04 18 2006

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The Austin Reggae Festival celebrates its 13th year

Texas State baseball beats Dallas Baptist and gets the sweep





APRIL 18, 2006



District attorney candidate talks with ASG about position

Passion Play

By Clayton Medford The University Star

sessing the ability of the office to handle the caseload. “Part of your job as a Democratic candidate for prosecutor is to be able to Hays County district attor- look at the cases and decide ney Sherri Tibbe addressed whether or not we can meet the Associated Student Gov- our burden; can we prove ernment on Monday. Tibbe, this case beyond a reasonwho is currently a Travis able doubt as to all the eleCounty prosecutor, said she ments of the case?” Tibbe wants to said. “That’s establish your job as a student an attorney, liaison poas a prossition in ecutor, to the Hays figure that County out.” District T i b b e Attorney’s said adoffice. dressing the “ T h e backlog of students in cases would San Marbe her first cos are an priority if extremely elected. important “ We ’ r e —Sherri Tibbe, democratic part of the to candidate for Hays County going populahave to look district attorney at all the tion and the citizencases that ry here, and I want to make are pending and have been sure that you all are a part pending for a long time and of the process,” Tibbe said. figure out what we are go“I hope that I can win this ing to do with those cases,” election in November and Tibbe said. that we can work together Deciding whether or not and make San Marcos a re- cases need to go to trial is ally cool place to live.” important in relieving the Tibbe has two sons who backlog, Tibbe said. attend Texas State, computThe ASG senate unanier science sophomore Brian mously passed a bill supBorthwick and management porting the creation of junior Chris Borthwick. athletic scholarships for Tibbe said the current summer school. Currently, backlog of cases at the dis- athletic scholarships only trict attorney’s office is a re- cover long semesters. sult of a poor effort on the The legislation, authored part of the current district attorney, Mike Wenk, in asSee ASG, page 3


hope that I can win this election in November and that we can work together and make San Marcos a really cool place to live.”

Mark Decker/Star photo PIETÀ: Cynthia Villota, who plays the part of Mary, holds the deceased Jesus (Javier Gonzales), reenacting the famous scene of Mary receiving the body of Christ before he is placed in the tomb.

Catholic Student Center helps spread meaning of Good Friday By Marquita Griffin The University Star The Catholic Student Center’s annual Passion play, a reenactment of Jesus Christ’s final hours before his death known as the Stations of the Cross, began at noon on Good Friday. Although the play began at the hottest hour of the day and the heat caused some people to turn their programs into improvised fans, no one in the

audience seemed to lose focus on the performance. The play consisted of 12 cast-members who practiced 30 minutes each day for one week to prepare for their performance. It began at the CSC with Cyrus Mallison, history senior, opening with the first line. Mallison’s transformation into his character, Pilate, garnered silence by the audience until signaled by Mallison’s speech directing them to participate. As the play progressed through the 14 stations, so did the location of the cast and audience. When the play entered the second station, Jesus, played by Javier Gonzales, pre-mass communication sophomore, took the burden of the wooden plank on his shoulSee PASSION, page 3

ACC board calls off annexation election after alleged signature forgery By Kirsten Crow The University Star The Austin Community College Board of Trustees rescinded a recent vote calling for a ballot initiative to annex San Marcos into the ACC tax district Monday evening, said Dwayne Cox, ACC public information and college marketing executive director. The board voted to rescind the March 6 vote, which called for

the election, amid widespread allegations that signatures on the petition were forged. Cox declined to comment, saying the board’s vote speaks for itself. ACC President Steve Kinslow said the decision was not a controversial item for board members. “What the board is being asked to do is rescind the calling of the election, not decertify the peti-

tion,” Kinslow said. The petition, which would have brought the issue of annexing San Marcos into ACC’s taxing district to the voters in May, contains the signatures of residents who deny signing it. Joyce Cowan, Hays County elections administrator, said she has received about 60 affidavits from residents, claiming the signature on the petition was not theirs.

A total of 46 signatures were also duplicated on the petition, she said. “I can’t say it’s a forgery unless the voter says it’s a forgery,” she said. Voter information, including the name, address and birth date of signers, is certified, but certification of a signature is not part of the process, Cowan said. Voter registration lists are public information, and Cowan said

politicians frequently request them as part of their candidacy after signing affidavits labeling their use of the information as strictly for campaign purposes. “I’ve been here for about 20 years, and I haven’t seen anything like this,” Cowan said. She said if the person, or persons, responsible for the fraud were caught, they could be charged with a felony. Kinslow said the local steering

committee for the project, ACC/ Yes!, hired political consultant Mark Littlefield to spearhead the signature-gathering process. Kinslow said he would be surprised if any ACC representatives had contacted student organizations such as the College Democrats about gathering signatures, contradictory to a statement given to The Star on Wednesday. See FORGERY, page 3

Photojournalist displays images, lectures on AIDS epidemic in South Africa By Leah Kirkwood The University Star Photojournalist Susan Winters and Nozuko Ngcaweni presented “Dignity and Community: Courage in the Time of AIDS” in the LBJ Teaching Theater on Monday night to give Texas State students a glimpse of the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Winter’s photo essay contains more than 110 images. It documents the end of Apartheid and tells the story of Ngcaweni’s personal experience with HIV. Ngcaweni’s story received the “Story of the Year” award in her native South Africa. Winters’ work with the Philadelphia Daily News piqued her interest in violence along racial lines. She first visited South Africa in 1988 and returned once a year before deciding to move to the country in 1997. “I call myself an American African,” Winters said. “I moved

to Africa, and I choose to stay there.” Winters explained the poverty and unfair conditions blacks faced under Apartheid when she first arrived in South Africa. Blacks were forced to live in tribal homelands unless they had permits to work in the city. “It was a very cruel system, and it was destructive,” Winters said. In 1990, the South African president released Nelson Mandela from prison and lifted the ban on the African National Congress. During the next four years, change in the oppressive system of government became a real possibility. Winters said people stood in line for days to cast their votes in the first election in 1994. Men and women were excited to give their children a free and peaceful future. “Most of those children were not going to live to accept that legacy,” Winters said.

Today’s Weather

Sunny 99˚/66˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 46% UV: 10+ High Wind: S 9 mph

The HIV virus had quietly infiltrated South Africa through migrant laborers and it would become the country’s No.1 killer. Winters took an interest in the families affected by AIDS. She thought people would begin to understand AIDS if they could see the stories of people they identify with. Although the media’s interest in South Africa was high during the days of political unrest, Winters found there was no market for her stories about AIDS in either the United States or South Africa. Winters began printing her own 16-page magazine titled Ubomi Living containing the photographs and stories of South African women living with AIDS. AIDS currently has a 27.9 percent prevalence rate in South Africa. In 2001, 250,000 people died from the disease, and every year 100,000 babies are born infected with HIV.

“We have to ask ourselves, ‘Why?’” Winters said. Winters blames the South African government’s denial of the AIDS problem for its continued spread through the country. She said the current president, Thabo Mbeki, has stated that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS and instead blames poverty for the disease. “The problem is South Africa needs leadership now,” Winters said. “We need realistic, responsible leadership, and we just don’t have it.” Winters explained the common custom in South Africa for men to purchase wives with cows. Women feel like they are property of their husbands and they have little say in the treatment of their bodies. Winters said wives are often powerless to stop their husbands from having multiple sex partners or demand condom use. Winters said many South

Thursday Isolated T-storms Temp: 86°/ 67° Precipitation: 30%

GLOBETROTTING: In Nozuko Ngcaweni’s first visit to America, she shares her story about living with HIV in South Africa with students after Susan Winter’s award-winning photography exhibit on Monday night at the LBJ Teaching Theater.

