09 19 2006

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Highlights of the Austin City Limits Music Festival through the eyes of two Star reporters

Bobcat football drops a nail-biter to Northern Colorado and sinks below .500





SEPTEMBER 19, 2006



Students arrested in connection with residence hall burglary By David Saleh Rauf The University Star University Police arrested two Texas State students Friday in connection with the Sept. 8 burglary of a residence hall room in San Jacinto Hall. Rene Esquibel and Stephen

Darnell were served arrest warrants at 8:45 a.m. in Blanco Hall. University Police Department Capt. Rickey Lattie said Esquibel and Darnell, both former members of the Texas State track and field team, stole two laptops, $250 cash, iPods, a backpack and a digital camera.

UPD obtained evidence for three search warrants from a surveillance camera on campus and combined it with existing information, Lattie said. “They were in public areas. We actually have camera footage of them carrying out the items they stole,” he said. “The individuals

we arrested were suspects prior to looking at the video, but the video is really what gave us what we needed to get a search warrant. Without it, we wouldn’t have had enough evidence to get a search warrant.” The search warrants were simultaneously executed on

Wednesday at three campus locations, Lattie said. “We suspect these individuals could be involved in some other burglaries but we don’t have proof of that yet,” he said. “We still have additional items we’re trying to cross back and find out where they were burglar-

‘ greatest woman I’ve ever known ’ The

IN MEMORIAM: A large photo of Governor Ann Richards with her granddaughter Lily Adams hangs in the Frank Erwin Center as Adams, now grown, addresses the large crowd about her memories of her late grandmother.

By David Saleh Rauf The University Star

Monday was somber yet spiritually uplifting as thousands gathered at the Frank Erwin Center at the University of Texas to memorialize the life of the 45th governor of Texas, Ann Willis Richards. Richards died of esophageal cancer Wednesday night at her home in Austin. Jane McFarland of Austin was at the election night celebration in November 1990 for Texas governor-elect Ann Willis Richards. She brought her teenage daughter to the event so she could witness a crucial moment in Texas history. “The world changed so much that night with how much more empowered women, minorities and the powerless became,” McFarland said. Michele Shackleford, also of Austin, first met Richards in Amarillo in 1980 at a women’s leadership conference. “She lived in the moment, loved where she was and enjoyed the people she was with,” Shackleford said. “She made you feel very welcome and warm and we all wanted to help her politically.” Dignitaries and political leaders were on hand to speak, including master of ceremonies, Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, syndicated columnist Liz Smith, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and San Antonio business leader Henry Cisneros. “She was the smartest, funniest and strongest woman whom many of us ever knew,” Kirk said during the opening, followed by a flood of applause. Richards is credited with helping change the political face of Texas by encouraging empowerment of women and minorities in government leadership roles. Kirk compared Richards’ advocacy to the plight of late Hall of Fame baseball player Jackie Robinson, saying “This could not be the Texas we dreamed of until all God’s children got to play.” The former governor affected a greater portion of the Texas public than just women and minorities. “You look around this room and you see every type of Texan represented,” Shackleford said. Women, men and children of all ages and races were present to thank Richards for her strength and determination. “She had a big heart, no matter who you were. She was boundless,” said Wilma Evans, an Austin resident who worked with Richards while at the state comptroller’s office. Smith, friend of the former Texas governor, lightened the emotions of those in attendance by offering several humorous anecdotes during an onstage reflection. “Eleanor Roosevelt. Katherine Hepburn. Mother Theresa. Forget them. Ann Richards was the greatest woman I’ve ever known,” Smith said.

In response to low springflow levels at the San Marcos springs, city officials declared Stage 2 drought restrictions effective Monday. The decision comes one week after the Edwards Aquifer Authority implemented Stage 2 of its Demand Management/Critical Period Management Plan and just three days after the city initiated new year-round water conservation rules. Under the new rules, city officials can implement Stage 2 when the five-day average flow rate at the San Marcos springs falls below 96 cubic feet per second. “It rained (last) Monday and Tuesday, so we were waiting to see what effect that rain would have on the springflows,” said Jan Klein, San Marcos water conservation coordinator. “We thought maybe it would increase them up above the trigger points, but it hasn’t. They have not increased at all as a result of that rain and so, based on that, we decided to go ahead and go into Stage 2.” The historic springflow average in September is 162 cfs. At this time last year, the springs were running at 185 cfs. On Saturday, they were flowing at 94 cfs. “It’s rainfall-dependant,” Klein said. “We haven’t had any rain and that, of course, makes the consumption go up, so it’s just really based on weather.” Under EAA rules, all industrial and municipal permit holders are required to cut back pumping from the aquifer by 10 percent, said Roland Ruiz, spokesperson for the EAA. “We’re telling them the cut-back level has ratcheted up from 5 to 10 percent. How a permit holder gets there is really not the issue for us, it’s just that they get to that level,” Ruiz said. The San Marcos springs, Ruiz said, have not responded to recent rainfall the same way the J-17 index well in Bexar County has. “What we’re doing is we’re going to watch San Marcos springs very closely, monitor them to see how they respond to any potential rainfall in the area and to the 10 percent cutbacks,” he said. “Hopefully, they will make an impact and those springs will bounce back here in the short term.” Ruiz said there is something in the geological structure of the aquifer that could separate the San Marcos springs from the “San Antonio pool.” “There’s something in the structure of the aquifer that has set apart the spring as far as recharge goes,” he said. “While we’ve seen recharge into the aquifer really respond well at the Bexar County well and at Comal springs, we’ve not seen that same affect in San Marcos, so that’s telling us that we think San Marcos is probably deserving of being it’s own pool.” Klein said city officials will maintain a “conservative approach” for issuing fines to offenders of the water restrictions. “I think we’re certainly going to give ample opportunity to educate people and make them aware of the rules. But we do have those fines and if we see repeated violations after educating and reminding, we are prepared to use those fines,” she said. The potential for the city to move into Stage 3 is hard to predict and will depend on the weather, Klein said. “We’re going to need pretty substantial rainfall in order to get out of drought restrictions. However, it looks like the springflows are staying pretty steady and the drop was pretty slow and gradual, so I would say the chances of going into Stage 3 are pretty slim,” she said.

See RICHARDS, page 3

Centennial celebration marks first Latino student at Texas State By Maira Garcia The University Star Texas State started a month-long celebration of Latino Presence at Texas State University-San Marcos: Celebrating100 Years Friday at the Wittliff Gallery with the opening of a new exhibit and a speech by Texas Commissioner of Higher Education Raymund Paredes. The event highlighted the centennial of the first Hispanic student to attend Texas State, Elena Zamora. As part of the celebration, an exhibit featuring traditional Mexican art, outfits and portraits of Hispanic faculty, staff, students and prominent alumni was opened. Paredes was featured as the keynote speaker of the night. In his speech, Paredes emphasized the importance of enrolling Hispanics into higher

Today’s Weather

Sunny 90˚/60˚

Precipitation: 20% Humidity: 36% UV: 9 Very High Wind: NNE 9 mph

education institutions. Through the Closing the Gaps program, the state hopes to enroll 630,000 students into Texas higher education by 2015. “Now that number wasn’t determined arbitrarily,” Paredes said. “That number is simply intended to get Texas to parody the colleges across the nation.” Paredes said that while the number of Hispanics achieving a higher education is growing, it isn’t consistent with the growing population of Hispanics in Texas. “There is a problem reconciling the numerator with the denominator. I keep telling people, if you look at Texas, the number of Hispanics going to college and graduating is going up steadily but not in relation to the growth … of the population,” Paredes said. Paredes said that while Hispanics are the fastest

Two-day Forecast Wednesday Mostly Sunny Temp: 90°/ 68° Precip: 0%

Thursday Isolated T-Storms Temp: 94°/ 74° Precip: 30%

See BURGLARY, page 3

San Marcos enacts Stage 2 water restrictions

By Chris Parrish Special to Star

AP Photo/Eric Gay

ized from. Some of the property that was stolen is still missing and we’re still trying to recover that.” Esquibel, pre-mass communication freshman, said he was wrongfully accused and that the

growing sect of the population, they are the least educated. Paredes said in comparison, whites receive 12.8 years of education, blacks 12.2 years and Hispanics the least, at 9.6 years. “… Latinos in Texas over 25 on average haven’t even completed their sophomore year of high school,” Paredes said. “That’s the population that’s growing most quickly … that would suggest, unless we do something dramatically different, there will be a very bleak and cultural future for Texas.” Part of the problem is that Hispanics fall further behind because they lack the resources to get ahead, Paredes said. “We have a situation in Texas where children who start school behind and go to school — guess what happens — they fall further behind,” Paredes

For more information on water conservation, including Stage 2 restrictions visit: www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us or call 393-8010

See LATINO, page 3

Inside News ..............1-3 Trends .............4-6 Crossword ......... 6 Sudoku .............. 6

Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University System

Comics .............. 6 Opinions ............ 7 Classifieds ......... 8 Sports ........... 9,10

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

September 19, 2006

starsof texas state James Polk, school of music associate professor and Texas State distinguished alumnus, is dedicated to preserving the unique heritage of early black musicians and instilling his creative passion into a new generation. As a world-renowned jazz pianist and arranger, Polk is recognized for his knowledge of the technical aspects of music, has spent 10 years as an arranger for Ray Charles, been nominated twice for Grammy awards and within

Texas has been named Jazz Pianist of the Year. His influence on the Austin music scene spans 40 years. He is an active supporter of the Austin Jazz Workshop, an organization that brings jazz performance and education into the public schools. He also collaborates with Women in Jazz, an organization designed to enhance jazz vocal performances. — Courtesy of Public Relations

News Contact — David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University System

Unique fundraiser TUESDAY The Tennis Club will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. at the tennis courts on Sessom Drive, behind Joe’s Crab Shack. All skill levels are welcome. If you have any questions, contact the Tennis Club President, Chris Harris, at ch1282@txstate.edu. The Catholic Student Organization will hold a free lunch for all students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lobby of the Catholic Student Center. The Catholic Student Organization will meet at 7 p.m. in the CSC. Overeaters Anonymous will meet at 12:30 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church, 130 W. Holland St. For more information, call (512) 357-2049. There will be a counseling session, From Soldier to Student, at the Counseling Center from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 for more information.

