02 26 2004

Page 1

Split wins

Like the plague

Bobcats break Longhorns winning streak at doubleheader/Sports/Page 16

The real Fight Club

Martial arts organizations teach selfdefense forms/Trends/Page 8

Cell phones infest campus with noise pollution/Opinions/Page 6


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 57 www.universitystar.com

FEBRUARY 26, 2004



U N I V E R S I T Y - S A N

Texas State selects Moore as new provost Administrator chosen from pool of five applicants By David Doerr News Editor Perry D. Moore, senior vice president of Wright State University in Ohio, has been named provost and vice president of Academic Affairs at Texas State. President Denise Trauth announced her decision to hire Moore Tuesday after meeting with the Provost Search Committee Monday. During the meeting, committee members discussed what they felt were the strengths and weaknesses of the five candidates applying for the position. “Everyone thought (Moore) was a strong can-



didate,” said Bill Stone, search committee member and Faculty Senate chair. “He has had experience as a provost and that obviously made him stand out in the pool of candidates.” Moore served at Wright State as chair of the political MOORE science department, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and university provost before assuming his current position of senior vice president. “I have much experience in developing plans and solutions to difficult problems,” Moore wrote in his application letter. “I have developed and g See PROVOST, page 5

High schoolers get educated on free market from SIFE By Ryan Coggin News Reporter

A project started by the Texas State Students In Free Enterprise organization is helping students at an Austin high school apply real-world economics to their own business. “Project Growth,” established two years ago by Vicki West, faculty member in the marketing department and Sam Walton Fellow in Free Enterprise, incorporates students in a Garza Independence High School horticulture class with SIFE members to bring awareness of the free market to high school students.

High school students involved in the program learn to grow and package herbs and flowers while designing a marketing technique for distributing items to local businesses. “I’m able to relay what I’ve learned through business and marketing (classes) to a younger generation of students so they can appreciate and know the importance of a free market,” said Eddie Hart, management senior and SIFE member. “They work hard and see profit as their success. What better way to be rewarded for hard work than profit?” The group, comprised of 15 high school students, borrowed

Texas litter feeds grassroots campaign

By J.J. McLaughlin News Reporter

Along with the Texas Department of Transportation’s decree “Don’t Mess with Texas,” a grassroots litter prevention campaign effort is being launched to make sure the slogan still rings loud. College students across Texas are being recruited to discuss litter prevention while getting involved with the community. TxDOT reports that 16- to 24-year-olds are the state’s worst litterers. The Don’t Mess with Texas Ground Support campaign is being implemented to combat trashtossers by actively interacting with this age group in campus tours and events to gain further insight into their lifestyles and littering behavior. The sole purpose of the campaign is to generate feedback about the

lifestyle and behavior of this age group that will better serve TxDOT in developing public service announcements and effective programming. Recruits will get paid for their opinions and peer interaction in bringing about litter prevention awareness. TxDOT Travel Division Director Doris Howdeshell supports students engaging in the cleanup effort because it is beneficial to individuals and the community. “This is an easy way for young adults to earn some extra spending money while boosting their resumes and helping our state more beautiful,” Howdeshell said. “The group’s input will be invaluable as we teach a new generation of Texans about litter prevention.” Darah Waldrip, Don’t Mess with Texas Ground Support g See LITTER, page 4

Louis LeSassier/Star illustration

$250 from Wells Fargo bank in September 2003 to help start the business. Though most revenue is currently being used to pay back the loan, students past and present have purchased stock in the company for future earnings. Martha Cason, teacher of the three-hour-a-day high school class, said those who buy shares in the company, called Garza Green, will receive a return when profits are seen. “Now we not only have this group of students to pay back shares to but also the ones from last term,” Cason said. “They do get to keep the money that they

Andrew Nenque/Star photo Garrett Hale, business management freshman, talks with a representative from The Outpost apartments about pricing and availability at the Off Campus Housing Fair held Wednesday at the LBJ Student Center. An example design plan of their apartments helps show what future tenants can look forward to.

g See SIFE, page 5

Tiffee named one of top U.S. debaters Texas State student represents the U.S. in European tour By Amelia Jackson News Reporter A Texas State student has been named one of the top debaters in the United States. Matthew Tiffee, communication studies

junior, is part of a two-person team representing the country in Europe during the 79th annual U.S. Debate Tour of Britain and Portugal. “We’re very excited; there are only two students on the tour, and this is the first time Texas State has had a student selected,” said Wayne Kraemer, communication studies lecturer and LBJ Debate Society director, in a university press release. “He will be all over England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Portugal. He will be overseas about eight weeks.”

Kraemer said the Debate Society, the intercollegiate debate team at Texas State, competes in debates on regional, national and international levels. The society has 24 active members. In order to be a member of the society, students must be enrolled at Texas State and be in good academic standing. Tiffee’s teammate is Benjamin Krupicka, a recent graduate of Willamette University in Salem, Ore.

Weeklong celebration brings topics on communication to the forefront

By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter

Students in the communication studies department will celebrate their discipline next week with the 16th annual Communication Week. The week will include a number of events beginning Saturday through March 5. Communication Week began in 1988 and was developed by Steven Beebe, current communication studies department chair. He said he began the weeklong celebration as a way to bring speakers to the students and help the department. “I decided that it would be good to enrich our classes with seminars, lectures and work-

shops on communication topics, and invite the campus to attend these workshops,” Beebe said. “It has proven to be very successful.” The week will officially begin Saturday with an event

g See DEBATER, page 3

Society, is designed as a reunion for Texas State debaters from the past 100 years. It is the only event throughout the week that is not free of charge. Tickets cost $60 and include a dinner of filet mignon, chicken roulade or a vegetarian entrée. Despite high ticket prices, communication — Steven Beebe s t u d i e s ecturer Communication Studies Department Chair land forensics societitled “Celebrating 100 Years of ty director Wayne Kraemer said Debate” on the 7th floor of the the event and Communication J.C. Kellam Administration Week do not serve as a fundBuilding. raising venue. The program, hosted by the “It’s not a direct fund-raising Elton Abernathy Forensics g See TOPICS, page 2 Society and the LBJ Debate

“I decided that it would be good to enrich our classes with seminars, lectures and workshops on communication topics, and invite the campus to attend these workshops,”





Music..............................11 News.............................2-5 Opinions........................6,7

Sports........................14-16 Trends..........................8,11

Today’s Weather

High: 6 4 Lo w : 35

AM Sunny/PM Clear

Wind: From N at 9 mph Precipitation: 0% Max. Humidity: 48% UV Index: 7 High Friday’s Forecast Mostly sunny 66/51


2 - The University Star


Communication Week Schedule of Events

In tern at ion al Stu de nt Asso ciatio n free international dinner is at 6 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-3.1.

Calendar of

EVENTS Thursday

Pu blic Rela tion s St u den t Soc ie ty of America meets at 5 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-10.1. Ca reNet meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-3.1. Vict ory Over V iolen ce meets at 5:30 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 3-12.1. Go lde n Key and Th e Hon ors Progra m host a Mardi Gras mixer from 7-9 p.m. at Café On The Square.

SWAT , the organization that provides free rides home for Texas State students, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Saturday Te xa s St ate L ea dersh ip Ex cha ng e is from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. in the LBJSC Ballroom. Te xa s St ate so ftb all te am plays Nicholls State University at 1 p.m. at Bobcat Field. Admission is free with student ID. Vict ory Over V io len ce presents a seminar on Nichiren Buddhism at 3 p.m. in the Psychology Building, Room 132. SWAT operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.


Te xa s St ate C ru meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Academic Services Building-South, Room 315.

De alin g wit h D ysf un ctio na l Fa milies meets at 5:15 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208.

Th e Roc k meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center. Ch i Alp h a Ch ristian Fe llo wship meets to watch The Passion of The Christ at 7:30 p.m. at Starplex Theaters.

Fe llowship o f Ch ristia n Ath lete s meets at 8 p.m. in the Bobcat Stadium Endzone Complex.

Calen d ar Su bmission Po licy Ch ristian s on Cam pu s meets at 9:30 p.m. at the McCarty Student Center. NA Mee tin g is at noon. For more information, call 245-3601.

Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3487 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. D eadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Hours of Operation

Albert B. Alkek Library Monday - Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. - midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Student Recreation Center Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - midnight Friday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. noon - midnight Golf Course Open daily 7 a.m. - dusk


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SATURDAY, FEB. 28 SPOTLIGHT EVENT SPOTLIGHT EVENT “How to Make the Most of Your “Celebrating 100 Years of Debate” Banquet Communication Studies Major” 1:00-1:50 – 7 p.m., J.C. Kellam Reed Parr Room. p.m., Centennial Hall, Room GO2. “Communication Career Reception” 2:00MONDAY, MARCH 1 3:30 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room G02. “Communicating for Health & Promoting “Argumentation in the Real World” 6:30Community Health Activities” 2:00-3:15 p.m., 9:15 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room 318. Centennial Hall, Room 103. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 “What’s More Important: Communication “Tales of the Real West Wing: Chronicles of Style or Substance?” 3:30-4:45 p.m., a Presidential Speech Writer” 12:30-1:45 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room 103. Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 225. SPOTLIGHT EVENT TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Communication Studies Convocation, 3:30 “Networking: It’s Getting to Know Who You Know that Counts” 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 5:00 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room GO1. Centennial Hall, Room GO2. EVENTS– “A Real Life Speaker on Public Speaking: Awards: Golden Apple Award (UnderApplications of Communication Principles to graduate Teaching), Graduate Faculty Teaching the Ministry” 12:30-1:45 p.m., Evans Liberal Award, Communication Studies Outstanding Arts Building, Room 225. Alumni Award. “Diversity & Communication” 12:30-1:45 Convocation Address: “Embracing our p.m., Centennial Hall, Room 410. Legacy, Charting our Future.” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 “First Research Project Experiences” 10:00 FRIDAY, MARCH 5 “Doughnuts and Discussion with Dr. Martha a.m.- 1:15 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room 103. “Meet Your International Professors”12:00- Solomon Watson” 9:00-10:00 a.m., Centennial Hall, Room 206. 1:15 p.m., Centennial Hall, Room 410.

TOPICS: Communication focus of week g Cont. from page 1

service for the department,” Kraemer said. “It’s more of a public service that the department provides.” Beginning Monday, various speakers will be on campus to discuss topics dealing with communications. “It exposes students to some of the top speakers and outstanding alumni throughout Texas and the nation,” Beebe said. “It helps our students identify career applications of the communications studies major.” On Monday, two speakers will be on campus, Maryann McClain of the Central Texas Medical Center and Dick Ellis, news anchor for Austin’s Fox 7. McClain will speak about communication in the health field at 2 p.m. in Centennial Hall,

Room 103. Ellis will speak about communication style versus communication substance at 3:30 p.m., in the same room. Nita Peebles of Thompson/DBM Consulting Firm will speak about networking at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Centennial Hall, Room GO2. At 12:30 p.m., Gilda Garcia, the university’s director of Equity and Access, will give a presentation titled “Diversity and Communication” in Centennial Hall, Room 410. Wednesday will begin with a presentation by the communication studies graduate students about research projects at 10 a.m. At noon, a panel of international professors will discuss their cultures and experiences. At 1 p.m., members of the Communication Studies Advisory Council will present “How to Make the Most of Your

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Communication Studies Major” in Centennial Hall, Room GO2. This is one of the week’s spotlight events and is intended to help students market their skills. Also on Wednesday, a reception will be held at 2 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room GO2, for students interested in a career in the communication field. At 6:30 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318, a panel will be held by professionals who use argumentation in their careers. On Thursday, former Texas State President Bob Hardesty will give a presentation about presidential speech writing at 12:30 p.m. in Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 225. Another spotlight event for the week will be the communication studies convocation in Centennial Hall, Room GO1,

with Richard Cheatham, College of Fine Arts and Communication dean. To close out the week, Martha Solomon Watson of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas will be offering “Doughnuts and Discussion” at 9 a.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 206. Both Kraemer and Beebee said they see the week as very important to communication studies majors and Kraemer said it is beneficial to all students of the university. “I think that it’s a benefit to our students and the students of the university in general,” Kraemer said. “It showcases the discipline of communication studies as a part of our life and it shows how diverse the discipline is.”


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Thursday, February 26, 2004

Helicpter crash kills 2 soldiers in Iraq

News Briefs

BAGHDAD, Iraq — An OH-58 Kiowa helicopter crashed into the Euphrates River northwest of Baghdad on Wednesday, killing the two U.S. soldiers on board, and gunmen assassinated a senior Iraqi police official in the northern city of Mosul. The helicopter, an armed reconnaissance craft that carries a two-man crew, went down at 1:50 p.m. near the town of Haditha, which is 120 miles northwest of the capital. U.S. military officials said the cause had yet to be determined, but Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, a military spokesman, said the crew of a second helicopter saw no hostile fire. News agencies, quoting witnesses in Haditha, offered conflicting accounts. One reported seeing a missile strike the helicopter. Another said the Kiowa, which typically flies low to avoid enemy fire, struck a power line before crashing into the river. Since the occupation began in April, the U.S. military has lost more than a dozen helicopters, most to ground fire in a region north and west of Baghdad known as the Sunni triangle. The deadliest was Nov. 15 when two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters collided over Mosul, killing 17 soldiers. At least four other Kiowas have crashed. In Mosul, a city at the edge of the triangle, gunmen assassinated Hikmat Mahmoud Mohammed, the city’s deputy police

chief. He was killed on his way to work Wednesday, police said, the latest in a campaign of assassinations in Iraq’s third-largest city targeting officials, police, translators and others working with the occupation.

Supreme Court rebukes Texas in death penalty case

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court delivered a stern critique of Texas’s conduct in a high-profile death penalty case Tuesday, ruling unanimously that the state had wrongfully sentenced a man who came within 10 minutes of being executed last year. By a vote of 7-2, the court ruled that prosecutors violated the constitutional rights of Delma Banks Jr. by withholding information that his defense lawyers could have used to discredit a key prosecution witness during his 1980 sentencing hearing. By a vote of 9-0, the court also ruled that Banks should be allowed to appeal his murder conviction, because prosecutors may have improperly withheld information during the phase of the trial in which jurors found him guilty of killing 16-year-old Richard Whitehead — a crime he denies committing. Banks is African American; Whitehead was white, as were all 12 jurors. As a result of the twin rulings, Banks is not only off death row — unless Texas resentences him to death at some point in the future — he also has a fresh chance to be acquitted of the crime entirely.


Alleged bin Laden bodyguards first to face tribunals

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government Tuesday charged two alleged bodyguards for Osama bin Laden now detained at the Guantanamo Bay military prison with conspiracy to commit war crimes, launching the first criminal prosecution of enemy prisoners since the aftermath of World War II. The charges would make Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi of Sudan and Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman al Bahlul of Yemen the first detainees to stand trial before the special military tribunals established by President Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Military prosecutors have decided not to seek the death penalty against either man, officials said. If at least four of the six military officers who will be assigned as judges vote to convict them, separate hearings would be held to determine sentences for each. The announcement of the charges comes as the U.S. government quickens the pace of releasing other detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and as an April hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court on whether the detainees should have access to federal courts nears. Some foreign governments and human rights activists have sharply criticized the United States for holding many detainees for more than two years without charging them and for designing tribunal rules they claim favor the government. Briefs are from wire reports.