See LECTURES, page 4

Two-day Forecast Wednesday Partly Cloudy Temp: 88°/ 65° Precipitation: 20%

Bridgette Cyr/Star photo



News ..............1-4 Trends .............5-7 Comics .............. 7 Crossword ......... 7

Sudoku .............. 7 Opinions ............ 8 Classifieds ......... 9 Sports .............. 10

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

Tuesday in Brief

April 18, 2006

stars of texas state District IV of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education has presented T Cay Rowe, assistant vice president of university advancement, with its highest honor. Rowe received the organization’s Distinguished Achievement Award during the annual district conference last week. The award is presented only to those who uphold the highest standards of the education advancement professions.

Rowe has worked in university advancement, marketing and communication for 33 years. She joined thenSouthwest Texas State University as director of university relations in 1988, became director of media relations and publications in 1994 and was named assistant vice president for university advancement in 2004. She has been interim vice president for university advancement since January 2005. — Courtesy of Media Relations

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of



Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.


ride, will start at The Quad at 10 a.m.


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will host the Miss Black Texas State Pageant 2006 from 6-10 p.m. in the University Performing Arts Center.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the CSC chapel at 6 p.m. The Medieval Renaissance Society of Texas State will present “Nocturnal Emissions and the Church Fathers” at 5 p.m. in Flowers Hall, Room G-04. Panhellenic Council will host Recruitment 10, Everything You Need to Know about Sorority Recruitment from 8 to 9 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center Teaching Theater, Room 4-16.1. The Catholic Student Center will sponsor a free lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CSC’s lobby. Language Consciousness Week 2006, sponsored by Activists for Sexual Minorities, will show the movie The Color of Fear at 6 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts building, Room 114. Wednesday A rosary will be recited in the CSC chapel at 7:25 p.m. Language Consciousness Week 2006, sponsored by Activists for Sexual Minorities, will have Language Expression Poetry Night in the LBJSC Amphitheater at 6:30 p.m. Thursday The Rock Praise & Worship will take place in the CSC chapel at 7:30 p.m. Language Consciousness Week 2006, sponsored by Activists for Sexual Minorities, will host a Diversity Dinner at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-13.1. Friday Steve Montignani will lecture on “Transcendental Meditation Program Introductory” at 7:30 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-7.1. Linda Montignani will present a “Transcendental Meditation Program Group Meditation” at 7:30 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-6.1. Saturday Earth Day Ride, a group bicycle

We All Make Mistakes

Arts & Entertainment Tuesday The Student Association for Campus Activities and Grande Communications will sponsor the Bruce Wood Dance Company at 7:30 p.m. in Evans Auditorium. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students. Call (512) 245-2147 for more information. The play The Rover will be shown Tuesday through April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater Center. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students. Wednesday The Student Association for Campus Activities will present RiverFest at Sewell Park. Raft race begins at 3:00 p.m. Friday There will be a special screening of Rescue Me in the Alkek Library Teaching Theater from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. There will be a special screening of Jumping Off Bridges in the Alkek Library from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday The Wildflower Fiesta Plant Sale and Gardening Festival will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the San Marcos Nature Center, 403 Riverside Drive. Free admission. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Your friendly neighborhood watchdog.

Aaron Smith/Star photo Enjoying their day off from classes, studio art sophomore Syraya Horton and friend Ashley Shnelle float down the San Marcos River to cool off from temperatures reaching the high 90s on Monday afternoon.

On Page Two of the April 13 issue under the heading “On This Day,” The University Star printed that on April 13, both President Abraham Lincoln was shot and the Titanic sank. Lincoln was shot on April 14 and the Titanic sank on April 15. The Star gets the information for “On This Day” from http://www.onthis-day.com. We apologize for printing false information.

Health Beat Statistics for Sexual Assault Awareness Month There has been a storm of media coverage in the last few weeks about an alleged sexual assault at Duke University. April is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sexual Assault is defined as any kind of sexual activity that is unwanted, enacted by one person on another without consent. It may include the use of physical force — but many sexual assaults do not — and it involves some combination of coercion, threats and intimidation. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey on reported and unreported crimes in America, Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes, with more than half still being left unreported. • Every two and a half minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted. • One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, and 10 percent of sexual assault victims are men. • About 44 percent of rape victims are under age 18, and 80 percent are under age

30. • Since 1994, rape/sexual assaults have fallen by more than 64 percent. Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (www.rainn.org) What about college campuses? • One in four college women are survivors of a date rape or attempted rape since age 14. • Ninety percent of college women who are survivors of rape or attempted rape know their assailant. • Seventy-five percent of rapes or attempted rapes involve alcohol. • Less than 5 percent of college women who survive rape or attempted rape report it to police. • Ten percent of acquaintance rape victims on campus are men. • College men are more likely to report unwanted kissing and fondling than intercourse. • College men who are raped are usually raped by other men. Acquaintance Rape of College Students by Rana Sampson 2002 found at www.cops. usdoj.gov/default.asp?Item=269 So how can people prevent sexual assault

on campus? There is not a short or simple answer. But clearly, alcohol consumption, communication, stereotypical gender role socialization, media and cultural messages about masculinity, femininity and violence all play a role. At Texas State and in the San Marcos community, we have the following agencies to assist with any issues surrounding sexual assault: Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208; Men Against Violence at (512) 245-3601; Alcohol and Drug Resource Center (512) 245-3601; Student Health Center (512) 245-2167; Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center (512) 396-4357; and University Police Department (512) 245-2805. If you’d like to do your part to fight against sexual assault, the RAINN Web site (www.rainn.org) has listed several events nationwide along with information about how to support RAINN and its affiliated rape crises centers. You can also volunteer with Men Against Violence at Texas State or with the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center in San Marcos if you would like to make a difference locally. — Courtesy of Alcohol and Drug Resource Center

CRIME BL TTER University Police Department

threatening phone calls. This case is still under investigation.

April 13, unknown hour Failure to Comply: Striking Unattended Vehicle/Blanco Hall Parking Lot A student reported that her personal vehicle had been damaged. This case is still under investigation.

April 15, 3:31 a.m. Criminal Trespass Warning/ Bobcat Village Study Room An officer was dispatched to Bobcat Village Apartments in reference to an intrusion alarm. Two non-students were issued criminal trespass warnings.

