06 28 2006

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River City Wrestling brings territorial wrestling back to San Antonio

Texas State emcee, Zeale32, shoots music video at Emo’s Lounge



JUNE 28, 2006

Blaze at Aquarena Springs destroys historic structure By Bradley Childers The University Star A fire destroyed the historic replica of General Edward Burleson’s cabin on Friday night at the Aquarena Center. San Marcos Fire Rescue crews were notified of the fire at 9:37 p.m. and arrived on the scene at 9:42 p.m. The blaze was completely extinguished within an hour, but not before it reduced the cabin, which had parts that were more than 150 years old, into a pile of blackened wood. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but is under investigation. San Marcos Fire Rescue Captain Rick Rowell said the flames reached as high as 55 feet. “It was visible from quite a ways away,” Rowell said. “One of my incoming units from the other side of town said they saw the flames from the interstate.” Olivia Alley, anthropology graduate student, said she saw the blaze from the street while driving down Aquarena Springs Drive. “It looked like the tops of the trees were on fire,” Alley said. Ron Coley, director of the Aquarena Center, said he was shocked when he found out on Saturday morning that the cabin had been destroyed. “I’m almost struck by a sense of loss,” Coley said. “I was very much looking forward to how they incorporate a restoration of the replica as being a part of what we plan on doing in the future.” The cabin, which sat atop a hill overlooking the Aquarena Center, was surrounded by trees, complicating the situation for the firefighters. “There’s a lot of air around those leaves,” Rowell said. “So when the canopy of the trees around the cabin caught fire, that shot flames quite a bit up in the air.” The cabin replica was built in 1964, but parts of the original 1848 cabin were used in its reconstruction. “There was 1848 timber that’s been drying ever since,” Rowell said. “So, there was a fuel load – more stuff to burn.” Rowell said the age of the building made the fire extinguishment unique, citing a lack of flame-retardant sheetrock in the antique structure. “In modern construction, we have fire-resistant walls,” Rowell said. “You can have 30 minutes of direct flame impingement on the sheetrock before it’ll break down enough to allow the flames to get into the wooden structural components of a building. Every bit of it is combustible. I believe it even had a cedar-shingled roof.” Modern structures have their own difficulties, Rowell said. “In modern homes and businesses, a lot of the furniture that’s inside is made out of hydrocarbons,” he said. “So the plastic in your carpet, your entertainment center and your TV burns hotter than


No rain equals pain for Texas David Saleh Rauf The University Star Editor’s Note: This story is the first part of a series on drought conditions and water conservation in South Central Texas. For more than a year now, Texas has undergone one of the driest periods on record, creating critical — and in some cases, desperate conditions. Throughout the state, farmers and ranchers are losing crops, cattle and cash; wildfires have ravaged millions of acres of land; aquifers, reservoirs and other sources of water across the state are experiencing steadily decreasing levels and municipalities are invoking water restrictions. Since October 2005, most of Texas has been afflicted by low rainfall amounts and aboveaverage temperatures, creating what many believe is one of the worst dry-spells in the state’s history. “The area of South Central Texas is probably one of the worst off areas in the country right now,” said Brian Fuchs, National Drought Mitigation Center climatologist. “We have parts of South Central Texas gauged as exceptional drought right now, which is labeled ‘D4’ on our drought monitoring map, and that is categorized in our terms as a one-in-50-year event. A lot of people have stated that conditions in South Texas



Drought, global warming scorch Texas

DANGER haven’t been this bad since the big droughts of the 1950s.” Drought is one of the most difficult natural hazards to understand because its definition and the subsequent impacts

vary from region to region, Fuchs said. “Drought is a very complex issue and a clear definition is not really out there,” he said. “Scientifically speaking, it is de-

Report: Texas shows greatest carbon dioxide Friedman, Strayhorn to increase in U.S. appear on November gubernatorial ballot

rived from a lack of precipitation. That’s about as simple as you can put it, but after that, it gets very complex,” he said. “We See DROUGHT, page 3

See BLAZE, page 4

By Nick Georgiou The University Star

David Saleh Rauf The University Star Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams announced on Thursday that independent gubernatorial candidates Kinky Freidman and Carole Keeton Strayhorn have raised sufficient voter signatures to have their names appear on the November statewide general election ballot. To make the ballot, independent candidates were required by state law to submit 45,540 signatures by May 11 from voters who did not participate in the primary or runoff elections. Friedman’s petition drive collected signatures over a 62-day period, submitting a total 170,258 signatures, of which 137,154 signatures were certified, consequently yielding three times the minimum amount of valid signatures needed. “We’re very pleased with the percent of valid signatures. We knew it would be challenging,” Laura Stromberg, press secretary for Friedman, said. “The success of our petition drive shows that the people of Texas are speaking loud and clear.” State Comptroller Strayhorn submitted approximately 223,000 signatures. 49 percent, 108,512 signatures, were validated as meeting all the state requirements. “We think they’re playing some games. We verified 183,439 signatures,” Brad McClellan, campaign manager for Strayhorn, said. “We’re not going to take the secretary of Rick Perry’s word on anything. It’s really absurd that it took this long. We knew we were going to be on the ballot. We verified the signatures ourselves.” Despite the low percentage of validated petition signatures, McClellan said that the upcoming election is going to be a two-person race between Carole Keeton Strayhorn and Gov. Rick Perry. “It’s really going to come down to the people of Texas are going to have a clear choice now in November — four more years of the failed leadership and the failed policies of Rick Perry or Carole Keeton Strayhorn’s long-term solutions,” he said. “It’s pretty clear there’s one person with both, what I call, the right priorities and the common sense priorities and the resources to take on Rick Perry.” Stromberg said the Staryhorn campaign is “sticking their heads in the sand” by denying the “fact that there’s a very clear viable independent in this race.” The success of the Friedman petition drive, StromSee BALLOT, page 5

Today’s Weather

Sunny 95˚/67˚

Precipitation: 10% Humidity: 37% UV: 10+ High Wind: E 7 mph

In the past few years energybased pollution problems have sparked a demand for alternative energy sources. “We know that by investing in smarter technologies, making our power plants and cars more efficient, investing in renewable energy like wind power, solar power, geothermal and biomass, we can dramatically reduce the amount of global warming pollution,” Metzger said. Mary Waters, geography senior and president of the Texas State National Association of Environmental Professionals, said global warming is a serious issue for the entire world. “It especially affects Texas because of its increasing population and its warm climate,” Waters said. According to the report, global warming threatens to

A report released on Friday by the activist group Environmental Texas indicates the state of Texas has been ranked No.1 in the nation for the largest overall increase in carbon dioxide emissions, jumping 178 percent between 1960 and 2001. The report titled “The Carbon Boom” indicates power plants and cars constitute for approximately 80 percent of increased coal and oil emissions. “We saw a dramatic increase in pollution from the combustion of oil, mostly from the transportation sector and also from the combustion of coal from the power plants,” said Luke Metzger, Environmental Texas advocate.

Armando Sanchez/Star photo HOT TOPIC: Luke Metzger, advocate for the non-profit organization Environment Texas, explains the increasing problem of global warming in Texas Friday outside the Federal Building in downtown Austin.

raise sea levels in Texas and cause severe droughts and heat waves. Pieter Tans, Chief Scientist of Climate Monitoring at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said the threat of a more active hurricane season is very real due to rising sea temperatures. “Warmer oceans are very likely to spawn stronger hurricanes,” Tans said. “We’re al-

ready paying the price. It’s not cost-free to do nothing.” Metzger attributes the lack of government action to groups who he says have spread misinformation about global warming. He said there is no debate about the science being presented. “Just yesterday, the National Research Council, which is the See WARMING, page 3

Council approves $480,000 City Hall renovation project By Clayton Medford The University Star In a rare move, San Marcos City Manager Dan O’Leary asked the city council at its June 20 meeting to reject a bid his office solicited to renovate portions of City Hall. The council voted to go forward with the project but only after members expressed concern about O’Leary’s request. “You need to be able to come to us when you need something and we will decide,” San Marcos

Mayor Susan Narvaiz said to O’Leary. The $480,000 project will fund “interior remodeling of the administration office, legal department, expansion of the server room and remodel the (information technology) offices to accommodate additional personnel and space reallocation of these departments,” according to a city document. O’Leary said the project could restrict funds the city may need for other projects in which the council has expressed interest.

Two-day Forecast Thursday Mostly Sunny Temp: 94°/ 69° Precipitation: 20%

Friday Partly Cloudy Temp: 91°/ 70° Precipitation: 20%

He cited the high bids for improvements to Post Road as one reason not to renovate city offices. “We went out and got a good bid. We have the money to do this project,” O’Leary said. “But I couldn’t in good conscience come to the council and say this is the right project at this place and time.” Narvaiz said the failure to address immediate needs of the city administration could result in less efficiency. O’Leary told the mayor he did not know how



News ..............1-5 Trends .............6-8 Crossword ......... 8 Sudoku .............. 8

Comics .............. 8 Opinions ............ 9 Classifieds ....... 10 Sports ......... 11,12

the renovation project would affect city services but assured the council that it would not disrupt daily operations. Councilman John Diaz said the manager’s office needs to be more careful when soliciting bids for city projects. “When you go out for a bid like this, it costs businesses time and money,” Diaz said. Councilman John Thomaides echoed his colleagues’ comments, saying the city should See COUNCIL, page 5

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

Wednesday in Brief

June 28, 2006

starsof texas state Christopher J. Frost, Texas State department of psychology faculty member and director of the university’s Mitte Honors Program, has been named Piper Professor for 2006 by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation. Frost was named Piper Professor on May 1 in honor of his dedication and service to teaching at the collegiate

level, joining 14 other professors to represent 15 universities nationwide. In addition to his appointment in the department of psychology, Frost directs the university’s endowed Mitte Honors Program, leads the university-wide Common Experience and directs Study Abroad programs.

News Contact — David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of

Wax On...

STARS OF TEXAS STATE POLICY Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.


cated at 107 East Martin in San Antonio.

June 1 through June 31

July 10

Reminder from Financial Aid: This is your last chance to consolidate your loans to lock in a low interest rate for the life of your loan. The interest rate will rise to 6.8% on July 1, 2006, Consolidate even if you will still be attending school. No fees are involved and Consolidation is free. Apply for a direct loan consolidation at: www.dlservicer. ed.gov/consolidatenow/welcome.asp.

Summer II classes begin on July 10.

