04 20 2004

Page 1

Who’s in control?

Lookout Longhorns

Bobcats defeat Roadrunners in 2 of 3 games; face UT tonight/Sports/Page 10

Good times

Doc Fritz’s serves up homestyle cooking/Trends/Page 6

FCC trying to regulate more than airwaves/Opinions/Page 5


VOLUME 93, ISSUE 76 www.universitystar.com

APRIL 20, 2004


ASG supports current policy Resolution backs university’s rule on non-discrimination

By Katherine Eissler News Reporter

Following the lead of the Faculty Senate, the Associated Student Government voted Monday night in favor of a resolution in support of the university’s current non-discrimination policy, which includes sexual orientation. The proposal was brought into an emergency debate in order to give President Denise Trauth ASG’s full support before meeting with other presidents in the Texas State University System Wednesday. Senate Pro-tempore Christopher Jones II, public administration junior, authored the proposal in an effort to reaffirm ASG’s stance on the issue and give Trauth the support she needs to argue her position to

An aerodynamic car from a B-rated sci-fi movie sat mere yards away from a 1948 Packard deluxe eight and a 1931 Model A Saturday on The Square. It was the norm this weekend as San Marcos hosted the practice rally for the 22nd annual Great Race, featuring more than 70 automobiles from all eras. From 4 to 7 p.m., residents were invited see the participants finish their second day of racing, check out the cars and talk to


g See ASG, page 3

Great Race Texas

2004 Louis LeSassier/Star illustration

their various drivers, owners and navigators. The race began Friday, as the cars left the Holiday Inn Express at 8 a.m. “We’ve had a lot of fun,” said Andrew Love, a navigator for a 1935 Ford Coupe. “The weather’s been really good. We’ll do this again sometime.” g See RACE, page 3

Campus mock election names Kerry its winner By Jennifer Warner Senior Reporter If the presidential election had been held Wednesday and Thursday, Texas State students would have elected Democratic U.S. Senator John Kerry. According to the results of last week’s mock election sponsored by the Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society, 48 percent of students polled would like to see Kerry take Republican George W. Bush’s job as the nation’s chief executive. Bush lost by 88 votes, coming in just behind Kerry with 42 percent. “I think that the results accurately reflect how students feel about President Bush,” said Tim Small, College Democrats president and public administration senior. “I think this shows that the student body is aware of how Republican leadership has been ineffective and I’m glad to see that the Democrat won the mock election in the heart of Texas.” Lisa Hanks, College Republicans president and international relations sophomore, said she believes the figures only represent the students and do not accurately reflect the way g See RESULTS, page 4

Former Star staff members reunite for reunion banquet

By David Doerr and Kassia Micek News Editor and Assistant News Editor

Nine former University Star staff members were inducted into a hall of fame during The University Star’s first reunion banquet Saturday night. Meanwhile, the executive editor and senior vice president of the Fort Worth StarTelegram announced the creation of a permanent scholarship and paid internship that will be awarded to the editor in chief of The University Star. The Fred W. Adams Hall of Fame was created this weekend in memory of the creator of the paper. Besides Adams, other inductees included Don Flores, former managing editor and editor in chief; Walter Richter, founder of the journalism department; Jeff Duffield, for-


the TSUS Board of Regents. “It’s something the president has taken a stance on and I feel we should back our president,” Jones said. The current policy, which has recently been under question, includes sexual orientation as a category to be protected within the guidelines. Former SWT President Jerome Supple supported adding sexual orientation to the policy, but it wasn’t until December 2003 that it was implemented by Trauth. “The issue here is that people have a right to their private lives,” said Sen. Mikaila Bell, geography senior. ASG also passed proposals in appreciation of certain state senators, representatives and Gov. Rick Perry, who signed the bill in the 78th House of Representatives, naming the university to Texas State University-San Marcos. State representatives Vilma

The Great Race brings antique cars to San Marcos

By Chris Boehm News Reporter


Andrew Nenque/Star photo The view of The Quad from Old Main has changed, as it is now packed in with buildings that did not exist in alumni Terry “Tex” Toler and Jack Dennis' days at SWT. mer sports editor; Edmond Komandosky, former adviser and editor in chief; Roy Willbern, former editor in chief and author of the White Star Story; Robert Huffaker, former

member of the publication’s board; Lyndon Baines Johnson, former summer editor and president of the press club; g See REUNION, page 4

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo Michael Maysonet, political science and history senior, instucts Nikki R. Williams, biology senior, on how to fill out the ballets for the Pi Sigma Alpha 2004 mock presidential election Wednesday in The Quad.

MOCK ELECTION RESULTS 4.66% 2.55 Neither Others

0.29% Kucinich 1.53% Nader

42.29% Bush 48.69% Kerry

1,374 Total Votes

Reinstated fraternity plans activities for community By Julie Suenram News Reporter

After four years on suspension, Kappa Alpha Psi returned to campus Wednesday with a slate full of activities planned for the campus and the community. Kappa Alpha Psi has been a part of the Texas State greek community since 1982; however, it was suspended in 1998. With its reinstatement from the national chapter, the fraternity already has plans for the future. “We have a lot of great programs coming to the school,” said Alias Johnson, charter member and marketing senior. “We’re really looking forward to all of them and we hope to make Texas State a better place.” On Thursday, KAP members participated in “Kappa’s

in The Quad,” in which members of the fraternity provided students with information on safe sex and passed out condoms. On Friday, the fraternity held a party open to all university students, which lasted from 5 to 8 p.m. and included activities such as card games, video game tournaments, music, pool and pingpong. They also participated in the Delta Zeta Sigma sorority’s “Walk for Breast Cancer.” “You’ll definitely see Kappa Alpha Psi active in other greek events,” Johnson said. “It’s not something you just do, it’s something you do for a lifetime.” To become reinstated to the campus, the fraternity had to write a letter to the national fraternity and get an adviser who would assist in

g See REINSTATED, page 3


Amusements....................7 Classifieds........................8

Comics/Crossword........7 News.............................2-4 Opinions...........................5

Sports..........................9, 10 Trends...............................6

Today’s Weather

High: 82 Lo w : 62

AM Clouds/PM Sun

Wind: From S at 17 mph Precipitation: 10% Max. Humidity: 68% UV Index: 7 High

Wednesday’s Forecast Partly cloudy 85/64

SACA presents commuter breakfast, break

PAGE TWO The University Star

To help commuters get their school day off to a good start, the Student Association for Campus Activities along with this month’s co-sponsor, Off Campus Student Services, presents its monthly Commuter Breakfast and Evening Break. On the way to class, students may stop at the Commuter Breakfast located on the 3rd floor of the LBJ Student Center. This event will be held from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday.

This month, Evening Break is introduced, a new program for our evening commuter students, with free snacks and beverages. Before an evening class, students may stop by the 3rd floor of the LBJ Student Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. For more information, or if a student needs special accommodations, contact Off Campus Student Services at 245-3219.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004



Campus Christian Community meets for free lunch and study at 12:30 p.m. at CCC.

Calendar of

EVENTS Tuesday

Relationship Concerns meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208. Victory Over Violence meets from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 3-12.1.

Catholic Student Center provides a free lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the center.

American Sign Language Club meets at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-10.1.

Christians at Texas State meets at noon in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-10.1.

Texas State Cru meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Academic Services Building-South, Room 315.

Breaking Free From Dieting support group meets at 3 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information call 245-2208.

The Rock meets at 7:30 p.m. at the CSC chapel.

National Association of Environmental Professionals meets at 5 p.m. in the Evans Liberal Arts Building, Room 311. Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization meets at 5 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1. Kappa Delta Pi hosts “More Opportunities In Education,” a discussion panel, at 5 p.m. in the Lampasas Building, Room 100. Hispanic Business Student Association meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1.

Wednesday Christians at Texas State meets at noon in LBSC, Room 3-10.1. Sexual Assault & Abuse Services meets at 4:30 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208. American Marketing Association meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-14.1. Student Volunteer Connection meets at 5:30 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-5.1. Higher Ground meets at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church. Bobcat Supper is at 5:30 p.m. at the Christian Community Center. College Republicans meets at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-13.1. Science Fiction/Fantasy Society meets at 8 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-11.1. Crosstalk meets at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater. Bible Study meets at 8 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center.

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship meets at 8 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Christians on Campus meets at 9:30 p.m. at the McCarty Center.

Friday NA Meeting is at noon. For more information, call 2453601. Students With Alternative Transportation, the organization that provides free rides home for Texas State students, operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.

Saturday Horsemen’s Association hosts the first ever Play Day at 9 a.m. at Freeman Ranch.

Fraternity volunteers consume alcohol to train APD cadets

In an automobile-consumed country and culture where very little is officially done to educate young people early on about the social and responsible use of alcohol, 12 members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity had a rare opportunity this weekend to learn just that. At the Austin Police Department’s Training Academy, student volunteers were allowed to drink and become intoxicated in a controlled educational environment. The 78 cadets of the APD’s 109th class are studying to become the latest group of “Austin’s Finest,” scheduled to graduate June 18. In 2001, there were 25,490 alcohol-related accidents in Texas, 884 of which were fatal. More than a thousand people were killed and 25,142 people were injured as a result of drunken drivers in Texas. Jared Bluntzer, computer science junior, and Sam Garcia, biology senior, were among several Phi Kappa Psi volunteers helping new APD officers learn the signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication. In a specially coordinated training event, volunteers were allowed to drink alcoholic beverages and reach a point in which they would present a danger to drive. Each student was interviewed and weighed, checked and double-checked before the program began. Students were allowed to choose whether they wanted to be over the legal limit or under. During a two and a half hour period, each participant was allowed to consume four large drinks — each measured individually in a graduate cylinder. Levels of intoxication were measured along the way with portable breath instruments. For each drinking person, a non-drinking monitor was responsible for his or her care and custody. On the driving track of the Academy, drinking participants were pared up with groups of two police cadets. The volunteers were charged only with the mission to do everything possible to fool the cadets. Student Police Officers then observed and tested the volunteers, taking notes and making supervised judgments about their level of intoxication as well as discretionary decisions about probable cause for arrest. Police learned the important skills they must have to make prudent and lawful arrests. Volunteers learned their “limit” as well as contributed to the good of the community. Police Cadets compared their training decisions with what was later revealed to them as the tested and documented level of intoxication of each participant.

Sunday Higher Ground meets at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church. Deck Support, an electronic music radio show, airs from 810 p.m. on 89.9 FM, KTSW.


Dealing with Dysfunctional Families meets at 5:15 p.m. at the Texas State Counseling Center. For more information, call 245-2208. Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets at 8 p.m. in the Bobcat Stadium Endzone Complex.

