Tuesday, September 20, 2016

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TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 5 www.UniversityStar.com

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New H-E-B sparks disagreements in San Marcos

By Bri Watkins Assistant News Editor star.txstate.edu @briwatkins17 The proposal of a third H-E-B has caused concerns for residents throughout San Marcos. A petition has SAFETY received over one thousand signatures in opposition of this development. Ben Scott, H-E-B director of real estate, presented information to the public Thursday on the H-E-B proposal to help alleviate some of the residents’ concerns and provide an understanding of what work has been conducted. He spoke on the environmental issues, traffic congestion and By Vivian Medina incorporated solutions to Lifestyle Reporter make this development a @vivianjmedina College is a time of freedom “fresh forward neighborhood store.” and independence. It can “We are absolutely trying also be a reality check. to open up and be as transSexual assault cases on parent as possible,” Scott college campuses are fresaid. “We’ve handed over quent news headlines. It is all of the reports to anyone important all students take precaution and are prepared that wants them, any expertise that we can find, we are for anything to happen. ready to listen.” Being informed of all Lauren Mikiten, San Marthe safety resources and programs Texas State has to cos resident, signed the peoffer is a good way to start. tition to stop this project. She said one of her biggest Here is a list of ways be concerns is the breaking of prepared while on campus: an agreement the city made in 2010 with the Texas DeCall a Bobcat Bobbie partment of Transportation If a student is walking over the Wonder World Dr. alone at night on campus and don’t feel safe, the Bob- bridge project. “My understanding is that cat Bobbies can help. part of that agreement is Officer Otto Glenewinthat people in the communikel, part of the Texas State ty were apprehensive about University Police Departthat bridge for some of the ment, said during fall and same reasons,” Mikiten said. spring semesters, the BobIn order to relieve some bies run seven days a week. of the problems the citizens “The Bobcat Bobbies is the program which provides had, the city made an agreement with TxDot to allow safety escorts from dusk to no curb cuts on Wonder dawn,” Glenewinkel said. World Dr., between Hunter Keep in mind the program offers a walking buddy and the Bobbie will not always come in a golf cart.

5 ways to stay safe on campus

Use the Emergency Call Boxes

Located around campus are emergency call boxes. The boxes are intended to be a quick way to report an emergency. Officer Glenewinkel said the boxes are simple and ready to use at all times. “When you press the button on the call box it calls 911 and we get the location of the box,” Glenewinkel said. “The line stays open while you speak with one of our dispatchers while police are dispatched to the scene.” If the danger is getting closer, one can move on to another nearby emergency call box. By moving to other boxes, police can track movement and arrive at one’s current location.

The Northwest corner of Hunter Rd. and Wonder World Dr. Sept. 19, this is the proposed site of what would be San Marcos’ 3rd H-E-B. City council will vote on this controversial topic Tuesday. PHOTO BY TYLER DUMAS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Road and Craddock Ave. “So if H-E-B or anyone were to build something at this location that only needed access for Hunter, that would be fine,” Mikiten said. “The environmental concerns would be there, but it wouldn’t be breaking the city agreement that they made in 2010. You can argue back and forth, but ultimately there was a promise the city made that it seems like its going to break, and that concerns me.” Although there are concerns throughout the community about this project,

there are others who are in support of an H-E-B store at this site. Katie Orr, public administration graduate, is an advocate for the new H-E-B. She referred to herself as a liberal environmentalist. Initially, she did have a concern with this project, but after looking at the facts, she is now in support of the proposal. “I think their development standards have gone above and beyond, and every single city should be modeling after this,” Orr said.

Orr believes people who are against this opposition are being mislead by false information. “You are entitled to have your own opinion, but you are not entitled to have your own facts, and I think that there’s a lot of misinformation floating around in the city right now,” Orr said. “I think H-E-B deserves a little bit better respect and support from us.” With a mixture of concerns and approval from citizens, Scott affirmed that developers will aim to make this a great location for all.

“We will go above and beyond what any developer I believe would do on this site,” Scott said. “You have our name, our brand, 61 years of history that will tell you we will be here and do the right thing.” The first reading for the H-E-B proposal was approved by City Council with a 5-2 vote on Aug. 2. The council will vote again on the second reading Tuesday, Sept. 20.


NASA gives Texas State professor a grant for research

Robert McLean, Microbiology Professor, works with bacteria colonies in the Supple Laboratory Sept. 15. McLean has been awarded a grant through NASA to further study the growth of microrganisms in microgravity. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

By Bri Watkins Assistant News Editor @briwatkins17 Take a Krav Maga class Texas Stat e professor in Knowing self-defense is a the Department of Biolgreat skill to have, especially ogy Dr. Robert McLean was as a college student. awarded a grant by NASA’s Texas State offers Krav Physical Sciences Research Maga classes. Program to conduct a study Officer Glenewinkel said of biofilm functions in mithat the course is free, but crogravity. donations are always apMcLean refers to biofilm preciated. as bacteria that adheres to “We teach the basic surfaces. Examples of biocourse 22 times in the acafilm on Earth include dental demic year, and we currently plaque found on teeth and teach the course in the the slimy coating on river Pecos building,” Glenewin- rocks. kel said. Over the course of four You can register to take a years, McLean will study the Krav Maga class online by similarities and differences going to the services tab on of biofilm growth in space UPD’s website. and then provide an analysis See, over his research. “Up in space, we don’t reSAFETY, ally know that much about pg. 2. biofilms except that they do occur in low gravity situa-

tions,” McLean said. One of the reasons NASA wanted to learn more about biofilm was for the health of astronauts in the International Space Station. “It is very expensive to bring fresh water, and so what they would do is recycle the water that is there,” McLean said. Astronauts are able to recycle water through breath, humidity and urine. The water is then treated, purified and filtered to block bacteria. “Now if you’ve got biofilm forming in that filter, it will clog it up, so that is where you will have a potential problem,” McLean said. Biofilm can pose a threat to an astronaut’s health and create potential issues with the equipment in space.



