11 02 2005

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NOVEMBER 2, 2005



Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist discusses LBJ, Higher Education Act

A day for the dead Genaro Mendoza Jr., undecided freshman of Sigma Lambda Beta, displays information about Dia de los Muertos in The Quad on Tuesday. The holiday dates back 3,000 years to the Aztecs and is celebrated with lavish ceremonies honoring loved ones who have died.

By Jason Buch News Reporter A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and writer spoke to students Tuesday night to kick off the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of President Lyndon Baines Johnson signing the Higher Education Act of 1965. “I think the fact that President Johnson signed the act here really speaks not only to how he felt about education but how he felt about the university,” said Nick Kotz, the night’s speaker. Kotz read from his book Judgment Days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Laws That Changed America and spoke to almost 75 students gathered in the Alkek Library Teaching Theater. He also spoke about the HEA and LBJ’s other Great Society legislation and the effects they had on the United States. John Vasser, education professor and nephew of Kotz, arranged the event. “This was part of the University Public Lecture Series,” Vasser said. “It was just a coincidence that it’s part of the 40th anniversary celebration. That surprised me since the book doesn’t really deal with the Higher Education Act directly” Vasser said Kotz’s lecture tied in well with the The Common Experience theme for the 200506 academic year, which is courage. Courage was also the theme of the lecture. Several times Kotz said that it took courage not only for people like LBJ and

Adam Schoenky/ Star photo

Dia de los Muertos celebration honors those who have passed By Adam Schoenky News Reporter Students who witnessed two men dressed in black with skulls painted on their faces on Tuesday may have thought that someone was a day late for Halloween. In fact, the students, Isidoro Cano, history sophomore, and Genaro Mendoza Jr., undecided freshman, were celebrating a lesser-known holiday — Dia de los Muertos. The students, who are members of

the Sigma Lambda Beta fraternity, tied black and purple ribbons to a tree in The Quad. They also decorated a display that explained the tradition of Dia de los Muertos. Dia de los Muertos is literally translated as “day of the dead.” While the face paint and morbidity of the name make the holiday seem especially dark, it is actually a festive time when participants remember and celebrate loved ones who have died. The tradition dates back for genera-

tions and was celebrated by the Aztec civilization thousands of years ago. The purpose is to honor deceased loved ones and relatives by celebrating their lives. Dia de los Muertos was moved from early summer to Nov. 1 and 2 by Spanish conquerors, in order to correspond with the Christian holidays of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. Participants celebrate by constructing See MUERTOS, page 3

King, but also for the people that followed them and followed their examples to bring about social change. Kotz said the problems people fought against in the 60s still exist today, but people do not always see them. He said at the time it was young blacks, not the leaders of the country, who brought attention to the need for change, taking to the streets to protest when that was the only option. “What will it take to lead you out into the streets?” Kotz said. After much prodding the audience finally responded to comments comparing the draft during the Vietnam War to the war in Iraq. Most people who spoke said they would serve their country under the right circumstances. One audience member told the people in the theater they should be ashamed of themselves for not being willing to serve their country immediately. She said women in Iraq wanted to fight for their country and for the rights they are denied. Cedric James, political science sophomore, said he had been offered extra credit in his philosophy class attend to the lecture. “I figured I’d come and get his thoughts and views on America and the political system,” James said. “Things got pretty heated in the end. I do believe in signing up for the draft for a just cause. People shouldn’t die based on lies, that’s not cool at all. What needs to change is a lack of respect for our forefathers. From See JOURNALIST, page 3

Electric rates to increase by 34 percent By Emily Messer News Reporter San Marcos citizens can expect a significant increase in their future electric bills. Effective for electric bills after Dec. 15, San Marcos citizens will see a 34 percent increase in what they pay for electricity. The Lower Colorado Advisory Board, which is the electricity provider for the City of San Marcos and other Texas cities, will increase its fuel and power cost recovery factor by $0.0164 per kilowatt hour (kWh) from $0.0478 to $0.0642 during 2005 and 2006.

LCRA voted on Oct. 19 to increase the rates for its wholesale customers by about one-third effective Oct. 25 in response to rising natural gas prices. That price tag will be passed on to people in San Marcos who pay their electricity bill. That means a person with a consistent $100 electric bill will see a $34 spike in their future bills. Dan O’Leary, city manager for San Marcos, said it is normal for organizations to pass their charges onto their customers as prices, such as for natural gas, increase. “They can’t just eat those costs,” O’Leary said. “Energy

prices have skyrocketed all across the board. “Certainly no one wants to see their electric rate go up,” O’Leary said. John Havard, marketing sophomore, is not looking forward to the climbing price. “I don’t see how it’s right that they can just do that,” Havard said. Havard said he paid $130 for his last electric bill and that currently not having a roommate makes paying the bill tougher. He said he currently turns off lights and items not in use to cut costs, but his heating and cooling is what costs him.

Havard said he would not do anything drastic unless his bill increased significantly. “I’d definitely go without heat before I go without (air conditioning),” Havard said. Management junior Neomia Adams said her electric bills during the past three months have been around $100. Adams said she tried to turn off lights and lower or turn off her thermostat when not in use, but she did not see a significant drop in her bill. “It’s too damn high,” Adams said. “It’s like this little city can

Spencer Millsap/Star photo To begin a week of events in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nick Kotz gave a lecture about President Lyndon B. Johnson‘s Great Society initiatives at 7 p.m. Tuesday night in the Alkek Teaching Theater.

See RATES, page 3

Express-News editor to speak about Latest voting tool to make casting ballots as easy as the click of a button search for missing correspondent By Eloise Martin News Reporter

“I was able to go out and reconstruct his life in a detailed San Antonio Exway,” Rivard said. press-News editor Rivard said at the Robert Rivard will be time of his disappearsigning and reading ance in 1998, True from his book Trail had just achieved of Feathers: Searchboth professional ing for Philip True at and personal success. Robert Rivard 5:30 p.m. on ThursHe was married with day on the seventh his wife expecting floor of the Alkek Library. their child. The book follows Rivard and True disappeared after venothers in their search for Ex- turing into western Mexico in press-News Mexico City corre- search of the Huichol Indians spondent Philip True after he where, Rivard said, he was able went missing during an expe- to combine his two greatest dition of the Sierra Madre. passions, journalism and the Rivard said his book began outdoors. as a way to describe the disap“His trip was part journalispearance and death of True but tic inquiry and part wilderness became a book about True’s sojourn,” he said. life. After his disappearance be-

Today’s Weather

Sunny 78˚/ 46˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 30% UV: 6 High Wind: SSE 6 mph

came known, Rivard traveled to Mexico with others in the hopes of finding True. Rivard said he had an obligation to participate in the search. “True was one of our reporters, and I was his editor,” Rivard said. Rivard also felt he would be of help because he had spent a great deal of time in Mexico and Latin America through journalism and felt he was well equipped in the area. Through researching True’s past, Rivard said he began to piece together the life of True and became fascinated with the many similarities he found between himself and the late reporter. Both had suffered abuse as children and became See EDITOR, page 3

By Suzann Torres News Reporter Casting ballots for the Nov. 8 election is a little different this year. San Marcos has purchased a new electronic voting device called eSlate, and citizens will cast their votes with it during the upcoming election. For approximately $800,000, San Marcos purchased the eSlate devices from the Austin-based company Hart Intercivic, said Hays County Election Administrator Joyce Cowan. They will be used at every polling station throughout the county. According to the text of the Help America Vote Act, passed in 2002, the act was created “to establish a program to provide

Two-day Forecast Thursday Sunny Temp: 82°/ 54° Precipitation: 0%

Friday Partly Cloudy Temp: 85°/ 57° Precipitation: 0%

funds to states to replace punch card voting systems.” “I think the punch card did its job and served the city well,” Cowan said. “But because of leg-



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islation, the switch to eSlate was decided by the city.” The eSlate devices are about the size of a clipboard and rest in each voting booth. After showing identification and voter registration to poll workers, voters are given a four-digit access code. After entering the access code into the eSlate device, voters can then begin to cast their ballots. Using a select wheel, “like a dial on an oven,” Cowan said, voters can navigate through choices on the ballot. By hitting enter on their selection, voters will automatically be taken to the next proposition to vote on. Voters get a review sheet before casting their final ballot at the end. See BALLOTS, page 3

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The University Star

Panel to feature award-winning writers on courage The Southwester Writer’s Collection, in support of Texas State’s Common Experience theme of “Courage,” presents a panel discussion with three awardwinning writers: Beverly Lowry, Celia Morris and Benjamin Alire Sáenz. “Writers have a unique form of courage,” said Steve Davis, assistant curator of the SWWC and the panel’s moderator. “They don’t always set out to reveal their innermost thoughts and motivations, but that can happen during the writing process, and when it does it changes everything. It takes courage to confront and then write about one’s own struggles. Those who are able to ac-

Wednesday in Brief

November 2, 2005

complish this successfully help countless readers deal with similar situations in their own lives. Literature can have a healing power, and these three writers are outstanding examples of that art.” An authors’ reception will precede the panel, and a book signing will be held afterward. Books by all four writers will be for sale throughout the evening, courtesy of the University Bookstore. — Courtesy of Media Relations ONLINE: www.library.txstate.edu/swwc/misc/courage.html

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of

Cyborg foliage


Group will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center.

