11 17 2005

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How to enjoy Thanksgiving even if you can’t make it over the river and through the woods.

If you can dodge a class, you can dodge a ball




NOVEMBER 17, 2005


Council discusses alleged election code violations

Cutting it out

By Leah Kirkwood News Reporter

Courtney Addison/Star photo illustration

The San Marcos City Council held a special meeting on Wednesday to discuss allegations of unfair voting policies at the Texas State early voting site, the results of the Nov. 8 election and the upcoming runoff election to be held on Dec. 6 between Chris Jones, public administration senior, and Moe Johnson, health physical education and recreation professor, for Place 4 on the council. Council members signed the results of the November election and City Clerk Janis Womack read aloud the voting results from the Nov. 8 election for each bond proposition and named Daniel Guerrero as the winner of the majority vote for council seat Place 3. The council then turned its attention to the upcoming runoff election for Place 4 because neither candidate received a majority vote in the Nov. 8 election. An ordinance naming the early voting locations as the San Marcos City Hall and the LBJ Student Center sent the council into the first of two executive sessions during the meeting. Narvaiz announced the coun-

The American Cancer Society sponsors the Great American Smoke Out today in an effort to help curb smoking habits among 18- to 24-year-olds.

Great American Smoke Out encourages students to quit By Jason Buch News Reporter In response to the high number of young adults who smoke and what the American Cancer Society said are

attempts by the tobacco industry to target young consumers, the ACS will bring its Great American Smoke Out event to Texas State today. “I think the urgency of the Great American Smoke Out is

that 10,620 people alone will die of lung cancer in Texas this year,” said Cristi McAnelly, field representative for the ACS. “Many people are dying, and the most effective way to prevent lung cancer is to quit

smoking.” According to the ACS, young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 smoke more See OUT, page 4

cil would discuss the duties of public officer and city clerk, but upon return, she addressed accusations regarding the Texas State early voting site. Associated Student Government President Jordan Anderson said there had been some opposition to early voting on the Texas State campus for the runoff election due to complaints of unfairness in the first election. Accusations included inequitable overrepresentation of Jones, who was permitted to campaign and advertise on campus, while other candidates contend they were not allowed to. Narvaiz also said there had also been complaints about campaign code and election code violations at Texas State University, and that the university “is to review the election code as it pertains to polling places.” Narvaiz said that equal access and a fair playing field must be provided to all candidates, and that any candidate who goes to Texas State and feels he doesn’t receive fair treatment should notify election officials. The movement for approval on the ordinance was made by See ELECTION, page 5

Council debates location Senate challenges incoming faculty of commuter rail station contract dates, titles for researchers By Danea Johnson News Reporter A commuter train linking San Antonio, San Marcos and Austin on the Interstate 35 corridor may not be so far in the future when the San Marcos City Council approves the location of a proposed station. Sid Covington, chair of the AustinSan Antonio Intermunicipal Commuter Rail District, was in attendance at the San Marcos City Council meeting on Tuesday to give a PowerPoint presentation regarding a commuter rail project that will provide commuters with transportation from Austin to San Antonio. “Sorry I’m late, but we (have got to) get these two towns closer together,”

Covington said at the beginning of his presentation. As of now, the projected commuter rail would cover 110 miles from Georgetown to South San Antonio with 15 stations. There has been some debate over the location of San Marcos’ station. Covington said the commuter rail would be in the downtown area, instead of another proposed location at Bobcat Stadium. “There are all sorts of reasons (for the commuter rail’s location downtown.) It will be a mechanism and driving force to renovate that part of town,” Covington said. Kyle Morris, Associated Student

By Clayton Medford News Reporter The changing of faculty contract dates and the creation of a Research Faculty Policy and Procedures Statement were topics of concern at the Faculty Senate’s meeting on Wednesday. Currently, the contract for faculty on the nine-month program begins on Sept. 1. Since new hires, as well as current faculty, tend to start working in the middle of August, a new hire works without insurance coverage.

Also, a new hire does not receive a paycheck until Oct. 1, six weeks after he or she begins working at the university. The senators believe that moving the contract dates back by two weeks will allow insurance coverage to begin when the new hire actually begins work and will also minimize the gap between the first day of work and when the faculty receives the first paycheck, which under the new plan would be Sept. 1. “I think this falls pretty heavily on assistant professors coming in,” said anthropology professor and Sen. Rich

Warms. “I remember when I was in that position; I would have killed for any kind of coverage.” Some issues surrounding moving the dates include the corresponding shift at the end of the spring semester, the possibility of being paid twice and the contracts overlapping into different fiscal years. Health, physical education and recreation professor and Sen. Gay James made a motion that the senate recommend to the administration that they See FACULTY, page 5


See COUNCIL, page 4

University searches for consultant to investigate AALC incident By Ashley Richards Assistant News Editor More than two months after a confrontation between police officers and students at the African American Leadership Conference after-party, the university has compiled and posted online a request for proposals to find a consultant to investigate the incident. “We have just put out the request for proposals for the investigation of the University Police Department,” said Kate Robbins, executive assistant to the vice president of student affairs. “By law, we have to post this for 30 days.” Robbins said the request was posted on the Secretary of State Web site on Wednesday. Two parts are included in the request for proposals. First, the university requested an investigation of the events that took place while UPD and San Marcos Police Department officers

were dispersing participants from the LBJ Student Center parking garage. The second part of the request asks for an assessment of the UPD, including an outline of areas of strength and where improvement is needed. According to the request, all proposals must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 14. to Joanne Smith, VPSA. The request also outlines stipulations stating that proposals made will remain effective for a minimum of 90 days, unless otherwise specified in a proposal, so the university will have “time for evaluation, approval and award of contract.” The proposal also outlines requirements for qualified vendors as well as the process for awarding a contract and the possibility of the university requiring “pre-award presentations” from those who submit a proposal to

Today’s Weather

Sunny 62˚/37˚

Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 26% UV: 5 Moderate Wind: E 9 mph

Spencer Millsap/Star photo Daniel Guerrero is sworn in for a second term as a City Council member, Place 3, during Wednesday evening’s special meeting at San Marcos City Hall.

See AALC, page 5

Two-day Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy Temp: 62°/ 37° Precipitation: 0%

Saturday Sunny Temp: 71°/ 43° Precipitation: 0%



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PAGE TWO The University Star

Thursday in Brief

November 17, 2005

starsof texas state David C. Wiley, professor of health education, has been voted president-elect of the American School Health Association. Wiley will serve two years as president-elect followed by a two-year term as president starting in October 2007. ASHA is an organization of administrators, counselors, educators, psychologists, social workers, school health coordinators, nurses and physicians dedicated to safeguarding children’s health through coordinated

school health programs, research and advocacy. Wiley, a member of ASHA for 18 years, has served on the association’s board of directors and numerous committees. He has been a fellow of ASHA for four years and received the Distinguished Service Award in 1999. At Texas State, he has been a professor in the department of health, physical education and recreation since 1988. The Star congratulates Dr. Wiley. We know he will work hard for the health of America’s schoolchildren.

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu

Calendar of

Daily Beat

Nothin’ but net

Government grants ALERRT more funding for program

EVENTS Clubs & Meetings Thursday Communication Club meeting will take place at 5 p.m. in Centennial Hall, Room 318. There will be refreshments and a guest speaker. Phi Alpha Delta, pre-law fraternity, will be selling breakfast tacos from 7:30 to 11 a.m. at the LBJ Bus Loop. Crime Stoppers @ Texas State will have a membership drive meeting at 5 p.m. at the LBJ Student Center, Room 3-7.1. For more information, contact President Michelle Harris: Mh1207@txstate.edu. There will be free pizza and drinks. Monday National Broadcasting Society chapter meeting will be held at 5 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. The guest speaker will be Clif Thornton, KTBC-TV sports producer/photographer.

Events Thursday Hunger and Homelessness Week will volunteer from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at San Marcos Area Food Bank. For more information, contact svc@sa.txstate.edu. Facing the Fear: An Anxiety Group will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call the Counseling Center

at (512) 245-2208. The Rock, Praise & Worship will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Catholic Student Center chapel. Monday Sexual Assault & Abuse Survivors Group will take place from 5 to 6:15 p.m. For more information, call the Counseling Center. Tuesday War Support Group: Helping Students Cope will take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 5-1.10. “Attaining Contentment” An Educational Series takes place from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. in the LBJSC, Room 3-6.1. Valpak of Dallas will hold interviews for outside advertising sales representative. For more information, contact Career Services at (512) 245-2645. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events at starcalendar@txstate.edu, or call (512) 245-3487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulleted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.


Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State,” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

CRIME BL TTER University Police Department Nov. 10, unknown hours Theft: Less than $20,000/Canyon Hall A nonstudent reported to a police officer that university property had been stolen. This case is under investigation. Nov. 11, 3:20 a.m. Possession of Marijuana: Less than two ounces/Blanco Hall While in Blanco Hall, a police officer came to a room that had a suspicious odor. Upon further investigation, two students were arrested for possession of marijuana and transported to the Hays County Law Enforcement Center to await magistration. Nov. 13, 1 a.m. Assault: Family Violence/ Smith Hall A student reported to a police

The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center has received an additional $300,000 in funding from the federal government officials at Texas State and was announced Tuesday. The ALERRT Center provides training for first-responding police officers to more effectively respond to episodes of violence before they evolve into full-blown tragedies. ALEERT employs First Responder Tactics and Active Shooter Tactics based on lessons learned from historical homicidal/ suicidal acts of violence, such as that which happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. This is critically important training for regular patrol officers who are typically the first responders to violent events. “We are grateful to the efforts of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and to Congressmen Henry Cuellar and Chet Edwards for their efforts in securing this funding,” said Denise Trauth, president of Texas State. “The training provided by ALERRT Center instructors makes this nation’s law enforcement agencies more effective, and that helps all of us.” ALERRT has been training first-responding police officers since 2002. As the ALERRT program entered the 2006 fiscal year, more than 4,600 officers from 567 agencies throughout Texas and across the United States had received this important training. November marks the second year of a partnership with Texas A&M University’s Texas Engineering Extension Service. TEEX manages many of the ALERRT Center’s administrative and logistical duties involved in coordinating the program. A center within Texas State’s department of criminal justice, ALERRT’s partners also include the City of San Marcos, Hays County, Gary Job Corps and the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association.

officer that another student had assaulted her. This case is under investigation. San Marcos Police Department Nov. 15, 8:17 p.m. Assault with Bodily Injury/1617 Post Road Female was assaulted by her boyfriend. Nov. 15, 9:34 p.m. Possession: Controlled Substance/200 S. Interstate 35 Offender was arrested for driving while intoxicated, second offense, following a vehicle crash. Nov. 16, 2:16 a.m. Public Intoxication/1647 Post Road Officer made an arrest for a local warrant, failure to identify and public intoxication.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

— Courtesy of Media Relations Brynn Leggett/Star photo A group of guys duke it out on the basketball court during a pick-up game Wednesday night at the Student Recreation Center. A few of the students come regularly looking to get a game started, while the rest are just looking for a fun, competitive way to work out

We All Make Mistakes In Wednesay’s story titled “Student dragged by Texas State tram in accident on Aquarena,” the supervisor of TexasTrams was identified as Paul Keyes. The correct spelling of his last name is “Keese.” We apologize for the error.

On This Day... 1776 — British troops captured Fort Washington during the American Revolution. 1864 — Union Gen. William T. Sherman and his troops began their “March to the Sea” during the U.S. Civil War. 1907— Oklahoma was admitted as the 46th state. 1933 — The United States and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations for the first time.

University Bookstore Gingerbread House Contest re ’t take ca Man didn t stale. The Muffin use, it wen ho st la e? y w on of m ild me a ne Will you bu a pool of icing? ve Can it ha

1973 — Skylab 3 carrying a crew of three astronauts, was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on an 84-day mission. 1998 — In Burlington, Wis., five high school students, aged 15 to 16, were arrested in an alleged plot to kill a carefully selected group of teachers and students. 2000 — Bill Clinton became the first serving U.S. president to visit Communist Vietnam. 2004 — A NASA unmanned “scramjet” (X-43A) reached a speed of nearly 10 times the speed of sound above the Pacific Ocean.

KINKYMOBILE Campaign merchandise is lugged around in “The Gov. Bug” for candidate Kinky Friedman.

We invite you to enter your house in our annual contest. The rules are simple. All parts of the house must be edible. You may drop off your houses from Monday, November 28-Tuesday, December 6 at noon. Judging will be held at 4pm on Tuesday, December 6.

Make it a family event this year with our new category. A winner will be chosen in each group: •Texas State Students •Texas State Faculty/Staff ($75 gift card for winner of adult catergories) •Children of Texas State students or faculty/staff ($25 gift card for winner of children’s catergory) Drop off your house at the Service Center, where you will fill out an entry form and receive a “thank you” gift for entering. If you would like your house displayed during our Holiday Open House, please bring on or before Thursday, December 1.

Barbara Davidson/ Dallas Morning News

Located in the LBJ Student Center www.bookstore.txstate.edu Part of Texas State University-San Marcos, a member of the Texas State University System


Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Bobcat in Baghdad My name is Brian Patrick Henretta. I’m a 24-year-old Texas State student from Buffalo, N.Y. I moved to Killeen in 2000, and my home has been San Marcos since early 2003. I’m an Army public affairs specialist, journalist and photographer with the 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Texas National Guard, out of Camp Mabry, currently serving in Baghdad under Operation Iraqi Freedom. I’m a mass communication sophomore, but my major will likely change by the time I return to Texas State.

Hello again from the front lines of the war on terror. The excitement around here is becoming more and more tangible as the parent unit I’m here with, the 3rd Infantry Division, is getting ready to be replaced as the overseers of the Baghdad area. For those of you with any friends or family up north at Fort Hood, you may know that one of the units from there, the 4th Infantry Division, is only a few weeks away from leaving to replace us. If you have someone who is about to make the journey, try not to worry too much. It’s no secret that I don’t like being here, but in reality, it’s not that bad. The soldiers who come here are among friends. There is no stronger bond than the one formed between members of a crew in a combat vehicle. We all watch one another’s backs and are very well trained in reacting to the enemy and giving first aid. The difficult thing for those leaving to Iraq now is that they depart right before the holidays. I will be missing them as well, as we don’t come home until some time after New Year’s. It’s going to be hard these next few weeks for everyone who is away from his or her family. I have never missed Christmas with my family, even though it requires traveling to my original home in New York. My dad is going to be so upset that I’m not there, so I hope I can find the right words to reassure him. New Year’s Eve will be quite a celebration for me just because this awful year of 2005 will be done, but it’s going to be strange not to drink at all for it. We are used to not celebrating much by this point. The enemy outside the gates does not rest on holidays, so neither can we. Instead, I typically celebrate little things that many people here don’t notice. For example, I enjoy every Sunday morning when I check on the Internet to see that the Bobcat football team won again. I celebrated the first day that didn’t reach 100 degrees outside and again yesterday when we had our first rain since April. Of course, it’s more muddy and sticky outside than you could imagine from seven months worth of sand and dust getting wet, but that’s all right with us as long as winter is finally here. On another note, I want to take the chance to thank the people who have been writing me e-mails of encouragement. To show my appreciation, I want to answer a few of the questions I’ve been receiving: Q: I was wondering about the children over there. What are things that the kids like to do? A: Children are children no matter where you go. They all want to play and have fun. Unfortunately, Iraqi children lack the carefree

environment that I grew up in. Despite not having nice things, the Iraqi kids still do their best to be kids. I’ve seen them playing with dolls older than me, rocks and sticks. Instead of playgrounds, they have fields that are often filled with rubble from bombed-out buildings. Most children are nice toward us Americans. They stand on the side of the road waving when we drive by and run up to us when we walk the streets. But I don’t know if it’s because they actually like us or because they know we usually give them candy. What is sad is when there are children, often younger than 10 years old, who are hostile to the soldiers. It shows that parents are instilling their values in them by telling them we are bad. In my opinion, the only way we can ever straighten Iraq out is to hope the next generation, today’s youth, decides that Americans aren’t too bad. There was one memorable time earlier this year, on my first day in Iraq right after we crossed the border from Kuwait, that I didn’t mind a child’s hostility. It was during a tense situation while I was driving my Humvee into the war zone for the first time, and on the side of the road was a boy about 8 or 9 years old. He was all alone and had both hands up, giving each vehicle the double middle finger as we drove by. I don’t know why I started laughing so hard, but I thought that was a ballsy kid, and I appreciated the moment that gave me my first laugh at war. Q: What do you guys think about at night before you go to bed? A: Hmm, I don’t think you really want to know what I’m usually thinking of. However, those few minutes in bed are some of the most important minutes of our day. It gives us a chance to reflect on whatever we may have seen that day and then forget about it. Even more important, it is often our only chance to be alone with our thoughts of the future, family, goals and, of course, girls. Soldiers are many things, but we are certainly dreamers. We all want the best for ourselves, so we spend time thinking about how to achieve bigger and better things. Tonight, my thoughts will be with you as you prepare to go home next week for Thanksgiving to be with your loved ones. Don’t forget about us here when you’re saying that family prayer before you eat because we need it. While you’re sitting down to enjoy that turkey and stuffing, I’ll be here watching out for you.

The Sigma Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., in conjunction with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., will be hosting “Woman 2 Woman,” a women’s health event, at 6:30 p.m. on Friday at the San Marcos Public Library. “Our goal is to be able to distribute information pertaining to all aspects of women’s health to everyone,” said Micaela McDade, community service chair. Although both of these sororities have a history dating back almost 100 years, their chapters are fairly new to campus. In 2000, Alpha Kappa Alpha was the first predominantly African-American greek letter organization followed by Delta Sigma Theta. Besides women’s health, the sororities tackle issues such as education, arts, economic de-

velopment and political awareness. The vision for Woman 2 Woman began as an opportunity the sororities saw in the community. “We noticed a need to issue and distribute information to women transitioning from high school and beyond with respect to health,” McDade said. “We also wanted to make it easily accessible to everyone in the community.” Woman 2 Woman will focus on women’s health including mental, spiritual and physical wellness. “I think it’s a great idea because college is where girls are really on their own and may not be aware of everything they should be doing,” said Anessa Thompson, Spanish junior. “When you’re here, health becomes a personal choice, and when you’re better educated, you’ll make a better decision.”

