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University Star

Summer Guide Volume 95 Issue 80 • Thursday, April 27, 2006

cover photos by A.D. Brown & Bridgette Cyr cover design by David Michael Cohen


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Thursday, April 27, 2006


r e m e m d i u s gu r e m m n u s fu

Section A 3A

Landing a political internship Commentary on upcoming legislative session 5A Study tips for finals week 6A Texas State students traveling abroad 7A Internship and career search 8A Caffeine and other stimulant use during finals 10A Texas State commencement 11A Moving from dorm to apartment living

Section B 1B 2A 4A

Local summer music festivals Summer movie preview Photo essay: Entertainment year in review 6A Central Texas tubing guide 8B Local spots for study breaks 9B Matt Nathanson music review 10B The Lashes music review 11B E3 gaming expo preview 12B Diversions

& s t e r r o u p s eis l

Section C 1C 2C 4C 4C 6C 8C 9C

Barrick Nealy feature Photo essay: Athletics year in review Campus Recreation and Outdoor Adventure trips Track and field season to date Murderball feature Baseball season to date Softball season wrapup

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright April 25, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.........................Jason Buch, jb1163@txstate.edu Trends Editor.................Kyle Bradshaw, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor......................................A. D. Brown, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief.........................Emily Messer, starcpchief@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

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Thursday, April 27, 2006


The University Star - Page 3A

STUDENTS IN POLITICS: How to become a seasoned politico By David Rauf The University Star During last November’s elections, student participation in the political process ascended to new heights on campus — 962 students voted early in the LBJ Student Center, while countless others hit the campaign trail, devoting their time and energy as volunteers or interns. With the 2006 off-year elections steadily approaching, a political fervor is once again brewing in the air, creating a plethora of opportunities for student involvement at all levels of government. “We have done so many internships, almost anywhere you can think of in politics,” said Patricia Parent, political science internship coordinator. “We’ve had someone intern for the CIA. We’ve had interns in the United States Congress. We’ve had interns at the state Capitol.” As internship coordinator, Parent places students in the proper political environment by gathering information about their interests and personal ideology. “Part of my job is to help find them a placement, so I get on the phone and try to find a position that will match what the student wants to do as closely as possible,” she said. “I’m a bit of a matchmaker in that regard. I want everybody to be happy, so I never want to put a conservative Republican student in the office of a liberal Democrat or vice-versa. That’s just a mistake.” Throughout the semester, interns learn how to work with constituents, create press releases and acquire a sense of how the different branches of government interact. Texas legislators, Parent said, are often reliant on interns and are willing to let them handle a variety of duties, enabling the intern to maximize the learning experience. “The interns come in and to a certain extent, the sky’s the limit,” she said. Interns earn course credit, working about 20 hours a week. However, most government internships are unpaid. “Students who are looking to use the internship to transition into a job … get a job as a result of their internship,” Parent said. “It doesn’t pay up front, but it pays in terms of often not having to make phone calls for that first job.” Victoria Sykes, political science and history senior, is currently enrolled in the internship program, working for Hewitt Campaigns, a national Democratic fundraising firm. Sykes currently interns for a handful of candidates, preparing direct mail-outs, writing press releases and creating fundraiser events. “I do a little bit of everything,” Sykes said. “It’s been a great experience. I love it; I’m eager to do it for the rest of my life.” Even if you have no future in politics, Sykes said, contributing to a campaign is the best learning experience available. “You learn everything about your community,” she said. “Get up the courage to go to a loSee POLITICO, page 5A

commentary Summer looks to heat up Texas Capitol as school finance crisis reaches peak I would not want to be in the Texas Legislature this summer. I’m sure almost everyone reading this has seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Consider the capitol SEAN WARDWELL to be Helm’s Deep, and the Star Columnist awful marching noises in the distance are the imminent collapse of the Texas public school system. I don’t see Gandalf anywhere on the horizon though. Everyone is going to have a hand out in this special session, and pretty much everyone has to. The Texas school funding system was ruled unconstitutional. The plan, dubbed “Robin Hood” is predicated on a share the wealth philosophy in an effort to ensure all schools received equal funding. Needless to say, the plan has not worked well. Education in Texas is broken, and it really needs to be fixed … in a big hurry. Unfortunately, public education receives its funding from another truly broken system: Property taxes. Property taxes are really quite confusing to be honest with you, and I’m not going to try to pass myself off as an expert, but a major problem is something called appraisal creep. For example, property taxes in Houston have increased by almost 10 percent between 2003 and 2004. In Dallas, they increased by roughly 8 percent. This is not isolated to that time period. It’s possible to have one’s property taxes increased nearly 100 percent within 10 years. It’s even conceivable that eventually the tax paid to the state would be greater than the original cost of the property. I’d like to think that if I buy property, it’s mine, free and clear. And when I say it’s mine, I mean it. My views on property tend to be somewhat absolutist. I’m not saying that I’d ever want to make an oil slick pond on my property — if I had any — but it’s either all mine or not at all. The fact that an unreasonable tax would be levied on that land that I own, and that the land could be taken from me for not paying said unreasonable tax, leaves me more than a little worried about how much power we sometimes allow the government to have. However, I understand the need for revenue to fund projects that are for the public good. Education is absolutely one of those things. Texas does not have a stellar reputation as far as public education is concerned. We absolutely need to pay teachers a professional wage. I’ll bet most would be happy with simply having a living wage. I think doctors in the former Soviet Union made more than teachers in Texas. Our

