Tuesday, September 27, 2016

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TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 7 www.UniversityStar.com

New organization aims to prevent sexual assault on campus

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TTF panels discuss gender, race and presidential standards By Bri Watkins Assistant News Editor @briwatkins17

Carly Joutraw, finance senior, Kristyn Percenti, international relations senior, President Brooklyn Boreing, business management sophomore, and Alyssa Wakefield, english sophomore and communication chair of the Not My On My Campus organization at this year’s Greek Rally festivities Sept. 23 at Sewell Park. Not on my campus is a student led organization and social media campaign dedicated to breaking the silence and stigma around sexual assault and rape culture on the Texas State campus. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

By Bri Watkins Assistant News Editor @briwatkins17 In order to bring change and ensure safety in a college community, a new group has launched Not On My Campus to raise awareness in hopes of preventing sexual assault and harassment. The organization was brought to campus by management freshmen Brooklyn Boreing and Kristyn Percenti, who had an agenda to shed light on a matter that isn’t often talked about. One in five women and one in 16 men have been or will be sexually assaulted or harassed on college campuses. Not On My Campus aims to lower this number by speaking out on the issue. “We want this year to be about raising the awareness and getting the topic to be

talked about, because until you have awareness on the subject, you can’t have prevention,” Boreing said. After launching the organization, members have worked vigorously to plan events and collaborate with other campus entities. Boreing is a member of Delta Gamma, and has close connections to the Greek community. One of Not On My Campus’ top goals for this semester is to partner with fraternities. Jacob Slocum, healthcare administration senior and member of Pi Kappa Alpha, said this new organization would be beneficial to campus, and is in favor of it. “I feel like Greek life has a big impact on our university, and we hold a position in which we can posi-tively impact our campus and community by speaking out against this issue,” Slocum

said. “The stigma that the majority of fraternity members engage in sexual harassment and assault seems to over-shadow all the positive things that fraternities do for their members, university and community. I just wish people could understand that not all fraternity members are the same.” Slocum said he has never witnessed harassment from his fraternity and would be intolerant to such be-havior. “I hope people can see that we would never engage in these activities, and want to do whatever we can to stop them from happening, not only on our campus, but everywhere across the nation. An in-dividual should never be put in a situation where they feel vulnerable and are harmed,” Slocum said. In addition to partnering with fraternities, Not On My Campus is collaborating

with Men against Vio-lence, the Health Center and student government. Not On My Campus plans to extend its partnership to all other organizations on campus. “We really want it to become a campuswide thing where everyone who goes to Texas State knows what it is,” Boreing said. Communications Chair Alyssa Wakefield said she always knew Boreing would do something amaz-ing like this. Immediately after Wakefield was informed about this organization, she joined the team. “Chances are, you know multiple of people who have been in that situation,” Wakefield said. With how deeply sexual assault affects and traumatizes people, Wakefield said Not On My Campus plans to educate others prevent it. “We want to bring more people into our little circle

and expand it so more people can understand that it’s a big deal,” Wakefield said. Uniting and having continual conversations about this matter will hopefully have a domino effect on the community, Wakefield said. Not On Our Campus launched on Sept. 19, and has already received 200 pledge signatories. Boreing said they are aiming to achieve a thousand signatures on their pledge this semester and continue it to grow. People can voice their support by signing the pledge or posting on their social media account with the hashtag #NOMCTXST. The Not On My Campus organization will have its first Quad day on Oct. 10, and will set up laptops for anyone who wants to be a part of the growing student family.


Bobcats sit during National Anthem to fight injustice By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee More than 125 Texas State students didn’t rise for the National Anthem at Saturday’s home football game against University of Houston. Inspired by Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players, Black Lives Matter Movement San Marcos and other student organizations planned the peaceful protest weeks in advance. Texas State’s Black Women United and Black Men United joined with BLMSM to tailgate before the game. Around 5 p.m., the groups entered the stadium as a collective and found a section where they could all sit together. Once the National Anthem began playing, the groups remained seated, bowed their heads and raised their fists in the air while wearing black attire. “We just can’t honor a country that does not honor or acknowledge that black lives are continuing to experience historical injustice and systemic oppression,”

Russell Wilson, BLMSM cofounder said. “Now, more than ever, we need to utilize the rights that were given to us in the Constitution, although the Constitution was never intended for us.” Lonvis Naulls, exercise and sports science junior and BLMSM co-founder, said the sit-in gained massive support once the flyer was posted on Twitter. People of any race, age or gender were invited to the peaceful protest. “We had a great response,” Naulls said. “Some of the band members, UH football players and coaches said thank you. As an opposing team, it meant a lot to see them say thank you and appreciate what we were doing. Everyone that participated enjoyed what we did.” Samantha Garcia, philosophy junior, said she supports the BLMSM sit-in and freedom of expression. “I get what they’re doing and I agree with it,” Garcia said. “I think there’s a problem in this country with stereotyping, and the justice system is completely crooked and unfair. It need-


ed to be addressed.” However, some do not approve of the recent protests. A video of the sit-in was tweeted by a Houston Chronicle writer, and over 3,000 people retweeted it. Replies consisted of either overwhelming support or opposition. Naulls said backlash was expected because he knows a lot of people don’t agree with the movement. “We have to tune that out because this is our way of fighting back,” Naulls said. “If you haven’t been in a black person’s position, it’s hard for you to understand where we’re coming from deeply when we see another one of our black women or men gunned down in the street while unarmed.” Kayla Wilburn, commu-

nication disorders sophomore, said her roommate who participated in the sitin invited her to join, but she didn’t want to. “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the National Anthem is a time where we should be united,” Wilburn said. “For that one moment, we should all come together as Americans. I guess they stood for what they believed in, but they’ve made their point.” Naulls wants to remind those who oppose the movement that BLMSM is not a negative organization and the protests do not harm anyone. According to Naulls, the black community has been most active this semester, when compared to the previous four years. “As a black community,

we’re going to be there for each other,” Naulls said. “To sit in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world who are doing it—it was a proud moment.” Alexus Barree, BLMSM co-founder, said the movement has gained momentum because of police brutality around the country. “We decided to do this now because this time for black people is a really hard time,” Barree said. “This wasn’t happening 3 or 4 years ago as much as it is now. We do it now because it’s more visible to us, so it’s more hurtful to us.” The groups plan to protest at every home game, Naulls said. In addition, they will conduct sit-ins at basketball games when the season begins.