In 1998, McLean was given an opportunity to do a space project with five eighth graders on the John Glenn space shuttle. “We asked the question: can bacteria stick onto a surface if you take away gravity?” McLean said. “Thankfully it worked. So that was the first publication that showed that bacteria could actually attach pretty well in low gravity situations. That provided some of our background for why we were able to go after this grant.” McLean will be accompanied in his research by Starla Thornhill, an aquatic resources doctoral student. Thornhill recruited one of her undergraduate students, microbiology senior Quentin DiPasquale, to assist in these studies. DiPasquale came across

specific bacteria in the San Marcos River which preferred a microgravity environment. Thornhill said not many people have studied why some organisms prefer microgravity versus normal gravity, which is what she will be focusing on in this research project. “Cells produce proteins and then the proteins carry out the function of the cell, so I will be looking at what proteins they are producing and how that changes,” Thornhill said. “That’s what I love about this—there are so many things I can look at.” McLean expressed his gratitude toward his assistants’ help. “The secret is that you get people working with you that are better than you are, and you just let them do the

work and you can’t go too far wrong,” McLean said. “Nobody has ever asked the question if some organisms prefer to live in a low gravity environment, so what Quentin and Starla have found is that that’s the first anywhere.” McLean said they are referring this new, unknown species of bacteria DiPasquale discovered as “Darth Vaderus” for now. McLean and Thornhill both said they were excited for this grant and to uncover more research, and are looking forward to what they learn. “The time and opportunity to get on a space station is so rare and precious, we want to make sure we are going to get stuff where we have our best chance getting good science,” McLean said.


Unsanctioned personal items to be Bubble Believer spreads positivity Bobcat football alum successful in removed from city cemetery across campus Hallmark cooking contest By Rae Glassford Senior News Reporter @rae_maybe Residents can expect to see the San Marcos City Cemetery, home to over 20,000 burial sites, a little busier than usual throughout the first week of October. From Oct. 3-7, maintenance crews will conduct

an official cleanup of the cemetery. Those with loved ones buried in the cemetery have been advised by the Cemetery Commission to remove unsanctioned memorial items from gravesites prior to the cleanup. See, CITY, pg. 2.

By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris One Texas State student, also known as the ‘Bubble Believer,’ has been spreading positivity across campus by blowing bubbles. Joseph Losoya, public relations senior, has become one of the many

well-known personalities of Texas State since the 2015 fall semester. Losoya said he was originally inspired to blow bubbles during his time in the Air Force as a way to cheer everyone up. See,

BUBBLE GUY, pg. 2.

By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee A former Texas State football player entered a cooking contest on a whim, but didn’t expect to have so much success. Michael Odiari, 2014 graduate, has advanced to the second round of the

Home and Family cooking contest. The Hallmark Channel and DreamJobbing launched the contest in hopes of finding America’s Best Home Cook and Odiari believes he fits the part. See,


2 | Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The University Star


Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Meet your representatives: Andrew Homann, President By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham Elected in a year when controversy surrounded student government, President Andrew Homann has set goals for his administration to alleviate constituent concerns. Homann and vice president, Samantha Martinez, went through a daunting election process with sever-al appeals made before their victory was finally announced. Last election, Homann and Martinez were accused of breaking Texas State Student Government Code by campaigning prior to the designated campaign period. The case went before the Texas State Election Board and was dismissed, finding Homann and Martinez not guilty. As soon as they were elected, the candidates began working diligently to

change the perception of student government in the eyes of the Bobcat community. Hailing from The Woodlands, Homann has had an interest in politics his entire life. After being in student government for a year, Homann decided it was time to run for a higher position. “I am consistently thinking of problems around the university that we can fix, or ways to market programs, and I felt like I was the best person for the job,” Homann said. Martinez said she wanted a higher position within student government and ran with Homann because they work well together. “Andrew is accountable,” Martinez said. “He has a lot of goals in mind and is determined to reach them. He especially has proven his leadership through other

positions held with other organizations.” Connor Clegg, student government chief of staff, said once elected, they hit the ground running to meet with Texas State administration, organizations and fellow Bobcats in order to immediately start changing the culture of student government. “We all have worked meticulously to build incredible relationships with the higher-level administra-tion,” Clegg said. “We’re confident that if we work together, we can get nearly everything we want to get done accomplished.” During the first week of the Homann administration, student government successfully passed nine res-olutions. The number of resolutions passed that night almost matched the total resolutions passed in

the previous year. It is evident the Senators agreed student government needed to improve. “I ran on the premise that we need to up the game and start getting things headed in the right direc-tion,” Homann said. “I think that starts from the top.” Homann is a business economics major and graduates in 2018. “My goals for after college include going to law school and continuing to pursue opportunities for public service,” Homann said. “I truly just want to make an impact.” Homann said more than anything, his genuine love for Texas State University is what drives him to be an effective president and have a great year within student government. “I also found inspiration to run just from the fact that

COMPETITION, from front.

and multimedia producer, collaborated with Odiari to create a one-minute video demonstrating the former Bobcat’s culinary skills, and the Hallmark Channel showed it on air. “We threw the video out into the world, and saw what the world would throw back at us,” Odiari said. “It was such a team effort, and it’s crazy how it all came together. I’m excited for what is to come. This isn’t even the peak, it’s just the start.” After advancing to round two, Odiari said he needs widespread support. According to the contest’s official rules, contestants will promote their video submissions in the second round. Viewers will need to like and comment on their favorite video. Contest officials will then choose finalists based on the video itself, experience and the voice of the community.

