would help with d e b a t e (preparation) and talk issues out. It was a really great opportunity to get involved and learn about the political process.” He said it is important that students get involved in politics regardless of the party. “It’s not so important what party you identify with, it’s more that you identify with the political process,” Small said. “I think there is a huge hurdle that we as young people have to get over and that hurdle is that we believe that people that are elected leaders don’t pay attention to us. One of the interesting things that I have realized by organizing College Democrats is that when you’re organized, you’re united and you’re powerful. You have a voice.”

“We can win races, we can help shape policy and we can make the state a better place, but only if we get involved,”


The headline on page one of Thursday’s edition was inaccurate. It should have read: “Event promoter clarifies intentions.”

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Scientists want to be ready to block asteroid

A huge asteroid heading for Earth could kill 1.5 billion people and devastate the planet, scientists at an international gathering said Monday in Garden Grove, Calif. The only question is when. “It could happen this year or in a century or in a millennium” or far longer, said David Morrison, a space expert at NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, in Northern California. Whenever it does, he said, we need to be ready. Making sure that we are is the mission of 120 scientists and engineers attending the four-day gathering called the Defense Planetary Conference: Protecting Earth From Asteroids, which began Monday at the Hyatt Regency hotel. Billed as the first major conference of its kind, the confab has attracted astronomers, aerospace engineers, astronauts and emergency preparedness specialists from throughout the United States as well as Italy, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany and Russia. Among the strategies to be discussed are such extravagant-sounding scenarios as deflecting asteroids with nuclear warheads, lasers and mirrors — which would create gas jets that would disrupt the object’s trajectory. “We have reached a point in the evolution of life on this planet where we can actually do something about this, but not if we don’t start planning,” said Bill Ailor, director of the Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies at the Aerospace Corp. in El Segundo, Calif., which organized the conference along with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Reston, Va. “Our goal,” Ailor said, “is to raise the consciousness of the public and of people who work in the field.”

Kerry leads Edwards in California primary

A week before California’s Democratic presidential primary, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry leads North Carolina Sen. John Edwards by a lopsided 56 percent to 24 percent among likely voters in the race, according to a new Los Angeles Times poll. The survey also found that, while many voters are still unaware of them, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s two budget measures on the March 2 ballot are winning a majority, thanks partly to his aggressive campaign for voter approval.

n n



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One of them, Proposition 57, which would authorize up to $15 billion in bonds to help balance the state budget, has the support of 51 percent of voters with 34 percent opposed — once the measure was explained to them. The other, Proposition 58, which would require the Legislature to pass a balanced budget, had a broader 58 percent to 23 percent lead once voters were read the measure’s ballot statement. But two other ballot measures were in trouble, the poll found. Proposition 55, a $12 billion school bond, was ahead narrowly — 49 percent to 41 percent. Proposition 56 — a proposal to lower the Legislature’s vote threshold for passing a budget, in effect abolishing the Republican minority’s power to block tax hikes — was losing 39 percent to 46 percent. On all of the propositions, a substantial chunk of the electorate was still undecided even after being told about the measures.

Another discovery of nuclear activity found in Iran TEHRAN, Iran — International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors have discovered that Iran produced and experimented with polonium, an element useful in initiating the chain reaction that produces a nuclear explosion, according to two individuals familiar with a report the inspectors will submit to the United Nations this week. Iran reportedly acknowledged the experiments but offered an explanation involving another of polonium’s other possible uses, which include power generation. The IAEA noted the explanation and left the issue “hanging there,” said one person familiar with the matter. The experiments were described by this person as occurring “some time ago.” The discovery is the latest example of a nuclear activity that Iran had not previously disclosed. Earlier, it was revealed that Iran had obtained plans and parts for a nuclear centrifuge, a sophisticated machine used to enrich uranium for use in power plants, as well as in nuclear weapons. Iran insists it always intended its nuclear program to be used only to supply electrical power. Polonium is a radioactive, silvery-gray or black metallic element. The most common natural isotope is polonium210. It has some industrial purposes, but can also be utilized, in combination with beryllium, to make sure that the chain reaction leading to a nuclear explosion is initiated at precisely the right moment. Briefs are from wire reports.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

ETHICS: Council members’ intentions in question g Cont. from page 1

Burkett Transit Advertising. Narvaiz, president and chief executive officer of Sedona Staffing, used Burkett’s advertising services for her company as well as for her political campaign. Clendennen alleged that her contract with Burkett didn’t stipulate political advertising, and she failed to report the arrangement on her campaign finance documents. When the council entered discussion about a city contract where Burkett had defaulted on their services, Narvaiz abstained from voting on the matter, but did not file an affidavit stating her involvement with Burkett. Narvaiz said the city attorney had confirmed her belief that neither her participation in the City Council discussion of Burkett nor her contractual business with the company represented a conflict of interest. “There were questions about the contract Narvaiz had with Burkett,” Clendennen said. “We were wondering if this was a conflict of interest.” However, it is unclear how Clendennen became familiar with Narvaiz’s campaign finances. When asked how he found out about Narvaiz’s involvement with Burkett and the company’s business relating to the city, Clendennen said that it’s public information obtainable through the city attorney’s office. He said he noticed the discussion item pertaining to the city’s contract with Burkett on the council’s executive session agenda. However, specific information is not generally made available about executive session proceedings on the agenda. Narvaiz said Robert Vance, also a resident of the south San Marcos neighborhood, made inquiries about her campaign finances prior to Clendennen’s ethics complaint. She said the request for her

The University Star - 3


campaign disclosure files was made after the San Marcos Daily Record published a letter to the editor, in which she stated the City Council had done everything it could to correct the disannexation dispute and it was time to move on. “I offered to sit down with Mr. Vance and answer his questions, but he didn’t return my call,” Narvaiz said. Vance could not be reached for comment. In a statement made during the Feb. 9 City Council meeting, council member John Thomaides said he overheard a conversation in the City Hall lobby in which one individual said to another that if an additional ethics complaint were

International Office director, filed a fourth ethics complaint. His complaint alleged a conflict of interest violation against Diaz, who owns property in the disannexed area. Diaz participated in discussions about the matter but abstained from voting. “I’m interested in assuring that all the council members’ actions are ethical,” Seese said. “(Diaz’s) situation was very similar to Habingreither and Taylor’s. It was a matter of being complete.” Seese said he did not agree with the complaints against Habingreither and Taylor, pointing to an Oct. 31 Daily Record letter to the editor written by real estate appraiser D o n Graham. The column includes G r a h a m ’s statement that there is — Bob Seese no discernTexas State International Office Director able difference in value of a filed a majority of the council like property located in or outwould be investigated. side the city of San Marcos. “When they filed the com“Why didn’t they settle this a plaint against Narvaiz, if they long time ago? We have the artiwould have filed a complaint cle there that indicates, apparagainst (council member John) ently from a reputable appraiser, Diaz at the same time, they would not have had a quorum,” that there is no special economsaid Ernest Murry, south San ic effect as far as having your property in or out of the city,” Marcos neighborhood resident. Murry denies making the Seese said. “By all rights, statement in the City Hall lobby, Habingreither, Taylor and Diaz, but said the numbers were easy the whole thing should be shot down.” enough for anyone to see. If four of the seven council Seese said that the crux of the members have abstained from a issue was resting on the special discussion because of ethical economic effect definition. As conflicts, city code states that stated in the city ethics ordithe full council may return to nance, a violation would occur participation on the matter with- if a council member took part in out ethical concern in order to a decision making process that ensure a voting quorum is preshad special economic effect on ent. his or her property. “If you know how the game “You can see that there’s is played, it’s just like obviously a couple of sides to Congress,” Murry said. “Once the issue here with regards to you pull a political tool, it’s fair the ethics commission,” Seese game for everyone.” The statement Thomaides said. “The complaint (that) overheard occurred Jan. 26. On could be made that it’s being Jan. 28, Bob Seese, south San dragged into the election. It’s a Marcos neighborhood subsec- funny town to me because it’s so tion D resident and Texas State political for being so small.”