The 2016 Texas Tribune Festival featured panels that expressed dialogue from different speakers regarding issues of gender and race, while incorporating the president’s role in change among these topics. Texas Tribune’s Editor-InChief Emily Ramshaw facilitated discussion regarding if Texas was a good place for women. The panel featured former Texas Comptroller Susan Combs and former Texas Senator Wendy Davis. Davis said her experience living in Texas has forced her to become tough, as she fought to be heard. She believes Texas has fallen behind on passing an equal pay law and lifting the minimum wage, which has created a lack of business opportunities for women. While women’s participation in politics are low, Combs encourages women to get involved. She said she is determined to fight for any woman who wants to run for office. Davis followed with the high standards set for women when they have to prove themselves twice as much as men when running for office. Ramshaw then moved into discussion on what Combs’ and Davis’ preferred candidates can do for the future of women. Davis, in support of Hillary Clinton, said she thinks about what candidate would lay the best foundation for her 5-month-old granddaughter. Combs, who is in support of Donald Trump, who she feels is better for the country and for Texas. The discussion of who would be the best leader for our country was a common theme throughout the festival. This topic was heavily weighed in the panel titled, “The State of Black America,” which also focused on racism in America and within political parties. Tourè moderated the discussion between Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor and Allen West, former Florida state representative. The panel touched on presidential racism, policing views and free expression. An audience member asked West if he would cast a vote for Donald Trump. West said he is 65 percent in support ofTrump. West dodged questions regarding race-related issues, but said the GOP has given up on the black community, while Democrats take it for granted. In order to improve better relations between police and community, Taylor said San Antonio is working on implementing body cameras and de-escalation training. Conversation moved on to Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest, getting speakers to open up about their views on free expression. While West pressed concerns on undermining authorities and protesting in an appropriate manner, Taylor and Reed both agreed that opportunities to express different views should be respected and cherished. The festival was composed of different perspectives between panelists and created an opportunity for ongoing discourse as elections approach.

2 | Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The University Star


Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


College Republicans back at it after two-year hiatus By Rae Glassford Senior News Reporter @rae_maybe After a two year hiatus, the College Republicans at Texas State has resurged and has an active presence on campus this semester. The College Republicans, inactive at Texas State University since the dissolution of its executive board, has returned full-force under the continued tutelage of faculty advisor Patricia Parent. “People are much more interested in politics during a primary or general election cycle,” said Colton Duncan, political science junior and College Republicans chapter president. “We’re tapping into that excitement and that desire to be politically active.” Duncan was elected during the organization’s final meeting last spring. His prior experience as a political science enthusiast includes attending the Texas Repub-

lican Convention. “I’m not concerned about what happened back in 2014,” Duncan said. “I wasn’t here at the time. A lot of our current board wasn’t here. Right now, we’re taking what we’ve been given and building on that, from the groundwork up. We’ve seen incredible advancements within the past year.” Officially, the organization returned to Texas State during the 2015-2016 academic year, but an increased membership has put College Republicans back on the map, Duncan said. “The past semester we (would) have twenty to thirty people show up,” Duncan said. “We’ve only had one meeting so far this year, and it was attended by over eighty people.” Duncan partially attributes this dramatic increase in attendance to the presence of Susan Narvaiz at the first meeting. Narvaiz spoke about running for United States Congress.

Another element to which Duncan attributes the success of the organization is the sense of community found in student-led clubs. “I went into the semester expecting an uphill battle,” Duncan said. “Sometimes it feels like Republicans might not be well represented on college campuses, but what we’ve seen so far is the opposite of what we thought. People are seeking us out.” Other members have expressed similar sentiments. “I joined because I wanted to find a group of likeminded people,” said Connor Clegg, political science sophomore and College Republican chapter secretary. “Sometimes it seems like Republicans are few and far between on this campus— which is not a bad thing, necessarily. But it feels good to find a group of people I can have a discussion with, rather than an argument.” “When I came to college as a freshman in 2014, I noticed (the) organization’s ad-


1. Cut through Arnold and Smith Hall To get from the LBJ Student Center to the Quad without going down the stairs, cut through Arnold and Smith Hall. They are both located behind LBJSC and the side of the library. There is a door to the right of the Chick-fil-A Express leading straight into Arnold and Smith Hall. A side walk wraps around campus that leads to the middle of the Quad Bus loop. There are also staircases near Derrick Hall. By using this shortcut, you also avoid all of the people who have tents set up in the Quad. 2. Campus loop Taking the campus loop can help you avoid the stair-

“The Red State Women event is designed to engage, inspire and empower college-aged women to enter the workforce,” Duncan said. Another club initiative is to actively support and endorse political campaigns on federal, state and local levels: Susan Narvaiz for Congress, Wayne Christian for railroad commissioner, and Sylvia de Leon-Muzzy for justice of the peace. “We had a conference call with the state board for

College Republicans, and they want to model all their social media and marketing outreach on what we’ve been doing,” Clegg said. “We’ve been out in the Quad ,” said Vice President Sarah Haley, public relations senior. “We were at the student involvement fair, we were the only political organization at Bobcat Care. It’s all about being seen—having a presence. You’ve got to put yourself out there.”