Calendar Submission Policy Calendar submisions are free. Send submissions Calendar of Events Manager Paul Lopez at TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com or call 245-3476 for more information. Notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted once. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Narcotics Task Force seizes 192 pounds of marijuana Thursday

On Thursday, members of the Hays County Narcotics Task Force and the Texas Department of Public Safety concluded an investigation that resulted in the seizure of more than 192 pounds of marijuana within the San Marcos city limits. This investigation began on the same day members of the task force began receiving tips about a large transaction that was suspected to occur later that afternoon involving a large amount of marijuana. Task force Detective Laray Taylor coordinated the subsequent investigation. As the investigation evolved, detectives learned the marijuana involved was to be brought into the San Marcos area by a tractor-trailer. At approximately 7 p.m., after receiving the tips, task force detectives located the tractor-trailer rig and established surveillance on it as it entered San Marcos on North I-35. Uniformed Detective Carl Spriegel then stopped the tractor-trailer for traffic violations as it approached Highway 123 on North I35. Texas DPS Troopers stopped with Spriegel shortly after. Within several minutes of stopping the tractor-trailer, officers obtained permission from the driver of the rig to search the cab and trailer. After entering the trailer, officers found several bundles of what they believed to be compressed marijuana concealed within a load of watermelons. The vehicle was moved to a safe location so the contraband could be removed. Task force detectives and DPS troopers removed a total of 12 bundles of compressed marijuana from the truck, totaling more than 192 pounds. During the course of the investigation, three other suspects were located in San Marcos and identified as being involved in the transportation and delivery of the load of marijuana. The driver of the truck and the other three suspects were placed under arrest at the conclusion of the investigation and were booked into the Hays County Jail. The driver of the truck is identified as 27year-old Noe Ramirez of Raymondville. Ramirez was charged with Delivery of Marijuana, a first-degree felony. The other three suspects arrested are identified as 38-year-old Ezequiel Jimenez of Brownsville; 25-year-old Jose Muniz of McAllen; and 31-year-old Ramiro Granados of McAllen. Jimenez was charged with delivery of marijuana, a firstdegree felony. Muniz and Granados were both charged with conspiracy to deliver marijuana, a second-degree felony. Please direct inquiries regarding this information to Sgt. Chase Stapp at (512) 738-1559.


Organization and Service Awards will be at 6:30 p.m. in the LBJSC Ballroom. SWAT operates from 11 p.m.-3 a.m.



University Police Department

April 15, Unknown hours Duty upon striking an unattended vehicle/Medina parking lot — A student reported an unknown vehicle struck her legally parked vehicle. This case is under investigation. April 16, 11:16 a.m. Criminal mischief under $500/Matthews Street — A facilities access guard reported a student damaged the access control gate arm. This case is under investigation. April 16, Unknown hours Duty upon striking an unattended vehicle/Matthews Street — A student reported an unknown vehicle struck her legally parked vehicle. This case is under investigation. April 16, Unknown hours Theft under $500/J.C. Kellam Administration Building — A staff member reported a compression seal missing from her office windowsill. This case is under investigation.

San Marcos Police Department

April 18, 9:14 p.m. Theft initial dispatch/South I-35 — Theft of purse.

April 18, 2:20 p.m. Criminal mischief under $50/Sagewood Trail — A female’s vehicle was damaged while parked in her driveway. April 16, 1:47 p.m. Theft initial dispatch/South I-35 — Theft under $500 at San Marcos Police Department lobby.


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Press releases courtesy of the city of San Marcos and Carl H. Deal

April 16, 1:13 p.m. Theft under $50/South I-35 — SMPD lobby.

April 16, 9:16 a.m. Burglary of a habitation/Magnolia Drive — Burglary of a building at the 300 block of Magnolia Drive. Victim claims that someone entered the residence and damaged the ceiling. April 15, 11:05 a.m. Criminal mischief initial/East MLK Drive — Criminal mischief under $500. Victim said someone had damaged the drivethru menu board during the night. April 15, 9:54 a.m. Theft initial dispatch/I-35 — Theft under $500 (cell phone) at the 4000 block of I-35. Customer put cell phone down in local business while shopping and unknown person stole it. April 14, 2:21 p.m. Burglary of a building/Laredo Street — Burglary of a building at the 400 block of Laredo Street. Victim advises that a car seat was stolen from a residence under construction. April 14, 11:11 a.m. Burglary of a building/Laredo Street — Theft under $500 at the 400 block of Laredo Street. Victim advises that a lawn mower and an air compressor were stolen.

Campus Crime Stoppers: 245-7867 San Marcos Crime Stoppers: 353-TIPS




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RACE: Residents admired cars, took pictures with vehicles Tuesday, April 20, 2004

g Cont. from page 1

As a navigator, Love instructs the driver, Ken Kinnon for this particular car, on how to drive the car in order to meet the correct time allotments for each checkpoint. The objective is not to be the fastest, but try to match the planned time for the entire race. Victory is awarded to whoever is closest to the ideal time. It involves using a given set of directs to determine when and how much to turn and accelerate. This is Love’s first time with Great Race. “This is the third time racing for this car,” Love said. “The previous two were with X-cup. Those were shorter races with a high school team I was on in Georgia.” Billy Cauthron, the owner of the car, found it in a chicken house about five years ago, then had it fixed up by Kinnon and Love. “It was in pretty rough condition, but I love working with anything mechanical,” Love said. “I like the experience of working with these old cars.” The practice race ended midSunday, followed by an awards luncheon and ceremony in town. The longer race, or Great Race 2004, will go from Jacksonville, Fla. to Monterey, Calif., and take two weeks in

June to complete. Not everyone can make the trip, however. “It’s a lot of pressure,” said Lillard Gary, driver of a 1930 Model A. “Three days is a pretty tough race, but fourteen is unreal. You have to be in pretty good shape.” This is Gary’s 15th year on Great Race.

“With the old cars, you can see all the workings, whereas today everything is usually covered up.” — James Frediani San Marcos Resident “My friend saw an ad for Great Race Texas in 1990,” Gary said. “He dared me to drive, and he said he’d be my navigator.” Upon finishing for the day, the drivers parked their cars along The Square, where pedestrians and car enthusiasts were allowed to take pictures and sit inside the automobiles. “I love the old cars, generally the pre- or mid-thirties cars,”

said San Marcos resident James Frediani, who walked around with a camera and his three daughters. “With the old cars, you can see all the workings, whereas today everything is usually covered up.” A similar response came from Dale Marquis of Wimberley, attending Great Race because he “just likes seeing the old cars.” “We’ve thoroughly enjoyed ourselves,” Marquis said, speaking for himself and his wife. A one-of-a-kind car from a 1986 sci-fi film Black Moon Rising, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Hamilton, was also on display. Retired Army Col. Mike Dishman obtained the car from a friend who won it from an auction following the closure of New World Pictures, the movie’s distributor. Originally built for a wind tunnel study at Concordia University in Canada, the car took on the name Black Moon for the movie but was originally named after the school. It features some of the same technology as the stealth bomber. Although Dishman said it would not start that day and was not competing in the great race, he confirmed it is a legal vehicle to use on the road, but not the most practical.

REINSTATED: Fraternity tries to bridge gap within community g Cont. from page 1

getting the chapter running. “One of the members of the Austin alumni chapter chose to be our adviser,” said Troy Lott, marketing senior and Kappa Alpha Psi vice president. “He came on campus, held an informal meeting and passed out applications. We all were interviewed and (the Austin alumni chapter) chose the 15 fullfledged members.” The fraternity will begin its recruitment during the fall semester. “We don’t look for T-shirt wearers,” Johnson said. “We look for someone who is going to come out and help the community and the university.” Kappa Alpha Psi, an African-American fraternity,

was founded in 1911 at Indiana University. “I think it’s a great thing that we’re back,” Lott said. “As of now, the black greek society doesn’t have a lot going on, and we have a lot of people who are really on the move and really know what’s going on. We can bring back life to the campus.” Although it has officially been on campus for less than a week, the fraternity already has some things in store for next year and the rest of this semester. On April 26, KAP will begin its Kappa Coat Drive, which will utilize barrels placed in residence halls across campus for students to donate clothing to the community. The end of summer will also bring Haircuts for Kids, which will

offer free haircuts for children who are underprivileged. Its national philanthropy is the Guide Light program that provides high school students with leadership training seminars to help students in college and in the real world. “It is a social and a service fraternity,” Johnson said. “We’re trying to bridge the campus and the community, getting people involved from the campus in the community.” Among all the programs in which Kappa Alpha Psi participates in, it particularly emphasizes its involvement in the community. “We want to make a difference in the community,” Johnson said. “This is not just for one race either, this is for everyone.”

the Lady Bird Johnson Landscape and Campus Entrance. In December 2003, the university’s Landscape Committee issued preliminary approval for the proposal, which would create a “sense of entrance to campus, a need identified in the recent Campus Master Planning Survey,” according to legislation authored by Bell. “Authoring the bill and being involved has been a very exciting opportunity to get students involved and take responsibility for their campus environment,” Bell said. The proposal addresses instillation of a walking path, railing and interpretive signage

that will provide a safe environment for students to benefit educationally. The area will provide the departments of agriculture, biology and geography with an outdoor learning theater. The proposal will need the support of the Environmental Service Fee Committee and the Student Service Fee Committee to come into fruition, but that does not mean higher fees for students. The funds for the project will be designated from other areas where funds have not been used. Monday will be the last ASG meeting of the semester. New members will take office in June.

ASG: Looks to improve campus landscape g Cont. from page 1

Luna, Patrick Rose, State Senator Jeff Wentworth and Perry will be acknowledged for their support of the bill. “Passing the appreciation bills is very important because, in the long run, that is what is going to help us out when we go and have relationships with those people in Austin and when we need help in the future,” said Sen. Jeromy Boucher, biochemistry senior. A proposal was also passed to improve the landscape of the student entrance of campus between Sessom Drive and The Quad on the west side of the street, which will be known as

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WASHINGTON — The government will offer “health savings accounts” as a health insurance option to federal employees and retirees next year, the Office of Personnel Management said in a letter to insurance companies Monday. The decision was quickly denounced by Charles Fallis, president of the 400,000-member National Association of Retired Federal Employees. “Our concerns about how HSAs could split the risk pool between healthy and sick enrollees have not been addressed,” Fallis said. He called HSAs “a bad deal for federal employees and retirees.” OPM’s letter to the insurance companies anticipated NARFE’s opposition by emphasizing that OPM Director Kay Coles James will monitor HSAs for adverse effects on the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. OPM will work closely with retirees, federal managers and unions “to address issues related to OPM’s institutional role in overseeing the impact of HSAs” on the FEHBP, the letter said. OPM’s “annual call letter” lays out issues that OPM and health insurance companies will discuss as they negotiate contracts to provide coverage to nearly 9 million Americans.

