Tuesday, October 18, 2016

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TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 2016 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 10 www.UniversityStar.com

Clown masks for sale Oct. 11 at the local Sprit store in San Marcos. PHOTO BY CASSANDRIA ALVARADO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Clown scare taken to new heights By Vanessa Bell Lifestyle Reporter @vanessayvebell Clown hunting and sightings have been running rampage through Texas State’s social media community after students received emails about an assault. University News Service sent out an email Oct. 4 in regards to a clown sighting at the Bobcat Village Apartment complex. The suspect, dressed as a clown, grabbed a student. Afterwards, Twitter hashtag #TXSTClown began to trend and stu-

dents took it upon themselves to search for the clown. An account was created in light of the clown craze in San Marcos. Pictured as a clown, the user threatened Twitter users in the San Marcos area. Eduwiges Tellez, philosophy sophomore, said social media heightened the exposure of clown sightings. “It’s all media frenzy,” Tellez said. “In a few weeks, people are going to get over this because people are just waiting for the next hashtag to talk about.” Leopoldo Rodriguez,

exploratory sophomore, said people should not take the clown wave lightly. “Social media helped spread this clown thing like wildfire,” Rodriguez said. “People don’t realize that it went from a joke to something serious.” A resident of Sanctuary Lofts apartment complex witnessed a clown carrying a chainsaw Oct. 5. An email from the apartment management was sent out to residents, informing them no harm was done. Officials advised them to be aware of their surroundings before opening doors for

visitors. “People pull random pranks,” Tellez said. “I thought this was just something else that someone decided to do, but now they have weapons and are trying to assault people.” The clowns prevent people from doing everyday tasks without fearing a clown will harm them. “I usually go skate at night when there is no one at the park, and now I fear for my life sometimes,” Rodriguez said. Some who never had a phobia of clowns now have to deal with stress of a possible encounter.

“I was having nightmares about clowns coming after me and thinking about the fact that they are trying to do harm is scary enough,” Tellez said. Students did not want to believe the hype about clown sightings until it started happening in San Marcos. “I thought it was just going to be some sort of fad,” Rodriguez said. “Later on, there were reports that clowns started being hostile. It made me wonder like, ‘okay we need to do something about it, not like go clown hunting, but to take pre-

cautions.’” Matt Flores, University spokesman, said there is an active report involving the clown assault. “It is something our police department is taking seriously,” Flores said. “With as much activity as there has been on social media, this bears our greatest scrutiny.” Students can use the Bobcat Guardian app or call a Bobcat Bobby if they want extra security on campus.


Technicalities of disciplining student organizations for hazing By Rae Glassford Senior News Reporter @rae_maybe Last month, Texas State administration disseminated a hazing memorandum via email to remind people of the university’s policy regarding the behavior expected of student organizations. The memorandum, issued on Sept. 19, announced the probation, deferred suspension and outright suspension of nine student organizations administered within the past four years. Despite the ease with which such sentences are announced, the process of taking disciplinary action against a student organization is a long and complicated one. “Suspension means that the organization will be prohibited from maintaining a relationship with the university for a specified period of time, and cannot have a presence on campus,” said Margarita Arellano, who serves as both Dean of Students and Associate VP for Student Affairs. “They cannot post flyers, cannot reserve a room or hold meetings. When they are on suspension, this chapter of the organization ceases to exist.” When it comes to violation of university policy, the Dean of Students Office oversees individual conduct, while

Student Involvement is responsible for handling cases involving entire organizations. “Individual student conduct issues have major consequences for students, whereas even if we

difficult to enforce than those taken against individual students, she explained. If the president, vice president and officers of an organization are liable for individual sanctions,

These offices receive reports of policy violation through a variety of sources. Sometimes complaints arrive anonymously from students, concerned parents and faculty members, friends

tion in question. If an organization wishes to contest a decision, it will make its appeal to the Dean of Students Office, but must provide new evidence in order to have its case re-

the second of which is made to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Joanne Smith, who makes the final decision and ultimately closes the case. “It must be understood that hazing does not occur only within Greek life,” Arellano said. “Hazing can happen in any organization. Nationally, it has happened in the band, in athletic teams, in honors organizations, in academic organizations, even some ROTC groups. Hazing can happen in any type of organization.” The frequency of appeals depends entirely on context, including the number of incidents per semester. In a year, the university will see approximately three, Arellano said. “There are two things that have to be determined when an organization has been accused of hazing,” said Brenda Lenartowicz, Associate Director of the Student Center. “First, are we dealing with a minor violation or a major violation? And secondly, is this information accurate?


suspend an organization, all the individual students can still continue attending school,” Arellano said. This makes sanctions taken against organizations much more

they may be called forth to be disciplined by Student Affairs, and have sanctions placed upon their organization by Student Involvement, Arellano said.

or significant others. At this point, the Organization Conduct Review board will open a formal investigation, often resulting in a decision to discipline the organiza-

considered. After the new evidence is reviewed, the sanctions can either be repealed, decreased, upheld, or increased. Organizations have two chances to appeal,

See, HAZING , pg. 2.

2 | Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The University Star


Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


New resolution to sustain campus beauty By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckinham

for years to come. Adopt-a-Spot will be overseen by Student Government who will work

reduce trash throughout campus. Similar to the Adopt-a-Highway concept, groups will adopt

student organizations, clubs, athletic teams, departments or simply groups of friends. Each

Student Government has passed an Adopt-a-Spot resolution, allowing student organizations the opportunity to invest in the maintenance and beautification of several areas on campus, including the ponds outside of the J.C. Kellam Administration Building. PHOTO BY DARYL ONTIVEROS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

A new resolution approved by Student Government aims to promote the sustainability of the Texas State environment

alongside Waste Management, the recycling department, and various groups on campus to enhance the appearance and

sections of campus and work to maintain them. Adoptions can be made by chartered student organizations, registered

group will be recognized with a sign noting its dedication and the leadership it shows by keeping campus beautiful. Those who

adopt within the Greek community will be recognized with community service hours that count toward the Greek Affairs awards. President of Student Government, Andrew Homann, said he is proud not only of this resolution but the dedication the senators have shown so far in the semester. “I absolutely support this bill that was passed,” Homann said. “Adopta-Spot was one of my administration’s main initiatives this summer, and it was rewarding to see all the hard work we put into this finally come to fruition.” The making of the resolution was a group effort, but the authorship was created by Senator Cutter Gonzalez, geographic urban and regional planning senior. Student Body Vice President Samantha Martinez has similar feelings about the resolution. She said it is important Student Government write legislation like Adopt-aSpot because it demonstrates the platform of the Senate and will bene-

fit the campus as a whole. Each adopting group will be responsible for servicing its spot at least once a month. Servicing will include picking up any litter, cleaning any bins or benches within the spot’s area and general tidiness. The groups will also be required once a semester to join in a campus beautification project put forth by Student Government. The program will be overseen and executed by the Student Services Commission for Student Government and it will be responsible for organizing the beautification project every semester. Student Government is currently working with a design team and university administration to create an official Adopta-Spot sign compliant to university standards. Once the final design is selected, adoptions on a first come first serve basis will be open for spots around campus. around campus.


Campus Club Spotlight: I Am That Girl By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham A nationwide group striving to strengthen women’s’ empowerment has made its way to Texas State and is working to ensure no Bobcat feels alone. I Am That Girl, an organization helping women turn self-doubt into self-love, stems from a book with the same name written by Alexis Jones. What started out as a motivational book has transitioned into a nationwide movement. While it began as a movement for women, the group does not discriminate on who can join—persons of any race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality or background can join. Mikayla McIntyre, criminal justice senior and president of the Texas State chapter, said she hopes IATG will strengthen the self-love of girls, but also the love people can give to others. The topics at meetings range from body image to friendships and relationships. It’s a network of women supporting women. “We want to take society’s deep-rooted standards for women and girls and throw them out the window,” said Mariah

Simank, public relations senior and PR representative for IATG. “It is so easy for young women to doubt themselves these days. This organization aims to teach women to build them, and everyone else around them, up instead of allowing themselves to be torn down.” Tori Kessinger, consumer affairs senior and vice president of the chapter, said she fell in love with the organization because it allows her to be herself and feel support from others on campus. “All of our meetings are so much fun and we sometimes get off topic, but it’s because we all love seeing each other and want to know what is happening in each others’ lives,” Kessinger said. “We’re there to support each other.” The organization provides a safe space for women, or anyone, to discuss real issues without any judgment. Changing the culture of how people think of themselves translates to how people treat each other. IATG strives to change things in a positive and lasting way. “I think that every girl deserves to have that safe space no matter the circumstance,” said Jadelyn Lopez, political science junior and vice president

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of finance. “We love seeing new faces and hearing new stories. We want to make it known that every girl is That Girl.” The organization launched at Texas State in March 2016 and has accumulated around 130 people on the email list and about 20-25 people who attend the meetings. The meetings are held biweekly at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in Flowers Hall 113 and anyone is invited to attend. The organization’s manifesto says it all: “I am that girl. I have a brilliant heart and a beautiful mind. I am me, an amazing work in progress, and perfectly flawed. I promise to life other girls up, have their backs and make it safe for them to be exactly who they are. I’m on a mission to raise the standards for how we treat each other, how we treat ourselves and how we treat the world. Every time I look in the mirror I’ll remind myself that I’m not alone, that my voice matters and that I am enough.”

