September 26, 2017

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Q&A Meet City Council candidates By Shayan Faradineh News Editor @shayanfaradineh Place 3 and Place 4 for the City Council of San Marcos are up for election on Nov. 7. The Honors College is holding a registration drive in Lampasas in celebration of National Voter Day on Sept. 26. Meanwhile, Oct. 10 is the last day to register to vote and Oct. 23 begins early voting through election day. City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m., at City Hall located at 630 E. Hopkins. Election locations can be found on the City of San Marcos website. QUESTIONS: 1. What qualifies you to gain student support? 2. If elected, what would be your priorities for students at Texas State? 3. What could City Council do to create opportunities in San Marcos, post-graduation?


Sen. Cornyn and Sen. Cruz sit down to discuss policy after Harvey

By Shayan Faradineh News Editor |@shayanfaradineh


Politicians discuss climate change after Harvey By Bri Watkins Managing Editor @briwatkins17 After the devastation of Hurricane Harvey that surged through Houston, politicians were forced to grapple with the question of what this storm, the first in a series of back-toback hurricanes, means for climate change. Over the weekend, the annual Texas Tribune Festival facilitated discussions on the problems of state leadership and its denial of global warming. Republican U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz expressed their ideas concerning the impact of climate change. Cornyn believes humans play a role in climate change, but he believes government should not suppress economic activity. His hope is in the inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs to provide a solution. “I trust our ability given the proper research to come up with solutions that help us solve the problem,” Cornyn said. “We’ve done a lot just with the advent of using more natural gas and our renewables in Texas, and we are the number one electricity producer from wind.” Cruz, who is the son of two mathematicians and the chairman of the state commerce subcommittee of science and space, relies on statistical data to base the premise of his belief. He denies the evidence of natural disasters is due to global warming. “We have had a 14-year hiatus of hurricanes making landfall in the United States. So historically, right now we are in a low period for hurricanes,” Cruz said. “We just had a couple of really bad ones back-toback, but if you look back at the history of hurricanes, you would have to go back a really long time to find the last major hurricane that has made landfall.”


(TOP) U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz share a rare joint discussion on stage Sept. 24 during the annual Texas Tribune Festival in Austin. (BOTTOM) Protesters stand at the back of Hogg’s auditorium Sept. 24 shouting “Pass Dream Act” at U.S Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz during the annual Texas Tribune Festival on the UT campus. PHOTOS BY BRI WATKINS | MANAGING EDITOR

I think President Obama, I believe, inappropriately tried to do this on his own because he became frustrated with the slow pace of Congress.”

oth senators from the Texas delegation sat down for a conversation with Evan Smith, CEO of Texas Tribune, at the 7th Annual Texas Tribune Festival. Smith, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn discussed clime change, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, reelections, healthcare, the Trump administration and Hurricane Harvey. The keynote began with Cornyn and Cruz reflecting on Harvey, discussing the more than $15 billion relief bill that Trump signed Sept. 8. After discussing the cost and relief plans, Smith challenged the Republican senators, asking if the United States still has money for the wall. After debating the different ways of paying for the wall, Smith challenged the republican ideology of climate change. “Sen. Cornyn, are you and Sen. Cruz prepared after this hurricane to have a different conversation about climate change?” Smith asked. Cornyn replied, clarifying his stance on the issue. He said he was open to what science proves and believes that humans impact the climate, but asked whether to have government intervene on the private sector. Cruz took a different position, he said that hurricanes have existed since the dawn of time and there will continue to be hurricanes. He claimed democrats and leftist have used arguments like climate change to try to seize control of people’s lives.

-Sen . Cornyn



The fight over sanctuary cities isn’t over By Connor Brown Assistant News Editor @Connor_Brown1 A four-person panel consisting of lawmakers and lobbyists gathered at the University of Texas campus Saturday, Sept. 4, to discuss the implications of one of the most contentious pieces of legislation this past session, Senate Bill 4. After U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia halted the implementation of SB 4 last month, a day before the bill would become a law, republican lawmakers appealed the ruling to a three-judge panel at the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. While the timeline for the state’s potential implementation of the law is uncertain, the topic still remains a polarizing issue for many lawmakers. Matt Schaefer, Republican representative of Texas House District 143, said the bill is still necessary. “Our patrolmen need all tools at their disposal to ensure public safety and uphold the law,” Schaefer said.“They (the media) have given the narrative that SB 4 created a new power for law enforcement, but it didn’t.” During the debate over SB 4 on the House floor, Schaeffer proposed an amendment that would allow law enforcement to ask people about immigration status during an arrest or lawful detention, such as a traffic stop, making the bill stronger than the original pro-

posal that was brought to the House floor. To the dismay of many Texas Democrats, Schaeffer’s proposal was accepted. Charlie Wilkinson, the executive director of Combined Law Enforcement Agencies in Texas, expressed concern over officer safety if SB 4 were to be implemented. “Now the first question you ask them is one that could separate them from their home, their job, their family,” Wilkinson said. “They’re either going to fight, or they’re going to run. Both options create a public safety crisis.” When asked how lawmakers balance backing law enforcement while voting for legislation that many law enforcement officials are opposed to, Dawn Buckingham, a Republican representing Texas Senate District 24, said many Texas sheriffs were in support of the bill. “First of all it is voluntary for officers to ask,” Buckingham said. “We think it helps law enforcement do a better job, and I will tell you that the sheriffs who run the county jails were all for it.” Several sheriffs across Texas, including Travis County’s Sally Hernandez, have been publically opposed to such legislation for fear that requiring officers to ask about immigration status would strain relations between officers and their communities. The potential for campus police reporting immigration status of undocumented students was also mentioned

“They’re either going to fight, or they’re going to run. Both options create a public safety crisis.” - CHARLIE WILKINSON during the panel discussion, in which Ana Hernandez, Democratic representative of Texas House District 143, expressed her concern over campus safety. “I think just like we excluded public schools, we should’ve excluded campus police from questioning immigration status,” Hernandez said. “Any witness that is involved in a law enforcement investigation is also subject to being asked their immigration status, and I think that makes our campuses less safe.” Wilkinson challenged Hernandez by explaining the damage of political pressure on these types of pressing issues. “You’re playing political football with a very serious issue,” Wilkinson said. “I think just as political pressure came to Sheriff Hernandez, the pressure is going to go the other direction too. You’re going to have public officials like the 254 county sheriffs and they are going to react politically in their Republican primary, so we’ve politicized something that is much more serious than that.”