High court won’t hear Texas redistrict plan WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court Monday declined to review a lower court ruling that allowed a controversial redistricting plan in Texas, effectively handing Republicans a victory in their efforts to maintain a GOP majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in the November elections. At issue in the appeal was whether a GOP maneuver that allowed the Texas Legislature to approve the new congressional districts violated the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. Other Democratic appeals are pending, including a major one charging that the new districts themselves violate the Voting Rights Act by alienating minorities. decision The justices’ Monday summarily affirms without comment a ruling last September by a court in Laredo, Texas, which rejected a lawsuit that sought to bar the Texas Senate from enacting redistricting legislation by a simple-majority vote. The lawsuit argued that a change from the body’s traditional two-thirds majority requirement for redistricting plans needed prior federal approval under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The new districts, pushed through the Texas Legislature after a lengthy standoff with Democrats, are aimed at improving Republicans’ electoral chances, possibly allowing them to pick up six or seven additional House seats and gain a majority of the Texas delegation. The state’s 32 House seats currently

are evenly split at 16-16 between Republicans and Democrats. Political analysts have said that the new boundaries could hand the GOP a 22-10 or 23-9 edge after the November elections, giving Texas the largest Republican voting bloc in Congress.

Dare leads to death in Fire Island fire

An intoxicated Long Island man died after he lit a rug on fire and challenged his roommate to see who could stay in the house on Fire Island longer, Suffolk County, N.Y., police say. Police said Thomas Woods, 59, ignited the rug in his house sometime before 8 p.m. on Saturday. As the fire spread, Woods fired one or two rounds from a pre-World War I Mauser pistol, said Detective Sgt. Ed Fandrey of the Suffolk County homicide squad. Police do not know why he fired the gun. When the fire began spreading dangerously, Woods’ roommate, Rod Bennett, ran to a neighbor’s house to call 911. Fandrey said there were no indications of foul play, and that no arrests were made. “I don’t expect we’re going to be locking anybody up,” he said. “It looks like it’s a tragedy.”

Labor Dept. plan expands eligibility for overtime pay WASHINGTON — The Labor Department will allow workers who earn up to $100,000 a year to be eligible for overtime pay, a substantial shift upward from an earlier proposal Democrats had promised to make an issue in the presidential campaign. More low-wage workers would become automatically eligible for overtime under the final rules, to be released today, according to Labor Department documents describing the regulation. Police, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians and licensed practical nurses will also be assured of eligibility for overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours a week. The overtime rules, which haven’t been revised in 50 years, have become a major subject of political dispute. The changes have been avidly sought by a wide coalition of business groups. But both houses of Congress voted last year to block the Bush Administration’s attempt to issue the rule because of controversy over the number of workers who might be adversely affected. A research organization that focuses on labor issues estimated that the proposed changes would cost up to 8 million workers their chance to earn overtime. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao has countered that the original rules would cost fewer than 1 million more highly paid workers their overtime checks, while expanding overtime eligibility to millions of lower-wage workers. Briefs are from wire reports.






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RESULTS: Kerry proves most popular among students 4 - The University Star

g Cont. from page 1

other Americans feel. “College students tend to be a little more democratic, and as far as voting turnouts go, we’re usually in the most unrepresented group,” Hanks said. Danielle Perry, political science senior, agreed with Hanks. Perry coordinated the effort to get the vote out for Kerry after the College Democrats refused to participate in the event because Kerry has not yet been officially nominated. She said she thought the mock election was a microcosm of the rest of the country. “College campuses tend to be more liberal, but because this college is located in Texas, which tends to be more Republican, it was interesting to see those two forces at odds,” Perry said. Students also had the option of voting for neither of the candidates by selecting a third option on the ballot, which totaled 4.66 percent of students polled. Unlike a write-in vote, this option was chosen by voters who felt neither candidate reflected the kind of person they would like to see as the next president. The only surprise for Robert Arellano, Pi Sigma Alpha president, was how close the results were. “We thought it was going to be more lopsided toward Kerry just because of the way people talk and what you read in the paper,” Arellano said. Independent candidate Ralph Nader received 21 write-in votes, totaling 1.35 percent, and Democrat Dennis Kucinich received 4 votes, totaling .28 percent. There were 35 write-in votes, with students suggesting presidents such as Mickey

Mouse and Homer Simpson. The campus as a whole has more freshmen than any other group and each successive class has fewer, putting seniors as the smallest group of undergraduates. However, the voting rate was much higher among upperclassmen. According to the election results, out of 1,374 who voted, 469 seniors cast ballots while 179 freshmen participated. Arellano said the students randomly chose to participate, but seniors participate more often because they have more

“It’s important just to see where our campus stands and get a general feel about what people find important.” — Lisa Hanks College Republicans president experience with politics. He also said it could have been based on the location of their table in The Quad. “Seniors have been around,” Arellano said. “They’ve already been through one election and they’re a little more informed. They have more of an interest than the freshmen and sophomores.” Small said the election is important to the campus community, but he believes the students would have benefited more if it had been held later in the year. “I think that it’s important to do this because it gives students an opportunity to learn about the candidates,” he said. “Ultimately this event would

have been a lot more successful if we had waited until after the summer.” Arellano said it was done in the spring to get the ball rolling and get people thinking about it before the summer is complete. He said the timing was appropriate because it directly followed the Associated Student Government elections. Responding to previous accusations by Small that College Democrats was pressured into participating in the event, Arellano said he was simply offering the organization the opportunity to participate. “If you call offering them the opportunity to participate in something that is good for the university pressuring them, I guess we did,” Arellano said. He said he is graduating in May, but the faculty advisers of Pi Sigma Alpha have recommended that the organization hold another election in the fall semester. He said it would be good to do another election because people can change their minds during the summer and there will be a new freshman class that could have different feelings. Hanks said the mock election is important in order to find out how students will vote and to get them interested in politics. She gave an example that if a student does not like Kerry, they may decide to vote in the election in November based on the results of the mock election. “It’s important just to see where our campus stands and get a general feel about what people find important,” Hanks said. “I think a lot’s going to happen between now and November, so it’s going to be close, kind of like the Bush/Gore (election).”

s m a r g 7 1 y Onl t Carbs! Ne Roast Turkey Ranch and Bacon wrap


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Andy Ellis/Star photo Norma "Alotta Cash" Sanchez, communication design sophmore, and Melissa "Sue-Ann Win" Patterson, biology junior, the respective president and vice president of Billionaires for Bush, sarcastically thank geography professor Richard Earl for paying his taxes. The two ladies spent hours downtown advocating their cause to those who dropped off their last minute taxes Wednesday.

REUNION: Scholarship, internship awarded at Star alumni event

future section editors,” Bajackson said. Charles Barsotti, former carGenevieve Klein, The Star toonist and Pat Murdock, foreditor in chief and mass commer editor in chief. munication senior, said the Events began Friday with endowment was an important registration and tours of the The issue. Star newsroom. To welcome “We always need funding, so former Star editors, past issues that is a big thing,” Klein said. of The Star and the Pedagog “Plus, many times alumni have were on display along with phowisdom to pass on to future tographs and other memorabilgenerations.” ia, some of which was brought Seated at the head table were by alumni. Fred Adams Jr., son of the “I think the event went better paper’s founder, his wife than I could Lorraine and his h a v e Alvin; son expected,” R i c h a r d said Bob Cheatham, Bajackson, College of Fine director of Arts and student pubCommunication lications dean; President and mass Denise Trauth communica— Bob Bajackson and her husband tion lecturer. Student Publications director and mass communications lecturer John Hoffman; “The weaand Jim Witt, ther cooperexecutive editor ated with us. and senior vice president of the People had a great time and the said Terry “Tex” Toler, Star Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and good old days came alive. There staffer from 1973-1978. his wife Nancy. was so much interest in the idea That night, a silent auction “The energy was high and that there were mini reunions including 50 items took place at very positive,” said Bruce within the reunion.” the Sac-n-Pac Room in the Smith, mass communication Different groups of alumni Bobcat Stadium Endzone chair. “People seemed to genmet with the newspaper staff of Complex to raise money for The their era at various places Star. Following the silent auc- uinely enjoy themselves.” Star alumni came from as far around San Marcos to catch up, tion was the banquet. creating “mini reunions.” “The purpose of the reunion away as New Hampshire. One On Saturday, registration was to reunite former Star staff editor from the 1930s, Wilbur continued as campus tours were employees from different eras Hopson, was the oldest former given to alumni. Many had sto- of the publication along with staff member to attend the ries of what the campus looked creating an endowment for event. like during their stay at the university. One alumnus talked about a live bobcat, which used to be kept in a shallow cement cage where Paws-n-Go is now located. When campus tours were finished, lunch was provided in Sewell Park, with jazz music as entertainment. The stories of the past continued throughout the reunion. “The effort to invite us back was what I enjoyed overall,”

g Cont. from page 1

“The purpose of the reunion was to reunite former Star staff employees from different eras of the publication along with creating an endowment for future section editors.”

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OPINIONS CONTACT Scooter Hendon staropinion@txstate.edu (512) 245-3487


THE UNIVERSITY STAR Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Campus mock election misguided, ill-timed

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Page 5



ho do you want leading our country for the next four years? It may not have crossed many students’ minds yet, and some may have made up their minds as soon as George W. Bush entered office in 2000. This may be one of the most important presidential elections in years, so being informed on the issues and voting is more important than many realize. Mock elections can help the university get a sense of how our campus feels about the candidates. However, holding one in

April is misguided and ill-timed. Bush and John Kerry have yet to debate on any issues directly; specific stances are still in the air in some cases, and the Democratic National Convention isn’t held until July 26. Kerry isn’t even the official candidate yet and is therefore not officially endorsed by his party. Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society, held a mock presidential election in The Quad that ended Thursday. Why now? Kerry actually won the election with 48 percent, but the results of

the election won’t even matter or cross students’ minds in the fall. Instead of holding a mock election in April, PSA should have organized a series of debates on the issues so students can be better informed on whom they are voting for instead of having most students voting a straight ticket on which party they think will be best for the job. Instead, students are left with inaccurate, premature judgments on who will best run the country. There were also fliers and placards with little more than political buzzwords

and rhetoric that don’t actually tell students anything. Does anyone know what “compassion agenda” or “creating a new era for America’s schools” actually means? Probably not. Feeding students vague one-liners informs about as much as health advice from McDonald’s. Conversely, PSA is trying to encourage student involvement early in the race, and that is honorable. Still, it should have waited and gone about informing the student body in a more productive manner.

