06 01 2005 section A

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Page A-2 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

SBC legislation Texas State hosts more than 3,000 Special Olympics athletes opposed by local cable companies

By Isadora Vail-Castro News Reporter


exas State opened its doors for the third consecutive year to the Special Olympics, and more than 3,000 athletes participated in the events held May 19 through 22. The university provided Strahan Coliseum, Bobcat Stadium, Sewell Park and the J.C. Kellam Administration Building for the events. The athletes were also given the choice of staying in some of the residence halls around campus. “I’ve heard that San Marcos is one of their favorite places to come because of the support from the university as well as the community,” said Melissa Millecam, communications manager for San Marcos. The Special Olympics has held events in San Marcos for the past three years and will probably travel to Texas A&M next year. This is not the first time Texas State has hosted the Special Olympics; from 1998 to 2001, the Special Olympics were held here, Millecam said. Millecam is also on the public relations committee for the Special Olympics. “The university has always pulled out all the stops for this,” Millecam said. “People at the highest level come out to help.” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott attended the event and participated in the law enforcement torch run. Abbott said the torch run is a big part of Texas law enforcement, and most city police departments are encouraged to come out to show their support. “It looked as if there were a cop car or motorcycle from every single city (in Texas) and about 50 people running with the guy that was carrying the torch,” said Amanda Garcia, mass communications junior. “The San Marcos Police Department has been a part of (the Special Olympics) every year it has been in San Marcos,” said Hays County Sheriff Don Montague, who also participated in See OLYMPICS, page A-10

Senate bill may allow consumer discrimination

the maintenance for lines and equipment. “It changes the economics,” Grant said. SBC spokesperson Gene Acuna said the legislation would offer customers opBy Sean Wardwell tions. News Reporter “This is about providing consumers In a legisa choice in lative battle the video of wills, the marketplace,” Texas House Acuna said. of Represen“If you have tatives voted a mechanism Sunday night to enter a new to accept an market, conamendment sumers will by Rep. Phil have access to —Kathy Grant new choices King, RTCTA representative and new techWeatherford, to Senate nologies at Bill 408 that a faster rate. would reauthorize the Texas The price consumers pay will Public Utilities Commission go down.” and allow the state to issue liSBC has retained 124 lobcenses to telecommunications byists, spending $3.3 million providers for cable services. minimum and $6.5 million Previously, cable providers maximum on lobby expenses were required to receive li- for this session. censes from the cities. “We’d be crazy not to be A concern for opponents of concerned. It’s a David and the bill is the possibility that it Goliath situation,” Grant said. would strip money from cities Acuna responded to the and discriminate against low- concern that cities would be income customers. denied revenue by pointing out Kathy Grant, the vice presi- that under the legislation, cities dent for government relations would be entitled to 5 percent with the Texas Cable and Tele- of the revenue from obtaining communications Association, a state issued license. which represents Texas cable Donna Hill, Time-Warner providers to the state legisla- spokesperson for Hays County, ture, said the amendment was disagreed. an “anti-competitive effort that “Our position is that (SBC) won’t encourage competition; already (has) the right to proit treats some providers more vide video services just like favorably than others.” cable companies, but they are TCTA speculates that large asking the state to exempt telecommunications provid- them from negotiating a city ers, such as SBC Communica- franchise and bypassing all the tions, would begin to apply for cities,” Hill said. “It’s special licenses in areas where cable treatment. It’s scary for me, companies already provide to both the cities and the taxservices. Grant believes these payer. Who’s going to collect all licenses could be for areas these fees?” as small as a block, allowing The prospects for redlincompanies to “cherry pick” ing, or discriminating against affluent areas while leaving the local company stuck with See SBC, page A-8

e’d be “W crazy not to be concerned. It’s a David and Goliath situation.”

Courtney Addison/Star photo The Valley View Tigers paraded into Bobcat Stadium, along with hundreds of other teams, during the Special Olympics’ opening ceremonies May 21.


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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The University Star - Page A-3

CAF air show commemorates World War II veterans, pilots By Clayton Medford Feature News Reporter


undreds gathered at the San Marcos Airport on Saturday for a live action history lesson delivered by re-enactment pilots and World War II veterans. The audience perused parked planes in the morning, visited with veterans and watched aeronautic acrobatics in the afternoon. The Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force hosted the San Marcos Air Show and brought in two-dozen historic and acrobatic planes to the area. Among the historic variety were several B-25 bombers, a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, Japanese Zero replicas and a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. One plane that straddles the line dividing history and glamour was a restored Russian military advanced jet trainer nicknamed “Czechmate.” Proud owner Scott Stevens was most impressed by the low-maintenance needs of the aircraft. “Since I’ve got it flying, it’s just fuel and fly,” Stevens said. After three years of restoration,

the L39-C is barely recognizable. Acquired from Ukraine in 2000, the jet underwent extensive remodeling and now boasts a red and white color scheme, a departure from its previous camouflage and brown motif. “We actually had a guy in California who specializes in customizing cars do all the paint and stuff,” Stevens said. “So what you are seeing here is not the typical (restoration) job for this type of plane.” The trainer burns close to 200 gallons per hour of flight, climbs to 33,000 feet and has a top speed of 500 knots or approximately, 575 miles per hour. A historic plane used by both the U.S. and Royal Navies during World War II was the TBM-3E Avenger. The Eastern Aircraft sub hunter carried three .50 caliber defense guns and up to 2,000 pounds of ordinance. The three-man crew consisted of a pilot, one gunner and a radio operator. The craft boasts a single 1,900 horsepower engine and has a maximum weight of close to 17,000 pounds, making it the See SHOW, page A-9

Lindsay Lyle/Star photos

Clockwise from left: The Commemorative Air Force Air Show brought many families to the San Marcos Airfield on May 21 and 22. John Tucker and his son Shaun were first-timers at the CAF Air Show. Harold Middleton from San Marcos changes the oil in his Yak 18-A before the CAF Air Show. Not only were there World War II planes to view, but there were also World War II veterans speaking about their glory days as pilots. Sandy Sansing spoke of his time during the war when his plane was shot down and he was rescued by the French.