2 | Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The University Star


Shayan Faradineh News Editor @shayanfaradineh @universitystar

Trinity Building 203 Pleasant St. San Marcos, TX 78666 (512) 245 - 3487

Editors Editor-in-Chief: Denise Cervantes, Managing Editor: Bri Watkins, News Editor: Shayan Faradineh, Lifestyle Editor: Katie Burrell, Opinions Editor: May Olvera, Sports Editor: Lisette Lopez, Copy Desk Chief: Claire Abshier, Design Editor: Vivian Medina,

FROM FRONT CLIMATE Cruz relies on data from satellites, which orbits the earth to determine the measurements of temperatures. “The satellites measuring the actual temperature found that there wasn’t any warming. That for 18 years, the warming had stopped,” Cruz said. “Instead of actually engaging on the facts and data, the response of many of the alarmists is simply to engage in political attacks.” He said some of this political attack comes from the college community where education is only taught from one side. “Climate change is taught from one perspective and one perspective only, and the response in college that is encouraged is when facts or data to the contrary are presented to

cians who are more interested in the next primary election.” Acevedo encouraged citizens to take part in bettering the environment by voting in elections at the local, state and national level. To combat the lack of voting, Acevedo said people should be taxed if they do not partake in the voting process, referencing a law in Australia. “If we made every political district at every level of government competitive in this country, where they have to focus on good policy and not on good primary election politics, then we are going to get stuff fixed in our country,” Acevedo said. “That is what we need to demand.”


ED MIHALKANIN, PLACE 3 INCUMBENT 1. “I have been teaching at Texas State since 1990 and have served as advisor to several student organizations. I have encouraged our students to learn about our community and to get involved in volunteer organizations. I supported putting an early voting location on campus in the early 1990s and continue to support early voting on campus. This year on the city council, I supported an initiative of a colleague to bring to the council for action protection for students in all new private student housing. Under the proposal, the landlord, if a leased rental space was not available for occupancy, would provide temporary housing or terminate the lease with no penalty. This proposal should be on the city council agenda soon.” 2. “I would work to expand the job opportunities for all residents of our community. I would encourage students to obtain internships and to be a part of volunteer and civic organizations. I would work to expand our parks and open spaces and to ensure a safe and healthy community for all.” 3. “Our City Council has worked very well with the Greater San Marcos Partnership which has the economic development contract with our city government. A good example is the Urban Mining Company. The company picked San Marcos for its rareearth magnet manufacturing plant and headquarters this Spring 2017. We need to work also with our existing businesses to see what type of incentives will help them grow and add new jobs.”

Multimedia Editor: Lara Dietrich, Engagement Editor: John Lee,

Advertising Staff Director of Media Sales: Christina Castro, Account Executive: Andrew Stock Account Executive: Carina Cruz,

hiss or yell them down rather than to actually consider them,” Cruz said. “That is not the purpose of education. The purpose of education is to learn and to think critically.” Art Acevedo, Houston police chief, unfolded the events of Harvey through his experience. Acevedo did not deny that climate change played a role in the storm and expressed the need to trust the intelligence of scientists and take action to prevent further damage. “I don’t know about you, but when I’m sick, I don’t go to the legislature to diagnose me,” Acevedo said. “The environment is a patient, and if we are going to treat the environment and deal with the environment, I think I’m going to put my trust in scientists and not in politi-

AMY STANFIELD, PLACE 3 1. “​I am a college graduate and have a daughter in college. I know the challenges students face. When creating my priorities, I kept all residents in mind. I want Texas State students to be successful in college and enjoy the season of life they are in. I will bring a fresh perspective to the city council that will benefit the students.” 2. “My number one priority would be for a Texas State student to graduate and be gainfully employed in San Marcos. I also want students to feel like they matter and help connect them more to the community at-large.” 3. “We have so many talented young adults graduating from Texas State University each semester. The city council needs to continue to work with our economic development organization to bring in large employers with higher-paying wages. We can also work with our small business owners to facilitate growth through hiring Texas State graduates. I believe connecting students with local businesses prior to graduation can aid in them graduating with a job.​”

Account Executive: Folee Hall Account Executive: Cameron Goodall Graphic Designer: Stephanie Cloyd Marketing and PR Manager: Ashley Lujan

Full-Time Staff Director: Laura Krantz, Media Specialist: Dillan Thomson,

JANE HUGHSON, PLACE 4 INCUMBENT 1. “I do my best to serve all the residents of San Marcos, including our many students. The most recent service specifically for students, is the implementation of new conditions for those developers who want to build student housing. There have been new student housing projects that were not finished when move-in date arrived. For the last two projects approved (not yet under construction), the council implemented protections for students who encounter homes not ready on the promised move-in date. Those protections will soon be on our agenda to be included for all new student housing projects.” 2. “My priorities are to continue to have a safe community in which to live and play, to be able to participate in our local culture, and to have opportunities for future fulltime employment in San Marcos after graduation. I encourage students to treat the San Marcos community as their new hometown and become involved in making San Marcos a better place for all of us to live.” 3. The economic development efforts for the city are initiated by the Greater San Marcos Partnership and we have been very successful. GSMP finds companies that are considering locating in San Marcos. For those companies that can bring good jobs, the city can seal the deal with incentives when possible.”

Publications Coordinator: Linda Allen,

About Us History: The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and once a month in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright: Copyright Tuesday, September 26, 2017. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor-in-chief. Print Copies: The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies. Deadlines: Letters to the Editor or any contributed articles are due on Monday the week prior to publication. Corrections: Any errors that are in the pages of The University Star and are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. Visit The Star at

JOSHUA SIMPSON, PLACE 4 1. “I have background in both civil and criminal law during my time at Texas State. I understand the realities most will face once they graduate university. We must forge our own opportunities because a four-year degree does not guarantee anything in the marketplace because so many of us hold these four degrees in contemporary society. The most tragic part is the underemployed graduates who are towing along huge student loan debts." 2. “If elected I would incentivize skilled labor markets to bring their operations to San Marcos by motioning to abolish the $15 mandated entry level wage including health benefits for incoming businesses seeking tax incentives to begin generating wealth in our city. Cities like Seguin added 3,000 jobs from 2008 to 2016. Incentivize business, specifically technology-based jobs, manufacturing, and retail industries give students a chance to work while in school and get acquainted with promising local career prospects.” 3. “I want to promote negotiation with businesses from high-skilled industries to buy commercial property, building their facilities responsibly and make our city a more attractive prospect to other businesses that are looking for a skilled labor pool to be able to tap into. Seeing a city open to negotiation is enticing to any reasonable business person.”