WEDNESDAY Higher Ground, the LutheranEpiscopal campus ministry, offers a short service of prayer and reflection at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church, across from The Tower residence hall. A free meal follows at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Bible Study will be held in the lounge of the CSC at 7 p.m. A student-led rosary will be prayed in the chapel of the CSC at 6:25 p.m. The Texas State Blood Drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Reed Parr Room (J.C. Kellam, Room 1100). In order to give blood, you must: • Be 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. • Eat at least 4-6 hours prior to donation. • Bring a photo ID and know your social security number. • Take your last dose of antibiotics 48 hours before donating. • Wait 56 days (8 weeks) between donations. Bishop Gregory Aymond of the Austin Diocese will give a special presentation on “Forgiveness & Healing” at the CSC at 7 p.m. The Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families Group meeting will be held from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Texas State students must call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 and schedule a screening for this group. Earth First! will hold its first event of the fall semester. The event is entitled “Bus Stop for Bio-Diesel” and the goal is to get as many students as possible to sign a petition to kick-off the project of making the university more aware of bio-diesel. Anyone who would like to help or sign the petition is welcome to come by the bus stop at 11:30 a.m. in front of Commons Dining Hall. The Comm Club will meet at 4 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room

Correction In Thursday’s issue, the story “Democrats criticize Bush administration for ‘soaring’ tuition costs” incorrectly identified Sen. John Cornyn as a Democrat. He is a Republican.

318. There will be free food and lots of fun.

THURSDAY The Tennis Club will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. at the tennis courts on Sessom Drive, behind Joe’s Crab Shack. All skill levels are welcome. If you have any questions, contact the Tennis Club President, Chris Harris, at ch1282@txstate.edu.

On this day 1957 — The U.S. conducted its first underground nuclear test. The test took place in the Nevada desert.

An on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will take place from 5 to 6 p.m. For more information, call the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center at (512) 2453601. The Counseling Center will offer the following counseling groups: Facing the Fear (Anxiety Group), held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and Women’s Personal Growth Group, held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. For information or to sign-up, call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208. Students must call and schedule a screening for this group. The Rock-Praise & Worship will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel of the CSC. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship will hold its weekly meeting at 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Enjoy contemporary worship, relevant teaching and prayer. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact (512) 557-7988 or mail@texasstatechialpha.com. Higher Ground, the LutheranEpiscopal campus ministry, will offer a free supper at 6:15 p.m., followed by Holy Communion at 7 p.m. The group meets at St. Mark’s Church, across from The Tower residence hall. Everyone is welcome. The Counseling Center will hold Facing the Fear (Anxiety Group) and Women’s Personal Growth Group. Texas State students must call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 to schedule a screening for this group. The Comm Club will meet at 4 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318. There will be free food and lots of fun.

MONDAY There will be an on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting from noon to 1 p.m. For more information call the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center, (512) 245-3601. Sexual Abuse Survivors Group will meet from 5 to 6:15 p.m. Texas State students need to call the Counseling Center at (512) 2452208 to schedule a screening for this group. Texas State men’s basketball tryouts will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Strahan Coliseum. You must be currently enrolled in at least 12 hours at Texas State, have proof of insurance and have a copy of a current physical examination. You must sign-up and bring proof of insurance and physical by Sept. 21 to the men’s basketball office in Strahan Coliseum to attend this tryout.

Go to www.UniversityStar.com and click on contact to view calendar and Stars of Texas State submission policies.

1959 — Nikita Khruschev was not allowed to visit Disneyland due to security reasons. Khrushchev reacted angrily. Jennifer Williams/Star photo Management senior and American Marketing Association member Jason Magdalena (left) and Texas State alumnus David Frank (right) entice students to buy their new calendars, which showcase the men and women of Texas State. The AMA of Texas State teamed up with Frank’s company, Vixen Entertainment, to produce the fundraiser.

1970 — “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” premiered on CBS-TV. 1982 — Scott Fahlman became the first person to use :-) in an online message.

CRIME BL TTER Health Beat University Police Department Sept. 14, 3:27 p.m. Information Report: Suspicious Circumstances/ Strahan Coliseum An officer was dispatched for a report of a suspicious person. A student reported he had been shocked by a device from an unknown individual. EMS was dispatched and the student was taken to Central Texas Medical Center for further evaluation.

Sept. 14, 7:39 p.m. Criminal Mischief under $500/Bobcat Village An officer was dispatched on a report of criminal mischief. A student reported an unknown person had attempted to gain access to her vehicle. A case was made of this report.

Sept. 14, 5:17 p.m. Criminal Mischief under $500/Woods Street Garage An officer was dispatched on a report of criminal mischief. A student reported all of his tires had been slashed. This case is under investigation.

Sept. 15, 1:59 a.m. Information Report/Campus Colony Apartments An officer was informed of a door being kicked in at Campus Colony Apartments. Upon further investigation, a non-student had entered the apartment and fought with the victim. The student did not wish to press charges.

Sept. 14, 7:14 p.m. Failure to Comply/Striking Unattended Vehicle/Child Development Center A non-student reported to an officer that their vehicle had been damaged. This case is under investigation.

Sept. 15, 2 a.m. Alcohol: MIP/Bobcat Village An officer observed a student having difficulty walking. Upon further investigation, the student was found to be a minor in possession of alcohol and the student was issued a citation.

Stigma, shame barrier to those overcoming alcohol addiction As many as 74 percent of Americans say addiction to alcohol has had some impact at some point in their lives, whether it was their own personal addiction, that of a friend or family member or some other experience with addiction. This is an increase from a similar study in 2004, in which the majority of Americans said that addiction to either drugs or alcohol has had a great deal of impact in their lives. Many people in treatment and recovery face stigma and discrimination, which can be detrimental to receiving treatment. According to the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 21.6 percent of the 1.2 million people who felt they needed treatment and did not receive it indicated it was because of reasons related to stigma. In another survey, 40 percent

of the recovery community said they thought embarrassment or shame was their biggest obstacle to receiving treatment and 19 percent were afraid of being fired or discriminated against if they received treatment. Substance use disorders are a disease that can be treated just like other chronic illness. People need to understand the harmful effects of stigma and support people trying to get treatment or who are in recovery. People can be taught how to spot substance use disorders among family, friends and fellow community members and ensure they receive the services and support needed to work toward recovery. This month is the 17th annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. — Courtesy of the Department of Health and Human Services

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

Fifth blood drive of the year to be held at JCK By Tanya Horowitz Special to The Star Texas State’s Office of Professional Development will host its fifth blood drive of the year from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at J.C. Kellam, Room 1100. “This is an important community service that we host, because it is the one thing that anyone can give back to someone else that may be in desperate need of it,” said Marsha Moore, director of the Office of Professional Development. The blood drive is open to all faculty, students and residents. Donors must bring photo identification and provide their social security number. Walk-in donors are welcome, but appointments will be given first priority and can be made online at www.lonestardonor.com. The process of donating blood takes close to an hour, Moore said, and includes medical questions and paperwork. Some restrictions, however, do apply to those donating blood. Donors must not have given blood in the past eight weeks, be at least 17 and are encouraged to eat at least four hours before donating. Many campus organizations will be helping by donating blood. The campus radio station, KTSW, is one among them. Their news staff will be

mentioning as well as attending the event to provide on-air coverage, said Nick Kukowski, KTSW station manager. “There is always a need for extra blood; accidents will always happen and will always continue to happen,” Kukowski said. In 2005, Texas State placed second with 375 units of donated blood in the Partners in Life award, given yearly by the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas. This award is given to the university who collects the most units of blood from all sponsors on campus, — including fraternities, sororities and offices such as the office of Professional Development — throughout the year. Donated blood is given to the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas to circulate throughout 26 hospitals and additional special treatment centers in 10 Central Texas counties. San Marcos does not currently have a blood donation center. The Office of Professional Development will host the sixth and final blood drive this year on Nov. 29. “Our goal is to receive more blood this year than the 375 units we did last year,” Moore said. “The last two drives we held, every slot was full, so it is looking good.”

City officials celebrate reopening of Craddock Ave. By Ashlee McConnell Special to the Star San Marcos City officials gathered Friday afternoon for a ribbon cutting ceremony to declare the reopening of Craddock Avenue. Reconstruction on the section of Craddock that stretches from RR 12 to Bishop began two years ago as part of a goal set forth by the 1998 Blue Ribbon Bond committee. The 2-lane road with a blind hill was transformed into a 4lane divided boulevard complete with sidewalks and a hike and bike trail. The $4.1 million reconstruction also included the installation of a retaining wall, water mains, wastewater lines and storm drains. City Councilman John Thomaides said the project signifies the council’s commitment to providing citizens with good-quality roads that are pedestrian friendly. “It’s a big day, not only for the neighborhood, but for the city as a whole,” Thomaides said. Thomaides said the council plans to provide safe ways for permanent residents as well as students to get around by ensuring that all new roads will be pedestrian friendly.

