09 20 2006

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Jason Washington has made a smooth transition from the hash marks to the sideline

The Walker’s Gallery displays scenic photographs inspired by San Marcos nature



SEPTEMBER 20, 2006



Texas State’s largest total enrollment reached this semester By Bradley Childrens The University Star This fall, Texas State reached a new record for enrollment. With 3,300 new freshman and transfer students, total enrollment for the fall has peaked at 27,503. President Denise M. Trauth said she is pleased the university is growing and stepping up to the challenge of accomodating the great numbers of undergraduates who are coming to Texas State. “It’s the largest enrollment in our history,” Trauth said. “We also have the most accomplished freshman class in our history in terms of test scores and class rank. Fifty-one percent of the freshman

class was in the top 25 percent of their high school class.” Michael R. Heintze, associate vice president for enrollment management, said the increased enrollment is necessary to meet the demand for skilled workers in Texas. “The population of Texas is growing pretty rapidly right now,” Heintze said. “If we are to maintain a strong economy in our state, between now and 2015 we’re going to have to educate roughly 600,000 more students in Texas than we would have normally educated.” Heintze said the increase in enrollment will also enhance the possibility for the university to

achieve HSI (Hispanic Serving Institution) status. “Our hispanic undergraduate population went up 1 percent this fall, so we are now at 21 percent hispanic among undergraduates,” Heintze said. “Once we reach 25 percent, we will have reached HIS status and that will open up the opportunity for additional funding from the federal government.” Some students, however, do not view the increasing enrollment numbers as a positive trend. Angel Durr, advertising sophmore, said she has noticed restrictions on the amount of campus housing available. Durr said the floors in her

dorm are supposed to be separated into male and female floors, but there are some male students living on her floor because of overcrowding. “They had more boys than they had places to put them,” Durr said. “They’re raising the number of students while raising tuition. We’re stuck in crowded classrooms and we’re paying more money now.” Francesca Aguilar, sociology sophomore, said she knows some students who were placed in hotels because of insufficient dorm space. “If you know already how many people are supposed to live in your dorms and how many

ROTC makes a splash

Water combat training preps cadets for survival

people they can hold, why accept extra people,” Aguilar said. Amanda Oskey, vice president of the Associated Student Government, said the “2006-2015 Campus Master Plan” might take care of the housing issue because of new campus housing that is scheduled to be incorporated. She said ASG is looking at ways to create a solution. “One of the things that we are looking at is the housing policy,” Oskey said. “We’re trying to lower the number of hours required to get sophomores out of the dorms. What we want to do is lower it to 40 to 45 hours so that it’s possible to get sophomores out of the residence halls and free up some

space.” Other students said the rising increasing enrollment numbers are a good thing for the university. Jonathan Flores, geography sophomore, said he is glad to see the university becoming more popular. “It’s good because this university is growing now from being just a small school that nobody’s ever heard of to being something that more people want to come to,” Flores said. The number of students at Texas State has been increasing steadily since 1998, with an average increase of 3.25 percent per year.

‘Nothing more, nothing less’ By David Saleh Rauf The University Star Demonstrators gathered Tuesday morning in downtown San Marcos calling for Police Chief Howard Williams’ resignation. Approximately 20 family members and friends of two men killed this year by local law enforcement officials carried signs that said “Williams get out, nothing more, nothing less,” a reference to nearly identical Larry Kolvoord/American-Statesman statements Williams made Rosemary Whited to the press concerning the deaths of Leslie Eugene Whited and Jonathan four SWAT members involved Christopher Gonzales. in Whited’s death were cleared Whited was killed by members of wrongdoing by a grand jury of the Hays County SWAT team investigation in June. Frans has in February after a two hour been placed on administrative standoff and Gonzales was shot duty during the investigation. by SMPD officer Tracy Frans in “We want the truth, that’s August for allegedly stabbing See PROTEST, page 3 his mother with a fork. The

Monty Marion/Star photo WATERY WEAPONS: Cadet Brittney Patton, psychology sophomore, fights the weight of her combat gear to keep her head above water during the ROTC’s Combat Water Survival Training.


By Georgia Fisher The University Star

n a test of strength, mental tenacity and endurance, Texas State’s Army ROTC underwent Combat Water Survival Training Thursday at the San Marcos Baptist Academy’s indoor pool. Held yearly by ROTC chapters nationwide, the training simulates emergency water situations troops may encounter in combat and prepares them for the Leadership Development and Assessment Course, which ranks cadets on a national scale. Officers and cadets participating said the exercises build the skills and confidence needed to extract oneself from a real emergency. “We’ve made the training as realistic as possible for them, so they can survive an aquatic area if necessary. Unexpected entry into the water with weapons requires them to recover, to get their wits about them,” said Maj. Andy Sanchez, training officer for the group. During the training exercise, cadets rotated among four stations within a swimming pool, each in full uniform and boots. “Just to get in a pool and swim — that’s easy. Anyone can do that. But clothing alone can add 15-20 pounds, depending on how big you are,” Sanchez said. “It’s challenging.” The equipment-ditch en-

Monty Marion/Star photo KEEP IT UP!: A cadet ensures his weapon will continue to function by keeping it dry after walking blindfolded off the diving board of the San Marcos Baptist Academy’s indoor pool.

tailed cadets jumping into water with their gear, releasing it, and swimming to the pool’s edge, while the high-dive takes them to the edge of a diving board — blindfolded and with rifle in hand — and requires a swim to the pool’s edge without allowing the rifle to touch water. The exercises are practical, cadets said, because despite relatively dry conditions in the Middle East, water-based emergencies occur regularly. “Even though Iraq is a lot of desert, there are still a lot of incidences where soldiers have drowned. There are still a lot of rivers, a lot of lakes,” said Jacob Burlinson, criminal justice senior and civil affairs coordinator for Texas State’s ROTC. Sgt. Robert Garza said his own water survival training came into play when he was deployed in Iraq.