“Why didn’t they settle this a long time ago? We have the article there that indicates, apparently from a reputable appraiser, that there is no special economic effect as far as having your property in or out of the city,”

SAKURA: Festival to celebrate tradition g Cont. from page 1

Language program director, and Katsuyoshi Kanna, NCN adviser, opened the ceremony by reading a letter from the NCN president. Kanna read the letter aloud in Japanese while Schiller translated it to English. He wrote that he hoped the beauty of the flowers will symbolize to the students, faculty, students and visitors the deep-rooted and group relationship that exists between the university and Japan. The Sakura Festival is an ancient Japanese event that celebrates the rich, pink color of the cherry trees that bloom during the spring. The blossoms are a reminder of fresh beginnings and symbolize a

life lived to the fullest. NCN was officially launched at SWT in 1997 and has more than 140 Japanese participants. Texas State is one of 12 campuses across the nation that hosts NCN students. San Marcos Mayor Robert Habingreither, technology chair, also spoke at the dedication and commented on the symbolic substitution of peach and Mexican plum trees in place of cheery blossom trees. The traditional trees that are celebrated in the festival are not suited to grow in the Texas climate, but they are closely related to the peach and plum tree species, which adapt well to the Southwest environment. To solve the geographic problem, cheery blossom trees

were grafted to the other trees. “As the trees are grafted to adapt to our environment, both parts of the tree will strengthen as they grow, just as the international students will help our university grow in the years to come,” Habingreither said. The inaugural Sakura Festival will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. April 7 in the LBJ Student Center. The event is open to anyone interested in Japanese culture and will feature Japanese food and a variety of events such as origami demonstrations, taiko drumming and a kimono fashion show. “We’ve been working very hard to make the festival a success and would like for as many people as possible to come,” Fukuda said.

I m p os i t i o n of A s he s 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 25 St. Mark’s Church (across from The Tower)

Free soup dinner afterward. H i g h e r G ro u n d www.highergroundtxstate.edu (Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry)

Andrew Nenque/Star photo Miwako Oishi, geography junior, in her first week of working at Alkek Library, organizes business and marketing books. Oishi enjoys the slow times after the rush of students pass through.

Texas State Counseling Center Presents:

Love SomeBody;

Your Body


Wednesday, February 25 10 am - 4 pm LBJ Student Center 3-14.1 10–10:50 Conscious Eating - Joanne Applegate, LPC, will address the criteria, causes and approach to managing emotional eating. 11–11:50 Just What Is an Eating Disorder? Blanca Sanchez-Navarro, LPC, will provide a description of eating disorders and clarify the differences between these and what many call “disordered eating”. 1–1:50 What’s the Skinny on Fad Diets? The Network, a peer education organization, will discuss the pros & cons of several popular diets, positive alternatives for effective weight loss strategies and reasons why people fall prey to false weight loss claims. 2–2:50 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Body Image The Network will explore the issues that surround dieting, media and particularly the emphasis placed on women & men to achieve a “perfect” body. 3–3:50 Eating (a good diet) Makes You Strong: the Case Against Restricted Eating Sylvia Crixell, PhD, RD, will present the facts about the importance of nutrition for the demands of college life and beyond.

For special accommodations, please contact the Counseling Center at: Phone - (512) 246-2208 Fax - (512) 245-2234 Email - bs05@txstate.edu

OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487

Page 4


THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Hispanic recruitment focus could aid university


resident Trauth is hoping to move the focus of the new student recruitment to the Hispanic population. In an article in the AustinAmerican Statesman Sunday, Trauth spoke about her plans to make it a priority for Texas State to boost the percentage of the Hispanic student population from 18 to 25 percent. This is a very intelligent move for the university to make for several reasons. First off, the 25-percent Hispanic population is almost

exactly the percentage of Hispanics in the surrounding communities. Working toward that number is really more reflective of the fact that we are accommodating the surrounding regions fairly. Also, the Hispanic population has recently overtaken the black population to become the largest minority in the United States. So, the school is attempting to serve that large population — most of which is located in the more southern regions of the nation.

are not Hispanic. However, this is a good move as long as it serves its purpose of making this institution more diverse by actively recruiting the Hispanic population. Trauth obviously feels passionately about this because it was the main point of her introduction at the affirmative action panel Feb. 12. Her views on affirmative action were made clear when she said that affirmative action is not about quotas but equalizing differences between the races.

As the Statesman article pointed out, if we were to reach this goal, Texas State would become the largest four-year Hispanicserving institution in Texas. Another reason this is a good move is that becoming a Hispanicserving institute would allow the university to attain grant money that is not available to schools that do not hold that title. One problem with this move is that we must be cautious that it does not exclude more qualified applicants simply because they

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letter s p ol i cy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Court rules that love knows no gender

Nader only makes things worse

A popular slogan among gone from a record surplus to the left these days is a deficit that would blow “Anyone but Bush.” While I Ronald Reagan’s mind. You think that really conveys the know you have hit the big right idea for this country, I time when you can outwould like to deficit Reagan. add another sloWe are in the Sean Wardwell gan to the repermiddle of a Guest Columnist toire — war that cannot “Anyone but be won, a war Nader.” that was fought for fictitious If any of you reading this reasons. I’m glad Saddam would look back through The was captured and I’m sure that oral exam will be Star archives, you would see that Ralph Nader had few replayed ad-nausem in Bush stronger supporters than ads, but was it really worth myself. I helped found the more than 500 American Campus Greens in 2000. lives? Was it worth unleashSupporting Nader cost me a ing anarchy upon Iraq? It lot professionally and perseems the people of Iraq are sonally, but I don’t regret it. so happy about being “liberNader was the only person ated” they are detonating raising the important issues themselves in the middle of in that race. He was prophet- their “liberators.” ic regarding issues such as We have a president who Enron, outsourced jobs and likes to play dress-up in milithe staggering cost of health tary uniforms but could care. Al Gore was far too never find the time to wear dependent on polls and an his when he was actually in overloading of advisers. the military. Bush had to get the White We have a president who, House like he got all of his in the middle of high unemother jobs — through his ployment, skyrocketing dad’s friends. Let’s be clear; health care costs and other nobody really won in 2000. issues that actually matter, In 2004 there is a golden would rather spend his time opportunity to send Bush finding a way to prevent back to Texas. In a way, I’m homosexuals from being able glad Bush got his four years. to marry. He wants to use the Democrats and liberals (one Constitution to make homodoes not always equal the sexuals second-class citizens. other) needed to see how bad That is not being a conservait could get again. Now we tive; that is being a bigot. I know. In four years we have don’t care what your funny

The University Star 601 University Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

little book says or what you ran through your Abrahambegat-Isaac decoder ring, it’s being a bigot and it’s being un-American. If Nader were to run again it would make the Democrats have to fight a war on two fronts. It would guarantee the liberal vote, that is so desperately needed, would be split into two camps. One would consist of liberals who are cognizant of the fact compromises must be made and that a Democrat would carry their agenda farther than a Republican. The other camp would be more than comfortable burning the house down for the sake of burning the house down. These are the same liberals who go to protest after pointless protest. These are the same liberals who think it is better to stand outside with a sign, screaming at power instead of going inside and participating in it. That is not participation in the democratic process. That is not activism. All that this pointless pseudo-political activity amounts to is masturbation. It is just an exercise, making yourself feel good. I think I speak for all of us progressives (at least the ones with brains) when I say we really don’t need you if you insist on acting this way. Democracy is an adult process that deserves adult

Editor In Chief............................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.....................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor.........................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.....................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor......................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor.........Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu

debate and not stupid and thoughtless comparisons of the president to Hitler. He’s bad, but not that bad. Few are. Nader has yet to make up his mind, but many say he is committed to running as an Independent. He has publicly stated that he would not run if Dennis Kucinich wins the nomination, but that’s not going to happen. Many people have asked him not to run. He makes a good point when he says nobody can deny you the right to run for office and it smacks of tampering in the democratic process. The only problem is that you need a better reason to run for office than “just because I can.” This year is going to be a watershed year in American politics. If we have four more years of Bush, there might not be enough of this country left to elect future presidents. It is time for the left to band together, grow up and accept the situation as it is. Getting Bush out is bigger than one person’s ego trip. Ralph, for the love of providence, stay home this year. Otherwise you might destroy the village while trying to save it. Wardwell is a former columnist and opinions editor of The University Star.