The University Star


Tuesday, September 26, 2017 | 3 Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96 @universitystar

FROM FRONT FESTIVAL “The alarmists don’t use the words global warming anymore, they use climate change,” Cruz said. “And the beauty of that is, climate change is the perfect pseudo-scientific label. That’s not science.” Smith then brought up the topic of DACA, in relation to Hurricane Harvey. Smith explained that a lot of the effort to rebuild after the hurricane will be done by undocumented immigrants, according to people on the ground in those areas. Cruz said his policy on immigration can be summed up in four words: legal, good; illegal, bad. Smith asked if Harvey changes anything, Cruz replied defending border security. “We are a nation of immigrants and we can welcome and celebrate immigrants coming for the American dream, while at the same time believing and en-

forcing the rule of law,” Cruz said. Smith asked Cornyn the same question, asking what we should do about these kids and if Harvey has changed his outlook on his immigration status. “I think President Obama, I believe, inappropriately tried to do this on his own because he became frustrated with the slow pace of Congress,” Cornyn said. “So, the courts kicked it back, the president has now kicked it back to us, where it appropriately resides, and I think it’s an opportunity for us to address it. I welcome the chance to deal with it. We’re going to have to deal with both parts of this.” Smith then asked the senators about healthcare. In the last week, Republicans have been attempting to pass the newest version of a repeal and replace of former President Barack Obama’s health care law. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La

and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC have a bill, Cassidy-Graham that is expected to have a vote in the next week. Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, has spoken out against the piece of legislation. Smith asked how the senators from Texas feel. Cornyn supports the bill, while Cruz said he is unsure because he doesn’t know what’s in the legislation, Cruz has since come out against the bill. After a back and forth discussion, Smith said that no one knows what’s in the bill and asked how that was fair to the people it affects. Smith then read a tweet, “The people have a right to know what’s happening behind closed doors about secret health care negations.” Smith asked Cruz if he agreed with the tweet. Cruz replied that it depends on the context. The context of the tweet was from Cornyn’s twitter in 2010.

Smith challenged the senators asking how the procedures of healthcare have been different from the past administration to the current one. Both done behind closed doors and with the majority party’s efforts. Lastly, Smith asked the senators about reelections. Cornyn, up for reelection in 2020, said he would be running again. Cruz is up for reelection in 2018, campaigning against Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke, D-El Paso. Cornyn then pledged support for Cruz’s reelection campaign. The senators then explained the opportunity the Administration and Congress had to change the lives of Americans. Following the closing keynote of the festival, protestors gathered outside protesting healthcare and DACA.


Bobcat Bond program forms lifelong friendships By Lauren Rexroad Lifestyle Reporter @laurenrexroad96 Bobcat Bond mentorship match between a faculty member and a student has withstood family tragedy, graduation and more. Joanne Smith, Texas State Vice President of Student Affairs, sent out a call to junior and seniors to take part in the Bobcat Bond mentorship program. The program matches students with peers, faculty or staff members. In a particular case, a faculty member was able to leave a lasting impact on a Bobcat through the program and receive the same in return. Keith Needham, English professor, mentored Karee’ Berry, since Berry’s sophomore year, but their friendship began the summer before they joined the Bobcat Bond program. Needham taught an American literature class during the summer of 2015, which Berry was attending. The summer started out rough for Needham when he found out his mother was diagnosed with a metastatic cancer of the bladder, and was told she had months left to live. Needham told his students how he would drive 300 miles each way as often as he could to visit his mother in between his summer literature class. When Needham’s mother died, Berry and several other football players who were in Needham’s class showed up at the funeral to support their professor in his time of need. “Karee’ walked in with some of the players of the football team that had

all been in my class,” Needham said." I just broke down and started crying my eyes out. I said, ‘What are you guys doing here?’ and Karee’ looked at me and said, ‘Where else would we be?’” A week later Berry asked Needham to become his mentor officially. They would meet once a week to talk and occasionally meet for lunch. Needham mentored Berry from that moment on until Berry graduated in July 2017. Tragedy struck again when Needham’s father had a massive heart attack over Christmas break in 2016. Needham stayed by his father’s side at a Houston hospital for so long that he forgot to eat or sleep. Eventually he collapsed at his father’s bedside and was ordered to bed rest by doctors. After making it back to San Marcos, Needham worried about his father being alone in a hospital in Houston where he knew no one. Once Berry found out what was going on, he called Needham and said he would be there the next morning to drive him to Houston to visit Needham’s father. Needham’s father was eventually moved to a regent care center in San Marcos. Not long after, Needham’s father was given six months to live. He died a week after the diagnosis with Needham and Berry at his bedside. Although Berry has graduated and is no longer Needham’s mentee, they still get together, and talk on the phone multiple times a week. Both Berry and Needham said their friendship is not just a mentor-mentee bond anymore, but a father-son bond. “He felt like a father figure to me be-

Keith Needham, professor at Texas State, proudly displays his 2017 Faculty Member of the Year Award Sept. 21. Needham is a mentor in the Texas State Bobcat Bond Program. PHOTO BY KIRBY CRUMPLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER cause he has been through so much,” Berry said." I am able to lean on him and depend on him in a lot of different ways.” The Bobcat Bond program, which is responsible for creating relationships like Needham’s and Berry’s, is a resource for students who want help or someone to look up to. Not only does it provide professor mentors, but students can also become peer mentors who help other students. Terence Parker, associate director

of Bobcat Bond, said the program is geared toward transfer and second year students who want someone who they can go to for help with anything. “We have a lot of students who just really want to give back to somebody else just like somebody did for them when they were a new student,” Parker said. For those interested in joining the program, applications are available through Texas State’s Student Success website.


