03 07 2006

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Junior Brown and others play for Lucy’s anniversary

Women’s b-ball eliminated in first round of Southland Conference tournament





MARCH 7, 2006



Reinstatement of five suspended fraternities debated By Clayton Medford The University Star A resolution supporting the reinstatement of five suspended fraternities was the subject of lengthy debate at the Associated Student Government meeting on Monday. The resolution was adopted, but only after an hour and a half debate between senators and more than two-dozen mem-

bers of three of the suspended fraternities. More than 20 members of Tau Kappa Epsilon and a handful of members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Alpha crowded into the ASG meeting to voice their support of “Fairness for All,” a resolution authored by Senate Clerk Kyle Morris. Several members of ASG are members of Pi Kappa Alpha. Morris added fra-

ternities Delta Chi and Phi Sigma Kappa to the legislation since last week’s meeting. The extensive resolution contains a number of suggestions including a request for the “Interfraternity Council, the office of Campus Activities and Student Organizations, the Division of Greek Affairs, the Dean of Students and the Division of Student Justice review, revisit, reanalyze,

and reassess” the suspensions of the five embattled organizations. Morris reiterated throughout the debate that his legislation was only a suggestion to the administration and the fraternity governing bodies. “Ultimately, it’s the Dean of Students, ultimately it’s Student Justice and ultimately it’s IFC that will decide about their reinstatement,” Morris said.

The legislation not only calls for the review of the fraternities’ cases, but also accuses the administration of irresponsibility in dealing with the problem fraternities. After the fraternities were suspended, CASO created a new position of Coordinator of Risk Management. This position being created immediately following the suspensions, the legislation states, “can be equated

with an institutional admission of irresponsibility on behalf of the university.” Numbers presented in Morris’s legislation show an overall decline in membership and recruitment among IFC member organizations as a whole. The loss of the three larger fraternities, TKE, SAE and PKA resulted in a 34 percent See ASG, page 3

Mock crash aims to discourage students from drunken driving

Life after Nutt

By Eloise Martin The University Star

Men’s basketball coach resigns after losing season

Students witnessed first-hand the repercussions of drunken driving on Monday morning. The smell of alcohol and sight of blood on the cracked windshield of a car in The Quad told spectators the driver of one vehicle had not survived. The body was removed from the scene in a hearse while the victim’s mother cried in a police officer’s arms. The staged crash was part of the fourth annual “Know your Dreams, Know your Limits, Know the Consequences,” an alcohol awareness program coordinated by the University Police Department Community Awareness and Resource Team. Officer Jason Moreno is the program coordinator, charged with giving on campus presentations to raise drug and alcohol awareness. Moreno said the event is put on to provide students with a visual of a true-to-life drunken

By Miguel Peña The University Star A void has been left in the men’s basketball program following the team’s 86-67 loss to Nicholls State — the end of the season marked the end of the line for former head coach Dennis Nutt. His resignation was announced on Thursday morning after Wednesday night’s loss to Northwestern State. The bench-clearing brawl early in the second half was the culmination of a season in which a young team never managed to find their groove. “When I found out that coach resigned it hurt me simply because I got attached to him,” said junior forward Charles Dotson. “I have always been attached to my coaches from junior high and high school through junior college. The only time I have parted from any of my coaches is when I was graduating or when I was leaving school. This is the first time that the coach actually left me, and that is hard because I wanted to finish here with Coach Nutt.” Before the onset of the 2005-

QUITTIN’ TIME: Dennis Nutt resigned Thursday as Texas State’s men’s basketball head coach after a disappointing 3-24 season. A search committee has been formed to find Nutt’s replacement.

driving accident. The event takes place each year during the week before Spring Break; and Moreno said he hopes students will remember the presentation when they are on vacation. “If they see the accident scene, the police, fire and EMS responding with the Jaws of Life, and they are put in the situation of a drunk driver, hopefully when they are put in that situation in their own lives, they will give it a second thought,” he said. Moreno said the event has one main goal: “We want to get the message out that drunk driving is not acceptable; it could cost you your life.” Moreno said the event took place at 10:50 a.m. because that is when students are in The Quad between classes. He said it is a coincidence the police code for car accidents is 10-50. Students gathered to watch as the sound of a car crash from See CRASH, page 3

Monty Marion/Star photo HARSH REALITY: The University Police Department Community Awareness and Resource Team exposed students to a staged crash scene in The Quad on Monday morning as part of the fourth annual “Know your Dreams, Know your Limits, Know the Consequences”event to promote drunken driving awareness.

See NUTT, page 10

Monty Marion/Star photo

BGI hosts AALC open forums with students Influential local women By Kirsten Crow and Clayton Medford The University Star

Brown Group International, a Houston-based consulting firm, furthered its independent investigation on Thursday of the events surrounding an afterparty at the African American Leadership Conference that ended in three students’ arrests and the use of Tasers by police on students. Students who attended the sessions answered questions asked by BGI representatives regarding the events of Sept. 11, 2005 and their former and current perceptions of the University Police Department. The investigation was spurred by conflicting accounts given by law enforcement officers and students. BGI Senior Associate C.O.

“Brad” Bradford set the tone of the forum, posting a large outline in the meeting room that posed five basic questions concerning how students felt about UPD, what personal experiences they had with UPD and how students felt about the incident on Sept. 11 and the manner in which the police on the scene reacted. About 18 students came out to the LBJ Student Center to speak at the open forum sessions throughout the day, Bradford said, in addition to eight faculty and staff members who participated in a closed-door staff session. Some students came because they wanted to discuss the events they witnessed. Others came to check on the progress of the investigation or air concerns for next year’s scheduled conference.

Today’s Weather

Partly Cloudy 84˚/59˚

Precipitation: 10% Humidity: 59% UV: 7 High Wind: SSE 6 mph

Primary discussion topics included what the students and the police could have done differently to avoid the situation, as well as ways to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. Several students offered diversity training and a greater diversification within UPD as solutions to prevent an incident from happening again. Jarad Davis, president of Black Men United, was the first of the students to speak in the open forum, and said diversity training is needed at UPD. Davis, communication studies senior, said one police officer’s use of “y’all” led himself and other students to believe the officer meant “black people.” “We as African-Americans are very sensitive to that term,” Davis said. Davis conceded that a few of the party attendants had “alco-

hol in their system” despite the fact that the party hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity did not serve any alcoholic beverages on site. He said that a few attendants were being “loud and obnoxious” but said they weren’t doing anything to warrant being thrown out of the party. He also said that students should not have interfered with the arrests, and that they had a responsibility in upholding the peace to their fullest capacity. Bryan Ware, pre-mass communication junior, said the situation was poorly handled by both the police department and the university. He cited a lack of an apology or the initiation of an independent investigation by the university as reasons that the situation had not been resolved, pointing out that it was

Thursday Partly Cloudy Temp: 81°/ 49° Precipitation: 20%

By Anna Heffley The University Star About 50 people gathered in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom at noon on Thursday to honor women in the Texas State community. The “Women: Builders of Communities and Dreams” luncheon honored seven Texas State women, including one faculty member, one staff member, one graduate student, one undergraduate student and three alumnae as part of Women’s History Month. “March is national Women’s

See BGI, page 3

Two-day Forecast Wednesday Isolated T-Storms Temp: 82°/ 58° Precipitation: 20%

honored as ‘builders of communities and dreams’



News ..............1-4 Trends ................ 5 Comics .............. 7 Crossword ......... 7