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Page A-4 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The University Star - Page A-5

UPD bike roundup lassoes students’ rides Abortion bill would Bicycle owners require parental must register to avoid seizure consent for minors By Isadora Vail-Castro News Reporter

The University Police Department’s Community Awareness and Resource Team began its annual bicycle roundup on May 23 in an effort to beautify Texas State, but some bicycle owners think the program may be causing more harm than good. On May 1, UPD placed notices on bicycles, bike racks and residence halls explaining that all bikes not registered with UPD would be cut from their locks and picked up beginning May 23. Officer Otto Glenewinkel said UPD has tried several methods to notify Courtney Addison/Star photo bike owners, such as a mass e-mail and postings on the The University Police Department placed notices around campus warning cyclists of its annual bicycle roundup, which began May 23. Unwanted and unregistered bikes will be university’s Web site. “We sent out e-mails to ev- removed and stored for 90 days before being auctioned in Waco. ery faculty, staff and student. That was the notification given this,” Rodriguez said. “They dent that doesn’t have room in dents receive a sticker for their that you need to register your should have put these notices his car to take his bike home or bicycle identifying it as regisbike,” Glenewinkel said. “We out when people were leaving, just plain forgot.” tered with UPD. don’t track the owner down.” not when the semester is over.” To register a bicycle with “We recommend that the Theatre senior and bike ridConcerned cyclists expressed UPD, students must fill out a sticker be put on the lower er, Tina Rodriguez was not no- their opinions on the universi- form with information about shaft of the bicycle,” Glenetified of the bicycle roundup. ty’s news Web site, calling the the bicycle’s measurements, winkel said. “A thief would not “I don’t look at the Web site program an attempt to “make tires and serial number. The See ROUNDUP, page A-8 often enough to have known more money off a college stu- registration is free, and stu-

Texas takes a hit from base realignment and closures list By Kelly Merks News Reporter The possible closures of four major military bases on the Pentagon’s recommended base closure and realignment proposal, reallocating thousands of military and civilian jobs in Texas, has officials throughout the state clambering to pick up the pieces. As per the newest round of military base recommendations from the Department of Defense, Texas would gain 6,150 jobs, the third-largest net gain of any state behind Maryland and Georgia, most of which are reassignments from Europe. The largest employment increase would be at Fort Bliss in

El Paso, boasting 11,501 transferred jobs, followed by Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio at 9,364. The proposal calls for the closing of an additional 11 National Guard and Reserve bases and special military sites in the state plus the realignment of six more. The National Guard unit in San Marcos will not be affected. Texas State Army ROTC recruiter Kevin Atkisson said some National Guard and Reserve bases near major military bases are being shut down. “The closest installation affected is in New Braunfels,” Atkisson said. Workers from the New Braunfels armory will most

likely be transferred to Randolph Air Force Base on the northeast side of San Antonio. Although San Marcos will not be directly affected, Texas is among the hardest hit concerning base closures, including the Red River Army Depot and Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant in Texarkana, Naval Station Ingleside outside Corpus Christi and Brooks City-Base in San Antonio. The slated closing of Brooks City-Base is reminiscent of San Antonio’s loss of Kelly Air Force Base in 1995. About 35,000 people lined the streets of the city in support of the air force base when the BRAC panel came to pay Kelly a visit. At Red River, where civilians

have been preparing kits to reinforce armor for Humvees in Iraq, the closure would carry a toll of approximately 2,500 jobs, mostly civilian and an additional 1,476 indirect jobs. The workload from Red River would be distributed to military bases in five states. The Pentagon estimates another 149 jobs, plus an additional 80 indirect jobs, could be lost from the closure of the Lone Star Army Ammunition plant. The Pentagon has also projected 3,200 job losses if Ingleside is forced to close its doors. Also proposed is the realignment of nearby Corpus Christi See BASE, page A-8

