February 13, 2018

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Volume 107, Issue 19



Minority engagement higher in last Student Government election By Tyler Hernandez News Reporter

it," Miller said. Miller was referring to an hour-long conversation with Fernando Gomez, vice chancellor of the university system, whom according to Miller, said they could not accomplish getting an attorney on campus. "UT Dallas, Texas Tech and UNT all have immigration attorneys and if anyone has a problem with funding, we spend $32 and a half million dollars on athletics," Miller said. The prospective student presidents were also asked about individual pieces of legislation and Student Government's legislative process overall as some pieces that have passed have still not been implemented including the Diversity Liaison Act. The act would have appointed a liaison to go to various groups on campus and meet to hear their concerns but was not implemented and the candidates were unaware of where the Act was in the implementation process.

Available data for voter demographics provided by student affairs at Texas State indicate that minority participation in Student Government elections far outnumbers minority political engagement on the national stage. While there is no official record of voter demographics during campus elections, the amount of students who accessed the voting website during the last election is almost identical to the number of votes tallied. 4,461 students accessed the site, while 4,328 total votes were cast according to. Taylor Brimer, election board chairman and engineering technology senior, said the lack of data collected is due to a lack of effort to be consistent through changing administrations. “You gotta remember this is a student-run thing, students are only here for four years so there’s not that sense of longevity,” Brimer said. Matt Flores, assistant vice president for university advancementcommunication said he believes the data accurately represents the constituency of Student Government. “It's the number of students who accessed the voting system,” Flores said. “My take is that this is a fair representation in terms of the breakdown of minority groups that voted.” The topic of inclusion in elections has long been controversial, often provoked by large discrepancies between the participation of minority and white voters. While national engagement of minority groups in elections has increased steadily over the last 20 years, white voters still make up around 70 percent of the total national electorate.



Student Government Presidential Candidates hold their last debate before the election Feb. 12. Pictured from left to right: Brooklyn Boreing, Preston Nieves and Elijah Miller.. PHOTO BY JOSH MENDS

Presidential candidates discuss campus issues and legislation During Student Government's annual presidential debate candidates discussed legislation, campus issues and other concerns important to Bobcats. More than 100 attended the student body presidential debate in the LBJ Teaching Theatre on Feb. 12. Brooklyn Boreing, presidential candidate and business management junior, said she was pressured by Texas State administration to vote no on a piece of legislation that would have brought an immigration attorney to campus. "I would say that that our administration was pressured by the overall administration of Texas State to vote no, and I felt extreme pressure to vote no," Boreing said in an interview following the debate. Candidates Elijah Miller, criminal justice junior, and Preston Nieves, political science sophomore said during the debate students overwhelmingly supported the Student Government resolution to recommend hiring an immigration attorney.


Navigating the health of relationships SEE RELATIONSHIPS PAGE 4

The unrealistic expectations of love SEE LOVE PAGE 5

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Elections will be held from Feb. 19-22. Students can vote on the second floor of LBJ across from Wells Fargo from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m or online. "The research that we did during the immigration subcommittee was a complete lie," Nieves said. "Based on false information the idea that we can't have one (immigration attorney), sometimes a symbolic vote is necessary, we will not let our immigrant community be oppressed." Miller said that he did not understand why Texas State's administration would be against hiring another attorney, despite budgeting issues. "I'm tired of hearing that we can't do


Professor to run for Texas House By Sandra Sadek News Reporter English professor, Rebecca BellMetereau, announced her candidacy for the vacant 45th District seat in the Texas House of Representatives. Bell-Metereau filed her candidature Dec. 8 last year, and will be on the ballot during for the democratic primary, March 6. "I decided to run because I felt like I could win," Bell-Metereau said. "I was going to wait until 2020 but then I saw the opportunity." "I have more experience than my (opposing) candidates and the 45th district is a flippable district, BellMetereau continued." She is currently registered as a democratic candidate and will be running against opponents Les Carnes and Erin Zwiener. "(My opponents) are nice people with good ideas," Bell-Metereau said. "But I feel like my experience will be beneficial because I know a lot about

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the area, how it works and I have plenty of allies and connections from previous campaigns. Also, since I am a professor, I can be a champion for public education." She ran for State Board of Education three times in the past, coming within four percent of the incumbent in the 2016 election. She also participated as a member of San Marcos' Planning and Zoning Committee, the Solid Waste Commission and the Blue Ribbon Bond Commission. Bell-Metereau is planning to run on issues regarding education, health and the environment, as well as finding ways to improve the economy and reallocate the budget. "We need to stop relying on property taxes to fund educational programs," Bell-Metereau said. "We should have legislation that funds at least 50 percent of the schools, K through 12 and higher education."