Sudoku .............. 7 Opinions ............ 8 Classifeds .......... 9 Sports .............. 10

History Month, and this is our opportunity to honor outstanding women of our own at Texas State,” said Sandra Mayo, director of the Women’s History Month Committee. Nelwyn Moore, one of the alumnae honorees, received her bachelor’s degree in home economics in 1951 and her master’s of education in 1966. “Since 1947, Texas State University has been the most significant force in helping me achieve both my professional and personal dreams,” Moore See WOMEN, page 4

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

Tuesday in Brief

March 7, 2006

starsof texas state Football coach David Bailiff announced on Thursday the hiring of Texas A&M staff member Rick LaFavers as the Bobcats’ linebacker coach. LaFavers has served as Texas A&M’s football strength and conditioning coach for the past three years. He worked three years as an offensive graduate assistant at Texas Christian University and spent two seasons as a defensive assistant at the University of Alabama. LaFavers was a member of the TCU coaching staff

when the Horned Frogs advanced to the Sun Bowl in 1998, and made consecutive appearances in the Mobile Alabama Bowl in 1999 and 2000. He was also a member of Alabama’s staff in 2001 when the Crimson Tide played in the Independence Bowl. The Star joins Bobcat Athletics in welcoming Mr. LaFavers to the Texas State family. — Courtesy of Media Relations

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of

Accidents happen

STARS OF TEXAS STATE POLICY Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

EVENTS Clubs & Meetings



Kay Pina, senior, will perform a piano recital at 8 p.m. in the recital hall. Admission is free.

American Marketing Association welcomes Ed Neidel, district manager of Walgreens, at 5:30 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-14.1. The Catholic Student Center will have a student-led bible study at 8 p.m. in the CSC lounge. Thursday Earth First, a campus environmental group, will hold its first meeting at 4 p.m. in Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 312.


Thursday The Texas State Wind Ensemble and guest artists will perform their Modern Music Concert at 2:30 p.m. in Evans Auditorium. Admission is free. Texas State faculty and guest artists will perform a Contemporary Music Concert at 8 p.m. in the recital hall. Admission is free.



The National Association of Environmental Professionals is hosting a San Marcos River Symposium. It will take place at 5 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 116.

A Music Lecture Series, “Creative Collaboration: A Composer’s Perspective,” will host professor Charles Ruggiero of Michigan State University at 2 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Admission is free.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the CSC’s chapel at 6 p.m. The Non-Traditional Student Organization will be holding its first spring sausage sale in The Quad from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. It will continue through Thursday. Sigma Tau Delta, English honor society, will be holding a book sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in The Quad. Wednesday The CSC will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 6 to 8 p.m. in the CSC chapel. Thursday The CSC will have the Rock Praise & Worship in the CSC chapel at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 9.

Arts & Entertainment Tuesday Bryan Copeland, senior, will perform a bass recital at 5 p.m. in the recital hall. Free admission. Pianist John Salmon headlines Hill Country Artist Series The School of Music will host jazz pianist John Salmon as part of the Hill Country Artist Series at 7:30 p.m. on March 24. Salmon will perform the music of Dave Brubeck at the Hays CISD Performing Arts Center in Kyle. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students and people age 65 or older. Salmon, widely recognized as the foremost authority on the music of the great jazz innovator Dave Brubeck, is a frequent guest performer at festivals across the United States and Europe. He has performed at the Spoleto Festival in S.C., the Festival International de Musica

We All Make Mistakes

The Music Lecture Series, “Civil War Brass Band,” will begin at 8 p.m. in Evans Auditorium. Admission is free.

Miscellaneous PAWS Preview will be accepting applications for the position of PAL and P2 Crew until Friday. Applications are available in the CASO office LBJSC, Room 4-11.1. If you have questions about the position, please e-mail ls1097@txstate.edu or call (512) 245-3219. Bobcat Build registration deadline extended. Forms are due by Friday, March 10 to the CASO Front Desk or River House. Forms online at www.txstate. edu/community. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

del Mediterraneo in Spain, the International Bartok Festival in Hungary and similar festivals in Ore., Mich. and Idaho. Salmon has recorded two CDs of Brubeck’s classical piano music, John Salmon Plays Dave Brubeck Compositions for Piano and Chromatic Fantasy Sonata/Rising Sun/The Salmon Strikes. Salmon has distinguished himself as both a classical and jazz artist. He has been a member of the music faculty at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro since 1989. For further information, contact the events coordinator at (512) 245-3501. — Courtesy of Media Relations

Mark Decker/Star Photo Cynthia Maxwell, Hill Country Apartments resident, accidentally ran her Mercedes Benz into the apartment complex staircase Saturday morning. According to the San Marcos Fire Department, Cynthia was able to walk away from the accident.

Health Beat

Counseling Center can assist with ‘stereotype threat’ problems

Have you ever had to give a speech before? Most college students have been victim to this unnerving practice. Standing before your classmates, nervous and unsure, you hope that no one notices your shaky voice and unsteady hands. Speaking to a group we fear may be judging us is different than speaking to a small group of friends or family. With people we know and trust, we become more confident and sure of ourselves; in the critical eye of the public we may experience a loss of poise and assurance. Imagine you are required not only to give a speech in front of your class, but you must also complete exams, homework and other class assignments under the eyes of the same audience. Many students suffering “stereotype threat” must endure that experience everyday. Stereotype threat exists when one believes they are at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about their assigned cultural, racial or ethnic group. Many negative stereotypes surround the academic performance of certain underrepresented groups. Because members of those groups fear confirming related negative stereotypes, anxiety ensues and scholastic performance can suffer. Claude Steele, a psychology professor at Stanford University, has studied stereotype threat intensively and offers suggestions to help combat its harmful effects. Steele proposes developing optimistic student-teacher relationships which, in turn, discredit negative academic stereotypes; seeking challenging courses which demand respect for one’s potential; participation in activities that affirm beliefs about college success and aid in removing doubt about acceptance; seeking instructors who value diverse perspec-

tives as they are less likely to hold negative stereotypes; and finding and identifying with successful role models of one’s assigned cultural group. Dealing with a negative stereotype may cause anxiety, frustration and depression. Counselors at the Counseling Center can assist students in coping with “stereotype threat” as well as a wide range of other issues affecting students’ emotional and academic well-being. The Counseling Center offers workshops on diversity and multicultural sensitivity as well as test anxiety. They also offer self-help materials that address college stress, depression and academic survival. Visit the Counseling Center Web site for more information at www.counseling.txstate. edu. — Courtesy of the Counseling Center

In Thursday’s voter’s guide, The Star printed responses from Caledonia “J.R.” Mendoza and Matt Mancillas, Democratic and Republican candidates for Hays County Constable, Precinct 5. As both candidates are running unopposed, they should have been listed with other unopposed candidates who were not given a chance to publish responses in the voter’s guide. This was an oversight on the part of The Star, and we offer an apology to other candidates who did not receive a chance to represent themselves to the Texas State student body. In the story “Unknown bacteria found thriving in wreckage of shuttle,” printed in Thursday’s paper, a pull quote on page 7 was attributed to Valerie Casasanto. The quote should have been attributed to Allana Welsh, microbiology doctorate student.