Friday’s event will begin at 6:30 p.m. with two miniature workshops that include topics on well woman matters and breast cancer awareness. A healthcare professional from the Texas State Student Health Center and a breast cancer survivor will be featured at the event. “We’re looking forward to both of our guest speakers and hope it will enlighten the community,” McDade said. The event is free of charge, but the organizations encourage a canned-food donation to help needy families during Thanksgiving and the holidays. “We’re very excited to be able to serve the community and mankind,” McDade said. “Although this is the first Woman 2 Woman event, these first of its kind sororities … only hope it will turn into an annual event.”

The forum is being held to inform San Marcos residents about the sleep lab. “We are reaching out to the San Marcos community,” Marshall said. “People can ask questions on sleep disorders and then go to their physicians who can prescribe sleep therapy.” There will be a panel of speakers at the forum, including Marshall, Dr. Robert Springer board certified sleep physician and John Baughman, sleep psychologist. “We will be speaking about sleep disorders, having a question and answer session and providing a tour of the sleep lab,” Marshall said. Chris Russian, assistant professor in the department of respiratory care, said the main goal of the forum was to provide awareness to the community. “We want to get awareness out that there is a sleep lab in this area,” Russian said. “The university has made a commitment to help the San Marcos community. We will let them know about the lab, where it is, what we do and which physicians work there.” The forum is open to all San Marcos residents who think they may be suffering from a sleep disorder. “Anyone who wants to learn information about sleep disorders, especially people who think they have sleep disorders, should attend,” Russian said. “Physicians who refer patients to sleep labs should also attend.”

The Texas State department of respiratory care, which created a sleep lab to diagnose and treat sleeping disorders, will host a public information forum from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the Texas State Health Science Center, Room 231. The sleep lab opened this fall, and a sleep school will open next fall where students can receive a bachelor’s degree in sleep medicine. A graduate program in sleep medicine will be available next fall. “The sleep lab is part of the Department of Respiratory Care,” said Gregg Marshall, department chair for respiratory care. “In this area of study, students rotate through the sleep lab, work with sleep experts to test sleeping patterns in patients and find therapeutic corrections.” Sleep problems can cause depression and attention deficit disorder. The sleep lab is dedicated to diagnosing and treating sleep disorders through two types of sleep studies. “There is a one-night study that studies sleep patterns and diagnoses problems. If the patient wakes up too much, they will stay a second night. We attach a breathing device to help them sleep through the night,” Marshall said. “By solving sleep problems, we solve health problems.”


ONLINE: brianiniraq44@yahoo.com

Sororities host ‘Woman 2 Woman’ at the San Marcos Public Library By Flor Treviño Special to The Star

Texas State to hold forum about sleep lab Katherine Kennedy Special to The Star

Q and A from the front lines Nov. 16, 2005

The University Star - Page 3

Armando Sanchez/Star photo Despite the harsh 37-degree weather Wednesday night, Zach Zehani, undecided freshman, sleeps with cardboard and newspapers near The Stallions in an effort to raise homelessness and hunger awareness. About 30 other students spent the night outside at the event hosted by Student Volunteer Connection.

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Page 4 - The University Star


Thursday, November 17, 2005

COUNCIL: Commuter rail to increase jobs, tourism, property values


CONTINUED from page 1

Tiffany Searcy/Star photo This brown and white domestic short-haired male is mellow and would make a warm addition to your home for the holidays. For more information, call the San Marcos Animal Shelter at (512) 393-8340 about kitten #29497.

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Government liaison to the council, said there is still interest in having the commuter rail closer to campus, although the downtown area is reasonable. The route would follow Union Pacific tracks, and some areas will operate on existing tracks while new tracks will be added where needed. The operations would include both an express route as well as a local route. The express route is expected to take 90 minutes traveling from Austin to downtown San Antonio with stops in New Braunfels and San Marcos. The local route will take 105 minutes and stop at all stations in the line. Covington’s presentation cited congestion relief, safety, land use patterns and economics as positive impacts of a commuter rail. Economically the commuter rail will increase jobs, tourism and property values, he said. The commuter rail is projected to start service in 2009 or 2010. “We’ll give it every consider-

ation,” said Mayor Susan Narvaiz. The second reading of the animal safety in motor vehicles ordinance passed by one vote without the proposed amendment. The amendment proposed by Councilman Bill Taylor would have added a speed limit of 35 mph to residents traveling with unharnessed animals. As it now stands, the ordinance would prohibit residents from traveling with unrestrained animals in unenclosed vehicles regardless of the vehicle’s speed. Councilman John Thomaides said enforcement of the ordinance would be more difficult to enforce with a speed limit. The final reading of the ordinance will be at the council’s next meeting and will go into effect 10 days later if it is passed. City Council will next meet Dec. 7, instead of the usual Tuesday date, due to the runoff election for council seat Place 4 between Moe Johnson, health, recreation and physical education professor, and Chris Jones, public administration senior, on Dec. 6.

OUT: Health Center offers smoking cessation programs CONTINUED from page 1

than any other age group. Kyle Morris, Associated Student Government chief of staff and economics senior, worked with the ACS. “There is more emphasis this year because this is the first time we’ve had a smoking ban,” Morris said. “What we’re doing is we’re using this as a mechanism for awareness.” Another part of this year’s event is an ACS-sponsored Web log. Students from Texas A&M, the University of Texas, Texas State, UT El Paso and the University of Houston chronicled their attempts to quit smoking online at www.quitnowblog.org. This will be the 29th year the

ACS has held the smoke out. Courtney Carter, health education graduate student and intern at the Student Health Center, is helping with the event. She said there will be a banner at the LBJ Student Center telling students about the smoke out. There will also be a booth from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in The Quad where students will be able to obtain information about the dangers of tobacco use and information about quitting smoking as well as forms that help smokers begin the process of quitting. Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in Texas. It is the leading cause of cancer deaths. The number one cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoking. According to the Center for Disease Control, nearly

one out of every five deaths in the United States each year is due to the adverse health effects caused by cigarette smoking. “The point is to bring awareness to campus about the dangers of smoking and to be aware of the school’s smoking policy,” Carter said. The school’s smoking policy, which was revised in April, does not allow smoking in The Quad and the Alkek Library and Academic Service Building breezeways, director of human resources John McBride said in an e-mail to all students, faculty and staff on Tuesday. It also prohibits smoking within 20 feet of a university building entrance, open window or air intake. The Student Health Center

offers a smoking cessation program for faculty, staff members and students. The program is $5 for students and $10 for faculty and staff. “It involves working with a physician to get on track to stop smoking and get all the options available,” Carter said. The ACS offers its own call-in “Quitline” based out of Austin and funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services through money received in settlements with the tobacco industry. McAnelly said smokers can call the helpline for free to talk with counselors about quitting smoking and dealing with nicotine withdrawal. “We know that using the quitline will double your chances of quitting,” McAnelly said.

Breathe Free

Great American Smokeout Event

November 17 10am - 3pm In the Quad Support the student initiative! Help Keep the Quad, Alkek Library, and ASB Breezeway smoke free.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

The University Star - Page 5

AALC: Deadline for proposals Dec. 14 CONTINUED from page 1

determine the best consultant for the job. Robbins said for situations such as this, consultants who submit proposals to carry out the investigation have usually had experience in law enforcement or some other realm of criminal justice. “It’s not the normal kind of thing. We’ve retained consultants for other studies. We had a consulting firm to look at our tuition and fee structure,” Robbins said. “Because we don’t know how much these are going to come in at, anything over $15,000 has to be posted on this

Web site.” Robbins said they do not know if the cost of the consultant contracted for the investigation will exceed $15,000, but she said that because consultants are usually fairly expensive, it was necessary to post the request for proposals in case the bids do exceed that price. Keemon Leonard, president of the Black Student Alliance and pre-mass communication junior, said he was told by Smith that the university expected to have a selection made for a consultant in the investigation by early January. When Leonard asked Smith about the length of time it has

taken to put together an investigation, he was told it was an outof-the-ordinary event. Leonard said his understanding was that the university had to take some time to learn how to handle this type of investigation. Robbins said where and how the university will get the money needed to finance the investigation has not been finalized yet, but she said Smith has some ideas in mind that will be sorted out. Student leaders called for an investigation after conflicting accounts of the confrontations were discovered. The after-party ended with at least one student tased and three arrested.

FACULTY: Senators revisit professional title debate CONTINUED from page 1

investigate the feasibility of moving the contract dates and to express the senate’s support of moving the dates. The Policy and Procedures statement concerns the title and role of research professors at Texas State. The main concern of the senators was the title of professor being issued to someone who may not have any instructional experience.