Today’s Weather

Sunny 91˚/67˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 41% UV: 9 Very High Wind: S 9 mph

“I was in the back of a semitruck when a wheel caught and threw us into a canal. We had to get out and we had all our stuff with us,” said Garza, criminal justice sophomore. Though ranking is competitive within ROTC, the cadets are highly supportive of one another, often cheering slower swimmers through each exercise. After four tries amidst the cheers of friends, Keri Price finished the rifle-swim and pulled herself over the edge of the pool, grinning and exhausted. “The first of the three times I attempted it, I only made it halfway,” Price, psychology junior, said. “The second and third times, I made it across but dropped my weapon.” Even though every cadet undergoes regular training and is physically fit, not all are strong swimmers and a few are still learning. In the event that one

Two-day Forecast Thursday Partly Cloudy Temp: 93°/ 75° Precip: 10%

Friday Partly Cloudy Temp: 98°/ 76° Precip: 20%

is unable to complete a routine after several tries, he or she is moved to a section of the pool designed for quick lessons. “If you can’t swim, you’re given a lesson on dog-paddling, on breast-stroke,” Andrews said. Each cadet is supported until they are able to complete the course and according to Sanchez, everyone eventually does. “We encourage them to sign up for swimming classes at Texas State University and we’ll test them again at the end of the semester,” he said. “In the last three years, we haven’t had anyone we trained not pass.” Sanchez said the fact that the training prepares cadets for their yearly LDAC assessment is especially significant as the LDAC can establish an officer’s career path. At camp’s end, cadets “receive a written evaluation which will be factored into an assessment process to determine where they’ll rank,” he said. “The first one through 4000 are ranked chronologically and cadets who place higher get their choice of what they’ll do,” Sanchez said. “They’re competing for branch as well as whether they’ll be in active duty.” The training also instills leadership skills, Sanchez said. “Most of it is self-confidence,” Sanchez said. “As officers, they’re going to have to encourage their soldiers to do the same things they can do.”

County considers using water supply alternatives By Kathy Martinez The University Star The Hays County Commissioners Court focused Tuesday morning on finding solutions to the current diminishing water resources in the county. One of the agenda items discussed included possible action to authorize the county judge to execute an inter-local agreement between the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and the Hays County Commissioners Court to cooperate and address the immediate and long-term water and wastewater needs of Hays County. Bill West, GBRA general manager, said the agreement will lay the foundation for future water projects. “From this agreement, we can begin to make a difference in our water resources by making a somewhat open discussion with the public in its dealing with our county’s water issues,” West said. West told the court that immediate water sources for Hays County can be supplied from the Guadalupe River and Canyon Lake. However, these are only short-term options, he said. Hays County Judge Jim Powers, sponsor of the inter-local agreement between the GBRA and Commissioners Court, said that finding water for Hays County is a top priority. “The point of today’s discussion is to begin an open dialogue about the water issues,” Powers said. “We know we have

a problem, but now it’s time we have some solutions and I will be in discourse with the mayors of Hays County to get a plan of action.” President of Hays Community Action Network Charles O’Dell said he questioned the intentions of the inter-local agreement and its suggestion of ground water as a future supplier for water in Hays County. “First off, I believe that there does not exist an infinite amount of water,” O’Dell said. “For people like me who pull our water from wells that comes from the ground, water will be affected when an entire county is dependent upon that same source through underground pipelines.” Lynn Sherman of Winstead Consulting spoke on behalf of Sustainable Water Resources, who have entered into an agreement with GBRA to address their efforts to bring new, diverse and sustainable water resources up the growing Interstate-35 corridor. Sherman said water supply is extremely limited for Hays County and by the year 2030 the population of Hays, Williamson and Travis counties will double. She also addressed the problems involved with relying on current sources of water as long-term suppliers. “If we are going to start talking about alternatives for water supply, we need to do this now because the demand is increasing and our supply is diminishing fast,” Sherman said.

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To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

September 20, 2006

starsof texas state Ron Walter, Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center director and chemistry and biochemistry professor, has been conducting research for more than 20 years. He has completed research for agencies, including the National Institutes of Health and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In 1988, he chose to move to Texas State because “this school is here for the students.” Walter believes students who are exposed to the research

process as undergraduates progress much faster, gaining skills they might not learn until well into their graduate work. Walter’s devotion to his students and to research is evidenced by the large number of students whose graduate work he has overseen and by the many former graduates he continues to mentor. — Courtesy of Public Relations

News Contact — David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University System

Fun with children WEDNESDAY

Club President, Chris Harris, at ch1282@txstate.edu.

Higher Ground, the Lutheran Episcopal campus ministry, will offer a short service of prayer and reflection at 5:30 p.m. at St. Marks Church, across from The Tower residence hall. A free meal follows at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

An on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will take place from 5 to 6 p.m. For more information, call the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center at (512) 245-3601.