Jadelyn Lopez, political science junior and vice president of finance of “I AmThat Girl”. I Am That Girl is a global movement helping girls transform self doubt into self-love by providing a safe space to connect and have honest conversations about things that matter in a girl’s everyday life. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENICA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

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The University Star


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 | 3 Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Wittliff gains treasured archives from Latina author By Bri Watkins Assistant News Editor @briwatkins17 Texas State University’s Wittliff Collections has purchased the archives that capture the literary career of Sandra Cisneros, an influential award winning Latina author. From numerous drafts and personal writings to photographs, videos and speeches, the Sandra Cisneros Papers will act as an inspirational and encouraging resource outlining the author’s life and career. “I hope that my papers serve as a kind of road map for people with whatever their dream is, regardless if its writing or not,” Cisneros said. “I hope it gives people encouragement to invent their own path and to follow their intuition.” The archives will give students and researchers the opportunity to delve into Cisneros’ life and see the beginning stages of her writing career as she transformed into the writer she is. “Everything is there— the failures, as well as the moments that were successful,” Cisneros said. In addition to her documents, Cisneros also presented the original work of the 1984 publication of “The House on Mango Street.” One idea the novel presents is to celebrate otherness. Cisneros defines otherness as “experiences that are uniquely ours.” Although society can create the notion of

alikeness, Cisneros said it is important to focus on otherness, because it provides a vision to individuals to use their voice and gifts.

have so many ways to look at the world in ways that I don’t see. That is your gift to give us.” Cisneros emphasizes that when people are

church.” Amidst all of those differences, people can celebrate the uniqueness of one another. David Coleman, direc-

has had. They can inspire students to work hard in order to achieve the success Sandra has had, as a woman who makes a living by her pen. The

A collection of Sandra Cisneros’ work on display Oct. 12 at the Alkek library. Cisneros has donated many of her archives to the Wittliff Collections. PHOTO BY RUSSEL REED | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

“When we are talking about diversity; I’m not just talking about class and color and gender, but I’m talking about all the ways, even in one family, that each of us is given a unique vision,” Cisneros said. “If we work from that place in whatever it is with love, and without any personal agenda; if we devote our life work to someone other than ourselves, then something always comes out beautiful from that. You

frightened and divided in the community, to remind one another that everyone is living in multiple worlds. Everyone is a “walking book,” that has something to teach or give to another. “I really do feel our job as individuals is to serve as bridges for those places of differences,” Cisneros said. “Sometimes those places of differences are with siblings, or classmates, or parents, or generations, or with your

tor of Wittliff Collections, said he is excited for what the archives can do for students. As Wittliff aims to “instruct, illuminate and inspire,” Coleman believes Cisneros papers will give students that opportunity. “They can instruct students on just how much hard work it is to write, and to write powerfully,” Coleman said. “They can illuminate Sandra’s life behind-the-scenes, and all of the struggles she

Papers can also inspire students of Latina ancestry to use their success to help others of their same background, as Sandra has done.” Cisneros recently received the 2015 National Medal of Arts Award from Obama. Apprehensive of the public recognition, she accepted the award because of the passion toward her ancestry. “I was a little surprised because (winning an award) wasn’t on my

bucket list,” Cisneros said. “Then I realized that this is the time of so much vilification of Mexican people. I have to fulfill this obligation for my ancestors and honor their lives. They had harder lives than me,” Cisneros said. Cisneros publicly accepted the award at The White House to represent and celebrate her mother, father, ancestors and all the other hardworking immigrants. With many institutional offers, Cisneros chose Texas State in relation to its proximity to her home. As a Chicago native, Cisneros moved to San Antonio—a place where she had no roots or ties—when she was 30. She described the Lone Star state as one of the hardest places to live, but the “tough parts just make the story better.” It is during these times people learn more of who they are. The Wittliff Collections acquired Cisneros archives in September 2015, but the papers will officially be open for research no later than April 1, 2017. Cisneros revealed that her secret is to never stop learning. No matter what age, she said there is always room to grow. “I’m still becoming the artist that I want to be,” Cisneros said. “My best work is ahead of me.”


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A2 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The University Star


Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

HAZING, from front. Many of our organizations, especially our Greek ones, use very similar lettering. Also, we have organizations that use Greek letters that aren’t necessarily fraternities and sororities. So part of our job is to determine whether the information we’ve been gathering is accurate.” Allegations of improper conduct transverse a diverse array of channels, but often end up with Student Justice, a volunteer body responsible for facilitating accountability among its peers. If this group suspects organi-

zational involvement in hazing or similar activities, it is obligated to pass the case on to Lenartowicz’s office. “If we receive a hazing allegation, we interview the organization’s new members and anyone responsible for interacting with the new members,” Lenartowicz said. A minor violation could entail anything from a solicitation rule being broken to a fight breaking out between organizations over a particular space in the quad. Major violations would entail something more

serious—including any instance in which an individual’s safety was compromised—and will likely result in suspension. Sigma Delta Lambda, one of the organizations listed in the recent hazing memorandum, has been suspended for no less than five years, and will be allowed to return to activity in good standing in 2021. Suspension has no maximum or minimum limit. In most cases, suspensions will last between one and two years, and will be increased to five upon a second offense.

The rationale behind this tendency is the group of students causing trouble will have graduated and left by the time the suspension has run its course. “If a suspension only lasts two years, the generation of students who caused the problem isn’t gone yet, so the culture has not changed,” Arellano said. The national body of the organization can revoke a particular branch’s charter and has the power to deliver its own suspension, which might be longer than that of

the university. Although the university and the national body are each capable of issuing their own penalties, they cannot contest one another’s. Hypothetically speaking, in the event the university issued a sanction the organization’s national body believed was too harsh, the university’s ruling prevails—typically, however, both parties are in agreement. Student Government President Andrew Homann agrees disciplinary action is necessary to maintain accountability, but said he believes it

could be more effective when combined with education. “I don’t think a few rotten eggs should cause the whole organization to suffer,” Homann said. “I don’t necessarily believe that Student Government should have any authority when it comes to disciplining organizations, but if anyone feels those protocols are unfair or need to be changed, they’re welcome to bring it to one of our legislative sessions.”



with City Council Place 1 candidate Lisa Prewitt By Rae Glassford Senior News Reporter @rae_maybe


If you are re-elected, how do you plan to help balance development with the environmental measures necessary to protect our river?


Well, it’s been an ongoing process. A lot of the key issues are going to be floodplain development, and we’ve already started implementing a floodplain management policy. We’re looking at our water quality protection plan, as well as the watershed protection plan. I would see that the council adopts many aspects of that policy, which will help us develop properly. I think at some point in time, we really need to look at how much development is safe for the environment. We need to sit down and have a very serious conversation about what that threshold is. We talk a lot about the river being a big economic driver in San Marcos, and I think different people have different ideas about what that means. Some of us have the view of preserving and protecting the river so it continues to be an attraction here for residents and for visitors. Some people view that as development on the river—I don’t. I see it as preserving the river as much as we can and continuing to acquire more parkland on the riverbanks so we alleviate some of the crowding that we have right now. So, I think those discussions are going to be long-term discussions.


Our city is currently experiencing a massive increase in population, which has led to a dis-

parity between existing infrastructure and the number of individuals who must be accommodated. Have you proposed any potential solutions for addressing this disparity? If so, what are they?