CRIME BL TTER University Police Department March 1, 10:40 p.m. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Alcohol: Minor in Possession/Falls Hall A police officer was dispatched to Falls Hall for a suspicious odor. Upon further investigation, a student was arrested for possession of marijuana and transported to Hays County Law Enforcement Center to await magistration. Five students were issued citations for possession of drug paraphernalia and alcohol: Minor in possession. San Marcos Police Department Crime stoppers: UPD 245-7867

March 5, 4:54 a.m. Driving With License Suspended/East Access Road/ Highway 80 Male subject was arrested for driving while intoxicated following a car crash. March 5, 1:02 p.m. Theft Under $500/ 1180 Thorpe Lane Subjects stole merchandise from Target. March 5, 4:22 p.m. Criminal Mischief Under $500/314 E. Hutchison St. Unknown person(s) threw a rock through victim’s bedroom window. SMPD 353-TIPS


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The University Star - Page 3

ASG: Congressional hopeful speaks CONTINUED from page 1

drop in overall membership. The number of fraternity members in IFC member organizations has dropped 40 percent since the fraternities were suspended, according to the legislation. The legislation addresses the need for transparency Discipline Review Team, a part of the Student Organizations Council involved in assigning disciplinary punishments to organizations. While a number of senators agreed on the call for review, most found issues of concern in the three-page resolution, the longest piece of legislation ASG has considered this semester. One point of contention among senators was the guidelines to fraternity reinstatement Morris added to the legislation since its first reading. These guidelines call for “strict scrutiny” of the organizations as well as a probation period of undetermined length. Applied sociology senior Ed Sinclair suggested more than once to Morris to amend the legislation to limit its scope in order to ensure passage. “Like you said, we’re all Texas State students, we all mess up and deserve a second chance. But I think that the legislation may be trying to do a bit more than what it’s originally trying to go for,” Sinclair said. Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center and former Greek Affairs Adviser Terence Parker briefly told the senate his personal position on the issue of reinstatement. Parker said the original four-year terms of suspension should be upheld in order “to be fair to the 12 groups that are here now and who have abided by the rules so far.” “Right now, I personally feel the system is healthier,” Parker said. “The culture, not the young men themselves, but the culture


hen someone stands up at an ASG meeting and admits they are not doing their job, that’s when we as student leaders need to stand up and look at the system.”

CONTINUED from page 1

— Chris Jones city councilman

as a whole is healthier.” Parker admitted that the fraternities in question did not have the advising support necessary to maintain a positive culture, a shortcoming Morris says is a responsibility of Parker’s office and Greek Affairs. “There are institutional problems existing in Greek Affairs right now, and this legislation will address those issues and solve those problems,” Morris said. City Council member Chris Jones was angered by Parker’s admission. “When someone stands up at an ASG meeting and admits they are not doing their job, that’s when we as student leaders need to stand up and look at the system,” Jones said. Jones said the only service the university provides to fraternities is advising, and the lack of advising in these cases led to the suspensions. TKE Chapter Adviser Jayson Heynis said his organization has the full support of its national organization. “Nationals said they will do anything they can to get us back onto campus,” Heynis said. “They know it’s good for the organiza-

Spencer Millsap/Star photo Morales’ Morals: Candidate for the 28th Congressional District Victor Morales spoke at the Associate Student Government meeting Monday night at the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-14.1. Morales spoke on his main platform and reasons for running in the upcoming election.

tion, the chapter and for the university.” After a brief recess, the senate voted 20 to 9 in favor of Morris’s legislation. Also voted on by ASG at Monday’s meeting was another piece of legislation authored by Morris that would support the creation of a stratified grading system. Such a system would create a plus and minus designation for letter grades. In the system proposed, a B plus would garner a 3.333 and a B minus would get a 2.667. After the legislation was amended to remove the minus designations, the proposal failed. Communications studies senior and Sen. Cat Reed saw her legislation supporting the construction of a parking garage on the grounds of the former main fire station downtown pass by an overwhelming margin. The ga-

rage would be built on university owned land, an issue Reed said was important to students. At the beginning of the meeting, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress Victor Morales spoke to students about his experiences teaching and running in 1996 against then-Sen. Phil Gramm, a powerful Republican who eventually gave up his seat to run for president. Morales hit on several points, including his desire for campaign and lobbying reform. When asked why he was running, Morales responded that he was running because he believes people want change. “I have a right to run. Those votes don’t belong to Ciro (Rodriguez). They belong to whoever gets them,” Morales said. “I provide a third choice to people who are not happy with (Rep. Henry) Cuellar or Ciro.”

BGI: Public safety lies with students, police CONTINUED from page 1

the students who insisted on an investigation. Ware was arrested on Sept. 11 for interfering with public duties. Police officers said Ware touched an officer while trying to prevent the arrest of Joseph Stewart, finance junior. He was subsequently stunned by a Taser. Ware said there should have a procedure in place to handle the situation that ensued in the LBJ Student Center Parking Garage and bus circle. He said the events that occurred were a result of the police officers’ uncertainty regarding how to regain control in the situation. “I saw a lot of chaos and I saw fear in their eyes,” Ware said. “Whenever there is a large group of people, there’s always a fear of mob mentality.” He said officers may have used arrests to deter other students from loitering. Ware suggested that a greater diversity within UPD could help prevent a similar situation in the future. He said diversity did not merely reflect ethnic qualities, noting that diversification in background, personality, socioeconomic status and education would be more beneficial than purely a diversification of race. Jovanic Evans, mathematics senior, echoed many students’ sentiment that the university could have handled the situation better. “My main concern was how the university handled it after the event,” Evans said. “I was so hurt by that night,”

Evans said. “I could not believe when I walked out of the ballroom that there were 20 police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck.” Evans, who has attended Texas State for the last five years, said an admission from UPD recognizing the department’s overreaction to the circumstances would have gone a long way to healing relations. “I didn’t feel any of those things that night — protected or served,” Evans said. Evans agreed with Ware that while greater diversity on the police force would be beneficial, diversity is more than skin color. “Skin color is not a guarantee of understanding,” she said. Interdisciplinary studies junior Sarah Wilkerson believes the escalation of the incident was a result of the lack of respect, both for police and for students. “I believe it escalated so quickly, and in retrospect, yeah (the police) could have done better … I think the students should have respected the fact that these are the people that are in charge, and they are the police and they are the law,” Wilkerson said. She said she felt safe on campus, and noted that while she felt the number of police officers that responded was excessive, the crowd had been unresponsive to their requests. Both parties were wrong, she said, but did not care to speculate which party may have been more wrong. Whitney Perkins, communication studies junior, came to

CRASH: UPD, students act out consequences of driving while intoxicated

the forum after receiving an email about it. Although she did not attend the AALC last year, she has attended in past years and said she enjoyed “the togetherness of it all.” Perkins said she came to the first open forum session to see what, if anything, had been concluded. Bradford said the investigation would reach a conclusion in about three to four weeks. Once completed, the report will include findings regarding whether protocol was or was not followed, according to national standards. Bradford said the investigation would include what procedure was in place and what procedures should have been in place. The open forums were intended to “paint a picture” of the police department and its

policies and procedures. BGI associates have already viewed security tapes from the parking garage, listened to the dispatch tapes and gathered formal student statements. Upon conclusion, BGI’s findings will be submitted to university President Denise Trauth. Trauth will decide when, where and if the conclusions are made public, he said. Bradford said the students themselves played important roles in what happened on Sept. 11, and what the students could have done differently was as much a part of the investigation as what police officials could have done differently. “Public safety isn’t just the police department’s role,” he said. “Students play an active role in this strategy.”

