09 21 2006

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Midnight Breeze shakes its hips to the beat of the night

Texas State’s swashbuckling sensation





SEPTEMBER 21, 2006



San Marcos to reimburse developer for Yarrington Road construction

Cotton Miller/ Star photo DIRECTOR SPEAKS: Luis Valdez the writer/director of films such as Zoot Suit and La Bamba, speaks at the Evans Liberal Arts theater Wednesday night about his life and career.

By Zach Halfin Special to the Star The San Marcos City Council adopted a resolution Tuesday that will provide funds to reimburse a land development company for expenses incurred during the construction of an overpass on Yarrington Road. The resolution allocates approximately $6 million in new tax revenue to compensate Carma Texas Inc., a land development firm that specializes in master plan communities. Carma will be reimbursed for construction costs for the $8 million bridge that will allow future expansion of Yarrington Road to bypass Post Road and the Union Pacific rail line. Through an inter-local agreement, the city and Hays County will devote portions of property tax revenue collected from the community. Carma is developing to repay the company’s construction costs. The city will use approximately 90 percent of the new property tax revenue to repay Carma. Hays County agreed to devote 50 percent of the new revenue to repay the company until a $1 million self-imposed limit is reached. Carma will fund $1 million out-ofpocket for the cost of a basic “at-grade” crossing. “This is an unusual arrangement with the developer, who at their own risk will construct an $8 million overpass and will only be repaid if they actually build and sell homes in their neighborhood,” said Dan O’Leary, San Marcos city manager. Shaun Cranston, Carma’s senior development manager, said the overpass will provide access to residents of the company’s master plan community, which is scheduled to open February 2007 and will contain around 2,100 homes. “As you may know, Yarrington terminates at a T-intersection at Post Road, and the bridge we are discussing this evening will fly over Post Road and over the Union Pacific railroad and form the first leg of the outer Loop 110 around the city,” Cranston said. “We have an 11-acre school site we set aside land for public facility, (a) potential fire station or other types of use the city would like to see. The first model homes should be under construction See CONSTRUCTION, page 4

Police patrol for safety, violations at San Marcos River By Jacqueline Davis The University Star Tubers on the San Marcos River may have recently encountered police officers from three nearby counties while floating downstream. The officers were keeping a close eye on river safety and may continue to do so in the future. San Marcos River Foundation officials are continuing their efforts to boost law enforcement on the San Marcos River by hiring off-duty officers from Hays, Caldwell and Guadalupe county to patrol for law violations, river trashing and public intoxication. Dianne Wassenich, the foundation’s executive director, said the first effort took place Labor Day weekend during peak tubing hours. The foundation will

continue to fund law enforcement efforts to patrol the river until problems subside. “We worked a task force at the river,” said Deputy Mike Thielen, Hays County Sheriff ’s Department spokesperson. “The concern was about underage drinking, possible drug use and disorderly conduct.” Thielen said there were five or six arrests during Labor Day weekend. Arrests at the river usually entail possession of drugs, furnishing alcohol to a minor, or assaults resulting from fights. Officers gave out various citations for littering, public lewdness and disorderly conduct. Thielen said the efforts did not focus only on college students. Officers did not approach anyone without See PATROL, page 4

ROWDY RIVERS: An increased police presence on the San Marcos River, headed by the San Marcos River Foundation, aims to help curb lawlessness on the water through he use of offduty officers from Hays, Caldwell and Guadeloupe counties.

Valdez’ writing fills ‘deep hole in his soul’ Zoot Suit author addresses protest and discrimination against Mexican-Americans

By A.N. Hernández The University Star Luis Valdez writes plays to fill a “deep hole in his soul.” He writes to protest the stereotypes and discrimination Mexican-Americans have experienced in the United States. As part of this year’s Common Experience theme, “Protest and Dissent,” the Emmy award-winning playwright spoke Wednesday about racial injustices that inspired him to write his play, Zoot Suit. “I want to ask you a question — to whom does the future belong?” Valdez asked the hundreds in the Evans Liberal Arts Teaching Theater. “Every generation, as they mature and take life into their own hands, hit the streets. They begin to express their feelings and begin to express their ideas and participate in the world.” Valdez, 66, said the experience of being raised in a segregated society made him become

a writer. He talked about an incident that happened when he was 1 year old and his family lived in a horse barn. Valdez’ back was scalded by water spilled from a makeshift stove. Rather than being given intensive treatment, a salve and bandage were placed on his back. Hours later, he was released from the horse barn in his mother’s arms. “As far as society was concerned, we were just field hands with our own culture,” he said. Valdez said his childhood was nomadic. His family was poor migrant workers in California who followed the ebb and flow of the California harvests. Cotton, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums were all harvests family members reaped with their hands. “You would pick the cotton, dump it in the sack and put it on the rack,” Valdez said of his time in the fields among other minority migrant worker groups. In 1965, he founded El Teatro

onlineconnection For an audio feature on Common Experience guest speaker Luis Valdez, log on to www.UniversityStar.com Campesino, a traveling theatre made of farm workers, who often performed in the fields and on truck beds. Hardships inspired his writing efforts rather than break his spirit. He also urged students to do the same. “You can take a negative and turn it into a positive if you just spin it around and turn it on its head,” Valdez said. “You can turn your life around.” He discussed his commitment to the Sleepy Lagoon murder case that inspired his play, Zoot Suit. Valdez said “it was his privilege” to study the 12 men whose lives were changed indefinitely by the 1942 murder trial and then “boil it down to the theatre.” “What Zoot Suit is about is the criminalization of people who

look brown,” he said. Valdez said the Sleepy Lagoon trial preceded the Zoot Suit riots of Los Angeles by a year. In 1943, the Zoot Suit riots were a result of escalating cultural tensions between the newly returned military men and Mexican-American civilians. Hannah Rogers, economics freshman, was present at Valdez’ speech. She said she didn’t know what the Zoot Suit riots were until she read the book over the summer as part of her University Seminar class. ”I didn’t know why he wrote the play. I just never understood why he would,” Rogers said. ”I mean, him not having a safe See VALDEZ, page 3

From Soldier to Student: The struggles of the ‘new battlefield’ By Katie Reed Special to the Star When Tom Hauser returned from Vietnam he had to make the transition from military to civilian life. Now Hauser helps those returning from the service make that same transition. Hauser, one of many military veterans enrolled at Texas State, now conducts his battles in a new environment — the classroom. “You definitely have to make a lot of adjustments mentally and emotionally and some take longer than others,” he said. The GI Bill of Rights provides soldiers the opportunity to further their education after serving their country. Instead of high school memories fresh on their minds, they have memories of combat. “We are accustomed to living life at 100

miles an hour and everything needs to be done right away with no room for error, as people’s lives very well depend on the essence of speed and perfection,” said Dan West, a Marine veteran and business administration graduate student. “At work or in the community, we return to where the speed of life is more like 10 to 15 miles an hour where learning from error is commonplace.” It can be very frustrating, West said, because the majority of his fellow students, the university faculty and staff, and even his own family cannot begin to understand the experiences he has been through while active in the military. For those veterans attending college, getting acclimated to the change of pace is not always the greatest obstacle. Most are older than the students they share the classroom with and the lack of discipline amongst their

new peers makes adjusting difficult. “It is kind of frustrating coming back to school with people half my age who are still trying to mature. We have different perspectives and expectations of school,” said Bob Roberts, geography graduate student and Navy veteran. After transitioning from soldier to civilian life, military veterans often experience symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, including high stress levels, flashbacks, panic attacks, extreme guilt and nightmares. “It’s definitely weird adjusting to student mode,” said Jordan Wylie, criminal justice freshman and inactive Marine. “The PTSD is very weird. I’ll have anxiety attacks and sometimes it’s hard for me to be around See STUDENT, page 4

‘Gaydars’ put to test with Activists for Sexual Minorities panel By Eloise Martin The University Star Texas State students were asked to “Guess Who’s Gay” Wednesday night during a panel presented by Activists for Sexual Minorities. The event featured four Texas State students who answered general questions about their lives, such as “Are your parents accepting of your lifestyle?” and “What is your opinion about Brokeback Mountain?” Audience members then used the answers to determine each panelist’s sexual orientation. The panel was facilitated by Jeffery Gordon, philosophy professor, who said the purpose of the event was to learn how stereotypes can affect everyone and also to test the audience’s “gaydar.” Jacob Boles, anthropology senior, guessed two of the panelists’ sexual orientation correctly. During the question and answer ses-

Bryn Legget/ Star file photo

Today’s Weather

Partly Cloudy 94˚/70˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 57% UV: 9 Very High Wind: S 15 mph

Two-day Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny Temp: 98°/ 77° Precip: 10%