Texas State junior hopes to create safe ride program

By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @Tristaaaaa

If you’re the type of person to avoid the notorious Alkek stairs at all costs, try some of these shortcuts:

vertising during the first semester,” Clegg said. “But by the second semester, when I tried to join, (it) had disappeared off the face of the earth. I joined the following fall semester. The rebuilding process has taken a lot of effort, but it has been done by people who really care.” In an effort to increase community involvement, the new executive board has structured the club’s agenda to encompass several ongoing initiatives—the first of which is Red State Women.


How to avoid the Alkek Stairs Although Alkek is conveniently located in the middle of campus, the staircase to the library can be a leg crushing, heavy breathing path to your next class.

College Republicans Sept. 24 at the Texas State tailgate. After a period of inactivity, the College Republicans have resurface at Texas State and will be hosting several events throughout the semester. PHOTO BYTYLER DUMAS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

A student walks through the UAC arch Sept. 23 on her way to the bus stop. The arch is an alternative route to the Alkek Library stairs students utilize when traversing campus. PHOTO BYBRI WATKINS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

cases and walking in general. There are stops all over campus at the LBJ Student Center, Rec Center, Bexar, Woods St. and the Quad bus loop.

If you get dropped off at the trail, it could shed a few minutes off your commute. 5. Staircase Derrick Hall


The trams come every 15-30 minutes from 7:00 a.m. to 10:20 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Friday shuttles run from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Behind Derrick Hall, there is one steep staircase that leads to the sidewalk wrapping around Alkek Library. These stairs are much easier to climb than Alkek’s.

Make use of your tuition and give your legs a break.

Yes, there will still be stairs to climb—but they are shorter than the Alkek stairs.

3. Start at the Arch If your bus stop drops off at the UAC Arch, you have automatically avoided the Alkek stairs—especially if your destination is near the Quad or Old Main. If you have class on the West side of campus, then you can go down the stairs that lead to Jones Dining Hall and go through McCoy Hall to get to the other side. 4. Bobcat Trail The newly renovated Bobcat trail is on the other end of the Quad Bus loop.

6. Woods St. On Woods Street, there is a straight path toward the West and East sides of campus. This downhill road passes by the Arch and Bobcat Trail to take you all over campus. In addition, head west down Woods St. and walk down Comanche St. to get to the Student Rec Center, Harris Dining Hall and other facilities.

By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham In an attempt to change the culture of drinking and driving, one Texas State student is creating a safe ride program in order to combat the potential tragedies San Marcos faces on the road. For two years in a row, Texas State has been in the headlines with students involved in drinking and driving incidents that have led to the deaths of innocent lives. These events, along with the sexual assaults reported on campus over the past year led Mason McKie, political science junior, to create a free safe ride program that aims to keep all Bobcats safe. “My main focus right now for this program is getting student support and members,” McKie said. Once the program has generated the student volunteers and faculty advisors required, McKie will be able to enroll through Student Involvement. “After the first few steps, I plan to develop a website, then hopefully an app. At that point, I would start working with Enterprise,” McKie said.

McKie, who also serves as a Student Government senator, plans to create a partnership with Enterprise Rent-A-Car to provide the vehicles volunteers will drive to pick up students. However, he acknowledges the biggest obstacles he will face are financial and liability aspects. “I plan on getting in contact with companies, organizations and individuals that would be willing to sponsor or donate money or any other resources,” McKie said. Student Government President Andrew Homann also recognizes the financial obstacles McKie will face in attempting to create this program. However, he is proud that senators are taking initiative on important issues the university faces. “The last thing anyone wants is for our students to be put in harm’s way,” Homann said. “Anything we can do to make sure students are safe is always a win. At the very least, this initiative gets the conversation started for what we should do to ensure student safety.” The volunteers would work Thursday through Saturday to pick up students

with a female and male duo in order to ensure the safety of the drivers. The ride would be restricted to the city limits of San Marcos and would be free for students. Senator Anthony Galo, who has helped in the developmental stages of the program, feels this initiative will set the precedent for a new way of thinking when it comes to safe transportation for Bobcats. “Instead of hopping into a car with strangers, you have that option of calling someone from the university to help you,” Galo said. “It’s definitely the best solution in that situation.” McKie hopes to generate volunteers quickly enough to get the program running by December 2016. His priority is to enlist the help of administration, students and faculty to educate people on the impact a program like this would make on Texas State. “We shouldn’t be known for the mistakes we make,” Galo said..“We should instead be known for the solutions we offer, and this program is definitely a step in the right direction.”


Four presidential candidates featured at Texas Tribune Festival By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham A festival hosted for the purpose of sharing knowledge, opening dialogue and exchanging ideas brought together four individuals who were or currently are running for president of the United States. At the 6th annual Texas Tribune Festival over the weekend upwards of 4,000 people came together to watch panels of government officials, political juggernauts and outspoken individuals share their ideas through panels covering a wide variety of topics. This year there were four current and former 2016 presidential candidates featured at the event, three of which were keynote speakers. John Kasich, governor of Ohio and former presidential candidate, kicked off the festival as the keynote speaker Friday night. During his one-on-one session with the Tribune’s co-founder Evan Smith, Kasich said he is not supporting Hillary Clinton but is no closer to

supporting his parties nominee, Donald Trump. Kasich tackled social issues such as religion in politics by taking a firm stance against faith informing political policies. He said that religious people in the United States have done a good job making religion look terrible and even though he is a man of faith, he does not open a Bible to figure out how he feels about issues. “We need to have people of faith stay the hell out of politics,” Kasich said. The decision made by Senator Ted Cruz to endorse Trump’s candidacy left Kasich as one of the last remaining former candidates to not publicly support either of the major party’s nominees. However, when asked about Cruz’s decision, Kasich did not comment. The first question that Smith asked Cruz during their Saturday keynote oneon-one was “What happened to voting in good conscience?” Smith is referring to statements Cruz made during the prima-

MSNBC contributor Toure moderates discussion on the “State of Black America” with speakers Kasim Reed, Ivy Taylor and Allen West at the 2016 Texas Tribune Festival. PHOTO BY BRI WATKINS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

ries about not supporting Trump out of good conscience. “I’m not the only voter who agonized about what’s the right thing to do in the election,” Cruz said. Through this conversation boos were heard throughout the auditorium while some were clapping in support of Cruz’s endorsement. The audience erupted however, when Cruz gave his perspective on the Black Lives Matter Movement.