Mayor Susan Narvaiz and City Manager Dan O’Leary also addressed the crowd of about 30. O’Leary stood between poster-sized images of the road before and after reconstruction, asking everyone to remember just how bad the area had once been. Prior to reconstruction the area was surrounded by overgrown grass and considered dangerous because of a hill that completely blinded drivers. Traffic is now separated by landscaped medians and has a granite trail along one side. Corrections were also made to eliminate the hill that endangered drivers. Narvaiz said the completion fulfills a monumental goal for the city and reflects the efforts of many involved. She said the new hike and bike trail will offer residents many advantages. “This project significantly increases the opportunity for our friends and neighbors to get out and walk and make San Marcos a fit city,” Narvaiz said. With the completion of Craddock Avenue the city plans to continue to improve road conditions around San Marcos. Post Road reconstruction is scheduled to begin Spring of 2007.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

LATINO: Paredes calls on Texas to ‘validate’ Hispanic culture

Uncovering the Past

CONTINUED from page 1

Bridgette Cyr/Star photo Texas State President Denise Trauth, daughter of Lyndon Johnson Luci Baines, Student Body President Kyle Morris, grandson of LBJ Patrick Nugent and the Judge Frank Bartley unveil the new statue of President Johnson at the LBJ Statue Dedication Thursday afternoon in The Quad. The complete story can be found at www.UniversityStar.com.

RICHARDS: Texas mourns teacher turned governor CONTINUED from page 1

Smith also told stories of Richards’ popularity across the country and compared being with her to hanging out with a rock star. Cisneros characterized Richards as charismatic, wise, witty and hard working. “Would it make a difference to have a woman in high political office? Ann Richards proved an emphatic and absolute yes,” he said. Clinton thanked the Richards family for sharing their family tragedy with the public. She gave an account of Richards’ political life, from serving in the Travis County Commissioners’ Court in 1976 to being narrowly defeated for re-election as governor by George W. Bush in 1994. “Some people are so afraid of dying they never live. Some people are so afraid of failure they never try,” Clinton said. “She showed she could not only do the job, but do it better than most folks expected.” Richards, born Sept. 1, 1933 in Lakeview earned a teaching certificate from the University of Texas. By the 1970s, she worked in politics and defeated a three-term incumbent for a spot on the Commissioner’s Court in 1976 and was re-elected in 1980. In 1982, she became state treasurer under the Democratic ticket and was re-elected without opposition in 1986. Richards gained national recognition in 1988 during her keynote address to the Democratic National Convention when she said then Vice President George Bush was “born with a silver foot in his mouth.” Two years later, she defeated multi-millionaire rancher Clayton Wheat Williams Jr. to become the second female governor in Texas history. “She got into politics because she didn’t want her tombstone to read ‘She kept a clean house.’ Instead, she got into government and cleaned house,” Clinton said. The most emotional point of the memorial service came when Richards’ granddaughter Lily Adams spoke, recalling the impact of “Mammie” on her life. “She often said that she had eight nearly perfect grandchildren,” Adams said. “We want you all to know she was a nearly perfect grandmother.” Inspirational music illustrated the Richards service, with performances by The Wesley United Methodist Church Intergenerational Choir and renowned American opera soprano Jessye Norman. Wanda Steve, an Austin resident of more than 50 years, acclaims Richards as being her personal hero. “She was spunky. She knew what she wanted and went after it,” Steve said. “She was an inspiration to anyone who has gone through hardships and jumped back on the horse.”

The University Star - Page 3

said. Paredes said the most important aspect of ensuring that Hispanic students complete their higher education studies would be having faculty that resembles students. “We need to have a curriculum that validates students of all backgrounds. And it is important that every student, from whatever background, can come to this institution and see something of his or her heritage reflected in the courses that the student takes,” Paredes said. “We know that students do better where their histories, where their cultures are validated.” Magdalena de la Tejeda, dean of student affairs at Austin Community College and wife of history chair Jesus de la Tejeda, applauded during Paredes’ speech when he spoke of the importance of having Hispanic role models for students. “I study the success and what are the factors that create (disparity) among the Latinos. I’m very concerned that we have such a large population of Latinos in the state of Texas and nationally that are not going to college and not even finishing high school. Part of the issue … is that we need to have more mentors,” de la Tejeda said. “We really need to get passionate about

that.” Texas State President Denise Trauth said Paredes’ speech was well received because he had been through similar experiences that Hispanic students encounter. “He has lived what he is talking about and I think that’s so important,” Trauth said. “He recognizes better than any commissioner of higher education we’ve had of how important closing the gaps is.” Steven Romero, president of the Hispanic Business Student Association, said he was happy that Paredes said that while Texas State is growing in numbers, it doesn’t match the state population, a fact he thinks many Hispanics shy away from. “This year marks the 100 years of Latinos (at Texas State) and I hope that all Latinos … step up and represent their culture because if there is any year to do it, this is the year,” Romero said. Racquel Soto, president of Latinas Unidas and psychology junior, said that she was surprised by the lack of Hispanic students at the event. “I expected more people to be here. Of the 5,000 plus Hispanic students, only 50 or 60 showed up,” Soto said. “I wish more people were here. This is a very important event and I’m really happy this is going on.”

African American Leadership Conference focuses on networking, education By Zandria Avila The University Star The 14th-annual African American Leadership Conference began Friday and aimed to motivate both Texas State students and alumni. This year’s theme, “From Apathy To Action,” was inspired by victim’s needs resulting from Hurricane Katrina. Jamar Keaton, mass communications senior, was the conference’s public relations cochair. “Our move from apathy to action began with Black Student Alliance, Black Men United and Black Women United’s trip to New Orleans to clean up and provide some relief,” Keaton said. The stated mission of the conference is “to lay a foundation for educational success of incoming and returning African American students by providing the opportunity for networking and learning.” Keaton believes that mission was accomplished this year. “The conference was a very positive and enlightening experience for all those in attendance,” Keaton said. “The conference was also a profound opportunity to meet some leaders and pioneers of our and our parents’ lifetimes.” Keaton estimated a total of 300 were in attendance. Conference speakers included Texas State alumni and current students. Alvin Curette, Jr., Texas State alumnus,

presented his workshop entitled “Frosted Flakes vs. Cracker Jacks.” Curette spoke about his personal dilemma of choosing a major based on prospective gain or because it provides purpose to one’s life. Curette’s personal definition of Frosted Flakes-success was the difference between greatness and attainment. Curette, having majored in education, said he is sometimes tempted by the tangible wealth of other degrees. “This is something I discuss with myself often,” Curette said. “Six months ago I was thinking I should get a degree in the medical field instead. As a teacher with a masters, I may start with a meager $30,000 salary.” Jessica Allen, undecided-professional sophomore, said she could relate to Curette’s subject. “I understood what Alvin was saying about how you can do something for hours and it seems like only minutes have passed,” Allen said. “Coming to college, I was confident in what I was going to do. Now I am thinking of changing my major; I felt as if he spoke directly to me.” Lasana Hotep, Texas State alumnus, delivered a workshop entitled “HipHop: A Global Youth Movement.” Hotep elaborated on the history of hip-hop versus pop culture as well as challenges and opportunities found in hip-hop. “I believe it important to present this workshop because often people participate in activities while they are ignorant

of its history. I deem it imperative to have ancestry,” Hotep said. Faylita Hicks, English sophomore, was particularly moved by Hotep’s workshop. “I always want to know the actual history versus the accepted history of hip-hop. As a member of Hip-Hop Congress, it is encouraging and positive to see those who care for hip-hop,” Hicks said. Hotep first presented this workshop in the spring of 1997 at a similar conference. Hotep advised all who were present to be more selective of their music. “It is essential of people who desire diversity in their music collection to seek out independent stores and artists,” Hotep said. This year’s conference included its first alumni reunion and Keaton said he was pleased to have the collaboration between alumni and students. “I would like to thank the alumni association for their support and hope we can look forward to the same partnership in years to come,” Keaton said.

ONLINE CONNECTION: For an audio feature and Web story on Common Experience and AALC guest speaker John Carlos, log on to www.UniversityStar.com

BURGLARY: Esquibel denies burglary charges CONTINUED from page 1

searches conducted by UPD turned up nothing. “There’s really no evidence of whatever my charge was,” Esquibel said. “There’s no pure, solid evidence. Obviously, they said I took something. There’s no evidence of me taking anything. They had a search warrant for my room. They found no evidence of any stolen items in property.” Esquibel said the video camera footage obtained by UPD is of him walking out of a dorm, not out of a specific dorm room. “The picture they have of me is a picture of me leaving the first floor of the dorm with a backpack,” he said. “I know there are cameras in the dorm. Why would I try to incriminate myself like that?” According to the Offense/Incident report filed by UPD, 16 items were taken from Esquibel’s room as part of the evidence log. Esquibel said five of them, including two mp3 players, a checkbook and a receipt from Compass Bank, belonged to him and have since been returned, while the 11 other confiscated items belonged to his roommates.

“As far as the case, I’m not really concerned about it because there’s no evidence of my doing anything and I know that I didn’t do anything. That’s what’s important,” he said. Kendall Prather, fashion merchandising freshman, had a laptop, an iPod, a stereo, CDs and a backpack stolen during the incident. She said the men from across the hall invited Esquibel and Darnell to come over to their room the night of the incident. “They knew that we were all going to be gone for the whole night together. We all went to Sixth Street on Thursday night,” Prather said. “We left and we came home around 3:15, 3:20 and tried to unlock the door, but the door was already unlocked. They picked the front door.” Prather said one of her roommates suffered a panic attack following the incident and that the situation has made them more cautious. “She was freaking out because she was home by herself,” Prather said. “I felt that they invaded my privacy. I was more scared for my safety rather than my property being gone. We’ve all just been real nervous to leave the house.” If charged, Esquibel and Darnell will

face a grand jury Oct. 11 and could be sentenced to two to 20 years in prison for a second degree felony burglary of a habitation, Hays County Assistant District Attorney Wesley Mau said. “Assuming we get the reports and have a chance to review them prior to that day, assuming there’s no additional follow-up investigation that we think needs to be done or some other reason why we would want to delay taking it to the grand jury, that would be the day I would expect to have some sort of decision made by the grand jury,” Mau said.


he individuals we arrested were suspects prior to looking at the video, but the video is really what gave us what we needed to get a search warrant.”