By Ashley Richards News Reporter

will eventually pass. The Texas Alliance for Life has voiced its approval of each of Legislators in the Texas the abortion consent bills filed House of Representatives and in the legislation. Joe Pojman, Senate have discussed several executive director of TAL, said similar bills in the 79th session abortions need to be brought in that would require a minor to line with other procedures that obtain writrequire parental ten consent consent. from a parent “This is an or guardian issue of parents’ before getting rights,” Pojman an abortion, said. “Every but after year, there are amendments thousands of and commitabortions on tee debates, minors, and in Senate Bill any of those 419 is the last cases, the parremaining ents have no bill. right to interH o u s e vene.” —Joe Pojman Bill 1212, In a report Executive director given by the authored Texas Alliance for Life Texas Departby Rep. Phil King, Rment of Health Weatherford, Services, 3,569 laid out stipulations for stricter abortions were performed on parental consent laws to per- minors in Texas in 2003. form an abortion on a minor. Kara Sweidel, sociology juThe bill was dropped after a nior and Feminist Majority mistake in the paperwork was Leadership Alliance president, found, but days later, a similar works at the Whole Woman’s bill, Senate Bill 1150, was sent Health clinic in Austin and San to the house after it passed the Marcos. She said Texas law reSenate with a 25-5 vote. quires the clinic to notify a parKing was the House sponsor ent or guardian 48 hours before of SB 1150, and he chose to kill performing an abortion on a the bill on May 22 because SB minor, by phone or by mailing 419, a nearly identical bill, had a certified letter. already been approved in the Sweidel said some young House and moved on to the girls are afraid of discomfort or Senate for approval. abuse in their household if they SB 419 passed the House on reveal their pregnancy to a parMay 16 with a 117-19 vote. The ent, which is why a minor can bill would reinstate the func- request a judge allow them to tions of the Texas State Board bypass the parental notification of Medical Examiners and by legally emancipating the girl includes an amendment that from her guardian. would require written parental “I’ve never heard — of the consent before a physician per- thousands of abortions performs an abortion on a minor. formed on minors — of a case Each of the abortion consent where a parent was notified corbills has received majority ap- rectly,” Pojman said. proval from both the House and The remaining abortion conthe Senate, making anti-abor- sent legislation, SB 419, would tion advocates confident that See BILL, page A-8 the abortion consent legislation


very year, there are thousands of abortions on minors, and in any of those cases, the parents have no right to intervene.”


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Page A-6 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

A TEXAS NATURAL Right: The 13th annual Texas Natural and Western Swing Festival, held in The Square, featured a range of activities. The festival was filled with Southern flare, from wagon rides and rope tricks, to crafts and country music. Above: Elise Garza, a blacksmith from San Antonio, was one of many craftsmen and -women displaying their talents during the festival on May 21. Far Right: Using a whip, his horse and volunteers, Kevin Fitzpatrick amazes the crowd by performing a wide range of rope tricks.

Courtney Addison/Star photos

Fan drive helps residents stay cool Student receives an ‘outstanding’ award By Amy Rames News Reporter

While many Texas State students will endure rising electric bills this summer due to blasting air conditioners in the battle against the heat, some San Marcos citizens need extra help staying cool. Several organizations, including San Marcos Electric Utility, Lower Colorado River

Authority, Community Action, Southside Community Center and the Housing Authority, sponsored the city’s first fan drive to keep needy families and the elderly cool this summer. “The San Marcos Electric Utility was looking for more ways to get involved in the community, and we decided this would be a good place to start,” said Kyle Dicke, cus-

tomer relations manager for SMEU. Residents were able to deliver a new fan donation in original packaging or money to the Electric Utility Office at 1040 Seguin Highway until May 31. Lowe’s Hardware Store turned several money donations into at least 72 fans, all offered to the cause at cost. The See DRIVE, page A-7

Commissioners discuss purchase of juvenile center By Sean Wardwell News Reporter The Hays County Commissioners court met Tuesday to discuss purchasing the Juvenile Detention Facility for $5.3 million, a move that would give Hays County offenders first priority for space and surrounding counties an opportunity to lease space based on availability. The detention facility was built in April 2003 after the private company contracted by the county to run it went bankrupt. Now the county is looking to issue certificates of obligation to cover the costs of buying the center. “For bonds, the county is required to get voter approval for

the expenditure,” said County Auditor Bill Herzog. “Certificates of obligation require no prior voter approval and are usually for public safety projects like jails.” The Commissioners Court is obligated to disclose when they are considering the certificates and citizens can request a vote provided they have enough signatures on a petition. The Juvenile Detention Facility currently has 114 beds and houses offenders from 27 other counties in Texas including Harris, Cameron, Jefferson, Orange and Williamson counties. The court also heard from citizens of the Woodcreek North Road District regarding the possibility of a new bond

election. Commissioner Susie Carter, 2nd precinct, expressed concern regarding how the citizens were able to submit petition signatures without also giving their voter registration numbers. “It’s not required for this type of election,” said Sue Basham, Hays County Assistant Elections Administrator. “We printed off a list of registered voters in the district and checked the names off prior to accepting the petition.” The court also approved a set of public hearings for Tuesday to discuss establishing speed limits on South Turnersville Road and in the Saddletree and Hurlbut Ranch East subdivisions.



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By Clayton Medford News Reporter Danielle Alvarado, a Texas State anthropology graduate, recently received the Sallie Beretta Outstanding Senior Woman award at spring commencement. The award is given each year to a graduating senior woman who excels in leadership, scholarship, character, potential and loyalty. Alvarado, who graduated in December and majored in anthropology, has an extensive record of community service and activism at Texas State as well as in San Marcos. Originally from San Antonio, Alvarado plans to move to California in June to attend the Stanford Teaching Education Program at Stanford University in Palo Alto. “It’s a one-year program that’s designed to help teachers learn how to deal with diverse socioeconomic situations and at-risk students,” Alvarado said. “I’m looking forward to going there. They are really the leaders in education, research and preparing teachers for diverse situations.” Beretta Award committee member Stella Silva described the qualifications considered by the committee when choosing the most outstanding senior woman. “The committee looks for a well-rounded student. Some of the criteria that is considered includes GPA, leadership progression, volunteerism, display of loyalty to Texas State, student organization involvement, diversity of involvement, leadership awards and recognition


his is a very competitive award; there are just a few students who rise to the top academically.”