April 14, 7:29 a.m. Medical Emergency/Falls Hall An officer was dispatched to Falls Hall in reference to a medical emergency report. A student reported that his stomach hurt. The student was transported to the Central Texas Medical Center for further evaluation. April 14, 12:18 p.m. Harassment/UPD Lobby A student reported that she was receiving

April 15 Criminal Mischief – Under $500/ Jackson Hall A student reported that university property had been damaged. This case is still under investigation. April 16, 2:02 a.m. False Alarm: Report/ Bobcat Village Apartments

An officer was dispatched to Bobcat Village Apartments in reference to a fire alarm. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the fire alarm had been intentionally pulled. San Marcos Police Department April 14, 11:16 a.m. Theft Under $1,500/2300 S. I-35 Theft from construction site. April 14, 4:44 p.m. Aggravated Sexual Assault/ 100 Block of Bert Brown Road Aggravated sexual assault of a child. April 15, 12:56 p.m. Other/1105 Cheatham St. Interfering with emergency 9-1-1 call.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The University Star - Page 3

PASSION: Passion play in Quad catches some students’ attention CONTINUED from page 1

ders and began the walk up N. LBJ Drive toward The Fighting Stallions, the free-speech sector of The Quad. Gonzales carried the plank as the guards, one of whom was played by Joe Barron, interior design senior, whipped him with fake whips as the audience sang “Were You There?” The play drew attention as the cast walked through The Quad; some students joined in the audience, sang along and a few took pictures with their camera phones. Charles Dotson, exercise and sports science junior, said he felt the play was a noble attempt to make people think. Dotson and Jason Rogers, undecided freshman, said the play reminded them of Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ. “Seeing (the play) made me think a lot — about the movie, myself and what this day is about,” Rogers said. Antwoine Blanchard, exercise and sports science senior, said the play can remind people that Good Friday is not just a day to get off from class. “For some, there is just more to this day,” Blanchard said. Once the cast reached The Fighting Stallions, Gonzales’ clothes, except for his boxer shorts, were ripped from his body, leaving him exposed for the audience and any another other individuals walking through The Quad to see. When Gonzales was symbolically nailed to the cross, the sound of the

hammer hitting the wood drew the attention of a few students who were leaving class. Megan Ojeda, interdisciplinary studies freshman, was one of the students who stopped to watch. She said she was walking through The Quad, and the play captured her attention. “I found it to be interesting,” Ojeda said. “I had no idea they’d do anything like this today.” The play ended at the CSC with the mock burial of Jesus. One woman even knelt in actual prayer as the play came to an end. The cast members said they felt the play was a success and well worth it. Gonzales said even though he had the most prevalent role, he was not nervous about performing. “I was only focused on my lines and portraying this event as realistically I could,” Gonzales said. “I wanted to give a performance like in The Passion of the Christ movie.” Chelsea Green, public relations senior, said although she is not Catholic, she wanted to watch the performance. She said the problem is not why or how some people publicly display their beliefs; she said the problem is people’s refusal to learn or hear about ideas or beliefs that differ from their own. “Just because I’m agnostic does not mean I am not open to ideas,” Green said. “There is no point in shutting yourself off from things; there is no advantage of that at all.”

Mark Decker/Star photos IN AGONY (above): Javier Gonzales, pre-mass communication sophomore, playing the part of Jesus, is nailed to the cross by Joe Barron, interior design senior, and Glen Brossard, playing guards.

A CROWD GATHERS (below): Javier Gonzales plays the role of Jesus in the annual Passion play produced by the Catholic Student Center on Friday.

FORGERY: Election administrator receives about 60 affidavits claiming false signatures CONTINUED from page 1

The Star was unable to contact Albert Sierra, co-chair of ACC/Yes!, after multiple phone calls to his home. David Chiu, co-chair of ACC/Yes!, called the situation with the petition “a sad thing,” but declined to comment further on the subject. “The issue I like to talk about is why ACC would be beneficial to San Marcos,” Chiu said. “This is a more important issue than what has happened in the past.” He also expressed concern about the negative media coverage. “Sometimes the issue gets lost in politics,” Chiu said. The Star staff also spoke with six students on Wednesday who said they either did not sign the petition, or that a second signature appearing on the petition was not theirs. Associated Student Government President Jordan Anderson and Student Sen. Sam McCabe’s names were among

o I think it “D will succeed next year? Yes, I

think there’s enough community support behind it as long as the petition is done in an honest manner.”

— Sam McCabe student senator

the 46 duplicate signatures on the petition. McCabe said he supported the ACC annexation because it would have benefited high school and college students who could take advantage of cheaper classes in the summer. “Do I think it will succeed next year?

Yes, I think there’s enough community support behind it as long as the petition is done in an honest manner,” McCabe said. Anderson said the decision will adversely affect students who currently travel to Austin and pay out-of-district rates. “I think there may be a little distress for students who may not want to sign such as petition in the future due to the fact of how this is handled,” Anderson said. “I have difficulty understanding why it was so difficult to get 1,900 signatures. In my opinion, I think they could have gone about it adhering to all the rules and regulations … and done it legally.” Kinslow said although the matter has been tabled for the time being, the community interest in the project will persist despite questions shadowing recent events. “It’s inevitable that the question will be brought back to the community,” he said.

ASG: Legislation tackles NCAA’s requirements for eligibility CONTINUED from page 1

by Spanish senior and Student Sen. Carla Podgurecki, addresses the eligibility requirements set by the NCAA. The rules require student athletes to complete 40 percent of their degree requirements by the end of their second year of eligibility, 60 percent by their third year and 80 percent by their fourth. Podgurecki said that without attending summer school, student athletes risk losing eligibility. The legislation supports the immediate creation of only four scholarships, but Podgurecki said her legislation is the beginning of a push for summer school scholarships for all student athletes. “This legislation is a baby step towards what we would like to do in the future; we would like to see a lot more scholarships offered to athletes,” Podgurecki said.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The University Star - Page 4

LECTURES: Ngcaweni blames ignorance, government for AIDS epidemic in Africa CONTINUED from page 1

Africans are misinformed about the HIV virus, which leads to its frequent transmission. “I’d rather have no information at all than bad information,” Winters said. Many South Africans believe HIV can be cured by having sex with a virgin. Men often rape young girls thinking they will be cured, and the disease is passed on to the next generation. Winters said the medical supplies in South Africa are so poor that people who contracted the HIV virus usually do not live for long. Winters realized that everyone she did a story about was going to die. When Winters met Ngcaweni

in 1999, Ngcaweni had just been diagnosed with HIV. Her energy and articulate nature made her the perfect candidate for Winters’ next story, and their partnership turned into a lasting relationship. “The beauty of it is the relationship continues because she is still alive,” Winters said. Winters credits Ngcaweni’s supportive family as a big reason she is still alive today. Ngcaweni became very active in raising HIV awareness in her community and fought to break the stigma associated with the virus. Winters recalled the time Ngcaweni met with women of her village to calm their fears about HIV from her hospital bed while she had a very high

fever. Ngcaweni experienced many periods of sickness and wellness, but always managed to pull through. Ngcaweni now works as a paid counselor in her local hospital. She also formed an HIV support group, helped organize a World AIDS Day event and continues to visit babies with mothers who have AIDS. “I am a South African, a lady who’s been HIV-positive for 13 years,” Ngcaweni said in her introduction. Ngcaweni had her blood tested when her young daughter was sick with tuberculosis, and a doctor suggested she might have HIV. Ngcaweni stressed that the simple act of filling out a form allowed her to get the HIV test. Both Ngcaweni and her

daughter tested positive for the HIV virus, but Ngcaweni’s youngest child is healthy. Ngcaweni did not believe the diagnosis at first because she appeared very healthy. “I was more fatter than I am now, and I was very beautiful,” Ngcaweni said. Winters and a few other women with the National Association of People Living with AIDS discussed the reality of the HIV virus with Ngcaweni at the hospital. Ngcaweni agreed to allow Winters to do a story on her condition, but she was hesitant at first to identify herself as a person with HIV. People with HIV are often killed in South Africa, but Ngcaweni felt a need to educate her

peers about the condition. Ngcaweni told people, “If you want to know something, just come right to me. I will tell you (what) you need to know.” Ngcaweni said many South Africans think HIV only affects women with multiple sexual partners. However, Ngcaweni contracted the virus from her husband, and she remained a virgin until marriage. “Most of the women are victims through their husbands, as I was the victim through my husband,” Ngcaweni said. Ngcaweni and her daughter are currently healthy and take their antiretroviral treatments together every day. “I’m trying, by all means, to help people in the (South Afri-

can) communities,” Ngcaweni said. Pre-social work sophomore Stephanie Martin said the event helped her learn about the AIDS epidemic in Africa. “The whole take on AIDS in South Africa is very different from America,” Martin said. ASG president-elect Kyle Morris introduced the speakers. He said America’s increased globalization requires Americans to confront Africa’s problem with AIDS. “We were privileged to have Nozuko come here, and the first step is increasing awareness,” Morris said. Winter’s photographs will be on display in the Mitte Honors Forum, Lampasas, Room 407, through the month of May.