Clubs & Meetings Wednesday Bible Study will be held at 8 p.m. in the Catholic Student Center lounge. Association of Information Technology Professionals presents an alumni panel “From College to Career” at 5 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-3.1. Crosstalk will meet at 8 p.m. in the Alkek Teaching Theater to worship and learn more about God. Lambda of Texas State regular meeting will be held in LBJSC, Room 3-11.1. For more information, please contact Lisa Hellmer at (512) 245-3219, or e-mail Lambda_TxState@yahoo.com. Thursday “The Rock-Praise & Worship” will take place at 8:15 p.m. in the CSC chapel. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship welcomes Ryan Koenig as our special guest 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Everyone is welcome. Contact (512) 557-7988, or email@texasstatechialpha.com for more information. Tuesday The CSC will have free lunch for all students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Attaining Contentment” An educational series takes place from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-6.1. War Support Group: Helping Students Cope will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 5-1.10. All Saints’ Day Mass will be held at 5:15 p.m. in the CSC chapel.

Events Wednesday ACOA/Dysfunctional Families Group will take place from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208. Thursday

National Association of Environmental Professionals will be holding Bike for the Right at 5 p.m. at the San Marcos Public Library Parking Lot. Friday Catholic Student Organization is hosting a talent show at 7 p.m. at the CSC. Saturday Gospel Expressions Association is holding the 2005 Gospel Fest “Can’t Let No Rock Out Praise Me” Luke 19:40 at 11 a.m. Class sessions and the concert will be in Evans Auditorium at 6 p.m. Chi Omega Sorority is sponsoring a basketball tournament at 10 a.m. at The Exchange. Proceeds go to the Make A Wish Foundation. Teams of four can sign up in The Quad or can register with any Chi Omega member. Entry fee is $12.50 a person. Sunday Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. will host a church service at 4 p.m. at the LBJSC Teaching Theater.

Jeremy Craig/Star photo Benjamin Guenther, sculpting senior, works on his thesis project in the beautiful afternoon weather. His work consists of fiberglass and actual tree branches to form a seamless tree form. Guenther says the finished product will come complete with branch-perching birds.


Monday Sexual Assault & Abuse Survivors Group will take place from 5 to 6:15 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center. Tuesday Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. will host When God Writes Your Love Story at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-15.1. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu, or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

University Police Department Oct. 28, 11:20 p.m. Missing Person: Juvenile/ Bobcat Stadium A nonstudent reported to a police officer that her daughter, a nonstudent, was missing. The daughter was located. Oct. 30, unknown hours Reckless Driving/Aquarena Springs Drive A police officer made contact with a vehicle for a traffic stop. Upon further investigation, a student was arrested for reckless driving and transported to Hays County Law Enforcement Center to await magistration. The passengers, four students, were issued citations for minor in possession and open containers. Oct. 30, 2:28 a.m. Public Intoxication/Sterry Hall A police officer made contact

Facing the Fear: An Anxiety

with a student who appeared intoxicated. Upon further investigation, the student was arrested for public intoxication and transported to HCLEC to await magistration. San Marcos Police Department Oct. 31, 8:55 a.m. Theft/502 Centre St. Burglary of habitation. Complainant states someone took her car keys. Oct. 31, 9:37 a.m. Theft under $500/2300 S. Interstate 35 Victim reported that former tenant stole the refrigerator when he/she moved out. Oct. 31 5:21 p.m. Investigation/401 S. I-35 Traffic offense arrest. A woman was arrested for illegally parking in a handicap space and failure to identify.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS


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On This Day… 1512 — Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were first exhibited to the public. 1765 — The British Parliament enacted The Stamp Act in the American colonies. 1800 — U.S. President John Adams became the first president to live in the White House when he moved in. 1950 — Charles Cooper became

the first black man to play in the National Basketball Association. 1950 — Two Puerto Rican nationalists tried to assassinate U.S. President Harry Truman. 1968 — The movie rating system of G, M, R, X, followed by PG-13 and NC-17, went into effect. 1998 — Iridium inaugurated the first handheld, global satellite phone and paging system.

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For more information contact the Texas State Athletic Department at (512) 245-2114. All appearances subject to change or cancellation.

Representatives from many of the top school districts in Texas will visit the campus Nov. 16 at Strahan Coliseum. Students will be able to browse the fair from 9 to 11:30 a.m., while representatives explain the advantages of their districts and seek to fill their staffing needs. If the school district schedules an interview with a student during browsing, those interviews will take place from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Students must attend the browsing in order to interview. The fair, hosted by Career Services and the College of Education, is open to Texas State undergraduates, graduates and

alumni, including undergraduates who have not yet received their teaching certificates and those who already hold teaching certificates. Students should bring copies of their resumes and teaching certificate, if applicable. Students may also apply for teaching jobs electronically on the school district’s Web site. Students should post resumes on Jobs4Cats for current career openings. Visit Jobs4Cats at www.careerservices.txstate.edu for a tentative list of school districts attending. For more information, call Career Services at (512) 2452645. — Courtesy of Career Services

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from local San Marcos vendors and restaurants.

Texas State to hold fair for education careers


Doors open at 5:30 pm


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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

The University Star - Page 3

JOURNALIST: Author discusses Johnson’s reign CONTINUED from page 1

an African American point of view, we don’t do what we should to cause change. We don’t get out and vote. We don’t take it as seriously as we should. There is a state of laziness and complacency.” Russell Switzer, history senior, was the last student to address the audience. “I don’t think it’s a question of many people being unpatriotic and not wanting to serve their country for a just cause because a just cause is the rea-

having a draft if we’re going to be lied to. It’s unfair to U.S. citizens that we can’t get the truth from our own government. We don’t know if what we’re being told is true. I’m not opposed to the draft if it’s for a just cause.” The HEA was one of many social reforms passed during — Russel Switzer the Johnson administration. history senior A major provision of the act created need-based loans and scholarships for undergraduson our country is here today,” ate students. LBJ signed the Switzer said. “I have a lot of act during a ceremony at the distrust for the government we Southwest Texas State College have in office. I disagree with campus in November of 1965.


t’s unfair to U.S. citizens that we can’t get the truth from our own government.”

Kotz was born in San Antonio in 1932. He served in the Marine Corps during the 50s. He has worked as a reporter for The Des Moines Register and The Washington Post. Kotz is the author of five books. After the lecture, Kotz returned to a point he had made at the podium. “Americans old and young are willing to do a lot more for our country than what our leaders are asking of us,” Kotz said. “Our leaders don’t ask us what we’re willing to do and we don’t tell them.”

RATES: Monitoring temperature may lower bills CONTINUED from page 1

charge whatever it wants.” Adams said if her bill went up significantly after trying to cut costs she would call the light company to see what they suggest for saving money.” O’Leary said the most important energy-saving activity that college students or homeowners on a budget can do is monitor their thermostat. Additionally, they should turn off lights or electric devices when not in use. More costly tips include weather-stripping and proper insulation. “As far as students are concerned, they have to really pay attention to their thermostat. That’s the key,” O’Leary said.

The LCRA Web site suggests setting the thermostat to 68 to 70 degrees during the day and lowering it to 55 degrees at night and using extra blankets and clothing to keep warm. Because natural gas, a fuel used to produce electricity, has doubled since early 2005, LCRA has decided to increase its rates, said Krista Umscheid, public information officer for the LCRA. Events such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which caused damage to fuel production in the Gulf of Mexico have affected gas prices. Umscheid said the LCRA changes its rates by actual changes in the market, which has shown a sharp rise in fuel cost.

Umscheid said the LCRA does not make a margin from fuel costs but passes on the increase of fuel charges to wholesale customers. Tropical storm activity within the last week in the Gulf of Mexico has caused natural gas producers to evacuate their offshore platforms according to the Energy Information Administration Web site. LCRA uses a combination of energy sources such as coal, wind farms, natural gas and hydroelectric dams to produce its electricity, which it then sells to wholesalers such as San Marcos. LCRA’s produced electricity comes from three gas plants, which account for 2,333 megawatts of capacity

along with coal. As far as future electric bills are concerned, the prices of future contracts for natural gas have increased in the last week as a result of early-season cool temperatures and lingering effects from this season’s hurricanes according to the EIA Web site. These events have caused an increase in electric rates that will be noticeable on many future bills. According to the EIA Web site, contracts for the heating season from November 2005 to March 2006 increased by an average of approximately 20 cents per MMBtu. However, the EIA expectsfuture natural gas contract prices to lower after the winter months.

