09 07 2005

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e v i t c n i t s i D s e c i o V





Volleyball loses heartbreaker to top-ranked Baylor

Abby Minica’s second Distincive Voices desribes hot days for the Strutters




Professor to run for seat in City Council election By Eloise Martin News Reporter

See PROFESSOR, page 3





Photo courtesy of Zane Childress

After living in San Marcos and working at Texas State University for 32 years, Maurice Johnson is confident his dual role as a citizen and professor could give him an edge over his opponents in the running for place four on the San Marcos City Maurice Johnson Council. “Moe” Johnson, a health, physical education and recreation professor began his career at the university in 1973, when the student population was close to 8,000, as opposed to the nearly 27,000 it stands at today. Johnson said he did not plan to stay in San Marcos for so many years, but after 32 years, he has no plans to leave. “Between the students and the citizens, we’ve got some great people here,” Johnson said. Johnson said he is connected to both Texas State and the community and feels he would not alienate either population with his position. “I work at the university but I live in San Marcos,” Johnson said. Johnson said the idea that he has lived here for 32 years shows he has some understanding of both the university and the community. “Hopefully I have learned something in that time and I can make good decisions from my experience,” Johnson said. Johnson has been an active member in the community by serving on the Parks and Recreation advising board for nearly 20 years. He also started the San Marcos Running Club and is a member of Kiwanas, a community religious group. Twenty years ago he began “Moe’s Better Half Marathon,” which takes place around the Tanger Outlet Mall to raise money for the Kiwanas club. For 15 years Johnson has been writing a weekly column in the San Marcos Daily Record that focuses on running. He has also participated as a peach cobbler taster for the Juneteenth celebration. Johnson said running for City Council is just one more step he can take to connect and help the community.


After battle with insurgents and an injury, Marine returns home, and to the books, safely By Eloise Martin News Reporter While other students were preparing for a break from school and impending New Year’s celebrations, in December 2004 Cpl. Robert Zane Childress received a call informing him he would be leaving for Iraq within

three months. Childress, a pre-psychology sophomore, said he joined the Marine Corps because he wanted to be part of an elite team. “I always liked leadership, and I wanted a challenge,” Childress said. “I wanted to join the hardest branch, and I wanted to serve my country.” Childress entered boot camp on July 29, 2001 in San Diego, Calif. He said boot camp prepared him for Iraq because the drill instructors train Marines for conditions as difficult as they would face in wartime. See SEMPER FI, page 4

Uprooted students find solid ground Texas State accepts students displaced by Hurricane Katrina By Kirsten Crow News Editor

Adam Brown/Star photo Jason Leonard, a displaced student, was enrolled at Texas State Friday. The accounting senior previously attended Xavier University in New Orleans on a basketball scholarship. Leonard evacuated the city on Aug. 27 with minimal belongings, only six days after moving into his new apartment. He said he was appreciative of the help from the Texas State, and his friend, Chris Burns.

Today’s Weather

Mostly Sunny 94˚/ 67˚

Precipitation: 20% Humidity: 49% UV: 10 Very High Wind: SE 9 mph

As the water drains from the streets of New Orleans and uprooted residents adjust to their new settings in shelters across the South, Texas State is offering a new—if not permanent— home for students displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Colleges such as Tulane University, Northwood University, Xavier University, Loyola University of New Orleans and the University of New Orleans have indefinitely cancelled classes for the fall semester, although there is hope the institutions may reopen in the spring. For the time being, however, universities across Texas, including Texas State, are throwing out their welcome mats to the students who have been evacuated and still seek to attend classes. President Denise Trauth authorized the admission of displaced students to Texas State on Thursday, and by Friday, approximately five former students of Louisiana were current Texas State students, with eight more accepted. Trauth announced the decision in a letter addressed to the “Texas State family” posted on the university’s Web site on Friday. “In keeping with our tradition of service and commitment to students, it is appropriate that we assist as many of these students as possible,” Trauth wrote in a letter issued to faculty. Michael Heintze, associate vice president for enrollment management, said the university is merely doing its part to alleviate unfortunate circumstances.

“This is a very unique situation of national crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of people,” Heintze said. “As an institution of higher education with a long tradition of service, it was appropriate that we step forward and do our part.” Christie Kangas, director of admissions and school relations, said she expects several more new students in the week to come, for an approximate total of 15 to 20. “We’re looking at between 12 and 20 (students) since most of the universities and colleges across Texas are opening their doors,” Kangas said. “It gives students a lot of places to spread out.” She said many offices contributed to getting the students settled, including Residence Life to help find housing and the Financial Aid office to assist in making first payment installations. “Some of those issues still remain,” Kangas said, noting some of the students have been placed in residence halls while others will be living off campus with family in the area. “That’s primarily what we’re seeing—students who are from Texas and are coming back here, or (students) coming back with someone they know from this area,” Kangas said. She said the Financial Aid office is helping students fill out emergency tuition loans while financial issues are addressed. Dean of Students John Garrison said in addition to helping the students acquire loans, the university would help in contacting their families and assessing their financial situations. “If their financial situation is not where it needs to be because of the tragic situation on the Coast, if bank records are lost, we’ll assist them in any way that we can,” Garrison said. As for other issues, such as a lack of basic

Thursday Isolated T-Storms Temp: 95°/ 69° Precipitation: 30%

Friday Isolated T-Storms Temp: 94°/ 69° Precipitation: 30%

Request for more humane cat euthanasia by animal lover group By Kevin Washburn News Reporter Alkek Library assistant Karen Cowan is the head of a small group of animal lovers that is trying to convince the San Marcos City Council and the San Marcos Animal Shelter to adopt several new measures to address the stray and feral cat problem in the city. The group, tentatively named Campus Trap, Neuter, Release and Maintain, would like to address the implementation of a trap, neuter, release and maintain program, and a more humane procedure to euthanize cats when the need arises. Cowan said 100 percent of the feral cats brought to the shelter are put down. Feral cats are born in the wild, while strays are cats that once lived in domesticated homes but now live on the streets. “Studies show that the most effective way to maintain a feral population is to actually invoke (the trap, neuter, release and maintain program),” said Cowan. “The animals are trapped, they’re neutered and vaccinated, tested for illnesses, and the adults are released back on campus. The kittens are fostered (and) socialized towards people so that they’re happy, cute little kitties that people want to adopt, and we get them fixed as well. They’re always, always fixed.” Returning the cats where they were found, Cowan said, is important because if the area is left empty, it creates a “nature vacuum” and other wild cats will move into the vacated space. Cowan’s group submitted a list of items last month for the City Council to consider last and also spoke about ending the shelter’s use of a gas chamber to put down cats. The gas chamber is a form of euthanasia in which cats are placed in a room, which is then filled with carbon monoxide.

See KATRINA, page 3

Two-day Forecast

See SHELTER, page 3



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9 8 8 1-4

Cpl. Zane Childress, a current Texas State pre-psychology sophomore, stands in front of a Humvee he was riding in that was damaged after driving over a land mine in spring of 2004 in Iraq.

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PAGE TWO The University Star

September 7, 2005

Wednesday in Brief

communityhappenings Tom Green Elementary School is recruiting mentors for students in grades pre-K through 5. Research repeatedly shows that having a mentor helps a child become more successful in school. For many mentors, the rewards of reaching out to another and building a close, trusting relationship include an increase in personal enrichment, happiness and self-knowledge. Healthy, educated and nurtured children also tend to grow

into productive adults and responsible parents. Mentors are asked to spend 30 minutes a week with a student between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Mentors will need to attend a 30-minute training session and consent to a criminal background check. If anyone is interested in being a mentor to a Tom Green student, please contact Susan Tiffee at (512) 268-8438. — Courtesy of Hays CISD

News Contact — Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu the Texas State Golf Course.

On This Day...

Healing with words Danny Rodriguez/Special to The Star

Whitewater Wednesday meets at 1 p.m. in the Outdoor Center. Register by 12:30 p.m.


Calendar of

Wellsfargo.com Bus will be at the Texas State Quad from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information contact Lisa Doiron at (210) 856-8864.