June 28

La Vida Brinca/Life Jumps is an ongoing exhibit displaying the photography of Bill Wittliff. The gallery is open daily at the Alkek Library.

Transfer Student Orientation will be today. June 30 There will be a percussion recital by Stefan Cadra at 8 p.m. on Friday at the recital hall. Admission is free. July 2 Exponential Presents: The Puro Style Dance Party. There will be indie, rock, experimental, electronic music and the bands Viv Vega, Theory of Everything and Silent Whig of Thunder will perform from 8 a.m. to noon. Cover is $5 and you will receive a free mix CD. Tell a friend or bring a date to Ruta Maya, lo-

On This Day...

Arts & Entertainment

1836 - Former President James Madison dies.


1888 - Robert Louis Stevenson sets sail for the South Seas.

J. Frank Dobie: Mr. Texas is an ongoing exhibit detailing the life and times of the famous Texas author. The gallery is open daily at the Alkek Library.

CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

Got dirt? Send your news tips to us at starnews@txstate.edu

1972 - Nixon announces draftees will not go to Vietnam.

Monty Marion/Star photo Digital and Photographic Imaging Senior George Spiller ads another layer to his sculpture by dripping melting candle wax in various places around his metal and fabric structure at the Mitte Complex Tuesday afternoon.

CRIME BL TTER University Police Department June 22, 5:46 p.m. Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Criminal Trespass Warning/Sewell Park An officer came in contact with two non-students for possession of marijuana. One non-student was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia. Both non-students were issued criminal trespass warnings. The non-students were transported to the Hays County Law Enforcement Center and to Juvenile Detention. June 21, 10:41 p.m.

Information/Bobcat Village A student reported to an officer that she was receiving threatening e-mails. A report was made of the incident. June 21, unknown hour Burglary of Habitation/ Clear Springs Apartments A student reported that his personal property had been stolen. This case is under investigation. June 20, 11:06 p.m. Warrant Service, Open Container/Holland Street at Ranch Road 12 An officer came in contact with a non-student for a traffic violation. Upon further investigation the non-student was arrested for a warrant for

an expired driver license. The non-student was transported to HCLEC to await magistration. The non-student was issued a citation for an open container. San Marcos Police Department June 23, 3 a.m. Evading Arrest/East Access Road of Highway 123 Male subject arrested for outstanding warrant and evading arrest or detention. June 22, 5:32 p.m. Driving With License Suspended/705 River Road An officer made an arrest for driving with an invalid license following a traffic stop.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

Daily Beat Multicultural Student Affairs to host ‘The American Picnic’ Multicultural Student Affairs is hosting Mama’s Kitchen Friday, June 30 at noon in George’s on the first floor of the LBJ Student Center. Once a month during the spring and fall semesters, MSA hosts a themed luncheon for students, free of charge. June’s Mama’s Kitchen is the only luncheon that MSA will host during the summer and the theme is “The American Picnic.” Friday, students will enjoy barbecue, fried chicken, salads and many other essential picnic foods. MSA could not host this event throughout the year without the support of the Mentoring Program and the Diversity Team. In addition, many generous members of the Student Affairs staff lend their efforts in preparing home-cooked dishes for the event. Multicultural Student Affairs would like to extend an invitation to Texas State students join them at “The American Picnic” this Friday. — Courtesy of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The University Star - Page 3

DROUGHT: Water restrictions help conserve WARMING: Fear of water, reduce outdoor use within city limits economic downturn CONTINUED from page 1

start looking at drought in terms of impacts. How is the lack of precipitation impacting a particular area, what groups of people are being impacted; is it strictly agriculturally related or is it also creeping into affecting people in municipalities, such as towns and cities and water supply issues?” Fuchs said the rainfall amounts were normal in Texas until midOctober of last year, when the La Niña weather pattern kicked in, causing warmer than normal temperatures coupled with lower than normal precipitation amounts around South Central Texas and much of the southern part of the United States. “Parts of the U.S. are seeing some of their warmest average temperatures for the year so far that have ever been recorded,” he said. “You couple warm temperature along with the dry patterns that were sustained for several months and it didn’t take much to slip that area of Texas in some pretty serious drought conditions.” Mark Lenz, senior service hydrologist at the National Weather Service, said La Niña can influence other weather patterns in the vicinity, resulting in “upperhigh level pressure that will sit over an area and act like lid on a pot of water.” “It caps the atmosphere,” Lenz said. “It compresses everything and does not allow for any vertical development, so we get fewer showers and thunderstorms to develop.” La Niña was in place during late 2005 and the first couple of months of 2006 and has since subsided, creating a “neutral” condition where the region is currently not affected by La Niña or El Niño. Although La Niña has currently diminished, the South Central region of Texas is still well below its annual rainfall average. Lenz said the 30-year average for the region is 32.92 inches; last year only 16.54 inches of rain was accounted for. “We only had about half of the rainfall that we normally would have had,” he said.


ou couple warm temperature along with the dry patterns that were sustained for several months and it didn’t take much to slip that area of Texas in some pretty serious drought conditions.”

— Brian Fuchs, National Drought Mitigation Center climatologist

As of June 20, the total rainfall amount for South Central Texas in 2006 was 9.16 inches; the norm for this time of year is 15.74 inches. Lens said the current dry conditions will most likely continue. “The climate prediction center is also calling for the drought to persist through September,” he said. “That doesn’t mean we won’t have small improvements in the short term, but long term they’re looking for it to persist.” Extended periods of drought, such the current one, also create adverse effects on water supplies. The Edwards Aquifer currently supplies water to approximately 1.5 million people in San Antonio, while springs from the Aquifer feed both the Comal and San Marcos rivers, which, in turn, feed the Guadalupe River system. The aquifer depends upon rainwater for its main source of recharge. Roland Ruiz, Edwards Aquifer Authority public relations official, said there are two major issues the EAA is currently dealing with: water coming into the aquifer and water exiting of the aquifer. “Because we don’t have rainfall, we are not receiving enough recharge to meet the demand that is coming out of the aquifer,” Ruiz said. “On the other hand, because it is dry, the demand for water — what is being withdrawn from

the aquifer — goes up. You have those two factors at play, which put stress on the aquifer and that’s why we tend to see aquifer levels decline more rapidly during hot summer months than any other point.” To assist with the recharge process, Ruiz said, the EAA has constructed dams that will withhold runoff water so that it can make its way into the recharge rather than just running off downstream. “We can’t do too much about the amount of rainfall that falls but what we can do is try to capture as much of that rainfall as we can and filter it into the aquifer itself,” he said. The EAA has also participated in cloud-seeding missions, which is when silver iodine capsules are released via airplane into rain clouds, to further enhance the chance of rain. However, the results of the cloud-seeding missions are inconclusive, Ruiz said. “The evaluation process for us is not yet an exact science. We can’t pinpoint exactly the overall effect,” he said. “We do know that it seems to enhance rain, but we’re not at the point yet where we can say definitively how much.” The aquifer levels at the J-17 Well at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, which is considered the index well that authorities monitor to trigger mandatory water restrictions, is currently hovering around 653 feet above average sea level — approximately 30 feet below last year’s level. “That tells you that a couple of things have been at play,” Ruiz said. “Either aquifer pumpage has gone up or recharge has gone down. In this case we know that because of the drought, recharge has not been there like it has been in the past.” Along with well levels, springflow is also monitored and drastic reductions in the cubic feet per second measurement can trigger the EAA to invoke mandatory water restrictions. Currently, springflow levels at all three area rivers — the Guadalupe, Comal and San Marcos — are all well below average. The San Marcos springs is currently flowing at 126 cfs; last year at this

time the springflow was around 228 cfs. “If we reach the point where for five consecutive days where the running average of the spring flow rates drop below 110 cfs, it puts us in a position where we call Stage 1 of water restrictions,” he said. “The authority has not declared stage one at this point. If the Edwards Authority were to declare stage one it would become mandatory for every municipality throughout the region within our jurisdiction.” Although the EAA has not mandated Stage 1 water restrictions throughout the region, the city of San Marcos and New Braunfels have voluntarily invoked the first stage of their respective Drought Response Plans and have issued outdoor watering restrictions. San Marcos city officials can enact stage1 water restrictions when the aquifer measures between 660 and 650 feet; on June 16, the aquifer level was measured at 651.5 feet, causing officials to implement Stage 1 water restrictions, effective June 19. Under Stage 1 water restrictions residents, are prohibited from holding charity car washes, draining swimming pools, using sprinklers between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. and at-home car washing is limited to designated days. “Most of the restrictions are really aimed at outdoor use, because in the summer time that’s the big one we’re trying to decrease,” city of San Marcos water conservation coordinator Jan Klein said. Klein said irrigation is the most important thing for resident to consider in the summer months. “There’s a lot of people that just really over irrigate,” she said. “I think people just really need to become educated on how much water their grass or their plants actually need.” Stage 2 water restrictions for the city of San Marcos are currently pending. “It seems likely that it’s going to happen this year,” Klein said. “Now, obviously that can change if it starts raining a whole lot or if we just get a big huge rain event, but it seems pretty likely that we’re probably going to go into Stage 2.”

hinders regulation CONTINUED from page 1

main, preeminent scientific body, presented to Congress, once again, further proof that global warming is happening; that humans are the major contributors to the increase in global warming,” Metzger said. “It’s not a lack of science, it’s a lack of political will.” Environmental Texas and other organizations have called for mandatory reductions in global warming. However, the federal government so far has rejected mandatory pollution limits due to the effect they think it will have on the economy. Tans said it is unfortunate that oil companies, automakers and electric utility companies have lobbied against common sense solutions to fight global warming. “For example, Exxon Mobile, in 1998 and 2004, spent $15 million in contributions to groups trying to confuse the public about the science, about the solutions to global warming,” Metzger said. “It’s really unfortunate that the public hears this misinformation from industry groups, even though the vast majority of scientists agree.” One group that Metzger referred to is the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a non-profit public policy organization, who, according to their website, are “dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government.” CEI recently produced two commercials which claim the threat of climate disaster due to energy use is unfounded. CEI’s Website states they want to “counter the flood of scare stories on global warming.” One of those advertisements, which has aired in Austin, talks about the benefits of carbon dioxide use and “how the effort to label carbon dioxide as a pollutant will have a negative, and unnecessary, impact on our lives.” CEI did not return phone calls from The University Star. The scientific community, however, believes the problem is an overabundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by human activity. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, absorbs infrared radiation, which consequently heats up the earth’s surface. The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more radiation is absorbed. “We can actually calculate this with a very large amount of confidence,” said Tans, who has researched the global carbon cycle for several decades and has published more than 100 reports on the subject. He said the concentration of carbon dioxide has been fluctuating over the last one million years but has increased substantially in the last century. “We know why,” he said. “Because we are burning fossil fuels. There is zero doubt about that.” Although some believe imposing restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions would adversely affect the economy, Tans said, limiting carbon dioxide emissions would not be “economically devastating,” citing Sweden as an example. Between 1972 and the early 1990s, he said, the country managed to curb the emissions of carbon dioxide in half and have had no noticeable affects on their gross domestic product. “So it is possible, but of course, there was a government policy to go with it,” Tans said. “We’re just seeing the beginning of this. I know there are people in denial about this, because it’s unpleasant to recognize. The longer people deny this, the more of a risk we run.”