Officials gather to discuss the future of mental health reform By Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96 Members of the Texas House of Representatives joined a panel discussion during the 7th annual Texas Tribune Festival Sept. 23 alongside mental health professionals to discuss state spending and reform. Democratic state Rep. Garnet Coleman, joined Republican state Rep. Four Price, for the “Next Steps on Mental Health” panel. The lineup included Sharon Butterworth, chairwoman of the El Paso Behavioral Health Consortiumand John Burruss, CEO of Metrocare Services. The panel’s discussions ranged from telling personal stories to announcing funding projects and state legislative plans. Price said the past two legislative sessions have been able to increase funding for mental health services across Texas starting in 2015. Price said the funding has provided the state the ability to expand awareness, policy and willingness to discuss behavioral health. “As more folks tend to become more knowledgeable and comfortable and aware, we will see continued investment, more programs, more ideas and that will translate to better patient outcomes," Price said. "I’m pretty proud of that.” Reports show Texas spending nearly

$200 million on mental health reform from 2013-15, according to the Texas Tribune. Price said this funding has benefitted 15 state agencies including the foster care system and the education system. In addition to providing better quality behavioral healthcare, panelists brought up issues such as a lack of medical professionals in parts of Texas, and senate bills including SB 292 and SB 1326, which focus on reforming jail diversion and criminal justice when it comes to mentally ill offenders. Butterworth said the mental healthcare workforce in Texas needs to increase and spread itself to smaller towns. However, there are obstacles to solving this issue despite funding. “There are lots of negative vibes throughout,” Butterworth said. “I think education has a lot to do with eliminating that. As we know more about mental health and as we become more comfortable talking about it, I think we’ll be able to see the vibes go away.” Butterworth works in El Paso, a city she says lacks mental health resources and education for children. Coleman said Texas intends to improve mental health going forward by using investments to incorporate mental health education with physical education. Coleman said the same amount of attention paid to children’s physical health should be paid to educating them

(Left to Right) Garnet Coleman, Democratic state rep., Sharen Butterworth, chairwoman of the El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium, Four Price, Republican state rep., and John Burress, CEO of Metrocare Services, discuss the mental health reform Sept. 23 during the annual Texas Tribune Festival in Austin. PHOTO BY KATIE BURRELL | LIFESTYLE EDITOR

on their mental health. “We would like to marshal those best practices to educate our teachers and administrators, we can incorporate our mental health curriculum into schools that choose to teach public health," Coleman said. "We could do good things toward raising awareness.” Coleman’s other main focus is mental health rehabilitation in opposition to jail

time for qualifying offenders. “SB 292 and SB 1326 are both two bills to pass this session that have to do with jail and criminal justice reform,” Coleman said. “This is important because it will keep a lot of folks out of county jail that don’t need to be there and will also extend jail diversion statewide.”

4 | Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The University Star Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96 @universitystar


Students can view the final meals of 700 former death row inmates By LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Reporter @leeanncardwell Jul. 8, 1999, Oklahoma: six tacos, six doughnuts and a cherry Coke. Julie Green, painter and art professor at Oregon State University, read this last meal request in a local newspaper almost 20 years ago. After seeing it, Green was inspired to begin a project illustrating the last meal requests of inmates on death row. Seven hundred inmates’ last meals are painted on white and blue ceramic plates lining the walls of the gallery. The plates are ordered first by state name, then chronologically. The ambience is enhanced by a video on loop of Green showing individual plates while reading off that inmate’s meal request and date of execution. The exhibition is titled, “The Last Supper: 700 Plates Illustrating Final Meals of U.S. Death Row Inmates” and is on display until Nov. 10 at the Texas State Galleries in the Joann Cole Mitte building. Green was raised in a what she calls a conservative family in favor of capital punishment, but at age 21 decided she was anti-death penalty. Green made her decision despite her upbringing after learning more on the subject. Initially a personal meditative way of understanding, Green’s art piece grew into a larger project in hopes it would create a space for conversation and awareness about the complexities of capital punishment and our judicial system. The exhibition gives onlookers multiple entry points to talk about capital punishment, from food or traditions to

where viewers locate meaning in things. “A final meal represents an individual,” Green said. “A lot of suffering surrounds each plate.” The intimacy of a last meal request can be seen by how the plates lend insight into the region, race and economic background of the inmate. Mark Menjivar, assistant professor of art foundations, brought the exhibition to the attention of the Director of the Texas State Galleries, Margo Handwerker, after being drawn to it because of the influential power and scale of the project. “Each plate is like a small story,” Menjivar said. “It opens up our imagination to think about the realities of death row and execution, but also the crimes that led the prisoners there.” Handwerker curated the exhibition due to its direct connection to this year’s Common Experience theme, The Search for Justice: Our Response to Crime in the 21st Century. The exhibition has particular resonance in Texas, as it carries out the largest number, 542, of executions since 1976 according to the exhibit. Texas is also the only state that does not allow a final meal selection, serving only the standard prison fare of the day. As an attempt to generate conversation, Green has provided a comment book for visitors and encourages everyone to engage in dialogue with one another. The galleries will also be hosting programs and conversations that touch on the exhibition’s content and the broader Common Experience theme. Green intends to paint 50 plates a year, until the death penalty is abolished in the United States.

Carson Ingram, social work freshman, stands among the 700 plates of last meals of death row inmates at "The Last Supper" exhibition Sept. 18 at the Joann Cole Mitte Gallery. PHOTO BY JOSH MENDS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

An empty plate from "The Last Supper" exhibition taken Sept. 18 at the Joan Cole Mitte Gallery. Inmates can choose to opt out of a last meal. The work is on display until Nov. 10. PHOTO BY JOSH MENDS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER


Four alternative transportation methods in San Marcos the outlets, making it a useful service for residential students without a vehicle who need to shop. THE BUS can be found at 388 S. Guadalupe St.

Kerville Bus Company

Due to construction of the Aquarena Springs overpass, the Bobcat Village, Post Road, Mill Street, and Night North bus have delayed students to getting to their destinations in ample time. Students have other options for transportation to and from classes. PHOTO BY RICARDO MARTIN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER By Erika Conover Lifestyle Reporter @airwreckaaa_17 With almost 40,000 Bobcats and limited parking, students can utilize several modes of alternative transportation across campus and San Marcos.

The Bike Cave The Bike Cave operates on campus as an eco-friendly transportation option. The store is a full-functioning bike shop with repair tools and skilled employees. Students can buy, rent and repair bikes at the Bike Cave, which is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Although the hills on campus can be strenuous, students bike about daily. Joseph Morse, marketing senior and employee, said numerous students come in daily to fix their bikes and learn more about cycling. “This town really needs cycling; we

have issues from vehicle runoff in the river and traffic control issues, so cycling is a big solution,” Morse said. “However, owning a bike is hard, but having this shared space where we can solve some of the minor, but preventive things puts more bikes on the road and that really improves San Marcos.” The Bike Cave is located in the Colorado building on Pleasant Street, in room 100. The Texas State app also includes information on bike rack locations for students who need to park their bikes during class and at night.