The senators prefer the title “research associate” to “research professor.” The senators recognized that the appeal of the professor title is used as a recruitment tool. Some senators believe that research professors prefer that title because it lends credibility to that person’s interests outside the university such as a business. Research professors are not paid by the university but from

outside funding such as grants. Their purpose ranges from lending credibility to their department to aiding in research projects. When the idea of re-petitioning Texas State President Denise Trauth to remove the professor title was raised, Warms responded. “I think we protested on that ground, and our protest was noted, but that’s as far as it will probably go,” Warms said.

ELECTION: Place 4 to be determined on Dec. 6 CONTINUED from page 1

council member Ed Mihalkanin, seconded by council member Daniel Guerrero and passed unanimously. Council member John Thomaides requested that the council reserve the right to communicate more regarding early voting on campus. Mayor Narvaiz said if a complaint is raised to an election official, it would be addressed at that time. Daniel Guerrero was then sworn in with his family by his side to serve another term as the council member for Place 3, and the council then took a short break before going into its second executive session. Johnson and Jones drew names out of a cup to see whose name would be first on the ballot, and Jones drew his own name for the first position. Johnson said he felt that the original election was handled

unfairly on campus. “Originally, Bill (Taylor) and I were told we couldn’t advertise on campus,” Johnson said. “I called and said, ‘Well how can Chris Jones have his signs around campus?’ and was told it was because he was sponsored by student organizations.” Johnson said that he attempted to get a student organization to sponsor him, but none of them would. He said that after the early voting, he was allowed to put signs on campus, but he felt it was a moot point because the election was already half over. Johnson also felt that Jones was unfairly overrepresented at the early voting poll on campus. “You can’t campaign inside the building where polling is taking place,” he said. When asked if he would aim for a bigger presence on campus for the runoff election, Johnson

said, “I’ll talk with my campaign people and see what they say.” Jones felt that the election was held fairly on campus. “I don’t think there are grounds to say it was unfair,” he said. “Proposition 1 and 6 were both campaigned on campus because they filled out the proper paper work and got on campus. All you have to do is ask; the university has policies and procedures to follow, and all you have to do is ask.” He then presented a copy of the Solicitation Request form filled out by the National Association of Environmental Professionals and the Environmental Services Committee to support voting for Proposition 1 and 6. He said the same form was filled out with regards to his campaign. “I’d love to see more students and more citizens come out,” Jones said. “We’re going to gear up and win this thing.”

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happeningsof the weekend

Thursday, November 17, 2005 - Page 6

san marcos

Thursday Cheatham Street Warehouse — The Danhandlers Lucy’s — Apse Affinity, Fair to Midland, Slider The Triple Crown — Cerberus Shoal, Dead Waiter, Mastertape

Friday Cheatham Street Warehouse — Max Stalling Lucy’s — Reverend Norton Heat, Top Hat Killers Riley’s Tavern — Roger Wallace The Triple Crown — Kallisti Gold, Miguel McDonald

Saturday Lucy’s — 57 State Riley’s Tavern — Dukes of Haphazzard The Triple Crown — Clap! Clap!, Opposite Day, Fambly

Trends Contact — Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu



Turkey facts

According to the U.S. Department of Agrictulture, more than 45 million turkeys are cooked and eaten in the U.S. at Thanksgiving. The per capita consumption throughout the year is over 18.5 pounds. Turkeys can drown if they look up during a rainstorm. Wild turkeys are extremely difficult to hunt. This is because they can see in color and have a 270 F range of vision. Turkeys can have heart attacks. When an Air Force base was testing planes to break the sound barrier, the sonic boom caused flocks of turkeys to keel over. Turkeys can run up to 20 mph. June is National Turkey Lover’s Month.

By Christina Gomez Entertainment Editor


Step One: Purchasing a turkey

Can’t be home for the holidays? Just ready to branch away from Mom’s turkey and bake your own? Properly cooking a Thanksgiving turkey is a daunting task. A simple Google search yields more than five million hits. There are as many ways to cook a turkey, as there are to eat it. If you are brave enough to serve up a turkey from scratch, here are a few tips as well as some turkey trivia to impress your friends at the dinner table.

Perhaps the most complex step in preparing a turkey is deciding which turkey to buy. Those feeling a time constraint could opt to purchase a fully cooked turkey in the frozen aisle. Since you pop them straight into the oven, they are ideal in a pinch. Others may choose to purchase a traditional frozen turkey. The average turkey weighs 15 pounds, but plan on serving 12 to 16 ounces of turkey per person.

2 3 3


Step Three: Bake

Step Two: Thawing the turkey

Thawing a turkey properly is integral to ensure that you don’t contaminate the bird, and yourself. Never thaw a turkey at room temperature; any temperature over 38 F is warm enough to allow bacteria to grow. For a smaller 8-12 pound turkey in the wrapper it will take 1-2 days in the refrigerator or 4-6 hours in a cold-water bath to thaw.

Step Three: Fry

If you choose to stuff your turkey, it will take a little longer to cook. Never stuff your turkey with uncooked meats or shellfish. And always insure that you have a working meat thermometer to ensure doneness of the bird.

Deep frying a turkey has long been a southern tradition. The set-up is relatively time intensive and you will need a pretty large fryer, several gallons of oil a propane burner. This recipe is perfect for a large group. As with all things flammable, don’t leave the hot oil unattended. I would also discourage pets and kids from frolicking around the fryer as well.

Place thawed or fresh turkey, breast up in a shallow roasting -pan. Insert oven-safe meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh. Brush or rub skin with canola oil, butter or olive oil to prevent it from drying out. Place in a preheated 325 F oven. When the skin is a light golden color and the turkey is about two-thirds done, shield the breast loosely an aluminum foil tent to prevent overcooking. This will take approximately 2.5 to 3.5 hours depending on the stuffing.

Turkey breeding has caused turkey breasts to grow so large that the turkeys fall over.

Start with a completely thawed and dry turkey. Inject a marinade into the bird or use a dry rub to season. When the cooking oil in the fryer has reached 390 F, place bird in flyer. Fry for 2-4 minutes per pound. Allow the bird to stand for 20 minutes before serving.


When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin sat down to eat their first meal on the moon, their foil food packets contained roasted turkey and all of the trimmings.


Information courtesy of eatturkey.com

hanksgiving dinner on a budget

By Christina Gomez Entertainment Editor

Courtney Addison/Star photo illustration

For those of us who can’t be home for the holidays but still want to have the traditional meal take heart, we created a Thanksgiving dinner for two for less than $15. The biggest substitution we had to make was in the main course. Instead of a time-consuming, sleep-inducing turkey, we picked up an H-E-B fully cooked chicken. It looks like a baby turkey and is already hot and ready to go. (H-E-B Turkey, $7) No turkey (uh, chicken) would be complete without stuffing. At a meager 85 cents a box it only

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takes minutes to prepare and it’s tasty. (Hill Country Fare Stuffing, 85 cents) Next, you need cranberry sauce. Just like Mom used to make, we have cranberry sauce that comes complete with the straight-from-the-can ridges. (Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce, 99 cents) To balance out the meal, you need a vegetable. Green beans are a usual holiday staple and can be purchased for next to nothing. If you are feeling a little spendy, add some French fried onions and some creamy mushroom soup to create a casserole. (H-E-B green beans, 50 cents)

Do potatoes count as a vegetable? They’re more of a food group if you ask me. No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a plate of fluffy mashed potatoes. If you haven’t the time nor the talent to concoct your own, there’s a solution. Instant Mashed Potatoes are cheap and pretty good. (Idahoan Original Mashed Potatoes, 35 cents) To finish the meal, dessert is a must. H-E-B’s bakery has a variety of sweets to suit any person. We went for the staple of pumpkin pie. The crust was buttery and the pumpkin was spiced perfectly. (H-E-B Bakery pumpkin pie, $3.50)

Monday, December 5 LBJSC Amphitheater 11am-2pm Pictures with Santa Free pizza & live music

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Prepare an outdoor grill and lightly oil the grate. Place turkey breast side down on the prepared grill. Sear turkey on both sides until skin is golden to dark brown. In a large roasting pan, mix together a seasoning marinade Place turkey breast side down in the roasting pan. Scoop the pan mixture over the turkey. Cover tightly with foil, and place on grill. Grill three to four hours, until the internal temperature of the thigh reaches 180 F.

Now that your turkey has been fully cooked, you can plate the bird and make it ready to serve. To properly carve a turkey, you first remove the legs. Remove the wings before the breast is carved and carve in a diagonal motion. Repeat until one side is completely carved and rotate. Garnish with excess stuffing and cranberry sauce. Don’t forget to save the wishbone.

97 percent of Americans eat turkey for Thanksgiving.


This is a smart option if your oven is small or if you want to free up your oven for other baking. Cook the bird on the grill, and finish the bird in a roasting pan.

Step Four: Serve

The largest turkey on record weighed 85 pounds.