Photo Editor..................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.........Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Art Director...........................................Christy Gray, cg1056@txstate.edu Calendar of Events...........Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu

This month has given way to to be. We should know by now an unprecedented turn of events that “natural” does not always regarding the right for gay and imply “good” just as “is” does lesbian couples to marry. After not always imply what “ought to leaping countless hurdles of be.” backlash, the Massachusetts Many have condemned the Supreme Court managed to actions in Massachusetts and remain unwavering in a recent California by stating that they are reconfirmation of its decision “shoving gay marriage down our made November 2003 allowing throats.” Allowing gays and lesgay marriages, stating bians to marry does that nothing short of not mean the govTre Miner marriage is a viable ernment is forcing option for same-sex anyone to accept the couples. religious legitimacy To add fuel to the of gay marriage, fire, San Francisco only its legality, just Mayor Gavin Newsom as the majority of upped the ante by Americans don’t breaking state law and approve of the allowing the county beliefs of the Ku Star Columnist clerk to issue same-sex Klux Klan though marriage licenses, the Klan has the resulting in a slew of legal comright, just like any other group, to plaints. Hundreds of couples march and burn crosses. from all around the country gathA large percentage of people is ered outside the City Clerk’s willing to settle with the notion office to get married on the spot of Vermont-style civil unions, but to their significant others, regard- such an enactment, as the less of gender, just in time for Massachusetts court put it, “ … Valentine’s Day. continues to relegate same-sex Newsom is a great example of couples to a different status.” a politician who has removed Civil unions in Vermont only prohimself from the protective shell vide state marital benefits, not the of lip service in order to push for federal benefits that their “equivmarital equality. While most alent” counterparts do. Separate politicos fear becoming a politibut “equal” will not hold for long cal and social pariah, Newsom as the push for equality continknew taking such risks was necues. essary for promoting the greater Many forms of marriage have good. It is this attitude — placing evolved beyond their divine predcivil rights before both religious ecessors of centuries past into a intolerance and judicial legality more inclusive and secular act — that will help perpetuate posi(such is the case with the Justice tive change and growth as a soci- of the Peace). To defend marital ety. sanctimony by appealing to oldConservative activists are cryworld, outdated marriage cusing “foul” at Newsom’s actions, toms, along with the whole constating that he failed to comply cept maintaining “American famwith the law when making his ily values,” is to fallaciously decision. One could argue that cling to traditions that no longer breaking the law is justifiable fulfill the broader needs of our when fighting intolerance and society. We cannot let religion discrimination. Sometimes define something that no longer change must come from the heart adheres exclusively to religious and not from a book of morals or customs. a list of rules. Though our fear of the Religious advocates have gone unknown may bar some from blue in the face attacking the their rights, such discrimination notion of same-sex marriage with is only temporary. The fight for quasi-ambiguous phrases about equality is a long one with barridefending “the sanctity of marers such as child adoption, endriage” or its threat of “tearing of less lawsuits and a possible federour nation’s moral fabric,” which, al marriage amendment along the in all honesty, means very little way, but we are definitely headed other than the belief that gay in the right direction. Many who marriage is religiously immoral, a witnessed the long lines of samebelief that in no way justifies the sex newlyweds-to-be may have current laws banning such pracuttered the phrase, “What is the tices. Laws founded on Biblical world coming to?” But for those notions, or any other religious who know that love — the notion, violate the secular ethics essence of marriage — knows no our country has fought so hard to gender, it was truly a beautiful sustain. The need, as stated by and momentous occasion. many, to preserve the “natural Miner is a political science family” is only a single subjecsophomore. tive view of what a family ought

Advertising Graduate Asst...........Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager........Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord...........Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Co pyr ight F eb rua ry 24, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

T h e U ni v e rs i t y S t a r

Trendy Thoughts

T RENDS ......................................retro exchange “I threw a party. I got really drunk and hit on a bunch of girls.” — Alb ert Ngu ye n po lit ical scien ce jun ior

“I spent V-day with my girlfriend watching TV, then I went to dinner at a friend’s house, then drinking afterwards.” — Wa de Sp ivey geo grap hy sen ior

“At home with my daughter.” — Tara D avis h istory jun ior

......................................retro exchangex How did you spend your Valentine’s Day?

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 — Page 5

p l o r e s

Local store shows recycling isn’t just for cans anymore


Brian Garcia/Star photo The Retro Exchange, located at 314 N. LBJ Drive, buys, sells and trades retro clothing.

Mardi Gras celebrations date back to the Middle Ages BY T ERRY MA RT IN EZ SE NI OR RE PO RT ER Mardi Gras is not all about beads and boobs. The history of this celebration is quite sketchy, but according to several sources, such as the www.historychannel.com, Mardi Gras dates back to medieval times and pagan orgies that celebrated the beginning of a new season by divulging in behavior that would otherwise be considered risqué. Historychannel.com said, “Mardi Gras (is) the last day before the fasting season of Lent. It is the French name for Shrove Tuesday. Literally translated, the term means Fat Tuesday and was so called because it represented the last opportunity for

merrymaking and excessive indulgence in food and drink before the solemn season of fasting. In the cities of some Roman Catholic countries, the custom of holding carnivals for Mardi Gras has continued since the Middle Ages.” According to www.mardigrasneworleans.com, the French in New Orleans were having private masked balls and parties in 1718, but the Spanish government took control and parties and street dancing were banned. In 1827, when Americans were in power, the right to party in masks was restored. Mardi Gras has come a long way since then. Since 1857, New Orleans natives formed Krewes, organizations that helped organize the parties that the Spanish declared illegal in

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leans.com/zulu/index, “The earliest signs of organization came from the fact that the majority of these men belonged to a Benevolent Aid Society. Benevolent Societies were the first forms of insurance in the black community where, for a small amount of dues, members received financial help when sick or financial aid when burying deceased members.” Of course, to Texans Mardi Gras is just a celebration. Steeped in traditions or otherwise — “Laissez les bon temps rouler!”

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the area. According to www.mardigrasneworleans.com, “Most Mardi Gras Krewes developed from private social clubs that have restrictive membership policies. Since all of these parade organizations are completely funded by its members, we call it the ‘Greatest Free Show on Earth!’” In addition to the Krewes that several New Orleans natives formed, blacks who were ousted by the locals decided to form their own celebrations and clubs called Zulus. Noted in www.mardigrasnewor-

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ester. This of course was not fit to wear, much less sale, but was fun to look at nonetheless. Not to be overlooked, Retro Exchange also carries a nice selection of accessories: trucker hats, caps, belts, handbags and shoes. Not only does this little shop provide a decent means to expend an afternoon, it’s also a great way to gain a little extra cash. Retro Exchange will buy or barter just about anything you bring in, “as long as it is clean and appropriate for young people to wear,” Yarovinski said. Retro Exchange is very economical and a Texas State student-friendly establishment. It has yet to erect a sign, but Yarovinski explained that it is in the works. The next time the weather is agreeable and you have an hour or two to kill between classes, consider checking out Yarovinski’s Retro Exchange. It is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, and the couple is eager to greet and help newcomers adapt to shopping on the other side of the fashion industry … the “recycled” side.


