11 03 2005

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We love that basketball ... Men’s and women’s Bobcat basketball preview SEE SPECIAL INSERT




NOVEMBER 3, 2005


Senate continues discussion on faculty developmental leave proposals, plans

‘I made a difference for that one’

By Clayton Medford News Reporter

Starfish Project brings relief to hurricane evacuees

The Faculty Senate heard the last developmental leave presentations at their meeting on Wednesday. Seven faculty members pleaded their case before the senate and asked for leave in order to write or finish books while others requested developmental leave to continue or complete research. The process of being granted developmental leave starts by applying to the senate. The senate then invites the faculty member requesting leave to a meeting at which the faculty member is given three minutes to present his request, followed by a two-minute question and answer session with senators. The senators then close their doors and discuss privately the faculty member’s proposal. The first faculty member to present to the senators was modern languages associate professor Blake Locklin. Locklin hopes to finish her book about the role of Asia and Asians in Latin America. Locklin believes the “study of connections between Asia and Latin America is … essential to a better understanding (of) the region, including issues of globalization, ethnicity and identity.” Libby Allison, associate professor of English, discussed with senators the possibility of completing her book about writing for governmental agencies with new technical communication faculty member Miriam Williams. Their book, Writing for Governmental Agencies: Com-

By Jacqueline Davis News Reporter A community organization that assists hurricane evacuees living in San Marcos uses an old story about a starfish and a young boy as their inspiration. The story involves a young boy on the beach who was picking up starfish the tide had carried in. The boy saves them from drying out in the sun by throwing them back into the ocean one by one. An old man approached him and said that there were thousands of starfish that had washed ashore and asked how he expected to make a difference among so many. Throwing a starfish into the water, the boy is said to have replied, “Well I made a difference for that one,” and picking up another, he said, “and that one.” The organization, dubbed the Starfish Project, assists evacuees from recent hurricanes Katrina and Rita who are currently living in the San Marcos area. Cathy Dillon, who owns the Crystal River Inn with See EVACUEES, page 5

Jeremy Craig/Star photo ABOVE: Charline A. Duplessis (left) and Shirley Gonzales, both New Orleans evacuees staying in San Marcos, browse through donated shoes Wednesday afternoon.

Linda L. Smith/Star Photo

LEFT: Venesia Stewart sorts through a daunting pile of donations at the Corridor Business Incubator Warehouse Monday morning. She helped to organize the donated items and move them to the City Park Recreation Hall where the Starfish Project, a local organization assisting hurricane evacuees, has set up a place for San Marcos area evacuees to pick up items such as clothes and other donated items.

municating in Cultural Contests, will address the intricacies of technical communication. Allison hopes the book will “help create a niche for the technical communication program.” Former senator and computer science professor Ron Sawey asked for developmental leave to create an electronic textbook. Sawey’s plan includes the development of a Web-based textbook, written in extensible markup language, for his current Web-programming course. The XML text “would provide a hands-on, ‘quick start’ approach, making it possible for the students to generate useful Web applications with a minimum of ‘tangential’ information.” Sawey believes that since Web programming changes so rapidly, his text can evolve with the course. He hopes to publish his text online on Rice University’s Connexions program, which specializes in free scholarly publications. “I’m hopeful, given the way publishers of textbooks are gouging our students. I’m hoping some Nobel laureate will publish in this format and make the publishing industry take notice,” Sawey said. Criminal justice professor Tom Mijares will conduct research on and develop a method to teach leadership in crisis situations. Mijares, a former commander of the Detroit Police Department’s Special Weapons And Tactics force, believes the lack of efficient and effective See SENATE, page 5

Student alleges assault, Animal safety is topic of pending city ordinance harassment on The Square as hate crime By Danea Johnson News Reporter

By Ashley Richards Assistant News Editor Since moving to San Marcos from Austin this semester, Hector Aguayo, Spanish junior, said he has gone out at night just three times. One of the nights out he was called a ‘faggot’ and most recently, Aguayo was physically assaulted after derogatory comments were made about his homosexuality. Dressed in black as the Greek God Hades for the Bobcat Ball, hosted by Lambda at Texas State, Aguayo and several friends stepped outside of Gordos at midnight on Friday and were waiting on a friend when several males in a truck began yelling obscenities. “They’re sticking their heads out of the car saying ‘oh, no way, a bunch of faggots,’” Aguayo said. “I couldn’t believe that this was happening.” Aguayo’s roommate Bettina Ramon, English junior, was standing outside with him and said the truck was a white Ford F150. Aguayo said about five white males were in the vehicle. After hearing the derogatory comments being yelled from the truck, Aguayo said he began to approach the vehicle, asking the males if they were speaking to him. Aguayo said although he was not touching the vehicle, the trucks occupants reacted by telling him to step away or “I’m go-

ing to kick your ass.” “I told them they were very ignorant and then walked away,” Aguayo said. Angered by the comment, Aguayo said, one of the males stepped out the truck and hit Aguayo on the left side of his face. “I could have gotten very violent but I chose not to because I didn’t want to do it that way,” Aguayo said. “I feel ashamed to even have felt the anger that I did toward these people. I wanted to go at him and strangle him; he was crossing the boundary but I didn’t go there consciously.” Ramon said she was talking to a friend when Aguayo began approaching the car and was initially unaware of what was happening. “I saw Hector go up to his car and say something and then I saw him get out of his car and punch him,” Ramon said. “And he kept saying ‘faggot.’” After the male threw the punch Aguayo said he stood there taunting Aguayo to do something back. “I saw his face. He was scared too. I don’t think he really wanted to do what he did, he was pressured by his friends,” Aguayo said. Aguayo said the incident happened very quickly, leaving him with little recollection of what See HATE, page 5

Today’s Weather

Sunny 81˚/ 55˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 50% UV: 6 High Wind: SSW 12 mph

Drivers who ride with their pets in the back of their trucks may soon have to restrain their four-legged passengers if a new city ordinance is passed. The San Marcos City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance concerning the safety of animals in motor vehicles in its meeting on Tuesday, although it must be approved on the second or third reading to go into effect. The recently drafted ordinance’s most discussed component requires owners to safely harness their animals if traveling in an unenclosed vehicle such as a convertible, pickup truck, jeep

or flat-bed truck. Council members Bill Taylor, Daniel Guerrero, John Diaz and John Thomaides said they have received calls from concerned citizens on the proposed ordinance. “I have had more calls on this than in recent history,” Taylor said. Taylor received a call from a citizen who believes that tying up his cattle is too much of a hassle, and he proposed adding an amendment to allow for animals to be tethered at a certain speed limit. Diaz received phone calls from citizens who believe that their unrestrained animals are their personal problem and that the city “shouldn’t make ordinances

telling people what to do.” Diaz does not believe there is a need for this ordinance. “A person should be more responsible,” Diaz said. “So should we get rid of all our animal ordinances?” Thomaides said in response. Thomaides said that he received calls from citizens who see merit in the proposed ordinance and are proud that San Marcos is taking a proactive stand on animal safety. “It’s not a tough ordinance to enforce — (the animal) is tethered in or not,” Thomaides said. Sharri Boyett of the Pet Prevent A Litter organization and supporter of the ordinance said that this is, above all, a safety issue, of which citizens must be

protected as well as the animal. “I don’t want my kid bitten when a dog jumps out,” Boyett said. Boyett believes that it makes sense for animals to have a safe conveyance. The ordinance is modeled after New Braunfels’ similar ordinance concerning animal safety and also prohibits citizens from leaving animals in any standing or parked vehicle that endangers the animal’s health or safety. When the temperature is 85 degrees or higher, owners cannot leave their animals in their vehicles. The fine for violating the ordinance would be $500 and will be enforced by the San Marcos Police Department.

Mayor leads community discussion By Silver Hogue News Reporter Mayor Susan Narvaiz led a couragethemed community dialogue at the San Marcos Public Library Wednesday at 7 p.m. Hosted by Texas State as a part of the university’s Common Experience series, the presentation centered around the explorations of courage in author Tim O’Brien’s work, If I Die in a Combat Zone. Community members were encouraged by Narvaiz to join in and offer examples of local courage. “This is going to be a real relaxed format tonight so take discussion whenever you would like,” Narvaiz said. “I’m very interested in hearing how each of you define courage.” Narvaiz opened the dialogue with a Webster’s Dictionary definition of courage. “After reading Tim’s book, I never really felt I found out if he was courageous himself and I would like to,” Narvaiz said.

The presentation then went into a discussion of local examples of courage. The mayor named 11 people whom she found to have it in abundance. Among the examples on hand at the meeting, were Earl Moseley, the first African-Amercan to serve on the San Marcos City Council, Todd Derkacz, a former San Marcos Fire Chief and firefighter and Lisa Dvorak, the first woman to ever be named assistant chief of the San Marcos Police Department. The mayor asked Moseley to begin describing his personal experience with courage. “I appreciate the honor,” Moseley said. “The only time I ever truly felt courageous was when I battled cancer.” Moseley, who has been cancer-free for four years, was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer while trying to run for reelection in 2001. “I had so many things going on in my life and the thought of cancer scared me sense-

Two-day Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny Temp: 85°/ 60° Precipitation: 0%

Saturday Partly Cloudy Temp: 86°/ 58° Precipitation: 0%



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Spencer Millsap/Star photo Mayor Susan Narvaiz spoke about courage during the Common Experience lecture series Wednesday evening at the San Marcos Public Library. less,” Moseley said. He kept his diagnosis to himself until the pain got so bad during a council meeting he See MAYOR, page 5

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PAGE TWO The University Star

November 3, 2005

campushappenings San Marcos road reconstruction to take place through Nov. 10 The City of San Marcos Public Works Department will begin minor reconstruction of Endicott Street, from Hopkins Street to Martin Luther King Drive, on Monday. The project is expected to take four to six weeks to complete. Minor reconstruction involves grinding the old asphalt, recycling it with base materials, reshaping the base and adding a new asphalt surface. Motorists are asked to drive carefully in the construction

Thursday in Brief

zone. In the 2006 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, the Street Department plans to do minor reconstruction of 7.3 miles of streets. The crews are currently working on Rogers Ridge and are expect to be finished by Nov. 10. For more information, contact the Public Works Department at (512) 393-8036. — Courtesy of the City of San Marcos

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Perched for Push

Calendar of

Accouting junior Patrick Stevenson of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity sits atop scaffolding to raise awareness for the national outreach program Push America on Wednesday in The Quad. The program raises money for people with disabilities while promoting community volunteering and philanthropy.

EVENTS Clubs & Meetings Thursday

Sexual Assault & Abuse Survivors Group will take place from 5 to 6:15 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center.

Association is hosting a tournament on Nov. 4 to 6 starting at 2 p.m. on the second-floor lobby of Centennial Hall.

Facing the Fear: An Anxiety Group will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call the Counseling Center at (512) 245-2208.



The CSC will have free lunch for all students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“The Rock-Praise & Worship” will take place at 8:15 p.m. in the Catholic Student Center chapel.

War Support Group: Helping Students Cope will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 5-1.10.

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship welcomes Ryan Koenig as a special guest 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Everyone is welcome. Contact (512) 557-7988, or email@texasstatechialpha.com for more information.

Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. will host When God Writes Your Love Story at 7 p.m. in LBJSC, Room 3-15.1.

The Chi Omega sorority is sponsoring a basketball tournament at 10 a.m. at The Exchange. Proceeds go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Teams of four can sign up in The Quad or can register with any Chi Omega member. Entry fee is $12.50 a person.

Friday The Catholic Student Organization is hosting a talent show at 7 p.m. at the CSC. Saturday Gospel Expressions Association is holding the 2005 Gospel Fest “Can’t Let No Rock Out Praise Me” Luke 19:40 at 11 a.m. Class sessions and the concert will be in Evans Auditorium at 6 p.m. Sunday Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. will host a church service at 4 p.m. at the LBJ Student Center Teaching Theater. Monday Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. will hold a Bible study at 7 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 3-13.1.

Wednesday ACOA/Dysfunctional Families Group will take place from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. For information, call the Counseling Center. Catholic Student Center will host a Bible study in the CSC lounge at 8 p.m. American Marketing Association is hosting biweekly meeting at 5:30 p.m. at LBJSC, Room 3-14.1 Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority will have Cupcake Cake at noon in The Quad.

Events Thursday The National Association of Environmental Professionals will be holding Bike for the Right at 5 p.m. at the San Marcos Public Library Parking Lot. Friday

Tuesday Political Science Fall Film Series presents Silver City at 7 p.m. in LBJSC Teaching Theater. “Attaining Contentment,” an educational series, takes place from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-6.1.


Monty Marion/Star photo


Tuesday Job Shadowing Registration will take place in the Career Services office, located in the LBJSC, Room 5-7.1. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu, or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.

University Police Department

was issued a criminal trespass warning.

Oct. 31, unknown hours False Alarm: Report/Jackson Hall A police officer was dispatched to Jackson Hall for a fire alarm. The pull station had been activated while there was no indication of smoke or fire. This case is under investigation.

Oct. 31, unknown hours Criminal Mischief: Under $500/Commons Dining Hall A staff member reported to a police officer that university property had been damaged. This case is under investigation.

Oct. 31, 2:43 p.m. Criminal Trespass Warning/ Arnold Hall A police officer made contact with a nonstudent soliciting magazines. The nonstudent

San Marcos Police Department Nov. 1, 6:50 p.m. Reckless Driving/700 River Road One male was arrested for

reckless driving. Nov. 1, 8:52 p.m. Criminal Mischief/705 River Road Unknown male subject broke window to vehicle. Nov. 1, 9:03 p.m. Warrant Service/1400 River Road One male was arrested for local SMPD warrants. Nov. 1, 9:33 p.m. Deadly Conduct/Ranch Road 12 — San Marcos City Cemetery Deadly conduct arrest.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

Texas Intercollegiate Forensics

FEATURES Direct access covered parking. Ground floor retail area with onsite coffee shop. Onsite clubroom, game room, business center and chapel. Onsite fitness studio, pool and spa included. Within short walking distance of campus, restaurants and shopping.