Clubs & Meetings

Multi-Cultural Student Affairs 13th Annual African American Leadership Conference begins at the LBJSC and continues through Sunday. For more information, contact Beverly Woodson at (512) 245-7439.

Thursday Financial Management Association meets at 5:30 p.m. in Derrick Hall, Room 234. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship meets at 8:30 p.m. in Old Main, Room 320. Call (512) 557-7988 or visit texasstatechialpha.com for more information.

Tuesday War Support Group: Helping Students Cope, a drop-in support group for students dealing with a loved one or friend serving in the military, meets from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the LBJ Student Center, Room 5-1.10.

Campus Sports Wednesday 2-for-1 Student Green Fees at


Multi-Cultural Student Affairs 1st Annual All Male Conference from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at LBJSC Ballroom. Registration fee is $3. For more information contact Beverly Woodson at (512) 2457439. CALENDAR SUBMISSION POLICY Calendar submissions are free. Send submissions to Calendar of Events Manager Nicole Hernandez at starcalendar@txstate.edu or call 2453487 for more information. E-mailed press releases will not be accepted. If using e-mail, please submit as a simple bulletted list of essential information. Submissions are on a first come, first served basis and notices for weekly meetings need to be submitted every week they will take place. The University Star reserves the right to refuse entries or edit for libel, style and space purposes. Deadline: Three working days prior to publication.


Do you know someone at Texas State who has recently celebrated a great achievement? Nominate your choice to appear in The Star as a “Star of Texas State.” Write an e-mail to starletters@txstate.edu with the subject line “Stars of Texas State” and include your nominee’s name, his/her relationship to the university, contact information for yourself and your nominee, and a brief description of the achievement. Also include a photo of your nominee if available. Accepted nominees will be featured at the top of Page Two.

1813 - The nickname “Uncle Sam” was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. The reference appeared in an editorial in New York’s Troy Post. 1921 - The first Miss America Pageant was held in Atlantic City, N.J. 1940 - London received its initial rain of bombs from Nazi Germany during World War II. 1979 - ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, made its debut on cable TV. 1989 - Legislation was approved by the U.S. Senate that prohibited discrimination against the disabled in employment, public accommodations, transportation and communications.

A Texas State student joined in the relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday afternoon by reading poetry in The Quad for donations.

CRIME BL TTER San Marcos Police Department Sept. 3, 3:16 p.m. Theft/1220 S IH 35 Theft under $20,000. Money stolen from a local business. Sept. 4, 2:48 a.m. Public Intoxication/800 Sagewood Trail. Officer made an arrest for public intoxication. A search at the jail revealed possession of a controlled substance in a correctional facility. Sept. 4, 4:37 p.m. Theft/3939 S IH 35 A mall employee reported that an adult female and her two children were involved in thefts at the mall. The subjects and some stolen clothing were

located. It was determined that one of the chidren was 17 years old. The adult female and the 17-year-old female were arrested for theft and engaging in organized criminal activity. The male child was released to family. Sept. 4, 10:06 p.m. Criminal Mischief/102 N IH 35 Subject’s two front tires were slashed while he was eating at Chili’s. Sept. 5, 3:05 a.m. Burglary of Habitation/1975 Aquarena Springs Drive Subject was arrested for burglary of a habitation after she entered a residence without consent and committed an assault.

Crime stoppers: UPD: 245-7867, SMPD: 353-TIPS

1999 - Viacom Inc. announced that it had plans to buy CBS Corp.

City Beat San Marcos Fire Rescue heads to Austin to aid hurricane victims San Marcos Fire Rescue deployed 12 firefighter/emergency medical technicians to Austin Bergstrom International Airport on Saturday to help receive and evaluate sick and injured victims of Hurricane Katrina. San Marcos Emergency Management Coordinator Ken Bell received notice from the Texas Emergency Operations Center at 10 a.m. Saturday that Austin needed assistance with the airlift of hundreds of victims from the disaster area. “San Marcos Fire Rescue is

ready to do our part,” said Fire Chief Mike Baker. He has called in all off-duty firefighters, who will rotate shifts in San Marcos and at the Austin airport for as long as necessary. The EMTs and firefighters will help with triage, patient assistance and treatment at the airport. The department sent 12 people, three vehicles and medical kits. Numerous airplanes with sick and injured people from the Gulf Coast are expected in Austin. “We will continue assisting until we’re done,” Baker said. — Courtesy of the City of San Marcos



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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

The University Star - Page 3

SHELTER: Group aims to discontinue ‘gas chambers’ KATRINA: Texas State CONTINUED from page 1

Linda L. Smith/Star Photo

The group would like the shelter to instead use injections to put down the cats. Animal Services Manager, Bert Stratemann, said while currently injections are sometimes used, carbon monoxide can be the best option because the shelter’s staff is not allowed to sedate the cats before giving them the injection. Without a sedative, it can be quite difficult to perform the injection. Stratemann said as a result of the meeting, the City Council has authorized the shelter to perform a cost-analysis of adopting a TNRM program and the use of injections rather than carbon monoxide to put down the animals. “We’re currently trying to develop a plan of action,”

Stratemann said. “To do what (CTRNM) is asking for, there would be budget issues and staffing and equipment issues. We also have to find out whether (the changes) would be immediate, phased in or not happen at all.” The proposals come on the heels of similar changes being made in San Antonio, where Mayor Phil Hardberger and the City Council recently voted to stop using the gas chamber in favor of lethal injection. Reportedly the mayor would also like to see a new spay and neuter program and better adoption programs. Likewise, Austin’s animal shelter, The Town Lake Animal Center, uses injections to put animals down, said administration specialist Joan Hamilton-Huber. The TLAC does not participate

A view of the dog kennels at the San Marcos Animal Shelter. New, more humane, euthanization methods are under consideration for the animals. in a TNRM program, though several private groups around the city have adopted the program. Cowan said so far, she has

been pleased with the response she’s gotten from the City Council. What is needed now, Cowan said, is more awareness and volunteers.

PROFESSOR: Johnson stresses college, city connections CONTINUED from page 1

If elected, Johnson said his priority as a council member will be to improve the quality of life in San Marcos. Johnson said moving forward as a city is a good thing, but it requires management. “The university has all these students who are qualified people who need jobs,” Johnson said. “We need the resources to supply businesses.” These businesses, Johnson said, are a working relationship between the community and the students. Johnson pointed out that with almost 27,000 students, many businesses rely on student workers. “Without the university, this wouldn’t be San Marcos,” Johnson said. The growing community and number of businesses have led to traffic problems felt by students and community members alike, Johnson said. “Students run out of room to park so they have to park at local businesses and at the park,” Johnson said. “The businesses get frustrated and then citizens cannot access at the park.” Johnson said parking is not the only side effect of a growing community, but also the traffic. He said there are three main areas in San Marcos which need to be evaluated: the intersection of Aquarena Springs Drive and Interstate 35, the intersection on Highway 80 near Hastings and Ranch Road 12 entering San Marcos from Wimberley. “These roads all lead toward the city,” Johnson said. “We need a way to get to where we want without congesting downtown.” Johnson cited the recent changes at the intersection of Sessom Drive and University Drive at Sewell Park as a great example of assuaging the problem with traffic congestion. Another issue Johnson said he hopes to focus on is the problem of residency. Johnson said if a student comes to San Marcos and is serious about school, they should be allowed to live within the community, which, under the current R-1 Zoning, limits certain neighborhoods to

two unrelated people living together, a directive that has been criticized as discriminatory towards some students. “Some students come here and take care of the house, study and work part-time. I see no problem with them living in residential areas,” Johnson said. But Johnson said there are students who do like to have parties, and these students should not expect to move into a quiet neighborhood and change the citizens’ atmosphere. “People do not like to get up and find beer cans in their yard,” Johnson said. Johnson said for these students, an apartment complex is the better option. He said although there are issues in San Marcos which need to be addressed, he has remained in the city because of all it has to offer. “I love to swim and kayak,” Johnson said. “And the city has so much to offer with the River Pub’s live music, the library, Sights and Sounds, the July Fourth events and great parks. And it is all free.” Most classes Johnson teaches are on kinesiology, and he has adapted physical education programs for students with disabilities. Johnson is also on the graduation commencement speaker committee where he takes part in choosing which students speak each year during graduation ceremonies. “It is one of my most favorite jobs because I get to meet with and interview some of the most outstanding students,” Johnson said. Johnson said one reason he has stayed at the university for so many years is because he thinks the students at Texas State are outstanding. He said there are many good deeds the students do for the community, such as Bobcat Build, and he feels they do not get enough attention. “I have taught at a lot of universities and seen a lot of good students, but here the students are exceptional.” Also running for place four on city council is Chris Jones, public administration senior.