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Step Three: Grill

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Donations will be accepted for pictures with Santa. Proceeds will benefit the San Marcos Women’s Shelter. Sponsored by KTSW.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Weather Machines produces robotic album with unoriginal sounds By Nixon Guerrero Entertainment Writer

could have been their intention. Jason Ward’s vocals are nothing new or The Weather Maimpressive. He’s not chines’ sound is a cross terrible, don’t get me between older Green wrong. He’s just nothing special. Day and The Cars. As a matter of fact, all the music As for the rest of the band, The Weather tracks could be com- review pared to one Cars song Machines’ guitars cer✯✯ tainly could have been in particular — “You The Weather Might Think.” played by a machine. Upon listening to Machines Each idea is just looped over and over. It’s very the first couple of The Sound of tracks of The Sound Pseudoscience robotic. But again, of Pseudoscience, one Tigers Against maybe that’s their “thing,” you know. doesn’t really have to Crime listen to the remaining The drumming is in tracks. Trust me; they’re pretty good company. Again, it could be played by a drum machine. much all the same. As far as originality, the They probably cost less. TWM is a band that really band’s lyrical shape is something different. They stay away could be done with just one from the stock verse-cho- guy, and that’s Ward. All the rus motif. Instead the band’s songs could be put through a words are written in short sto- sampler and used at live shows. ries. This was kind of cool. But You’d get the same effect. still, the lyrics had too much of The average track-length is a haranguing essence to them. about a two minutes and forThe lyrics didn’t feel like they ty-five seconds. That could be were accessible to the average a good or bad thing. How? Well, each song is only listener, but then again, that

as long as their lyrics would allow them to be, which leads to underdeveloped and incongruent themes. It could be a good thing because the themes and riffs that they do have aren’t very interesting to begin with, and you don’t want to hear them anyway. There are some good things that can be said about the album. There are a couple of tracks that I liked. For example, track nine, “Me Too Iguana.” There’s a great ending line in that song that matches the album’s appeal. It’s time for The Weather Machines to go back to the old drawing board, and maybe next time, they won’t give us a pseudo album with pseudo music on it. How We Rate CDs No Stars - as bad as it gets ✯ - poor quality, don’t bother ✯✯ - ask a friend to burn it ✯✯✯ - good quality, few flaws ✯✯✯✯ - great CD, a must-buy

The University Star - Page 7

Ruthie Foster tells a story with her music at Texas State By Maira Garcia Entertainment Writer

Dressed down, with the only flashiness being a big smile, Ruthie Foster picked up her guitar and gave a sold-out crowd an intimate evening with a heavenly voice. “An Evening with Ruthie Foster,” was held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Recital Hall. The show was a part of the Supple Folk Music Series created by the late Texas State President Jerry Supple and his wife Kathy. Foster’s music, a rich blend of blues, gospel, roots, folk and even reggae, was divulged to an eager audience, displaying her talent and honest personality. The show was more like a conversation than just a music performance. Foster used the element of storytelling throughout her set. This made each song and speech in between more like a chapter in the story rather than some

other awkward transition. Foster began her set by easing the tension of eagerness with humor. Foster, as she raised the guitar to tune it, said, “I’ve been on vacation, let’s see if I remember how to play this thing.” She began a cover song of the soul singer Sister Rosetta Tharpe’s “Up Above My Head.” Her voice hit highs and lows with ease. Foster received a thunderous applause from the audience. “I’m feeling much better,” Foster said. She followed with a song she wrote, “Another Rain Song.” Foster began to play the introductory chords and began to narrate the origin of the song. “I had this job that was taking time away from music, so I would take a lot of sick days especially when it rained,” Foster said. She spoke of the soothing nature of rain and the song’s style liking that of Sam Cooke,

another soul legend, as he still influences Foster music. The intensity of song was matched by her powerful vocals that could be felt through the vibrations the speakers exerted on the seats. She was baring her soul for all to see. Foster continued through to a short medley, which had strong blues influences. “I mix my blues with my gospel and try not to get struck by lightening,” she said to the crowd. The audience erupted into “yeahs,” whistles, and applause. Foster started into a story about her hometown, Gause, Texas, where there was only one store, Coat’s Grocery Store and Feed, where according to her, Ruthie Foster CD’s can be purchased. This led to her song, “Smalltown Blues.” Her vocals bellowed, “I want See FOSTER, page 9

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Photo courtesy of Tigers Against Crime The Weather Machines’ (left to right: Patrick Fleming, Ali DeMersseman, Jason Ward and J. Waylon Miller) debut album, The Sound of Pseudoscience, is reminiscent of bands like Green Day and The Cars.

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FEATURES Direct access covered parking. Ground floor retail area with onsite coffee shop. Onsite clubroom, game room, business center and chapel. Onsite fitness studio, pool and spa included. Within short walking distance of campus, restaurants and shopping.

AMENITIES Fully furnished, unique floorplans with washers and dryers Cable, phone, electric/water, DSL and wireless internet provided Card key entry High efficiency appliances Interior corridors Large, walk-in closets Pantries and linen closets Studio, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom/loft floor plans available




Page 8 - The University Star

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Born to Run marked the end of an era... By Greg Kot Chicago Tribune When it was first released 30 years ago, Bruce Springsteen’s Born to Run pulled off an improbable feat that wasn’t fully appreciated at the time. It pushed the artist’s career into fast-forward, even as the music embraced the past. Now a richly appointed boxed set arrives commemorating the era when Springsteen appeared simultaneously on t h e

covers of Time and Newsweek: Born to Run: 30th Anniversary Edition (Columbia, $39.98 list price). The original album, which went on to sell more than 8 million copies worldwide, sounds more like the end of an era rather than the beginning. That’s because Born to Run now ranks as the last of its kind: an album that fervently believed that rock n’ roll could save your life — or at least change it profoundly. T o d a y ,


©2005 Blimpie International, Inc.


still revives music today

such a notion might seem silly or quaint until one listens to the first few seconds of the freshly remastered title track — a drum roll followed by a jet-engine roar of massed guitars, keyboards, saxophone and glockenspiel and suddenly that old-fashioned idea starts to sound almost reasonable. The album arrived as a burst of restless optimism, a shot of rock n’ roll bravado, at a time when pop culture and society in gen-

8:14 PM

Page 1

melodramatic, bombastic and way, way over the top, but it was also inspiring, especially to those who missed rock n’ roll’s first two waves of giants in the ’50s and ’60s. The 30th anniversary box, which also includes DVDs of a 1975 concert and a documentary about the making of the album, puts that feat in fresh context. Among the revelations is that the music Springsteen and his E Street Band made during the recording sessions sounds vital, larger than life, almost in spite of the arduous process required to make it so. It turns out Clarence Clemons’ extended saxophone solo on “Jungleland” really wasn’t a solo at all but a meticulously scripted musical passage that required 16 hours to record, note by painstaking note. One song, the 4 -minute title track, gestated for six months, going through numerous incarnations, including one with strings and a backing choir that makes Springsteen cringe as he listens to the playback decades later in the 90-minute documentary DVD, Wings for Wheels: The Making of Born to Run.

Six months to record a single song? “A song should take about three hours,” E Street guitarist Steve Van Zandt said. But that fastidiousness put Springsteen on the road to stardom. His ambition was plain: to write and record a blockbuster after his first two albums, Greetings from Asbury Park (1973) and The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle (1973) flopped. When Born to Run arrived, his anointment by Time and Newsweek seemed to fulfill the 1974 prophecy of Jon Landau, the critic who would become Springsteen’s co-producer and manager: “I saw rock n’ roll’s future, and it’s name is Bruce Springsteen.” Springsteen was simultaneously embarrassed and gratified by the hype. “I wouldn’t have (had) it any other way,” he said on one of the set’s DVDs. With Born to Run, Springsteen honed his exuberant live sound by paring his songs to make them punchier, less wordy and more concise. The title song is a more disciplined cousin to the sprawling “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” from his previous album; the latter was a huge concert favorite, but was too unwieldy for radio programmers. Born to Run, in contrast, was tight as a fist, and became Springsteen’s first top-40 hit. It was, as Springsteen said, “a dividing line” for his music. What makes it vital three decades later is that the album Photo courtesy of Columbia was made during a period when Records Springsteen knew he had to move forward but wasn’t sure Bruce Springsteen poses with Clar- exactly how. The tension between what he was and what ence Clemons on the cover of the he would become gives Born 1975 album Born to Run. to Run its power. Here was the moment when the loose gypsy rocker who favored frantic R&B rave-ups and epic arrangements started moving toward the type of crafted anthems that could conquer a hockey arena.

eral were in the doldrums. A few years later, President Jimmy Carter would deliver a speech that described an America suffering “a crisis of spirit” in the wake of Vietnam, Watergate, rising oil prices and a declining economy. Born to Run crashed in at the decade’s midpoint. Many of the ’60s icons (the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Who, The Byrds, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby Stills Nash & Young) were either gone or on cruise control, and punk still hadn’t come kicking and screaming to life. What Springsteen offered was not a new sound but a full-on celebration of an old one. He self-consciously fused Dylan’s lyricism with Phil Spector’s production values and Roy Orbison’s operatic vocals. Su re , it was

Visit us in the LBJ Student Center on the 1st Floor

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Thursday, November 17, 2005


The University Star - Page 9

✯Star Comics

Compiled by Kyle Bradshaw

“Tentative” — System of a Down Dustin Braud advertising senior “Boys from Oklahoma” — Cross Canadian Ragweed Derrick Box undecided freshman

“Mosh” — Eminem Tomás Renteria studio art sophomore

Random Acts of Violence

Erin Leeder

We caught up with Texas State students to see what they’re listening to on the spot.