Homosexuals have the right to marry ... just not each other

WHO’S REALLY IN CONTROL? FCC wields coercive power over airwaves, individuals

Last week I argued that the ideologies of the Democratic (socialists) and Republican (plutocrats) parties are logically equivalent. Richard Simmons The thesis was that the doctrines of socialism and plutocracy are only distinct in their approach to a common goal — the wielding of coerStar Columnist cive power over the individual. For this week, let’s look at one current and striking demonstration of this: the broadcast/entertainment industry. Earlier this month, Clear Channel acted in response to complaints sent to the Federal Communications Commission by removing radio disc jockey Howard Stern from six of its stations and by firing the two hosts of The Regular Guys, a popular, Atlanta-based morning show. Later, Stern was also fired. One may be tempted to ask those who operate and work for Clear Channel, “Why are you not fighting against the FCC instead of simply submitting to its efforts to violate your rights to free speech?” Because it would be difficult to ask and even more difficult to get an answer, let’s examine the question ourselves. Critics from the left have often denigrated Clear Channel for being a classic example of a coercive monopoly, one that uses

The University Star 601 University Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

its economic power to dominate its competitors and restrict the choices of radio listeners. An advertising agency owner posted anonymously on the Salon.com Web site, “Clear Channel will do anything they can, threaten me, go to my clients directly, anything to get control of the markets.” The accuser concludes, “And now they’re licking their chops to be able to control more of what the public sees and hears.” For the sake of argument, let’s say these critics are right (and I think they probably are). The aforementioned ad agency owner puts forth that, “They’re a clear example of what can happen with deregulation.” This is where the confusion begins — what deregulation is he speaking of? The FCC controls the airwaves. As pointed out above, Clear Channel capitulates to its demands, presumably in order to survive. Therefore, how can there be this bizarre set of circumstances where Clear Channel is simultaneously dominated by the government (via the FCC) and yet still dominates the radio broadcast industry? The answer is this: Clear Channel is dominated by the government and is, in turn, able to dominate the broadcast industry and have control over what we hear and see. To the extent that the government regulates the corporation, it is not subject to the laws of the marketplace. For those who think this is inanity, note what the National Association of Broadcasters, the industry group of which Clear Channel is a member, has done this week. An article filed this Monday by the Reuters newswire reports it has “asked federal regulators to bar rival satellite radio services from offering content tailored to local markets, according to a petition

Editor In Chief............................Genevieve Klein, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.....................Scooter Hendon, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor.........................................David Doerr, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.....................Kassia Micek, km1018@txstate.edu Sports Editor......................................Jason Orts, starsports@txstate.edu Entertainment Editor.........Terry Ornelas, starentertainment@txstate.edu Asst. Entertainment Editor.................Ian Ragsdale, ir1014@txstate.edu

obtained on Friday.” Satellite radio companies such as Sirius and XM have won a portion of the radio market just as DirecTV, Dish Network and other satellite television companies have won a share of the broadcast network and cable television markets. This has been done via market — not political — success. With television, NAB has already persuaded the federal government to restrict the practices of the satellite television companies, such as by prohibiting them from providing the local stations through their customers’ satellite dishes. Of course, prohibiting satellite companies from doing this only makes traditional cable services more attractive to consumers. All this is said to be done in the name of “competition.” The FCC, being a government-regulated agency, can only regulate (control, coerce, exercise force over, etc.) those it has power over, and yet it is said to exist to encourage free and open competition. Thus, what we have is yet another cruel joke played on Americans by the socialists (Democrats) and plutocrats (Republicans). In this case, as in all others, the socialists attempt to have the government control the corporations, while the plutocrats attempt to have the corporations control the government. In the end, the distinction is without difference. I, for one, am betting that the satellite radio and television companies will triumph over this “federal government/Clear Channel/NAB” entity. My freedom and my Sirius stock depend on it. May capitalism win! Simmons is a philosophy and mathematics junior.

Photo Editor..................................Brad Sherman, starphoto@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.........Ben Stendahl, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Art Director...........................................Christy Gray, cg1056@txstate.edu Calendar of Events...........Paul Lopez, TexasStateCalendar@yahoo.com Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Graduate Asst...........Amy Redmond, starad2@txstate.edu

Thhe Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Student Media, the department of mass communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

I am tired and quite honestly appalled that homosexual groups are attempting to equate their condition to that of the civil rights movement. Gilbert Thompson, a Boston bishop, said in an ABC news interview, “I resent the fact that homosexuals are trying to piggyback on the civil rights struggles of the Joshua Olson ’60s.” Bishop Thompson is exactGuest Columnist ly right! The civil rights struggle was about fair treatment under the law, doing away with Jim Crow laws and securing due process rights. Because a man cannot legally marry a man, what rights have been violated? The institution of marriage is older than the concept of equal protection. In fact, it is older then the Constitution itself. Nobody is being denied the right to marry. Any consenting legal-aged man can marry any consenting legal-aged woman in this country. There is a simple fact that has been overlooked. You are born with a certain amount of skin pigment. Having more or less skin pigment is not a behavior. It is a physical characteristic. Engaging in homosexual behavior is a choice. Now, I know there are those who argue it is not a choice. A recent study of genetically identical twins in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology found the participants were quite dissimilar when it came to sexual orientation. Consider the study’s male identical twin pairs — when one twin was gay, only 20 percent of the time was the other twin gay. Furthermore, genetic research on homosexuality has been inconclusive, and I could go on and on. There is a bunch of evidence that suggests homosexuality is a learned socialized behavior. In other words, homosexuality is more a function of the environment than a function of DNA. A question that keeps getting posed is why would anyone choose to be gay? I don’t know why. Why would someone choose to kill himself? Why would someone choose to gamble all his money away? The point is, just because someone chooses to go down a particular path does not negate the choice that was made to go down that path. If we choose a certain course of action, then we must live alone with its consequences. Why must society change a definition that has existed for about as long as human beings have to simply make a small group of people feel like its actions are normal? The fact is we shouldn’t. I for one will not accept gay marriage as normal or a right. This is not about equal rights; homosexuals have the exact same due process rights and protection under the law as anyone else. This is about the creation of a protected class. This is about an attempt to legitimize deviant behavior. When a society attempts to legitimize deviant behavior, where does it stop? For example, there is very real evidence that it is unnatural for men to be monogamous with one woman. So what about polygamy? You have consenting adults who wish to get married. Why not? This is a dangerous situation, folks. Legally protecting and legitimizing deviant behavior under the law is dangerous and opens the floodgates to things that are far more destructive. Polygamy is just the tip. What about bestiality, incest, pedophilia? Sure these behaviors are illegal now, but homosexuality was illegal in Texas not that long ago. Will there be a time in the future when a consenting adult male could marry his consenting adult sister? One could take the exact same argument the homosexual groups are using now and apply it to this situation virtually unchanged. The bottom line is legitimizing deviant behavior by giving that deviance a socially acceptable title does not change what it is. What consenting adults do behind closed doors really does not concern me. However, when you throw that behavior in my face and attempt to force me to accept that behavior, then that does concern me. There is a big difference in treating someone fairly before the law because of skin color and giving special rights to a group because of its behavior. Olson is criminal justice senior.

Advertising Representative.....Mindy Gieselman, mg1188@txstate.edu Advertising Representative...........Adam Herman, ah1179@txstate.edu Advertising Representative........Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu Classifieds Manager........Chris Guadiano, starclassifieds@txstate.edu Publications Coor..............Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star online at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. with a daily circulation of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright April 20, 2004. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


The University Star


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 Page 6


What do you think the effects of reality shows like Extreme Makeover and The Swan have on show participants? “They’re not bad. If it’s beneficial for the person, why not take advantage of it?” — Carlos Ibarra pre-med sophomore

Doc Fritz’s cooks up homestyle atmosphere BY JONNY WYALL TRENDS REPORTER

“San Marcos is a hard town to get started in.” Heath Wade, a waiter at Doc Fritz’s since February, said across the polished bar. Wade took time out of his workday to chat with me about the past, present and future of Doc Fritz’s Good Time Diner. I ordered the highly recommended catfish sandwich to ease me through the interview and smothered it in exotic jalapeno-flavored ketchup. After the first bite, I’d forgotten what I was there for and could only think, “God Bless Texas.” Wade, a hard working parttimer and student, fairly represents what the establishment is going for — friendly and upfront service. Founded in December 2003 by Robert Fritz, local Austin and San Marcos area caterer for more than 20 years, Doc Fritz’s has all the potential of a rollercoaster car teetering on the brink of the money-making drop; it just needs that special something to get moving. The friendly staff helps, but the real kicker could very well be the ridiculously cheap beer. “We are looking to draw in more of the college crowd with these prices ($1.50 Shiner Draft),” Wade said. Although the beer isn’t the restaurant’s main source of income, it acts as sort of a “patron hook” to keep happy customers coming back for more. Food at Doc Fritz’s is relatively low-priced, as well. Catfish, one of Fritz’s specialties, alongside the mouth-watering prime rib, can be enjoyed in sandwich form for less than $5. The wide array of everything from chicken fried steaks, barbecue and fried shrimp to oysters, quesadillas and beer-battered onion rings come together to make up a competitively exotic menu. All-you-caneat prime rib on Fridays is just one of the many specials.

But like any restaurant owner with insight into the ambiguously gray and quickly overlapping world of dinning and entertainment, Fritz has a contingency up his sleeve. Saturday night brings the local music of San Marcos and Austin country bands to the restaurant. Customers can get up and boot-scoot their way around tables to the bands’ tunes, or just sit, eat and enjoy the show. For the sake of noise, the usually open-air warehouse is enclosed by sliding garage doors and the air conditioner kicked up to compensate for the heat stirred up by boot-to-floor friction. Whether you prefer to sit and eat or get up and kick your heels to the tunes, Fritz doesn’t mind. The laid back atmosphere even applies to house music. “People bring their own CDs in and we are happy to play them,” Wade remarked as he thumbed at the beat-up but working radio behind the bar. The “do what you want” atmosphere is supplemented even more with the declaration that almost everything you see decking the halls of the establishment is for sale. Everything from vintage beer coolers to antiquated guns and Bowie knives line the walls of the restaurant and can make for a fun barter with the boss. Potential is everything with Doc Fritz’s right now. Plans for sand volleyball courts are already being considered, but as of late are nonexistent. Fritz is looking to expand its few regulars to a crowd; utilization of available space is key. The tables that fill the restaurant vary in all shapes and sizes, as if someone typed the keyword “table” in the search window of an online marketplace and bought one of everything that came up. The meld works, however, and the inside of the diner comes off feeling homey and welcoming. Maybe it’s the polished concrete

“In general, it is advocating that you have to be beautiful to be happy. They are always going to find something else they don’t like.” — Jill Parkes math senior

“I think it makes them conceited or fake. If someone needs surgery for medical reasons that’s one thing, but to look better is another.” — Erin Jones anthropology senior

Andrew Nenque/Star photo Bartender Meghan Hall, sociology senior, stands in front of Doc Fritz’s Civil War memorabilia, which gives an authentic, old fashion atmosphere for every customer to enjoy. Doc Fritz’s is located at 1850 Rach Road 12, next to Dakota Ranch Apartments. floor sponged with red, white and blue stars, but the feeling that “I’ve been here before,” definitely comes to the mind of complete strangers. Outside seating under an old gas station gazebo is available as well. Doc Fritz’s is only open until 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and until 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. These hours, not being as competitive as other late-night joints, are

only temporary. “As business picks up we’ll be able to stay open later, but now that would just be wasted labor,” Wade said. Along with in-house dining, to-go orders are happily accepted over the phone, and, surprisingly, Fritz’s caters parties as well. Most of the catered food can be cooked on site, but what can’t is prepared in the diner’s kitchen or Fritz’s specific cater-

Cult Classics

ing service next door. So if supporting the good guys is on your agenda, or you just want a home-style place where all food comes complimentary with a smile, check out Doc Fritz’s. If you’re real adventurous, make him an offer for something on the wall; worst case, you’ll leave weighted down by a belly full of frosty beer and great catfish, but with a heart just a little lighter than before.