Rebecca Bell-Meterau, English professor, is running for Texas House.

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The march on Clegg


The University Star

2 | Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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About Us History: The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and once a month in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright: Copyright Tuesday, February 13, 2018. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor-in-chief. Deadlines: Letters to the Editor or any contributed articles are due on Monday the week prior to publication. Corrections: Any errors that are in the pages of The University Star and are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. Visit The Star at universitystar.com

Katie Burrell News Editor @KatieNicole96

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Video series of sexual assault survivor stories receives no male volunteers By Monique Flores News Reporter Not on my campus debuted their first episode of 'Survivor Series,' Jan. 31 but struggles to find male volunteers to speak on sexual assault experiences. The student-led organization and social media campaign raises awareness of the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses while spearheading events, fundraisers and projects promoting the openness and support of victims of sexual violence. The Survivor Series offers the opportunity for sexual assault survivors or advocates against sexual abuse to share their stories through a collection of filmed interviews. The series, inspired by a similar project launched by the NOMC chapter at the University of Alabama in 2015, was introduced to Texas State by Brooklyn Boreing, public relations junior and president of NOMC. Of the organization’s 11 board members, one is male. According to Boreing, this ratio represents the organization as a whole. So far, the series only received female volunteers despite the option to remain anonymous. When asked about the low number of male members and lack of male perspective for the series, Boreing said the cultural stigma surrounding male survivors prevents NOMC from expanding its series. “When people talk about sexual assault with me they always use the word

women,” Boreing said. “They don’t say men and women or individuals. They just view it as a woman’s issue, and it’s not." "People don’t see that because there are all of these masculinity preconceptions that people have a hard time getting past," Boreing said. As the only male member of the NOMC board of directors, Vincente Villarreal, English and political science junior and co-director of Greek affairs for NOMC, recognized the same issues. “Often times people will view rape and sexual assault as a predominately female issue, and while statistically, they do make up a majority of the victims, men are still a big part of that overall number,” Villarreal said. “A lot of times you'll see under-reporting with men because of societal norms and stereotypes.” Society is more comfortable with the idea of a woman sharing her story than a man, according to Boreing. “Men are expected to not be emotional, and women are expected to be overly emotional, so when it comes to sharing your story it makes sense... to society for a woman to share (her story) more than a man,” Boreing said. Sophia Taylor-Burton, public relations junior and the organization’s vice president of outreach, leads the project. Taylor-Burton spoke similarly on this dynamic and identified one of many steps necessary to take to improve the inclusivity of the conversation of sexual assault.

"I know for me, personally, seeing women acknowledge their sexual assaults and things that have happened to them allowed me to acknowledge things that have happened to me that I just thought didn't happen to other people," Taylor-Burton said. "So, giving the same chance to men is a really important first step.” To help with the inclusion of the male perspective on the issue, NOMC plans to reach out to men on campus by promoting the series to fraternities and other student-led organizations dedicated to improving social issues. According to Boreing, the project has no definite end, and NOMC hopes that as the series grows, more people will step forward to offer their stories, anonymous or not. The members hope to proportionately represent the voices of both female and male survivors. Taylor-Burton acknowledged the difficulties survivors face in sharing their stories, but believes those stories must be told in order to further the conversation of consent, sexual assault and the current stigmas entangled in that conversation. “It's always going to be hard,” TaylorBurton said. “There are always going to be people who don't understand and who dismiss survivor stories, male or female. There are always going to be people who aren't going to want to hear it. But, it's a story that needs to be shared."