The University Star - 3

DEBATER: To travel to Europe style debating first-hand — the British style of debate is unique and interesting,” she said. Saturday is the 100th anniversary of debate at Texas State. To celebrate 100 years of Bobcat debate, the society will be holding an anniversary din-

g Cont. from page 1

The team is currently in Great Britain and will return to the United States Mar. 23. The debaters will make tour stops at Oxford and Cambridge, where the team will examine British debate techniques. They will also stop in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Portugal. “We think it’s a wonderful experience and opportunity for these students,” said Marilyn Young, Committee on International Debate and Discussion chair, in a press release. “They get to experience British culture and British-

Ronald Brown, University College dean. At that time, the debate team received more attention and recognition than athletic teams. Other famous Bobcat debaters include former president Lyndon Baines Johnson, who served on the team in 1928. The LBJ Debate Society took 2nd place in the Mardi Gras tournament last weekend after losing to Oklahoma in the finals. Upcoming tournaments include Cross Examination Debate Association National Tournament in Kentucky in March and the National Parliamentary Debate Association National Tournament held in April.

The debaters will make tour stops at Oxford and Cambridge, where the team will examine British debate techniques. They will also stop in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Portugal. ner for current and former team members. Debate was one of the premiere organizations at Texas State for the early part of the 20th century, according to the book Beacon on the Hill by


ELECTIONS HAS BEGUN! If representing the student body as the

PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, OR AS A SENATOR for your college is something you would like to do, go to the ASG Office (LBJSC 4-5.1) and file today!

Filing ends March 12 at 5:00 p.m. Elections will be March 30 and March 31. Please consult the ASG Constitution and Election Code for candidate qualifications and the election process. Call the ASG Office at 245-2196 for more information.

ASG FILING FORM Name: Texas State ID: Classification: GPA*: Local Phone No: Permanent Phone No.: Email: Local Address: Permanent Address: *GPA requirements: President and Vice President nominees must have a 2.75 Texas State GPA at the time of candidacy. Senate nominees must have a 2.50 Texas State GPA at the time of candidacy. Please circle the position as to which you wish to run. Y o u ma y o nly se le ct one . Be sure to read the requirements for each position to know if you qualify. Consult the ASG Constitution and Election Code for rules concerning other eligibility requirements and the election process. Call the ASG Office for any concerns or questions. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SENATOR for College of: APPLIED ARTS EDUCATION LIBERAL ARTS SCIENCE BUSINESS FINE ARTS & COMM. HEALTH PROF. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE GRADUATE

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Statement of Understanding By signing this form I agree that the preceding information provided by myself is true. I agree that I have read and understand the guidelines specified in the ASG Election Code. I agree to campaign within the guidelines specified therein. I understand that a copy of the ASG Election Code is located in the ASG Office in the LBJSC 4-5.1 and at www.asg.txstate.edu. I additionally understand that failure to abide by the ASG Election Code rules and falsification of this document will result in my disqualification from the Associated Student Government election. Signature:





4 - The University Star

Health fair helps promote better student lifestyles By Anna Lisa Moreno News Reporter


On Wednesday, Texas State students, faculty and staff are invited to attend a beach-partythemed health fair designed to help brush up on how to live a healthy life. The Student Health Center, Campus Recreation and the Parent’s Association will host the fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom to promote healthy lifestyles. “The goal of the health fair is to promote student health on campus and to provide opportunities for students to understand what their current health status is and to connect with those resources on campus and in the community that support a healthy lifestyle,” said Michael Wilkerson, SHC Health Education Coordinator. Forty campus and community health organizations will be at the event to provide attendees information and resources on maintaining and achieving a healthy lifestyle. “It’s a good way to highlight things that are out there that students need to be aware of,” said Jennifer Bezner, Campus Recreation fitness director. “At this age most students are pretty healthy but we need to expose them to what’s out there and get them involved with good health practices.” Students will have the

Thursday, February 26, 2004


opportunity to be screened for cancer and vision and lung deficiencies by representatives from the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Society, and the Department of Respiratory Care. In addition, Campus Recreation will offer a fitness program through a miniature ropes course as well as measuring body fat. For those interested in beauty health, Mary Kay will be present to provide makeup tips and beauty health. A blood drive will also take place. For those who feel that giving blood is too daunting of a task, the American Diabetic Association will be offering blood pressure exams. The health fair will also provide information on mental health and community service. “Mental health is also included,” Wilkerson said. “When you think of health, it isn’t just physical. It’s mental health, spiritual health; I even think of community service as being healthy.” Other organizations in attendance will include Paws Animal Shelter, Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center and organizations providing alcohol and drug rehabilitation. “I think it is important to attend so that students can find out what are the resources available to them on campus and community that supports their health,” Wilkerson said.

Andrew Nenque/Star photo Heather Cardella, wildlife biology senior, advertises in The Quad for The Adventure Trip Program in a kayak to show what’s in store for interested adventurers.

TRASH: Program targets litter prevention g Cont. from page 1

program director, said she is all for college students getting involved with the community to educate others. “We want to send this message to this particular age group and we want to get them thinking,” Waldrip said. “We’re trying to stay current with the time, and so it’s really important that we make sure that we’re getting through to them.

“With $32 million spent each year on trash clean up along the Texas highways alone, it’s obvious that litter is pervasive, and if it’s not controlled it will become a big problem,” she said. There are also many economic and personal reasons to get involved with the litter prevention awareness campaign, she said. “You can expect a lot of personal

rewards and feel a sense of accomplishment by getting involved,” Waldrip said. “We live in the most beautiful state in the nation, and we have to take care of it.” The Ground Support program helped shape litter prevention advertisements and helped plan the Don’t Mess with Texas Road Tour in 2003, and it will look to make an impact in 2004 as it talks even more trash.

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Thursday, February 26, 2004

The University Star - 5

PROVOST: Moore fills VPAA position SIFE: Students gain g Cont. from page 1

implemented university strategic plans and campus master plans, as well as enrollment, marketing and technology plans. My success rests on a capacity to lead numerous and sometimes conflicting constituencies to mutually acceptable solutions.” Stone said he was sure it was a difficult decision for Trauth because there were several well-qualified candidates. “Rarely does a university have the ability to hire a person with Dr. Moore’s experience and talents as a provost,” Trauth said in a press release. “We are indeed fortunate that he will join our great university.” Gene Bourgeois, search committee chair and history chair, said he is very pleased with the selection of Moore as provost. “He is a sincere fellow who developed a positive rapport with audience members during his two-day visit to our cam-

pus,” he wrote in an e-mail. “Committee members and others also appreciated his statements on linking resource allocation (or re-allocation) to the strategic planning process.” As provost, Moore will serve as the chief academic officer of the university and will be responsible for the coordination and quality of the university’s academic and research programs. Trauth recommended adding the title of provost to the Academic Affairs vice president position to reflect the principle that academics is the heart of the university. She has described the position previously as being “first among equals” with the vice presidents of the university’s other divisions. Ernie Dominguez, Associated Student Government president, said Moore stood out to him by relating all issues to how they would affect students. “I think he will do a really good job,” said Dominguez. “I was impressed with what he knew about the campus,

because when we asked him questions he seemed to have already done his research.” Moore said what initially attracted him to Texas State was how many people at the university feel a sense of community on campus and that it is in a state of change. “It is a university that has historically cared very much about student success and is a university that, even as it grows larger, prizes engagement with students,” Moore said. “I am also attracted to the university because it is somewhat in a state of change. I think there are great opportunities.” Moore, who grew up outside of Wichita Falls, said he is also excited about moving back to Texas. “I got my doctoral degree at the University of Texas (at Austin) and while I was there, I developed a great appreciation for Central Texas, so it’s a bit like coming home for me,” he said. Moore said he thinks the university has great potential.

“I think there are many opportunities for the university,” he said. “The issue is trying to decide which of those many opportunities are the most appropriate ones for the university and can be accomplished with the resources available.” Although the university’s strategic planning process is already underway, Moore said he is looking forward to being involved in the process, albeit form a distance. “I think after that is completed, we will have a good sense of what the priorities are at the university and some of the things we are going to attempt to do over the next five years or so,” he said. Moore holds a bachelor’s degree in history and government, a master’s degree in government from Midwestern State University and a doctorate in government from UT. Moore reports to work at Texas State July 1.

Having an MBA no longer ensures a prosperous journey

By Katherine Yung The Dallas Morning News

It was the educational status symbol of the 1990s, the musthave tool for climbing the corporate ladder. For years, the MBA seemed like an automatic ticket to a sixfigure salary, in many cases a pathway to a new career and a more prosperous life. But that perception appears to be changing. Demand for master’s degrees in business administration is falling for the second year in a row, report several MBA admissions directors across the country. At some business schools, the number of applications has slid as much as

25 percent or more. Regard for the degree is so low that a FedEx television commercial even mocks it. “You don’t understand. I have an MBA,” says Tom, a new employee who’s asked to ship some deliveries using FedEx.com. “Oh. You have an MBA. In that case, I’ll have to show you how to do it,” his supervisor replies. “FedEx.com makes shipping so fast and easy even an MBA can do it,” chimes in the voice-over narrator. Three years into an economic recovery creating few jobs, the MBA no longer carries the cachet it used to. Going to busi-

ness school — even the top ones — no longer leads to three or four job offers. Although corporate recruiting of MBA students has picked up, jobs are still scarce, and many recent graduates are struggling to find work. When Mark Davidson entered Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in the fall of 1998, he had high expectations about what an MBA would do for him. “I thought I would be walking with Dorothy and the Tin Man down the Yellow Brick Road,” he says. “I thought people would be knocking at my door.” Instead, the 31-year-old is

living with his parents in San Diego and doing part-time contracting work in commercial real estate investment. He’s been searching for a permanent job since being laid off 11 months ago from a property management company that didn’t have enough work for him. The grim job outlook has led many potential business school applicants to either give up the idea of earning an MBA or wait until the economy shows further improvement, admissions officials say. Others opt to take night classes while working full time. As a result, business schools are working harder than ever to market their programs.

business knowledge

g Cont. from page 1

make so it’s pretty real world.” Cason said the Texas State students bring an expertise to her classroom that is outside of her field. “My degree is in city planning, but this is what they go to school for,” Cason said. “Plus, they’re closer to their age, so they understand and relate to them better than I do.” Cason said students, who have invested amounts from 50 cents to $10, were warned of pulling out of their investments. “We told the students from last term ‘You know this is the way stocks are. You can pull them out but you’re not going to get any money,’” she said. Hart said the business profited almost $100 selling herbs, such as cilantro, rosemary and thyme, at an Austin farmers market last fall. He said the group has approached city restaurants and shops offering flower arrangements and food ingredients. Chuck Smith, co-founder and operating partner of Moonshine Patio Bar and Grill in Austin, said he would be interested in supporting “Project Growth,” whose members have contacted his business. “If there’s a high school class trying to teach (students) economics, I would be very open to teaching them about the process,” Smith said. “They would just have to learn to be ready for scrutiny of prices and quality.” Smith said chefs in the Austin area have commonly sought goods from local providers, and cited the purchasing of vegetables indigenous to Central Texas for his restaurant in the past, which he said dictated menu items.

“For most restaurants this costs more, resulting in higher menu prices,” Smith said. “You have to make sure you are buying products that are in balance (with) your menu.” Jeff Phillips, management junior and project leader, said the project will show students how to get past the general barriers of starting their own business. “They seem excited about starting this business,” Phillips said of the students. “They really can make a profit, too. If they can do that, then they will know the sky’s the limit.” Katherine Sullivan, a senior at Garza and project member, said she finds the real-world application of economics with the business interesting. “It’s not just book work and theories, but seeing how a business works and what you need to do to make it educational and get something out of it,” Sullivan said. Cason said applying textbook knowledge to real-world experience helps students to remember and make sense of what they learn. “It gives (the students) a sense of leadership that they don’t normally get,” Cason said. “It’s amazing how those natural leaders tend to shine, and this is a positive instead of a negative way that they can do that.” SIFE members are encouraged to develop and implement community outreach projects designed to increase knowledge of the free enterprise system. Students must take an advanced business elective course with the same name to join the more than 50 members involved in the organization. “Project Growth” will fulfill one of the project requirements necessitated by the course’s syllabus.

OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487

Page 6



THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Thursday, February 26, 2004


Marriage should not be constitutionally defined

n Tuesday, President Bush finally came out of the closet on his stance on gay marriage by urging Congress to quickly act on an amendment that would declare marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Kudos to Bush for finally stepping forward on this issue. He’s been wishy-washy on the topic, which, for something as hotly debated as this, is nice to finally know where the leader of our country stands. But Bush’s stance also seems

to go against his self-description as a “uniter, not a divider” and as a “compassionate conservative.” And by saying that you can’t separate marriage from its cultural and religious roots, he’s making it a separation of church and state issue. Congress, on the other hand, is going about things the right way and has said it will not rush through a Constitutional amendment because it needs time to gauge its support. And then there are those congressmen against it being an amendment. Sen. John

McCain, R-Ariz., thinks it should be left to the states, and Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., thinks it should go through the courts. The fact of the matter is that marriage should not be defined by the Constitution. Marriage is not in the Constitution, and putting discriminatory words into the document goes against everything for which this country was founded. This fight can best be compared to interracial marriage, which was legalized in 1967 when the Supreme Court ruled

anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional with the case Loving v. Virginia. It’s easy to compare interracial to same-sex marriages because the same arguments are being used: “It’s against the Bible,” “It’s against the law,” “It tarnishes the institution of marriage.” And yes, these arguments are still being used to this day. The road to equality is not easy, but to define marriage for a country seems like it will leave people out, no matter how it is worded.

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letter s pol ic y: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Social stereotypes fail to ensure esteem after college variation of a bad encounter I see it every day. They are has narrowed the outlook of the same old groups from high school, except now they have a both parties involved, and each person develops variety of different a stereotype or names and guises. Robert Lopez warped opinion They are either Star Columnist that he or she some assorted will undoubtedly Greek letters slapped on a T-shirt or someone apply to all those who affiliate themselves with the other side. flashing a style he believes to It is a negativity commonly be all his own. found on the individual side, The main difference comes but in no way is strictly an with whether you claim any individual problem. affiliations with a group. That Stereotypes pass both ways is where the division begins. and negative connotations usuThough this vehement animosity goes both ways, it tends ally follow. So is there any end to the to remain prevalent between hostilities we’re bound to the individuals who stand outencounter on our journey side the fraternity/sorority through a four-year university? social group and those within. Sure. Grow up, let it go and Why do we have such fruitless move on. quibbles and grudges between Why bother carrying around these two types of university a shoulder-hunching, pesstudents? On one hand, the individual simistic weight that, you have to admit, the other side probamay believe the greek social bly couldn’t care less about. structure to be merely a payWho in their right mind would for-friends organization. The acknowledge, much less value, outsider takes the offensive an opinion from someone who and discredits all greek memdidn’t even take the time to ask bers as dimwitted musclea name? Instead, by noticing heads, materially needy and the Greek letters on their Tpurely irresponsible partygoshirt, backpack, hat, etc., ers. immediately pigeonholing On the other hand, a person inside the organization possibly them seems the best course of action. Who cares if they believes that people antagonizbelong to that exclusive social ing the greek organizations are group; you have your own merely pissed off, jealous and social circles? Granted, you alienated eggheads. They believe these social losers, who and your friends don’t get a fancy three-letter label to sport couldn’t hack it in a community of greek brothers and sisters, around. Boo hoo. You made the personal decision not to are now envious. They could have been involved in the greek join those school-sanctioned greek clubs leaving you no system with all the friends and point, nor need, to bash others social recognition that comes who did. Those who strive to with being involved. succeed alone are the ones who The truth is neither side can persevere without that kind really cares to ask the other. Both simply go along with pre- of support, and that deserves conceived notions that were set just as much, if not more, credit. in place before they even set Now, for those few who foot on campus. I’ll admit this continue to stand by your is not the case for all people inflexible social convictions, who find themselves in the I’m going to pose one question: midst of this age-old opposition. Some of us on the individ- Are you going to waste breath and brain power complaining ual side of the social spectrum about this frivolous high frequently find ourselves with school-like dilemma, or are you friends who are involved in a going to put down those mental fraternity or sorority. weights and better yourself by Then, if some can make growing up, letting go and peace between our petty rivalmoving on? ries, why can’t others? The real world has bigger Typically, you’ll find someproblems, and remember you one carrying a sad story of John or Jane Greek, screwing a don’t stay in college forever. person over because he didn’t belong to a social clique. Some Lopez is an English sophomore.