Green Day shoots for success in Bullet in a Bible By Kyle Bradshaw Assistant Entertainment Editor Green Day’s first live album and DVD, Bullet in a Bible, is a loud political statement that is meant to correspond with the band’s latest studio music album, American Idiot. Singer review Billy Joe Armstrong’s antiwar ✯✯✯ rants and George W. Bushbashing tirades are front and Green Day center on both discs. But on Bullet in a Bible CD, all of his energy feels lost Reprise Records and thin; only the DVD can deliver the full effect of Green Day’s now massive concert production. Recorded during two sold-out concerts at

Debbie Vanstory/Abaca Press Billy Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt of Green Day perform at The 2004 KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas Concert in Universal City, Calif., on Dec. 11, 2004.

the Milton Keynes Bowl in England in June, the band’s musical attacks on our country’s president are met with approving applause from more than 65,000 fans, feeding the band’s thirst for making controversial statements. Just before launching into “Holiday,” Armstrong proclaims, “This song isn’t anti-American. It’s antiwar.” Armstrong and his Green Day troop never come across solely as anti-America, but they certainly don’t hold back their hatred for the current presidential administration — a truth most evident when Armstrong introduces himself to the crowd as George W. Bush and is met with a chorus of boos. “Are We the Waiting,” one of the few exceptional tracks from Idiot, is the only track worth repeat play from the CD. Its powerful chorus resounds with the participation from the crowd, and it transforms nicely into its exact opposite in “St. Jimmy,” as it does on the studio version. Past hits like “Longview” and “Basket Case” feel tired and useless compared to the band’s current lyrical maturity. The only way to fully experience the energy of Green Day’s performance (other than actually attending the show yourself) is to watch the DVD. Here, the enormity of the crowd and Armstrong’s near psychotic enthusiasm, take less-than-stellar tracks like “American Idiot” and “Wake Me Up When September Ends” into a realm that their studio versions never could. Armstrong is always in complete control of his audience. They scream when he tells them. They pump their fists upon every command, as if he were the dictator over his own mini-country of English punk rockers. He even goes as far as instructing them to sing so loud that “every redneck in America” can hear them. And they do. The concert is broken up by interviews with the band that never really go beyond anything found on VH1’s Behind the Music. Armstrong and the band walk us through the formation of Green Day and the recording of American Idiot. Some insights are intriguing, but the interviews grow tired, and they never quite keep up with the concert’s vigor. Bullet in a Bible fills the holes left by Green Day’s ambitious but underwhelming American Idiot with a hypnotic power. You just have to see it to believe it.

FOSTER: Singer encourages audience interaction CONTINUED from page 8


to get out of this town and I don’t want to waste time/I’ve got the low down dirty living in a small town blues.” She did a shuffle with her feet toward the end of the song and said, “That was my Elvis,” producing laughs from the audience. Foster continued into another blues medley and worked her way through a cover of Terri Hendrix’s “Hole in My Pocket.” She encouraged the audience to sing the chorus, “Show me ways to save my soul/I’ve got a hole in my pocket/where it all slips away.” The song produced emotion among the crowd, and although it did not make the

most of Foster’s multifaceted voice, the lyrics were effective enough to make it one of her best covers. Her next song, “Crossover,” was a tribute to the civil rights movement, specifically the 1965 protest march at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala. The song takes the metaphor of crossing a bridge to overcome prejudice and hate. Her set began to wrap up with an old folk song, “Death Came A Knockin’ (Travelin’ Shoes).” Foster explained that the song originated from a Georgia island dialect called “Gulla,” which was a mixture of West African tongues, Native American and English. The song had a bittersweet

sound with lyrics about death approaching at any given moment and a voice with such a beautiful vocal range. The final song took “Oh! Susanna,” to a different meaning that night. It became sorrowful and bittersweet. Foster mentioned that she had copied the composition from a fellow musician, but it was hard to imagine anyone else singing the song with such grace as Foster did. The audience left that night with a whole new perspective on this old song. It could have been the cold air conditioner in that room, or it could have been the sound of Foster’s voice sending chills down my spine Sunday night. I prefer to think it was the latter.

Wednesday’s solutions:

Interested in culture, film and music? Want to build your portfolio and make extra money? The University Star’s Entertainment Section is looking for talented, driven new writers. The right people will gain access to press events, SXSW, ACL, and more. Apply at the Trinity Building or at starentertainment@txstate.edu

Go to www.UniversityStar.com for today’s answers.


quoteof the day

Thursday, November 17, 2005 - Page 10

“It seems crystal clear that but for the citizen journalists, Sony never would have done anything about this.”

— Fred von Lohmann, attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, about the effect bloggers had on exposing a new technology that installed virus-like software on users’ computers to protect against illegal copying of CDs. (Source: Information Week)

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


University must answer for procrastination on AALC investigation On Wednesday, Texas State posted a solicitation seeking bids for investigators to look into the University Police Department and their handling of the events following an after-party at the African-American Leadership Conference in September. To refresh your memory, nearly 20 vehicles from the UPD, San Marcos Police Department, Hays County Sheriff ’s Office and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission responded to calls of a fight outside the LBJ Student Center. By the end of the incident, three students were arrested with at least one student tazed, and numerous claims of police improprieties were made. The university has taken the correct steps in bringing independent investigators into the situation and it’s even better that the investigators, whether the same group or separate, will also look at the procedures in place for UPD and how they can better, if the investigators deem necessary, perform their jobs in situations similar to the ones on the night of Sept. 11. The question must be asked, though: Why did it take more than two months to begin the process of an investigation? The events of that evening certainly created a racial divide between students and law enforcement throughout the city and some involved believe the divide already existed. In a situation like this, it is imperative for the university to act swiftly. By the time the deadline for bids rolls around, which is currently scheduled for Dec. 14 in the bid proposal, the incident will have been slightly more than three months old. A lot can happen in three months time. Memories fade and stories can change, but the lack of trust already out there based on the events can only grow and drive a wedge deeper between the two sides. While it’s understandable that the university feels a need to perform the investigation correctly, the more time that passes, the harder it will be for independent investigators to decipher the numerous dispatch tapes, police reports, photos, video and eyewitness accounts. The students that were present at the scene, the rest of the student body, Texas State administration and the UPD, all need a sense of closure as well as acknowledgement that errors were made on both sides if the investigators decide so. The university has taken a good first step; we can only hope that the next does not take quite as long to complete. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State UniversitySan Marcos.

What are you looking forward to most during the Thanksgiving holiday? “Being with my family, and turkey dinner, ham, dressing, everything. I have three Thanksgivings to go to.” —Brittny Wiese undecided freshman “I have to work the entire Thanksgiving holiday. I work at the mall, so I’m not looking forward to anything.” —Crystal Dale undecided-professional freshman

“To go see my family.” —Michelle Gatton political science sophomore

Compiled by Ashley Richards

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Holidays with a side of drama The end of holidays. Goit all is almost ing home for the here. holidays is a muchOnly two needed vacation more holidays for most students. to get through And not to rain on before we can anyone’s parade, spend an entire but where there is KELSEY VOELKEL day just sleeping holiday cheer, there Star Columnist and watching is a family gathering to celebrate. TV, not feeling There’s nothing wrong with guilty at all. Thanksgiving that scenario, right? Famiand Christmas are coming lies are very special; No one just around the corner, and else will be there for you like aside from the excellent your family will. food, the best part about it They offer love, comfort all is that we don’t have to and support when it is go to school. needed most, and with all The excitement grows that joyous cheer mixed in with each passing day, and a pie, the family will usually with the way things are, or always offer that sidewhat could possibly be bad helping of criticism and anabout going home and not noying questions. have to go to class? I love my family very Believe me when I say I try not to be negative about much, but I also dread going home to spend time things, and I try not to with the whole family. bring others down about I walk through the front certain things; it’s more of a door with my duffel bag of realistic point of view than clothes on one arm and a a negative one. I only try to gigantic and overflowing alert those who don’t think laundry bag in the other. I of the certain aspects of the am greeted by family memholiday season. bers who I haven’t seen It is these aspects that since last year, and instead usually wipe the smile off pretty darn quick and cause of helping me bring my most people to cringe at the bags in, they bombard me with questions. Walking thought. through that living room to By alerting my fellow reach my upstairs bedroom Texas State peers, they can is like trying to run through mentally prepare for the

a battlefield where bullets are coming at you in every single direction. Every single year, something always happens which causes an entire dramatic soap-opera-type scene. You’ll be in the room, and you’re just waiting for something to happen; you’re waiting for the trigger to click which will make the bomb go off. It can be anything from how your little sister got a driving-while-intoxicated charge a few months ago to how your aunt was caught cheating on your uncle with another woman. It’s not that we dread going home for the holidays; we just dread the drama and the tribulations that are going to get stirred up and then continue on until next Thanksgiving. I find that when I am home for the holidays, and a drama-bomb has just exploded in the kitchen between my mother and grandmother, I will try and sneak away, and go out of sight to just breathe. I tell myself that this holiday only comes once a year, but then the thought comes into my mind that in a few short weeks, I will be back here for Christmas. I think some will agree

with me when I say that the more you stuff yourself, the less you’ll feel from the drama of family-holiday cheer. My Thanksgiving consists of sitting around with my family, eating as much turkey and pumpkin pie as my stomach will allow and watching Rudy on television with my older brother. I am constantly bombarded with questions relating to school, grades, relationships and why I haven’t made the dean’s list. Just sitting there and eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family, I feel like I am swimming through an ocean of angry jellyfish. Things could be perfect with me by the time I get home for the holidays, and I’ll give an answer to each and every one of my family members’ questions, and they will find something to criticize me, such as, they’ll ask me why I haven’t come up with a cure for cancer. It is all very mind-numbing, but I have found that the more I stuff myself with more turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes, the more I won’t be bothered by insulting and criticizing questions. Voelkel is a mass communication junior.