Odiari said he hopes to see support from Texas State to help him advance in the competition. “As an (alumnus), I want to be a representative and that’s what I feel like I’m doing to help everyone,” Odiari said. “We’re a Bobcat family, and we need the support of the entire community in order to reach this milestone.” Maynard said Texas State could benefit from the cooking contest. “Students should be interested because it’s showing that the Texas State football team is very diverse, and they do a lot of different things,” Maynard said. “As Texas State gets more positive visibility, it increases the good impression of the university.” Odiari said he would be honored to win the contest. “I think I stand out because I have a big personality,” Odiari said. “I love people. I love putting smiles on

peoples’ faces. I just want to help people as much as I can, either through food or any other way.” If he were to win, Odiari’s five recipes would include chicken, pasta and more. “I’m going to bring in some of my Nigerian roots into my recipes,” Odiari said. “I want to incorporate diversity into it.” Maynard said Odiari would be a good addition to the Home and Family cast because his recipes guarantee high-quality food that won’t break the bank. “I think he should win because he’s very charismatic and that fits directly into what Home and Family is looking for,” Maynard said. Although football players aren’t usually culinary geniuses, Odiari said he wanted to pursue a different lifestyle. “When my football career ended, I didn’t know what else was in store for me,”

“It started off by watching my parents,” Odiari said. “My mom always cooked. Ever since then, being in the kitchen has been like going into a chemistry lab for me.” Odiari studied political science while playing football at Texas State in the 2013 and 2014 seasons. During his time as a Bobcat, he created a web series called “Cookin’ on a Dime.” The motivation behind his series was to provide nutritious, affordable meals for college students. The winner of the contest will receive $1,500, join the Home and Family cast for one week and will be required to cook five recipes on air. When Odiari heard about Hallmark’s contest, he wanted to submit an application. Andrew Maynard, friend

SAFETY, from front. Invest in a personal alarm

Recently endorsed by Olympian Ryan Lochte, the Sound Grenade by ROBOCOPP is one of many defense mechanisms that can be carried anywhere. Pulling the device’s pin, the Sound Grenade sets off a 120 decibel siren. Jill Turner, PR Director for ROBOCOPP, said a study from the International Institute of Criminology showed an attacker is more likely to leave the scene if they hear an alarm. “We found that (an alarm) is one of the best crime deterrence(s) around,” Turner said. “We have so many cases where the Sound Grenade has preI have a natural passion for solving problems and public service,” Homann said. “I knew that I could adequately represent the voice and concerns for the students, and so I decided to give it a shot.” With a successful launch

vented bad situations, but it is not guaranteed.”

Save all UPD numbers on phone

Instead of scrambling to find a number, students can save all of UPD phone services in their contacts in advance for easy access. Staci Dindinger, industrial engineering freshman, is connected to TXState Alerts, which sends emergency notices by text. “Since I always have my phone on me all the time, it’s good to sign up for the alert system that Texas State has,” Dindinger said. “That way I won’t be out of the loop if something happens on campus.” for Student Government’s Town Hall, a safe space for open dialogue between Texas State and the San Marcos community, Homann said the changes and improvements are just beginning.

Silver utensils, inspired by the bobcat alum who is competing in cooking competitions. PHOTO BY CASSANDRIA ALVARADO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Odiari said. “I was identified as the football player, and I wanted to identify who I was again. I was able to transition and find my gift. And when I found my gift, I was able to use it to take me to another step in life—and this is it.” Odiari’s goal is to inspire others through his creativity and talents. “It’s important to me to get

out and do something that I love to do, and do it on a big platform,” Odiari said. “I want to show others that if you set your mind to something, don’t let anything hinder you to take a risk.” Send Odiari to the final round by liking and commenting on his video submission.

Live the ultimate Bobcat fan experience! Register to win the Fly Away Sweepstakes.

one winner and a guest will get to Attend the Texas State Bobcats at New Mexico State Aggies football game on November 19th in Las Cruces, New Mexico Take off with the team on the team plane Party in the end zone while the Bobcats warm up Dine with the team and enjoy VIP treatment Splurge with a $200 Visa® gift card

Eat ‘em up, Cats!

Visit ufcu.org/flyaway for official sweepstakes rules.

The University Star

NEWS CITY, from front. “This cleanup is just an extension of what is usually a biannual event,” said Bobby Moore, who has served on the Cemetery Commission for over two consecutive years. “There are signs posted in the cemetery notifying visitors of the twice-yearly cleanups, so this is not something brand new. It’s a reg-ular thing for us to have a spring cleanup that coincides with Easter and a fall cleanup that coincides with Veterans’ Day.” Cemetery regulations prohibit general encumbrances, which include glass items and anything that could impede the maintenance process or obstruct burial space. “A lot of these regulations have to do with the compo-

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 3 Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar sition of grave markers,” Bagwell said. “Head-stones must be permanent, rather than temporary. Burial space that is covered up or surrounded by boundaries composed of rock, brick, mortar, steel or plastic, are likewise prohibited.” Additionally, flowers must be contained in vases attached to headstones or at the base of a memorial. Wooden crosses are prohibited because they can rot or splinter, Bagwell said. “Anything that is not an integral part of the memorial will be removed—something that has fallen and broken, flowers that have wilted—basically things that subjectively are unsightly,” Moore said. “Temporary fences around graves are expressly prohibited, and objectively not allowed according to the code that de-

scribes in detail the different types of curbing that can be put around grave sites.” All items that do not comply with the guidelines by Oct. 3 will be removed from the cemetery, boxed and held by the maintenance shop for a period of 30 days for family members of the deceased to pick up at their earliest convenience. “We have received public comment from people who want a thorough cleanup to be done,” Moore said. “Prior to the cleanup, there have been and will continue to be opportunities for people to express any concerns they might have.” Members of the community and others who have vested interest in the upkeep of the cemetery are en-couraged to attend the Cemetery Commission meetings. There is always

time on the agenda for public comment, Moore said. “We realize that many of these items have sentimental value, and steps have been taken to give fami-lies more than adequate notice of the cleanup,” Bagwell said. “Nobody’s looking to upset anybody. We’re just enforcing the rules as written, in compliance with regulations and guidelines.” The first burial hosted on the site took place in 1846, despite the fact that the City Cemetery was offi-cially founded in 1876. According to the Cemetery Commission’s official website, veterans buried there represent soldiers from all wars since the War of 1812. Due to the historical significance of the site, much of the interest surrounding the cemetery is of an academic nature— but Claybourn’s interest is

BUBBLE GUY, from front.