Page 4 - The University Star

BLAZE: Difficult terrain, flammable materials hinder firefighters

Photo Courtesy of Ron Coley/Aquarena Center TORCHED HISTORY: San Marcos Fire Rescue crews battled 55-foot high flames when the replica of General Burleson’s Cabin went up in flames Friday at the Aquarena Center. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.

CONTINUED from page 1

wood. The cabin, all that was there, was natural. It was just wood, leaf litter and that sort of thing.” Despite the loss of the cabin, Coley said he is remaining optimistic about the potential for future interest in General Burleson. “There’s a part of me that thinks well, maybe this incident will revive a sense of just who General Burleson was. How important he was to Texas and how important he

was to the city of San Marcos,” Coley said. “If this loss is what triggers that resurgence in interest, then maybe this can be a real positive thing.” General Burleson was one of the heroes of the Texas Revolution, commanding the Texan First Regiment at the battle of San Jacinto and accepting the surrender of one of Santa Anna’s highest ranking officers. Another remaining possession of Burleson’s is his pistol, which can be viewed at the San Jacinto Museum of History in Houston.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rio Vista gets new look, new name By Leah Kirkwood The University Star A community party celebrating the transformation of the once-damaged Rio Vista Dam to the newly renovated Rio Vista Falls Wednesday, June 21 commemorated the name change and introduced two new park preservation programs. In a brief speech, San Marcos Mayor Susan Narvaiz announced the name change, suggested by City Councilman John Thomaides, and commented on the success of the renovation, calling Rio Vista Falls, “the best project in San Marcos history.” “Take Pride, it’s Yours,” Narvaiz said. “This is the new slogan for our rivers and parks system.” Thomaides said he visits the tube chutes everyday, and his personal experience with the rapids helped him coin the new name. “If you sit in those two big rocks just below the first set of falls and you watch people come through, you’re right at eye level with the water, and it really looks like a waterfall,” he said. “We just thought it was a cooler name than Rio Vista Dam.” Narvaiz also announced the launch of two new programs that encourage the community to get involved with park preservation. The Citizens Park Patrol allows adult volunteers to help keep local parks clean and safe. “They will assist Park Rangers in educating people about how special our parks and rivers are,” Narvaiz said. The second program, the Junior Park Rangers, inspires children to get involved in river and park clean-up initiatives. “The Junior Park Rangers program is for classes, scout troops, and other groups to participate in park clean-ups and will educate our young people about taking care of our parks and rivers,” Narvaiz said. “It’s all about starting the mentality of preservation at a young age.” Narvaiz ended the event by dedicating a tree in the park to the memory of Ivar Gunnarson, owner of the San Marcos River Pub and Grill restaurant that overlooks Rio Vista Falls. The date marked the one-year anni-

Monty Marion/ Star photo FREE TUBIN’: William Hinkson of the San Marcos Lions Club hands out free tubes to people in attendance during the Rio Vista Dam community party June 21.

versary of his death. “Ivar was as unique as this river,” Narvaiz said. “Perhaps with this tree, Ivar will keep an eye on his River Pub and this river.” Several members of the Gunnarson family attended the dedication ceremony. Ivar’s daughter Kim Gunnarson said her father would have approved of the change in scenery from his restaurant’s patio. “He’d be so overwhelmed and so ecstatic about everything,” Gunnarson said. “It’s just beautiful.” Partygoers enjoyed complimentary food and fun provided by several city departments and organizations. Booth workers and residents alike echoed the mayor’s message of park and river preservation. San Marcos resident Lori Tapia attended the community celebration to see the completed Rio Vista Falls project for the first time. “This was a good day to come see what everything was about,” Tapia said. “We’ve been driving by it, and we came when they were starting it to look at it progressively as it was getting done.” Tapia said the chutes will bring more people to the river

and that residents should be concerned about keeping the parks clean. “Hopefully, they’ll want to keep it the way it looks now,” Tapia said. The San Marcos Lions Club offered free tubes to show support for the new programs. “As you can see, we’re very conscious and very concerned about the river and all the littering that’s been going on, so we feel very strongly about what’s going to happen here,” said Mike Rhoades, Lions Club vice president. “Hopefully, people will have a little pride and understand that we need to take care of the river and keep it clean.” The San Marcos Fire and Rescue Department gave children tours of two fire trucks. “We have just spent a lot of tax-payer dollars improving one of the most beautiful areas in the whole state of Texas,” fire chief Mike Baker said. “What we have is a jewel, and to have a brand new park facility like this is worth celebrating.” Baker said it’s important for residents to know that Rio Vista Falls belongs to them. “We need their help in making sure that it stays a nice park,” he said.

Thomaides, while anxiously waiting to jump into the water, encouraged park visitors to make an effort in keeping the river clean. “Even if it’s not your trash, the message is to pick it up and put it in the trashcan,” Thomaides said. “There are about a dozen trashcans here, and every little piece of trash that is not in a trashcan ends up in the river.” The San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance is a nonprofit group that promotes the development of green spaces in San Marcos. President Todd Derkacz roasted marshmallows for smores as other members of the group passed out maps and park information brochures. “One of the things that is most important when thinking about our green spaces, when thinking about our parks, is a sense of stewardship,” Derkacz said. He explained what he calls the “ethic” of entering natural areas, which requires visitors to pick up after themselves. “We need to see (the park) as a living breathing thing, because it is that, and we need to take care of it because it’s not just for us, but it’s for many, many generations after us if we are good stewards,” Derkacz said.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006


berg said, is an indication that it does not take a lot of money to do well, citing Comptroller Strayhorn as pursuing the ballot initiative the way a typical politician would. “She threw money at it and ultimately wasn’t as successful. “We never intended to, nor do we intend, to keep up with Perry or Strayhorn financially,” Stromberg said. “This petition drive is a perfect example of what you can do when people, not money, are running the show. The last time we checked people vote; money does not.” Along with the two independent candidates, voters will have three other options to choose from, including GOP Gov. Rick Perry, Democratic nominee Chris Bell and Libertarian Party contender James Werner, marking the broadest field since the 1974 gubernatorial election. Crystal Perkins, public relations junior and intern for the Friedman campaign, said that having more than two candidates helps ensure that everyone’s voice is being accurately represented. “The more people you have, the more opinions you have, the more you can identify with one candidate and feel that they are really speaking your voice,” she said. Whether voters will respond to the increased number of candidate’s and take to the polls on election day remains a pivotal concern for all of the candidates. Stromberg said the upcoming race, and the Friedman campaign inparticular, will depend heavily on voter turnout, citing the fact that only “29 percent of Texas voted” in the last gubernatorial election. “If some of those 71 percent get of the couch and go to the polls on election day, they’re not going to be coming to re-elect Ricky Perry.”


“hold off (soliciting bids) until we’re absolutely sure” a project is necessary. Councilmen Gaylord Bose and John Thomaides were the only members to vote to reject the proposal. Fraye Stokes, owner of Stokes Construction, whose company was awarded the contract at the end of May, said that while the company bid for the renovation contract they were kept from bidding on other work. Rejection wouldn’t have prevented them from continuing to work with the city. “We want to do the work,” Stokes said. Stokes said that since the costs of supplies “go up daily,” the cost of the project would have changed if it were significantly delayed. Councilman Chris Jones said aesthetic improvements to city offices are important. “Everything you presented to us, we need. When we present ourselves to potential businesses coming in to San Marcos and we have cramped spaces … we look bad,” Jones said.

Page 5 - The University Star

Program to offer free, rapid HIV testing By A.N. Hernández Scripps Howard Foundation Wire WASHINGTON — Three years ago, Tom Donohue went to his doctor for routine tests, including an HIV test, although he had no indication he was sick. But instead getting his results in the mail or a quick phone call, the doctor asked him to come back. He had bad news — Donohue was HIV positive. Donohue, now 27, said he still has no symptoms. “I just started medication a week ago, only more as a precaution,” he said. “I am very healthy, and I reflect back three years ago when I found out I was positive and understand that for the last three years I could potentially be putting people at risk if I had not been tested.” Donohue, of State College, Pa., is the founder and executive director of Who’s Positive, an organization that strives to reduce HIV transmission through the personal stories of HIVpositive people. He is here to speak at National HIV Testing Day on Tuesday.

Eighteen mayors from across the country have invited residents to get tested on this day, including D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, Houston Mayor Bill White, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin. Thousands of organizations and clinics nationwide will organize testing and counseling efforts, many for free. “HIV testing is expensive for some people if it’s not free. If it’s free, it’s another step to get everyone to know their HIV status,” said June Pollydore, coordinator of National HIV Testing Day events at the Women’s Collective in Washington. On Tuesday, Pollydore said the organization will have free, rapid HIV testing, which gives results in 20 minutes. Also available as incentives will be counseling, staff presentations, grab bags of toiletries and free chicken meals. National HIV Testing Day was launched in 1995 by the National Association of People with AIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other orga-


IV testing is expensive for some people if it’s not free. If it’s free, it’s another step to get everyone to know their HIV status.”