By Chris Robinson


Title: The Boy Who Could Fly Director: Nick Castle Yr. Released: 1986 Starring: Fred Gwynne, Fred Savage, Jay Underwood

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TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY-SAN MARCOS Tuesday, April 20, 2004; 6:00 pm LBJSC Teaching Theater Dream it. Do it. Disney. EOE • Drawing Creativity from Diversity • © Disney

If a hallmark of ’80s cinema is “sentimentality transcends all,” then The Boy Who Could Fly delivers it in spades. Unlike other victims of Hollywood’s amoral run on autism as a synonym for superpowers (i.e. Rain Man, The Wizard), Boy relishes its use of flight as a gooey, heartwarming secret to bring lovers together, as opposed to a talent ripe for exploitation by the bad guys. Eric (Underwood), an autistic boy, wants to fly because his parents died in a plane crash when he was young. But if Eric were actually capable of flight, then where would he go? To save other

endangered aircrafts, presumably. Nevertheless, it is Eric’s daily ritual of paper airplane construction and perching on rooftop shingles that attracts the attention of Milly (Lucy Deakins), his charming new neighbor. Unfortunately, their contrived love story takes precedence over the more entertaining struggle of her younger brother (Savage), a G.I.Joe fanatic whose bark is much louder than his bite, in his war of the wits against bullies down the block. Though not without its share of logical gaps, Boy is a deliciously absurd slice of romance dredged from the swampy mess of delirious love at the heart of the ’80s.

Most Memorable Scene: The stirring showdown between Eric and gravity. Guess who wins. Quote: “Don’t shake the floor, please. You see, you can’t start on a bottle until its cork lands on its feet.”

By Shannon McGarvey


Title: Graceland Artist: Paul Simon Yr. Released: 1986 Label: Wea/Warner Bros.

After digging through a countless sum of dusty old vinyls and sifting through such forgettable albums as Don Johnson’s epic Heartbeat, Duran Duran’s Notorious and Rick James’ The Flag, I found Paul Simon’s Graceland tucked away in the back of a record crate like some crestfallen angel. A musical masterpiece in its own right, Graceland invites listeners as passengers on the heartfelt Zydeco, folkpop, South African hybrid of Simon’s lyrically driven ride. Upon its original August 1986 release date, Graceland became an instant commercial and underground hit, thus re-jumpstarting Simon’s career and earning him the 1987 Grammy Award for “Record of the Year” (beating out U2’s Joshua Tree). But the intention of Graceland never included the trends of popularity; it was about music and message, traveling and self-exploration, loneliness and the company of friends. The record’s title track was, subsequently, not the album’s first or only single (we all remember “Call Me Al”) but certainly it is the most groundbreaking

track therein. “Graceland,” a rolling steam engine folk ditty, chronicles the road trip of father and child along with the road trip of self-exploration that always accompanies the advent of travel. Elvis’ beloved home is the destination as Simon wraps his emotional burdens into lyricism and poetic confessional. Honesty, aside from blatant talent, is by far the most endearing (and enduring) quality present on Graceland. The album’s fifth track, “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes,” is an upbeat South African influenced ode to the likes of dating someone outside of one’s league. The sporadic horn interludes and vocal ventures into indistinguishable melodic instrumentation (think “oohs” and “ahs”) make “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes” more ear candy than a call to James Joyce. But, really, who needs literary genius when Simon is making albums as musically innovative as Graceland? Honestly, throw Dickens to the fire and light up your parents’ old record player. Pop Graceland on the table, invite some friends over, and make a night of travel talk and idealistic conversation.

Superlative songs: “Graceland,” “I Know What I Know,” “Diamond on the Soles of Her Shoes,” “That Was Your Mother,” “Gumboots”


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The University Star - 7

NBC scores big ratings with Apprentice finale Knight Ridder Newspapers Aside from Bill Rancic and Donald Trump, the big winner in The Apprentice finale Thursday was NBC. The two-hour special, which culminated in Trump’s hiring of hustling Chicagoan Rancic over Harvard smoothie Kwame Jackson, logged 27.6 million viewers to easily dominate the night.

Moreover, Apprentice easily beat TV’s highestrated show, CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. With 23.6 million viewers, CSI was down 2.5 million from its season average, according to Nielsen. More good news for NBC: Apprentice was the Peacock’s most-watched show this season in both total viewers and the 18- to 49-year-olds for whom advertisers drool.

have an opinion? Send a letter to the editor. Seriously. The e-mail address is starletters@txstate.edu. Don’t say we didn’t tell ya.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - 8

for rent

Preleasing for 8/28. 3 blocks from TxState. $785, 2 br/2.5 ba TH. Full-size W/D, FREE HBO, FREE ROADRUNNER windmilltownhomes.com or 396-4181. (4/29) ____________________________ 1 br/ 1ba HOUSE. 2 blocks from TxState. 8/21/04 MOVE IN, Huge yard. $695 + $300 dep. 900sf. Free HBO, Roadrunner, Full-size W/D. 396-4181. (4/24) ____________________________ $785 Preleasing for 8/28/04. 3 blocks from Tx State. 2 br/2.5 ba townhouse. Full-size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO, 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/24) ____________________________ Duplex-Preleasing for 8/28/04. 3 blocks from Tx State. 2 br/2 ba, $785. Full-size w/d, FREE ROADRUNNER & HBO, 396-4181 or windmilltownhomes.com (4/24) ____________________________ 3/2 Duplex. Move-in 5/10/04, tiled floors, just remodeled, very nice! $1,100 Rent, $450 Dep. 3 Blocks from Tx State, Full size W/D, Free HBO, Free Roadrunner, www.windmilltownhomes.com or 396-4181. (4/29) ____________________________ Duplex apartment at 911 Allen Street in San Marcos. Two bedroom/ two bath. Carport, fenced back yard. Available August. $775 per month. Call Steve Doerr at (830)372-5512. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublease my apartment 3/3 @ Jefferson Commons 512-289-0429. (4/29) ____________________________ Sub-lease at Jefferson Commons for the summer, $355/month Call 210-313-6443. (4/28) ____________________________ Summer lease May 25 - Aug 1. All bills paid except electric, pets ok, 1 bedroom at Exchange $425. Call Lacey 557-0860 or e-mail lj2185@txstate.edu (4/29) ____________________________ Prelease and Save! Extra large 3/2.5/ double garage duplex, Appliances include washer/ dryer, SWT tram, move in July or August, pre-lease rate $1,095. 830-627-7909. (4/29) ____________________________ SUMMER II -SUBLEASE 2 bed / 1 bath / patio. W/D. Furnished $400/mo. Call Liz @353-8975. (4/29) ____________________________ Pets O.K. Close to campus. most bills paid. 1/1 $449+, 2/2 $595 + Empire Leasing. 512-353-2927. (4/29) ____________________________ Great Deal 2/1.5 CACH, Appli, CF, W/D conn. Two story condo. Pay elect. $585. Call 512-353-2927. (4/29) ____________________________ Going Fast! w/ yr lease- 1 mo. free rent. 2/1 CACH, Appli, W/D conn. Outside storage. Pay electric. Inside pets ok. $450. Empire Leasing 353-2927. (4/29) ____________________________ Room for rent in 3 bedroom house. Available July 5. All bills paid. $500/month. W/D. 281-356-7545. (4/22) ____________________________ 3b next to TSU. No parking hassles or shuttle. Large pool. $333 per person. Includes most bills. 392-2700 or 757-1943. (4/29) ____________________________ Green-Minded laid-back female needed to share 3 bed/2 bath house walking distance from campus. Smokers and pets not a problem. $250 a month + 1/2 bills. Move in immediately. Please email or call with inquiries. MC1032@txstate.edu. 754-8283-leave a message. (4/20) ____________________________ Luxury Townhome Community 3/3.5, $455 shared. Phone, cable, internet paid, w/dryer included. Apt Experts 805-0123. (4/29)