—Stella Silva Beretta Award committee member

and letters of recommendation,” Silva said. She said Alvarado’s extensive community service was only part of what made her stand out. “This is a very competitive award; there are just a few students who rise to the top academically. However, what made Danielle stand out was the combination of academic achievement, student involvement and community service,” Silva said. Alvarado’s community service includes her involvement with the local Boys and Girls Club, working with and mentoring area at-risk students, and the many events and programs she coordinated with her sorority Sigma Delta Lambda; one such event was the Higher Education Youth Summit, where she worked with the admissions and financial aid offices to provide information to new and incoming students. Alvarado was named College of Liberal Arts Commencement Speaker for the fall of 2004 and Greek Woman of the Year at Texas State in 2004. She received the

Liberal Arts Award of Excellence in 2003, recognition from the Gold Key International Honor Society in 2003 and served as president of the Latino Coalition in 2003 through 2004. The arduous process of selecting the recipient begins with a review of applicants. “The application review process is extensive. Each committee member is given an opportunity to review each of the applications and score each section. Once this process is completed, the committee then meets to determine a cumulative score for each applicant and then a list of finalists is determined and interviewed,” Silva said. After the interviews, the committee closes its doors and deliberates for up to two hours. “This is a very important award, and as much time as needed is devoted to the entire process,” Silva said. Alvarado said she is very proud and honored to receive the Beretta award. “It’s such an honor to be able to represent Texas State and be considered the outstanding woman,” Alvarado said. “There were so many that deserved the award, and I feel blessed and proud to have been selected from them.” The award’s namesake, Sallie Beretta, served on the Texas State University’s Board of Regents from 1933 until 1951. While serving on the board in 1947, her fellow members voted to name a new dormitory Beretta Hall in her honor. The award has been given annually since 1963.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The University Star - Page A-7

Railroad commission trains City Council Pack It Up program By Kay Richter News Reporter The loud blare from the horn of an oncoming train and the flashing red lights of a train crossing is not an unfamiliar sight to many San Marcos residents. At a recent San Marcos City Council meeting, city engineer Laurie Anderson and Fire Chief Mike Baker gave a PowerPoint presentation about freight trains passing through the city. “The presentation gave an update on the impact that trains have and focused on train companies such as Union Pacific,” Anderson said. The update not only focused on the impact of trains but also gave data to council and community members, estimating crossing locations, trains per day, speed, length, traffic control, train delay time and the number of vehicles stopped per crossing. The data was provided by

the Railroad Commission and was calculated nearly two years ago. Other data given to council members and citizens was collected by Baker and his team. Baker gathered data over a period of three days. His team collected data for one specific railroad crossing located at Wonder World Drive. While Baker did indicate that the information presented to the council was only the first step in the beginning phase of the project to study Union Pacific and other trains that pass through San Marcos, he also acknowledged some of the potential impacts trains have on the city. “The biggest issue is the process to help determine the issues,” Baker said. Baker cited the lack of funding as one such issue. Baker recognized the economic role that trains play in transporting goods and noted that a solution to frustrated citizens caught in train conges-

tions will not be an easy one to solve. “The solution is not an overnight one,” Baker said. Council member John Thomaides stated during the meeting that collecting data will help make a stronger case for relocating freight trains outside the city limits. He also suggested installing a phone line for residents that would enable them to report days, times and intersections blocked by trains. One community member who works near the intersection of Uhland Drive and Post Road noted her distress regarding the trains that pass so close to her building. Often times, she said, she is unable to have phone conversations because of the noise from passing trains. The noise and the vibrations that shake her work building both scare her and make work a constant struggle. While she did not wish to be identified, she did share stories conveying her

frustrations. “One Friday, I was trying to leave after the work day. There was a big line that blocked the exits and entrances to our parking lot. I couldn’t even maneuver my vehicle out of the parking lot. I kept on wondering to myself, ‘What if there was an emergency and I was unable to move my car?’” the employee said. A resolution passed at the council meeting involved a future agreement between the city, Hays County and Texas State. The understanding will facilitate the planning and development of a green space for Spring Lake Hills. This environmentally sensitive area along Spring Lake continues to the San Marcos River and Interstate 35. The goals of the resolution include enhancing the natural resources of Spring Lake and the San Marcos River and maximizing the protection of the San Marcos River.

DRIVE: Program sees large donations from local business CONTINUED from page A-6

store is selling fans for $7 a piece, about $5 cheaper than they are on the shelf. “We’re a leader in the marketplace, so we wanted to help out in the community and show that we care,” said Steve White, Lowe’s sales manager. The effort to stay cool during the long, hot summer is an old war. Being out in the sun and heat for extended periods of time can cause sunburn, dehydration and heat stroke, said Mike

Wilkerson, health education coordinator for Texas State. Wilkerson advises people to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the hours when sunburn is most likely to occur. He recommends wearing a widebrimmed hat, sunscreen of SPF 15 or stronger, cotton clothing and sunglasses. “(Heat) can affect anyone. There is not any group immune to effects of the summer heat,” said Wilkerson. Wilkerson said drinking a lot of fluids is the most important way to battle the heat and dehydration. In the event that

someone becomes dehydrated, he said, it is important to take him or her to a cool place to relax and drink water or a sports drink. SMEU collected the fans, while service organizations such as Community Action, Inc. were charged with distributing them because they are most familiar with the needy families in the community. In order to receive a fan, an application with Community Action, Inc. needs to be filled out. The organization can be reached at 101 Uhland Road, Suite 107, or by phone at 392-1161.