— June Pollydore, coordinator of National HIV Testing Day

nizations hoping to curb the pandemic. In the U.S., the CDC estimates that a million people are living with HIV and an estimated 25 percent do not know they are infected. Miguel Aguero, coordinator of National HIV Testing Day, said these numbers should inspire people to be tested. “Once you know your status, if you are HIV negative, you will know what to do to remain negative, and, if you are tested and you are positive you will know that you

will have to seek medical treatment,” Aguero said. Aguero, 40, has worked with NAPWA for two years. He said people should use National HIV Testing Day as an excuse to be tested and to overcome any stigma associated with HIV testing. A 2004 Kaiser Family Foundation study found about three in every 10 people said they would be very concerned that people would think less of them if they found out they were tested for HIV. By 2006, that number had dropped to about one-fifth. “The troubling part about getting tested for HIV, in general, is that someone going in for an HIV test suggests that they may be positive. The testing initiatives launched in the next weeks will help against that,” Donohue said. He was referring to the District of Columbia’s sixmonth campaign to test all residents ages 14 to 84 for HIV. Experts say the effort is unprecedented. Regan Hofmann recently disclosed her status as a woman with HIV after years of writing anonymously for

the magazine POZ, which covers HIV issues. At a National HIV Testing Day press conference Monday, she said she waited years for the stigma surrounding the virus to subside, and when it didn’t she decided to share her story. Hofmann, named POZ editor in chief earlier this year, said that, because she was tested and diagnosed early — 10 years ago — she has been able to live longer. “The thing about being tested, it’s like any other health concern. If you know your status early, you have a better chance of survival, and of getting treatment,” she said. “What happens with a lot of people is they find out way down the road, when they have an opportunistic infection, so the importance of early testing is huge. ”

For more information on testing centers participating in National HIV Testing Day across the country, visit www.hivtest.org.

Business students earn national accreditation By Magen Gray The University Star Texas State University Students in Free Enterprise, SIFE, followed the statement in SIFE’s learning philosophy, “Involve me and I will learn,” by completing 38 San Marcos community projects, winning their 2006 SIFE USA Regional Competition and placing in three individual topic competitions on May 21 through 23 at the 2006 SIFE USA National Exposition in Kansas City, Mo. At the national level, Texas State SIFE received first runner-up in market economics, second runner-up in financial literacy and second runner-up in business ethics. More than 160 teams competed in the exposition,

where judging is based on creativity, innovation and effectiveness. Although all Texas State SIFE members contributed to the projects throughout the year, only five members presented at the national competition to a panel of Fortune 500 business leaders. Marketing senior Stephanie Southard, Texas State SIFE treasurer and presenter, said one of the projects was called the American Dream project. “It is divided into steps including language, culture and entrepreneurial aspects, so a big part of the project was finding immigrants in the community who need help. One woman needed help running her new busi-

ness, so we gave her a computer and showed her how to run her booking system. We did a lot of work with Gary Job Corps and the San Marcos Family Learning Center, teaching English to people there,” Southard said. Marketing senior Chelsea Turns, Texas State SIFE entrepreneurship and member relations officer, said the team made a spirit video that was shown at the national competition. “Our video placed in the top three,” Turns said. “We were all sitting there before the videos began, but we didn’t have to wonder if they were going to show ours because it was the first to be shown. It was really cool.” Turns said their SIFE USA Regional Competition was in

Dallas in April and out of six teams, Texas State was named the finalist. Texas State SIFE has won every regional competition since 1997. Some of the other SIFE San Marcos community projects included gift wrapping and running a business at the outlet malls. “I’m passionate about SIFE because I think it’s a great opportunity for everyone. Our former president Quinton Hoekstra is now in Chicago for an internship with Hershey,” Turns said. “SIFE does focus on finance, accounting and marketing management, but it is open to all students,” Turns said. SIFE is an actual class for a first semester member and course credit is given. Turns

said she used the class as an advanced business elective. SIFE is an international, nonprofit organization whose mission is to teach free enterprise to communities through collegiate teams. Now at more than 800 college campuses in the United States, SIFE began in 1975 and is financed by American industries such as Wal-Mart, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft and AT&T. Internationally, more than 1800 universities have SIFE in more than 46 countries. For more information about Texas State SIFE, visit www.business. txstate.edu/sife.


onlineconnection For a University Star exclusive Zeale 32 freestyle on Austin’s 6th Street, log onto www.UniversityStar.com.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - Page 6

Trends Contact — Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Making the Video

‘Locally Unknown’ emcee Zeale 32 prepares for single release David Saleh Rauf The University Star It was just after 9 p.m. on Saturday in downtown Austin; the night was hot, hovering in the mid 80s, and the energy on the street was timid — small flocks of people had begun populating the bars and clubs in search of drunken debauchery, but the activity on the street was still developing a steady rhythm. Inside Emo’s Lounge, on the corner of Sixth Street and Red River, the rhythm had already developed a certain aura of excitement — the sounds of hiphop, embodied by gritty drum loops, heavy bass lines and DJ cuts and scratches — emanated through the air as an intimate crowd vibed to the beats while observing a small film crew setting up lights, analyzing cameras angles and evaluating locations in preparation for the music video shoot of national freestyle champion, Zeale 32. In anticipation of his upcoming single release, Texas State undecided sophomore Valin J. Zammaron, aka “Zeale 32” began shooting the music video on Saturday for his upcoming single release — “Locally Unknown”— slated to be distributed nationally by BabyGrande records. “What we’re going to do with the final product, after it’s done and edited, is ship it out over-

seas to a few place and just try to get play with it and basically promote it as much as we can,” Zammaron said. Absent from the scene, however, were the Bentleys, the “grills” and half- naked strippers that embody the lavish tenants of today’s rap video culture. When you are a “locally unknown” emcee, paying for your own video out of pocket, those aspects of aesthetic expression become irrelevant and other, more practical goals come in to play. “It’s my analysis on the current conditions of hip-hop music, so to speak, and the imbalance between commercialism and independent thought. One is obviously embraced a little more by common culture and the other is not,” Zammaron said. “The point is to express it through the video shoot so that it comes across as, you know, not that one side is wrong or right just that there should be a balance and that’s basically what the song’s about and what were going to reflect in the video is pretty similar.” Zammaron recently inked a single deal with independent hip-hop label Babygrande records in March after winning a freestyle battle during the label’s showcase at the South by Southwest music festival. To help promote the release of his upcoming single, Zammaron contracted an independent film organization

named Axzm to help shoot the video. “If (Babygrande’s) going to do the national release, I’m going to do anything on my part, with my resources, to push as much as I can so that it goes bigger than it would on its own legs,” Zammaron said. “When we asked them for a budget to do anything else, they were like ‘Yo we’re going to press up the wax so anything else is on your team’s part.’” Bryan Daniels, director of the “Locally Unknown” video and founder of Axzm, said the main focus of the night’s video shoot was to keep with the theme of song by capturing “standard club shots” to use as back-up footage to help complement the rest of the video shoot, which will take place at various locales around Austin throughout the next week. “We’re all about shooting, shooting, shooting, and we’ll chop it later,” Daniels said. As director of the video, Daniels rejected the idea of simply recording a live show for the video, opting for a more professional feel, shooting multiple shots of different parts of the song in different locations to help keep “it interesting and fresh.” “People have been to a lot of shows or they’ve seen shows before,” Daniels said. “They want See EMCEE page 7

PUT YOUR HANDS THE AIR: Central Texas club-goers show their approval of Zeale 32 during his video shoot Saturday, June 24 at Emo’s Lounge.

Armando Sanchez/Star photo RIPPIN’ THE MIC: Valin Zamarron, undecided sophomore, films his single,“Locally Unknown,” Saturday, June 24 at Emo’s Lounge in Austin. Valin won a single-deal contract with Babygrande’s records in a freestyle battle at South by Southwest.

Armando Sanchez/ Star photo

Infrared film photographer reaches new wavelengths at Blue Goat Gourmet Maira Garcia The University Star Gary “Jules” Alexander has an eye for things we can’t normally see, like the pink in palm trees or the blood flowing under a person’s face. “It’s different enough to not scare anyone, but far enough away from the norm,” Alexander said. Alexander, an aspiring professional photographer and former musician, displayed his works at his first exhibit, which took place on Friday evening at the Blue Goat Gourmet restaurant in San Marcos. By using filters and infrared film, Alexander has captured infrared light with his camera, resulting in photos with odd colors, shadows and things you wouldn’t typically see with the naked eye.

entiment, it’s all on “S the people’s faces. The output and the change of colors is interesting.”

— Bryce Englehart friend of Jules Alexander

Alexander’s interest in photography developed at a young age, particularly because his mother worked as a photo retoucher. Being exposed to photography early on eventually led him to ex-

plore infrared photography, while playing with his pop-rock band, The Association. “I learned about infrared (photography) in the ’60s. Nobody knew about it and people thought I was messing with the film,” Alexander said. Infrared photography is a fairly unexplored avenue, according to Alexander. Although the first infrared photos were taken in the 19th century, it didn’t become practical until the 1930s, according to the Rochester Institute of Technology infrared Web site. Even then, only scientists in astronomy and physics used infrared photography. On the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared light waves are longer wavelengths below visible light and are “redder than red,” according to NASA’s

Atmospheric Science Data Center Web site. Infrared photography involves shooting in or near infrared light, which, when you shoot a person’s face, makes the first layer of skin disappear, Alexander said. “Skin blemishes are gone and blood veins show through. They look a little oogy-boogy,” Alexander said. By capturing infrared light and using the proper filters, colors such as green can be made to look white or pink and darker shades of green can be made to look orange, Alexander said. Pictures taken in the summertime can be made to look like fall or winter. See PHOTOGRAPHER, page 8


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The University Star - Page 7

Reggaeton busts onto the music scene Sam Ladach-Bark The University Star

Armando Sanchez/Star photo WE GOT THE SHOT: Assistant director Gabriel Luna throws his arm in the air in celebration of capturing a good shot.

EMCEE: ‘Locally Unknown’ Bobcat rapper films rap video CONTINUED from page 6

to see something more lively, something more down to earth.” The video shoot unofficially commenced an hour early with some preliminary shots in and around the club before the vast majority of people arrived for the “crowd shot.” The first shot placed Zammaron directly atop the bar where he recited lyrics and focused his energy directly toward the camera. The assistant directors mounted mini ladders in search of better angles, screaming instructions over the booming bass line that filled the club, while Zammaron performed multiple takes, each one slightly varied from the last. Directly following the bar scene, a “meeting of the minds” scene was played out as Zammaron’s entourage, consisting of about seven friends, joined him in the video shoot for a round-table summit. Once again, multiple takes of the scene were shot in search of the perfect clip. A few more pre-liminary scenes were shot as Zammaron conducted a performance on the stage, reciting lyrics with the same intensity of a live show performance. “It seems to be working really nicely. It’s running smoothly and people are getting involved,” Zammaron said after shooting the preliminary scenes. By midnight, the previously small gathering had turned into approximately 100 cast members, vibing to the sounds of the DJ, while sipping drinks in front of the main stage. “What’s up ya’ll beautiful people,” Zammaron said as he addressed the crowd before the main shoot. “Thank you so much for coming out. We have some surprises for ya’ll.” Assistant Director Gabriel Luna directed traffic during the video shoot via microphone, ensuring that Zammaron and the crowd were positioned in accordance with the cameras and lights.