Dozens wounded in suicide bombing at Israel restaurant By Joel Greenberg Chicago Tribune JERUSALEM — A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated a bag packed with explosives outside a crowded fast-food restaurant in Tel Aviv on Monday, killing nine other people and wounding dozens in the deadliest attack in Israel in more than a year. The bombing in the busy neighborhood near Tel Aviv’s old central bus station came during a heightened security alert in Israel during the weeklong Passover holiday. It cast a pall over festivities across the country, including the swearing-in of the newly elected parliament and snarled holiday traffic as police searched for suspects. Witnesses said the bomber, identified as Samer Hammad, 21, from a village near the West Bank town of Jenin, set off his explosives as a security guard checked his bag at the entrance to The Mayor’s Falafel restaurant, which was filled with lunchtime customers. The blast threw blood and body parts over a wide area, shattered windows of cars and buildings and left dead and wounded victims on the street and sidewalk. The militant Islamic Jihad group claimed responsibility for

the bombing and officials of the new Palestinian government led by Hamas defended the attack as a response to Israeli military strikes that have killed militants and civilians. Ghazi Hamad, the government spokesman, said the bombing was part of “legitimate Palestinian resistance” and “a natural reaction to the violations of the Israeli occupation and its crimes.” “We have said time and again that the continuation of the occupation is the reason ... for the continuing cycle of confrontation,” Hamad said. Using similar language, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said that “our people are in a state of self-defense and they have every right to use all means to defend themselves.” The remarks drew a sharp warning from Washington. Calling the bombing “a despicable act of terrorism for which no excuse or justification is possible,” White House press secretary Scott McClellan said, “Defense or sponsorship of terrorist acts by officials of the Palestinian Cabinet will have the gravest effects on relations between the Palestinian Authority and all states seeking peace in the Middle East.” The European Union also condemned the bombing and U.N. Secretary General Kofi An-

nan urged the Palestinian government to “take a clear public stand” against such acts. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a moderate who is locked in a power struggle with Hamas, condemned the attack as “one of the despicable acts that harm the Palestinian people and its interests” and vowed to pursue those responsible. An Israeli spokesman pointed an accusing finger at Hamas. “Hamas’ constant preaching of the destruction of Israel serves as a catalyst for these attacks,” said David Baker, a spokesman in the prime minister’s office. Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that Israel would “do what is necessary to deal with the terrorists and those that dispatch them, everywhere.” A meeting of Israeli security chiefs Monday recommended stepped-up action against Islamic Jihad, including continued targeted killings of militants and tighter restrictions on travel by Palestinians between West Bank cities, news reports said. Late Monday Israeli aircraft struck a metal workshop in Gaza City that the army said was used to manufacture homemade Qassam rockets fired by militants at southern Israel. That strike caused no casualties, but in continued Israeli shell-

Noam Wind/Flash 90/KRT A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up outside a fast-food restaurant in a bustling area of Tel Aviv during the Passover holiday Monday, April 17, 2006, killing nine other people and wounding dozens in the deadliest Palestinian attack in more than a year.

ing of the northern Gaza Strip in response to militant rocket fire, a 17-year-old Palestinian was killed in Beit Lahiya, Palestinian officials said. More than a dozen Palestinians, most of them militants but also two children, have been killed in the Gaza Strip in a recent surge of fighting. The Tel Aviv bombing took place at about 1:40 p.m., when the falafel restaurant, targeted in a similar bombing in January, was packed with lunch-hour customers, many on vacation during the Passover holiday. “Suddenly there was a tremendous shockwave, then breaking glass and then I fell on the floor,” Solomon Cohen, the owner of

an adjacent store, told Channel 2 Television. “We saw a scene that I don’t think any ordinary person can endure. People without hands, without legs.” Israel Yaakov, a witness, said the explosion killed a woman who was standing near her husband and children, who were slightly wounded, the Associated Press reported. “The father was traumatized; he went into shock,” Yaakov said. “He ran to the children to gather them up, and the children were screaming, ‘Mom, Mom!’ and she wasn’t answering. She was dead already.” Police and doctors said that the bomb, estimated to have

weighed about 10 pounds, was packed with nails and other bits of metal to inflict greater casualties. Six victims were killed on the spot, and three more died later in hospitals. Dozens were wounded, several of them seriously. A video released by Islamic Jihad showed Hammad, the bomber, dressed in black, wearing the group’s headband and brandishing an assault rifle. He said the bombing was revenge for Israel’s recent killing of a senior Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza and a response to Israeli “massacres” of Palestinians. “There are many more suicide bombers on the way,” Hammad said.


releasesof the week music


A Blessing and a Curse – Drive By Truckers

The Black Magic Show – Elefant

Breakfast on Pluto – (R) Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson

Yes Virginia – Dresden Dolls

We, The Vehicles – Maritime

Mrs. Henderson Presents – (R) Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - Page 5

Hostel – (R) Jay Hernandez, Derek Richardson

Trends Contact — Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Former Bob Marley Festival rocks on in style By Stephen Lloyd The University Star Despite the name change, the 13th annual Austin Reggae Festival, held at Auditorium Shores in Austin, still invoked the memory and likeness of reggae superstar Bob Marley. It was obvious that the name change was just a formality because it was still the Bob Marley Festival for all that attended. Even the man who announced the bands called it that for a while. The reason for the name change came from the Marley family itself. “They have their own festival that tours the country,” said Adrienne Longnecker, deputy director of community relations for the Capitol Area Food Bank. Understandably, the family wants to keep the name to themselves. The food bank has been working with the festival since it’s inception. “There were originally two festivals and we said, ‘Hey, let’s stop competing,’” Longnecker said. This is how the two-day festival that exists now came about. In addition to the $7 entrance fee, attendees were asked to bring two canned goods each. “It’s definitely one of our top five events,” Longnecker said. “Last year we collected 30,000 pounds of food.” The food bank also gets a portion of the entry fee; the other portion going to the bands and festival producers, among others. The hot and sunny weather wasn’t so much of a factor during the festival because of a nice breeze that was blowing. The festival had one stage set up near the water’s edge with food and merchandise booths on both sides. While a few couple venders weren’t fully prepared for large amount customers, the quality of the food was high. Besides the usual festival fare like pretzels, hamburgers, blooming onions and domestic beer, there were some exotic choices like Jamaican jerk chicken and everything that could possibly be done with tofu at The Soul Vegetarian Restaurant booth. The chicken fajita tacos were also good and featured caramelized onions, fresh made salsa and an entire roasted jalapeno pepper. San Antonio-based band In Demand played a set of bassand keyboard-heavy songs. The guitarist just played rhythm textures for the most part. A couple songs featured airy synthesizer sections that gave the music a new wave feel. The merchandise vendors were selling what seemed like every Bob Marley T-shirt ever made, as well as shirts featuring other prominent artists like John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson, Marvin Gaye and Tupac Shakur. Most of the vendors sold the same merchandise, like bumper stickers, knit Rasta hats, homepressed CDs, framed posters of Marley and certain glass items that some festival goers may use copiously. Some of the less typical vendors sold hippie clothes, drums, African crafts and even hookahs, which customers could try out before purchasing. Chronic Candy, the makers of marijuana-flavored lollipops, had a booth with loud Buju Banton music blaring. One vendor with