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sity.” Taylor said he wants the students of Texas State to know he is not anti-student, and was against the sound ordinance last year. “I really try to focus on what I think will be the best for the city in the end,” Taylor said. Robert Patton, department of health, physical education, and recreation professor, has been at Texas State for 44 years. Patton has worked with Johnson both in the university and in the community. “His name is Mr. Service to the community,” Patton said. Patton said Johnson is a professor whom students find easygoing and precise with explanations. He also said Johnson’s student evaluations are always high. Patton said Johnson will have no agenda as far as who he is going to represent, but that he listens to everyone and is exceptional at picking out the good ideas and leaving out the bad ones. Patton said Johnson has led an extensive life and through his volunteer work and involvement he has been able to meet everyone in the community. “I have no doubt he will be a top vocal member of city council if he is elected,” Patton said. “He has put in the time and the effort to serve the citizens well.” Patton mentioned a few of the projects he has witnessed Johnson being involved with, including the San Marcos Activity Center, the faculty advising committee for education as well as various clubs on campus, such as wrestling and karate. “He is just a guy that you stand back and look at him and say ‘How does he do all that stuff?’” Patton said. Elections will be held Nov. 8, but early voting for students is available Oct. 26 and 27 in the LBJ Student Center.


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Jones said he feels he has the education and the desire to make San Marcos the best place possible. Jones’ main issues include economic development, community development and quality of life improvement. “It is all about helping San Marcos and making San Marcos a better place to live,” Jones said. Jones is the former Associated Student Government vice president and if elected, would be the second Texas State student to hold position on city council. The first was Bill Cunningham in 1972. Johnson and Jones are running against William Taylor, current city council member and incumbent. Taylor has lived in San Marcos since 1964 and received his Bachelor of Arts in government with a minor in business from Southwest Texas State University in the early 1970s. Taylor has served on several boards in the city, including the Airport Commission, the Main Street Advisory Board and the Small Business Development Council, among others. Taylor said some of the city’s accomplishments during his time on City Council include an ordinance that will develop a Wonder World Drive overpass to connect the university side of the city to the hospital. He was on the lobbying committee to help raise funds for the project. Taylor has also been involved with creating the Dunbar Historical District, enforcing environment codes to new businesses and he worked with the university to improve city and university parking. Taylor said sometimes governments need new people to change a stale council, although that is not the case now. “Right now we have a very good synergy,” Taylor said of the current city council. “We are very representative of the neighborhoods and the univer-





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staff expecting 12 to 20 students from Louisiana CONTINUED from page 1

toiletries and clothing, Kangas said the university is working to address those problems as well. “People are checking to see that they are getting what they need,” Kangas said. “Many left with minimal belongings. Those in Residence Life and coordinators will be ascertaining any needs that they have, and some student organizations are stepping forward saying, ‘how can we help?’” One student who evacuated New Orleans received help not only from the university, but from friends as well. Jason Leonard, accounting senior, said after evacuating Xavier University, he found himself without more than three changes of clothes. During his time at Xavier, the campus had been evacuated three times. Having stayed through a tropical storm without overwhelming consequences, he did not think this time would be any different. “I didn’t take anything, just three outfits,” Leonard said. “I didn’t think it would be that bad.” Leonard evacuated New Orleans on Aug. 27 and transferred to Texas State on Friday. He said the staff in the administration office was very helpful, but additionally, two of his professors supplied him with books, and a friend, Christopher Burns, provided him with clothes and a place to stay in San Marcos. He said Texas State will be a transition from Xavier. “It’s very different,” Leonard said. “Xavier was a historically black college, and it’s really different being the only AfricanAmerican in my class.” Although Leonard was able to stay with friends, other students were placed in residence halls for their time at Texas State. Kyle Estes, assistant director of Residence Life, said the university has managed the situation well. “(University staff) are personally walking (the students) over to JCK,” Estes said. He also said the university community has stepped forward to help the displaced students. “We’ve had phone calls, students and staff calling to volunteer, asking what people need: clothes, phone cards, toiletries,” Estes said. “We’ve had students say, ‘bring the Katrina students to our building. We want to help them out.’” Over the weekend, Residence Life kept on-call staff available to intercept any students who arrived during the weekend and ensure that they had a place to sleep, Estes said. Garrison said the additional

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NG, 6-1, 338, Sr., Mansfield

QB, 6-5, 230, Sr., Dallas

1 UT, 3AST, 2.5 TOT, 1.5 QB Sacks (-12 yards) 2.5 TFL (-14 yards)

Passing: 12-21-0 for 160 Yards/2 TDʼs Rushing: 13 Carries for 52 Yards/1 TD

Despite drawing double teams most of the night, wrecked havoc on Delta State’s offense. Was credited with 1.5 quarterback sacks for -12 yards and also had 2.5 tackles for loss. Solo sack late in the first half set the tone for Delta State’s final series of the half. The Statesmen went three-and-out as the Bobcats’ protected an 18-10 lead at the break.

students will not be a strain on the university’s finances. “I think that with the resources we have with the Financial Aid office and other resources, we should be in good shape to handle whatever situation could arrive with these students, and I don’t anticipate any problems with this,” Garrison said. In addition to the university helping students find means to fund their first payments, Raymund Paredes, commissioner of the Texas Higher Education Commission, issued a memo Friday waiving out-of-state tuition fees for displaced students after Gov. Rick Perry certified Hurricane Katrina an emergency disaster. Heintze said displaced students should be enrolled by the end of the week. The 12th class day and the last day to drop classes is Friday. “At some point, we will have to draw this process to a close because we are so deep in the semester,” he said. Heintze, who earned his master’s degree in history from Texas State, said it is essential for the university community to reach out to these students. “Three states have been devastated by this hurricane,” Heintze said. “I think it’s important that everyone do their part to help these families and students recover and return to a normal life.” Kangas said she, too, feels the university’s effort is important. “I think it’s wonderful that the university is stepping up to the plate to help these students, even if it’s only a dozen,” Kangas said. “It’s a dozen lives we’ve affected.” Kangas said while some of the students may make Texas State their alma mater, many will return to their schools once they are operational. “We’re hoping for the universities’ sakes they will be up by the spring semester and (the students) will have the option of going back there,” Kangas said. “I think many of the students are hoping that too.” Carlos Villasenor, mass communication junior, transferred from Loyola University of New Orleans to Texas State on Thursday. He said that while the university has been very helpful and welcoming, he will be returning to Loyola in the spring if and when the university is open. Leonard, on the other hand, said he will not be returning to New Orleans because he plans on graduating this semester, and for emotional reasons. “I’m not going back,” Leonard said. “I can’t afford to see New Orleans like that in the first place. That would be crazy.”

Helped lead Texas State to a season-opening win over Delta State, Division II’s ninth-ranked team. With the game tied at 25-25, engineered a 9-play, 57-yard fourth-quarter drive for the game-winning score that he capped with a 1-yard scoring plunge. Converted a third-and-21 play early in the drive with a 34-yard pass into Delta State territory. With 160 passing yards, moved up to second on Texas State’s all-time passing list, passing Mike Miller who led the Bobcats to a pair of Division II national titles.

