Tuesday, October 25, 2016

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TUESDAY OCTOBER 25, 2016 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 11 www.UniversityStar.com

Unicycle Football League hopes to find permanent home By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee Unicycle football has been a part of San Marcos culture for eight years, but the league is now searching for a permanent home after hopping from downtown parking lots to roadside alleys. The Unicycle Football League began in 2008 as two teams started playing for fun, but has flourished into eight teams that play every Sunday. Now, players and organizers are hoping to build their very own stadium. The process of being able to afford a stadium will take at least two years, said Chelsea Dasha, Unibrawds member. Unibrawds is the official cheer team. Although the UFL has set up a GoFundMe page for the stadium, the league is focused on finding a space to play throughout the current season. UFL had a partnership with Gold Crown Billiards, but the company had leasing issues which restricted the league’s use of the parking lot. Teams have played at various locations across town, including the San Marcos Activity Center parking lot. However, fees became too expensive and organizers had to cancel the partnership. Since the league currently has no location to play, organizers are reaching out to local businesses for a temporary or long-term space, said Ross Pelc, community outreach coordinator.

“If we can find a business to work together with, we could help that business,” Dasha said. “We helped Gold Crown Billiards substantially by bringing our crowd of 100 to 300 people every Sunday.” Dasha said league members have been responsible and selfsufficient when using business’ lots. The UFL provides its own insurance, DJ, cleanup crews and more. In addition, the league conducts river cleanups, participates in city parades and aims to unite the community. “We’re at our strongest point in our development, and now we do have something to offer to businesses in the community,” Pelc said. Dasha said the league has gained national attention from CNN, Discovery, the Travel Channel, Welch’s Grape Juice and more. However, the UFL’s big debut will be 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1 on Fox Sports. NFL officials and camera crews visited San Marcos to feature a 15-minute spotlight on unicycle football. “Last May, they came out and filmed a couple of practices and interviews,” said Josh Palmer, operations manager. “Most of it will be focused on how it’s unique to San Marcos.” The league has received praise from many organizations around the country, and Pelc said the city of San Marcos should take notice of this. “We feel like we’ve been pushed into the

back alleys and side streets,” Pelc said. “We haven’t been given an opportunity to show what we can do and how much we can help out the community.” The league would relocate to available areas outside of San Marcos, but that could cause a loss of visibility and fan base, Dasha said. The league has considered unused firehouses or empty lots up for sale in the floodplains. “All we have to do is pour concrete slab down,” Pelc said. “We don’t have any permanent structure, so there’s nothing to be destroyed. There’s tons of places that aren’t being used by the city right now that we could potentially have as great arenas.” UFL organizers have even considered striking a deal with Texas State to possibly utilize some of the spaces on campus, such as Bobcat Stadium or Strahan Coliseum. However, Pelc knows the population is steadily growing, and land is becoming more valued. Because the UFL is a limited-liability company under the Chamber of Commerce, no revenue is coming in. Dasha said raffling is the reason the UFL has persisted throughout the years. “(Raffling) is supported through the local businesses that we have great relationships with,” Dasha said. “They give us prizes and gift certificates that we can sell as raffle tickets. That’s our alternative to charging people.” Along with advertise-

The San Marcos unicycle football team poses for a photo Oct. 20 during a meeting at Tantra Coffeehouse. The team held a meeting to discuss their field being taken away. PHOTO BY CASSANDRIA ALVARADO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

ments for the businesses, sponsorship packages are offered for companies to be announced at the game through banners and booths. Fans can get in free of charge to watch a 5-on-5 flag and tackle game, which is essentially American football played on unicycles. Dane Walter, UFL player for the Gnarwals,

has been a part of the league since 2009 and said teachers, business owners and people from all backgrounds participate in the game. “If we had a place that we owned, we could do groundbreaking stuff and reach out to the community more,” Walter said. “We could even start putting on festivals.” Walter said being able

to connect with the community more through partnerships with local businesses would be beneficial to the city. “We love San Marcos,” Dasha said. “We have a lot of respect for our community, and that’s why we think we could be an asset to anyone that would work with us.”



with City Council Place 2 candidate Lisa Marie Coppoletta By Rae Glassford Senior News Reporter @rae_maybe


