06 29 2005

Page 1



Circus-like atmosphere of corporatedominated baseball diminishes sport

Street players take to the court in hopes of joining AND1 Mix Tape Tour





JUNE 29, 2005



NAACP report: Profiling a problem at Texas universities By Rob Silva News Reporter Police at Texas universities, including Texas State, searched black and Hispanic suspects at higher rates than whites in 2003, according to a recent report by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In an effort to bring awareness to the issue of racial profiling, the Texas NAACP Youth and College Division, along with the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society at the University of Texas School

of Law, has published a manual to provide campus groups and student leaders with a tool for organizing against racial profiling. The manual, Feel the Heat: Changing the Police Climate in Your College Community, provides racial profiling and search statistics from the university police departments at eight major Texas university campuses, along with statistics for each of the local law enforcement agencies. According to the manual, “Approximately 3 out of 4 agencies reported searching Blacks and

Latinos at a higher rates than Anglos following a traffic stop.” The report found that 81 percent of agencies searched blacks at a higher rate than Caucasians, and 76 percent searched Hispanics at a higher rate than Caucasians. Similarly, the report showed 76 percent of the agencies consent searched blacks at a higher rate than Caucasians, and 84 percent searched Hispanics at a higher rate than Caucasians. “Consent searches” are searches that are consented to by the individual but are conducted without

a warrant or probable cause. “Racial profiling discriminates according to skin color; it doesn’t skip African-Americans and Latinos who are in college,” said Kenavon Carter, TMLS president. The manual was produced as part of the Campaign to End Racial Profiling, a joint project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the League of United Latino American Citizens of Texas, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition and the Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches. In previous years, the orga-

nizations have only released the statistics of major Texas cities. “It’s the first time we’ve included Texas universities,” said Elizabeth Washington, outreach coordinator for the Texas Conference of NAACP Branches and TCJC. “We’re hoping that this report sparks more debate on the issue on campuses.” The report shows that at Texas State, blacks are 10 percent more likely than Caucasians to be searched following a stop, while Hispanics are equally as likely as Caucasians to be searched. Blacks

CHEER on CHOPPERS LEFT: On June 18, Jerry McKnight, seen here with passenger Roxanne Macias, and nearly 200 other volunteer motorcyclists give a ride to children diagnosed with cancer. BOTTOM RIGHT: Roy Fisher,16, and Bill Morris prepare for a motorcycle ride from San Marcos to Dripping Springs in the annual Texas Hill Country Adventure hosted by the Sunshine Kids organization. BOTTOM LEFT: For seven years, bikers from across Central Texas have joined together to help with the Sunshine Kids Organization, which provides emotional support and group activities to children receiving cancer treatment nationwide.

Courtney Addison/Star photos

Volunteer bikers give children with cancer a ride through Hill Country By Ashley Richards News Reporter Almost 200 volunteer motorcyclists cruised into the San Marcos Activity Center parking lot on the morning of June 18 to give children diagnosed with cancer a lift on their bikes through the scenic Hill Country. With the number of bikers far exceeding the number of children and accompanying nurses, the kids arrived to a parking lot with an array of motorcycles from which to choose. The arrival of the 12- to 16-year-old Sunshine Kids participating in the annual Texas Hill Country Adventure is a tradition anticipated by many of the motorcyclists. Stemming from an idea by John Wade, member of Evo’s Motorcycle Club, bikers from Central Texas have gathered for seven years to drive the Sunshine Kids on the backs of motorcycles from San Marcos to the Sunrise Exotic Ranch near Dripping Springs. Wade and fellow Evo’s member Mike Davis help coordinate the event and spread the word to See CHOPPERS, page 5

are 20 percent more likely and Hispanics are 60 percent more likely than Caucasians to be consent searched following a stop. “Anything over 1.0 shows a significant problem,” Washington said, referring to the ratio of percentage of blacks or Hispanics to percentage of whites searched during a stop. Nick Ollivierre, communication studies senior, said he has encountered racial profiling. He said he was pulled over at 2 a.m. See PROFILING, page 6

City Council declares day of honor for deceased congressman By Sean Wardwell News Reporter When the San Marcos City Council met on June 21, there was one item that was on everyone’s mind, even if it wasn’t on the agenda. Seeing the Spurs win the NBA Finals. Everyone from Mayor Susan Narvaiz to student representative Jessica Lynch wore “Go Spurs Go” buttons in hopes that the Spurs would take the title in Game 6. In a meeting that lasted just over 30 minutes, the council approved the creation of two new historical districts and designated June 25 as “Jake Pickle Day” in honor of the late U.S. congressman who died June 18. Pickle represented the San Marcos area in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1963 to 1995. When the council began deliberations on creating the new historical districts, council member Ed Mihalkanin recused himself because he lived in one of the areas that was to be redesignated. “I asked the ethics review commission to provide an opinion regarding my vote,” Mihalkanin said. “The commission recommended that I excuse myself.” The Burleson Street Historic District will be located between the 700 and the 1000 blocks of Burleson, while the LindseyRogers Historic District will include parts of Lindsey, Rogers, Blanco, Viola, Scott, Burt, Maury and Hansen streets. “These new historic districts will encompass the areas where the founders of San Marcos See COUNCIL, page 5

Citizen outcry stalls Wimberley road improvement election

Tree on Ramsey Street poses problems for zoning debate

Opponents say vote boundaries were gerrymandered to ensure passage

A 150-year-old heritage oak tree in the middle of Ramsey Street has sparked debate among public officials regarding public safety versus quiet neighborhoods. On June 7, the San Marcos City Council held a public hearing on citywide zoning during its regular meeting. One of the items brought up was the rezoning of 225 Ramsey St., the planned location of a new apartment complex. In the process of approving the zoning request, public safety officials expressed reservations about a tree standing in the middle of the road

By Sean Wardwell News Reporter Residents of the Woodcreek North Subdivision in Wimberley crowded the Hays County Commissioners Court on June 14 to protest a proposed road- improvement bond election that they feared could lead

to unwanted development in the area. The previous election, held May 7, failed to pass with the required 66 2/3 percent supermajority. Residents of Woodcreek North who approved of the bonds got enough signatures for a new election almost immediately. The proposed guidelines for the new election caused many to wonder about the fairness of the process. The boundaries for the vote exclude an area that opposed the bonds in the election, leading See ELECTION, page 3

Today’s Weather

Sunny 97˚/ 73˚

Precipitation: 20% Humidity: 52% UV: 10+ Extreme Wind: S 9 mph

By Sean Wardwell News Reporter

Friday Mostly Sunny Temp: 78° / 73° Precipitation: 20%

Lindsay Lyle/ Star photo

See TREE, page 5

Two-day Forecast Thursday Mostly Sunny Temp: 96° / 74° Precipitation: 20%

San Marcos firefighters say this oak tree would hamper their response in the case of a fire at a planned apartment complex on Ramsey Street.

that could hamper emergency responders. “It would be difficult to reach with all our apparatus,” said San Marcos Fire Chief Mike Baker. Other city officials have expressed similar concerns. “The fire chief expressed reservations about further increasing risk in the area,” said Carol Barrett, city director of planning and development, in an e-mail distributed with the council agenda. “Currently, the property is inaccessible to an aerial truck. Any building over two stories in height would not be accessible due to the large tree in the street.”



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PAGE TWO The University Star

Wednesday in Brief

June 29, 2005

campus happenings Neighborhoods throughout San Marcos are invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide on August 2 for the 22nd Annual National Night Out Against Crime. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime- and drug-prevention awareness and generate support and participation for local anticrime efforts. Neighborhoods and individuals inter-

ested in having a party may contact crime prevention officer Pete Weaver at (512) 754-2270. A planning meeting is scheduled for noon on July 8 at the San Marcos Police Department. Lunch will be provided. Interested participants are asked to RSVP for the meeting by July 6 by calling Weaver. — Courtesy of the City of San Marcos

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

City Beat SMPD offers tips to prevent car burglary Over the last few weeks, the San Marcos community has experienced a rash of motor vehicle burglaries — most occurring during late night hours with some in the early evening. “The target of opportunity is the vehicle containing items of value: purses, CDs, wallets, expensive radios, radar detectors, etc.” said Pete Weaver, crime prevention officer. “Anything that has a value or even the thought of value is an invitation for the potential car burglar to take advantage.” Car burglars are especially targeting apartment parking lots where many vehicles are parked together. Car burglaries can affect the entire community, Weaver said. “When residents go to purchase car insurance, the premiums may have been raised to compensate for the potential vehicle burglaries,” he said. Victims often have to pay for losses out of their own pockets since the value of the property stolen doesn’t meet their insurance deductible. Residents can help prevent auto burglaries by taking a few

simple precautions:

That sweet summer music Ron Ledbetter, a trumpet player in the Hill Country Brass Band, performes Thursday at the Summer in the Park Concert Series. From 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Thursday until August 4, different bands will perform at either the Plaza Stage or the Gazebo, both of which are located at the intersection of C.M. Allen Parkway and Hopkins Street. This Thursday will feature the music of Mariachi Nueva Generación.