The University Star 601 University Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Cell phones invade campus like a plague As far as I’m concerned, the newest disease to strike this campus has nothing to do with unprotected sex or sharing needles. It’s the disease of celJeffery Miller lular phones. Star Columnist These things represent a strange new plague, spreading like wildfire through campus, as well as the entire nation. It’s bubonic technology. If you are in the majority that owns one of these venereal devices, you might be saying, “You are a jackass, pal. This is the greatest invention since sliced bread!” Well, allow me to pitch a couple of decent reasons why I think these things run along the lines of bad ideas — not too dissimilar from nuclear weapons or crack cocaine. I’ll begin by pointing out the striking likenesses between cellular phones and two other items. As to nuclear weapons, I know people who act very high and mighty as they stride across The Quad, yakking incessantly to someone who they are probably going to see in the near future. It’s noise pollution. As for the crack aspect, I have yet to meet one cell phone owner who has not described it in terms of “need” and “addictive.” The confessions of portablephone junkies run rampant each time the subject is broached. How did it come to this? Society has truly taken a cruel turn if every cell phone owner, in fact, has to get his hourly fix. Here’s a quick example of the majority of cell conversations that I hear postlecture (which, by the way, is the first reaction that most cell users have at the end of a class: Slap the plastic talk box to their face and babble about nothing). “Hey, where are you? I just got out of

Editor In Chief............................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.....................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor.........................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.....................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor......................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor.........Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Face it, junkies; those of you out there who have turned this little toy into the center of your social universe have a wee bit of growing up to do. I’ll be the first to tell you that a face-to-face conversation beats a poor-reception listening struggle any day of the week.

class. OK, I’ll see you in a couple of minutes.” No kidding. And people are dropping $40 or $50 per month on these things. I can’t argue the convenience aspect. It is nice to be able to talk to anyone at any anytime, I suppose. However, have you ever thought about how available you are making yourself to others? Not only that, but once people know you have one, and you don’t answer it, they tend to get testy with you. If I did own one of these little monstrosities and someone gave me flak about not answering it, so help me God there would be some serious bitch-slaps being doled out. Face it, junkies; those of you out there who have turned this little toy into the center of your social universe have a wee bit of growing up to do. I’ll be the first to tell you that a face-to-face conversation beats a poor-reception listening struggle any day of the week. Put the thing down, for the love of all things traditional and timeless! One last couple of gripes and I promise I’ll stop. If you are going to use a cell phone frequently, have some common courtesy. For example, if you and I are talking, and the little bastard rings or vibrates or pinches your ass or whatever, don’t just stick your index finger to my

Photo Editor..................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.........Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Art Director...........................................Christy Gray, cg1056@txstate.edu Calendar of Events...........Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu

face because you think it’s someone important. And don’t babble on it while you are driving! I am a local bike rider, and I can’t count the number of times some schmuck on his cell phone has almost run me over because he’s not paying attention. If you’re driving around on your cell phone and you see a guy on his bike, look carefully and you’ll probably see his middle finger. I have to send a brief note of thanks to those individuals who don’t abuse the privilege of their cell phone. I can appreciate having one for convenience’s sake and know a few people in town who use them only when they must. This article is geared toward the folks who suffer withdrawal symptoms when they forget the device at home. There should be cellular rehab centers to hep these fools. Last words: I have survived a few years without one of these “amazing devices,” and I don’t think I’ll ever have use for one either. I guess I just don’t dig being accessible to someone all the time. Or maybe I’m scared to turn into a pseudo-Pavlovian beast, automatically responding to an inert object’s ringing, with the hope of a conversational reward. Miller is an English freshman.

Advertising Graduate Asst...........Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager........Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coord...........Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

Visit The Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyr ight F eb ruar y 26, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


7 - The University Star

On your “Drug testing … ” (The Main Point, Feb. 19) article, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states “nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” Regardless of how the Supreme Court ruled in 2002, could it not be construed that drug testing does just that? Is there suspicion, probable cause or an accident that would make testing ‘OK’? The reason I bring this up is … the article by Brett Bousman on constitutional amendments was excellent. More articles along these lines should fill your paper in this election year. — Bob Th om pson con stru ction con tra ct ad min istrat or R esiden ce L if e

Bush’s tax cuts place heavy burden on Texas students Texans, I hope the extra burden of increased tuition has not caused the premature termination of anyone’s college experience. I’m sure the extra expense on your parents to pay higher property and gas tax has rained on any plans of future road trips or home improvements. George Bush’s tax cuts will make up for the loss, right? Or are they the cause? Are students of Texas colleges bearing the worst brunt of these increases in personal spending? When the government is no longer capable of funding state programs, the burden falls on the state governments that either have to cut spending or raise taxes … or tuition. So, the tax cuts don’t work. Texas has the 10th largest economy in the world and is lacking a progressive income tax and is forced to cut funding to grants, child insurance, prenatal care, mental healthcare and home care for crippled citizens. So am I led to believe that by depriving less fortu-

nate (and lazy leeches of society) of basic necessities, this will solve the problem? Why treat mental patients, pregnant women or crippled citizens if it is in opposition to Bush’s tax cuts and balancing the state budget? Not a hard answer; it’s cheap, it’s efficient and it might even save state money! Preventative medicine in the form of mandatory prenatal healthcare provided by the state and perhaps mandatory sex education classes for young, at-risk mothers, is the answer. If this were implemented, mental illness would be reduced by education of young mothers who otherwise might not know how to properly care for their babies. The majority of mental illness begins during development. What is nine months of care as opposed to a lifetime of trying to treat an untreatable mental illness? (In Texas, this usually leads to incarceration.) So as the Texas Independence Day approaches, keep in mind it is always cheaper to take care of your car engine by getting tune-ups and oil changes instead of letting the engine burn up because of basic neglect. It’s much cheaper to change the oil instead of replacing an engine, just as nine months of care is cheaper than a lifetime of treatment. As students we still have reason to complain on our own behalf, but we should also consider the plight of the forgotten and lessfortunate citizens of Texas. — Travis Up ch urch h istory sen ior

good coach and teacher? If the students who are going to be coaches go through the same programs for teaching that other students go through, then what makes you assume that coach’s are the only ones who are not going to be good teachers? I am so tired of the stereotype that all coaches are terrible teachers. Most of my coaches were better teachers than some of my other teachers. I think everyone needs to recognize that there can be bad apples in the classroom that are not coaches. I don’t know how many times I have heard people on this campus bash coaches as teachers. How about you follow a high school coach around for a week. Coaches have had to take extra classes to be a coach so we are not stupid and incompetent! I think we deserve a written apology. It is not acceptable that a school that prides itself on turning out great teachers should be saying that coaches who come out of this school are not as good as the other teachers. Just because someone is an expert in his area does not mean he is competent in teaching that content to students. I think this comment was unjust and rude. On behalf of all coaches, I am sorry if you were picked last or got cut from the team or even if you had a bum of a teacher that happened to be a coach — not all coaches are bad teachers! — Re gina Wa gne r e xercise a nd spo rts scienc e senio r f ut ure co ach an d h ist ory tea che r

Coaches impact students inside, outside of classroom

Sta ff Re sp on se The sentence mentioning coaches as teachers was not meant to be taken in such a negative connotation. The emphasis of the editorial was meant to be that if the “instant teacher” plan were to be approved, it would send unqualified people into the teaching field and at the same time devalue those that have majored in education or took education courses in college. In no way did we mean to connote that coaches are “stupid and incompetent.” The editorial as a whole should have conveyed that those who do undergo pedagogy training in college should be valued more than those who would theoretically get certified under the “instant teacher” plan.

I was very upset about a comment made in the “Instant Teacher” (Feb. 24) article. It read that this plan “brings people who are experts on the subject into the classroom, which certainly beats getting taught history or Spanish by the school’s coach.” This comment outrages me! I am an exercise and sports science senior and my teaching field is history — so are you saying that Texas State is not going to prepare me to be a

CAMPUS QUOTES “I think if you have your master’s (degree) that makes sense. I think they should only teach the major subject they studied.” — Jenni fer Fee stu dio art s op homor e

At 3:30 a.m. Feb. 15, I woke up to run my first marathon. It was the Motorola Marathon in Austin, an event that attracted world-class athletes, as well as several thousand others. I’ve always been an avid runner, but this was huge. A marathon is 26.2 miles; that’s like running from San Marcos Megan Kinkade to downtown Austin. I came to Texas State bored and lonely, Star Columnist looking for something to do. I heard about this marathon training team at the university and decided to give it a try. The first training day, I ran six miles. I’d never ran more than four. Eventually, I was up to 10 miles, 12, 15 then 20. People look at you like you’re crazy and make all sorts of noises about how far that is or how hard it must be. It was always hard to explain that once you had it in your head you were going to make 26.2 miles, 10 or 15 seemed inconsequential. As the big day approached, I’d have nightmares. I’d dream about weird courses and not making it to the start in time, having to catch up. And in the weeks right before the race I’d get that nervous feeling in my stomach. I had that sick adrenaline feeling … all the time. The night before the marathon I had to go to bed early; we had to drive to Austin in time to be there one hour before the race. I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned and thought, “What the hell am I doing?” all night. Finally, 3:30 a.m. rolled around, and I dressed, and pinned on my first marathon number — 3390. The actual starting line for the race is reserved for the place competitors, Olympic hopefuls and such. The rest of the thousands divide themselves down the road by their approximated finish time. It was freezing cold, but runners are eccentric people. They ran around in shorts and tank tops, or in Speedo bloomers and garbage bags. Some guy had on a giant hat, another had a headband with orange bobbles. The first six miles were great and just flew by. People would shed their extra layers; miles of discarded gloves, shirts and earmuffs could be seen up and down the Austin streets. The pack eventually thinned as people began to settle into their pace. There were groups of people chanting, others talking on cell phones and the rest were dutifully plodding ahead. Each mile had its little show for the runners — spectators cheering, bands playing, etc. At one point, there were even bagpipers in full costume just tooting away. It was crazy. I eventually hit a wall (several, actually) where I felt like I just couldn’t keep going. That’s when I got jealous of the halfmarathoners who finished an hour ago. Eventually, the terrain seemed to be picking on me. Before the race, everyone said the Motorola Marathon was the fastest marathon, pretty flat, all that kind of stuff. That was all crap. I hate hills, and Austin is full of them. Every time I saw one in the distance, with a stream of people running up, I wanted to cry. I finally got to the 20th mile and spectators were yelling, “Only six more miles!” I’ve never wanted to hurt anybody more than I did then. Yes, I had six more miles. Six more miles of pain and agony. Mile 21, 22, 23 … all going by slower and slower. The hills seemed bigger and bigger. Mile 24, 25 … I reached 25, and I decided I was sick of running. Just plain sick. So I ran faster, I just wanted to be done with it. People were passing out beer, yelling that the ones who were walking had to drink. I just ran. I got 800 yards away and people were cheering. Someone screamed that the finish line was at the balloons, just two blocks away. I ran faster. I saw that big clock and finally finished. The announcer called my name, and again I wanted to cry. I got my finisher’s medal, some water and sat down. My legs were cramping so badly I couldn’t walk or stand. I heard people talking about how the training was worthwhile or how they broke a personal record. I had no personal record, and training was nothing compared to this race. I was more unprepared for this than anything else I’d ever done. But for all the miles I’ve ran, all the races, all the crazy people, for all the sweat and tears, I’d never felt better about myself than at that moment, sitting there with my water bottle and family, having finished the biggest race of my life.

The first six miles were great and just flew by. People would shed their extra layers; miles of discarded gloves, shirts and earmuffs could be seen up and down the Austin streets.

Kinkade is a psychology freshman.

Compiled by Alisa Shilander and Linda Smith

“Probably not, because your not fully qualified or have all the training teachers need.” — Jes si c a Os borne ph ys ic al ther apy fres hman

“You can’t have teachers teaching kids if they are not certified. I wouldn’t want my kids being taught by some nut that was in school for a little while, because they don’t have enough teachers.” — R udy Vi nc en t m ass c om muni c ati on s en ior

Marathon means more than just finish line

Letters to the Editor More articles should focus on amendments

Thursday, February 26, 2004

“I would say no. Just because you major in a subject, doesn’t mean you are qualified to teach it.” — Meli s sa Johns on Engl is h jun ior

“I’m from Kansas and I took the certification test there. Here they say it doesn’t count. I feel that we have to take some classes that are not important.” — Dan Dol ce s port s sc ienc e s eni or

“I think it’s a good idea, but I think they should have some on the job training and student teaching first. It does prevent graduates having the hassle of going back to school for some classes that don’t matter.” — Mar k Mi ll er c ompu ter in form ati on s ci enc e j un ior

Should the state of Texas certify college graduates without formal education training in an attempt to decrease teacher shortages?


T h e U n i v e r si t y S t a r

TRENDS Enter: The dojo

SAN MARCOS Cheatham Street Warehouse TONIGHT: Django Walker FRIDAY: River Train Band SATURDAY: The Derailers SUNDAY: Sadie Hawkins Day with Ponty Bone (4 to 8 p.m.)

Page 8 — Thursday, February 26, 2004

Triple Crown TONIGHT: Los Gallos (6 p.m.), Johnny Gobbs, Good By Lo-Fi, The Lusties (9 p.m.) FRIDAY: Nathan Hamilton (6 p.m.), Dukes of Haphazzard (8 p.m.) SATURDAY: Turbo Dwarf, Rebecca Creek (9 p.m.)

NEW BRAUNFELS Saengerhalle TONIGHT: Open Mic hosted by Gerald (8 p.m.)

FRIDAY: Stoney Larue (9 p.m.)

