November 22, 2016

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Fall Ball Recap By Lisette Lopez Assistant Sports Editor @Lisette_1023 The Texas State Women’s Softball team concluded its 2016 fall season and is looking to start spring play in February. During the fall season, the Bobcats won six out of eight games, including wins from UT-Austin and UTSan Antonio. There were two tournaments played in the season, in which Texas State took a loss in each. This season, the team had a chance to compete against the USSSA Pride of the National Pro Fastpitch Softball League. The Bobcats fell 5-0, but had a chance to show what they were made of. There were four games where the Bobcats swept its opponents, winning against Houston 4-0, Howard college 11-0, Temple College 9-0 and UT-Austin 1-0. Randi Rupp, sophomore pitcher, said spring ball cannot come fast enough, and is excited to start another season with her team. “I really see something special with our team this year,” Rupp said. “I look forward to going all the way with these girls and to bring home a championship together.” The start of the spring season starts on Feb. 10 in the Century Link Classic at Texas State. In this tournament the Bobcats face teams Abilene Christian, Iowa, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Big 12 Conference opponent, Texas Tech. There are four tournaments to be played in the spring, and the Bobcats will be up against UT again on Mar. 1. Last season the Bobcats made history with winning 40 games in the season, and being a part of the NCAA Tuscaloosa Regional at the end of the season. Rupp said she and her team will take it all the way this upcoming season, and be the best that they can be once February approaches. “I expect us to pick up right where we left off in the fall,” Rupp said. “For us to come out with an aggressive mentality and a strong work ethic. We as a team cannot only rely on each other, but play together to win. Leave everything we have on the field because that’s what it truly takes to become the best.” Being the best that you can be comes with great reward. Rupp was invited to the 2017 USA Softball Women’s National Team Selection Camp this season. The prestigious award is only one of 43 to receive an invitation to take part in the annual camp that will be held Jan. 1-5. See,

FALL BALL, pg. 5.

Texas State celebrates Arbor Day by planting 21 trees By Rae Glassford Assistant News Editor @rae_maybe Texas State students and staff gathered in an empty lot on Aquarena Springs Drive to plant 21 trees between the San Marcos river and the Korner Stop store in honor of Arbor Day on Friday, Nov. 19. This event marked the university’s sixth annual Arbor Day planting. Hosting such events is part of the criteria for belonging to Tree Campus U.S.A, an organization promoting the fostering of green spaces on college campuses across the nation, Smith said. Other pieces of criteria including the planting of a new tree for every tree removed, and the dedication of funding intended to provide for the planting of new trees. Such a fund typically includes maintenance and care costs, as well as money for a volunteer incentive. This year’s volunteer incentive included free t-shirts for the first 100 participants who signed in to the event. Festivities began at 10 a.m. with a demonstration of correct tree-planting procedure. Members of the grounds and maintenance staff took turns showing onlookers helpful tips. For instance, the dirt in each tree’s pot must be level with the ground, as it is unhealthy for the tree to be heaped with excess dirt or to be higher than the surrounding earth.

Mary Bosquez, public relations senior, and Mathew Worthington, graduate student, plant a tree at the tree planting event Nov. 18. Texas state is recognized as “A Tree Campus USA” by the Arbor Day Foundation. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

“I’m in school for Environmental Studies, so it feels right to be a part of something like this,” said Jessica England, geography resource and environmental studies sophomore. “It’s good to be a part of the solution.” Immediately following the demonstration, students and faculty attendees divided into groups and spread out across the plot of land to begin digging holes, spreading mulch and preparing the area for its new occupants. Tools such as rakes, shovels and gloves were provided courtesy of the maintenance crew.

The trees that were planted—redbuds, rough dogwoods and pecans—were purchased from a variety of growers. Before they could be planted, all plastic ties had to be removed and the roots loosened. “The pecans are from a grower close to Garfield,” said Brad Smith, current director of grounds and waste management operations. “The others came from the Native Texas Nursery, east of Austin. We couldn’t purchase them too far in advance, because most trees have to come straight from their nursery before they’re planted.”

All information related to the number of trees on campus is recorded in a database and evaluated by the Campus Tree Advisory Committee, the body responsible for determining annual net loss or gain. This year, Texas State has seen a net gain of about 16 trees on campus, Smith said. “We could talk all day about why Arbor Day is important,” said Nathan Lawrence, assistant director of grounds and waste management operations. “What’s important to me is getting the campus commu nity out here, getting them involved.”

A veteran of nature-related work, Lawrence is a former environmental specialist for the Meadows Center, and graduated from Texas State’s horticulture program. He is currently the only certified arborist on staff. “I believe we’re moving toward environmental deficit disorder,” Lawrence said. “People aren’t close to nature anymore. With all this construction happening in San Marcos, green spaces are disappearing. So we’ve got to make sure we’re creating as many green spaces as we’re destroying.”


Weekly food distributions help fight food insecurity at Texas State By Daryan Jones News Reporter @DaryanJoness The Hays County Food Bank, United Campus Ministry and Christ Chapel have partnered up to combat food insecurity on the Texas State University campus. Food insecurity is the state of being without consistent access to nutritious food due to a lack of money and resources. This partnership gives students the chance to receive a free meal from 12-1 p.m. every Monday at the United Campus Ministry building. In addition to lunch, the Hays County Food Bank distributes free bags of food and fresh produce to those in need. The food distribution is open to the whole community, but is aimed toward students, faculty and staff. Jason Kamimoto, Hays County Food Bank volunteer services coordinator, said food insecurity is an issue in Hays County—especially for college students. “One in 7 people in Hays County are food insecure, which means that they don’t know where their next meal is coming

The Hays County Food Bank has partnered up with the Campus Ministry to help bring canned foods to the Texas State campus. This food distribution is hoping to accomodate for college students with food insecurities. PHOTO BY JAMIE DORSEY | STAFF

from,” Kamimoto said. “We know there’s need among college students because college can be expensive, so a little bit of extra help can go a long way.” The bags of packed food include bread, sweets, fresh produce, information on the food bank and recipes for eating healthy on a budget. Megan West, health and wellness junior, said, as a student, it can be hard to pay for groceries sometimes. “I’ve realized that it’s

harder as a student to pay for bills, as well as groceries,” West said. “It’s been really hard and I’ve had to go days with just eating peanut butter sandwiches or something really simple until I get my next pay check.” West said trying to make money to purchase groceries can create a higher level of stress because it sometimes interferes with school. “It really has affected me and some of my roommates as well because I have to decide


‘should I go to class today or should I go make that extra money,’” said West. ”Because I won’t have money to buy groceries this week and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to eat.” United Campus Ministry has been handing out the weekly free lunches for about three years, but the food bank has only just begun passing out the food bags. While the program is new, there have already been successful results. “They are only about

a month in, but already there have been students grabbing food for the week,” said Campus Minister Ryan Jenson. Jenson hopes the program will continue to grow to reduce the number of those who suffer from food insecurity. “We would love to continue growing our program, as well as the food bank portion,” Jenson said. “Hopefully between the three ministries we are making a little bit of a dent in the hungry population of campus.” One challenge the food distribution program faces is getting students to recognize that free groceries are available to them. “We are still trying to get the word out, which has kind of been the biggest challenge,” Kamimoto said. “We want to let everyone on campus know we are here and available if they need our services.” The Hays County Food Bank holds multiple food distributions throughout the week at various locations. Students can find more information about the program and its locations on the Hays County Food Bank website.


EverGreen awarded with million-dollar grant By JeriLynn Thorpe Senior News Reporter @jerilynnthorpe

The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded the EverGreen project at

Texas State with a fouryear, $1 million grant to continue research and include Hispanic students who are interested in participating. As a part of the Ingram

School of Engineering and Department of Agriculture, EverGreen aims to find solutions for the global food-water-energy nexus while also increasing the number of His-

panic students with advanced technical degrees. The grant was awarded after months of hard work and collaboration between Texas State faculty in the engineering

and agriculture departments. Bahram Asiabanpour, associate professor of manufacturing engineering, applied for the competitive HispanicServing Institutions Edu-

cation Grant Program through USDA after Christmas break. See,

NEWS, pg. 2.

2 | Tuesday, November 22, 2016


The University Star Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise @universitystar

NEWS, from front. “The biggest risk to growing food is weather,” Wagner said. “Flooding is a big issue in Texas. In Texas, you get these really dry and wet cycles. The idea with what we are doing is taking the risk of weather completely out of the equation.” Wagner said the team will reduce water usage by recycling it through a series of tubes and trays holding the plants. By recirculating the water, the hydroponic system will

use 90 percent less water than traditional agriculture and soil. Asiabanpour tested the science for this project and said EverGreen also has an educational perspective behind it. David Glasgow, senior communications coordinator for the USDA, said institutions must have a minimum of 25 percent Hispanic enrollment to meet requirements for the grant. The funds will go toward scholarships for Hispanic engineering

and agriculture students who are a part of the project. “That’s a major aspect of our project,” Wagner said. “We are trying to help create a more diverse body of students at Texas State who are interested in STEM discipline.” Wagner said the team hopes to integrate EverGreen into the classroom. There is a number of students conducting research and proposing projects they want to research, such as light

mechanism and what crops can grow in this type of environment. “We are very excited, but lots of work needs to be done to be able to implement it,” Asiabanpour said. “It’s a group activity with different expertise. We welcome any collaborations, and we hope it’s going to be a good base for expansion in this field.” Nicole Wagner, agriculture senior lecturer, said EverGreen is like an extension of a greenhouse.

It will be able to grow food more quickly in a climate controlled environment with less water and energy. The idea is to have an off-grid and financially independent way to produce food by installing a hydroponic system inside a refrigerated shipping container. EverGreen’s project will be designed and built entirely by a team of faculty and funded students. They mentioned it was the most promising idea

in this category. The major world problems right now are energy, water and food. We try to tackle these three at the same time because they are interrelated.” “We didn’t expect it even to be funded at the beginning because it was the first time we were applying in such way, but it was well welcomed,” Asiabanpour said. “It was the highest ranking review.


Texas State is open to having LGBTQIA fraternities and sororities By Trista Castillo IA fraternal organization been thinking about for a Harris said he has been Lifestyle Reporter @tristaaaaa

Due to Greek life stereotypes, campuses across the country have created LGBTQIA exclusive sororities and fraternities. Texas State has yet to be approached with these chapters but is willing to invite them on campus. Current student organizations on campus geared towards the LGBTQIA community include LAMBDA, Transcend and Bobcat Pride. Lindsey Trione, Greek affairs coordinator, said the Greek office has heard about LGBTQIA fraternities and sororities, but the campus hasn’t come across them yet. “If a national LGBTQ-

approaches our office, wishing to expand to our campus, we will happily work with them to join us,” Trione said. “However, we do currently have several students with those identities already finding their homes in the organizations we currently have.” Trione said the current generation of college students have been more accepting of the queer population than ever before. Ladarius Harris, public relations junior, said he came out as gay in the 7th grade and has always wanted to be apart of Greek life, but couldn’t find his fit. Harris said queer fraternities and sororities have been a topic he has

long time. “I am happy that this is being brought up, because this is something that has never been talked about university wise,” Harris said. “I think they should have them, but in a way, people should be more accepting.” “I came to Texas State solely because of its diversity,” Harris said. “But every time I experimented with different fraternities they didn’t have what I was looking for.” Harris said when he rushed for Phi Gamma Delta he knew he had made the right choice. “The first time that we met everyone, I flat out told all of the guys I was gay and they were so accepting,” Harris said.

out for a long time and is comfortable with his sexuality, but has also noticed others feeling unaccepted when they want to join an organization. “I feel like other people in (the) LGBTQIA community feel looked down upon and that makes them not want to do anything or join things,” Harris said. “That was kind of my thing in the beginning, but I realized I am better than this, changed my outlook and now I am happier.” Harris said his chapter is going to break stereotypical barriers this coming spring. “I am super excited for Texas State to see how different we all look, because we are changing


everything now,” Harris said. “There is so much change happening this year and I don’t mind it at all.” Albert Suarez, criminal justice sophomore and Phi Gamma Delta member, said Texas State should be able to have the option to have exclusive LGBTQIA fraterni-

ties and sororities. “I think we are all equal as one and no one should be left out because they are gay or lesbian,” Suarez said. “I think everyone should be accepted in an organization if they fit the fraternity and sororities values and principles.”


Locals wear safety pins to support minorities By Stacee Collins Assistant Lifestyle Editor @stvcee While strolling through the Square or on campus, students might see locals with safety pins attached to their shirts, and they’re much more than an accessory. More than 400 hateful acts of intimidation and harassment have been committed since the Nov. 8 presidential election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Recognizing this, a considerable amount of Americans have been wearing safety pins to show their support for minorities. Brandon Beck, former Texas State faculty member, began wearing a safety pin because he is transgender and has concerns for his community. “I am concerned right now about safety for LGBTQIA, black, Muslim and disabled folks,” Beck said. “The safety pin is a sign that I’m someone who will stand with you.” Travis Green’s suicide and the assault of a gay student resonated with Beck, and he said it is important for people to come together and advocate for each other. Beck aims to use his white privilege as a platform to support others. “I’m going to stand up and speak for people who don’t have a voice to speak for themselves,” Beck said. “People are being bullied and victimized in our community, so we need to stand together and respect human diversity.” Sam Brannon, former candidate for San Marcos Mayor, said he began wearing a safety pin to ensure support for minorities. Brannon began wearing the pin after he attended the Love Trumps Hate protest Nov. 12 at the Historic Courthouse. “We have the ability to ensure a safe, free, prosperous hometown in San Marcos, if we’re willing to work together,” Brannon

said. “Love trumps everything.” The former mayoral candidate said creating discussion on issues surrounding the election, understanding each other’s concerns and showing support could make the community stronger. Mariana Zamora, social work senior, said she began wearing a safety pin in the days following the presidential election. She founded the League of United Latin American Citizens at Texas State, a group which aims to advance education, political influence and civil rights for Latinos in America. “I decided to wear a safety pin to let my friends, family, peers and clients know that they are loved and I will provide a safe space for them to come to me to process their fears, concerns, and pain,” Zamora said. The safety pin movement has gained criticism because some people may wear the accessory, but do not act on it. Zamora said those who wear the pin should follow their statement with action—not just use it as an excuse to make a Facebook post. “If people wear a safety pin, they should be willing to talk about injustices they see and stand up for people who might be the target of abuse,” Zamora said. “As the hype of the election results subside, I will continue to work on a daily basis to support groups of people who have been marginalized and their fight towards tolerance and equity.” Zamora said it is important for students to support each other because many groups of

people are processing the election and grieving recent tragedies. “It’s important for us to fight for the things that we believe in and never allow anyone to silence us,” Zamora said. “Now, more than ever, young people should look for ways to get involved and make a difference in their community.” The Allies of Texas State is an organization on campus that gives students the opportunity to make a pledge against homophobia and heterosexism. After attending four hours of training, Allies intend to make Texas State a more affirming place for LGBTQIA students. Essentially, the Ally program under the Office of Student Diversity

vocate for minorities. “I think it’s important there is a safe space for students who are a part of the queer community,” Nguyen said. “It’s a way for students to be empowered and challenge different ideals.” Nguyen said the safety pin movement is beneficial to show solidarity, but those who wear the accessory should incorporate the meaning in their everyday lives.

“The idea of Allies training isn’t just to start a conversation or show a pin,” Nguyen said. “It’s a way to show how you can be an ally and interrupt a conversation where someone is using a homophobic slur or similar situations.” Nguyen said the Allies program shows people in the queer community they are loved, supported and cared for.

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and Inclusion is the official safety pin movement at Texas State for the LGBTQIA community. Allies of Texas State receive a placard, which represents their involvement in the campus-wide network to make the university a safe space for LGBTQIA students. Quynh-Huong Nguyen, graduate student at Texas State, said it is important for Texas State to offer programs that ad-

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The University Star

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 | 3


Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise @universitystar


Quad Fashion Finds: boots edition By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @tristaaaaa As the weather begins to cool, students have been spotted with their favorite pairs of boots to compliment their fall outfits. Margaret Delamater, art history senior, said Kanye West’s fashion show has influenced boot trends. “What I am seeing right now in fashion is low cut boots and super high ones, but really nothing in the middle,” Delamater said. Delamater said she got her booties from Target and believes they are a better buy than riding boots. “I think Chelsea Boots—the ones I am wearing right now—seem to be popular,” Delamater said. “I feel like these shoes are easier to wear because it is harder to pull off a riding boot.” Delamater said she is excited to layer clothes

this season. “Personally I was running out of fashion ideas because I had worn my summer clothes for so long, so it’s nice to change it up,” Delamater said. Elizabeth Pena, interdisciplinary studies junior, said she got her $30 riding boots from Forever 21 a year ago. “I usually wear my riding boots with jeans or leggings, and sometimes I like to style them with an oversized sweatshirt,” Pena said. Pena said she prefers to wear booties instead of riding boots because of unpredictable weather. “I love that the weather is changing, but it kind of throws me off because you’re never prepared,” Pena said. “So, I like booties because it doesn’t get too hot easily as the day progresses.” Jeremy Bonesteel, health and fitness management junior, and Matthew Neese, exercise and

sports science freshman, said both bought boots from Cavender’s Boot City. Neese said males who wear cowboy boots usually go for the square toe and low heel. “We style our boots like this all of the time with white wash wranglers,” Bonesteel said. “These are like my everyday pair, especially rainy days.” Bonesteel said styling boots isn’t always uniformed. “Sometimes we will go extravagant—wear our boots with some jorts,” said Bonesteel. Neese said jorts is a slang word for homemade jean shorts. Isabelle Owenga, psychology sophomore, said she has 10 different pairs of boots in her closet. “When it starts getting colder you don’t always have to wear sneakers or flip flops,” Owenga said. “I think it’s good to wear something different.”

Elizabeth Pena, interdisciplinary studies junior, sports her riding boots after a rainy day in the Quad.PHOTO BY TRISTA CASTILLO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Owenga said she styles her outfits according to her mood. “Sometimes I wear leggings, jeans or I wear a dress with boots, but it’s honestly whatever I am feeling that day,” Owenga said. Daniel Hernandez, microbiology senior, said he usually styles his desert boots with rolled up skinny jeans. “I like all kinds of boots, but I like these desert boots the best,” Hernandez said. “They are more casual and I can wear them on campus in any type of weather. They are just really versatile.” Hernandez said desert boots are trending for men and is excited to style them with his fall attire. “I feel like a lot of people are wearing them around on campus,” Hernandez said. “I am excited to wear the clothes I haven’t worn with my boots.”

Daniel Hernandez, microbiology senior, shows off his style by pairing skinny jeans with desert boots. PHOTO BY TRISTA



Student makes Top 10 in Miss Africa USA pageant with Redefining BEAUTY campaign By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris A Texas State student has been redefining society’s idea of beauty and encouraging self-love across campus. Deborah Gillis-Harry, also known as Deborah Queen, legal studies graduate student, accomplished this through her organization, Redefining BEAUTY: Becoming Educated Artistic and Understanding Towards Yourself. Queen was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, and recently represented the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Miss Africa USA 2016 beauty pageant. After a long and strenuous journey, Queen made it to the Top 10—something she described as unbelievable and uplifting. The organization she funded has become the main focus of her pageant platform over the years. Redefining BEAUTY encourages young women to love themselves and those around them. While many contestants had sponsors and managers throughout the process, Queen was independent through it all. From planning costume designs and fundraising to preparing platform presentations, Queen made it a goal to make it to the top on her own, having only fam-

ily support her along the way. Queen attributes much of her pageant success to the platform video she made. Her video took off on social media outlets such as Facebook. When women and young girls saw the video, they reached out to Queen saying how much it changed their perspectives on beauty and their lives. “I entered this beauty pageant to show people that this is what the world tells you what beauty is,

but beauty is so much deeper than that,” Queen said. “Beauty is something that’s inside of you— it’s a journey.” Jennifer Gillis-Harry, Queen’s sister, said she remembers the first time Queen’s message really spoke to her. “When you’re behind the scenes and in the process, it is so easy to miss the message,” Jennifer Gillis-Harry said. “During her third pageant, I was listening to her and I realized that discovering yourself and discov-

ering your passions really changes things. Some people don’t even know the most authentic versions of themselves.” Jennifer Gillis-Harry said she struggled with physical insecurities throughout her life. However, she said insecurities are common due to the world’s take on what beauty is—most often something artificial and untrue. “Redefining BEAUTY

helped me realize that once you are inside (yourself), that’s what beauty is really about,” Jennifer Gillis-Harry said. Queen’s mother, Phina Gillis-Harry, supports her daughter’s platform and believes a woman’s confidence is an important characteristic to have. “I know that this platform is one thing that I believe in,” Phina GillisHarry said. “When I listen to her, I know that

this girl has a fire burning inside of her that cannot be turned off.” Although the pageant process is complex, Queen plans on competing in the future. She has long-term goals to become Miss World and Miss Universe one day. Queen is now focusing on finishing a thesis for graduate school, working on a novel and expanding her Redefining BEAUTY organization.

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4 | Tuesday, November 22, 2016


The University Star Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella @universitystar


Black Friday should stay on Friday By Katie Burrell Opinions Columnist @KatieNicole96 The day after Thanksgiving has kicked off the holiday shopping season for over half a century. Coined “Black Friday” during the 1960s, it is the day every year where stores rake in the most amount of money within twenty-four hours. It is also the day customers wait in lines for hours to get the best deal, win a prize or receive a voucher for the item they want. Then, when stores open customers are known to rush in and hunt for the best steal as early as possible—it is a mad house, and it is embarrassing. Black Friday has turned into “Black Thursday” in recent years. Large retailers discovered they could open earlier and earlier

every year to catch the attention of shoppers and create more profits through competitive sales and timing. While exciting for the consumer, Black Thursday is a retail employee’s worst nightmare. The San Marcos Premium Outlets and Tanger Outlets will open during the evening of Thanksgiving day with specific times varying from store to store. Many stores will stay open overnight, then reopen the next morning. Black Thursday and Black Friday are generally mandatory for retail employees. For the majority of retailers, this shift is not one that can be taken off, traded or covered by another employee. The employees who work (usually all) will be paid extra for their labor during the holiday, but their pay will return to

normal as soon as the clock strikes midnight, and their shift is technically on Friday. Black Friday does more harm than good. Employees miss time with their families on Thanksgiving Day, people are often injured, fights over special sales ensue and the traffic is atrocious. Spewing Black Friday into Thanksgiving Day has been the one of the most blatant symbols for American greed in history and it is absolutely ridiculous. While shopping on Black Friday, multiple people have suffered serious injuries, some have died and too many have been involved in petty altercations. According to Melanie Dostis in a NY Daily News article, a retail security guard was trampled and killed in a Black


Friday mob at a Walmart in 2013. In 2010, a United States Marine was stabbed in an attempt to stop a shoplifter during a Black Friday sale. Blackfridaydeathcount. com is a website that tracks deaths and injuries due to Black Friday violence, and reports 7 deaths and ninety-eight injuries in total before the 2016 holiday.

If Black Friday was less pandemonium, the deaths likely could have been avoided. Thanksgiving used to be a time for families to spend time together, while the majority of stores across the U.S. remained closed. However, this tradition is being destroyed in the U.S. by greed. No matter how retail-

ers try to spin it, the costs of Black Friday are too high. Abolishing it all together is unlikely, but if retailers decided to keep Black Friday on Friday, a lot more people would be home for the holiday. - Katie Burrell is a mass communications junior


What role will Donald Trump play in the theater of American politics?


By Jakob Rodriguez Opinions Columnist @JakobRyRod American politics often looks like a scene from “the Apprentice,” full of petty feuds between Democrats and Republicans with protests on both sides. Because Donald

Trump has no experience as a politician, the American public should look at his roles and appearances in movies and television shows, which have become a resume to gauge how the Presidentelect will conduct himself in office. The President-elect’s success on election night

is largely attributed to his appeal to the middle class. In “The Nanny,” the main character Fran Fine addresses Donald Trump as if he were an old friend. Members of the middle class and voters who were avid “Apprentice” fans identify with Donald Trump as someone they knew, who was real and just so happened to have money. Throughout Trump’s long history with the media, movies and television, every base was covered. In pro-wrestling, Trump embarked on a feud with Vince McMahon in a “Battle of the Billionaires.” In addition, he endorsed Derrick Zoolander in “Zoolander.” Trump has always portrayed the typical rich

and respectable businessman who is approachable enough for even a young Macaulay Culkin to ask for directions in “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.” Trump even has his own “Sesame Street” character named Donald Grump, who has his name on every piece of trash in the world. Bob Gale, writer of “Back to the Future Part II,” said the character of Biff Tannen was modeled after Donald Trump. Biff Tannen becomes a casino tycoon and preeminent political figure in the year 2015, which represented the future in the film. Oddly enough, this has become the reality. However, reality can be harsh. Our President-

elect was initially criticized of racism during the 2012 election, as he disputed Barack Obama’s country of origin. He has also exemplified misogyny on television and in real life. While appearing in the television series “The Job,” Trump asks a couple if they are having relations. When the answer is no, he tells the woman to call him later, despite the fact she is still dating someone. As owner of the Miss America pageant, he was quoted saying the event was “the only time (he has ever made money with beautiful women” in an interview with David Letterman on “The Late Show” in 2007. When asked what he thought about the con-

testants of the pageant being considered children because of their ages, Trump stated: “Depends on your definition of a child. As far as I’m concerned, they’re very beautiful. I can’t tell the difference.” America’s Presidentelect needs to take off the mask and step out of his roles. Donald Trump needs to stop playing pretend and realize politics is not a game. Trump earned a ‘Razzie’ award for worst supporting actor in the 1989 film “Ghosts Can’t Do It,” proving he should probably drop the act and focus on the presidency. -Jakob R. Rodriguez is journalism freshman


Hispanic Serving Institutions should do more for Hispanics By Jakob Rodriguez Opinions Columnist @JakobRyRod College is tough for everyone, but imagine dealing with its challenges while experiencing a language barrier, lack of financial support, being a first-generation college student or having to adapt to a whole new culture. This is the reality for many Hispanic students. Because of the challenges Hispanic students and other minorities face, President Johnson’s Higher Education Act was put in place to serve as a major source of financial assistance for low-income college students, allowing these individuals the opportunity to pursue higher education. Under this act, Title III was established to provide support for universities with a dedication for educating all Americans—not just the majority and those who could afford it. Title III of the Higher Education Act outlines

criteria universities need to satisfy in order to be considered a Hispanic Serving Institution. The institution must have a full-time enrollment of at least 25 percent Hispanic undergraduate students. HSIs must strive to bridge the financial and cultural gap Hispanic students face through financial aid, scholarships and programs designed to boost retention and graduation rates. On Mar. 24, 2011, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos was officially recognized as an HIS by the U.S. Department of Education. “We are proud that our enrollment reflects the true changing face of Texas. We have achieved this important outcome because of the efforts of many individuals across the university, and I sincerely appreciate those efforts,” said Texas State President Denise Trauth. Sadly, it seems as though Texas State’s dedication to helping Hispanic students began to decline after receiving

The University Star Editor-in-Chief.................................Emily Sharp, News Editor...........................Bailey Buckingham, Sports Editor........................Autumn Anderson, Lifestyle Editor.....................Denise Cervantes, Opinions Editor........................Mikala Everett, Multimedia Editor.................Lara Dietrich, Copy Desk Chief....................Claire Abshier, Design Editor.........................Jessica Strickland,

HSI recognition. With over 250 schools with the designation of HSI in 2010, the Department of Education awarded grants totaling more than $60 million to HSIs. In 2012 Texas State University was allowed $456,387 in federal funds under the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program. However, money allocated under the HSIP has been distributed around campus to fund a broader range of organizations, and not groups that focus on Hispanic students. Hispanics make up 33 percent of the student population. Organizations such as Hombres Unidos, Latinas Unidas, Hispanic Policy Network and the PACE Minority Male Initiative exist to offer support from people of the same culture, providing peers with professional and personal development. Alex Molina, senatorat-large, is working on legislation to boost retention rates among minor-


ity males by providing these students with resources such as immigration lawyers. Molina is also looking to expand diversity training. Currently, historically black colleges and universities are devoting a substantial amount of research into investigating the cholesterol and blood sugar levels of black men. Unfortunately, this type of research is absent from most HSIs like Texas State, which has only recently offered

minors in Latino studies and Latinos and the media. With more than 12.8 percent of Hispanics affected by diabetes, it is a shame Texas State does not use its status as an emerging research institution to better examine the issues facing the community. By 2050, 54 percent of the population will be made up of minorities, and according to The Department of Education, Hispanics will ac-

count for 60 percent of total population growth. Hispanic needs and research should become a focus, and not a way for institutions to make money. Texas State should not be using its HSI designation as an attractant for prospective students. Instead, it ought to truly pursue the standard of what it means to be an HSI. -Jakob R. Rodriguez is journalism freshman Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor................Jeffrey Bradshaw, Sales Director.............................Morgan Knowles, Account Executive.............................Hanna Katz, Account Executive.............Angelica M. Espinoza, Media Specialist..............................Dillan Thomson, Advertising Coordinator..................A.J. Arreguin, Publications Coordinator.........................Linda Allen, Publications Director.............Richard Parker,

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

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The University Star

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 | 5


Autumn Anderson Sports Editor @aaautumn_ @universitystar


Women’s basketball: Clean Slate for 16-17 season By Autumn Anderson Sports Editor @aaautumn_

This season is a clean slate for women’s basketball and another chance to earn Texas State a championship title. The women’s basketball team finished seventh in the Sun Belt Conference last season with a 12-19 overall record. However, the team has made a lot of changes and it’s time to forget the past and focus on the ultimate goal of this season. The Bobcats’ roster this year includes an older group of players; a total of seven juniors and a single senior. On the younger side, four sophomores and two freshman round out the team. “It’s a veteran team, but at the same time it’s still a very new team,” head coach Zenarae Antione said. “It’s a new look for us, there’s a lot of kids right now that have the ability to be in rotation.” Fresh faces to the team include Zandra Emanuel, junior forward, and Brooke and Bailey Holle, freshman guards. Emanuel is a junior college transfer, coming from Coastal Bend College. At Coastal Bend,

Emanuel made a name for herself by leading the NJCAA Division I with 428 total rebounds, 311 of which were defensive. Emanuel averaged 14.8 rebounds per game at Coastal Bend. Brooke and Bailey Holle both come from Westlake High School in Austin. Both helped lead their senior team to a District 14-6A championship. Bailey Holle was named District Defensive MVP her junior and senior season, and is a twotime all-district first team recipient. Brooke Holle was the 2015-16 Austin-American Statesman Female Athlete of the Year after being named District Offensive MVP and averaging 17 points per game her senior season. Brooke Holle also grabbed a total of 222 rebounds as a senior and led her high school team in rebounds her junior and senior season. Both Bailey and Brooke Holle were McDonald’s All-American nominees as seniors. After playing in two games this season, Bailey Holle has seen 23 minutes of court time, while Brooke has seen seven.

Emanuel has seen 11 minutes of court time in the first two games, and has grabbed three total rebounds and scored six points. The Bobcats also have a few players who were on the team last season, but were unable to compete due to injury or redshirt. Amber Jones, redshirt junior forward, transferred from Florida State College at Jacksonville. Jones played in two games for Texas State last season before suffering an injury that ended her season. As a sophomore at Jacksonville, Jones averaged 15.8 points and 7.2 rebounds per game. This season, after playing in two games, Jones is already averaging four points and three boards a game. McKinley Bostad, redshirt sophomore guard, transferred from the University of Arkansas and could not compete last season with the Bobcats due to NCAA Division I transfer rules. Bostad earned SEC Freshman of the Week while at Arkansas. Bostad has started in every game this season so far. After only three games, Bostad is averaging seven

points and 3.3 rebounds per game. Erin Peoples, redshirt senior forward, is anticipating on getting back out on the hardwood after suffering an ACL injury in preseason last year. Peoples sat out last season, and has yet to step foot on the court this season. Peoples enters this season with 1,012 points and 166 steals. The sooner Peoples can get back out and play, the sooner she can make a big impact as the lone senior and most veteran player on the court.

Sophomores Toshua Leavitt, Kiani Lurry and De’Jionae Calloway along with juniors Ericka May, Ti’Aira Pitts, Taeler Deer, Whitney Apari and Kaitlin Walla are all returners who are healthy and competing this season. After playing three games, May leads the Bobcats with 31 total rebounds, averaging 10.3 per game. Leavitt is leading the team in points per game, averaging 11.3 and four assists per game. The Bobcats opened their season on the road

against Southern Methodist University, but lost 56-64. Texas State has hosted two home games against Incarnate Word and Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. The Bobcats beat Incarnate Word 67-50 and beat TAMUCC 57-50, setting Texas State’s record at 2-1. The Bobcats are on a two-game winning streak and seek to keep the tempo going against Texas Southern on Nov. 20 and Houston on Nov. 23.

with a 1.66 ERA which put her at about 24th in the NCAA. She also had a record breaking season winning 30 games ranking her fourth-best in the nation. In the Sun Belt Conference, the Bobcats had a record of 15-9 and made it all the way to the championship game in the Sun Belt Conference Tourna-

ment. The team was downed in the final by the No. 1 team in the conference UL Lafayette. The final score was 0-12, and Texas State earned runner-ups in the tournament. Rupp said the team is more like family, and they need to have a great relationship together to be the best they can be.

“Another key factor to winning is to have a really strong relationship with the team and the coaches, and work together as one,” Rupp said. “We need to remember that we are a team that always relies on one another, through thick and thin, and to play for each other, not our own success.” The Bobcats are on a

roll this season already. With doing well in the fall 2016 season, anything is possible next season. “We are a family and a family that plays together, sticks together,” Rupp said.

Kaitlin Walla, junior guard, shoots for a basket against Texas Southern University on Nov. 20. Walla averages 10.3 points per game. PHOTO BY JAMIE DORSEY | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

FALL BALL, from front. Rupp finished third in the NCAA last season with 316 strikeouts. Her 609 career strikeouts and 22 career shutouts ranked fourth on the Texas State all-time list. Rupp means business, and is working on her personal goals to get better each day. “Some of my personal goals that I really look

forward to progressing is to command all my pitches to both sides of the plate and throw every pitch with a purpose,” Rupp said. “The number one key to success is to not try too hard, but trust myself and the defense behind me.” In the NCAA Tuscaloosa Regional last season, Rupp led her team

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