for rent

A+ property 1/1 $482+, 2/2, $560+, 3/2 $665+ with w/dryer conn. (rest. apply) Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Summer sublease available May 1. Female needed $345/month + 1/4 electricity & water. Private bath 512-644-7641. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublease spacious 1/1 at Hill Country Apts. May - July 31. Water, washer/dryer included. Great view. $475/month. 392-7704. Leave message. (4/22) ____________________________ 2/2 Duplex, quiet, on bus route, w/d inc, available 6/2, $700/mo. 635-6750. (4/29) ____________________________ Plan your next move in advance. Beautiful 2/1 duplexes with washer/dryers, fans, appliances, fenced wooded yards, quiet neighborhood. $575/month, no dogs. 3 dates available, June 1, June 15, or Aug. 1. Shown all hours and days. 353-8384. (4/29) ____________________________ 1/1 garage apartment, new, ca/ch, tile/ Pergo floors, quiet area, ABP $550. 557-2770 (4/29) ____________________________ 2/1.5 apartment. Free rent until 5/01. No deposit. Call 512-787-1982. (4/29) ____________________________ For Rent: 3/3 house big yard. $425 + 1/3 electric each. Call (512)787-2808. (4/29) ____________________________ Give away. Free rent or computer. Great Value. Will deal. 3b/3b W/D. 396-1520. (4/20) ____________________________ Duplex 2 bed/ 2 bath. Tiled floors, full size w/d. Fenced yard, pets welcome. Available ASAP, $800 a month. Call (512)878-2095. (512)665-7893. (4/29) ____________________________ Need a place for summer/ Sublease my townhome: great bargain. Call Crystal for details @ 557-3406. (4/22) ____________________________ 2 bedroom / 1 bath apartment $450-$575 (512)757-4513. (4/29) ____________________________ Female roommate. Next to SWT, don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom. $300 range. 392-2700. (4/29) ____________________________ Quiet male student. Live next to SWT. Don’t worry about parking or shuttle, own bedroom, $300 range. 392-2700. (4/29) ____________________________ 2/1, 1/1 near TSU, pleasant yard. Pets OK. 353-3971. (4/29) ____________________________ Large & private. 2b/1b duplex. W/d, near campus, trees, yard & pool. $650/month. Call CD 787-5156. (4/29) ____________________________ CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL. Efficiencies $480. Water and electric paid. 4 bdrms/2.5 baths $1250. Water paid and w/d included. Call April @ 512-754-6701. (4/29) ____________________________ PRELEASE NOW for the best apartment selection for Summer and Fall. We offer one-stop shopping for free floorplans & maps...plus info on specials, availability and amenities. Call or come by APARTMENTS TO GO by “The Square”. 112 W. Hopkins at Guadalupe/ 353-FREE/Licensed Real Estate Broker. (4/29) ____________________________ 3/2.5 Huge Duplex! $1100, on Tx State shuttle, Move in 8/20/04. 1600 sq ft. Large closets. W/D, 2 garage, no dogs, www.sagewoodtrailduplexes.com or Mike 665-2772. (4/29)

for rent

Awesome Deal 1/1, $395, gas, water, trash incld. Now pre-leasing Fall 04’ Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Townhome Community 1/1.5, $500, 2/1.5, $545 w/ dryer incl. Water & trash paid, with 1/2 off dep. Apt. Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Brand New Community. Fully furn., most bills pd. Ethernet, local ph, w/d incl. $399 +, AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Texas Size Townhomes. 1 bdrms $450, 2 bdrms $495, cable paid. Big Pets ok. Apartment Experts 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Industrial Modern Living. $375 +, ethernet, phone & w/d incl. AE 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ Big Dogs Okay! Walk or shuttle to class. most bills pd. w/cable. 1/1 $450+, 2/1.5 $495 + 1/2 off 1st 2 months rent. Apt. Experts. 805-0123. (4/29) ____________________________ ON A BUDGET? So am I. That’s why we have Langtry Apartments. 205 Craddock Ave., Waiting for you. 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment homes with washer/dryer ready for you to move-in today. Only $650 per month. Who said living in San Marcos had to be expensive? Langtry Apartments 396-2673. (4/29) ____________________________ Skinny Dippin! In the middle of Winter! Our Skinny prices are dippin even lower! One bedroom now only $575.00. Washer/Dryer, microwave, free high speed internet with no dial-up and resort style amenities. Call the Metropolitan 393-6000. (4/29) ____________________________ Privacy, Privacy and More Privacy! A place of your own! Stadium view apartments has a few 1 bedroom 1 bath homes for you. Fireplaces, ceiling fans, PRIVATE outside storage and covered parking await you. On-Site laundry, pool, and spa are only one call away. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ Ready & Waiting! Nice, 1 bedroom , 1 bath studio home. 1642 Post Road. lot’s of storage and yard area. VJE Realty 353-3002. (4/29) ____________________________ 1 bd APT. $395/mo. 353-5051. (4/29)

for sale

LIVE CRAWFISH - Large Louisiana Crawfish. Best price in town. Birdsong Brothers Crawfish. Call 979-480-5766 or 512-585-1571. (4/29) ____________________________ Free standing dorm fridge, $65, black queen stead, $45, solid oak coffee table w/ bevil edge, glass top, $49.50, 5 piece all wood dinette, $145, 4 drawer student desk, $38. Partins’ Furniture. 2108 Ranch Road 12. 396-4684. Free Delivery. (4/22) ____________________________ Pecan Creek Condo, 2/2, w/parkay floors, refrig, w/d nego. Available after May grad. Call Phyllis, RMA. 757-5001. (4/29) ____________________________ ‘99 Ford Mustang Com. Blk/Blk loaded includes leather and tinted windows. Has 41,000 mi. Asking $9,950. Call 512-295-6757. (4/29) ____________________________ WHY RENT? Buy my one-of-akind completely remodeled/ upgraded 3/2 bath mobile home 2 1/2 miles from campus, very nice 1/2 acre + lot, big oaks decks 2 car garage, work shop, storage bldg., $12,500 Call David @ 512-757-0022 or 512-228-2467. (4/29)

for sale

For sale: Male Sugar Glider, $75. 38’ X 6’6”, closet mirror, $100, Call Lacy 757-2999. (4/22) ____________________________ Lovely double-sized extra thick mattress. $120 OBO. 512-393-1552. (4/22) ____________________________ Remodeled townhome for sale. Rockaway from Texas State. E-mail Daniel at danielmontesjr@hotmail.com (4/29)

help wanted

Student manager needed for apartment community. Experience preffered with flexible hours. Apply in person at The Metropolitan Apartments. 121 Craddock Ave. no phone calls please. (4/29) ____________________________ Study Breaks Magazine is now hiring writers, photographers & advertising sales representatives. Place contact. 512-480-0894. ____________________________ 17 people needed to lose weight! 100% Natural! 512-848-6103 Andrea. (4/22) ____________________________ Personal Attendant to assist wheelchair user with personal care and housekeeping, 5:45-7:10 a.m. 3 days a week. Must have own car, female preffered. Good pay. Call 353-1330. (4/29) ____________________________ Personal Care Attendant needed for a quadriplegic man. Applicants must be able to lift 150 lbs. They must also have a good driving record. Full-time, part-time, and weekend positions available. Experience is not necessary. Please call 512-280-5402 or 512-773-1468, if there is no answer leave voice mail & your call will be returned. (4/29) ____________________________ Part-time receptionist, approximately 30 hours per week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. beautiful land development office on Canyon Lake. immediate opening. Call or e-mail at 830-935-4640 or rs.mystic@earthlink.net ____________________________ Part-time help needed. General office duties for busy optical office. No exp. needed. We’ll train. Bilingual preferred. No phone calls. Apply within. Texas State Optical, 1104 Thorpe Ln. (4/29) ____________________________ Tutor wanted for high school algebra I, once per week beginning next fall, Wimberly, call Shawn (512)847-8963. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartender/ Bouncers needed. 512-374-1998. (4/29) ____________________________ Looking for young energetic Licensed Real Estate Agents, prefer students highly active in campus organizations. 512-665-9220. ____________________________ Little Guys Movers is hiring for summer and beyond. Must have: HS Diploma, current DL, and ability to move things with your mind. Apply in person at 205-C W. San Antonio behind Gold Crown Billiards. (4/22) ____________________________ Experienced waitstaff needed, please apply in person at Adobe Cafe. 124 Business, 35 South in New Braunfels. (4/22) ____________________________ Camp counselors needed for Aquatic Sciences Adventure Camp. Co-ed, resident summer camp for students 9-15 years of age located on Texas State University campus. Activities include aquatic biology, water testing, swimming, tubing, river rafting, Aquarena Center, Sea World, Natural Bridge Caverns. Contact Assistant Director for Education, Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center. Must have valid TX driver’s license and be willing to live on campus during camp. Call 245-3541 or e-mail LG16@txstate.edu (4/29)


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help wanted

Part-time computer technician. New Braunfels, Tuesday & Thursday (8-5) & Saturdays (9-1). Experience required . Send resume to ase@nbtx.com or fax 830-620-8478. (4/15) ____________________________ NEW RESTAURANT IN GRUENE. now accepting applications for all positions. pay based on experience. apply Gruene River Grill, 1259 Gruene Rd, located next to NB Museum of Art & Music between 9am-4pm or e-mail resume to jobs@rivergrill.com (4/29) ____________________________ INO’z where you should work. INO’z. Restaurant, located on the square in Wimberly. Now interviewing for all positions. apply in person 1-5 p.m weekdays. Call (512)847-6060 for directions. (4/29) ____________________________ !Bartending! $300 a day potential, no exp. necessary, training provided 800-965-6520 x157. (4/29) ____________________________ Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext 316. (4/26) ____________________________ Athletic, outgoing students for calendar greeting cards, etc. $50 - 150/hr no exp needed. 512-684-8296. (4/29) ____________________________ SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN COLORADO --- Make a difference in the life of a girl at Girl Scout overnight camps in the mountains SW of Denver. General Counselors, Program Specialists (Western horseback riding, backpacking, crafts, nature, sports/archery, challenge course, farm, dance & drama) and Administrative Positions. Late May – early August. Competitive salary, housing, meals, health insurance, travel and end-of-season bonuses. For an application, email campjobs@gsmhc.org or call 303-607-4819. (4/29) ____________________________ Get paid for your opinions! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! www.paidonlinesurveys.com (4/29) ____________________________ Arabian Horses: several open positions:Ranch in SM, close to campus, flex hrs. 1.hoof trimmer hrly $ or trade. 2.temp ranch hand $6hr. 3.serious/exp trainers--negot pay. 4.good riders who love to ride$open! 5.attractive models who ride well-trade photos. 6.secretary--coordinate, manage, research--open$ *Riding lessons available. Project: Got 14 horses and more foaling. And a website (texasarabianhorses.com).. working on photos/text to showcase, market, and sell 11 horses in 6 months. Experience and time are negotiable commodities. Pay you in cash when possible or trade when agreeable ..! Email resume , aspirations, services to: Nabil@Haysco.net. However, if imperative my cell 210-367-7842 and 353-3477 ranch. (4/29) ____________________________ Are you a dynamic, compassionate, motivated individual looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? If so then Horizon Camps is the place for you. Horizon Camps is made up of three OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING staff to work with INCREDIBLE kids ranging in age from 7 to 15. Located in NY, PA, and WV, positions are available in the areas of group leading, athletics, theatrearts, water sports, outdoor education, and so much more. For more information and to complete an application please contact us... www.horizoncamps.com 1-800-544-5448. (4/29)

lost and found

Missing: white & grey striped tabby cat. 1-year old near Summit Apartments. If found, please contact 393-3401 or 557-0215. (4/29) ____________________________ Cash Reward! Lost Jack Russel Terrier - Female “Sophia”. She has black spots on her eyes and tail. Call 357-6636. (4/29)