“I think many members of the African American community perceive that they are being treated unfairly,” Cruz said as boos and yelling from the audience resonated through the auditorium. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian party nominee, said he recognizes that black lives matter and he feels that discrimination is rooted in the war on drugs which could potentially be alleviated with the legalization of

marijuana. The moderator Matthew Dowd, chief political analyst for ABC News, asked Johnson which candidate scares him more- Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Instead of answering directly, Johnson said his biggest fear is not being in the mix come Election Day. Evan McMullin, Independent presidential candidate, is confident in his campaign and his preparedness for the presidency. McMullin did not hold back when asked about the other candidates in the race. “Donald Trump is a racist. Trump is a racist brand. We need to call a spade a spade. We need to stand up for equality,” McMullin said. He added that the GOP’s failure to denounce Trump’s racism makes him question the party as a politically viable vehicle for the conservative movement. When asked about the libertarian and democratic candidates, McMullin said Johnson continually proves he is unfit to be president and took the same position regarding Clinton.

McMullin said he is prolife and believes in the traditional sense of marriage because of his faith, however, he recognizes that not all American’s share his faith or beliefs. He said all American leaders should stand-up for equality because without equality, you cannot have liberty. Both McMullin and Johnson will not featured in Monday night’s presidential debate. In order to be featured in the debates candidates must be polling nationally at 15 percent or above and neither them nor Jill Stein, Green party candidate, made the cut. McMullin’s one-on-one closed out the festival and Smith thanked the audience for making this the most successful year of the event. Smith said his reasoning behind creating this event was to open up a dialogue that will continue on even after everyone leaves the festival and he feels this goal was achieved this year.

The University Star

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 | 3


Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Texas State student hauled massive umbrella to keep students dry By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee While campus and surrounding San Marcos areas were flooding, a Texas State student took it upon himself to keep his fellow Bobcats dry—with a massive patio umbrella. Colby Dawson, psychology senior, used one of the patio umbrellas at the LBJ Student Center hoping to help students stay out of the pouring rain that covered San Marcos Monday morning. Sewell Park, Aquarena Springs, Sessom and other locations in San Marcos flooded, which made getting to campus difficult and almost impossible. Some who

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made it to the university forgot umbrellas or ponchos. However, Dawson came up with a solution. After getting out of class at around 9:30 a.m., Dawson began sheltering students with his waterproof trench coat. However, he wanted to help more people and the coat would not do the trick. “I saw the umbrellas, and I thought they were probably not locked down,” Dawson said. “I figured I’d take one of those, so that’s what I did.” Dawson took the liberty of asking drenched students if they needed to hitch a ride to class under the massive umbrella. Many Bobcats took his offer. He said many students were appreciative of him, and one even gave him $5. Dawson would ask them how their days were going, and most were mannerly and nice. “Whoever said something

first—that’s where I’d go,” Dawson said. “If anyone else needed to go, I would shout out where I was going if anyone wanted to come with me. Then, there was a group of people huddled around. Occasionally I could get someone to carry it for me so I could give my arms a rest—the thing was heavy.” David Althans, international business junior, said he saw Dawson carrying the umbrella on campus and couldn’t believe his eyes. “He’s a nice guy carrying around this massive umbrella, and there were about three or four people under it,” Althans said. “I happened to get under it by Alkek.” Although the campus was nearly flooded, Althans said Dawson lifted everyone’s spirits. “There was a lot of gloomy people, and generally grey weather brings people down,” he said. “It was

Colby Dawson, psychology senior, holds up umbrella to sheild students from the rain on September 26. PHOTO BY TYLER DUMAS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

nice to see this guy with a giant umbrella making sure people were staying warm and covered. He brought a lot of happiness to people.” Dawson was upset about


Kratom users outraged By JeriLynn Thorpe Senior News Reporter @jerilynnthorpe

The chemicals found in Kratom, a plant from Southeast Asia, will soon be classified as Schedule I substances and effectively illegal on Sept. 30. The DEA defines Schedule I drugs, substances or chemicals as “drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse,” such as heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and marijuana. The DEA plans to ban Kratom for two years, while it conducts more research and finds the proper regulatory

classification for it. Kratom has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia and has gained popularity in the U.S. for its many beneficial uses, but namely for managing pain as an alternative to opioid painkillers. “Kratom is a natural plant indigenous to Thailand, Malaysia and some of those areas; same family as the coffee tree,” said John C., sales associate at Marvelous Smoke. “It appeals to the same opioid receptor in the brain (as Vicodin). So it’s in the same classification

the university’s delay to cancel classes, but he made the most of it. “We pay all of this money to be here, but water is a danger, especially in a place that has a river (running) through it,” he said. “Parking lots are flooded and you’re putting people’s lives in danger, and I don’t really jive with that. They probably should have cancelled classes around 10 a.m. when

the rain started getting bad and Sewell started flooding.” Dawson said he was happy to help fellow students. However, he probably won’t have the chance to carry the patio umbrella around campus again because officials made him return it. “I didn’t get in any real trouble, but I probably won’t be able to get away with it twice,” he said.