AUSTIN Emo’s TONIGHT: DJ Jester The Filipino Fist, DJ Klassen, DJ Fukysuck FRIDAY: Numbers, Da Hawnay Troof (member of XBXRX), X-27, Kino Eye, DJ Kmart SATURDAY: Strike Anywhere, J Church, 5th Hour Hero, Signal Lost (Early Show), Gorch Fock, Boxcar Satan, Oh, Beast!, Bontempi Brothers (Late Show)

Sexy, sophisticated women abound through ’30s fashion

Martial arts educates on more than self-defense



No one really expects to fight like Neo and Agent Smith from The Matrix, but those high-action scenes haven’t done anything to hurt martial arts’ image in the United States. Whether entering the dojo for self-defense, fitness or to prepare for Ultimate Fighting Championship, more Americans can be found in traditional gis (uniforms) than ever Brian Garcia/Star photo before. “People are trying martial arts San Marcos residents Ryan Sykes and Anton Groshev practice tae kwon do techniques at Tae Kwon just like they are trying baseball Do Plus, located at 1505 Aquarena Springs Drive. and soccer,” said Ryan Richard of San Marcos’ Tae Kwon Do Plus. sometimes market it as the real To meet the demand, training Fight Club. We practice moves in class, and we spar in every class.” centers are even opening in lessLike most martial arts, differpopulated cities and towns, and at Shaolin-Do Kung Fu: Tae Kwon Do Plus: ent individuals seek different least five are operated in San www.kungfuaustin.com (512) 392-JUMP results from BJJ. Marcos, in addition to clubs and (512) 754-7323 “We train professional fightclasses offered through the uniRelson Gracie ers, and we also have a lot of peoversity. Most schools are satellites Texas State Aikido Club: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: ple who come just for the workof Austin schools, but the instrucaikidosm@yahoo.com www.austinjj.com out,” Kirmse said. Women come tors here are all of sound skill and (512) 353-1771 (512) 689-8941 looking for self-defense. And teaching ability, able to explain sometimes the pros muay-thai and perform techniques to everyone’s understanding. practitioners learn to fight equally realize how you can use it for dis- kick the soccer moms.” Kirmse didn’t seem too worEach program offers a differ- with hand and foot — and, if one cipline or self-control.” ent experience and environment sticks around long enough, maybe Although discipline and the ried about the soccer moms. One for trainees and provides a unique with a zhuihun sword, too. seven tenets of tae kwon do may of his 100-pound female students set of skills, but all martial artists The vast array of material be initially lost on the very young, choked out a 300-pound Austin preach a common theme: Anyone kung fu works with allows one to TKD Plus boasts an excellent constable. She was able to get can come into the studio and suc- focus on specific aspects of the children’s program. Via its behind his back and make him tap ceed if he has the necessary focus martial arts as he progresses. umbrella organization, Interna- out. If take-downs sound interestand determination. Whether short Whether it is self-defense, forms, tional Tae Kwon Do Association, or tall, male or female, young or fighting or those dangerous-look- instructors constantly update their ing but money is tight, then the old, a six-pack or beer belly, ing weapons, “You can find your teaching methods, including how Texas State Aikido Club is worth there’s a space on the mats and a niche here,” O’Brien said. to teach children with attention checking out. Practice is held twice a week in the Student punching bag waiting. Across the road, in the familiar deficit disorder. Those interested in the flashy old gas station, is Tae Kwon Do “Young kids do martial arts Recreation Center, and at only and fluid fighting methods seen in Plus. This studio places a lot of because it’s fun or because their $15 per semester, they practically Hong Kong action movies will emphasis on the ability of martial parents make them do it,” Richard give away lessons. Aikido “has a very zen-like want to swing by Shaolin-Do arts to teach the student more than said. “Then when you become a Kung Fu. The first items one force, and begin each class with a teenager, you start to see how you feel,” said Rick Laue, local family notices when walking into the stu- recitation of the seven tenets of tae can take lessons out into your practice doctor and the Aikido Club’s instructor. “The purpose is dio are all the traditional weapons: kwon do: Honor, courtesy, integri- life.” swords, staffs and spears, all very ty, perseverance, self-control, For those interested in side- to perfect yourself, not just to kick unassumingly piled in the corners. courage and community. stepping the formulaic katas of butt.” One gets to do a bit of both. One realizes he has stumbled These folks aren’t Boy Scouts, many martial arts and getting right upon the real thing. though. One wall is lined with to what happens on the street, After stretching and warming up, “Most people’s conceptions gloves, pads and dummies, and Relson Gracie Brazilian jiu-jitsu students work on moves that uti(of kung fu) are the Bruce Lee and students frequently try out their has begun operating out of the lize an opponent’s energy to cripJackie Chan movies,” said Sean new techniques against those real Texas Health and Racquet Club. ple or subdue, many completed O’Brien, an instructor at Shaolin- surfaces. Class may be wrapped Instead of beginning with stances, when the opponent is on the floor. Self-defense is part of aikido, Do. “We encompass the animal up by self-defense moves, teach- kicks and strikes, beginners in styles seen in those movies, the ing not only practical defense but Brazilian jiu-jitsu immediately go but competition is not. There are hard styles, as well as tai chi, a also offenses to make an attacker to take-downs, chokes and other dramatic throws and traditional ways to make an opponent’s face Japanese weapons, but “it is not a softer style.” wish he hadn’t been assaulted. sport,” Laue said. The devastating Those looking to become well“I train for every reason in the turn red. “People who fight you when power of aikido in the hands of a rounded on their feet will find a book,” said Richard, a thirdwelcoming environment here. degree black belt. “I started when you know jiu-jitsu, it’s like fight- master is unsuitable for competiWhereas some styles place a lot of I was 9 years old because it was ing a baby,” said Frank Kirmse, an tion, although quite useful against emphasis on kicking and some fun. Now I am an instructor so I instructor with RGBJJ. “It’s very an aggressive stranger on the focus mostly on strikes, kung fu can get better at it. You start to addicting and very practical. We street.

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Will Sean Penn attend the Oscars? Will Sean Penn, that brooding actor’s actor and sometime San Francisco Chronicle journalist, make it to the Oscars? Will he snub the awards show? Does anybody care? Penn shunned the Golden Globes last month to spend time with his daughter. And he has refused to show up at previous Oscars, saying, “I can’t get up that red carpet without being embarrassed.” Reportedly, he does his shunning bit because he thinks the Oscars cheapen the art of acting.

Still, he showed up at the Oscar luncheon for nominees (he got a best actor nod for Mystic River) earlier this month, leading some to wager he’d make it to the carpet Sunday. We might not give a darn, but Jude Law does. The British thesp, who has a best actor nomination of his own (for Cold Mountain), said at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this month that he has admired Penn for years, “and I think it should be his year.”

The editorial He The movie database IMDB.com tried Wednesday to give credit where credit is due. As of lunchtime, its listing for Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ listed the following writing




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Welcome to the 1930s. Womanly curves prance back to the stage, clothing is flirty and carefree by day and glamorous by night, and fashion provides a sophisticated, feminine look for a dame. Best exemplified by the glamorous movie star goddess, ’30s fashion is most notable for its elegance, intelligence and overall charm. Women of the decade took a step back to modesty, packing the Golden Age of the flapper away into demure hatboxes. Costume jewelry was heavily utilized in black and white films to achieve sparkle and glitz. Hair was chin-length and softly waved since perms had improved. Hollywood starlettes such as Bette Davis and Jean Harlow created the “look” young women flocked to imitate. The invention of new fabrics motivated an era of “beautycreating” individuals to return to traditional ideals in an up-todate fashion. The hourglass figure returned to popularity, the bare skin of the ’20s was covered up, and slinky fabrics outlined the female form. Set apart from other decades, the 1930s brought the need for daytime and evening wear, as women lived more productive lives. Daywear for a ’30s “dish” consisted of practical, feminine ensembles that allowed for movement in everyday life. Skirt hemlines flowed at the bottom of the calf. Frequently, skirts were longer in the back than the front and were appealing because of their cut. Designers such as Madeleine Vionnet enhanced the draping fabric by cutting it on the true cross or the bias grain, a method called bias cutting. Tossing out the cloche hat and the idea of unfashionable foreheads, women begin to wear berets. Necklines lowered as collars widened with scalloped edges or ruffles. Unlike the not-so-much support of ’20s undergarments, reliable bras, girdles and corsets became available to women. Because buttons became too expensive, zippers became stylish. New fabrics such as cotton and rayon were used throughout the decade. The production of nylon in 1938 freed women


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from the bagging and sagging of previous stockings. Elsa Schiaparelli, Italianborn rival designer of Coco Chanel, offered feminine clothing with a surreal twist. She mixed with cubist artists such as Man Ray and Salvador Dali, who designed much of her fabric and accessories. Women who loathed the flirty, frilly designs of Chanel and Vionnet were compensated by Schiaparelli’s use of short-fitted suits or jackets teamed with black dresses, giving birth to the creation of the classic, professional look. Schiaparelli designed wide-shouldered masculine suits made famous by Hollywood actress Marlene Dietrich and was responsible for the use of shoulder pads long before the ’80s. She is also credited for the use of the plastic colored zipper in 1930s fashion. Eveningwear, born from the styles of idolized movie heroines, proved much cheaper to imitate than the Paris fashion scene. Evening gowns were elegant and glamorous. Satin, crepe-de-chine, silk, crepe and chiffon were used to make the stunning gowns. By cross cutting the fabric, designers were able to create a flare and fluidity of drapery other methods couldn’t achieve. Halter gowns and the exposure of midriff (minus the navel) became the norm for eveningwear in the ’30s. Gowns could easily be slipped over the head and came to life when put on the human form. Despite the burden of the Depression, fashion continued its glamour and charm in the 1930s. The chic styles of the time continue in today’s attire. Even the Eisenberg Dress Company used the word “ice” for their accessories adorned with rhinestones. So much for rap slang! So again ladies, let’s review. The 1930s brought back the femininity of curves, made the zipper an everyday staple, began our idolization of life in the movies and brought about the sexy, sophisticated, self-sufficient woman of the time. We have all, of course, seen or worn something from this era, idolized the Bette Davis’ and Marlene Dietrich’s of the day and wished our lives were a little something like the movies. Does history repeat itself? Most certainly!

credits (in alphabetical order): Benedict Fitzgerald (screenplay), Mel Gibson (screenplay), God (novel). By early afternoon, though, some unseen force had removed the ultimate credit.

Jolie to run Olympic torch Angelina Jolie, star of Tomb Raider and goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, has agreed to be a torch-bearer at this summer’s Olympics in Athens. She’ll run one of the last legs of the relay in Athens, the day before the lighting of the cauldron at the Aug. 13 opening ceremony.

Briefs are from wire reports.

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Thursday, February 26, 2004

The University Star - 9

Crime graphic novels entertain with suspense, murder BY RICKEY PURDIN ARTS REPORTER Tired of the constant Law & Order reruns or the endless onslaught of thriller/espionage/action shows drowning your television with their redundant dialogue and boring casts? Then you need a comic book. You don’t need just any comic book; you need a great crime graphic novel. For decades, these tight little stories have packed more punch than a drug dealer in a fist fight. And since the artists use a slew of techniques to create scummy environments to slam you down in, you’ll spit blood when the story ends. So to get you hooked on an addictive new drug, here’s a rundown of the five crime graphic novels anyone can run out and pick up. But remember, the first hit’s free. Dark Blue Warren Ellis is known for his outrageous plot twists and explosive tales of super heroics. Jacen Burrows is such a detailed artist that he’d include the tiny hairs of lavender fur on a pimp’s leopard coat. Together, this creative team chronicles the adventures of Frank Christchurch in Dark Blue from Avatar Press. Frank’s a cop with a drugaddicted boss and a partner who thinks he’s crazy. Things take a turn for the worse when he’s assigned a case involving a psychotic killer no one can catch. The story takes a turn you could never anticipate when the killer tears a hole in the fabric of reality. If you like the existential angst of the Matrix films, then check this book out, but don’t skip ahead. You’ll ruin the “holycrap” ending. Union Station According to the graphic novel Union Station, in 1933, Kansas City, Kan., was the backdrop for a horrific gun battle and no one knows how it began. When small-time criminal Frank Nash was being escorted back into town by train after his trial, reporter Charles Thompson showed up

to scoop a story. Nash’s handler, FBI agent Vetterli, heads to Union Station to meet Nash’s convoy, expecting a routine job. When the three men are in place, things go crazy in this true thriller from writer Ande Parks and artist Eduardo Barretto. If you’re looking for some historical crime, go snatch this puppy from Oni Press.

Michael Gaydos, makes the list again with his superhero-detective-for-hire story Alias. The book has no relation to the ABC television series, so forget that. It follows Jessica Jones, a former superhero who has given up the spandex and opted for self-loathing and alcohol after something ghastly happens while she’s in costume. She offers her services to anyone who can pay, and she gets the job done. The great aspect here isn’t the storyline as much as the character development of Jessica. Bendis makes you care about this girl, and every punch she takes in the jaw knocks one of your teeth out. It’s a Marvel comic, but don’t let that

Torso Along the same lines as Union Station is Brian Bendis’ Torso, an account of Elliot Ness after his triumph over Al Capone in Chicago. Ness moved to Cleveland to clean up the city and succeeded more than Capone did in Chi-town. But when dismembered bodies begin to float to the surface of Lake Erie, Ness and his new team of hard cops, the Unknowns, have to catch the killer before he leaves anymore torsos. As far as the public knew, the torso killer was never caught. What really happened will blow you away. The graphic novel from Image Entertainment also includes photos from the crime scene and essays on the murder. This is the unofficial sequel to The Untouchables. Watch your head. Gangland Gangland from DC Comics offers 14 tales of culprits, criminals and bad guys. From Russian vodka bars to the California suburbs, this collection showcases the talent of the best writers and artists in comics as they create crimes so horribly shocking you can’t help but read. These aren’t rehashes of old crimes, though. The creators made sure to keep the dialogue unmarked and the plots so innovative you’ll wish they were full novels. Axel Alonso, editor of the collection, put together a powerhouse of stars, such as Brian Azzarello, Frank Quietly, Joe Lansdale and so many more. Great for the bus or perfect before bed, you should take time to read these gems.

bring you down. It’s geared toward an older crowd, so expect plenty of cursing and, uh, adult situations. There are three books in the series and Jessica just got a supporting role in Marvel’s new title, The Pulse, which is out now. Kill, steal, stab or mug. Do whatever you need to get these titles. They’re sharp and fast, and you can finish them in a few days. All of them are less than $10, and you can get them online or at your local comic store. Just get them. Once you have them, though, watch your wallet. They’re sneaky punks.

Alias Bendis, accompanied by artist



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10 - The University Star

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Houston duo to juror upcoming FASA show Art exhibit BY CHRIS ROBINSON SENIOR REPORTER

The Art Guys, a Houstonbased duo that has garnered widespread acclaim for its clever take on modern art, will juror an upcoming exhibit hosted by the Fine Arts Students Association. The exhibit will be composed of an open call throughout the art and design department for student entries. Of the approximately 100 entries, Niall MacRae, FASA president, expects about 35 entries to be chosen. Though there will be no ranking given to the works selected, the student artists benefit from being chosen by such high-profile professional artists. “It gives you some credibility to put on your résumé that your work was selected by The Art Guys,” said Logan Hill, printmaking senior. The exhibit is titled “The Handsome Furbearing Animals”. Because it represents the whole of the art department, the student exhibit has the potential to display an unusual mix of art media. “(The title) is totally ridicu-

lous and random and probably what the show will be like,” said Mark “Banana” Taylor, printmaking senior. “If we called it something pretentious, then probably no one would come.” MacRae hopes the celebrity of the jurors will increase the pull of visitors. “(The Art Guys) are definitely one of the biggest jurors we’ve had in three to four years,” MacRae said. “They are probably one of the most well-known in terms of having a visible presence.” The Art Guys — Jack Massing and Michael Galbreth — have been described by The New York Times as “a cross between Dada and David Letterman, John Cage and the Smothers Brothers.” 2/05/04 QL32166A_R1 It is unknown as of press time whether the duo will MCCANN make an 133 actual appearance at the exhibit. Carol Scafati “The Handsome Furbearing Animals” exhibit will run from April 19 to May 14 in the Gaillardia Gallery in the LBJ Student Center. The exhibit will DannyTurner/Artguys.com photo be temporarily hosted in Austin 9.625" at They Who Search Studios Houston-based duo The Art Guys (Jack Massing and Michael Galbreth) will juror an upcoming modern art exhibit hosted by the Fine Arts Students Association. The exhibit opens April 19. April 3, only.