Saturday Isolated T-Storms Temp: 96°/ 72° Precip: 30%

sion, Boles asked if any of the panelists had tattoos to help decide his vote. “With a lot of my friends, the placement of the tattoos kind of go with their orientation,” he said. “But it didn’t help tonight. You can’t judge someone by it.” The audience of about 40 people guessed the sexual orientation of two panelists correctly. No one in the audience could correctly identify the sexual orientation of all four panelists. The audience voted 23-5 that Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, undecided junior, was straight. When Atwater-Rhodes returned, she announced that she was “as queer as a 3-legged duck.” Atwater-Rhodes, originally from Massachusetts, said defending See GUESS, page 4

Inside News ..............1-4 Trends .............5-8 Crossword ......... 8 Sudoku .............. 8

Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University System

Comics .............. 8 Opinions ............ 9 Classifieds ....... 10 Sports ......... 11,12

To Contact Trinity Building Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708 www.UniversityStar.com © 2006 The University Star

PAGE TWO The University Star

September 21, 2006

starsof texas state Celestial sleuth and physics professor Donald Olson has traveled to numerous countries where he helped unravel the mysteries for several famous works of art. Using historical documents, astronomical data and onsite observations, he has contributed to several published papers. To unravel the mystery of the bright object in Vincent van Gogh’s “The White House at Night,” Olson traveled

with students to Auvers, France, where they spent four days researching the painting. Other research trips have included retracing the route of Cabeza de Vaca through Coahuila, Mexico, and identifying the exact time and date Ansel Adams shot his famous photograph in Yosemite National Park, “Moon and Half Dome.” — Courtesy of Public Relations

News Contact — David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University System

Life Savers THURSDAY The Tennis Club will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. at the tennis courts on Sessom Drive, behind Joe’s Crab Shack. All skill levels are welcome. For questions, contact the Tennis Club President, Chris Harris, at ch1282@txstate.edu. An on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will take place from 5 to 6 p.m. For more information, call the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center at (512) 245-3601. The Counseling Center offers the following groups: Facing the Fear (Anxiety Group), held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and Women’s Personal Growth Group, held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. For information or to schedule a screening, call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208. The Rock - Praise & Worship will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel of the Catholic Student Center. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship will hold its weekly meeting at 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Enjoy contemporary worship, relevant teaching, prayer and plenty of fun. Everyone is welcome. Contact (512) 557-7988 or mail@texasstatechialpha.com. Higher Ground, the LutheranEpiscopal Campus Ministry, will have a free supper at 6:15 p.m. followed by Holy Communion at 7 p.m. The group meets at St. Mark’s Church, across from The Tower. Everyone is welcome. The Comm Club will meet at 4 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318. There will be free food and lots of fun.

In Tuesday’s issue, the story “The greatest women I’ve ever known” incorrectly identified Ron Kirk as the mayor of Dallas. He is the former mayor of Dallas.

Internship opportunities and on-campus interviewing are available at www. careerservices.txstate.edu or Jobs4Cats. Resume drop ends today for software architects and ARGO.

In the photo cutline for the unveiling of the LBJ statue, Student Regent Frank Bartley was misidentified and Lyndon B. Johnson’s grandson Lyndon Nugent was also misidentified.

SUNDAY Higher Ground, the LutheranEpiscopal Campus Ministry, meets at 6:15 p.m. for a free dinner followed by Holy Communion at 7 p.m. Services are held at St. Mark’s Church across from The Tower residence hall. Everyone is welcome. Internship opportunities and on-campus interviewing are available at www. careerservices.txstate.edu or Jobs4Cats. Resume drop ends today for Wells Fargo and TCOR.

MONDAY An on-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting will take place from noon to1 p.m. For more information, call the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center at (512) 245-3601. The Sexual Abuse Survivors Group will have a meeting from 5 to 6:15 p.m. Interested students should call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208 and schedule a screening for this group. Public Relations Student Society of America will have a meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. in LBJ Student Center, Room 3.3-1. Guest speaker will be Rebecca Hind of Elizabeth Christian & Associates Public Relations of Austin. Go to www.UniversityStar.com and click on contact to view calendar and Stars of Texas State submission policies.


In Wednesday’s issue, the story “ROTC makes a splash” improperly identified education graduate student Darryn Andrews.

On This Day... 1937 - J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was first published. Jeannie Yamakawa/Star photo A nurse from the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas prepares Amy Perez, chemistry graduate student, to donate for the blood drive Wednesday morning in J.C. Kellam. Drives are held at least 10 times a year and donating once can save two lives.

1970 - “NFL Monday Night Football” made its debut on ABC. The Cleveland Browns won 31-21 against the New York Jets.

CRIME BL TTER Library Beat University Police Department Sept. 14, 1:34 p.m. Criminal Mischief Under $1500/Strahan Parking Lot An officer was dispatched for a report from a student that her vehicle had been damaged. This case is under investigation. Sept. 15, 1:30 p.m. Criminal Mischief Under $1500/Jackson Hall Lot An officer was dispatched for a report from a student that her motorcycle had been damaged. This case is under investigation. Sept. 15, 8:32 p.m. Information Report: Medical Emergency/Sterry Hall An officer was dispatched for a report of a student that fell and injured herself. Emer-

gency medical service was dispatched; she was evaluated and refused transport to Central Texas Medical Center. Sept. 15, 10:54 p.m. Burglary: Motor Vehicle/ Jowers Center An officer was dispatched for a report from a student that items were missing from her vehicle. This case is under investigation. Sept. 16, 3:50 p.m. Alcohol: MIP/Bobcat East Parking Lot An officer came upon a student consuming alcohol. Upon further investigation, the student was found to be a minor in possession of alcohol and the student was issued a citation.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

Journalists’ papers available at Alkek Library

Alkek Library’s Southwestern Writers Collection is proud to announce the opening of the Dick J. Reavis papers for research. Reavis, award-winning Texas journalist and former senior editor at Texas Monthly magazine, began a career in journalism in the early 1970s. The donated materials contain his first-hand reports on illegal immigrants, peasant guerillas in Latin America and an outlaw motorcycle gang in Fort Worth. The papers include research materials for his in-depth investigation into the 1993 Branch Davidian standoff in Waco. The result of this research is the book, The Ashes of Waco, with accounts of the siege, what led up to it and what immediately resulted. Reavis’ papers have been used as sources for two documentaries, including “Assault on Waco,” recently aired on the Discovery Channel. Also included is his serialized

“National Tour of Texas” story for Texas Monthly, when Reavis traveled every official highway mile of Texas in one year. His logbooks, postcards, journals, slide photographs, correspondence and other records make for a fascinating snapshot of Everywhere, Texas, in 1987. Reavis wrote 37 feature articles for Texas Monthly in a 12year span and still occasionally writes for it today. He has also reported for many publications, including San Antonio Light, Dallas Observer, Texas Parks and Wildlife, The Texas Observer and San Antonio Express-News, and has written five books. Currently, he is an assistant professor of English at North Carolina State in Raleigh. SWWC research hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. — Courtesy of Alkek Library


Thursday, September 21, 2006

The University Star - Page 3

New trend has politicians joining social networking Web sites By Emily Messer The University Star Robbie Fraser couldn’t resist poking Kinky Friedman. “I thought that it would be a funny thing to say that I poked a man running for governor,” said Fraser, political science freshman. Friedman, an independent candidate for governor, is one of more than 1,600 political candidates nationwide who have logged on to Facebook.com. In Texas, 105 political candidates are on the social networking Web site. The attempt to reach young voters through sites like Facebook and MySpace is a growing trend for political candidates, said Julie Germany, deputy director of the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet. After News Corp. bought MySpace last year, businesses and other organizations have been pushing to reach people through social networking sites. “It really is the next big frontier for marketers,” Germany said. Germany said political candidates are following marketers to social networking sites. The nonprofit organization released a publication Friday, Person-toPerson: Harnessing the Political Power of Social Networks and User-generated Content, which looked at how to garner votes through social networking sites. “They’re looking at what the big companies are doing and they’re trying to find ways to adapt that to politics,” Germany said. “Instead of wanting someone to buy a product or see a movie or download something from iTunes, they want them to get out and vote or volunteer or make a donation.” Facebook created its election component so that candidates could reach out to young voters on their own turf — the Internet. The site is free for political candidates and can be accessed by candidates for the U.S. House, U.S. Senate and state governor. “We wanted to do something to increase the political voice of the people on Facebook, a group that tends to be on the younger side of the electorate and which is often underrepresented in Washington and state capitals,” said Ezra Callahan, product manager for the Facebook election project, on the Web site’s blog.