speakers signaled the beginning of the presentation. Both the driver and passenger got out of their car and realized the driver of the other car, who was sober, died in the wreck. Moreno said they chose to have the sober driver be the victim to reflect the majority of drunken driving outcomes. “It tends to always work out that the drunk driver walks away with minor or no injuries,” he said. “It seems like it is always the innocent person that dies.” The crash was followed by the arrival of police, fire trucks and EMS. The drunken driver was given a field sobriety test while the passenger was questioned and bandaged. The victim was pronounced dead on arrival by EMS, and was extracted from the car by the Jaws of Life. The victim’s mother arrived on the scene, and onlookers were able to see how parents might react to the news their child has been killed by a drunken driver. Lawrencia Brown, undecided freshman, said she heard about the event ahead of time but did not know it would be so lifelike. “I will really remember this, especially with the mother,” she said. “I would not want my mother to have to see me dead like that.” John Guerra, criminal justice senior and UPD dispatcher, portrayed the victim. Guerra said he was affected by drunken driving when his cousin died in an alcohol-related wreck. He said the event also had special meaning for him because the mother in the presentation was portrayed by his real mother. “It was real hard,” he said. “It feels pretty bad to hear her crying; (under the gurney sheet) I was like, ‘Don’t cry.’” His mother, Dora Guerra, works for Parking Services and said she played the part of the

victim’s mother in order to persuade students not to drink and drive. “I enjoy doing this if it can stop one kid from getting behind the wheel drunk,” she said. William Staney, advertising senior, portrayed the drunk driver. Staney said he lost friends in the past because of drunken driving. Most recently, his friend died in an alcoholrelated crash last winter. “In my mind today, I was playing the part of my friend,” Staney said. The passenger in the drunken driver’s car was portrayed by Jennifer Robinson, Parking Services staff member and Texas State alumna. Robinson said she participates because she believes the event sends a good message to students. She said she hopes students will remember the event as they spend this week planning for the break. The DWI crash scene was followed by a student interaction session with representatives from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, San Marcos Police Department, UPD, Crime Stoppers and Hays Caldwell Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Message boards were also placed in The Quad for students to write comments about their thoughts on drunken driving. The cars used for the reenactment will be in The Quad today, and the message boards will still be available for additional comments and viewing. A casket was also on the scene with the message “Don’t Let This be Your Ride Home From Spring Break” attached. In addition to the event, UPD officers spent last weekend working from 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. focusing on removing intoxicated drivers from the road. Moreno said officers will also be working during Spring Break to remove any potentially reckless drivers.

Where the good meat is

Page 4 - The University Star


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

WOMEN: Additional events include art exhibit, lectures, 5k heart walk CONTINUED from page 1

said. “This university has elevated me in ways that are astounding to me.” Other honorees included Joycelyn Pollock, criminal justice professor; Jane Hughson, computer resource center assistant director; and Tricia Tingle and Judy Bishop, alumnae. Ashley Weaver, senior interdisciplinary studies and Priscilla Delgado, interdisciplinary studies graduate student, were honored as outstanding students. “It’s a humbling experience to be honored by professors and people I look up to,” Weaver said. The luncheon began with a welcome by Mayo and opening remarks by Perry Moore, vice president of Academic Affairs and university provost. “This is a great event to honor outstanding women who are on the faculty and on the staff of the university, as well as alums of the university,” Moore said. “I’m proud to say that the university is led by a woman, four out of seven deans of the faculty are women, two vice presidents are women and 56 percent of our student body is women.” During the luncheon, Patsy Pohl, English lecturer and original designer and coordinator, spoke about the “Southwest Texas Women: the First 100 Years (1899-1999)” exhibit on display in the LBJ Student Center. “The exhibit was created to celebrate the university’s centennial celebration and to show connections of outstanding women during the first 100 years of the university’s history,” Pohl said.


his is a great event to honor outstanding women who are on the faculty and on the staff of the university, as well as alums of the university. I’m proud to say that the university is led by a woman, four out of seven deans of the faculty are women, two vice presidents are women and 56 percent of our student body is women.”

—Perry Moore, vice president of Academic Affairs

“It illustrates increased opportunities and responsibilities and also shows Texas State graduates can do anything.” The keynote speaker for the luncheon was Nina Vaca-Humrichouse, founder, chairman and CEO of Pinnacle Technical Resources, Inc., named one of the fastest-growing privately held firms in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex by The Dallas Business Journal. Vaca-Humrichouse graduated from Texas State with a bachelor’s degree in speech communication and business administration and was honored as a Distinguished Alumna in 2005. “These women are breaking barriers and deserve to be honored,” Vaca-Humrichouse said. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world, and indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Other events for Women’s History Month include an art exhibit called “Courage: In the

line of Fire | Crossings,” by Mildred Howard of California, on display in the Joann Cole Mitte Complex, and the Philosophy Dialogue series lectures, to be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, noon on March 24 and at 11 a.m. on April 20. There is also a Hays County Heart Walk, sponsored by the American Heart Association. It is a 5k non-competitive walk from Bobcat Stadium through Sewell Park at 8 a.m. to noon on March 25.

For more information on Women’s History Month, contact Texas State’s Multicultural and Gender Studies department at (512) 245-2361 or visit their Web site at http://www.txstate. edu/mcgs/index.html.

Your friendly neighborhood watchdog.


releasesof the week music Fox Confessor Brings the Flood – Neko Case Mr. Beast – Mogwai


Revenge – Architects Fab Four Suture – Stereolab

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - Page 5

Jarhead – (R) Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – (PG-13) Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson

Prime – (PG-13) Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep Just Friends – (PG-13) Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart

Trends Contact — Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu

LUCY’S CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY Hutson band plays well enough; Francis band is lacking insight

‘Honky-Tonk Hendrix’ gives intimate show to San Marcos fans

By Rachel Elliott The University Star

By Sam Ladach-Bark The University Star

You might be familiar with Junior Brown’s mu✯✯✯✯ sic whether Junior Brown you know it or Lucy’s not. His music Sat. March 4 is a legendary piece of Texas pride and has been featured in movie soundtracks, but most notably in country bar jukeboxes across the nation. Made famous playing for the Continental Club in Austin, his biggest hits include “Highway Patrol Man,” “My Wife Thinks You’re Dead” and “Road to San Antone.” This country icon has been honing his guitar skills since childhood and making records since 1993. His masterful blend of country and rock ‘n’ roll is similar to that of Johnny Cash, as is his deep baritone voice. Although he has toured the nation and has been received with open arms, his music will always hold a soft spot in the Lone Star State. As part of Lucy’s on the Square’s four-year anniversary concerts, Brown played the headlining show on Saturday. The $20 cover made for a fairly intimate show composed mostly of hardcore fans, who were buzzing with anticipation after Lomita played a brief yet strong opening set. Just after 11 p.m., Brown took the stage creating a black hole drawing the crowd in from every corner and crevice in Lucy’s. Wasting no time, Brown was off and running seconds later. Looking at the man, one would think that he owns an oil company in Houston. Done up in a full suit (as were his modest drummer and bass player) and a velvet Stetson, Brown brought a classic and professional feel commonly associated with hardcore country musicians. He plays a one-of-a-kind combination electric guitar. It is a merge of a traditional six-string guitar and a seven-string steel slide. With it resting on top of a sheet music stand, Brown showed amazing versatility moving from one guitar to the next with little to no break in the music. The best part of Brown’s live show

concert review

FULL HOUSE: Junior Brown plays for a large crowd on Saturday night at Lucy’s on The Square. Brown will be touring around the country for the next two months.