Mike Wood/Star illustration

See CAPITOL, page 5A

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Thursday, April 27, 2006


Thursday, April 27, 2006

The University Star - Page 5A

STUDY TIPS TO TAKE TO HEART DURING FINALS WEEK By Nick Georgiou The University Star It is that time of year again — summer is just around the corner, and the only obstacle in the way of lazy tubing trips is finals week. They are, for the most part, a hefty percentage of a student’s grade. A final can be the difference between an A and a B. For this reason, Candice Schwab, graduate research assistant in health education, said to prepare early and to not leave things until the last minute. “Divide time wisely and learn when to take breaks,” said Chris Cumby, a math and physics senior who works at the Student Learning Assistance Center. He said hours should be divided up by 45 minutes of studying with a 15-minute break. Nancy Wilson, director of the Writing Center, said the fear of

blowing it at the very end motivated her to study during her college years. Wilson had a slight advantage when she was in college. She said she had a dead week to study. Bobcats only have one dead day. For essay finals, Wilson recommends looking through notes and predicting what the question will be. “If they can come up with two or three questions and outline or draft the essay, they can come into the Writing Center,” Wilson said. “Once you make an appointment here you can get a lot done.” Wilson also recommends taking notes instead of highlighting, that way the information as a whole can be retained. “When you’re down to the wire, you have to think strategically,” Wilson said. With studying at the last minute comes the inevitable stress.

According to the Health Education Resource Center, “36 percent of Texas State students reported that stress was the leading factor that detrimentally affected their academic performance.” Cumby said the more a student stresses about a final, the worse they will make the situation. “The most detrimental thing you can do is freak out about a final,” Wilson said. To reduce stress, exercise is recommended. “I usually jog in the morning, or every other day,” said John Roesler, technical communication graduate student. “The serotonin keeps you more eventempered.” HERC reports that 45 percent of Americans rely on exercise to deal with stress. To avoid procrastination, Cumby recommends getting with a few people from class, that way students can motivate each

POLITICO: Student volunteers ‘worth their weight in gold’ CONTINUED from page 3A

cal campaign and say, ‘What can I do to help you out? I’m willing to volunteer.’” Earning credit hours for a political internship is something available to political science and public administration students. Parent said special cases have been made in the past, allowing students outside the political science department to earn course credit in their respective field of study. As a first step, Parent recommends students contact the internship coordinator for their major. “Most departments at this university have some kind of internship programs,” she said. “Often, they’ll find that their department is willing to work with them in a non-traditional internship for that particular department.” Contacting a political party by sending a résumé is another option readily available to students seeking an internship in government. Linda Leff, internship coordinator for the Texas Democrats, describes student involvement in government as absolutely essential, saying interns learn about the party from the inside out. “There’s a real groundswell, a real movement within the young people of Texas to get involved,” she said. “There’s a lot of excitement, there’s a lot of enthusiasm.” Gaining experience in communication, finance and campaigning, interns are provided an inside view of the statewide political organization and can help organize the 2006 State

Convention. “They get a real sense of our field operations,” Leff said. “They understand the political operations that go on, they understand the financial responsibilities and the fundraising that occurs. We hope that they certainly have met and become familiar with the leaders in the state party.” On occasion, state organizations, like the Texas Democrats or Republican Party of Texas, have more interns and volunteers than they can use. In situations like this, Leff recommends getting involved at a grassroots level. “If we cannot give you an internship, if we do not have a place for you, there are campaigns all over this state — all over this county — that could make excellent use of your talents,” she said. “Find a candidate that you believe in. Find a campaign that you can support and volunteer.” Hays County Judge Jim Powers said interns bring a lot of passion to the race, possessing an endless work ethic. “They’re very active in the polls, active in the neighborhoods,” he said. “They bring a lot of energy to the campaign, which is real important.” He said the future of Hays County will be shaped and directed by the influence and the involvement of the students on campus. “Students have a tremendous opportunity,” Powers said. “Texas State has such a stake in all this, they really do have a voice and that voice continues to grow. Because of that, in more recent years, we’ve seen Texas State re-