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Thursday, November 3, 2005

The University Star - Page 3

Meeting to discuss university tuition, fee increases By Michael Ellis Special to The Star An opening hearing for the campus community to discuss Texas State budget issues and next fall’s proposed tuition and fee increases will be held today. This meeting allows for the students to be active in the political process of the university. The hearing will begin at 4 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-9.1. Texas State community members in attendance will be able to meet with Perry Moore, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, and the President’s Cabinet members to discuss monetary issues. Bill Nance, vice president for Finance and Support Services, said students could benefit by attending the hearing. “I think that this is the best opportunity to learn where the money goes and why we need it

and it should be very informative, as well,” Nance said. “I am actually thinking about going to it because I do not really know what it is all about, but I would like to,” said Robert Lalanne, exercise and sports science junior. Nance said a statute designates that anytime tuition and fees are increased, the law states an open meeting must be held. “We have been doing this for 10 years because the law says so and to advise students of all the increases,” Nance said. “We also like getting some student feedback on the issues as well.” The proposed increases include an increase of $12 on designated spending and a $2 statutory increase passed by the legislature last session. The advising fee will increase from $40 to $45 beginning in the Fall of 2006. Many students do not like the

fact that tuition will increase but vary in their understanding of why. “I do not like it one bit. The longer I stay here, the more tuition I keep paying,” said Jason Hagerup, mass communication junior. Increases in tuition have caused several students to take a semester off to position themselves in a better financial situation. “I cannot afford it as it is; that is one of the reasons why I am taking a year off,” said Rebekah White, physics senior. “I cannot be that far in debt. I need time to pay things off.” Nance said that based on an external survey conducted by an outside firm, there are five universities Texas State competes with. The increase in tuition and fees allows us to compete more heavily in the quality of education with these universities.

The five competing universities are the University of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, the University of North Texas and the University of Texas-San Antonio. “Obviously, I won’t quit school, so I will have to bite the bullet,” Lalanne said. “I understand the thought that we have to be competitive because compared to other colleges, Texas State has relatively low tuition.” Nance said some of the small student crowds that have attended were a result of discussions with Associated Student Government members and various other student organizations well before the open hearing took place. “I remember times that we had more university administrators than students present,” said Nance. “I remember a low of three and a high of 20 students in attendance.”

Campus to honor LBJ’s signing of the Higher Education Act By Jacqueline Davis News Reporter Former President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Higher Education Act on Nov. 8, 1965 on the then-Southwest Texas State Teacher’s College campus, giving thousands of students the chance to go to college by enabling them to obtain financial assistance. To honor the occasion, Texas State will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the signing by hosting several events and activities today through Wednesday. As an alumnus of Southwest Texas State Teacher’s College, Johnson chose this university as the location of the signing 40 years ago. The Higher Education Act was a part of Johnson’s Great Society programs and initiatives. Pat Murdock, director of Development Research Services in University Advancement, said the Higher Education Act opened the doors to college students the same way the GI Bill opened doors to higher education for veterans. Murdock said the act began many of the student work, loan and grant programs for lower income and middle-class students with which college students are fa-

miliar today. “I’m not sure that students here today are aware that we had a president who graduated from this university and that he signed an act that affected thousands and thousands of college students,” said Murdock, who was present at the university at the time when Johnson signed the act. The events began Tuesday, when Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Nick Kotz gave a lecture at the Alkek Library Teaching Theater. Kotz, author of Judgment Day: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Laws that Changed America, spoke as part of the Common Experience lecture series. On Monday, the Gaillardia Gallery will have a special exhibit on display pertaining to the Higher Education Act. T. Cay Rowe, interim vice president for University Advancement, said the exhibit will include the desk and chair that he used to sign the act as well as one of the pens he used. The exhibit will also have several photographs and an informational DVD will be playing. The Gaillardia Gallery is located on the second floor of the LBJ Student Center, across from the

information desk and near the University Bookstore. The exhibit will be displayed through Nov. 11. Also on Monday, the Philosophy Dialogue series will include a discussion titled “Recollections of LBJ’s Signing of the Higher Education Act,” which will feature people who were present when the act was signed. This discussion will take place at 1 p.m. in the Psychology Building, Room 132. Texas State will observe the anniversary of the signing with a ceremony at 10 a.m. on Tuesday in the LBJSC. President Denise Trauth will give a welcoming address and a panel discussion will follow that will include Raymond Paredes, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board commissioner; Thomas Wolanin, Institute for Higher Education Policy senior associate; and James M. Montoya, vice president for higher education assessment services and regions with The College Board. A free public lecture will take place at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Arnold Mitchum, president of the Council for Opportunity in Education, will give the lecture in the LBJSC Teaching Theater, as part of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Distinguished Lecture

DON‛T BE A TURKEY, GET A FLU SHOT. FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE: All students, faculty and staff are welcome. Anyone with a chronic condition, such as asthma or diabetes, or anyone who is immunosuppressed should strongly consider getting vaccinated early while supplies last.


Series. A plaque will be unveiled immediately following the lecture, which will permanently mark the location where Johnson signed the Higher Education Act. The site is located near the Music Building. T. Cay Rowe, who said she was among the first in a wave of students who went to college under this act, said Johnson and university leaders at the time had planned on the act being signed on the steps of Old Main, but that a rainstorm that day forced them to relocate to the gymnasium, which is the currently the site of the Music Building. “Texas State University has the honor of saying that we are the only Texas university to graduate a president,” Rowe said. “We share that honor with only 29 schools in the whole country.” Jordan Anderson, Associated Student Government president and public administration senior, will take part in unveiling the plaque. “The Higher Education Act opened the doors for all Americans to be able to attend college, not just the ones who could afford it at the time,” Anderson said. “LBJ thought that everyone should be allowed the same opportunity.”

Surplus auction to raise money from abandoned items By Eloise Martin News Reporter

sonable prices. “Whoever goes the highest gets the bid and gets the item,” Texas State’s annual surplus Gonzalez said. “Some people property auction will be held get really good deals; others from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat- end up paying a lot.” urday at the University DisThe profits will be deposited tribution Center. The auction into the university’s general is open to the public and will revenue and then distributed feature items that are no lon- after evaluation. Gonzalez said ger needed by the university the university tries to analyze or have not been claimed from from where the items that various lost and found loca- brought the money in originaltions on camly came and pus. try to give the Frank Gonmoney back to zalez, director those departof materials ments. management, Gonzalez said the said the uniitems include versity has desks, audio grossed up to e quipment, $50,000 from file cabinets, the auction chairs from but said they —Frank Gonzalez see an averresidence materials management age of $25,000 halls, lawn mowers and director each year. He even vehicles said this is the the university minimum the no longer needs. university needs to consider “You name it — the univer- the auction a success. sity has it,” Gonzalez said. Sarah Appolito, mass comThe items are either surplus munication junior, works at items that are no longer in use the information desk at the by the university or items that LBJSC. Appolito said they rehave been left in various build- cently cleaned out the items ings on campus such as the LBJ that were in the LBJSC’s lost Student Center and the Stu- and found. dent Recreation Center. “We get cell phones, wallets, This year, the auction will in- identification cards, keys, spiral clude 52 bikes and a computer notebooks, clothes — basically that was left in a residence hall. anything,” she said. The university is required to Appolito said they make an hold items for 90 days before attempt to find the owners of they can be auctioned. items such as credit cards, but Gonzalez said there are items if the owners do not pick them that may not seem useful, but up, they are shredded. Other a creative student can take ad- unclaimed items may be seen vantage of the auction. at this year’s auction. Appolito “There are overhead projec- said many of the items in the tors that, with the technical lost and found have been there skills, can be used to turn TVs since the beginning of the preinto big screens,” Gonzalez vious semester. said. Although the auction will The items will go to the begin at 10 a.m., Gonzalez said highest bidder, and Gonzalez people can arrive as early as 8 said there is no way to predict a.m. to view the items up for whether they will come at rea- bid.


here are overhead projectors that, with technical skills, can be used to turn TVs into big screens.”

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Please wear appropriate attire - shot is administered in upper arm. For more information call the Student Health Center at (512)245-2167, or visit www.healthcenter.txstate.edu.

Hey Larry... what‛s with the stupid outfit?


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shhh... i‛m incognito.

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Page 4 - The University Star

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Thursday, November 3, 2005

A Bobcat in Baghdad My name is Brian Patrick Henretta. I’m a 24-year-old Texas State student from Buffalo, N.Y. I moved to Killeen in 2000, and my home has been San Marcos since early 2003. I’m an Army public affairs specialist, journalist and photographer with the 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Texas National Guard, out of Camp Mabry, currently serving in Baghdad under Operation Iraqi Freedom. I’m a mass communication sophomore, but my major will likely change by the time I return to Texas State.

Nov. 2, 2005 For the past 10 months, I’ve done some of the most spectacular things I could imagine, thanks to the uniqueness of my job. I’ve slept in some of Saddam Hussein’s best palaces, eaten with top Iraqi and U.S. politicians and generals, and met with countless appreciative Iraqi citizens who thank us for what we do. Today was not one of those spectacular days. In fact, it was probably about as far from spectacular as a day can get. Today, I spent my morning down in the bowels of Baghdad’s wastewater treatment plant. In this vile compound, I was given an upclose tour of the new water treatment facility that just recently finished construction. It took everything I had not to get sick as the tour went along, and there were so many flies, I would guess the air was composed of about 9 percent fly. I’m not telling you about my experience down there to brag, even though I now can, unfortunately, consider myself to be quite the Baghdad-sewage expert. But it gives one example of how we soldiers have been doing everything that’s asked of us in Iraq. For that, I’m very proud. We all have to do things we don’t want to. Most of us hate to wake up for 8 a.m. classes when we could sleep instead. No one wants to help a friend carry heavy furniture up three flights of stairs to his new apartment, but we do it anyway. It becomes worth it once you get the A in that early class or when your friend hooks you up with the hot girl in his apartment complex, who saw you help carry his stuff. My reward for having to endure the smells that no man should experience is that I get to write a news story about it. My unit’s goal lately has been to showcase many of the pub-

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lic works projects that have been done recently around Baghdad. We finance the building of new schools, water treatment plants, community centers, electric projects and many other things that will lead to the betterment of the city. It provides a nice alternative in the news to hearing about the roadside bombs and mortar attacks that get all the headlines. It is our goal that these types of projects will get the citizens of Iraq to become happier with their country, take pride in it and put an end to the support of any rebellious citizens who live among them. We have also been giving thousands of workers jobs constructing and operating these projects, which provide a huge boost to the economy. No matter how you feel about the war, I think that’s a pretty cool thing. I will carry with me forever the fact that I made a positive difference in people’s lives. That’s not to say that all the violence going on around here is even remotely positive; it’s terrible in every way, but the fact that some kids will be able to get a clean drink of water from their faucet is pretty cool. I just hope to God that today will be my one and only time getting to feel the joy of helping others by having to be around the awful smell of all that shit-water. On a separate note, I have mentioned this once before, but in case you missed it, I would like to give a cheap plug for a Web site called anysoldier.com. With the holidays coming up, there are a lot of people here who are going to be pretty lonely. Anysoldier.com is a way for you to choose a soldier, get his or her address and send a card or package as a way to cheer that soldier up. Mail means more to everyone here than we can explain. If you’re interested, you should check it out. Till next week. ONLINE: brianiniraq44@yahoo.com

Your friendly neighborhood watchdog.








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Thursday, November 3, 2005

EVACUEES: Starfish Project continues efforts CONTINUED from page 1

her husband Mike, came up with the name the Starfish Project. Dillon said she believes that even though she and others helping out may not be able to make a huge dent in alleviating the problems that have arisen as a result of thousands of families being displaced by the hurricane, they can at least have a strong impact on those in San Marcos. The Starfish Project began on Sept. 3 when Dillon and others began going to San Antonio and taking in families that were in various shelters there. Later, Dillon discovered that many other people in the San Marcos area were also helping evacuees. Dillon began linking up with other like-minded individuals such as Maggie Wilson and Nancy Howell, who had been working independently of each other in their efforts beforehand. “It’s been a fantastic experience. I feel like having the ability to help these people is a Godgiven opportunity,” Dillon said. “People are putting forth a tremendous effort to make people happy here in San Marcos. Just one trip to the shelter was all it took for me. I felt that God was working through me in all this.”

This week, those involved with the Starfish Project hosted a free store for hurricane evacuees. On Monday, volunteers moved piles of donated items from a warehouse on San Antonio Street to the City Park Recreation Hall behind the Lion’s Club Tube Rental. On Tuesday, volunteers sorted and organized the items, and Wednesday was designated as Hurricane Distribution Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hurricane evacuees who were in need of clothing, furniture and other household items were welcome to pick up any items they needed. Today, items still available will go to recipients of United Way vouchers between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. Pari Piersol said she often does work for nonprofit organizations in San Marcos and found out about the Starfish Project when she called Dillon about donating a refrigerator. “It’s hard for a person to come in and find (the) jeans size 32/40 out of piles and piles of clothes. There’s no space (here) to give them everything,” Piersol said Monday while helping to direct the moving of the items to the City Park Recreation Hall and emphasizing the importance of sorting out the clothing. Even the hurricane evacuees

were getting involved with the project. Tiffany Romano, who is currently living at Langtry Apartments, and Venesia Stewart, currently living at the Villas at Willow Springs, were helping pack clothing in the dimly lit warehouse on Monday. Romano hopes to return to her home in New Orleans in three weeks, while Stewart plans to keep her family in San Marcos at least through March before returning home. Both found San Marcos to be a relief and said that their experiences in Houston and Baton Rouge were chaotic. “I love it,” Stewart said. “It’s a beautiful place.” Texas State students have also come alongside the efforts of those involved with the Starfish Project. Marketing seniors Maggie Watson and Patrick Munns, along with the Students in Free Enterprise class, have done much to help 13 families of evacuees who are being housed at the Villas at Willow Springs. Watson said SIFE was instrumental in working to get each family adopted by a church in San Marcos. Watson and Munns called business after business to raise funds to help the families and even called people who had placed items in classified ads to

see if they wanted to donate the items to the hurricane evacuees instead of selling them. “It’s been a tremendous eyeopener how willing people were to help if you just ask,” Watson said. “Making an announcement on the bus got me a bed that we needed. I told them that we needed one and a guy said, ‘I have one in my garage.’ The student response has been amazing.” Watson said Larry Teis, director of athletics, gave a hundred free tickets to the two upcoming football games on Nov. 5 and 19 to evacuees who might want a break from the stresses of trying to get their lives back together. Watson, along with some San Marcos churches who have committed to adopt some families for at least six months, is in this for the long haul. “It really could’ve happened to anyone,” Watson said of the evacuees. “It’s very traumatic to be uprooted from your home and have to adjust to a new place, but (the evacuees) have been very accepting of our efforts. The spirit of the people who have gone through all this just amazes me.” For more information about the Starfish Project, visit www. starfishprojectonline.com.