Danny Rodriguez/ Star photo

Yet, any music is better than no music; and the Jared Francis Band does provide something to listen to. But, I The Jared concert Francis Band would advise saving your $5 review opened for for a late night Taco Cabana Cari craving; I guarantee that at ✯✯✯ The H u t s o n least your stomach won’t be The Cari Hutson Band on Fri- disappointed. Band, The Jared After the Jared Francis day night, in Francis Band celebration Band, the Cari Hutson Band Lucy’s of Lucy’s on had much more to offer and Fri. March 3 the Square played to a much larger audif o u r - y e a r ence. anniversary. However, had I The singer, who is also the been the owner of Lucy’s, I namesake for the band, has a would have booked a differ- powerful voice that was supent band. ported by her band mates. The band’s Web page Their stage presence was also boasts that they write their more impressive, feeding off own original songs, and that the large number of fans who may be the only worthy cred- gathered around the stage. T h e i r it they have to music was their name. entertainWhen I he Cari walked into ing and easy Lucy’s and reto groove Hutson to, making alized I was Band’s) music them one the first person was entertaining of the betthere, I thought I had the time ter acts to and easy to wrong. But come out of groove to, no, I guess the San Marcos. Jared Francis Although, making them Band’s reputaone of the better Ithatdida lotfind of tion precedes acts to come out the songs them, as only sounded the another 10 of San Marcos. same; and it people at most was hard to came to see differentiate them. And of where one those people, there were only a few listen- ended and the next began. Although I don’t see the ing to the band. While the music as a whole Cari Hutson Band ever makis uninteresting, falling into ing it big, they do provide the category of cliché col- a change of scenery to the lege bands, it’s the vocals that weekend nightlife of San are really lacking. How Jared Marcos and an alternative to Francis got the band named the music that can be found after him, I have no idea. Not at Dillinger’s or other likeonly are the lyrics absent of minded bars on The Square. So, when you’re looking insight, but his voice lacks for some live music to down the talent to mask it. It’s hoped all the guys in this a few Shiners to, keep in band have something to fall mind the Cari Hutson Band, back on, like a college degree, but don’t waste your money just on the off chance their on The Jared Francis Band; band garners no larger of a fan save it for a night they play for free. base than their parents.


Danny Rodriguez/Star photo GUITAR PICKIN’: Junior Brown’s vocal stylings and slide guitar talents attract a sizable audience on Saturday night.

was his intense solo improvisations that double and even triple the length of his recorded songs. Brown is so unbelievably talented that there are simply no words to describe his vivid string work. His rich voice was a welcome addition to his amazing playing, only

cracking above the bass notes for the occasional yodel. Although I was not very familiar with Brown’s work before seeing him perform on Saturday, I could not help but tap my toe while my eyes remained glued to his insect-like fingers moving erratically up and down the neck of the guitar. Hardcore fans were dancing and loving every minute. Hearing your favorite songs

played in overdrive makes for an incredible concert experience. Brown played two hours of the most talented guitar work I have ever witnessed. He has been dubbed the “Honky-Tonk Hendrix,” a name he definitely lived up to on Saturday night. Never has there been such a display of raw talent in the four years Lucy’s has been bringing live music to San Marcos.


Page 6 - The University Star

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Folk singer Ben Taylor lets his roots grow deeper on third album By Vanessa Lau The University Star

Courtesy of Warner Brothers ACTION MEN: Bruce Willis plays a NYPD police officer trying to get a witness, played by Mos Def, to a courthouse to testify in 16 Blocks.

16 Blocks trades substance for action By Maira Garcia The University Star All the explosions and gunshots in 16 Blocks ✯✯ can’t hide the lack of 16 Blocks Dir.: Richard originality Donner in the latest Stars: Bruce Wilaction film lis, Mos Def by direcRated: PG-13 tor Richard Donner. 16 Blocks, starring Bruce Willis and Mos Def, is centered on NYPD cop Jack Mosley (Willis), a depressed alcoholic trying to finish a seemingly endless workday. Before leaving work, he is asked to transport a chatty witness, Eddie Bunker (Mos Def), 16 blocks from a jail to the courthouse. The task is easier said than done. Filled with intense action and witty comic relief, 16 Blocks captures your attention just long enough to realize that some of the plot is confusing. Apparently, Jack has just as

film review

much to lose as the cops trying to frame and kill Eddie along the 16-block route to the courthouse. Eddie is supposed to testify against some of NYPD’s worst, including Jack. Though that part isn’t so clear until later in the film. Although Eddie is a smalltime criminal, he remains optimistic about changing his life the second he finishes testifying at the courthouse. The self-loathing and unforgiving Jack, who believes no one can change, has a change of heart. Jack becomes determined to see Eddie make it to courthouse, a symbol of truth and redemption, even if it costs him his job and life. Def is the shining star of this film. His character provides a good laugh and optimism at the tensest moments. Eddie is a stark contrast to Willis’ dark character, which is needed in a movie with so much drama and many twists. Willis is once again typecast as the antihero. His acting is not horrible, but not spectacular. Willis is dealing with

the same old subject of saving a person, killing some bad guys and being redeemed in the end. The only difference is the name of the character. This film is just another movie to add to his repertoire of action films. 16 Blocks doesn’t offer up anything new for action films, but rather just pacifies the craving for guns and killing in under a couple of hours. The ever-twisting plot keeps you watching, but a little more substance wouldn’t have hurt. Maybe it will continue to open doors for talent like Def, but for Willis it’s another paycheck. Leave 16 Blocks for DVD rental night in a couple of months — that is if you still remember it by then.

movies rating key No stars – Must skip ✯ – Bad, fails overall ✯✯ – Mediocre, wait for DVD ✯✯✯ – Good, few flaws ✯✯✯✯ – Outstanding, must see

The theme of Ben Taylor’s third studio release, Another Run Around the Sun, is undeniably the marriage music between the review classic and the ✯✯✯ cutting-edge. Ben Taylor With a sound Another Run and style that Around the Sun strikes one as Iris Records James Taylor meets John Mayer, Ben Taylor has a ready-made fan base for this record. As the common last name suggests, Ben Taylor is the son of folk legends James Taylor and Carly Simon. The musical influence his parentage has had on him can be heard loud and clear on all 10 tracks of this acoustic album. While his voice may sound like a mockingbird of his father’s, Taylor struggled for a long time with his identity in the music business in relation to his family. “I was trying to make something totally different from anything a Taylor had recorded before,” he said in his Web site biography. After getting a second album under his belt, Taylor went again into the studio, this time embracing his heritage and the gifts his upbringing nurtured. The result of this evolution, Another Run Around the Sun, showcases Taylor’s talents as a singer, songwriter and musician. While stylistically very close to his father, Taylor’s songs stand out in regard to lyrics and musicality. While listening to the record on headphones, every strum of the acoustic guitar is distinguished; every subtlety of Taylor’s voice can be heard. Tracks like “Nothing I Can Do” and “You Must’ve Fallen” distinguish themselves from the others in lyrical complexity and the lack of recording booth tricks that make others


hether contained in his famous genes or learned over years of exposure, Taylor’s talent is undeniable. less talented sound better. While recording this album in London, Taylor also employed the talents of producers Kevin Bacon and Jonathan Quarmby to capture his classic style and modern musicality. A celebrity affair from start to finish, Taylor’s latest offering is a mellow mix of conservative contemporary music. The album is relaxing to listen to, but lukewarm fans of the Taylor style will grow restless. As background noise for studying or sleeping, however, this album definitely fits the bill. Whether contained in his famous genes or learned

throughout years of exposure, Taylor’s talent is undeniable. It is hoped that his personal and musical evolution will continue to separate him from his parents so that he can make a name for himself as more than just James Taylor’s kid.

cd rating key No stars – as bad as it gets ✯ – poor quality, don’t bother ✯✯ – ask a friend to burn it ✯✯✯ – good quality, few flaws ✯✯✯✯ – great cd, a must-buy

Christian Ericson/ Iris Records LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON: Ben Taylor follows in his father James’ footsteps for his third album, Another Run Around the Sun.