The leather was kept on hangers in the back. One jacket in particular, priced for $15, was a colorful patchwork resembling a tacky upholstered love seat you might notice on That ’70s Show. However, it somehow worked as an attractive jacket. Yarovinski presented me with a few more impressive articles of clothing, very reasonably priced, and then took me to a back room where his really impressive finds were stowed. Of these gems was an original Levi’s denim jacket that he explained was first released in the mid 1950s; the jacket was in remarkable condition. He kept a large bag of rock ’n’ roll tour Ts, which he explained were not for sale. Most of these dated back to the early ’80s. A 1980 Blue Oyster Cult, a 1980 Barry Manilow world tour and a 1980 Billy Joel/Elton John T-shirt are just a few examples of the many precious tops. One in particular carried a faded logo, Southwind Band, and was made 50/50 percent cotton and polyester. It was so worn the cotton had washed away and all that held the shirt together was loosely woven poly-


1980 is considered prime-vintage. “Everything you see here was hand selected personally, by me, in Brownsville, and because we produce our own supply, that is why our clothing is so cheap,” Yarovinski said. The selection does not disappoint. I was given the grand tour through rainbow aisles of vintage Ts, polyester pants and leather jackets, all priced no higher than $20. I asked Yarovinski if he had any special items that an inexperienced vintage shopper might overlook; he led me straight to the western section. I was shown two authentic ’60s western button-downs, each for just $10. His favorite was the white one with red paisley-patterned inlays — no sign of wear or tear. “In L.A., a piece like this would go for $40-45. Who knows what they would go for in Europe. Here there are so many and you can buy them for less,” Yarovinski said. A young female customer who overheard Yarovinski added, “Most places with a selection like this are ridiculously overpriced. It really takes away the fun from this kind of shopping.”


What is it that makes rummaging through a vintage clothing shop so much more charming than scuffling through hoards of people in those ever-so-popular factory outlet hot spots? Is it because many of us thrive in an appreciation for antiquity? Is it that with certain articles of clothing one may actually feel the essence of its previous owner? Or perhaps it is because prices are actually reasonable compared to typical outlet prices, making it more appealing to the financially challenged college student. For whatever reason, if one habitually finds herself rustling through shops like these, she should consider taking a short walk down N. LBJ Drive near Subway and Hemptown Rock to the Retro Exchange. Opened last November, Retro Exchange is the most recent addition to San Marcos’ world of “recycled fashion,” a term coined by friendly co-owner Edward Yarovinksi. Together with his wife Moana, Yarovinski has been in the recycled fashion biz for nearly 20 years. The couple first opened shop off Melrose in Los Angeles, a place called Industry Rag. They have a distribution center in Brownsville, where heaps of clothing are shipped in from all over the place. Yarovinski explained that today’s American street clothes are all MTV inspired. Aside from the obvious trends such as ’60s disco and Texas western, fashion’s epicenter was in Europe — women’s from France and men’s from Italy. Any decent article of clothing that appears to predate

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Cult Classics

6 - The University Star

Austin Ladyfest benefit celebrates women, arts

By Ian Ragsdale


Title: Mommie Dearest Director: Frank Perry Yr. Released: 1981 Starring: Faye Dunaway, Mara Hobel, Diana Scarwid, Howard Da Silva Somewhere between an E! True Hollywood Story and a horror movie lies Mommie Dearest, a campy bio-pic about the unladylike behavior of Joan Crawford — movie star, mother and allaround bitch-and-a-half. The terrible but quotable screenplay is based on a tell-all “novel” by Christina Crawford, Joan’s adopted daughter, which was published just one year after the star was put six feet under. The fact that Christina waited until her mother’s death allows for speculation about the veracity of her story, but there should be very little dispute regarding claims that this is a terrible, terrible movie. This shouldn’t discourage people from watching

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

it. Like a car wreck, the movie simultaneously sickens and enchants. Dunaway plays Joan, chewing the scenery while wearing more makeup than Queen Elizabeth. Her maniacal outbursts are accompanied by outrageous one-liners — “When you polish the floor you have to move the tree!” and “No wire hangers!” — and the scurrying of young children and movie industry executives. Needless to say, things don’t exactly go smoothly for Joan and company. Ditto for the editors, who, it seems, realized the futility of having continuity on this picture and let things slide so that cult movie fanatics would have more to talk about. And indeed they do, as will any group of college students that gets together to see this cinematic H-bomb dud.

Most Memorable Scene: Joan goes berserk at the sight of a dress hanging on a lousy wire hanger. Quote: “Tina! Bring me the axe!”

Beth Westbrook/Ladyfesttx.org photo By Armando Flores


Ainjel Emme performs at Ladyfest.

Title: Juju Artist: Siouxsie and The Banshees Yr. Released: 1981 Label: Geffen

One of the defining albums of the Brit-goth era, Juju encases rare gems that encapsulate Siouxsie and The Banshees in the late ’70s/early ’80s. The band’s fourth album, Juju, provides raw and sometimes disturbing songs that could only be performed by the Brits. “Monitor” is almost mechanical in its composure, with Siouxsie droning such lines as, “Then the victim stared up/looked strangely at the screen/as if her pain was our fault/but that’s entertainment.” The sarcasm abounds throughout the album, especially on “Spellbound,” which mentions toys gone berserk and throwing your elders

down the stairs for not saying their prayers. If there is a leitmotif to the album, it would be the macabre. “Head Cut” finds “shrunken heads under the bed/the flies are humming,” while the creepy “Night Shift” offers a cadaver “looking so sweet to me/please come to me with your cold flesh, my cold love.” Although the band ended up becoming poppier in the late ’80s, it stayed true to its goth-punk roots for the majority of the decade. But if any album should be looked upon as classic Siouxsie, it would have to be Juju.

Superlative songs: “Spellbound,” “Halloween,” “Night Shift,” “Sin In My Heart”


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BY ANNA LISA MORENO TRENDS REPORTER AUSTIN — Girl power was in full effect at Saturday’s Ladyfest benefit at the Carousel Lounge, which was one of many benefits held to raise funds for the upcoming four-day Ladyfest in May. Ladyfest is a nonprofit festival that invites the community to celebrate women in the arts. “It’s a way to force people to realize that we’re here and that there needs to be more women involvement in film, art or music,” said Anna Giuliani, public relations spokeswoman for Ladyfest. Saturday’s Ladyfest benefit featured performances from Pieces of East, Eliza Wren and Ainjel Emme. Pieces of East started things with a high-energy performance. Its eclectic blend of violins, bongos and keyboards gave its sound a defining Eastern vibe with an urban Santanameets-Dave Matthews undertone. Wren and Emme presented a more alternative appeal in their performances. Wren gave a poppy, alternative performance enhanced by her upbeat vocal drive. Emme ended the benefit with a cheerful acoustic performance, singing original songs as well as covers