EDITOR: Book examines life, death of reporter CONTINUED from page 1

insecure, both fell in love with the Mexican culture, and both fell in love with strong women who helped them with their lives. “There were times when I found myself peering into a mirror,” Rivard said. Rivard will read excerpts from his book on Thursday, followed by a question and answer session. The books will be on sale, and a portion of the sales will go to the Philip True Education Trust for True’s sixyear-old son. Rivard will be available to sign books. Michele Miller, marketing

and media relations coordinator for the Southwestern Writers Collection, said Rivard has been a guest to several events held at the library in the past, including events for the SWWC and the Witliff Gallery of Southwestern and Mexican Photography. Both galleries will be celebrating anniversaries in 2006, and Miller said Rivard’s reading will be a good addition to the celebration. “He mentioned he had a new book coming out, and it seemed like a nice mutual event that would be beneficial for both of us,” she said. Miller said Rivard’s book also fits into the university’s

Common Experience, since the book has a theme of courage. “He literally packed up and went down there into the canyon land to help find him,” Miller said. She said the event will be a great opportunity for students with particular interest in journalism, fiction or anyone who is interested in the book. She said during the signing students will have the opportunity to speak with the author. Rivard said he has felt a deep sense of satisfaction now that he has completed his first book. He said one main goal of his book is to clear up rumors


that may have circulated that True had begun hiking after drinking, and his death was an accident. Rivard shows in his book that this was not the case and said there is forensic evidence showing that strangulation was involved. He said he hopes that after reading his book, people will realize that not all journalists are overpaid and outspoken. He said he wants people to know that they working-class people with a passion. “Journalists often risk and lose their lives. Philip was that kind of guy,” Rivard said. “That is the kind of journalist that deserves to be remembered.”

MUERTOS: Fraternity honors founding fathers with display in The Quad CONTINUED from page 1

altars, which they decorate with certain traditional items to remember the dead. The altar that Cano and Mendoza, along with other members of Sigma Lambda Beta, decorated in The Quad was in honor of Armando Ignacio Peña Jr. and Guillermo Antonio Wolff. Peña and Wolff were two of the founding brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta who died in a car accident in 1998. The tree in The Quad that was adorned with ribbons is dedicated to the memory of Peña. The altar honoring the two men was decorated with flowers, bread and candy, all traditional Dia de los Muertos decorations. “The altar is supposed to feature flowers and food they liked, so we can remember the dead,”

said Gilbert Martinez, Sigma Lambda Beta member. The display told the story of “Mando” and “Memo,” as they were known. Both transferred to Texas State in 1997 and helped found Sigma Lambda Beta, as well as “Hermanos Unidos,” an interest group of the fraternity. The members of Sigma Lambda Beta who participated in the celebration wanted to honor the memory of their founders, as well as educate a population that is probably not too familiar with the traditional Mexican holiday. “We just want people to know that there’s more than just Halloween,” said Fabian Baca, fraternity member and criminal justice junior. “We’re trying to keep the tradition alive and educate people about cultural events.”

BALLOTS: New eSlate introduced in city, county CONTINUED from page 1

The eSlate device is not connected to the Internet, and no data is transmitted through phone lines, Cowan said. There has been a little concern about some citizens being uncomfortable with the electronic device, Cowan said, but eSlates have been demoed for seniors and disabled citizens to try out. Citizens uncomfortable with eSlate can still request a ballot to be mailed to them. Cowan said there have been very few complaints and that eSlate has been very well received by all ages. “I feel people are voting as fast or faster as with the punch card,” Cowan said. After voting early at San Mar-

cos City Hall, Johanna Haley, administrative assistant to the athletic director, said she liked the new eSlate device. “It was simple, not a problem to use,” Haley said. When asked what she thought of eSlate compared to the punch card system, Haley answered, “I like this a lot better.” Early voting is taking place until 5 p.m. today at both the Election Administrator’s Office at 401 C Broadway and City Hall at 630 E. Hopkins Street. Citizens can also vote early from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday at both places. Election Day is Nov. 8. For more information on the eSlate device, visit http://elections.co.hays.tx.us. An online eSlate demonstration is available at www.hartintercivic.com.


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quoteof the day

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - Page 4

“The United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership. They have no convictions, they have no principles, they have no ideas.”

— Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee, after Democratic leaders called for a closed session questioning intelligence issues regarding the Iraq war. (Source: Associated Press)

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Five of six bond issues deserve ‘yes’ vote from residents Six bond propositions are on the ballot in San Marcos for Tuesday’s election. Each of these propositions would cost $1 million or more and would require a rise in city residents’ property taxes to compensate. With that in mind, The University Star has carefully weighed the pros and cons of each proposition. Here are our recommendations: Bond Proposition No. 1 This proposition calls for up to $2 million in general obligation bonds for purchasing one or more tracts of land in the Rogers Ridge area in the Spring Lake/Sink Creek watershed to be preserved and improved as greenspace land. These bonds would be used to preserve San Marcos’ natural beauty from development in a sensitive area that could affect the entire river. Although existing environmental regulations have been successful in preserving the area from large-scale development, even such small development as single-family homes in that area may have far-reaching consequences for the river. Once the land is bought, the city can use it to develop park space that will further add to the natural beauty that attracts so many to our city. We vote yes. Bond Proposition No. 2 Proposition 2 calls for $1 million for the relocation of the city municipal court on Hopkins Street to the existing San Marcos Police Department building south of Wonder World Driveon the Interstate 35 access road. This move would take the court from a central location easily accessible to most San Marcos residents to a peripheral location with little bus and pedestrian access. Furthermore, there is a legitimate concern that a court building adjacent to the police would foster an implied assumption of guilt for defendants involved in municipal criminal cases. The court should find another way to expand its facilities without moving away from residents and closer to SMPD. We vote no. Bond Proposition No. 3 Proposition 3 calls for $2,965,000 for a new Central Fire Station east of the railroad tracks. Given the substantial barrier the railroad tracks and traffic across the center of town pose for firefighters and other emergency workers, this propositions seem a necessary step to ensuring the safety of residents in a rapidly growing San Marcos. We vote yes. Bond Propositions Nos. 4 and 5 These propositions call for $2,450,000 and $2,580,000, respectively, for a number of infrastructure improvements throughout the city, including Sessom Drive and Victoria Gardens street reconstruction, Thorpe, Hopkins and Hutchison street improvements, a Loop 82 railroad overpass and drainage facilities in connection therewith. The street projects are essential to bringing under control the city’s traffic situation, which is expanding far out of proportion to the size of San Marcos, and the drainage improvements, particularly on Thorpe and Sessom, are urgently needed to stem the danger of flooding that perennially troubles these areas. We vote yes on both. Bond Proposition No. 6 The final bond proposition calls for $1,185,000 for constructing and improving pedestrian and bicycle ways and facilities throughout the city. Anybody who has ridden a bike in San Marcos knows that while the size of the city is conducive to alternative transportation, its streets are emphatically not. Prop. 6 will make walking and biking through town safer for residents, taking more cars off our roads and improving both our traffic situation and the quality of our air. We vote yes. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

Halloween a time to let inner ‘spirit’ out Growing up, and even satanic in Halloween was a way. I remember always a fun time sitting in the car to dress up and with my mom eat our candy and and sister, already chocolate gluttondressed up and ously when our ready for candy BRYNN LEGGETT parents weren’t collecting, talking Star Columnist looking. Each year, my mom out of my mom would ruining one of our make us a costume, favorite holidays. or we would collect various We had to convince her that components from friends Halloween is only satanic and family to assemble some- for those who participate in thing. things like séances and animal We had an elderly neighbor sacrifices and other things who lived across the street you see in horror flicks. As a who always dressed up like fourth grader, all I was intera scary witch — complete ested in was prancing around with green face paint, a large in a fun new costume, getting mole and a big crooked black candy and carving jack-ohat. We never really worried lanterns. about razor blades or poison In college, though, Halin our candy — that was just loween has a whole different an urban legend. As we got meaning. Even if the actual older, we started making or holiday falls on a boring night buying our own costumes, like a Monday, it’s still an alland we discovered that if you weekend-long celebration. went to the ritzy part of town Sometimes, people even have after 9 p.m., they started run- different costumes for differning out of candy and giving ent parties. The meaning of out quarters. Oh, the movies Halloween has become less you could rent with nothing about innovative costumes but pocket change. and candy, and more about One year, all the moms short skirts and beer. seemed to get the same e-mail I love Halloween though. I about how celebrating Hallove making my own costume loween was un-Christian — (This year, I was the version

of Catwoman that Michelle Pfeiffer played in Batman Returns). I love seeing what other people come up with and laughing at some of the more unexpected costumes (such as that of a friend who dressed up as a line of cocaine, complete with foilcovered refrigerator box on his back and a rolled piece of green poster board with “100” written on each end). I also love the parties and all the crazy pictures we don’t remember taking. We get candy in class and lots of giggles late in the night. What intrigues me about the college culture of Halloween is that it seems dressing up as someone else gives some of us the freedom to act like someone else too. Wearing a teeny-tiny skirt and fishnets in public can give a girl a strange boost of selfconfidence that just might get her into trouble. Guys have less pressure to be sexy, but if their costume isn’t innovative or funny, their coolness factor might decline for the night. Nerds are still a little weird on Halloween, and thus Lord of the Rings-themed parties are still more likely to be advertised by word-of-mouth

rather than bright flyers on the wall in your dorm. The only problem with dressing up as someone else is when you come home and your still-tipsy roommates don’t recognize you when you walk in the door. One of my roommates screamed and fell over as she slammed her bedroom door in my face, (I had forgotten my mask was still on). The thing about masks is that people can do crazy things knowing you can’t see their face. They stand on the sidewalk and stare at passersby waiting for a reaction; they sneak up on their friends hoping for a squeal; they hang out at the Pike House in the shadows waiting for unsuspecting and possibly tipsy freshmen. Halloween in college is still about donning an alter ego with a spiffy new costume, but now that alter ego is looking for raised eyebrows, a good laugh, and/or a great squeal. So be careful with your inner freaks on display, and watch out for the guy in the mask. Leggett is a mass communication sophomore.