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Page 4 - The University Star

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

SEMPER FI: ‘I was the lucky one’

NEWS BRIEFS FEMA ill prepared for sudden disaster due to lack of experience, officials say

CONTINUED from page 1

“It was the same (as war), other than seeing dead bodies,” he said. Childress was in his ninth week of boot camp on Sept. 11, 2001. He said he and the other Marines did not believe the drill instructors when they told them of the terrorist attacks. “They always try to play mind games and scare us,” Childress said. “I didn’t find out it was real for two weeks.” Childress was ready to go to Iraq after boot camp and was “motivated to even the score.” Instead, he was sent to Military Occupational Specialty school, where he was trained as a field radio operator, or 0621. After MOS school, Childress returned to his reserve unit in San Antonio, where he was required to complete one weekend a month and two weeks a year of training. He graduated from boot camp Oct. 5, 2001 and began classes at Texas State in fall 2004. In December, Childress was told he was being mobilized and would be leaving in March for Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom 3. “OIF1 and OIF2 had already been called, and I was in OIF3,” Childress said. “It was just a matter of time.” After training, Childress left for Iraq on March 1, 2005 with an infantry platoon out of Ohio, although he was with a recon platoon out of San Antonio. Childress said his three months in Iraq did not afford him much time to relax, mentally or physically. “Other platoons usually rotate down time, but my platoon went out every day,” Childress said. “Even when you do have down time, you are still being mortared.” Childress and his platoon spent their days in 120-degree heat with little sleep and exercise. Childress said he lost a lot of weight and became weak, although the platoon had sufficient water, hygienic supplies and food. “That was the first time in my life I ever got tired of beef jerky,” he said. While there, he received mail from home and letters from churches and other people showing support, but he admitted a preference for letters from one particular person. “You still look forward to the ones you get from your girlfriend,” Childress said. Three months into his tour, with only four months left in Iraq, Childress and his platoon suffered a devastating attack. A suicide car bomber blew himself up near the platoon in Haditha. The blast was followed by small arms fire and heavy improvised explosive devices. As Childress was putting a tourniquet on a fellow Marine a rocket-propelled grenade was launched and hit above his head. The RPG would have killed Childress had it detonated. Childress said even now, he does not remember everything that happened that day. He spoke with his platoon sergeant and learned details about the incident since returning home that he had pushed from his mind initially. “I go over it again and again, but sometimes I forget a few things,” Childress said. Childress thinks he may have psychologically blocked some of the memories. The rest, he said, he has forgotten due to the amount of adrenaline he had rushing through his body at the time of the attack. “There was blood everywhere,” Childress said. “My friends’ arms and legs were on the ground around me.” Childress has since been told many details about the attack, including his fellow Marines’ bodies being scraped from vehicles. He also saw photographs taken after the attack. “I want to know everything I can; there is a lot of stuff I missed,” Childress said. “I want to see how lucky I am to be alive.” Childress’ platoon suffered many casualties that night, but he lived partially because he was

Photo courtesy of Zane Childress

ABOVE: Shrapnel and bullet holes pierced the armor and armored windows of Childress’ Humvee after being hit with a rocket-propelled grenade during an ambush while he served in Iraq. LEFT: Cpl. Robert Zane Childress, who received the Purple Heart after his platoon was attacked in Iraq, recently returned to classes at Texas State after his threemonth deployment. Childress, a prepsychology sophomore, said about the war: “Now it is fighting more to end (the war) so everyone can come home.” Adam Brown/Star photo


want to know everything I can; there is a lot of stuff I missed. I want to see how lucky I am to be alive.”

— Zane Childress Marine and returning student

farther from the explosion than his comrades. After the attack, flack jackets were collected from the Marines. Childress was told one flack jacket had five rounds of bullets removed. The Marine who had been wearing it at the time of attack survived. Childress was treated in Belad for shrapnel wounds to his right leg, wrist, arm and neck. He had also been shot in his left thigh. He received a Purple Heart for his injuries before being sent to Germany and returned one week later to the United States, where he was reunited with his parents. Childress is now attending classes in his first semester back at Texas State. Although he is a pre-psychology major, he said he has no specific career goal, including whether or not he will remain in the Marine Corps. Childress has one and a half years left to serve in the Reserve; he said he will probably have to return to Iraq before he graduates. “It’s not about 9-11 now; it’s about what happened to my platoon. I won’t hesitate or have any objection to going back,” Childress said. “Now it is fighting more to end it so everyone can come home.” Although Childress wants to fight for his platoon, he said his original platoon has suffered too many casualties and will not be returning as a unit. “A few were really good friends,” he said. Childress said he has felt a great amount of support, not just from the military, but also from San Marcos. Childress said he felt more disagreement about the war before he left than after returning home. He recalled seeing a four-sided message board on the steps leading to Alkek Library covered with students’ comments about the war. One

comment read, “F**k the war.” “It was disrespectful,” he said, “but it is different now.” Childress said after the fighting in Iraq, he takes his classes more seriously and is motivated to finish school. “Now I am ready to get out into the real world,” he said. Tomas Mijares, criminal justice professor, has met and worked with Marines who, like Childress, have returned to Texas State after fighting in Iraq. Mijares helps with scheduling classes and facilitating graduation advice. Mijares said each Marine has transitioned into the academic setting without major complications. “These are all sharp guys with the ability to merge into any situation,” Mijares said. “That’s what they are trained to do.” Mijares said the Marines did not ask for any special treatment, and the only problem they have faced is trying to coordinate class time with rehabilitation at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. Mijares said he attributes their success to their discipline and feels they will all be successful in life. “These guys are more than okay,” Mijares said. “They are top-notch students who will be topnotch in whatever field they pursue.” Childress said school is easier now compared to his experience in the war. He said he used to be a self-destructive person, but war has taught him that life is precious. “I learned it is easier to destroy life than create it,” Childress said. Childress encouraged people to continue to support the troops. “They all want to fight, but nobody wants to be there,” Childress said. “They are all fighting and dying for a noble cause.” Childress said visiting with children and the poverty-stricken citizens in Iraq drove home for him the importance of defeating the insurgency. “If we don’t take war to the insurgents, they will bring it here,” he said. Childress said he was fully recovered after about two months and has no additional training required from the reserve other than keeping himself in shape. He said he is fortunate to not still be in recovery. “A lot of others are,” Childress said. “Like I said, I was the lucky one.”

WASHINGTON—Top officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had little or no experience in disaster management before landing in top FEMA posts. Michael Brown, who heads FEMA as undersecretary of homeland security for emergency preparedness and response, already has endured sharp criticism for comments he made last week that seemed to suggest that he did not understand that thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina had taken refuge at the New Orleans convention center. Clinton-era FEMA Director James Lee Witt headed the Arkansas office of emergency services before he was tapped by Clinton in 1993 to run the federal disaster relief agency. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said the lack of experience in FEMA’s top ranks was evident in the sluggish response to the hurricane. “Disaster preparedness, whether it’s in anticipation of potential weather-related incidents or terrorist incidents requires a skill set that in my mind someone has to be trained for,” Thompson said. Brown has defended FEMA’s performance, saying the agency has done the best it could under circumstances that were far worse than anyone could have foreseen. Last week, Bush, while saying that the initial federal response to the hurricane was “not acceptable,” nonetheless lauded Brown, telling him, “Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job.”

Justice Rehnquist laid to rest at Supreme Court before thousands of grievers WASHINGTON—Thousands of people began paying their respects Tuesday to William H. Rehnquist, the former chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. After 10 a.m., a flag-draped casket holding his remains was borne up the court’s white marble steps and carried past columns marking the court’s entryway. John G. Roberts Jr., who has been nominated to succeed Rehnquist as the court’s 17th chief justice, was a pallbearer. President Bush was among the first-day mourners. Five other justices and Sandra Day O’Connor, also attended. The two others, Anthony M. Kennedy and David Souter, were expected for Rehnquist’s funeral and burial Wednesday. Bush and other dignitaries will attend the funeral service at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. A private burial will follow at Arlington National Cemetery. “We prayed for the chief justice,” said Paul Schenck, executive director of the National Pro-Life Action Center on Capitol Hill. “And for his wisdom, physical strength and resolve. And we thanked God for his stalwart, pro-life point of view.” Schenck was plaintiff in a 1997 Supreme Court case, Schenck vs. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York. It saw justices uphold a 15-foot, fixed-buffer zone around abortion clinic entrances, but, in an opinion Rehnquist wrote, strike down “floating” buffer zones around people entering and leaving. All briefs are from wire reports.