“If everybody could just come down to the pit and move forward.” Luna instructed the crowd before the first of many takes. After getting the crowd settled into their positions, Zammaron performed, constantly instructing the crowd with commands to bounce, “put their hands up,” and sing along with the chorus to create a sense of energy for the video. After each individual take, Luna provided Zammaron and the crowd with instructions for the next scene. “That was lovely,” Luna said. “Just keep bouncing. Everybody’s hands up in the air — we’re going to do it like two more times.” The “crowd shot,” which was open to the public, reached its crescendo when half of the cast gathered on stage, dancing and singing, while Zammaron recited lyrics and posed for the camera. Austin local Latosha Duffey said that she had no idea a rap video was being made. She was walking down the street when members of Zammaron’s crew approached her with the prospect of being in the video. Duffey described the experience as exciting, saying both the lyrics

and beat of the song prompted her to dance on stage. “I thought it was hot,” Duffey said. “I liked how he talked about people in general and not talked about cars and fancy stuff like that.” After multiple takes with the crowd directly interacting with Zammaron on stage, the video shoot wrapped up for the night. “It overshot my expectations. I didn’t expect all those people to get on the stage and rock it like that,” Zammaron said. “We got everything we needed to. The crowd came and we filled up the main areas we were trying to shoot. I’m more than happy with all that, and the stage shot was ridiculous as well. Gabe wore me the f— out, but it made me feel good to have all those people up there.” The “Locally Unknown” single and accompanying video will be released later this summer. Beginning July 6, Zammaron will take part in a Western European promotional tour, which will include stops in Milan and Croatia. “I’m going over there to get some interviews on radio stations and hopefully grab some shows,” Zammaron said.

Armando Sanchez/Star photo TAKE TWO: Over the course of two hours, Valin went through his song multiple times while his video crew tries to get a variety of shots to put in his music video, which will be released in Europe at the end of the summer.

The roaring thump of full bass backbeats, complemented by various synthetic beat-boxing and hip-hop flows in Spanish, may be a modest description of the recent offshoot of hip-hop dubbed “reggaeton.” Fanned and fueled by its Latin roots, it has been steadily growing in popularity since it hit the scene a little less than 10 years ago. Originally termed “reggae de Puerto Rico,” it has come a long way from its underground origins. “The root style of this kind of music is salsa, maybe with a pinch of Tejano and a whole cup of hip-hop. It’s new and it’s old, but I think this genre is here to stay,” Amerykah Ford, a disc jockey at the Austin dance club Elysium, said. Today, artists like Daddy Yankee, who performed “Gasolina” and Shakira have pushed this genre into the pop limelight’. Shakira and Wyclef Jean’s collaborative hit, “Hips Don’t Lie,” is currently No. 2 on the Billboard Pop 100. “It is really hard to ignore when you’re at a dance club. Whether you’re a hardcore fan or not, you’re almost driven toward the dance floor,” said Katherine Green, family and child development junior. With its increase in recognition among mainstream audiences in the past years, several bars in San Marcos have began to carry the latest hits of this variety, including Lucy’s on the Square, Nephews and Gordo’s Bar. Ford, who has been a professional DJ for the past five years, remembers her first encounter with reggaeton. “It was very interesting at first … the request that I was playing had a very slow intro. It sounded very similar to Celia Cruz, but

KRT Direct CHANGING THE FACE OF MUSIC: Puerto Rican reggaeton artist Daddy Yankee helped push the underground genre to the mainstream with his 2004 hit “Gasolina” of his album Barrio Fino.

then these big, fat bass beats start to thump and it takes on a life of its own from there,” Ford said. Some may be familiar with the public face of this unique style, but the underground face of reggaeton is a growing scene that even the plethora of Latino and Tejano radio stations in Central Texas fail to cover completely. Taking up the slack for the local stations are niche-market Internet sites such as Musica360. com. Currently, it is the only online radio and downloadable source used exclusively for independent Latin music artists, according to Chris “Cartel” English, CEO of Musica360.com. “It’s raw, urban music and it’s currently in its youth. It kind of reminds me of the early days of hip-hop,” English said. Doing their best to stay on the forefront of this genre, Musica360.com already has big plans for the future. “Our future plans for Musica360 include launching our Internet radio with more subgenre-based stations; right now it’s just reggaeton, a MySpacelike social networking section

catering to the needs of Latin artists, e-cards and hopefully to get investor backing so that we can compete with some of our competitors on a more level platform,” English said. At its core, Musica360.com are a site catered to the artist and the listener, making it easier to share the music with anyone and everyone. “Where you should really be looking toward is the up-andcoming artists that most have never heard of. People like Felo Master, Mirror Image and Pura Vida. These are names that you should definitely watch out for in the future,” English said. From its beginnings in Puerto Rico — as little more than Spanish rappers adapting Jamaican dancehall and reggae beats — reggaeton has immerged as one of the most popular dance-hall genres. To English, describing reggaeton requires more than words — it requires a complete experience. “It’s like trying to describe the sun to a blind man,” English said.



Players pass the controller with new Super Smash Bros. release

The third version of the mas- culture of the ’70s and ’80s. sively successful multiplayer It’s refreshing to see that in a fighting game Super world where getting toSmash Bros., Super gether — physically toSmash Bros. Brawl, was gether, that is, not over pushed back to 2007, the Internet — to play disappointing many games is still around. who hoped it would This doesn’t discount be a launch title for other games like Dead the Nintendo Wii. In or Alive, which are comany event, this release monly played with two BILL RIX will mark the 8th year people, but it highlights Star Columnist of a new — or by now, the games that require semi-new — type of people to actually plan game: the social game. on getting together to play in It’s not necessarily part of a groups. new genre. Super Smash Bros. The social gaming aspect of has always been a fighting game, the Super Smash Bros. series but, unlike contemporary fight- will only be enhanced with the ing games like the Tekken or Wii iteration. Players can now Mortal Kombat series, it’s likely compete with other gamers over to be more of a multiplayer- the Internet. This is great news based — in the sense that people for those who don’t want to go will be there with you, rather through the trouble of inviting than playing it across the Inter- people over to play, but it could net — game. Unlike Internet potentially skew the original games, such as Counter-Strike game’s intention. or Auto Assault, more classically Online play could crush the social games like the Gauntlet social gaming backbone of the series inspire closer contact with series. Rather than playing with others. This style of game comes people physically near you, Sufrom the root of the gaming cul- per Smash Bros. Brawl could be ture, stemming from the arcade reduced to just another online

game played by one’s self. It’s also worth mentioning that not only will this be the first network-playable Super Smash Bros. title, it will also be the first title in the series to feature a character from outside of Nintendo. Konami’s “Solid Snake”, of Metal Gear Fame, will be a playable character, along with newcomers “Pit” from Kid Icarus and “Meta Knight” from the Kirby series. It’s a shame that Super Smash Bros. Brawl isn’t slated to be a launch title for the Wii. Although the new Zelda game, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be a launch title, Nintendo will probably lose some business by not offering fans of the Super Smash Bros. series a launch game. It’s true that you can never go home again. A few games every now and then that will inspire group gaming won’t make up for the lack of multiplayer games. Still, it’s a blast from the past that can perk up an otherwise normal gaming night. So, when was the last time you called up a few friends, ordered a pizza and passed the controller?


Page 8 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

PHOTOGRAPHER: Color changes, blurriness part of Alexander’s style CONTINUED from page 6

Among the photographs at his exhibit were landscapes of a Rockport beach lined with pink palm trees and a towering tree with purple leaves shading an old farmhouse in Tennessee. Photos of people with glow-

ing orange skin showed women dancing and children playing violins. “He definitely captures people. It’s kind of like an essay. It’s journalistic also,” Texas State alumna Becky McDavitt said as she browsed the exhibit. While some of the photos

Maira Garcia/Star photo PINK BEACH PALMS: San Marcos resident Scamus Daulter examines one of Jules Alexander’s larger panoramas, “Rockport Dreamscape.” Alexander’s exhibit will be on display at the Blue Goat Gourmet throughout the summer.

only changed colors, others had a blurriness that made the colors blend into one another, much like a watercolor painting. A photo titled “Friends,” which shows his daughter, Hannah, hugging another girl, featured this effect. “Sentiment, it’s all on the people’s faces. The output and the change of colors is interesting,” Bryce Englehart, friend of Alexander, said as he looked at the photo. Even though his music career came first, Alexander set photography as an artistic goal he wanted to achieve through a five-year plan. In about twoand-a-half years, he was able to prepare his first photo exhibit. “(Photography) is unlike music, which is collaborative. I was in a band with six other people. Now all the decision are made by me,” Alexander said. Although Alexander has shot in infrared film for years, he said that it hasn’t ceased to amaze him. Alexander plans to experiment with large to medium formats in the future. “I’m finding my voice photographically. I’m still learning – of course, I always will be. Who know where it will go,” Alexander said.

Star file photo FIREWORKS AND FUN: The 26th annual San Marcos Summerfest on Fourth of July will be an all day festival with a fireworks exhibition and live music finishing the day.