ZipCar An innovative car rental service, Zipcar has partnered with Texas State to provide six vehicles stationed on campus, ready for students to use. Bobcats can go online, or download the app, to reserve a car. A Zipcar membership must be bought first. With a Texas State account, the fee is only $3.50 a month. After registering, students can see cars near them available to rent. Once a student reserves a car, they will receive a “Zipcard” which

allows them to lock and unlock their vehicle. The cars can be rented out for an hour, or up to seven days, with the rate being about $8.50 per hour. This rate includes gas, insurance and mileage. Two Zipcars are located in each of the parking lots of Lantana, Arnold Hall, Angelina and San Gabriel. Alex Vogt, alternative transportation coordinator, said Zipcar is becoming an increasingly popular solution around campus, and is beneficial to students who do not have a car or are not of age to rent a standard rental car. Zipcar renters must be 18 years or older.

THE BUS Provided Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., the San Marcos Transit bus is free for students to use with a valid university ID, and has routes all across town. The buses circulate every hour, and major stops include H-E-B., Wal-Mart and

Leaving from the LBJ Student Center bus loop, the Kerville buses offer oneway and round-trips to locations across Texas, so some students can go home for a small fee. The round-trips leave on Fridays and return Sundays, and the price varies depending on the location. Dallas and Houston trips are $18 total, but Austin is $10. To buy a ticket, students need to visit the website and select where they are departing from, going to and on what dates. Jocelyn Garza, nursing sophomore, said she rode the bus to Houston every other weekend in her first semester at Texas State, and it was convenient since she did not have a car. “The best part is that it is only students, so you can meet new people, or everyone there is trying to get home, so they’re not looking for any problems,” Garza said. “It’s pretty relaxed and they’re pretty comfortable.”

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The University Star


Tuesday, September 26, 2017 | 5 May Olvera Opinions Editor @yungfollowill @universitystar


America’s three-party system By Bradley Crowder Opinions Columnist @dirtroadred

the Republicans after the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Our generation is facing our own political reorganization. We might have As President Donald Trump makes two parties proper, but there are really deals with Democrats in the face of Re- three broad social parties operating publican leadership, it is clear nothing underneath the surface, seeking some in politics is predictable today. Indeed, way forward. every few generations, a social and ecoThe crisis of 2008 marked the end nomic crisis occurs that forces Ameriof the neoliberal consensus that begun can politics to undergo a profound under former President Ronald Reagan political realignment. Realignments are and former Prime Minister Margaret messy. They produce brand new parties, Thatcher, and that was later consolidatsweep away or reconfigure old ones and ed under former President Bill Clinton then eventually sweep away the new and former Prime Minister Tony Blair. ones too. Finance capital, through the banks and Historically, there was the collapse investment firms, came to overwhelmof the Whig party and the rise of the ingly dominate both the Republicans Republicans before the Civil War. The and the Democrats. Civil Rights era was marked by the rise The differences between each came and fall of a constellation of smaller as each party linked their Wall Street alparties, like the Mississippi Demoliances to different, smaller social layers. cratic Freedom Party and the Peace and The alliance on the right was formed Freedom Party. There was a profound between Wall Street and the affluent shift in what has become our two main middle classes reacting against the end parties, as Dixiecrats from the South of the Civil Rights movement, mostly abandoned the Democratic Party for expressed through the culture wars.

On the left-wing, Democrats abandoned the increasingly decimated labor movement and put in its place the affluent, educated urban professionals. Democrats, under the assumption its traditional labor and civil rights base could be cajoled, terrorized and shamed constituents into coming out to vote for candidates that only nominally expressed their interests. Today, three distinct parties are crashing into each other. We have a right-wing party that saw its birth in the rise of the Tea Party movement and culminated with the election of Trump, mainly consisting of the affluent middle classes who reacted against civil rights now reacting against immigration and the “globalism” of the super wealthy. Occupy Wall Street raised the alarm about income inequality, collapsed, but rose again under the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders, powered by socially progressive young people and lower income workers crashing up against an economy with no clear place for them.

In the center, desperately trying to cling to a consensus that is clearly dying, are the Washington elites from both parties, each angling to secure the support of the ultra-wealthy and politically connected families they mingle with at cocktail parties around the beltway. We are still only in the early stages of this three-way fight. Will the Democratic Party be ripped apart by the internal fights between the Clinton and Sanders wing, or will the chaos within the Republican Party drive them to beat the Democrats to the self-destructive punch? Will new parties be born? Will old parties collapse? All prognosticators today are false prophets, their datadriven tea-leaf-readings be damned. The only thing we can really know about our immediate future is that we are in for one hell of a ride. We better buckle up and get ready to fight for our lives. -Bradley Crowder is an economics major


Departments helping address student needs should be rewarded and incentivized

By Tafari Robertson Opinions Columnist @Blacboijoi A few weeks ago, a column I wrote titled “Texas State University lacks the cultural infrastructure necessary for

College – approached me on the piece. She pointed out to me that, as a dean, she considered herself a part of the higher administration I addressed so directly regarding the lack of support for the cultural needs of students. Taken aback, I realized a misconception I likely shared with many other student activists on campus. While the general lack of presence and action from President Trauth’s cabinet on the most basic of cultural needs for students on a college campus is disappointing, many heads of departments, professors, general faculty & staff and other administrative leaders have consistently shown concrete support for student initiatives to make the campus a better place. Without the alliance of professors, administrator and students, it would be another two to three years before students of Texas State had access to a multicultural lounge and likely a library of black literature would never be considered. Keep in mind, students at the University of Texas addressed this issue nearly 30 years ago. The invaluable support students receive from their respective departments ILLUSTRATION BY BRYSON WILLIAMS should not go unnoticed neither by students nor the President’s cabinet. The lacking framework for cultural student success,” was published. While safety and education at Texas State UniI stand fully by the assertions I made versity is mitigated only by the student throughout that piece, a faculty member organizations. I find myself reminded who I’ve worked with closely on the of when Trauth, the president of a Hisdevelopment of a Multicultural Lounge panic-Serving Institution, responds to and Black Students’ Resource Library the repeal of the Deferred Action for – which opened recently in the Honors