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quoteof the day

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - Page 5

“So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway. This is working very well for them.”

— Former First Lady Barbara Bush speaking about Hurricane Katrina evacuees on Monday at the Astrodome. (Source: San Francisco Chronicle)

Opinions Contact — Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu


Corpus judge should return custody of cancer patient to her parents In Corpus Christi, a judge is expected to rule on whether a child removed from her family by Child Protective Services for emergency cancer treatment will be able to return home. Katie Wernecke, 13, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, a cancerous growth of cells in the lymph system, in January. Although her parents initially put her through chemotherapy, they refused to allow her follow-up radiation treatments because they believed her tumor was gone and radiation would do more harm than good. Faced with testimony from her doctors that the cancer had returned, her mother, Michelle, fled with her to the family ranch, prompting the issuance of an Amber Alert. In June, Katie was forcibly removed from her home. She has since been placed in a number of foster homes while she undergoes further treatment. We believe the Werneckes made a grave error in judgment by denying their daughter access to the treatments that may ultimately save her life. However, when her treatment is complete, we advocate her speedy return to the custody of her parents. This is not a case of an abusive household — the kind we wish CPS would intervene in more consistently — but a case of parents making an incorrect medical call. The state took the necessary step by removing Katie from their custody to get her the treatment she needed, but now she needs the love of her family to complete the recovery process. The current child welfare system in Texas is already overworked and overrun with cases. With the number of children being processed through the foster care system up 90 percent since 1987, it is crucial for CPS to explore all possibilities of reuniting children with their parents. According to the National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect, children in foster care tend to perform poorly in school and as many as 30 percent have severe emotional problems. Furthermore, nearly three in 10 of the nation’s homeless and nearly 80 percent of the criminals in prison are former foster children. In Katie’s case, the transition could prove to be disastrous. Undergoing any kind of invasive treatment is mentally and physically exhausting, and it would be exponentially more injurious to permanently remove her from the custody of her parents and keep place her in foster care. Permanently removed from her parents, Katie would have a virtually microscopic chance of being adopted. Instead, she would likely bounce from foster home to foster home until she reached the age of 18. Rather than employing such drastic measures for a family that has the ability to stay together, CPS should explore other alternatives to permanent removal. A periodically monitored, long-term return accompanied by extensive family counseling could prove to be the right solution in the Werneckes’ case. As for the many cases pending decision, CPS should utilize family counseling and education whenever possible to reduce the number of children unnecessarily placed in foster homes and focus on the children that truly need all of the resources CPS has to offer. The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University-San Marcos Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University-San Marcos. Letters policy: E-mail letters to starletters@txstate.edu. Letters must be no longer than 300 words. No anonymous letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, space and libel. We reserve the right to refuse obscene, irrelevant and malicious letters. All e-mails must include the name and phone number of the letter writer. Students should also include their classifications and majors.


q s u mp

s e t uo

Compiled by Ashley Richards

Do you think political statements such as those made by Kanye West about President Bush during Friday’s hurricane benefit concert on NBC, are appropriate for such an event? Why? “No, I don’t think they have any

right to say anything at all. They didn’t earn their fame or glory from political views; they’re just celebrities, most of whom don’t have a degree.”

— DEAN LANTRIP pre-mass communication sophomore

“Not really. If they’re doing a concert, it’s for the benefit. They’re there to raise money for the benefit. They need to be neutral while they’re up on stage.”

— WAYNE DITTMAR business junior

“I think so, just because some of the reasons those people didn’t get out is because of the political government. After the thing took place, I don’t think the government sent aid fast enough.” — NIKI GRANTHAM biochemistry sophomore “I say no, because benefits are made to encourage people, and if you’re pointing out flaws of the system, all you’re going to do is make things worse.”

— ANNA GRIMMER biology junior

The University Star 601 University Drive Trinity Building San Marcos, TX 78666 Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Kelly Simmons/Star illustration

GOP dropped the ball on Coast I miss having a ing and rapes on real leader rather “Democrats and than a pretender liberals (who) have to the throne been dedicated to in charge of the the idea that only free world. I miss government should those heady days have guns.” Meanwhen the most while, Michael pressing issues Marcavage, direcJAMES A. BAKER were what to do tor of right-wing Star Columnist with the bud“Christian” group get surplus and Repent America, the mainstream was busy channelmedia’s running tally of the ing Jerry Falwell — blaming number of women the presi- homosexuals and abortion dent had boinked. But most for the destruction wrought importantly, I miss having by the hurricane. a federal government that Want to know how actually worked, even in the badly this administration midst of a natural disaster of FUBARed disaster mitigation epic proportions. efforts? In 1995, Congress Sadly, none of the qualipassed and President Clinton ties we expect out of those approved an Army Corps of we send to Washington, D.C. Engineers project known as — ostensibly to represent us the Southeast Louisiana Ur— is present in the current ban Flood Control Project, crop of politicians, especially spending $430 million to in today’s Republican Party. shore up levees, build pumpInstead, what we get is graft, ing stations and provide an corruption, denial and readditional $50 million in locrimination. cal aid, according to an Aug. This brings me to the 31 article in Editor & Pubaftermath of Hurricane Kalisher magazine. President trina. Before any right-wing- George W. Bush, apparently ers sharpen their pencils to convinced that everything berate me for politicizing Clinton did was evil and had a natural disaster, rememto be reversed, ended up diber that Neal Boortz has verting much of the remainalready used the tragedy to ing $250 million slated to be rail against gun control, pin- spent on the project to tax ning the blame for the lootcuts for the upper 1 percent

of taxpayers and to the war in Iraq — which, incidentally, is also where much of the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama National Guard were when Katrina made landfall last Monday. State and local governments, knowing they would quickly be overwhelmed, requested federal aid on Aug. 28 and began evacuating those left behind in the storm, mostly people who were too poor or too sick to leave, the day after the levees broke. While the speed of evacuation certainly was not exemplary, it was a far cry better than the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which apparently was sitting on its posterior waiting for Bush to give the go-ahead to take charge of the situation, when they weren’t actively sabotaging the state and local efforts by cutting the emergency communications lines and turning back relief supplies, according to Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard. And where was President Bush during all of this? Our little Nero was playing the fiddle while New Orleans drowned. For comparison, when Hurricane Floyd struck North Carolina in 1999,

Clinton wasn’t on vacation, he didn’t have the North Carolina National Guard tied up in Kosovo, and he activated both FEMA and the National Guard prior to landfall so they could hit the ground running. He also didn’t wait five days to visit the affected areas. Imagine the outcry if he’d shown the same callous attitude Bush has. Sadly, the response to Hurricane Katrina is merely the latest example of Republican malfeasance. This is the same party that has written laws that facilitated the crimes at Enron and WorldCom. This is the same party that put consolidating power over educating Texas’ children. This is the same party that screams “Support the Troops” even as it cuts VA benefits and underfunds VA facilities. This is the same party that would turn this country into a theocracy. This is the same party that would bring about Grover Norquist’s dream of a government small enough “to drown in the bathtub.” As a fellow blogger put it, “Don’t expect good government from a party that believes government is bad.” Baker is a computer science graduate student.