• Take all items of value inside with you. • Always lock your vehicle. • Don’t advertise the value of your stereo by playing it loudly. “Remember that a vehicle is a rolling showcase with windows that can be broken,” Weaver said. He urges residents to call the police when they notice suspicious activity that could be burglars at work. “Chances are when something doesn’t look right, it’s probably not right,” Weaver said. “You might even help us catch the burglar that just broke into your vehicle.” Weaver invites apartment managers to set up Apartment Crime Watch programs for their complexes. The SMPD’s Crime Prevention Unit is eager to work with managers to set up programs to spare apartment residents from being victimized. For help in setting up a Crime Watch Program, contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (512) 754-2270.

Courtney Addison/ Star photo

— Courtesy of the City of San Marcos

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On This Day... 1652 - Massachusetts declared itself an independent commonwealth. 1767 - The British Parliament approved the Townshend Revenue Acts. The acts imposed import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea shipped to the American colonies. 1888 - Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy in England. 1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia. 1932 - Siam’s army seized Bangkok and announced an end to the absolute monarchy. 1953 - The Federal Highway Act authorized the construction of 42,500 miles of freeway from coast to coast. 1972 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty could constitute “cruel and unusual punishment.” The ruling prompted states to revise their capital punishment laws. 1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth. 1998 - With negotiations on a new labor agreement at a standstill, the National Basketball Association announced that a lockout would be imposed at midnight.

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e. scott ross ������������


WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES In the June 15 edition of The Star, the Gallup poll on the Opinions page was incorrectly given a release date of June 10, 2005. The poll was released on May 10.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The University Star - Page 3

McCord remembered as caring teacher July 4 festival offers Department of he knew how to be a good friend, she fun and spectacle on sociology loses “S knew how to give and take and how to be supportive and how to accept support. She knew well-liked lecturer the norms of friendship and how to accept people, how to accept their failures and their weaknesses.”

By Jennifer Warner News Reporter Charlotte McCord, Texas State sociology lecturer and founder of the McCord Scholarship for Nontraditional Students, died June 7 at age 47 after an aggressive two-year battle with breast cancer. McCord devoted much of her life to the study of sociology, from her start after high school as a social worker with children and adolescents to the completion of both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sociology at then-Southwest Texas State University to her teaching career at the university. Sociology Chair Susan Day said she met McCord in 1992, when she was doing her undergraduate work. Day said the strictures of the student-professor relationship initially made it hard for them to be friends, but they became very close in spite of those norms, developing a friendship that continued as McCord went on to become a professor in the department. “She was just a good friend,” Day said. “She knew how to be a good friend, she knew how

— Susan Day Sociology chair and friend of McCord

Charlotte McCord

to give and take and how to be supportive and how to accept support. She knew the norms of friendship and how to accept people, how to accept their failures and their weaknesses.” McCord was diagnosed with cancer in July 2003 but continued to work until Spring Break of this year. Sociology senior and Sociology Club President Holly Henderson said she considered McCord very brave for being able to work despite her illness. “She wanted to keep life as normal as possible, and I think it helped her because she was close with her coworkers,” Henderson said. Henderson never had the opportunity to take a class with McCord, a fact she now regrets, but she met McCord through her job as a student worker in the front office of the sociology department, where she has worked for two years. She never knew McCord well — their interactions were usually limited to saying hello in the hallway

— but said she was always energetic and positive, even while undergoing chemotherapy. Day said continuing to work helped McCord feel like she was doing something for the students. “Coming to the university and talking to students helped her feel like she was alive and made her feel like she was making a contribution,” Day said. “It kept her alive. The net balance of consequence was that it was desirable for her. It was the better thing to do. She loved her job.” McCord was named in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers in both 2003 and 2004. As a teacher, Day said McCord expected a lot from her students and did everything she could to help them understand the material. “She was simply an excellent teacher,” Day said. “She was very demanding, and her grades were not generous — she rarely gave As — but she cared about her students and

she cared whether they learned, and she did things to help them learn.” McCord recently adopted a son, Augustus McCord Collins, 3 1/2 months old, who she was raising with her partner, Tracy Collins. McCord established a scholarship at Texas State that is awarded to at least one nontraditional sociology student each year, as McCord herself was when she started degree work in 1992 at the age of 34. To leave a donation in her name, contact the sociology department at (512) 245-2113. A visitation was held June 8 and services were held June 9 in Wimberley. All those in attendance were asked to wear brightly colored clothes, preferably Hawaiian shirts, as McCord requested and in keeping with her approach to life. “Charlotte wanted to have a good time,” Day said. “She wanted to enjoy living and wanted to be spontaneous and open to the world.”

ELECTION: Road debate tabled by commissioners CONTINUED from page 1

many Woodcreek residents to believe the district was being gerrymandered to guarantee a victory. “We’d like the Commissioners Court to establish a stakeholder committee to study this further,” said David Glenn, a Woodcreek North resident and one of the many citizens who testified in front of the court during the two-hour meeting. According to a written statement issued by a resident organization opposed to the election, “The board of directors of the Woodcreek Property Owners Association does not

favor excluding from the road district the proposed sections and roads that lie within the Woodcreek North subdivision. “We are especially concerned that the two main roads, Woodacre and Pleasant Valley, and three low water crossings would be partially or completely removed from the road district. Both roads are main arteries and carry heavy traffic in and out of our subdivision.” Many residents reserved the bulk of their ire for Charles Ray and his company, Quicksand Partners, located in Midland. Quicksand is a company that seeks to develop the Woodcreek area. Plans for the subdivision

also include the renovation of a golf course and the construction of new streets. Residents fear the construction would damage Cypress Creek, Jacobs Well, Blue Hole and the Blanco River. An additional concern voiced by several residents was that development in the area would pump more water out of the Edwards Aquifer than would be recharged. Many Woodcreek North residents called the proposed bonds nothing more than “developer welfare.” “Quicksand is putting over $1 million of its own money into this project. That hardly qualifies as welfare,” Ray said.

Commissioner Will Conley, 4th Precinct, said the purpose of the legislation was only to improve roads. “This is a road issue, not a development issue,” Conley said. Ray did say in the meeting, however, that development was the end result of all this effort. “There will be large, more expensive houses built,” Ray said. In response to the residential outcry, the court tabled the new vote until an unspecified date on a motion from Conley. Other actions taken by the court include the establishment of a new 30 mph speed limit on Old Bastrop Highway between Highway 80 and Highway 21.


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San Marcos River By Isadora Vail-Castro News Reporter Floating the river is a common Fourth of July pastime in central Texas, but this Independence Day, San Marcos will elevate the tradition to an art form with an illuminated river parade lighting up Sewell Park. Texas State will host the 25th Annual San Marcos Summerfest on Monday. The festival was started in 1980 by an SWT music professor, John Belisle, who worked at the university for 40 years until his death in August 2004. Texas State provides Sewell Park and services like security through the University Police Department for Summerfest, said Pat Murdock, Texas State director of development research services, who has been on the Summerfest Steering Committee for 25 years. The event is sponsored by the City of San Marcos, the San Marcos Noon Lions Club, Texas State, the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce and others. “This event is really a convention between the city and the community,” Murdock said. All events are free for the Fourth of July celebration, and parking is available at the Strahan Coliseum and Bobcat Stadium parking lots. Summerfest begins at 8 a.m. with a golf tournament, and food and activity booths will be open at 11 a.m. The event will feature live entertainment, games, a

children’s costume contest and the Lions Club Illuminated River Float Parade at 9 p.m., with fireworks following. Lifeguards will also be on duty throughout the day in Sewell Park for people wishing to swim or tube in the river. Murdock said that while San Marcos had summer river pageants in the 1930s and 1940s, the parade in 1984 was the city’s first in many years. “The first river parade was in 1984, and it was an attempt to bring it back,” Murdock said. Local bands and artists will play throughout the day, including Plinko, the Crabby Grass Boys, Mariachi Suroeste and Trio-Faze. “The fireworks are the highlight,” said Phil Neighbors, a member of the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce. “This is one of the greater events that San Marcos has with the city.” Floats can still be entered in the river parade by submitting an application available online at www.summerfestsanmarcos .com/applications.html and may be lit with items such as flashlights, battery-operated lights or tiki torches. All applications are due Friday and should be sent to Lions Club River Parade, care of Mike Rhoades, 401 Hunter Ridge Road, San Marcos, TX, 78666. For more information, visit www.summerfestsanmarcos .com, or call the San Marcos Parks and Recreation Department at 393-8400, the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce at 393-5900 or Pat Murdock at 245-3582.