as opioids, but in my experience, it doesn’t have a lot of the crash that goes along with it. In a nutshell, the negative effects aren’t there. It’s a very natural supplement to some of the other stuff that is available.” Grace Colgan, a San Marcos resident, injured her lower lumbar when she was 15-years-old and has experienced back pain ever since, but found no solace in pharmaceuticals. “Because of my age, no doctor wants to take the risk of doing pain manage-

ment with me and helping me manage my pain with prescription pain pills,” said Colgan. “So basically what I’ve been told is, you get to live with pain until your old enough for us to not have such a liability to prescribing pain medicine to a young person. That’s when I started using (Kratom),as I need it for my back pain.” Kratom has been referred to as an “herbal supplement,” by its consumers and the stores carrying it. Stephen Wells, sales associate at Marvelous Smoke, said the ban will affect hundreds of customers. “One of the guys who comes in here on a regular basis to buy Kratom is prescribed fentanyl patches for his pain,” said Wells. “The problem with that is he can’t go to work, he can’t drive, he can’t really do much of anything while on the fentanyl. So he started using Kratom and in lieu of it, was able to get a job. And now that Kratom is going away, the only other thing that he has to go back to the fentanyl patches which means no more job and no more driving. It really is saving people’s lives and giving them a life back.” Kyle Blackmor, Texas State alumnus and San Marcos resident, has used Kratom to manage his back pain for more than three years, and said he will be heartbroken come Sept. 30. “When I found (Kratom) I was like, ‘this is from the gods, this is the answer to all of my prayers,’” said Blackmor. “I think the biggest problem is that if (the DEA) makes it a Schedule I, then they consider it as harmful and as terrible as heroine or LSD or crack cocaine. It’s just a shame because the truth is that it’s medicinal. I think perhaps a wise thing for them to do is to regulate it.” When Kratom is banned, consumers will have to look elsewhere for pain relief. Blackmor said this presents a huge concern for people who are without health care or are reluctant to be prescribed a physically addictive medication. “I really hate to have to go back to hydrocodone,” Blackmor said. So what does the future hold for this herbal supplement that many have praised as a magical cure-all? John C. said there was a petition going around to gain the attention of the White House in hopes of ending the banning of Kratom. The petition needed to get 100,000 signatures in 30 days. It reached the goal in eight days, but even the petitioners are doubtful of a happy ending. “I think we will never see it again. (The DEA) is going to wait for a bunch of things to happen and sweep it under the rug and it will be gone forever,” John C. said.

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4 | Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The University Star Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Bright colors welcome the fall fashion season By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris Fall is approaching quickly, and with a change in season comes a change in style. Stores everywhere are clearing out their summer trends and bringing in truckloads of this year’s fall essentials. It’s time to put away the tank tops and sandals and welcome styles like velvet and tall boots. According to Elle magazine, this year’s fashion trends have an underlying bohemian and renaissance tone. Popular fall styles this year include the following:: 1. Pink and yellow

The typical fall colors like olive, brown and black are taking a backseat as pink and yellow are domi-nating the season. Pink and yellow will spice up any outfit. Whether the colors are displayed through accessories or the main outfit piece, these colors are making an appearance in the upcoming season. Angelica Sawan, psychology sophomore, said she prefers fall fashion “It’s my favorite season because it’s not freezing and it’s not so hot that you melt,” Sawan said.

vintage style. From rompers and vests to David Bowie-style boots, velvet is the ultimate fall fabric. The versatile material is expected to be seen throughout the season.

2. Velvet Velvet is a major component for the bohemian and

4. Hoodies This fall, expect to see a lot of lazy and luxurious

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3. Bell sleeves This fashion trend is essential to the bohemian, vintage and renaissance style. The long sleeves often include thick lace, fringe or various embellishments. Bell sleeves can be found on rompers, long sleeve shirts and dresses.

hoodies around town. As one of the major fall fashion trends, hoodies will play into this year’s style by incorporating modern terms with vintage appearances. Emily Bahn, psychology sophomore, said she is excited about trendy hoodies this season. With hoodies and sweaters being a significant part of her fall and winter wardrobe, Bahn is looking forward to adding to her ongoing collection of comfort this season. “I love to put on an extralarge hoodie with leggings and boots and call it a day,” Bahn said. “I think you can dress (fall fashion) up or

down.” 5. Chokers Chokers have been on the rise, and this fall, they will become major accessories for almost any outfit. Playing into the vintage and bohemian styles of plain colors and neutraltoned plaid, chokers can be paired with multiple outfits. Meghan Ayres, interdisciplinary studies sophomore, tends to be drawn to more simplistic styles, alt-hough she enjoys how plain accessories change the tone of an outfit. “I think that chokers can sometimes make an outfit more sexual,” Ayres said.

By Vanessa Bell Lifestyle Reporter @vanessayvebell An Austin City Limits Music Festival 2016 3-day wristband. Attendees should register their wristband using the instructions included. PHOTO BY LARISA RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

creating a budget for the music festival to avoid breaking your wallet, as ACL expenses can quickly pile up. Raquel Azucena, Texas State alumna and past ACL

attendee, said people carrying a debit or credit card can spend more money because they lose sight of their budget easily. “Set an amount of how

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How to optimize your time at ACL





Austin City Limits, the twoweekend festival, is right around the corner. Preparing for everything is a major key to having the best experience at ACL this year. Past attendees suggest


Addy Bridges, advertising and mass communication sophomore, models this fall’s hottest looks Sept. 22 at Texas State University.





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Healthy & Non-Smoking BMI 18 - 30 Weigh 110 - 220 lbs.