Government must step in to help rebuild In the aftermath the finger pointof Hurricane ing begins. Some Katrina, some say the Federal speculate that the Emergency Mangovernment is agement Agency not responding took too long to quickly or efrespond and did ficiently enough. so with too few JOE TORRES If you watch the supplies. Then Star Columnist news, you will hear again, can one stories of how the really have a plan injured and sick are dying to counter such a disaster? while waiting in line to get on Obviously, these occurrences a bus to evacuate or to get into happen in nature and cannot one of the convention center be controlled. The only way shelters. to counter that would be to It is not only the long wait have an organized evacuation that is getting to the victims, plan or to set up shelters. They but financial strain as well. seemed to do a good job with The majority of these people that, but the sanitary condilive well below the poverty tions in these convention line, so they either have no centers became inhumane means of transportation out in a matter of days. Makeof New Orleans or they simply shift shelters are good as last can’t afford to leave the area. resorts, but when the public In some cases, parts of the chooses to remain where they government are not doing are, things don’t play out as what is necessary. planned. A major problem in getA plan of action should ting aid to the victims was the always be on the back burner amount of time it took for the in case of such events. Plans president to respond to the for food and running water, natural disaster. This is where clear evacuation routes and

Editor In Chief..................David Michael Cohen, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor..................................Joe Ruiz, staropinion@txstate.edu News Editor......................................Kirsten Crow, starnews@txstate.edu Assistant News Editor.................Ashley Richards, ar1225@txstate.edu Trends Editor..............Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu Photo Editor...........................Courtney Addison, starphoto@txstate.edu Sports Editor...................................Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Copy Desk Chief.......................Siobhan Chapman, sc1108@txstate.edu Design Editor.......................................Matt Rael, stardesign@txstate.edu Systems Administrator.............Chris Jeane, starsysadmin@txstate.edu Webmaster.............................Ben Stendahl, starwebadmin@txstate.edu Art Director.......................................Marisa Leeder, ml1131@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................Jodie Claes, starad1@txstate.edu Account Executive......................Richard Para, Jr., rp1060@txstate.edu

medical aid are not out of the question. The Red Cross, on the other hand, has done a great job of organizing volunteers and fund raising. The Red Cross is a humanitarian organization led by volunteers. It functions independent of the government but works closely with FEMA. Since the president took such a long time to respond to the hurricane, FEMA went in too late with too little. Many lives have been lost because of this oversight. FEMA should have the flexibility to respond to natural disasters without orders from a higher office. They should be able to function independently but closely with other branches of the government, like the Red Cross functions with FEMA. The American public has been helping out as much as it can. Fund-raisers are a great way to do this. The Red Cross has set up a way to donate funds for the victims. NATO has offered to donate money to the cause. Donating and fund raising are major outlets

Account Executive................................Ana Kulak, ak1094@txstate.edu Account Executive..................................Lindsay Lee, atlas@txstate.edu Account Executive.....................Lindsey Randolph, lr1068@txstate.edu Student Business Manager................Robby Silva, rs1237@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..Linda Allen, starbusinessoffice@txstate.edu Publications Director..............Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

for helping out the victims. Funding is an issue in the rebuilding of New Orleans. Donations alone are not going to cover the cost. New Orleans was on the verge of opening new casinos to bring in more revenues. Now that those new endeavors have been put on the back burner, the Big Easy must learn to mend itself or die. I strongly urge that donations continue, but the time is now to save the remaining inhabitants of New Orleans and to start a plan to resurrect the city. The local government needs to start devising a plan for the future. Strong suggestions would be for the city to start planning to build above sea level and to incorporate a natural disaster plan into the restructuring of the city. In order for this to happen, the federal government and local governments need to see eye to eye and begin to work and plan together. Torres is a pre-mass communication sophomore.

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University-San Marcos published Tuesday through Thursday during the fall and spring semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. every other Wednesday of Summer I and II with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright September 7, 2005. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief.


trendythoughts “I melted a Snickers bar on a hot plate to see how fast I could drink it.” – Garrett Loos studio art senior

What’s the strangest dorm-room meal you’ve ever prepared? “Crunchy peanut butter and Ramen noodles. No seasoning. Don’t knock it ’til you try it.” – Trevor Choate psychology junior

“I made a Nutri-Grain bar and peanut butter sandwich.” – Martin Barajas accounting senior

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - Page 6

Compiled by Kyle Bradshaw

JUNEBUG an unforgettable film Trends Contact — Christina Gomez, starentertainment@txstate.edu

Junebug takes a plain look at the complexities of love between fam✯✯✯✯ ily members who Junebug care about one anDir.: Phil Morrison other but don’t reStars: Amy ally know how to Adams, Embeth show it. Each famDavidtz, Benjamin ily member is just McKenzie as complex as the Rated: R complicated love they share, and none of them know quite how to deal with their own missteps. This small cast of intricate and realistically flawed characters sets the foundation for the most moving and touching film of the year so far. Director Phil Morrison’s singletoned approach to a finely crafted script by Angus MacLachlan is pleasantly reminiscent of Jim Jarmusch’s recent Broken Flowers. Junebug has an intriguing plainness to it that matches Jarmusch’s style, but twists it in an even more normal direction. There’s nothing particularly new or groundbreaking in the film, except that it carries an attention to realism and human idiosyncrasies that makes it incredibly effective and sets it apart from other eccentric-family films. Played with simplicity by Alessandro Nivola (Laurel Canyon, Jurassic Park III), George Johnsten has the groomed look of a debonair businessman, but he’s quiet and says very little. He meets

film review

Movie Ratings Key No stars – Must skip 1 star – Bad, fails overall 2 stars – Mediocre — wait for DVD 3 stars – Good, few flaws 4 stars – Outstanding — must see

Madeleine (Embeth Davidtz) at the art gallery she owns in Chicago and marries her a week later. It’s a decision that, at first, seems to be based on physical attraction, but their connection eventually runs deeper than sex. Born to a British diplomat, Madeleine was raised in Japan, England and Africa. George is from North Carolina. So naturally, there’s a lot the newlyweds don’t know about each other. When Madeleine travels to North Carolina to track down an artist for her gallery, the couple stays with George’s family, who have never met Madeleine. The Johnsten family isn’t necessarily dysfunctional. They just lack proper communication lines. Everyone sees this problem, but no one bothers to bring it up. Peg, the mother, (Celia Weston), tries to tell everyone what to do, but no one really listens anymore. Eugene, the father, (Scott Wilson), is a reclusive woodcarver who carries the same shy paucity of words as George. George’s brother, Johnny (Benjamin McKenzie), is jealous of his successful life. Johnny never finished high school and is stuck at a dead-end shipping job. He’s trying to get his GED, but he can’t get past a book report on Huckleberry Finn. He buys the Cliff ’s Notes version, but finds it equally frustrating. Johnny’s wife, Ashley (Amy Adams), the “firecracker” of the family, is pregnant with their first child. With an energy akin to that of a teenage girl, she spends all of her time talking, asking questions and talking about asking questions. The arrival of her new sister-in-law causes an excitement that runs her motor mouth to epic levels. Each member of the family approaches Madeleine’s presence with a different level of anxiety, with the exception of Ashley, who throws down a barrage of eager questions the minute Madeleine walks in the door. The family is consequently forced to confront

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics Embeth Davidtz and Alassandro Nivola play George and Madeleine Johnsten in Junebug.

their problems when dealing with the new person in their household and preparing for the arrival of a child. Junebug thrives because it never shies away from its simplistic tone and wisely steers away from typical fishout-of-water norms. Played elegantly by Davidtz, Madeleine isn’t completely oblivious to life in the South, even though she has never been there. She greets every one of the Johnsten’s quirks and hick mannerisms with an intrigued smile, instead of the usual look of shock and terror familiar from

other films. She may be uncomfortable with her new surroundings, but she is still human enough to embrace them. With a performance that won her the Special Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, Adams is nothing short of extraordinary. Ashley is a loud, optimistic and intricately wound character, and Adams personifies her with thoughtful pragmatism and an unexpected shrewdness. In a role in complete contrast to that of Ryan on The O.C., McKenzie is equally superb in his film debut. Under the

guidance of Morrison, both actors excel at communicating the minutiae of small-town life in the South. Morrison and MacLachlan never generalize their characterization of Southern life; they let their characters, not the region, bring life to their wonderful narrative. Junebug is a remarkable piece of filmmaking, set against a familiar backdrop but unique enough to be greatly adored. It’s one of the best films of the year and should not be missed. — Kyle Bradshaw