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Oddly, returning to primitive photographic processes can lead to visionary and progressive work. The photographers whose works are on display in the Mitte Gallery II exhibit titled “Curious Music: Alternative Photographic Processes,” have reinvented the wheel to achieve specific effects in their pictures. While the photos in Rocky Schenck’s recent Wittliff Gallery exhibit were digitally manipulated to create dreamlike landscapes, the artists of “Curious Music” snap misty stills using some of photography’s oldest techniques, including tintypes, bromoil, pigment over platinum and plastic and pinhole cameras. Despite the 100-year technological difference, Schenck and “Curious Music’s” photographers present the viewer with similarly impressionistic prints that invite speculation and are shrouded in mystery. All the artists on display are modern and many are from Texas, but every photograph defies place, time and even reality. The tintypes of Pat Brown and Amanda Stahl have such extraordinarily low depth of field that one feels the single object in focus is suspended in a dream world or alternate dimension. Some images are abstract (a blurry ceiling or a fish emerging at the water’s surface near the edge of the frame); some are classical, especially Jill Burkholder’s “Trees and Stream in the Snow,” which would be perfect for the cover of a novel about a long, cold winter in New Hampshire; and some are whimsical or exploratory (a row of pigeons on a handrail, or a woman’s feet in the sand). “Curious Music’s” highlight may very well be Dan Burkholder’s portion of the exhibit, because his pigment over platinum pictures are more believable as pen-and-ink hand drawings than anything captured through a lens, which makes them novelties beyond art. Unfortunately, his work is followed by Lola Huitt’s pinhole productions, which combine blurry movement and formal stillness that sometimes succeeds, but more often just unnerves. Fans of the Schenck exhibit must check this one out, but only with a calm mind, because these photographs invite curiosity and will frustrate a fretful or uncomposed person. The exhibit runs through March 7. 14"

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© 2004 MasterCard International Incorporated

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Go to mastercard.com to apply for an internship making a music video for the band Hoobastank.. there are some things money can’t buy. for everything else there’s MasterCard.®

MasterCard® Priceless ExperienceTM ’04 Music Internship Contest Official Rules. No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win. Eligibility: Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 to 25 years of age and are enrolled as full or part time undergraduate students in a U.S. Department of Education accredited 2-year or 4-year college/university as of 2/8/04 and at the time of winner selection and notification. Employees of MasterCard International Incorporated (“Sponsor”), MasterCard member financial institutions, Enigma Media, Inc. (“Hypnotic”), Octagon Worldwide Limited, Universal Music Group, Project Support Team, Inc. (“PST”), and each of their respective parent companies, affiliates, distributors, subsidiaries, and advertising/promotion agencies (collectively “Released Parties”) and members of the immediate family (mother, father, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and spouse) and household of each such employee are not eligible to participate. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited. How to Participate: 1) Visit www.mastercard.com and click on the MasterCard® Priceless Experience™ ’04 icon between 12:00:01PM Central Time (“CT”) on 2/8/04 and 8:59:59AM CT on 4/15/04 (“Promotion Period”); 2) To access the application form, click on the “Apply Now” button; 3) Submit an essay of no more than (250) words answering the following question: If you were to plan your ideal career in the music business, what would it be and why? The entry must be your original creation, in English and cannot have been previously published or submitted in any prior competition. Modification of an existing work does not qualify as original; 4) Fully complete the online entry; and 5) Click the “Submit” button. Limit one entry per person and per email address for the duration of the Promotion Period. Additional entries received from such person and/or email address thereafter will be void. Your submission of an entry constitutes your consent to participate in this Contest and your consent for Sponsor to obtain, use, and transfer your name, address and other information for the purpose of administering this Contest. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, incomplete, late, stolen, or misdirected entries or submissions; theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; failures or malfunctions of phones, phonelines or telephone systems; interrupted or unavailable network, server or other connections; any error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in any transmission or communication; traffic congestion on the Internet or for any technical problem, including but not limited to any injury or damage to entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation in this Contest; errors in these Official Rules, in any Contest-related advertisements or other materials; the selection or announcement of winners or the awarding of prizes; the cancellation, suspension or modification of online distance-learning seminars, or other problems or errors of any kind whether mechanical, human, electronic or otherwise. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void any and all entries of an entrant who Sponsor believes has attempted to tamper with or impair the administration, security, fairness, or proper play of this Contest. The use of automated entry devices is prohibited. All entries will become the property of Sponsor and will not be returned. Neither Sponsor, nor anyone acting on its behalf, will enter into any communications with any entrant regarding any aspect of this Contest other than to notify potential winners. Judging: Winner selection for this Contest will occur in two phases. Semifinalist Selection: A total of (48) Semifinalists will be selected in accordance with the following Entry Periods, each Entry Period beginning at 12:00:01PM CT and ending at 8:59:59AM CT respectively: (16) Entry Period #1 Semifinalists: 2/8/04-3/1/04; (16) Entry Period #2 Semifinalists: 3/2/04-3/23/04 and (16) Entry Period #3 Semifinalists: 3/24/04-4/15/04. Entries received during one Entry Period will not carry forward to subsequent Entry Periods. Entries will be judged by an independent panel of judges (“judges”) supervised by PST (an independent judging organization whose decisions will be final and binding in all matters relating to this Contest) based on the following criteria: 1) Originality: 0-40 points; 2) Creativity/Written Expression: 0-30 points; and 3) Relevance to Theme: 0-30 points. In the event of a tie, the entrant with the highest score in Originality will be declared the potential Semifinalist. If a tie still exists, from among the remaining pool of tied entrants, the entrant with the highest score in Creativity/Written Expression will be declared the potential Semifinalist, and so forth. Tiebreakers will continue backwards in this manner until the tie among the remaining tied entrants is broken. Semifinalists will be notified by telephone and/or mail on or about 5/10/04. If any Semifinalist notification letter is returned as undeliverable, a runner-up may be selected. Each Semifinalist will be required to submit the following materials to a specified address within (4) days of issuance of notification: 1) Executed Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability Release and (where legal) Publicity Release; 2) Current college/university transcript (showing that he/she is in good academic standing as defined by his/her respective college/university at time of notification); 3) A video of no more than (2) minutes in length featuring Semifinalist (no third parties, footage and/or music from any other source) addressing the following question: Tell us about your favorite music video, what you like best about it and why? The video must be: a) On a 1/2 inch VHS-formatted videotape; b) Queued to starting point; c) Neatly labeled with the entrant’s complete name; and d) In English and cannot have been previously screened or publicly viewed. Entrant is responsible for properly protecting videotape for mailing. Noncompliance with any of the foregoing may result in disqualification and awarding of prize to the runner-up. Finalist Selection: A total of (16) Finalists will be selected from the (48) Semifinalist video entries submitted. Video entries will be judged based on the following criteria: 1) Presence On-Screen: 0–40 points; 2) Creative Execution: 0–30 points; and 3) Originality: 0–30 points. In the event of a tie, the entrant with the highest score in Presence On-Screen will be declared the potential Finalist. If a tie still exists, from among the remaining pool of tied entrants, the entrant with the highest score in Creative Execution will be declared the potential Finalist, and so forth. Tiebreakers will continue backwards in this manner until the tie among the remaining tied entrants is broken. Finalists will be selected by judges on or about 5/24/04 and will be notified by telephone and/or mail. If any Finalist notification letter is returned as undeliverable, the runner-up may be selected. The likelihood of winning a prize will depend on the quality of each entrant’s submission as compared to the quality of all other entrants’ submissions as judged in accordance with the aforementioned criteria. Prizes: (48) Semifinalist Prizes: $100 MasterCard Gift Card (Approximate Retail Value “ARV”=$100). (16) Finalist Prizes: Opportunity to attend the MasterCard® Priceless Experience™ ’04 Music Internship (“internship”) between 6/15/04 and 7/15/04 consisting of (but not limited to) participation in a four week internship in Los Angeles, California with access to select Music & Entertainment industry experts designated by Sponsor, specialized curricula, and the chance to assist in the production of a music video developed for an artist/group (managed by Universal Music Group) to be designated solely by Sponsor. Internship will include round-trip coach air transportation from major airport nearest to winner’s residence in the U.S., select ground transportation, double-occupancy accommodations at a location to be determined by Sponsor, and a total of $1,000 spending money awarded in the form of a MasterCard Gift Card (ARV=$6,000). Limit one prize per person, family, or household. Total ARV of all prizes=$100,800. Prize details not specifically set forth herein are at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Exact dates of internship subject to change at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Internship attendance is mandatory and Finalists must comply with all MasterCard rules and regulations relating to their participation in the internship. Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, impose disciplinary sanctions on Finalists, ranging from a warning to expulsion to referral for state or federal prosecution, for violation of federal, state or local laws, and internship codes of conduct. Content of internship to be determined solely by Sponsor and internship is not for credit. Travel restrictions may apply and travel must take place on dates specified by Sponsor or prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to a runner-up. Artist(s)/group(s) and/or other organization(s) or personality(s) featured in MasterCard® Priceless Experience™ ’04 Contest promotional advertising are subject to availability. If any named artist(s)/group(s) and/or other organization(s) or personality(s) is unavailable to participate in the capacity specified for any reason, an entity/individual of similar stature as determined by Sponsor will participate in lieu of the applicable named entity and/or individual. Miscellaneous: No transfer, assignment, cash redemption, or substitution of prizes (or portion thereof) except by Sponsor due to prize unavailability, and then for a prize (or applicable portion thereof) of equal or greater value. Federal, state and local taxes and all other costs and expenses not specified herein are winners' sole responsibility. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and 1) Attest that their essay and/or video (“entry”) is an original creation that has not been previously published or submitted in any other competitions; and 2) Agree that Released Parties and their designees and assigns: a) shall own the entry (and all material embodied therein) and shall have the perpetual, worldwide right to edit, publish, exploit and use the entry (or any portion thereof) in any way and in any media for advertising and/or trade purposes and/or for any other purpose in any media or format now or hereafter known without further compensation, permission or notification from/to entrant or any third party; b) shall have the right and permission (unless prohibited by law) to use entrant’s name, voice, city/state of residence, photograph and/or other likeness for advertising and/or trade purposes and/or for the purpose of displaying their name as a winner and/or for any other purpose in any media or format now or hereafter known without further compensation, permission or notification; c) use of entry shall not violate the right of any third parties and shall not violate any applicable federal, state or local laws or ordinances, d) shall have the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entries that they deem to be obscene or otherwise not in good taste; e) shall have no liability and entrant will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor and the Released Parties from and against any liability, loss, injury or damage of any kind (including attorney’s fees) to any person or entity including, without limitation, personal injury, death or damage to personal or real property, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in this Contest and any travel related thereto including, but not limited to, any claim that entrant’s submission infringes or violates the rights of any person or entity. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, terminate or suspend this Contest should virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Sponsor, including but not limited to war, strikes, and/or acts of God, corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of this Contest and, if the Contest is terminated or suspended, at its discretion award prizes in a judging from among all non-suspect entries received prior to event requiring such modification, termination or suspension. Winners List: For the winners’ names (available after 6/15/04), send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to be received by 6/1/04 to: MasterCard® Priceless Experience™ ’04 Winners, P.O. Box 13106, Bridgeport, CT 06673-3106. ©2004 MasterCard International Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Sponsor: MasterCard International Incorporated, 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577. Promoter: Project Support Team, Inc., 100 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811

Send a letter to the editor. Seriously. The e-mail address is starletters@ txstate.edu. Don’t say we didn’t tell ya.


Potty manners

The University Star - 11

Money-saving tips bring the spa to your dorm BY PORSHA THOMAS TRENDS REPORTER

Chris Sipes/Star illustration

Tips for the men ...

And for the ladies ...

We’ve all been there, one way or another, where we wish there was a course everyone had to take to learn how to interact properly with other people. When it comes to restrooms, sh** (no pun intended) can really hit the fan. Every guy can remember the time he opened the restroom door and the smell all but brought him to his knees. Or the time the one stall he decided to use hadn’t been flushed, and the sight made him glad he had control over his gag reflex. For those who really have no idea what to do, here are some tips:

Unspoken bathroom etiquette is often ignored. The public restroom is a place where we are forced to spend some time. In order to make this time tolerable, we must all be considerate and take time to follow the unspoken restroom rules. In public situations, time is always a factor. In the bar bathroom, with its never-ending lines, other girls have the same needs. Go to the bathroom, re-apply lipstick and get out. Standing there, discussing the goings on of the evening, just takes up valuable space. Chances are, in the entirety of any bar, there’s another spot you can continue your secret discussion without being overheard by those you’re discussing. Never ask to borrow a stranger’s makeup. That’s just not sanitary. Luckily, we are sometimes privileged to stalls but far too often we are left to compensate for faulty locks. If a stall appears occupied but the door is cracked, don’t just push open the door. A quick bending down to check for feet takes a millisecond and prevents embarrassment on both sides of the stall. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, be mindful of the seat. Hovering over the seat is probably a good idea. It’s a quick quad workout and the most efficient way to be hygienic when dealing with toilet seats. The problem with hovering is the hygienic situation that follows. There’s an old saying that most people heard from our mothers that rather eloquently explains this rule: “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.”



n The courtesy flush is an obligation, not a consideration. n Designated toilets are designated for a reason. n Non-toilet messes must be cleaned immediately. n Drains in shower are for shower water only. n Keep eyes forward at all times when using the urinal. Not only is it uncomfortable to urinate while someone is eyeballing you or some part of your body, but it can lead to uncomfortable situations outside the restroom as well. n Do not use handicap stalls unless absolutely necessary. The relieving feeling you get as you leave the stall will be immediately alleviated when an angered disabled person rams his prosthetic leg into your groin. n Washing your hands after any type of restroom use is not only for your benefit, but for all.

Tha Down Low keeps things sultry, smooth “Yeah, I don’t want you to hold back any longer baby/Cause tonight, I’m gonna give you all the little things/I know you’ve been w a i t i n g for/So, brace yourself and music REVIEW listen.” ‘ S m o ove’ «««« lyrics such as Various Artists these landed Tha Down Low R. Kelly a oneRazor & Tie week spot at 29 on Billboard’s Top 40 as well as a 26-minute home movie spot with a 14-year-old. The song has recently found its way onto Razor & Tie’s new bump’n’grind mix, Tha Down Low, a sexy retrospective of early ’90s R&B. Whether you’re with your shortie, or someone else’s, this ‘babymaking’ mix is designed especially for every intimate booty call. Sections of the CD, which sandwich Shai and Brian

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What are The Star staffers listening to? Matt R. — Daft Punk Mando F. — X Scooter H. — Aphex Twin David D. — Yo La Tengo Laura V. — Disturbed John B. — Norah Jones Kassia M. — Weezer Terry O. — God Drives a Galaxy Geoff E. — Jay-Z Siobhan C. — Incubus

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To begin, you might want to make sure your hands are clean and cuticles are soft, so soak your hands (or feet) in warm, soapy water. The next step involves cuticle maintenance. Begin by using the rounded edge of the shaper to push cuticles back and clip dead skin. You will definitely know when you are clipping skin that is not dead because it will hurt … a lot. If needed, whip out clippers and start snipping. Make sure they are lined up evenly with your nail so you trim straight across. Decide on the desired nail shape — round, square, square with rounded edges or whatever weird concoction

cut out

you’ve come up with — and use the nail file to shape them. Then smooth the edges with the buffer. If you were wanting a homemade pedicure, I would recommend jazzing up your feet before working on your nails. The best thing for shedding dead skin is a pumice stone. While your feet are wet, use the stone to scrub your foot until it’s soft. This is a very beneficial and pain-free method. Just remember to remain dedicated; it may take a while. For those doing the manicure, it’s polishing time. Begin with a base coat, such as Sally Hansen’s Maximum Growth, polish with your favorite color (two coats is always good), paint over with a clear topcoat and “Bam!” — lovely nails for the babe on a budget. Facials aren’t so hard, either. I’ll leave you guys with one tip, or recipe, rather. For a super clean face you can make the Honey Cleansing Face Scrub mask. You’ll need 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of finely ground almonds and 1⁄2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub this lovely potion on your face and rinse off with warm water — instant exfoliation! OK ladies, (and maybe a few sweet guys who want to try this and get out of the dog house) this is how you look pretty, save money and make your girlfriends jealous. But don’t rub it in their faces too much; you still have to be nice (you are, after all, broke). And try not to sweat it too much. With moneysaving methods like these, you’ll be able to spend what cash you do have just like you were at home again!