If you are elected, how do you plan to help balance development with the environmental measures necessary to protect our river? I have an unparalleled track record in this race as an environmental activist and advocate. I’m very concerned about three aspects of our approach to development: flooding, fiscal conservatism and building a foundation for future generations. Regarding that foundation, it is important for us to protect our heritage trees and to use incentives for green industry. I think it’s important for us to be very mindful when planning developments here in our community. As a neighborhood commissioner, I have a track record of being a watchdog for the safety of the student population—I got three ordinances passed to that effect. The first one was an ordinance that required landlords to notify students if their property was located in a flood zone prior to signing the


lease. So when students fill out the rental paperwork, they have to sign an acknowledgement that they are aware they’ll be living in a flood zone. The second ordinance I got passed regarding development was that when a flood hits a renter’s apartment, the landlord is required to repair that. Previously what they were doing was just ripping out the carpet, and now they have to clean up the walls so that people aren’t moving into unhealthy conditions. It’s important that we balance ecological concerns while allowing development to continue so that we have ample, affordable housing here in our community. Our city is currently experiencing a massive growth in population, which has led to a disparity between existing infrastructure and the number of individuals who must be accommodated. Have you proposed any potential solutions for addressing this disparity, and if so, what are they? Right now, we’ve had a very robust push for infrastructure in our community. Private residents endured three years of



TxDOT road construction for the HopkinsHunter Road project, which has opened the gateway for lots of development like Kissing Tree. We’ve also had a lot of infrastructure development downtown, which has impacted our small business owners because of the sheer duration of the construction. So now, I think it’s important that we be mindful when we create new housing complexes. We want to make sure they’re affordable and in appropriate areas so that residents and students can live in harmony. What single social, economic or political factor do you envision as playing the most important role in our city’s future? In other words, where do you see San Marcos 20 years from now? The immediate goal is that we need to make sure we are resolving the issues resulting from the flooding that we’ve experienced here, specifically the May flood and the All Saints Flood. We need to make sure that everyone is provided ample resources by the city in order to complete the recovery process, and that may take some time.



Long term, I would like to see that we preserve our heritage and the historic district. I would like to make sure that as we continue to move forward, we are mindful of the Native American artifacts and human remains here (and) that we require shovel tests and give developers incentives to do that. Twenty years from now, it’s important to me that we still have our heritage trees, that we still have a viable downtown, that our small businesses are still thriving, that our

were the first residents here in our community. What kind of relationship do you feel the university and the city should have? It’s important for all elements of our community to be unified. What happens in the school district, at the county level, in the university—it all impacts the residents here in our community. There’s a lot of dialogue and opportunities for


I have an unparalleled track record in this race as an environmental activist and advocate. I’m very concerned about three aspects of our approach to development: flooding, fiscal conservatism and building a foundation for future generations. neighborhoods are protected, that our students have well-paying jobs when they graduate so they decide to stay here and that we don’t erase the historic legacy of the Native Americans who

that to occur, like our program ACT (Achieving Community Together). As a neighborhood commissioner, we worked with students on a myriad of issues that not only allowed us to raise aware-

ness, but also allowed us to force bonds among the community members and the students. There’s also a lot of outreach downtown—there’s a wonderful downtown association. To me, it’s paramount that we eventually have a tenants council here in our community, and it’s something that I have been pushing for 30 years. What is your biggest priority for San Marcos?


My anthem for this year is flooding first. Like I said, fiscal conservatism and building a foundation for future generations are also top priorities. But it’s most important that residents who are just getting back into their homes after the flooding are coming back to houses that have been fully renovated. That’s key. Obviously, it’s important to be mindful when making taxpayer investments. Often times, I’ve noticed that we’re spending a lot of money on outside consultants, and I think those would be wonderful opportunities for student internships and local residents and opportunities for job openings for city staff members.