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Page 4 - The University Star

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The University Star - Page 5

TREE: Safety, traffic concerns clash in debate on zoning CONTINUED from page 1

Ramsey Street ends in a dirt road next to a Lower Colorado River Authority substation. A gate provides limited access to Lamar Street. Council member Ed Mihalkanin asked if Ramsey Street could be paved all the way to Lamar Street to provide another route for emergency services. City Manager Dan O’Leary expressed concern that the residents of Lamar Street would not welcome the potential traffic. “Lamar is an R-1 single-familyzoned area, and they probably don’t want a bunch of students racing up and down their street,” O’Leary said. O’Leary, a former San Marcos fire chief, also said he had fought fires in that area, and responders could cut the lock on the gate at the end of Ramsey Street and get through. Although Mihalkanin said an additional route could only benefit the residents of that area, O’Leary maintained that the residents of Lamar Street would not welcome the additional traffic through the area. “That’s ridiculous,” Mihalkanin said. City Council Student Liaison Jessica Lynch also supported extending Ramsey Street to Lamar Street, citing the public safety concerns and the need for more student housing in the city. The Planning and Zoning Commission also had concerns about the general state of Ramsey Street. “City Planning and Engineering staff met with the seller’s representative and expressed reservations regarding the ability of the existing road to support the traffic which would be generated by a high density multi-family student complex,” said Barrett in a memo to O’Leary. “As things stand now, the tree does not pose a safety hazard,” said Richard Mendoza, San Marcos public works director. “We try to be sensitive with heritage oak trees, but if a complex over two stories is built, we can explore our options,” Mendoza said. “The tree may pose a problem with the larger fire truck the city has ordered. As of now, there are plans to improve Ramsey, but they have nothing to do with the tree.” The city also would need to acquire the property outside the Lower Colorado River Authority substation to extend Ramsey Street to Lamar Street. “The city does not possess the public right of way to extend Ramsey, though it probably could be purchased if we need it,” Mendoza said. The issue was referred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further study. The difference of opinion on the council, however, left one student who lives on Ramsey Street agitated. “I think it’s a stupid justification,” said Joseph Canic, theatre senior. “You can’t bar college students from a neighborhood. Fire trucks can’t get past this tree. The only option is taking Ramsey all the way down to Lamar.”

Courtney Addison/Star photo Motorcyclists and their young passengers line up for the 60-mile drive to the Sunrise Exotic Ranch near Dripping Springs. With activities ranging from trips to Sea World and Texas Ski Ranch to bowling and visiting the Capitol, the Sunshine Kids participate in a variety of attractions.

CHOPPERS: Kids pick their favorite bikes for trip CONTINUED from page 1

other bikers each year. “I think bikers are just generally caring people, and they just want to give back,” Davis said. Based out of Houston, the Sunshine Kids is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing group activities and emotional support to children receiving cancer treatment in hospitals nationwide. For 16 years, the organization has sent Sunshine Kids from hospitals in Houston, Nashville, Tenn., Las Vegas, San Diego, Raleigh, N.C., Washington, D.C., New York City and New Orleans on the Texas Hill Country Adventure, which allows the kids, along with several supervising nurses, to tour attractions in the area, including Sea World, Schlitterbahn, Texas Ski Ranch, Sunset Bowling Lanes and the state Capitol. “The kids get to meet other people going through similar things, so they build a support group with each other,” said Jennifer Wisler, Sunshine Kids director of children services. “And it gets them out of the hospitals; it’s great to see this many people, even those not carrying a kid.” Aurora Rich, a Sunshine Kid from Las Vegas, said she was looking forward to the motorcycle ride through the hills, but so far, her favorite tour had been the Texas Ski Ranch, where she and other participants went tubing, skiing and wakeboarding. Rich

COUNCIL: City considers quiet zones for train noise CONTINUED from page 1

originally settled,” said Mayor Pro Tem John Thomaides. The council held a brief discussion regarding the noise from train whistles going through San Marcos. The city is seeking to designate railroad quiet zones but would first need to upgrade its existing railroad crossings. City Manager Dan O’Leary told the council that the federal government is setting new rules regarding railroad quiet zones

and said the trains blow their whistles for liability purposes. O’Leary said the city would have to pay for the redesign of all railroad crossings in the city to make it impossible for a vehicle to enter them if a train were coming. Thomaides estimated those costs at well over $100,000 per crossing with no guarantee the railroad companies would approve. The council took no action, choosing to investigate its options further.



e get more out of it than (the kids) do; we’re just giving back. It’s a random act of kindness.”

— Jerry McKnight Lockhart motorcycle and community service group member

said she also enjoyed visiting the shops surrounding the ski ranch, and at one store, she bought a skateboard to take home. “I like doing really fast things,” Rich said. Additional bikers not carrying a Sunshine Kid tagged along to give the children a chance to experience the feel of a large motorcycle rally. Talk among bikers in the parking lot estimated the number of motorcycles to be nearly 200, all of whose drivers were instructed to ride in a staggered formation as they made the 60-mile drive. Jerry McKnight and Michael Cox, members of a Lockhart motorcycle group that focuses on service work, said they were along for the ride to support the kids and also for their personal enjoyment. “We get more out of it than (the kids) do; we’re just giving back,” McKnight said. “It’s a random act of kindness.” Cox said it was refreshing to participate in a positive event among all the negative events occurring in the

world. “Anything to bring the spirits of the children up,” Cox said. Once the bikers had their motorcycles gassed up and gathered around the parking lot, the kids stepped out of their bus and began perusing the various bikes to decide which one they would ride for the day. Scottie Spencer, a Sunshine Kid from Washington, D.C., said she was excited to get on the back of a motorcycle for the first time. She said her choice of motorcycle was based primarily on finding one in her favorite color — red. Rich also looked for and found a bike with her favorite color, yellow, but she was sure to check that it had comfortable seats before making her decision. Driving Rich was Patrick Graham, director of the South Austin Texas Harley Owners Group, who said he was going to accommodate Rich by playing her favorite kind of music on the ride — punk rock. Both Spencer and Rich said the Texas weather was hotter than that

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to which they were accustomed, but it did not take away from the fun they had. Tickets for a raffle also taking place Saturday morning to raise money for the Sunshine Kids were sold for $10, and before setting out on their trip, the bikers gathered around to hear the results of the drawing. Renowned spur maker Robert Pruitt handmade a pair of spurs for the Sunshine Kids event and donated them to the raffle as the main prize. “They’re one of a kind; there’s never going to be another pair like them,” Pruitt said. The unique spurs were placed with their leather straps in a display box embedded with turquoise that was donated by Mesquite Treasurers. The entire ensemble, Pruitt said, cost about $500. With all the kids, nurses, bikers and police escorts in place, the motorcyclists carrying children took off first, leading the pack and stopping to let the kids have a picture taken on their bikes before leaving the parking lot shortly after 10 a.m. Members of the Hays County Sheriff ’s Department escorted the entire group for safety purposes and blocked intersections along the way to keep the pack together. “This is voted one of the (children’s) favorite events,” Wisler said. “It gives them a freedom, feeling the wind in their hair.”

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Page 6 - The University Star


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

PROFILING: UPD, SMPD say measures in place to prevent practice CONTINUED from page 1

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for no apparent reason other than it being late at night. “I was pulled over on Aquarena and was searched for about an hour. Then five minutes after I drove off, I was pulled over again,” Ollivierre said. Texas State University Police Department Officer Otto Glenewinkel, a member of the Community Awareness and Resource Team, said racial profiling shouldn’t happen at all but is not a major problem at Texas State. “(UPD’s) numbers are lower than the national demographic,” Glenewinkel said. Additionally, the report showed data collected from the San Marcos Police Department. Blacks are 20 percent less likely than Caucasians to be searched by SMPD following a stop, while Hispanics are 50 percent more likely than Caucasians to be searched. Attorney for Students Shannon Fitzpatrick said students in San Marcos face a different kind of profiling. “I think here it’s more student profiling than racial profiling,” Fitzpatrick said. “The cops see students and automatically think they’re up to no good.” Tobian Sledge, management senior, said he felt targeted by local police agencies after being pulled over by SMPD. “I was pulled over because supposedly my headlight was out, but when I turned my lights on, they were both on, so the officer let me go,” Sledge said. SMPD Chief Howard Williams said neither student nor racial profiling is a problem at the department. He said officers undergo extensive training in the law and take racial and cultural sensitivity classes to keep them informed. In addition, all SMPD squad cars are outfitted with video cameras, and sergeants regularly view samples of the tapes to audit them for racial profiling. Williams acknowledged that Hispanics were searched at a higher rate than Caucasians but said the number was insignificant when examining the number of searches instead of the percentages: Out of 6,700 traffic stops in 2004, 169 whites and 139