Cheap mini-storage rental. Nice new facility. 10x10 = $40/month or 3 mo. for $100. 10x20= $60/month. or 3 mo. for $150. 738-1920, 357-2225. (4/29) ____________________________ STUDY ABROAD: Study Abroad with Nicholls State: For 6 credit hours of credit ($1740 - Costa Rica), ($1707 - Mexico), ($1672 Ecuador), ($1918 - Spain), ($3263 - Paris), ($3144 - Nice), ($2097 Austria), ($1916 - Italy for 3 credits). Longer programs for more credit are available. No Deadlines. For all levels. 985-448-4440/tollfree = 1-877-Nicholls, www.nicholls.edu (4/22S)


Two outgoing guys seeking one roommate. Pref. TSU Student (girls welcome) party a lot/ study some. $217/mo. + util. Ranch Road 12 Call Kurt @ 830-832-1053. (4/29) ____________________________ Roommate needed to share 3/2 mobile home. On bus route, w/d, $275 + 1/2 utilities (512)878-8498. (4/29) ____________________________ Sublease in a 4bd/4ba, all bills paid except electricity. $305/month. 393-8500 or 361-275-9183. (4/29) ____________________________ Roommates needed for house. 1 block from campus. $275 + 1/4 bills. 392-4403. (4/22) ____________________________ URGENT: 2F clean roommates needed, nice house, fully furnished, $375 + 1/3 utilities per mo. 805-0299. (4/22) ____________________________ Roommate needed for May 17 or later. Well-maintained 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home, 1 block from LBJ bus stop. $400/month 1/2 utilities. Contact Ethan (512)393-8744. (4/29) ____________________________ URGENT: 2F clean roommates needed, nice house, fully furnished, $375 + 1/3 utilities per mo. 805-0299. (4/22) ____________________________ Roommate needed. 2 living areas, full-size w/d, very nice, large bedrooms. Short lease. Alarm system. all bills paid. $425. 353-5396. (4/29) ____________________________ Roommate needed. 3 bedroom house close to campus. $400/month + 1/3 bills. 787-9996. (4/29)


Is money your obstacle? We have your loans today! We’re close to campus and here for you. Stereo’s, DVD’s, Jewelry and more. San Marcos Pawn. 164 S. Guadalupe, 396-7296. (4/24) ____________________________ Typing etc! Audio transcription, resumes, notary public, applications, binding, editing, bumper stickers, tables, etc. 392-9880. (4/29) ____________________________ Professional Photographer Specializes in weddings, portraits & modeling. Visit my website @ www.ashleyhorton.com For Additional info. Please contact me via e-mail @ ah1005@txstate.edu (4/29) ____________________________ aplusapts.tv why waste time when you can shop online! Or stop in at 325 E. Hopkins. (4/29) ____________________________ myGOLDresume.com 866.290.3030. (4/22)


Buying DVD movies, in good working condition. Sell your old movies and make $$$. Call Neal in SM at 395-7469. (4/20s) ____________________________ Wanted: Used cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell, please call Willis Mitchell at 353-4511. (4/29)

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Texas state

S coreboard baseball at utsa 4/16/04 Score by inning


TEXAS STATE.............0..0..1..0..1..0..0..0..1 Texas-San Antonio.....0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0

3 9 1 0 5 5

TX STATE (22-17, SLC 9-5 ) Players AB R H RBI 2b Mast 5 0 1 0 3b Anson 4 1 3 0 cf Tierce 5 2 2 0 lf Miller 5 0 1 1 1b Cooper 4 0 1 0 rf Martinez 3 0 0 1 c Bednarek 5 0 0 0 dh Chavez 3 0 0 0 ss Ramos 3 0 1 0 Totals 37 3 9 2

UTSA (20-18, SLC 6-6) Players AB R H RBI 3b Sansom 4 0 0 0 cf McKennon 4 0 0 0 Crew 4 0 3 0 ss dh Stewart 4 0 1 0 rf Lewis 4 0 0 0 1b Green 3 0 0 0 c Johns 3 0 0 0 2b Voyles 2 0 0 0 lf Semper 3 0 1 0 Totals 31 0 5 0


9.0 5 0 0 Robbins Texas-San Antonio Pitching IP 8.0 0.2 0.1

Boehme Kuck Ruffin

H 8 1 0

8 31 32


R ER BB SO AB BF 2 1 5 2 33 38 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 1

slc baseball Standings SLC

W Northwestern St. 10 10 Lamar 9 TEXAS STATE 9 Texas-Arlington Texas-San Antonio 7 7 Sam Houston Southeastern La. 7 5 McNeese State Louisiana-Monroe 5 4 Nicholls State

Overall PCT .714 .667 .643 .600 .500 .500 .467 .333 .333 .267

L 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 10 10 11

W 22 28 22 23 20 13 13 18 18 14

L 14 10 17 17 18 22 22 21 21 23

g Cont. from page 10

He has struck out 53 hitters while walking only 31 in 77 1/3 innings of work. The Longhorns enter the game coming off a 10-run victory against Baylor on Sunday. The pitching staff is among the best in the nation, sporting a team ERA of 2.32 while batting .283 at the plate. First baseman Curtis Thigpen has a .364 average and 29 RBIs, trailing only catcher Taylor Teagarden (31) and infielder J.D. Reininger (30). During the weekend, the Bobcats defeated UTSA (20-18, 7-7 SLC) in the first two games, 3-0 and 8-2, and dropped the finale, 8-6. Robbins scattered five hits and threw his second complete-game shutout of the season to lead the Bobcats to the win in the opener. He also struck out eight and gave up just one walk on the night. Third baseman Kyle Anson went three-for-four with a run at the plate,

g Cont. from page 10

PCT .611 .737 .564 .575 .526 .375 .371 .462 .462 .378

Texas state Baseball Schedule

at Texas........................6:15 p.m. Host UT-Arlington.......6:30 p.m. Host UT-Arlington.............3 p.m. Host UT-Arlington.............1 p.m. at Texas A&M....................7 p.m. at Nicholls St...............6:30 p.m.


1 at Nicholls St.................... 3 p.m. SOFTBALL at utsa 4/18/04 Score by inning


TEXAS STATE.............2..1..1..1..0..1..0 Texas-San Antonio...0..0..0..1..2..1..3

6 10 1 7 11 1

TX STATE (36-15, SLC 19-5) UTSA (31-15, SLC 18-6)

Players cf Zaleski rf Wolter ph Ackley p Trahan 1b Snow c Bonetti 2b Wilson ss Hodge 3b Sharp lf Krueger

AB 4 3 1 4 2 4 3 3 1 3

R 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0

H RBI 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 1




3b Rogers 3 1 2 1 c Els 4 0 1 1 2b Brownlee 3 0 1 0 ss Murray 4 1 2 0 1b Gibson 4 1 1 2 pr Long 0 1 0 0 dh Horton 2 1 0 0 rf Davis 4 1 2 1 lf nelson 1 0 0 0 ph Garza 1 0 0 0 ph Guevara 1 0 1 2 cf Garcia 3 1 1 0

Totals 28 6 10 6 TEXAS STATE Pitching

Totals 30 7 11 7

H R ER BB SO AB BF 4 7 30 35

6.1 11 7 7 Trahan Texas-San Antonio Pitching IP


H R ER BB SO AB BF 5 3 5 28 33

Win - Ursula Mares (22-9), Loss - Katie Ann Trahan (12-7) Save - None HR — Sharp (4); Rogers (16); Gibson (14) Time - 2:55 , Attendance - 235


TEXAS STATE Texas-San Antonio Sam Houston Texas-Arlington Northwestern St. Southeastern La. Nicholls State Stephen F. Austin McNeese State Louisiana-Monroe

W 19 18 15 13 12 12 10 9 8 3

L 5 6 9 10 12 12 14 15 15 21

Overall T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PCT .792 .750 .625 .565 .500 .500 .417 .375 .348 .125

W 36 31 25 21 27 24 22 20 19 13

L 15 15 21 22 26 25 26 25 35 45

Andrew Nenque/Star photo Leslie Sharp, junior shortstop, grabs the first out on second but come short on first base in Sunday’s loss to the University of Texas--San Antonio.

T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

PCT .703 .674 .543 .489 .509 .490 .458 .444 .352 .224

shortstop Leslie Sharp, who had also doubled. But Mares got pinch hitter Heather Ackley to fly out to end the game and preserve a 5-3 Roadrunner win. The nightcap began the same way as the earlier game, as Snow put the Bobcats up 2-0 with a first inning, two-run shot. UTSA scored one in the first and tied it in the third, both on RBI singles. Texas State and UTSA traded solo home runs in the fourth, as Bonetti and Roadrunner right fielder Jennifer Davis both connected, keeping the score 4-4. In the sixth, Sharp plated Snow with a sacrifice fly to give the Bobcats the advantage, but the Roadrunners fought back, this time grabbing the lead for good with a four-run sixth, highlighted by a two-run double by third baseman Jessica Rogers and followed by a two-RBI single by catcher Jessica Els, making the score 7-4. After the first two batters in the seventh were retired, the Bobcats staged a three-run rally on Snow’s second two-run round-tripper of the game. After Bonetti doubled, second baseman Ashley Wilson tied the score with a triple down the left field line. But the Bobcats would not record an out in the bottom of the frame, as Murray singled and first baseman Krystal Gibson launched a walkoff, two-run homer to center field, giving UTSA a 9-7 win.

his third offense in as many years, dating back to his high school days. Add it all up and here’s what you get — a quarterback whose talent level was clear from the beginning but sometimes struggled with decision-making. Part of that was inevitable because of a lack of familiarity with the offense. Another reason could be that this particular offense, which featured four wide receivers and only one running back, didn’t give Nealy much

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protection and, therefore, he was running for his life half the time. Also, because he transferred late, he didn’t have time to get fully accustomed to his receivers, other than John Tyson, who had played with Nealy at the University of Houston in 2002. But while Nealy had his problems with decision-making, he certainly had some flashes of brilliance in a record-setting season. In his first home game as a Bobcat, Nealy threw for 398 yards and four touchdowns against

Angelo State University, both school records. For the season, Nealy ended up with school season marks with 240 completions on 473 attempts for 3,129 yards and 21 touchdowns. But the Bobcats were just 4-8, thanks in large part to a lack of team discipline, which was a direct reflection of Matsakis’ influence and a porous defense. On a quick side note, I can’t remember how many times last season a Bobcat was called for a personal foul, and when he came to the sideline Matsakis just let it slide. If coach David


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The series finale was even more of a heartbreaker for the Bobcats, as they blew a 5-0 fourth inning lead and lost 7-6 on a Guevara double in the bottom of the seventh. For the third game in a row, the Bobcats plated two in the first, this time on a Bonetti double. Bonetti struck again in the third, singling home Snow and putting the Bobcats up 40. It was 5-0 when Zaleski singled, driving in Sharp, who was 3-for-3 on the day. But that was when UTSA began to get to Texas State starting pitcher Katie Ann Trahan. The Roadrunners put one on the board in the fourth and two in the fifth, cutting the margin to 5-3. Texas State added one in the sixth on an RBI infield single. But UTSA would not go away, as Rogers homered in the sixth to make it 6-4 and the Roadrunners completed the sweep with a three-run seventh, as Davis preceded Guevara’s double with one of her own, driving in a run. The Bobcats are now 0-5 on their current road trip and will attempt to turn that around and get revenge against No. 20 Baylor University. The Bears beat Texas State 7-0 March 10 Bobcat Field . The regular season will conclude next weekend, as the Bobcats face the University of Texas-Arlington, last year’s SLC regular season and tournament champion. The SLC tournament will be held from April 30 through May 2 in San Marcos.