Bible Study will be held in the lounge of the Catholic Student Center at 7 p.m. A student-led rosary will be prayed in the chapel of the CSC at 6:25 p.m. The Texas State Blood Drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Reed Parr Room (J.C. Kellam, Room 1100). Bishop Gregory Aymond of the Austin Diocese will give a special presentation on “Forgiveness & Healing” at the CSC at 7 p.m. An Adult Children of Alcoholics/ Dysfunctional Families Group meeting will be held from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Texas State students must call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 to schedule a screening for this group. Earth First! will hold its first event of the fall semester. The event is titled “Bus Stop for Bio-Diesel” and the goal is to get as many students as possible to sign a petition to start our project of making the university more aware of bio-diesel. Anyone who would like to help or sign the petition is welcome to come by the bus stop at 11:30 a.m. in front of Commons Dining Hall. The Comm Club will meet at 4 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318. There will be free food and lots of fun.

THURSDAY The Tennis Club will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. at the tennis courts on Sessom Drive, behind Joe’s Crab Shack. All skill levels are welcome. If you have any questions, contact the Tennis

On this day 1958 — Martin Luther King Jr. was stabbed in the chest at a New York City department store by an apparently deranged black woman. 1962 — James Meredith, a black student, was blocked from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by Gov. Ross R. Barnett, but was later admitted.

The Counseling Center offers the following groups: Facing the Fear (Anxiety Group) held from 3:30-5 p.m. and Women’s Personal Growth Group, held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. For information or to sign up, call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208. Students must call to schedule a screening for this group.

1963 — President John F. Kennedy proposed a joint U.S.-Soviet expedition to the moon in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly.

The Rock-Praise & Worship will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel of the CSC.

1982 — President Ronald Reagan announced that the United States, France and Italy were going to Karen Wang/Star photo send peacekeeping troops back to Pre-radiation therapy junior Candace Rodriguez and biology sophomore Julie Gagnon, both Sigma Beirut.

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship will hold its weekly meeting at 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Enjoy contemporary worship, relevant teaching and prayer. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact (512) 557-7988 or mail@texasstatechialpha.com. Higher Ground, the LutheranEpiscopal campus ministry, will offer a free supper at 6:15 p.m., followed by Holy Communion at 7 p.m. The group meets at St. Mark’s Church, across from The Tower residence hall. Everyone is welcome. The counseling center will hold Facing the Fear (Anxiety Group) and Women’s Personal Growth Group. Texas State students must call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 to schedule a screening for this group. The Comm Club will meet at 4 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318. There will be free food and lots of fun.

Go to www.UniversityStar.com and click on contact to view calendar and Stars of Texas State submission policies.

1977 — The first of the “boat people” arrived in San Francisco from Southeast Asia under a new U.S. resettlement program.

Delta Lambda sisters, paint one-year-old Dellabee Gagnon’s face at the annual Boys and Girls Clubs’ “Day for Kids” held Saturday at Sewell Park. Volunteers spent the day providing children’s activities for Boys and Girls Clubs members.

1984 — The Cosby Show premiered on NBC.

CRIME BL TTER ASG Beat University Police Department Sept. 16, 1:40 a.m. Alcohol: MIP/Bexar Hall Parking Garage An officer came upon two students consuming alcohol. Upon further investigation, the students were found to be minors in possession of alcohol and both students were issued a citation.

Sept. 16, 2:30 p.m. Alcohol: MIP/Bobcat East Parking Lot An officer came upon two students consuming alcohol. Upon further investigation, the students were found to be minors in possession of alcohol and both students were issued a citation.

Sept. 16, 6:38 a.m. Public Intoxication/ Colloquium Bookstore An officer came upon a nonstudent sleeping on the ground. Upon further investigation, the non-student was intoxicated. The non-student was arrested and transported to Hays County Law Enforcement Center to await magistration.

Sept. 16, 3:30 p.m. Alcohol: MIP/Bobcat East Parking Lot An officer came upon a student consuming alcohol. Upon further investigation, the student was found to be a minor in possession of alcohol and the student was issued a citation.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

Tuition reduction possible for non-peak hour courses

The Associated Student Government is the official voice of the students of Texas State. ASG is currently investigating a proposal that would charge apartment complexes for bus stops. Currently, several complexes benefit from being on the Texas State bus route which attracts students. ASG is interested in assessing a fee, to be paid by the complexes, which would be charged in return for being located on the Texas State bus route. This would allow for revenue to be generated, which could offset future increases in student bus fees. The university administration is currently working on a proposal that would make all class times on campus uniform. ASG believes that with this change, there is a great opportunity to relieve campus congestion and offer low-income

students a pricing alternative for certain classes. ASG is investigating a reduction in tuition for classes that would be offered at 8 a.m. or anytime after 4 p.m. for undergraduate students. This change would give a price incentive for students to avoid the peak congestion times on campus, while providing tuition relief for those in need. ASG is almost done with the San Marcos City Council Student Liaison selection process. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Friday. Interested students should contact Student Body President Kyle Morris at (512) 245-1274. ASG meets at 7 p.m. on Mondays in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-14.1. All meetings are open to the public. — Courtesy of Associated Student Government