The University Star is available at 70 locations on campus and 30 locations in San Marcos. Let us know where you would like to see The Star! Email starad1@txstate.edu with your suggestions.

ally take a front-row seat in this political process.” Associated Student Government Sen. Samuel McCabe ran Jim Powers’ campaign on campus during the recent primaries and was also City Councilman and public relations senior Chris Jones’ campaign manager during the 2005 City Council election. During the Jones campaign, McCabe, mathematics sophomore, managed every aspect, from coordinating fundraisers to the hiring of volunteers and interns. Someone who is interested, ready to work and willing to show up every day can make a big difference in a campaign, he said. “One of those people is so valuable to a campaign — it’s not even funny,” McCabe said. “If you have one person who’s energetic, who’s willing to serve, show up everyday and work hard, they’re worth their weight in gold.” Encouraging students to get involved in politics, McCabe said volunteers and interns must “follow their hearts.” “If you are interested in a certain political party, contact your leaders and they can get you involved very quickly,” he said. “If you want to work on a bigger campaign, you can get on the Web and look at certain Web sites.” Parent also recommends students spend some time online, researching different internship opportunities across the country via the Internet. “If you put even just a little bit of effort into it, you can find out about a lot of different internships on the Web,” she said.

other. “And don’t forget to include the smart kid in your group,” Cumby said. Another large factor that plays a role in a student’s ability to study is his or her environment. “It’s hard for me to study in quiet,” Cumby said. “I’ll play some Slayer, Converge, Mastodon or MF Doom.” Schwab said she is content studying in her bed. “Some people are distracted by silence, and some people like it when things are going on,” she said. Roesler said he gets bored with the same environment, and his study surroundings vary. “I’ve never been able to study at home,” Roesler said. Cumby, who likes to study in a livelier environment, said IHOP, The Kettle, and The Coffee Pot are popular places where students can load up on caffeine and

stay up all night. How do caffeine, stimulants and food affect studying? Schwab said as along as a student is not using caffeine excessively, it is not that big a problem. She recommends healthier alternatives to caffeine. “Eating a piece of fruit is just like drinking a cup of coffee,” Schwab said. Roesler has started to avoid drinking coffee because he said it makes him spastic. He said it is OK to drink coffee to keep yourself going into the late night, but do not drink a load of coffee before you start studying because it makes it hard to concentrate. As for a student’s diet, Wilson said it does matter what a person eats. “Eating healthy translates into brain power,” Wilson said. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat.

“Don’t study on an empty stomach, and drink lots of water to stay alert,” Roesler said. “I probably drink a half gallon a day.” When students carry around those gallons of water with them to class, they do so because it helps them focus. Your brain is an electrical system, and water helps it function, Wilson said. At the opposite end of water is alcohol, which is a definite no when it comes to studying. Believe it or not, Schwab knew someone who thought it would be a good idea to drink alcohol to stay awake and study. “Don’t drink, stay away from bars and learn to say no to going out,” Cumby said. For the students who do decide to take the caffeine route, the Alkek Library will be open 24 hours starting Sunday and ending on May 9.


CAPITOL: Dems, GOP must get past divisive history to keep Texas schoolchildren from permanent summer vacation CONTINUED from page 3A

schools are literally falling apart. Classrooms are overcrowded. To quote George W. Bush, “Is our children learning?” All of this has set up the ultimate political nightmare scenario. Everyone is right, so nobody can possibly be wrong. It might be easier to go to Austin to find out what isn’t broken. The best part is that the Texas school funding system is officially dead as of mid-June. They have to fix it all this summer, or it’s possible that public schools won’t open in the fall. My inner liberal keeps pulling me toward wanting to fix education first. Who doesn’t want to see kids in school? More money for teachers and schools has been a rallying cry of the Democratic Party for years now. Rallying cries are good, but action is better. It will be utterly impossible to fix the schools without fixing the tax system first, and I have to say I think the Republicans are holding all the cards right now. Republicans have been screaming for property tax relief for years now, and, hopefully, the public will start to listen. In effect, property taxes are being raised because nobody wants to vote in a new tax. That’s why it’s called appraisal creep. It just creeps up on you over time until you get your appraisal, open it and immediately reach for a bottle of Scotch. It is hoped the Democrats in the Legislature will realize this and not get too snippy when the hard choices come around. At any rate, it’s not like they have a choice anyway. Big majorities aren’t known for their understanding. Once that gets fixed, the Legislature not only needs to look at better materials for our schools and higher teacher pay, but jettisoning the dead weight from the system, namely school administrators. The bureaucracy in public schools is immense and intimidating.