No singular culprit in global warming trend How will your electricity usage habits change since the rates will be increasing 34 percent? “I’m going to definitely be more aware of when I leave the lights on and be more conservative.” — Megan Yancy anthropology senior

“I’m going to make sure to turn off my lights and turn off my computer when I’m not using it.” — Sarah Colvard German senior

“It’s not going to change at all because we’ve been paying $120 already. We’re going to keep the A/C off, but its cold already.” — Chad Reece psychology senior Compiled by Ashley Richards

The University Star 601 University Drive, Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

(U-WIRE) Bush said he TAYLOR WILLIAMS TAMPA, Fla. — would sign the proThe Oracle This year, for the tocol under different first time in our circumstances, but history, we have to identify that the treaty, as it existed, hurricanes using Greek letters. would cause our economy The Western Hemisphere to suffer. Even if Bush had has felt the wrath of Katrina, signed the treaty as is, the Rita, Wilma and many other changes would not go into destructive weather systems effect until 2008 at the earlibecause the tropics have spit est. So blaming the president storm after storm at the Atof the United States for hurlantic and Gulf coasts. ricanes that form off the coast Some environmentalists of Africa is simply asinine. blame global warming for the A NASA-funded study increase in tropical activity. performed by the Goddard They draw a relationship beInstitute for Space Studies and tween the rise in average anColumbia University’s Earth nual ocean temperatures and Institute was released in 2003, the surge in frequency and documenting that sunspot strength of storms. activity has been increasing by These environmentalists .05 percent per decade since accuse industrialized societies the 1970s. of releasing greenhouse gasses According to this study, into the Earth’s atmosphere, historical readings of the sun which depletes the ozone and infer that solar radiation has warms the planet. been escalating since the late People on the far left of the 19th century. The trend indipolitical spectrum have gone cated by the study’s findings so far as to blame President are “important because, if Bush for the hurricanes, refer- sustained over many decades, ring to his refusal in 2001 to could cause significant clisign the Kyoto Protocol, an mate change,” said Richard international treaty on cliWillson, a researcher affiliated mate change. They claim that with Goddard. since he didn’t sign the treaty, Yes, global warming is he is partially responsible for influenced by “greenhouse rising temperatures, and he gases” such as carbon dioxis accountable for the recent ide, but many individuals Category 4 and 5 hurricanes. disregard the fact that the

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.................Ashley Richards, ar1225@txstate.edu Trends Editor..............Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...........................Courtney Addison, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief.......................Siobhan Chapman, sc1108@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

Earth has survived nearly 4 billion years of ice ages, meteor crashes and, in the very beginning of our planet’s formation, a high concentration of — yep, you guessed it — carbon dioxide. Recent research conducted at Duke University states that as much as 30 percent of global warming in the past two decades may be attributable to the sun’s productivity. Remember: Humans did not have the technology to observe solar output until recently. The Duke study affirms that early attempts to study the sun were derailed by the failed Challenger mission. It is plausible that the centuries of solar radiation we accrued that haven’t been surveyed could elicit a response from Earth’s ozone layer. As a matter of fact, scientists are still unsure about whether global warming even exists, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. There is an inclination toward increasing global temperatures, but if you’ll think back to your geology class, you’ll remember that our planet seesaws between hot and cold periods. These cold periods created the ice ages, and the hot periods melted the ice so our species could

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

walk the Earth. I do have a point with all this seemingly useless information: Don’t trust everything you hear. Conduct your own research - all the scientific articles I found are available on the Internet, a resource available to everyone on this campus. Yes, try to use products that do not emit chlorinated fluorocarbons, or CFCs as they’re commonly known. CFCs trap heat in our atmosphere, proven by experiments conducted in controlled laboratories. The hole in the ozone layer above the North Pole exists, and we cannot erase it. But before you place blame where it isn’t due, remember that there are forces beyond our control. The sun is a great example of an influence we cannot manipulate. We will not be able to accurately indicate who or what is entirely responsible for the warmer climate our planet is enduring without another few decades of precise observation. In the meantime, remain Earth-smart and receptive to the thorough study that is science. This column originally appeared in Tuesday’s issue of The Oracle. The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright November 2, 2005. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - Page 5


What was the strangest Halloween costume you saw this weekend?

“A gay Pokémon is what he was calling himself.”

“(Jack) from The Nightmare Before Christmas on stilts; he was 9 feet tall.”

“My friend dressed up as Lieutenant Dan (from Forrest Gump). That was weird.”

— Jessica Jenkins recreation administration senior

— Joseph Simpson psychology senior

— Jen Landry undecided sophomore

SAW doesn’t II quite cut it Compiled by Kyle Bradshaw

Trends Contact — Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Everyone who but in the cinematogra- Jigsaw’s madhouse lair. we know this serves as his mo- ing a deadly nerve agent that has seen the origi- film phy that looks like an old Matthews, accompanied by tive in placing his life-abusing will cause them to “within two nal Saw movie knew review Nine Inch Nails video. a handful of Special Weapons subjects in their death traps. hours, bleed from every orito expect a sequel. I don’t have to tell you And Tactics team members, ar“Why should they go on liv- fice in their body.” If Matthews ✯✯ It wouldn’t make Saw II what happens to the man. rives at Jigsaw’s death-device ing?” he said. “They don’t value wants to see his son alive again, sense for Hollywood Dir.: Darren Lynn Anyone can guess. But di- clad loft. Of course, Jigsaw isn’t the gift of life.” he has to play Jigsaw’s game. not to ride the cash Bousman rectly after this scene we going to make his apprehension Matthews is about to place We cut to the six people, and wave. So, with that Stars: Donnie are introduced to desk- easy; he’ll knock off a couple of Jigsaw under arrest, but before all they know is that they’re in mind, Lions Gate Wahlberg, Tobin jockey Detective Eric Mat- unsuspecting SWAT members he can, a cop draws his attention trapped in a room and have Films and Twisted Bell, Shawnee thews (Donnie Wahlberg), first. to some video monitors in the no idea why. Waiting outside Pictures recruited Smith who apparently has trouThey’ll eventually get to Jig- back of the room. In the moni- the walls of the room is a funSaw scriptwriter Rated: R ble bonding with his teen- saw. He doesn’t try to run, most- tors we see, but don’t hear, six house of life and death. Jigsaw Leigh Whannell to age son, Daniel. Matthews ly because he can’t — literally, he people trapped in a room, and lets them know what they’ve co-write the script with director arrives at the aforementioned cannot move. As we remember, among them is Daniel. been inhaling for the last couDarren Lynn Bousman. crime scene and stumbles across Jigsaw is a cancer patient in the Jigsaw informs Matthews that ple of hours and that there are The film opens with a single a clue that ultimately leads to final stages of his illness. Also, the six people have been inhal- antidotes to the gas hidden all man (as we’ve seen in the trailer) awoken in a derelict, begrimed room. The man is wearing two items: his underwear and what will be affectionately known under the appropriate moniker “The Death Mask.” In this room are a dentist’s mirror and chair as well as a television set with a VCR and VHS tape. He then plays the tape, and we now see who’s behind the whole thing. It’s our old friend, the Jigsaw Killer, and as usual, he delivers his messages via his little palefaced, unforgettable toy from the first film. The toy informs the man that attached to his head is a timereleased death mask (it’s kind of a modern iron maiden for your head). Once the timer starts, he’ll have 60 seconds to find the key to unlock the mask and save his life. Jigsaw even gives him a clue as to where the key is hidden. Simple enough, right? Well, it turns out the key is hidden somewhere inside the man’s body. Although seemingly scary and original, this scene fails to set the right pace for the rest of the film. It is too harshly reminiscent of a scene featuring Shawnee Smith Photo courtesy of Lions Gate Films from the first film, not just in the damp color and stale milieu Tobin Bell’s Jigsaw Killer calls all the shots in Saw II’s new house of horror through his familiar pale-faced puppet.

over the house. Of course, every room has an elaborate and gory way to die. This may sound oddly, familiar. Has anyone seen Cube? Saw II isn’t anything profoundly striking or (of course) as original as its predecessor, but there are a couple of differences that keep its head above water. It could be compared to one of my favorites The Silence of the Lambs. In Lambs and Saw, we follow our killers and meet them face-to-face. This makes out our killer to be more than just a bloody blade. We’re now intimately attuned with who’s holding the bloody blade. We now have a complex three-dimensional character. Hands down, the best acting is done by Tobin Bell, the Jigsaw Killer. He’s calm, cool and never out of place. Most of these “psycho roles” are, as we all know, an invitation for a ham actor and his tendency to overact. Bell, thankfully, doesn’t do that. With six people involved, there are a lot more chances for people to die in original ways. But at the same time, the film kind of hindered itself before it was shot. With six characters, it’s difficult to elicit any sympathy for their plight. As a result, we don’t feel much for them when they die. This movie had some great effects moments, including a syringe-filled pit and self-mutilation. But Saw II may have taken itself too seriously. The first Saw had some humor, which provided a sense of realism to the environment. If you plan on watching this movie, make sure to see the first one, or you’ll be just as confused as you were reading this review.