One thing I think that we need to have another conversation about is investment and public transportation. We all know that for the time being, commuter rail is on a halt. I hope that as the conversations continue, Lone Star Rail will become alive again. I think it’s crucial and critical for the growth of the entire region, for air quality (and) for quality of life. That’s a key component. Expanding our transportation network in San Marcos might take an investment from the city. Right now, we share in the cost of about $450,000 a year for what our carts system is, which isn’t really adequate for the needs of the community. We have just expanded our hours by two more hours a day, which helps, but doesn’t quite get us to where we need to be. Our infrastructure can’t handle the vehicular traffic we’re going to have, so I think the continuation of investing in safe bicycle and pedestrian areas is going to be very important. We are working on a transportation master plan right now, which includes a lot of discussion about creating connectivity with our trail systems and our street systems. So in those areas where we can’t safely accommodate bikes on roads, we can maybe have trail systems to help people get around. We have done a reduction of parking downtown at 30%, but until we get really serious about investing in an expansion of our public transportation system, that’s going to be a real hard sell to the com-

The University Star Editor-in-Chief..................................................Emily Sharp, stareditor@txstate.edu News Editor............................................Bailey Buckingham, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor.........................................Autumn Anderson, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Denise Cervantes, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor.........................................Mikala Everett, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..................................Lara Dietrich, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief.....................................Claire Abshier, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor...........................................Jessica Strickland, stardesign@txstate.edu

munity. One thing the council has considered is that every time we have a dense development, a big box store or an employment center, we will require that developer to put in mobility hubs that would include forms of transportation other than busses. For now, RideShare is probably our best bet, just to get people out of cars. This week, we launched our new buses in San Marcos. I’m the chair of the city’s CARTS Board, and we launched five new buses, and fifteen new shelters are going to be installed in the next six to nine months. We’ve been working with an outside developer on even creating a mobility app. Of course, right now we don’t have a whole lot to offer on that app except for buses and RideShare, but if we get some BikeShare programs up and running, that could be added. I think using creative tools to get what we can get, encouraging smart growth and working with organizations that offer funding and grant money to expand programs is something that we’re looking into. I’d love to see MegaBus come to San Marcos to help gets students into town without a car. We hear all this talk about wanting to get students downtown, and that’s all great, but if we don’t have a way to get students into San Marcos, how are they going to get here without a car? That’s a conversation I’ve been pushing for the last six months.


What social, economic or political factor do you envision as playing the most important role in our city’s future? In other words, where do you see San Marcos 20 years from now?


I see San Marcos as being that city

we have created: a great growth model where our current vision is on the ground, where we have choice housing, where we have options between multifamily and single family only housing [and] we have an expanded transportation network. I see commuter rails being successful within twenty years. I see the innovative, creative technology community really kicking off and becoming a driver for economics in San Marcos.

think sometimes the university and the city don’t have serious enough conversations with the outcome of a plan to move forward. Sometimes those conversations are more one-sided than the other, and I truly feel that the success of the city of San Marcos will greatly affect the success of the university. I’ve lived here for 23 years, and over the years I’ve talked to so many college students who say they love the river and they love the small

I think sometimes the university and the city don’t have serious enough conversations with the outcome of a plan to move forward. Sometimes those conversations are more one-sided than the other, and I truly feel that the success of the city of San Marcos will greatly affect the success of the university. I’ve lived here for 23 years, and over the years I’ve talked to so many college students who say they love the river and they love the small town feel of San Marcos, so I hope the university understands that’s why a lot of students come here.


What kind of relationship do you feel the university and the city should have?


A much better one than what we have right now. I


town feel of San Marcos, so I hope the university understands that’s why a lot of students come here. We have a charm in San Marcos that a lot of students come to be part of, and that’s an asset to the long-term enrollment of Texas State. Working in partnerships

to alleviate traffic congestion, to adopt policies that uphold development standards [and] to keep our river clean would all be really good.


This year, I think council’s priority is going to be handling the demands that growth is putting on the city. Over the next two to three years, we are going to have to make a lot of decisions about how to disperse the disaster recovery funds that the city received for some of our neighborhoods that were inundated by flooding in 2015. That’s going to be a high priority for all of us—to find projects that will allow our residents to remain in their homes safely, that will allow our safety response teams to respond to disasters as they happen. We want to continue to improve quality of life in our neighborhoods so we don’t lose that population that will strengthen our school system. One of the first things big employers look at before coming to San Marcos is our school districts. Is this a place they can bring their employees? Can they stay and work and bring their children to our schools? I think all of that is very interconnected. We need our real estate people, our environmentalists, our neighborhoods (and) every part of the community sitting down and coming up with solutions that will work for everyone.

Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor..................................Jeffrey Bradshaw, starpromo@txstate.edu Sales Director................................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive...................................................Kiley Jones, starad3@txstate.edu Account Executive...............................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist..................................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator......................................A.J. Arreguin, aa1530@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator............................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director.................................Richard Parker, stardirector@txstate.edu

What is your biggest priority for San Marcos?

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | A3


The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Pray for Haiti—and other countries in need of help When disaster strikes and millions of people are left without homes or loved ones, it seems as though American sympathy only extends to other western bastions of democracy. Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti and once again, Americans must ask themselves if they care about the destruction and death occurring in another country just as they had to with the Haiti earthquake of 2010. Around 220,000 to 316,000 were estimated dead after Haiti’s earthquake. The U.S. Government committed $3.1 billion to Haiti in aid but it seems as soon as the media, and consequently the American people, no longer cared about the disaster in Haiti, relief trickled to a stop also. Two years after the earthquake in Portau-Prince, the nation’s capital, half a million people remained in tents that were severely deteriorating. While Haitian citizens were wondering where the next meal would come from or if their tent would last long enough for them to find

Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

somewhere new to live, we went back to being consumed by our “busy” lives. Since the earthquake in 2010, countless disasters have struck countries around the world, yet people can only recall a few. Our memories of disasters in other countries are limited to what was trending on social media. Even if a disaster is not a big deal on social media, it does not mean that it is not happening. You should not care about the lives of others just because it is trendy and our support should not be limited to countries that look like us. Disaster can strike anywhere, and just because it is not happening to you, does not make it any less horrific. Casualties are casualties—regardless of where the bodies lie. Hurricane Matthew has displaced and killed too many Haitians for us not to care. Haitians are understandably upset about delays in aid and new information about the aid offered in 2010. Not only are Haitians dealing with the devastating effects of Hur-

ricane Matthew, they are now suffering from a cholera outbreak that has claimed 10,000 lives since 2010. Cholera arrived in the helpful arms of United Nation peacekeepers who introduced the island to the disease when they leaked waste into a river near a base. The peacekeepers came to provide aid after the damaging earthquake of 2010, yet they seemed to make matters worse. Hurricane Matthew has aggravated the cholera epidemic since it is a water-borne disease and there is not enough aid to help repair destroyed cities and take care of patients on the brink of death. Haiti is not trending on Facebook and no one is tweeting “#PrayforHaiti.” We need to care about the lives of people in other countries, and when we do, we need to ensure that we are not causing more harm than good. Pray for Haiti, pray for America and pray for the well-being of the world because you really believe in help, not because it will be a cute hashtag.


Breed discrimination does more harm than good By Katie Burrell Opinions Columnist @KatieNicole96 Breed discrimination is inhum ane, tears apart families and ultimately does not solve any real issues. Recently, Montreal, Canada issued a breedspecific law banning the adoption of pit bulls and similar dogs. Although many cities across the United States and Canada already have restrictions like this in place, Montreal’s ban has garnered a lot of resistance—as it should. According to Rene Bruemmer of the Montreal Gazette, the ban was issued in response to an incident where a 55-year-old woman was killed by her neighbor’s dog. Allowing a murderous dog to run loose in a neighborhood is unacceptable, but we cannot condemn all dogs for the actions of one. Dog expert, journalist and author, Bronwen Dickey, says the ban will prevent the adoption or purchase of pit bulls and pit bull mixes within Montreal. Additionally, citizens who already own a pit bull must pay to have their pets registered and sterilized by a certain

date. All qualifying dogs, no matter their behavior, must remain muzzled when out of their home. The breed-specific ban was issued to begin in Montreal on October 3, but was promptly suspended by an appeal filed by the SPCA. Unfortunately, the appeal failed, and the city of Montreal is now no longer a home for pit bulls and similar breeds. Many residents of Montreal are unsure of what constitutes as a “similar breed,” because the legislation itself fails to specify. This is unfair to many large dog owners in the city, as they cannot be certain whether their beloved pet is at risk of being banned. Concerned citizens were instructed to consult veterinarians in order to determine if their dog was part of the ban, however, according to the SPCA, veterinarians are unable to identify dogs as pit bulls simply by looking. Laws like this are irresponsible and ineffective. “All the data that purport to say certain types of breeds attack more than other types of breeds are just completely suspect and unscientific,” said Dickey.