— Rickey Lattie University Police Department captain

ASG votes for Mobile Campus sponsorship By A.N. Hernández The University Star The Associated Student Government voted for official university sponsorship of Mobile Campus, an optional text messaging service for students, in its third meeting of the semester. The service sends students a minimum of two text messages a week from their choice of various organizations, clubs, faculty members, restaurants and stores. ASG President Kyle Morris endorsed the free “cell phonebased coupon program” because Mobile Campus agreed to share a minimum of $10,000 per year with ASG. Morris said he wants 70 percent of the money generated by the Mobile Campus contract to fund the creation of new scholarships. “Students can cancel anytime and can specify their text message limits so they won’t get blasted with a lot of text messages every week,” Morris said. The program is free, unless the number of text messages sent by the Mobile Campus exceeds a student’s monthly text message bucket plan. Morris said it’s up to students to keep track of the number of text messages they can receive a month and the number they sign up to receive from Mobile Campus. “If only two students signed up for the program, ASG still gets $10,000,” Morris said. Since the ASG contract with Mobile Campus was signed more than a month ago, Mobile Campus representatives have gathered in The Quad, the LBJ Student Center and at RecJam to sign students up for the program. Nancy Nusbaum, vice president for finance and support services, discussed a proposal that would create a uniform time schedule for classes and labs Monday through Friday. According to the proposal, all classes and labs would begin at the same times every day, rather than the staggered class schedule students have now, where classes began at 8 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. “We see that the 10 minute passing time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is just not working for a lot of people, especially when you have to walk across campus in 10 minutes,” she said. The proposal suggests all classes end no less than 15 minutes before the beginning of the next class block. Nusbaum said she noticed more students leaving class early and arriving late to class because they didn’t have enough time to get to class. ASG senators also read two pieces of proposed legislation that originated from the recent distribution of University of Texas garb on campus by solicitors hired by the San Antonio Express-News. If passed, the first piece of legislation will create an additional restriction on groups that solicit on campus. It would ban the distribution of any collegiate merchandise other than Texas State merchandise. The second piece of legislation would freeze the sale of the San Antonio Express-News for the remainder of the 2006-2007 academic school year, unless the newspaper takes measures to “repair the cultural damage that they have done to Texas State University.” “I am not saying don’t read the Express-News, I just want to see a moratorium on their sales on this campus,” Morris said.


onlineconnection To hear an interview with Olympian and civil rights activist John Carlos, go to www.UniversityStar.com.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Page 4

Trends Contact — Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu

ACL festival complete with old favorites, new acts By Charlotte Almazan The University Star Day 1 After quickly packing, I rushed out the door. My commute from Texas State to Zilker Park caused me to have a late start. After weighing my transportation options between the shuttle, walking or driving, I chose to hitch a ride. From there, a short stroll led me to the entrance where I was greeted with an automated voice that spewed out the festival rules. Walking in, I spotted the info booth where I grabbed the ACL pocket guide that served as my bible. To the left, I caught my first act, Los Lonely Boys, on the AMD stage. Having never seen the Tex-Mex rockers before, I settled down in the grass behind a wave of people. Before they continued, lead vocalist JoJo Garza invited his father, Ringo Garza Sr. of the conjunto group The Falcones, to join in the set. Garza Sr. thanked the crowd for enjoying the music. Looking at the time, I made my way over to the Waterloo listening booth to preview ACL artists’ albums while I waited for Sparklehorse. Sparklehorse’s hypnotizing sound is dream-like, which fit in perfectly with the changing colors of the sky in the background. After a few songs, the singer timidly thanked the crowd. The crowd clapped back softly. Then, out of nowhere, the band awoke from this sleep, the lights flashed faster and they played their new song, “Ghost in the Sky.”

One fan described the band’s sound as weird, scary and bizarre. From Sparklehorse, I moved over to songwriter Ray LaMontagne at the Heineken stage. Then, I treaded back over to the to AMD as John Mayer opened his set with catchy blues licks. Camera flashes lit up the audience. I tried to head over to the Van Morrison set, but the AT&T stage was cornered-in and almost impossible to get through. I end up spending the rest of the night with Mayer as he flirted with the crowd and played 20 minutes over his scheduled time. Day 2 For my first full day at the festival, the heat was more than I could take and I swallowed three full bottles of water in just the first hour. Walking into the festival, I could hear the Ghostland Observatory set and they sounded great. Dripping in sweat, I was excited to catch I Love You but I’ve Chosen Darkness at the Austin Ventures stage. The stage, located in the center of the park, had the smallest yet most dedicated fans. As one fan said, the people at the set were true fans and all the trendsetters were at the other stages. After the Darkness set, I went in search of food for the first time. Prices seemed gauged, but convenience was a probable factor. I picnicked at the Washington Mutual covered stage while the overhead See ACL, page 5

Rain can’t drench performances By Leah Kirkwood The University Star GROOVING IN ZILKER: Jack White of The Raconteurs performs for the ACL fans Saturday afternoon.

Day One

Charlotte Almazan/ Star photo


thicker than

water By Charlotte Almazan and Leah Kirkwood The University Star

Charlotte Almazan/Star photo PACKING ‘EM IN: Thousands of ACL attendees crowd around the event’s eight different stages for three straight days of music.

The fifth annual Austin City Limits Music Festival proved that festival coordinators learn each year how to better manage a huge crowd and over 130 musical acts. The festival allowed the crowds to forget about the details and enjoy the music. After the 2005 dust bowl, Zilker Park was covered in thick, newly planted grass this year. ACL crewmembers quickly covered areas of dirt and mud to prevent potential problems. Festival coordinators also provided more portable toilets than ever before, which were cleaned and stocked with toilet paper every night. The ACL Food Court served up hot and cold beverages and treats from a list of Austin’s best restaurants. Amy’s Ice Cream, Stubb’s BBQ, Hudson’s on the Bend and Austin’s Pizza were just a few of the featured vendors. The food vendor area included plenty of picnic tables and lamps that had been missing in the previous years. Kayla Thorpe, a four-year ACL veteran, said certain snacks and beverages have become staples of the festival. “I like the (Sweet Leaf Tea) and shaved ice,” said Thorpe. “And the pizza rolls are really good.” Adjacent to the food was the Soco Art Market, which offered local vendors a chance to sell their products to the festival crowd. The Keep Austin Weird and Wild About Music booths offered a variety of T-shirt designs at discounted rates. See MUSIC, page 5 SHINING STEED: Sparklehorse front man Mark Linkous strums out the band’s folk rock sound to a large crowd Friday in Zilker Park.

Charlotte Almazan/ Star photo

I decided to park downtown and use the free shuttle to get back and forth from Zilker Park. Parking was difficult because some of the designated garages didn’t open to festival goers until Saturday. After circling around Austin’s one-way streets with my printed map in hand, I finally found a spot in a garage for $5 and I parked there the next two days. I arrived at the festival around 3 p.m. After a little confusion over the two AT&T stages, I managed to catch part of the Wolf Parade show before setting off for the opposite side of the park for Gnarls Barkley at 4:30 p.m. Gnarls Barkley took the AT&T Stage in white lab coats and bow ties and opened with a cover of Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me with Science.” The duo filled the stage with backup singers and a newly added string section called “The GStrings.” Danger Mouse kept the beats bumping and singer Cee-Lo took a “sip-shot” of Courvoisier between energetic renditions of “Who Cares” and “The Boogie Monster.” I left the show a little early to head back to the AT&T Blue Room stage for Cat Power’s show at 5:30 p.m. The Memphis Rhythm Band warmed up the audience before a barefoot Chan Marshall came out and greeted her fans with a salute. Although Cat Power is known for her stage fright, she appeared completely at ease in front of the large crowd. She sauntered around the stage shaking her hips and pointing her hands to walk like an Egyptian. The set included covers of Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy” and The Rolling Stone’s “Satisfaction” and emotionally charged performances of “The Moon” and “Where is My Love.” I checked out the merchandise tent to see if any of my favorite artists’ had T-shirts for sale, but none of them appealed to me and they cost $25. I decided to go back on Saturday to see if there were any late arrivals, as was the case at last year’s festival. I had to leave the festival early for a prior commitment and I managed to go home without spending a dime in Zilker Park on Friday. Day Two I got to ACL Fest at noon on Saturday and checked out the AT&T Oasis, an air-conditioned building equipped with open-use computers and free handheld fans for music lovers. I got a good spot at the Heineken Stage f o r