long dreadlocks had an interesting selling style, which included repeating several phrases out loud like “If you want it, you have it!,” “Don’t forget to have a good time!” and “I don’t need your money!” Campaigners for Kinky Friedman and Carole Keetan Strayhorn walked through the crowded vending area, asking people to sign petitions to get their candidates on the ballot. There were two other people who walked through for a different reason, trying to sell their hip-hop CDs. Zerby was supposed to perform at the festival, but Woodbelly did instead and was arguably the best band of the day. A soulful, Stevie Wonderlike voice came from singer/guitarist Cas Haley, whose talents are reminiscent of those of Blues Traveler’s John Popper. Overall, this band’s music was true, head-bopping reggae. The band played a calypso-flavored song and a funk song, which featured some Stevie Ray Vaughn-inspired guitar playing. They also included former Wailer, Peter Tosh’s, most famous song “Legalize It” in the set as well as Stevie Wonder’s “Sir Duke.” Another group, The Gustavo Rodriguez Band, basically bills itself as “Chicano Reggae” and most of the lyrics were in Spanish. When you compare Latin musical styles like Tejano and Conjunto to Reggae, the rhythms are similar. Grimy Styles played pure instrumental dub reggae that was, in some ways, like Matisyahu. Vocals would have severely interrupted the vibe of the performance. The instrumentation was tight and effects-laden in the way electronica is, but the execution and expression was freeform in a jam-band sort of way. The atmosphere was the best part of the festival, a fine mix of mellowed-out festival goers, ethnic foods and crafts and the will to help the less fortunate, facilitated by the food bank. The music itself was almost secondary. But even still, the former Deleigh Hermes/Star photo Bob Marley Festival is a great SING OUT: The Bobo Marshall Band jams at the 13th Annual Austin Reggae Festival on Saturday at Auditorium Shores in Austin. Austin tradition.

Deleigh Hermes/Star photo JAMMIN’: The crowd jams out as the Bobo Marshall Band plays at the Austin Reggae Festival at Auditorium Shores during the weekend.


Page 6 - The University Star

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Built to Spill’s new album You in Reverse justifies four-year hiatus By Samuel Ladach-Bark The University Star The release of Ancient Melodies of the Future in 2001 is the last fans have heard from Built to Spill. indie rockers music were beside review themselves ✯✯✯✯ with questions and had Built To Spill an unsatisfied You In Reverse Warner Brothers hunger for what would come next. Ancient Melodies was definitely not the band’s strongest work, but it was also not worthy of an exile into darkness. As the years passed, many began to give up hope. And just when fans were on the verge of giving up completely, who should arrive fresh and better then ever? You in Reverse, released on April 11, marks the triumphant return of Built to Spill. It seems

BUILT TO LAST: Built to Spill’s latest album, You in Reverse, is its first album since 2001’s Melodies of the Future.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

that the band has been spending the last four years honing its musical skills for a release of epic proportions. Never before has such magnificently clear and intelligent guitar work defined this band until now. On the opener “Goin’ Against Your Mind,” scattered and radiant guitar layers play the perfect intro to Doug Martsch’s instantly recognizable vocals. His voice hasn’t changed a bit since this band’s 1992 debut and stays classically adolescent throughout. The band expanded on its softer side in this album, similar in theme to “Twin Falls” from There’s Nothing Wrong with Love. Some fans may be disappointed with this approach, but I find it to be a perfect progression. Much of Reverse plays like a structured jam session. Long thought to be dead by rock modernists, the six-string solo is back and fully charged on this album. “Wherever You Go” is the perfect example of this evolution. Pulled in and out of minimal lyrics, the listener gets lost in a spacey distorted guitar wilderness. And then the next

track, “Conventional Wisdom,” satisfies with its classic, up-beat style. But even this song finds its way into a heroic guitar solo at the end. “Just a Habit” is another great example of the new approach. The spacey transitions and static layered guitars can only be described as Pink Floyd-meets-garage band. “Saturday” brews up a tasty pickheavy porridge, while the closer “The Wait” is a somber melodious portrait of how bittersweet anticipation can be. The members of Built to Spill have certainly grown as artists, and it’s hard not to appreciate their new, engrossing style. This installment comes courtesy of Warner Brothers, which I must admit gave a bit of a scare at first. I was reminded of the major label debuts for Rage Against the Machine and Death Cab For Cutie in which style and edge were compromised for a more radio-friendly sound. Built to Spill may have lost a bit of its edge with this one but in no way compromised the band’s style, which is back and better than ever.

Westone Laboratories/St. Paul Pioneer Press MP3 TAKEOVER: CD collections are getting replaced by digital collections on iPods and computer hard drives.

Technology changing the way people collect music By Glenn Lovell Knight Ridder Newspapers To collect or not to collect? Is it better to surround yourself with a shrine-like wall of CDs and DVDs, or free up that bookcase and home-entertainment center with a virtual “collection” that exists digitally — on iPod or computer hard drive? The debate heated up again when Apple rolled out its new iPod Hi-Fi speaker system, which can connect to a TV and other audio sources. With the new docking device, Apple CEO Steve Jobs assured early adopters, your “music is not on CDs in your cabinet. It’s on your iPod.” The idea of not having a tangible music collection — be it CD, cassette or vinyl album — has rattled some ardent collectors. They argue that without something to touch and discuss, you forfeit something fundamental. “We’re a culture of pack rats, and very much into owning in physical ways,” said Sean Wargo of the Consumer Electronics Association in Arlington, Va. “We prefer to interact with our machines the way we interact with each other — by sight and touch. It makes us feel more secure.” But the convenience of downloading music has changed all that, Wargo added. For many consumers, speed and portability now trumps that sense of wellbeing that comes from holding a prized CD or album.


s a culture, we romanticize objects, give them meaning and value. These new collectors just do it differently: There’s no fear of ‘What happens if I lose it?’ If you lose it, you download another.”

— Sylvain Boies psychologist for online addiction

How you squirrel away that new album by Mariah Carey or Death Cab for Cutie — on bedroom shelf or hard drive — says a lot about your personality and could affect your emotional wellbeing, say psychologists. The collector who can reach out and touch his collection may be happier in the long run. “All that computer collecting takes its toll — you’re forfeiting face-to-face interaction with people who share your passion,” says I. David Marcus, a San Jose, Calif., psychologist who specializes in online behavior. “And that means you don’t learn how to read social cues as well.” Or, enjoy that warm-andfuzzy rush some call nostalgia. “The MP3 and iPod guys are more into accessibility, having the medium in hand,” says Brian Hartsell, 50, who runs San Jose’s Analog Room, which sells turntables and LPs. “The people who come into my store are into sound quality and nostalgia. Listening to the Beatles and the Kinks reminds them of their youth.”