There are various reasons why pit bulls have been given a bad reputation, but Dickey attributes the general negative connotation of the breed’s affiliation in illegal dog fighting and the drug war in the U.S. since the 1980s. While the reputation the pit bull inherited is unfortunate, it can be changed. The solution is in the hands of pit bull owners. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, training and socializing a dog will help it react appropriately in public—meaning less bites and aggression. Photos taken by dog owners in Montreal which show pets in muzzles looking sad and defeated have gone viral. The issue has since started a large petition with nearly 40,000 signatures—including mine. The sweet, furry dog citizens of Canada and the U.S. should not be euthanized, shunned or feared because of the mistakes of a few irresponsible owners. As in most cases of violence and injustice, education is the answer. - Katie is a mass communications sophomore


Democrats should be pro-gun By May Olvera Opinions Columnist @yungfollowill When it comes to Second Amendment rights, Republicans and Libertarians normally defend them. It is rare to find a strong Democrat voice reassuring their voter base that the right to bear arms is an absolute necessity. However, if you look further left, there are numerous groups who share this sentiment, and Democrats should too. Access to guns is not and has never been an inherently conservative issue. Leftist groups like The Black Panthers and the Zapatistas saw massive importance in arming their respective people. The Huey P. Newton Gun Club was formed in 2014 and named after Black Panther founder. The organization’s main objective is arming “all black, brown and poor men and women across

the United States that can legally bear arms.” The increasingly authoritarian government is actively encroaching on citizen’s rights in the name of combatting terrorism. It is essential that Democrats and Leftists take up issue with violations of this amendment and the inaccessibility of guns. No longer should it be seen as a right versus left issue. People will agree that it is preferable for interactions with the government to be peaceful. However, citizens want a means of self-defense when faced with violence from the government and conventional avenues have been exhausted. It is important to note that the Second Amendment was primarily created for average citizens to protect themselves from oppressive governments. Today, we are witnessing a mass increase in the militarization of

our police forces and the continuation of police brutality. When people acknowledge that the police are an extension and tool of the state, it is evident that conditions may arise where the government becomes even more violent toward its people. With 914 fatal interactions with police this year and counting, citizens must have the tools to combat this violence. However, Democratic logic of the Second Amendment is filled with contradictions. It is contradictory for Democrats to acknowledge the extreme danger in a Trump presidency and at the same time allow for gun rights to be infringed upon. It is contradictory to support Black Lives Matter and not grasp the potential and immediate danger of militarized police against unarmed communities. This summer, Demo-

crats in Congress staged a sit-in for a bill that would allow people on the no-fly list to not be able to own guns. Though this may sound like an okay idea on the surface, it is actually extremely alarming. One would imagine that people who are on this list would all be bigtime criminals or ISIS sympathizers. However, it is not that simple. Historically, the United States has had the ability to deem certain citizens as treasonous simply based on their political ideas. Entire groups of people and movements being blocked from arming themselves because the state deemed their opposition “treasonous” is incredibly problematic, oppressive and dangerous. The no-fly list has plenty of technical errors that could land almost anyone on it without due process. In Dec. 2015, CNN reported


that Jet Blue removed an 18-month-old child from a 2012 flight because she had been tagged as “no fly.” Similarly, British singer-songwriter Yusuf Islam, who goes by Cat Stevens, was denied entry into the U.S. because of his name in 2004. A government that is not actively scared of its people may not be quite as responsive. It can be argued that civil rights laws would have taken substantially longer to be passed if armed groups

like the Black Panthers would have waited for a “more convenient time.” If Democrats truly believe in the full liberation of all people, it is absolutely necessary for them to take the position that citizens should be able to defend themselves from state-sanctioned violence. At the end of the day, the ballot box is not the sturdiest shield.

states. If a candidate falls short of the minimum 270 electoral votes needed to be elected president, the election is

party race since 1912, when Teddy Roosevelt came in second place to Woodrow Wilson, who ran for the Bull Moose

Congress because both Democrats and Republicans would be vying to dissemble him. Don’t make this elec-

brought to the House of Representatives where the majority of voters are Democrats or Republicans, meaning they would vote accordingly. The last time America saw a third party nominee elected to presidency was when Millard Fillmore won the race. We have not had a true third

Party. This actually just ended up spoiling William Howard Taft’s road to re-election. The belief that a third party system of government would actually help our stalemate in Congress is wrong. A third party president would have a difficult time gaining the support of

-May Olvera is a journalism junior


Third parties are not good for the American diet By Jakob Rodriguez Opinions Columnist @JakobRyRod Usually alternatives are great; however, some third party political candidates are not good for the American diet. According to polls from the Wall Street Journal and NBC, 47 percent of registered voters are considering voting for a third party nominee in the 2016 presidential election. In 2012, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson ran for President on the Libertarian ticket. He received over 1.2 million votes, accounting for about 0.99 percent of the popular vote. Currently, Johnson is gathering about nine percent of the vote nationwide. In states like Utah where Trump is widely disliked, Johnson is winning as much as 16 percent of the vote. Regardless of his rise in supporters, Johnson does not stand a fighting chance. Third parties exist to promote different ideals, not to win

elections. The ideals third parties represent are admirable. The Libertarian party promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism and the abolition of the welfare state. The Green party is based on grassroots political and economic democracy, nonviolence, social justice and ecological sustainability. The Constitution party advocates a platform that reflects its interpretation of the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Bible. But let’s face it. In the political realm, three’s a crowd. When people decide to vote third party, they end up spoiling the election for the person who would have won in the first place. The most notorious example is the 2000 presidential election, when Ralph Nader spoiled Florida for Al Gore by capturing 97,488 votes. This ultimately ended with Bush taking

the presidency. Approximately half of Nader voters said they would have chosen Gore in a two-man race. In other words, Gore would have achieved a net gain of 26,000 votes in Florida— far more than needed to win the state and the entire election. In American politics, there is a “one vote one winner,” system. We end up voting against the candidate we dislike, ensuring a two-party system stays in power. Currently, many “Bernie or Bust” voters are planning to withhold their support for Hillary Clinton, and third party candidates are tailoring their platforms to capture many of these “spoiler” votes. Third party candidates cannot win unless they are strong regionally or end up tying the Republicans and Democrats. Ross Perot received 19 percent of the popular vote, yet received no electoral votes. The importance of the Electoral College is that third party candidates will not be effective unless they win


tion more difficult than it has already proven to be. Three’s a crowd when you enter the voting booth. - Jakob R. Rodriguez is a journalism freshman

A4 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The University Star Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


5 DIY Halloween Costume Ideas By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @tristaaaaa Halloween seemed to come faster than expected this semester. If you forgot about getting a costume, we’ve got you covered. Here are five Halloween costume ideas to spruce up your holiday. 1. Accessories With just one accessory, an old t-shirt can become something new. Nicole Reeves, Halloween Spirit co-manager, said people are revolving their costumes around one piece. “You don’t know how many girls have come in with the ‘daddy’s little girl’ t-shirt,” Reeves said. “And we will literally just go around the whole store and make a Harley Quinn just from the accessories we have here at Halloween Spirit.” Arnold Mercado, mass communication freshman, said he bought one accessory to create a DIY costume. “I bought a mustache from the Halloween store and I transformed into Pablo Escobar,” Mercado said. 2. Thrift store finds Instead of purchasing expensive costumes, try visiting a local thrift shop to piece together an inexpensive outfit. Mercado said he and his friends made costumes by shopping at local thrift stores. By adding blood to flannel, Mercado said anyone could be a grue-

some lumberjack. Brooke Lopez, international studies sophomore, said she wouldn’t break the bank for the costume she wants. “With DIY costumes, you don’t have to spend so much for a good costume when you could find it elsewhere,” Lopez said. 3. Hair Paint Hair paint can be a great touch to your costume by temporarily changing your hair color. Halloween Spirt and oth-

er hobby stores sell hair paint. Mercado said his friend needed a last minute costume and opted to use hair paint. “My friend got green hair paint, a wand and a button up and made himself Cosmo from the ‘Fairly Oddparents,’” Mercado said. “He looked just like him and it didn’t take him very long either.” Reeves said people sometimes want to be objects. “This person came into

the store and wanted to be cotton candy, so we got the hair spray paint and a tutu to make her look like what she wanted,” Reeves said. ”It was really unique.” 4. Makeup Lopez said Halloween makeup is key when taking the more cryptic route. “I’ve used Halloween makeup before—I think every year,” Lopez said. “I use it to make me look like I have fake wounds or touches of blood on

my face.” A Halloween makeup tip is to look up YouTube tutorials. Makeup can transform a naked face into anything. Makeup provides limitless possibilities. It even lets you get away with wearing the clothes in your closet. 5. Tulle Tutus Being a fairy, ballerina, or a super hero is easy when you make yourself a tulle tutu. “We have all types of

tutus here that could make for any costume depending on what you want to go for whether its cutsie or scary,” Reeves said. Places, such as Walmart, sell tulle by the foot and elastic bands to put around your waist. Cut the elastic band to fit your waist and cut pieces of tulle to tie around the band making your tutu. You can put as much tulle as you like depending on how fluffy and long you want your tutu.