Strange, but informative.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

✯Star Comics

The University Star - Page 7

Oscar voters pay tribute to politically motivated films By Craig Outhier The Orange County Register Jack could never quit Ennis, but Oscar voters ultimately found a way to quit Brokeback Mountain. Ang Lee’s nowiconic cowboy love story was upstaged by the sprawling L.A. racial drama Crash on Sunday night, losing best picture in a startling, show-capping upset. Otherwise, the packed house at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood was treated to few surprises. Until the last hour, a complete Brokeback bust remained a remote but real possibility. By the time Capote star Philip Seymour Hoffman trumped the rest of the best actor field — including Brokeback leading man Heath Ledger — for his commanding portrayal of flamboyant writer Truman Capote, Brokeback had collected just one statuette, for Best Score. Hoffman deserves every ounce of his Oscar, portraying the In Cold Blood author with a fearless mix of despair and selfawe that rivals any male performance in recent memory. Likewise, it’s hard to find fault with the selection of Reese Witherspoon for best actress in Walk the Line. As June Carter, Witherspoon is the romantic heart and soul of the popular Johnny Cash biopic, an optimistic, deep-feeling anchor to Joaquin Phoenix’s tormented Man in Black. Witherspoon’s main rival, Transamerica star Felicity Huffman, should not be forgotten, performing an unforgettable feat of gender contortion as an unwitting parent on the cusp of sexual and emotional transformation. After Brokeback picked up late awards for its adapted screenplay and director Lee, the stage seemed set for a crowning best picture win. And that’s when Crash pulled its fantastic — and, arguably, undeserved — upset. Writer-director Paul Haggis’ wordplay is outstanding: biting, merciless, unrelenting. But this is, ultimately, a somewhat narrow, contrived piece of storytelling. Geography may have something to do with it. Los Angeles, after all, is an industry town, and Crash provided Oscar voters with an opportunity

n the words of (George) Clooney, this Itowas the year when Oscar was ‘proud be out of touch.’ for navel-gazing they couldn’t resist. Brokeback remains the year’s most influential movie. Opinion may vary as to its true greatness — certainly the film’s same-sex themes have engendered small-but-hot pockets of ill will — but its wide-ranging impact on America’s moviegoing consciousness is beyond debate. Admittedly, losing best picture takes away some of its iconic luster. Late fireworks notwithstanding, it was George Clooney who set the tone for the evening by snatching a best supporting actor statuette for his lumpy-yet-riveting performance as a burnt-out CIA agent in Syriana. It was a solid vote of confidence for one of the more vocal members of Hollywood’s liberal elite, but a blow to the no-less-deserving Paul Giamatti. Period-perfect as a Depression-era fight manager in Cinderella Man, Giamatti is building an impressive résumé of Oscar non-support: He wasn’t so much as nominated for his so-real-it-hurts performance in last year’s Sideways. Maybe Clooney’s excruciating torture scene in Syriana put him over the top. Nothing sends a tingle up Oscar’s collective spine quite like hot coals and thumbscrews. As a love-starved Southern wife in Junebug, best supporting actress nominee Amy Adams conjured a true, touching portrait of upbeat suffering and emerged as the category’s fashionable pick in the days leading up to the awards. For naught, as it turns out. In the end, the award went to prohibitive favorite Rachel Weisz, so deliciously sly as a doomed activist in The Constant Gardener. Weisz and Clooney make for a fitting supporting actor/actress tandem. Like Clooney, Weisz is active behind the scenes (she produced the Neil LaBute-directed The Shape of Things two years ago) and is admired for her creative taste. Like Cloo-

ney, she tears it up in one of the year’s most overtly political films. Politics, overt or otherwise, seemed to rule this Oscar ceremony. From host Jon Stewart’s early swipe at Dick Cheney to the amusing election-year spoof TV ads to the political, anti-escapist nature of the movies themselves, it was a polarizing year for Oscar. It says something that the most populist films honored — March of the Penguins and Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit — were in relatively obscure categories. They were best documentary feature and best animated feature, respectively. Not that any of the honorees seemed troubled by that fact. In the words of Clooney, this was the year when Oscar was “proud to be out of touch.”

78th Academy Award Winners: Best Picture – Crash Best Actor – Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote) Best Actress – Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line) Best Supporting Actor – George Clooney (Syriana) Best Supporting Actress – Rachel Weisz (The Constant Gardener) Best Director – Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain) Best Original Screenplay – Paul Haggis, Robert Moresco (Crash) Best Adapted Screenplay – Larry McMurtry, Diana Ossana (Brokeback Mountain) Best Documentary – The March of the Penguins Best Foreign Language Film – Tsotsi

Michael Goulding/Orange County Register BEST OF THE BEST: Best actress winner Reese Witherspoon (right) poses with best actor winner Philip Seymour Hoffman backstage at the 78th Annual Academy Awards on Sunday.

Thursday’s solutions:

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Thursday’s solutions:

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quoteof the day

“The sponsors and supporters of this bill believe that abortion is wrong because unborn children are the most vulnerable and most helpless persons in our society. I agree with them.”

— South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds following his signing into law a near-total ban on abortion. Rounds believes the law will be challenged in the courts before its enforcement. (Source: CNN) Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - Page 8


Forget trying to make a difference; vote to punish

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State UniversitySan Marcos.

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Kelly Simmons/Star Illustration

For the past week, The University Star, along with national, state, local and university organizations have been imploring students to vote in today’s primary elections. After reading the voter’s guide published in The Star on Thursday, it’s not hard to see why students are so apathetic about voting. The majority of candidates for local office took the time to respond to The Star survey, but in the manner of politicians, most refused to offer answers that addressed issues concerning students. Some responded to the question “what would you like to say to Texas State students?” by soliciting volunteers for their campaign. This is an opportunity for Texas State students to show how unacceptable it is for candidates to dismiss us as voters. When going to the polls, students need to remember they need not vote in every single election. Voting for candidates who did address student issues will send the message to others that the student vote cannot be ignored. If students go to www.UniversityStar.com, they can view our voter’s guide and see which candidates bothered to give substantial answers. Candidates like Mike Marcin and Anna Martinez Boling took the time to tell students how they felt about actual issues, rather than give fluff responses. Candidates are sending the message that voters in general and student voters in particular are not worth their consideration. Raul Salazar, executive administrator for the League of Women Voters, said a large number of Republican incumbents statewide, particularly higher profile candidates, refused to respond to surveys sent out by the league. Henry Cuellar, accused by his opponents Victor Morales and Ciro Rodriguez of being too far to the right, responded to The Star questionnaire, but not the League of Women Voters survey. “Of course we’re disappointed that not everyone running for office could answer the questionnaire,” Salazar said. Ciro Rodriguez floods The Star’s e-mail with press releases almost every day, but we did not receive any response from him for our election guide. Democratic candidate for county clerk Gina Islas-Mendoza wrote several paragraphs addressing Texas State students. Her opponent, Margie Villalpando, wrote two paragraphs telling students she needs volunteers to hold up signs at the polling places. Students need to make it clear to candidates how unacceptable such behavior is. If students show up to the polls en masse and vote against candidates who refused to respond to voter surveys or insulted students’ intelligence by skirting issues and asking for free labor on their campaigns, they are making a difference. These are local elections; the student vote can sway any of them. In the past, asking students to “make a difference” by voting hasn’t worked. Try this one: Vote to punish those who would insult your intelligence. Texas State students have become the unwanted houseguests of San Marcos and Hays County. As long as we allow politicians to continue treating us as such, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Marcin said he is in favor of alternative punishment and treatment for minor drug offenses. This is an issue that affects many students at Texas State. If the student body shows up today and shows candidates how offensive we find it that they ignore us and other voters, perhaps in November, candidates in the general election will not continue to forsake us.