San Marcos residents plan to celebrate the Fourth of July with a bang Maira Garcia The University Star The Fourth of July in San Marcos isn’t just about fireworks in the evening. It is an all-day celebration for people of every age. The 26th annual San Marcos Summerfest Celebration will be held from 11a.m. to 11p.m. on July 4 at Sewell Park. It will be free and open to the public. The celebration, coordinated by Texas State University, the City of San Marcos, the San Marcos Noon Lion’s Club and corporate sponsors, will provide entertainment such as live music, a children’s parade, a duck derby and an illuminated float parade in the evening. “I’m always amazed by the number of people along the river. It reminds of being in an arena because people are just right on top of you,” the river parade coordinator Mike Rhoades said. Summerfest will also feature a patriotic program put on by the Sons of the American Revolution, who are the descendents of Revolutionary War

Solutions for June 14:


’m always amazed by the number of people along the river. It reminds of being in an arena because people are just right on top of you.” —Mike Rhoades the river parade coordinator

soldiers. The organization will perform a short reenactment of the American Revolution in full regalia. Since the event will occur during the day and into the night, people are encouraged to cool down in the river. “We know there will be a lot of kids and people jumping in and out of the river throughout the day, which is why we will have lifeguards on duty,” Pat Murdock, a member of the Summerfest steering committee, said. The start of the day will feature food and activity booths that will be open until the end of the festival. Children can also enjoy an air castle and the Jiggle Bug Express throughout

the day. Murdock said children may also participate in a parade, costume contest and the Hays County Crime Stoppers Duck Derby, where they can sponsor and race ducks. Live music of acts from a variety of genres such as The Crabby Grass Boys, Plinko, Mariachi Suroeste, David Ybarra and the LA Blues Band, Cheryl Murdock and TrioFaze will hit the stage starting at 1 p.m. and continuing until 11 p.m. Summerfest will begin to wrap up at 9:30 p.m. with the fireworks exhibition. “We are very fortunate to have financial backing because it costs about $20,000 to put on,” said Murdock.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - Page 9


onlineconnection Do you think the process for independent candidates to get on the ballot is fair? To vote in our online poll, please visit www.UniversityStar.com. Results will be published in the next issue of The University Star.

Opinions Contact — Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu

Stay informed and help put an end to the water shortage THE MAIN POINT


he protection, development and efficient management of our water supplies are among some of the most important issues facing the future of the state of Texas.

*This is not a scientific poll.

Efficient water use stems from one place: proper education.

Drought conditions have persisted for well over a year, afflicting most of the state and causing $1.5 billion in agricultural losses, prompting Governor Rick Perry to ask the U.S. Department of Agriculture for drought relief in 24 counties. While summer temperatures and water consumption continue to rise, the levels at the Edwards Aquifer are getting lower because of a lack of recharge, recently triggering San Marcos to invoke Stage 1 of its Drought Response Plan for the first time in five years. Conserving water by consuming less and wasting less should be a matter of concern for every resident. Unfortunately, for many, the thought of water conservation is simply that — a thought. Efficient water use stems from one place: proper education. If the residents of a community afflicted by drought are not educated on water conservation topics, then the continual waste

of this finite commodity will simply continue. According to Tom Goynes, Texas Rivers Protection Association president, the three major rivers in our area — the San Marcos, the Guadalupe, and the Comal — are under severe stress but are currently “hanging in there.” However, the cubic feet per second flow in each of the three has decreased, causing alarm for endangered species that inhabit the rivers, and potentially causing problems in the future for recreational use of the rivers. As a resident in an area where drought conditions are frequent, and the topic of water conservation will never go away, take the time to educate yourself. The minimal amount of effort it takes for students and residents to reduce their water consumption can have a huge impact on the water supply we rely on for irrigation, recreation and daily existence.

The city of San Marcos currently offers a variety of rebate programs that save money and save millions of gallons of water in the process. Texas State is also offering a way to educate people about the topic of water by providing a class in the fall – AG 4371B “Irrigation.” There are simple steps students and residents can take to conserve water. The threat to our water supply exists year-round, and the small inconvenience of reduced water consumption is insignificant next to the threat facing the Edwards Aquifer and our river. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State UniversitySan Marcos.

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

Austin school board case shows society still fears human form It is with great sadness I must announce the fiery and grotesque death of the SEAN WARDWELL world as we Star Columnist know it. It was a nice few hundred years, but because of this one event, we’ll have to find something new amid the ashes. Please prepare you and your loved ones for this news, as it is beyond shocking. Sit down. Take a few deep breaths. Steel yourself. High school kids have seen a naked female breast. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Wait, we are still here. Just like we were all still here after we saw Janet Jackson’s breast during the super bowl. Kids aren’t turning into mindless sex-crazed sociopaths. My cof-

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

fee still tastes the same in the morning. What’s the big deal? Looks like the Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees has overreacted. Why am I not surprised? Let me explain. Tamara Hoover, who until recently was an art teacher at Austin High School, posed for a series of photographs in which some, if not all, of her “naughty bits” were in full view. A fellow teacher found out about this and in what seems to be an act of revenge, publicized them. Once the school found out, Hoover faced dismissal hearings for breaching a “moral turpitude” clause in her contract. For the evolutionally challenged among you, let’s state this first: A naked woman does not equal pornography. If that were the case, you’d see the Venus di Milo in Hustler maga-

zine. One does not equal the other, unless, of course, you are a total moron, as many people are these days. I cannot contain my disgust at this, so my language shall be direct as a result. Why in the world do we entrust education to such small-minded twerps like the AISD Board of Trustees? Don’t we want healthy and well-balanced children? Isn’t that the goal? If Hoover didn’t call attention to this herself and if it was on her own time, I think she can do whatever she damn well pleases. Instead of encouraging artistic experimentation and freedom we shamelessly pander to the lowest common denominator. Let me let you folks in on a little secret: Your kids are neither that fragile nor special. Anyone who thinks a high school student hasn’t seen the naked human form deserves

Editor In Chief...................................Jason Buch, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.........................Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor..............................David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Trends Editor....................Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...............................Spencer Millsap, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor..................................Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

the pain, confusion and disappointment they are sure to encounter. The naked body is a beautiful thing. It is a wholesome thing. How can we be that shocked by parts that we see on ourselves every day? Where do they stop being biological appendages and become instruments of corruption and evil? We really need to get over ourselves. We got lied to somewhere along the way. Someone told us sex was bad and we bought it. Someone told us that a natural biological process was chock full of sin and we swallowed it hook line and sinker. Why? Because we are a nation of sheep, that’s why. We got lied to and Tamara Hoover is footing the bill because of it. How can these people on the school board look outside and not be scared to death by all the horseless carriages and fly-

Copy Desk Chief................................Bill Rix, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor..........................Michael E. Perez, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu

ing machines? Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Hoover owes nobody an apology. If anything, we should apologize to her. We should beg her forgiveness for not being as evolved as we should be. They are just breasts, folks. It’s just nudity. Nobody’s IQ will be lowered over this. Plus, she never publicized these pictures. Someone decided to engage in a little payback and destroyed her career. And over what? The use of a kiln, that’s what started this. On May 15th, Hoover and fellow art teacher Gayle Andrews got into an argument over who got to use the school’s kiln. Andrews then alerted school officials about the photos and all hell broke loose. Yet that idiot is keeping their job and Hoover might have to hit the bricks. There’s the message — it’s OK to be a backstabbing little wea-

Advertising Sales Manager....................Lindsey Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.............Lauren Lowing, lauren_lowing@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

sel as long as you don’t show your bare chest in the process. Character assassination is good but nudity is bad. Hoover’s students are firmly behind her. They spent the weekend on The Drag in Austin raising funds for her defense. It’s nice to see that the kids really are all right. Sean Wardwell is a communication studies junior. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright June 28, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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ARTISTIC LOFTS, hardwood flrs, W/D, 16ft ceilings. www.glsanmarcos.com; GL, (512) 878-2233.



Generous move-in specials. Agt. (512) 644-1070.

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$785 2/2.5 WINDMILL APTS. 3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.

LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT in walking distance to cam-

pus with washer and dryer? Agt. (512) 964-2829.


tions is your best resource when shopping for apartments. Visit us and get a FREE shirt and a chance to win a New Dell. www.glsanmarcos.com (512) 878-2233.

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!! $0 APP $0 DEP! Brand new,

most bills paid. Pool views available. GL (512) 878-2233.

FOR RENTCONDO/TOWNHOME 1226 N. LBJ. Giant condominium home 4 blocks to campus. Water/trash paid. This unity is so big you can play basketball in the living room. Call VJE Realty, 353-3002.


Not some dull old apartment. We are talking sexy, sexy. This gorgeous 2 bedroom/2 bath condo has everything that they won’t give you in an apartment. Water/trash paid. Call VJE Realty, 353-3002.

$785 2/2.5 TOWNHOUSE. 3 blks from TXState. Preleasing for 8/20. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/ D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181.


EXTRA LARGE AVAILABLE AT 736 CENTRE. Has approximately 1300 sq. ft. 2 bedrooms 1 1/2 baths with W/D connections. Lots of space with a 2 car carport. Call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 and visit legacyrealestate.biz.


www.primepmc.com (512) 878-2233.

TWO-STORY TOWNHOMES. 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms avail-

able. Spacious, includes washers and dryers, some bills paid. Agt. (512) 644-1070.

3/3.5 DUPLEXES, one available

now and the others in August. On the shuttle route. $1100 per mo., $200 signing bonus. (512) 587-2660.

2X2.5 TOWNHOMES that are a stone’s throw away from campus. 785 free cable & internet prelease. Agt. (512) 970-0670. 1/1 CLOSE TO CAMPUS.

Only $425 www.primepmc.com (512) 878-2233.


3/3 duplex so close to campus you can walk. W/D included for $1000 per month. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350.


complete appliance packages including W/D. 3 bedrooms 3 baths for only $850 per month. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350.

3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN HISTORIC DISTRICT. Only $900 wash/dryer included. GL, (512) 878-2233.

FOR RENT-HOUSES !! $O DOWN, RENT TO OWN! Easy to qualify, credit problems OK, at $700+ GL. (512) 878-2233.

3/2 NEWER HOME ON PEARCE CT. 1600sq ft. 2 car

garage, fenced back yard. GL, (512) 878-2233.


br/1 bath. 6 miles south of San Marcos. $700/mo., $700 deposit. Call (512)357-6271.

FOR SALE 1996 REDMAN MOBILE HOME. Ready for move-in. 3/2

with appliances. Located in park with amenities. $17,900 or best offer. (512 644-9079.

HELP WANTED $800 WEEKLY GUARANTEED. Stuffing envelopes. Send a

self-addressed stamped envelope to Scarab Marketing 28 E. Jackson, 10th floor, Suite 938, Chicago, Ill. 60604.

!BARTENDING! Up to $300/ day. No experience necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ ok. 800-965-6520 x 157.

THE UNIVERSITY STAR IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS FOR FALL! Experience is preferred, but not necessary for many positions. Develop your written and verbal communication skills and build your resumé! Download an application at www.universitystar.com or come by the Trinity Building.


works. Must be able to work 4th of July. Call Michael 512-665-4092.


photography in Austin. $200-$1000 per session. Call Wu at (512) 927-2448.