Childhood Arrivals program with only two sentences while students scrambled to find a way to bring an immigration attorney to campus and build scholarships to help undocumented students renew their DACA status before it is too late. Where the president of our university has taken no stance, these students are able to receive support from faculty and administrators in departments such as Student Diversity and Inclusion, the School of Social Work, and the Honors College among others. This, however, is not so much a testament to a successfully developed educational institution. Rather, it speaks to the humanity and initiative various departments and educators have taken upon themselves to enact and for this they should be recognized and rewarded. Not only do they work for the betterment of students, they also uphold the dignity of a passive university at a time when strong voices are so desperately needed. While it is easy to feel powerless as students seeking graduation and emotional health, it is important to recognize that we should not be paying this much money to be ignored. Utilize the resources around you, seek help in your departments and make your voice heard—but don’t ask too much of our president because her hands seem so effectively tied. I wonder by whom. - Tafari Robertson is a public relations senior.


Indiana Jones negatively portrays Nazis By Jordan Pilkenton Opinions Columnist @IsitJordanTho

Indiana Jones punched and shot a myriad of men while the Nazis attempted to harness the power of God almighty, the Abrahamic creator of all, Indiana Jones: professor, archaeto conquer the world and peoples. Both ologist, but American hero? Not even sides were equally in the wrong here; close. He betrays one of America's the blame lies evenly distributed in this foremost ideals: freedom of speech. situation. This charlatan shuts down any chance However, the writers and director for discourse in both “Raiders of the don’t see it this way. They see the raidLost Ark & The Last Crusade.” Instead ers of the lost Ark to be in the wrong of these films allowing the xenophobic, during this situation, evident by the genocidal axis army to defend themending of the first Indiana Jones movie. selves, they portray them as a xenophoWhile Jones escapes the climax with bic, genocidal axis army. zero punishment for his lack of politiFor example, as Ms. Ravenwood cal open-mindedness, the Nazis suffer and Dr. Jones are escaping the dig site, ILLUSTRATION BY KENNEDY SWIFT spontaneous face-melting. Why would a bare-chested, mustachioed soldier Steven Spielberg, director, feel the need confronts them. Instead of partaking to put something so political in his zero attempt for discorse, instead only of consequence. In “The Last Cruin civil debate about their intellectual movie, as if he were checking items off arson and property destruction commit- sade,” when Walter Donovan affirms differences, Jones engages the man in a list. his apathy towards the Nazi’s real mofisticuffs for interrupting him. This was ted by the Jones family. Indiana Jones cannot be an American This particular style of screenwriting tives, Jones is visibly disgusted by this the perfect opportunity for intellectual icon if the series alienates a specific sect revelation, exposing himself as the truly of Americans, such as 1930’s Nazis. discourse— but no, that wasn’t accept- raises some questions. Why are both sides not being represented equally? intolerant one. able for “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” These movies portray Nazis in a way The ideological content of what each The movies following Dr. Jones’ In “The Last Crusade” this behavior that damages their overall image by preside is arguing doesn’t matter. The exploits are quickly establish him as is even more blatant and egregious. A senting them in full context so everyone the swashbuckling hero and the Nazis sizeable portion of Act 2 of the film is amount of support, or lack thereof, is can get a sense of who they really are. irrelevant. As Americans, they have a as the mustache twirling villains. They set in a Nazi occupied castle, with Dr. imply what the Nazis do is evil, but if Jones and his father, Dr. Jones Sr. total- right to say whatever they so choose. - Jordan Pilkenton is a psychology sophoIn addition to freedom of speech, we are to be completely honest, there is more and an avid Indiana Jones supporter. ly not being held there against their will. they should all be entitled to a freedom violence on both sides. Alas, much like the first movie there is

6 | Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The University Star May Olvera Opinions Editor @yungfollowill @universitystar





Texas Tribune Festival’s “bathroom bill” panel filled with Republican animosity By May Olvera Opinion Editor @yungfollowwill This summer Texans saw the rise and fall of the so-called bathroom bill in the Texas Legislature, which would have denied transgender individuals the use of public restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. The bill became a rallying cry for authoritarian transphobes seeking to stifle the rights of city governments by overturning municipal nondiscrimination ordinances across the state. More importantly, they continued a decadeslong crusade to suppress the human rights of the LGBTQIA community. The bill's prominence in cultural and political dialogue ensured it would have a place in this year’s Texas Tribune Festival. Activists and state lawmakers joined a panel called “The Politics of Bathrooms” on Saturday morning. Almost immediately it became evident that those in favor of the bill were guided primarily by animosity and ignorance towards the transgender community. Nicole Hudgens, policy analyst for Texas Values, kicked off the panel by misgendering individuals using women’s restrooms and calling people “transgenders.” Republican Rep. Ron Simmons filed both HB 46 and HB 50, barring public schools from enforcing measures to “protect a class of persons from discrimination” in regulating “access to multiple-occupancy restrooms, showers, or changing facilities.” He implied that the opposition is wrong in saying that the bill attacks trans individuals. He said it seeks to protect young girls from predators. Throughout the duration of the panel, Hudgens and Rep. Simmons vocalized their belief that lack of legislation against transgender people would only put children in danger of sexual abuse. Historically, homophobes have hatefully painted the LGBTQIA community as predatory by creating a false marriage between homosexuality and pedophilia. This is no different, and the claim remains just as uneducated as ever. In contrast, Republican Rep. Jason Villalba stated that no one is “going into bathrooms to assault people under the guise” of being transgender. However,

The "bathroom bill" panel, consisting of activists and state representatives, listen attentively Sept. 23 as a member of the audience asks questions during the annual Texas Tribune Festival. PHOTO BY MAY OLVERA | OPINION EDITOR

he proposed that the best solution to appease both sides is to create a third, single-occupancy gender-neutral bathroom for transgender people. Lou Weaver, activist and statewide Transgender Programs Coordinator for Equality Texas, perfectly stated that Villalba’s proposition sounds like a “separate but equal” argument and segregating transgender people is detrimental to their health. Additionally, Weaver made the interesting point that opposition to the trans community, though always present, intensified in mainstream politics only after the Obergefell v. Hodges decision to legalize gay marriage made it hard to legally discriminate against gays and lesbians. However, perhaps the most interesting conundrum in this tiresome issue is

the economic impact of the proposed bills. While Republicans are usually much more big business-friendly than those on the left, big business is precisely what killed these bills in the legislature's special session. Jessica Shortall, strategist on business engagement in social and political issues, pointed out that businesses are increasingly unwilling to associate their brands with such harm to people. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, American Airlines, and AT&T all came out in opposition to the bill. Ultimately, death to the proposed legislation came at the hands of Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, who worked with Texas-based corporations to fight against the bills. According to Rep. Simmons, the bathroom bill would have likely passed if his fellow Republican

hadn’t “waded in” and allowed the chamber to work its will. When asked if he would re-introduce this kind of legislation in the 86th Legislature, Rep. Simmons refused to give a straight answer; however, he said that the issue would continue to be discussed. Assuming Republican lawmakers remain fervently opposed to fundamental human rights, this is not the last we will see of regressive, transphobic legislation. The next legislative session will not be for another two years; however, we cannot stop educating people on how detrimental lawmaker's actions may be towards entire, innocent communities. Republicans will keep trying and we will keep fighting.

The University Star


Tuesday, September 26, 2017 | 7 Lisette Lopez Sports Editor @lisette_1023 @universitystar


Football walk-on proves his worth on the field By Melea Polk Sports Reporter @meleadenae Beginning his collegiate football career as a walk-on, Ishmael Davis, junior defensive-end, shows that it is not about how you start, but how you finish. As a child, Davis moved all over the world because his parents were in the United States military. Early in his life, Davis lived in Germany. “I loved Germany,” Davis said. “It was… a different experience than here.” From Germany, Davis and his family moved to North Carolina. Davis credited his coaches in North Carolina for his success as a defensive player. “North Carolina was fun,” Davis said. “I learned a lot when I moved there as a football player. They taught me how to be a defense and play against a defense.” The summer before Davis’ junior year, he moved to Killeen, Texas where he joined the Ellison football team. “Ellison was an experience,” Davis said. “The coaches really didn’t like me. I think it was because I was the new kid on the block.” Davis graduated from Ellison High School in 2013 with football offers from all around. Despite having multiple out-of-state offers, the junior chose to attend Tex-

(Far right) Ishmael Davis, junior defensive end, watches his teammates Sept. 16 during the game against Appalachian State at Bobcat Stadium. PHOTO BY JOSH MARTINEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

as State because of the short distance from home. Davis did not want to go out of state. “It was close to home,” Davis said. “At the time, I had multiple offers to play out of state but I wanted to stay here.” He also chose to stay in-state because he did not want to go to a smaller school

out of state when there was a Division I school so close. “I felt it was a better idea to go to Texas State than go to the smaller school out of state,” Davis said. Although Davis redshirted his first season as a Bobcat, his sophomore year was a different story. The preseason before his sophomore season was when

the Texas State football organization offered him a scholarship. “It was amazing,” Davis said. “It not only took a lot of stress off my parents, but made them so proud of me.” The business management major played in 12 games on special teams, and a linebacker with one start. He had a career-best of 10 tackles and nine solo stops all in one game. Now that junior year has come, Davis has set some expectations for the team as a whole. Davis focuses more on being a unit rather than everybody playing for themselves. “I expect us to play as a team and grow as a family,” Davis said. “I expect great things from us.” Davis wants to get better at his position. He is focusing on becoming a better player for the Bobcat defense, including bulking up. “I want to get better as a player,” Davis said. “I want to learn the defense more so I can play faster. But, I knew I had to gain weight to play at this level, and I like the weight right now.” Although he began as a walk-on, Davis has showed that hasn’t stopped his progress.“It doesn’t go as far as proving something, but I do have a job to do, just like everybody else,” Davis said. “I will just let my work speak for myself.”


Assistant coach leading the way for offense By Andrew Zimmel Sports Reporter @Andrew_Zimmel Every team needs players who are able to lead the way and push the team toward the finish line of games and seasons. On most teams, the quarterback is charged with leadership responsibility,

but Parker Fleming, assistant coach and offensive coordinator, has taken over instead. After coaching wide receivers and special teams last season, Fleming has taken on the task of taking over an offense that was ranked one of the worst in the country last season. “I was a sophomore in college when I

really thought about coaching,” Fleming said. “I had a coach that was really good, came in and saw things the way I did. Saw what it means to families, to young men, to different people everywhere and he just shared his light and his vision and I really appreciated that. He kind of let me take over a little of that mentality in college.”

Fleming was a three-year letterman playing quarterback at Presbyterian College, a Division I FCS University competing in the Big South Conference in South Carolina. After college, Fleming went back home to start his coaching career.


8 | Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The University Star Lisette Lopez Sports Editor @lisette_1023 @universitystar


QUIDDITCH Quidditch players scrimmage during a practice. PHOTO COURTESY OF AMANDA LIVINGSTON

Parker Fleming, quarterback coach, during the game against USTA at Bobcat Stadium. PHOTO BY KIRBY CRUMPLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

“My first job right out of college, I was at Decatur High School. That was my high school. I went back and coached the quarterbacks there,” Fleming said. “I ran the JV team too. It was a lot of fun and good experience too because I got to be up on Friday night, but on Thursdays or Saturdays, depending on the schedule, I got to run my own team. That was a lot of fun and coach gave me a lot of freedom to do my own thing. It was a really good start to what I wanted to do.” After only a year at the high school level, Fleming was able to move up to college, adding one year at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio before getting his coaching break. “I caught a good break when I got a graduate assistant position at Ohio State,” Fleming said. “I got a really good opportunity. Being a graduate assistant at Ohio State, the timing was just perfect and I got to work with a bunch of really great guys, like Coach (Zak) Kuhr when he was at Ohio State. That is one of the main reasons we’ve taken this path together.” At Ohio State, Flemings met Texas State Head Coach Everett Withers and followed him along with some other younger coaches to James Madison before finally coming to Texas State. “The timing has been really good and I’ve been really lucky in this whole thing,” Fleming said. This season, the Bobcats look to capitalize on Damian Williams, gradquarterback, and a new system put in place to capitalize on what the team does best. “We’re a spread tempo team, but we realize we need to have multiple personal packages, and multiple tempos based on what they give us,” Fleming said. “We’re not going to have one identity and we’re going to have whatever we need to gain an advantage on the defense.” Fleming, in only one full season at Texas State, has already started to leave his mark. Now, with year two already started, it’s easy to see what his favorite part of the job is. “The camaraderie, the unity. Our coaching staff. We have a really good staff,” Fleming said. “I enjoy all of them. We have a football team that is enjoyable to be around.”