Halloween is approaching but if you don’t have a costume yet, don’t worry. DIY costumes are easy to make and easy on your wallet. PHOTO BY JAMIE DORSEY | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

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The University Star

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | A5


Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



Local band performs at every major city in Texas

Eight ways to use coconut oil in your daily routine

By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee In the short span of four months, a local band comprised of Bobcats has traveled to and performed at every major city in the Lone Star State. I See Land, post-rock band, got its start in August after three Bobcats and one University of Texas San Antonio student came together in hopes of playing music. Austin Schaffer, psychology senior, plays bass and does vocals. John Cook, lead guitarist and UTSA senior, met Schaffer during high school. Joshua Castellano-Davila, drummer and digital media innovation sophomore, and Joey Molina, rhythm guitarist and respiratory care sophomore, met during freshman year of college. The four have played instruments since they were kids, so starting up a band in San Marcos was ideal. After the first practice in April, the band played its first show in late June at Speakeasy in Austin. The band’s influences are Prawn, This Will Destroy You and Old Grey. The members describe their sound as post-rock with open tunings. “With post-rock, there’s no lyrics, but all of the emotion is conveyed from the instrumentation,” Castellano-Davila said. “We use a hybrid of lyrics and instrumentation.” In January, I See Land released “Everything I Missed About This Place,” a 3-song EP. In May, the band put out single “Trajectory.” Most recently, single “With, Without” was released. Schaffer writes the lyrics for the band and said most of the songs are about being sad. “They’re supposed to be very emotional and honest songs,” Schaffer said. “If anyone can re-


late to it, it’s good.” Schaffer also came up with the name for the band. “It’s not just a name,” Schaffer said. “It means I see hope, I see solace— but I’m not there.” Castellano-Davila is also the band manager, so he reaches out to venues and schedules the shows. “I think we didn’t expect to play as much as we did, and then we started getting asked to play shows,” Molina said. “We’ve made effort, and it’s paid off because we’re getting asked to play in every major city in Texas.” The band has traveled to Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas and Fort Worth to perform. They travel in an SUV packed to the brim with instruments and toolboxes. “There’s always a crowd,” Molina said. “Usually, we get a good response and everyone likes it. Playing for a crowd full of people is one of the best feelings that I’ve ever experienced.” Cook said being in a band is all about networking and having connections with the people they meet. “With all of the traveling, we’ve met a lot of really cool people and made so many new friends,” Castellano-Davila said. The band will perform Oct. 21 at Shirley’s Temple in Austin and Oct. 23 at The Korova in San Antonio. “San Marcos literally has nothing when it comes to the music scene, and I think it would be really easy to put on a party and have bands play,” Molina said. So, Molina and Castellano-Davila organized the Monster Mash Shed Bash, which will take place at 7 p.m. Oct. 28 at 2511 I-35 in San Marcos. “There’s something to be cultivated here in San Marcos,” Cook said. “It needs a space and it needs people who care about it.”

Molina hopes the Shed Bash will increase the amount of shows played in San Marcos. “We can start up a little community within San Marcos of this music,” Castellano-Davila said. I See Land will play its first out-of-state show in December at Oklahoma City. Shortly after that, the band will tour across the Western U.S. for 14 days. Schaffer said the goal is to tour as much as possible, grow as a band and continue writing music. “The most rewarding thing is to have people come up to you after you play a set and say they really enjoyed it,” Schaffer said. “It’s nice to hear positive feedback, because we put a lot of effort into the music that we play.” Castellano-Davila said he plays music in the band because it serves as an outlet. “If you’re going through mental stuff or you’re just stressed out, it really helps with letting stuff out,” CastellanoDavila said. Cook said being a part of I See Land has helped him grow as an individual. “I’m about to graduate from college and I’m finally in a band that I’m happy with,” Cook said. “The thing that’s really gratifying about this band is that I feel like I haven’t wasted the last 10 years of my life.” Molina said some Texas State students might not feel welcome in San Marcos because there may not be a club, organization or crowd they feel at home with. “If you’re into emo, punk or hardcore and you live in a town like this, you probably feel pretty isolated,” Cook said. “What we’re trying to do is build a community to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.”



Tower Hall is at the top of the local ghost stories list among Bobcats and local residents. The windows of Tower Hall gradually decrease in size from bottom to top. The question that arises is whether the architectural design was inspired by something more cryptic. It is said the architect of the dormitory had a daughter that took her own life by jumping from another building. Due to the incident, the

Coconut oil has been gaining popularity within health and beauty trends. Not only is it cheap, but it has multiple benefits for the body internally and externally. 1. Moisturizer Coconut oil can be used on its own as a way to moisturize the skin, whether it’s the face or the knees—the oil is gentle enough to use on every part of the body. Additionally, if homemade moisturizers are preferred, coconut oil is a great base or highlight ingredient in any DIY lotion. 2. Cooking People who watch their fat intake may turn toward coconut oil as a more natural and healthy cooking option; however, it should be used as any other cooking oil would. Julie Eckert, assistant director at the Texas State Student Health Center, notes it contains a high level of calories and fat. “People use it because there’s a hype about it burning fat and calories, but that’s not true,” Eckert said. “It has 117 calories for one tablespoon and 13.6 grams of fat. Students should use it like any other cooking oil, and it shouldn’t be used in excess because of the calorie content.” 3. Shaving cream Save money by using coconut oil as shaving cream.

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin, leaving the area not only clean and wellshaved, but smooth. 4. Deep conditioner Heat up some oil and apply it as a mask to hair. Leave it in for at least an hour before shampooing and conditioning. This will heal the hair, keep it healthy and sturdy and help avoid split ends. 5. Teeth whitening Oil pulling has become a popular way to whiten teeth. Put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for approximately 20 minutes per day. This leaves breath fresh, gums healthy, and teeth whiter. Summer Averett, interdisciplinary studies sophomore, uses coconut oil for this purpose on a daily basis. “Take the hardened form and melt it down before you swish it around in your mouth,” Averett said. “I use it to whiten my teeth and pull the toxins from my body.” 6. Itch relief Coconut oil can serve

as a light balm to soothe the skin if it becomes irritated. Eckert said it will not cure skin diseases, but it can alleviate some minor irritations. “It’s all based on personal preference,” said Eckert. “It’s based on their individual reaction, and it won’t cause skin damage. It won’t cure skin disease or anything, either.” 7. Night cream Apply coconut oil right before bed, and allow it to sit on the skin overnight. The antioxidants in the oil allow wrinkles to tighten and skin to moisturize, leaving skin toned and healthy. 8. Stretch marks According to Rolando Mendoza, general manager at Complete Nutrition, coconut oil is a great balm for people with stretch marks. “It makes your skin more elastic,” Mendoza said. “It allows your body to tighten skin up in a slow process, which is healthier (for your body).”

A wide selection of coconut oil sits on the shelf at The Cornucopia, a natural foods market in San Marcos. Coconut oil can be used for a variety of benefits. PHOTO BY LARISA RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Public hearing for the campus community to comment on the proposed tuition and fee increases for academic year 2017-2018

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 4:00 PM LBJ Student Center Room 3-13.1

The Haunting of Tower Hall By Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris

architect began to size smaller windows in an attempt to avoid any other suicides. Students have reported seeing empty elevators open and close on the ninth floor of Tower Hall. Pablo Montes, psychology sophomore, said he has heard of multiple hauntings in Texas State dormitories. “The Tower Hall story is the worst,” Montes said. “My friend’s roommate said she woke up one night in Tower and felt like a presence was sitting on her chest. It’s hard to talk about.”

Montes said he prefers to believe the ghost stories rather than be proven wrong. “I don’t know if it’s real,” Montes said. “I don’t care if it is or isn’t, but I think it’d be pretty dumb if you’re not a little conscious of it. There’s a little truth to all of these ghost stories. They may be exaggerated, but I’d rather be aware than have something happen to me.” Texas State made onlineschoolscenter.com, list of top fifty haunted college campuses.

All members of the university community are invited to participate in this discussion with Provost Gene Bourgeois and other members of the President’s Cabinet.



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B1 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The University Star


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Homecoming Week filled with tradition By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvceer Some students may think

Homecoming is all about the King and Queen crowning and football game. However, the week is jam packed with Texas State traditions.

Homecoming 5K Run Each year, a 5K run is held during Homecoming Week. Participants will run, jog or walk through Sewell Park and Rio Vista. The race will begin at Sewell Park at 8 a.m Oct. 22., and the course should only take about 33 minutes to finish. Awards will be given for the top 3 males and females. Free t-shirts, prizes giveaways will be provided for all runners. Guests are invited to come watch or register the same day at 7 a.m.

Homecoming Game and Royalty After participating in all of the traditions throughout the week, Bobcats are encouraged to support the football team at the Homecoming Game at 6 p.m. Oct. 22. Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during halftime.

Homecoming Tailgate Before the Homecoming game against Louisiana-Lafayette, fans are invited to tailgate all day. Sudent organizations will be in attendance, along with beverages, prizes, entertainment and more. The Homecoming Tailgate will take place 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Bobcat Stadium parking lot and various other locations.