from the Everly Brothers, Roy Orbinson, The Ronettes and The Beatles. But it was her strong vocal performance during her set that was most impressive. Like the other artists, Emme believes in the purpose and spirit of Ladyfest. “Being a woman is still a challenge in this world, and being an artist is doubly so,” Emme said. “Having a forum like Ladyfest gives us an opportunity to see how valid and important the work that we do is.” As well as music, attendees of the benefit were given complementary henna tattoos and an opportunity to register to vote. The “herstory” of Ladyfest began in 2000 in Olympia, Wash. The response to the first festival was international. Countries such as Scotland, Canada and Indonesia have put on the festival with the hopes of spreading awareness among women of their astonishing capabilities. “Women tend to get pitted against each other in the entertainment industry; that can make us lose sight of what we’re trying to accomplish artistically,” Emme said. “Ladyfest provides an environment in which we can flourish and create together, rather than in spite of each other.” Giuliani expressed that one of the goals of Ladyfest is to inspire women to start making art rather than just

consuming it. “It’s celebrating and showing the achievements of women in music, art and film,” said Kim Francis, pubic relations coordinator for Ladyfest. Unlike most festivals, Ladyfest has no sponsors. Instead, it is funded through benefits such as the one Saturday. “All these benefits are for Ladyfest, which in itself is a huge benefit,” Giuliani said. In addition to the festival, Ladyfest has given a portion of its proceeds to the Girl Empowerment Network in Austin, Casa Amiga and the Lilith Fund. However, the lack of corporate and local support has caused Ladyfest to remain an underground event. “Maybe a reason that some people aren’t interested in Ladyfest is that there’s kind of a denial to the level of discrimination that’s out there for women who want to play music or do art,” Francis said. “Part of the reason we’re doing this is to give women an opportunity to play places or display art places that they normally wouldn’t get to,” Giuliani said. “For example, Ladyfest is at Emo’s and not a lot of women bands have played the main stage and that’s a big deal.” For information on Ladyfest and how you can participate, visit www.ladyfesttx.org.

Mardi Gras Crawfish Boil! Tuesday, February 24 5:30-8:00 pm St. Mark’s Church




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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

College Guy by Christy Gray

Good Lord!! What happened? Just got off the bus. There were a few too many people on it.


The University Star - 7

That’s an understatement. I thought having three girls on top of you was suppose to be a good experience.

The 4th Dimension

By Nick Tracy...

Mardi Gras cake fit for a king BY T ERRY MA RTI NE Z SE NI OR RE PO RT ER

Today’s slang C.B.S ., C .A.S.: Self explanatory, really. The former stands for cute, but smokes; the latter for cute and smokes. Example: That guy at the club was hot, but C.B.S. I met this girl that I could date. Not only does she like sports, but she’s a major C.A.S.

The king cake tradition is one of the perks of Mardi Gras. Who would be able to resist a piece of heavily-iced bread decorated with bright yellow, purple and green sprinkles? Someone who’s afraid of getting the traditionally-placed baby, that’s who. According to www.kingcakes.com, “In New Orleans, popular custom holds that the finder of the baby must purchase the next cake and throw a party. King cake came to be associated with Mardi Gras because its traditional appearance on Epiphany (Jan. 6), also known as Twelfth Night or King’s Day, signals the start of the season of merriment (i.e., Carnival) that runs through Fat Tuesday.” This sweet cake’s close ties to the Twelfth Night brought its requisite popularity to the Mardi Gras celebration. Some area bakeries offering King cakes include Wal-Mart and H-E-B. Smaller area bakeries are less likely to carry a large supply of the cakes, so call ahead and see if they will comply with such a request. King cakes are also available at surrounding Central Markets and Fiesta Markets. Many Web sites offer overnight shipping on king cakes, so you may want to look at places such as www.gourmetfoodmall.com or the much-publicized www.kingcakes.com. Both Web sites offer packages that include beads, doubloons and authentic New Orleans coffee. Have your cake and eat it too — just watch for the plastic baby.

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Industrial Modern Living. $375 +, cable, ethernet, phone & w/d incl. AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Downstairs 1 bedroom apartment. $400/monthly, $200 deposit. 754-0954. (3/26) ____________________________ Great Community. 1/1 $460 +, 2/1 $480+, on shuttle, pets ok. Now preleasing for May ‘04!!! Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ $100 prelease + bonus offer, 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms w/d 396-1520. (2/3?) ____________________________ NO RENT TILL APRIL!! 1/1 $495+, 2/2 $685+, 3/2 $699+, w/dryer included (rest. apply) Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Big Dogs Okay! Walk or shuttle to class. most bills pd. w/cable. 1/1 $450+, 2/2 $595 + Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Small Community, 1/1 $450, 2/2 $650, with free wireless internet. Pet’s o.k Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. On-Site laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29)

for rent

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for sale

Nice 6 drawer blonde chest, $85, 4 shelf large pine bookshelf, $38, lane cedar chest w/drawer, $185. Oak Hall Tree, like new, $165, wicker vanity desk, $58, popazon, frame only, $48, Round pub table w/cast iron base, $48. Partin’s Furniture. 2108 Rand Road 12. Free delivery. 396-4684. (2/26) ____________________________ Oceanic Aquariums for sale. 30 gal hexagon $200, 30 gal. corner $100, 45 gal. lizard lounge $200. Like new, plus extras. 512-805-6127. (3/3) ____________________________ Wooden signs, letters, paddles, lap desks, names, custom, don’t pay retail (512)665-5617. (3/2)

help wanted

Gregson’s Antiques. Male wanted for loading & unloading antiques, customer service. $7/hr. Call for appointment 392-5600. (2/26) ____________________________ 17 students needed who will be paid to lose weight. 100% natural. Twyla (830)620-9401. (2/26) ____________________________ Child care needed for 4-year old and 9-month old. Please call 512-771-7418 for interview. (2/26) ____________________________ P/T Help Wanted. The Boxcar Swim and Surf, New Braunfels, Tx. 830-708-1818. (2/26) ____________________________ Now hiring for waitstaff. Apply in person. 541 Hwy 46. New Braunfels, Tx (3/3) ____________________________ CONTRACT PERSONAL TRAINER. Must be a certified personal trainer. Please contact Sharon Wild. (830) 606-282829, email: swild@mckinna.org Mckinna Health System. 600 N. Union St.., New braunfels, Tx 78130. (2/25) ____________________________ TEACHERS: Dynamic child development center needs quality teachers. FT/PT positions available. Lead, Assistant, Aid. Experience needed. Degree/ CDA. Bi-lingual, ASL preferred. Also accepting applications for bus driver, kitchen staff, and front office manager. Rocking Horse Academy, Kyle, 512-405-3700 or fax 512-405-3701. (2/26)

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help wanted

Help wanted: The San Marcos Parks & Recreation Dept. needs energetic individuals to work spring break madness camp (March 15-19, 2004.) Hours are 7:30 a.m-5:30pm, call LisAnne Foster at 393-8283 for more information or to set up an interview. (2/26) ____________________________ Tutor needed for organization, History 1320, Political science 2320, Bio 1310, MC Visual. $7.00/hr, 6 hrs/week. 512-289-3563. (2/26) ____________________________ Hiring experienced sales people. 353-0789 Health Club. (2/26) ____________________________ Soccer coaches wanted for youth soccer league. Great experience, resume builder! Contact Tony tlashley@aegistg.com ____________________________ Webmaster wanted for local youth soccer organization. Volunteer only. Great resume builder. Contact Tony at tlashley@aegistg.com ____________________________ Wimberly Eye Associates. Part-time office help, fax resume (512)847-2072. (2/26) ____________________________ The City of New Braunfels is accepting applications for seasonal positions in the park and Recreation Department: park rangers, lifeguards, cashiers, attendants, asst. managers, river spotters, laborers, counselors and swim instructors. Positions open until filled. Must be at least 16 YOA. 15 - 40hrs/wk, including weekends, holidays, and evenings. Starting pay range is $6.91 - $10.00 depending upon position. For more info. call 830-608-2160 or on the city website: www.ci.new-braunfels.tx.us (4/1) ____________________________ FITNESS MINDED. Exploding health & wellness company seeks sharp, motivated individual to help with sales marketing. Call 512-206-0620. (2/26) ____________________________ Part-time work. Great starting pay, flexible schedules around class, sales/service, training provided, perm/temp conditions apply, work in San Marcos, apply in Austin 512-458-6894. collegeincome.com (3/4) ____________________________ MODELS WANTED-All Sizes-All Shapes. Teens/College Students/Parents/Grandparents. Footed pajama internet business-. Please NO CALLS Apply online: http://www.kozykomfy.com/ modelapp.htm (2/25) ____________________________ Athletic, outgoing students for calendar greeting cards, etc. $50 - 150/hr no exp needed. 512-684-8296. (4/29) ____________________________ Web-Site Designer WANTED. JavaScript knowledge preferred. Footed pajama internet business-. Part-Time-Ideal job for a Student http://www.kozykomfy.com CALL 512-585-9100-Ask for Mark . (2/25)