Joseph Losoya, public relations senior, blows bubbles Sept. 15 at the bottom of the Alkek Library steps. Losoya says a goal that resulted from starting Bubble Believers was to provide former students with a common point in history to reflect upon and associate with experiences at Texas State. “I just wanted to spread some joy really,” Losoya said. “To have a reason for everyone to remember their time here.” PHOTO BY DARYL ONTIVEROS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The University Star Editor-in-Chief..................................................Emily Sharp, stareditor@txstate.edu News Editor............................................Bailey Buckingham, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................Autumn Anderson, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Denise Cervantes, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor.........................................Mikala Everett, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..................................Lara Dietrich, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief.....................................Claire Abshier, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor...........................................Jessica Strickland, stardesign@txstate.edu

The Bubble Believer can usually be found in the Quad blowing bubbles and shouting words of encouragement to all bystanders. Students can participate in his campaign by blowing bubbles as a way to relieve stress or to have fun. Brianne Boiarsky, criminal justice sophomore, said seeing the Bubble Believer on campus helps brighten her day and that Losoya’s words of encouragement help her get through her classes. “He creates good vibes,” Boiarsky said. “It’s just a group of people having fun and blowing bubbles.” Faculty and staff have also taking a liking to the Bubble Believer. Vanessa de Macedo Higgins Joyce, mass communications professor, said she

The San Marcos City Cemetery Sept. 15. Cemetery Commission has asked families to remove items for graveyard clean up. PHOTO BYRUSSELL REED | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

sentimental. “My family has been in this area for years,” Claybourn said. “I come down here every Sunday to mow the grass around it, and take care of it. I have two grandmothers buried here, along with my dad. One day I’ll be buried here too.”

The next Cemetery Commission meeting will be held Sept. 28. at the Grant Harris Jr. Building. “We want it to look neat and presentable,” Moore said. “We are very proud of our city cemetery, and think it’s a real asset. We want to make sure we’re doing ev-

enjoys having Losoya as a student and the positivity he brings to campus. “I like the idea that he’s out there and he’s spreading his positive vibes,” Macedo Higgins Joyce said. “His positive attitude definitely shows and he lightens up the mood [of class] with his persona.” Losoya said he doesn’t see himself as a local celebrity, but is approached by strangers daily throughout the campus. “One girl approached me and patted me on the back and said, ‘you’re a legend,’” Losoya said. “I was like, ‘oh, that’s cool. Wow.’” Losoya doesn’t stand alone in his campaign. He proudly blows bubbles with his companion Walter, a retired piñata that gave up his partying days to make

something of himself, according to Losoya. Walter originally gained popularity in a San Antonio bar, where Losoya brought the piñata after his brother’s birthday party. People responded positively to the piñata and it has been a part of the Bubble Believer campaign ever since. Losoya, who plans to graduate in the summer of 2017, plans on bringing Walter across the stage with him. As far as the campaign goes, the bubbles will remain strong throughout campus until graduation. The impact that Losoya is making is nothing short of positive and influential. “I’m just happy to be Texas State’s bubble guy,” Losoya said. Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor..................................Jeffrey Bradshaw, starpromo@txstate.edu Sales Director......................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive................................................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive................................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist................................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator...................................A.J. Arreguin, aa1530@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..........................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director................................Richard Parker, stardirector@txstate.edu

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

4 | Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The University Star Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Hispanic Heritage Month: How to Celebrate By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @Tristaaaaa Hispanic heritage month is here and will take place from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. This month long fiesta is for Hispanic and Latino Americans to be recognized for who they are and what they have done for the United States. It all started in 1968 when Texas State alumnus and former President Lyndon B. Johnson approved Hispanic heritage week. A few years later the week was transformed to Hispanic heritage month. Naiha Campos, graduate assistant, said Hispanic heritage month is necessary. “Hispanic culture is such a large portion of America as a whole,” Campos said. “A month is enough time to celebrate an entire culture

and heritage, so we definitely needed that extension if not even more.” Mama’s Kitchen kicked off Hispanic Heritage month at Texas State with a celebration hosted by the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion. “I love being involved in planning this whole event with the student diversity and inclusion team,” Campos said. “The food was amazing and there were a lot of hungry students fed.” Kendra Bazan, public relations and mass communication junior, said food is a big part of Hispanic culture. “I am a Mexican American and noting beats Mexican food,” Bazan said. “I am thankful for my culture because I grew up learning different recipes from my parents.”

Sarah Ancira, criminal justice junior, said being Hispanic keeps her from feeling lonely. “My family has always been there for me,” Ancira said. “There are so many of us and we are always together. I have always loved that aspect of my culture.” Ancira likes to bring friends home and show them the culture through her family. “Hispanics worldwide have brought a lot to this country, like innovation and culture,” Campos said. “It opens our student’s eyes to how diverse our campus is, and it displays a whole new world they might not have been exposed to.” Campos said Texas State will be honoring this month with events showcasing Hispanic culture and revolutionary historical figures.