Hispanics were searched. If one less Hispanic was searched every two weeks, the percentages would be the same, he said. “We’re not talking about a huge difference,” Williams said. Williams said racial profiling is “difficult to define” and a “tough question.” “We don’t search people at random,” he said. “We search people with probable cause, when we think something is afoot.” The Hays County Sheriff’s Department did not report search statistics following a stop broken down by race, although as of September 2001, under Senate Bill 1074, all public law enforcement agencies are required by the state to collect the data. Fitzpatrick said there are no penalties for agencies not complying with SB 1074, and it is extremely difficult to enforce. Regis Dearza, chief deputy for the Hays County Sheriff’s Department, said he could not comment on the report because he was not familiar with it but said the department employs measures to prevent racial profiling. “We have mandated training along with policies and procedures we follow, and we comply very strictly with mandates regarding racial profiling,” Dearza said. Fitzpatrick said Austin has a bigger problem with racial profiling than San Marcos. “Where they’re hitting the hardest is Austin; it’s kind of frightening at that level,” Fitzpatrick said. The manual was put together after an article in The Dallas Morning News in 2004 posed the question: Why does Texas A&M University continue to lose black recruits to other universities? The article cited a statewide study published by Texas civil rights groups that found that police departments in the Bryan-College Station area stopped and searched blacks and Hispanics at higher rates than whites. In 2003, students at Sam Houston State University were facing the same problem. During the fall of 2003, the NAACP chapter on campus hosted a town hall meeting for students. Texas President of the NAACP Conference Garry Bledsoe discussed the issue of racial profiling on campus. Stu-

dents and leaders met with the Huntsville chief of police and discussed tactics used by police officers when interacting with students. The meeting resulted in less harassment of black and Hispanic students by their local police, according to the NAACP and TMLS manual. “Racial injustice is more and more of a problem, but we need to have more students like those at Sam Houston to make sure that this is not a problem,” Bledsoe said. Richard DeLeon, president of the San Marcos chapter of LULAC, said he had not yet familiarized himself with the manual but is aware of the problem of racial profiling. “Right now, we’re working on getting together with local police officers and plan a Saturday when we can walk through minority neighborhoods and pass out brochures so that citizens can know what their rights are,” DeLeon said. Along with search statistics, the manual provides students and community leaders with preventative measures to address the problem, including holding informative workshops, approaching campus administrators with long-term plans to fight racial profiling, working with local police departments and distributing incident cards to students and community leaders. Incident cards are used to record information about traffic stops in which students are involved. The cards ask for the officer’s name and badge number as well as time and place of the stop. This allows the distributing the groups to track who is being pulled over and monitor the accuracy of department data collection. “With the suggestions in this manual, students who start returning to their campuses in the fall will have so many great organizing activities to look forward to and so many opportunities to work with their campus and community leadership to create change,” said Ana Yañez-Correa, legislative liaison for Texas LULAC. The manual and additional information regarding racial profiling is available at www.crim inaljusticecoalition.org.



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quoteof the day “Adios, Mofo.”

Gov. Rick Perry, recorded at the end of an interview by satellite with a reporter for KTRK in Houston. Perry later apologized for his “Mofo”-pas, saying the “inappropriate banter” was directed at his deputy press secretary, Robert Black, and not at the reporter. (Source: Austin American Statesman)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - Page 7

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Low quality, high prices are true film revenue culprits

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

What have you wrought, Bill Veeck? Veeck (rhymes with wreck) was the St. Louis Browns owner FRED AFFLERBACH responsible for Star Columnist pinch-hitting a 3-foot-7, 65pound “midget” (in the vernacular of the day) in an official baseball game versus the Detroit Tigers back in 1951. Eddie Gaedel, with the number 1/8 on the back of his jersey, took four pitches, all high, walked down to first base and into baseball immortality. More than 50 years later, the baseball carnival continues. Recently, I attended a minor-league game in Round Rock. It wasn’t the action on the field that captivated the fans; instead, the giant scoreboard, video screen and sound system that rivals the Rolling Stones’ provided the evening’s entertainment. The roar of the crowd reached its zenith not after a home run but during a game played on the drive-in moviesized screen behind center field. Fans are given three choices — A, B or C, one of which equals the night’s attendance. As the wrong answers are eliminated, the crowd responds as if a runner were trying to steal home. After the final correct answer stands alone, fans who guessed correctly give each other highfives. Veeck would drip with envy if he could see the inside of a modern baseball stadium. Today’s ballparks are a combination theme park, food court and shopping mall, not to mention the air-conditioned, luxury, private suites that look down on the hijinks below. The Dell Diamond in Round Rock features a climbing wall, swimming pool, basketball court and playscape. Why not take the kids to the park? For the adults, various gimmicks are orchestrated between innings. “The Kiss Cam” serves as a voyeur seeking out kissing couples. It then broadcasts them on the video screen above, and “The Chicken Dance” has now supplanted “The Wave” (which is about as hip as polyester these days) and is sponsored by Chick-fil-A, of course. Movie clips are broadcast on the full-color LED video screen and can be rented at a local video outlet. But the “Dizzy Bat Race” is the fan favorite. Two unlucky volunteers bend over and place their foreheads against the knob end of a baseball bat that is held upright. They spin like a top for 10 revolutions and then stagger, stumble and fall toward a person holding out a T-shirt; first one to grab the shirt keeps it, if he or she doesn’t get sick first. Free T-shirts are big in Round Rock. The Express mascot, Spike, a 6-foot dog with an overbite, wearing engineer’s overalls and a cap, rides around the field between innings in a four-wheel cart, shooting T-shirts from some sort of bazooka. Anxious fans scramble and tussle for them like foul balls. Inside, Dell Diamond looks like a baseball field smothered by Yellow Pages

Pat Stark/Star illustration

Movie studios have attempted to blame the drop in revenue from their films on everything from the economy to film piracy, but what it seems they’ve neglected to blame are issues like the lack of creativity in today’s films, the cost of watching a film and the prices of concessions. For the 18th week in a row, the revenue at the box office dropped, according to numbers compiled by Exhibitor Relations, an entertainment research firm. Let’s take a look at the majority of the movies that placed in the top 10 this week for some insight into one of the reasons why moviegoers might be just a little bit tired of the selection presented to them by Hollywood. Batman Begins, prequel; Bewitched, remake of a TV show; Mr. & Mrs. Smith, remake of a TV show; Herbie: Fully Loaded, remake; Land of the Dead, re-hashed idea and The Longest Yard, remake. Some of these movies or television shows weren’t even that good the first time around. At a major theater in San Antonio, the cost of a box of candy is marked up 500 percent from its convenience store counterpart, and while the cost of a movie ticket in Texas is middle of the road compared to the country overall, paying nearly $10 for a movie ticket isn’t easy on the wallet. (Thankfully, we can sometimes use our student IDs for discounts.) Those in the entertainment industry will also claim that movie piracy is one of the leading factors in the decline of revenues, but sadly, it’s not for the reason they claim. It’s not because people can download movies and watch them; it’s because people can download movies and watch them — and then decide whether or not they want to plunk down money to watch them in digital picture and surround sound. Also, with the prices of high-definition TVs and surround sound audio systems dropping dramatically, it’s much more comforting to sit at home, pause the film whenever it becomes necessary and eat your own food without being bothered by cell phones going off, babies crying and people talking constantly or kicking the back of your chair. What movie makers must provide and what moviegoers must demand are prices that are more open to multiple visits. With more money available to consumers and improved film quality, patrons can – and will be willing to — go to more movies and, in turn, spend more money. By dropping the costs of concessions, people can stop placing candy in their khakis, sodas in their socks, pizzas in their purses and hot dogs only God knows where. The only power we have is with our pocketbooks, and by staying home, we speak volumes to Hollywood in our quest for higher quality films and lower prices.

A baseball fan’s lament

ads. The last game I attended resembled a three-hour infomercial: beer, bread, sodas and milk; builders, bankers, realtors and the ilk; movers, plumbers and swimming pools; insurance, vodka, hardware and tools; personnel service, package service, phone service, laundry service, pool service, room service from your nearby hotel and cab service if you drank too much — Lite, Bud, Coors or Shiner. You can also order furniture direct from North Carolina. An evening at the new ballpark sometimes takes on the aura of a rock concert. The sound system introduces each hitter with a song clip that matches his personality or is by his favorite band or singer. The sound system also ensures there is never, God forbid, a quiet moment. After a high, foul ball clears the stadium roof, the loudspeakers emit the sound of a windshield breaking followed by a glass company advertisement. Karaoke is also offered between innings. An American Idol wannabe stands on the roof of the Budweiser dugout, microphone in hand, and belts out over the sound system such songs as “Friends in Low Places.” As in The Gong Show, the poor subject is either cheered

or jeered by the fans. Most fans enjoy this hoopla, and that’s fine. But why go to a baseball game and pay no attention? We certainly don’t do that after shelling out seven bucks for a movie ticket. Call me a baseball curmudgeon, but fan participation shouldn’t be orchestrated by multimedia outlets. We’re missing the cat-and-mouse between the pitcher and base runner with a dangerous lead, we’re overlooking the shortstop and second baseman’s double-play ballet and we’re neglecting the artistry and drama of a relay throw from left fielder to third baseman to catcher as a runner barrels around third and slides home in a cloud of dust. At a game last year, Paris Hilton was filmed selling hot dogs for her TV show, The Simple Life. The game continued, but all eyes were on prissy Paris. After the game, the filming moved to the field where Paris tried to hit. Then Paris’ poodle pooped on the infield. A friend and long-time fan looked disgusted. “They are desecrating the game of baseball,” she said. Somewhere, Veeck must be winking. Afflerbach is an English junior.