HATE: SMPD investigating Friday night incident CONTINUED from page 1

any of the males involved looked like. “I felt humiliated. It was surreal; I couldn’t believe that this was going on,” Aguayo said. “I’m still kind of confused; I’m trying to understand.” San Marcos Police Department officers arrived on the scene but not before the male who threw the punch had jumped back into truck and rode away. Aguayo said two of the males who had been in the truck were dropped off outside and were trying to get into their car, which was parked nearby, when the officers arrived. The two were stopped and questioned by an officer, as were Aguayo and several other witnesses so a report could be made. Ramon said she was disappointed with the officer’s lack of concern for the situation. “The cops came, and they didn’t seem to really want to deal with it,” Ramon said. “It was horrible that that happened, and then it was deadly horrible that the police officers were not very willing to help.” The officer’s actions left Aguayo feeling like the department had

little experience with cases such as this. “I think they have never handled situations like this, at least it seemed like they hadn’t,” Aguayo said. “Maybe I caught them offguard.” Aguayo said he secluded himself for the remainder of the weekend, and upon returning to school Monday, he was fearful as he walked across campus. That feeling and the desire to step out of a life of fear is why Aguayo said he wants to tell his story. Aguayo said he has definite plans to press charges, but he his unsure of how to go about it because he is inexperienced in dealing with police. “I don’t want this to happen to anyone else. It’s a very degrading feeling,” Aguayo said. “No one should feel this, and it’s just because of ignorance.” SMPD Sgt. Penny Dunn said the report was filed on Monday, and it was supplemented the same day with comments from additional witnesses. “There was information given by additional witnesses that there were verbal comments made that would make this a hate crime,” Dunn said. Without being elevated to a

MAYOR: Local heroes recognized CONTINUED from page 1

immediately raced to the hospital afterwards and called his father. “He grabbed my hand and told me that if I didn’t have the faith, I could lean on his,” Moseley said. Moseley said he gained his courage through his father and the encouraging people around him. “When you’re scared to death, you stand and you go on. No man is an island,” he said. Former Fire Chief Todd Derkacz, who is now a local leader of environmental concerns, was next asked to share his interpretation of courage. “Two kinds of courage come to my mind,” Derkacz said. “The first is illustrated by Sept. 11. I think what made all of the firefighters so brave that day had to do with soldier’s courage.” Derkacz discussed the connection courageous people have to those who they are sharing an intense experience with. “At the bottom of soldier’s courage is that conviction,” Derkacz said. “The moment right before the moment of

courage.” SMPD Assistant Chief Lisa Dvorak discussed the hardships involved in entering a male dominated work place. “The greatest test to my courage was in tackling the physical agility exam that is designed to weed out the females from the male officer candidates,” Dvorak said. “The chief even told me that I should start practicing for the oral exam because I wouldn’t pass.” Dvorak described training her body to be able to surmount the seven-foot wall of the agility test. “I’ll never forget the other guy’s faces as I looked down from the top of that wall,” she said. “It’s hard to just have courage in yourself and establish your belief systems even if they run contrary.” The mayor ended the discussion with some quotes from O’Brien’s book that had intrigued her. “One of my favorite lines in this book says that courage is a sort of endurance of the soul,” she said. “Lets ensure this important message of courage isn’t lost here after tonight.”

hate crime, the case stands as a Class A misdemeanor, Dunn said. “It would be enhanced to a state jail felony if it is found in the investigation that the crime was a hate crime,” Dunn said. Investigator Sandra Tovar was assigned to the case Wednesday, and Aguayo was told by SMPD the case would be treated as a hate crime. Under Texas law, a state jail felony is punishable by a maximum of one year in jail and a fine. Dunn said if the offender is arrested for a hate crime it does not mean the maximum punishment will be given; other punishment, such as probation, could possibly be given to the offender. According to House Bill 587, which took effect in September 2001, the definition of hate crimes was expanded to clarify “that the law applies to race, color, disability, religion, national origin (or ancestry), age, gender or sexual preference-when it is determined to be the reason a victim or their property was targeted in a crime.” Aguayo spoke with Lisa Hellmer, faculty adviser to Lambda, who told him the organization will be looking more into the de-

tails of the incident. Aguayo said Hellmer told him a police officer who is a member of Lambda will also be assisting with getting information on the case. Aguayo said he plans on pressing charges not just for himself but also to make a stand for others who have experienced similar discrimination. Aguayo has been open about his homosexuality since he was 16 years old and said that even before then, he has had difficulties with others who have been intolerant and discriminatory towards him because of his sexual preference. “I don’t even care if they think homosexuality is right or wrong, it’s just tolerance,” Aguayo said. Aguayo and Ramon agreed, judging by the actions of the officers on the scene, that the city needs to teach the police department tolerance and diversity. “This is a hate crime. When he hit me it didn’t hurt physically,” Aguayo said. Aguayo said he would primarily like to receive and apology for what happened. “I want a public apology,” Aguayo said. “I don’t want it for myself; I want other people to hear it so people understand that this is not right.”


The University Star - Page 5

SENATE: Curriculum committee reviews 700 proposed new courses CONTINUED from page 1

small Southern communities during the Civil War. Currently central leadership in crises such in manuscript form, her work as the incident at the Branch titled Communities at War: Davidian compound in Waco Southern Dissent During the and the school shooting at Col- Civil War “looks at southernumbine High School added to ers who supported the Union the severity of the situation and during the Civil War and basiprevented the law enforcement cally armed themselves against agents present the Confedfrom doing eracy.” their jobs. MiBynum will jares said “the focus on three leadership fell communiapart” at the ties in North incident in Carolina, MisWaco, which sissippi and he helped inTexas. He disvestigate. He covered a set plans to “deof brothers sign a curricwho moved in ulum that can 1863 from the be taught to —Victoria Bynum c o m m u n i t y leaders: peohistory profesor to Mississippi ple in the poto the town sitions, people in Texas “and that aspire to be and people were central to the anti-Conwho will be further down the federacy movements in these road” and plans to teach his communities.” curriculum through the AL“(The book) tells a story of ERRT Center at Texas State. the inner civil wars that went Political science professor on in these communities durKenneth Ward hopes to extend ing the Civil War,” Bynum his research “on how we assess said. the (Supreme Court’s) role” in Associate math professor terms of constitutional inter- David Snyder asked for develpretation. opmental leave to continue his Ward contends, “that we research in computational toshould not assess judicial au- pology. Snyder will “continue thority based on an expecta- fruitful interdisciplinary coltion that judges will decide laborations” and will also seek cases correctly … Instead, we external grants from the Nashould assess judicial authority tional Science Foundation and based on considerations hav- a Fulbright scholarship to fund ing to do with why we have a his research. legal system.” At the end of developmenWard wants to publish his tal leave presentations, senafindings first as scholarly ar- tors were presented a progress ticles, but contends that the report from University Cur“broader project” is to inte- riculum Committee Chair and grate his new research with English professor Dan Lochhis 15 years experience on re- man. The committee met twice searching judicial review. in September and reviewed History professor Victoria more than 700 new course Bynum seeks to complete a proposals. Their progress re“different type of book” explor- port will be published on the ing anti-Confederacy in three Faculty Senate’s Web site.


he book tells a story of the inner civil wars that went on in these communities during the Civil War.”


quoteof the day

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Page 6

“One of America’s favorite toys is speaking up about his innate nutritious side by becoming Healthy Mr. Potato Head. We’re thrilled to have such a terrific tuber encouraging Americans to stay active and eat nutritiously.”

— Ray Meiggs, chairman of the United States Potato Board about Mr. Potato Head’s redesign to become healthier. The cartoon root will now wear a baseball cap, an MP3 player and athletic shoes. (Source: Scripps Howard News Service)

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Students charged with drug possession at the mercy of one man Students who would have been automatically suspended for two long semesters for possession of drugs may have been granted a reprieve. The Texas State University System Board of Regents voted in May to do away with the “strict tolerance” policy, an enforced mandate that required any student found in possession of drugs to be suspended for two long semesters. The strict tolerance policy, which had been utilized for 23 years, was replaced with individual review of cases. At Texas State, the individual review will be done by Rod Fluker, assistant dean of Students for Judicial Services. Prior to this decision, special circumstances were not a factor in the penalty for drug possession, whether the drugs were a student’s mother’s prescription sinus medication, marijuana or heroin. Under the new policy, students will still face the repercussions for violating both the law and school policy, but they will do so in a kind of “bench trial” proctored by Fluker. Under individual review, Fluker will hear cases and decide an individual student’s punishment. It should be noted, however, that Fluker’s “professional judgment” may not necessarily mean lighter penalties for offenders. Under the new policy, there is a broad spectrum of penalties, from mandatory drug counseling to expulsion, depending on Fluker’s ruling. The new policy is a definite improvement to the previously instated one-size-fits-all penalties that offered nearly no leeway for special cases, but it also seems to be perpetuating a capriciousness that is already present in the drug enforcement system. Students arrested for drug violations off campus may be reported to the university by the arresting law enforcement agency, but whether or not the agency takes the initiative to report a given offender to the Office of Student Justice is left entirely in the hands of the agency. Some students face both university and legal repercussions, while others are left merely to defend themselves from the government — the penalties still being substantial. Under the new system, a student’s fate at the university is left entirely in the hands and professional judgment of Fluker. While this more flexible policy is a step in the right direction, it still leaves a great arbitrariness that lends itself to debate; some of the factors that will influence Fluker’s decision, he told The Star recently, were school performance and adjustment to university life. Students who have not been putting forth an effort academically may face a considerably harsher sanction than a 4.0 student, although they may have committed the same offense. Fluker said in an interview with The Star that he considers drug offenses gravely more serious than alcohol offenses and compares their severity to that of a sex crime. There is, it seems, a great difference between a forcible rape and a kid caught walking down the street with a dime sack. The fact that Fluker considers a sex crime and drug offense comparable shows an undeniable and disturbing bias. Although the new policy is a vast improvement from the old one, there should be more than one individual to decide the fate of students in possession of illegal drugs. A few additional faculty members, or even students, to hear cases under individual review would be an even greater change with far less potential for arbitrary enforcement. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

If the city proposition to improve pedestrian and bike trails passes, would you walk or bike more often? “I think as far as the biking goes, I’d be interested. The only good place to bike is to Wimberley, and that’s dangerous. Drivers don’t respect bikes.” — John Nilsson pre-international studies freshman

“I definitely think if there are more places to do it, then people will definitely do it more often.” — David Russell philosophy senior “I have a bike, and I would go more. The streets here — I don’t like. Not all the drivers respect bikes.” — David Maan computer science senior Compiled by Ashley Richards

The University Star 601 University Drive, Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Miller should not be awarded for dishonest acts The confidential why I wish New York source is an essenTimes reporter Jutial tool of journaldith Miller was still ism, but it’s only a in jail. tool of last resort. Miller became I like to think well-known for her of it as the nuclear reporting leading option of reportup to the U.S. invaSEAN WARDWELL ing. When a sion of Iraq and the Star Columnist reporter uses a alleged weapons confidential source of mass destrucor when someone tion that Iraq may steps forward, it means that or may not have had. Citing the information contained “American Intelligence Exis so incendiary and so vital perts,” “American Officials” to the public that the source and “Unnamed Bush Adminmust be protected at all costs. istration Officials” she and That’s why reporters go to jail fellow Times reporter Michael to guard them. They deserve Gordon built a case for the the protection, and the public invasion of Iraq. deserves the information they Former National Security brought. It’s a thin wall that Adviser and current Secretary must be guarded, and reportof State Condoleezza Rice, forers take that very seriously. mer Secretary of State Colin Just ask W. Mark Felt. His Powell and Defense Secretary name was known to three Donald Rumsfeld all cited people: Bob Woodward, Carl Miller’s work when speaking Bernstein and their editor to the public about the need at The Washington Post, Ben to invade, even admitting that Bradlee. None of them talked, her articles were a partial basis even after Felt revealed himself for going to war in the first to be Deep Throat, the man place. who brought down President However, the articles turned Nixon. They waited for his out to be nothing more than permission first. shoddy reporting and even But that wall needs to be worse oversight on the part of guarded from more than the the Times, as they admitted on people who wish to know May 26, 2004. Miller leaned who is leaking information too heavily on discredited for the public good; it needs Iraqi source Ahmed Chalabi. to be guarded from those who Miller loudly claimed she would misuse this vital tool was accurate saying in an for their own gain and for the interview with Salon, “I was gain of their patrons. That’s proved f--king right.” Ten out

of the 12 inaccurate stories were written by Miller, including ones that claimed a set of trailers was being used as labs to create biochemical weapons. When Powell addressed the U.N. Security Council, he too used photographs of these trailers. No labs were found though. Miller’s greatest sin, however, was using her position as a journalist to play politics with national security. Robert Novak, who never served a day of jail time over this act, revealed the name of an undercover CIA operative in a column. This operative, Valerie Plame, is the wife of a former diplomat named Joe Wilson. Wilson publicly disputed the Bush administration’s claim that Saddam Hussein was attempting to purchase Yellowcake Uranium from Nigeria on the opinion page of The New York Times. Wilson was eventually proven right but not before his wife’s identity was exposed, which is a breach of national security. Novak’s column appeared only eight days after Wilson’s. Miller never wrote a word about Plame, but she did shop the story around. She knew where the leak came from. Since this is an Opinions piece, let me state my opinion. Miller decided to play ball. It’s the only conclusion I can come to. How is it in the public’s interest to out an

undercover CIA operative that just happens to be married to a former government official that objected to the rationale of the Bush administration in going to war? That’s not journalism. That’s retribution. That’s a serious breach of national security. Miller should have played ball for the public instead of the administration. There is absolutely nothing heroic or honorable in defending a person who engaged in that kind of retribution. I’m sure we will soon know who that person is once indictments are handed down this week in the Plame affair. However, it turns my stomach to see Miller getting an award from the Society of Professional Journalists for protecting the freedom of the press. Why not just give Armstrong Williams an award for “creative advocacy” while they’re at it? Miller has made an entire career out of being wrong at the worst possible time. She should not be working as a journalist, much less, getting an award for being a good one. She has abused the privileges of the profession. No matter how much she says otherwise, she betrayed the trust the public places in reporters. She weakened the wall. She played ball for the wrong team. Wardwell is a pre-mass communication junior.