Ghostland Observatory’s show at 12:30 p.m. Despite the scorching heat, the duo was as energetic as ever. They even gave a two-song encore to fans longing for more dance beats. All the dancing at the Ghostland show made me thirsty, so I walked ACL Food Court for a drink and some grub. After lunch, I strolled through the Soco Art Market. I found a T-shirt for $15 at the Keep Austin Weird booth, which carried a variety of new designs. The Shins drew a big crowd at the AT&T Stage at 4:30 p.m., but they played a lot of unfamiliar songs off their third album due out in January. The Kings of Leon played a fast-paced but short set on the Blue Room stage at 7:30 p.m. They performed hits from Aha Shake Heartbreak and new songs from their highly anticipated upcoming album. A strange smell filled the air as Willie Nelson took the AMD stage at 8:15 p.m. He opened the show with “Whiskey River” as a big Texas flag dropped behind him. About three songs into the set, a group of frustrated fans began chanting, “Turn it up!” The music seemed to get slightly louder, but fans at the back and sides of the crowd strained to hear throughout the performance. Day Three I walked to the shuttle in the rain, but by the time I got to Zilker Park at 12:15 p.m., it had stopped. I saw the last three songs of California singer/songwriter Brett Dennen’s set. Austin band The Black Angels took the Austin Ventures stage at 12:50 p.m. Their music sounded as if it was heavily influenced by The Velvet Underground. Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley spread his message of peace, love and harmony at the AMD stage at 2:30 p.m. The diverse crowd jumped and waved their arms at his command and Stephen and Julian Marley came onstage for a powerful version of their father’s “Could You Be Loved.” The Flaming Lips packed the AT&T Stage with colorful props and dancers in Santa suits, alien masks and superhero costumes. Frontman Wayne Coyne rolled over the crowd in a plastic bubble before pouring fake blood on his face in a tribute to ACL artist Ben Kweller, who left the stage early on Saturday with a nosebleed. I stayed put for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at 8:30 p.m., but ran for cover when the rain started. After waiting around for the band to come back on stage, Petty played a drawnout version of “It’s Good to be King” that failed to match the energy of his first few songs. After a few more lack-luster songs, I left Zilker Park at 10 p.m. with Petty still singing in the distance.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The University Star - Page 5

John Carlos extends his ACL: Muse show reminiscent of private concert message of honor, respect CONTINUED from page 4

By Zandria Avila The University Star Civil rights activist and Olympian John Carlos visited Texas State this weekend in conjunction with a Common Experience event and the African American Leadership Conference. I sat down with Carlos and I was humbled by the experience. To converse with him was to have my ancestry in tangible form. This was profound because my opportunities were afforded with his protest against inequality. The University Star: Recognizing that African Americans were not represented in the media during your lifetime, how can we improve African Americans’ representation today? John Carlos: I think we have improved, but there is always room for more improvement. There are a tremendous amount of people of color involved in the press and the media today, but I think what we need is more people of color with a new paradigm in terms of a new vision and how they digest and write the articles they are writing. They need to be more aggressive as to how they bring out the best in their readers. Star: During your address, you mentioned “fathers missing in action.” Today, how can African American women inspire their men to be fathers and why are they missing in the homes today? JC: First, I believe women have to encourage their men to be just that — men. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes in life. The biggest thing is to avoid correcting mistakes you have made. For example — if you are an absentee father, try and be more responsible. If you and I aren’t getting along, that’s fine, but don’t disrespect and disregard the children as a result to any differences we may have. Give more support to your man. Help him to be the man he would like to be. Communication between any man and any woman is the most important thing of all; you can’t have love if you don’t have communication.

Star: Did having an eyewitness account of junkies in your neighborhood save your life and give insight into the African American community? JC: I think my dad and my mom probably saved my life by the morals and values they taught me as a youngster coming up and they safeguarded me. They would tell me, “There is a circle we built for you and you can go to the very edge.” That is exactly what I did by me going to the junkies and trying to learn the purpose of their acts. But I never jumped out of the circle and said, “Oh, I would like to try what you are doing.” I think that many individuals today do not know why individuals of color took drugs years ago. Back then they would take the drugs for escapism. Today they use drugs for more of a social aspect. Star: Knowing the consequences of the protest, why did you do it anyway? What were your fears? JC: Only fear I have is God — that I would not do what is required of me to do to be with Him in ultimate time of my life. I have no fear of what man may think. If I think something is wrong, I will go and do whatever is necessary to try and make the difference — the change — better. Relative to dying, we all going to die someday. If someone killed me for doing the right thing, my attitude is wherever I go, they are assured to go. This debate will continue. Star: You said the biggest problem of African American men today is that they have either balls and no brains, or brains and no balls. How can we improve that as a people and what is missing in African American men who attend college today? JC: The main way we can improve that is basically through the dealing with our kids in the proper manner. To let a young boy know, “Hey! You are a young boy who is growing into a young man.” Show him and teach him the qualities of being a young man. Honor your family; honor your God (in order) to raise your family with respect and honor.

speaker played Tom Petty hits. The rest of the day was an endless parade of stage-hopping. With my media pass, I had photo box access during the beginnings of each set, so I took advantage of the front row seat to the Secret Machines, Aimee Mann, Calexico, The Raconteurs, What Made Milwaukee Famous, Explosions in the Sky, Kings of Leon and lastly Willie Nelson. By far, the Raconteurs

were the best set of the day. Tired from the heat, I dragged myself out of the park early on during Nelson’s set. Day 3 On Sunday morning, I was relieved to see the rain pouring. This meant that I had time to plan out my day and take in some of the ME-TV coverage I had heard so much about at the festival. I used my first hour or so to peruse through the art section

of the festival, which seemed less prominent this year than in previous years. The Blue Genie tent had items created by Rory Skagen, the artist who created the ACL program artwork. During the festivities, I manage to schedule a band interview with What Made Milwaukee Famous, but the boys seemed run down at that point. Afterward, I caught the White Ghost Shivers, who were as fun as they sound. However, the highlight of my day was catching the Matt Costa set.

Being a new fan, I stood in the Waterloo autograph line for 40 minutes to meet Costa. By this time, the sun was down and Muse was onstage. As the trio played, I almost forgot I was at a festival and felt more like I was at a Muse concert. When Tom Petty hit the final stage, I got a text message warning about the rain, but didn’t believe it until the first bolt of lighting. After only four songs, I headed for the exit, along with much of the crowd, leaving the desired Petty set to my imagination.

MUSIC: Heat combated by free water, misting areas CONTINUED from page 4

“This is our eighth year; right now we are online-only,” said Texas State alum Cory Davis, who operates LocoStyle with her husband, Alan Davis, and business partner, Chris Dammert. “We have the unisex comfortable cut (shirts) and … hope to have a kid’s line by Christmas.” While the festival was happening, many local and national media attended the fest to provide a day-by-day account. The Austin-based cable access station, ME-TV, only in its first year, felt that their coverage best represents the raw quality that makes ACL unique. “Our programming is just as diverse as the festival is. We are rough around the edges … and have been well-received,” said Ja-Ro, assistant director of marketing for ME-TV. “There’s a good vibe coming from the fest and I think that it’s really coming across in our coverage.” Anticipating the dry heat, festival organizers included free water stands throughout the park. Also added this year were mist tents that allowed festival attendees to cool off with a fan of light water mist. However, what festival organizers did not plan for were Mother Nature’s own showers. Sunday started off with thunderstorms that kept the morning crowd down to a small number of dedicated fans. The Stills cancelled their 12:30 p.m. show, but all other acts went on as scheduled. Aquatic biology senior Erin Sewell saw Austin band The Black Angels perform at 12:50 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. Sewell said the rain did not prevent her from enjoying the live music. “It’s the best weekend of my life,” Sewell said. “If anything, it makes it more festivallike.” Sewell had a three-day festival pass this year and said her favorite shows so far were Gomez, Thievery Corporation, The Black

Angels and Massive Attack. An excited group of Texas State students, alumni and faculty camped out at the AT&T Stage under a maroon and gold SWT flag on Sunday. “I’m ready to see Matisyahu right now,” said alumni Buddy Difonzo. “He’s awesome; he jams.” Psychology senior Michael Difonzo had a one-day pass for Sunday’s concerts. “I just saw Damian Marley,” Difonzo said. “It was a great show; I’m a big fan.” Construction technology senior Justin Boren was excited to see Tom Petty perform. “I’ve loved Tom Petty since I was this big,” said Boren as he held his hand at waist level. Nick Driver, communications lab instructor, has attended ACL every year except 2005. “I think Damian Marley was the highlight so far,” Driver said. The afternoon remained warm and sunny

and at 8:30 p.m. a large crowd waited for rock legends Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers to take the stage. Petty’s performance started off strong with songs like “Last Dance with Mary Jane” and “Freefalling,” but around 9:10 p.m. an ominous, strong wind blew through Zilker Park. Then the rains came. “We’re going to take a break and let this blow over, but I promise we’ll come back and play you some more songs,” Petty said. The band exited the stage and stagehands scrambled to cover instruments and equipment. Some fans booed and others fled toward the exits, but a large majority of the audience stayed to see if Petty would be true to his word. The band reclaimed the stage around 9:35 p.m. and the 2006 ACL Festival ended a little later than scheduled to allow Petty & the Heartbreakers to finish their set.

TRUE ORIGINALS: White Ghost Shivers wowed the ACL crowds with their original mix of ’20s string bands, jazz and Texas swing.