“We have a series of events that will be happening during Hispanic heritage month, as well as a lot of Hispanic organizations on campus that will be putting on different events,” Campos said. The Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion, and other organizations, have goals to inform and educate others about different cultures. According to Campos, everyone is invited to honor and experience Hispanic heritage month on campus. Ancira said one of her favorite parts about Texas State is its exposure to different cultures. “It teaches you more about other peoples’ cultures, not just your own,” Ancira said. “At home you’re stuck with your own culture. When you go to a


Selena’s influence on San Marcos By Vanessa Bell Lifestyle Reporter @vanessayvebell The San Marcos community was granted a free screening of “Selena”, a biopic on the Queen of Tejano at Cuauhtemoc Hall on Thursday. Before the late Selena Quintanilla became the Queen of Tejano Music, she visited San Marcos to perform in Cuauhtemoc Hall. Rosina Valle, program specialist, said she remembers when Selena came to the League of United Latin American Citizens Cinco de Mayo celebrations. “We hosted a little welcoming reception for her and that was when she was becoming really popular, so we’re fortunate that she came to San Marcos,” Valle said. “She was super nice and I thanked her for coming.” Leah Molina, San Marcos native, remembers meeting briefly with Selena on two occasions in the early 90’s. Molina met Selena at the Austin Music Awards and at Cuauhtemoc Hall. Molina’s father, who was a Tejano musician in the band Turismo, introduced her to Selena at the award show “She was super sweet,” Molina said. “We talked about how cold it was and she was just smiling.” Molina saw Selena perform in one of her signature outfits: black and white cow print bolero jacket, a black skirt, hair up in a bun and bright red lips. Molina waited after the

show to meet with Selena again. “I had reminded her that we had met years before and she remembered,” Molina said. “She was just like ‘Oh my gosh, yes. It was so cold.’” Molina said Selena was down to earth and seemed to always have a genuine reaction with fans. “Just the fact that she remembered me was significant for me,” said Molina. Molina related to Selena as they are both Latinas who grew up not speaking Spanish. “I’ve had to defend myself from somebody who didn’t like Mexicans in south Texas, and said how ‘they don’t speak Spanish,’” said Molina. Molina said she loved how Selena embodied her heritage and Mexican culture, despite growing up not

On the banks of the Guadalupe

Custom made Selena shirts, sold at the San Marcos Cinema Club event Sept. 15 at Cuauhtemoc Hall. PHOTO BY CASSANDRIA ALVARADO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

being able to speak Spanish. “That doesn’t make me any less Mexican,” said Molina. The Selena film screening event was hosted and sponsored by San Marcos Cinema Club who worked in collaboration with Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos and Texas State’s Center for the Study of the Southwest to show the film. Winners who entered the Selena essay writing contest were also announced at the

A Few Doors Down From Gruene Hall


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Right Behind Gruene Hall


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Across from Gruene Hall


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event. Tammy Gonzales, program director of the Center for the Study of the Southwest, said the Quintanilla family waived fees as long as they were not charging for the screening. “We asked the Quintanilla family for permission to show the film because they own the rights,” Gonzales said. Molina said if Selena were still alive, she’d reign as one of today’s most popular artists. “She would have been Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé put together,” Molina said. “She would have been it.”

Star file photo. PHOTO BY

bigger university you get to see other cultures instilled in people, and that’s what


makes Texas State really cool.”

The University Star

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 5


Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Mermaid Parade brings the mermaid back By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @Tristaaaaa More than 1,800 guests visited downtown San Marcos Sept. 17 for the first annual Mermaid Parade and SPLASH Festival. Mermaid Society SMTX extended an invitation to the entire community of San Marcos. The mermaid extravaganza was held from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Schools, businesses and organizations joined together in promotion of the beloved San Marcos mer-maid. Live music was playing all day while local businesses set up tents displaying art work, food and drinks. S. LBJ Dr. was filled with


children, adults and teenagers riding on decorated floats. Parade participants and attendees were dressed up from scale to tail. After the parade ended, the SPLASH Festival took place around 1 p.m. at the San Marcos Plaza Park. The event’s mission was to help raise funds for the San Marcos River and teach people about preserv-ing it. Emily Norton, exploratory sophomore, said the San Marcos mermaid is a perfect symbol of the river. San Marcos was widely known for mermaids from 1950 to 1996 when the roadside attraction Aquarena Springs had the world’s only submarine theater. Haley Norton, studio art senior, said the mermaid has

been a part of the city’s culture for years. “It’s part of San Marcos culture from back in the day when they had the first underwater submarine theater,” said Haley Norton. “Everyone here wants to bring that back and celebrate it again.” Emily Norton, who dressed up as a mermaid, said she felt like a Disney princess being asked to take pictures with children. Logan Taylor, marketing sophomore, attended the event and was informed about why the city wanted to celebrate mermaids for the first time in years. “One of the head coordinators of this event told me that they are trying to bring the mermaid back,” Taylor

7 restaurants to visit in Sanlunch Marcos By Vivian Medina years. and dinner.

Lifestyle Reporter @vivianjmedina Growing at a fast rate, San Marcos is no longer a town with just college students. With restaurants popping up on every corner, the city is becoming known to tourists and locals for fine dining. So before heading to the river, check out some of the town’s unique and local restaurants.

Root Cellar Café and Brewery

Located in downtown San Marcos, Root Cellar Café offers quality American food, beer and desserts. As of now, Root Cellar is the only local brewpub in San Marcos making their beer exclusive to the city. Whether a customer is coming for a cup of coffee or a cold beer, the café and brewery is able to cater to one’s needs. The restaurant has been voted Best Restaurant in San Marcos for the last two

Railyard Bar and Grill

The bar and grill restaurant includes an outdoor/ indoor space providing food, games and drinks for people of all ages. While serving a variety of burgers, soups and “Sandy’s” for lunch and dinner, Railyard provides live music to enhance the customer’s experience. A game room, ping-pong table, washer and horseshoes are also available for all to enjoy. The restaurant also hosts occasional dinner and movie nights, and trivia nights.