Leaders give Americans reasons not to trust them Vietnam was the military. For that only major military brief moment, paloss America has triotism was cool. had. The retreat of Then, we found American troops was the truth. There mostly due to lack of were no weapons, funding from Conand the reason why gress. Without the we went to war and JOE TORRES money for weapons ultimately tallied a Star Columnist and aid, we could no death toll of more longer continue to than 2,000 soldiers remain in the coun(and rising) was try to fight, so we retreated. unjustified and untrue. The retreat itself was slow but Now, it’s in to be a mucksteady. But one would to have raker. Movies like Fahrenheit to ask: Why was the decision 9/11 came out to expose the made to retreat in the first evil political leaders and movplace? ies like Super Size Me came Could it have been the proout to expose the evil corporatesters? Those thousands upon tions. thousands of people chanting I’m not saying these were “Make love, not war” or putbad movies. As a matter of ting flowers in gun barrels; fact, these were great movdid the people really share one ies, and I also believe that as voice? No, it was the majority a public, we have the right to — not everyone — who want- know about what goes on beed out. You see at the time, it hind our backs. It just seemed was in to be a liberal. so planned though. These I also believe that it was movies came out around the back in 2001 when everyone same time. It seemed like anhad little American flags on other trend. the back of their automobiles Now that the country knows and bumper sticker saying the truth, we are questioning “Support Our Troops.” It was our reason for being in Iraq also honorable to be in the in the first place. It’s not like

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.................Ashley Richards, ar1225@txstate.edu Trends Editor..............Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...........................Courtney Addison, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief.......................Siobhan Chapman, sc1108@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster...........................Ryan Johnson, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

we have been given any reason to trust our own government. The Bush administration has favored the shroud of mystery instead of being open and honest with the public. No, I don’t hate President Bush, I just dislike the way he has handled things so far. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I would have disliked the way anyone would have handled this situation unless they decided that they would just stay out and deal with Osama and Kim Jung II. Also with the recent CIA leaks that links a lead Bush administrator and a lead Cheney administrator, we are given even less a reason to trust our government. When will trusting our government be a trend? This isn’t the first time this has happened. The government has always done things behind our back, for us only to hear about them in rumor or truthfully years after their presidential term ended. The ’20s had the George Seldes era; he was the one who brought muckraking back to the public. He exposed the evil in the

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

political and financial leaders. The ’50s had the McCarthy Era. Blacklisted members of the public and Hollywood alum alike were all under suspicion. There always seems to be an era in every decade when rebellion was a trend or necessary. But there has never been a recent time in history where the status quo was OK. We have never had a break. In this constant state of rebel and reform, will our society ever be able to trust its leaders? Have we been so caught playing cops and robbers with ourselves that we overlook what is going on around us? This seems to be the era of miscommunication, misinformation and happenstance. I’m not saying I am hoping for a time when we all hold hands and sing, but it would be nice to have a time where we can trust ourselves to handle the simple task of keeping ourselves in check without having to thwart an evil leader of some kind. Torres is a pre-mass communication sophomore. The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Novemebr 3, 2005. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

TRENDS for d Fall calls e t a c i t s i h sop fashion happeningsof the weekend


san marcos

Friday Lucy’s — Oceanus, Fire Kills Riley’s Tavern — Miss Leslie & Her JukeJointers The Triple Crown — Jonny Gringo, Holding 1, Every Other Fate

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Page 7

Saturday Gordo’s — SouthFM Lucy’s — Micah Harris and Rambling Fever The Triple Crown — The Word Association, Jayain DJ Tech-Neek

Sunday The Triple Crown — Open Mic with Pat Pankratz, Holly Aiken Riley’s Tavern — Open Mic with Sterling Finlay

Trends Contact — Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu

ez By Christina Gomitor Ed t en Entertainm gree days, and hed with 100-de icky for Texas is fin e ar e w at tr , th It seems, finally us. Fall fashion is particularlys, they had better nk on ta up d ly an al ts fin or is sh eat. er fall to 85 in a heartb away our summ girls. If we pack because any day can go from 40 coming out of New be within reach , a majority of the fall trends four seasons” crowd. That being said toward the “we actually have of chic into Central York are tailoredis adapting a New York sense ons hottest trends, What’s critical . Here is a short list of this seas Texas sensibility adapted for us.

Vuitton has a gorgeous new bag that has minimizes the trademark (Read: gaudy) monogramming.

are short, take your pants to the tailor for a professional hem job. Never — ever — safety pin, roll up more than two times or cut the bottoms off. For low-rise, average-length denim Spender: Elite by Blue Cult, $200 Saver: Express denim, $60

Fine-knit cardigans If you should save up for one item this year, it should be a slim-fitting, fine-knit cashmere cardigan. If you buy it in a trend-neutral color (black, red, camel), it will last for years and never look dated. Cardigans should, at most, be worn with a slinky T-shirt. Don’t you dare pair it with a matching shell, or you will go from hot to soccer mom in two seconds flat.

Flat Shoes Put away your skyscraper heels for a minute. The look for daytime is flat. Rounded toe ballet flats, leather driving moccasins, pointy toed kitten heels, even flat equestrian-style riding boots. Not only is this great news for your feet, it means you will be less likely to fall down the steps in front of the Alkek Library. My favorite styles include jewel-tone ballerina flats covered in Swarovski crystals and tweed covered pointy toes. As with a majority of fashion, no one will know your Jimmy Choo’s from DSW shoe warehouse, so be sensible when spending the hard-earned bank.

For a fine knit cardigan Spender: J.Crew $108 Saver: Gap $40

For embellished ballerina flats Spender: J.Crew, $295 Saver: Target, $13

High-quality denim Summer is the only season when faded, holey jeans are acceptable. Fall calls for a more polished, put-together variety of denim. Dark rinse is universally flattering to all body types and many jeans makers are creating different cuts depending on body shape. Jeans should be long enough to cover the top portion of your shoe but should never drag on the ground. Not only does it look tacky, but you end up with dirty-looking feet. If you

Structured Totes Slouchy canvas bags are for summers at the beach. Fall fashion calls for some rigidity in handbag selections. Marc Jacobs, the visionary for women’s fashion, has been creating military-inspired bags for the past few years. Last fall, a more colorful knockoff appeared at Target, and the trend is still hip. Go for a long, rectangular bag with two handles. It needn’t be big enough to hold a toddler, maybe just a small infant. Louis

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Velvet First of all, velvet is not velour. If velvet is champagne and caviar, velour is Camel Lights and a Slim Jim. If you are daring enough to try wearing velvet, keep it minimal. A slim-fitting blazer or flirty trumpet-bottom skirt is all you need to pull this off. Anymore and you run the risk of looking like a pair of curtains. For a velvet jacket or shrug Spender: Nordstrom’s, $278 Saver: Banana Republic, $78 Western Inspired I never thought I’d see the day when my old, dirty boots would become en vogue. The key to taking western to another level is to make it out of the ordinary. Pair cowboy boots with patterned skirts and textured tights. Another trick is to tuck slim-fitting jeans and cords into chunky boots. Unfortunately, snap-encrusted western shirts are universally goofy looking on everyone. If you do venture into the realm of rodeo queen shirts, pair them with chunky jewelry and large belts to detract from the pearlsnaps and weird lines. For a pair of cowboy boots Spender: Stuart Weitzman, $400 Saver: Kohl’s, $30 See FASHION, page 8

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For a leather structured bag Spender: Marc Jacobs, $900 Saver: Target, $25

8:14 PM

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Page 8 - The University Star

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Madonna’s reinvented self raisesileyebrows, s a v e r p e h s t ye By Jim Farber New York Daily News NEW YORK — Madonna knows what people are thinking. She’s well aware that plenty of eyes roll, or glaze over, every time she talks about politics or war or her parental duties or, most of all, her spiritual quest through the kabbala. But since she has insisted on addressing these subjects so often — both during interviews and in her music — the media have come to consider the grown-up Madonna to be as “preachy” as the younger one was thought to be “dangerous.” “What do you call ‘preachy?’” Madonna asks. “Having an opinion?” “Guilty as charged!” she then proudly announces. As Madonna holds forth in her Manhattan hotel room, she’s obviously in no mind to go back to playing the party girl of old. She may be here to promote her new CD, Confessions on a Dance Floor, which returns her to the rousing beats and frothy exuberance of early hits like “Holiday.” But she said her motivation for recording such an album wasn’t simply to make fun music again or even to shore up her wobbly recording career. Instead, it seems, she wanted to, ahem, help mankind. “It’s that old cliché; when the world gets you down, you need to be lifted up. Look at the state of the world; people need to be inspired and happy,” Madonna said. It’s not the only time in our interview when Madonna serves up a lofty sociopolitical theory for what many might consider a simple musical issue. Asked why her last CD, American Life, became the first disappointing seller of her career (barely going gold), she doesn’t acknowledge any possible artistic deficit. Instead, she asserts that the cool reception was “because TX007-5.25x10.5-Fall05-Gen I was critiquing America. We

had just gone to war in Iraq, and I was criticizing George Bush’s decision. People were saying, ‘You’re not supporting the troops. ‘You don’t care.’ “Which is bulls--t. I care a lot. That’s why I didn’t want it to happen. I said the wrong thing at the wrong time.” Back then, the singer made a very un-Madonna-like move by withdrawing her controversial video for “American Life,” which equated Bush with Saddam Hussein. Now, she asserts that the only reason she yanked the video was “because I was worried for my children. I saw what happened with the Dixie Chicks. I didn’t want people to throw rocks at (my kids) on the way to school.” Not that Madonna’s retreat lasted very long. She addresses politics again in her new documentary, I’m Going to Tell You a Secret, which aired last week on MTV and VH1. Though the film covers some of the zippier moments from 2004’s terrific “Re-Invention” tour, it finds Madonna pontificating about the importance of “going against the establishment” and of taking “responsibility for the world around you.” At one point, she even dresses down her makeup man for not being registered to vote. Originally, the Secret documentary was supposed to come out in movie theaters. Though Madonna did shop it at the Cannes Film Festival, she says she was turned off by the fact that, “unless you’re Steven Spielberg, distributors take all your DVD rights. When I sold Truth or Dare (her 1991 documentary) to Miramax, I got very little out of it. Just to use a clip of it in my new movie, I had to pay them like $7,000.” “It was thinking outside the box to have it shown on TV,” she said. The new documentary contrasts tellingly with the old one. In Truth or Dare, Madonna comes off as a flip and provocative fun-time gal. This time she11:58 says things like, 10/14/05 AM Page “Sometimes fun is overrated.”

the cult of celebrity. That’s the irony of it.” Certainly, Madonna should know a few things about that particular cult, having worked its tenets to a T. The difference, she says, is that “I hope to utilize (fame) to make things better, to help people come to their senses.” Even if we, the benighted, fail to heed Madonna’s call, at least she can still get us to pay attention to her more routine controversies. Apparently, she has the ability to stir some up even when she’s not trying. A song on the new album titled “Isaac,” which uses Jewish musical motifs, has outraged some kabbalist rabbis. They claim the song is about Isaac (or Yitzhak) Luria, a 16th century Jewish mystic. “Jewish law forbids the use of the name of the holy rabbi for profit,” Rabbi Rafael Cohen, who heads a seminary Mark Kenoe/Express Syndication named after Luria, said in a Madonna sings at the Live 8 concert on July 2 in Hyde Park in London, England. statement. Madonna insists that her While Truth painted her as reactionary, or even (gasp!) Madonna says of the kabbala. song is not about Luria at all an outrageous Lady Madonna, conservative, in her oft-stated “‘What do you mean you but about Yitzhak Sinwani, Secret reveals her to be a cross refusal to let her kids (Lourdes, study the Torah if you’re not who sings on the track. between Joan Baez and a sing- 9, and Rocco, 5) watch TV. “They’re saying I’m comJewish?’” she asks rhetorically. “It’s not conservative,” she “‘What do you mean you pray mitting a blasphemy, but that’s ing-dancing Mother Teresa in says. “It’s actually very punk- to God and wear sexy clothes? not what the song is about,” training. We don’t understand this,’ she she says. “What are they doing The media has had a field rock to not watch TV.” But let Madonna talk long said. “It frightens people, so commenting on pop songs? day with the transformation. Long ago, it became a staple of enough about pop-culture ex- they try to denigrate it or triv- Don’t they have synagogues to gossip columns to giggle over cess, and she ends up sound- ialize it so that it makes more pray in?” the contrast between the sassy ing not wildly dissimilar to Pat sense.” The album may provoke young Madonna and the prim Robertson. “It’s very surface“I find it very strange that some milder criticism for anchildren’s author. oriented and of the moment it’s so disturbing to people,” other song, “I Love New York,” Madonna, who’s now 47, and disposable,” she says. “You she continues. “It’s not hurt- in which Madonna lionizes sees no contradiction whatso- have to constantly up the ante. ing anybody.” this city while singing that (Celebrities) just have to keep On that level, she relates to “L.A. is for people who sleep/ ever. “Obviously, my tastes and getting more extreme to get Tom Cruise, who has taken London and Paris, baby, you my priorities have changed,” attention. It’s crap. It’s scary. endless flak for being a Sci- can keep.” “It’s just that feeling of ‘God, she says. “But I am still ask- We are obviously creating our entologist. “If it makes Tom Cruise happy, I don’t care if I love (New York),’” Madonna ing the question ‘Why?’ Just own demise.” Are things that bad? he prays to turtles,” Madonna explains. “I’ll always have a because I’m a mother doesn’t “Look at the world we live says. “And I don’t think any- special fondness for this place mean I’m not still a rebel and because this is where I learned that I don’t want to go in the in,” says Madonna, yet again. body else should.” In reaction to this excess, face of convention and chalThe accusation that her par- how to survive. This is where lenge the system. I never the singer has spent more and ticipation in kabbala makes I went to the school of hard wanted to think in a robotic more time exploring the in- her part of a cult irks her even knocks — where I found myway, and I don’t want my chil- ner life through her faith. The more. “We’re all in a cult,” Ma- self. Believe me. I love Londren to think that way, either. shift has inspired more hostil- donna says. “In this cult we’re don, and I love Paris, but in I think parents should be con- ity toward her than anything not encouraged to ask ques- that song, I don’t. “I’m allowed to be contrain years. stantly questioning society.” tions. And if we do ask ques“It would be less controverSome critics, however, astions, we aren’t going to get a dictory,” she giggles. “And I’m 1 sert that Madonna is being sial if I joined the Nazi Party,” straight answer. The world’s in a paradox, you know?”


Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without a no-wayno-how component. These are the fashion items and that are hideous, tacky, frumpy and just downright wrong. Ironically, these are the items that take the longest time to go away. If you are guilty of any of these crimes against fashion, spare us all, and leave them in the closet. Please. Furry Boots These boots were trendy for about three minutes. Unless you are Luke Skywalker on the ice planet of Hoth riding a Tauntaun, do not wear these. They make your feet look fat, and they’re sweaty. Every time some goofy girl wears these shoes with a microm i n i skirt, Chewbacca cries for the loss of his cousin’s fur. Clear Bra Straps Did you honestly think that they were transparent? Clear bra straps are the dumbest in-

Don’t fall behind with these fashion faux pos

vention in the history of the world — well maybe the microwave omelet-maker is the dumbest. No one’s skin is that shiny and plastic this side of Neverland Ranch, and it only draws attention to the very straps you are trying to hide. Buy a strapless bra; wear pasties — my God — you can go braless if you like. Just don’t make the rest of stare in wonder at your bad fashion sense. iPod Armbands Unless you just came off the elliptical trainer and plan to go right back to working out after your English class, there is no reason that you would wear a neoprene armband to class. Moreover, you shouldn’t come straight to class after working out. That’s just gross. Tie in the front Shrugs There are only four people in the world that can make this look hot. For

the overwhelming majority, it looks trashy. It isn’t warm. And who really needs attention drawn to their midsection? Instead of buying a shoulder shrug, go all the way, and buy a cardigan. Dressing like a teenager Leave Rainbow Brite at home. The Carebears too. Part of being a big girl is looking like one. Unless you are wearing an authentically vintage T-shirt (from the first time these cartoons were cool), you look six years old. Hot Topic is a store for 16-year-olds who hate their parents and are trying to rebel. Gladiator belts These huge belts serve no purpose. They don’t hold up you pants, they don’t shrink your midsection. Unless you have just slaug htered tigers and Christians on the arena of the Coliseum, leave the gladiator belts to Russell Crowe.