FROM FRONT DEBATE Emari Shelvin, nursing and Spanish junior, and vice presidential candidate stated she would want to have an open forum with all on-campus organizations to ensure that Student Government was accessible to everyone. All candidates said divisive rhetoric and racism on campus are the biggest problems students currently face. Which, vice presidential candidate and political science junior, Christian Sears brought up during the debate. "(Racism has been) an ongoing problem for a few years now," Sears said. "The current administration said that they would do more to combat that and yes, they've written a lot of legislation, but they could have helped the administration deal with racism in a lot of ways." Two of the candidates, Boreing and her vice presidential candidate Ruben Becerra, finance senior, are on the current administration's cabinet, but made it clear that while they serve on the cabinet they do not always agree with what is done. Every candidate stated racism in any form would not be tolerated under their administrations and also said they believe the current Student Body President Connor Clegg should step down from his position or be impeached from office.

Vice presidential candidates giving an intro statement to the audience at the Student Government Debate Feb. 12. PHOTO BY TYLER JACKSON | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

"If that's what the students have wanted, and I have seen continuously, then it would be in the best interest of the student body for him to step down," Boreing said.

Elections will be held from Feb. 1922. Students can vote on the second floor of LBJ across from Wells Fargo from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m or online.

engagement by each demographic. While African-American students take a larger share of engagement than their portion of the population, most other demographics take a share that is proportional to their percentage of the total campus population. Flores said the data correlated closely with campus-wide demographics. “(It’s) a pretty good reflection of the campus make up," Flores said. "When I say that 42 percent of the students who accessed the voting system were white -we’re about 48 percent white as a campus, so its pretty close. Likewise, Hispanics were 32 percent of who accessed the voting system and our campus is 33

percent or 34 percent Hispanic.” Emily Leyendecker, computer science senior, said that she thought accessibility was a contributor to the amount of student engagement. “I feel like it's because they don't need a voter card really to vote here," Leyendecker said. "It's a lot easier to vote here in student government, it's a lot easier to be directly involved versus national government.” The location of the voting stations for the upcoming Student Government election will be on the second floor of the LBJ Student Center across from Wells Fargo bank.

participation in the primaries, Stanley and Bell-Metereau have been focused on individuals with a history of voting Democrat. "So far, the response has been very enthusiastic," Stanley said. "Rebecca is a proven candidate who is idealist and has the experience. She's very persuasive." The TX AFL-CIO Austin Area Central Labor Council, a state labor federation, endorsed Bell-Metereau, making her the sole State Representative candidate for District 45 to receive it.

Judy Cortez, president of the Austin Area Labor Council, said the organization chose to support Bell-Meterau because they believe she is the most reliable option. "We had several other candidates present themselves," Cortez said. "But Rebecca, who already has name recognition, came to a screening and she was able to answer all the questions the delegates had on issues regarding labor. That's when we decided that she was the most reliable and electable person."

FROM FRONT STATS By contrast, white students at Texas State made up about 42 percent of the population who accessed the voting system during the last Student Government election. This is consistent with a higher proportion of minority groups being represented in the data. Hispanic students represented 32 percent of the engagement, which is 23 percent higher than the about nine percent who constituted the national vote. AfricanAmerican students represented almost 19 percent of engagement compared to 12 percent nationally. The difference in engagement can be attributed to the diversity of the university, and not higher levels of

FROM FRONT PROFESSOR The candidate said she also believes that Texas needs to accept Medicaid since 100 billion dollars in taxes have already been paid. In terms of the environment, she wants to work on instituting renewable and environmental sources, inspired by the Georgetown model. Alfred Stanley, Bell-Metereau's fundraising consultant, has been aiding her in the campaign. He has organized block walks, social media campaigns and contacted people in the communities through mail. Since there is little

The University Star


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | 3 LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Editor @leeanncardwell

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African-American associate professor inspires students By Sonia Garcia Lifestyle Reporter A history professor is using his past experiences to relate to and reassure his students that they do indeed belong in college. As a Texas State alumnus, Ronald Angelo Johnson, history associate professor, became a young adult on this campus and now seeks to ensure a welcoming environment for all his students. It was looking back at his hometown, a community racially divided by railroad tracks, that Johnson realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life learning about moments in history when people in the United States defied the norms. “I will use this office to study where people of different backgrounds in this nation refuse to be coward of the prejudice of their time and cross over and build relationships with people who are unlike themselves," Johnson said. "That is why I am a historian." Johnson is the youngest of nine children and grew up in a financially unstable household. Despite the rough patches, Johnson said he had great times with his siblings and other kids in town. Johnson took honors courses as a senior in high school and said he was excited to go to college like the rest of his classmates. However, it had never occurred to him until then that having a father who was a truck driver and a stay-at-home mother meant that, in his family, he could not afford to to go college. To help pay for school, Johnson