Saltgrass Steakhouse

The steak-serving restaurant strives to take each customer back to the 1800s and relive the moments when Texas was filled with roaming Longhorns. Located on W Sessom Drive, the restaurant offers a great view of the river, while customers dine on

Herbert’s Grocery & Taco Hut

The less recognized TexMex restaurant provides flavorful dishes and quick service. Some of their most popular meals include, cheese enchiladas, breakfast tacos and burgers. In the 35 years it has been running, Herbert’s was voted Best Mexican Food for the Best of Hays County.

Henry’s Restaurant

Most known for their big portions and inexpensive prices, the restaurant serves homemade multi-cuisine dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There wide variety of food such as, catfish, lasagna and sandwiches leaves all customers satisfied and coming for more. The family-owned business also provides catering service and can host any occasion.

Rebecca Hofmer, Emily Norton, education junior, Hayley Norton, studio art senior, and Sarah Hofner smile for the crowd at Mermaid Fest in downtown San Marcos Sept 17. PHOTO BY JAMIE DORSEY | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

said. “It has been known for a while, but they want the mermaid as an established mascot of San Marcos in the future.” Haley Tucker, management sophomore, said she

Pie Society

Pie Society serves New York style pizza in San Marcos with fresh ingredi-

was shocked by the high number of attendance. “The parade was great. There were so many people involved, I felt like it just kept on going,” Tucker said. “I also feel like a lot

of people showed up to the parade.” Tucker said she is looking forward to next year’s Mermaid Parade and SPLASH Festival.

ents in every order. The beer-serving restaurant creates a casual atmosphere and with their late hours, grabbing a pizza in

the middle of night is easy.

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6 | Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The University Star Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Make Texas State your new home The arrival of Texas’s finicky and scorching fall months brings for many freshmen, a wave of homesickness so intense they can barely function. While it is true there is no place like home, attempt to make Texas State your new home. Home, for many people is a source of warmth, comfort and love. Others, find their families intrusive and annoying at best and have no problems fleeing from parental

control. Going to college for the first time allows students to build and discover who they are as a person and what their interests are. Texas State can seem foreboding and large but luckily The Square, San Marcos’ historic downtown, is a quick walk down the hill. Don’t sit in your dorm room and stare at the wall longing for friends. Get out and walk around. Explore the campus and the surrounding city—

make friends in San Marcos. A great place to meet new people—especially if you’re not a fan of walking up to strangers—is one of Texas State’s many student organizations. Texas State offers over 370 different student organizations, so that students have the opportunity to find community in like-minded individuals. If you aren’t interested in campus activities or events, San Marcos also has plenty

of entertainment to offer. Between the river, the outlets and the Wonder World Park, there is no shortage of fun and good times. Situated between the bustling hubs of Austin and San Antonio, San Marcos provides the perfect location to check out two cool cities. The prime location and beautiful vistas are why many choose to come to Texas State. You came to Texas State

for a reason, whether it was because of financial reasons or because there is a good program for your major, so don’t let hankerings for home plague your time here. It is extremely vital not to return home every weekend. Visiting home every week will only intensify feelings of homesickness and will make your life at Texas State harder to enjoy. Plus, mom and dad are a quick FaceTime or phone call away.

Texas State offers numerous resources for dealing with homesickness. A quick trip to the counseling center can be helpful and insightful. There are a lot of people in the same boat. Go out and meet these people, become friends and swap stories from home.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University. HERITAGE POLITICS

America deserves more than the lesser of two evils By ToVachea Nealy @vachea_ Opinions Columnist


Don’t forget us— especially during Hispanic Heritage Month By Elena Lara @r_elenalara Special to the Star

¡Viva la patria! Those three words sit at the very core of every Hispanic. They are laced with love and adoration. They hold pride. They rumble deep within us and escape in a loud cry as we celebrate and love one another. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, America celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the vibrant culture and rich history of Hispanic Americans. However, America’s recognition is sorely lacking. Hispanic Americans are losing their sense of identity and America’s only concern with this group of people is how to deport them. Many Americans—including Hispanics—do not know when Latin American countries broke from colonial rule. Sept. 15 marks the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The following day, Mexico celebrates its independence from the Spanish with el Grito de Dolores. Chile and Belize join in on the independence celebrations Sept. 18 and Sept. 21, respectively. For the sake of education, and to finally break the typecast, Hispanic and Latino are not interchangeable terms, nor do they refer to

race or color. Hispanics are people of Spanish-speaking ancestry therefore, not all Hispanics are Mexican. In the midst of Donald Trump’s offensive campaigning and the rise of racist America, the need to celebrate and understand Hispanic Heritage Month is absolutely imperative. There are many things to be said in regards to the struggles Hispanic Americans face. However, I’d like to focus on the lack of attention for this community and its repercussions. European American History is a standard part of this nation’s school curriculum. Black History Month is acknowledged during the entire month of February—The University Star’s Opinions section made sure of that this year. Yet, no one has recognized or celebrated the Hispanic group, which makes up roughly 18 percent of the American population. In ignoring this large group of people, Hispanic Americans lose their cultural identities. The U.S. school system briefly covers Hispanic history as if it were a footnote in the grand scheme of America. Consequently, uneducated Americans wrongly assume all Hispanics are from the same place and are wrongly depicted resulting in oppression. Hispanic students are chastised for speaking Spanish in schools or ridiculed for their accents. The consequences of white-washing