FACT Act enables free viewing of credit reports By Ashley Richards News Reporter Official enforcement of the provisions included in the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act began in Texas yesterday, granting citizens the right to view their own credit and Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange reports for free. ChoicePoint is a company that collects consumer’s information and sells insurance, employment and tenant history CLUE reports. Upon release of the FACT Act provisions, the company is now required to allow consumers to view their CLUE reports for free upon request. The FACT Act also gives consumers the right to review their credit reports kept by the three major credit reporting companies Equifax, Experian and Trans Union as well as credit information kept by the lesser known reporting company, Innovis. In addition to providing free reports to consumers, the FACT Act laid out stipulations requiring ChoicePoint and the credit companies to undergo an investigation on any information a consumer disputes in their reports. Consumers also have the right to request that their Social Security number and account numbers be blacked out on printed reports. Faulty information on a person’s credit report can result in their inability to get a mortgage or rent an apartment, among other things. A survey distributed by the United States Public Information Research Group said 79 percent of credit reports had errors. “In the past, a small fraction of (CLUE) reports requested were disputed and, of those,

3 bedroom/3 bath Open vaulted ceiling with

less than one-tenth of 1 percent were found to be valid disputes,” said ChoicePoint executive Chuck Jones. “That says something about the accuracy of the CLUE reports.” Nancy Meeks, Texas State manager of collections, said the university inputs information on a student’s account electronically, which leaves little room for fault in their reporting. Incorrect information on a student’s account would most likely be from information put in when the account was set up, Meeks said. She said that in the past, the law allowed someone a free credit report only if they had been denied services or business because of a credit check, in which case they had 30 days to request the report. The university’s Loan Collections Department uses a collection agency to contact and report students who have faulted their account by failing to respond to the regular payment requests and warnings sent out by the department. A fault such as this is recorded on the student’s credit report. Meeks said it would be wise for a college student or recent graduate to obtain a free credit report because missing or failing to make a payment to the university will show up on their report, which can be especially harmful due to the minimal credit most students have built up. “Just stay on top of it, and if something comes up, always contact the creditor; don’t ignore it, thinking something will get better next month,” Meeks said. Paul Richards, criminal justice junior, said he worries slightly about his credit report history because he conducts much of his finances online

where he can review transactions. “There’s a Web site where I can pay my bills and check what I’ve bought,” Richards said. “I live far from home so everything goes there, but I can check it online.” Richards said he pays bills online and is confident no mishaps will occur on his credit report unless someone steals his information, because he is able to look at his credit card and other accounts online to review their up-to-date actions. For the time being, Richards said he has no need to think about requesting a free credit report. Consumer advocates have praised the access to credit and CLUE reports the FACT Act allows citizens largely because of the rise in identity and data theft. However, the advocates would also like to see more done to notify people about the availability of free reports. Jones said ChoicePoint has not been negatively impacted by having to provide free CLUE reports to consumers, and the

amount of reports requested has not been more than what the company expected. “Every consumer has a right to know what information is available on them through public records,” Jones said. At www.choicetrust.com, free insurance, employment and tenant history CLUE reports can be accessed, and information on ordering the reports through the mail or on the phone is also available. Credit reports from any of the three major reporting bureaus can be found at www .annualcreditreport.com or by sending in a mail-in order form found in a brochure available at the Federal Trade Commission Web site, www.ftc.gov. For reports from Innovis, consumers may go to www.innovis.com for their free credit information. Jones said he thought the method by which a person obtains their credit or CLUE reports depends on with what the consumer feels most comfortable.

benefits community and environment By Jennifer Warner News Reporter With summer vacation in full bloom, much of San Marcos has become something of a ghost town, with most students gone without a trace except for all the unwanted belongings they left behind. The yearly ritual of student departure leaves San Marcos as sleepy and meandering as the river that runs through it and rids the town of the usual hustle and bustle that exists before students nomadically flock back to their homelands. There are the obvious changes — a sudden loss of clientele for local businesses and the surprisingly free-flowing traffic — that occur when students leave San Marcos for the summer, but members of local neighborhood associations have long complained that the days leading up to summer vacation are hectic and cause problems for other members of the community. One particular concern has been overflowing dumpsters. Four years ago, community relations director Kim Porterfield set out to develop a plan that would alleviate some of the major transition problems San Marcos experiences during moving days. In the process, she devised a program that could vastly improve the lives of many local families. The solution became “Pack It Up and Pass It On,” a program that allows students to donate unwanted items to lowincome families rather than taking them home or simply throwing them away. The program is sponsored by community relations and Residence Life, but clients of the United Way of Hays County as well as numerous other local groups are invited to “shop” the event, which was held this year on May 19. Porterfield said the event is organized like a free garage sale, and the thousands of items available to event participants include clothes, toys, electronics, appliances, bedding, rugs and household items. “I think a lot of people that we hit fall in between the cracks as far as aid goes,” Porterfield said. “They are either

working poor or unemployed, or a lot of single moms, and these are things that make their lives better and their children’s lives better.” Prior to spring final exams, barrels were placed in the lobbies of each of the school’s 20 residence halls and several university-owned apartment complexes. The barrels were then loaded into U-Haul trucks and taken to the LBJ Student Center where volunteers sorted the donated items into categories. Vo u c h e r s to attend the event were given to United Way and the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District to be passed out to families in need of assistance. For the first time this year, vouchers were also given to all Residence Life custodial staff. Vouchers were available in the community relations office located in the Alumni House and could be picked up by anyone interested in attending the event. Students who cannot afford certain necessities were not excluded from the event. Porterfield said the event is also good for the community from an environmental standpoint. More than 100 egg-crate mattress pads were donated, preventing them from being thrown away saves space in landfills. “If those would go to a landfill, they would be sitting in that landfill for hundreds of years and taking up lots of space,” Porterfield said. “So, from an environmental standpoint, it’s really good that we were able to recycle those instead of them going into the landfill.” Bobbi Carmichael, United Way of Hays County executive director, said this year’s event opened its doors at 7 a.m., and every donated item was gone within two hours. “I think this is a wonderful opportunity for people in our community who are in need and a great way for students to help out,” Carmichael said. “And (it’s) another instance of United Way partnering with universities and the community and all of us working together for everybody’s good.” Carmichael said she hopes this is an event that will

ore than 100 M egg-crate mattress pads were donated, preventing them from being thrown away and saving landfill space.