Jeremy Todd, e-campaign coordinator for Friedman, said the Friedman profile on Facebook and MySpace uses much of the Web sites’ resources to spread Friedman’s message to young voters. “I think MySpace and Facebook are a way for candidates to meet one-on-one in a sense with people who are interested in voting,” said Todd, who joined the campaign as a volunteer in June. “When I came on the campaign, the MySpace page was really going strong. That was my motivation for thinking that maybe we should do Facebook too.” Now Friedman’s profile has notes, 33 photos of the candidate and more than 313 wall messages. “We want to make sure that there’s always something new to see,” Todd said. “We don’t want it to be stale.” Daniel Crook, criminal justice freshman, showed his support for Friedman after spotting his Facebook profile. “Kinky’s my friend — at least on Facebook,” Crook said. Crook logs on to his Facebook account an average of two to three times a day and spends about 15 to 20 minutes on the site each time. Keeping up with the Friedman campaign while online is a big perk to him. “I figured it was a good way to get in touch with (Friedman),” Crook said. “I don’t even know if he’s the one who really looks at that or not, but I thought it was kind of a cool way to talk to someone who could potentially be governor. Plus I was really bored.” Mary Madden, senior research specialist for the Pew Internet and American Life Project, said young people often have high speed Internet, which they use to multitask and socialize. Pew conducted a September 2005 survey that found 31 percent of people ages 18 to 29 spend one hour to no less than four hours online. “Certainly, more of the time that they spend online is with social-related tasks,” Madden said. “I think that without a doubt, social networking sites appeal to young adults, teens and even tweens.” Madden said she expects the trend to be a growing activity. “If they’re interested in engaging (young people) on that level, that’s a good place for them to be,” Madden said about the candidates. Reynard Seifert, English


hey’re looking at what the big companies are doing and they’re trying to find ways to adapt that to politics. Instead of wanting someone to buy a product or see a movie or download something from iTunes, they want them to get out and vote, or volunteer or make a donation.” - Julie Germany

deputy director of the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet sophomore, said with two computers, a MySpace and Facebook account and a wireless connection, the Internet is a major part of his life. While on his laptop at his house, Seifert wrote on the wall of U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, DTexas, who is up for re-election in newly redrawn District 25. “It doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot of activity on (Doggett),” Seifert said. “I couldn’t believe that no one else had left a message. It seems like so many people are on there that somebody would have done it.” Candidates are also using the site to recruit volunteers. Matt Dulaney, pre-communication design freshman, was contacted by the Friedman campaign through Facebook to join the volunteer team after he wrote on Friedman’s wall. “They saw that I supported Kinky and wrote stuff on his wall so they invited me,” Dulaney said. Like other friends on Facebook, users can send candidates a message, read their profiles or poke them. But rather than “friending” candidates, users can choose to show their support. Facebook also has an election pulse that shows which candidates are the most popu-

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place to stay in or food to eat is just a lot to comprehend. The fact that he took these negatives as a child, and turned them into something positive, is just spectacular.” At a luncheon earlier in the day, Valdez described how the play captured the “cultural fusions” happening among young Mexican-Americans who lived in a bilingual world. The young Mexican-Americans, who dressed in the Zoot Suit style, often called themselves “pachucos.” “My experience is to live in a bilingual world,” he said. “Consequently, Zoot Suit as work of theatre, as a work of literature, emerged from a bilingual

state of mind and it was my challenge to try and resolve that.” On the issue of protest, Valdez said Mexican-Americans, who engaged in the Zoot Suit movement were often doing so to embrace their new American identity, complete with big-band music and the popular jitterbug dance of the time. Valdez said their “outrageous dress” and “obscene use” of fabric was also a protest of the drab conditions of the Great Depression. “Protest doesn’t necessarily have to be angry in every case,” he said. “Sometimes, political protest takes cultural form and can be quite joyous.”

onlineconnection Log on to www.UniversityStar.com for an update on the Spring Lake Dam retaining wall that collapsed into the San Marcos River.

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration lar. Friedman led the gubernatorial race with 71.3 percent while incumbent Rick Perry had 18.46 percent on Facebook’s election pulse. Democrat Chris Bell was favored by 7.9 percent of Facebook users and Carole Keeton Strayhorn, state comptroller and independent, was at 2.34 percent of the vote. In the latest Zogby poll, Bell trailed by about five percentage points behind Perry, who had 30.7 percent. Ryan Malone, deputy press secretary for Bell, said his Facebook page is managed by the University of Texas Young Democrats. “We don’t really manage it so much. It’s basically volunteerdriven,” he said.

EARTH FIRST: Jonathon Mook, history senior, explains alternative bus fuel to Crystal Hipolito and Christopher Hipolito, accounting graduate. Alternative fuel for the buses is “cleaner, more efficient and actually smells like french fries,” Mook said.

Aaron Smith/Star photo

Malone said Bell’s campaign needs to see if the social networking sites can be used to attract young voters before they more invest time and energy on the page. “It’s an excellent way to reach out to young people. I think it’s going to be a big part of the future,” Malone said. “We’re just trying to figure out and feel out how to use it.” Brad McClellan, campaign manager for Strayhorn, said they would rather direct people to her official campaign Web site. “There are no plans to create a Facebook or MySpace profile for Strayhorn,” McClellan said. “We welcome anyone who does one. It’s great, but we want to keep it focused. We like our

Web site.” Some candidates didn’t even know about their Facebook profile. Grant Rostig, Libertarian on the Republican ticket running against Doggett for District 25, said he was surprised to find out he has a Facebook profile. Rostig said he has a MySpace profile but most of his own campaign is coordinated through his official campaign Web site. “It’s too much work and a waste of time,” Rostig said. “If someone were to ask me a question on MySpace, I would answer it. So far that hasn’t happened. The MySpace profile has only gotten Russian women who want to marry me. Maybe my MySpace profile is too boring.”


The University Star - Page 4

Thursday, September 21, 2006

STUDENT: Post traumatic stress disorder common amongst returning soldiers CONTINUED from page 1

large groups of people.” Joseph Bosarge, Counseling Center intern, said many men and women join the military strictly for the college benefits and do not actually expect to be called into combat. “Many people join the military for economic reasons instead of patriotism,” Bosarge said. “Then, when they are called into combat and forced to transition into full time soldiers, they are in shock.” Greg Snodgrass, assistant vice president for Student Affairs and director of Counseling Center, said the number of military veterans and inactive soldiers on campus is expected to continuously increase due to the war in Iraq. He is currently addressing the need for support systems and counseling for these students. Snodgrass and Bosarge have started a support group for soldiers who are transitioning into student life. “As the war dies down, we will have an increase of student war veterans who have been living under constant threat,” Snodgrass said. “Even if they don’t experience bloody combat or they never got shot at or killed anyone, they still have trauma because of the constant threat, fear and guilt.” Snodgrass and Bosarge conduct From Soldiers to Students, a group sponsored by the Counseling Center, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays in the LBJ Student Center, Room 5-4.1. “The best thing for veterans is a group they

can identify with where they can also get clinical needs and emotional support,” Snodgrass said. The Military Veterans Association is being formed on campus in addition to the From Soldiers to Students support group. “The organization will allow returning military veterans the opportunity to associate professionally, academically and socially with other veterans while interacting proactively with the Texas State student body and faculty and the communities in the San Marcos area,” said Hauser, one of the club’s organizers. Although the former MVA at Texas State was disbanded due to lack of participation and interest, Snodgrass believes the increase of veterans on campus will keep the counseling services and organizations like the MVA active. “Membership is open to all military — active duty, reserve, inactive reserve and honorably separated or discharged veterans with prior service in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army National Guard or Air National Guard currently enrolled at Texas State,” Hauser said. “Your service to your country is greatly appreciated and honored by the American people and your voice needs to be heard by this new generation of Texas State students.”

FOR INFORMATION For information contact the Counseling Center (512) 245-2208 or Tom Hauser at th1215@txstate.edu .

PATROL: Littering cited as worst

problem at San Marcos River CONTINUED from page 1

probable cause, he said. “It’s not any particular age group,” Thielen said. “You’ve got your young college-aged people, your high-schoolers and even people in their 30s and 40s out there.” The foundation established a River Safety and Security Fund in mid-July, which helped support the police presence. The fund is largely maintained by donations. “Many people believe it’s worthwhile and are willing to donate,” Wassenich said. Wassenich said the foundation was “shocked into action” this summer by the “ugly side” of river activities. “What you don’t see in the newspapers is that there were searches all summer long for people (missing) at the river — they were thought at first to be drownings,” Wassenich said

referring to river-goers who took their drinking a little too far. “There are also many neardrownings that no one ever hears about.” Alyson Laurel, Texas State alumna who visits the river regularly, believes underage drinking and public intoxication on the river are not as rampant as littering. She has mixed feelings about officers patrolling the river. “It’s a Catch-22 because there’s always going to be cops who go out of their way to get to people,” Laurel said. “But we’re talking about a mighty river here, so there is danger, and it’s good that they’re out there.” Levi Packer, Texas State alumnus who also frequents the river, disagreed and said he did not like the idea of officers on the river. “I think it’s just like being at a bar,” Packer said. “There are no off-duty cops there waiting

for people. If anything, there should be cops at the drop-off point (only). Also, not all accidents are alcohol-related.” Aida Pierson, a mother from Wimberley who often brings her 4-year-old son to float the river, said it is a good idea that officers keep the river safe for families. Pierson said littering was the worst problem at the river and that college students floating by, “might be a little rowdy, but for the most part, were very considerate.” Wassenich said law enforcement officials may be back on the riverbanks in the future but did not specify a date.