their frustrations, to be inspired, to be empowered to be all they can be at Texas State. That is incredibly important,” Johnson said. With 52 percent of Texas State students in a racial minority, Johnson said he believes the university needs to expand how it embraces each culture intellectually and socially so people of color feel at home on campus. JaVaun Butler, theater sophomore, said Johnson was his first role model at Texas State. With Johnson's encouragement, Butler was able to come out of his shell and is now in the cast of two different productions on campus. “To see an African-American man who is accomplished, (has) written a book, (is) very articulate and is extremely passionate completely blew my mind," Butler said. "Being in his class was a door to all the opportunities I am taking advantage of now." Gwendolyn Cunningham, history sophomore, is currently taking one of Ronald Johnson, history associate professor, talks about his experience as being Johnson's classes and said that he even one of the few black professors on campus. PHOTO BY ELZA TAURINS inspired her to change her major to history. decided to enlist in the U.S. Air Force. his mind through their support and “(Johnson) is definitely one of my He served four years and became the encouragement. mentors; I see him quite a bit outside of Johnson said he is grateful for the way class,” Cunningham said. first member of his family to attend college when he enrolled in classes at members of the Texas State community Johnson said though racial and went out of their way to make him feel cultural differences exist all over the Texas State. Johnson said he was insecure like this was exactly where he was meant world, they can be overcome if people in college because of his financial to be. Now that he is a faculty member, are honest and willing to communicate. situation, the color of his skin and Johnson said he tries to reflect the same He tries to convey to his students the being a first-generation student. After sentiment to all of his students. moment there is courage and humility, “It is incumbent upon me to be a problem solving will occur, and questioning if he belonged in college, Johnson said it was his professors and listener and to have my office as a safe problems need to be faced head on even other staff members who changed space for students of color who want if it is unpleasant. someone to listen to them, to hear


Witches Market magically celebrates love By Diana Furman Lifestyle Reporter Full cups of steaming coffee kept San Marcos romantics warm as they shopped for mystical, handmade love potions among the witches. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Buzz Mill hosted a Witches Market Feb. 11, sending love and magic into the community. Witches offered tarot readings, love potions, handmade decor and natural apothecary goods. The Witches Market is headed by Jessica Beauvoir, owner of Eris Apothecary in Austin. Seeking community among local witches, she began a traveling market as a way to unite their special talents. Witches from Austin, San Marcos and other nearby towns gather once a month at Buzz Mill to sell their specialty goods. The Witches Market has been held at Buzz Mill since October 2016. The market has celebrated the Hunters Moon, Beaver Moon and Blood Moon. While it typically follows moon cycles, this market came just in time for Valentine's Day. “It’s not just about romantic love,” Beauvoir said. “We have kits here for self-love too and that’s just as important, if not more so.” Nicole Moniz, owner of The Spirit Connection, also believes in the

importance of self-love. Her booth hosted a collection of love spells catered to different types of love. “You’ve got to start loving yourself before you can even try to love someone else,” Moniz said. Beauvoir said Valentine’s Day is not typically a pagan or Wiccan holiday, but the acknowledgment and celebration of love is something they focus on regularly. She said they accept witches and customers of all kinds regardless of their beliefs or background. A general appreciation for Gothic art and handmade crafts are common qualities between all the vendors. Emily Morton, Buzz Mill's event coordinator, said the market is important because it merges two communities in an unusual way. “They bring such cool vibes, and it’s unlike anything else in town so it’s great for our community,” Morton said. “And they’re their own community, too, so it kind of brings everyone together.” Moniz said one of her favorite elements of the market is the fact that it gets the community outdoors. She said as a pagan or witch it is important to go outside and experience nature’s energy. “Buying stuff on a catalog has its perks, but taking a step outside and buying handmade crafts does too,” Moniz said. “As a practicing witch, it just makes it more personal and meaningful

Witches display magical healing potions and handmade crafts at Buzz Mill's Witches Market. PHOTO BY DIANA FURMAN

to me.” Moniz said the more love she puts into her handmade crafts, the more love her costumers derive from them because she is passing on her energy. She said she believes spreading love is

something that needs to be done every month, not just February. “This last year was such a horrible year for everyone,” Moniz said. “I think we could all use a little love this year. We all need to love each other.”