Indeed, those who collect CDs and vinyl LPs are less into convenience than sound quality. CDs and LPs when ripped and compressed by 50 to 60 percent for audio files lose important data and, consequently, fidelity. So, if you’re a purist with a large classical music collection, audiophiles say you’ll be disappointed by MP3-quality music. “The need to collect hasn’t gone away — it’s just changed from the tactile to the virtual,” says Marcus, who collected comic books and baseball cards as a kid. “Now, instead of CDs, people are collecting downloads and playlists.” And the very definition of “permanency” has changed. “As a culture, we romanticize objects, give them meaning and value,” observed Sylvain Boies, a psychologist who treats online addictions. “These new collectors just do it differently: There’s no fear of ‘What happens if I lose it?’ If you lose it, you download See TECHNOLOGY, page 7


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

✯Star Comics

The University Star - Page 7

TECHNOLOGY: Music collectors swapping

files, nostalgia for free space on bookcase CONTINUED from page 6

another.” Retailers who specialize in cases and racks for collections are preparing for a change in the marketplace. “Our sense is that people with iPods haven’t gotten rid of their other collections — they’ve just added a collection,” said Bette Kahn, spokeswoman for Crate & Barrel. “Our spring line has lots of media-storage boxes for CDs and DVDs.” Marcel Manzardo, the Los Gatos, Calif., designer of the DiscSox storage sleeve, which takes up less space than the conventional jewel box, acknowledged that when it comes to collecting “it’s a whole new ballgame” and more young people are going the download route. Manzardo himself has 7,000 songs on an iPod and another 16,000 on his PC. His clients, he says, collect the old-fashioned way, and,

even if they do download, want a backup CD. The need to collect may even be stronger now, psychologists surmise, because we’re all so anxious about the world situation and have so much more information to process. But instead of sitting alone and staring at a display screen, we should be sharing our collections with friends. “Something has been lost,” Marcus says. “You don’t invite people to your house and show them your online playlist.” Maybe so, but digital storage is the future, ac-

cording to the Consumer Electronics Association. “It’s becoming a challenge to manage all of our digital content — photos, home videos, DVDs, music,” Wargo said. “Besides iPods, the answer is media servers that allow us to control digital content from room to room.”

Image courtesy of KRT

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quoteof the day

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - Page 8

“I can’t say it’s a forgery unless the voter says it’s a forgery.”

— Joyce Cowan, Hays County Elections Administrator, about the multiple claims of forgery following an investigation into the signatures on a petition calling for an election to annex San Marcos to the Austin Community College district.

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


ACC annexation petition reeks of fraud, deception

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State UniversitySan Marcos.

Money Matter$ Do you consider the amount of federal income tax you have to pay as too high, about right, or too low?

Too high – 48% About right – 44% Too low – 2% No opinion – 5%

These results are based on telephone interviews with a randomly selected national sample of 1,005 adults, aged 18 and older, conducted April 10-13, 2006. For results based on this sample, one can say with 95 percent confidence that the maximum error attributable to sampling and other random effects is ±3 percentage points. 1,005 People Polled

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Gallup News Service Released: April 10-13, 2006

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

After numerous complaints from residents concerning allegations of fraud with regards to a petition circulating around the city, the Austin Community College rescinded its vote calling for an election into the annexation of San Marcos into the district. During the past few weeks, a number of media outlets – including The University Star – reported complaints by residents, including students, who believe their signatures were have been forged on the petitions. In Monday night’s meeting, the ACC Board of Trustees acted in the proper fashion. With the allegations continuing to mount, this was the first step in resolving the problem. The second step would be for the board to call for the petition’s decertification. How can any of the signatures be trusted when there are about 60 affidavits at the offices of the Hays County Elections office from people who say somebody else had signed their names on the petition? The list of people whose signatures have either been forged or repeated include City Councilman Chris Jones, Associated Student Government President Jordan Anderson, other people from within student government and even current and former employees of The Star. In late February and early March, The Star ran a series of columns by Nicole Hernandez in which she wrote that the introduction of ACC to the area would be beneficial to both the residents and students of Texas State. ACC President Steve Kinslow believes the interest in bringing ACC to San Marcos will return regardless of recent events. Even if the practice is common, offering monetary compensation to organizations to get signatures on a petition is wrong. While this isn’t to say that the College Democrats are responsible or negligent in their signature gathering, the perception of a conflict of interest is here, and it can’t be ignored. If a particular group is so interested in bringing the ballot to the people, it should do so without taking money to get the job done. Both sides involved in the pay-for-signatures process have different statements concerning how they were hired. Regardless of who hired whom or at who’s direction, the program reeks of improprieties and can’t be trusted. What harm can come from re-evaluating the process of compiling signatures on the petition? Only 1,963 signatures were validated by the ACC, which is 62 more than the 5 percent of registered voters needed to make the petition valid. This petition is coming dangerously close to being invalid on its own. It’s time for the ACC and ACC/Yes!, the committee charged with obtaining signatures, to admit that mistakes have been made – and laws possibly broken – and cancel the petition and start again. If there is interest in bringing the ACC taxing district, and possibly a campus, to San Marcos, then the same interest will put the signatures on the petition once again – legitimately.

N-word perpetuates disrespect I would like CLARA SPRIGGS-ADAMS rican-American to have a word students — and Guest Columnist with my fellow young, black African-Amerimales and females can Bobcats. I want to talk to in general — sends the wrong you about something that only message. If you dress like a thug, another African-American will talk like a thug and act like a have the courage to tell you: thug, then you will be treated Some of you are your own worst like a thug. No, you will not be enemies. given the benefit of doubt when For those of you whose votrouble arises. It may not be fair, but it is what it is. Loud talkcabulary is so limited that your normal conversation employs ing, peppered liberally with foul the N-word in almost all of your language — the N-word, the Fsentences, apparently, you have word — is not only ignorant and not realized the damage you are disrespectful; it’s very intimidatdoing to yourselves and others. ing to society at large. Yes, I am aware that some blacks Anytime one walks through today have arbitrarily decided The Quad, or any other area that, if they change the spellwhere black males are congreing by dropping the “er” and gating, more times than not, adding an “a” to the end of the one can hear you using the Nword, then it has become a term word. The double standard that of endearment. Well, it is not. you have created by using the You can go sit in a garage, but N-word in your everyday conit doesn’t make you a car. If it versation is sending the wrong walks like a duck and quacks like message to people outside the a duck, then it’s seen as a duck. black race. It would appear that Many of you are very upset we — other blacks — don’t have by the show of force from law a problem with being referred to enforcement after the Africanas n***as, but, let me assure you, American Leadership Confermany of us do. Would you have a problem with your mother’s ence last September. I still see or father’s employers addressing both black and white — in an them as n***as? Those of you effort of solidarity — students who casually use the word would wearing the “There was no be up in arms if one of your fight” T-shirts. I’m not here to non-black professors referred argue whether there was a fight to you as a n***a. You would be or not, but what I do want to demanding that person’s resigsuggest is that the behavior and appearance of some of our Afnation citing racism.