OFF 5TH-SAKS FIFTH AVENUE OUTLET. Career opportunities and Saks style. Immediate openings for full and part-time sales associates. Contact David Rollison at (512) 392-7916.

PETE’S DUELING PIANO BAR is seeking friendly, outgoing

cocktail waitresses with a big smiles. Weekdays and weekends are a must. We are open and accepting applications Tue-Sat 6:30-8:30 at 421 E 6th St. Austin, Texas.


DIRECT CARE POSITIONS-Brown-Karhan Healthcare

in Dripping Springs is looking for motivated individuals who would like a unique employment experience in a comfortable environment while gaining knowledge of the healthcare field. Great opportunity for students who are wanting to have a flexible schedule while gaining experience with working with brain injured or psychiatric residents. Part time and full time opportunities available. Looking to fill primarily weekend and evening shifts during the week. Candidate must be 21 years of age and have satisfactory driving record. Drug screening is required. * Pay begins at 8.50, but commensurate with experience and education. Qualified candidates may be eligible for health insurance, PTO, and monthly gas allowance. Please fax your resume to Kerri at (512) 858-5104 or call 894-0701 ext 219. Visit our website at www.brown-karhan.com

MISCELLANEOUS ATHLETIC, OUTGOING MEN for calendars, greeting cards,

etc $75-200/hr, no exp. needed, (512) 684-8296.

ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 1,250 sq. ft. 3/2

w/ one other. Pay $300/mo. plus 1/2 of all bill. Call Emily (512) 787-2660.


share 3/2 mobile home off of River Road. Includes W/D, satellite and wireless cable Internet. Rent is $350, ALL bills included. Call (979) 541-6500, or e-mail js1582@txstate.edu.


share 3/2 nice house near campus. W/D, big backyard with hot tub, garage, wireless internet, digital cable. Aug.15-May 15 lease; $330, plus 1/3 bills. Call (979)541-7840 or e-mail NT1030@txstate.edu.

LOOKING FOR FEMALE ROOMATE in fall and spring.

Walking distance to campus. 2b/1b $295/month, plus electricity, and $150 deposit. Everything included. Call 512-787-7542.



to take over lease 4bd/4ba townhome at University Club. Only $345/mo including internet, cable and phone,1/4 of utilities. If interested, please call (979) 421-3171.


tion. Running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. 512-353-4511.


The objective will be to make The University Star available in the San Marcos community by delivering the newspaper three days a week to several locations (40-50 locations) off campus and restocking the same locations one day a week (generally Friday). Duties include: Picking up all copies of that day’s paper, designated for off campus delivery, at The Star’s office no later than 10 a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Follow provided distribution list and deliver to approximately 40 off campus locations by noon every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Picking up surplus copies of the week’s papers on Friday to restock locations for the weekend. Must be picked up no later than noon; Maintain the neatness and order of all off campus delivery locations; Recycle prior week’s papers every Tuesday unless other arrangements have been made with business. Recycle papers must be brought and disposed of in bin in office; Keep current distribution list maintaining; Being responsible for university service/delivery pass in order to gain entry to campus. Call 245-3487 for more information or email starad1@txstate.edu


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Page 11 - The University Star

BARBECUE: Former track star, author WRESTLING: RCW

donates proceeds from autobiography secures television CONTINUED from page 12

both guys.” The crowd was littered with family, friends, students, professors and coaches from various coaching staffs. “The way the community and university responded is tremendous,” said head football coach David Bailiff. “We are just overwhelmed with the number of people who showed up in support of two special student-athletes.” Also in attendance was author and former North Texas State University track star Victor Rodriguez. “I read about James, and as a former runner can certainly empathize with him,” Rodriguez said. “When I told my wife I wanted to do something, she said I should call Texas State and see if they’ll accept proceeds from my book.” Rodriguez sold and autographed copies of his book, The Bell Ringer, for $20 Thursday, with all proceeds going towards to fundraiser. The autobiography, which usually sells for $25, is named for the time when a 9-year old Rodriguez would run two miles every morning to ring the bell at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Edna. “I’m a great hero worshiper, I guess you could call me,” Rodriguez said. “(Musgrove and Ortiz) both come from humble backgrounds and have become true success stories in their own right. I admire all the commitments and sacrifices they’ve had to make.” Both have made a significant impact on their coaches and fellow teammates who’ve been inspired by the work and attitude that they’ve shown during the recovery process and through-

out their careers. “He’s a true leader,” senior defensive back Epsilon Williams said of Musgrove. “When Walter’s out there working hard, I know I can fight through anything. If I have a bad day, it’s nothing compared to what he’s going through.” Archer praised Ortiz in the same fashion saying, “I’ve known him for the last four years, and we as athletes tend to take things for granted. James never took his talent for granted. He became a leader and a great runner because of his tremendous work ethic.” While the fundraiser was a tremendous success and a fitting tribute to both Musgrove and Ortiz, neither plans to let their collegiate careers come to a close just yet. Despite their setbacks, both have plans to continue competing next year. “My last treatment is the sixth of July,” said Musgrove. “I’ve been working out everyday and I’ll be ready when the season starts. I’m thankful that my teammates are not making it a big deal and are letting me just be one of the guys.” Ortiz faces an even more difficult road to recovery but still plans to run this upcoming year. “I talked to him last week and he’s doing OK,” Archer said. “He’s thought about prosthetics and plans on getting in shape to finish his last year of running.” As the sun set on a beautiful evening at Bobcat Stadium, it was apparent that the Texas State athletics program is not your ordinary program. “We’re a family,” said Bailiff. “This is our way of giving back to two men who’ve given so much to this university.”

contract, begins broadcasting Friday

CONTINUED from page 12

Photo courtesy of A.D. Brown SHOWING SUPPORT: Senior Douglas Sherman (right) and junior Daniel Jolly pour some hot sauce on their barbecue during a fundraiser Thursday, June 22 with the proceeds benefiting Bobcat football teammate Walter Musgrove who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s Disease.

Photo courtesy of A.D. Brown HELPING HAND: Author and former North Texas State University track star Victor Rodriguez signs a copy of his autobiography The Bell Ringer Thursday, June 22 in an effort to raise money for Texas State cross-country star James Ortiz. The book was selling for $20 with all proceeds going to Walter Musgrove and Ortiz.

DUEL: Moreau takes out 15-year-old en route to tournament championship CONTINUED from page 12

Michael Beavers, Daniel Bayarena and Jared Kline. Cisler and his teammates qualified after competing at the South Texas Divisional, held on the first and second of April in San Antonio. “What’s really cool is I’ll be going against a lot of fencers with the same rating as I have,” said Cisler, a class C06 fencer. Saturday’s first round opened in round-robin format, with 15-year old Courtney Hurley of Warren High School in San Antonio emerging as the top seed, winning all 10 of her matches. “It’s not as easy as some people think,” Hurley said. “It takes a lot of thinking and analyzing, and you have to be in shape.” Hurley, the current cadet-division world champion, was one of four Hurleys in attendance on Saturday. Her older sister, Kelly, is a previous cadet champ and will head to Notre Dame in the fall on a fencing scholarship. “Texas has a lot of renowned Photo courtesy of Amy Crawford fencers in the South Texas reDUELING FOR DONATIONS: Psychology senior William Cisler, on one knee, fences his opponent gion,” Crawford said. “It’s amazing the level of talent we get at during the fencing club’s fundraising tournament Saturday, June 24. The tournament, held at Jowers these tournaments. It’s world- Center, was put on to raise funds for James Ortiz, who was recently involved in a bike accident. class.” John Moreau represented the catatonic for a few days.” perhaps it was just the amount time and make us all proud.” Texas State faculty well, defeatHurley breezed through of time I’ve been doing this.” Crawford said during the ing two-time national champion much of the tournament, but Moreau will also be at na- fall and spring semesters, her Robert Reed 15-12 in the semifi- in the final, she could not tionals, a trip the club members teammates practice four times nals to advance to a title match match up with the experience will be making for the first time. a week, at three hours a seswith Hurley. of Moreau, who guessed he had Crawford will not be heading to sion. They also receive expert “I felt it was my duty to come been fencing twice as long as Atlanta, as her presidential du- instruction and enter tournaout and fence, even though she has lived. ties have kept her from fencing ments at least once a week. I probably shouldn’t have,” “I always try my hardest. the majority of the semester. “It takes a lot of dedication,” Moreau said. “When you’re old, That’s all you can do,” said “It’s great to be sending them. Crawford said. “With work, you don’t get sore the next day Moreau, a former Olympian. They worked hard to raise mon- school, fencing and squeezing like when you’re young. At first “You can call it what you want. ey for the fees,” Crawford said. in time for homework, we’re you’re okay, but then you’re Perhaps I got lucky at times, or “They’re going to have a great lucky if we get any sleep.”


parking lot, and the fan’s congratulatory roars, proved RCW is making headway in an industry long dominated by World Wrestling Entertainment. “When people think of wrestling, they think WWE, and we’re trying to change that,” Oliver said. “Back in the ‘80s there was territory wrestling. Dallas, San Antonio and Houston all had promotions, but WWE changed that. Now people are starting to realize there’s an alternative and we’re providing it.” Oliver estimated about 300 in attendance, up from the 100 RCW originally drew in its first shows in August 2005 when it began running full-time. “That’s when I got the equipment I needed and the right team around me,” Oliver said. “We’ve built it up and we’ve got phenomenal wrestlers that have bright futures ahead of them. That’s what brings the fans back. They don’t show up because the ring looks nice.” Oliver, a life-long fan and 2002 graduate from thenSouthwest Texas State University, began entertaining the idea of starting his own league while working as a referee for other leagues. He first held an RCW event that year. “It was bad. The other promoters didn’t know what they were doing,” Oliver said. “The shows I was working had 30 to 40 fans. The first few I ran were more just experimental to see what I could do.” RCW has grown enough to recently secure a contract from television station UPN2 South Texas affiliate KCWX and will began broadcasting on Friday at 12:30 a.m. The weekend show at Tiffany’s was taped for television, a fitting location considering UPN agents were in attendance at the sports bar for a crucial May 7 show. “Now so many more people can see the great act RCW puts on,” Dootson said. “When they see me and (Joey) Spector kicking someone’s butt, or Hotstuff Hernandaz hot-bombing Fast Eddie from the house boat (at Tiffany’s) to the concrete floor, they’re going to think, ‘I want to go see that live.’” Dootson opened Friday’s eight-man television tournament, entering the ring wearing a crimson robe and dripping black gothic makeup before bowing out to “Simply Luscious” Andy Dalton, the night’s eventual champion. The Laughing Man and six-year pro gave high praise to the San Antonio crowd. “Honestly these are the greatest fans in the world,” Dootson said. “They’re the best you’ll ever get to work in front of.” Known for his shrill lunatic laugh, walking cane and penchant for licking, Dootson adopted the limping Wally Darkmon persona after recovering from paralysis following a May 2005 incident. “I used to be Baby Face, but an opponent did a pile driver and dropped me on my head,” Dootson said. “I was out of wrestling for a while. Then my promoter in Arlington gave me the idea for Wally Darkmon, and the fans loved it.” The show began with announcer Jeff Houston introducing the league’s champion, Hernandez, who can be seen on Spike TV as a part of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Hernandez took the microphone to discuss a matter of importance