Eminent domain ruling in line with Constitution

Approve without a lot of scrutiny 18% No Opinion 4%

1,028 People Polled Associated Press/ Ipsos-Public Affairs Poll Released: May 20, 2005

The University Star 601 University Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Examine each nominee carefully 78%

To many, the tion. headlines about The Founders made DAVID BARRON Thursday’s Sua wise choice in perSpecial to the preme Court Hartford Courant mitting government decision in Kelo to take private propv. City of New erty without consent. London — “Court authorizes From laying railroad tracks to seizure of homes” — must building highways, the govsound un-American. But in ernment often needs to asupholding a city’s right to semble large amounts of land take private property as part to provide common benefits. of an economic redevelopIndeed, the property owners ment plan, the court affirmed in Kelo no doubt benefited principles as old as the Confrom past takings that permitstitution. ted the government to build There should be no doubt roads and highways connectthat the Constitution pering New London, Conn., to mits the government to take state and national markets. private property without But does that mean the consent in some instances. government can take property The very same provision of for any reason? What about the Constitution that protects the Constitution’s requirethe right to private property ment that takings must be — the Fifth Amendment for a “public use”? The city of — also provides that the govNew London was not buildernment may “take” private ing a public highway. Nor was property for “public use” so it erecting a governmental long as it pays “just compenbuilding. It was clearing land sation.” That does not mean for offices and shops and new the government may act like homes. How is taking land for a thief. Thieves do not have private development a public to get public approval to take use? property they don’t own, and The answer lies in history. they don’t have to pay comSince before the Civil War, pensation for what they take. courts have recognized that Governments must do both government sometimes must to comply with the Constituenlist private actors to make

Editor In Chief...................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Trends Editor........Shannon McGarvey, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor............................Courtney Addison, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................Joe Ruiz, starsports@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief............Siobhan Chapman, starcopychief@txstate.edu

Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster.............................Ben Stendahl, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

“public” use of land it seizes. States, for example, often empowered railroads to condemn private land to create their routes. The government required the railroads to act as common carriers in return, but it did not prohibit them from operating as private companies. Passengers still had to pay to ride. But courts treated the railroad’s private use of the seized land as “public” because of the obvious benefits that flowed from increased rail travel. New London was attempting to retrofit itself for a rapidly globalizing economy. It was reclaiming its waterfront for a new urban era and capitalizing on new business development. Such efforts would benefit private developers. But they also would benefit the city and the state. Or so thought the city council — backed up by the state’s authorizing legislation and state dollars supporting its redevelopment plan. The Supreme Court concluded it would follow the wise counsel of previous courts and defer to the economic policy choices of the people’s representatives.

Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

But if the court showed admirable deference in refusing to second-guess the city, it also rightly backed away from statements in some earlier opinions that sounded almost like abdication. Kelo now makes it clear that the government must engage in a sincere effort to benefit the public — a point Justice Anthony Kennedy emphasized in his concurring opinion that supplied the majority’s necessary fifth vote. In particular, the court issued a warning to cities contemplating “a oneto-one transfer of property, exercised outside the confines of an integrated development plan” and aimed solely at boosting the property tax base. Such action, the court suggested, “would certainly raise a suspicion that a private purpose was afoot.” The Supreme Court empowered cities to confront the next phase of urban development with imagination and energy. One hopes they will prove worthy of that confidence. Barron is a professor at Harvard Law School and an expert on local government law.

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright June 29, 2005. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - Page 8

happeningsof the weekend san marcos

Wednesday 6/29 The Triple Crown – Fluffer’s Union Thursday 6/30 Riley’s Tavern – Karaoke Lucy’s on the Square – Django Walker

Sunday 7/3 Lucy’s on the Square – Apse Affinity Thursday 7/7 Plaza Stage – Derailers


Friday 7/1 Cactus Café – Vic Chestnutt Saturday 7/2 Flamingo Cantina – Attn: Spaniards Stubb’s – John Legend

Saturday 7/9 Flamingo Cantina – Word Association Sunday 7/10 Stubb’s – Cake Wednesday 7/13 ACL Studios/KLRN – Etta James & The Roots Band

Trends Contact — Shannon McGarvey, starentertainment@txstate.edu

School’s in for summer Documentary explores education of music prodigies film review


Rock School Dir.: Don Argott Stars: Paul Green Rated R

There are two sides to Paul Green, creator of the Paul Green School of Rock: the genius with a genuine eye for finding young, talented musicians and the certifiable wacko, capable of lashing a 10-year-old with a barrage of swears if a Sabbath riff isn’t properly rocked. His manic lifestyle, along with those of his students, is documented with as much patience as one can handle in Rock School. In a run-down office building in Philadelphia, Green governs his after-school music program with cultish fervor; he is the preacher yelling from his pulpit of heavy metal, the kids are his loyal subjects and Zappa and Sabbath are the gods of all things rock. With students ages 9 to 17, Green claims to be a music teacher, and although he shamefully admits to being unqualified during the film’s opening sequence, he’s really just a failed rocker trying to live out his fading dreams through a small group of freakishly talented youngsters. Green runs his school with militant dedication, where musical perfection is not just encouraged — it is expected. Even 9-year-old Ozzy wannabes aren’t immune to

Photo courtesy of Newmarket films scrutiny and lengthy diatribes laden with expletives and insults. Guided by Green, the children dream of rock stardom and endless riches, but most are blind to the skills needed to be a musician. The only exceptions are Green’s favorites — C.J. Tywoniak, a 10-year-old guitar prodigy talented enough to surpass the likes of his heroes, and Madi Diaz-Svalgard, a former Sheryl Crow lover who Green transformed into a keyboard queen. Throughout the film, director Don Argott does his best to keep Green’s oversized ego in focus, but at times, it seems even he finds Green too much to bear. The film’s finest moments come when Argott turns

his attention to the kids, each of whom has a unique and fascinating story. This especially goes for young Will O’Conner, a teenager plagued by a troubled home life and modest musical talent, who is helped by the program’s family-like attitude. Even though Green considers him a waste of space, O’Conner’s witty commentary on Green provides some of the film’s most vibrant scenes. Rock School is a fine documentary brought down only by its repugnant hero. Green is a megalomaniac without an ounce of likeability, and much to his dismay, the kids steal the show. — Kyle Bradshaw

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Corgan sluggish but true to brooding Pumpkins form on first solo release They say the third Corgan’s apparent detime’s the charm. For sire to give this album former Smashing Puman electronica feel, pkins and Zwan leader Chamberlin’s amazBilly Corgan, this isn’t ing talent is largely exactly the case, but squandered here. The that doesn’t mean song is still good and his first solo album, is reminiscent of the T h e Fu t u re Em b ra c e , music Pumpkins’ final album, isn’t excellent in many review Machina/The Machines ways. God. This song also ✯✯✯ offeatures The key to grabbing some unexa listener’s attention is Billy Corgan pected and interesting often a powerful first TheFutureEmviolin sweeps and belltrack. Unfortunately, brace like guitar tones akin Reprise this album’s opento those of U2’s The ing track, “All Things Edge. Change,” is less than stellar. The Two of the best songs on the lyrics are almost completely album are the hypnotic “A100” composed of “We can change and the first single, “Walking the world” sung over a slightly Shade.” The former begins with a sluggish drum-machine beat pulsing techno drumbeat, punand distant guitar. It’s a good ctuated by electronic blips and thing the album picks up after plenty of Corgan’s trademark this. wall-of-sound guitar fuzz A later song, “Dia,” sounds augmented by tons of echo, more Smashing Pumpkins an effect he uses prolifically than the rest simply because on this album. The latter is an Corgan’s former Zwan and apparent homage to bands like Pumpkins bandmate, drum- The Cure and Joy Division, mer Jimmy Chamberlin, lends which Corgan has often cited his skills to this track. It’s easy as two of his main influences. to recognize his distinctive As before, guitar echo travels style in the music. However, in over a bed of guitar fuzz, but it