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Guess Who’s Gay: Panel seeks to dispel stereotypes, promote awareness By Eloise Martin The University Star A panel aimed at distinguishing stereotypes about gays and lesbians, titled “Guess Who’s Gay,” will be held tonight at 6 p.m. in Evans Liberal Arts, Room 114. The event is presented by Activists for Sexual Minorities and will include at least four panelists. Audience members will be able to ask any general questions they feel will help them decide each panelist’s sexual orientation. After the question and answer session, the panelists will leave the room and the audience will decide who is gay and who is straight. When the panelists return, the audience will announce their guess and the panelists

will then tell their true sexual orientation and begin a group discussion. “It will be a chance to talk about stereotypes,” said Sabrina Jennings, sociology senior and group president. “It will give the panelists the opportunity to talk about their lives.” Jennings said the environment will be relaxed and she hopes people will have a good time while learning about a lifestyle they may not be accustomed to. “It is going to be a time for honest discussion and a time to learn something,” Jennings said. “It seems like there are a lot of people who aren’t aware of the gay and lesbian community. This way, they can meet people who are part of it.” Rebecca Chagoya, interdisci-

plinary studies sophomore, will be one of the panelists. Chagoya said she volunteered to participate because she is an activist for sexual minorities and hopes those who attend will walk away with open minds. “I hope they learn that you can’t stereotype people,” she said. “You don’t know (their sexual orientation) by looking at them.” Chagoya said she knows one of the other panelists but does not want to know the other two before the event. “I want to guess, too. I think I will probably take away the same things as everyone else,” she said. Activists for Sexual Minorities was founded in April 2005 by Jennings and now has about 10 active members.

PROTEST: Williams defends use of lethal force CONTINUED from page 1

what we want. We want the cop fired. We want Williams out, nothing more, nothing less,” Ritchie Gonzalez, older brother of slain Jonathan Gonzalez said outside the Hays County Justice Center. Williams said he has no intention of engaging in a media war with the families. “There’s nothing to say to something like that,” he said. “The families are angry. They’re grieving because we killed one of their family members. Let them say whatever they want to say. They’re entitled to that.” Members of Gonzales’ family wore T-shirts with Jonathan’s face that said “R.I.P. Lil’ Bro.” Ritchie Gonzales, who described his younger brother as a “happy kid who cherished the little things in life,” said SMPD has not been honest about the situation. “They were never honest about anything,” he said. “The police told lies — that my little brother had stabbed my mom. They killed him, for what? Everything is a big lie.” Families of both Whited and Gonzales have said the use of lethal force by law enforcement officials was unjustified. “If he was shot in the shoulder, he’d still be here, if he were shot in the leg he would still be here, but he’s not,” Ritchie Gonzales said. “All I know is my little brother got murdered and that’s the word I can use— he got murdered.” Williams maintains that both shootings were within the boundaries of the law. “It’s like we said in both cases. We went out there and we told the world what happened. Nothing’s changed,” he said. “We haven’t changed our story,

we’re not going to change our story because what we told everybody is simply the truth about what happened.” Michelle Krueger, sister of slain Leslie Whited, said the case Williams presented to the grand jury concerning here brother’s death was one-sided and was lacking crucial witnesses. “The grand jury only heard what Williams wanted them to hear from the police perspective,” Krueger said. “I found 22 other people over there that they never interviewed, so the grand jury never heard from any of those people.” She said some of the videos that should have been made available though the Texas Public Information Act were never released. Several home videos had to be obtained through the Attorney General’s office. “The case that was presented to the district attorney’s office was a one-sided case and I take that on Williams’ direction,” she said. Williams said “every inch of video footage, every report and every photograph,” SMPD compiled was handed over for the investigation. “They got everything we had,” Williams said. “We gave everything we had to the DA and the DA presented the case to the grand jury. I never spoke to the grand jury.” Krueger said the two families agreed to stage the demonstration and will continue to push for Williams’ resignation. ‘The city of San Marcos should expect nothing more, nothing less than for him to resign his post,” Krueger said. Williams said the city has not pressured him to resign and that he will not succumb to the will of the protestors.

The University Star - Page 3



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - Page 4





1. Beyonce

1. Audioslave

1. Rascal Flatts

1. Iron Maiden

2. Bob Dylan

2. Josh Turner


2. Audioslave


Revelations Modern Time

A Matter of Life and Death

Me and My Gang

2. Jars of Clay

Your Man

Good Monsters

Trends Contact — Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Naturescapes Photography Contest and Exhibition captures scenic By Jessica Sinn The University Star


Karen Wang/Star photo NATURE’S WALK: Todd Derkacz, president of San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, is co-sponsor of the 2nd annual San Marcos Naturescapes Photography Contest and Exhibition at Walker’s Gallery located in the San Marcos Activity Center. The exhibit, which showcases photos taken within the San Marcos city limits, will be on display until Oct. 27.

longhorn rests underneath the shade of a massive oak tree. Rows of bluebonnets blanket rolling hillsides. Sunlight filters through lush green trees along the San Marcos River. These are just a few of the images that are featured in the second annual San Marcos Naturescapes Photography Contest and Exhibition. The exhibit, which is on display at the Walker’s Gallery in the San Marcos Activity Center, showcases 67 nature and landscape photos by 29 photographers. The photography contest was inspired by the unique landscapes of the Texas Hill Country and the scenic areas within San Marcos. All contestants were required to shoot photos within the city limits of San Marcos. Walker’s Gallery curator and Texas State art and design lecturer Linda Kelsey-Jones said that the artwork inspires onlookers to appreciate the natural wonders plentiful in this

San Marcos area. “They’re trying to bring awareness to encourage people to get out and take pictures and present pictures so people can see the natural beauty of San Marcos,” Kelsey-Jones said. All visitors and members of the San Marcos Activity Center are welcome to stroll down the spacious halls of the Walker’s Gallery and view the Naturescapes photography. “People love to see what’s familiar to them and when you see a good photograph of a place that you’re familiar with, you see it differently with new eyes,” Kelsey-Jones said Todd Derkacz, president of the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, hopes that the images from these photographs will promote responsible stewardship and raise awareness for preserving natural areas within San Marcos. “Photography is a way of sensing the natural world, which is our living world and communicating it to others,” Derkacz said. “Photography is the prime medium for bringing the natural world back to us.”