Our system needs to be streamlined. If that happens, money will be freed up to go where it needs to be — in the classroom. Overall, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the legislature do something it isn’t known for; work its ass off. But for true change to occur, they have to be brave as well. Both Republicans and Democrats will have to learn to compromise and perhaps even alienate their respective bases. Democrats need to bend on property taxes because the GOP happens to be very right about appraisal creep, and the GOP needs to listen to the Democrats on education. Otherwise, Texas public school students might be having an extended vacation this year. In short, everyone needs to learn to listen to each other. I’d like to follow that up with a sarcastic comment, but it’s the truth. The time for politics is over. We need good policy, and we need it yesterday. The legislature used to be known as a place where politics stopped at the water’s edge. Under Speaker of the House Tom Craddick, the place has become more divided and partisan. Redistricting killed any congeniality left in the place. They have to find it again. Until they do, I don’t see Texas State getting all that much money to implement the first parts of the “Master Plan” to improve and, in many ways, re-style the campus. We have to wait in line too. There are other taxes being levied, such as an additional dollar tax on tobacco (insert sarcastic “Oh goody”). But until property taxes are fixed, the special session will go nowhere fast. They need to stay in session until that gets worked out. Then we can finally move on to the next great disaster, public education. Don’t worry though; there are plenty of disasters to fix after that. You wouldn’t want Austin to get too politically boring, would you?

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Texas State students travel abroad for learning, fun By Anna Heffley The University Star

the family that founded the city. The city blocks off Jennifer Doane, the streets of the cenwho graduated from tral plaza on Sundays, Texas State in Deand the surrounding cember, will study the Mayan Indians come geography of Latin to the city. America and regional “On Sundays, Mayan field studies in YucatIndians come down Jen Doane an, Mexico. and have a festival,” Age: 24 “I’m super excited,” Augustin said. “There Classification: Doane said. “I can’t are mock weddings, wait to meet more Texas State alumna Mayan dances, plays, Destination: people in different even the children do a Yucatan, Mexico parts of the world and skit. It really is an ophave connections with portunity to experithem.” ence the richness of the Mayan Byron Augustin, geography culture.” professor and program director, For the last four days of the said the trip will begin in Vallad- trip, the students will spend four olid, Mexico, where the students days on Isla Mujeres, a small iswill spend 12 days immersed in land off the coast of Mexico. the culture of the city. “I’ve been to Isla Mujeres “Every morning we walk a when I was younger, and I’ve mile to the school. The students been thinking about it ever are really exposed to the culture since,” Doane said. “When I saw of that city,” Augustin said. that was one of the stops on the While in Mexico, students will Yucatan trip, I just had to go.” travel to Uxmal to visit Mayan Augustin said he speaks to ruins, Cancun and Merida, the each applicant personally, becapitol of Yucatan. cause the group has to spend Augustin said in Merida, stu- so much time with each other, dents will visit Casa it is important that they can get De Montoyo, the along. home o f “It’s so important that the chemistry of this group works,” Augustin said. “I think I really have a remarkable group of kids.”

Bryce Reed is studying geography of Latin America and Regional Field Studies in Yucatan, Mexico. “It’s a great oppor tunity,” Reed said. “If Bryce Reed I’m going to Age: 23 study geography Major: Geography of Latin AmerClassification: ica, I might as Senior well immerse Destination: myself in it.” Yucatan, Mexico Byron Augustin, geography professor and director of the excursion, said students will spend 12 days in Valladolid, Mexico. “Since 1978, I’ve stayed with college kids in the same hotel,” Augustin said. “We’ve become close to the family that owns it. We know a lot of people there personally.” The students will then spend two days in Uxmal, where they will visit Mayan ruins and historical sites, and end their last night with a traditional Mayan meal. Students will also travel to Merida, the capital of the Yucatan, Cancun and Isla Mujeres, Augustin said. “It is a wonderful opportunity, because many things I teach in class, they’re experiencing,” Augustin said. Reed said he will leave June 2 and return June 25. Augustin said most of the students know this will be his last year, and many wanted to accompany him for the final excursion. “I’ll be 65 in December, so this will be my last trip,” Augustin said. “I’m really looking forward to it. They’re going to be a real good bunch.”

The Yucatan Penninsula

“I’ve always wanted to go to Europe, and I actually get credit for doing my dream,” Underwood said. “I’m so excited, it’s going to be Kristin Underwood incredible.” This summer, she is Age: 23 studying art history and Major: photography in FlorCommunication ence, Italy. Design In Florence, four Classification: students will stay in Junior Destination: two-bedroom flats Florence, Italy throughout the city. Darryl Patrick, visiting professor and one of the directors of the course, said this helps immerse the students in the culture and aids in their personal growth. “Exposure to a new culture, experimenting with new ways of thinking and trying a different way of living, they naturally experience some sort of personal growth,” Patrick said. “There is no better way than living in another culture to develop a new appreciation for the United States on a much deeper level.” Underwood said having their own flat helps students feel more comfortable in the city.

Joao Middleton is studying intermediate Japanese in Nagoya, Japan. Middleton was born in Brazil, and raised in India, the Philippines, China and Japan. Middleton said he Joao Middleton joined the Navy at Age: 33 age 20. He chose to be stationed in Japan Major: International because his family studies, emphasis in Asian studies hosted a Japanese exDestination: change student when Nagoya, Japan he was 8. “Having him as an exchange student in our house completely influenced me,” Middleton said. “In the Navy, I had a choice to go to Italy or Japan, and I chose Japan.” While in Nagoya, Middleton

Florence, Italy

“ We have our own kitchen, we get to go to the market and not feel so much like travelers,” she said. Patrick said Florence is one of the best cities to study art and art history because of the amount of art produced there throughout the centuries. “They are exposed to the greatest amount of masterpieces gathered in one place,” Patrick said. “Italy possesses two-thirds of the world’s historical artistic heritage. I especially delight as I watch them glow in front of a work of art they had only known in their textbook. They often rush to me and share their newly found information that they never knew it was that big or colorful or detailed.”

and other students will stay with host families who choose the students that would be most compatible with their lifestyle based on student profiles. “Staying with a host family helps us fully experience the culture,” Middleton said. The students will study at Trident College of Languages, near the center of Nagoya, Middleton said.

Nagoya, Japan

Thursday, April 27, 2006


The University Star - Page 7A


Getting your foot in the door Internship seekers can make lasting connections to carry forward into professional life By Magen Gray The University Star

lar school year is also an active time to search. “Never say never. Keep lookSome students are required ing, make a connection and wait to get one for academic credit, to hear the message,” she said. some get one for guidance in Psychology senior Jonathan their chosen career path, some Pliego began with a Career Serjust get one because everyone vices internship in the fall and else is getting one: an intern- now works there part-time as a ship. marketing specialist. “An internship is a reality During Spring Break, Pliego check. It helps students decide job shadowed with a radio adwhat they want to do, confirms vertising account executive for their career direction or redi- 103.3 ESPN — a Dallas/Fort rects them to something else,” Worth radio station. Pliego said Karen Julian, Career Ser- now wants to pursue a career in vices assistant director and in- marketing or advertising. ternship coordinator. “One of the misconceptions Julian said students should students have is that they are expect a short-term obligation limited by their major to a cerwith an internship. Most only tain internship or job. If you last eight to 10 weeks, whereas have a college degree, it is up to a full-time job is a lengthy com- you where you want to go from mitment. there,” Pliego said. Julian said some companies He knows he wants to have a only offer sumcareer unrelatmer interned to his major. ships, which “A degree are more likely prepares you to be paid by giving you a and full-time. foundation, but Semester inan internship ternships are exposes you, usually 10 to gives you skills 20 hours a for your career week. and magnifies Julian said your strengths,” business adPliego said. A.D. Brown/Star photo illustration ministration, For the sumscience and mer, applied so- CAREER CHAOS: As the year draws to a close, graduating seniors have to deal with résumés, cover letters and portfolios as a part of liberal arts ciology senior their frantic search to find a job before they graduate. For those not graduating, time is winding down to find an internship for the summajors are not — Karen Julian Jamie Laugh- mer. required to get Career Services lin has a huinternships man resources assistant director and internship in for their deinternship coordinator Austin at the grees, but they would benefit Four Seasons from pursuing Hotel. By Magen Gray relationships. an internship “I have to The University Star Vocelka said she had two inbecause their chosen fields are complete 300 hours for credit, ternships during college, and broad. so I’ll be doing lots of event Graduating seniors have job one was with Target. At Target, “If the academic department planning, public relations and searches underway, and inter— Greg Hill she learned managing styles does not offer credit and the in- working on projects at the hoviews, professional attire, cover Career Services assistant director of career development suitable for retail and how to ternship is unpaid, the student tel,” Laughlin said. letters and résumés can cause balance delegation. has to decide if it is worth the Laughlin job shadowed with apprehension during the transiAfter completing her intime away from schoolwork and the Hyatt Regency in Austin and tion from college to career. “You want to show a fit be- specific to the employer.” ternship, Target hired her as weigh in the cost,” Julian said. Houston and with the Marriott “Of course I was nervous. tween the individual and the Hill said companies tend to manager. Through a coworker However, Career Services of- in Austin. People are always nervous be- company,” Hill said. have specific cultures of their connection at Target, Vocelka fers a job-shadowing program “This is definitely what I want fore an interview,” said Rachel Career Services counselor own, so potential employees arranged an interview for her every winter and spring break to do after graduation. To get Vocelka, Texas State business Susan Lorino said students need to ask questions. Victoria’s Secret position. for students to see if a given in- my internship, I just took the management alumna. should be ready to answer why “People tend to share infordustry is the right choice before initiative at the hotels to ask for Vocelka graduated from Texas they want to work for a specific mation if you are interested. Ask taking on an internship or job. the experience,” Laughlin said. State in 2003 and spent a year- company. about what to wear and when to Julian said the best way to Marketing senior Carrie Linand-a-half as a Target manager. She said students should con- check back to see if they are still Job Search Rehab is a workcontact companies is by e-mail dow currently has an internship She now co-manages a Victoria’s sider the field they are going into interested,” Hill said. “Let them shop to answer questions and the most effective intern- of about 25 hours a week with Secret in the Dallas area. when dressing for an interview. set the time table, but in your about résumés, cover letters ship search is with a Career the Texas Department of AgriVocelka said she had tele- Some work areas, such as teach- cover letter, state when you will and interviews. Contact Services Jobs4Cats account or culture in Austin. phone and sit down interviews ing, are more conservative. contact them to follow-up. This Career Services at (512) through Web sites such as wet“I research promotional with Victoria’s Secret before “Make sure you are well- gives you permission to call 245-2645 to reserve a place feet.com and vault.com. items to send out. Right now they hired her two weeks later, groomed and professionally back, and you have the business for today from 6 to 7:30 p.m. “Even if the company does I’m working on a program for and she learned how to prepare dressed for the interview. Men card they give you.” not have an active posting, nutrition in elementary schools. for interviews from Texas State should wear a suit, tie and nice Lorino said the interview is a in LBJ Student Center 3-7.1, you can find out who to con- We send pencils and highlightCareer Services. shoes. It doesn’t hurt to be clean good time to ask what the next May 4 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. tact. Some companies have just ers instead of candy to schools “I researched the company and smelling good. Be aware of step will be and when to expect in LBJSC 3-13.1 or May 11 started posting summer intern- and the teachers call to request extensively to have good re- the message you are presenting callbacks. from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in ships,” Julian said. items from us,” she said. sponses, beefed up my résumé with jewelry and tattoos that Before the student makes the LBJSC 3-7.1. Enterprise Rent-A-Car offers Lindow said there are many and dressed sharp. I like to get show,” Lorino said. transition into a career, Lorino 23 summer internships in Aus- aspects in marketing, and she my hair and nails done the day In preparing a résumé, Hill said internships build the best tin and San Antonio, and Walt is undecided about her specific before an interview,” Vocelka suggests graduating seniors Disney World takes hundreds career choice. said. “The follow-up was a two- place education at the top of the of college interns. Julian said Pliego said more students way street. It was a combination page. Hill said a college degree about 75 percent of Jobs4Cats should take advantage of Caof calling each other to ask for and related course work will postings are outside of Central reer Services. or give information.” stand out in stacks of resumes. Texas for the student looking to “Making connections within Greg Hill, Career Services as“The résumé objective statetravel. the university system and the sistant director of career devel- ment should be eye-catching,” Julian said even if a student corporate and business worlds opment, said researching the Hill said. “Don’t worry about cannot find the right intern- are important to future interncompany is essential before an it for something general, like a ship for the summer, the regu- ship seekers,” Pliego said. interview. job fair, but for an interview, be

n internship “A is a reality check. It helps

students decide what they want to do, confirms their career direction or redirects them to something else.”

Helpful hints for going from college to the business world want to show a fit between the “Youindividual and the company.”


Page 8A - The University Star


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Finals have students speaking java jive emergency, and consequently, causes the adrenal glands to release adrenaline. Although As the spring semester not particularly harmful, cafcomes to an end, students are feine does have side effects if increasingly stressed about abused. their upcoming finals. As a reIt can cause dehydration. It sult, some are turning to caf- is recommended that for every feine pills, energy drinks, and cup of coffee you drink, you in some cases, medication to should drink eight ounces of help them study. water. Changes in a person’s “I don’t worry about finals. mood or sleeping patterns I study for a couple of hours are also side effects. It can for each subject and I leave the cause insomnia, restlessness rest to memory,” said Kendall or cause a person to be jittery, Decherd, psychology senior. excitable, irritable or anxious. Although Decherd’s ap- If a person is stressed, caffeine proach to finals seems ideal may actually intensify the feeland stress-free, the majority ing, thus preventing the ability of students take the road most to concentrate. traveled during finals week Drinking energy drinks can — the stress road. Finals begin have the same effects as cafMay 3 and end May 9, but some feine pills or coffee and should students have been stressing be monitored as well. Energy drinks contain large about finals for weeks. Mike Wilkerson, Texas State health doses of caffeine and legal education coordinator, said he stimulants like ephedrine, does not think finals are the guarana and ginseng. Energy main cause of students’ stress. drinks can contain as much “For most students, I think as 80 mg of caffeine compared it begins around mid-terms to other drinks like Coca-Cola at 23 mg or and gradually Mountain builds throughout the semesDew at 37 ’m not really ter,” Wilkerson mg. Energy a fan of said. “Right drinks can now, many energy drinks, so boost the students have rate I drink as much heart projects, papers and blood Diet Coke as I and tests all pressure, dehydrate the due at the same can.” body and time, which is — Samantha Greeson cause heart going to create pre-international studies palpitations. a stressful situsophomore ation.” Red Bull How students apparently handle the end“gives you of-the-semester insanity is wings” and Monster “unleashcause for concern. Searching es the beast,” but what do enfor the best way to study, stu- ergy drinks actually do? dents use various caffeine pills “Coffee, caffeine pills and or consume large quantities of energy drinks are essentially high doses of caffeine and, in coffee to help them focus. Caffeine is a central ner- some cases, sugar,” Wilkerson vous system stimulant; it said, “The side effects can be causes increased neuron fir- mild and frustrating. Depending in the brain. The brain ing of the person’s tolerance perceives the rapid firing as an for caffeine, side effects could By Marquita Griffin The University Star


include sleeplessness and inability to focus.” As Wilkerson said, individual reactions to caffeine can vary, but he does not completely discredit the benefits of energy drinks or caffeine. “Small doses may be helpful, if taken in moderation,” Wilkerson said. S a m a n t h a Greeson, pre-international studies sophomore, knows she needs help when it comes to focusing when studying. However, she does not like energy drinks. “I’m not really a fan of energy drinks, so I drink as much Diet Coke as I can,” Greeson said. “Energy drinks taste nasty.” Greeson walks to the nearest convenience store to grab cappuccinos or sits in Taco Bell with friends to study. Some students have turned to a riskier choice when trying to study for finals — taking Ritalin or Adderall that was not prescribed to them. Ritalin, also known as methylphenidate, is medication prescribed for individuals with Attention Deficit or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It stimulates the central nervous system and has an exceptionally calming and “focusing” effect — the effects students are seeking. Adderall is a combination of dextroamphetamine, also known as dexedrine, and amphetamine, and is potentially addictive. Even at prescribed dosage, Adderall can cause various side effects, including

nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss and changes in sex drive. Wilkerson said he strongly warns against students taking Ritalin or Adderall in order to focus during finals, if it was not prescribed to them. Although some students have claimed the medication gave them an increased ability to focus, Wilkerson said the side effects can be more detrimental than those of energy drinks and caffeine. “Stories from those who have used the medication suggest that the focus is often obsessive and may prevent the student from understanding the big picture or, if writing a paper, produce a quality product,” Wilkerson said. He also said other side effects include insomnia, hallucinations, confusion, nervousness

Adam Brown/Star photo

and depression. Long-term use can lead to stunted growth, psychotic episodes, heart complications, addiction and, if injected, a risk of blocked blood vessels. Wilkerson said the best ways for students to do well on finals are the clichéd basics — eat right, get seven to eight hours of sleep every night and start studying early. “I know that it is difficult to do all of that, especially when students are crunched for time,” Wilkerson said. “But studies show that students who cram for finals and pull allnighters perform worse that their peers who spend every day preparing for exams and taking care of their bodies.”

Thursday, April 27, 2006


The University Star - Page 9A

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Texas State class of 2006 to have four commencement ceremonies By Anna Heffley The University Star About 2,700 students applied for spring graduation from Texas State this year. Because of the large size, there will be four commencement ceremonies, said Sarah Miller, curriculum coordinator. All ceremonies include graduate students receiving their master’s and doctorate degrees in each college. The ceremony for the College of Applied Arts and College of Fine Arts and Communication will be at 2 p.m on May 12. The ceremony for the McCoy College of Business Administration and the College of Science will be at 7 p.m on May 12. The ceremony for the College of Education and College of Health Professions will be at 9:30 a.m. on May 13. The last ceremony is for the College of Liberal Arts at 2 p.m. on May 13. The key speaker this year will be

’ll be sad to leave San Marcos “I because it’s become my home. But I’m excited about the future, and I feel well-prepared by the education I’ve received from this university.”