Next to Bass Shoes


When Coldplay, the band’s final album, armed with its debut despite several music album, Parachutes, critics’ predictions that first made the crossColdplay has yet to Atlantic transition in reach its peak and will 2000, they were widely come together once regarded as a diluted again to release one Radiohead or U2; the of the most influential band certainly didn’t music rock albums of this seem destined for the review generation. greatness that had X&Y is a cornuc✯✯✯✯ opia awaited The Beatles Coldplay of modern rock and The Rolling Stones X&Y ballads, sounding in the States. slightly more like a EMI Records Now thought of Radiohead album than as one of the United those in the past. It is Kingdom’s most pownot quite as captivaterful music exports, Coldplay ing as Rush of Blood but just as has rightfully secured its own impressive. place among the music indusMartin’s marriage to Gwyneth try’s stalwarts and has left other Paltrow and the birth of their similar groups in the shadows. daughter, Apple, has absolutely A Rush of Blood To the Head affected lyrics used on X&Y but (2002) was welcomed in the not overly so. Songs have a more United States with much criti- tender, heart-on-the-sleeve feel cal acclaim, and even the band to them than in the past. In itself thought the album to be “Swallowed In The Sea,” Martin some of its most brilliant work. beautifully illustrates coming to Shortly after Rush of Blood’s terms with the death of those release, frontman Chris Martin close to you (“What good is proclaimed Coldplay’s retire- it to live/With nothing left to ment from making any more give/Forget but not forgive/Not music because the band felt it loving all you see”). could not produce anything “Low” is held up by a bassline more ingenius. and peppered with percussion Again, Martin insists the that could have easily been newly released X&Y will be usurped from The Cure. “Fix


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— Stephen Lloyd

Coldplay continues to impress with X&Y


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is the drums that make all the difference here. They sound less like repetitive electronica and more like the bombastic drum echo favored in the 1980s heyday of Joy Division and The Cure. Because of this, the song is one the most rock-oriented (the other being “Dia”) on the entire album. It has an urgency many of the others lack. While there are undoubtedly good songs on the album, many suffer from listlessness (even a cover of The Bee Gee’s “To Love Somebody” featuring The Cure’s Robert Smith). Sluggishness prevents TheFutureEmbrace from being a perfect album like so many of Corgan’s past works. But this music is almost a return to form for him. Many fans were turned off by the happy-go-lucky spirit and overall sound of Zwan. The music here, at the very least, sounds as brooding as latter-day Smashing Pumpkins. Corgan has always been known as a musician who pushes the envelope, and he certainly does here.

You,” a likely second single from this album, can be heard in the same vein as “Yellow” but with more structure and less swagger. The buildup of the song employs a similar climax and denouement to that used by The Beatles in “A Day In The Life.” The vibrant first single, “Speed Of Sound,” is one of the more impressive songs on the album. The song is about keeping in contact with one’s spirit and soul while living in the spotlight of the paparazzi, something with which Martin is particularly familiar. “Speed Of Sound” and “Talk,” easily another single, are both buzzworthy power songs worth every word of hype. One of the more impressive cuts on the CD isn’t officially even on it. Martin wrote “’Til Kingdom Come” for the late music icon Johnny Cash, who never had the opportunity to record it. Martin’s version of the song is a secret track and reveals Coldplay at its most casual and vulnerable. If you really listen, you can hear Cash himself singing the lyrics. Does it fit on the CD with the rest of the songs? Not really. But a song this beautiful doesn’t have to. All things considered, Coldplay is one of the biggest rock bands on the scene, whether it would like to admit it or not. While X&Y didn’t stray too far from the sound of the previous two releases, the tracks are so wrought with emotion that they can only get better with time. Any material less ingenius than that on one of the year’s more highly anticipated and well-crafted albums would be unacceptable. — Kelly Merks

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Wednesday, April 29, 2005

The University Star - Page 9

Remake Fever sells audiences short Ever get the feeling set too high. Holthat you’re experilywood aims for a encing dèjá vu when blockbuster, assumwatching a film? Aling that whether though the script may original or adapted, be original, the conit will not only cept has often been redraw people to the hashed time and time theater but when SHAWN PEARCY again. This frequently it’s all said and leaves moviegoers done, will make Entertainment with the feeling of “I money for the Writer liked it the first time movie studio. Profit when it was called (insert old motive in mind, the conveTV show/movie title here).” nience of a “pre-sold” movie Hollywood has figured out or TV remake seems to have the budget-blockbuster forresulted in the downward spiral mula: Remake a hit so old or of quality from the major movie obscure that the target audistudios. This may be why indeence doesn’t know about it. The pendent studios have been winBeverly Hillbillies, Lost In Space, ning more and more Oscars in Charlie’s Angels, Scooby-Doo, recent years. The recent surge in Starsky and Hutch, Wild Wild remakes proves only one thing West and The Avengers are but — Hollywood is lacking in origa few examples of TV-show-toinality. How original is it to take movie adaptations that are so someone else’s idea, rewrite it off-target, they could make a and then call it yours? In Hollyblind artillery gunner look like wood, it’s remaking; everywhere a sharpshooter. An old TV show else, it’s called plagiarism. is dug up by some producer This summer we’re getting and turned into an over-stuffed, three more additions to the all-star, Hollywood extravaclub, the poorly-reviewed The ganza that has little to do with Honeymooners, a satirical take the show from whence it came. on Bewitched and the Jessica The majority of TV-to-movie Simpson-showcasing The Dukes releases fall somewhere between of Hazzard. While The Dukes of mediocre and awful. There are Hazzard and The Honeymooners some filmmakers who think are both attempts to modernadding special effects and elabo- ize the original TV shows as rate action sequences can make movies, the new version of any movie great. Well, as someBewitched is a bit different. It is one who has sat through Wild a movie about a down-and-out Wild West, I would beg to differ. actor who decides to save his What’s so tragic about this film career by remaking the occult is how great the original series classic TV show as a movie. was: Robert Conrad as the cool There is a twist, of course; the James West; Ross Martin as the woman he chooses to play Sasmart master of disguise Armantha is really a witch who has temis Gordon; the diminutive decided she wants to live like a Michael Dunn as the evil yet mortal. It sounds as if the movie always strangely funny Dr. Love- studio may be realizing that less. The show reveled in its own remaking the show would not oddities. be too original. So they decided Maybe the expectation is to make the original characters

Adams shifts between unassuming and unhinged at Stubb’s

Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures ABOVE: Nicole Kidman, Shirley MacLaine and Will Ferrell star in Columbia Pictures’ Bewitched. BELOW: Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson and Seann William Scott star in the Warner Bros. production of The Dukes of Hazzard.

Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers actors playing made-up versions of the original show. Um, OK. Or maybe they are rehashing the reality TV-like treatment of movies such as Ed TV and The Truman Show. Seems like more rehashing of old ideas. Unfortunately, this may be

just the beginning. There are many more on the way. There’s talk of a Friends movie starring the original cast, plus versions of The A-Team, Miami Vice, Get Smart and The Munsters. My advice: Stay home and read a book.

Finally, a Batman movie worthy of the cape After four live-action nor is he the meek films ranging from OK film Michael Keaton. As to horrid, somebody review Bale snarls and snaps finally gets it — Batfoes, the viewer ✯✯✯✯ attrulyhisbelieves man Begins director he could Christopher Nolan Batman Begins strike fear in those who Dir.: Christopher (Memento). oppose him. While 1989’s Bat- Nolan Morgan Freeman, man was decent, it Stars: ChrisGary Oldman and Bale, Katie and the second Bat- tian Michael Caine are top Holmes, Michael man film, also by Tim Caine, Morgan notch as the Caped Burton, are, well, too Freeman, Gary Crusader’s partners in Tim Burton-esque. Oldman crime fighting. FreeBefore the latest film’s Rated PG-13 man brings legitimacy release, the top Batman to any project in which flick was Mask of the he’s involved; this time, Phantasm, an animated feature he’s Wayne’s friend Lucius Fox, based on the Bruce Timm and the inventor behind Batman’s Eric Radomski Saturday morn- gadgets and gizmos. In a break ing cartoon from the early ’90s. from typecasting as a creep, It accomplished in 76 minutes Gary Oldman provides a small what was never done in four but sharp performance as Jim films — humanizing Batman Gordon, the good cop who while showing Bruce Wayne as Batman seeks out to start an the conflicted character he is. unstoppable partnership. Last Batman Begins does an even bet- is Caine, the warm-hearted old ter job, as Christian Bale knocks butler Alfred, who has made it it out of the park as both Wayne his life’s duty to serve the venerand his alter ego. His Wayne is able Wayne family. the character with which fans of Katie Holmes does a servicethe comic are familiar. able job as Rachel Dawes, an You have to credit Nolan and assistant district attorney who company for letting Bale loose as happens to be a childhood the Dark Knight. Here, Batman friend of Wayne and also his love isn’t the square that Val Kilmer interest. This partnership lacks portrayed in Batman Forever, chemistry, as the two are never

given enough screen time together to make the audience care about love or loss. Dawes is bent on removing mob boss Carmine Falcone (Tom Wilkinson) from power and putting him behind bars (which comic readers will recognize as Harvey Dent’s role in the Batman timeline). This brings uncertainty as to how and if the new team will introduce Wayne’s tragic friend who eventually becomes Two-Face. The cinematography in the film is fantastic and benefits greatly from the lack of digital effects. Elaborate sets were built to turn Gotham City into a fully realized entity of scum and despair, and it paid off beautifully. The realism shows through in every aspect, including the action sequences, leaning far away from the artistic, dance-like exhibitions featured in most popular action films these days. Batman takes out Falcone’s grunts like

they were nothing, tearing through them with the speed and precision of someone who’s had extensive martial arts training. While it may be aggravating to some, the quick cuts and edits to the fights help heighten the tension. The audience actually senses the fear and apprehension the bad guys are feeling. With a storyline revolving around a stolen vaporizer to be used to spread a villain’s toxins throughout the city, the plotline is decent enough to pass in any comic book or action film. Begins, however, reaches superior heights with its attention to detail, realism and top-flight acting. Begins breathes life into a dying film franchise and points at good things to come in the sequels. For now, though, Bat-fans can simply enjoy a big-screen Dark Knight finally done right. — Chris Boehm