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— Nixon Guerrero


Page 6 - The University Star

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Film offers fascinating look into troubled author’s mind As a New Yorker familiar, yet positively tense attraction and relation- Collins Jr.). Sharing a troubled writings, keeps a diary with an in a southern town film alien, in his every move- ship with one of the two drifters family history, Capote feels acceptance speech he’ll never and a Southerner in review ment. convicted of slaying the Clutter compassion for Smith, who, give for an award he’ll never reNew York, celebrated Still radiating from family, Perry Smith (Clifton among his own collection of ceive. Confiding in Lee, Capote ✯✯✯ writer Truman Ca- Capote the fame of Breakfast at pote essentially spent Dir.: Bennett Tiffany’s (published and his life as an outsid- Miller film versions, respecer. Bennett Miller’s Stars: Philip Sey- tively), Capote is alerted mesmerizing feature mour Hoffman, to the brutal 1959 murdirectorial debut, Catherine Keener, ders of a Kansas family Capote, follows the Clifton Collins, Jr. in The New York Times, spurring a series of traviconic figure over the Rated: R course of half a deels with his childhood cade as he writes In friend Nelle Harper Lee Cold Blood, a book that changed (Catherine Keener) to the rural both literature and the writer’s town to investigate the crime. life in an astonishing way. As Capote’s friend, assistant Based on the book, Capo- and foil, Keener impressively te, by Gerald Clarke, the film plays Harper Lee with a sense of transcends the genre of biopics subtleness. Over the years that as a result of Philip Seymour the film spans, Lee’s novel To Hoffman’s (Boogie Nights, Mag- Kill a Mockingbird is published nolia) meticulous portrayal of and made into a film. Yet, Cathe illustrious author. Depict- pote hardly notices her success ing Capote’s complexity of as he becomes increasingly convulnerability and narcissism, sumed by his own work. What Hoffman’s tour-de-force per- began as an article for The New formance isn’t a caricature or Yorker becomes the “non-fiction imitation outright. From his novel” that a bombastic Capote flamboyant mannerisms to his claims will be “the book of the speech inflection, down to the decade” before writing a single way he holds his cigarette, Hoff- word. Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics man eerily channels the writer. While researching for In Cold In Capote, Philip Seymore Hoffman portrays writer Truman Capote in the process of writing He becomes at once a creature Blood, Capote develops an in- his nonfiction novel In Cold Blood.

explains that “it’s like Perry, and I grew up in the same house, and one day he went out the back door, and I went out the front.” Capote gains Smith’s esteemed trust but begins to understand that only the execution of the two murderers will satisfy his need to finish writing the book. Torn between treating Smith like source material for his book versus a human being worthy of compassion, pity and sorrow, the film follows Capote’s plunge into a decidedly moral abyss, perhaps only conclusive upon an ending suitable to his standards. The toll of writing In Cold Blood ultimately destroyed Capote, the author, who never completed another book following the true crime novel. — Deanna Ledezma

Movie Ratings Key No stars – Must skip ✯ – Bad, fails overall ✯✯ – Mediocre, wait for DVD ✯✯✯ – Good, few flaws ✯✯✯✯ – Outstanding, must see

Weather Man should have predicted its poor plot The Weather Man film rather see him dead is a movie for people than have him help raise to enjoy wallowing review their two children. His in their own loneli✯✯✯ daughter, Shelly (Gemness. Anyone who The Weather Man menne de la Peña), is doesn’t fall under this Dir.: Gore Verbin- overweight and often category could eas- ski teased at school. His son, ily be alienated by its Stars: Nicolas Mike (Nicholas Hault), mopey narrative and Cage, Michael is in a drug rehab proCaine depressing attitude. gram, and his adviser Played aptly by Rated: R may or may not be sexuNicolas Cage, David ally abusing him. David Spitz is the kind of can’t live up to the exweatherman whose every day is pectations of his Pulitzer Prizea rainy one. His ex-wife would winning father, Robert (Michael

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DB, 6-3, 216, Jr., Bakersfield, CA

Credited with seven tackles in the Bobcats’ loss at Nicholls State. Six of his stops were unassisted. For the year, has been in on 24 tackles, has an interception and broken up a pass.


Caine). And worst of all, he can’t predict the weather. David never studied meteorology. All he does is read the prompter a few minutes out of the day for a Chicago news show, and he gets paid handsomely for it. He’s so good at reading, in fact, that a morning, Today-like program in New York shows interest in hiring him. David is a shallow human being. He doesn’t quite know how to connect with people, which is the cause of his divorce and

his poor relationship with his children. The people of Chicago can’t stand him either. David can hardly walk down the street without having some sort of fast-food product thrown at him. The Frosty from Wendy’s is a popular choice, which is weird because I doubt that many people buy Frosties during the winter in Chicago. There are many strange little quirks like this that are meant to be jokey or ironic, but they are too illogical to be funny. The mere

fact that David is a weatherman who knows absolutely nothing about the weather is meant to be ironic and, therefore, humorous. But, more often than not in movies lately, irony is mistaken for comedy, causing somewhat-amusing movies to drag on too long and repeat gags that never made sense the first time. Caine delivers a subtly charming performance that brings more laughs than it was probably meant to. But Cage hands in a performance not far off from his role as Charlie Kaufman, a depressed screenwriter, in Adaptation. His David is outspoken, weary and shy in a way that is familiar but only slightly interesting. Verbin-

ski (Pirates of the Caribbean) is not a skilled comedic director. Many of the movie’s comedic elements are mired in poor pacing and drowned in pointless voice over. However, there are moments when it is able to overcome some of its weaknesses and deliver some truly charming scenes, most of which are between Cage and Caine. These scenes bring the movie very close to being likable, but its exclusion of logic when it’s needed most is the precursor to its inaccurate forecast. The Weather Man is a comedy that offers some moments of sunshine, but for the most part, it’s stuck in the rain. — Kyle Bradshaw

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WR, 6-7, 205, Sr., Long Beach, CA

Caught six passes for 93 yards, including a 6-yard touchdown reception in the first half for the Bobcats’ first points. For the year has caught 15 passes for 266 yards.


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Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures In The Weather Man, Nicolas Cage plays a down-on-his-luck weatherman in Chicago.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

The University Star - Page 7

✯Star Comics

Distinctive voices

Drill Team Day calls for early practice, lots of dancing I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it this will be my first time experiencing again: If the Strutter organization this whole process, and I’m excited to has mastered anything, it is effisee the final result. Practice normally ciency. Last Monday, we had pracstarts around 8:30 a.m. on the Saturtice scheduled for inside, but as I days before football games, but since walked up the stairs and into the we have to practice with all the drill gym, I happily found our officers teams too, Strutters have to be at the ABBY MINICA collecting costumes and telling us stadium at 7:30 a.m. I hope the hour we Entertainment we have no practice. So, with pracjust gained from daylight savings still Columnist tice already scheduled “off ” for feels “extra” by Saturday morning. On Friday, we only had Wednesday’s Thursday, Fandemonium, the kickoff practice! to Texas State’s basketball season, starts At this point in the year, we’ve come togeth- at 5:30 p.m. at Strahan Coliseum, and the Struter as a team and are able to learn and polish ter officers will be performing there as well. All dances pretty quickly, so it wasn’t such a risky of the Strutters will be there Thursday evening move to give us a reward of only one practice supporting the officers, basketball team and in a week. our athletic department. It feels so weird thinkThe dance we are working on for Saturday ing about how basketball season is right around is our Drill Team Day dance. Twenty-six high the corner. But we still have two more football school drill teams invited to participate in this games at home, and I plan on enjoying every event have been sent the videotape of the dance minute of them. so they can perform it with us on Saturday afternoon. There will be more than 500 girls We will be following Abby as she high kicks as a Tex(including the Strutters) on the field of Bobcat as State Strutter every Wednesday. Stadium performing the same dance at halftime. Since we didn’t have Drill Team Day last year, ONLINE: www.txstrutters.com.