2 | Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The University Star Bri Watkins News Editor @briwatkins17

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


More commencement ceremonies needed By Andrew Turner News Reporter @AndrewTurner27 Due to the rapid student population growth at Texas State University, the university is creating more commencement ceremonies for the second time in the past two years to relieve overcrowding. There are six commencement ceremonies for Fall 2016 and the university will increase the number of ceremonies

to eight starting in the Spring of 2017. “We’ve had crowding issues in the past, and that’s why we added another ceremony. We’re going to have plenty of room,” said Kristin McDaniel, commencement coordinator. This change will allow students to invite more friends and family to graduation. However, some are upset about the timing of the increased ceremonies. “It’s on a Thursday at 2

p.m.,” said Philip Bridges, advertising senior. “It’s a bad time (because) who can get off at 2 p.m.?” Another possible solution to the overcrowding at Strahan is to lower the number of guests students are allowed to bring, however, this has met resistance from both students and administrators. “No, the ceremony should absolutely not be lowered from seven to five, or anything at all,” Bridges said. “It’s a big

deal. You only graduate from college once.” McDaniel said she just wants everyone to be comfortable so students are able to bring as many of their friends and family members as possible. Another solution to the university’s growth and the problem of overcrowding at commencement is the expansion of Strahan Coliseum. It will become part of the University Event Center. This renovation will allow for additional seating,

A cap and gown ready to be worn by a graduate this December. Texas State wants to add another commencement ceremony to the schedule. PHOTO BY LARISA RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

additional restrooms and office space. “It’s hard to tell how the growth is going to impact us, (and) if we’re going to have more ceremonies or not,” Mc-

Daniel said. “We’re doing studies trying to project growth. $380,000 a year is the cost. Each ceremony adds an additional cost (and) particular staffing costs.”


University has the most Hazlewood participants in Texas By Rae Glassford Assistant News Editor @rae_maybe Many students who are currently attending Texas State University are likely to be familiar with the Hazlewood Program, whereby a veteran or the dependent child or spouse of a veteran can qualify up to 150 hours of waived tuition fees. The program has been widely praised for the ease and accessibility it affords to veterans and their families. However, the nature of the program poses a unique dilemma to public universities, all of which are mandated to comply in accordance with the state legislature. “The cost of the program varies from university to university, obviously, with regards to how many either veterans or Hazlewood legacy program participants have chosen to attend that institution,” said Eric Algoe, vice president of Finance and Support Services. “It just so happens that Texas State has the most Hazlewood participants of any university in the state of Texas, between veterans themselves and legacy participants. We are uniquely impacted by this cost. Other schools also absorb large amounts, but we just so happen to be the largest.” This year, the amount of tuition and fees waived on behalf of Hazlewood participants at Texas State was estimated to be

roughly $18 million. “Now, the state does realize that this impacts universities, so in recent years they have implemented two different programs to help alleviate the financial burden that Hazlewood presents,” Algoe said. Of those two programs, the first is the Per-

receive up to $1,067,390 during the fiscal year of 2016. The second of the aforementioned aid programs is an appropriation of funds – a portion of the state budget specifically allotted to the Texas Veterans Commission, so that through the TVC, the state is capable

that poses a certain difficulty to universities.” Originally approved in 1943, the Hazlewood Act is exclusive to the state of Texas, and is not to be confused with the GI Bill, a federal program that entails a different set of benefits and criteria than the Hazelwood program.

The State of Texas gives qualified veteran, spouses, and dependents educational benefits under the Hazelwood act. It provides for up to 150 hours of tuition exemptions. PHOTO BY JAMIE DORSEY | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

manent Fund Supporting Military and Veterans Exemptions, colloquially referred to as the Hazlewood Endowment. An amount of money was put into the state treasury and invested in such a way that the proceeds and earnings from it could be distributed to universities in proportion to how many Hazlewood participants they have. From that particular program, Texas State can expect to

of partially reimbursing public universities for a portion of the Hazlewood costs. In 2016, that amount is expected to total $1,405,426. “We are getting a little bit of help, but it’s on the order of magnitude of two or three million dollars versus $18 million,” Algoe said. “But at least there is an effort being made on the part of the state to recognize that it is an unfunded mandate