From the look of un-Ryan. He returned him, Ryan Adams ap- concert just three minutes later, pears to be on the verge review apologizing to the au— if not right in the and claiming he ✯✯✯ dience middle — of a nervous had mistakenly stacked breakdown. With black, Ryan Adams and his amps, which he said thick-rimmed glasses The Cardinals made him sound like a and a heavy beard, his Stubb’s BBQ cross between “Darth face is shielded by long, June 16 Vader and a gnat.” scraggly hair, which Perhaps this was a new, hangs past the kinder Adams, microphone incapable of into which even the slighthe croons. est barroom Known for tussle. Doubthis tantrums ful, but the and postmalfunction show brawls, certainly made Adams’ new for a less static look gives Adams during him the apthe second set. pearance of Void of any a shy and equipment somewhat failures, the controlled second set feaPhoto courtesy of tured a looser, musician. Lost Highway Records more aggressive However, looks are always deceiving. Adams, who shook the dust off On June 16, Adams’ double- many songs from his first, and set show at Stubb’s BBQ, Cold still his best, solo album, HeartRoses, lingered on a little more breaker. With just a harmonica than it should have but still and acoustic guitar, he opened provided its share of charming with the lover’s-relent tune moments, much like his new “Call Me on Your Way Back double-LP of the same name. Home.” With his new band, The CardiThe Cardinals joined him nals, featuring bassist Catherine after it for a slow-tempo verPopper (Hem), guitarist J.P. sion of Adams’ finest track, “Oh Browerstock, lap-steel guitar- My Sweet Carolina,” which was ist Jon Graboff (Sweetgrass) followed with some rambuncand drummer Brad Pemberton tious Heartbreaker tracks such (Patty Griffin, Chantal Kre- as “Shakedown on 9th Street” viazuk) anchored nicely behind and “To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, him, Adams’ distracting antics Is To Be High).” varied between entertaining and Like his tendency to overwrite annoying. (he has two more albums schedFor the first few songs of his uled to come out this year, folinitial set, which included fine lowing the May release of Cold renditions of “Easy Plateau” and Roses), Adams tends to overplay; “Let it Ride” from Roses, Adams the show dragged on well over hunched over the mic while he two hours. By the time Grateful sang as if he was afraid to do Dead bassist Phil Lesh joined anything. Appearing distracted him for a few Dead covers, Adand frustrated, he repeatedly ams lost any momentum he had adjusted his guitar and amp in built after his mid-tune fit. the middle of songs. During a Two faces of the unpredictlively version of “Cold Roses,” able Adams were on display Adams walked off the stage Thursday night — the look of when his monitors failed. (This the quiet, complicated songster is a calm reaction for a man who and the sneer of the disgruntled once threw an audience member brawler. I guess the question is: out of a show after a certain ’80s How do you like your Ryan? classic by pop-rocker Bryan I know how I like mine. Hey, Adams was inappropriately Ryan, play “Summer of ’69”! requested.) However, what happened next was surprisingly — Kyle Bradshaw



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Wednesday, June 29, 2005 — Page 10

for rent

for rent

3b/2n duplex New flooring and paint. Very nice $1050mth. Columbia St. Available in Aug. call 661-706-6761 (6/29) *** 2b/1b duplex New flooring and paint. Very Nice $695mth. Columbia St. Availaible in Aug. call 661-706-6761 *** 3b/2b duplex, available now. 108 Crest, open daily come see. $875mth. Other 2&3b units Available in Aug. 396-0468 (6/29) *** 2 & 3b duplexes, new w/d nice, pets ok. Call 512-294-9410 (7/27) *** 1/1 $460, 2/1 $560. Free internet, phone, cable, and tanning. Walk to TSU 512-392-0121 (7/27) *** Crest Drive Duplexes 3b/2 1/2b 2 car garage, cable paid. Summer rate $900 Fall rate $1100 512-708-9530 or 512576-6523 (7/27) *** 146 Maribel $1550mth. Brand New Cullen County, Buda 4/2/2 + study 2 story, over 2,00sq ft. Carpet/hard wood tile floors, Island kitchen, sprinkler system, too many amenities to mention. 512-422-3878 ERA Bettinger Realitors. (6/29) *** 123 Clarene Court $1295mth. Brand New-Cullen County, Buda 3/2/2 Extremly beautiful. seperate tub/shower built in microwave, sprinkler system, big laundry over 1600sq ft. fenced yard. Available July 1 2005 512-422-378 ERA Bettinger Realtors (6/29) *** Next to Campus 2b/1b w/d $650mth. 206-660-7921 (7/27) *** Help! Need to get out of lease. 1st mth rent free. sign a 12mth. lease at Bobcat Village. 2b/2b $495mth all bills paid. 713-829-2127 (7/13) *** 811 Bracewood 2b/1b w/d new carpet. $495mth. visit jonesells.com and call Legacy Real 665-0350 (6/29) *** 3 bed 2.5 bath $1,100. Prelease today for 5/20 & 8/20. Fenced yard, no dogs, 2-car garage, w/d, sagewoodduplexes.com for floor plans. Mike, 665-2772. (7/27) *** $695, 2/2.5 townhouse, 3 blks from TX State, preleasing for May 20 & Aug. 20, free HBO, Roadrunner, full size w/d, www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. 396-4181. (7/27) *** APLUSAPTS.NET has prices, pictures, and floor plans to your new apartment. (7/27)

Condo for lease: 2/2 second floor condo, near campus. $675mth water paid, all appliances. Immediately available. Good view of swimming pool from balcony. Call Steve at 830379-0300 or 830-372-5512 evening. (7/27) *** IDEAL EXTRA LARGE & SUPERB CONDITION 3b/2.5b Dbl. Garage, W/D on TSU bus route. Move in June, July, or Aug. $1050mth. 830-708-2602 (7/27) *** Hughson Ct. 3/2 duplex, fireplace, huge yard, pets w/ restrictions. $1110mth. $1000 deposit + pet deposit. 754-0981 (7/27) *** Rooms Next to Campus, free internet & cable $275-$350. pool 392-2700 (7/27) *** Apts. Next to Campus Beautiful with wooden floors, free internet, and cable 1B, 2B, 3B. Apts $275-$350 per room. Roommate matching. Pool. 392-2700 (7/27) *** 1B/1B $465 Village on the River Available Aug 2005 Water/hot water paid call (512) 698-8840 or email nw1018@txstate.edu *** Sagewood Trail, W/D included, 2 car garage. Very Nice. 3b/2b walk in closets in each, 1/2bath downstairs. Pet w/ restrictions. $1110mth $1000 deposit + pet deposit. 754-0981 (7/27) *** Immediate move-ins. 3b/3b duplexes with car port in the 1000 blk of Advance. $850 per month. Visit jonessells.com and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 *** Great Deal! 707 Bracewood 2/1 for $450mth. W/D connections and approximately 800 sq. ft. Easy terms and deposits. Visit jonessells.com and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 (7/27) *** DO YOU NEED EXTRA LARGE? 736 Centre has 1300sq.ft. 2b for $750mth. 1/2 bath downstairs, Hollywood bath upstairs, full size w/d connections. Lots of space with 2 car carports. New laminate floors. Visit jonessells.com and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 (7/27) *** DO WE HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU! GREAT SUMMER RATE AT BISHIOPS CORNER 1b/1b for $200mth for June, July, and Aug. Then goes only to $395mth. Must have a year’s lease. Small complex with lots of privacy. Visit jonessells.com and call Legacy Real Estate 665-0350 (7/27)