and assimilation can trickle down into the culture itself, creating internal conflict. There is often a divide between Spanish-speaking Hispanics and those who do not have a good grasp on the language. Hispanics unable to speak the language are told they are too American or not Hispanic enough. It is impossible to please either side. Being a Hispanic American is not about choosing sides. It is not about letting the American racial divide break us down. Texas State is notably a Hispanic Serving Institution with 33 percent of the student population being Hispanic. These titles and statistics are nice, but the university is lacking in its actions. The University Star paper preaches equality, but sees it solely as a black and white matter. As a Bobcat community, we should follow the example of our most notable alumnus and former U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson. In 1968, LBJ recognized the importance of the Hispanic influence on America and saw it fit to celebrate our histories, cultures and contributions. Hispanic Heritage Month is ours. We should feel proud to celebrate our intricate gene pool and vibrant cultures. Hispanics do matter and we will not be forgotten.

People have to make decisions in which both options are grim—it comes with living life. When it comes to these tough choices people think of the slightly better option as the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils concept implies that when faced with two tough options it is best to chose the one that inflicts the least damage. The current presidential election exemplifies the principle. As the presidential campaigns continue, most citizens have already decided who they are voting for, why they are voting or if they are voting at all. This year the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump have been battling and belittling each other on various forms of media. There are plenty of columns telling readers

why they shouldn’t vote for Trump. His actions, plans and lack of decency as a human being provide more than adequate material for why you should not vote for him. All of the word-vomit spewing from Trump’s mouth almost makes Clinton look like the golden candidate. Clinton is far from golden. Clinton is the lesser of two evils. She is not the best candidate we could vote for, but she is better than Trump. Clinton has been in politics longer than most of us have been alive, which leaves her more qualified in terms of political experience. However, there is more than enough evidence showing she is not fit to be president. From “landing under sniper fire” to lying about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Clinton is duplicitous at best. If any other government employee was found with an unsecured email account like Clinton, they would be

arrested. Clinton has no charges against her. Not counting the scandals piled against her, Clinton has changed her stances on issues in the past few years. From equal marriage to President Obama’s immigration policies, Clinton has “evolved” her position on key issues many times. Her position on the issues did not change because America did, but because they became popular belief. A substantial amount of Americans do not want Trump as president, and feel as though they have no choice but to vote for Clinton. However, we should vote for who and what we believe in, not because one candidate could inflict less damage than the other. We should not leave America in the hands of the “lesser of two evils.” -ToVachea Nealy is a mass communications sophomore


-Elena Lara is an English sophomore


Zoo animals do not belong in captivity By Bridgett Reneau @bridgelynnn Opinions Columnist A life spent behind bars is not a life at all. When we take an organism and restrict its entire world to an unsuitably small space, we essentially strip the creature of its right to a true chance at life. Treating fellow occupants of our earth in this manner is customary—just go to any zoo. In fact, head over to the San Antonio Zoo if you want a prime example of animal injustice. TheRichest.com rated this relatively local attraction as number six on its list of “The 10 Most Inhumane Zoos in the World.” The zoo has been under scrutiny for violating the Endangered Species Act due to the barbaric

treatment of an elephant called Lucky. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Endangered Species Act lawsuit filed on behalf of Lucky in January 2016, the elephant spent her days “in an enclosure too small to meet her needs, with little to no shelter from the sun and on a hard, species-inappropriate substrate.” The zoo has since taken strides in a futile attempt to improve Lucky’s living conditions—they added two more elephants to the menagerie. The zoo and partner, Feld Entertainment’s Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey, were ecstatic about the addition. Their large-scale goal is to bring more elephants into captivity, so people can “see these magnificent elephants up-close and in

person,” according to Dr. Wendy Kiso, the director of conservation and research at Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation. The idea is asinine. “Humans make a significant mistake—and deliberate—mistake when they place wild animals in captivity for the visitor’s amusement,” states Adam M. Roberts, CEO of Born Free USA, a national animal advocacy nonprofit organization. The death of Harambe is a prime confirmation for the necessary erasure of zoos. “While some might say Harambe had a ‘good life’ in the zoo, it doesn’t come close to the life he would have had as a wild gorilla,” writes Marc Bekoff in his blog for Scientific American.

He proceeds to claim, “the gorilla people were seeing was not really a true western lowland gorilla, surely not an ambassador for his species.” Bekoff is right. The majesty and grandeur of any animal cannot possibly be captured by walking into a zoo and peering through fingerprint-stained glass. Instead, what we see is a diluted version of the species—a sort of altered, hybrid creature—certainly not the real thing. Many “zoo animals” are so far removed from the nature of their species that they are prone to a phenomenon deemed “zoochosis.” Zoochosis is “obsessive, repetitive behavior” that many zoo animals exhibit. These behaviors, including pacing, circling, self-mu-

tilation and vomiting, are exhibited by animals in captivity, but not by the same species in the wild. Clearly, this illustrates animals in captivity are not thriving. They are struggling to survive, and displaying unnatural behaviors to prove it. The argument for keeping animals in captivity focuses on the idea that the general public learns something by visiting zoos, and somehow this can magically help animals. However, “there’s no hard evidence that these people then go on to do something for the good of the species,” writes Bekoff. “What people learn is very limited in scope in terms of what the new knowledge means in any practical sense.” If people really wanted to learn about animals, they

would do research and take adequate action—not stumble into a local zoo and skim through a pamphlet on each animal. Taking action to combat captivity is not difficult. It is as simple as no longer contributing to fund places like zoos—just stop going to them. The next step is to be honest with ourselves about the way we choose to treat our fellow earth-dwellers and acknowledge how little respect we give to animals. We have a simple choice. We can choose to give our money to zoos under the guise of “learning experiences,” or we can choose to open our eyes and see the injustice that is occurring. -Bridgett Reneau is a psychology junior