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Thursday, November 3, 2005


The University Star - Page 9

sugarcoats punk, proves unoriginal

Mest’s new album, Heaven)” questions loss Photographs, epitomizof faith and regaining it es the current state of when crisis arises. The song mainstream “punk.” It drones with plenty of quesis nothing more than tions for the creator but raises questions concerning over-emotional sugarlead singer Tony Lovato’s pop, with lyrics that include “death,” “kill” and music writing capabilities “black heart” to make it music and whether or not the lyrsound harder than it re- review ics have any true depth. What would any popally is. Mest proves that ✯ punk album be without originality is becom- Mest ing scarce in the music Photographs an ex-girlfriend hate-song, scene as they turn to the Maverick such as “Kiss Me, Kill Me,” same sound and lyrics. Records which is aptly placed in Photographs. It cries the Photographs was prosame old story yet is willduced, engineered and mixed by Goldfinger front man fully repeated by the band in order John Feldmann, whose influence to cash in on the emo-punk popuhas somehow seeped into Mest’s larity. Penned and sung by guitarist music. Mest has yet to put forth a Jeremiah Rangel, the song features chart-topping album and much the lyrics, less, an underground hit. The “This valentine is doomed, the band’s efforts on Photographs mir- smell of blood has filled this room/ ror its previous releases. If I could do it all again, I would The album begins with two sin- change most every single thing.” The album includes two ballads gles, “Take Me Away (Cried Out to Heaven)” and “Kiss Me, Kill Me,” with regurgitated lyrics of lonelilikely in an attempt to keep the lis- ness and frustration. “This Time” is backed by piano, soft background tener from falling asleep. “Take Me Away (Cried Out to vocals and a catchy pop chorus il-

lustrating the subject of saying goodbye and letting go. “Can’t Take This” is yet another break-up song with lyrics calling for pity. Photographs won’t change the music world. It won’t inspire greater things, and it certainly won’t be remembered by very many at the end of the year. It seems that poppunk bands like Mest are more concerned with covering themselves with tattoos, using black and red artwork on an album cover and wearing spiky hair than the actual content of its music. Mest has shown that corporate punk will follow trends to cash in on the emotions of angst-ridden teens looking for some meager rebellion and their allowances. — Maira Garcia How We Rate CDs No Stars - as bad as it gets ✯ - poor quality, don’t bother ✯✯ - ask a friend to burn it ✯✯✯ - good quality, few flaws ✯✯✯✯ - great CD, a must-buy

Photo courtesy of Maverick Records Mest’s second album with Maverick Records, Photographs, aims to capitalize on poppunk’s mainstream popularity.

Photo courtesy of ArcTheFinger Records Psyche Origami’s second full-length release, The Standard, is a concept album about a convenience store.

Hip-hop band Psyche Origami does more than just The Standard in its new album Concept albums are sion with cell phones in rare in the world of the clever, satirical style hip-hop, but Atlantaheard throughout the based group Psyche album. DJs Dainja and Synthesis’ scratch aproOrigami has added pos sound bites conjure one, The Standard, to up images and thoughts the pot. Lyrically, the of Big Brother, a la 1984. album comments on the human condition music “Critic’s Choice” feaand consumer culture review tures a dissonant guitar a deep bass riff and through the setting of a ✯✯✯ riff, an eerie echo effect. MC fictional gas station/serPsuche Origami vice center/convenience The Standard Wyzsztyk raps, “those store of the same name ArcTheFinger who don’t create critias the album. cize,” about how autoRecords matic such criticism is The album begins of something that isn’t with “Fool Service,” which has intro dialogue between mainstream. a customer and a full-service at“Commercial Property” is eastendant. Then, the song kicks in ily the most satirical and sarcastic with some jagged piano, funky song on the album. It’s repetitive bass and bouncy drums. Interest- but energetic, critical of media ingly, there’s only one chorus sec- advertising, commercial and potion that also features a flurry of litical. Several well-placed sound turntable scratching. In true-con- bites emphasize this theme. The cept album form, the songs flow song also features guest rappers into one another; so “For Those Swamburger and X:144 and an That Know” and “No Line, No appealing turntable solo toward Waiting” are barely distinguish- the end. able as separate songs, except for The album hits a slight snag the addition of jazzy guitar and halfway through “Self-Serv-Us.” organ. The guest rappers on this song, By track four, “Wherever You Jax and Flux of Binkis, are behind Are,” the album hits its stride, the beat in their vocal delivery, and making this song one of the most Wyzsztyk sounds that much better enjoyable and catchy on the al- because of this. Most of the song is bum. The song features a funky, tolerable though, with funky bass jazzy, repetitive guitar riff, elec- slapping, a large drum sound and tric organ blips and rumbling the obligatory turntable break. bass. Rapper MC Wyzsztyk com“The Quantum Mechanics” ments on modern society’s obses- is a showcase of the two DJs’

skill, which there’s plenty of. The sounds of a car running erratically and being worked on noisily are all perfectly imitated by turntable scratching. The percussion-heavy title track, “The Standard,” with its trance-like rhythm, is a little too repetitive, but the scratching keeps it interesting, as well as the eerie liquid background noise. “Get Gassed-Up,” featuring guest rapper Killa Kalm of Binkis, has a bouncy, airy rhythm with marimba. Lyrically, it’s pretty scathing, criticizing mainstream hip-hop of being largely shallow and having an undeserved inflated ego. The lyrics to the final track, “Check-Out Line,” describe the character traits of different people in line at The Standard, and the relationship of this activity to the human condition. Musically, it’s driven by military-style percussion and fast, warbling turntable scratching with slow, atmospheric echo in the background for contrast. Much like The Roots, Psyche Origami makes musical hip-hop that has warmth and soul. Unfortunately, most mainstream hip-hop lacks this element, leaving it flat, but the underground in any musical genre has always proven to rise above and beyond the norm, as Psyche Origami has definitely done. — Stephen Lloyd

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Page 10 - The University Star

Thursday, November 3, 2005

✯Star Comics


Compiled by Kyle Bradshaw

“Signs of Love Making” — Tyrese Stanley Holt studio art sophomore “Magdalena” — A Perfect Circle

Random Acts of Violence

Mike Canales Spanish and psychology senior

Erin Leeder

“Sail Away” — David Gray

We caught up with Texas State students to see what they’re listening to on the spot.

David Hazlett English senior

U2 brings America’s spirits up with tour By Chuck Myers Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service

Wednesday’s solutions:

emissary: U2. Leave it to four Irish guys named Adam, Bono, The Edge and Larry to reassure the citizens of world’s most powerful nation about the healing power of “One.” Not long after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11, 2001, U2 landed in North America for a planned second round of “Elevation” touring, in an atmosphere punctuated by enormous pain and badly shaken confidence.

This year, after Mother Nature unleashed her ruinous wrath on the U.S. Gulf Coast with powerful hurricanes, the Sometimes you can’t make it band called on America again on your own, especially when for a scheduled tour, bringing emotions ebb in the aftermath with it a message of perseverof a crisis. ance and hope. Often, a few comforting words Few events rally the faithful can help lift spirits, but nothing like U2 live. An air of celebraquite rivals the tonic provided tion permeates the gathering, by a stirring tune — or a set list as euphoria swamps the arena of inspiring material. audience in a thunderous din, When catastrophe befalls reaching deafening crescendos America, providence seems to when the band launches into intervene, sending in a musical “Vertigo” and “Beautiful Day,” or on set-list stalwarts “Sunday, Bloody Sunday,” “Pride” and “Where the Streets Have No Name.” When tragedy unfolds, U2 concerts assume a safe-haven quality, where audiences engage in a collective rejuvenation that builds with each number from Bono and his bandmates. The stage becomes a rampart where U2 plants its flag of optimism, and declares war on cynicism and defeatism. By the time the show arrives at U2’s opus of unity, “One,” Bono has hit full-sermonizing stride. In 2001, the charismatic frontman reflected on the danger of blind revenge when performing the song. He appealed for understanding and tolerance in the wake of Sept. 11, noting that followers of the principled tenets of Islam reject the perverse, self-serving religious fanaticism behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. This time around, Bono rounds out “One” with a few verses of “Ol’ Man River” — a tune about life along the Mississippi River from the Broadway musical “Showboat” — to convey compassion for the victims of the hurricane devastation along the Gulf Coast. He also pays tribute to the thousands of volunteers who have put altruism into action in the beleaguered region, adding as a closing thought, “The worst of times bring the best out in America. ... It’s a great idea — America.” Long ago, U2 made it cool to care. Its ideals have remained unfailing and consistent: embrace human diversity and dignity, pull together in difficult times and wage the battle of ideas not with fists, but with words and compromise in the best tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dave Wright/KRT As for frustration, hostility U2 frontman Bono performs during a concert at the MCI and pessimism — leave them Center in Washington, D.C., Oct.19. behind.

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Stars of Texas State Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write out an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

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sports snortsquotes from the sports world “I don’t use that type of demeanor, and I never have. This is way blown out of proportion. I don’t know where we get all these gang symbols and allegations. This is ‘Gesture-gate’ or something.” — Nebraska head football coach Bill Callahan on the attention raised after he motioned a throat slashing gesture at a college official. (Source: Associated Press)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Page 13

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Texas State looks to rebound versus McNeese State By Nathan Brooks Sports Reporter The Texas State football team looks to bounce back after last week’s overtime loss to Nicholls State University when they play against the McNeese State University Cowboys on Saturday. Both teams come into the matchup with 2-1 records in conference play, placing them in a four-way tie for the Southland Conference lead with Nicholls State and Northwestern State University. The Bobcats dropped to 6-2 overall after last week’s heartbreaker and fell from its No. 6 national ranking to the No. 10 spot in the Sportsnetwork.com poll. The Cowboys are coming off a 31-26 win over Sam Houston State University on Saturday, which bumped their overall record to 4-2 on the season. The Cowboys offense has struggled this season as they have yet to find an answer to their starting quarterback problem. McNeese State has started two different quarterbacks this season, and both have played in every game for the Cowboys. Last week, head coach Tommy Tate decided on Mark Fontenot over senior Chris Jones and saw the true freshman struggle against the Bearkats. Fontenot completed just nine of 27 passes for 101 yards but connected on two touchdown throws and was intercepted just once. On the year, Fontenot has been more consistent than Jones, completing 46 of 88 passes for 603 yards with four touchdowns to only one interception. Jones, a senior, has struggled completing 52 of 96 attempts for 728 yards with seven interceptions to only five touchdowns. Fontenot is the favorite to start again this week, but Jones could see playing time as well if the freshman struggles. The lack of consistency at the quarterback position has plagued the McNeese State offense this season, as Cowboys rank sixth out of seventh in the SLC in

scoring offense with 27.7 points per game, total offense with 339 yards a game and rushing offense at 115 yards per contest. The rushing attack is led by sophomore running back Kris Bush who leads the team with 89 carries for 371 yards. Bush has taken the bulk of the carries from junior running back Chris Thomas who has been hampered by injuries throughout the season. Thomas was a preseason All Southland Conference selection after rushing for 952 yards last season, including a season high 188 yards against Texas State. Thomas has carried the ball 47 times for 189 yards and two touchdowns this season. The go-to targets for the Cowboys quarterbacks are sophomore Quinten Lawrence, who leads the team with 17 receptions, 279 yards and three touchdowns, and junior Carlese Franklin, who is tied with Lawrence for the team lead in receptions with 17 and is second on the squad with 260 yards receiving. The McNeese State defense has been just as erratic as their offense, giving up 30.3 points per game, good for fifth in the SLC. The Cowboys rank next to last in total defense in the conference surrendering 393.5 yards per contest and rank dead last in the SLC in passing defense, giving up a whopping 254.4 yards per game through the air. “We haven’t seen our best performance this season. We haven’t Linda L. Smith/Star photo been consistent on either offense or defense,” McNeese State head Senior running back Douglas Sherman and the Bobcats return home to face conference rival McNeese State University coach Tommy Tate told McNees- after a disappointing 32-29 overtime loss to Nicholls State Univeristy. Kickoff is at 3 p.m. at Bobcat Stadium. esports.com. The Cowboys defense gave up yards a game on both the ground with, and you see by their sta- away from Cowboy Stadium. and last year’s 54-27 win by the 321 yards passing last week and and through the air. tistics that they spread the ball The McNeese State football team Bobcats snapped a seven-year 458 yards of total offense the The Cowboys know that they around,” Tate said. returned to campus on Thurs- losing streak to the Cowboys. week before against Southeastern have their hands full with the One possible reason for the day after spending three weeks This game is an important match Louisiana University. McNeese Bobcats on Saturday. inconsistent play from McNeese in Hammond, La., at the SLU up for the SLC title as the other State will be going up against the “They were one of the pre- State this season could be attrib- campus. The Cowboys have also 2-1 teams, NSU and Nicholls league’s top scoring offense at 38 season picks and haven’t dis- uted to the effects that Hurri- had to hold practice at a nearby State take the field this weekend points per game from Texas State. appointed anyone. Their cane Katrina and Hurricane Rita middle school since returning to as well. The winners will sit tied The Bobcats are also ranked sec- quarterback [Barrick Nealy] have had on the Lake Charles, Lake Charles, since their practice a top the SLC standings, with ond in the SLC in total offense at makes them go, and he is very La., community. The Cowboys fields have been turned into a the others sitting on the outside 407.8 yards per game and have good at running the football and have had three games cancelled FEMA staging area. looking in. the most balanced attack in the passing the football. He’s got a this season due to weather and McNeese State leads the allKickoff is 3 p.m. Saturday at league averaging more than 200 good group of receivers to work have played two home games time series with Texas State 17-5, Bobcat Stadium.