Herb Smith, president of the Hill Country Photography Club, encourages photographers to capture their own visual perspectives of beauty on film. “I really feel that the photos bring out beauty in ways that people don’t normally see day to day,” Smith said. “Photographers use their senses to create visual beauty and help interpret their own perception of nature’s beauty.” A panel of three judges, who have backgrounds in photography and art, have already chosen the winners. The judges chose which of the 131 entries by 29 photographers would be exhibited. The contest featured three categories: Scenery, Wildlife and Plants and People and Pets. First place winners of each category will be awarded $200. The best-in-show winner will receive a $400 prize. “The judges are looking for good photography and also creativity. They look at photographers that use different ways of approaching their subjects,” Smith said. “They’re not just looking for a pretty picture; they’re really looking for creative interpretation.” Kelsey-Jones said she believes that the judges target pictures that offer more than just the mechanics of good photography. She emphasizes that the photographers need to deliver powerful images that can captivate the viewers. “The judges look for composition, content and all the principles of design that go into photography — it needs to be something that moves you,” Kelsey-Jones said. Suburban development and pollution are a threat to natural areas in the Texas Hill Country, according to Smith. By partnering up with the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, members from the Hill Country Photography Club strive to create works that will influence people to conserve the environment.


really feel that the photos bring out beauty in ways that people don’t normally see day to day. Photographers use their senses to create visual beauty and help interpret their own perception of nature’s beauty.”

-Herb Smith president, Hill Country Photography Club

“If we don’t raise our consciousness to protect it, it’ll be gone, and it’s very important to make people appreciate the efforts of the San Marcos Greenbelt,” Smith said. “We need to do that throughout the Hill Country. We have something really special here and if we don’t do what’s necessary to keep it, we’ll be sorry down the road.” Kerry McClure, a recreational administration senior, believes that busy students can overlook the natural beauty of San Marcos. “I think it’s good that these pictures capture the nature part of San Marcos. I think that people forget that we have a river and that it’s really beautiful here,” McClure said. The awards reception will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 29 at the San Marcos Activity Center. The San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance and the Hill Country Photography Club are sponsoring the contest. The exhibit will be on display until Oct. 27 and admission is free.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Midnight Breeze, Tipsy Gypsy ✯Star Comics to perform at City Park tonight By Maira Garcia The University Star The sound of jingles will shake in unison to Middle Eastern music as a troupe of belly dancers shake their hips at City Park tonight. Midnight Breeze is a loose affiliation of belly dancers that have been performing all over Central Texas for about 22 years, said director Jamie Shelton. The group meets regularly for practices at the San Marcos Activity Center. “We have fun with it and I think that is important. Other groups take it more seriously, but that’s not as fun,” Shelton said. Virginia Davis, a San Marcos resident, originally founded the group and continues to instruct classes. Shelton has been a part of the group for seven years and has seen the group fluctuate in size. “(Today), this is a whole lot, but it varies. Sometimes we start off with 15 to 20 people and that drops down to five or six toward the end of the year,” Shelton said. Victoria Casares, a San Marcos resident and recent graduate of San Marcos High School, said she has been dancing with Midnight Breeze for almost a year. Casares Maira Garcia/Star photo said she enjoys belly dancing beQUICK HIPS: Natalia Moreau, San Marcos resident, moves along cause it is different. “I like it for the very reason with Midnight Breeze dance group’s practice in the San Marcos that it captures everyone else’s Activity Center Tuesday evening. attention,” Casares said. “It’s a very intriguing dance and I love to dance.” especially since men weren’t al- advanced dancers. The troupe The troupe fuses different lowed to watch (belly dancing) practices every Tuesday from styles of belly dancing from back then,” Stoddard said. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the San Marcountries such as Egypt, Israel, Tonight’s performance will cos Activity Center and usually Syria and Greece, Shelton said. also feature two solo dancers performs the third Wednesday of Mandy Stoddard, a dancer in the from Tipsy Gypsy, a troupe from every month at Shelton’s restautroupe and a student at Lehman Austin. rant, The Blue Goat Gourmet. High School in Kyle said belly Midnight Breeze is divided up This month, the dance troupe dancing is unique to women. into two groups, one with be- will perform on the San Marcos “It’s a celebration of women, ginners and another with more Plaza Stage at 7:30 p.m.

SU DO KU Complete the grid so that every row, column, and 3-by-3 box contains every digit from one through nine inclusively.

Thursday’s solutions:

© Pappocom

The University Star - Page 5



What do you think about Students With Alternative Transportation’s decision to temporarily extend services to Thursday night? Go to www.UniversityStar.com to vote in our online poll. Results will be published in Thursday’s issue of The University Star.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - Page 6

*This is not a scientific poll

Opinions Contact — Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu

Letters to the Editor



exas State is moving up. “The Rising STAR of Texas” has shown sharp improvements in its athletic department and academics. Now, Texas State has set an enrollment record. We have all the markings of a major university. Except for that pesky overcrowding.