Random Acts of Violence

Erin Leeder

Zorro is like an episode out of The Brady Bunch impressionable son, Ah, The Legend of Joaquin. Zorro — sin among film Zorro finds himself cinematic sin; truly, review stuck in the middle of this film is wonder✯ his calling as a defendfully predictable The Legend of er of the common man and exuberantly Zorro and as a husband and banal. Only to the Dir.: Martin devoted father. This most uninspired Campbell pathetic predicament of audiences could Stars: Antonio supposed this hack of a film Banderas, Cath- is even begin to make erine Zeta-Jones, to give the tension that a positive impres- Rufus Sewell Rated: PG Zorro sion. is in a Watching the first home10 to 15 minutes of The Legend of Zorro is like front bind that watching a cinematic train can’t be easily solved. (Just wreck in slow motion. think of an Then the movie episode of gets really bad. Legend is more than two hours of cliché after cliché. Why would director Martin Campbell do this to us? Why? He may have just been targeting the limp-brained, neophyte of a filmgoer. Honestly, I had high hopes for this movie — it was difficult not to. We have Antonio Banderas playing one of the most daring, debonair and iconic images in film and television history. We also have Catherine Zeta-Jones standing at his side as his incredibly sexy and justas-lethal wife, Elena. We all know this is the sequel to the 1998 movie The Mask of Zorro. So, we now fast forward to 10 years from that film’s time. Zorro is now a husband and a father. He and Elena have an ever-

The Brady Bunch, and you’ll know what I mean). Antonio was just a couple of lines away from falling to his knees and calling out, “decisions, decisions, decisions.” The chemistry between Jones and Banderas is nonexistent. It was almost like they were placed in separate rooms during the production and were cued when and how to deliver their lines, instead of reacting and responding to each other’s eyes and motivations. Acting isn’t at it’s highest during any moment of the film. Jones and Banderas are at their “best” only when child actor Adrian Alonso is involved. — Nixon Guerrero

Courtesy of Columbia Pictures Antonio Banderas reprises his role as Zorro in The Legend of Zorro.

‘Wonderland’ at Lucy’s takes Alice on a trip By Maira Garcia Entertainment Writer Alice in Wonderland and Halloween have a lot in common. Alice manages to fall down a rabbit hole into a musical world of confusion, strange characters and intoxicating drinks. Only Halloween and its festivities can provide such a common experience. Instead of going down a rabbit hole Friday night, this Alice went up one, namely the one entering Lucy’s on the Square, which was the scene of the Halloween Costume Ball. A member of Devo — played fittingly by DJ Rubix (or Joshua Mills of Clap! Clap!) — was there to greet her at the door with candy, while the band Marvel the King prepared to open the Ball. Following them would be This Will Destroy You and The Word Association, which was a last minute replacement for Clap! Clap!, whose drummer fell ill with food poisoning earlier in the day. Although the crowd was initially sparse, some of Alice’s counterparts, such as the Mad Hatter and a giant rabbit, were among the audience ready to dance. Marvel the King kept the crowd shaking through the end of its set. Lead singer and

guitarist Warren Mills threw candy between songs to the eager crowd, who questioned his choice of costume. “I’m a unicorn,” Mills said, referring to his hair shaped into a small spike. The band finished with a cover of Beck’s “Devil’s Haircut,” sending a hippy, Dorothy of Wizard of Oz, a metallic robot labeled “sex machine” complete with the apparatus for which it is labeled and the rabbit to the stage to dance. The rabbit and the sex machine made themselves at home with Mills and bassist Sean Neesley by dancing a little closer than the others. DJ Rubix took over in between sets by playing Halloween staples like “Monster Mash” and a remix of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” which inspired a small group to form a line to dance. More people and creatures began to file into Lucy’s, among them Ms. Pac-Man, a Sims character, complete with a diamond on top of her head, and Alfalfa of The Little Rascals. It seemed to Alice that people were inspired to bring their favorite character to life, be it from a video game, movie or television show. Amy Powell, a digital imaging and photography freshman, came dressed as Lara Croft from

the Tomb Raider video game series. “I think she is really sexy, and I’ve played all the video games, so I thought it was time I showed everyone what she looks like in person,” Powell said. By 10:30 p.m., This Will Destroy You took to the stage with its ambient rock. Among its featured players were the King from Burger King and the rabbit, which was used as more of an on-stage prop. The crowd’s rowdiness only elevated as the time went by, with people covering the dance floor and sipping colorful drinks from their cups. The Word Association finished the night with heavy beats, infusing Halloween enthusiasm within the crowd. As Alice finished her night at the Halloween Costume Ball, she chatted with the Mad Hatter, studio art sophomore Emilee Ausmus and member of Clap! Clap!, just before leaving. Ausmus defined the feeling of being able to take on another personality for Halloween by saying, “I love it. You can’t always dress up and not look ridiculous.” So, Alice went down the rabbit hole and out of the world and into Lucy’s filled with music, strange creatures, monsters and video game characters.

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Page 8 - The University Star


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

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Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write out an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

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sports snortsquotes from the sports world “Football has been an inspiration to people who have other troubles. There are problems throughout New Orleans and Louisiana. We owe it to those people not to take football from them.” — Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, on the possible move of the New Orleans Saints franchise. (Source: Associated Press)

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - Page 10

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Longhorns stampede at Strahan Coliseum By Chris Boehm Sports Reporter The band blared the Texas State fight song, and fans stood up to scream. The house was rocking as the Bobcats took the floor. If surprising to some readers, this, in fact, describes the scene for Tuesday’s volleyball match against the University of Texas Longhorns at Strahan Coliseum. For the first time in 12 dates, the band was in attendance, as was a record-setting crowd, caught up in the sight of a Big 12 team in San Marcos. With promotion centered on the night’s opponent, no image was more telling than UT setter Michelle Moriarty signing for a swarm of children — on the Bobcats’ own autograph night. “It should be like this every night,” said Coach Karen Chisum said of the 1,804 fans in attendance. “The fans came to see UT, not Texas State.” Texas State (11-3, 13-9 overall) dropped the match in three games (26-30, 18-30, 16-30), suffering from 11 service errors that kept the offense from stringing together a sustained attack. “We just made too many errors,” Chisum said. “We showed in game one we can compete with them.” Texas State opened with energy and sound play, as game one featured 11 ties and three lead changes. Lawrencia Brown scored early and often, notching five kills in the opening period. For the night the freshman led team in both kills (12) and service errors (three). With the score 26, all following a Liz Nwoke kill, the Bobcats committed four straight errors to lose the match. The letdown allowed Texas to cruise to 12- and 14-point victories in the next two games. “We don’t get to practice against a team this quick,” Chisum said. “They didn’t beat us outside, but really attacked our right side blocker.” Tiffany Searcy/Star photo Texas State could not shake the disappointment from game one, Sophomore middle blocker Brandy St. Francis spikes the ball over the University of Texas defense during Tuesday evening’s game at Strahan Coliseum, where the Bobcats lost 3-0. St. Francis supported the Bobcats’ efforts with six falling behind 3-10 as the Longhorns scored seven straight in the kills and eight points overall. opening minutes. The Bobcats

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jumped back into the game after a Brandy St. Francis ace made it 1519. The sophomore middle finished with six kills and two blocks. The Interstate 35 rivals traded points to the tune of 18-22, at which point the Longhorns ran off eight straight points to claim their second victory. Texas won on a St. Francis attacking error. Game three saw the Bobcats rebound to keep pace with UT, trailing 9-10 at one point. Texas took charge by going on a 14-4 run, sparked by kills from Lauren Paolini (teamhigh 12) and Moriarty, who led all players with 37 assists. As with the first game, the Longhorns ended the match with four straight points, earning the shutout on consecutive kills from Leticia Armstrong. “As soon as this game was over, I told the kids it means nothing. It’s just fun for us, and it’s always great to have Texas play here,” Chisum said. “What it does do is help us get better for the end of the season.” This is latest the Bobcats have played Texas in recent years. The Bobcats will need to rebound quickly to keep pace in a tight race at the top of the Southland Conference. The Bobcats sit a game behind second-place Sam Houston, getting set to host the Bearkats and leagueleader Stephen F. Austin (14-0) this weekend. “Last year, we didn’t play a team like Texas until we faced them in the first round of the NCAA tournament. Now, if we do get to the NCAAs we probably wouldn’t play UT in the first round.” Chisum said. “We’ve got to get prepared now for Sam. They’re a great team, and we’re going to have to stop Alisha Fowler (3.65 kpg, 1.26 bpg).” Lawrencia Brown led Texas State with 12 kills, while Chisum split time with two setters, Erin Hicks and Christina Melvin. Hickman, the night’s starter, led the way with 17 assists. “We’re still trying to find our quarterback,” Chisum said. “I wish we weren’t this late into the season, but that’s the way it is.” Game time is 7 p.m. for Friday and Saturday’s matches.

Cover design by Jeffrey Cole

Page 2 - The University Star



Wednesday, November 2, 2005

With the candidates

Moe Johnson

Chris Jones

Bill Taylor

Q: What are the main goals you would like to accomplish if you are elected to the City Council?

Q: What are the main goals you would like to accomplish if you’re elected to the City Council?

Q: Why are you seeking re-election?