The University Star

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 | 7


Autumn Anderson, Sports Editor @aaautumn_

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Jordan Kohl: Determined to make a difference By Brooke Phillips Sports Reporter @brookephillips_ Being a college athlete is a full-time job. While athletes must work hard by going to practices and performing in games, they also have to focus on school and getting their degrees. For one Texas State Women’s volleyball player, getting her degree means so much more than just a title. Jordan Kohl, junior right setter, started playing volleyball in third grade after

her mother inspired her to join the YMCA team. Since then, volleyball remained Kohl’s focus throughout her life. It was not until high school she started having interest in playing for Texas State. Kohl first went to a volleyball camp at Texas State as a sophomore and came back the next two years. “I just loved going to the camp,” Kohl said. “That’s whenever coaches noticed me going back and were re-

ally interested in me playing there. Then I went on a visit and I loved the coaches, girls and environment here at Texas State.” Shortly after, Kohl was officially a college athlete. Rewind 15 years prior to becoming a Bobcat, however, and one will find the path to Kohl’s success as a volleyball player was not easy. At age three, doctors noticed she had lost the majority of her hearing in both ears. It was then determined Kohl had sensorineural hearing loss—one of the COLLEGE SKI & BOARD WEEK Breckenridge • Vail • Keystone Beaver Creek • Arapahoe Basin


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three most common types of hearing losses. Kohl’s hearing loss progressively increased with age. Right now, she has about a 65-70 percent hearing loss in both ears. Although this obstacle remains, Kohl refuses to let this challenge control how she lives her life. Currently, Kohl is a family and child development major. With this major, Kohl wants to make a difference in other people’s lives. “I want to be able to work with deaf patients and deaf families because I can really relate to them in many aspects,” Kohl said. “I really want to try to be able to focus on that with my major in some kind of way.” Instead of hiding her difficulties, Kohl wants to embrace them and not let herself be held back. When it comes to the future, Kohl is all about giving back not only to people she does not know, but to those closest to her. “My mom taught me the

Jordan Kohl, right side junior, spikes the ball over the net Sept. 2 to score a point against SFA. PHOTO BYJAMIE DORSEY | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

game of volleyball at such a young age,” Kohl said. “For all the work she’s done for getting me here, I would like to repay her back by me graduating college with my degree and being able to get a good job to show her my respect.” Kohl has two more years left in college, and plans to continue to show her success through the game she loves the most. Dedication is what has made Kohl achieve so many goals. Her first year as a Bobcat, Kohl won the Sun Belt’s Freshman of the Year out of the entire conference. She also currently holds the Texas State volleyball record for hitting percentage in one match with a .900 percent.

Outside of Texas State, Kohl recently debuted her volleyball talent as a member of the 2016 USA Deaf Olympic Volleyball team— becoming a Pan American Deaf Volleyball Games champion. With high hopes for her future, Kohl would like to continue to play for the USA Deaf Olympic team, find success in a career and make an impact. “I want to be able to have a job that I love doing after college,” Kohl said. “I want to wake up and be genuinely happy with what I’m doing.” Although Kohl knows her hearing may be completely lost in the future, her drive and determination will always remain.


Dynamic duo strikes Texas State By Lisette Lopez Assistant Sports Editor Lisette_1023 From club to college, two Texas State soccer players have been inseparable from the start. Texas State Women’s Soccer freshmen Genesis Turman and Kalen Sanderfer have been playing soccer together since their sophomore year of high school. “We played on our club team together, we played in high school together and now we are here together,” Sanderfer said. Turman grew up in San Antonio then moved to Allen during her sophomore year of high school. “My mom did some research and she found a club team in Dallas,” Turman said. “Prior to me even living there, we already had a team that I was going to play on. That team ended up being [Sanderfer’s] team, and we have been friends

ever since.” Opposites attract when it comes to Turman and Sanderfer. Sanderfer said Turman is very outgoing, and could talk to almost everyone. Turman said Sanderfer is very kind, and thinks of others way too often. The duo have differences on the field. Turman is more of a vocal leader on the field. Sanderfer is a hard worker, and shows who she is with determination and perseverance. There is a faster pace in collegiate soccer. It is different for the teammates, and it is something they have to adapt to. “Here, everyone is pulling on shirts and everyone is trying to get you on the ground,” Turman said. “I am doing my best to deal with that. The mental aspect of the game is different. Because it is so fast-paced, <% (@ ?B &&< &* A CD %)

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you don’t have time to mess around. So I really have to think on my feet and be fast about that.” Coming in as a freshman on the team is intimidating. However, the women’s soccer team made the transition from high school to college a little easier. Turman said the team feels like a family, and it helped her to open up and not shy away. When Turman and Sanderfer become upperclassmen, they hope their teammates can look up to them. They want to be as encouraging as possible to new Bobcats. “I just want to be someone to look up to,” Sanderfer said. “I know I am not the best or the most skilled, but by my senior year, I hope people can look at me and say ‘wow, she is not the best, but she works her butt off,’ and see that you can get so far by just working hard.” The teammates have different personalities, but that is what keeps their friendship alive. “She is really nice to everyone and she is always looking out for others, but she looks out for me too,” Turman said. “I think that is the biggest thing that helps our friendship continue to grow.” Turman said they have separate rooms at Texas State, which is better for the two. “Coach tried to room us together here, and we were like ‘no, we can’t do that,’” Sanderfer said. “Everything that we’ve been through—the fights and everything—we always find a way to work it out,” Sanderfer said. “At the end of the day, we always find something to laugh about. It is just nice to have someone here that you can count on, and to have your back.”



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8 | Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The University Star


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