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Page 7 - The University Star


Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Thunder fails to strike

an interest with moviegoers A Sound of Thunder is a blunder of a i m e - t r ave l ✯✯✯✯✯ tmovie and A Sound of should be Thunder avoided by all Dir.: Peter Hyams moviegoers. Stars: Edward Based on Burns, Catherine McCormack, Ben a short story by Ray BradKingsley bury, the Rated: PG-13 movie offers a glimpse at the city of Chicago in the year 2055. In this future, time travel has been invented by the company Time Safari Inc. In order to generate revenue, the company’s wealthy owner, Charles Hatton (Kingsley), offers people the chance to travel to prehistoric times and hunt dinosaurs for a high price. On one of these expeditions, led by Dr. Travis Ryer (Burns) and his experienced team, the past is altered. So Ryer needs to find out what went wrong with the help of the inventor of time travel, Dr. Sonia Rand (McCormack). There are no new developments in this time-travel story. It follows the same premise we’ve seen for years: When characters go into the past and change something, the future is affected, and they must fix the problem in order to keep the world from being altered forever. One of the biggest problems with the movie is the visual effects, which look as though more than half the movie was

film review

filmed in front of a green screen with the background added in later. The poorly generated computerized graphics are apparent right from the first hunting expedition that opens the film. The dinosaurs look inauthentic, preventing viewers from being frawn into the movie. The visuals suffer not only in the distant past but also on the streets of futuristic Chicago, which feature sidewalks and cars that look more like low-grade videogame graphics than the real thing. The dialogue also does nothing to help the audience believe in the movie. Filled with halfwitted, snappy one-liners and unneeded battles of ego between

characters, the dialogue pushes viewers further away from the story. None of the big-name actors appearing in this movie have much to work with, and the movie suffers because of it. Then, once the future is filled with creatures wreaking havoc on Chicago, dialogue is replaced altogether by mind-numbing violence as the characters try to survive. Unless you wish to sit through almost two hours of uninspired banter and battles between humans and computerized images, you should stay far away from this sad excuse for a movie. — Nick Gilmore

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. Ben Kingsley and Ed Burns go back in time to hunt dinosaurs in A Sound of Thunder.

Transporter 2 fails to stand out in genre With summer blockb u s t e r s out ✯ clearing of movie Transporter 2 houses, the Dir.: Louis Leterbeginning of rier Stars: Jason Sta- the fall movie thus tham, Alessandro lineup Gassman, Amber far has been filled with Valletta, Kate dribble that Nauta should be reRated: PG-13 leased straight to video. The stereotypical nonstop action film Transporter 2 falls in this category. Although the first film was considered a worldwide hit, the sequel is not worth scrambling to theaters to see. Directed by Louis Leterrier (Unleashed), Transporter 2 stars Jason Statham (The One, The Italian Job) as mercenary transporter Frank Martin. It also stars Italian actor Alessandro Gassman, Amber Valletta (Hitch), and supermodel Kate Nauta.

film review

Martin has relocated from the French Mediterranean to Miami since the first film. As a favor to a friend, Martin is taking 6-yearold Jack Billings (Hunter Clay), the son of a wealthy and powerful politician, with him. The two unexpectedly bond, despite Martin’s lack of experience with children. As with any other action film, Martin has a love interest, namely Jack’s mother Audrey (Valletta). The two share an interest for one another, as Audrey is estranged from her husband and likes the bond Martin and her son share. However, this romance is left in the cold as the movie progresses. The film’s plot centers on Jack’s kidnapping, led by the mercenary thug Gianni (Gassman), who has injected the boy with a deadly virus that has the potential to kill anyone he breathes on, aimed specifically at his father. Martin goes on the hunt for Jack’s kidnappers while being hunted himself by the mer-

ciless, lingerie-clad murderess, Lola (Nauta). Although the film attempts to create the new prototype for James Bond-like action films, Transporter 2 does nothing to separate itself from the multitude. It features the same uberexpensive ad placements, such as Martin’s Audi A8 and Apple iPods, sexy scenes and plenty of sprays of gun fire. Most of the dialogue is dry and predictable, almost to the point that if the volume were turned off, one could easily fill in the words. Despite the film’s run-of-themill plot and dialogue, it has its moments. There are some amazing stunts and martial arts sequences done by Statham himself. Not to mention a few instances of genuine comedy. Overall, Transporter 2 is nothing to flock to, but if all you want is an hour and a half of brainless fighting and face kicking, then it may be worth watching. — Maira Garcia

Courtesy of 20th Century Fox Jason Statham reprises his role as ex-special forces operative Frank Martin in Transporter 2.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

✯Star Comics

Random Acts of Violence

TRENDS Erin Leeder

The University Star - Page 8

Distinctive Voices


of a Texas State Strutter THE CAT BIRD SEAT


Sept. 2 Lately, we’ve had afternoons so sizzling that one can barely stand. Well, stand outside for more than five minutes, let alone walk across ABBY MINICA campus to class in it. Try Entertainment high-kicking in it. That’s Columnist right, every “MWF” at 3:30 p.m., the Strutters have practice outside on West Campus field, and lately that 100-degree weather just won’t give us a break. With our water jugs always close by, we brave that ceaseless heat in efforts to make our routines the epitome of “precision.” The other day before practice, I saw a little gray spot start to form in the sky, and let me tell you, I’ve never been so grateful for a cloud in my life. While I have endured many a tortuous practice out on WC field, I have to say it all pays off for practice days like today — and hopefully tomorrow (our first game, yay). If there’s anything the Strutter organization has mastered, it’s being efficient with our practice time -- especially with the sun beating down on us. Let me explain. You see, on Strutters, we have this little phrase, “One time!” which you may find us simultaneously yelling when our director asks how many times we want to practice our dance. If the dance looks polished, we do it once and go home. Of course, not all practices can be this — efficient, but today? — oh yeah, one time. With all our practice, we are now ready for our first game at Bobcat Stadium, and oh, how I can’t wait for those lights and that cushiness of the Astroturf.

could have predicted the major obstacle of Saturday evening: the rain. Now don’t get me wrong; we read the weather forecasts, and we are required to bring our maroon rain ponchos, trash bags, and even a “Plan B” performance outfit in case it does start to sprinkle, but it was the timing of this particular shower that caught us off guard. The Strutters are a part of the pregame festivities, which include marching around the stadium with the band, standing on the field with a smile while the band performs its pregame show and making a human extension of the tunnel the pumped-up football players plow through. Now, it was getting cloudy when we arrived, and we were told to put our plastic rain covers on our hats (brand new hats, by the way) but it was during our don’tmove-a-muscle stance on the field that we first noticed the water drops, and by the time the football players had run through our two lines, we were drenched. As soon as the last football player had ran through, we scurried back to our spot in the stands and so commenced the scramble to take off our hats and everything leather on our field uniforms, squish everything into our bags, put a trash bag around them and find the face holes in those massive maroon rain ponchos. Amidst the watery craziness, we still performed at halftime with our hair “afrizz” and without our brand-new hats. Did anyone slip on the wet field during our dance and slam face-first onto the turf? Luckily, no. In fact, our director said she didn’t see one single mistake. All I know is that next game, when the sun’s beaming in my face, I won’t be complaining.