Charlotte Almazan/ Star photo

Author, director Luis Valdez to give open Common Experience discussion By Charolette Almazan The University Star The university’s yearlong initiative of the Common Experience continues with an open campus discussion with renowned director and writer, Luis Valdez. Valdez will speak at Evans Auditorium at 7p.m. Wednesday. He is the author of the play Zoot Suit, which chronicles the infamous “Pachuco Riots” during WWII. The event will discuss the relationship between the play and the common experience theme of “Protest and Dissent.” The Common Experience is a campus effort to generate discussion on a unified topic that is con-

tinued throughout the academic year. The idea is to explore the notion of numerous perspectives and recognize that individuals have the right to dissent from others’ beliefs. “Mostly, it’s about getting students to think about it and choose their own path. It’s what they find in it. There’s a lot of issues, points and historical (content),”said Pam Wuestenberg, co-chair of the Common Experience. For 2006, Gwynne Ash selected Zoot Suit to exemplify the experience theme. The selection combines the real-life events of the Sleepy Lagoon murder trial with the Zoot Suit riots. “The book represented protests that students will understand. Looking back, a lot of what hap-

pened is still going on now with the immigration protests,” Wuestenberg said. Known as the father of Chicano theater, Luis Valdez has received various accolades for his work in film and stage. Valdez is the founder of the theater troupe El Teatro Campesino, which has showcased plays depicting migrant workers. Valdez’s troupe brought recognition to the national Chicano theater movement of the ’60s. Current generations recognize Valdez as the director of the box-office hit La Bamba, a film that also sparked the late-’80s Latino film wave. Common Experience organizers urge students to attend the Luis Valdez address, because the event will extend the student’s understanding of

the book’s overall significance. The play relates to local surroundings, but the message the play sends crosses beyond cultural barriers. “Sometimes when you go to hear someone speak, you are more involved with the artist,” Wuestenberg said. Wuestenberg relates the common experience speaking-events to attending an intellectual concert. Attending an event leaves a personal impression that extends the topic beyond reading a play or watching a film. “My thoughts are it’s the academic version of a rock concert … (At the event) you get to hear him, see him … and interact like a rock concert,” Wuestenberg said.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

College students judges of mtvU Woodie Awards By Leah Kirkwood The University Star Music artists Tom DeLonge, William Beckett, Sean “Slug” Daley and Imogen Heap are all hoping to get mtvU Woodies. At a conference call Thursday, the musicians spoke about their projects and their nominations for the third annual mtvU Woodie Awards. The Woodie Awards allow college students to vote for their favorite music online at mtvU.com and via cell phone using mtvU Mobile. Former Blink 182 member Tom DeLonge’s new band, Angels and Airwaves, was nominated for Woodie of the year. DeLonge said he was honored to receive a Woodie nomination. “I think it’s amazing,” DeLonge said. “We’ve had an incredible first few months with this album. (The nomination) is really cool because it’s a validation of what this band stands for and that’s being socially conscious.” The Angels and Airwaves debut album, We Don’t Need to Whisper, earned the band comparisons to U2. DeLonge said the group’s positive message is similar to that of the Irish pop group. “Everything about this band is about bettering the world around (us) and uplifting people,” DeLonge said. “I would just humbly say ‘thank you’ for putting us in a sentence with that band.” Pre-mass communication sophomore Gina Buccieri is an Angels and Airwaves fan. “I know that one or two of (the band members) are from Blink 182 and that’s probably why I like them, because it sounds familiar to me,” Buccieri said. Rapper Sean Daley, or Slug, of Atmosphere was shocked to find out his group was nominated for a Woodie. “I’m quite confused that my music appeals to anybody,” Daley said. “I don’t know why anyone would want to listen to the garbage we make. I’m not trying to be ironic, I’m serious.” Daley said Atmosphere’s music differs from today’s popular rap music, so it isn’t played on most other music television channels. “I like how mtvU supports music you might not have heard anywhere else,” Daley said. Another Woodie nominee is The Academy Is…

singer William Beckett said his band’s music is popular with college kids because the artists in the band are college-aged. “Naturally, we are college kids,” Beckett said. “If we weren’t doing this we’d be in college right now (as) classmates with you guys.” Imogen Heap was nominated for the Left Field Woodie. “I wanted (the album) to be exciting and be as dynamic as possible,” Heap said. “That was pretty much my only goal for the album and I think I achieved it.” Dance sophomore Clayton Crawford regularly watches mtvU at the LBJ Student Center. “It’s a great way to find what other college kids are listening to,” Crawford said. Crawford said Heap’s music is college appropriate because it makes a good study aid. “Imogen Heap is good study music,” Crawford said. “It’s not too boring and it’s not going to put you asleep.” College students are responsible for determining the winners of each Woodie category. Voting is available online at mtvU.com and all votes must be received by Oct. 20. The 2006 Woodie Awards will be broadcast on the mtvU television channel, online at mtvU.com and to cell phones on Nov. 2. MTV will also run a special on the show Nov. 4. Stephen Friedman, general manager of mtvU, said the various modes of broadcasting will allow the Woodies to reach the channel’s targeted audience. “We know that there are multiple ways of consuming media and for us, this is a way of connecting to college students,” Friedman said. “People can sit back at their computers and customize the show they want to see and we did that because that’s what the audience told us it wanted.” Buccieri said she will watch the Woodies on the Internet. “It’s a lot more convenient,” Buccieri said. “You can watch it from home.” Crawford said mtvU’s multimedia strategy for the Woodie Awards compliments student schedules. “We’re so technology-based nowadays and I think that gives us more opportunity to catch it with our busy schedules,” Crawford said. “The more opportunity, the better.”

MESSAGE MUSIC: Angels and Airwaves are one of five bands nominated for Woodie of the Year. The mtvU Woodie Awards will be simulcasted through the cable channel, Internet and cell phones on Nov. 2.

The University Star - Page 6

✯Star Comics

SU DO KU Complete the grid so that every row, column, and 3-by-3 box contains every digit from one through nine inclusively.

Thursday’s solutions:

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Thursday’s solutions:



What do you think about Students With Alternative Transportation’s decision to temporarily extend services to Thursday night? Go to www.UniversityStar.com to vote in our online poll. Results will be published in next Thursday’s issue of The University Star.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Page 7

*This is not a scientific poll

Opinions Contact — Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu



he Associated Student Government heard two pieces of legislation Monday night stemming from the fallout of contractors for the San Antonio Express-News distributing University of Texas gear on campus.

ASG coming perilously close to infringing on First Amendment

Both pieces of legislation represent a quick jump to conclusions, a troubling enthusiasm for handing out punishment and a disturbing readiness to ban students or organizations from behaving in a manner ASG finds unpleasant. One bill calls for Texas State to prohibit the Express-News from soliciting subscriptions on campus. The other asks Campus Activities and Student Organizations to ban distribution of collegiate merchandise other than Texas State merchandise. This may not be a First Amendment issue, but it’s pretty close. The university tried to ban distribution of a newspaper in the late 1980s. The Hays Guardian fought then-Southwest Texas State University all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where the court ruled the school must allow The Guardian to hand out papers on campus. When a governing body bans or prohibits anything, it is saying people are too stupid to protect themselves from the banned material. It was tactless of the contractors soliciting for the Express-News to hand out UT gear. But banning distribution of UT gear on campus is telling students they’re not intelligent enough to show school spirit on their own, so the university needs to make a rule to help them show school spirit. The University Star’s nervousness about a potential ASG attack on a newspaper takes back seat to the issue of jumping the gun. It’s easy to get excited and upset when someone else is in the wrong, but it is always necessary to offer a tempered response. The Star has had its own instances of jumping the gun and favoring punishment over reason. In April, The Star published a “Main Point” that called for ASG to censure a senator who created a Web page the Star’s editorial board found offensive. The tone of the editorial was abrasive and calling for a censure rather than asking the senator to remove the page or remove his name from the page was a mistake. Calling for the page to be removed would have been much more constructive on the part of The Star, just as chastising the ExpressNews would be much more constructive on the part of ASG. In the 1927 landmark Supreme Court case Whitney v. California, Justice Louis D. Brandeis, speaking of a willingness to dole out punishment in the United States, said, “men feared witches and burned women.” Men have tarred and feathered newspaper editors and burned printing houses that threatened institutions much more awful than school spirit. Unfortunately, Brandeis went on to cast a vote widely seen as a major blow to the First Amendment. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos.

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

Letter to the Editor Common Experience success requires everyone’s help In regard to the “Elusive Experience” article published in the Opinions page Wednesday: Thank you. If I were to interpret your article, I’d think you meant, “You’ve got a really good, intellectual initiative going here; tell us more about it, more often, so that more of us can take part!” My name is Reagan Pugh; I’m the Common Experience student coordinator. Before Chris Frost left, he thought a student should be centrally involved in the promoting, programming and producing of events, so, he made me a space. I worked as Student Association for Campus Activities coordinator for both the Maya Angelou and Spike Lee events and I agree, if it weren’t for their big names, The Mall would have been quite desolate. Now that I work exclusively for the Common Experience, your thoughts are my thoughts; we need to figure out how to properly promote our events. Posters alone obviously don’t cut it. The Quad marquee scrolls everything from bingo to sorority recruitment and we’d love to do full-page ads in your fine publication, but that costs a few cents. Creative solutions have been eluding me as you feel our events have been eluding the student body. Thank you for your suggestions, but we can’t do it on our own. The central idea of the Common Experience is Texas State working together towards making new ideas, knowledge and understanding available. So, let’s work together. Your article is a good start, but how about it, The University Star? Lets see a “This Week’s Common Experience” section printed in the first issue of every week and how about cutting us a deal on some ads? It’s encouraging to see that students desire to join the Common Experience. If you are interested in helping in any capacity, please e-mail us at commonexperience@txstate. edu. Reagan Pugh Common Experience Student Coordinator