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much cash you are going to carry, for example, say that you are going to take $100 per day, then you are sticking to those $100,” said Azucena. Victor Adame, Texas State alumnus and past ACL attendee, recommends eating at Sandy’s Hamburgers on Barton Springs Road. “Its good old fashioned burgers and good old fashioned shakes,” said Adame. Kyle Nieto, Texas State alumnus and past ACL attendee, said carpooling or being dropped off and picked up from the festival is the best form of transportation. “We had a friend who lived like ten minutes away from Zilker Park,” said Nieto. “So, he just picked us up and dropped us off. I never really had to deal with parking at ACL.” There will be designated parking lots for the festival, such as the Palmer Event Center parking garage. The parking garage is a mile away from the music festival and will cost $10. Nieto said he suggests attendees to wear comfortable clothing they don’t mind getting dirty. Bringing a backpack with extra clothes, shoes and socks is also ideal for unpredictable weather. Attendees can stay hydrated by bringing a few empty water bottles to refill all at once. “We wouldn’t have to walk back and forth across the park just to fill up on our water bottles,” said Nieto. “The line could be a thirty or forty-minute wait just to get some water.” Nieto said he suggests attendees pack bug spray, a poncho and some sunscreen. Hand sanitizer is a necessity during lunch and snack breaks. Nieto said attendees should plan out their day with a map and choose what musicians they want to see throughout the weekend. It is possible to watch two musicians play if they are on stages near each other. “There’s a giant hill in the middle and you can see performances on like four or five different stages at the same time,” said Nieto. “You just kind of turn your attention to whichever stage you think is interesting.” If you are interested in volunteering with ACL this year, you may sign up at lovehopestrength.org. The LHSF ambassador teams enhance the festival experience for all fans while supporting LHSF by promoting its mission.

The University Star


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 | 5 Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Pumpkin spice recipes that are better than a latte

3. s out of od ond lace in fo e still p r ake alem T n and they a kin ds the ovessor while P u m p Butter almonbegin c g o n r i d s p n s en oce Almo Pumpwar m. Start prminutes, thaple syr up kin Spic Spice m o . . e Yogur r 4 d w o t n s B a s o o 1. Sta w e t , l t e oil he proc or nine n , o t l : s r a t s o n f t e a f e i d f d d h s e f ing thert by t e s r o Ing o addut turning ue to procedly to scrapick Ingredients: t p u m pkin, agavcanned essornds e nectar, witho Contin op repeatets do not st c g in o r g e p r, cinnam 5. s, and st gredien 3 / Food raw almolt 4 n c u u tm p y n e eg in a on and il 1 teaspoocanned pumpkin creamer minutowl so the i a 2 cupesaspoon sans canola o a n s d i s ti n e r until inglarge bowl g 1/2 teasp agave nectar the b e sides. the mixtur loves, gin om 1/2 t tablespooaple syr up ix ed evenly. redients are oon grou ger nce namon, c hile the m to th n d O 1 1/2lespoons mnamon g 2 in . n 6. , add ci e bowl w 1/4 teasp some of In a small bowl, a 2 tabspoons cinund clovesger oon grou are ture meg to th . dd n x a e m a s o n t i t r e o n t n g n g d tu re to thethe pumpkin mix 2 cinn ground g ut unning ingredie e will o e n o p m d t s b n a u 1 o a r /4 teaspo ttom, the it off wit 1 te easpoon ground n n top on groun is stillAfter the er, the recipicious r h t o m y t o n e 2 g g u o / d n l r ola. A 1 t and nuteaspo 7. ixed togethcups of detter. 3/4 cup p desired. dd as many layersgra1/8 t u m b 2 y l d la / l as o n in 1 t fu uce 1 1 cup gra yogurt 3. Th oven d almo e d ons: i c o g t i n c r n e o p e i p la r s t i y og D will ser ve pkin prehea two. urt bowl t by ahrenheit.read the al-d pum r P a t u S k m D in Spic irections: 1. grees F enly sp heet an e Milkp i c e Ev aking s st a s h o 325 d.e t c a r k e e b o am t Ingredien 2 oven ts: s on a canned, milk, mondace in the inutes. pumpk pumpk 2 cups pl or 25 m f nilla ex in spice andin, 1/2 cup coffee ice c r e m a m ilk 1/4 c a blend tract, and ad vaer. d into 1/2 up canned pu 2. teaspoo mpkin B spice le nd achieve n pu a smoo the mixture mpkin 1/2 tea 3 to th . Caramespoon vanilla into a t Pour theconsistency. a l m ll e s ilkshak glass. Whipp auce (optio xtract 4. e ed crea top off For a swe m (optnal) e t h t io e e r nal) sauce Directio and wdhrink with car taste, ns: a ipped c 5. O ream. mel pumpk ne h o in 1. S now re spice milk memade tart combin t ion. ady for con shake is b each. y ing t Pumpsumph 2. Pour the e kin Spice Pancakes mixture into a blender Diand run until smooth. Ingredients: Mirections: Take into account the mixcrowave Pumpkin ture will have a thick consis1 cup canned pumpkin Spice Cake 1. In a bowl, mix tency and may take a while to 1 teaspoon cinnamon the sugar, baking powder, blend. 1 teaspoon baking powder Ingredients: flour, canned pumpkin, va3. Once the batter is fully 4 egg whites nilla extract and pumpkin mixed, take a skillet and melt the 1 cup oats 1 egg pie spice. butter over medium heat. 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2. Cover a microwave4. Pour the desired amount 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teaspoon baking pow- safe mug with cooking spray. of batter onto the skillet and 1 tablespoon butter der 3. Pour the pumpkin cook pancakes until they be1 tablespoon flour mixture into the mug, then come a golden-brown color. Directions: 2 tablespoons canned microwave for one minute 5. Once the batter is pumpkin or until cake is fully cooked. 1. In a large bowl, add all gone, the recipe will produce 1/2 teaspoon vanilla ex4. Let it cool, then two servings of pumpkin of the ingredients togethtract er, mixing the batter spice pancakes. 1/4 teaspoon pump- enjoy. evenly after adding kin pie spice