Minimum wage increase to benefit families, workers And if you don’t Today is the last think it is such a day to vote in the significant increase, ongoing primary think about this: election, and it is At this university extremely important in 1997, a full-time that we all cast our Texas resident paid votes. This elec$1,011 for tuition. tion, you will get That rate is now the chance to vote STEPHANIE SILVAS more than double on a referendum to that amount. increase minimum Star Columnist Minimum wage wage. This referencan’t stay the same dum should be an forever, even if it does mean incentive to those who don’t believe that voting is important. increased costs of production. According to the Economic Many students on this campus Policy Institute, this is the work, and several of these stusecond longest period of time dents get paid minimum wage. since the United States has seen The referendum to raise the minimum wage stand still. minimum wage is Proposition Prices increase continuously 1. and minimum wage should The current minimum wage keep up with those increases. is $5.15 an hour. The proBack in 1997, the value of the posed plan (if the referendum current minimum wage (with is passed) is to increase the adjusted inflation) was $5.66 minimum wage to $7.25 an an hour. In 2004, the value lost hour by June 2007. I know what almost a dollar. The value will some of you are thinking: “Incontinue to decrease every year. creased minimum wage equals The minimum wage value is increased cost of living.” And, currently 26 percent lower than you’re right, if this referendum the minimum wage value in is passed, the costs of living 1979. Twenty-six percent lower will more than likely increase; is unacceptable; we need to vote but those costs will more than in favor of this referendum. likely increase even if it isn’t Some people argue that an passed. Minimum wage hasn’t increase in minimum wage increased since 1997; and I’m would mean that business ownpretty sure that you all know ers would lose money, have to that the cost of living has sigincrease costs of products and nificantly increased since then.

Finding the three Rs in Malcolm X I had a dream … with African-Americans last night. SACA played the Malcolm X movie. Initially, we went to find out why his last name was “X.” He considered “Little” a slave name and chose the “X” to signify his lost tribal name. The two deepest impressions this biographical movie left me with are in relation to “R”ace and “R”eligion. Malcolm X referred to himself as a member of the Black Muslim movement. Without mutual consent for the third “R,” it seems that tragedy tries to get in the last word. We are taught to show “R”espect toward one another. To me, teaching is like hearing; until it is applied learning, how are we listening? I believe Malcolm X respected those who would reciprocate the same. “I believe in the brother-

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.........................Jason Buch, jb1163@txstate.edu Trends Editor.................Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor......................................A. D. Brown, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

would have to eliminate jobs. And in 1990 and 1997, the Republican platform used these assertions as scare-tactics to influence the American public’s vote. However, according to a study done by the Economic Policy Institute, there is no significant evidence of job loss in either hike in minimum wage in 1997 or 1990. The study found that the “low-wage labor market performed better” and attributed their findings to “higher productivity, lower recruiting and training costs, decreased absenteeism, and increased worker morale.” History is the only evidence that can truly account for what may happen in the future. A hike in minimum wage worked before, its time to allow it to work again. These minimum wage earners are stuck under the poverty line and need help. Politics aside, this is the right thing to do. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services calculated the poverty level for a three-member household at $16,600. With the current minimum wage, a person working full-time will only make $10,712 a year, and supplemented with the Earned Income Credit, the annual income for a person making minimum wage is only $14,097. Employers are paying their full-time employees $6,000

Letters to the Editor

hood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment,” Malcolm said in a Dec. 1964 speech “We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.” This and one other line stuck with me the following day. “One hundred years ago they use to put on a white sheet and use a bloodhound against Negroes. Today they’ve taken off sheets and put on police uniforms. They’ve traded in the bloodhounds for police dogs.” It rings true today. While the police represent protection to me, they represent a display of unknowing harm to those who are oppressed. Malcolm is all about freedom from racism and the right to think for oneself. That’s positive thinking on a dynamic scale. Where’s the

Copy Desk Chief.........................Emily Messer, starcpchief@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

harm in taking note of our cultural differences and individualistic characteristics expressed through our beliefs? Ask Malcolm’s executioners. They were of “his” Race and “Islamic” Religion; yet, without Respect. Malcolm X would receive assistance from me, but not allow for my patronage. I can respect that. Anyone else want to listen? — Tammy Trappman interdisciplinary studies senior

Baseball headline gives negative slant Re: “Bears bowl over Bobcats in one-run heartbreaker, 4-3” The University Star, March 1 I was at the Bobcats-Baylor game and your headline for The Star article is very misleading and outright wrong. There was no “Bears bowl

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

less than our current poverty level. With the current minimum wage, full-time employees are trapped under the poverty line. Opponents also argue that most people earning minimum wage are not the primary breadwinners of their families and are mostly teenagers, yet 8.2 million workers are expected to benefit from this hike in minimum wage. Furthermore, a study done by the Economic Policy Institute concluded that 72.1 percent of these workers are adults, 60 percent of these workers are adult women, 50 percent of these workers are full-time employees and 10 percent of these workers are single mothers. The argument just doesn’t fly. The majority of minimum wage earners are not the teenagers you see at fastfood restaurants, they are the janitors you see at some schools, retail employees and hardworking laborers. It’s not fair that congressional representatives allow themselves raises when inflation adjusts, yet they fail to increase minimum wage year after year. The current minimum wage is 33 percent of the average American worker’s hourly wage. It isn’t even half the average hourly wage. Its time to fill the gap and vote in favor of this referendum.

over Bobcats” going on. If anything the “Bobcats held the No. 23 Bears to a one-run heartbreaker,” or maybe “Nationally-ranked Bears stop a ninth-inning Bobcat rally to win a one-run heartbreaker.” Your headline was the worst kind of framing I’ve seen in quite a while. Not only did you not get the gist of the event, but you betrayed your own university with a negative slant to a positive situation. — David Shanks communication design lecturer

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors. The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright March 7, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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$350 FULLY FURNISHED cable, internet, water paid, W/D included. Call Apartment Experts 805-0123.



Extra large kitchen, washer/dryer, fridge, dishwasher, 3 carports, storage building, and FREE phone-cable-highspeed internet. $845. Agent, (512) 665-8788.

time position, tack sales associate - English/Western, and Clothing Sales Associate. Good customer-service applicants need to apply in person. 516 IH-10 E., Seguin, Texas.


dependable person to help clean Neiman Marcus Last Call at the Outlet Mall. Morning hours, 8am, 20 hrs per wk, $7.00 per hr. Call 754-9044 to arrange interview.

1/2 MO FREE & FULLY LOADED, like new 3/2.5 townhome, roommate plan, fenced, double garage, all appliances and W/D. $995. 850 Sagewood Trail. (short lease ok) 512-342-9567, 512-826-6208 Prime Properties.