“They’re both great programs, and Texas State certainly supports the benefits that are provided by both, but they are separate and distinct from one another,” Algoe said. The state of Texas has been praised for being the only state in the nation that offers such extensive educational benefits to military personnel and their survivors. “I qualified through my

dad,” said Mary Hilliard, anthropology freshman and Hazlewood recipient. “He was in the Navy back in the 1970s. I think it’s a pretty great program. You get enough credit hours to get a bachelor’s degree.” But despite the benefits that Hazlewood offers, critics argue that the program places an undue burden on higher education, as the number of recipients grows exponentially. “There are some conversations at the state level, which Texas State University is not involved with, nor do we necessarily advocate for, about making some changes to the criteria of Hazlewood, one of which could be to match up the eligibility criteria of the Hazlewood program with the GI Bill,” Algoe said. “We’re not necessarily pushing for that, because it would result in a lesser benefit for veterans in Texas, but those kinds of conversations are happening.” Currently, the Hazlewood program is much more accessible in terms of who can qualify, whereas the GI Bill has more restrictive requirements. For example, individuals had to have served in the military for a certain period of time in order to reap the benefits. “There is also conversation about the state maybe adding to the Hazlewood endowment so that it would be able

to pay out more, or the appropriation of maybe more money to the Texas Veterans Commission,” Algoe said. “Beyond that, there’s not a lot of traction in terms of helping universities cover this cost.” The rising rate of enrollment for veterans and kin has left the state legislature with a distressing question to answer: how much longer can Texas colleges afford to maintain the exemption? But regardless of the answer, one thing is for certain: Texas State University takes pride in opening the doors of higher education for veterans. “Our university is very fortunate to be popular with veterans,” Algoe said. “We want veterans and their families to come to Texas State: it’s a point of pride for us.” Part of the university’s popularity with veterans can be attributed to geography, Algoe said. San Marcos’ central location between two of the largest cities in the state is a definite contributor. Another such contributing factor is the university’s close proximity to San Antonio, a hub of military activity. “I’m a legacy student,” said Kenneth Holmes, communication studies sophomore. “My dad was a sergeant in the Marines; without Hazlewood, I would not be in college.”

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The University Star Editor-in-Chief.................................Emily Sharp, stareditor@txstate.edu News Editor...........................Bailey Buckingham, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor........................Autumn Anderson, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor.....................Denise Cervantes, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor........................Mikala Everett, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor.................Lara Dietrich, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief....................Claire Abshier, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor.........................Jessica Strickland, stardesign@txstate.edu

Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor................Jeffrey Bradshaw, starpromo@txstate.edu Sales Director.............................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive.............................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive.............Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist..............................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator..................A.J. Arreguin, aa1530@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator.........................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director.............Richard Parker, stardirector@txstate.edu

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 | 3


Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Three fall vegan recipes to try By Vivian Medina Lifestyle Reporter @vivianjmedina

juice 4 servings of brown rice macaroni

The fall season is a time for comfort food; however, most recipes are not vegan-friendly. Don’t feel unable to enjoy one of the best parts of the holidays. Here is a list of delicious recipes that taste just as good as the real thing:

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Chop one cup of fresh squash into pieces, then add olive oil, salt and pepper to it. Roast the squash for about 40 minutes. 3. In the meantime, place a pot on the stove on low to medium heat. Add the butter and evenly spread it over the pan. 4. In a bowl, individually whisk the milk and cornstarch, then add the mixture into the pot. 5. With stove on low heat, add in the yeast, mustard, garlic powder, lemon, salt and pepper, in that order, and whisk for about 5 minutes. 6. After those ingredients are fully mixed, start making the macaroni by using the directions on the package.

Vegan Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese Ingredients:

1 fresh butternut squash Extra virgin olive oil Salt, to taste Ground black pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon nondairy butter 3/4 cup unsweetened & unflavored almond milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch 6 tablespoons yeast 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon

7. Once the squash is done, take the one cup and blend it into the sauce. 8. After squash and sauce is mixed together, add the macaroni into the pot and the recipe is finally complete. Vegan Broccoli Soup Ingredients:

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 1/2 cups broccoli, chopped 1/3 cup carrots, finely chopped 1/3 cup celery, finely chopped 1/3 cup onion, finely chopped 1 minced clove garlic 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons flour 11/4 cups vegetable broth 1 cup unsweetened plant milk 1/4 cup coconut milk 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

Directions: 1. Place a saucepan on

stove and turn on to medium heat. Spread olive oil over pan. 2. Add the broccoli, carrots, celery, onions and garlic, and add it to the saucepan. 3. Add salt to the ingredients and cook until the onions are tender. 4. Sprinkle the pan with flour, then stir and cook for one minute. 5. Add the vegetable broth, plant milk, coconut milk, and yeast into the ingredients. 6. Simmer for 10 min utes or until vegetables are tender. 7. Blend the soup to get desired consistency, then the soup is ready to served. Vegan Pumpkin Sauce Pasta Ingredients:

8 ounces of linguine 1 medium shallot 3 garlic cloves 2 sprigs fresh sage (10-12 leaves)

Vegetables on display Oct. 23. Fall is here, and so are this season’s vegan recipes. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

1 tablespoon olive oil 3/4 cup canned pumpkin puree 3/4 cup vegetable broth 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast Salt, to taste Ground black pepper, to taste

Directions: 1. In a large pot of boiled salted water, add the pasta and cook for 7 to 8 minutes or until firm, then drain. 2. In the meantime, mince the shallot, garlic cloves and sage.

3. In the pasta pot, add olive oil over medium heat, then add the shallot and garlic. 4. Stir the mixture for 3 minutes, then add the pumpkin puree, vegetable broth, almond milk, yeast and half of the sage. 5. Cook for 10 minutes on low to medium heat and continue to stir. 6. Once the sauce is thickened, add the salt and pepper. 7. Finally add the drained pasta into the mix and stir well. Sprinkle the rest of the sage on top when serving the pasta.


How to conquer fall makeup By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @Tristaaaaa As the temperature drops and leaves begin to fall, bold lips and gold eyeshadows are welcomed to the autumn season. Here are trending makeup products for sweater weather season. 1. Eyes Kaila Garrett, mass communication freshman and makeup enthusiast, said new seasonal eye shadow palettes can help anyone conquer the perfect fall look. “Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette is a good one, because the colors in that palette just scream fall,” Garett said. “I really want to get my hands on that palette, because you could create so many looks with the amount of colors in it.” Emmi Tinnin, sales associate at Ulta, said the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette sold out in stores fast, but there are dupes available cheaper than the $42 product. “One brand that makes great dupes is called ‘Makeup Revolution,’” Tinnin said. “(The) pal-

ettes go for about $15 exclusively at Ulta.” Another eye shadow palette released this past week is Kylie Jenner’s Burgundy KyShadow palette filled with deep red mattes and shimmery browns. “The Burgundy palette is beautiful,” Garret said. “I could definitely see a purplish smoky eye for fall.” 2. Lips Tinnin said darker shades of matte lipstick have replaced bright gloss lips for the season. “Bold lips are really what I think will be trending especially a red or burgundy matte shade,” Garett said. Christina Carbajal, communication studies junior, said ColourPop is her favorite brand because of its affordability. The ColourPop liquid lipsticks cost about $6 and come in many different matte shades. 3. Face Garett said the temperature drop will only help makeup pop out. “I feel that people are going to wear more

makeup because in the summer it’s more of hassle, and in the fall you know your makeup won’t get messy as easily,” Garett said. Carbajal said she thinks people will be buying new foundation. “In the fall I always have to go one shade lighter on my foundation since I lose my tan,” Carbajal said. Tinnin said stores are consistently reshelving foundations. “Anastasia came out with a stick foundation and Urban Decay came out with an All Nighter foundation with a lot of coverage,” Tinnin said. “Another one that I have seen people buy from the drugstore section is the L’Oreal Pro Matte.” 4. Eyebrows Tinnin said her best advice is to leave eyebrows alone and let them take a natural shape. “Brows are getting a little bit smaller again, and people are looking for a more natural Cindy Crawford kind of look,” Tinnin said. “They are keeping them a little bit

straighter. People aren’t going for that crazy curve anymore.” 5. Cheeks Tinnin said new highlighting palettes are coming out specifically for the change of season. “We have the new Anastasia Beverly Hills Ultimate Glow Kit that everyone is going crazy about,” Tinnin Said. The new Anastasia Beverly Hills Ultimate Glow kits are $45. Carbajal said she likes to get more for her dollar when shopping for makeup. “Always try and find dupes,” Carbajal said. “Expensive makeup does not always mean it’s good. There are so many good products out there that are half price.” Drug store brands such as Wet n Wild and NYX have strobing palettes and highlighters that are less than $20 and just as effective.






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4 | Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The University Star Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Trust your intuition when it comes to sexual assault A sexual assault occurs in America every 109 seconds and three out of four times, the perpetrator is someone the victim knows. Do not disregard your intuition; it may save you from being a victim of sexual assault. Sexual assault may seem like something that happens in dark alleyways with scary strangers, but in 55 percent of cases, rape is committed at or near the victim’s home by someone who the victim thought they could trust. Children are taught from a young age to place trust in people who seem as though they are consistently harmless— teachers, relatives, family friends and neighbors. These people are deemed by society to be individu-

als who are expected to be upstanding, honest and ethical. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sexual abuse often “happens in families with blood relatives and close friends in backdrops you might not suspect,” said Kristen Ziman, an Illinois police chief. Because so many rape cases are committed by people the victim already knows and likely even has a relationship with, it can be surmised that the victim may have had inclination of something being amiss prior to the incident. However, the victim has likely been conditioned to believe their instinctual red flag is nothing more than an overreaction.

“Be vigilant…by listening to your intuition. When something feels wrong, it usually is,” Ziman concluded. This means people must remain cognizant of their perception of others—if someone seems over-friendly or a little creepy, do not brush off natural instincts. CNN writer and mother Katia Hetter believes children are born with the innate ability to honor their intuition. Hetter said she refuses to ignore her “own child’s currently strong instincts to back off from touching someone who she chooses not to touch.” An individual’s body belongs to them and them alone, and when affection is forced, a

personal sense of self is lost, and the ability to be conscious of intuition decreases. This often starts when young children are made to believe they must show affection in a physical manner to anyone and everyone, regardless if the child is comfortable with it or not. “Forcing children to touch people when they don’t want to leaves them vulnerable to sexual abusers” said Hetter. The idea of personal responsibility for one’s own body does not only go for children—it becomes more imperative as people grow older and begin to venture out on their own. College is a time when students are leaving the

safety of their homes and trekking into the unknown territory of the real world. This life change increases the chances of students coming into contact with possible predators. Between 20-25 percent of college women experience rape or attempted rape during their college career, and out of that percentage, 9 in 10 victims knew their offender. This means students ought to be coming to campus with their instincts already sharpened. Students also must remain confident enough to speak up if they observe someone acting inappropriately or if they feel threatened. The realization of how commonly sexual assault

victims know their perpetrators does not have to be frightening—instead, it can give people a sense of power. It is an opportunity to recognize the ability to protect oneself. If certain situations, parties or people raise an “off ” feeling, do not be afraid to take responsibility and be confident trusting in gut instincts. Rather than going with the flow and ignoring intuition, students can remember that their bodies are their own. The situations and people you choose to be around are within control.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.



San Marcos needs to Ban the Box By May Olvera Opinions Columnist @yungfollowill The perpetuation of poverty and the violence against the poor that stems from not enacting a Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance is only beneficial to the prison industrial complex and the elite. San Marcos does not belong to the wealthy. In order for the entire community to lead lives of dignity, “banning the box” is a nonnegotiable necessity. The “box” refers to the checkbox on most employment applications next to a question about the applicant’s criminal history. When checked off, that job application is in danger of being immediately thrown away despite the applicant’s qualifications. Consequently, the movement’s purpose is to create a Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance removing the inquiry from job applications, and instead pushes the background check to the end of the hiring process once a formal job offer has been made. Once an individual has been released back into society, he or she should have the chance to build a decent life. Today, felons are rarely given that chance. They are instead forced into harsh

circumstances that do not allow for successful reintegration into society. In 2004, All of Us or None, a human rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly—and currently—incarcerated people, began the “Ban the Box” movement to ensure employment opportunities for exconvicts. On April 4th, Austin became the first city in the South to pass such the ordinance, and San Marcos needs to follow suit. The United States Census Bureau reported in 2014 a poverty rate of 37.1 percent in San Marcos. Research conducted by the Southern Coalition for Social Justice shows after an incarcerated parent is released from jail or prison, the total family income drops by approximately 15 percent from what it was prior to incarceration. With an estimated 65 million adults in the U.S. with a criminal history, it is likely to see results of that in every city in America—including San Marcos. While our City Council members often talk about getting creative in order to help San Marcos’ economic growth, their priority is mainly incentivizing companies to come in and create more jobs.

That means very little if those jobs are not accessible to people with criminal history. A formal Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance is necessary in San Marcos, and all council members must be willing to stand behind hardworking citizens who want to find employment. A study done in Washington found that training and employing one formerly incarcerated person returned more than $2,600 to taxpayers. Likewise, a study in Philadelphia found that hiring 100 formerly incarcerated people would increase income tax contributions by $1.9 million, boost sales tax revenue to $770,000 and save $2 million annually by reducing criminal justice costs associated with recidivism. San Martians should be concerned with the standard of living of their fellow citizens regardless of how it may benefit them. Employing hardworking and qualified people despite their criminal history is advantageous to us all and should be one of San Marcos’ top priorities. - May Olvera is a journalism junior



Covergirl opted for a Coverboy By Katie Burrell Opinions Columnist @KatieNicole96 Covergirl just went Coverboy by hiring male makeup artist James Charles. Charles is the first man to represent a major cosmetics brand in the United States, and the first to grace a Covergirl cover. It is about time. Charles has over 700 thousand Instagram followers, 100 thousand YouTube followers and 84 thousand Twitter followers. He is a high school senior living in New York with his parents and younger brother. In his spare time, Charles films tutorials and posts glamour shots to his Instagram account. Charles recently gained media attention when he posted an image of him wearing a bright eye-catching look while dawning a tux for his senior pictures. The image went viral. Other male YouTube sensations include Manny Mua and Patrick Starr,

who redefined makeup and gender roles over the years with over 1 million YouTube followers each. Men have worn makeup in Hollywood and on stage as “drag queens” for decades. The general public is not usually blessed with a man in everyday makeup, but times are changing. Charles looks amazing at 17 from everyday wear looks all the way to glam and costume make up. Before these social media stars became popular, people thought of drag queens when they thought of men in makeup. However, the new Covergirl issue is teaching people that makeup is for anyone. A man in winged liner and a sharp highlight seems unnatural to a lot of people; however, those people do not know men have been contributing to makeup for decades. Many makeup artists use techniques adapted from the drag world. Drag queens are men who wear makeup heavily while performing songs and skits. According

to Jaclyn Hill, famous beauty blogger and artist, drag queens changed the makeup world by using transformative techniques to keep their makeup on longer. Men in drag came up with the recent “baking” trend, where makeup users cover their under eye concealer in translucent powder and leave it on for five to 10 minutes allowing it to “bake” the concealer on. Charles and Covergirl are demonstrating that a man does not have to be a drag queen or an actor to wear makeup. The beauty world has accepted men in makeup as it has accepted women—the rest of the world should too. Double standards in makeup and fashion are overrated. Makeup and fashion are forms of expression that should be gender fluid. The world has no business telling anyone they should not wear what they want. -Katie Burrell is a mass communications sophomore

The University Star

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 | 5


Autumn Anderson, Sports Editor @aaautumn_

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Fan support is crucial By Brooke Phillips Sports Reporter @brookephillips_ The capacity of Bobcat Stadium is 30,000. The capacity of Strahan Coliseum is 7,200, but the amount of fan support Texas State student athletes desire is endless. Games are a time for players to transfer the hard work from practice onto the field or court, and many of them are playing for more than just the love of the game. “Being a student athlete is a lot of responsibility, but it also provides us with a lot of pride in our school,” said volleyball player Kelsey Weynand, senior outside hitter. “We love playing for the university, for our coaches and our family and friends.” While the athletes take pride in their school by representing it, fans are able to display school spirit by the energy they radiate. “The ambiance definitely makes playing more enjoyable,” said football player James Sherman, sophomore kicker and punter. “Whenever we run out of the tunnel and it’s all of us together—all the guys that we worked with over the summer at practices and everything—and when you see

insane amounts of people, I definitely think it gives you that little bit of an advantage and more motivation.” In addition to motivation, the energy of the fans also sometimes sets the tone of how a game will play out. “Hearing our fans cheer for us and courage us to keep going really helps the momentum of the game,” said soccer player Sarah Gavin, freshman defender. “The enthusiasm of our fans can sometimes help us to keep going during tough situations.” Much of the support athletes receive comes from their number one fans—families. “My parents have been there since the beginning,” Gavin said. “Now that I’m playing in a university, they come to all my home games and as many away games as they can.” However, while many people only think of fans as being the ones who fill the bleachers, some of the athletes’ biggest supporters are the people right on the sidelines. “I think one of the things that also helps us out on Saturdays is the fact that our coaching staff has our backs,” Sherman said. “Of course they’re not on the

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field playing with us but they support us every step of the way. One of the things that our coaches say is to play the last snap of the game as hard as you did the first.” Along with coaches, family and friends, the encouragement of the community plays a role in fan support. “We’re involved in community service around San Marcos,” Sherman said. “We enjoy giving back to the community as student athletes, but we also like to see those people that we help in the community come to watch us and support us at games. It

makes the work that you and your teammates do in the community feel more worth while.” The players do not limit themselves to only the sport they play. Student athletes form their own community by going to each other’s games and bonding outside of the field or court,. “We’re able to go to other athlete’s games and there’s a relationship between the different sports,” Sherman said. “To see those people in the stands and to see them doing really well in their athletic events and competitions, that makes us want to work harder

and do better in our own.” While many athletes recognize the fan support they receive at the games, they also enjoy being cheered on when they aren’t in uniform. “I think it’s cool because after the match the fans are fun to talk to, but they also might even see you later on campus and say great game,” Weynand said. “It’s really encouraging to have students outside of the game say they came to the game because it reassures you that all the hard work you’re putting in is being appreciated.” Whether there are just

a few of them or a crowd of thousands, it is clear that fans leave a lasting impact on the players. “I would say my favorite part about playing in the Coliseum when it’s packed is the energy and just how loud it gets,” Weynand said. “Whenever the place explodes when we do something great, it’s just a crazy feeling and we’re excited.” No matter what the sport, these student athletes all want to hear the same thing as they step on the field or court— “Eat ‘em Up, Eat ‘em Up, Go ‘Cats Go.”


Texas State student to compete in Miss Africa USA 2016 pageant

get a job this week Graduate student Deborah Gillis-Harry, poses on campus Oct. 20 near the UAC building. Gillis-Harry will be competing for the Miss Africa USA 2016 title in November. PHOTO BY LARISA RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris Deborah Gillis-Harry, commonly known as Deborah Queen, legal studies graduate student, is redefining society’s idea of beauty and encouraging self-love across campus. Queen, who was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, is representing the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the upcoming Miss Africa USA 2016 beauty pageant. Queen began participating in pageants after she started her bachelor’s program in criminal justice at Texas State. Growing up, Queen said she struggled with the idea of beauty, image and self-confidence. In her platform video Queen discusses the difficulties she faced while growing up in Houston. “When I first came to America, I became aware that I was a black woman,” Queen said. “It didn’t take long for me to realize that being a black woman in America meant that I was deemed unattractive, unintelligent and unworthy.” The way society portrayed Queen and her culture encouraged her to start her redefining beauty campaign, which

became a major focus of her pageant platform over time. “Redefining beauty started my freshman year as a mission statement for myself,” Queen said. “When the pageant happened, it pushed me to do more with that.” Today, Queen works as an academic coach for incoming freshman, and advocates self-worth and self-confidence to all of her students. Norma Arredondo, academic coaching coordinator for the PACE mentoring program, has seen the impact Queen makes on her students. “She has grown into a really strong, valued individual,” said Arredondo. “I just see her as a really positive role model for her students.” Queen attributes much of her success to Texas State and San Marcos. “When I came to Texas State University, I decided that I didn’t want to live in the shadows of this world’s definition of beauty,” Queen said. “There’s just something about being here that made me want to be a better person. It made me want to come out of my shell.” The San Marcos scenery encouraged Queen to explore the outside world and observe the beauty

around her. “Seeing nature as the rawest form of beauty allowed me to want more,” Queen said. “That’s when I started developing redefining beauty—it came from being outside and seeing people.” As a freshman, Queen was encouraged by her friends to participate in her first competition— the Miss Black Texas State pageant. After winning the title, Queen went on to speak at various workshops across Texas, focusing on her message of redefining beauty and personal development. Her passion lies within changing people’s negative perceptions of beauty into positive perceptions of self-love at every stage in life. Samantha Saenz, studio art senior, has been supporting the redefining beauty message ever since she met Queen during her freshman year. As close friends and roommates, Saenz encourages Queen throughout the pageant process, and will be traveling with her for the Miss Africa USA 2016 pageant. “People are drawn to her because of the way she carries herself,” Saenz said. “With the way she talks to people, she makes them feel beautiful.”

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