Quidditch gaining momentum By Anthony Flores Sports Reporter @BornToRun_19 Sports are often considered a microcosm of the larger world that surrounds it. With the growing popularity of pop culture, it was only a matter of time before it bled into modern sports culture in some form. Esports can be considered the prime example, but following closely and more quietly behind it is Quidditch. Quidditch was born from the wildly popular “Harry Potter” book series, one of the biggest staples of modern culture. Established in 2005 by Middlebury College freshman Xander Manshel, the sport has since grown in popularity. By 2011, the sport was on it’s fifth World Cup which hosted 96 teams. The sport is a mix of both collegiate and club teams and has now spread to several different regions of the world. In its sixth year of existence, Texas State University’s Quidditch club is ranked No. 1 nationally among college teams and No. 2 overall among college and community teams. For many, the most obvious reason for showing interest in the team is the tie to “Harry Potter.”Jenna Bollweg, international studies senior and team president, will be the first to admit that it was her love for the ‘boy who lived’ that piqued her interest. “A lot of people join because they love ‘Harry Potter,’ like myself,” Bollweg said. “I played lacrosse for seven years, I have a background in sports. I love full contact sports, but I joined

because I figured it’d be extra cardio and I loved ‘Harry Potter.’” Fandom aside, many of the team members joining for the athletic benefits of playing the game. “We have people that have literally never seen the movies or read the books in their lives,” Bollweg said. “Some people just join because they love the physicality of it all and the athletic aspect of it.” Steven Gralinski, chemistry senior and team captain, has been on the team for five years, and unlike Bollweg wasn’t initially drawn to the team for the Harry Potter connection. “I actually just started because I wanted to stay in shape,” Gralinski said. “I really just fell in love with the sport, all the people that I met and the Quidditch community.” For Gralinski, from his first year to now, things have changed and with the new batch of members coming in. The team captain understands the important role team play in helping recruit and mentor new members. “We rely on our veteran players and our older members to coach the younger players because I’m just one person and we had 110 people,” Gralinski said. While Quidditch has gained a certain level of respect since its creation, there are still those who challenge whether it has the right to be called a sport. The team president’s response to that criticism was stern and unwavering. “I always say I played lacrosse for seven years and I played ice hockey for pretty much all my life,” Bollweg said. “(People) think Quidditch is a fake sport, say it’s not a real sport, I accept that. (Those were) my first

impressions too, but I always say that being on has given me more of a thrill than lacrosse or hockey ever did.” Part of what makes the Quidditch club unique is the ways in which it ties itself back to the fictional sport. One of the most popular activities in the books is getting judged by the sorting hat. In the series, the sorting hat was used to designate which school house each student was assigned to. The quiz is one of the requirements when joining the Quidditch team. Bollweg put together the team’s quiz. “I based it off a lot of other personality quizzes, like the MBTI, the Myers-Briggs one and I took aspects of that and made my own questions,” Bollweg said. “At the end of it I have an algorithm that tells me who got the most points in Hufflepuff or Griffindor or whatever.” One of the more unconventional items involved in play is the broomstick, which players must be on the entire game. “Most people, whenever they come out, they’ll stumble on their brooms, or they’re running it’ll go flying out,” Gralinski said. “After a while it becomes mastered pretty easily and it’s like it’s not even there.” The club prides itself in it’s all inclusive nature and uses that as their primary pitch to potential new members. “When I describe Quidditch I talk about how its full-contact, so it’s just like rugby,” Bollweg said. “You can tackle people regardless of their gender cause we’re a very inclusive sport so we’re all about accepting people of all genders and backgrounds.”


Freshman soccer player making her debut By Brooke Phillips Assistant Sports Reporter @brookephillips_ With two goals and 434 minutes already under her belt, Renny Moore, freshman midfielder, may be new to the college athlete life, but is all too familiar with the soccer field. Moore started playing soccer at the age of four. Although she tried playing other sports growing up, soccer is what she’s best at. “I liked soccer the most,” Moore said. “I like the team environment, and it’s a dynamic kind of game. Soccer is tactical, but also has a flow to it.” After years of focusing on perfecting her game, the athlete’s hard work paid off. Once Moore began high school, it did not take long to decide she wanted to be a Bobcat. “I committed to play here early my sophomore year,” Moore said. “My parents also went here, and the coaches reached out and I thought they were nice and cool. When I visited, I really liked the team and the campus and everything.” Once she committed, Moore was ready to play and compete. “I feel like I knew everything pretty well coming into college soccer,” Moore said. “Some of the workouts are hard and stuff like that, but I knew they were

line supporters and try to attend every game. However, she is grateful for how supportive the team is too. “My favorite part so far is that the team is really great,” Moore said. “I like how we’re all with each other all the time, and even if it’s not going super well, we’re all still together.” In addition to having supportive teammates, the team’s diversity is also helpful to Moore. She appreciates how the team is not separated by classifications. “I usually can ask one of the upperclassmen what I’m doing wrong or why something isn’t working that I’m doing,” Moore said. “I think they’re all really helpful.” Moore has had to learn how to manage her time as a college athlete and a student. “It’s a lot of walking and study hall hours,” Moore said. “I balance it out by Renny Moore, freshman midfielder, celebrates after a bobcat goal with her looking at my calendar and making a toteammate Kaylee Davis, sophomore forward, Sept. 8 during the game against do list. It helps a lot.” Prairie View A&M. PHOTO BY ROBERT BLACK | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Moore has only gotten a small taste of what college soccer is like after playgoing to be hard.” that I was playing up to the level that ing a few games. Although Moore knew the sport in- everyone else is playing at,” Moore said. “I’m looking forward to… playing as side and out, the athlete said she was still “I just focused on the small things like well as we can and getting as many wins the slightest bit nervous stepping onto making the right choice and knowing as we can,” Moore said. “Also, getting a new field for the first time. However, what I’m going to do with that, listening better as a player and trying to be the Moore began feeling more comfort- to my teammates and listening to what best I can on the field in whatever way able after her debut game while learning (the) coach had to say and trying to adhelps the team.” along the way. just.” “I was nervous for just making sure Moore’s parents are her biggest side-

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