See PACK, page A-8

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Page A-8 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

SBC: Legislation may ROUNDUP: Unclaimed bicycles to be auctioned create more competition CONTINUED from page A-5

CONTINUED from page A-2

low-income areas for specific services, are a concern as well. Grant described the legislation as “a permission slip for providers to discriminate against what they call ‘low value’ customers or communities.” Acuna said redlining was not a concern. “It’s a red herring,” Acuna said. “The initial rollout is half of our service territory over the first three years. That’s a very aggressive rollout.” However, an SBC investor update states the deployment of their cable services would cover 90 percent of what they deem “high value” customers, 70 percent of “medium value” customers and only five percent of “low value” customers.

“Students would be considered low value if they spend under $200 a month on entertainment,” Grant said. Shannon Fitzpatrick, Texas State Attorney for Students, said the $200 figure sounded “a little steep”. “I don’t think it (the SBC legislation) will benefit most students,” Fitzpatrick said. SBC maintained it was not interested in redlining. “I am not familiar with that $200 figure, so I can’t offer a response to that. It’s the first time I’m hearing that one,” Acuna said. “SBC plans to reach 18 million customer locations – roughly half of our customer base — by the first half of 2008. This will reach more people far faster than any other deployment of its kind.”

BILL: Minors seeking abortions may face more legal obstacles CONTINUED from page A-5

continue to allow the judicial override and would not require parental consent if the procedure was an emergency. Sweidel said the judicial process to emancipate a minor from their parents is pushed through quickly when the girl is trying for an abortion and has demonstrated fear of abuse or harassment if parents are notified. “Anything that hinders a woman’s access to reproductive health is unfortunate,” Sweidel said. To Sweidel, it is a matter of maturity, not age, and as long as the young girl is talking to some adult, she should not be forced to tell a parent or guardian. If minors are still allowed to go

through the judicial override of the parental consent laws, Sweidel said she thought little would change in performing abortions on minors. Pojman said an abortion consent law would restore parents’ rights to have a say in their daughters’ decision just as they do with other procedures, such as piercing and tattoos. “Every other procedure performed on a minor requires parental consent,” Pojman said. “A nurse cannot dispense Tylenol to a girl at school without parental consent, yet a doctor can perform an abortion on a young girl.” The bill also includes regulations that would prohibit late-term abortions unless the woman’s life was at stake or the baby had severe brain damage.

Your friendly neighborhood watchdog.

peel the sticker off immediately because it would be hard for them to see it.” If a bicycle is picked up by UPD and not claimed within 90 days after June 15, it is donated to the university in its annual auction. Claimed bicycles will be registered with UPD before returning it to the owner, and there is no charge for storage. “It is technically 90 days, but if you come out and say, ‘this is my bike,’ we will go ahead and

give it to you,” Glenewinkel said. “We would register the bike and then release it to the owner. The only cost would be the locking device.” Bicycle registration allows the officers to get the serial number for them in case it is stolen, Glenewinkel said. Arturo Pineda, property management supervisor for the university distribution center, said the university’s annual auction is held in October and is open to the public. Auction items include bicycles, furniture, video recorders,

cameras and televisions. “The advertising is done by an auctioneer, Rodney Garner and Associates, in Waco,” Pineda said. “We have people from the university, people from out of town, and Garner has clientele from all over.” “Contrary to any rumors we (UPD) do not keep any of the funds,” Glenewinkel said. “We don’t want to collect peoples bicycles, but we can’t have people neglecting their property as well as the university’s.” Although UPD does not

keep any of the funds, Pineda said money raised in the auction is returned to the university. “It goes back into a general fund,” Pineda said. “It goes into two different types of funds, and I’m not sure what those funds are called.” “The money (from the auction) goes under each divisional vice president and gets distributed to the deans of the schools,” said Frank Gonzales, director of materials management at the university distribution center.

BASE: Closures unlikely to affect San Marcos PACK: Founder of program An estimated 1,100 air- sures that (Fort Sam Housmen will be transferred from ton) will never close,” said Army Depot, which will incur Brooks to Wright-Patterson retired Army Lt. Col. Thomas aims to expand a loss of 92 jobs and 133 indi- Air Force Base in Ohio. Compton. “You won’t be seerect jobs. Some employees will work ing it on the BRAC list anyDespite Rep. Solomon at Randolph Air Force Base, time soon.” to apartment Ortiz’s, D-Corpus Christi, and other Brooks personnel Fort Sam Houston is receivarguments that a Gulf port may stay in the city, but will ing as much as $800 million to complexes is imperative for homeland no longer be working for the accommodate the explosive