Biases no reason to block access to contraceptives Emergency Yet this OREGON DAILY EMERALD month, the contraception, Staff Editorial also known Government as the “mornAccountability ing-after pill” Office, a or Plan B, has become an non-partisan investigative important tool for many col- arm of Congress, concluded lege women to help prevent in a report that the FDA’s deunplanned pregnancies. cision ran counter to acceptEffective if used up to 72 ed protocol. We are pleased hours after unprotected inby this revelation, and we tercourse, Plan B is the first hope it will lead to the FDA progestin-only emergency to make Plan B more accescontraceptive approved by sible to women everywhere. the U.S. Food and Drug AdThe report outlines several ministration, according to disturbing and “unusual” the University (of Oregon) aspects of the FDA’s deciHealth Center, which presion, indicating that certain scribes the pill. FDA officials’ personal biases Its status as a prescription affected it. Foremost, the drug limits other women’s report states that the acting access to this helpful form director’s decision was “novof birth control; in May el” and different from the 2004, the acting director for way 67 proposed prescripthe FDA’s Center for Drug tion-to-OTC decisions were Evaluation and Research remade by the FDA from 1994 jected an attempt by the pill’s to 2004. According to the manufacturer to make Plan report, he said his concerns B available over-the-counter, about the potential for “risky citing safety concerns. behaviors among younger

adolescents resulting from increased access to Plan B” influenced his decision to put the application on the fasttrack to nowhere. No over-the-counter or prescription contraceptives approved by the FDA have age restrictions, according to the report. Further, the FDA has not required any pediatric studies for past approvals. Moreover, some FDA staff allege that “they were told by high-level management that the Plan B OTC switch application would be denied months before staff had completed their reviews of the application.” Officials deny the allegations, with one saying the agency was “tending” or “thinking of going” toward rejecting the request. High-ranking FDA officials who reviewed the application to change the pill’s status also did not sign the decision for Plan B because they dis-

agreed with it, according to the report. These deviations from standard policy suggest the acting director and others were personally invested in preventing teenage girls from engaging in sexual activity. Such moralistic logic has no place in a government regulatory agency. We certainly condemn unprotected sex that physically or emotionally endangers either partner, but present rates of teen pregnancy and abortion suggest that young people continue to engage in unprotected sexual activity. Making Plan B more accessible might cause some people to engage in more risky behavior, but we shouldn’t prevent responsible teenagers, or anyone else, from having access to this contraceptive. This editorial originally appeared in the Daily Emerald on Nov. 16.

Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.................Ashley Richards, ar1225@txstate.edu Trends Editor..............Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...........................Courtney Addison, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

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The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 8,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright November 17, 2005. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


The University Star - Page 11

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Page 13 - The University Star

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Basketball season gets started with the men and women on the road By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter

By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter

The Texas State women’s basketball team is undertaking several changes this season. The team’s first opponent of the season is too. The Bobcats will be traveling to Stillwater to take on the Oklahoma State University Cowgirls on Saturday in the first regular season action for both teams this year. To prepare for the regular season opener, Texas State played its lone exhibition game of the season against Everyone’s Internet, a collection of former collegiate and WNBA players. Nine Bobcats played at least 13 minutes in the 82-53 loss, with some freshmen seeing more time than returnees. “With the freshmen, we wanted to get them some court time,” Coach Suzanne Fox said. “I think it’s important early for those guys to get some court time so they can adjust to the college game. We are going to be counting on them.” Before the game versus Everyone’s Internet, Fox said she would use the game as a tune up for the OSU game since both teams have a height advantage over Texas State, which is something she is still concerned about after the exhibition loss. “At OSU, we’re going to have challenges with their size. We’re going to use a lot of inside kids to see who can do the best job of matching up and giving us a little bit of a defensive front down there.” Despite featuring a team with good size, the OSU women’s basketball team has not had the success of their men’s counterparts. The Cowgirls finished last season with a 7-20 record. After being eliminated in the first round of last year’s Big 12 Tournament by Nebraska University, then-OSU Coach Julie Goodenough resigned. To replace Goodenough, the Cowgirls lured Kurt Budke, former coach of Louisiana Tech University. Budke brought an 80-16 lifetime record and a new

In a matchup between two rebuilding programs, the Texas State men’s basketball team will travel to Salt Lake City to take on the University of Utah Utes on Friday. The Bobcats played only one exhibition game, a 74-71 win over Angelo State University, in preparation for the season-opener against the Utes. Despite seeming to establish a rotation in the win, with seven players seeing the bulk of the minutes, Coach Dennis Nutt said things could change. “I think it’s going to be game to game,” Nutt said. “How we progress with our lineups, who’s going to get a lot of the minutes; it varies. We try to keep that open for competition in practice. You never know who will progress the most throughout a year, and that’s kind of the exciting part of it.” Despite coming off of the bench, junior forward Charles Dotson led the Bobcats in their lone game this season. The transfer from Navarro Junior College had a team-high 16 points to go along with six rebounds. Utah has taken a different approach in its two exhibition wins over Whitman College and Northwest Nazarene University. In both games, the Utes have spread playing time around, with all but one player receiving double-digit minutes in each game. Senior forward Brian Markson has led the Utes in the preseason, averaging 18 points and 6.5 rebounds in the two games. Markson and senior guard Tim Drisdom are the two returning starters from last season’s squad, which reached the NCAA Tournament Sweet Sixteen. Last season, Markson, an All-Mountain West Conference Third Team selection, was the team’s third leading scorer with 10.4 points

Jeremy Craig/Star photo Sophomore guard Joyce Ekworomadu goes up for a shot against Everyone’s Internet during the Bobcat’s losing effort on Nov. 10. Texas State travels to Stillwater to face Oklahoma State at 2 p.m. Saturday. coaching staff with him to OSU. The Cowgirls also have to deal with losing last year’s leading scorer, Nina Stone, to graduation. In addition to her 14.6 points per game, Stone also led the team with 2.3 assists and her five rebounds per game were good for second best on the team. “I think both teams are real unknown. They’re unknown just like we’re going to be sort of unknown to them,” Fox said. “Both teams are going to go in a little bit tender-footed trying to figure out what each other is going to be doing just because both teams have some new looks going on.” Despite the changes, OSU has dominated both of its exhibition games, defeating the Oklahoma Flyers 90-72 and Panhandle State 86-43. Though the Cowgirls return three starters, it has been two newcomers — junior center Whitney Pegram and freshman forward Shaunté Smith — who have been most impressive during exhibition play. Pegram, a 6-foot-4-inch transfer from Seward County Community College, was a NJCAA All-America First Team pick last season. During her two exhibi-

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said the Bobcats are not looking for moral victories; they are playing to win. “We want to play to win,” Nutt said. “There’s 27 (games) on the slate and every one is just as important as the next one. We’re going to do everything we can to win the game.” Texas State will be fighting Utah’s size and perhaps the size of its crowd as well, something many Bobcats will not be used to, Nutt said. “I’m sure it’s going to be an eye-opening experience for a lot of them, but we do have a few veterans who have made some trips,” Nutt said. “So we’ll lean on our veterans to help our youngsters get through this.” The game in Utah is set for an 8 p.m. tip off. Texas State will stay in the state, traveling to Orem, Utah, the next day to take on Utah Valley State.


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per game while shooting 53.7 percent from the floor. Drisdom was not much of a scorer but was second-leading assist man on the team, averaging 3.2 per game. Despite the loss of big man Andrew Bogut, who left Utah early and became the first-overall pick last year’s NBA draft, Utah’s size could still be a problem, Nutt said. Last season, Bogut led the team in points per game (20.4), rebounds (12.2) and blocks (1.9). “Obviously we need to start as big as we can,” Nutt said. “They have a lot of size. Thank goodness they lost the one stud they had in the middle. We were happy when we heard he was leaving early.” Though the loss of Bogut was a big blow to Utah, the Utes were still picked to finish second in the MWC in a poll of conference media members. Despite the prestige of the Utah program, Nutt

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tion games as a Cowgirl, she averaged 24 points and 5.5 rebounds. Though four inches shorter then Pegram, Smith has been the workhorse on the boards during the two preseason games in which she averaged 10.5 points and 13.5 rebounds per game. What will make the game even tougher for the Bobcats, Fox said, is the added intensity OSU is likely to have playing its first home game of the season. It could be especially problematic for the freshman, she said. “It’s just the excitement of playing your first college game,” Fox said. “We could be shooting it over the rim or hitting all net. You never know. I think our freshman kids are pretty levelheaded. They don’t get too high or too low. I think they’ll respond well.” The game is set to tip off at 2 p.m. on Saturday. After the trip to OSU, Texas State plays its next six games at home.