to the fans: The rise of “The Smashing Machine,” Ikaika. “Like I said last time, there’s only room in RCW for one star,” Hernandez said. At that point, Ikaika walked through the entrance to confront Hernandez, with Europe’s “The Final Countdown” blaring in all its synthesized glory. The crowd was immediately behind Hernandez, a well-cut Houston native who delivered sharp and derisive ring banter. “I’ve never seen Hotstuff looking better,” Oliver said. “We’re fortunate to have him, because usually once someone’s signed, they don’t wrestle for anyone else. It shows people that we’re professional.” Aside from Hernandez and Masada, both of whom have enjoyed international fame, many from RCW’s lineup are independent wrestlers who must work second jobs as they try to climb their industry’s ladder. “I work at a movie theater in my spare time,” said Spector, whose given name is Eric Perez. “You just have to find time to do it. You miss your family, and birthdays and things. It’s a way of life you have to get used to and not everybody can do it.” Dootson has worked a number of odd jobs to keep his dream alive, but said those days may be numbered. “I’ve done some stunt work for Six Flags in Arlington and I used to be the mascot for the Texas Rangers,” said Dootson. “Mostly these days I just get my money from wrestling. I’m talking to an WWE agent right now about getting a job as a ref or a wrestler.” Others such as Fast Eddie Vegas have already moved beyond that first rung. The seven-year pro and Houston native has traveled to Chicago, Boston, Florida, Canada and Japan, but admitted a special liking to southern wrestling. “On the east coast there’s more of a focus on just wrestling. And in Japan it’s like watching golf. The fans don’t cheer or jeer, they clap,” Vegas said. “But I play myself up. I’m a ham, and Texas appreciates that.” Vegas, as part of the International Power Station, won his first match of the night against International Power Station teammate Spiro. Despite insulting his “friend” when his back was turned, the crowd, especially the women, still fell for the Houston native. “Let me take care of you, Eddie,” said one woman after a particularly strong chop to chest from Spiro. “Some of the dudes even like me, so it’s weird,” Vegas said. “It’s funny, because I’m a bad guy. I talk smack to everybody, but I guess it’s hard not to like me.” With Dalton’s win over Ikaika in the championship, aided by Hernandez, the focus turned to the hardcore match, which at first received little approval from the crowd. But it didn’t take long to put the fans under the RCW’s spell, as they whooped and hollered at the first sight of blood on Homeless Hugh after Masada launched a chair at his opponent’s forehead. “There are people that are passionate about wrestling. Those are the performers. And there are people that love wrestling. They’re the fans,” Oliver said. “And if you are passionate and it shows, you can reach the people that love it.”


‘mad dog’ on the move Texas State first baseman Cody “Mad Dog” Merrell signed earlier this month with the Cleveland Indians, one of nine non-drafted free agents inked by the major league club. A transfer from Oklahoma State University, he was the only Bobcat to start all 59 games this season, hitting .299 with six home runs and 41 RBIs. As of Monday, Merrell was hitting .125 in two games with the Single-A club in Burlington, N.C.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - Page 12

Sports Contact — Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

Flaming fists, flying blood River City Wrestling slams San Antonio

By Chris Boehm The University Star

Texas State students might see Austin as the place to be on Friday nights — and for good reason. The state’s capital has music and bars in abundance. But it doesn’t have flaming fists and flying blood. River City Wrestling does, and Friday at Tiffany’s Sports Bar and Billiards in San Antonio proved the two make a winning combination. “Everything you can think of, RCW has it,” said Walter Dootson, better know as “The Laughing Man.” “It’s the place to be.” The night’s festivities concluded when Japanese hardcore wrestler Masada, who could double for Pantera’s Phil Anselmo, held up his flaming arm for the fans, then with one fiery punch to the head, decked “Homeless” Hugh Rogue, introduced as the man “living behind the Alamo dumpster.” The bout was the night’s finale, a hardcore match featuring aluminum chairs, lighter fluid and a cross built from fluorescent light bulbs, which Masada brought out upon his entrance to the ring. Later on, Rogue would use the weapon against him, throwing Masada into the turnbuckle the cross was hanging from, causing a huge glass explosion that fans were forced to back away from. “To be honest, that match was toned down,” said Brandon Oliver, RCW founder and president. “Masada usually does those matches two or three days a week. In Japan it’s more violent and not as (politically correct). Here we’re very liability-conscious.” Muted or not, the violence in Tiffany’s

See WRESTLING, page 11 Chris Boehm/Star photo LAYIN’ THE SMACKDOWN: Independent wrestler “Fast Eddie” Vegas celebrates his victory against Spiro by posing for the crowd during the River City Wrestling event Friday, June 23.

Johnson moves up ladder for 2006 season By Nathan Brooks The University Star Women’s basketball head coach Suzanne Fox announced on June 12 the promotion of long-time assistant Noel Johnson to the position of associate head coach and recruiting coordinator. After nine years on the staff as an assistant, Johnson is excited and thankful for the new opportunity. “It’s an honor for (Fox) to give me this opportunity to be successful and help guide the overall direction of the program,” Johnson said. Fox explained how much Johnson has meant to the program since her arrival in 1997. “Noel is an excellent teacher of the game and unquestionably outstanding recruiter,” Fox said in a press release. “This promotion is a well-deserved acknowledgement of the indelible mark that she has made in every facet of success that our basketball program has achieved.” With the new title comes new responsibilities and pressures for Johnson, but after patiently waiting, she’s up to the task. “The overall recruiting aspect falls under my umbrella,” Johnson said. “There’s a lot of responsibilities involved as coordinator, including delegating duties and the organization of the entire recruiting process.” However, recruiting is nothing new for Johnson; she has shared in those duties in her previous nine years with the program. She also has helped develop all-conference perimeter players Tamara Thompson and Joyce Ekworomadu, while helping keep the Bobcats near the top of the conference in three-point shooting. While at Texas State, Johnson has helped direct the Bobcats to a pair of 18-win seasons, four consecutive winning campaigns in Southland Conference play, a 2003 SLC Tournament Championship and NCAA tournament birth. Before Johnson’s arrival at Texas State in 1997, she served as an assistant on the staff at her alma mater, Texas Tech, for two seasons. While a player for the Lady Raiders between 1991 and 1995, Johnson helped lead Texas Tech to four conference titles and a national championship in 1993. Johnson was a three-time All-Southwest Conference selection and sits second place in the school’s record book for career threepointers, attempts and single-season percentage. In addition to her many accolades, Johnson was the first-ever recipient of the Jeannine McHaney Award, an honor awarded by Texas Tech for the female athlete who most displays classroom excellence, courage on the field and a commitment to excellence. In the summer of 2005, she was named to the Texas Tech Hall of Honor. Despite all of her accomplishments, Johnson remains modest in her approach to continuing success not only for herself but for the Texas State women’s program as well. “My goal is to outwork everyone,” Johnson said. “It’s something that Coach Fox has instilled in us to do and is important for me to represent the university the best way I can.”

Athletic department shows outpouring of support for Bobcats in need Barbecue fundraiser brings aid for Musgrove, Ortiz Fencers duel for donations, prepare for nationals By Nathan Brooks The University Star Life can be a long and painful journey and no one knows that more than Texas State’s own Walter Musgrove and James Ortiz. Both Musgrove and Ortiz are all-conference performers in their respective sports at Texas State. However, during the past few months their lives have taken a turn that most student-athletes could hardly fathom. Back in December, Musgrove found out after going to see a doctor for a broken collarbone suffered in the Bobcats’ win over Sam Houston State on November 19, that the injury was the least of his concerns. In fact, he had a cancerous mass the size of a golf ball in his chest, later diagnosed as Hodgkin’s disease.

Then on June 5, James Ortiz’s life changed after he collided with a dump truck while riding his bicycle to class, forced into surgery at Austin’s Brackenridge Hospital to amputate his right foot and part of the lower right leg. Student-athletes organized and held a barbecue fundraiser dinner Thursday in the east concourse of Bobcat Stadium, with the help of Rudy’s BBQ, to show support for their fellow teammates in a time of need. The evening was filled with players and coaches running food out to cars and serving the hundreds of guests who came to support the cause. “We all just tried to reach out and tell everyone (about the event),” said cross-country captain and graduating senior Paul Archer. “We are trying to raise as much money as possible for See BARBECUE, page 11

By Chris Boehm The University Star The fencing club held a tournament on Saturday in support of Texas State runner James Ortiz who was involved in an accident while biking on June 5. All funds collected from the 12-man tournament will go towards Ortiz’s medical expenses. Entrance fees were $30, but many contributed more than the required amount. “At first, we figured about $300, but with the turnout and extra money people have put in, it’s about $400 to $500,” said club president Amy Crawford, an accounting senior. “We just wanted to help out a fellow student.” Upon hearing of Ortiz’ situation, Crawford went to work, setting up the tournament in a little

over a week, with next month’s fencing nationals in Atlanta looming on the horizon. “We’re very sad for him. I just feel for the young man,” said professor and fencing instructor John Moreau. “I used to run track in college. We’re all in sports and have this comradery.” Five club members will be making the trip to compete in various styles, including psychology senior William Cisler, who helped run Saturday’s tournament at Jowers Center. Cisler will be competing in Division-II epee. “I’m definitely psyched,” Cisler, the club’s treasurer said. “I’m a little disheartened that it’s in Atlanta because as a college student, you don’t have that much money to pay for the trip, but there’s not a better time to do it.” Also leaving for nationals are Damaris Dotson, See DUEL, page 11

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