When you use this word, you are disregarding how hurtful and disrespectful it is to our elders who had to endure the indignities of a world where they had no rights. Unfortunately, some of you have forgotten that the privileges and freedoms we enjoy today are a direct result of the suffering of our elders. And this is how you repay them. I am ashamed of you when I hear what comes out of your mouth. Not only are you disrespecting our elders, you are disrespecting the rest of yourself and us. You are limiting your own opportunities, and you don’t even realize it. Instead, you would rather blame “the white man” than look at your own behavior and appearance. This is not an argument to suggest that racism is nonexistent. However, it has been my experience that I am much more in control of my destiny than the proverbial white man. There’s an excellent new book titled Silent Racism — How WellMeaning White People Perpetuate the Racial Divide, written by Barbara Trepagnier, a Texas State sociology professor, which, in my opinion, should be required reading for everyone on the planet. This book will help white people recognize many of the preconceived notions they hold and how those preconceptions affect their judgments and inter-

actions toward and with blacks. And it will help blacks recognize how we inadvertently strengthen and perpetuate those preconceptions. In closing, we — as individuals — can do much more harm to ourselves than others can. Take, for example, the big color photo on the front page of the April 12 edition of The University Star with the headline “Poetic Justice.” The young woman is wearing a T-shirt that appears to read “Katrina Bitch”. Young black men are the ones who began referring to young black women as bitches and hoes. And now many of the young women refer to themselves that way. I was taught that respect is something that one earns. What are you doing to earn it? People, both black and white, will treat you the way you treat yourself. Again, you’re sending the wrong message. The fact that you have made it to college means that you have opportunities afforded you that too few blacks will ever experience. Make it count; don’t blow it. Let’s show some respect for all the blacks who paved the way for us to have the freedoms we enjoy today and eliminate the N-word as well as other behaviors that weaken us as a people.

for students and faculty, but I will suggest two things. First, make the current system cost free, especially with the rise in fees; and second, rethink the areas of Austin that would benefit from a stop and the areas where a stop is a waste of time. How about a little student involvement and/or consideration since we are the primary concern and support monetarily?

at Christmas time and egg-laying rabbits at Easter, holidays that unsurprisingly fall on the winter solstice and the spring equinox, respectively. Dailey should know that nobody is trying to steal her religious holidays from her any more than the Church stole them in the first place.

— Jakob Grothe Geographic information systems sophomore

Smoking policy with no enforcement?

munity to talk with people who are violating. ASG will be assisting in this effort as well. Hopefully, with the placement of the signs and email encouragement, we will see a reduction in the violations. Again, thanks for sharing your concerns. This response doesn’t mention enforcement of the policy at all. What is the point of having a policy if you’re not going enforce it? I am very bothered by the smoking violations on this campus. Everyday, I see other students smoking in front of no smoking signs, and on more than one occasion I have seen students lighting up cigarettes while they are still a foot or two inside the doorway of a building. I think Texas State should be a tobacco-free campus. This would solve the problem of health hazards, money wasted on ignored no smoking signs and litter. I hope the Associated Student Government and the university administration put actions behind their words. It’s about time someone takes a stand for his or her own human right to breath clean air.

— Spriggs-Adams is a sociology senior.

Letters to the Editor As is, Austin tram route useless for students I recently saw the results of the campus election. It saddened me that only a little more than 2,100 students voted, but that’s another issue. If you didn’t know, the Shuttle Bus Referendum passed. The next thing I noticed was the Tram information for the Austin route, and two things caught my attention. The stops are completely useless. The Waterloo Park stop has no residential areas and no parking; I would suggest a Riverside stop. Next is the cost. It costs $3 to ride one way. For the math impaired, that is $30 a week and $120 a month. This makes it completely useless if someone is trying to save money by not driving their own car as gas prices fluctuate upwards. There is no incentive for students to use the Austin bus. First of all, public transportation should be free for students like other schools to our north endorse. And if that doesn’t fly, not only do we pay student fees for things like busses, but we just approved this giant bus referendum which will costs students more fees. I know people have different ideas on how to improve travel

Atheists not piggybacking on Christian holidays Christy Dailey wrote “atheists and other religions decided to take over and celebrate Christian holidays.” I’d like to point out that not only is this statement absurd to the point of bordering on insult, but that Christians pirated those events long ago. Christian missionaries in Europe found it much easier to convert pagans by layering important events on the Christian religious calendar on top of already-celebrated holidays, such as the solstices and equinoxes. That’s why there are Yule logs

— Ky Jurgensen International studies senior

Dear Editorial Board, I am writing in response to The Main Point in the April 13 issue of The University Star. I strongly agree with your opinion about the lack of enforcement of Texas State’s smoking policy. Earlier this semester, I sent an e-mail to the vice president of Student Affairs, and this is the response I received: Thanks for sharing your concerns. We are in the process of designing signs that will indicate the no smoking areas. We are designing them to meet the new Campus Master Plan standards. We also have a message on the electronic message board. We will be encouraging the campus com-

— Sarah Schmedes Biochemistry junior

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.........................Jason Buch, jb1163@txstate.edu Trends Editor.................Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor......................................A. D. Brown, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

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The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright April 18, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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SPACIOUS & NEW 3/2 House. West of IH35. upgrades throughout, garden, tub, huge master, large bedrooms & closets, 2 car garage. Great Locations 512-878-2233



one & two bedroom apartments. Great Prices & Specials! 754-0001.

3/3 ONLY $305+ BILLS include water, internet, and W/D. Great Locations, 878-2233. www.glsanmarcos.com RENT TO OWN, seller financing,

$149 total move-in (1st month rent, app, dep.) Great Locations, 878-2233. www.glsanmarcos.com

$0 APP $0 DEP.

Brand new, most bills paid. Pool views available. Great Locations, 512-878-2233.


3/2, 4/2 Large Doublewides, on one acre, Hill country, Large Oaks, 512-754-3344, San Marcos, TX

apartment specials online at www.sanmarcos-apartments.com or call Apartment Experts (512)805-0123.

3X3 DUPLEX, 3 covered parking

ARTISTIC LOFTS, hardwood floors, W/D, 16 foot ceilings. www.glsanmarcos.com. Great Locations, 512-878-2233

spaces, cable, internet, phone, and trash paid. Going quick! Great Locations, 512-878-2233.

$149 TOTAL MOVE IN! $420, 2bdrm $525. On TX State shuttle. Call Apartment Experts (512)805-0123.


TOWNHOME 4-2.5, all bills



611 BRACEWOOD ready for

paid, W/D included call Apartment Experts (512)805-0123 ful new 3b/3.5b. 1497 N. LBJ, (512) 665-6500 or (512) 396-4488. No pets.


702 Bracewood. 2bd/2b for $475 per month. Call Legacy Real Estate at 665-0350.

FREE APARTMENT LOCATING! Managers specials, floor plans, deposit information. A+ Video Apartment Locators, 512-392-3463. aplusapts.net

LARGE T-HOME, $99 total

move-in free cable, internet, and phone. W/D included. Call Apartment Experts 805-0123.

SUBLET AVAILABLE MAY 15/JUNE 1. Beautiful room in

house within walking distance to the Rec Ctr. Has garden area, hardwood floors, W/D. $325 plus 1/3 utilities. Contact am14@txstate.edu.

702 Bracewood. 2/1 for $475 per mo. Call Legacy Real Estate at 665-0350. immediate move-in. Large 2/2 with water/waste water paid. Small pet welcomed. REDUCED TO AN


of $565 per mo. Call Legacy Real Estate at 665-0350.


Bishop has a 1 bedroom for $395. Early May availability. Quite, small complex. Water/waste water and trash paid. Visit legacyrealestate.biz, and call Legacy Real Estate at 665-0350.