CONTINUED from page A-5

security, Navy officials believe the need to consolidate mine warfare capabilities with other fleets in San Diego, Calif. is greater. Ortiz has asked the Pentagon for a field hearing to give the Ingleside community a chance to make their case. Many residents feel that if the naval base is closed, Ingleside will become a ghost town. “The main reason Ingleside survives is because of the Navy base,” said psychology junior Jamie Anonsen, who attended high school in Corpus Christi. “If it closes, there is no reason to live there. The economy is going to shut down.” The Navy is pushing closures of eight other naval bases, including another on the Gulf Coast, and the realignment of eight major bases in order to secure an $8.4 billion savings. In San Antonio, the picture isn’t painted quite as dim. Brooks City-Base on the city’s southeast side was blacklisted in 1995, and if kept on the list this year, the Air Force will leave the facility but will leave the civilian operations, such as a shopping mall currently under construction, intact.

military. Wilford Hall Medical Center, a southside facility presently serving as an inpatient hospital, will lose its Level 1 trauma unit, one of three in the city, and become an ambulatory clinic. Most major cities have only one Level 1 trauma center. “The plan is for University Hospital and Brooke Army Medical Center to increase their emergency departments,” said Susan Campbell, a public affairs representative for Wilford Hall. “A major renovation is planned at BAMC. They will be better able to absorb more traumas.” Wilford Hall is located on Lackland Air Force Base, which is slated to be realigned in the next round of closures. The closing of the Level 1 trauma unit is not expected to negatively affect the military. Many workers at Wilford Hall will be moved to Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston on the city’s northeast side, which will become the headquarters for medical training in all military branches. BAMC will become the city’s only military inpatient hospital. “This transformation en-

growth of a work force that will soon top 30,000. Another concern many Americans are facing is closing bases in the midst of a war. While the BRAC panel is designed to cut down on excess military infrastructures that keep taxpayers handing over more money each year, some citizens aren’t satisfied with the commission’s timing. “It’s possible nowadays to move a fighting force almost anywhere in Texas in only a few hours,” said philosophy freshman Lucas McBride. “If this isn’t consolidation and is instead a thinning of one’s resources at home, that would seem to be counterintuitive during a time of conflict. But the more important question is: Are we giving our fighting forces the resources they need to support a very expensive war logistically?” The Base Realignment and Closure Commission will soon review the DOD’s recommendations and have until Sept. 8 to hand over their own recommendations to President Bush. Bases can be added or taken off the list, though few DOD recommendations have ever been overturned.

CONTINUED from page A-7

continue for many years to come. Porterfield said the event has grown each year since its inception and broken records for the number of donated items every year. This year the items filled two 26-foot U-Hauls and another smaller U-Haul that was filled entirely with rugs. Porterfield said her plans for the future of the event include branching out to off-campus apartment complexes, where members of the community would most be affected by the overflowing dumpsters and various other problems associated with moving day. Though Porterfield said she is not sure of the monetary value of the items donated, she estimated the event served approximately 1000 people. “It just really shows you that Texas State students care about the San Marcos community and are willing to donate things that they don’t need anymore,” Porterfield said. “They don’t take them home, they leave them here to benefit their neighbors, and I think that says a lot about Texas State students and their generosity.”

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The University Star - Page A-9

SHOW: Aeronautic acrobats pay tribute to Greatest Generation’s sacrifice CONTINUED from page A-3

heaviest carrier-based plane. During the war, George H.W. Bush flew a similar model. The weight and short wingspan of the Avenger made it uncomfortable to fly, said Doug Jeanes, director of the Cavanaugh Flight Museum. “I actually got a chance to talk with an engineer that worked on these planes (during World War II), and I asked him why the plane is so hard to fly,” Jeanes said. “He told me that during test flights, the engineers noticed that there was too much stress on the wings. So, to correct the problem, they just cut six inches off the flight stick.” The Cavanaugh Flight Museum is one of the largest in the state and owns the Fokker D-VII flown in the movie The Aviator. One of the largest and most pristine historical machines at the show was a B-17 nicknamed “Thunderbird.” The aircraft received extensive restoration in January 2004 and belongs to the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston. The Thunderbird is one of only 12 B-17s in flying condition; Boeing produced

more than 12,000 between 1937 and 1945. Armed to the hilt, the bomber weighed anywhere between 27 and 35 tons. Jutting from the top, sides, rear and belly of the plane are 13 menacing .50 caliber machine guns with vented barrels used to defend itself from German fighters while on bombing raids. Inside the belly of the plane were 6,000 pounds of ordinance used to level enemy territory. The Thunderbird flew 116 missions, as represented by bombs painted on the fuselage. Pilots Tom Gregory and Dan Blanchard, along with the pilot of the Douglas Skyraider Marlene, Rick Sharpe, enjoyed some shade underneath the large wing of the Thunderbird and discussed what the aircrafts represent. “The 8th Air Force and their auxiliary 9th lost 69,000 men in the war,” Sharpe said. “It was a heck of a sacrifice. That is why we are out here today; it was a sacrifice so that we can enjoy the society we have today.” B-17 pilot Blanchard agreed with Sharpe. “If you can imagine men just like you climbing into this plane, flying at 30,000 feet and freezing

to death while people are shooting at you and nothing to protect you but that thin aluminum skin,” Blanchard said. Gregory said he believes air shows like the CAF show offer a history lesson that is no longer taught in schools. “We just don’t teach this kind of history anymore,” Gregory said. “It was such a different time growing up back then, and we are glad young people don’t have to experience it, but we need to teach them about the sacrifices of these men. You know, it’s because of planes like these that we don’t speak German today.” Next to the B-17 were several B-25 Mitchell bombers. On April 18, 1942, 16 of these aircrafts flew from the carrier U.S.S. Hornet on the first bombing run into Tokyo. Led by Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle, the pilots embarked on what was thought of by many as a suicide mission to retaliate for the attack on Pearl Harbor. Lt. Col. Dick Cole, Doolittle’s co-pilot, was one of the honorees at the air show. Cole remembers the raid well. “There were about 80 fighters circling us, but we got our bombs dropped and got out of there