FOR INFORMATION For more information about efforts to preserve the safety and beauty of the San Marcos River, visit www.sanmarcosriver.org.

GUESS WHO: The Guess Who’s Gay discussion, presented by Activists for Sexual Minorities, met Wednesday in the Evans Liberal Arts building. Students were encouraged to ask the panel participants questions to attempt to distinguish who among them were gay.

Jennifer Williams/ Star Photo

GUESS: Panelists hope audience

members leave with more open minds CONTINUED from page 1

her sexual orientation depends on whether or not she has the energy to do so. “Sometimes you don’t want to have to justify yourself to someone who happens to be prejudice.” The panel also fielded questions about samesex marriage bans. Atwater-Rhodes said she does have strong feelings about the topic, but she has not been personally affected. “I am a believer in civil rights, so (to outlaw same-sex marriages) would annoy me,” she said. The panel was asked if there were any common slurs they were bothered by and Atwater-Rhodes said intent is more important than actual words. “If it is meant to be harmful, then it is harmful,” she said. John Alderson, anthropology sophomore, almost fooled the audience when he said he liked Madonna and cooking. “I thought he was straight, but the Madonna thing threw me off,” said one audience member during open discussion. “Maybe he likes both

(males and females).” The audience still guessed correctly and voted 18-15 that Alderson was straight. The audience guessed studio art senior Sarah Frey was gay 20-12 because she seemed to be more sensitive to stereotypes than the other panelists. “I get most offended when people say ‘your people,’” she said. “At least with a slur, they are admitting they are judging you.” Rebecca Chagoya, interdisciplinary studies sophomore, told the audience she was unsure if her parents approved of her lifestyle when it came to choosing a partner. As a result, audience members voted incorrectly, 23-5, that she was gay. She later told the audience that she is not allowed to date, so she has not discussed her sexuality with her parents. “I assumed that because her parents didn’t accept her lifestyle, that she was gay,” said Tyler Ferguson, political science freshman. “Tonight pretty much reaffirmed what I have believed for a long time. You can’t judge someone. You have to know who they are.”s

CONSTRUCTION: Students parking

in LBJSC garage not cost-effective CONTINUED from page 1

within the next 30 days. We expect to have around 150 to 200 homes purchased by residents in the next 12 months.” The council also discussed road and light changes and improvements to Comanche and Sessom streets. The plan is in response to a Transportation Advisory Board traffic-impact study of the area. Laurie Anderson, City of San Marcos physical engineering director, said members of the

board recommended expanding Comanche Street to a fivelane road between Sessom and Student Center Drive. She said board members also recommended that Student Center Drive become a two-way road and that a new intersection and turn signal be built at Comanche Street and Student Center Drive. The traffic-impact study found that additional traffic associated with new construction, in conjunction with the already high traffic levels at the LBJ Student Center and LBJSC parking garage, would keep the intersec-

tion in what is called an “F” or failure state. Nancy Nusbaum, assistant vice president of Finance and Support Service Planning, said the current traffic in the area is already hard to explain. “Our students are using the LBJ parking garage to drive in, go to class, and drive out real quick,” Nusbaum said. “They are paying big bucks to do that. Which is amazing to us that they would want to pay that much. They are probably paying more by parking in there on an hourly basis than paying for a permit.”

Problems of cost, retention rates plaguing Texas higher education By Rudy Rico Special to the Star The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education released its biannual report Sept. 7, outlining the deficiencies in the U.S. higher education system. The report measures the education systems of several countries and also includes a state-by-state comparison. Texas’ strengths include college freshman retention rate and the high percentage of students enrolled in upper-division math and science courses. However, Texas graded poorly in factors such as completion, participation and affordability. “Members of Texas Senates’ Subcommittee on Higher Education are very concerned about college cost,” said Ray Grasshoff, spokesman for The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. “Declining affordability discourages many lowincome students from enrolling in challenging high school courses and even graduating,” the re-

port said. According to the report, low and middle-class families are now spending a higher percentage of their annual income on higher education. This also contributes to the amount of debt students accumulate throughout their college career. “Many students take on large debt and work more hours than is advisable during the school year,” the report said. The disparity in the affordability of higher education to lower-income students has increased since the ’90s, according to the report. “State legislators have taken steps that favor the middle class rather than low-income students,” said Dennis Jones, president of the National Center for Higher Education Management System. “Many states have implemented merit-based scholarship programs which tend to provide scholarships to students who could afford to pay their way through college. Tax credits have also been instituted.” Including Texas, 43 states received F’s in affordability, according to the report. Utah was ranked

the top performing state. “Texas has historically been a low-aid state for higher education,” said William Nance, vice president of Finance and Support Services at Texas State. “On average, the percent of a university’s operating budget coming from state support has decreased from about 50 percent 20 years ago to around 33 percent today. That pretty much tells the story.” Aside from affordability, Texas also ranked poorly in participation and completion of higher education. “California, Texas, Maryland, New Mexico and New Jersey ranked near the very bottom when compared internationally in degree completion,” the report said. According to the report, 38 percent of young adults ages 18 to 24 are enrolled in college nationwide. However, only 17 out of 100 complete degree or certificate programs. “Students come out of high school having done well and come to college only to discover that they have to take remedial courses to be prepared for

college-level work,” Jones said. According to the report, Georgia is the best performing state in degree completion, but when compared internationally, trails behind Japan, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland and Denmark. “In Texas and in most other states, there’s a real failure to communicate about expectations regarding student preparation,” Jones said. According to the report, the chance of a U.S. 9th grader being enrolled in college four years later is less than 40 percent. In Texas, Caucasian’s are twice as likely to obtain a higher education compared to minority students, the report found. “Texas is very involved in implementing ‘Closing the Gaps’ by 2015 — the state’s higher education plan,” Grasshoff said. “The program has four goals: to close the gaps in participation, to close the gaps in success and award more degrees, to close the gaps in excellence ensuring high-quality programs and research both within the state and in comparisons with other states.”


Thursday, September 21, 2006 - Page 5

happeningsof the weekend Thursday Cheatham Street Warehouse - Wade Bowen Lucy’s San Marcos - Apse Affinity/Every Other Fate/The Timeline Post The Triple Crown - King Slim Blues Friday Cheatham Street Warehouse - Honeybrowne Lucy’s San Marcos - Grupo Fantasma

The Triple Crown - Subtle Creeps/Mind Divided/Wind Up Bird Saturday Cheatham Street Warehouse - John Arthur Martinez Lucy’s San Marcos Clap!Clap!/Happy Families/The Model UN The Triple Crown The Jocks/Robbie & the Robots/Treehouse Sunday Cheatham Street Warehouse And the Creek Don’t Rise

Trends Contact — Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Hips don’t lie Midnight Breeze belly dances its way through Wednesday performance


By Maira Garcia The University Star

rums, chimes and the sound of rustling skirts floated through City Park as Midnight Breeze danced upon a worn, wooden stage Wednesday night. Midnight Breeze is a belly dance troupe formed over 20 years ago by founder Virginia Davis. An audience of about 40 people watched the colorfully dressed troupe at the deck across from the San Marcos Plaza stage. “I’m pleased (with the turnout) and I’m pleased with the dancers,” Davis said. Jamie Shelton, director of the troupe, describes Midnight Breeze as a loose affiliation of belly dancers from around the San Marcos area. The troupe typically performs the third Wednesday of every month at the Blue Goat Gourmet, owned by Shelton, but plans performances in the park several times a year. “This is fabulous. We have a huge crowd, and they’re all enjoying it, appreciating it and hootin’ and hollering, which is what we want them to do,” Shelton said. The performance began at 7:30 p.m. and, as the darkness grew heavier, Shelton said she had hoped the park lights would come on. “I wish we had lights … It’s a nice kind of tribal ambience. We should have a big fire in the middle,” Shelton said. The troupe practices at the San Marcos Activity Center every Tuesday. Davis said the troupe doesn’t necessarily plan dances for performances, but takes dances that the group has mastered at practice. “We did a dress rehearsal last night, but actually we practice our choreographies yearround, and every time that a show is coming up — one of these informal shows — we just pick and choose which ones we haven’t done,” Davis said. Davis said dances such as “Women of the Well,” where dancers hold clay jugs, are special to outdoor performances. “We planned the ones with the jugs and the


his is fabulous. We have a huge crowd, and they’re all enjoying it, appreciating it and hootin’ and hollering, which is what we want them to do.”