School needs to create diversity for the right reasons

In the few weeks of school we’ve had, The University Star has heard a number of complaints from Texas State students about overcrowding. Most of those complaints have focused on the Texas State Tram system and residence halls. Texas State added 3,300 new students this semester, setting fall enrollment at 27,503. Most of those new students are being packed in to facilities not able to accommodate them. Texas State students are tough. They’ll be able to cope with being forced to live three to a room in Blanco Hall. And very few have complained about all-male or all-female floors in the residence halls unexpectedly becoming co-ed. It would be nice to hear someone in the administration is worried about this problem. Increased enrollment is by no means a bad thing. More people want to become Bobcats every year. Texas State is now a prestigious university and the money keeps rolling in. But it’s the money that might be the problem. The administration has become mired in bureaucracy and a detachment from student interests and a focus on money may be to blame. Michael R. Heintze, vice president for Enrollment Management, told The Star that one advantage of the increased enrollment Texas State is seeing is that more Hispanic students are coming to school here. In fact, if Texas State reaches 25 percent Hispanic enrollment, it can be considered for classification as a Hispanic Serving Institute. Hispanic Serving Institutes are eligible for increased funding from the Department of Education. In the 1978 case University of California Regents v. Bakke, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, while there is a state interest in diversity, quotas based on race are unconstitutional. Diversity is necessary for an education. Without being exposed to people of different cultures and with different ideas, it is hard to prepare for the real world. Increasing enrollment to get more Hispanic students to attend Texas State for no other purpose than to grab more federal money has nothing to do with state interests in diversity and everything to do with a bureaucratic lust for money. The federal government is at fault here as well. They instituted this quota system and colleges are going to go along with whatever system is in place to get money. But just because the federal government has this system doesn’t mean the administration at Texas State should act in a manner that ignores the Constitution and threatens the safety, comfort and education of students.

Manners apply to all, not just men I am writing in response to Ms. Silvas’ column, “Where have all the manners gone?” Where has your pride gone? I would never expect a man to give up his bus seat for me simply because he is a man and I’m a woman. Now, if I were pregnant or 60 years old, that would be different. But I am not any less able to stand on the bus than a man and don’t expect to be treated as such. And while I’m not overjoyed about the amount of belching and profanity I hear from day to day, I don’t find it any more disturbing coming out of a woman than a man. It’s unattractive either way. And who are you to say a man “should pay on the first date?” In my opinion, it’s nice, but not necessary. I wouldn’t think less of a man who let us go Dutch. How about instead of all this inane and condescending “chivalry,” we men and women exercise a little more kindness and consideration for each other? It’s not simply about opening doors or paying for dinner; it’s about genuinely caring for others and how your actions affect them. Kelly Skinner studio art senior Freethought Society president

Green mugs clash with meal plan I was very pleased to see the reusable mugs being handed out in The Quad. I strongly believe in and applaud the sentiment behind it of reducing waste. However, I don’t think students will actually use them. Here’s why: These mugs are being touted as refill cups and most students don’t pay to get a refill. Most of the students on campus have meal plans. The primary option for paying for items not covered by meal trades is Dining Dollars. Most students will not use their Dining Dollars just to get a refill. The mugs are not a viable option to use in place of the paper cups as part of the meal trade because they are two ounces less than the paper cups. Students are not going to carry these mugs around so they can get two ounces less than what they are paying for. If the mugs were the same volume, they could be a viable option for replacing the paper cups included in meal trades. It is unfortunate that a good idea with a noble aim might fail just because of poor planning. I would suggest in the future having a student focus group in order to design projects that are both environmentally and student friendly, to increase the chance of people actually using the product. A suggestion I have is to have the green mug count as part of the meal trade and you can have one free refill with it. This would be sufficient economic incentive for students to actually carry around the mugs and use them.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos.

Mike Wood/Star illustration

Ariel Shirk wildlife biology junior

University’s attempt to revamp image, build LBJ statue long overdue Texas State fills all to find an identity. One the semantic requirestep in that process is ments of a university. celebrating our past. There are classes and Recently, a statue of students. There’s an Lyndon B. Johnson as a athletics program that student has been set up keeps getting stronger, outside Flowers Hall. even if we lose a few I’m glad it’s there, too. games. If you look SEAN WARDWELL We should be proud that around this place, it we are the only Texas Star Columnist seems to be an honuniversity to graduate a est-to-God college. Yet there’s president. We should be proud something missing and I can’t that George Strait got his start place my finger on it. Somehere. Hell, being an avid scitimes it feels like we aren’t tryfi geek, I take pride that we ing hard enough to build our graduated Tracy Scroggins who own distinctive identity and at played Capt. Lochley on Babyother times it seems we are try- lon 5. We are still the Southland ing too hard. Conference champions. There’s What is Texas State? This a lot to be proud of. school has sat on this hill for But it isn’t enough, is it? Texmore than 100 years and it still as State has an unearned past seems like we are struggling that continues to haunt us. For

many people, we are and will continue to be the party school. No matter what we do, we just can’t seem to live that one down. It does not even seem to matter that the reason we were named as a party school is fictitious. Playboy magazine never rated us and even if the magazine did, it was 30 years ago. Yet the school and the town keep wanting to kill something that was never really alive in the first place. Every time they talk about getting rid of the party school image, they just put it back on life support. That’s the problem with the party school tag; we keep bringing it up and we won’t let it die like it needs to. We are overreacting and we keep overreacting under the delusion

that it does the student body good. But now we have a nice shiny statue of LBJ and we hope that will detract from all the beer that gets drunk around here. Hey, look everyone, you can take us seriously again because we put up a statue. Remember this guy? Well, he went here. He probably never touched a drop either. Please like us. Please. That’s really how I look at it sometimes. Not the statue. I really am a fan of it and I think we should have had something like it a long time ago. What I’m talking about is the marketing. Look at the new slogan: “The rising STAR of Texas.” That slogan just makes my skin crawl whenever I see it. Are we a rising star? Boy, I hope so. Yet