3/3.5 APT. W/GARAGE and

covered parking at Bishop’s Square. Take over lease through end of July or longer. $475 per person available May 1. Contact 713-882-9069 or 512-878-1993.

ROOMS NEXT TO CAMPUS free internet, cable, and other

free utilities $325-$375 call 392-2700.

$785 2/2.5 WINDMILL APTS. 3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 5/20 and 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.

APARTMENTS FROM $375/ MO. Near stadium. Gas, water paid. 353-5051.


Bishop has a 1 bedroom for $395. Early May availability. Quite, small complex. Water/waste water and trash paid. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350.


Extra large kitchen, washer/dryer, fridge, dishwasher, 3 carports, storage building, and FREE phone-cable-high speed internet. $845. Agent, (512) 665-8788.


3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 5/20 and 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.

FOR RENT-DUPLEX FOR RENT DUPLEX 3br/3.5ba 101 Cedergrove (on bus route). Fenced backyard/pets ok. $1050 per month. 512-557-2557. DUPLEX FOR LEASE for immediate move-in. 2/1 at 1107 Marlton for $625 per mo. Easy terms. Call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 and visit legacyrealestate.biz. LARGE DUPLEX, pre-lease for 8/1, 3/3.5, garage, W/D, fenced. 512-422-0903

519 HUTCHISON has two du-

plex units for immediate move-in. 3/3 includes full size W/D for $1050 per mo. $900 security deposit. Also, available 2/2 for $650 per mo. Pets negotiable. So close to campus you can walk. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350.

DUPLEX NEXT TO TEXAS STATE. Modern, excellent condition. 4/2.5, large kitchen, 2 living areas, sauna, w/backyard, pets OK, $1650. 757-0399


off of Sagewood! 3b/3 1/2b/ common living/dining/kitchen/2 car garage/internet access. $400.00 per room call today! (512) 913-8028.

519 HUTCHISON has 2 duplex

units for immediate move-in. 3bd/3b includes full size W/D for $1050 per month. $900 security deposit. Also, available 2bd/2b for $650/month. Pets are negotiable. So close to campus you can walk. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350.

DUPLEX FOR LEASE for immediate move-in. 2/1 at 1107 Marlton for $625 per month. Easy terms. Call Legacy Real Estate at 665-0350, and visit legacyrealestate.biz.

FOR RENT-DUPLEX SAGEWOOD DUPLEX FOR RENT. Pre-Leasing. 3B/3.5B $1100. 310-714-4352

$765 2/2 WINDMILL DUPLEX. 3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 5/20 and 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.

FOR RENT-HOUSES HUGE 3/2, W/D, ETC. 1600 sq ft. $890 per mo. 713-774-5953.

HOME FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 3/2 w/2 car garage. $995/mo. Call Legacy Real Estate 665-3321.


quite neighborhood, close to Texas State, immaculate excellent condition, tile/wood and approx. 2700 square feet. $179,000 fenced yard, San Marcos. 757-0399.


a downtown gift shop is hiring for the following shifts: 9-6, 9-2, 1-6. Starting pay $6.50 hr. Pick up application in person. Must be able to work a minimum of 30 hrs per week... Monday-Saturday. 214 N. LBJ DR.

LIVE ON THE GUADALUPE, free housing with a stipend,

light cleaning and pet care required. Call 830-624-5833

$800 WEEKLY GUARANTEED. Stuffing envelopes. Send a


ports is now hiring for summer seasonal help. For more information, see our ad below!!!


be able to work days, evenings, and holidays. Apply in person 1608 Hunter Rd., Gruene.


teleNetwork is currently seeking TSRs to provide technical support for dialup and DSL customers. Full or Part Time positions available with flexible scheduling at our Austin and San Marcos call center locations. More information and online application available at http://www.telenetwork.com/careers

EXPERIENCED horse trainers, riders, groomers: www.texasarabianhorses.com

BOBCATSNEEDJOBS.COM WE NEED Paid Survey Takers in San Marcos. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.

SUMMER WORK for ambitious and hard working student. Earn 3 hrs college credit and $700 per week. GPA 2.5. Call Joe at 512-557-4383.

!BARTENDING! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ ok. 800-965-6520 x 157. TEKA MARKETING INC. is

now expanding and looking to fill several full and part time positions. Very flexible hours and casual work environment. For more information call 1-512-805-0020.

self-addressed stamped envelope to Scarab Marketing 28 E. Jackson, 10th floor, Suite 938, Chicago, Ill. 60604.

RANCH HAND, apply on line


for 30-90 days temporary employment to finish out intermediate school in Dripping Springs and project in San Marcos. May lead to permanent employment or just summer work. Call our office 512-396-3300.

you want to truly make a difference in lives of special children? Are you looking for rewarding, challenging and fun Summer Camp counselor experience? Join us this summer at Star Ranch, a Christian Summer Camp for children with Learning Disabilities. We are looking for a few good balancing acts! Salary, room, board, and laundry provided. Near Kerrville, call Cody, 830-367-4868 x 205. www.starranch.org




SPORTS*HAVE FUN*MAKE $$$. All team & individual sports, All watersports, hiking/climbing, A&C. TOP SALARIES, Free Room/Board/Travel. Apply online: www.campcobbossee.com. Call: 800-473-6104.


PHOTO MODELS, apply on line: www.nabilcronfulphotography.com



php, website develop/design: www.tribalorientaltexxtiles.com

trained musician w/capabilities crossing music genres. MUST BE RELIABLE. Call 512-472-2280.


work is currently seeking applicants for positions in the dynamic and fast paced field of Managed Application Services Support. Full and Part Time positions are available with flexible scheduling at our Austin and San Marcos call center locations. Apply on-line today at http://www.telenetwork.com/careers

namic individual w/customer service experience preferred. $8/hr, drug test required. Call 512-392-1100 or fax resume to 512-392-6217 EOE

GRUENE RIVER COMPANY, tube and boat rental, is look-

ing for responsible cashiers and drivers. Call 830-625-2800

MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY UP TO $75 per online survey. www.cashtospend.com

MISCELLANEOUS ATHLETIC, OUTGOING MEN for calendars, greeting cards,

etc $75-200/hr, no exp. needed, (512)684-8296.

ROOMMATES LOOKING FOR FEMALE ROOMMATE for summer/fall of 2006. Room with attached bath and free cable, located across the street from the McCoy Building. $335/mo Call Su at 512-366-0553.

LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE, $275/month, with personal bath, if interested contact, Jose Martinez at 512-396-0342.


the summer. Walking distance to campus. 1b/1b $295/month, plus electricity, and $150 deposit. Everything included. Call 512-787-7542.


Dependable, responsible, attentive female to care for handicapped boy. Every other Sat. and Sun. 9am-8pm, $8.00/hr with bonuses. Call Jenny 392-9737. Leave message. WWW.STUDENTATTORNEY.COM

WANTED BUYING both civil war or early TEXAS NEWSPAPERS,

swords, guns, letters, documents, clothes, pictures, etc. 512-557-7224.


tion. Running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. 512-353-4511.


Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, and Mastodon. Contact Bobby 830-534-2671, e-mail rp1094@txstate.edu. Serious inquiries only.

The University Star is available at 70 locations on campus and 30 locations in San Marcos. Let us know where you would like to see The Star! Email starad1@txstate.edu with your suggestions.

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