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SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, e-mail campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride$open! 5.attractive models who ride well-trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatre-arts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext. 316. (2/19)


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ROOMMATE NEEDED NS F/M to share 2 br, 2 bath apartment. $325/mo, no deposit, utilities. Langtry Apartments, contact Vaudie 396-2673 or Chad 787-0863. (2/26) ____________________________ Roommate needed, spacious, very nice, 2 living areas, W/D, close to outlet mall. All Bills paid includes Cable. $350. Paige 353-2177. (2/26) ____________________________ Sublease in a 4bd/4ba, all bills paid except electricity. $405/month. 393-8500 or 361-275-9183. (2/26) ____________________________ 3/1 house $225 + 1/3 bills. Walk to campus. Call Ryan 832-283-2213. (2/26) ____________________________ Roommate needed ASAP for master bedroom on Crest. Someone who likes to have fun, but serious about school. No deposit, 1/3 utility, M/F. Call Leah-817-881-5324 or Derica 512-787-7842. (2/25)


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Wanted: Used cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell, please call Willis Mitchell at 353-4511. (4/29) ____________________________ Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)

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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The University Star - 9

Men’s basketball loses S co re b oa r d in weekend road trip

SLC Men’s BBall Standings

Texas state

WOMen’s BBall AT UTA 2/21/04 1st Half

By Chris Galligher Sports Reporter ARLINGTON — The men’s basketball team has to be looking forward to returning to the friendly confines of Strahan Coliseum. The team stumbled through a treacherous road trip this weekend, dropping games to Sam Houston State University and the University of Texas-Arlington to make it four losses of its last five games. At 12-11 overall and 7-5 in the Southland Conference, Texas State is one of six league teams with five losses, each of which is looking for the second spot in the tournament. The Bobcats traveled to Huntsville to take on SHSU Thursday. The Bobcats dug themselves into a hole early on, struggling from the floor and going more than three minutes before their first field goal. By the time the ’Cats were able to get on the board, they were trailing 13-1. The Bearkats continued to pile on the points and built a 22-8 lead before the Bobcats began to turn it around. With the help of guard Josh Naylor and forward Zach Allison, Texas State fought back and cut the lead to eight by halftime. The second half saw Texas State mount a couple valiant comeback efforts. First, the Bobcats hit three straight baskets to cut the lead to 66-60, but a three-pointer from SHSU killed the run. Four minutes later, Texas State responded with another run, cutting the lead to five with 3:34 to play, but once again they ran out of steam. The Bobcats never seriously threatened again and eventually fell, 86-73. Coach Dennis Nutt attributed the loss to the team’s struggles at the free-throw line, where it shot only 37 percent in the second half.

“We did a good job getting the ball inside, but the bottom line was we just didn’t make free throws,” Nutt said. Naylor led the team in scoring with 18 points, while guard Roosevelt Brown and Allison also put up double figures with 16 and 12, respectively. The Bobcats saw action Saturday with a trip to Arlington to take on UTA, and this time it was Texas State that came out with the early momentum, with forward Nick Ponder and guard Terry Conerway both hitting three-pointers to help the Bobcats jump out to an early 6-point lead. But UTA answered right back with a run of its own to take a 10-6 lead with 14:49 to play in the first. After trailing by as many as seven, the ’Cats mounted a late first half run, thanks in large part to the rebounding and scoring of forward Anthony Dill, taking the lead back with 1:35 to play in the first. The Mavericks once again answered back and went into the locker room leading 33-30. The second half saw the Bobcats struggling with shooting the ball; they shot only 35 percent from the floor and 56 percent from the line. These obstacles proved to be too much to overcome, and the ’Cats saw the Mavericks pull away for a 74-63 win. Conerway led the team in scoring with 20 points in a losing effort. Dill turned in a terrific performance off the bench with 14 points and eight rebounds. Despite the team’s struggles, Nutt seemed optimistic about the team’s upcoming games. “We are going through some hard times right now,” Nutt said. “But the good news is we have four games to turn it around.” Texas State returns home to face the University of Texas-San Antonio at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. That game can be heard on KTSW 89.9 FM or on the Internet at Boostercast.com.

Baseball: ’Cats take two of three against ULL, Baylor up next g Cont. from page 10

Down five runs early on, Texas State was never able to dig itself out of the hole. The Bobcats managed to get on the board in the fifth when sophomore left fielder Tony Chavez walked and was driven home by senior center fielder Evan Tierce. The Ragin’ Cajuns answered back in the top of the sixth when junior shortstop Justin Menendino scored on a single from senior Brett Buras. The sixth inning score would be ULL’s last for the afternoon, but would be all it needed as Texas State only mustered two more runs to make the final 6-3. Sunday’s rubber match turned out to a be the first lowscoring game of the series, with senior Tom Robbins getting the start for the Bobcats and junior Kevin Ardoin as the Ragin’ Cajuns starter. Cooper drove in the game’s first run in the fourth inning with a double that scored Tierce,

who had reached base on an error. Later in the sixth, Cooper led off with a double. Martinez continued the trend with a double of his own to score Cooper. A couple batters later, Ardoin would be done for the day with a respectable line of 5.2 innings pitched and only one earned run allowed. A blister on the middle finger of Robbins’ pitching hand began to form sometime in the second inning but did not burst until the sixth frame, forcing Robbins to exit early with six scoreless innings. Junior Chris Jean continued to baffle hitters for the next two innings facing the minimum six batters, while fanning two. In the bottom of the eighth, Harrington told Ramos to start warming his pitching arm. Ramos came in and on the fifth pitch ULL’s Buras sent a blast to left-center field. Junior left fielder Matt Miller made the play of the day with a diving leap to catch the ball before

tumbling head over heels. The next batter hit a fly ball to Rodriguez, who hustled and made a diving catch. But Rodriguez was not finished, as the next pitch was sent to short right field. Rodriguez turned immediately around and took off in a dead sprint. Leaping with his back to the plate, Rodriguez lost his hat but held on to the ball when he collided with the outfield grass to record the final out of Texas State’s 2-0 win. “I came off the mound screaming ‘what you know about my (defense)?’” Ramos said. “That defense was outstanding when I was out there on the mound. I never thought Miller was going to get to that first one, and after he did it just gave everyone confidence.” Ramos improves his season stat line to 10.2 scoreless innings with nine strikeouts and only one walk with two saves. Texas State will travel north to Waco to face Baylor University at 6 p.m. today.