6:30 PM

Presented by


6 | Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The University Star Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella

UniversityStar.com @universitystar




Black Lives Matter—globally


By Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella To be honest, I am extremely tired of writing about why black lives should mean something to the rest of the world. I should not have to argue that I have the right to be

alive. There have been two more black men killed in the past week, and in the same breadth a column was published on CNN arguing the Black Lives Matter movement is only about American black lives. Before I get into the fallacy of Vava Tampa’s

column, I would like to stress, once again, all lives are important. black lives, white lives, Hispanic, Asian and all other ethnicities and demographics are included in the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” By asserting that the lowest common denominator in society is important, everyone else’s

value is affirmed. Thanks to European colonialism’s concept of race, black people are victims in society everywhere—not just in America. So when Tampa begins his argument by stating, “When people say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ what they really mean is that Black American Lives

Matter,” I can’t help but roll my eyes. The Black Lives Matter group was started in America on American soil. Since it began in America, obviously the group’s focus would be on what is happening in its immediate area, first and foremost. Yes, black people are being slaughtered in Congo, Brazil and across the world, but how will Americans help them if we cannot help ourselves? To argue the Black Lives Matter movement does not care about black lives in other countries is asinine at best. People tend to care more about things in their immediacy because the impact will be greater on their lives. I’m not worried about being raped in Congo because I do not live there. I am worried I will be pulled over by the wrong cop, on the wrong day and ending up as another dead black American. That may seem like a selfish assertion and in part it is, but if a cop in America kills me, how will I help black lives in places like Africa and Brazil? Of course, black lives in other countries are important—no one person involved in Black Lives

Matter has said that they are not. If anything, those proactive in social justice will be more concerned about the social injustice in other countries, but are preoccupied trying to mend things at home. The Black Lives Matter group has been fragmented since its inception, with members in cities all over the United States fighting for change within their own communities. Because the organization uses a localized, grass-roots approach to protest, it is up to local branches to call for change overseas—and they have been doing just that. For many Americans, Black Lives Matter protests are not out of moral outrage as Tampa would argue, but they are personal demonstrations for fear of our friends and family being hung next on the hanging tree. All lives matter in every nook and cranny of the world. For Tampa to reason that Americans do not care about other countries is an overgeneralization and is extremely unfair. Everyone has the right to live. -Mikala Everett is a mass communications junior


Female masturbation should not be taboo By Bridgett Reneau @bridgelynnn Opinions Columnist Sitting down to write about my gender’s sexuality is uncomfortable for me, and it should not be. When I think of typing the word “masturbate” as an act performed by fellow females, the urge to shut my laptop makes it awkward to press the keys. The chronic unease regarding female sexuality is only a testament to the patriarchal ideology of the society we live in—a culture that encourages men to openly express their sexual urges and demoralizes women who do the same. “As a young woman, you don’t learn how to pleasure yourself, you don’t learn what an orgasm should be, you don’t learn that you should have feelings of satisfaction,” actress Shailene Woodley declared in her recent interview with “NetA-Porter” magazine. “If masturbation were taught in schools, I wonder how many [fewer] people would get herpes (at) age 16, or pregnant at 14.” Woodley is not alone in her stance against the

current state of sexual inequality. In 1994, Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders delivered strikingly similar viewpoints. Masturbation “is something that is a part of human sexuality and it’s a part of something that should perhaps be taught,” Elders stated in a 1994 AIDS conference. Soon after the statement was made, she unwillingly resigned from her position as surgeon general because President Bill Clinton reportedly said, “she had to go.” While the idea of masturbation is taboo in itself, the notion of female masturbation is regarded to be essentially unmentionable in our mainstream culture. “To social conservatives, [female masturbation] seems downright dangerous,” writer Ann Friedman, insists. “What’s left to hold our society and nuclear family structure together if even women like sex more than they like babies? There’s no purer example of this than a woman enjoying [masturbation]. And so it remains taboo.” Blogger Daniella Fleischer agrees, “As a culture, we allow men to be agents of

The University Star Editor-in-Chief..................................................Emily Sharp, stareditor@txstate.edu News Editor............................................Bailey Buckingham, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................Autumn Anderson, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Denise Cervantes, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor.........................................Mikala Everett, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..................................Lara Dietrich, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief.....................................Claire Abshier, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor...........................................Jessica Strickland, stardesign@txstate.edu


their own sexuality, while women we prefer as objects to be consumed by those agents.” The idea of a woman being comfortable enough to enjoy an orgasm is a threat to society’s current ideology. It also threatens men’s sexual security, which is usually derived from the false belief that they are sexually superior to females. A woman who knows her body is a woman unable to be manipulated. This

goes against the grain of patriarchy, which seeks to keep women subservient to their male counterparts using the guise of biological evidence. But a woman who knows her body is necessary. She is able to make powerful, intelligent decisions. If we began to encourage women to explore their bodies and learn about the way they work, we would likely see immense societal benefits. In Germany, where sex-

ual education is mandatory in schools, and even covers topics such as “the path to orgasm,” the teen birth rate is drastically lower than the United States. The U.S. has a teen birth rate of 52.8 pregnancies for every 1,000 teenagers, where Germany’s rate is 8.2 babies for every 1,000 teens. These statistics prove that educating people about sexuality is beneficial in reducing unwanted pregnancies, as Shailene Woodley

and Joycelyn Elders suggested. Rather than live in fear that awareness of sex and masturbation will somehow poison the minds of young people, we ought to be aware and proactive. Teach people that sexuality is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. -Bridgett Reneau is a psychology junior.

Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor..................................Jeffrey Bradshaw, starpromo@txstate.edu Sales Director......................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive................................................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive................................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist................................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator...................................A.J. Arreguin, aa1530@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator..........................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director................................Richard Parker, stardirector@txstate.edu

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 | 7


Autumn Anderson, Sports Editor @aaautumn_

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Where will Bobcats land this season? By Matt Perry Sports Reporter @Matt_Sperry17

There are many new additions to the team, including Eric Terry, sophomore forward from Houston. There are three juniors—Deris Duncan, from Fishers, Indiana, Tyler Blount, from Virginia Beach, Vir-ginia and Immanuel King, from Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The freshmen on this season’s roster include Maxwell Starwood, Nijal Pearson, Marlin Davis, and Nedeljko Prijovic. Among the returning players for coach Danny Kasper are Black, GilderTilbury, Bobby Conley, senior guard, Nathan Josephs, sophomore guard, Maljhum McCrea, senior forward and Courtney Julien, sophomore guard. This season could be good or bad for the Bob-

After a season of high expectations, promises, and barely getting into the Sun Belt Championship, the Texas State men’s basketball team is gearing up for another season. However, the team lost three of its main contributors: Emani Gant, Ethan Montalvo and Cameron Naylor. There is now a significant hole that needs to be filled. The Bobcats will turn to Ojai Black, senior guard, and Kavin Gilder-Tilbury, senior forward, to be the leaders on and off the court. As Gilder-Tilbury and Black are the only returning starters, the obvious void in the starting rotation is going to have to be replaced soon.

cats. Last season coach Kasper promised the Bobcats would finish .500 or better for the first time since 2004. Kasper delivered on his promise and took the Bobcats to a 15-15 record during the regular season. This record got the Bobcats into the Sun Belt Conference, where they lost in the second round to the University of Texas at Arlington, 72-63, in a heartbreaking loss for Texas State. This season will be a test for Texas State, as the team will have to rely heavily on Black and Gilder-Tilbury to lead the offense and be the playmakers. Determining who will take the three remaining starting positions will be a difficult choice for Kasper. Home and away games are pretty evenly spread out.

Cameron Naylor jumps to receive a pass March 5 inside Strahan Coliseum. PHOTO BY DARYL ONTIVEROS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The Bobcats’ home record last season was 10-4, which was good considering they only lost to Little Rock, UTArlington, Georgia State and Louisi-ana-Monroe, teams that were all in the Sun Belt Conference tournament at the end of the season. The Bobcats’ road record was the opposite of their home record. Texas State had a 4-11 record on the

road last season. This was mainly because the Bobcats were scheduled for three road trips of at least three or more games in a row. This season, there is only one three-game road trip, which should excite the Bobcats and coach Kasper, as it could have a better effect on their road record at the end of the year. Texas State will kick off the 20162017 season with the Out-

rigger Resorts Rainbow Classic in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Bob-cats will play Florida Atlantic, Hawaii and SIU-Edwardsville in the three-game tournament. Texas State’s first home game will be at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 against Texas A&M Corpus Christi.


Men’s Cross Country achieves highest ranking By Lisette Lopez Assistant Sports Editor @lisette_1023 The Texas State men’s cross country team achieved its highest regional ranking in 11 years. The U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association ranked week one with Texas State coming in eighth in the South Central Region after strong showings in the opening meets. The South Central Region includes Arkansas State, University of Texas,

Texas A&M and Baylor. In the Sun Belt Conference, UT Arlington ranked fourth and Louisiana-Lafayette came in 15th. In the opening meet at the Baylor Twilight Invitational, the Bobcats placed second in the 4K race. The team raced as a pack, and four runners placed in the top 10. Junior Jose Angel Gonzalez finished sixth with 12:23.9 seconds, but led the Bobcats in the race. Sophomore Joseph Meade was four seconds behind Gonzalez, finishing

seventh. Sophomore Kyle Denomme finished with 12:28.5 seconds, and junior Logan Pittdman finished with 12:29.2 seconds. With four Bobcats in the top 10, it helped get the national ranking of eight in the first week. In the second meet of the season, the team captured the 41st Annual Justin Cooper Rice Invitational title in the 6K race. The Bobcats beat regionally ranked teams such as Baylor, Stephen F. Austin, LSU and SBC member Lou-

isiana-Lafayette. Gonzalez again led the Bobcats in the race finishing fourth with a career best of 19:00.10 seconds. Denomme was second to finish for the Bobcats coming in 16th place with a time of 19:33.93 seconds. Finishing in the top 25 was Meade with 19:40.77 seconds, and senior Joseph Pena finished in 25th with a little over three seconds behind Meade. Texas State is back on the radar after finishing strong in the first two meets of the season, helping them

achieve the highest ranking in 11 years. The team competed Sept. 24 at the Cowboy Jamboree hosted by Oklahoma State. The team placed sixth in the 8K course. Meade led the Bobcats with a time of 26:55.7 seconds for 20th place. Gonzalez was second to finish for the Bobcats, finishing three seconds behind Meade. Pittdman finished with 27:17.8 seconds. Behind him, Pena and Denomme finished the race. Pena had a time of 27:45.1 seconds.

Denomme finished with a time of 27:53.2 seconds. The last race of the regular season will be on Oct. 8 at the Incarnate Word Invitational race. The men had a strong start in the first two meets, marking them as the team to beat. With the Sun Belt Conference Championships coming up, there is no telling what the Bobcats are capable of achieving this year.

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8 | Tuesday September 27, 2016

The University Star


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