Cross country climbs in conference, looks forward to next year’s season By Adam Schoenky Sports Reporter The Bobcat cross country season came to a close Monday in Natchitoches, La. at the Southland Conference Championship. The women’s team was once again led by Tenley Determan, who came in 15th overall. The men’s team was led to a fourthplace finish by freshman Roel Elizalde, who finished 11th. Determan, who had the most consistent year of any Bobcat runner, finished in 23:11 and led the women’s team to a sixth place finish. Sophomore Kirby West came in 35th, while three other Bobcat women finished in the top 50. Coach Gregori Viniar was pleased that the women’s team moved up a spot in the conference meet from last year. Considering every member of the women’s team is a freshman or sophomore, the expectations are high for next year. “Our leader, Tenley Determan,

was climbing up the conference field and defeated some of this year’s and last year’s conference leaders. Both the men’s and women’s team gained some new potential,” Viniar said. The men’s team, while led by Elizalde, had seven runners finish in the top 50. Alex Escontrias, James Ortiz, Francisco Avelar, Andrew McCartin, David Fuentes and Javier Prado all finished higher than 45th. Elizalde ran what he described as the best race he had run. As a freshman, Roel had lofty goals for the meet. “I really felt no pressure as a freshman. With everyone doubting us, we had nothing to lose and everything to gain at conference. I just came out with the intention to do something I thought was possible and get a top-10 finish,” Elizalde said. He very well might have met his own high expectations were it not for a fateful chicken sandwich he ate Friday morning. Elizalde was fighting off food poisoning all weekend and was feeling the

effects of having eaten practically nothing for two days. Coach Greg Zarate was particularly impressed with Elizalde’s performance. “I am, personally, extremely happy with Roel Elizalde,” Zarate said. “He definitely is a fighter and performed higher than I could have ever imagined under the circumstances.” While the race was particularly strenuous for Elizalde, he kept himself motivated while battling for a top-10 finish. “Throughout the race, I just kept reminding myself of all of the training I did all year and about my little brother who really looks up to me,” Elizalde said. Both coaches, Viniar and Zarate, felt that the cross country teams took great strides toward becoming a force in the SLC. “I just would like to share my feeling of hope the lessons we’ve got this season will help us to improve our program and release the potential of our runners in the upcoming seasons,” Viniar said.


Spencer Millsap/Star photo Texas State cross country runners race to the finish line during the Texas State Classic in October. The Bobcats completed the season Monday at the Southland Conference Championship, where the men’s team finished fourth and the women’s finished 15th.

Page 14 - The University Star


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Thursday, November 3, 2005

Volume 95, Issue 30

Basketball Guide

Bobcat Preview 05-06

Cover design by Adam D. Brown

Page 2 - The University Star


Thursday, November 3, 2005


AROUND the By Miguel Peña Sports Editor From a horned frog to a Maverick to an Indian all the way to a Bobcat, Coach Dennis Nutt has been around the block. “I bring an understanding of the game and life and what it’s going to take for these guys to get a degree,” Nutt said. “It’s a very difficult thing with all the travel that we do. The next thing is getting down the road of life; it’s a tough challenge out there, and I think kids are in athletics become better prepared for the business world,” said Nutt. Nutt played college basketball from 1981 to 1985 at Texas Christian University. He earned first-team All Southwest Conference honors during the 1984-85 season. His college career also included two MCP honors. After a short stint with Lacrosse and Sioux Falls in the Continental Basketball Association, the Dallas Mavericks called him up, where he played for two seasons. Following his time in the NBA, Nutt made his way to Spain, where he played under George Karl for Real Madrid in the European Basketball Association. “Just the fact that I played helps our players understand that we know what they are going through, and hopefully that will serve us well in the future,” Nutt said. His family ties help with an off-court approach to the players, with an emphasis built around dealing with growing pains and adjustments for student athletes playing far from home.


“We have a lot of things we try to do away from basketball; we had a bowling night not too long ago, and I think that builds camaraderie for the kids,” Nutt said. Nutt got his first coaching job at Arkansas State under brother Dickey Nutt. Both brothers followed in their father’s footsteps, serving as coaches for the Arkansas School for the Deaf. The Texas State coach is wellknown for his positive attitude and optimistic mentality. This characteristic on the court has contributed to five consecutive SLC tournament appearances, the longest current conference streak. Nutt has managed to finish above .500 in each season, including a 17-12 mark in 200203. “We have 11 games before we start our (Southland Conference) schedule. Some of our road opponents are very talented, but there are some that are on our level, and we just need to do as best we can, learn and keep progressing. Hopefully, we will be playing our best basketball in March; that is the ultimate goal,” Nutt said. Nutt enters his sixth season with a 69-72 overall record and

a 47-45 conference mark. “Last year we were one of the smaller teams in the league. Anthony Dill was our inside guy. He was a 6-foot-7 kid,” Nutt said. “I really think we did a good job improving in that area.” Nutt is known as one of the most knowledgeable coaches in the game due to his extensive experience at the collegiate and professional levels. This season, Nutt has brought on two new assistant coaches to round out a staff he hopes will make another run for the SLC tournament, scheduled to start March 6. “You obviously want to get off to a good start as we begin at home this year against Lamar,” Nutt said. “(University of) Texas-Arlington is our first league road game. They are all pretty important, so we just want to get out to a good start.” The team is looking to improve on last year’s record and one factor to their success will be a strong home crowd. The Bobcat coaching staff encourages all Texas State fans to come out for the season home opener on Nov. 23 against UT-Permian Basin. The Bobcats start the season on the road Nov. 18 against Utah.

Dennis Nutt’s Coaching Career Year 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005

Overall 13-15 12-16 17-12 13-15 14-14

Conference 10-10 10-10 11-9 8-8 8-8

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo Denis Nutt begins his sixth season with the Bobcats as the men’s basketball coach. Nutt hopes to acclimate the six new freshmen into the Texas State program.

Thursday, November 3, 2005


The University Star - Page 3

Fox on a title hunt for 2005-06 By Miguel Peña Sports Editor

Now entering her ninth year as the head coach of the Texas State women’s basketball team, Suzanne Fox has maintained a program based on character, competition and academic achievement. From the players to the coaches, education and excellence are two of the key factors that contribute to the success of Bobcat basketball. Fox started her career at Abilene Christian University following four years as one of the key players for the Wildcats. She stayed five years as the Wildcats’ coach, garnering two Lone Star Conference titles. Fox coached two national players of the year and two first-team All-Americans before arriving at Texas State in the Fall 1997. “I’ve had a great opportunity. (Then-Athletic Director) Mike Alden, nine years ago, gave me this opportunity to be the coach at Southwest Texas and now Texas State, and I feel very humble to have that opportunity,” Fox said. At ACU, she earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education and math education and a master’s in administration. With the addition of a new assistant coach, Patrick Henry, and the retainment of Noel Johnson and Valery Jackson, the coaching staff for Texas State has its eyes on the future. “We’re teachers first, and the game of basketball is just the subject matter,” Fox said. “I feel like that’s the thing that’s different about us, is we’re here to teach the kids about basketball, but we also do a lot of teaching about life and about how to handle the challenges of balancing what they’ve got to do as a

Women’s Basketball Schedule

student-athlete.” Coming off last year’s thirdplace finish in the Southland Conference standings, Fox is looking to move toward the transition game, which is more suitable for her eight returning players. Their on-court experience will help make up the difference following the loss of Tori Tolbert, who led the team in points and rebounds and held her place as one of the most dominant post players in the SLC. “We want to stay in that upper echelon of the conference,” Fox said. “I just think we’ve done it the right way, to be real honest with you. We’ve done it with good kids, and we’ve done it with our kids graduating. You know, I think that’s one thing I’m real proud of.” The pinacle of Fox’s Texas State career occurred during the 2002-2003 season, when her team won the Southland Conference title en route to posting an 18-11 record. But the following season did not afford her quite as much good fortune as the team fell to an 8-19 record despite 10 returning players. “Probably the year that we didn’t live up to our billing would be after ’02-’03 — when we went to the national tournament, we came back, were picked first, we had 10 people back, and we just had some really bad chemistry issues,” Fox said. “That’s so important in basketball — that chemistry — and we underachieved that year, by far.” Fox enters the 2005-2006 season looking to keep the winning tradition alive as she prepares for the season opener Nov. 18 at Oklahoma State. The Bobcats’ home opener will be Nov. Tiffany Searcy/Star photo 22 against UT-Permian Basin. It will be the first of six consecutive Coach Suzanne Fox starts her ninth season with the women’s basketball team as they try to return to the NCAA tournament home games. after an appearance in 2003.

11.19.2005 at Oklahoma State 2 p.m. 11.22.2005 vs Texas-Permian Basin 7 p.m. 11.25.2005 vs Prairie View A&M 7 p.m. 11.26.2005 vs Mississippi Valley State 6 p.m. 11.30.2005 vs Huston-Tillotson 7 p.m. 12.06.2005 vs Schreiner 7 p.m. 12.10.2005 vs Texas-Pan American 4 p.m. 12.16.2005 at South Dakota State 7 p.m. 12.20.2005 at Nebraska 7:05 p.m.

12.29.2005 at Texas-Pan American 7 p.m. 12.30.2005 at UTEP 3:30 p.m. 1.05.2006 at Sam Houston State 7 p.m. 1.07.2006 at Lamar 2 p.m. 1.12.2006 vs Texas-Arlington 7 p.m. 1.19.2006 at Stephen F. Austin 7 p.m. 1.21.2006 vs Sam Houston State 4 p.m. 1.26.2006 vs Louisiana-Monroe 7 p.m. 1.28.2006 vs Northwestern State 4 p.m.

2.02.2006 at Southeastern Louisiana 7 p.m. 2.04.2006 at Nicholls State 2 p.m. 2.09.2006 vs Lamar 7 p.m. 2.11.2006 at McNeese State 3 p.m. 2.18.2006 at Texas-San Antonio 2 p.m. 2.23.2006 vs Southeastern Louisiana 7 p.m. 2.25.2006 vs Stephen F. Austin 4 p.m. 2.28.2006 at Northwestern State 6:30 p.m. 3.03.2006 vs Nicholls State 7 p.m.


Page 4 - The University Star

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Men’s team out to prove their point Coach Nutt aims for NCAA berth after demolishing last season’s expectations By Chris Boehm Sports Writer The men’s basketball team proved the experts wrong last season, finishing three spots higher than preseason poll predictions in the final conference standings. Texas State advanced to the Southland Conference tournament last year as a sixth seed. The top eight teams advanced to the playoffs. “The sky’s the limit. Every year, we shoot for two things: conference tournament and a berth the NCAAs,” said Coach Dennis Nutt. “That’s one thing I’ll never shy away from, no matter what kind of team we have. That’s what you’ve got to want.” The task Nutt has set for the group looks mighty steep heading into Wednesday’s season opener. Texas State will host Angelo State in a 7 p.m. exhibition match. The Bobcats enter the season with little respect as the preseason coaches and sports information directors polls have them ranked to finish ninth. “It’s going to be difficult (to win conference); we’ve got a new system in place,” senior Brad Brickens said. “It’s not going to be easy to get everybody to come together, but our leadership is the key to getting it done.” Three losses to graduation (Josh Naylor, Anthony Dill and Zack Allison) now leave the court to a trio of new seniors: Brickens, Chris Langhorne and Lance Burroughs. “We’ve got a lot of younger guys on the team, so we just try to be a good example for them,” Langhorne said. “During practice, we show them the plays we’re running and just try to be something positive.” Brickens, a guard, comes in as the top scorer from last season (9.2 average). He will try to fill the void left by Dill and Naylor

Men’s Basketball Schedule

(27.9 combined average). “We’ve been playing for a while, and we know we can up our game,” Brickens said. “Last year, we played our roles, but now it’s time for us to step up and lead this team. We’re going to miss what those guys brought to the table, but we can come in and do what they did.” Langhorne, a forward, averaged 5.4 points and 3.3 rebounds in 2004, on 23.2 minutes a game. The Brooklyn native enters his second year at Texas State after transferring from the College of Eastern Utah. Burroughs should see a jump from last year’s 21 minutes a game. The two-guard was one of only four players to see action in all 28 games and also started the last five contests. “We can be just as good as last year or better,” Burroughs said. “If you don’t want to make it to the big dance in March, you shouldn’t be out here. That’s just motivation to get out there and work harder every day.” The roster includes six freshmen and three transfers. The abundance of unproven talent leaves Nutt with plenty of questions for his opening-day lineup. The team just started practicing together Oct. 15. “Right now, we’re just trying to get everyone to buy into the system and come together as soon as possible,” Burroughs said. “We’ve really been emphasizing defense so far. The teams that do best in conference are the ones playing the best defense; the talent level around the league is about the same. Defense is what wins you games down the road.” Nutt said the additions have allowed him to incorporate new changes on defense. “Defensively, we’re going to be much different. We finally have a lot of speed and athleticism, and we need to take advantage of it,” Nutt said. “We’ve been a bit passive the last few years, and (the changes) might be difficult at first for the older guys, but we’ve got to do something to get over the hump. We’ve been hovering around .500 for a while. Lance is a great defender, Langhorne is ultra quick and Brickens has good hands. (Guard) Antwoine Blanchard is a kid that can cause pressure in the backcourt. Then

with (transfers) Charles Dotson and JuShay Rockett, we’ve got some guys who can get out in lanes and force tempo.” While freshmen have typically played sparingly on Nutt’s previous teams, this year’s crop must get acclimated with the college game quickly if the team is to make real strides. “College ball is a bigger, faster, stronger game, and you’ve just got to get used to it,” Langhorne said. “In high school, there is no shot clock, so it’s definitely faster. But I’ve got faith in our guys that they can make the transition. They don’t look like freshmen to me.” Following the departure of Matt Canady, a freshman center, in 2004, the Bobcats opted for height in the off-season by signing three big men: Trevor Cook, Justin Neuhaus and C.J. Webster. “Matt wanted to get back closer to family, so he trans-

ferred to a smaller school in Oklahoma,” Nutt said. “We always look at a new year as new opportunities; one guy’s departure leaves the door open for somebody else, and we might not have got the guys we did if Matt was around. I’m excited about the squad we do have.” Cook, an all-region pick as a senior at Coppell High School, caught his coach’s eye when he grabbed 18 rebounds in an Oct. 21 scrimmage. “He scored well and showed a lot of skill for a kid his size,” Nutt said. “The bulk will come in time, but (Cook and the other freshmen centers) give us size that we didn’t have last year.” The freshman class also includes guard Brandon Bush out of Mayde Creek, where he averaged 21 points a game and was the team’s most valuable player in 2004. Nutt said Bush can play

multiple positions and that he gained experience at the point this preseason. “We just have to do the small things to make this team better,” Bush said. “We need to show people we should be higher in the polls, and that boils down to playing good defense, rebounding and taking practice seriously.” Aside from the issues in the lineup, the most glaring question is whether or not Nutt will be back after this season. The sixth-year coach is in his last season under contract and has never advanced past the first round of the SLC’s postseason tournament. “I just try to control the things I can control,” Nutt said. “A lot of that is beyond me, and all I can do as a coach and teacher is try to make our team the best we can be. Whatever happens in March happens, and I don’t want to live life with regrets, so

I’m going to give everything I have to this program — to this team.” Players are aware of the situation, but Langhorne said it has little bearing on their approach to the season. “I think anybody feels some pressure when they’re in that kind of situation, but it doesn’t seem like it,” Langhorne said. “(Nutt’s) still very cool and does the same things he did last year. He doesn’t let it affect him.” Following the exhibition game against Angelo State, the Bobcats start the season with two dates in Utah before coming home to play UT-Permian Basin. SLC play begins Jan.1 — a home game against Lamar, picked second in the polls. Northwestern State University is the heavy favorite to win the conference title, returning 12 of 14 letter winners to 2004’s co-championship team.