Juicy 8 ounce New York strip and bacon-wrapped jumbo shrimp. Served with loaded mashed potatoes & an iceberg wedge salad.

Available through February 14th

4 | Tuesday, February 13, 2018


The University Star LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Editor @leeanncardwell

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


David Mars, owner of Vagabond, vintage store in the square, has had his shop open for 16 years. PHOTO BY SONIA GARCIA

"In the early 90's I sold everything I had and took off to Russia. I had a sister there with her husband, so I went to stay with them. It's kind of funny, I actually got a job at the embassy. I just checked work badges, but it was cool. I would send what I got my hands on back home to my brother, like Russian coats and Nazi war medals that the Russians had from World War II. Russia was cheap

to live in at the time, but I wouldn't go back. It's totally ruled by the mafia, take my word for it. It's corrupt. Not to mention it's the coldest place I've ever lived. I stayed there for 14 months, and then I decided to come back to Texas, where I moved to Austin and eventually opened my shop here in San Marcos." – David Mars


Wittliff traces sun one beer can at a time By LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Editor A camera made from beer cans may not be the most conventional way to capture the course of the sun over several months in a single image, but one man has used it to reveal the abstract beauty of Texas landscapes. Bill Wittliff, co-founder of the Wittliff Collections, opened his new solargraphy exhibit “Sunrise Sunset” on Feb. 11. The exhibition will be on display until July 8 in the Wittliff Collections located on the seventh floor of Alkek. Solargraphy is a photographic technique that uses a pinhole camera to trace the path of the sun over time, allowing its subtle movements to be made visible in a particular landscape. Due to the long exposure, the resulting images looks like a wave of light crossing the sky. Inspired by Justin Quinell’s solargraphy photos of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in London, Wittliff said his interest peaked when he considered how the images were made and decided to buy a six-pack of beer and embark on his own solagraphy project. The unique approach Wittliff took to this technique included using tallboy beer cans or small sections of PVC pipe as the pinhole camera. Then he used duct tape to hoister the cameras to various points across his country

property in Austin where he would leave them for weeks or months at a time to produce the images. Wittliff has been working on this project since 2014. Wittliff said he is pleased to offer his exhibition to Texas State students. “I hope they think ‘if he can do it, I can do it’ and not be afraid to try stuff,” Wittliff said. “Because this seriously is just photographs taken with a beer can, a hole and a bunch of duct tape.” David Coleman, Wittliff Collections director, said he was at first skeptical of the idea that beer cans could be used as pinhole cameras to produce solargraphic images, but quickly appreciated the project’s mystique once he saw the photos. “He’s taken pinhole photographs for years," Coleman said. "He loves the magic to it. With a pinhole, there’s a large part of the image that the photographer doesn’t control; there’s a lot of chance. Bill loves mysterious things.” Part of the mystery in solargraphy is that the sun creates a slightly new image in the pinhole camera each day. A multitude of things could happen in between, such as a cow munching on the beer can, a pack of ants leaving their footprints across the paper or rain from a storm penetrating onto the image. “It’s like kissing a frog,” Wittliff said. “Sometimes you get a prince, but most often you just have that frog you kissed.” Wittliff said though disruptions can ruin the photo, on occasion they can

Bill Wittliff, co-founder of the Wittliff Collections, discusses how he used his pinhole cameras made out of tallboy beer cans to capture solargraphs Feb. 11. PHOTO BY LEEANN CARDWELL

enhance it by showing the beauty of the environment in its natural, active state. Gregory Curtis, former editor of Texas Monthly and project specialist at the Harry Ransom Center, has known Wittliff since the early 1970s and said if there is one thing he has learned about Wittliff it is that he has a great eye for capturing magnificence. “There’s always something that he is working on, and usually it is something unique that someone else wouldn’t have thought of,” Curtis said. “Bill still has

the curiosity to try and see things in a new way; his mind is always working like that.” Wittliff is a distinguished writer, film producer and photographer. His photographs have been exhibited all around the world and published in a variety of catalogs, books and periodicals. The Wittliff Collections also house a collection of his photographs from the Lonesome Dove miniseries he wrote and produced.