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for rent

1005 N. LBJ Baynebridge condos is a block away from campus. Full size w/d and all electrical appliances. Water, wastewater, and trash paid. Call VJE Realty 353-3002 (6/29) *** Historical District living at its finest. Beautiful colonial 2 story house with large wrap around porch that is broken down into eight indvidual apartments. Nice efficiency available in Aug. Call VJE Realty 353-3002 (6/29) *** 605 West San Antonio #2 and #4 are wonderful 2b/1b units in Historical District Community. Stackable w/d and all electronic appliances included. Call VJE Realty 353-3002 (6/29) *** 220/222 Craddock. Beautiful two story duplex with 3b/2.5b. Tile floors downstairs and nice carpet upstairs. Driveway and garage are attached to duplex with all electrical appliances and full size w/d. Call VJE Realty 3533002 (6/29) *** 1322 Marlton A is a great 2b/1b duplex in quiet neighborhood. Nice fenced in backyard and all electrical appliances. A must see. Call VJE Realty 353-3002 (6/29) *** 204 Craddock is a great 3b/2b duplex with large walk in closets. Large living room makes this unit a must see. On the TSU shuttle route with all electrical appliances. Call VJE Realy 353-3002 (6/29) *** Cornerstone Apartments have great 3b and 2b apartments located on TSU shuttle route. Call VJE Realty 353-3002 (6/29) *** The Metropolitan Apartments are great industrial living apartments. Full size w/d in all units. Nice pool, hot tub, sand volleyball court, and much more. Call The Met today at 393-6000 (6/29) *** Stadium View Apartments is the quietest complex in town. All 1b have free laundry facility use. Great pool and hot tub on property, and covered parking for all units. Call Stadium View Apartments at 353-4132 (6/29) *** Langtry Apartments are great 2b and 1b apartments. Perfect roommate style living with pool and hot tub. Call Langtry Apartments at 396-2673 (6/29) *** $290 RENT pays internet, water, phone, trash W/D Included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** Cheapest 1bdrm in San Marcos $350 most bills paid Call AE (512)8050123 (7/27) *** $0 App Fee, $99 Dep. One Month Free!! Includes cable, internet, water, trash Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 1/1.5 loft 700 sq ft 2/1.5 has backyards includes W/D Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27)

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for rent

Townhome Commty. W/in Walking Distance to Campus Cable, & internet pd. W/D included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $750 3/2 2 carport garage W/D conn 1180 sqft Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 1 Month free 3/2 W/D conn Close to Campus (7/27) *** $600 off 1 bdrm, 2 bdrm & 3 bdrms Apts.W/dryer included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $0 Dep. $0 App. Fee w/movie stubs, 1st Mo.’s Rent Free pay cable, internet, water, trash W/D included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $149 Total Move-In 1 bdrms $450+, 2 bdrms $500+, some bills pd Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 4/2.5 Townhomes electricity, water, trash pd. Includes W/D Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $99 Includes Deposit, App. Fee & Admin Fee. $600 off 1st Mo.’s Rent A+ Apartment Comm. Call AE (512) 805-0123 (7/27) *** 2/1.5 $595 Large Condo Comm., some bills pd. Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 1 Mo. Free. Townhome. Commty. 1/1 - $455, 2/2 - $565, most bills pd. Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $60 Dep. w / some bills pd. Free internet 1/1 $425, 2./2 $525 Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 3 Mo. Leases Available Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** A + Townhome Commty. Phone, Cable, & internet pd. Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** $149 Total Move In 1/1 $500, 2/1.5 $620 w/ cable, trash, gas, water pd Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 1/1 715 sq. ft. $500, 2/1.5 $620 w/ cable, trash, gas, water, waste pd. Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** Big Dogs OK! 1/1 - $450 & 2/2 $450, pay partial water, free cable. Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** Walk to Campus, 1 MO. FREE prorated, Washer Dryer Included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** TX. SIZE TWNHOMES, $450 Free Cable Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** Very Spacious 1 & 2 bdrms, 1 Mo. Free Rent Prorated Call AE (512)8050123 (7/27) *** $0 Dep. Furnished Apt. cable, internet, water, trash paid includes W/D Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27)



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for rent

1 Mo. Free Prorated 2/2.5 Townhomes water, waste, trash pd W/D included Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** 1/1 $350 water, gas, trash pd Call AE (512)805-0123 (7/27) *** Furnished Apartments: Prices start in the $300’s. Bill included. Great Locations 512-878-2233 *** $0 App $0 Dep. $290+ includes cable, internet, wtr, & phone. w/d incl. GL 878-2233 *** $0 App $0 Dep, BRAND NEW property most bills paid. Pool views available. GL 878-2233 *** $0 App & 1st month FREE. 1/1 $437, 2/2 $641, 3/2$ 940. GL 878-2233 *** APARTMENT HOTLINE - Free info on over 60 apts, condos, and townhomes. www.glsanmarcos.com 866-282-8517 *** 1/1 $375 or 2/1 $425 quiet community, close to everything. Great Locations 878-2233 *** 3/2 $585 or 4/2 $749 quiet community, close to everything. Great Locations 878-2233 *** Apartment Finding Service - Free and Easy! Call Great Locations @ 512-8782233 ALL Bills Paid. 1, 2, & 3 bdrms. *** Three properties to choose from: close to campus, I35, or Hopkins. GL 8782233 *** Water front apts, 1, 2, & 3 bdrms, close to campus, bills paid GL 878-2233 *** 1/1, Lowest Price in town!! Most bills paid & Pets ok, only $375. GL 8782233 *** 2 bedroom Only $470 $149 Total Move-in (1st mo. rent, app, dep) GL 878-2233 *** 3/3 Only $290+!!! Bills include water, Ethernet, and w/d. GL 878-2233 *** $5 app, $5 deposit! 3/2 Newer Property only $700 w/ W/D GL 878-2233 *** Walk to Campus!!! 1 bed $400, 2 bed $530 w/ cable paid GL 878-2233 *** ZERO, Zip, Nada - 0$ move-in, now or prelease! GL 878-2233 *** $0. FREE RENT till September !!! Call Great Locations! 878-2233 *** All Bills Paid Studio!!! Includes electric, Only $500/mo. Great Location! 878-2233 *** 1/1.5 LOFT! Only $445 Includes cable, and close to campus. GL 878-2233 *** Artistic Lofts, hardwood flrs, w/d, 16ft ceilings. www.glsanmarcos.com GL 878-2233 *** 2 And 3 Bed Duplexes Dogs Ok, Vault Ceilings, W/D, Fireplace, Big Yard www.glsanmarcos.com GL 878-2233 *** 1/1.5 Townhome! For only $455, pets ok W/D GL 878-2233 *** 2/2 ALL Bills Paid, cable, internet & w/d incl. www.glsanmarcos.com GL 878-2233 *** APT / CONDO HOTLINE - Free info on San Marcos Apts, condos, and townhomes. www.glsanmarcos.com 866-282-8517 *** $0 App/Dep. 2 bedroom condo with w/d connections. $595. GL 878-2233 *** 1/1 4-plex $405 w/ private patio. On bus rout. GL 878-2233 *** 2 bedroom 4-plex $450 w/d con. Outside storage, water paid. GL 878-2233 *** Only 2 more papers left this summer. Get your ad in our July 13 and July 27 issues. To place your ad email starclassifieds@txstate.edu.

for sale

Live Rent Free. Buy my large, lovely, clean, 3b/2b home. $16, 500 might finance., good credit. 512-357-6636

help wanted Tourist Information Assistant Job requires informing visitors to San Marcos of local attractions, hotels, events, points of interest, etc. Must be dependable, personable, a good communicator, and able to give accurate directions. Light housekeeping duties. Hours Sat 9-5; Sun 10-4 only. $6/hr. Deadline to apply at 617 I-35 North is July 8. *** Wanted caregiver approximately 30hrs in exchange for free foom and board. The hours are flexible. For an elderly lady with Alzheimers. References required. Call 396-0963 (7/13) *** Study Break Magazine Now Hiring Sales Representative. Inheirt accout list with current advertisers, great pay, flexible hours. 512-480-0893. (7/27) *** Part time sales associate wanted for outdoor sunglass cart at Prime Outlet in San Marcos call 512-773-5693 or 512217-9318 (7/27) *** Wanted Experienced horse riders, trainers, & attractive models. Apply online at www.texasarabianhorses.com Close to campus, flexible hours, decent pay. 353-3477 (7/27) *** Professional Photographer is looking for athletic models. Need spontaneous and artistic souls. Style counts as a plus. Apply online at www.NabilCronfu lPhotography,com 210-367-7842 (7/27) *** Athletic outgoing students for calenders, greeting cards, etc. $75$150hr no exp. needed 512-684-8296 (7/27) *** Bartender Wanted $250/day potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 (7/27)

miscellaneous Need a D.J? jm1482@txstate.edu (210)722-3597. (7/27)

roommates Female Roommate needed for Fall Semester private bedroom and bath 10min from campus $300mth + 1/2 electricity and cable available in July 281-639-8048 or 281-380-1268 (7/27) *** Female Christian looking to share w/same nice sized 2b/2b 2nd floor apartment w/balcony, w/d, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, quite and pretty. Two on-site pools and jacuzzis. Walking distance to west campus, and on bus route. Move in end of July, $349.50 plus 1/2 electricity & high speed internet, $150 deposit. Must be mature, responsible and serious student. 512-878-0464 or sw1073@txstate.edu (7/27)

services Computer Tech Support. Having computer problems? San Marcos Solutions can get your computer back to 100%. $35 flat fee pricing available! no per hour charge. (512)665-1119. techsupport@sanmar cossolutions.com www.sanmarcossol utions.com (7/27) *** San Marcos Training Center Offering Summer Classes CNA, EMT, CPR/First Aid. Call Robin at 512-393-4460 or www.smtrainingcenter.com

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