-Jamie Shelton Midnight Breeze director

one with the veil since we were outside and had the space to do it,” Davis said. “We usually dance at the Blue Goat and there isn’t enough room. We plan all the big stuff for the outside shows.” The troupe is divided up into a beginner group and an advanced group that perform different dances. “The beginners have been working on that (dance) all along,” Davis said, “but those of us that have been in the group for a long time, we have about 20 different dances.” Shelton said she was happy with the audience participation. Spectators are encouraged to clap along, shout “opa!” and hiss. “It makes a huge difference when you’re dancing to a crowd that is enjoying themselves,” Shelton said. “We feed off the audience.” Shahrzad Shafa, interdisciplinary studies senior, has been dancing with the troupe for less than six months and has performed in public prior to Wednesday. “I’m still a beginner. I did a show last month at the Blue Goat and I was just in one dance, but this time I’m in two,” Shafa said. Amanda Leal, pre-social work junior, has previously seen Midnight Breeze perform and came to support Shafa, with whom she is friends. “I think they are really fun; they’re awesome,” Leal said. “I’ve gone to one of the classes before and it’s a lot of fun.” David Racino/Star photo

LOVELY DANCERS: Interdisciplinary studies senior Shahrzad Shafa performs with other members of the Midnight Breeze dance group under the stars on Wednesday night.

Local venues offer open mic nights Black and Latino Playwright’s Conference to finish this weekend By Jill Jarvis The University Star

Aspiring musicians and performers can take advantage of San Marcos’ array of live venues that host open mic nights. Venues such as The Triple Crown, Tantra Coffeehouse and Cheatham Street Warehouse offer open mic nights once a week, which are open to anyone wanting to gain some experience performing in front of an audience. The Triple Crown, a 21-andup bar, has had live music every night for almost 10 weeks. “Some weeks, the crowd is better than others,” bartender Matthew Harber said. “Some nights, we have more than 12 performers, and then some nights we only have two or three people sign up. It’s really hit or miss, but we usually have a few regulars.” Harber said Sunday’s open mic night was slow most likely because of the Austin City Limits Music Festival. “The Triple Crown has a true open mic night,” said Chris Borchers, a Triple Crown pa-

tron. “Anything goes here. I once saw a performer ride a unicycle while playing the accordion.” Harber said a different local musician hosts each open mic night. On Sunday, the host was Nathan Hinds. Hinds has been hosting open mic nights at The Triple Crown for almost a year. He hosted them at The Coffee Pot previously. Hinds said hosting an open mic involves organizing the list of performers, greeting customers and usually performing a short set of songs. “The thing I enjoy most about doing this is giving younger, more inexperienced musicians the opportunity to perform in front of a crowd of people,” Hinds said. “It’s a great place to start out.” The recently opened Tantra Coffeehouse has an open mic night from 7 p.m. to midnight every Thursday. Jamie Todd, Tantra Coffeehouse owner, said artists perform in the yard, and the night usually draws a large crowd. “We usually get about 15 to

20 different people to perform, and we set up a beer garden outside and serve 50 different kinds of beer,” Todd said. “We have a full PA system, and about 100 people usually show up.” Todd said musicians, comedians and poets perform. The local music hall, Cheatham Street Warehouse, also hosts an open mic night. Nathaniel Klugman,Texas State pre-geography-urban and regional planning senior and musician, said most of these nights are on a first-come, firstserved basis. Each entertainer gets about 10 or 12 minutes on stage. “Cheatham Street always has a good crowd for its open mic night,” Klugman said. “The list will sometimes fill up if you don’t get there early enough.” According to Cheatham Street’s Web site, its open mic night, “Songwriter’s Circle,” began in 1975. It is run by owner Kent Finlay and is held at 9 p.m. every Wednesday. On the Web site, Finlay said, “Songwriter’s Circle” has been a starting point for local musicians like Todd Snider and Bruce Robison.

By Julia Riley The University Star A rap rendition of the early life and education of abolitionist Frederick Douglass will be one of two plays taking the spotlight during the fourth annual Texas State Black and Latino Playwrights Conference. The conference is sponsored by the department of theatre and dance, and will feature two new plays, Yo Frederick! and The Faraway Nearby — a look at the effects of the Vietnam War on the play’s three principal characters. The conference will culminate this weekend with staged readings of both plays. Students attending the conference will have a chance to contribute to the creative process. “The conference gives students an opportunity to interact with working professionals and to work on a new play,” said John Fleming, chair of the theatre department. Fleming said students who have participated in the confer-

ence as actors have responded positively to the experience. “For them, it is exciting to work with a guest director, a guest actor and to have the playwright in residence,” Fleming said. Jennifer O’Donnell, theatre senior, said working with playwrights is a unique opportunity. “An actor rarely gets to work directly with the playwright,” O’Donnell said. “The plays they usually work on, the playwright probably died decades or centuries ago. It’s a very fresh and alive way to work with theater.” The audience will play an important role in the conference and will have the power to help shape the plays performed. “The experience is different from seeing a play that has already been published,” Fleming said. “After each play, we do a short talkback with the audience so they can directly respond and communicate with the playwright, director and actors. The audience becomes part of the creative process.”

O’Donnell said the playwright can rewrite as much of the script as he or she likes during the conference. “In some situations, a staged reading is the first time a playwright is able to hear their words spoken out loud by actors,” O’Donnell said. “It’s a vital step in the script-writing process.” Fleming said all students — not only those involved directly — should take advantage of the conference. “Art is one of the great vehicles for experiencing and understanding another culture. It allows us to see both our differences and our similarities as human beings,” Fleming said. “Both shows involve multiracial casts and deal with a variety of issues that are both specific to the African-American and Latino experiences as well as to the human condition in general.” The conference includes four performances: 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $3.

Pillow fight ‘happening’ staged in The Quad By Leah Kirkwood The University Star Yesterday began as a normal weekday at Texas State. The Quad was packed with campus organization booths and students walking to and from class at 11:50 a.m. Suddenly, someone yelled “pillow fight!” and a group of about 20 students began pounding each other with pillows near The Stallions. The pillow fight was the first of many “happenings” the student-run At-Random Theatre Group will sponsor at Texas State. Pre-theatre sophomore Mike Amendola stretched by The Stallions 10 minutes before the pillow fighting began. He

said a “happening” is a type of theatre that can happen anywhere for a specified amount of time. “It’s kind of to inspire people,” Amendola said. “It’s just something out of the ordinary that happens to see how it impacts people and their day.” Theatre junior Alex McDonald took a quick break to catch his breath between pillow fight sessions. “It went exactly as we planned: A whole bunch of people with pillows, a whole lot of hitting each other upside the head and a whole lot of fun,” McDonald said. McDonald said the group put up posters around campus to let students know about the pillow fight, but he wants more advertisements for the next “happening.” “We need to make them more recog-

nizable,” McDonald said. “Black-andwhite doesn’t attract a lot of people.” Annette Flores, pre-theatre sophomore, watched her friends swing their pillows. She forgot to bring a pillow to The Quad, but said she wanted to join the fight. “I was trying to find people who live close to get me a pillow, but I think I’m going to tag-team in,” Flores said. Flores said “happenings” have occurred regularly in Times Square for many years. “(‘Happenings’) have been a theatre history thing,” Flores said. “We’re trying to start them here.” Amendola said “happenings” have regained popularity. Recently, a theatrical group in Austin walked around a con-

centrated area in yellow raincoats for five minutes and then dispersed. Amendola said the At-Random Theatre Group plans to schedule “happenings” every three weeks at various locations around San Marcos. Flores said most members of the theater department want to participate in the “happenings,” but the group hasn’t decided what the next one will be. “I’d like to see a massive food fight somewhere, but who knows?” Flores said. Amendola said the group also came up with the idea to stand in a circle and take simultaneous flash photographs. “We will come up with the (next) idea and we’re going to go with it,” Amendola said.

The “happening” confused political science freshman Amanda Shell. “I don’t understand why they’re doing it,” Shell said. Although Shell expressed no intentions of joining the fight, she said it was fun to watch. “It makes (coming to school) interesting,” Shell said. Physics sophomore John Barnard physics watched the pillow fight with a grin on his face. “When it started I said, ‘Man that’s a brutal massacre, I should get a part in it,’” Barnard said. Barnard said he didn’t see posters around campus for the pillow fight, but he would join the next “happening” if he had prior notice.