Navigating the health of relationships By Alyssa Weinstein Lifestyle Reporter As Valentine’s Day approaches, it is easy to get carried away with the chocolates, flowers and giant teddy bears and forget to evaluate the health and genuine happiness of a relationship. Counselors in the San Marcos community want students to avoid unhealthy relationships and build strong bonds so they can be as happy as possible. Most experts will say defining a healthy relationship is not easy and depends on individual people and situations. However, Melissa Rodriguez, director of development and community partnership at the Hays-Caldwell Women's Shelter, said most healthy relationships have commonalities. “A healthy relationship is based on trust and mutual respect," Rodriguez said. "Both partners should feel respected, supported and maintain a level of independence. It can be complicated to define what is and isn’t healthy for someone, so it’s important that each person reflects and openly expresses what they consider to be important values in a relationship.” Nicholas Rambeau, psychology senior and Men Against Violence president, said factors like negotiation, fairness, economic partnership and shared responsibility are key elements in a successful relationship. Although all these components matter, Rambeau said he believes mutual respect is essential to a healthy relationship. “Having respect in a healthy relationship includes listening nonjudgmentally, being emotionally affirming and understanding and by valuing each others' opinions,” Rambeau said. There are many steps couples can take to build a stronger and healthier relationship. Kevin Fall, professional counseling professor, said while

A healthy relationship is based on trust and mutual respect." -Melissa Rodriguez spending time together and consistently communicating is important, there are other methods couples can practice to help their relationship thrive. "When conflict arises, try to find the mutual goal and work together to overcome struggles," Fall said. "Also, develop an identity that is separate from the relationship identity. This allows new experiences to be brought into the relationship and decreases unhealthy dependency on the relationship.” Despite efforts to improve a relationship, it can sometimes head in the wrong direction. Paulina Flasch, professional counseling assistant professor, said it can sometimes be difficult to know when a relationship has become unhealthy, but there are some common things to look out for. “Unhealthy relationships have a dynamic of disrespect, poor boundaries, dishonesty, lack of trust, only spending time with your partner or not spending time with your partner, or an unequal power balance,” Flasch said. Fall said he would advise couples to approach problems in the relationship as a team with immediacy. If too much time passes without addressing an issue, it can result in more harm than good. However, when efforts to improve the relationship become ineffective, it may need to be re-evaluated. “If you cannot make any meaningful

changes and feel it is stagnating as either a controlling or distant relationship, then make a move to leave and go find a relationship that has a greater probability of getting what you want," Fall said. "But before you move into another relationship, think about what you want in the next relationship differently and any changes in yourself

that might be needed, and focus on that as you move forward." There are many resources available at Texas State and in the surrounding area to help you or your partner navigate the complexities of relationships, such as the Texas State Counseling Center, Hays-Caldwell Women's Center and National Domestic Violence Hotline.





The University Star

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | 5


Carrington Tatum Opinions Editor @mogulcarrington

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

The role of Student Government Following efforts to impeach Student Body President Connor Clegg on the grounds he no longer represents the university or the student body, the conversation about the ideal role of Student Government must be revisited. According to the Student Government code of ethics, members of Student Government are expected to, "oppose all forms of discrimination and harassment" and, "be respectful and exemplify the principles of servant leadership." Additionally, the Student Government Constitution charges its members with "representing the student interests and concerns to the administration, and providing those activities and services it deems useful to students." Additionally, one of the most important roles of Student Government is to avoid partisan politics while

governing and representing the university. The Student Government code has clear restrictions on partisan politics among officials. However, whether or not this restriction translates from paper to practice, remains to be seen. We see a permission of partisan politics in a failed attempt to bring an immigration attorney to campus, which was defeated by a single vote last year. In an ideal Student Government, the decision would be decided on the basis of doing the most good for Bobcats. However, Clegg refused to present the legislation to the administration because he did not believe it would pass. This is cause for suspicion given Clegg's nomination to the office by College Republicans and the party's stance on immigration, according to the College Republican's Facebook page. Would a