the language conveys the slightest hint of desperation and panic. Why not just say that we are the star of Texas instead of a rising star? To rise suggests that we had to come up from something, possibly a self-imposed party-school academic basement that we were never really in anyway. We did this to ourselves. Nobody did it to us. One day, we all started to believe this was a party school and we never stopped. We forgot how to stop because the lie became true. I’m not saying you would never find a party in this town, past, present or future; this is college after all. Not every party is cause for alarm though. People getting drunk — yes, even if they are under 21 — is not a

good reason to keep this place in the party school doghouse. The truth is we can leave that behind whenever we want. As students, we can’t allow the administration to decide what our local soul and color is going to be. They can set the tone academically and legally, but we can’t surrender the only thing that is truly ours: our identity as Texas State students. Last year, I wrote about the need for the student body to begin traditions that could be passed along to each new class. Not that my requests carry much weight, but where are they? We need them. Otherwise we’ll be dealing with the only tradition we have: The party school and the tragedy is that it’s a fake tradition anyway.

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Editor In Chief...................................Jason Buch, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.........................Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor..............................David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Trends Editor....................Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...................................Monty Marion, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor..................................Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief................................Bill Rix, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor..........................Michael E. Perez, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Sales Manager....................Lindsey Lee, atlas@txstate.edu

Account Executive...........................Jackie Pardue, jp1271@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Esmeldi Sanchez, es1225@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Jonathan McCoy, jm1751@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright September 20, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - Page 7 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - Page 33 ANNOUNCEMENTS


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LOST & FOUND KEYS FOUND! Saturday, September 16, 11p.m. on The Square, across from Valentino’s Pizza. Contact Parking Services at (512) 245-2887.


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ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BD/2BA at Comanche Hill Apts. $335/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Includes cable & internet. 2 blocks from campus. Call Pranitha (940) 782-4685. ROOMMATES WANTED: MALE STUDENT FOR 3BD/2BA NICE HOME IN LULING. 20 miles from San Marcos. Ideal for someone wanting to cut routine drive from San Antonio or Austin. Call Bill at (830) 875-6933.

SUBLEASE SUBLET INDIVIDUAL LEASE. Share 2BD duplex. SEPTEMBER FREE! No deposit. Near TSU. $350 + utilities. Call (402) 212-3996.

WANTED USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. (512) 353-4511.COME COME WORK FOR THE STAR! Are you interested in learning how a newspaper is made? Do you have a writing talent none of your friends appreciate? Would you like to see your name in print? Employment at The Star provides you with an opportunity to work with motivated students who are interested in journalism and newspapers. This is a must for anyone who in a career in journalism, and it is an excellent opportunity for students who want to get involved with the university and learn about the world around them.


The Star is currently hiring for the following positions: •News reporters Must be able to gather information, conduct interviews and come into the newsroom to have stories edited. •Sports writers Must be able to attend games, interview coaches and players and come into newsroom to have stories edited. •Sports columnist Must be able to write interesting and entertaining columns about Bobcat Sports. •Entertainment writers Must be able to report on arts and entertainment events on campus and in Central Texas, conduct interviews and come into newsroom to have stories edited. •Entertainment columnist Must be able to write intelligent and interesting columns about arts and entertainment on campus and in Central Texas. •Opinions columnists Must be able to write well-organized and thought-provoking columns about on-campus and local happenings. •Photographers Must be able to capture visual human reaction to a news event, gather subject’s information, edit pictures and write cutlines. Having digital SLR equipment a plus. •Comic artists Must be able to create a comic strip three days a week. •Illustrators Must be able to work with the editorial staff to create editorial cartoons and story illustrations as well as bring original ideas to the table. •Delivery drivers Delivery person needed from 2pm5pm, Tuesday-Friday. Must have your own vehicle and good driving and parking history. Pick up an application at the Trinity Building, or download one at www. universitystar.com.


Wednesday, September 20, 2005 - Page 8

quarterback swap Football coach David Bailiff announced Tuesday that Bradley George will start Saturday against Southern Utah. The redshirt sophomore replaces senior Chase Wasson, who started the first three games of the season. George, a native of New Braunfels, played the entire second half of last week’s 14-13 loss to Northern Colorado. Against the Bears, George completed 12 of 26 passes for 278 yards and an interception. Bailiff said Wasson would return to wide receiver, where he played last season.

Sports Contact — Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

University alumnus returns to gridiron as coach By Zandria Avila The University Star Jason Washington never planned on coaching at his alma mater. After earning a master’s degree in sports administration from Texas State in 2004, Washinton had aspirations of being a professional athlete. “Honestly, I thought I would play professional baseball or be an entrepreneur,” Washington said. Washington was a member of the football and baseball teams at Texas State. As a student, he earned a 3.3 grade point average despite a hectic schedule. The Bobcats’ defensive backs coach credits his success to his faith, parent’s guidance and belief in himself. “I love my parents to death,” Washington said. “I am fortunate enough to have two loving parents and without their guidance, I don’t know where I would be.” On the football team, Washington was a weak side safety and played center field for the baseball team. Coach David Bailiff coached Washington when he was a college student. Bailiff worked as a defensive coordinator and assistant coach in a previous stint with the Bobcats. “I thought the world of Coach

Bailiff when I played for him. He is what I call a player’s coach,” Washington said. “He develops a personal relationship with every player, thus you know his beliefs and his expectations of you.” Bailiff’s enthusiasm has motivated Washington since his time as a member on the team. “Bailiff was the kind of coach you would run through a brick wall for,” Washington said. Washington considers the largest assets Texas State athletics have awarded him are the relationships he developed. “The comradeship we have as a team is special; some of my best friends were my teammates,” Washington said. “They have and will continue to affect my life.” Washington affirms the bond between teammates is unique because of the trials suffered together. “We all went through the same things together at the same time, so we share emotions,” Washington said. As a player, adversity would strike Washington his senior year. In the first game of the season, he broke his wrist and was forced to wear a cast. The injury threatened his mental and spiritual state more than physical ability.