The University Star - Page 6

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Grupo Fantasma to bring backyard vibe to Lucy’s CD release party Friday at “W Lucy’s San Marcos By Laura Jamison The University Star Grupo Fantasma used to play at backyard parties for free beer. Now the 11-member salsa band can list playing at venues across the country and a third album on their resumé. The group will be hosting their CD-release party at Lucy’s San Marcos at 10 p.m. Friday. During the celebration, Grupo Fantasma will be selling their third live album and making people dance to what guitarist Adrian Quesada described as “Latin-funk orchestra.” “We want everyone to have a good time and participate in the show … even if they do not have good dance moves,” Quesada said. “We want to bring the vibe of the backyard party to the stage.”

The new CD is completely live and completely in Spanish. Despite the language barrier, it hasn’t stopped interdisciplinary studies junior Stephanie Roquemore from wanting to see the show. “Having the music all in Spanish makes it more authentic. It would be weird if it were in English,” Roquemore said. Quesada hopes people come out and experience something new. “It’s going be a good time on Friday night … something you can’t get at a house party,” Quesada said. Priscilla Riojas, an interdisciplinary studies junior and salsa dancer, plans to attend the celebration. “Whenever there is good salsa music — it does not matter when or where — it puts me in the mood to dance,”

e want to bring the vibe of the backyard party to the stage.”

—Adrian Quesada Grupo Fantasma guitarist

Riojas said. Riojas hopes students will come out not just for the music, but for the culture. “It is important for students to learn about a different culture. It’s neat to see all different cultures gathered together around one common interest, which is salsa dancing,” Riojas said. Quesada wants the audience to “freak out.” “It is a lot more fun when people are freaking out and having a good time than when they are standing still and staring at you,” Quesada said.

Photo courtesy of www.grupofantasma.com FANTASTICO: Well known for their self-described “Latin funk orchestra” sound, Grupo Fantasma will be playing at Lucy’s San Marcos for the release party of their third live album, Grupo Fantasma Comes Alive.

Sniper ’66 portrays tower shootings in new light By Lawrence Drinkard Special to The Star Sniper ‘66 chronicles the Aug. 1, 1966, shootings on the University of Texas campus committed by UT student Charles Whitman. Phi Alpha Theta, Texas State’s history society, will provide a free screening of Sniper ’66 Tuesday in the Alkek Teaching Theatre. The film was written, directed and produced by Texas State public history graduate student Whitney Milam. Despite heavy coverage of the incident at the time of the shooting, Milam, a 10-year employee of KTBC Fox 7, an Austin television station, saw several reasons to shed new light on the shootings. “I wanted to use footage that was being stored at KTBC, but had never been used before,”

Milam said. “And the combination of access to the people who actually experienced (the shootings) along with the 40th anniversary was perfect.” Milam’s reason behind showing the film to students is to give them perspective on how much this incident impacted their everyday lives. “(Students) knew someone was shooting at the tower but could not comprehend that they themselves were targets,” Milam said. “At the time, people could not understand why someone would commit random acts of violence.” The screening will take place at 7 p.m. Following the screening will be a reception, where students will have the opportunity to meet the creator of the film and people who where involved in the event. Clinton Moore, president of

Phi Alpha Theta, said the society chose this film because it wants to show students what type of work is coming out of the history department. Moore also sees the screening as an opportunity to give Milam’s film exposure on campus. The goal of Phi Alpha Theta is not to sensationalize the shootings. “We wanted students to be interested in something like this. The best thing is that this is an important piece of local history,” Moore said.

PBS paints real story of Warhol By Ellie Fairbanks Kentucky Kernel (U. Kentucky) LEXINGTON, Ky. (U-WIRE) — When people think of the most influential artists of the 20th century, names like John Lennon, Marlon Brando and Billie Holliday come to mind. However, “artist” cannot be inclusive to musicians and actors. Visual artists, as much as others, have shaped the world in which we live. Kentucky Educational Television, in conjunction with PBS, is trying to remedy this assumption with the airing of this week’s American Masters series. The series, which was created in 1984, is an ongoing program that spotlights creative forces in America, including those from film, literature, performing arts, visual arts and music. “This show does a really great job of showcasing people who have completely mastered their crafts,” said Craig Cornwell, the director of programming at KET. With more than 250 hours of programming time to date, American Masters has won six Emmy awards in addition to being nominated for 22 Emmys, three Oscars and one Grammy. The focus of this week’s show is Andy Warhol, one of the most famous visual artists of the last 100 years. Warhol is probably best known for his Pop Art, including his “Campbell’s Soup Can” and “Marilyn Monroe.” “Most people know who Andy Warhol is just from a picture here and there,” Cornwell said. “This show is going to show them what he was

really like.” Warhol, while best known as a visual artist, was also a filmmaker, writer and actor. As an artistic icon of the 1950s, Warhol spread the Pop Art movement throughout the U.S. and the world. After beginning a career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol later shifted his focus to more abstract art forms. “Warhol was an artist that was way ahead of his time,” Cornwell said. American Masters chooses figures who were usually a step ahead of those around them. Other featured artists include musicians Bob Dylan and Aretha Franklin, actor John Wayne and journalist Edward R. Murrow. The American Masters series is aired not only to entertain audiences but also to educate them. “KET’s mission is to educate the viewer about all sorts of things, especially art,” Cornwell said. “American Masters does an especially good job with this.” American Masters programs are chosen based on suggestions from the public. The Andy Warhol edition was a documentary offered to PBS to be shown as a part of American Masters. “Most of the shows that are aired are already being done by someone,” Cornwell said. “They’re usually already finished or close to being finished when they’re offered to PBS.” American Masters: “Andy Warhol” airs in a twopart series at 9 p.m. Sept. 20 and 21 on KET. For more information about American Masters visit www.ket.org.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

The University Star - Page 7

Composer’s history

Common Experience to honor Shostakovich in centennial celebration


By Jeffery D. Hooten Special to The Star

he music department will honor the life of a popular and controversial Soviet-era Russian composer. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dmitri Shostakovich, the department will host a mini-symposium, Shostakovich Symposium, to discuss the composer’s life and works. The event is a part of the Common Experience initiative and will explore dissent in the works of Shostakovich in response to Soviet censorship. It will be a multidisciplinary glimpse into composer’s life through presentations that will cover the

political, historic and literary aspects of his music. Nico Schüler, associate professor in the School of Music, will speak on how Shostakovich’s work conflicted with expectations of his government. “In the Soviet Union at that time — in the 1930s, 1940s and so on — there were many artists, as well as composers, that were criticized for their view on art because it did not fulfill the function that the government wanted it to fulfill,” Schüler said. Schüler said Shostakovich’s music was considered too avant-garde to adhere to the concept of socialist realism encouraged by the Soviet Union at the time. “The fact that Shostakovich was at that


hall. Free admission

Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday)

The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years This Hispanic Heritage Month exhibition from the Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies looks back through the years starting from 1906 when the first Latinos joined the student body. http:// www.txstate.edu/mcgs/latino_ presence/index.html. Located in The Witliff Gallery of Southwestern and Mexican photography. Alkek Library, 7th Floor Exhibit Hours: Monday/Tuesday/ Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday/Thursday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday.: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (512) 245-2313

Drew Daly Exhibit Seattle area sculptor Drew Daly makes work that fragment, deconstruct and reconstruct everyday materials and objects that allows the viewer to rethink the relationship that one has to the commonplace. Located in Gallery I of the Joann Cole Mitte Building. Gallery Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. (512) 245-2664. Free and open to the public

Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration (see Monday)

Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration The “greatest hits” of the permanent archives, including the 1555 edition of Cabeza de Vaca’s La Relación y Comentarios, a songbook made by an eleven-year-old Willie Nelson, costumes and props from Lonesome Dove and much, much more. Located in the Southwestern Writers Collection. Alkek Library, 7th Floor. Exhibit Hours: Monday/Tuesday/ Fridau: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday/Thursday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (512) 245-2313. Saxophone recital by Patrick Atkins 6 p.m. in the music building recital

Tim Roda Exhibit New York photographer Tim Roda’s work casually travels between borders of installation, photography and ceramics. Roda’s photographs are made from sculptural installations (props that are often ceramic) that are autobiographical. Each vignette is based in the artist’s childhood, family history, memories and emotions and encourages the viewer toward a multi-layered interpretation of meaning, both in implication and inference. Located in Gallery II of the Joann Cole Mitte Building. Gallery Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. (512) 245-2664. Free and open to the public

Drew Daly Exhibit (see Monday) Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)


time already a well-known composer actually saved his life because (the Soviet government) couldn’t just kill him or they couldn’t just ship him off to Siberia,” Schüler said. Also presenting will be Theron Stimmel, psychology professor and interim department chair; Paul Cohen, English professor; and Kelvin Gregory, music theory graduate student. “More and more, people are appreciating the passion and emotion of (Shostakovich’s) music,” Stimmel said. “It has a gut-level appeal to people.” The symposium will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Monday in the Music Building recital hall. It will also include an audience discussion. Admission is free.