true non-partisan Student Government official withhold certain pieces of legislation, especially highly controversial bills, from the same treatment expected for all legislation? This vote was decided under Clegg's administration. The president cannot be, and should not be, held accountable for the actions and faults of every elected official. When Student Government is charged with representing all Bobcats, this means all Bobcats. Every student deserves to feel safe, have the resources to succeed and feel that their voice matters. If Student Government cannot make this mission their priority, they must be replaced. The existence of partisanship tendencies in Student Government is not only unethical; it's not logical. Institutional partisanship exists as a means to assign resources to

an individual or group over other individuals and groups. It's a necessary evil in local, state and federal governments, but at the university level, it does not serve a purpose. Students already receive their resources through the university, funded by their tuition, state funding and private donors. Partisanship at this level will only infringe upon every student receiving the tools to succeed, which should never be the goal of a governing body claiming to represent the student population. With election season upon us again, candidates running for office should take care to reaffirm their commitment to the student body and uphold the promise of representing the entire student body in every capacity of their office.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.


The unrealistic expectations of love By Hannah Schmanske Opinions Columnist As Valentine’s Day is falling upon us, singles all over the world are dreading the sappy posts that have grown customary to the holiday. The extremes couples may go to for social media could, perhaps, be enough to even lure people in a happy relationship to question the excitement of their love. On Valentine’s Day some expect an upscale dinner, flowers, or a card to create a romantic night with a significant other. As a society, our idea of what a realistic relationship looks like is already misconstrued; social media is not doing much to help the issue. With famous couples brandishing themselves through unrealistic imagery, it is no wonder why modern expectations of what a relationship is meant to look like are unreasonable. Constant exposure to a "perfect" couple makes it difficult for upcoming generations to understand that a relationship requires more than buying expensive gifts, going on lavish vacations or posting intimate pictures together. The problem with Instagram-famous couples is that their followers are only

seeing the good parts of the relationship. No couple will brag about a fight, but the constant pictures of their happiness makes for a convincing illusion to outsiders. In fact, 45 percent of internet users ages 18-29 in serious relationships say the internet has had an impact on their relationship, according to Pew Research Center. No real relationship consists only of the good times, and Millennials are losing sight of this. It has become common to idolize these couples as "relationship goals." Social media will have an effect on the family dynamic of the future because it changes how relationships are viewed. Social media has negatively correlated with marriage quality and happiness, according to studies conducted by researchers at Boston University. This negative correlation is supported by a growing fear of commitment. Since our parents and grandparents could not easily compare their relationships to the couples of the world, their fear of commitment is not as potent as the fear from newer couples. It is natural to wonder if the grass is greener on the other side, but social media has convinced Millennials that there is truth to this fallacy.



Millennials are falling in love with the idea of relationships -- not people. The deterioration of relationships worsens when they inevitably fall short of the Internet's expectations coupled with the actual difficulties of a relationship, which require much more than a photogenic presence to endure. The value of a relationship lies in the

other person, not the aesthetic of the couple. A healthy relationship is not created by constantly posting your love for one another. Love is not based on followers or likes. Not everything seen on a screen is reality. - Hannah Schmanske is a journalism freshman

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Miller-Shelvin: Bobcats need to take action By Elijah Miller Guest Columinst Texas State is home to nearly 40,000 Bobcats. Our campus is beautifully diverse in a multitude of ways, and that makes our university all the better. However, there is a difference between “diverse” and “inclusionary.” The past year has been a trying and tumultuous one for Texas State: it has been one of political tension, racial divides, disillusion and distress for students who should never have to fear for their safety. This past year, Texas State, while excelling at diversity, has failed at inclusion. Fostering a positive campus community where everyone can feel safe and heard seems like an obvious and fairly straightforward objective for any university leader, yet such a goal has proven difficult for our current representatives. Without proper representation, it will only continue to

prove difficult. On Nov. 9, 2016, fliers were posted around our campus demanding university leaders who celebrate diversity to be tortured. Fliers of this sort have continued to pop up frequently since. Although it is understandable for our leaders to be alarmed and even scared, calls for violence against the livelihood of entire peoples demand leaders who will fight that much harder to ensure diversity and inclusion in the face of bigotry. University leadership should stand firm and absolute in its disdain for the hateful rhetoric that has plagued our campus. All students who attend Texas State are sacrificing something to be here, therefore, all students deserve leadership ready and willing to go to bat for them. The student body is entitled to more than that of depthless responses in times of divisiveness. Texas State truly is one of the best universities in the nation, from the