Soap Box Derby One of the longest standing traditions during Homecoming Week is the Soap Box Derby. Since 1967, registered student organizations have raced to the finish line in homemade cars. Student organizations, Greek life and residence halls will compete for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place title in each bracket. In addition, there is an Overall Champion award. Everyone is invited. The derby will be held from 3-5 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Family and Consumer Sciences Parking Lot (R18).

Powder Puff Each year, women get the chance to go head-to-head on the football field. The Powder Puff football final will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 18 at Bobcat Stadium. Guests are invited to come root on their favorite team.

Bobcat Spirit Displays During Homecoming Week, everyone in San Marcos is encouraged to show Bobcat pride. Residence halls, local businesses and more have registered to determine who has the most school spirit. Residence hall displays, banners and more will be judged on creativity, presentation, residence hall tribute, completeness and alignment to the Homecoming theme. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place winners. Businesses and community organizations will be judged based on the same criteria. 1st and 2nd place winners will be awarded plaques.

Homecoming Talent Show The Homecoming Talent Show invites guests to watch talented Bobcats compete for the winning title. Singers, dancers, magicians and more have been the featured acts in previous years. Awards will be given to those who qualify for these categories: Best Overall, Solo Music, Group Music, Movement, Variety Acts and People’s Choice. The show will go on from 7-9:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at Evans Auditorium.


Bobcats prepare for the annual homecoming festival By Andrew Turner News Reporter Texas State is preparing for the annual homecoming celebration. Students from various aspects of the community are getting together and are looking forward to the homecoming festivities. The festivities start on Saturday, Oct. 15, with different student organizations competing. A spirit rally and carnival will follow on Monday, Oct. 17, in the amphithe-

ater area of LBJ involving the Texas State cheerleaders. “It’s just to get everybody pumped up for the rest of the week,” said Zeeba Zarei, management sophomore. Zarei is the Pride and Traditions coordinator at the Student Association for Campus Activities, and is highly involved in the planning of both homecoming and the Riverfest that takes place in the spring. “Homecoming has

been going on for quite some time, and Texas State does have a lot of pride and traditions that we keep for years and years and hopefully that’s something that they can look forward to, future students and students who are already here,” Zarei said. Events will continue Tuesday with Powder Puff Finals at 7 p.m. at Bobcat Stadium. On Wednesday, Oct. 19, a talent show will be held in Evans auditorium,

said Zarei. The 14 talent show participants are selected by SACA to participate in an event scheduled from 7-9:30 p.m. in Evans auditorium. There is a break from activities on Thursday, but they resume on Friday with the annual Soap Box Derby. The derby takes place in the family and consumer science parking lot across from the REC, and goes from 3-5 p.m. that afternoon. The weekly events lead up to the 5k run on Satur-

day that is high in alumni involvement, and then the homecoming football game against LouisianaLafayette. The homecoming king and queen will be announced that night during halftime of the game against the Ragin’ Cajuns. Throughout the whole week, students are encouraged to participate in a number of competitions to show off school and organizational spirit. These include the Texas State spirit flag compe-

tition, the San Marcos community Decorating contest, and the Residence Hall Spirit & Banner display competition. More information about these competitions and the forms needed to enter can be found on the Texas State website by searching homecoming. “Homecoming, it makes people feel like home. It’s like ‘oh we have homecoming’ and that’s something that not a lot of schools can say,” Zarei said.

B2 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The University Star


UniversityStar.com @universitystar



with Coach Chisum

By Lisette Lopez Assistant Sports Editor @Lisette_1023

Lisette Lopez: Right now the team is 6-1 in conference play, how are you feeling? Head Coach Karen Chisum: Really good, especially coming off of the road win against UTA. Anytime you go to College Park Center, you are going to have a rowdy crowd, and are going to get one of the best teams in the conference. UTA played pretty good, but I was very very proud of our kids, even though we lost the first set last night we stayed composed, confident and we just took care of business. Lopez: Has the team executed play from practice onto the court? Chisum: Definitely, we have had some pretty great practices these past couple of weeks after we beat Arkansas State. They started really believing in themselves. We have talked about it all year long that we have a lot of potential, and a lot of talent. We just had to get it all together, and I think we have found the right pieces. They all look good right now. The players are doing their job so it is all falling together, although we know there is still a lot of volleyball left to play in the conference. Lopez: What goes through your mind in each game?

Chisum: Just point by point. When one point is over, win or lose you start thinking about the next point. My biggest thing is ball control, if we pass and serve well we are probably going to win the majority of the matches. We must have good passing and ball control because we have the setters and the hitters, we just have to get the ball to them. Lopez: How can you measure your team’s success? Chisum: Seeing the kids’ attitudes, and their improvement. We have really seen a lot of improvement from the beginning and I think that is huge. Wins and losses are one thing, but that is not what it is all about. Seeing my student-athletes feel good about themselves, be confident and have a little error of cockiness, without letting it get to their heads. You have got to believe in yourself and believe in your teammates. It is a team sport it is not an individual sport—that is huge. Lopez: Are there any goals for the team for the second half of the season? Chisum: We just take one match at a time. We know we have a three road swing. The first game was UTA which we were able to take care of. Now we go to Georgia State and Georgia Southern. They are back to back and that is not easy. You basically

get on an airplane, fly two or three hours, get off, check into the hotel, go practice, have study hall, then we get up and play and immediately after we play, we travel to another team and we have to be ready to play them at 6:30 at night. So it is a mental game as well as a physical game and as coaches we have to prepare them and make sure that they are ready to play. Lopez: What is the mindset of the team with their winning streak so far? Chisum: I think confidence; they just love each other. This is a group that has been a lot of fun to coach, and to be around. I can see the admiration and respect for each other. Winning makes it more fun, no doubt about it, but I think if I were to say one adjective about the team, it would be confidence. Lopez: Is there any room for improvement? What could you work on a little more? Chisum: I think consistency, but I have always talked about it with the team, especially with the serving. We missed way too many serves on Thursday against UTA. Again that is confidence but, the serve is the one skill in volleyball that the athlete has control over. So we have got to believe in our serves and consistency with our offense. I think our defense has come along well, block-

ing has gotten better, digging has gotten better. Micah Dinwiddie, freshman libero, has done a great job. Lopez: In the preseason polls, you were set to finish second behind Arkansas State, a team that you beat, what do you have to say about that? Chisum: We still have to go to Arkansas, and play them again. They are in our division they are going to be very ready for us, but I tell you what, we will be ready too. We still have to play them at home, and we need to make sure we don’t stump o u r toes between n o w a n d then. We can’t sit here and focus on Arkansas state because we still have Georgia State and Georgia Southern right now. Lopez: What is your goal as a coach for the team? Chisum: My goal for them is to win a championship ring, and that is their goal too. The seniors, I think, won one their freshman year, but

they are due again. I just really want success for them, and to feel good about themselves when they leave.

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B4 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016

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How to be a true Bobcats fan 101 By Autumn Anderson Sports Editor @aaautumn_ Success is the result of teamwork, and nothing says teamwork like supporting your fellow classmates. The Texas State football team is hosting Louisiana-Lafayette at Bobcat Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 22 for the 2016 Homecoming game. Homecoming isn’t just about watching football—it’s about showing your school spirit and supporting your alma mater. Whether you’re an alumni from the class of ‘86, or you’re a freshman anticipating graduation in 2020, here’s the best way to be a true Bobcat fan: First and foremost, attend the game. The first step in supporting your school is being in the stands, cheering the Bobcats on. Your Texas State ID card gets you into any athletic event for free, so why not? By just going to the game, you support the football

team’s goal of landing a bowl game. Get Involved. Homecoming has so much going on leading up to the big game, including the Powder Puff Finals on Oct. 18. Texas State also puts on a Homecoming Talent Show on Oct. 19 in Evans Auditorium. There’s also the Soap Box Derby on Oct. 21. Then, of course, Homecoming tailgate kicks off in the morning on Oct. 22 before the game. Get Hype. No one sits in the stands to be quiet, and football players sure don’t expect silence. Get loud and rowdy for your Bobcat football players. Plus, once you get out there and start getting hype with the crowd, you’ll realize how fun it is. Know your fight song! Nobody likes being the one person, among hundreds, who doesn’t know the fight song. Get your school spirit in check and memorize those words: Go Bobcats all the way,
Keep that maroon and gold on high!


on for every play
Until you hear that Bobcat battle cry!
We’re gonna cheer for our team today
Until the whole world knows our name.
 No doubt

about it,
 We’re gonna shout it—Bobcats will win this game! Represent for your school. Show some school spirit by wearing

maroon and gold. We’re not saying you have to paint your face or anything, but a little maroon and gold won’t hurt. Filling the stands with the

school colors will just show how much support the football team has behind them


Brave New Jersey puts comedic spin on historical hoax By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvceer In 1938, mass hysteria overcame America when Orson Wel les’ “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast made millions believe Martians were invading. Director and writer Jody Lambert made a mockery of the night Americans packed up or bunkered down to go head-to-head with aliens—and he perfected it. The world premiere of “Brave New Jersey” screened at the Austin Film Festival from 7-9 p.m. Oct. 15 at the State Theatre. A full house welcomed the comedy with constant laughs. Writers Michael Dowling and Lambert collaborated to put a comedic twist on the national phenomenon. The two went to college together, and Dowling suggested they write a script about the night of the broadcast from the citizens’ perspective.