(see Monday) Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

Monday The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday) Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration

Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration (see Monday)

Music Lecture Series: “Shostakovich — An Interdisciplinary Mini-Symposium” with Theron Stimmel, Paul Cohen, Kelvin Gregory, and Nico Schüler, lecturers, 4:30 p.m. in the music building recital hall free admission

Drew Daly Exhibit (see Monday)

Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

“An Evening of Schumann” Faculty Artist Timothy Woolsey, piano, 8 p.m. in the music building recital hall. Tickets: $2 general/$1 students

The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday)

Sunday The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday)


Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration (see Monday)

The Latino Presence at Texas State:

Drew Daly Exhibit

Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration (see Monday) Guest Artist Lori Bade, mezzo-soprano and Faculty Artist Jack Laumer, trumpet, 8 p.m. in the music building recital hall Tickets: $2 general/$1 students Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday) Drew Daly Exhibit (see Monday) Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

Wednesday The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday) Treasures of the Southwestern Writers Collection: A 20th Anniversary Celebration (see Monday)

Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

Guest Artist David Chung, harpsichord, 8 p.m. in the music building recital hall. Tickets: $2 general/$1 students


Drew Daly Exhibit (see Monday)

The Latino Presence at Texas State: Celebrating 100 Years (see Monday)

Tim Roda Exhibit (see Monday)

The University Star - Page 8




Thursday, September 21, 2006

✯Star Comics

Let the past go, don’t put it in Mylar “Does experience That’s where it stops for have to be documentme. I don’t feel the need ed, brought home and to be constantly reminded saved on a shelf?” of it. George Carlin posed That’s my beef with this question a decade these gaming shirts and BILL RIX ago, and upon listen- Star Columnist belt buckles and whatever. ing to Back in Town re“Hey brah, check it out, recently, it occurred to me that the member how dope Super Mario same can still be said today, vis- Brothers was? I have a likeness of à-vis popular gaming culture. Mario totally walloping a GoomOne can hardly walk through ba on my shirt!” Yeah, man, I was The Quad without seeing a there. I remember. It’s not cute handful of people wearing some and it’s definitely not ‘old school’ sort of shirt or belt buckle or as I have heard so often (which what have you emblazoned with is a ridiculous concept in the some anachronistic relic from first place). The only thing it regaming yesteryear: 1-Up mush- ally does is cheapen the memory. rooms, silhouetted console con- God forbid anyone just rememtrollers, some cutesy throwback ber anything and let it go. phrase — it goes on. And it reSo you can imagine my dismay ally, really needs to stop. when I learned that Nintendo’s I can understand having warm Wii lets consumers download feelings toward the bygone era old games. It’s a good idea in of early gaming. I had a Ninten- theory and it will definitely be do Entertainment System, and a selling point for many people, man, that was a blast. Part of the but it’s only going to continue fun now is fondly recalling what this obnoxious nostalgia trend. it was like playing those games. Part of the fun of growing up


with an NES is not everyone got to experience it. It’s an age thing. I don’t expect anyone born after 1988 to have played much NES and I don’t expect anyone born after 1985 to have ever really laid a hand on an Atari or Intellivision. I think it’s probably a good idea to introduce the newer generation of gamers to “classics,” but it’s a double-edged sword in that now everyone will have the same feelings toward old games — feelings even more fabricated and phony than today’s. I’m not sure if I can deal with another “I’m so old school that I go home and play Pong all day” routine. It’s a tired gimmick and it’s just trendy rubbish. With that in mind, can we all just lay the classics to rest for a while? Things get old, and it’s okay if we aren’t reminded of them constantly. Everything will be fine if we just calm down and try to remember the past rather than try to relive it every day.

© Pappocom

Complete the grid so that every row, column, and 3-by-3 box contains every digit from one through nine inclusively.

Wednesday’s solutions:

Wednesday’s solutions


onlineconnection What do you think about the new statue of President Lyndon Johnson? Go to www.UniversityStar.com to vote in our online poll. Results will be published in Thursday’s issue of The University Star.

Thursday, September 21, 2006 - Page 9

*This is not a scientific poll

Opinions Contact — Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu


ocal law enforcement has begun a series of operations intended to curb underage drinking, drug use and rowdiness on the San Marcos River. If you don’t like the idea of police watching while you and your friends float down the river, drinking beer, you should change your behavior.

If you don’t like the idea of police watching while you and your friends float down the river, drinking beer, you should change your behavior. San Marcos wouldn’t need swarms of authorities to watch over everyone if people knew how to behave when they stepped into the water. This Labor Day weekend, police from three nearby counties extended their patrol to the river. The San Marcos River Foundation hired officers from Hays, Caldwell and Guadalupe counties to watch for river trashing and public intoxication. A representative of the foundation won’t say when the police will be holding another roundup, but says it is in the future. Deputy Mike Thielen, Hays County Sheriff ’s Department spokesman, said in The University Star that river arrests usually entail drug possession, furnishing alcohol to a minor or assaults as a result of fights. They also give out citations for littering, public lewdness and disorderly conduct. San Marcos residents and Texas State students shouldn’t give authorities a good reason to be concerned about underage drinking, possible drug use and disorderly conduct on our most precious resource: our river. As college students, we can still have fun on the river and not earn a bad reputation for heinous acts. We make up a considerable portion of rivergoers, so we should be doing our fair share to keep our river clean and enjoyable for all. It’s not that The Star can’t understand why people would want to drink a couple of beers with friends while floating downstream; we just can’t understand why people would behave like children. As for the police, The Star doesn’t like that it’s necessary for police to keep an eye out




Police patrol of river multiplies (with good reason)

Letter to the Editor LBJ statue waste of money I find it a shame that the Student Service Fee Advisory Committee and the University Board of Regents were willing to approve spending $100,000 worth of student fees on a statue, even if it was of former president Lyndon Johnson. Could the money have not been allocated for a more student-oriented, productive and directly beneficial project — perhaps something that would keep a little more to the spirit of Johnson’s education policies? James Collins international studies senior

Online Poll Results SWAT Extension


hat do you think about Students With Alternative Transportation’s decision to temporarily extend services to Thursday night? I would use it if necessary

84% I don’t know/Not sure

12% It won’t work

4% ssary nece

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Topher Sipes/Star illustration on everyone as they float downstream. We don’t like that the foundation had to set up a River Safety and Security Fund this summer to shore up police presence; those funds could easily be used for river preservation. We don’t like the fact college students, who should be well informed and well educated, are acting insipidly on such

a beautiful, natural resource. Several people told The Star that littering was the most widespread problem on the river. Instead of dumping beer cans and other trash items into the river, San Marcos residents and Texas State students can be involved in the nonprofit organization’s cleanups. The River Foun-

dation frequently holds cleanups, and all local clubs, organizations and people are welcome to participate. There are college students and other residents who volunteer for the cleanup, and we commend them for their actions. Let’s make our river activities something that everyone can enjoy.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos.

Results compiled from The University Star Web site online poll. This is not a scientific survey.

Onus of educational equality resting on current generation Tuition at public need to be equipped and universities has inthe property needs to creased 62 percent be maintained. All those since 2003 and the costs are legitimate, but National Center for this issue can be traced to Public Policy and money. The government Higher Education needs to do something has given Texas a about wages and federal STEPHANIE SILVAS flunking grade in funding so working famiStar Columnist affordability, accordlies can afford those costs. ing to a Sept. 9 San Antonio The minimum wage hasn’t Express-News story. When will increased in nine years. And we start putting up a fight for although financial aid gives our own people instead of try- millions of dollars in grants ing to solve the world’s probeach year, universities need lems? more direct funding in order I understand all the costs to decrease student fees. that come along with receivWe need to get our priorities ing a higher education. Proin line. It is more important fessors need to get paid, labs to educate our people than it

is to free other countries. In 2005 and 2006, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that we spent $201 billion in appropriations for Iraq and the war on terror; yet in that time, we’ve only spent $169 billion in education, according to the Department of Education’s fiscal year 2007 budget summary. Charity starts at home. The money spent on the war this year alone could have paid for nearly 22 million students to attend one year at a four-year public university in 2005-2006, according to information from CollegeBoard.com. Education is the key to escaping poverty. If we could

only stop bickering and consistently help people today, we may not have to help as many in the future. We still haven’t caught up in equality. People are born into poverty and it’s a cyclical succession. It’s up to us; our generation can make the difference. Our parents’ leaders have become corrupt and too involved in lining their own pockets. We need to stop elected officials who allow interest groups to misguide their decisions. We need politicians who will lead us to the future instead of helping their friends get rich. It’s our turn to take the reins. It isn’t our parents’ prob-

lem; it’s our problem. This isn’t something that is happening in the Middle East, across an ocean. This is happening right here at Texas State. Lana Garza, a pre-communication disorders junior who is also a transfer student to Texas State, said she was shocked at the tuition bill after spending two years at a community college. “I decided to take nine hours instead of going fulltime so that my parents would have a chance to save up for next semester,” she said. Not only do these costs affect how many hours you can take, resulting in how long it will take you to graduate, but

they will determine whether or not you’ll need to devote less time to school and get a job. The tuition rates will determine whether or not you can afford to work at a low-pay or no-pay internship to obtain the necessary experience required for most fields and will decipher how much debt you come out of school with, which will ultimately profile your credit score. Do something about this today. Register to vote and make sure you can send your children to school. Stephanie Silvas is a mass communication senior