river that runs through campus all the way to the groundbreaking research being conducted by our distinguished faculty. But even with this, the institution has a long way to go. No longer can we tout our Black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Nontraditional, veteran, etc. students around like a badge of honor without properly bringing them equal visibility. There are many underrepresented groups that feel as if their voices are being stifled by a sense of superiority and dominance. Our Student Government should be the catalyst for change many so desperately need during this transitional period. Advocacy in the Senate chamber has, unfortunately, been replaced by resumé-building and political gain. Limited transparency has led to a lack of oversight, which has given past administrations the ability to prioritize symbolic motions that in no way impact the student body. The increase in motions being passed has

been mistaken for productivity. Each elected representative must understand the importance of their position and that Student Government has no room for self-servants. With that, representatives must also realize if they are not willing to execute the duties they swore to uphold, there are thousands of individuals who would be more than willing to take their place. The only way progress will be made on campus is if we put the power back in the hands of constituents. We must prop up candidates who genuinely have everyone’s best interests in mind and seek to listen to students even when the conversation may cause discomfort. We must promote alliance amongst student leaders, and most importantly, we must vote Miller-Shelvin '18. Take Action Texas State. - Elijah Miller is a candidate for student body president. The publication of this column is not an endorsement from The University Star.


Nieves-Sears: Legal precedents support social justice By Preston Nieves Guest Columinst As recent events both on and off campus demonstrate, race remains a hot-button political issue. Historical oppression and privilege still affect us today, shaping key debates over issues like gerrymandering, criminal justice and civil rights. It is for this reason political movements across the country have been dedicated to fighting for the liberties of underrepresented disadvantaged groups like LGBTQIA+, Latinos, African Americans and Muslims. From the women’s marches around the country to Texas State’s own march on Student Body President Connor Clegg, social justice groups have mobilized in force to show their voices matter, and they are willing to do what is necessary to dismantle oppressive systems. However, in recent years some of these movements have adopted frighteningly authoritarian tendencies. Calls for censorship of unpopular or non-PC opinions, advocacy for gun control, and support for selective definitions of racism presenting the claims of

“oppressed” groups as infallible have become increasingly popular. Though the frustration that exists with the status quo is understandable, the social justice movement needs to be careful not to inadvertently support or even become what it is fighting. Ending oppression requires abolishing power structures, not reversing or enhancing them. It is important to always keep precedent in mind. In Robert Bolt’s play, "A Man for All Seasons," St. Thomas Moore is engaged in dialogue with Roper, another character. Responding to Moore’s claim that even the devil should go free so long as he does not break the law, Roper says he would cut down every law in England to go after the devil. St. Moore responds with “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you--where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?” The concept illustrated here is one of precedent: the idea that behavior, policy and legal decisions now set the stage for similar actions in circumstances later, and forces of good or evil operate under the same precedent. Those who support limitations on

constitutional rights for the sake of social justice fall into the same trap of cutting down every law to go after the devil. It often becomes tempting to limit the right of people to express views or engage in activities we perceive as being offensive or racist. For example, criminalization of hate speech or government censorship of media may be policies that give us comfort, feeling that we are limiting the platform of bigots and shaping narratives in favor of political allies on the right side of history. The fallacy behind this, however, is this rationale overlooks that people in power enforce laws, who is in power is constantly changing and limitations work both ways. Essentially, criminalization of hate speech, censorship, and other authoritarian policies would set the precedent it is acceptable for those in power to decide what kind of politics to allow, and what to prohibit. This seems all fine and well when just leaders are in power, but what occurs when racist authoritarians seize the White House, Congress, or even the courts? The answer is those same powers may be used by oppressors, standing on the very legal and philosophical framework built

to contain them. When it comes to the Bill of Rights and social justice, the focus ought to be on expanding protections and rights to cover those who may currently be excluded. The way to liberate populations facing oppression is to empower them. The Constitution may protect the rights of those we don’t like to speak their minds, carry guns, or avoid prosecution without due process, but it also protects our right to speak out against them, bear arms for our own self-preservation, and defend against arbitrary and racially motivated accusations against ourselves. