December 13, 2016

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The University Star

Tuesday, | 3


Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella @universitystar

Your view


Q&A regarding campus issues

Elena Forrister, chemistry junior

Q: Recently, some stu-

dents on campus have expressed their discontent with the university’s president, Denise Trauth, and her silence on issues affecting students such as racism, homophobia, and xenophobia; do you think it is her responsibility to speak out on these issues?

A: “That’s a really tough position to put her in; I think that she has a responsibility, as I believe most people have a responsibility, to address issues in the area they govern. She walks a tight line because she can’t really say one way or the other without offending somebody. So, what I would like to see from her is her personal opinion on (issues), but I understand why she is hesitant to do so.” Q: What do you think Trauth’s role as president of the university should entail in regards to students? A:

“Quite frankly, I don’t really know what the role of the president is, but I think it is her job to keep order amongst students and make sure things are running smoothly in the school. So if there was to be an issue regarding racism or immigration, it would be her job to address it in a way that seems the most suitable for the atmosphere of the campus.”

Q: There has been an increase in activism and protest on campus in the past year, why do you think that is?

A: “I think a lot of it may have to do with the recent election and also with the fliers that were going around; there was a lot of tension amongst both political parties and within the students. There is also discontent within students that don’t identify as Republican that has caused them to speak out because of the way Donald Trump has been talking about immigration and racism. I could see why that would spark anger in people.” Q: What can be done to alleviate tensions between students on campus? A:

“Peaceful protest is good but having dialogue in larger groups of students where there is a safe space and some sense of authority that keeps the peace is necessary. They should also be there to prevent violence and ensure constructive dialogue—that would be helpful.”

Q: Some students also

feel their safety is at risk, do you share those concerns? Why or why not?

A: “Yes, in some ways. I am a very opinionated person and I try not to be offensive but I feel strongly about my beliefs. With a lot of the stuff that has been going on, especially with election, I have been feeling very uncomfortable. I don’t feel comfortable voicing my opinions on campus because you never know when someone will come out and grab you or follow you to your car. That shouldn’t be a concern.”

Elijah Robinson, production and performance senior

Q: Recently, some students on campus have expressed their discontent with the university’s president, Denise Trauth, and her silence on issues affecting students such as racism, homophobia, and xenophobia; do you think it is her responsibility to speak out on these issues? A: “Yes, I do. She is a leader, she is our president and someone that we look up to to solve problems whenever we have them. When she decides to not take part it takes away the bravery and care she should have for students.” Q: What do you think Trauth’s role as president of the university should entail in regards to students? A: “I feel like she should have a balance (between financial and social responsibilities). Times change, so different things matter but at the same time there must also be balance—without it, nothing will work right.” Q: There has been an

increase in activism and protest on campus in the past year, why do you think that is?

A: “It’s not just things on campus but around the country, around the nation and the world that are affecting us. We (the campus) are getting more political, we’re getting smarter and brave. We are not afraid to speak up.”

Q: What can be done to alleviate tensions between students on campus? A:

“No matter how much you show love to someone, if their heart is full of hatred—their heart is full of hatred. We have to keep love in our heart at all times. If you want to be a part of the change, then be a part of it. If you want to be a part of the problem, then

Kaly Hearen, political science sophomore

Q: Recently, some students on campus have expressed their discontent with the university’s president, Denise Trauth, and her silence on issues affecting students such as racism, homophobia, and xenophobia; do you think it is her responsibility to speak out on these issues?

Quite frankly, I don’t re“ ally know what the role of

the president is, but I think it is her (Trauth) job to keep order amongst students and make sure things are running smoothly in the school. -Elena Forrister

that is your fault.”

Q: Some students also feel their safety is at risk, do you share those concerns? Why or why not? A:

“I don’t feel threatened because technically—I am the threat. However, that is an issue because some people who feel threatened by me could attack me, but I have never had that problem.”

A: “Yeah I do. I think it is her responsibility to shut down any kind of dangerous behavior on campus. Not so much people speaking their minds, but when comes to things like people posting fliers about diversity being a bad thing, that leads to violence and it her responsibility to shut it down.” Q: What do you think Trauth’s role as president of the university should entail in regards to students? A: “I think her role is to promote learning and education but also cohesiveness on campus. Peo-

ple (should be) sharing ideas without condemning others—and she should promote positive discussion on campus.”

Q: There has been an increase in activism and protest on campus in the past year, why do you think that is? A: “It was a volatile election and it brought out the true colors in some people that otherwise wouldn’t engage in (hateful) behavior. It’s dangerous because people get pent up and aggressive in their beliefs and it can lead to violence.” Q: What can be done to alleviate tensions between students on campus? A: “Calling people out and focusing on people who don’t know that they’re privileged and (explaining) to them how it is to live as a minority, whether it be race or sexual orientation. How can they step back and check their privilege (if they don’t realize they’re privileged)? I think that is what everyone needs to do. Check their privilege.” Q: Some students also feel their safety is at risk, do you share those concerns? Why or why not? A: “Yes, sometimes. As a white person, not so much, but as a woman definitely. Walking on campus if its dark or late and I’m alone (is scary), even more so in the past year with the increase in tension. I don’t trust people anymore.”

Kaly Hearen, political science sophomore, poses for a photo Dec. 12.

Elena Forrister, chemistry junior, poses for a photo Dec. 12 on the quad.



Elijah Robinson, production and performance senior, poses for a photo Dec. 12 near the Alkek library. PHOTO BY LARA DIETRICH | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR


History department drafts resolution calling for safety on campus By Rae Glassford Assistant News Editor @rae_maybe Between fliers on campus calling for the arrest and torture of school officials, another flier about calling for the reporting of undocumented immigrants to authorities, both of which did not go through the process required to post fliers on campus, and a racially charged election and year, some students feel unsafe. This has led to discomfort and the circulation of a petition for President Trauth to proclaim Texas State University as a sanctuary campus and a movement by some departments to add safety precautions. Trauth has said Texas State will not be a sanctuary campus.

There is no working, legal definition of a sanctuary campus or city. Campuses that have declared themselves sanctuary campuses are in cities that have already declared themselves sanctuary cities. Currently, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is in place as an executive order June 2012 which allows undocumented immigrants who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation. Trauth stated in her emails what the university does currently to protect students and university policy already aligns with some of the petition’s requirements. For Trauth to call Texas

State a sanctuary campus would be an agreement to not comply with a court order, if that happened to occur. However, individual departments are putting forward a resolution to increase how they make their students feel protected and included at a university where over half of the student population is a minority. Members of the history department brought forward a resolution Nov. 16 for the Faculty Senate to request “all practical action for, and assurances thereof from the university administration and the University Police Department, the preservation of faculty safety.” The document’s language was drafted by associate professor Jeff

Helgeson and further developed during a Nov. 11 history department meeting. It was shared with Faculty Senate the following week. The resolution was drafted in response to instances of the verbal and physical harassment of students on campus and around town. It was also a response to fliers calling for the “arrest and torture” of school officials posted across campus Nov. 9. Nearly a month later, fliers calling for students to report undocumented immigrants to authorities were found pinned to bulletin boards across campus on the morning of Dec.7, but it is unknown whether this is the work of the same group. “There was a feeling

that the faculty had a responsibility to respond to concerns that students were expressing to us,” said Jessica Pliley, associate professor in the history department. “Students have articulated fears about the campus environment.” In response to these events, the university released official statements via email. The first email, entitled “Message from the President,” was sent at 5:51 p.m. Nov. 9. The second was sent at 2:46 p.m. the following day, but some faculty members have expressed that these emails did not address the issue of hate speech directly. “Those statements did not condemn what needed to be condemned,” said Jose Carlos de la

Puente, associate professor in the history d epartment. The second statement contained a reaffirmation of the university’s values, and stated that “actions such as pasting fliers to bathroom mirrors amount to criminal activity, and our university police are investigating these incidents.” Additionally, the contents of the email encouraged readers to report any information which might lead to the identification and arrest of persons responsible. See SAFETY pg. 2

4 | Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The University Star Bri Watkins News Editor @briwatkins17 @universitystar

SAFETY, from page 3. “That statement only referred to the fliers in their capacity as property crimes,” said a faculty member who wished to remain anonymous. “There was no statement that students and faculty are as highly valued as the bathroom mirrors.” In response to the second instance of fliers, President Trauth released an email Dec. 7 saying, “the university, following current law, does not and will not report undocumented immigrants to authorities.” Prior to its introduction to Faculty Senate, the history department’s resolution was emailed to the chairs of all other colleges within the liberal arts department. Accord-

ing to associate professor Elizabeth Bishop, the history department received

ments of support were received from the philosophy department, and

Star file photo.

19 statements in support of the resolution and none opposing it from its own faculty. The anthropology department unanimously supported the resolution. Fourteen individual state-

six statements of support came from faculty members within the psychology department. All indications of support were received by Nov. 15, and no statements opposing the spirit

of the resolution have yet been received. The geography department drafted its own resolution, which has been sent to the Provost. Likewise, the English department has drafted its own resolution, which is available for public viewing on the department’s webpage. Individual departments have the autonomy to speak as a collective, which enables them to release unanimously agreed-upon statements such as these. However, some faculty members believe there is value in asking upper administration to formally adopt the statement as well. “Services like UPD, which serve the whole university community, report to the President, and

the only way that we can communicate with her is to work through the Faculty Senate,” Bishop said. “If any statement is reviewed and approved by the Faculty Senate, it reaches the President with a very special formality. We want to have the opportunity to share our concerns and share the solution to our concerns with other departments in our college and other colleges within the university.” The resolution is intended to encourage interdependence and collective security, Pliley said. “The history department isn’t safe unless everybody in applied arts is safe, and nobody in the English department is

comfortable until everybody in anthropology is secure,” Bishop said. “Security is not divisible within a community.” The possibility of creating a subcommittee to further refine and develop the language in the resolution was discussed at the Nov. 16 Faculty Senate meeting. One of the central actions in the resolution directs UPD to include the specific circumstances of physical assaults on campus in their emergency alert emails. Faculty members have expressed concern regarding what they perceive to be major inconsistencies in the reporting of on-campus crime.


Popular career opportunities for graduate students this winter By Andrew Turner, Daryan Jones and Katie Burrell News Reporters As graduation approaches, students are now entering into a new chapter of applying their skills to the real world. Over the years, the Career Services Office has contributed to assist students in determining where they want to take their skills in professions. Sam Heimbach, career advisor, said that students’ career paths can have many roads, and are not designated to lead to one specific career. “You could have a broad-based major and end up going into a career field that didn’t seem at all connected,” Heimbach said. Career areas that have seen exponential growth are the fields related to top healthcare in the medical field, computer science and engineering, whereas the jobs that have seen a decline are career fields where “automation occurs,” Heimbach said. Due to the high number of job opportunities in computer science, Dr. Hongchi Shi, computer science department chair, said that’s the reason many students are attracted to the degree. The computer science degree focuses on innovators and creators that have expertise in the computerized industry. “There are a lot of high-tech jobs that are requiring a lot of computer skills, and people are looking to hire people with those skills,” Dr. Shi said. “You have to have computer skills to do a lot of jobs today.” In order to be part of this increasing field, Dr. Shi said one has to have to own the right set of skills. “You have to be good at math, and have good problem solving skills,” Dr. Shi said. “Once you have all of that than you’ll be able to make a good career.” As the digitalized era becomes the mainstream, Dr. Shi said this field will continue to grow. “I think it will only get bigger. Like I said, we are talking about computers and the internet. A lot of things are connected, and everyone has computers,” Dr. Shi said. “As time goes on, more jobs will require computer skills.” Dr. Shi advises graduates to strive to continue learning and enhancing the skills they have already acquired.

“Master your programming skills, master your problem solving skills and improve your communication skills,” he said. “When you have a lot of people working on the same project, you have to be able to communicate. Once you have all those things, you’ll be able to find a good job.” Not only do professors

routes that employers are looking for, Heimback said employers commonly ask what kind of leadership experiences and communications skills do students possess in order to properly function as a team in a diverse work environment. Hannah Vanderlinden, healthcare administration graduate student, is part

not accredited, it leaves the employer thinking, ‘well what did you learn in that time at that school? Since it wasn’t accredited, was it something easy to get by?’” Vanderlinden said. She explains that the competitive CAHME program helps her prepare for what the career lifestyle will be like in the

derful opportunity with a hospital in San Antonio and I don’t think I would have been able to make that connection without the help of Texas State and the Health Professions office,” Vanderlinden said. “I think I’m going to get a lot of experience from it and hopefully benefit from it for potential career opportu-

“You can seek advice from (professors). Not only just school advice, but (advice) for your future career,” Vanderlinden said. “I think that’s why I also like this program, because (the school) really stress the importance of having a mentor, and someone to confide in and get that advice and, you know,

Star file photo.

teach the skills that certain fields require, but are likely to teach skills that that are team-oriented. Through each different program at Texas State, Heimbach describes the skill set that employers most commonly look for. “So a lot of skills that we’re trying to think about are those soft skills that employers are looking for,” she said. Heimbach distinguishes the different between the two, which are both “equally important” to attain. “You have your hard skills and your soft skills. A hard skill would be something like video editing; something that is very specific to your industry,” Heimbach said. “A soft skill is equally important, but is a little bit harder to put your finger on.” Soft skills require an ethics-based approach such as people skills, communication, teamwork and leadership. As the Career Services Office explores the

of a competitive graduate program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education. The program assists students when seeking a career through these specific requirements of the material that is needed to be analyzed and understood to adapt to a professional setting. “So if (the program) is

future. “I like that it’s in the school process, because once I actually get into my career, it’s competitive; it’s very challenging; it’s fast paced,” Vanderlinden said. Vanderlinden said Texas State has contributed much help in achieving career opportunities for her. “I’ve been given a won-

nities in the future.” While there are many options a student can explore within the healthcare administration profession, Vanderlinden said the professors are good at helping students find what best suits their interest.

sometimes to just to talk things out with.” Vanderlinden said the students who begin the program have a high percentage rate of getting a job immediately upon graduation.

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6 | Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The University Star Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise @universitystar


Fall graduates prepare for future careers By Denise Cervantes Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise Soon-to-be former Bobcats will be walking across the stage to receive diplomas Dec. 16 and 17 at Strahan Coliseum. As the day to toss graduation caps in the air approaches, a few anxious Bobcats have shared post-graduation plans and what time at Texas State was like. “I’ve been a student for 18 years of my life and it feels so strange that I am about to lose that identity,” Bailey McIntosh, psychology senior, said. “It is also very exciting though, knowing that I have accomplished graduating college and all of the opportunities that are to come.” McIntosh said she has attended Texas State for four and a half years and chose to because of the scenery. “I chose Texas State University because I have always loved the Texas Hill Country and knew I needed to move to the heart of it,” said McIntosh. “Texas State’s

beautiful campus felt like home when I first visited and I knew I needed to be a Bobcat.” McIntosh said her favorite part about Texas State is the diverse campus. According to the university’s website, 51 percent of Texas State students are ethnic minorities. “Being part of such a diverse community swells me with pride,” McIntosh said. “I love being part of a university that is so culturally, racially, ethnically and religiously diverse. We all bring something special to Texas State and that is my favorite part.” McIntosh said the Texas State graduate college is a possibility for her future. Stacy Chavez, public relations senior, said she transferred from a community college in the spring of 2014. Chavez said Texas State has helped her find her career path. “I worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant for several months before realizing that it was not for me,” Chavez said. “I was completely lost because

Ashley Maddox, resource and environmental studies senior, poses for a graduation photo Dec. 6. Fall 2016 commencement begins on Friday. PHOTO BY LARISA RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

I had no idea what else I wanted to do. I talked to advisors, family and friends who ultimately helped me choose my next career path.” Chavez said she wished she had been more involved during her time as a Bobcat and current students should take advantage of the community both in school and San Marcos. “Enroll in school activities, study a lot, go to the river as often as possible and make lots of friends,” Chavez said. “Also, internships. Do as

many as you can because the ten plus years of experience entry level jobs want you to have come from there.” Tyler Price, marketing senior, said current students and incoming freshman should be conscious of their time in college. “Be mindful of your time here and utilize your best potential,” Price said. “I really regret going back home for my first summers because I missed out on time in San Marcos.” Despite the nostalgia,

graduates have something besides their postgraduation plans to look forward to. It is a Texas State tradition for graduates to jump into the river after their commencement. Chavez said she has been looking forward to this tradition. “My mom already yelled at me because she swears I will get sick after jumping in, but I am still doing it,” Chavez said. “I think it’s an awesome tradition that Texas State has and jumping in with my best friend will make

it a memory that will go down in the books.” McIntosh said Texas State and San Marcos became her home away from home. “I promise you will find lifelong friends,” McIntosh said. “Make connections with your professors. Please take advantage of our perfect little town. Go to the river every chance you get and soak up every bit of San Marcos. Appreciate this community and the people in it, it’s truly my second home.”

Boko and the Bubble Believer spread joy before finals. PHOTO BY LARA DIETRICH | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR


Women’s basketball season update By Autumn Anderson Sports Editor @aaautumn_ With eight games played in the 2016 season, the Texas State women’s basketball team is 3-5 overall. The Bobcats have defeated only three opponents: Incarnate Word, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Houston. The team has lost against No. 3 Baylor, UTSA, St. Edwards, Texas Southern and SMU. In the 67-50 win against Incarnate Word, Ericka May, junior forward, grabbed a team-high 11 rebounds. Whitney Apari, junior forward, led the team in scoring with 16 points. The Bobcats shot 42.2 percent from the floor as a team, while

the Cardinals shot 35.8 percent. The Bobcats’ second win of the season was a close 57-50 against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. Toshua Leavitt, sophomore point guard, dropped 16 points against the Islanders at home. The team’s only road win was against Houston with a 61-56 final score. Amber Jones, redshirt junior forward, scored a career-high 15 points. The Bobcats made 22 of 45 shots from the field against the Cougars. Taeler Deer, junior guard, is currently leading the Bobcats in scoring by averaging 7.6 points per game. Leavitt is right behind, averaging 7.3 points per game. Deer is also leading in field goal per-

centage, with .417. May is leading the team in rebounds, averaging just 5.9 boards per game.

rebound total of 32. Ti’Aira Pitts, junior forward, is the closest to May’s rebound total, with

Star file photo.

May has already grabbed a total of 47 rebounds in just eight games. The forward’s total rebounds even surpasses the team’s

28 rebounds. Texas State’s scoring margin compared to their opponents is -12.1. The Bobcats are averaging 52

points per game, while their opponents are scoring 64.1. The team is shooting .340 percent from the field, and .238 from beyond the arc. Although it is early into the season, and conference play is several games away, the Bobcats are sitting at tenth place in the Sun Belt Conference standings, above only Louisiana-Monroe and Arkansas State. UT-Arlington and Troy currently top the SBC standings with a 6-2 and 5-2 overall record respectively. The Bobcats have lost their last three games, two on the road and one at home. Texas State only has two road games against Prairie View

A&M and North Texas along with a home game against Sam Houston State before conference play begins. Texas State will host Coastal Carolina at 7 p.m. Dec. 29 for its first Sun Belt Conference game of the season. The Bobcats will host two more conference opponents, Appalachian State and UTArlington before heading into their first conference road trip. The team is 21 games away from the Sun Belt Conference Tournament, which will take place from March 7-12 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The University Star

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 | 7


Autumn Anderson Sports Editor @aaautumn_ @universitystar

3-PT FG%: .238 Scoring Margin: -12.1 PPG: 52.0 Raven Burns

RPG: 32.1 FG%: .340

Women’s Basketball (3-5)

Scoring Leader: Taeler Deer, 7.6 PPG Rebounding Leader: Ericka May, 5.9 RPG Assists Leader: Toshua Leavitt, 2.8 APG

3-PT FG%: .343 Scoring Margin: 5.1 PPG: 68.0 RPG: 36.3

Bobby Conley

FG%: .438

Men’s Basketball (5-4)

Scoring Leader: Kavin Gilder-Tilbury, 16.8 PPG Rebounding Leader: Gilder-Tilbury, 6.7 RPG Assists Leader: Ojai Black, 3,8 APG

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Hats off to you, grads! The University Star Editor-in-Chief..................................................Emily Sharp, News Editor.........................................................Bri Watkins, Sports Editor.........................................Autumn Anderson, Lifestyle Editor......................................Denise Cervantes, Opinions Editor.........................................Mikala Everett, Multimedia Editor..................................Lara Dietrich, Copy Desk Chief.....................................Claire Abshier, Design Editor...........................................Jessica Strickland,

Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Engagement Editor..................................Jeffrey Bradshaw, Sales Director......................................Morgan Knowles, Account Executive................................................Hanna Katz, Account Executive................................Angelica M. Espinoza, Media Specialist................................................Dillan Thomson, Advertising Coordinator...................................A.J. Arreguin, Publications Coordinator..........................................Linda Allen, Publications Director................................Richard Parker,

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

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