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Editor In Chief...................................Jason Buch, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor.........................Emily Messer, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor..............................David Saleh Rauf, starnews@txstate.edu Trends Editor....................Maira Garcia, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...................................Monty Marion, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor..................................Chris Boehm, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief................................Bill Rix, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor..........................Michael E. Perez, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Advertising Sales Manager....................Lindsey Lee, atlas@txstate.edu

Account Executive...........................Jackie Pardue, jp1271@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Esmeldi Sanchez, es1225@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Jonathan McCoy, jm1751@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright September 21, 2006. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006 - Page 10 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - Page 33 ANNOUNCEMENTS

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$149 TOTAL MOVE IN! 1 bedroom, $420. 2 bedroom, $525. On TXState shuttle. Apartment Experts, (512) 805-0123.

FOR RENT-APTS APARTMENTSTOGO.COM. Free list of apartment prices and amenities or visit our office on The Square! (512) 353-FREE. TAKE OVER MY LEASE! 2BD/ 2BA at Comanche Hill Apts. $669/mo. Includes cable & internet. 2 blocks from campus. Call Joe (512) 757-5603 or (405) 612-2182.

FOR RENTCONDOS/TOWNHOMES $695, 2BD/21/2BA WINDMILL TOWNHOMES. Move-in today! 3 blocks from TxState. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. (512) 396-4181.

FOR RENT-DUPLEX 500 CREST CIRCLE. Country living. 2BD/2BAwith w/d connections. 1 car garage and fenced yard. REDUCED to $800 per month. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy, (512) 665-3321. 3BD/2.5BA DUPLEX on Sagewood. HUGE!! 1st month free. $1,000/ month. Call Bob (830) 822-6682. 612 MILL STREET. 2BD/2BA available in October. W/D included. On the shuttle. $700 per month. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate, (512) 665-3321. FIRST MONTH RENT FREE! 1104 Columbia, 2BD/1BA, W/D inc., fenced yard, and covered patio, pets accepted. (512) 558-1091. DUPLEXES FOR LEASE OFF OF SAGEWOOD! 3BD/3.5BA; two-car garage/Internet access. Call today! (512) 913-8028. $695 2BD/2BA DUPLEX, HUGE GARAGE AND STORAGE . Movein today! 3 blocks from TxState. Free HBO, Road Runner, full-size W/D. www.windmilltownhomes.com for floor plans & prices. (512) 396-4181. 900 HAZELTON. 3BD/2BA/1 carport for a REDUCED $925. W/D connections. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy, (512) 665-3321.


736 CENTRE 2 BD/11/2BA. EXTRA LARGE. $750 per month, water/waste water paid. W/D connections. Call Legacy Real Estate, (512) 665-3321 for move-in date and showing. 118 QUAIL RUN, 3BD/2BA, 2 car garage, fireplace, CH/CA, ceiling fans, patio, $950/mo. (512) 353-2684. 1405 RANCH ROAD 12: HOUSE FOR LEASE. 3BD/1BA with converted garage that would be a great recreation room. $775 per month. Call Legacy Real Estate, (512) 665-3321. 2904 PHILO FOR LEASE. 3/2/2 for $1,250 per month. Visit legacyrealestate.biz and call Legacy Real Estate, (512) 665-3321.

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HIGHLY EXPERIENCED BARTENDER. Must have verifiable references, must be honest and dependable, (512) 944-3993. JANIE’S TABLE, HISTORIC GRUENE, New Braunfels, (3 doors down from Gruene Hall) is hiring for kitchen, servers, counter. Serving delicious, well prepared food in a lively atmosphere. Experience a plus. Apply in person, 1299 Gruene Road. EXP. HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL TUTORS WANTED. Weekday evenings. $25/hr. Certified teachers with math skills preferred. Call Bob at (512)753-8041 or Margo at (512)753-8062. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PERSON. I need a sitter for my Border Collie and house in Wimberley while I am traveling, 2-3 nights a week. Occasional weekends. Great Hill Country setting w/pool. Overnight required. Additional opportunity for housecleaning, errands, etc. Call Ty @ (512) 576-1589. NEED EXTRA CASH? MR. GATTI’S NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS. Please apply in person or call (512) 393-2222. LOOKING FOR A FUN AND EXCITING JOB THAT IS FLEXIBLE? Well, check out Wonder World Park! Now hiring tour guides. Apply in person Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1000 Prospect St. or call (512) 392-3760. BOBCATSNEEDJOBS.COM. We need Paid Survey Takers in San Marcos. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. ATHLETIC MALE MODELS WANTED for physique photography in Austin. $200-$1000 per session. Call Wu at (512) 927-2448. !BARTENDING! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ OK. (800) 965-6520 x 157. TECHNICAL SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE - teleNetwork is currently seeking TSRs to provide technical support for dialup and DSL customers. Full or Part Time positions available with flexible scheduling at our Austin and San Marcos call center locations. More information and online application available at http://www.telenetwork.com/careers BAR STAFF/ENTERTAINERS! Sugar’s is seeking staff with a fun loving attitude who enjoy working in a party atmosphere. AM/PM, PT/FT, FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES. Great $$$! Great back to School Job! Apply Sugar’s, 404 Highland Mall Blvd. E., Austin (near Highland Mall). (512) 451-1711. BARTENDER NEEDED! Riley’s Tavern. Apply in person. (512) 3923132.


KEYS FOUND! Saturday, September 16, 11p.m. on The Square, across from Valentino’s Pizza. Contact Parking Services at (512) 245-2887.


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2 SAN MARCOS AREA GUITARISTS SEEKING MUSICIANS for original metal/alt rock band. Tool, aic, deftones. Have equipment, transportation, dedication. ol__yeller@hotmail.com INTERESTED IN MEDIEVAL ARMORED COMBAT, FENCING, ARTS AND CRAFTS, BELLYDANCING, OR MUSIC? Check into the local chapter of the SCA at http://ffynnon-gath.ansteorra.org

ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BD/2BA at Comanche Hill Apts. $335/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Includes cable & internet. 2 blocks from campus. Call Pranitha (940) 782-4685. ROOMMATES WANTED: MALE STUDENT FOR 3BD/2BA NICE HOME IN LULING. 20 miles from San Marcos. Ideal for someone wanting to cut routine drive from San Antonio or Austin. Call Bill at (830) 875-6933.

SUBLEASE SUBLET INDIVIDUAL LEASE. Share 2BD duplex. SEPTEMBER FREE! No deposit. Near TSU. $350 + utilities. Call (402) 212-3996.

WANTED USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS. Any condition, running or not. If you have something to sell please call Willis Mitchell. (512) 353-4511. COME WORK FOR THE STAR! Employment at The Star provides you with an opportunity to work with motivated students who are interested in journalism and newspapers. The Star is currently hiring for the following positions: •News reporters Must be able to gather information, conduct interviews and come into the newsroom to have stories edited. •Sports writers Must be able to attend games, interview coaches and players and come into newsroom to have stories edited. •Sports columnist Must be able to write interesting and entertaining columns about Bobcat Sports. •Entertainment writers Must be able to report on arts and entertainment events on campus and in Central Texas, conduct interviews and come into newsroom to have stories edited. •Entertainment columnist Must be able to write intelligent and interesting columns about arts and entertainment on campus and in Central Texas. •Opinions columnists Must be able to write well-organized and thought-provoking columns about on-campus and local happenings. •Comic artists Must be able to create a comic strip three days a week. •Illustrators Must be able to work with the editorial staff to create editorial cartoons and story illustrations as well as bring original ideas to the table. Pick up an application at the Trinity Building, or download one at www. universitystar.com.

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