A: I’d like to continue on with what the present City Council has started. The No. 1 issue that I’ve seen from walking around is traffic when I’m talking with either students or neighbors. One of the (city bond issues) is designed to improve the traffic hang-ups like Thorpe Lane at H-E-B., (the Aquarena Springs Drive by the football stadium and the apartments on Post Road. Right now, you have to cross two railroad tracks (on Aquarena Springs). If a train comes, you can get stopped and then stopped again and you could be there for half an hour.

A: We need to prepare for the future. From an economic standpoint, the city has some serious challenges; specifically the outlet malls. They’re a major source of revenue for us and the city of Round Rock (and Laredo) is looking to build one, so that’s going to pull people away (from cities north and south), and once we take the economic impact from that, we need to have something in place to bring in light industry. Students that graduate from here should have the opportunity to work here and make more than five or six dollars an hour. Growth is going on around us and we need to have the infrastructure in place to support that growth.

Q: How do you balance the two interests (professor at Texas State and long-time resident of San Marcos) if you’re elected, especially when it comes to an issue such as the R-1 zoning ordinance? A: I’m in favor of the ordinance as it’s written. It’s not meant for students, it’s meant for everybody whether student or citizen. The neighbors come in with the noise issue, but if you look at the sheet they have when it comes to ordinances, there’s about 12 ordinances … and the way (the Nuisance Abatement Task Force) is going to enforce them is if a person calls in and complains, and it’s a violation of the ordinance, then they’re going to come in and check on it. The education is a critical point, and they’re just now getting things lined up. They had to make sure that if we try to enforce these ordinances that we can back them up. Q: What are the biggest economic challenges facing the city today and over the next five to 10 years and what types of businesses do you think we need to attract? A: I like jobs that require skilled labor and technology. These minimum-wage businesses are good for part-time work, but not for people that want to settle here. We need skilled people; the wage is higher, the benefits are higher and so people can afford to settle here. We have 27,000 students; what happens when they graduate? There should be jobs for those people if they decide to stay in the area, but right now, it’s kind of limited. Q: What are your thoughts about combining the university’s bus system (TXTram) and the city’s bus system (CARTS Around Town) into one? A: That would be great. Right now, it takes (a long time to get around). I had a bus stop in front of my house and it was going to take me about 35-40 minutes to get to my office when I can walk it in twenty. I think if you combine them and have enough buses and I can get across town in 15-20 minutes, it’d be worthwhile. I’d really like to see them combine, if anything to improve it, especially since a lot of students live off-campus. I think it’s just a matter of getting the groups to sit down and talk about it and I think all three candidates are in favor of it. Whichever one of us wins, I think that’s one of the things we all have on our platforms.

Q: What are your thoughts about issues like the R-1 ordinance and the Nuisance Abatement Task Force? A: From an R-1 perspective, when a student tries to rent a house in a R-1 zone, they need to let them know that you are in a R-1 area and this is what it means. This is what gets me about this whole R-1 issue and this team that they put together and wasted tax dollars on; they’re calling the wrong people. Why is this team not calling the people who rent the homes and let them know that this is the process you have to go through before you rent this home to any resident? If we took some of the money and invested it in providing a model to solve some of these problems instead of the labor hours … it’s adding tension to a problem that you don’t need to add tension to. If you’re going to enforce it, enforce it properly. Q: What are some of the biggest issues you’re hearing about from the permanent residents of the community? A: A lot of the people are very disgruntled and angry that they try to make points to the city and they’re not listened to. I met this man, Mr. Lucio, who took me out and showed me all the drainage problems in the area. He lives on the south side, on the San Antonio-side, they have raised sidewalks (to combat drainage problems), well, they don’t have those on the south side and Mr. Lucio’s been screaming about it. Q: What are your thoughts on combining the university and the city’s bus systems? A: There are several models out there that show you how to manage a city and a university system. You can manage both to where you can have an efficient system. There are a lot of logistical things behind that, but it can be done. If we have a combined system, then there’s no fight where people can say that the university is cutting through our territory. There’s a federal grant out there that can help pay for combined bus systems.

A: I sought re-election because now I have 3 1/2 years experience working with public policy and when the projects come before City Council, I can speak on them, I don’t have to be trained again. That’s why I’m asking the voters not to fire me, let me do one more term and then I’m done. I have no intention of going on after that; I don’t have any other political ambitions, I just want to do what’s right for San Marcos. Q: What in particular would you like to accomplish during another term? A: There are several things that are partially done. I would like to see San Marcos get past this image of being an unfriendly place for economic development. There’s this perception that there’s a wall built around San Marcos; that we don’t want growth and that’s not true. I want to see the Wonder World extension to completion. I would say economic development is the big one as well as seeing some of the capital improvement projects that we got started through. I’m sort of the council’s budget watchdog, I want to see us continue to decrease our dependence on sales tax; I think it’s a very dangerous practice to forecast sales tax revenues and budget for them. Q: What are your thoughts on combining the university and city bus lines? A: I haven’t seen any other cities that have a system like ours, but I think it’s a good idea if it gives us penetration into more neighborhoods. If the CARTS route could complement the university routes, I think it would work well for everybody. I’m all for giving it a try; anything that takes cars off the street is a good idea. Q: What are your thoughts on the Nuisance Abatement Task Force, the R-1 ordinance and the noise ordinance that you’ve voted against already? A: The neighborhood view is that there are too many cars out there and the noise issues and for the most part, everybody is OK. It’s the few people causing problems that are making it bad for everybody. I’ve not walked with the Nuisance Abatement Task Force, but my understanding is that their purpose is educational, and that their goal right now is to educate. (The response I’ve gotten) has been that it’s been effective. By and large, the people that live in those areas want to play by the rules. Q: Are there any other points you’d like to get out there? A: I’ve been on nearly every board and commission in town. I’ve lived here 30-something years. I have a vested interest in the community, and I’ll be here from now on.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Amendments Amendment No. 1

Wording: The constitutional amendment creating the Texas rail relocation and improvement fund and authorizing grants of money and issuance of obligations for financing the relocation, rehabilitation, and expansion of rail facilities. Analysis: The proposed constitutional amendment would create the Texas rail relocation and improvement fund. The amendment would provide for the Texas Transportation Commission to issue and sell obligations to fund the relocation and improvement of privately and publicly owned passenger and freight rail facilities for the purposes of relieving congestion on public highways, enhancing public safety, improving air quality, and expanding economic opportunity. The obligations would be payable from the money in the Texas rail relocation and improvement fund. The amendment would also authorize the legislature to dedicate to the fund state money that is not otherwise dedicated by the constitution.

Amendment No. 2 Wording: The constitutional amendment providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. Analysis: The proposed constitutional amendment would amend Article I, Texas Constitution, to declare that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman, and to prohibit this state or a political subdivision

of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. The joint resolution in which the constitutional amendment is proposed also includes a non-amendatory provision recognizing that persons may designate guardians, appoint agents, and use private contracts to adequately and properly appoint guardians and arrange rights relating to hospital visitation, property, and the entitlement to proceeds of life insurance policies, without the existence of any legal status identical or similar to marriage.

Amendment No. 3 Wording: The constitutional amendment clarifying that certain economic development programs do not constitute a debt. Analysis: The proposed amendment amends Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution, to provide that a program created or a loan or grant made as provided by that section, other than a program, loan, or grant secured by a pledge of ad valorem taxes or financed by the issuance of bonds or other obligations payable from ad valorem taxes, does not constitute or create a debt for the purpose of any provision of the Texas Constitution.

Amendment No. 4 Wording: The constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail to a criminal defendant who violates a condition of the defendant’s release pending trial. Analysis: The proposed amendment would permit a district judge to deny bail pending trial under the conditions described by Article I, Section 11b, of

the Texas Constitution to a person accused of a felony who is released on bail and whose bail is subsequently revoked or forfeited for a violation of a condition of release. Before the judge may deny bail, the judge must determine at a hearing held on the issue of setting or reinstating bail that the person violated a condition of release related to the safety of a victim of the alleged offense or the safety of the community.

Amendment No. 5 Wording: The constitutional amendment allowing the legislature to define rates of interest for commercial loans. Analysis: The proposed constitutional amendment amends Section 11, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, to allow the legislature to exempt commercial loans from the maximum interest rate limits established under that section. The amendment defines a commercial loan as a loan made primarily for business, commercial, investment, agricultural, or similar purposes and not primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

Amendment No. 6 Wording: The constitutional amendment to include one additional public member and a constitutional county court judge in the membership of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Analysis: Sections 1-a(2) and (5), Article V, Texas Constitution, currently specify the composition and requirements for proceedings of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. The proposed constitutional amendment amends Sec-

tion 1-a(2) to add one member to the commission who is a constitutional county court judge and one additional public member to the commission who is a citizen of at least 30 years of age, is not licensed to practice law, and does not hold a salaried public offi ce or employment, for a total of 13 members. The proposed constitutional amendment also amends Section 1-a(2) to add the justice of the court of appeals, the district judge, and the members of the State Bar of Texas serving on the commission to the list of members who may not reside or hold a judgeship in the same court of appeals district as another member of the commission. The proposed constitutional amendment makes conforming changes to Section 1-a(5) to increase the number of members required for a quorum from six to seven and to require seven affirmative votes on recommendations for retirement, censure, suspension, or removal of certain judges.