Visit www.UniversityStar.com

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2nd Half


TEXAS STATE....... . .............. ..21.................43........................64 Texas-Arlington.....................43.................36.......................79

TEXAS STATE (7-15, SLC ) Players 15Ale. Johnson 33 Talbert Perkins 3 10 Alp. Johnson 30 Brooks 1 McGruder 12 Burrow 13 Kelly 21 Riley 22 West 24 Carter 25 Pink 45 Hinton 50 Putnam


FG M-A 5-9 4-11 0-3 0-0 5-10 4-8 0-4 2-5 0-2 0-4 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0 21-58

3Pt M-A 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-0 1-5 2-4 0-1 2-4 0-0 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 5-19

FT M-A 2-3 7-12 0-2 0-0 0-1 2-2 0-0 6-6 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 17-26

Rbnd Of-T A 2-4 0 2-10 3 1-1 1 0-1 2 2-3 3 0-1 3 3-4 0 1-2 0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0-0 0 0-0 0 1-3 0 1-4 0 17-40 12

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

S 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

Pt 12 15 0 0 11 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 0 64

TO 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 14

B 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

S 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

TO 3 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 17

Texas-Arlington (15-10, SLC 9-4) FG 3Pt

Players 32 Thompson 33 Ogunoye Lane 30 14 Buchanan Lewis 24 Yoakum 4 Graves 11 20 Johnson Wesley 21 22 Wallace Rumph 23 Kilgore 25 Brown 34 40 Purgason Brown 52


M-A 4-6 10-14 0-1 0-1 5-13 0-0 0-0 2-7 0-2 1-5 0-1 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 24-54

FT Rbnd M-A M-A Of-T A 2-4 0-0 1-2 2 0-0 10-11 3-8 0 0-0 3-5 1-5 0 0-1 2-2 0-4 14 4-10 9-12 1-5 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 1-3 4-6 1 0-1 0-0 0-2 0 0-3 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 6-19 25-33 13-39 18

Pt 10 30 3 2 23 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 79

Technical Fouls: Texas State— TEAM Texas-Arlington — None Attendance: 495

SLC WOMen’s BBall Standings SLC

Teams Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Texas State Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston McNeese State Southeastern La. Lamar Nicholls State

W L 11 1 10 3 9 4 7 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 5 7 5 8 1 11 1 12



W 10 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 3 1

Southeastern La. Texas-Arlington Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston Texas State Texas-San Antonio Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Lamar McNeese State Nicholls State

SOFTBALL VS Colorado st. 2/22/04

Overall PCT W .769 18 .616 13 .583 16 .583 12 .583 12 .583 12 .583 10 .538 11 .333 10 .250 7 .077 6

L 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 9 12

L 6 11 7 11 11 13 13 16 15 16 18

PCT .750 .542 .696 .522 .522 .480 .435 .407 .400 .304 .250

PF 72.4 71.8 67.2 74.9 70.7 76.0 76.4 71.6 77.4 74.3 66.0

PA 68.8 71.8 61.0 72.1 70.7 76.0 76.4 71.6 82.2 77.5 76.7

Men’s BBall AT UTA 2/21/04 1st Half

2nd Half


TEXAS STATE........................30.................34.......................64 Texas-Arlington...................33.................40.......................73 FG M-A Ponder 3-6 Patterson 1-6 Blanchard 0-1 Allison 0-4 Conerway 7-13 Brown 2-4 Burroughs 0-0 Naylor 3-6 Dill 4-8 J. Goellner 0-0 Totals 20-48

10 34 1 4 23 2 11 15 25 33

3Pt M-A 2-3 0-0 0-0 0-2 5-9 0-2 0-0 1-3 0-0 0-0 8-19

FT Rbnd M-A Of-T 1-2 3-6 0-0 2-4 0-0 0-0 6-8 2-2 1-2 1-2 2-2 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 6-11 3-8 0-0 0-0 16-25 14-28

A 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 9

TO 3 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 13

B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

S 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 7

3 32 21 1 23 2 12 14 31 33

M-A FG M-A 3Pt M-A FT 0-0 3-3 1-3 4-4 0-0 1-1 1-3 3-4 0-0 5-6 2-3 0-0 0-1 0-0 3-5 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-0 0-0 7-15 18-20

Beacham 5-6 Obasohan 8-16 Johnson 3-4 J. Howell 1-4 K. Howell 2-5 Dawkins 2-3 Hairfield 0-1 Floyd 3-7 Neukomm 0-0 Thomas 0-2 Totals 24-48

Colorado St. (11-6) No. 25 TEXAS STATE (11-4) Players AB R H RBI Players AB R H RBI 2b ss 1b c lf dh p rf cf

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

CF Zaleski 2 1 2 1 RF Wolters 2 0 0 0 C Bonetti 3 1 1 0 1B Snow 3 0 0 0 3B Hodge 3 0 1 0 DH Trahan 2 0 0 0 PH Griffith 1 0 0 1 2B Wilson 2 0 1 0 SS Vice 2 0 0 0 LF Krueger 2 0 0

TOTALS 24 1 5 1

TOTALS 22 2 5 2

Roberts Burtner Walker Farrell Huerta Laffoon Kelly Gardner Dean

1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3

Colorado State Pitching IP H R ER BB SO AB BF 4.0 3 2 2 2 2 14 17 2.0 2 0 0 1 2 8 9


3 4 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 14

1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

13 21 7 6 9 6 0 9 2 0 73

CF Coker 2B Merendino 1B Buras LF Landry DH Core SS Cockrell RF Preau 3B Borque C Massiatte LF Guerrero 1B Hawke


W 18 14 15 11 7 6 6 7 12 4 2

L 5 10 10 12 15 17 17 16 11 18 22

PCT .783 .583 .600 .478 .318 .261 .261 .304 .522 .182 .083

AB 4 4 2 1 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 30

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 4

RBI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Players SS Ramos CF Tierce 1B Cooper LF Miller RF Martinez 3B Anson DH Alaniz C Pearce 2BCrumpton

AB 3 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 3

R 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

IP H R ER BB SO AB BF PF 74.3 68.5 64.5 57.1 57.0 61.8 58.0 57.2 62.8 55.0 57.4

PA 67.9 64.8 57.8 58.3 71.3 75.8 66.5 66.1 65.8 69.9 74.5

Technical Fouls: Texas State — None Texas-Arlington — None Attendance: 1,393

Tx State men’s bBall Schedule

Ardoin Salazar


1 Host Nicholls St..........7:30 p.m. 5 Host S.F.. Austin......... 7:30 p.m.

1 0

3 0

2 22 25 1 7 7



25 Host UT-San Antonio..7:30 p.m. 28 at McNeese St................. 3 p.m.

5.1 5 1 2.1 0 0

Robbins Jean Ramos

IP 6.0 2.0 1.0

H 4 0 0

R ER BB SO AB BF 0 0 2 4 21 23 0 0 0 2 6 6 0 0 0 0 3 3

Win - Tom Robbins (2-1), Loss - Kevin Ardoin (0-1) Save - Dominic Ramos (2) Umpires - Brandon Padgett, Rodney Langford, Rick Miller Time - 2:11, Attendance - 442


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H RBI 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTALS 29 2 5 2

Louisiana-Lafayette Pitching

Overall PCT .917 .769 .692 .583 .583 .500 .500 .417 .385 .083 .077

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0


Of-T A TO B S Pt Rbnd 1-3 1 1-3 2 3-9 1 0-1 3 2-3 1 0-0 3 1-1 2 1-3 0 0-1 0 1-1 0 11-30 13

1 5 0 2 5 0

Pt IP H R ER BB SO AB BF 9 7.0 5 1 1 1 10 24 29 Neuerburg 2 0 Win - Nicole Neuerburg, Loss - Genevieve Kelly, Save - None 6 Time - 2:09, Attendance - 75. 20 Baseball VS. ULL 2/22/04 6 0 Score by inning R H E 7 La. -Lafayette ............0..0..0...0..0..0...0..0..0 0 4 1 14 TEXAS STATE....... .....0...0..0...1..0..1...0..0..X 2 5 0 0 64 La.-Lafayette (2-2) TEXAS STATE (8-3)

Texas-Arlington (13-11, SLC 8-5) Players


Kelly Masser

TEXAS STATE (12-11, SLC 7-5) Players

Score by inning

Colorado State.............0..0..0...1..0..0...0 TEXAS STATE....... .....2..0..0...0..0..0...0



Spo r t s

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The University Star — Page 10

Bobcats rage against Louisiana Cajuns By Travis Summers Sports Reporter Texas State hosted the University of Louisiana-Lafayette for a three-game set this weekend, winning the series 2-1 with victories Friday and Sunday. Junior shortstop Dominic Ramos solidified his position as the team’s closer, picking up saves in each of the Bobcat wins. “I think two of three is big,” Ramos said. “We didn’t hit as well in those last two games as I think we should have, but our pitching came through and we got the series.” The first game of the series saw the Bobcats jump to an early lead in the second inning when sophomore Dawid Bednarek drove in senior Mark Cooper; sophomore Patrick Crumpton followed up by singling in junior Kyle Anson. But the Ragin’ Cajuns would answer back with three runs of their own in the next three innings off Bobcat starter Paul Schappert. Heading into the bottom of the fifth, Texas State trailed by one, but exploded for three runs of its own with run-scoring hits from senior Richard Martinez, Cooper and Anson. The Bobcats held on to their 5-3 lead until the eighth when, with two outs, junior John Coker singled up the middle. The speedy center fielder stole second then scored when sophomore Josh Landry hit a single to right-center field. The Bobcats would answer in the bottom half of the inning with an inconsequential insurance run. Texas State coach Ty Harrington then moved Ramos from shortstop to the mound, giving Ramos the chance to record his first career save and improve his season total to 9.2 scoreless inning, resulting in the 6-4 Bobcat win. Saturday’s game saw ULL explode across the board, scoring five runs in the first three innings off starter junior Brian Hurley, who Ashley A. Horton/Star Photo was pulled after recording only the first eight outs.

Patrick Crumpton, sophomore second baseman, throws the ball to first base for a double play against University of Louisiana-Lafayette Friday. The Bobcats defeated the Ragin’ Cajuns, 6-4.

Women’s basketball splits weekend games

Bobcat softball takes three of five in tournament play LAS CRUCES, N.M. — The 25th-ranked Texas State Bobcats continued their winning ways this weekend, taking three of five games at the Troy Cox Classic on New Mexico State University campus. The ’Cats now stand at 11-4 on the season heading into a doubleheader at the University of Texas Wednesday to close out their current 12-game road trip. With the rigors of an extended road trip taking a toll, Texas State opened tournament play with a 53 loss to Colorado State University. Trailing 2-1, the Rams opened up a four-run sixth inning to take a 5-2 lead. Junior shortstop Leslie Sharp responded with her first home run of the year in the top of the seventh, but CSU senior pitcher Megan Masser was able to end the late Bobcat rally. Texas State was not down long and responded with a decisive 7-3 win against NMSU in the second game Friday. Sophomore hurler Katie Ann Trahan struck out four batters in four innings of work and gave up only one run to improve to 4-1 on the season. Freshman Sarah Lancour struck out three batters in three innings of relief for her longest appearance this season. Focus was clearly lacking for

the Bobcats Saturday during Game 1. Texas State allowed three first-inning runs and allowed three more on four errors in a 10-2 loss to the University of Illinois-Chicago. As they have done all season, the ’Cats showed amazing resiliency and bounced back strong after being knocked down. Game 2 featured dominant pitching from senior Nicole Neuerberg in a 7-6 victory against the Portland State Vikings. Neuerberg struck out five batters and allowed one run in six and one-third innings for her sixth win of the season. Ahead 7-1, sophomore Katy Hummel entered in relief of Neuerberg and allowed the Vikings to score five runs in the final inning and climb to within one run. However, Neuerburg re-entered the game and forced the final PSU batter into a fielder’s choice at second base to clinch the victory. Sunday morning saw a rematch of Game 1, and for the Bobcats the sequel was much better than the original. Senior center fielder Kristen Zaleski went two for two with a double, a stolen base and a run scored to lead the Bobcats to a 2-1 victory in their final game of the tournament. Catcher Rachel Bonetti drove in both runs with a firstinning home run.

By Jason Orts Sports Editor

Ashely A. Horton/Star Photo Kristen Zaleski, senior center fieldman, hits an inside the park home run against University of Tulsa Feb. 7. Zaleski was named Tounament MVP at the Troy Classic in New Mexico. Zaleski’s numbers for the weekend were staggering. She hit .706 with two home runs, five RBIs and six runs scored in and was named Tournament MVP. In addition to Zaleski, Bonetti’s numbers were also impressive. Bonetti was 9 for 17 with a home run, five RBIs and two runs scored for the weekend. Zaleski is listed on the National Fastpitch Coaches

Association National Collegiate Softball Player of the Year Award watch list. The ’Cats will close their road trip Wednesday with a double-header against the 14thranked UT Longhorns at McCombs Field in Austin. The highly anticipated rematch of last season’s NCAA Region 3 Championship is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. with Game 2 immediately following.


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ARLINGTON — Texas State has found life difficult on the road this season, but was able to split a pair of weekend games, claiming a 60-53 win against Sam Houston State University before falling to the University of Texas-Arlington, 79-64. The Bobcats are now 7-15 on the season and 7-5 in the Southland Conference, which places them in a tie for fourth place with the University of Texas-San Antonio. The Bobcats and Roadrunners will face each other at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in San Marcos. Texas State could not slow down the UTA offense, especially forward Rola Ogunoye, who scored a game-high 30 points. UTA wasted no time in putting the Bobcats in a hole, scoring the game’s first six points. After Texas State forward Aleise Johnson and guard Julie Brooks pulled the Bobcats to within two, 6-4, the Lady Mavs went on an 11-0 run to give them a 13-point lead and they were off and running. By the time the teams reached halftime, the Lady Mavs had the game well in hand, holding a 4321 lead. Texas State came out of the locker room and immediately went on a 12-5 run, capped by a Brooks 3-pointer with 15:16 remaining. At that time, the Bobcats had cut the Lady Mav lead to 15. UTA spent the next two minutes pushing the lead back up more than 20, and it would hover around that mark the remainder of the game until the Bobcats scored a few late baskets, capped by guard Ashley McGruder’s three-pointer with 42 seconds left for the final margin.

Texas State had five players score in double figures despite the loss, led by center Tori Talbert’s 15. McGruder, guard Ally Kelly and Johnson each added 12, while Brooks pitched in 11. Talbert also added 10 rebounds. Two days earlier, the Bobcats survived a physical contest with SHSU, thanks in large part to 15 points and a season-high 21 rebounds from Talbert. Brooks was the only other Bobcat in double figures, as she added 10 despite shooting 2-6 from the floor. Led by Talbert, Texas State dominated the Bearkats on the boards, 52-29, which led to the Bobcats getting 10 more shot attempts and a 11-2 advantage in second chance points. “We knew we had a height advantage and had to get secondchance points against this defense, but I am especially pleased with the way we handled ourselves down the stretch,” said Texas State coach Suzanne Fox. Neither team shot well, as SHSU hit 39 percent to Texas State’s 34 percent, but the Bobcats were able to hold on to their lead down the stretch by hitting 9-11 free throws in the second half. Early on, it appeared as though the Bobcats might blow the Bearkats out of the gym, starting the game on a 14-4 run. SHSU responded with back-toback 3-point baskets, but was unable to figure out the Texas State defense, scoring just 16 points in the first half and trailing by eight at the break. After Wednesday’s game with UTSA, the Bobcats will be back on the road for meetings with McNeese State University and Nicholls State University, Saturday and Monday, respectively.

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