Sept. 3 There’s always some twists and turns on the first game day of the season, but no one

We will be following Abby every Wednesday as she dances and high-kicks as a Texas State Strutter. For more information on the Strutters, check out www.txstrutters.com.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005 — Page Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - Page9 33

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sports snortsquotes from the sports world “You just hate to be moving all over the place every week, like nomads, you know” said Joe Horn. “If we’re living here, maybe we should just play here.” — New Orleans Saints wide receiver Joe Horn on the team’s possible move to San Antonio. (Source: ESPN.com)

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - Page 10

Sports Contact — Miguel Peña, starsports@txstate.edu

Bobcat soccer off to a rocky start at 0-5 By Kevin Washburn Sports Reporter The Texas State soccer team could not get on the winning track over the weekend, losing at Rice University, 4-0, and at home against the University of Texas-El Paso, 3-1. The losses against Rice (3-1) and UTEP (4-0) pushed the Texas State losing streak to five games to start the season. Sunday’s loss to Rice also marked the third time this season that the Bobcats have been shut out. “We’re absolutely just trying to work on our confidence right now,” said Coach Kat Conner after the loss to UTEP on Friday. “We’re a little shaken. Our mentality is that we’re going to try to correct the ship.” The Bobcats’ fate was sealed early in the first period against Rice. Just 2 minutes 16 seconds into the game, freshman forward Anne Candee scored her second goal of the season to put Rice up 1-0. Shortly thereafter, at the 10:22 mark, junior midfielder Vanessa Serrano knocked in her first goal of the season to push the lead to 2-0. The Texas State defense was able to recover and hold off the Rice attack until just before halftime, when senior midfielder Kelly Brolan scored. Junior goalkeeper Paige Perriraz, who replaced fellow junior goalkeeper Brittany Beltramini in the starting lineup, blocked the initial shot by Candee, but Brolan was able to put in the deflection. All told, Rice had 15 shots compared with just five for Texas State and brought a 3-0 lead into the half. The second half was something of a stalemate, as Rice attempted nine shots to Texas State’s four and each team’s goalkeeper made two saves. Rice was able to get its fourth goal of the game at the 78:14 mark as junior midfielder Maria Fadool scored from the left side. It was the only goal Beltramini, who replaced Perriraz after halftime, gave up. Offensively, Rice totaled 24 shots, with 11 shots on goal for the game. The Bobcats attempted nine and six, respectively. Defensively, Rice had six saves, all by freshman Adriene Giese. In comparison, Texas State had seven saves — five by Perriraz and two by Beltramini. Against UTEP, the Bobcats allowed their opponent to jump to an early lead, a problem Texas State has been having all season.

UTEP’s game plan seemed to be to get out and run against the Bobcats, perhaps because UTEP had an obvious height advantage. Those longer legs allowed them to get out in front of Texas State at times. “The thing is, we need to anticipate those long balls a little faster,” said Bobcat junior midfielder Amy Benton. “Our game plan is to make them play where we want them to play. Once they hit those long balls in the air, our back four and midfield needed to drop back and get on the other end of that ball faster.” The Texas State defense held strong for the first 20 minutes of the game. Then, at the 20:04 mark, UTEP sophomore forward Brandi Aston’s goal, assisted by senior midfielder Kia Sams, started a flurry of three UTEP goals in less than 10 minutes. Junior midfielders Melissa Abraham and Leslie Platz knocked in the other two goals, putting UTEP up 3-0 at the 29:13 mark. The Bobcat defense was able to regroup, though, and did not give up another goal for the rest of the game. “I think, again, we played a little timid in the first half, and, unfortunately, they captured three goals on us,” Conner said. “In the second half, I told them, ‘we’re trying to get this monkey off of our back. You just have to go out there and play. You have nothing to lose; just go out there and try.’ I thought in the second half we started to kind of build our confidence again. It’s starting, but unfortunately it’s not quite there yet. So, we’ll just keep working on their confidence.” The Bobcats were able to give their faithful some hope at the 75:00 mark, when Benton scored her first goal of the season to make the score 3-1. Unfortunately for Texas State, that one goal was all the team could muster. Offensively, the Bobcats ended up outshooting UTEP 13-11, with each team attempting eight shots on goal. Aston was a terror for UTEP, attempting four shots, all on goal, and garnering one goal and one assist. Junior midfielder Elyse Ehlinger led Texas State with four shots, two of which were on goal. Defensively, UTEP finished the game with seven saves and the Bobcats with five. The goalkeeper duty was split in half Linda L. Smith/Star Photo for Texas State, as Beltramini played the first period, making two saves and giving up three goals, while sophomore Linsey Bobcat sophomore Natalie Ham prepares to make contact with the ball while Miners sophomore Kristen Metcalf played the second period, mak- Werninmont attempts to block the kick in Friday’s loss against UT-El Paso. The Bobcats will be traveling ing three saves and giving up no goals. for their next seven road games.

Texas State volleyball gets grizzled by Bears By Chris Boehm Sports Reporter After entering the season picked second in the preseason polls, Texas State volleyball is off to a rough 1-3 start after dropping Tuesday night’s contest to Baylor, 3-1 (30-28, 19-30, 28-30, 17-30). A strong early schedule has contributed to a three-game losing streak. The Bobcats fell to UC-Berkeley and the University of Albany over the weekend in the CenturyTel/Classic Honda Premier. After the tournament at Strahan Coliseum, Chisum was adamant that her seniors needed to pick up their leadership responsibilities. Amy Ramirez and Liz Nwoke seemed to have answered the call in the early going Tuesday, as Texas State took the first game, 30-28. The Bobcats notched 15 kills in the opening game, hitting .216 to the Bears’ .162. Texas State jumped out to a 17-10 lead with Baylor chipping away. The Bears used a 4-0 run to cut the deficit to 28-27. Two points later, freshman Stephanie Bruggeman sealed the deal on an assist from junior Christina Melvin. Bruggeman led the team with 13 kills and six errors. It was a tough night overall for the Bobcats, who committed 51 errors as a team. Melvin (24 assists) combined with sophomore Jesi Grisham to produce 40 digs, PERIOD TEXAS STATE BAYLOR Leader Stats

Jeremy Craig/Star Photo Junior Karry Griffin serves against Morgan State University on Friday. Griffin had a total of 19 attacks and 11 digs during Tuesday’s game against Baylor University. The Bobcats lost in four game, winning only the first, 30-28.


13 38 25 1 11 6

Team totals

1 2 3 4 30 19 28 17 28 30 30 30

while Bruggeman and Karry Griffin reached double figures in digs. The night took a turn for the worse after the opening win. Baylor rebounded to knock the Bobcats to their feet three consecutive games, outscoring Texas State 90-64. Texas State reverted to early habits in game two, losing 3019 after a 10-10 tie midway through the period. Baylor then went on an 8-3 run to put away Texas State for good. Following the initial loss, Baylor’s defense had the advantage the rest of the way, holding the Bobcats to an anemic .070 hitting percentage. In game three, Baylor once again jumped out in front; the Bears would trail only once the rest of the way, with the score 22-21 in favor of Texas State. Baylor responded with a 9-6 advantage to claim game three, as Texas State could not regain its early-match form. Baylor earned its fifth victory of the season to remain undefeated. Tuesday’s showdown was the first for the Bears that went more than three games. The squad from Waco swept Texas State rivals Northwestern State and McNeese State earlier in the schedule. The Bears hit .220 against Texas State on Tuesday night, led by Nicole LeBlanc (21 kills) and Stella Odion (19). Odion is tied for eleventh in the Big 12 in kills, averaging four a game. Texas State travels this week-

end to Tempe for the Arizona State Tournament. Their first opponent will be the Auburn Tigers on Friday. Game time is 10 a.m.

September Volleyball *09/09 Auburn

11:30 a.m.

*09/09 N. Arizona 6:30 p.m. *09/10 Arizona State 1 p.m. 09/13 UT-San Antonio Strahan Colliseum

7 p.m.

09/17 UT-Arlington Strahan Colliseum

7 p.m.

09/20 Sam Houston State Huntsville

7 p.m.

09/23 Lamar University Beaumont

7:30 p.m.

09/24 McNeese State Lake Charles

4 p.m.

09/30 SE. Louisiana Strahan colliseum

7 p.m.

*Arizona State Tournament in Tempe, Ariz.

Texas State @ Baylor

Texas State


S. Bruggeman S. Bruggeman C. Melvin D. Melito K. Griffin K. Griffin

KLS-46 TA-167 AST-44 DGS-57 BLK-27


21 44 52 2 22 7

Team Totals

N. Leblanc N. Lebalnc E. Huston N. LeBlanc K. Schramek A. Modglin

KLS-70 TA-168 AST-66 DGS-88 BLK-16


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