Candidates can learn from Richards’ sharp wit, silver tongue After Ann Richthe Smithsonian, while ards lost her battle Perry’s hair looks like with cancer last the guy in the commerweek, I couldn’t help cial that guarantees to but wonder how get the gray out. the current crop of Next, let’s see who gubernatorial cancan match Richards’ radidates would fare zor-sharp wit and silver if they were running FRED AFFLERBACH tongue, characteristics Star Columnist against her. already legendary in her Let’s start with the life and sure to grow most important quality needed after her death. Looking at for a Texas governor — hair. the class of 2006, only Kinky With hair spray hovering Friedman can come within a over his well-coiffed head like one liner of Richards’ rhetoric. an ozone action day in Austin, However, Kinky needs a lesGovernor “Good Hair” Rick son on the function of humor Perry enjoys a clear advanin a political campaign. A tage over the rest of the 2006 savvy politician saves his wisecandidates. However, this TV cracks to attack an opponent, news anchor look-alike comes not to get out of hot water. up short when compared to Consider this quote from Richards’ classic, frosty white Friedman after he was seen monument to the art of cossitting in a convertible at a St. metology. Patrick’s Day parade, drinking Richards’ hair belongs in from an open can of Guinness,

which violates the Texas open container law: “I admit I was drinking a Guinness … but I didn’t swallow.” A nice quote alright, playing off Bill Clinton’s gaffe about smoking pot and not inhaling. But there’s a problem. Kinky wasn’t even drinking a Texas beer. What’s wrong with Shiner Bock? The mustachioed musician-turned-animal-rescuer-turned-hot-sauce purveyor-turned-gubernatorial-candidate (did I leave anything out?) could use a little help from the queen of the political barb, Ms. Richards. Here’s how it’s done. Speaking at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, Richards said of George Bush: “Poor George, he can’t help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.” Using this mixed metaphor, Richards

delivered a put-down Shakespeare would envy. The most disturbing comparison to Richards is Carole Keeton Strayhorn, the self-proclaimed “One Tough Grandma.” Sorry, but the tough grandma idea has already been done. In her political career, Richards went toe-to-toe with some rough hombres. Richard’s political dogfight to be the first Texas woman governor in 50 years makes Strayhorn’s spats with Gov. Perry look like a lover’s quarrel. For example, let’s go back to 1990. The bruising Democratic primary went into overtime when Richards faced a runoff with Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox. Mattox repeatedly put Richards on the spot, demanding answers to questions regarding whether she ever

used illegal drugs such as marijuana. But Richards refused to dignify the accusations, choosing to focus on issues instead. After dispatching Mattox in the runoff, Richards faced West Texas businessman Clayton Williams in the general election. Williams, the hand-picked representative for the Good Old Boy network, otherwise known as the GOP, refused to shake Richards’ hand in public. Richards beat him too. Four years later, seeking re-election, Richards went up against the Darth Vader of Texas politics — Karl Rove. Make no mistake, it was Rove pushing the buttons behind George Dubya’s campaign that unseated Richards. Strayhorn says she is a tough grandma, but Richards was tough.

The candidate from Ann’s old party, the Democrats, is Chris Bell. Doesn’t ring one, does it? Bell is so unknown, my Google search responded with “Who?” Bell needs to do something, anything to get noticed. Climbing on a Harley would be a good start. Just paste your head on a model’s body, Chris, and you will be featured on the Texas Monthly magazine cover. In sum, why should we waste our votes on one of these lackluster candidates this November? Why don’t we do something that will shake up this election and take Texas back from the special interest groups? A write-in vote for Ann Richards. Fred Afflerbach is a mass communication senior

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Editor In Chief...................................Jason Buch, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.........................Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor..............................David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Trends Editor....................Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...................................Monty Marion, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor..................................Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief................................Bill Rix, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor..........................Michael E. Perez, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Sales Manager....................Lindsey Lee, atlas@txstate.edu

Account Executive...........................Jackie Pardue, jp1271@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Esmeldi Sanchez, es1225@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Jonathan McCoy, jm1751@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright September 19, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Page 8 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - Page 33 ANNOUNCEMENTS


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LOST & FOUND KEYS FOUND! Saturday, September 16, 11p.m. on The Square, across from Valentino’s Pizza. Contact Parking Services at (512) 245-2887.

MISCELLANEOUS 2 SAN MARCOS AREA GUITARISTS SEEKING MUSICIANS for original metal/alt rock band. Tool, aic, deftones. Have equipment, transportation, dedication. ol__yeller@hotmail.com TEST ANXIETY? (512) 658-3063. INTERESTED IN MEDIEVAL ARMORED COMBAT, FENCING, ARTS AND CRAFTS, BELLYDANCING, OR MUSIC? Check into the local chapter of the SCA at http://ffynnon-gath.ansteorra.org

ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BD/2BA at Comanche Hill Apts. $335/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Includes cable & internet. 2 blocks from campus. Call Pranitha (940) 782-4685. ROOMMATES WANTED: MALE STUDENT FOR 3BD/2BA NICE HOME IN LULING. 20 miles from San Marcos. Ideal for someone wanting to cut routine drive from San Antonio or Austin. Call Bill at (830) 875-6933.

SUBLEASE SUBLET INDIVIDUAL LEASE. Share 2BD duplex. SEPTEMBER FREE! No deposit. Near TSU. $350 + utilities. Call (402) 212-3996.

WANTED USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. (512) 353-4511.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Page 9 - The University Star

RECOGNITION: Cross SOCCER: After weekend upset, Bobcat women country leads conference preparing for upcoming Rice match at recent meet CONTINUED from page 10

CONTINUED from page 10

of every other runner within the Southland Conference, and held her own against some of the bigger schools such as Texas A&M and Texas. Sophomore Whitney Perkins also finished in the top-20 with a time of 19:22, placing her 18th. Freshman newcomer Heather Bullin finished with a time of 19:42, good for a top-25 result. Viniar had high praise for the Bobcat women. “Our top three runners are the best in the conference, I think,” Viniar said. “If we can continue to have better recruiting and add to our depth, we can be among the top teams anywhere.” The women’s team event was won by the Aggies, giving them a clean sweep of the race on their 5,056-meter Penberthy Intramural Fields course. There were 10 other schools participating in the women’s race.

The Aggies also had the top individual performance for the women, as freshman Merideth Snow finished with a time of 18:08. The next race for the Bobcat distance runners takes place in San Antonio Friday, when they will take part in the UTSA Invitational. Viniar says he will take his second team to the race and prepare his top runners for the upcoming Cowboy Jamboree, hosted by Oklahoma State in Stillwater, Okla. Both the men and women’s teams will take part in the event Sept. 30. The race in Stillwater will be a great opportunity for the Texas State team to see how it compares to some of the top programs from around the country. “This is a big event, and last year I only took the men’s team,” Viniar said. “This year I’m taking both the men’s and women’s teams because they are performing well and they deserve to go.”

tha Fraser started both games this weekend, playing 180 minutes and recording 16 saves. “Sam stepped up big time and made several saves,” Conner said. “Sam is sure-handed and stops a lot of chances the other team has.” Fraser’s record now drops to 0-2 for the season and as a collegian at Texas State. “It was a great experience playing in both games,” Fraser said. “The defense kept pressure to one side and made the shots predictable against Northern Arizona.” The Bobcats will head back home to take on the Rice Owls at the Texas State Soccer Complex Friday at 7 p.m. “For us, we’ve got to get our forwards working together in a three-front,” Conner said. “We need to correct those chances we are giving the other team and keep it predictable for Sam.” Taylor Bridges/NAU Media Relations Conner and the squad have WORKING THE FIELD: Freshman midfielder Andrea Seledee assisted freshman forward Lindsay not faced Rice before and will be doing scouting reports within a Tippit for the Bobcats’ second goal in the 89th minute of their 4-2 loss to Northern Arizona over the weekend. day or so.

BOBCATS: George, Wasson vie for starting position Saturday CONTINUED from page 10

most attention at the position, following an incident involving two of its players. Backup punter Mitch Cozad was arrested last week for stabbing Rafael Mendoza, who is first on the depth chart. Northern Colorado players kept Mendoza in their thoughts before the game and after the emotional victory. “I got to see Rafael Thursday,” said Jason Hidlenbrand, who punted in Mendoza’s place. “He was in good spirits and wished us the best of luck.” Hildenbrand punted six times for 176 yards and a long Monty Marion/Star photo of 51, but did not get to finish SO CLOSE: Junior fullback Blake Burton dodges defenders near the the game after getting taken Northern Colorado end zone during the Bobcats’ 13-14 loss to the out by Epsilon Williams early Bears Saturday night at Bobcat Stadium. in the fourth quarter. Wil-

liams was called for roughing the punter and kicker Michael York stepped into the position for the end of the game. Bears’ coach Scott Downing said York would most likely punt in next week’s game. “You hate to lose a guy like Jason,” Downing said. “But when someone goes down, someone else has to step up and I was so proud of York.” In addition to the punt, Texas State also missed two field goals. Kyle Bronson finished two of four on the night, missing from 44 and 46 yards. Canady cashes in San Marcos local and redshirt freshman running back Alvin Canady returned from a week one shoulder injury to lead all Bobcat rushers in Sat-

urday’s loss. The former Rattler standout totaled 60 yards on 11 attempts after Bailiff expressed desire to utilize Canady more in the game versus the Bears. “The shoulder felt great,” Canady said. “The week off really helped.” Senior Daniel Jolly, the team’s leading rusher from a year ago, saw little playing time, carrying the ball twice for five yards. Defense shows its teeth Despite the loss, the Bobcat defense put together an admirable performance, keeping the Bears scoreless over the entire second half. Texas State gave up 221 yards of total offense, its best effort of the season. “We blitzed fractionally more (later in the game).

And the missed tackles disappeared,” Bailiff said. “But to have 400 yards of offense and hold them to 200 and still lose is almost dumbfounding.” Following the Bears’ opening scoring possession, Texas State allowed just one drive of over 29 yards. Northern Colorado went 69 yards in the second quarter, only to come up empty-handed when Jammar Crane blocked a field goal attempt from David Dyches. On tap The Bobcats travel to Cedar City Saturday to face Southern Utah, 2-1 after a 24-13 loss to Weber State. The game will be the last before the bye week for Texas State, which then returns to action at home against Stephen F. Austin Sept. 30.