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo With a loss of three seniors to graduation, the men’s basketball team hopes to make the proper adjustments on and off the court for a successful 2005 season.

11.18.2005 at Utah 8 p.m. 11.19.2005 at Utah Valley State 8:05 p.m. 11.23.2005 vs Texas-Permian Basin 7 p.m. 11.26.2005 at Arkansas-Little Rock 7 p.m. 12.01.2005 vs SMU 7 p.m. 12.06.2005 at Arkansas 7:05 p.m. 12.10.2005 vs St. Edward’s 7 p.m. 12.15.2005 at Texas-Pan American 7 p.m. 12.22.2005 at Texas 7 p.m.

12.30.2005 vs Texas-Tyler 7 p.m. 1.07.2006 vs Lamar 7 p.m. 1.12.2006 at Texas-Arlington 7:05 p.m. 1.16.2006 vs Texas-Pan American 7 p.m. 1.19.2006 vs Stephen F. Austin 7 p.m. 1.21.2006 vs Sam Houston State 7 p.m. 1.26.2006 at Louisiana-Monroe 7 p.m. 1.28.2006 at Northwestern State 2 p.m. 2.02.2006 vs Southeastern Louisiana 7 p.m.

2.04.2006 vs Nicholls State 7 p.m. 2.08.2006 at Lamar 7:05 p.m. 2.11.2006 vs McNeese State 7 p.m. 2.13.2006 at Southeastern Louisiana 7 p.m. 2.18.2006 vs Texas-San Antonio 7 p.m. 2.23.2006 at Sam Houston State 7 p.m. 2.25.2006 at Stephen F. Austin 4 p.m. 3.01.2006 vs Northwestern State 7 p.m. 3.03.2006 at Nicholls State 6 p.m.


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For more information contact the Texas State Athletic Department at (512) 245-2114. All appearances subject to change or cancellation.




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Thursday, November 3, 2005

The University Star - Page 5

No fear in ‘change year’ Young players prepared to fill gaps on ’05-’06 women’s roster By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter Texas State women’s basketball coach Suzanne Fox calls this season a “change year.” After losing three players — including four-year star Tori Talbert — to graduation, installing new offensive schemes and fielding a roster featuring seven freshmen or sophomores, the word “change” is fitting. All of that change has led to lowered expectations in the preseason Southland Conference polls. Texas State is predicted to finish seventh in both the coaches’ and sports information directors’ polls, but Fox does not think change necessarily means a slip into the bottom of the SLC standings. “I think it’s going to be like last year; there’s going to be five or six teams that have a good opportunity,” Fox said. “I think for us, we’re a real unknown team at this time because you are losing a player like Tori that’s been so dominating in the Southland Conference. I think we’re going to surprise some people.” The Bobcats will face major challenges this season. The team lost three seniors, including leading scorer and rebounder and annual All-Southland Conference selection Talbert. Talbert, Texas State’s mainpost threat during her four years here, led the SLC in scoring average (24.1) and field goal percentage (57.6), while ranking third in rebounds per game (9.3). Also lost to graduation are guards Ashley McGruder and Ashley Perkins. “We lost Tori, and you can look at her accolades and tell she was a tremendous player for our program,” Fox said. “This year is a big change because you’re losing a four-year kid like Ashley McGruder and a four-year kid

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo Coach Suzanne Fox motivates her team before preseason practice on Oct. 27 in preparation for a run at the Southland Conference, which is scheduled to begin March 6. The Bobcats open the season on Nov. 10 in the Everyone’s Internet tournament in San Marcos. like Tori Talbert and a two-year Tamara Thompson. Thompson, to the younger players. sophomores. I think the thing Community College. She averplayer, Perkins. They played a lot a preseason All-SLC first-team “Ally’s come in and been a with them is they have a lot more aged 10 points, six rebounds and of roles for us.” selection, was a solid second op- good leader for us this year,” Fox comfort level,” Fox said. “Com- two assists per game and was McGruder played in all but tion last season, averaging 13.7 said. “I’ve been really pleased ing back as a sophomore, they named first-team all-conference two games last season, lead- points and 4.9 rebounds per with how she got out and got understand what’s coming down during her community college ing the team in steals while also contest. Now, though, she will be people going in the right direc- the path; it’s not all new.” career. posting averages of 4.8 points, the focus of defenses with Tal- tion on and off the court.” “We need the twins to be the Three freshmen, guards Ryan 2.2 assists and 2.3 rebounds per bert gone. According to Kelly, the role offensive threats they can be,” Bradford and Ashley Leffingwell game. “I think she’ll do fine,” Fox of leader is not something she’s Fox said. “We need them to be and forward Kia Palmer, join the Perkins’ contributions mostly said. “I think Tamara is going to used to, but it is not unwelcome. those commanders out on the team and hope to contribute. came in the form of her energy have to adjust her role. She’s had “This year, I’m the oldest,” floor because they have that type Leffingwell, who made 1.8 and hustle off the bench. She av- that type of role in junior college Kelly said. “I think a lot of play- of mentality.” three-pointers per game in high eraged 3.5 points, 2.7 rebounds and had that type of pressure ers are going to look for me to Despite losing Talbert, Texas school, hopes the new emphasis and 1.4 assists per game. game in and game out, so it’s not take that leadership role, and I’m State is returning some size in on perimeter play will get her The Bobcats did not lose all something she’s unfamiliar with, glad to step in and do it.” junior center Tiffany Cook and some playing time. their experience, though. Texas but I think there’s going to be an In addition to being a leader, junior forwards Erica Putnam “They brought me here to State returns eight players, in- adjustment at this level.” Kelly is one of the more prolific and Ashley Riley. The trio will shoot,” Leffingwell said. “I hope, cluding three starters, from last Thompson has faith that it is a long-range shooters on the team. be asked to pick up rebounding at least in the beginning, they’re year’s squad. role she can fulfill as well. She launched 54 three-pointers slack as well as scoring in the giving everyone a shot.” Receiving the most press of “I’ve been working hard all last season, third most on the post. Fox said there will be some all returners is senior forward off-season,” Thompson said. “It’s team, making 16 of them. In addition to the returning adjustments made to the ofgoing to be a challenge, but it In addition to Thompson, two players, the Bobcats also wel- fense. Texas State, however, will won’t be that bad.” other starters return from the come five newcomers. still employ the motion offense With Talbert inside, Thomp- 2004-2005 squad: Joyce Ekwo“The new kids — I think featured last season. son thrived on the perimeter, romadu and Jeana Hoffman. they’ve meshed well,” Fox said. “We’re going to be a lot more knocking down an SLC-best Despite both being freshmen last “They’re having to learn a whole transition oriented,” Fox said. 42.9 percent of her three-point season, they were solid contribu- lot; so they’ve got a pretty big “I think that’s going to be a lot attempts. With the majority of tors. learning curve at this point, but more fan-friendly. I think they’re Texas State’s post offense graduEkworomadu, a forward, was I think they’ve done a nice job going to enjoy seeing that type ating, Thompson could be called second on the team in rebound- with it. They’re all going to need of style. We’re really looking to on to play down low more often. ing with a 5.1 average and third to contribute for us, early.” push the ball a lot, make it more “She’s still going to shoot the on the team in scoring, averagThe most experienced of the of a fast-paced game. It just fits three a lot,” Fox said. “This year, ing 6.4 points per game. bunch is junior Elyse Wright, our squad and personnel this you’ll see her inside more, but Hoffman started all 28 games who has won at every level she year a little better.” she’s still going to be facing the at guard, proving to be one of the has competed. Wright, a forDespite all of the changes, Kelbasket because I think that’s her team’s best ballhandlers. She av- ward, led her high school team ly thinks the team is starting to strength.” eraged 5.7 points, 2.4 rebounds to the Colorado state champion- come together. As a senior and arguably the and 2.1 assists per game. ship game and was part of last “There’s always room for team’s top player, Thompson is Fox expects good things to season’s Central Arizona College progress,” Kelly said. “Every day, being called on to be a leader this come from getting sophomores team, which finished 35-1 and we learn to play off each other a season, a role she is not used to. Hoffman and Ekworomadu, became NJCAA champions. little bit better, and eventually, by “It’s been hard because I’m not along with Jenna Hoffman, The other transfer is sopho- the time games roll around, we’ll really vocal,” Thompson said. Jeana’s twin, experience as fresh- more forward Hallie Lee. Lee, be pretty well-set in our offense The team’s other senior, re- men. who holds several scoring re- and patterns and know pretty serve guard Ally Kelly, has also “We had a really good fresh- cords at her high school, trans- well what to expect from the been asked to provide leadership man class, and they’re now ferred from Daytona Beach other girls.”

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Page 6 - The University Star

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Guards Ally Kelly Class: Senior Hometown: Austin Height: 5’9” Position: G

Ryann Bradford Class: Freshman Hometown: Fort Worth Height: 5’11” Position: G

Bradford lettered all four years while helping her team along to three regional appearances. She averaged 14.2 points her senior year while also finishing fourth at the state track and field meet.

Jenna Hoffman Class: Sophomore Hometown: Mitchell, S.D. Height: 5’8” Position: G

Kelly lettered in four sports in high school while averaging 19 points. She transferred from the University of Mississippi after one season. Kelly scored a season high 15 points at McNeese State University during last year’s campaign.

Ashley Leffingwell Class: Freshman Hometown: Allen, Texas Height: 5’9” Position: G

Jeana Hoffman Class: Sophomore Hometown: Mitchell, S.D. Height: 5’8” Position: G

Jenna lettered in five sports during her high school career while also being selected first-team All-State during her sophomore, junior and senior year. Jenna made 17 of her 49 attempted shots from three-point range last year.

Tamara Thompson Class: Senior Hometown: Del Valle, Texas Height: 6’0” Position: G/F

Jeana holds the record for all-time leading scorer at Mitchell High School. Hoffman started that all 28 games as a freshman while shooting 72 percent from the free-throw line.

Leffingwell averaged 13.7 points and 3.7 rebounds per game under head coach Amy Pool. She was named team captain her final three years. Ashley’s grandfather is a graduate of Texas State.

Forwards Hallie Lee Class: Sophomore Hometown: Ottawa, Kan. Height: 6’1” Position: F

Kia Palmer Class: Freshman Hometown: Miami, Fla. Height: 6’0” Position: F

During Lee’s lone season at Daytona Beach Community College, she was named StudentAthlete of the Year. Her mother is a professor at Ottawa University while her father is a teacher and high school football coach.

Palmer averaged 22.1 points and 12 rebounds her high school career leading her team to a 24-3 record her senior year. Kia was named to the All-State Team three of her four seasons at Westminster Christian.

Ashley Riley Class: Junior Hometown: Cartersville, Ga. Height: 6’2” Position: F

Erica Putnam Class: Junior Hometown: Eagle River, Ala. Height: 6’1” Position: F

Putnam was selected three times to the All-Regional team while averaging 13.1 points. Her senior year, Putnam led her team to a 24-3 record and the Class 4A State Championship. Putnam played in 25 of the Bobcats’ 28 games last season.

Joyce Ekworomadu Class: Sophomore Hometown: Coppell, Texas Height: 5’9” Position: G/F

Riley shot 81.3 percent from the free throw line last year as she appeared in 22 games. The psychology major set a school record with 18 points in one quarter at Cartersville High School.

Elyse Wright Class: Junior Hometown: Colorado Springs, Co. Height: 5’11” Position: F

Wright accompanied Central Arizona to a 35-1 record and the NJCAA national title. Elyse shot 81 percent from the foul line and 48 percent from the field during the Vaqueros championship season.

Star file photo

Ekworomadu played all 28 games her freshman year finishing second on the team with 33 steals. The prepharmacy major was honored team MVP her junior and senior year at Coppell High School.

Center Tiffany Cook Class: Junior Hometown: Houston Height: 6’1” Position: C

Thompson was a four year letter earner at Del Valle where she averaged 22 points per game her senior year. Thompson started 25 games for the Bobcats last season averaging 13.7 points and 4.9 rebounds.

Cook appeared in 27 of the 28 games last season shooting 43.6 percent from the field. Cook was invited twice to the Adidas Top Ten All-American camp.


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Thursday, November 3, 2005

The University Star - Page 7


Brad Brickens Class: Senior Hometown: Austin Height: 6’4” Position: G

Antwoine Blanchard Class: Junior Hometown: Little Rock, Ark. Height: 6’0” Position: G

Lance Burroughs Class: Senior Hometown: South Lake, Texas Height: 6’4” Position: G

Brandon Bush Class: Freshman Hometown: Houston Height: 6’6” Position: G

Blanchard returns to the team after redshirting last year. The junior, who was named Arkansas Player of the Year in high school, sank more than half of his threepoint attempts in 2004.

Burroughs started nine games last season and is an experienced two-guard. He was also one of four players last season to see action in all 28 games.

RCS Sports ranked the 19-year-old swingman as a top-35 player in the Houston area last year. Bush’s father also attended Texas State.

This first-year transfer from Northern Oklahoma College will be looking to contribute after averaging 19 points per game last year. He holds the single-season scoring record at Northern Oklahoma as well as those for free throws attempted and made.

Jeremy Johnson Class: Junior Hometown: Oklahoma City, Okla. Height: 6’3” Position: G

Forwards Charles Dotson Class: Junior Hometown: Humboldt, Tenn. Height: 6’5” Position: F

Clint Chasteen Class: Sophomore Hometown: Coppell, Texas Height: 6’5” Position: F

This second year walk-on was named all-district home team his senior year. He is the son of two high school basketball coaches.

Chris Langhorne Class: Senior Hometown: Willingboro, N.J. Height: 6’4” Position: F

The Bobcat’s first signee of the spring signing period is a transfer from Navarro Junior College. He averaged 12 points and 10 rebounds per game last year. Dotson is also an aspiring stand-up comic.

Rockett helped his Western Arizona team to a 31-3 record last year and was named as the team’s Defensive Player of the Year. He also shot 56 percent from the field.

Jason Rogers Class: Freshman Hometown: Dallas Height: 6’4” Position: F

Langhorne made an impact on the team after transferring from the College of Eastern Utah last year. He started 19 games as a transfer last year, including a buzzer beater for a 75-72 win over the University of Texas-Arlington. He also fell two assists shy of a triple-double in a loss to Northern Colorado.