Spencer Millsap/Star photo Freshman forward C.J. Webster had eight points and four rebounds in Texas State’s exhibition on Nov. 9 against Angelo State University.






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sports snortsquotes from the sports world “I’m most very happy to be able to come back again and wear the pinstripes again and play in that uniform; my first desire was to play here.” — New York Yankees outfielder Hideki Matsui, expressing his jubilation after signing a $52 million contract to stay with his team for another four years. (Source: Associated Press)

Thursday, November 17, 2005 - Page 14

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

There is a time to catch and a time to dodge By Brandon Cobb Sports Writer While the debate between Darwin’s theory of evolution and intelligent design rages on, last night’s Intramural Dodgeball Tournament chalked one up for the natural selection contingent. Wednesday night it was kill or be killed as more than 100 participants squared off at the Student Recreation Center in a sixon-six double-elimination melee, all for bragging rights as this semester’s dodgeball champs. “Everybody wants their face on the Intramural Web site,” said Coulson Thomas, event organizer. Thomas, a second-year graduate student in physical education, said he was pleased with this semester’s turnout. Participation more than doubled since the first tournament last spring, with 24 teams registering: four co-rec and 20 allmale squads signed on for this semester’s tournament. With this unexpectedly large turnout, Thomas said the National Dodgeball Association rules had to be altered slightly to facilitate faster games. Teams played a best-two-out-of-three elimination series, with one sudden-death overtime period allotted in case of a draw in the third game. With games taking place on the basketball courts, Thomas initiated a rule stipulating that if a player were to make a basket from half-court, his entire team would be allowed back into play. These quirky rules added another variable to an already volatile mixture of adrenSpencer Millsap/Star photo aline, nerves and sheer aggression. The atmosphere was tense on the court as Dodgeball teams The Crew ’05 (left) and The Keystoners players, rocking back and forth on the balls latch onto as many dodgeballs as they can in hopes of an of their feet, scanned the opposition lookearly advantage. ing for a chink in the other team’s armor.

Like lions stalking their prey, teams picked off the weaker members of the opposing team relentlessly. “People get really into this,” said Tyler Mckee, family consumer science sophomore and event referee. McKee has officiated other intramural events, but was especially amused by the intensity of the dodgeball crowd. “This is the funniest sport I’ve refereed,” McKee said. Indeed. Watching someone get hit in the face with a large, rubber ball is still as funny as it was in sixth grade P.E. The teams’ names were a bit more crass than in sixth grade, though. With monikers like The Pink Panty Droppers and the Blue Ballers, the winners/losers bracket read like graffiti on a bathroom stall. Still, decorum was maintained on the court for the most part. One particularly heated game between last spring’s champs, the Dodge Ballers, and newcomers, the Blue Ballers, involved plenty of cross-court smack talking, not only from the players but from fans as well. “Hit the weight room,” yelled a rowdy fan after a particularly wimpy lob from a player on the Blue Ballers. The match went the entire three games, with the young upstarts prevailing over the champs. “We’ll make a comeback,” said Brad Frailicks, sociology senior and Dodge Ballers team member. With three teams registered, Butler Hall made a good showing in both the men’s and co-rec division. “We’d like to do this every week,” said Nathan Neal, kinesiology junior. Neal performed double duty, playing for Bleep Bleep, Butler Hall’s co-rec team, and Bloop Bloop, the dorm’s all-men’s team. While there were more men’s teams,

Spencer Millsap/Star photo Anthony Hesson, management sophomore, goes for a kill during Wednesday night’s start of the intramural dodgeball tournament at the Student Recreation Center. some of the best action was seen during the co-rec games. After watching her five teammates get pelted, international studies senior Elizabeth McDaniel stood her ground against the entire Bleep Bleep squad for several minutes by herself. McDaniel made some tough diving catches, ejecting a few opponents before getting blasted by a nasty shot that careened off her face for the final out of the game. “That was horrible,” McDaniel said after the match. “I thought I was going to catch that one.” The immense turnout for this intramural tournament ballooned the event, originally scheduled for one day, into a two-day affair. Matches will resume tonight at the Student Recreation Center with the Ball Breakers facing The Crew at 5 p.m. and Sigma Pi squaring off against the Cotton Headed Ninnies at 5:30 p.m. in men’s quarterfinal action. The Village People face The Exclamation Points at 4:30 p.m. in the first round of the co-rec semifinals.

Bob vs. Bear: ’Cats and ’Kats to go head-to-head Saturday By Nathan Brooks Sports Reporter The Texas State Bobcats head into the last game of the regular season looking for at least a share of the Southland Conference crown as they face rival Sam Houston State University. The Bobcats came in with an 8-2 record overall, a 4-1 mark in the conference, and is ranked fifth nationally by both the ESPN and Sports Network polls. The Bearkats, who won the SLC title last year with its win over Texas State in the regular season finale, have struggled this season going just 3-6 overall and 2-3 in conference play. SHSU is coming off a 24-3 loss last week against the University of Northern Colorado, in a game that saw them turn the ball over six times via interceptions. SHSU’s offense has lost the power that it had last year as they have struggled to find consistency from the quarterback position. “We are just not very efficient throwing the ball because of inexperience,” said Bearkat Coach Todd Whitten. “When we play well, we are able to take the heat off the quarterback by getting the running game going. When we have to rely on the quarterbacks and inexperienced receivers then it gets tough for us.” The Bearkat offense has seen three different starters at the

quarterback position with two receiving significant time under center. Sophomore Wade Pate was named the starter for last week’s game against Northern Colorado after turning in a great performance off the bench against Southeastern Louisiana on November 5. Against the Lions, Pate threw for 260 yards and three touchdowns while rushing for two more, which was good enough to earn him SLC Offensive Player of the Week. However, in Pate’s third start of the season against the Bears he completed just 13 of 33 passes for 152 yards, throwing four interceptions. Before Pate’s start last week, sophomore Phillip Daugherty started the previous five contests for the Bearkats, compiling 1,196 yards passing along with eight touchdowns and six interceptions on the season. The running game that is so important to the SHSU attack is led by senior Jason Godfrey who leads the team with 109 carries for 534 yards and six touchdowns. Also out of the backfield is senior Stevie Smith who leads the SLC in all-purpose yards per game with 122 yards a game. Smith has rushed for 271 yards, caught 23 passes for 317 yards, and returned kickoffs for 388 yards. As a team, the Bearkats rank right around the middle of the SLC in all the major offensive categories averaging 27.4 points

per game on 345.1 yards of total offense. If they continue to struggle passing, they could be in for a long day against the conference’s top-rated defense from Texas State. SHSU’s defense has had just as many problems as their offense ranking near the bottom in every major defensive category. The Bearkats rank sixth in the SLC in total defense surrendering 401.3 yards per game, with 169.6 yards coming on the ground and 231.8 coming through the air; both rank sixth in the league. They also rank fifth in scoring defense, allowing opponents to 29.1 points per game. Despite their struggles, the Bearkats lead the conference with 24 sacks and have three defensive linemen with 40 or more tackles. Defensive linemen John Griffin and David Branch have combined for 84 tackles, 12 tackles for a loss, with Griffin recording four sacks and Branch Adam Brown/Star photo recording a team high six. Defensive end Ed Jackson is Senior quarterback Barrick Nealy races downfield for an 81-yard touchdown run in Satursecond on the team with five day’s victory over Stephen F. Austin State University. Nealy was named the No. 5 senior sacks and has 41 tackles on the quarterback in the NCAA by ESPN.com analyst Mel Kiper Jr. on Wednesday. season. Safety Tony Jones leads the team with 59 tackles, 11 with last week’s win against Ste- for with a Texas State win and a earn the automatic bid. coming in last week’s win. phen F. Austin State University, Nicholls State loss, which would The Bobcat’s fate would be The Bobcats lead the all-time reaching eight wins in a season. give them the outright SLC title left up to the playoff selection series against the Bearkats 45“Eight wins for the first time and an automatic NCAA Divi- committee who would compete 32 with four ties. This intrastate since 1983 [is special]. I think sion 1-AA playoff berth. for one of eight at large berths rivalry is one of the oldest in this team is still hungry, and If Nicholls State University to the Division 1-AA playoffs. Division 1-AA history with the we’re still playing for some- and Texas State both win, they A loss by the Bobcats would reseries dating back to 1919. thing,” said Bobcat Coach David technically share the conference move all hope of reaching the Speaking of history, the Bob- Bailiff. crown, but the Colonels hold playoffs. cats did something that they That something is a playoff the tie breaker with their 32-29 Kickoff is set for 3 p.m. on haven’t done in over 20 years berth the Bobcats are hoping win over the Bobcats and would Saturday at Bobcat Stadium.

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