Nealy: New quarterback sets new records

g Cont. from page 10

7.0 10 6


scoring Anson and another run in the second courtesy of sophomore Dominic Ramos’ base hit, knocking in infielder Patrick Crumpton. An error in the third proved costly to Texas State because it kept the inning alive, and third baseman J.R. Voyles made the Bobcats pay with a grand slam with two outs. Once again, Texas State rallied, knotting the score at six with a threespot in the fourth and another run in the fifth. The Bobcats could have done more damage, but a pick-off ended the threat in the fourth with the bases loaded. The Roadrunners regained the lead for good in the ninth, getting three hits, an error and two walks to push two runs home. After today’s game with UT, the Bobcats will return home for a threegame conference set with the University of Texas-Arlington Friday through Sunday.

The series finale was even more of a heartbreaker for the Bobcats, as they blew 5-0 fourth inning lead and lost 7-6 on a Guevara double line in the bottom of the seventh.


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Anson plated two in the sixth and outfielder Richard Martinez drove in a run in the seventh before Pawelek added a two-run blast later in the seventh. Paul Schappert notched the win on the mound to move to 5-4 on the year, allowing two runs on eight hits while fanning five and walking four. It was Schappert’s fourth straight win after starting the season 1-4. He was relieved with one out in the seventh by Michael Gultz who pitched through the eighth without allowing any hits or walks before Gabe Wisneski finished it off in the ninth. The Bobcats climbed back from deficits of two runs and four runs, but couldn’t get over the hump, falling 8-6 in the finale. UTSA grabbed an early lead in the first, scoring a pair of unearned runs off Texas State starter Patrick Colgan. The Bobcats tied the game with a run in the first on Cooper’s RBI single,

while Tierce had two hits and two runs. Texas State scored in the third when Anson doubled and scored on a single by Miller and again in the fifth after Tierce doubled and later scored on an error. The Bobcats added another run in the ninth, capitalizing on the Roadrunners’ fifth error of the game, keeping the inning alive. Texas State’s offense came alive in the second game, erupting for 10 hits, including three home runs to give the Bobcats an 8-2 win. Infielder Nolan Mast, Tierce and outfielder Michael Pawelek all homered for the Bobcats. Texas State got on the board first as UTSA starter Steven Vasquez walked the bases loaded and then walked home a run. The score remained the same until the Roadrunners evened the game in the fourth, but Mast and Tierce each homered in the fifth to give the Bobcats a lead they wouldn’t relinquish.

Softball: Team suffers 6-game slump

Win - Tom Robbins (6-5), Loss - Klae Boehme (5-6) Save - None HR - None Time - 2:20, Attendance - 175


Baseball: Bobcats take 2 of 3 games

The University Star - 9

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Bailiff’s blow-up at the defense in the spring game was any indication, it won’t be happening this year. Speaking of Bailiff, he brings in a new offense with him as well, meaning Nealy will be learning his fourth offense in as many years. But Nealy has many advantages this season, as opposed to last, such as he was here for spring ball. It also appears as if Bailiff plans to run a more ball-control offense, emphasizing the running game and meaning Nealy won’t be forced to win the

game by himself. That should keep it from looking like a jailbreak every time he drops back. And all that goes to making Nealy’s decision-making process easier since, even though there are no fullbacks or tight ends here for Bailiff to use in protection, he’s not going to be hung out to dry. So don’t be surprised if Nealy has a better season in 2004, because even if he doesn’t have the same gaudy numbers, he should at least spend most of the game on his feet playing Bailiff-ball.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The University Star — Page 10

Nealy benefits greatly from new tactics

’Cats prepare for No. 1 Longhorns


By Geoff Eneman Sports Reporter exas State won two of three games this weekend against the University of Texas-San Antonio and will travel to Austin tonight to face the top-ranked Longhorns at the University of Texas. The Bobcats, who improved to 22-17 overall and 9-5 in Southland Conference play, fell to UT (38-5) on Feb. 17, 4-1. First pitch is set for 6:15 p.m. at Disch-Falk Field in Austin. Outfielder Matt Miller leads Texas State in hitting, batting .361 with seven home runs and 35 RBIs. First baseman Mark Cooper

Bradley Sherman/Star photo Nolan Mast, junior second baseman, charges a ground ball hit late in the game Saturday against the University of Texas-San Antonio. Despite the Bobcats’ loss Saturday, they still won the series, 3-2. They are now focusing on tonight’s game against the top-ranked University of Texas. is second on the team with a .353 batting average, with seven home runs and 35 RBIs. Outfielder Evan Tierce is tied for the team lead

with 13 doubles and is a solid .339 at the plate, while also leading the squad with 12 steals in 13 attempts.

On the mound, ace Tim Robbins is 6-5 with a 3.14 ERA. g See BASEBALL, page 10

Softball skids into sixth loss By Jason Orts Sports Editor SAN ANTONIO — No more than a week and a half ago it appeared as if Texas State would cruise to its third Southland Conference regular season championship in four years, as it had a four-game lead. Now the Bobcats are on a six-game losing streak, including three to second-place University of TexasSan Antonio this weekend, that has their lead down to just a single game with three to play. Texas State fell to 36-15 on the season and 19-5 in the SLC, despite holding leads at some point of all three games and past the fifth inning in two of them.

The Bobcats lost both ends of a doubleheader Saturday, wasting the efforts at the plate of first baseman Hannah Snow, who slammed three home runs on the day. Snow now has 12 on the year, one shy of the school record set last season by Ryan Stukel. Snow and catcher Rachael Bonetti are now tied with former shortstop Elizabeth Wissel for the top spot on the Bobcats’ all-time career home runs list with 18. Snow wasted no time going deep in Game 1, a two-run shot that put the Bobcats up early. The Roadrunners cut the deficit in half in the second on a solo home run by designated player Amanda

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Horton. The starting pitchers for both teams, Nicole Neuerburg for Texas State and UTSA’s Ursula Mares, settled down after that and traded zeros until the sixth, when the Roadrunner bats came alive. UTSA got a one-out solo home run from shortstop Aimee Murray to tie the game, and one out later pinch hitter Krystal Guevara slammed a three-run shot to left-center, which would prove to be the game-winner. The Bobcats got one in the seventh on an RBI double from center fielder Kristen Zaleski, plating g See SOFTBALL, page 9


magine being a college quarterback transferring from a new school with about six weeks to learn an offense that can be described as gimmicky…only that would be putting it lightly. Sports with Orts Not to mention, you’re coming off a torn anterior cruciate ligament that ended your season in the fourth game the previous season. Oh yeah, and not only is the offense gimmicky, but it’s a no-huddle offense, which means you have to call all the plays and do all the checks at the line of scrimmage. Plus, your coach expects you to be able to handle all this without the benefit of a fullback or tight end to protect you. Well, Texas State quarterback Barrick Nealy had to deal with all that last season — and that was all after he got here. That doesn’t include the little matter about whether former coach Manny Matsakis violated NCAA rules as to how Nealy actually became a Bobcat. And not only did he have to learn a new offense without the benefit of spring practice, Nealy, a sophomore at the time, was learning

Jason Orts

g See NEALY, page 9

Bailiff brings back tradition during spring scrimmage, season By Travis Summers Sports Reporter

The first play of last year’s spring football game was a half back reverse pass that went 70 yards for a touchdown. A dozen NCAA violations and a new coach later, a new sense of direction and style were displayed during Saturday’s Maroon/Gold Scrimmage as the first four plays of the game were running plays between the tackles. “Now, you’ve got to understand,” said new coach David Bailiff. “The first quarter plays were called by the student government. The current and next year’s executive board had a sheet of paper and they ran plays off that sheet.” Ignoring the play calls from the first quarter, still, it was easy to see the difference between the flashy pop of the Matsakis era and the reinvestment to old-school football with the hiring of Bailiff. This time, there were no disc jockeys, cheerleaders, Strutters, pre-game pep talks to the crowd or halftime spectaculars. Instead, there was a glimpse into the traditional style that Bailiff brings. The biggest example of the discipline the new staff brings occurred in the third quarter when Bailiff had to discipline his entire starting defense in front of the home fans. Backup quarterback Chase Wasson airmailed a pass directly at sophomore linebacker Jacob Webb, who intercepted the ball and took it 20 yards in for a touchdown. The entire defense gathered in the end zone and performed a pre-arranged celebration dance. That fired up Bailiff, who took the end zone performers and berated his defense loud enough

Bradley Sherman/Star photo Defensive back Epsilon Williams and linebacker David Simmons converge on a Sam Houston State University ball-carrier Nov. 22. Texas State played its spring game Saturday and will open the season against Angelo State University at Bobcat Stadium Sept. 4. for those in the stands to hear every word. As the game carried on, Bailiff continued his discipline, forcing the defense to participate in “up-down” drills. After the tirade, Bailiff congratulated the players for the play. The tantrum got a standing ovation from the crowd, a distinct difference from the “showboat” style Matsakis had encouraged during his 13-month tenure. “That’s not going to happen on my watch,” Bailiff said. The last three quarters also gave a peek into the style of play the new coaching staff brings. Quarterback Barrick Nealy threw 24- and 30-yard bombs to receivers K.R. Carpenter and John Tyson, respectively, contributing to the first scoring drive of the game. Those hoping to see a quarterback controversy emerge between

Nealy and Wasson were disappointed as Nealy showed great touch on his deep throws, and Wasson struggled throughout the day. While there were some deep throws, they were not used as often as last season. Instead there was a healthy balance with more screens and passes to the flats, especially when Wasson was under center. Also, on a couple of occasions, the offense showed some of the options the new staff is implementing as a way of taking pressure off the backfield without a tight end or fullback. “I was really proud of the guys’ efforts,” Bailiff said. “I thought they played really hard.” The next time Texas State plays at Bobcat Stadium will be Sept. 4 as it debuts Bailiff-ball and opens up the season against Angelo State University.

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