Most of the star cast attended the premiere, including “Veep” actor Tony Hale and “Pitch Perfect” actress Anna Camp. “We needed an actor who is charming, funny and sweet,” Lambert said. “Hale said yes, and we kind of built around him.” Hale plays the town’s mayor, who is overlooked by the citizens. When the people think it’s their last night, the mayor is glorified, and he gets a sense of hope. “Most of my characters are kind of beat down, and they stay that way,” Hale said. “After reading the script, it was really nice to see that journey and when he’s empowered knowing that he only has 24 hours left to live.” Camp plays Peg in the movie, a local schoolteacher who isn’t content with her relationships. “Peg has an amazing arch in the film,” Camp said. “She starts out not knowing there could be

any other choices to be made in her life. To see her get that opportunity—she definitely runs with it.” Camp said getting in touch with her character was made easy through Lambert honing into Peg’s role. “We definitely had some rehearsals before we shot, which was really helpful,” Camp said. Heather Burns plays Lorraine, an underappreciated housewife who wants her husband to notice her. “I was so thrilled when it finally came together,” Burns said. “I loved the script.” Cast members said being on set was like being in a family. Although the cast was rather large, the writers were able to connect with each of the characters’ storylines. Lambert said the cast and crew shot for a total of 25 days, mostly during the night. The location was at an old, abandoned town where the owner

had restored all of these historic buildings. The setting was believable and took viewers back to the ‘30s. “It’s like it was built for our movie,” Lambert said. The cinematography was beautiful. There was a variation in angles and shots, which reflected the chaos Americans were experiencing. Lambert said the film will be screened in other festivals, and agents hope to sell Brave New Jersey soon. Overall, the film was hysterically humorous. The writers took a national hoax that went down in history and turned it into a comedy. The idea of making a movie about that night was beyond brilliant, and the imagination behind each reaction and conflict was well thought out.


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Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | B5


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Austin Film Festival: Opening Weekend Recap


By Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise Writers, actors, producers, directors and film lovers gathered this past weekend for the opening days of the 23rd Annual Austin Film Festival. AFF took place in various Austin theaters Oct. 13-20. Friday night dramas and love stories dominated as films “One Night” and “The Writer’s Burrow” took the screen. Minhal Baig, “One Night” director, said the indie romance was inspired by others’ and personal relationships. “One Night” explored the ups and downs of

relationships through the contrast of a high school romance and a struggling marriage. “I think a lot about the relationships people in my life had like one of our producers,” Baig said. “That inspired a lot of my writing.” “The Writer’s Burrow”, a Spanish film ended by giving the audience a peak into the writer’s mind and his need for love and a career. Kurro González, “The Writer’s Burrow” writer, said having one-on-one feedback and interacting with others at the festival was a personal highlight of the weekend. “It’s everything,” González said. “The (au-

dience) enjoyed it and really liked it. We’ve gotten really good feedback. I’m also a panelist and had the opportunity to speak with other filmmakers.” AFF allowed general admission for single films for those who didn’t have a badge or film pass. Jennell Lewis, Austin resident and first time attendee, said she appreciates the personal interactions with filmmakers during her time at the festival. “What I love is when you go to the films and someone from the film is there,” Lewis said. “Like the directors or actors— that part is really interesting.” Augusto Aguilera, AFF volunteer, said volunteering allowed him to see a variety of films and interact with panelists. “I love film,” Aguilera said. “I’m actually in the film program at UT so I thought it was a cool way of getting involved.” Aguilera said he was anticipating the musical film “La La Land”, starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. The line for “La La Land” wrapped around the theater and festival attendees began to line up an hour prior to the films start time Saturday evening. “I think this (“La La Land”) may be my favorite part,” Aguilera said. “They say it may be nominated for the academy

awards.” Documentaries proved their place amongst the featured films at AFF. “An Acquired Taste” written and directed by Vanessa Lemaire followed the story of three adolescents whom choose to learn locavore hunting. Unlike traditional hunting, locavore hunting is for those who are ‘conscious eaters’ and believe in ethical hunting by seeking to avoid the least amount of pain when hunting. Lemaire’s documentary explored the mind of adolescents and gave audience members a firsthand look at question of ethical standards of killing, life and death. Lemaire said the documentary was a five-year process as she began to follow eight different students and their journey of locavore hunting. “I wanted to tell a story that hadn’t been told,” Lemaire said. “A film that can reconnect with nature. Lemaire said she devel-

oped a respect for locavore hunters during her time making the film. “I really admire vegans and hunters,” Lemaire said. “Because they made their own choice. People who bother are me and the ones in-between.” “Canine Soldiers” a documentary based in Killeen followed the relationship between military dogs and American soldiers. Nancy Schiesari, director of “Canine Soldiers”, said her producers were inspired after finding training footage of military dogs from the U.S Department of Defense. “It just seemed like something that was deeper than the story being told,” Schiesari said. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder was carried as a theme through the documentary, as it explored the mental illness in both soldiers and animals. Danielle Jennings, a sergeant who was featured in the film, addressed the moral dilemma of putting military dogs in war zones.

“They do not have a choice,” Jennings said. “But when you snuggle down with that dog at night and he found a bomb and saved a whole platoon you have a different way of thinking about life. These dogs may not have a choice but they save lives.” Overall, AFF’s opening weekend provided a weekend of intriguing and unique art to the craft of film.


B6 | Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The University Star


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World premiere of One Night Film Review: A Love Story for Holding Patterns Pessimists catered to millennials By Denise Cervantes A personal favorite was nerability and despera- the one who advocated By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvceer The world premiere of Holding Patterns gave audience members a slice of life at the 23rd annual Austin Film Festival. The narrative feature film was screened from 6:45-8:47 p.m. Oct. 14 at the State Theatre. Directed by Jake Goldberger, Holding Patterns follows 20-somethingyear-old Charlie Brenner who doesn’t know his place in the world. Then he meets Amber, a local barista who tests his limits. As their friendship grows, they are forced to take a step back to reevaluate themselves as individuals. “Bates Motel” actor Freddie Highmore plays the lead role of Charlie. His involvement in the film influenced most of the funding. The film was shot in Alabama, which gave it a small-town feel. The characters lived on the outskirts of a city, which reminded me of San Marcos. Goldberger said he initially wrote the script for Baltimore, but he chose Alabama because it was the perfect setting for the narrative. The cinematography was a force to be reckoned with. Each shot complimented the scene and gave the film an overall aesthetic quality. Jeremy Mackie, director of photography, said inspiration for most of the cinematography came from his own personal experiences. “I think I was really inspired by (Goldberger’s) script and it having a lot of elements of a romantic comedy, but then also having a tender, heartfelt relationship between these two people,” Mackie said. “It reminded me of relationships that may or may not have sparked in my life that helped me.” The character development was extremely in depth. Most movies with a large cast aren’t able to focus in on each character, but Holding Patterns gave the viewer a good look at every individual. The actors’ performances were beyond what was expected. Odeya Rush, Israeli actress, surprised me in this film. In “The Giver,” I thought her performance was below average. In Holding Patterns, she seemed to connect to her role as Amber, which reflected in her performance. Haley Joel Osment,

“The Sixth Sense” actor, played a perfect best friend role. Coming into the movie, I felt as though he was just a one-hit wonder. However, supporting actors are vital to the storytelling of a film, and Osment reminded me how a true friend should be. Gary Ray Moore, who played Ross, attended the world premiere and spoke about his role as Charlie’s stepdad. “I got this movie because I live this role,” Moore said. “I have four boys—two of which are still at home. I’m not pushing hard, but I’m not going to invite them to stay forever.” Moore said the film is catered to a younger audience. “It’s millennial land,” Moore said. “Goldberger captured this millennial life so perfect. Working with the actors we had was a dream.” Moore mentioned the story behind a scene in the film where Charlie, Ross, the mom and the younger brother were eating takeout Chinese food on the kitchen floor. “Freddie Highmore had a fart machine to make us laugh,” Moore said. “All of us laughed so hard. We could not believe he did that.” Grant Springate, who plays younger brother Steven, said he was honored to be a part of the film. “It was cool being with all of the stars,” Springate said. “It’s kind of my first big movie, so I thought it was good experience for me.” Julie Garces, film editor, said she enjoyed the movie because it wasn’t a typical, predictable romantic comedy. “A lot of the characters need to grow up and change and continue growing,” Garces said. “That’s one of the things I thought was different and great about this movie. It’s more of a sensitive and deep movie. I really enjoyed working on the editing.” The movie itself allows viewers to think about every aspect of life. The plot touches on romantic relationships, careers, friendships, marriage, taking risks and everything else that is life. “I think every character in the entire story is in their own holding pattern,” Goldberger said. “It’s a slice of life movie, and I almost don’t know how to define exactly what it is I’m trying to get at.” 10/10.

Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

The world premiere of “One Night” explored the beauty and nativity of love Oct. 14 during its screening at the 23rd Annual Austin Film Festival. The film follows the love story of two parallel and yet intertwining relationships. A high school flourishing relationship of Bea (“Orphan” Isabelle Fuhrman) and Andy (Kyle Allen) depict the butterflies in stomach stage of a relationship. While thirty-something Elizabeth (“Pitch Perfect” Anna Camp) and Drew (“War of the Worlds” Justin Chatwin) are picking up the pieces of a broken marriage. Director Minhal Baig created a visually creative film and written script. A notable theme taken was “same but different.” The contrasts of the couples were represented through the scores and settings of the film. An underground ‘indie’ score followed Bea and Andy’s relationship while a dramatic score was placed for Elizabeth and Drew.

a Bea and Andy dinner scene. The couple found themselves in a higher end hotel restaurant ordering a plate of pancakes with jam and a plate of fries – a beautifully constructed contrast. “They were same but different,” Baig said. “They (Drew and Elizabeth) see in themselves a younger version of themselves that they admire. These ups and downs is something everyone in a relationship goes through.” The writing of the film carried what the cinematography and editing lacked in “One Night”. Broad daylight scenes were noisy and continuity was found through the film. A cameraman’s reflection in a window snuck its way into one of the scenes, taking away from the movie magic. Yet, the detail in the character’s development is what made this film special. Strong writing and acting is what carried the movie. Elizabeth and Andy carried the cast. Camp’s performance had one of the strongest on-screen performances. Camp showed the vul-

tion of Elizabeth’s ache to rebuild a marriage destroyed by an affair. Camp and Chatwin’s chemistry was palpable. Camp said she drew inspiration for her character through her personal past romantic relationships. “My first marriage didn’t work out but I definitely identified with what Elizabeth was going through,” Camp said. “I was going through my divorce when we made this film and I wasn’t planning on getting married again when I shot this. It was emotional for me to watch this and to shoot.” Allen made his screen debut through “One Night” and he did not disappointment. Resembling a young Heath Ledger, Allen captured the innocence of young love. Allen allowed the audience to see the apprehensiveness of everyone’s first love, relationship and kiss. Natural in both dialogue and movements, Allen has a promising acting career in front of him. Baig said Allen was originally casted as a oneline character. “Isabelle was actually

for (Allen),” Baig said. “We let him read and we knew he was our guy but we played it off like ‘yeah he’s alright’ and then went into another room and were like ‘yes he’s (Andy)’”. The clever ending connected both couples through a ‘time machine’ device Bea’s character’s invents. Without a happy or sad ending, “One Night” left audience members with a story to be told and open for interpretation making the film a movie for everyone not just a ‘romcom’ niche. Baig said she wanted to leave her audience with hope after trying out different endings. “There was a version of the script where things ended up working out but there was still the ambiguity that they are going to go through all these things,” Baig said. “There was also a version where they don’t end up together and that was when I was going through a hard time but I think this ending is a good medium.”








The University Star

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | 3


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LGBTQIA film sums up life as a college student By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvceer

“Almost Adults”, LGBTQIA feature film, gained audience appreciation and shed light on what it’s like to be a college student who doesn’t have it all figured out yet. Directed by Sarah Rotella and written by Adrianna DiLonardo, “Almost Adults” screened from 3:155:05 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Galaxy Highland 8 movie theater. The narrative follows Cassie and Mackenzie, two college students who have been best friends since childhood. Mackenzie comes out and begins embracing her sexuality, while Cassie struggles with

ending a relationship. As they try to transition into adulthood, the pair face difficulties. The film was funded by Kickstarter, and was shot for a total of 11 days. “That was a good product for 11 days,” one audience member said. Rebecca Swift, producer, attended the 23rd Annual Austin Film Festival. During the Q&A, she said the time frame for filming was originally ten days, but they added on an extra day. “It was 85 percent female driven,” Swift said. “It created this really amazing environment where experienced, talented women were mentoring young, talented women. Ev-

eryone was there to have a good time and make something they were proud of.” The film was shot in Toronto, which made the scenes extremely lifelike and vivid. The lighting and sound was nearly perfect—props to the director of photography and camera crew. “Almost Adults” featured on-screen visual effects such as text messages and Tumblr screens. These effects were enjoyable because they added context and some humor into the scenes. The audience laughed throughout the entire movie, except for during some of the more serious and dramatic scenes. The budget was low,

and it showed in many aspects of the film. For example, the acting was hard to bear at some points. However, the comedic script made up for the lacking performance. In addition, there were a few stock characters that were over-generalized and stereotyped. Swift said the actors became friends on set, and this benefitted the filmmaking process. “The director did rehearsals with them ahead of time, so they were all super close already,” Swift said. “Each one of them brought something of themselves to the characters.” The run time was also too long. Many conflicts were dragged out, reactions became

irrational and the plot could have fit into a much smaller time frame. However, the topic of the film surpassed all of its low points. During senior year, many college students are left questioning their path in life and who they are as people. Pressure to graduate, get a job, make money, find a house and more can be overwhelming. But, adding in relationship problems or a new sexuality can make the situation even more stressful. This is reflective of what many young people have to go through today. “Sarah, Adrianna and I have all broken up with best friends and now have new best friends,” Swift said.

“Sometimes a breakup with your best friend is way harder than any romantic relationship, because that person knows you probably better than you know yourself. We wanted to tell a friendship story.” In addition, the crew wanted to shed light on issues that aren’t showcased enough in the film world. “The other side is telling a story of lesbian and LGBT(QIA) content that was not cliché,” Swift said. More films should have LGBTQIA lead roles, cast members and narratives. “Hopefully, we’ll continue to work together and do something else great,” Swift said.


Found Footage 3D Film Review: A Pave way for Horror By Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

A film within a film, within another film – Found Footage 3D sets itself apart in the genre of Horror at the 23rd Annual Austin Film Festival. The film wrapped up AFF’s Saturday night Oct. 15 at its screening at the Alamo Drafthouse Village. The film drew in a large audience filling the theater. Horror fans of cult classics such as “The Blair Witch Project” and “Paranormal Activity” are in for a treat. Found Footage 3D revolves around the making

of ‘Spectre of Death,’ a low-budget found footage film also known as ‘the first 3D found-footage horror film.’ Audience members are taken on a personal journey as they follow the behind-the-scenes of the cast and crew to a ‘haunted’ cabin in Texas. The film pokes fun at the found footage genre of horror. Taking itself lightly in the first half of the film, the movie doesn’t hide the stereotypical themes of found footage films. Instead, they exploit the stereotype themes. Found Footage 3D knew to not take itself too seriously. They tease

at the hand-held shots, the cheap scares, plot holes and the predictability of found footage films. Director Steven DeGennaro discussed his inspiration for the film during a Q&A after the film. “I just think of movies like “Scream”,” DeGennaro said. “Those movies were a pave way for the slasher genre in horror. The idea was to make fun of the crappy ones but still pay homage to the good ones.” The uniqueness of Found Footage 3D is what set this horror film apart from the mainstream horror films be-

ing created today. In both script writing and editing. Cinematography and acting performance stood strong for this film. Lead Amy (Alena Von Stroheim) was the designated possessed villain in the film. Playing the lead role in ‘Spectre of Death’ in the film. Stroheim’s performance and relationship with other characters is what horror movies today lack: character development. Stroheim’s character allows for empathy and a love to hate or hate to love attitude. A spectre or aura is what possess Amy and haunts the characters

throughout the film. The CGI lacked and the spectre looked more like an amature smoke feature. However, make-up visual effects saved Found Footage 3D from it looking like every other lowbudget horror. Characters face their fate at the end of the movie, once the ‘Spectre’ gruesomely slaughters each character one by one. The manslaughter scene was ‘close your eyes’ worthy. DeGennaro ends the film with a split screen point of view from Amy and the last survivor of the crew. This tactic kept audience members on the

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edge of their seats. DeGennaro said the idea of a split screen was to overlap two stories happening at the same place and same time. “I guess if there was any inspiration for it, it was the music video for closing time,” DeGennaro said. “You kind of have this thing where two people are trying to find each other this whole time and they pass through the same place the whole time.” Found Footage 3D is exactly what the horror niche of genre needs and has been calling for.


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