The drought continued for volleyball over the weekend, as Coach Karen Chisum and company dropped their final two matches before entering the Southland Conference season. Chisum cited a struggling offense as a main reason for losses to Houston and Texas–El Paso. One bright spot was the return of setter Erin Hickman, who played sparingly in her first action since recovering from knee surgery in the off-season. Go to www.UniversityStar.com to get the full story.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Page 10

Sports Contact — Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

Homesick Nealy back after stint in Canada By Nathan Brooks The University Star What a difference a year makes in the life of Barrick Nealy. A year ago, Nealy was on the field orchestrating one of the greatest seasons in Bobcat football history. Now he sits in the stands, watching as his former teammates lose a 14-13 heartbreaker to Northern Colorado. “That was a tough loss,” Nealy said. “But man, it feels good to be back in San Marcos. I’m just glad I’m back home.” Saturday night, Nealy returned to the same place where he led Texas State to a Southland Conference Championship and playoff run that the university and the San Marcos community will never forget. After last season’s offensive performance, which earned him the 2005 SLC Player of the Year award, most assumed Nealy was on his way to NFL success, following in the footsteps of former Bobcat greats like Ricky Sanders and Reggie Rivers. However, the road to professional football has not been easy for Nealy. After going un-drafted in the 2006 NFL Draft, Nealy signed a free agent contract with the Minnesota Vikings as a wide receiver but was released from the squad right before the start of summer camp. “It was just one of those deals where you have 14 receivers and you have one guy who has all the size and ability but has never played the position before,” Nealy said. “In training camp, they don’t have time to coach and that’s what I needed at that position.” Despite throwing for 2,875 yards and 21 touchdowns last season, to go with an additional 1,057 yards and 13 scores on the ground, Nealy didn’t get an opportunity at quarterback from the NFL. “It’s difficult,” Nealy said. “It’s a business and it’s politics. The opportunity right off the bat at quarterback wasn’t there for whatever reason.” The only place where he could get a shot at continuing his career as quarterback was with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League, who signed him in late August to their practice squad in hopes of grooming him for the starting job next season. “It was a great situation for me,” Nealy said. “They wanted to bring me in and give me a head start at competing for the starting job next season, but it was hard for me being up there.” Nealy, who got married earlier this summer, began to contemplate spending time at home in San Marcos versus standing on the sidelines while the Stampeders get ready for the upcoming CFL playoffs. “I got homesick,” Nealy said. “I woke up Tuesday morning and I knew there was no way I was going to get on the field that morning. I talked to the head coach and the general manager and they understood it.” Nealy made a personal decision to leave the team last week and head back home after a long and trying summer. The 23-year-old said he still has plenty of options he wouldn’t divulge upon, but getting a degree and continuing his professional football career are still on the agenda. “(Calgary) wants me to come back next spring and compete for the starting job,” Nealy said. “I just have to make a decision as far as my professional career goes. There are a lot of other things I want to do here in San Marcos. I just have to make a decision.”

Bobcats buckle to Bears, 14-13 By Chris Boehm The University Star David Bailiff knew there would be growing pains. “I just didn’t quite realize (how much it would affect the team),” the Bobcats’ head coach said after Saturday night’s loss to previously 0-2 Northern Colorado. “But that’s not an excuse.” The 14-13 loss was Texas State’s second in a row and the fact that Bailiff and company came up just short after digging an early hole did little to console a team looking for answers. “We’re going to play people that are passionate about Texas State football,” Bailiff said. “From here on out, you’re going to a see a team work harder than it’s worked before, one that’s going to retain more than it ever has. We expect to win. That’s what good teams do and we’re going to be a good team.” The Bobcats, 1-2, fought back with 13 unanswered points after trailing 14-0 at halftime, only to lose the game when Bradley George’s fourth-down pass from his own 47-yard line fell incomplete, intended for Alex Darley. Northern Colorado quarterback Dominic Breazeale took a knee to make it a formality. “I felt I could have made some more throws for us,” George said. “I would like to have slowed things down a bit. That’s why I’m going to be in here every day (this) week.” The final possession was marred by two penalties on the offensive line, both coming after a 37-yard Darley reception that set up first down for Texas State at the Northern Colorado 34. On the night the Bobcats committed 13 penalties for 111 yards, as costly flags from the line helped end two potential game-winning drives. “We eliminate those penalties and we walk away with a win,” Bailiff said. “Our third

Monty Marion/Star photo CALLED BACK: Freshman wide receiver Morris Crosby, who had five receptions for 160 yards on Saturday, was called out of bounds at the three-yard line after diving inside the pylon off a long pass from sophomore quarterback Bradley George.

down ration was awful. We’ve got to stay on track to move the chains and those penalties are getting us off track.” Despite the inability to get into the end zone, George finished with 275 yards, completing 11 of 25 passes with an interception. The redshirt freshman relieved starter Chase Wasson for the final two possessions of the first half, staying in the game the rest of the way. Bailiff was undecided on who will start next week against Southern Utah after Wasson emerged in the off-season as the frontrunner. “I thought Bradley ignited us somewhat before halftime,” Bailiff said. “But we’re going to sit both guys down next week

and make a decision that’s best for the team this Saturday.” With the offense struggling to move the ball, George entered the game with five minutes and 26 seconds left in the half, quickly finding Morris Crosby for gains of 19 and 39 to move the Bobcats to the Bears’ threeyard line. The sophomore finished with five catches for 160 yards, including a 73-yarder in the third quarter that led to a James Aston touchdown run, Texas State’s first score of the game. “I was just out there playing football,” Crosby said. “That’s what the coach tells me, just to play.” Texas State ultimately wasted Crosby’s grabs in the second

quarter, as on first-and-goal Stan Zwinggi fumbled one yard from the end zone line, giving Northern Colorado possession and a touchback. The fumble marked one of two huge mistakes for the Bobcats, who gave up a touchdown on a blocked punt during the next possession. “We’ve now fumbled the ball away in three straight games,” Bailiff said. “But this team will improve and by conference play, we will have the right pieces to the puzzle.” A Texas State drive stalled out from its own 11-yard line following the Zwinggi fumble. On fourth down, Chris Macdonald’s punt went into the back of a teammate, forced back-

ward by Northern Colorado’s Jacob Carlson. Bears defensive lineman Matt West scooped up the ball at the Texas State five-yard line before reaching the end zone to give his team a 14-0 advantage at the end of the first half. “I just have to thank my teammates,” West said. “They gave me the opportunity to score the touchdown.”

Game Notes A focus on special teams Even with Texas State’s botched punt, it was Northern Colorado who received the See BOBCATS, page 9

Cross country returns from A&M Rocky weekend in with honorable recognition Arizona nets soccer no wins By Carl Harper The University Star

Photo courtesy of Shawn Price/TAMU athletics OFF THE LINE: The Texas State women’s cross country team finished in sixth place overall in the 5,000-meter run during the Texas A&M Invitational Saturday in College Station. The men’s team faired slightly better with an overall finish of fifth in the 8,000-meter run.

By Gabe Mendoza The University Star The Texas State cross country team ran its third event of the season Saturday at the Texas A&M Invitational in College Station. The men’s team was led by sophomore Andrew McCartin, who posted a time of 26 minutes and 18 seconds, placing 10th overall. Sophomore Alex Escontrias, who finished third at last week’s Texas State Invitational, also finished in the top 20 with a time of 26:43. Coach Grigori Viniar was satisfied with what he saw at the

meet and overall was pleased with the performance of his men’s team. He is encouraged by the progress they are making. “If we can avoid injuries and the flu season that’s coming up, I have no doubt that our guys can be at the top of the conference,” Viniar said. “We’re making really good progress.” Overall, the Texas State men finished fifth among 13 schools, with a total of 156 points on the 7,942-meter men’s course. They placed high despite missing one of their top runners, sophomore Roel Elizalde, who was injured three weeks ago. Elizalde has

shown improvement in recent workouts and is expected to be back with the team soon. The event was won by Texas A&M with 25 points. Individual honors when to TCU freshman Festus Kibet, running unattached and finishing first with a time of 25:16. On the women’s side, the Bobcats finished sixth overall with 141 points, behind a strong effort from sophomore runner Tenley Determan, who brought in Texas State’s top time of 19:08, good for eighth place. Determan finished ahead See RECOGNITION, page 9

A rough weekend at the La Quinta Inn & Suites High Altitude Tournament in Flagstaff, Arizona has now dropped soccer’s record to 1-6, after losing to No. 23 Long Beach State and Northern Arizona on a combined score of 10-3. “The girls are keeping their composure and working hard,” said coach Kat Conner. “We are trying to learn from other teams and take their ideas and learn from them. Hopefully we have learned a lot.” During Friday’s game against Long Beach State, the 49ers took a demanding 6-0 lead before junior forward Jerelyn Lemmie knocked in her first goal of the season in the 88th minute to spoil the shut out. Lemmie became the fifth Bobcat of the season to find the back of the net, with the assist going to freshman Andrea Grifo, her second of the year. The 49ers midfielder Kim Silos scored twice in the first half to give her team a 2-0 lead at the break prior to teammate Sahar Haghdan following up with two goals of her own to seal the deal against the Bobcats. “Long Beach was just a phenomenal team,” Conner said. “We threw everything we had at them and they responded well. There’s a reason why they are ranked.” The Bobcats came back on Sunday to face the Lumberjacks of Northern Arizona but were held off in the end 4-2. Senior Kim Phillips scored her first goal of the season on an assist from Lemmie in the 74th minute to cut a Northern Arizona lead to 3-1. Phillips has had numerous shots bounce off the crossbar this season and was

he girls are “T keeping their composure and working hard. We are trying to learn from other teams and take their ideas and learn from them.”

-Kat Conner Women’s soccer coach

relieved to find the net. “It was a miracle,” Phillips said. “Jerelyn had the ball and just passed it off for me to knock it in. I was surprised it went in so easily.” Down 4-1 in the final minute, freshman Lindsay Tippit managed to score her first career goal on an assist from freshman Andrea Seledee, cutting the Lumberjacks lead in half. “It really was a good game and we were at the same level as them,” Conner said. “We gave them several chances out of not understanding the position of the field. There are areas where we need to relax and not panic. Northern Arizona just capitalized on our mistakes.” The struggle to produce offense continues, as Texas State has scored just seven goals on the season. No Bobcat has more than one goal to her name, the longest the team has gone without a multi-point scorer in Conner’s eight-year reign. Freshman goalkeeper SamanSee SOCCER, page 9

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