The freshman lettered all four of his years at Madison High School. His 23 points per game also earned him the title of District 103A Most Valuable Player.

Dylan Moseley Class: Freshman Hometown: Frisco, Texas Height: 6’8” Position: F

Star file photo

Centers Justin Neuhaus Class: Freshman Hometown: San Marcos Height: 6’10” Position: C

This hometown hero helped lead his Hill Country High School team to a 28-2 season. Neuhaus, whose father and two brothers also attended Texas State, averaged five blocks per game last year.

Trevor Cook Class: Freshman Hometown: Coppell, Texas Height: 6’9” Position: C

C.J. Webster Class: Freshman Hometown: Missouri City, Texas Height: 6’8” Position: C

Cook was a McDonald’s AllAmerican Nominee who averaged 19 points and 10 rebounds a game as a senior for Coppell High School last year.

This senior is the leading returning scorer from last season. Bobcat fans hope Brickens will bounce back from an injury-plagued season after redshirting the 2003-2004 season.

This big man was ranked the 14th best player in the Houston area by RCS Sports. He averaged a double-double his senior year with 12 points and 12 rebounds per game.

JuShay Rockett Class: Junior Hometown: Long Beach, Calif. Height: 6’5” Position: F

This freshman entered campus as a McDonald’s All-American who was named Offensive Player of the Year last year in District 6-4A. Moseley was also recruited by the Air Force Academy, Cornell and Dartmouth. Markee White Class: Senior Hometown: Long Beach, Calif. Height: 6’7” Position: F

This two-sport athlete started 10 games for the Bobcats last year. He is also currently leading the Bobcat football team in reception yards and has scored two touchdowns.

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Page 8 - The University Star


Thursday, November 3, 2005


Thursday, November 3, 2005

The University Star - Page 9

Opposition Outlook 05-06 11/9 Exhibition: Angelo State Rams

Division 2 04-05: 11-16 Rashawn Childs, G (Sr.) 12.3 ppg, 4.1 rpg Head Coach: Joe Esposito Seventh season

Conference: Conference USA (Div. 1) 04-05: 14-14 (9-9) Bryan Hopkins, G (Sr.) 17.9 ppg, 3.9 apg, 2.4 spg Head Coach: Jimmy Tubbs Second season 12/6 @ Arkansas Razorbacks (Fayetteville, Ark.)

Conference: SEC (Div. 1) 04-05: 18-12 (6-10) Ronnie Brewer, G (Jr.) 16.2 ppg, 4.8 rpg, 3.4 apg Pre-Season SEC Player of the Year Head Coach: Stan Heath 2nd season

Conference: Southland 04-05: 18-11 (9-7) Last season vs. Texas State: 1-1 Pre-Season SLC Coaches #2 Alan Daniels, F (Sr.) 19.9 ppg, 5.3 rpg 1st team Pre-Season All-SLC 4 returning starters Head Coach: Billy Tubbs 6th season

12/11 St. Edward’s Hilltoppers (Austin)

11/19 @ Utah Valley State Wolverines (Orem, Utah)

Conference: Southland 04-05: 8-19 (2-14) Last season vs. Texas State: 2-0 Texas State Pre-Season SLC Coaches #10 Daryl Mason, G (Sr.) 8.4 ppg, 3.6 rpg Head Coach: Orlando Early 1st season 1/28 @ Northwestern State Demons (Natchitoches, LA)

1/12 @ UT Arlington Mavericks (Arlington, TX)

Conference: Independent (Div. 1) 04-05: 16-12 David Heck, F (Jr.) 9.4 ppg, 5.3 rpg Head Coach: Dick Hunsaker Fourth season

Div. 2 04-05: 6-21 Ja’Faar Johnson, G (Sr.) 8.6 ppg, 2.7 rpg Head Coach: Ryan Marks 2nd season

Conference: Southland 04-05: 13-15 (7-9) Last season vs. Texas State: Texas State 2-0 Pre-Season SLC Coaches #5 Steven Thomas, F (Sr.) 17.1 ppg, 7.9 rpg Head Coach: Eddie McCarter 13th season

12/15 @ Texas Pan-American Broncs (Edinburg)

11/23 UT-Permian Basin Falcons

Conference: Red River (NAIA) 04-05: 9-23 (9-13) Marlo Saunders, G (Sr.) 21.2 ppg, 4.9 rpg Head Coach: Randy Lee First season 11/26 @ Arkansas-Little Rock Trojans (Little Rock, Ark.)

Conference: Sun Belt (Div. 1) 04-05: 18-10 (10-4) Zack Wright, G 11.1 ppg, 4 rpg Head Coach: Steve Shields Third season 12/1 SMU Mustangs

1/26 @ Louisiana Monroe Indians (Monroe, LA)

1/7 Lamar Cardinals

11/18 @ Utah Utes (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Conference: Mountain West Division 1 04-05: 29-6 Bryant Markson, F (Sr.) 10.4 ppg, 3.9 rpg Head Coach: Ray Giacoletti Second season

04-05: 13-12 (13-9) Brandon Weasby, G (Jr.) 20.2 ppg, 47.8 percent (3 Pt) Head Coach: Matt Wallis 1st season

Last season vs. Texas State: 1-0 Texas State Pre-Season SLC Coaches #4 Chris Jordan, G (Sr.) 11.1 ppg, 4.2 rpg, 3 apg 2nd team Pre-Season All-SLC Head Coach: Bob Marlin 8th season

1/16 Texas Pan-American Broncs 1/19 Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks Conference: Independent (Div. 1) 04-05: 12-16 Derrick East, F (Sr.) 7.1 ppg, 5.1 rpg Head Coach: Robert Davenport 2nd season Conference: Southland 04-05: 12-15 (6-10) Last season vs. Texas State: 1-0 SFA Pre-Season SLC Coaches #8 Marcus Clark, G (Sr.) 13 ppg, 3.9 apg 1st Pre-Season All-SLC Head Coach: Danny Kasper 6th season

12/22 @ Texas Longhorns (Austin)

Conference: Big 12 (Div. 1) 04-05: 25-8 (12-4) Daniel Gibson, G (So.) 22.2 ppg, 3.9 apg Pre-Season 1st team All-Big 12 Head Coach: Rick Barnes 8th season

1/21 Sam Houston State Bearkats

12/30 UT-Tyler Patriots Conference: American Southwest (Div. 2)

Conference: Southland 04-05: 18-12 (11-5)

2/13 @ Southeastern Louisiana Lions (Hammond, LA)

State: 2-0 SE LA Pre-Season SLC Coaches #3 Ricky Woods, F (Sr.) 17.2 ppg, 6.8 rpg 1st team Pre-Season All SLC 2 returning starters 2004-2005 SLC Champions Head Coach: Jim Yarbrough 1st season 2/4 Nicholls State Colonels

Conference: Southland 04-05: 6-21 (1-15) Pre-Season SLC Coaches #11 Stephan Blaszazynski, F (Jr.) 14.4 ppg, 5 rpg 1 returning starter Head Coach: J.P. Piper 2nd season

2/2 Southeastern Louisiana Lions Conference: Southland 04-05: 24-9 (13-3) Last season vs. Texas

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Page 10 - The University Star


NBA season preview By Nathan Brooks Sports Reporter On Tuesday, the 2005-2006 NBA season tipped off, and for all 30 teams around the league, the journey for a championship began. With each new season comes change, and this season is no different. A new crop of rookies entered the league looking to create their own legacy, and big name players like Michael Finley, Larry Hughes, and Antoine Walker changed teams. The league also made a cosmetic change, as it installed a dress code that ended the era of baggy jeans, throwback jerseys and blinding bling among its players. However, one thing that didn’t change is the heated rivalries and bragging rights among the trio of teams in the Lone Star State. Last season, all the teams in the state of Texas won more than 50 games apiece and caused havoc for opposing teams making the trek through Texas. The Texas Triangle (Houston, San Antonio and Dallas), over the last several years, has run through San Antonio, as the Spurs have won three championships in the past seven seasons. This season is no different, as the rich got richer over the summer with the champs picking up Michael Finley from Dallas and Nick Van Exel from Portland. Both former All-Stars signed with the Spurs at discount rates in hopes of winning a championship. The veteran guards look to add leadership and consistency to the San Antonio bench that saw spotty play throughout last season. The Spurs also will look to 30-year old rookie Fabricio Oberto to provide depth behind Tim Duncan and Nazr Mohammed to add the defense and rebounding that center Rasho Nesterovic has yet to show in the post. Mohammed was added at the trade deadline last season for Malik Rose and has shown glimpses of becoming the interior presence that has been missing alongside Tim Duncan since David Robinson retired. The Spurs have one of the deepest rosters in the league and with the emergence of Manu Ginobili into superstar status last year; the Spurs should be the favorite to repeat as NBA Champions. The Houston Rockets improved considerably this summer, as they quietly had one of the best off-seasons coming into this season. Last season, the Rockets were the oldest team in the entire league and lacked the athleticism and speed to get past the Mavericks in Game 7 of the first round in the 2005 NBA Playoffs. Obviously, changes needed to be made to a team that won 51


regular season games but couldn’t get past the first round in the playoffs. The Rockets added youth and athleticism in draft pick Luther Head from Illinois, who had an impressive preseason and is expected to contribute off the bench until Bob Sura recovers from off-season knee surgery. Houston also signed Stromile Swift from Memphis and expects him to come in and start alongside Yao Ming and provide the defense and rebounding that has been

missed from that position over the last few seasons. GuardDerek Anderson signed with the Rockets after being cut by the Blazers under the one time amnesty clause and should provide some much needed size and athleticism to the perimeter that was sorely missed by Houston last year. Houston also shipped Mike James to Toronto for Rafer Alston providing the first natural point guard in a Houston uniform m in many seasons. Alston could clash with head coach Jeff Van Gundy but it is unlikely considering this isn’t going to be a team that will lose exhibition games to pro teams from Europe. The pieces may take time to fit but this is the best supporting cast that Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady have had in their short time together. Houston could end up with the second best record out west but with San Antonio is the same division, it is unlikely the Rockets will be seeded higher than fourth come playoff time. Where the Spurs and Rockets made noticeable improvements, the Dallas Mavericks decided for the second straight off-season to let a franchise great go. Dallas cut possibly the franchise’s greatest player in Finley this summer using the league’s one time amnesty clause. This comes after last year’s decision to let Steve Nash walk away and replace him with the underachieving and overpaid Erick Dampier. Nash of course went onto win the league’s MVP trophy and lead the Phoenix Suns to the league’s best record. Finley moved onto rival San Antonio and should help bring another

trophy back to the River City. The Mavericks got an aging Doug Christie and unproductive DeSagana Diop to replace Finley and add depth to a team that is clearly moving towards its youth. Youngsters Josh Howard, Marquis Daniels, and Devin Harris will have the opportunity to show what they can do with extended this season. Dirk Nowitzki will shoulder the offense, but the All-Star needs to make the transition to team leader after the departures of Nash and now Finley. This season is going to look different for Mavs fans as the team has not only seen a change in faces on the court, but with head coach Avery Johnson bringing a larger emphasis on defense. The Mavericks should make the playoffs but it isn’t going to be easy like it has in the recent past. The Texas Triangle has become the most feared road trip in the NBA, and it looks like that isn’t going to change this year. The battle for supremacy among the Spurs, Rockets and Mavericks hasn’t changed either.

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Thursday, November 3, 2005

Trades and acquisitions in 2005 By Adam Schoenky Sports Columnist Even if you’re a diehard NBA fan, you may not have thought about the league since you last saw Tim Duncan almost crack a smile after finishing off the Detroit Pistons last June. In the free-market era of the NBA, however, no off-season is without its share of blockbuster events. Just so no one is confused when the season tips off and several familiar faces have switched locations, here’s what went on. Since all three teams in the Texas Triangle (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas) are key factors in the Western Conference, all of them did some tinkering with the lineups. It’s only fitting to start with the champs. The Spurs apparently weren’t content with simply dominating every team they faced; they wanted to have the deepest team in the league as well. The additions of Michael Finley and Nick Van Exel to the roster are two very important steps toward that goal. Finley makes the trip down Interstate 35 from Dallas, who cut him because of a clause in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement that allowed them to save money on the contract. Both veterans provide leadership and depth to a team that wasn’t really lacking either. Mark Cuban can’t be happy. After seeing two of his former team leaders go to the Maverick’s rivals, Cuban reacted by picking up a rival team’s veteran of his own. Doug Christie comes to the Mavericks after a stint in Orlando that was almost as short as the lifespan of the reality TV show he had with his wife. Cuban hopes that Christie will help fill the void left by Finley. Coach Avery Johnson hopes his perimeter defense will help put the ‘D’ back in Dallas. The Houston Rockets couldn’t keep quiet after their game-seven meltdown last year against Dallas. Stromile Swift, who Houston acquired from Memphis in the off-season, should be a good fit. His size and shot-blocking ability will take some of the load off of Yao Ming’s shoulders. As far as Tracy “T-Mac” McGrady’s load goes, point guard Rafer Alston will be a nice complement, if he can keep Jeff Van Gundy from challenging him to

a fistfight. Somehow, I don’t see that happening. While all three Texas teams made moves, they paled in comparison to what the Miami Heat are up to. It is obvious that the Heat are gearing up for a championship run. By adding players that were stars on other teams that are now willing to be role players, they may be on their way. Miami picked up established players Antoine Walker, Jason Williams and James Posey. Walker will be vying for Sixth Man of the Year honors, Jason Williams will add depth and free up NBA poster boy Dwayne Wade and Posey should be an adequate replacement for Eddie Jones. If these guys are truly willing to accept their new roles and play to expectations, the entire league should watch out for the Heat. Once again, riding on the coattails will be Gary Payton. The Glove also signed with Miami in the off-season, once again playing prognosticator and hitching on with the team he thinks has the best chance to win it all. I sort of hope he gets it so he’ll go away. One team in the East to have a new look this year is the New York Knicks. Isiah Thomas had his most successful off-season as president of the team, and the additions of Quentin Richardson, Jerome James, and Eddy Curry will give new coach Larry Brown something to work with. There is no reason the Knicks shouldn’t make the playoffs in the East. Brown won’t be the only coach pacing new sidelines this year. Taking his place in Detroit will be former Timberwolves Coach Flip Saunders. Perhaps the biggest move of the summer involved another big-name coach. Phil Jackson decided during the off-season that he needed a ring for the other thumb, so the Zen Master will be back for a run at his tenth NBA Championship and what will I’m sure be an emotional reunion with Kobe Bryant. The publishing houses are already clamoring for the rights to the tell-all book about this one. Now at least you won’t be surprised if you find your favorite player in your rival team’s jersey when tip-off comes. Now that you won’t have to worry about what jersey they’re wearing, you can concentrate on the flashy new suits the players will have on.

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