“Football is a mental game and to compensate for my injury I had to think about the game a little more,” Washington said. “When I felt pain, I mentally fought through it.” While watching his old team from afar, Washington did not think to return until Bailiff brought him on staff for the coach’s inaugural season in 2004. “Bailiff’s the type of man where if you do things right, he will remember you and take care of you,” Washington said. “I owe him a lot.” In returning to the gridiron, Washington said he finds inspiration in those players who grind it out just as he did not so long ago. “I always told myself, if I were a leader, I would like to lead by example. I never ask my players to do anything I am not capable of doing myself,” Washington said. “And there is nothing better than seeing these young men grow into men and witnessing their success. It isn’t the rings or the championships.” Washington’s passion for his job does not go unnoticed by his players. Epsilon Williams, mass communication senior and defensive back, sees the coach as more than just an instructor on the field.

Intramural Player of the Week award goes to TKE member PLAYER OF THE WEEK


R i c k y Aguilera is this week’s Intramural Player of the Week for his performance with the TKE flag football team. The Aguilera undecided sophomore quarterbacked his Men’s 1. TKE 2. Wrecking Crew 3. ODPhi 4. Kappa Sigma 5. Man Law

club to the championship in last week’s preseason tournament, defeating Sigma Nu, the Rough Riders, the Swamp Donkeys and ODPhi to reach the final game. In Thursday’s title match, TKE defeated the Rough Riders 26-13 in a rematch, after the club emerged from the loser’s bracket. Not surprisingly, Aguilera and the rest of TKE find themselves atop the season’s first rankings, followed by the Women’s 1. Bandits 2. Blazers 3. Chi Omega 4. Lantana Lady Cats 5. 98% Not Interested

Wrecking Crew and Kappa Sigma. The Bandits and the Blazers sit at one-two in the women’s rankings, while CoRec champ The Heat sit in first in its bracket. Both The Heat and the Bandits shutout their opponents in the regular season opener, winning by 48 and 57 points, respectively. Game of the week: No. 1 TKE vs. No. 2 Wrecking Crew, 9 p.m. today, Field 1 Co-Rec 1. The Heat 2. Zeta Tau Alpha 3. ODPhi and DG 4. SWT Skeezers 5. Team Wins Games

Monty Marion/Star photo FAMILY TIES: Coach Washington, a 2002 graduate of then-Southwest Texas State, attributes much of his success to his faith and close relationship to his parents.

“Coach Washington is a man of strong faith and often converses over topics other than football,” Williams said. “He is a leader in a number of ways, as he is one of the few African-American coaches on staff. With half our team being the same ethnicity, it is motivating to see how

he carries himself day to day.” Despite the team’s recent struggles, Washington is proud of the strides the team has made since Bailiff and company took over for the former Manny Matsakis regime. This includes a newfound interest in the program amongst alumni, residents

and students alike. “The triumphs of Texas State brings me great pride,” Washington said. “The biggest thing I have enjoyed since coaching is seeing the student body and community come together. This truly confirms that we are a family.”

Bobcat Video Network brings away games home By Gordon Taylor The University Star Can’t travel with the Bobcat football team on a road game? Can’t make it to a home game? No problem. With the release of the Bobcat Video Network, fans can catch all the action they missed plus some features that can’t be seen on the normal highlight reel. The Bobcat Video Network has been working closely with the athletic program to offer fans new insight into the world of Texas State athletics. “The athletic program has been incredibly helpful. They have given us access to anything that would help add to the show,” said Dusty Kraatz, XI Media Productions owner and production coordinator.

XI Media Productions and Texas State are working together to the Bobcat Video Network to students. Each episode includes a highlight recap that shows what transpired in the week’s football game, interviews, tailgating footage and halftime programs, regardless of whether Texas State is at home or on the road. “It’s not just going to be highlight after highlight. It’s full coverage of the team instead of just a highlight package you see on the news,” Kraatz said. “We’re going to try to have a new feature every week and try to capture the whole essence of the game,” Kraatz added. XI Media Productions is a company based in San Marcos and ran by three people who work around the clock to produce the network, along with their other projects. The company shoots, edits and documents many other events all over the state, including commercials, music videos, realty tours, practice videos and instructional videos. Students who have been unable to attend the past games

have been impressed with the quality of the first episodes. “Obviously, I couldn’t make it to the Kentucky game and I couldn’t go to the Tarleton game,” said exercise & sports science junior Tyler Heideke. “All that was shown on the news and on ESPN about both games were scores, but there weren’t any highlights or anything. The (Bobcat Video) Network gave me a feel for the games that I couldn’t make.” Kraatz is hoping to expand the Bobcat Video Network to outlets other than football. “The goal is to capture any live events that the university has and they are willing to let us film,” Kraatz said. “We purposely called it Bobcat Video Network to keep it open to things that aren’t just sports.” The Bobcat Video Network produces a new episode for each game every Wednesday. Episodes can be found at www. bobcatvideonetwork.com.


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