Amendment No. 7 Wording: The constitutional amendment authorizing line-of-credit advances under a reverse mortgage. Analysis: The proposed constitutional amendment amends Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, by providing that a reverse mortgage may be in the form of a line of credit, allowing repayment of a lineof-credit reverse mortgage and subsequent advance of amounts repaid, providing that advances on a reverse mortgage may not be obtained by credit card, debit card, preprinted solicitation check, or similar device, prohibiting transaction fees in connection with a reverse mortgage debit or advance made after the time the extension of credit is established, and prohibiting

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Polling Locations

unilateral amendment of a reverse mortgage extension of credit by the creditor.

Amendment No. 8 Wording : The constitutional amendment providing for the clearing of land titles by relinquishing and releasing any state claim to sovereign ownership or title to interest in certain land in Upshur County and Smith County. Analysis: The proposed amendment would amend Article VII, Texas Constitution, by adding Section 2C to relinquish and release any claim of the state of sovereign ownership or title to an interest in approximately 4,600 acres of specifically described land in Upshur County, including mineral rights and surface rights, and nearly 1,000 acres of specifically described land

in Smith County, including mineral rights and surface rights, except in certain narrowly described circumstances in which an interest owned by a governmental entity related to a public use is applicable.

Amendment No. 9 Wording: The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a six-year term for a board member of a regional mobility authority. Analysis: The proposed amendment would amend Section 30, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, to allow board members of a regional mobility authority to serve six-year staggered terms. — Reprinted with permission from the Texas Legislative Council.


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Wednesday, November 2, 2005


2 BOUSMAN WARDWELL PROP VS Texans will go to the polls to make what could be the easiest electoral choice they have ever seen on Nov. 8th. They will vote to ban gay marriage. They will do so in the firm belief that they are doing something right. They will feel justified and perhaps even pleased with themselves. The real tragedy though is that they probably won’t think about the consequences of their actions. They will see it as a binary choice between defending civilization and falling into social anarchy. When an issue is framed like that, who has time to think? So let’s remove the frame so we can once again find the foundation where all this started, because this amendment is not about protecting the institution of marriage. That ship has sailed. Every time I hear the phrase “sanctity of marriage” I have to chew on my tongue to keep from howling with laughter. I mean, come on. We live in a nation where you can go to a casino, get drunk, meet someone and after a whopping two or three hours of courtship stumble to a chapel to get married by some guy in an Elvis jumpsuit. No disrespect to the King but exactly how is that sacred? How is our skyrocketing divorce rate sacred? How about spousal and child abuse? Where’s the sanctity there? There’s really no need to worry about homosexuals destroying the institution of marriage, because thanks to heterosexuality there’s nothing left to wreck. So if it isn’t about the institution then what is it about? Well, that part is really easy. It’s partially about sex. Straight people don’t like the idea of two men having sex. As enlightened as I try to be I will admit that the concept is not something I go out of my way to consider. I understand attraction. I understand love. I understand the need to physically be with someone you care about. But there will always be a part of me that says “that ain’t right”. I guess lesbians are removed from

that scenario though, but only if they’re attractive. Viva hypocrisy! Aside from that, gay people can’t have kids. Biologically speaking you need the other gender to produce a child. There are those who believe that you should not have sex until marriage and that the only purpose of marriage is to have kids. If that works for you, good — I’m not going to even attempt to talk you out of it. Just don’t think you can talk me into it, because I don’t buy it. If sex were simply a duty, I don’t think it would be quite as fun. For all of our triumphs, from the time when we rubbed sticks together to make fire to the time we walked on the moon, we can still be a really dumb species. We overanalyze small things and totally ignore big things. We forget too easily. What makes people want to be together? What makes people want to have a sexual partner? What makes people want to get married? What lies underneath it all? It’s love. Without love a marriage is just a piece of paper. You can have kids all day long, but without love what kind of life are they going to have? Love makes something sacred. Look at your girlfriend or boyfriend; your wife or your husband; your significant other, and try to imagine them in pain or in need. I don’t know about any of you but there is nothing, and I mean nothing, I would not do to help or defend those that are close to my heart. Do any of you think it feels any different for a homosexual? If not, where’s the difference? Looking at it that way, we must accept that “they” are in fact “us.” How can we deny our rights to ourselves? This isn’t about what you can and can’t believe. This is just the next place we have to go. Liberty has an ever-expanding frontier. This is about your depth of commitment to this 229 year old experiment that we call America. It’s about equality versus uniformity. It’s about painful progress versus euphoric stagnation. If you vote for Proposition 2, all you are doing is something that we have suffered, bled, and even died for to get away from in this nation. Namely, using the law and popular opinion to point to a group of people that have only the most superficial and silly of differences and say “everyone but you.” All I ask is that you keep in mind the fact that your rights are only as good as those of the people you don’t like. Think about that while standing over the ballot. Nobody said it would be easy, but to whom much is given, much is required. Welcome to the price you pay for living in the free world. Sean Wardwell is a pre-mass communication junior.

Texans have the opportunity to vote on amendments to add to the Texas Constitution this week and then on Nov. 8. The one being discussed around the dinner table is Proposition 2, an amendment that will define marriage as being between one man and one woman. Some people can discuss this issue around the table while others end up in a food fight. On opening day of early voting, the area surrounding The Stallions was full of people against Prop. 2. They had a pledge drive for people to vote against the measure. Even Associated Student Government, which is supposed to represent all of Texas State and not just the left side of the university, has passed a resolution to state that the university opposes Prop. 2. People were comparing the so-called struggle for same-sex marriage to the civil rights movement, seeing how fast they could make Martin Luther King Jr. spin in his grave. This all begs the question: Will the supporters of Prop. 2 demonstrate in support of it, or will we hide as usual? Yes, I am for Prop. 2. But why would I be for such a measure that would not supposedly intrude on my personal beliefs? Same-sex couples just want to be married, right? Let’s take a stroll down History Lane to answer the questions asked by many. The first three reasons why many, including myself, support Prop. 2 will be left short to focus on my fourth reason. The first reason is because marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman for years on end. The second reason is that polygamists have already begun to demand their rights to marry. What’s next? The third reason why is because the nation was founded upon Christian principles; therefore the founders would vote an emphatic “YES” for Proposition 2. The framers of the Constitution believed that the laws should be centered on the precepts of the Bible. And according to Genesis 18-19; Romans 1:18-32, and I Corinthians 6:9, homosexuality is a sin, not something one is born with. What our country needs now more than ever is to return to the principles it was founded upon. Same-sex marriage would do just the opposite. The main reason why I am for Prop. 2 is because I don’t want the government and the homosexual lobby forcing same-sex marriage upon the church. You don’t believe that can happen? You don’t believe the gay lobby is after that? Think again. All we have to do is look at the news that the mainstream media refuses to report to know this. Starting in Switzerland, a pastor was arrested for referring to scripture and stating from his pulpit that homosexuality is a sin. His crime? Hate speech. Canadian pastors have been fined a large amount for doing what this pastor did. Now, to the United States. It wasn’t long ago that gay activists tried to get the non-legislative branch of government — the Supreme Court — to pass a law prohibiting the Boy Scouts from considering sexual orientation when hiring scout leaders. The gay lobby did not respect the fact that the Boy Scouts are religious and opposed the lifestyle. Luckily, the high court did something right for a day to vote in favor of the

Boy Scouts. This past January, the governor of Illinois signed a bill into law making it illegal for church officials to discriminate against employees based on their sexual orientation. United States Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-New York, has introduced a bill in Congress to make it federal law. The church would have to rip out certain parts of their Bibles to comply with such a law. You don’t hear the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State going up in arms about this. I

wonder why. Last week, in San Antonio, Pastor Narciso Mendoza demanded to know where the city council stood on Proposition 2. They refused to answer, and Pastor Mendoza refused to leave, demanding the city government do their job and represent the people instead of themselves, by answering his question. Mayor Phil Hardberger had the police arrest him on $900 bail. Where is the “First Amendment loving” American Civil Liberties Union when you need them? The ASG says they represent the students at Texas State by declaring opposition to Proposition 2. The only deal is that some Texas State students support it. If you support it, here are some ways you can let the ASG know you support the measure. Send an e-mail ASG President Jordan Anderson at JordanAnderson@txstate.edu or flood them with phone calls at (512) 245-2196, and let them know your tuition is paid here as well. Another way is you can demonstrate in favor of the proposition. Make some signs and go out there anytime this week as early voting is taking place. Especially go out there on Nov. 8, the last voting day, and show your support. Be diplomatic but firm. Be bold but not cocky. Be willing to have a conversation with anyone who supports, opposes or is undecided about the proposition. Ignore those who want to scream in your face. Don’t believe those who say the wording is too confusing. Read the complete language of the amendment in this election guide. Most importantly, know why you support Proposition 2. Brett Bousman is a history and mass communication senior

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