— Megan Lederer English senior

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, who will speak at the 9:30 a.m. ceremony on May 13. Cornyn said he will congratulate the class of 2006 for reaching this important milestone, commend them for their hard work and dedication and offer a few words of encouragement for the future. “I believe in the potential of every person and hope to convey that as Americans — and Texans — we each have an obligation to pursue a better world for ourselves and future generations,” Cornyn said in an e-mail. “I have every confidence that the men and women of

the Class of 2006 will continue to preserve the best traditions of our country and our great state.” Megan Lederer, English senior, said she has mixed feelings about graduating. “I’ll be sad to leave San Marcos because it’s become my home,” Lederer said. “But I’m excited about the future, and I feel well-prepared by the education I’ve received from this university.” For more graduation information, call your academic advising center, or visit http://www.txstate.edu/academicaffairs/commencement/commencement.html.

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The University Star - Page 11A

Utilize available resources to find an apartment that best fits you By Marquita Griffin The University Star Like a stereotypical college TV show, as soon as some students finish their last exam they will escape from the campuses, tests, assignments and papers to speed off to a beach, foreign country or hometown. Students not leaving San Marcos may be looking for an apartment for the first time and need to be aware of the resources available to help them make the best decision possible. Students should immediately do two things before looking for an apartment: confirm with Residence Life that they are actually allowed to move off campus and contact an apartment location agency to help with the search. According to the housing policy of Residence Life, “all unmarried students under 21 years of age as of Sept. 1 who have completed fewer than (56) credit hours must reside in university housing. Students are required to sign a room and board contract that is binding for the full academic year or summer terms.” Residence Life lists exceptions to the rule, but the student is required to fill out an exception form that must be approved. Once a student has confirmed that he or she can move off campus, the next step is to contact an apartment location agency, said E. Scott Ross, licensed Texas real estate agent. Ross works for Great Locations, a San Marcos apartment location agency. Apartment location agencies are free services that help people make informed decisions about choosing where to live. Agencies usually require clients to fill out a form detailing what they are looking for in an apartment and a desired price range. Once the

client’s requests are processed, an agent is assigned to the client. Agents call apartments, set up viewing appointments, drive their clients to apartment sites and search for specials and move-in deals. These services are free. Agents get paid a commission when renters write the agency’s name on the lease in the apartment referral section. “There are so many apartment communities in town and we have them all on our database,” Ross said. “It would literally take someone months to sift through everything on their own. We have everyone in our database and can do a free search for you in about 10 minutes.” Lydia Bell, Texas State alumna, said the most important factor in searching for an apartment is not waiting until the last minute to search. She recommends students contact an apartment location agency. “The longer you wait, the more specials you miss and usuBrynn Leggett/Star photo illustration ally the best places to live fill up THE BIG SWITCH: As the semester comes to an end, students moving out of their dorms can easily locate apartments and save loads quickly,” Bell said. “If you wait of time by using free apartment locator services in San Marcos. too late, you will end up living in a place you hate, can’t afford personal property confiscated. or not live anywhere at all.” Fortunately, most of the colA common adjustment for lege apartments allow residents students moving into their first to sign separate leases, thus alapartment is being able to live lowing roommates to only be with a roommate. Bell warns responsible for their own lease against moving in with un- payments. known roomRoss said it is also important mates. for students to check out every “I’ve lived type of fee apartments charge with a person prior to signing a lease. For exI didn’t know ample, he said most apartments prior to mov- charge a pet deposit, which can ing in (with range from $250 to $400, but them) and it some apartments charge “pet was an an- rent” in addition to the deposnoying expe- it. rience,” Bell “Basically, the difference besaid. “Not tween pet rent and pet deposit every experi- is that you can get some of your ence will be deposit back if your pet doesn’t bad, but I say trash the apartment,” Ross said. if you can “Pet rent — you’re not getting prevent the any of that back. I’ve heard possibility of some managers justify pet rent a bad room- by saying it takes extra man mate, prevent hours to pick up the poo in the — E. Scott Ross it at all costs.” yard, so they think that it’s only licensed Texas R e s p o n - fair for the pet owners to cover real estate agent sible room- the expense.” mates are Ross said for a student to be a must, Bell safe when looking for an apartsaid. Most apartments, includ- ment, he or she should contact ing college apartments, have an apartment location agency bills — failure to pay bills can to prevent being misled by result in eviction or having apartment management.

t would “I literally take someone months to sift through everything on their own. We have everyone in our database and can do a free search for you in about 10 minutes.”

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

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