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alive,” Cole said. “That was really a turning point of the war.” Among the other honorees at the show were members of the 500th squadron of the Air Apaches called the “Rough Raiders.” Army Air Force veteran Bill Cavoli talked with fellow veteran Ben Muller about Muller’s capture and imprisonment in a Japanese POW camp. “The Japs would have slit your throat at the drop of a hat,” Cavoli said. “He’s one of the few to make it out alive. How did you do that, Ben?” Muller did not hesitate. “The atomic bomb saved my life,” Muller said. The pair joked with their fellow honorees about which squadron was the best while signing books and artistic prints of their bombers. Sandy Sansing, a fighter pilot veteran of three wars, talked about being taken in by the French after his plane was shot down over Germany. “As soon as I got hit, I headed back to England. The French picked me up, and that was two weeks after the invasion. Pretty soon, the Germans began running back to Germany. I saw

them riding cows and donkeys. Any way they could get back to Germany, they tried,” Sansing said. Sansing spent three months in Europe until he returned to the United States. He was in the Air Force for 31 years. After the veterans paraded around the audience in World War II-era Jeeps, the show took to the sky. The air show was officially opened when four sky jumpers from the South Texas Organized Parachutists jumped from a Douglas C-47 “Sky Train” nicknamed “Bluebonnet Belle.” The flag jumper, Steve Lucas, released his Ram-Air canopy and slowly descended with the American and Texan flags in tow. The opening act included seven homebuilt planes flying in tight formations. The planes grouped into L, arrow, airplane, delta and cluster formations and moved as one in a figure-8 pattern over the runway. The final pass consisted of a doubleV formation with each plane taking turns “pitching out,” or rapidly peeling away from the formation. Another acrobatic presenta-

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tion consisted of a single, bi-wing plane performing stunts such as a hammerhead stall in which the pilot pulls back hard on the stick, climbs until his airspeed reaches zero and turns the plane either left or right and plummets toward the ground. The pilot also performed barnstormers, a one-half Q8 turnaround and a four-point barrel roll. The show continued with a performance by CAF pilots recreating some of the biggest air battles in World War II history. The air show concluded with a recreation of the attack of Pearl Harbor, complete with bomb explosions simulated by charges on the ground. While the audience set up folding chairs and scrambled for any available shade to watch the air performances, many enjoyed talking to the honorees and hearing their stories. “It was so interesting talking (to the veterans) about their experiences,” said psychology senior Ann Hawn. “You learn so much just by listening to their stories and asking them questions; you can really get a feel for what the world was like back then, not just the war.”

All prices are taken from the respective websites of University Bookstore and Colloquium. Prices are for books being used for Summer I classes at Texas State University-San Marcos. They represent a cross-section of titles being used by various departments and class levels. Each student should compare prices based on his/her own class schedule. (NA means the price was not available.)

Summer Hours: Monday Friday 8 a.m. 5 p.m. 512.245.2273

For more information or to join the Mitte Honors Program, contact us at 512-245-2266 or via email at honors@txstate.edu. Visit us in the Academic Services Building South, Room 317 or online at www.txstate.edu/honors.

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Page A-10 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

OLYMPICS: Athletes play for principle CONTINUED from page A-2

the torch run. Athletes participated in basketball, cycling, soccer, tennis, equestrian, gymnastics and athletics. Hundreds of participants took shelter in the shade of Sewell Park, which was converted into the Athlete Park, with booths ranging from cow milking to free health screenings. Many of the booths provided participants with free water, ice cream, cotton candy and other snacks. Athlete Park also had games set up such as javelin or free throw. Cloe Carson, administrative assistant for Campus Activities, said that though fewer student organizations participated this year than in past years, the

university’s help has flourished over the past two years. “I think it is because a lot of people are home for summer, and it is right after finals, that not that many student organizations are here,” Carson said. Some students volunteered, like Jessica Gloria, education junior. Gloria said she heard about the Special Olympics from her health professor and decided to help out. Danielle Rodriguez, education junior, said the Special Olympics is something more people should take part in, especially because it was held in San Marcos. “They are not out here for the competition; everyone is out here to have fun,” Rodriguez said.

Montague expressed his admiration for the athletes who participated for the principle, not for the competition. “These kids — their outlook on life is unbelievable,” said Montague, a survivor of colon cancer. Montague’s sentiment echoed that of many of those attending the Special Olympics, whose disabilities did not prevent them from enjoying the camaraderie of the games. Abbott shared his own perspective on people overcoming disabilities by recalling how he became disabled. “I was disabled when a large tree fell on me during my morning run,” Abbott said. “But I’m still here, and I am blessed to be at the Special Olympics today.”

Courtney Addison/ Star photos

Clockwise from bottom left: (1) The 2005 Special Olympics opening ceremonies featured a vast number of local and state law enforcement officers and the San Marcos Junior Air Force ROTC. (2) Two athletes embrace during the national anthem on May 21. (3) The event offered athletes a variety of sports in which to compete. From track and field to basketball, tennis to gymnastics, the weekend was filled with strong performances from the participants. (4) From the parade of Olympians and special guests to dancing and the lighting of the torch, the Special Olympics’ opening ceremony was an exciting start to a weekend of athleticisim. (5) Christopher Garza from Deer Park practices throwing a javelin May 20 during Special Olympics.

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