$785 2/2.5 TOWNHOUSE.

3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 5/20 and 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, fullsize W/D. www.windmilltownhomes. com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.

FOR RENT-DUPLEX FOR RENT DUPLEX 3br/3.5ba 107 Cedergrove (on bus route). Fenced backyard/pets ok. $1050 per month. 512-351-7499.

DUPLEX NEXT TO TEXAS STATE. Modern, excellent condition. Large 5b/2.5b; upstairs, $1700. 3b/1.5b; downstairs, $1100. 757-0399

SAGEWOOD DUPLEXES preleasing for 6/1 &8/1, bus route, 3/3.5 garage, W/D inc., Call 512-699-9759

1B/1B NEAR WEST CAMPUS. $385 per month 512-396-1717.


matching could be the answer. Call and we’ll set you up. Apartment Experts (512)805-0123.

3B/2B, $950/mo.; Washroom, carpet,


HUGE 3/2, W/D, ETC. 1600 sq

$585! call Apartment Experts (512)8050123.

$1-1 $375 500 SQFT! call Apartment Experts (512)805-0123

CHECK OUT OUR current apartment specials online at www.sanmarcos-apartments.com or call Apartment Experts (512)805-0123.

FOR RENT-APTS LANGTRY APARTMENTS205 CRADDOCK. Located only minutes from campus and the shuttle route. Great move-in specials on 1/1 and 2/2 bedroom apartments in a quiet community. We offer free washers and dryers in each apartment and we are pet friendly. Get in on the Look and Lease Special and receive $225 off or a FREE IPOD! Call us today at (512) 396-2673. Look for us at the TXState Housing Fair.

ROOMS NEXT TO CAMPUS free internet, cable, and other free utilities $325-$375 call 392-2700.

APARTMENTS NEXT TO TEXAS STATE now leasing for May and August. Beautiful wooden floors, no shuttle or parking worries. Rooms, 1B, 2B, 3B and roommate matching. Free internet, cable and some utilities. $300 - $605 per person. 392-2700

APARTMENTS FROM $375/ MO. Near stadium. Gas, water paid. 353-5051.


tile, carport, lg yard, available, March 1. 392-2443. ft. $950 per mo. 713-774-5953.

FOR SALE 2/2 CONDO @ Village of Springtown. New carpet & paint, on bus line. $88,000. (830) 981-2243.

5/3/2 HOUSE FOR SALE quite neighborhood, close to Texas State, immaculate excellent condition, tile/wood and approx. 2700 square feet. $210,000 fenced yard, San Marcos. 757-0399.

HELP WANTED GET PAID TO DRIVE a brand new car! Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive! www.freedriverkey.com PAPA DOCS now taking applications for cooks, dishwashers, busters, hostesses, and servers. Lake front dinning. Great tips. Apply in person located FM 306 at Canyon Lake Marina.


WANT TO MAKE MONEY WORKING IN AN UPBEAT ENVIRONMENT? Apply in person for waitstaff/host(Ess) at the best place to eat in Gruene. Gruene River Grill, 1259 Gruene Rd., New Braunfels 830-624-2300.

WIMBERLEY’S FINEST STEAK AND SEAFOOD RESTAURANT is now hiring qualified servers. Please call 512-8471876 and ask for Carol, Kris, or Evo.

MANAGED SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE -teleNetwork is currently seeking applicants for positions in the dynamic and fast paced field of Managed Application Services Support. Full and Part Time positions are available with flexible scheduling at our Austin and San Marcos call center locations. Apply online today at http://www.telenetwork.com/careers

THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS OFFERS the following Summer Job Opportunities: Are you interested in local employment opportunities for the summer? We are looking for responsible individuals to work in our summer youth and aquatic programs. The youth program begins June 5 – Aug. 3, Mon.-Thurs., 7:30-4:30 or 8:30-5:30 for 9 weeks. The aquatic program begins May 15– Sept 4 with varying schedules. For a list of positions available, visit us on the Internet at www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us, our telephone job line, 393-8290, or the Human Resources Department, 393-8066, 630 E. Hopkins St. for job requirements or to request an application. Deadline for applications is March 27, 2006. The City of San Marcos is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/DrugFree Workplace Employer.

CLEAR SPRINGS CAFE is now hiring energetic high-volume kitchen help. Full and part time. Must be available for weekends. Apply in person at 1692 Hwy 46 South (3 miles off IH35 between New Braunfels and Seguin). EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. FT/PT. www. relocate-texas.com

HELP WANTED for Vineyard establisment and maintenance. Basic plant knowledge preferred. Call 512461-1876.







is currently seeking TSRs to provide technical support for dialup and DSL customers. Full or Part Time positions available with flexible scheduling at our Austin and San Marcos call center locations. More information and online application available at http://www.telenetwork.com/careers

woman to work part time during school year and full time during summer. Must be English speaking and have own transportation. Excellent references required. Call 754-8659 for more information.

Running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. 512353-4511.



SEEKING WAIT STAFF & ENTERTAINERS with a fun loving attitude who enjoys working in a party atmosphere. AM/PM, PT/FT, flexible schedules. Great $$$! Apply Sugar’s 404 Highland Mall Blvd. E., Austin (near Highland Mall) 512-451-1711

BOBCATSNEEDJOBS.COM WE NEED Paid Survey Takers in San Marcos. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.

GRUENE RIVER GRILL is hiring for all kitchen positions. Pay based on experience apply in person at 1259 Gruene Rd, New Braunfels, 830-6242300.

CLEAR SPRINGS CAFE is hiring energetic, friendly servers who can handle fast-paced, high-volume sales. All shifts available. Apply in person at 1692 Hwy 46 South (3 miles off IH-35 between New Braunfels and Seguin). !BARTENDING!

Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ ok. 800-965-6520 x 157.

LEAD TEACHER NEEDED. Full time M-F. 12 mos. - 18 mos. Quality Child Development Center in Kyle. CDA minimum req. Bilingual preferred. Part time teacher positions also available M-F 2:30-6:30. (512) 405-3700 or fax (512) 405-3701. www. rockinghorseacademy.com

HELP PROTECT YOUR friends, family, and members of your community from identity theft. Good training, great pay. Call Troy (512) 7507405.

D & D FARM & RANCH, fulltime position, Excel proficient, G/L & Accounts Receivable, Appointment only. Call (830) 379-7340, ext.115

TANCO TANNING MEMBERSHIP - Gold package-17 mo.; $225 or best offer. Call (254) 292-0926.

ATHLETIC, OUTGOING MEN for calendars, greeting cards, etc $75-200/hr, no exp. needed, (512)684-8296.

UTSA PREP IS SEEKING college students majoring in Mathematics, Engineering, Science, or Technology to provide 6th-11th grade students academic counseling, tutoring, group supervision & activities. Temporary fulltime employment: June 7-July 28. Application deadline: March 24. To apply call 210-458-2060 or visit www.prepusa.org UTSA is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED. $300.00 mo. Walk to campus. Cell 206-6607921.

SUBLEASE SUBLEASE – FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for bedroom B of 2BD/2bath at The Outpost Apartments. Call Meghan at (281) 797-0238, or e-mail MJ1078@txstate. edu for more information.

WANTED PART-TIME HELP in office and in food and beverage. Canyon Lake Golf Club. Contact (210) 860-3550.

The University Star is available at the following locations in San Marcos.

Let us know where you would like to see The Star on-campus and in San Marcos. Email starad1@txstate.edu with your suggestions.

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