Kismet Cafe

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cut out

Tint Any Car n

You’ll need: n A fingernail file; n A cuticle shaper (clipper, too); n Small to medium nail clippers; n A few toothpicks; n A pumice stone; n Foot and hand lotion; n A nail buffer.

cut out


cut out n cut out n cut out

cut out

McKnight between Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love To You” and Blackstreet’s “Don’t Leave Me,” flow like a junior high school dance. Picture yourself with braces and acne, arms around your adolescent object of desire, wobbling awkwardly from side to side to SWV’s signature song “Weak,” or stealing your first sloppy tongue kiss to Monica’s “Angel of Mine.” I can practically smell the cheap cologne and Clearasil now.

The nostalgic resurrections from the “ghetto-fabulous” ’90s are balanced with a mix of timeless gettin’-it-on classics that rose to the top of the era. If tracks such as D’Angelo’s “Brown Sugar” or Aalyiah’s “At Your Best (You Are Love)” don’t get her heart pumping, you may need to check her pulse. Who can’t help but get a little randy during En Vogue’s sultry ’60s doo-wop throwback “Giving Him Something He Can Feel”? Bone Thugs-n-Harmony’s “Tha Crossroads” makes an appearance on this collection for those especially thuggish lovers. A slow mix is essential for setting the mood, and this CD’s bassheavy groove is the perfect soundtrack for some headboard knocking. So crack the Cristal and turn down the lights. Just remember to keep this little episode on Tha Down Low. — B ra nd on Co bb

Hey ladies, feeling jealous because your best friend has more money than you? Is she able to get her nails done maybe once or twice a week? Relax and let me introduce you to the Dorm Room Special Spa Service. The materials? A few cheap items easily obtained from your local Dollar General, or if you’re really broke (or cheap), just walk down the hall and borrow them from your neighbor.

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Elaine Foster/Star illustration

Thursday, February 26, 2004

XOXO bebe BECCA roxy RAISINS Hobie

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BOXCAR swim and surfwear

New Braunfels, TX take I-35 S. exit 189 and turn right on Hwy 46 Go down 1 1/2 miles and THE BOXCAR is on your left.


12 - The University Star

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Probot makes sweet, sweet metal

Who better to put together a metal disc compilation than poprock-alternative Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl, and believe music me, I’m not R E V I E W being sarcas«««« tic in the least Probot bit. Probot Probot is Southern Lord an 11-track metal onslaught of raucous guitars and hard-hitting drums featuring vocals from such legendary old-school metal pioneers as King Diamond, Tom G. Warrior and even Lemmy from Motörhead. The concept of the album, and Grohl’s decision to produce such a record, had been floating around the music industry for the past four years. How and when the creation would take place was, however, yet to be realized, since other obligations seemed to take most of Grohl’s time (he played drums for Queens of the Stone Age as well as Cat Power and released another Foo Fighters album in a period of three years). But the album is worth the wait. Grohl succeeds in constructing 11 songs in the vein of Venom, Celtic Frost and Corrosion of Conformity. Each vocalist bellows out images of hell, warlocks and suffering, bringing back a kind of nostalgia welcomed only by the truest metal disciples. “You feel the hate is for real/Cause red war will fall on my

enemies,” bellows Max Cavalera on “Red War.” Grohl’s powerful drumming carries this song through heavy palm-muted guitars and vocals. Another track, “Shake Your Blood,” featuring Lemmy, demonstrates Grohl’s uncanny ability to pen a song in the essence of the vocalist’s band. “Shake Your Blood” sounds remarkably like something in the Motörhead catalogue. Grohl pays homage on each track to the masters of metal who undoubtedly influenced his rock career. If you’re unaware of any similarities or instances, please take a listen at early Grohl demos and even the first Foo Fighters album. You might have to dig a little deep, but the mood is there. The beauty of this record is that it gives you a sense of the angst-ridden guitar crunch that first got you into Armored Saint, Dark Angel and Voivod. It’s the loud white-noise of hell blaring through your speakers while you’re trying to complete an arithmetic assignment. It’s jumping in the mosh pit and knocking heads around. But above all, it makes you realize just how much influence stemmed from that new wave of British heavy metal in the early ’80s. — Jo na th an Ma rin

touch of atmosphere. However, if you think Incubus’ new album is a progression toward a heavier and more aggressive sound, you’re wrong. The first single, “Megalomaniac,” may have a hard-hitting, fast and rebellious edge to it, but it definitely stands alone in comparison to all the other tracks. Incubus definitely embraces its softer side on this album. The ballad “Here in My Room” is quite impressive. Conveyed through a soft but striking piano melody, it has a defining atmospheric tone. Incubus defiantly experiments with its sound in this album. The technical bass lines on almost all the tracks gives the overall melody a unique touch. “Agrophobia” definitely displays Incubus’ experimental attempt, contrasting the song’s medium tempo with a technical and fast bass riff. It seems as though vocalist Brandon Boyd was watching TV when writing the lyrics to A Crow Left of the Murder. Tracks such as “Made for TV Movie” and “Talk Show on Mute” seem to highlight Boyd’s cynical impression of TV programming. Even “Megolomaniac” seems to take a stab at television: “I hear you on the radio/you permeate my screen/it’s unkind but if I met you in a scissor fight/I’d cut off both your wings on principle alone.” Overall, A Crow Left of the Murder is an array of technical melodies enhanced by an experimental tone. Incubus fans will definitely be pleased. — Ann a Lisa More no

Incubus enhances experimental tones on latest album You have to give Incubus credit for upholding its unique style and resisting any temptation toward musi- music cal conformity R E V I E W in its latest «««« album, A Crow Incubus Left of the A Crow Left Murder. This of the Murder latest release Epic is a distinct blend of melodic guitars and technical bass riffs, with an underlying


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Today’s slang I got nothing After all options are gone, this is your last effort to save face, usually after something extraordinarily embarrassing happens. Example: “I thought you said you were getting three tickets to the Liz Phair concert? Your response: “I got nothing.”

I love that story A way to sarcastically let someone know that their story was pretty much the most boring thing you’ve ever heard. You can even say it before they’re done with the story. Example: “So that’s how the Trojan war went down.” Your response: “I love that story.”

the university star classifieds

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Thursday, February 26, 2004 -13


GET TRULY EXCELLENT TUTORING FROM THE STUDY NOOK! * Only 2 blocks from campus! * Only $30/hr. * Discounts Available Stop stressing and start addressing YOUR study needs! To call for an appointment: 512-665-1230. (3/23)


Police impound! Honda, Chevy, Jeep, Toyota, etc. From $500. For listing: (800)719-3001, ext. 7462. (3/2)

for rent

Roommate wanted, $200/month + utilities, call Nathan (512)878-1846. (3/31) ____________________________ 2 bedroom/ 1 bath house. Carport, fenced yard, and central AC/ Heat. Pets ok. $650/month. (512)754-7716. (3/10) ____________________________ I have two spare bedrooms and a bath in my double wide, $160 for each room. All utilities included. For info call 393-9327. (3/3) ____________________________ 1/1 at 1630 Post Road. Very clean. $435 + DEPOSIT. 589-6535. (3/10) ____________________________ The bad news: old house with window unit. The good news: cheap! Right by campus - never fight for parking. Spacious 2/1 with storage room (or small 3rd bedroom), big kitchen, w/d, pets ok. Available 3/10. $795/month. 393-3300. (2/26) ____________________________ Live rent free! Buy my big, near new 3/2 mobile home. Sell when graduate. I’ll finance/ good credit. Payments $165/mo. ($18,500) After 5 p.m. 512-868-3900/ 738-0652. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublease my one bedroom apartment. Lease ends in May. 2 blocks from the school. $400/month. This month’s rent paid. Call 665-1568. (3/5) ____________________________ 1b, 2b, 3b & rooms, next to Tx State. Good prices. Why shuttle or commute? Large pool, upgraded apartments, wooden or tile floors, preleasing May & August. Call 392-2700, or 757-1943. (3/31) ____________________________ Part of the drama. Female roommate ISO to male roommates. $250 per person. 210-387-8831. ____________________________ Summer Apt. for lease at Bobcat Village, $500/month, all bills paid & furnished. 408-8050. (3/25) ____________________________ 1 bed/ 1 bath. Fully furnished. Washer, dryer, cable, phone, ethernet for $400/month. (210)317-9483. (3/?) ____________________________ 2/1 $500 per mo. take over lease, 10 min walk to campus and to bus route. Jen 512-787-0079. (3/4) ____________________________ Awesome Deal 1/1, $395, gas, water, trash incld. Now pre-leasing Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Townhome Community 1/1.5, $436, 2/1.5, $545 w/ dryer incl. $0 app. & 1/2 off dep. Now preleasing. Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ 1b/1b next to Tx State. no parking or shuttle hassles. Low price, includes all bills paid. 757-1943. (2/26) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $300. 757-1943. (2/5)No rent in February! 3/2 next to campus, w/d, free cable, pets ok. $999/month. 393-3300. (2/26)

for rent

Great views of Tx State. 1/1 $435 +, 2/1 $550+, Now pre-leasing for Fall ‘04. Pet friendly. Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Brand New Community. Fully furn., most bills pd. Ethernet, local ph, w/d incl. $399 +, AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Texas Size Townhomes. 1 & 2 bdrms $495, most bills paid w/cable. Pets ok. Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Industrial Modern Living. $375 +, cable, ethernet, phone & w/d incl. AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Downstairs 1 bedroom apartment. $400/monthly, $200 deposit. 754-0954. (3/26) ____________________________ Great Community. 1/1 $460 +, 2/1 $480+, on shuttle, pets ok. Now preleasing for May ‘04!!! Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ $100 prelease + bonus offer, 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms w/d 396-1520. (2/3?) ____________________________ NO RENT TILL APRIL!! 1/1 $495+, 2/2 $685+, 3/2 $699+, w/dryer included (rest. apply) Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Big Dogs Okay! Walk or shuttle to class. most bills pd. w/cable. 1/1 $450+, 2/2 $595 + Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Small Community, 1/1 $450, 2/2 $650, with free wireless internet. Pet’s o.k Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Pre-lease Today For 5/20 or 8/20/04 MOVE-IN!!! 3 blocks from TxState. $785/mo. 2br/2.5ba TH. $300/dep., Full size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO. No dogs 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/29) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ TWO BEDROOM FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE! That's right! Rent a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom. You pay only $575.00 a month. Move in today to West End Condominium # 3. 1221 West Hopkins. VJE Realty Group 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. On-Site laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051.

for sale

Must sell 2/2 mh in nice park near campus, great condition, $14k, price negotiable. 787-7277. (3/10)

Crystal River Inn

San Marcos’ finest hotel. Gardens = Fountains Canopied Beds = Romantic Tubs Gourmet Breakfast = Fireplaces 396–3739 326 W. Hopkins www.crystalriverinn.com =

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for sale

Nice 6 drawer blonde chest, $85, 4 shelf large pine bookshelf, $38, lane cedar chest w/drawer, $185. Oak Hall Tree, like new, $165, wicker vanity desk, $58, popazon, frame only, $48, Round pub table w/cast iron base, $48. Partin’s Furniture. 2108 Rand Road 12. Free delivery. 396-4684. (2/26) ____________________________ Oceanic Aquariums for sale. 30 gal hexagon $200, 30 gal. corner $100, 45 gal. lizard lounge $200. Like new, plus extras. 512-805-6127. (3/3) ____________________________ Wooden signs, letters, paddles, lap desks, names, custom, don’t pay retail (512)665-5617. (3/2)

help wanted

ATTENTION: Need serious overweight people to lose 10-50 lbs. Earn extra money. 866-891-3139. www.shredoffinches.com (3/4) ____________________________ Janie’s Table in Gruene (Formerly Guadalupe Smoked Meat Company.) Hiring experienced servers & bartenders. Apply in person. 1299 Gruene Rd. New Braunfels. (3/3) ____________________________ Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext 316. (4/26) ____________________________ Gregson’s Antiques. Male wanted for loading & unloading antiques, customer service. $7/hr. Call for appointment 392-5600. (2/26) ____________________________ 17 students needed who will be paid to lose weight. 100% natural. Twyla (830)620-9401. (2/26) ____________________________ Child care needed for 4-year old and 9-month old. Please call 512-771-7418 for interview. (2/26) ____________________________ P/T Help Wanted. The Boxcar Swim and Surf, New Braunfels, Tx. 830-708-1818. (2/26) ____________________________ Now hiring for waitstaff. Apply in person. 541 Hwy 46. New Braunfels, Tx (3/3) ____________________________ TEACHERS: Dynamic child development center needs quality teachers. FT/PT positions available. Lead, Assistant, Aid. Experience needed. Degree/ CDA. Bi-lingual, ASL preferred. Also accepting applications for bus driver, kitchen staff, and front office manager. Rocking Horse Academy, Kyle, 512-405-3700 or fax 512-405-3701. (2/26) ____________________________ Help wanted: The San Marcos Parks & Recreation Dept. needs energetic individuals to work spring break madness camp (March 15-19, 2004.) Hours are 7:30 a.m-5:30pm, call LisAnne Foster at 393-8283 for more information or to set up an interview. ____________________________ Tutor needed for organization, History 1320, Political science 2320, Bio 1310, MC Visual. $7.00/hr, 6 hrs/week. 512-289-3563. (2/26) ____________________________ Hiring experienced sales people. 353-0789 Health Club. (2/26) ____________________________ Soccer coaches wanted for youth soccer league. Great experience, resume builder! Contact Tony tlashley@aegistg.com ____________________________ Webmaster wanted for local youth soccer organization. Volunteer only. Great resume builder. Contact Tony at tlashley@aegistg.com

help wanted

Wimberly Eye Associates. Parttime office help, fax resume (512)847-2072. (2/26) ____________________________ The City of New Braunfels is accepting applications for seasonal positions in the park and Recreation Department: park rangers, lifeguards, cashiers, attendants, asst. managers, river spotters, laborers, counselors and swim instructors. Positions open until filled. Must be at least 16 YOA. 15 - 40hrs/wk, including weekends, holidays, and evenings. Starting pay range is $6.91 - $10.00 depending upon position. For more info. call 830-608-2160 or on the city website: www.ci.new-braunfels.tx.us (4/1) ____________________________ FITNESS MINDED. Exploding health & wellness company seeks sharp, motivated individual to help with sales marketing. Call 512-206-0620. (2/26) ____________________________ Part-time work. Great starting pay, flexible schedules around class, sales/service, training provided, perm/temp conditions apply, work in San Marcos, apply in Austin 512-458-6894. collegeincome.com (3/4) ____________________________ Athletic,outgoing students for calendar greeting cards,etc.$50-150/hr no exp needed. 512-684-8296. ____________________________ SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, email campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride$open! 5.attractive models who ride well--trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research-open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. (4/29) 350 N. Guadalupe St. Ste. 140 San Marcos, TX


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help wanted

Bartending $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Make Money taking Online Surveys. Earn $10-$125 for surveys. Earn $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit www.cash4students.com/swtxsu (2/26) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatrearts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29)


STUDY ABROAD: Nicholls State University offers accredited programs in Costa Rica, Spain, Ecuador, Mexico, France, Italy and Austria for language credit. Lowest tuition and fees in the country. Most classes begin every Monday. All levels. No deadlines. 985-448-4440/toll-free = 1-877-Nicholls, www.nicholls.edu (2/26s) ____________________________ 2 1/2 years Tanco tanning Membership $380 OBO. Call 512-619-3404. (3/4)


Female Roommate Wanted. Share 2/1 garage apartment in historic district. $250 + 1/2 utilities. 512-665-4988. (3/10) ____________________________ ROOMMATE NEEDED NS F/M to share 2 br, 2 bath apartment. $325/mo, no deposit, utilities. Langtry Apartments, contact Vaudie 396-2673 or Chad 787-0863. (2/26) ____________________________ Roommate needed, spacious, very nice, 2 living areas, W/D, close to outlet mall. All Bills paid includes Cable. $350. Paige 353-2177. (2/26) ____________________________ Sublease in a 4bd/4ba, all bills paid except electricity. $405/month. 393-8500 or 361-275-9183. (2/26) ____________________________ 3/1 house $225 + 1/3 bills. Walk to campus. Call Ryan 832-283-2213. (2/26)


SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Jamaica, Florida & South Padre. Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! breakerstravel.com 800-985-6789. (2/26) ____________________________ Spring Break 2004! Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. BIGGEST PARTIES, BEST CLUBS! Call for group discounts.Information/ Reservations 1-800-648- 4849 or www.ststravel.com (3/4) ____________________________ SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit www.sunchase.com (3/5)


SAN MARCOS LAWNMOWING. Lawnmowing•Weedeating•Landsca ping•Hauling•Tree Triming• Clean-up•Maintenance• Experience•Reasonable Pricing•Free Estimates• 396-2715. (3/4) ____________________________ Typing etc! Audio transcription, resumes, notary public, applications, binding, editing, bumper stickers, tables, etc. 392-9880. (4/29) ____________________________ Professional Photographer Specializes in weddings, portraits & modeling. Visit my website @ www.ashleyhorton.com For Additional info. Please contact me via e-mail @ ah1005@txstate.edu (2/?) ____________________________ aplusapts.tv why waste time when you can shop online! Or stop in at 325 E. Hopkins. (4/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Buying DVD movies, in good working condition. Sell your old movies and make $$$. Call Neal in SM at 395-7469. (2/26s) ____________________________ Wanted: Used cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell, please call Willis Mitchell at 353-4511. (4/29) ____________________________ Athletic Males wanted for photography. $25-$100/hour. Call Wu in Austin at (512)927-2226. (4/29)

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14 - The University Star

S c o re bo a r d SLC Men’s BBall Standings SLC

Southeastern La. Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Sam Houston Northwestern St. Stephen F. Austin TEXAS STATE Louisiana-Monroe Lamar McNeese State Nicholls State

W 10 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 5 3 1

L 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 9 12

Overall PCT .769 .616 .616 .583 .583 .538 .538 .538 .385 .250 .077

W 18 13 13 12 10 16 12 11 11 7 6

L 6 11 13 11 13 8 12 16 15 16 18

PCT .750 .542 .500 .522 .435 .667 .500 .407 .423 .304 .250

PF 72.4 71.8 71.3 76.6 76.0 71.4 70.0 68.6 80.4 73.5 66.0

PA 68.8 71.8 70.9 75.3 78.0 60.3 69.5 72.3 79.7 76.7 75.8

2nd Half


Texas-San Antonio... ...............31.................38.......................69 TEXAS STATE.......................36.................30.......................66

Texas-San Antonio (13-13, SLC 8-5) FG 3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A M-A Of-T A TO B S Pt Hurd 6-10 1-2 9-12 3-12 2 2 2 1 22 Millsap 1-4 0-0 1-2 1-3 0 2 0 1 3 Harbert 1-10 0-6 0-0 1-5 2 3 0 1 2 Attaway 0-2 0-1 6-6 0-2 2 3 0 1 6 President 0-3 0-0 2-2 1-3 1 0 0 1 2 Cole 0-3 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 3 0 0 0 Posey 7-9 6-8 1-2 1-4 0 2 1 0 21 Fuqua 3-7 0-0 7-14 2-11 2 2 1 0 13 Totals 18-48 7-19 26-38 11-45 10 17 4 5 69

Players 00 21 5 10 13 12 24 42

TEXAS STATE (12-12, SLC 7-6) Players Allison 4 Dill 25 Brown 2 Naylor 15 23 Conerway 1 Blanchard 10 Ponder 11 Burroughs 30 N Goellner 33 J Goellner 34 Patterson Totals

FG M-A 4-7 1-1 3-14 4-12 3-9 0-0 6-13 2-3 1-3 0-1 2-5 26-68

3Pt FT Rbnd M-A M-A Of-T A 0-2 3-4 3-7 0 0-0 1-2 1-6 4 0-3 0-0 2-4 1 2-5 2-2 0-1 6 0-3 1-3 2-5 1 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 3-5 0-1 0-6 1 0-1 0-0 1-3 1 0-0 1-4 1-2 0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0-1 1-2 3-6 3 5-20 9-18 16-46 17

TO 6 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 13

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2

S 0 0 3 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 9

Pt 11 3 6 12 7 0 15 4 3 0 5 66

Technical Fouls: Texas-San Antonio — None Texas State — None Attendance: 4,114

Score by inning


TEXAS STATE ............0..1..0...2...1..0...0..1 Texas...................... .....1...0..2...0..0..1...0..0

5 3 1 4 7 3

TEXAS STATE (12-4) No. 15 Texas (8-5) CF RF C 1B DH 3B 2B SS LF

Zaleski Wolters Bonetti Snow Trahan Hodge Wilson Sharp Krueger

AB 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3

R 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0

H 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

RBI 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

Players DH Boutelle Hall SS 2B Sievers 3B Turner LF Poppe 1B Garcia RF Wieszczak Willis C CF Jarrett Gwyn P

TOTALS 27 5 3 4 TEXAS STATE Pitching


Northwestern St. Louisiana-Monroe Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio Texas State Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston McNeese State Southeastern La. Lamar Nicholls State

W 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 1 1


AB 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 1 2 29

R 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4

H RBI 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3



7 29 32

Texas Pitching


W 18 14 15 12 7 6 6 7 12 4 2

L 5 10 10 12 16 17 17 16 11 18 22

PCT .783 .583 .600 .500 .304 .261 .261 .304 .522 .182 .083

PF 74.3 68.5 64.5 57.1 57.0 61.8 58.0 57.2 62.8 55.0 57.4

PA 67.9 64.8 57.8 58.3 71.3 75.8 66.5 66.1 65.8 69.9 74.5

IP H R ER BB SO AB BF 8.0 3 5 4 7 4 27 35

Win - Nicole Neuerburg (8-2), Loss - Christina Gwyn (0-3) Save - None Umpires - Steve McCown, Patti Gunst, Glenn Crabtree Time - 2:30, Attendance - 563

g Cont. from page 16

WOMen’s BBall BS UTSA 2/25/04 1st Half

2nd Half

Texas-San Antonio . .............. ..31.................40........................71 TEXAS STATE.......................21.................25.......................46

Texas-San Antonio (12-12, 8-5 SLC ) Hendrix 3 44 Holliday Mingee 31 Reed 5 22 Collins 1 Oliveira 4 Sandefur 11 Ziegler 14 Greer 20 Risien 23 Swords TOTALS

FG M-A 9-19 4-8 6-10 1-1 1-2 0-0 4-8 0-0 2-5 0-3 1-1 28-57

3Pt FT M-A M-A 1-1 0-0 0-1 5-5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-1 4-4 0-0 0-0 0-1 1-1 0-0 0-0 1-1 1-2 0-0 2-2 0-0 0-0 2-5 13-16

Rbnd Of-T A 1-5 3 1-10 2 0-2 0 0-6 9 0-7 2 0-0 0 2-7 4 0-0 0 1-2 0 2-2 0 0-0 0 9-43 20

TO 2 3 2 3 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 17

B 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

S 0 1 3 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 9

Pt 19 13 12 2 6 0 9 0 6 2 2 71

TEXAS STATE (7-16, SLC 7-6) FG 3Pt


FT Rbnd M-A M-A Of-T A 0-0 0-0 1-3 2 0-0 3-4 2-4 0 0-1 0-0 1-2 3 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0-2 2-2 1-7 2 0-1 0-0 1-1 0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 1-3 1-2 0-0 1 0-0 1-2 2-6 1 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0-0 1-2 0-1 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1-2 0-0 1-3 1 0-0 2-2 0-1 0 2-12 10-14 9-31 11

M-A 2-8 1-4 2-3 1-4 0-5 0-3 0-0 1-6 4-8 2-6 0-2 1-2 1-1 2-5 0-1 17-58

15 Ale Johnson Talbert 33 Perkins 3 10 Alp Johnson Brooks 30 McGruder 1 Burrow 12 Kelly 13 Riley 21 West 22 Carter 24 Pink 25 Cook 42 Hinton 45 Putnam 50


TO 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 15

B S 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 10

Pt 4 5 4 2 2 0 0 4 9 4 0 3 2 5 2 46

Technical Fouls: Texas-San Antonio — None Texas State — Tori Talbert Attendance: 712


Score by inning

TEXAS STATE.............0..0..0...3 ..1 Texas...................... .....4..0...5...0..3

4 7 0 12 13 0

TEXAS STATE (12-5) No. 15 Texas (9-5) Players AB R H RBI Players AB R CF RF C 1B 2B P 3B SS LF

Zaleski Wolters Bonetti Snow Wilson Trahan Vice Sharp Krueger

3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1

TOTALS 21 4 7 4


8.0 7 4

PCT .917 .769 .692 .616 .538 .500 .500 .417 .385 .083 .077

L 1 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 11 12

DH Boutelle SS Hall SS Askew LF Poppe 3B Turner 2B Sievers 1B Garcia 1B Willis RF Wieszczak C Williams CF Jarrett LF Daniels

3 3 1 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 TOTALS 26

3 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 12






SOFTBALL VS. UT (GM 1) 2/25/04




Men’s BBall VS UTSA 2/25/04 1st Half

Women: UTSA captures sole position of fourth place spot in Southland

SLC WOMen’s BBall Standings

Texas state


Thursday, February 26, 2004

Trahan Lancour Hummel

H R ER BB SO 8 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 0

2.1 6 8 1.2 4 3 0.1 3 1

AB BF 13 17 9 9 4 4

Texas Pitching IP


H R ER BB SO AB BF 4 0 2 21 21

5.0 7 4

Win - Lizzi Sowers (2-0), Loss - Katie Ann Trahan (4-3) Save - None Time - 2:05, Attendance - 563.

H RBI 3 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 13

1 2 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 11

Don Anders/Media Relations and Publications Texas State’s Ashley Riley shoots during the Bobcat’s matchup with the University of Texas San Antonio last night. The Bobcats’ next home game is March 5 against Stephen F. Austin State University.

with only five points and four rebounds. “(Talbert’s) getting frustrated,” Fox said. “Right now we’re struggling to score.” Inside scoring, a staple of the Texas State offense this season, was nearly non-existent as the Bobcats were outscored by a hefty 30-10 margin inside the paint, shooting only 29.3 percent (17-for-58) from the floor. “Only a quarter of our points came inside the paint,” Fox said. “That disturbs me. Some of the same problems at (University of TexasArlington) showed up tonight.” The Roadrunners jumped out early, scoring the first four points of the game, but Texas State tied the game with 17:16 showing in the first half on Alphalisha Johnson’s driving lay up. It would be the first and only tie of the game. For the next 10 minutes, the Bobcats could only manage two buckets and, following two free throws by Dewella Holliday for Talbert’s technical, UTSA led 15-8. Holliday finished the contest with a double double, scoring 13 points and grabbing 10 rebounds, while

Olympic dreams can sometimes turn to nightmares By Gil LeBreton Knight Ridder Newspapers

FORT WORTH, Texas _ The sad story of the recent death of world-class racewalker Al Heppner says all you need to know about the haunting sirens that call athletes to the Olympics. And synchronized swimmer Tammy Crow first heard the call of the Olympics when she was 8 years old. But Heppner’s tragic tale is worth telling first. At 29, Heppner was an Army specialist and the 2002 national champion in the five-kilometer racewalk. That same year Track and Field News ranked him No. 2 in the nation in the 20-kilometer event. He was talented enough to be invited to become a resident athlete at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, Calif. His dream was to make the Olympic team for Athens in the 50-kilometer racewalk. The Olympic Trials for the event were Feb. 15 in Chula

Vista. According to reports, Heppner started strongly and set the pace for the field through the first 30 kilometers. But during the final two hours of the long race, Heppner faltered and staggered to the finish line in fifth place. His time of 4 hours, 23 minutes, 52 seconds was far off the 4-hour Olympic qualifying mark. A story in The San Diego Union-Tribune said Heppner was despondent about his poor performance. On Feb. 18, the California Highway Patrol received a call from a motorist who reported seeing an abandoned white Ford SUV on the eastbound shoulder of Interstate 8. Working through rain and fog, a search party that included Heppner’s racewalk teammates found the athlete’s body in a cluster of bushes at the bottom of a 450-foot-high bridge. A Highway Patrol spokesman said that the death was an apparent suicide. There is ample evidence that Tammy Crow, 27, cherishes a

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Nikki Hendrix scored a game-high 19 points. Down the stretch of the first half, the two teams traded scores, with the Roadrunners leading by as many as 11, but Katie Sandefur’s jumper with 27 seconds showing allowed UTSA to take a 31-21 advantage into the half. The Roadrunners picked up right where they left off in the second half, scoring 15 of the first 17 points and increasing the lead to 23 (46-23) after a pair of free throws by Tijwana Collins with 16:22 left in the game. The Bobcats fought back, cutting the deficit under 20 points on one occasion (53-34) with 7:49 remaining, but UTSA scored four straight, and the lead never got under 24 points the rest of the way. Freshman Ashley Riley led the way for Texas State with nine points and six rebounds, while Kristie Hinton added five and Julie Brooks pulled down seven boards. Also reaching the scoring column for the Bobcats were Aleise Johnson, Ashley Perkins, Ally Riley and Christen West, who all netted four, Erika Pink with three and Alphalisha Johnson, Brooks, Tiffany Cook and Erica Putnam all contributed two.

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place on the U.S. Olympic team just as much as Al Heppner did. She claimed that spot last December, 10 months after breaking her arm and back in a one-car accident that claimed the life of her boyfriend and a 12year-old boy. Crow has said that she didn’t want to drive to Dodge Ridge ski resort that February morning. But she had agreed to ride with her boyfriend, Cody Tatro, 26, a popular middle school P.E. teacher and coach, and with one of Tatro’s students, seventhgrader Brett Slinger. Slinger’s parents trusted Tatro so much they had agreed to let their son stay behind with his grandmother and play in a youth league baseball game in Danville, Calif. Brett would get a ride with Tatro the next morning and meet the parents at Dodge Ridge. But Tatro, who had partied the night before, woke Crow at 4:50 that morning and said he was too tired to drive. Crow was at the wheel of Tatro’s SUV when, traveling at a high rate of speed — according to witnesses — it left the road and crashed into two pine trees. Tatro and Slinger died in the impact. When a county district attorney learned that Crow had been drinking the night before, he filed vehicular manslaughter charges. She had been out with swimming teammates and had consumed three drinks. A blood sample taken three hours after the accident revealed no alcohol in Crow’s system. Crow entered a plea of “no contest” to the charge. Last month, a judge sentenced Crow

to 90 days in jail and three years probation. The swimmer also was ordered to pay $22,900 to Slinger’s family. Superior Court Judge Eleanor Provost said, “I cannot punish you in any way that you haven’t already done. ... There is no justice here.” But Provost surprised the emotional courtroom by postponing the start of Crow’s jail sentence until Oct. 25 — two months after she is scheduled to return from the Athens Olympics. In a tearful interview with Bay Area media, Crow pleaded that she had done nothing to cause the accident. She had filed the nolo contendere plea, she said, expecting no jail time because she hoped to “continue with my training.” The case is now in the hands of the U.S. Olympic Committee to determine if Crow becomes an Olympian. Fretting the legalities, the USOC caved in 10 years ago and allowed skater Tonya Harding — despite suspicions that she was involved in the Nancy Kerrigan attack — to compete at the Lillehammer Olympics. But in Crow’s tragic case, two lives are lost and a would-be Olympic athlete faces incarceration for her role in those deaths. Allowing Crow to go to Athens would be inviting a global media circus. More than that, one would think, Crow has forfeited the privilege of representing her country on its grandest sports stage. It’s a privilege, we were reminded at least twice recently, that shouldn’t be taken for granted.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

The University Star - 15

Well-rested Bobcats ready for weekend series Texas State faces Louisiana State in Baton Rouge

By Travis Summers Sports Reporter

Ashley A. Horton/Star photo Junior Chris Jean pitches Sunday against the University of Louisiana-Lafayette. The Bobcats defeated the Ragin’ Cajuns 2-0. The Bobcats will take on Louisiana State University this weekend in a three game series in Baton Rouge.

Softball: Nicholls State doubleheader opens Saturday g Cont. from page 16

first out. After Wilson stole second base, shortstop Leslie Sharp flew out to center field for the second out. Left fielder Amy Krueger followed with a slow ground ball to second base that rolled throw Sievers’ legs, allowing Wilson to score from second, tying the game at one apiece. UT took the lead back in the third on a two-out, two-run home run from third baseman Wynter Turner over the centerfield wall. But the Bobcats struck again in the fourth, as Hodge and Wilson led off with walks. Sharp moved the runners to second and third with a sacrifice bunt and one out later, center fielder Kristen Zaleski doubled down the left field line, scoring both Hodge and Wilson and tying the game once again. After UT went down in order in the bottom of the fourth, the Bobcats took their first lead in the fifth, as first baseman Hannah Snow sent a frozen rope over the left field wall, making the score 4-3. But the Longhorns were not done, tying the game in the bottom of the sixth. Left fielder Tamara Poppe started the rally with a one-out single, and

moved to second on a sacrifice bunt. Right fielder Sarah Wieszczak grounded to Hodge, who sailed her throw over Snow’s head, allowing Poppe to score from second. Texas State threatened in the seventh, putting runners on first and second with no outs, but catcher Rachel Bonetti lined into a double play. That was as close as either team would get in the seventh and the game went into extra innings. UT also jumped out in front of game two, scoring four runs in the first inning and never looking back. “We do this every year,” Neuerburg said. “It seems like we play one really good game and one bad game. It’s really frustrating. We have to work on getting mentally tougher.” The Longhorns added five in the third on three hits to make the score 9-0. Wilson got the Bobcats on the board in the fourth with a three-run shot over the right field wall. Krueger added a home run of her own in the fifth to make it 94, but UT came up with three in the fifth to invoke the eight-run mercy rule. The series with Nicholls will open with a Saturday doubleheader beginning at 1 p.m.

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Texas State baseball will return home following the postponement of a game against Baylor University Tuesday night. The game was rescheduled for March 23. With a week of not seeing any game action, the Bobcats (8-3) are well-rested for a three-game series this weekend in Baton Rouge to square off against Louisiana State University (6-1). Texas State has had plenty of time to reflect on its early season successes after disposing of the University of Louisiana-Lafayette two games to one in a series last week at Bobcat Field. During the series, senior first baseman Mark Cooper went 8-12 with three RBIs, and his weekend efforts earned him Southland Conference Player of the Week honors. Senior Tom Robbins was

also honored as SLC Pitcher of the Week. In his Sunday start against the Ragin’ Cajuns, Robbins threw six scoreless innings while striking out four, to go along with his six-inning performance against the No. 1 University of Texas, where he allowed three runs while striking out five. Junior shortstop Dominic Ramos continues to baffle hitters in his relief appearances, solidifying his role as the team’s closer. Ramos picked up his first two career saves in Bobcat wins last weekend continuing his streak of 10.2 scoreless innings this year. Meanwhile, LSU also has weather issues recently as the Tigers were forced to reschedule their game against Southeastern Louisiana Wednesday night because of the threat of inclement weather. The Tigers are currently ranked No. 1 in the nation according to Collegiate Baseball, and No. 5 in the USA Today/ESPN Coaches Poll. LSU has averaged 10.3 runs per game while only allowing slightly more than 2 1/2 runs. The Tigers’ leading hitter so far

this season has been their lead-off hitter, junior center fielder J.C. Holt. In his seven starts this year, Holt has hit .433 and scored 10 runs. Junior first baseman Clay Harris has also added offensive support leading the team with a .708 slugging percentage with a .571 on base percentage while hitting .375, second best on the team behind Holt. Junior left-hander Lane Mestepey, who leads the staff in wins with a 2-0 record, has piloted LSU’s pitching success. Mestepey also leads all Tiger starters with a 1.64 ERA. Other probable starters for the Tigers in the weekend series are sophomore Justin Meier and freshman Clay Dirks. Because of LSU’s tendency to blow out opponents, sophomore closer Jason Determann has only one save this season, despite his 1.42 ERA in 6.1 innings of work. After the weekend series the Texas State baseball team will enjoy a week off before squaring off in Houston against defending national champion Rice University in a three-game weekend series beginning March 5.

USC player enters NFL draft earlier By Todd Harmonson The Orange County Register

SANTA ANA, Calif. — University of Southern California wide receiver Mike Williams will forego his final two years of eligibility and enter the NFL draft, where he is expected to be a firstround selection in April after shattering records and leading a once-dominant proWILLIAMS gram’s return to national prominence. Williams is the first player to take advantage of a recent court ruling that allowed Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett and others who had not been out of high school the requisite three years to enter the NFL draft. A U.S. District Court judge found the NFL’s earlyentry rules to be a violation of antitrust laws and removed eligibility restrictions that would have kept Williams at USC for his junior season. “Since nothing’s really guaranteed, I figured I’d take the opportunity through a door that was opened by someone else,” said Williams, who had not decided on an agent. Once he signs with an agent, he cannot change his mind and

return to school, but that wasn’t a concern for him. Williams told Trojans coach Pete Carroll his decision Wednesday morning but said he knew Monday that he wanted to leave. The All-American returned home to Tampa, Fla., to discuss his options with his family before making a move that seems natural because of his immense talent but questionable because of the timing. “Ultimately this is my opportunity, and a lot of great opportunities in life don’t come to accomplish your dream,” Williams said. Carroll tried to persuade him that a better opportunity would be available next year, when he could be better prepared for the draft, but Williams did not want to wait and risk a career-ending injury. “I’m disappointed that that’s his decision because there’s a lot of information that this isn’t a good help for him,” Carroll said. “He’s going to forego a lot of opportunities he would’ve had by staying another year.” The record-shattering receiver started contemplating the move seriously last week and appeared ready to leave, but he continued to consider his options when he was told by most people around him that it would be smarter for him to stay in school another year. Williams is coveted for his size — 6-foot-5 and 230 pounds

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— and skill that were major factors in USC’s potent offense and led the Trojans’ charge to a Rose Bowl victory over Michigan on Jan. 1 and a share of their first national championship in 25 years. He had 176 catches for 2,579 yards and 30 touchdowns in only two seasons, was a finalist for the Biletnikoff Award, which goes to the nation’s top receiver, and finished eighth in voting for last season’s Heisman Trophy. Williams holds the USC career record for touchdown receptions and set the NCAA freshman marks for receptions, receiving yards and touchdown receptions in his breakout 2002 season that ended with USC’s Orange Bowl victory over Iowa. Williams, however, is considered something of an unknown in the draft process because he hasn’t been training to be evaluated by NFL teams the way other top receivers such as Pittsburgh’s Larry Fitzgerald, Texas’ Roy Williams and Washington’s Reggie Williams have since they completed their college seasons. His speed and physical shape

are primary concerns, especially for a league that relies on raw numbers and time-tested evaluation procedures when dealing with young players and millions of dollars. Instead of working out recently, he has spent his time trying to determine what to do. “Is it going to be easy?” said Williams, who said he won’t train in Los Angeles or Tampa so he can avoid distractions. “No. Is it going to be possible? Yeah.” Williams almost certainly will be selected in the first round of the draft, but he likely will not be taken as high as he would’ve been a year later. Players selected among the first few picks can expect a signing bonus of $14 million to $15 million; players taken late in the first round might get $3 million to $5 million. Carroll and most of the coaches and family around Williams tried to stress that and other reasons to stay, but his longtime NFL dream apparently was too much to ignore. “Most of the cons were financial ones,” he said. “They weren’t the ones of most importance.”

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Spo r t s

Thursday, February 26, 2004

The University Star — Page 16

SPLITTING WITH THE HORNS Bobcats break Longhorn home winning streak By Jason Orts Sports Editor AUSTIN — Texas State went into McCombs Field Wednesday for a doubleheader with the No. 15 University of Texas, breaking the Longhorns’ 26-game home winning streak with a 5-4, eight inning win in the opener before falling in the nightcap in five innings, 12-4. “This was not what we wanted,” said Texas State coach Ricci Woodard. “I didn’t think we played

particularly well in the first game, but to win with three hits, we’ll take it. I thought we swung the bats well at times in the second game, but it was too late.” With their 12-game road trip behind them, the Bobcats will now look to conference action as they welcome Nicholls State University to Bobcat Field for a three-game series. Texas State finishes non-conference play 12-5, with three wins against ranked opponents. Second baseman Ashley Wilson was the hitting star for the Bobcats, 2 for 4 on the night; both hits were home runs. Wilson also drove in four runs and scored four times. One of Wilson’s home runs proved to be the game winner in Game 1, a line drive shot over the

center-field wall with two outs in the top of the eighth inning. “I don’t look to swing for the fences,” Wilson said. “Honestly I don’t remember the pitch. All I remember is that I had a lot of energy and felt ready to explode on the pitch and I did.” UT outhit Texas State 7-3, but the Longhorn defense committed three errors and Longhorn pitcher Christina Gwyn struggled with her control, walking seven Bobcats in falling to 0-3 on the season. Bobcat ace pitcher Nicole Neuerburg got the win, allowing four runs, three earned, and striking out seven to move to 8-2 on the season. “I was a little up and down,” Neuerburg said. “Toward the end, I finally got my focus. I’m pretty

happy overall.” The Longhorns wasted no time jumping on Neuerburg, as center fielder Tina Boutelle opened the bottom of the first with a double to the left-center field gap. One out later, second baseman Chez Sievers lined a double over right fielder Janelle Wolter’s head, scoring Boutelle. But Neuerburg was able to get out of the inning without any further damage. Texas State fought back in the second, scoring a run without recording a hit. Third baseman Brittnay Hodge and Wilson led off with backto-back walks. UT catcher Megan Willis then picked Hodge off second base for a g See SOFTBALL, page 15

Ashley A. Horton/Star photo Amy Kruger, freshman left fielder, catches a fly ball against the University of Texas. The Bobcats split a doubleheader with the Longhorns Wednesday by winning the first game 5-4. UT took the second game 12-4.

UT-San Antonio 71, Texas State 46

UT-San Antonio 69, Texas State 66

Texas State falls to fifth place after loss to UTSA

Bobcats drop to rival UTSA by 3 Loss puts team to 7-6 in SLC play, 12-12 overall By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter

By Geoff Eneman Sports Reporter

In a preview of a possible first round playoff matchup, the University of TexasSan Antonio Roadrunners ran past Texas State 71-46 Wednesday night at Strahan Coliseum. “I’m disappointed,” said Bobcat coach Suzanne Fox. “I was hoping we’d respond ... San Antonio didn’t do anything different than the last time we played them.“ Texas State falls to fifth place in the Southland Conference, dropping to 7-16 overall and 7-6 in conference play. UTSA takes over sole possession of fourth place at 8-5 in the SLC and 12-12 overall. Fourth place is important in the conference tournament because of the eight teams that qualify, the top four host their first round games. Last season, when the Bobcats won the Southland Conference tournament, they did so after starting as the No. 4 seed. The next three games will be crucial for Texas State, who has back-to-back games on the road against McNeese State University Saturday and Nicholls State on March 1, before closing out the regular season at home against Stephen F. Austin State University March 5. In their earlier meeting this season in San Antonio, Texas State defeated UTSA, 44-43, on a Tori Talbert lay-up. This time around was a different story. Talbert, the Bobcats’ leading scorer at over 15 points per game, got into foul trouble the first half, culminating with a technical foul at the 8:17 mark. The junior post was never able to get on track, finishing

3 DAY g See WOMEN, page 14

Ashley A. Horton/Star photo Josh Goellner, sophomore forward, unsuccessfully goes for two while University of Texas-San Antonio’s Anthony Fuqua blocks Goellner Wednesday night. The Bobcats lost 69-66.



Home has been very kind to Texas State this season, but not even the friendly confines of Strahan Coliseum could prevent the Bobcats from dropping a heartbreaking 69-66 game to the University of Texas-San Antonio in last night’s game. The loss drops the Bobcats to 7-6 in Southland Conference play and 12-12 overall. The Bobcats missed out on an opportunity to tie the game after UTSA junior guard Rapheal Posey missed a free throw that would have pushed the lead to four. Texas State rebounded the miss and junior forward Nick Ponder drove the ball down court but could not connect on a long 3-point attempt that would have tied the game. Forward LeRoy Hurd, the Southland Conference’s leading scorer, finished with a double double, 22 points and 12 rebounds. Posey finished with 21 points with 6 of 8 from 3-point range. “We had to get a three point shot out,” said coach Dennis Nutt. “Ponder was shooting well tonight, so I was happy with him taking that (shot).” The Bobcats were able to tie the game three times late in the second half, but they could never take the lead en route to losing their sixth game of the past eight. “The attitude and effort is there,” Nutt said. “Sometimes it takes a win to get out of that. We’re close, but you run into good teams this time of the year.”

Despite missing the final shot, Ponder had a solid game, leading the Bobcats with 15 points and was 3 of 5 from long range. “They just had more intensity than us,” Ponder said. “They brought their game, and we fell a little bit.” Texas State looked in control of the game early on. The Bobcats never relinquished the lead in the first half, going into halftime up 3631. As Ponder said, though, UTSA came out of halftime with more intensity and went on a 10-0 run to start the second, which gave the Roadrunners a lead that they would never relinquish. “I thought that first 10 minutes of the second half was vital,” Nutt said. “We came out and let them go on a 10-0 run. I thought that was the difference in the game.” While intensity might have been one culprit, fouls were certainly another. UTSA had 38 free throw attempts to Texas State’s 18. In addition, three Bobcats, forwards Zach Allison and Nick Goeller and guard Terry Conerway, fouled out of the game. “(The foul situation) made it hard to defend the way we want to defend and hard to run our offense,” said coach Nutt. “That certainly had a factor in (the loss).” Despite poor shooting efforts, junior guard Josh Naylor and junior forward Zach Allison had double figures in points, with 12 and 11 respectively. The Bobcats started out the game on fire, scoring the first nine points and grabbing their biggest lead of the game at 18-4. The Bobcats will be back on the road, where they are 2-4 in SLC action, the next two games, taking on McNeese State University Saturday and Nicholls State University Monday.

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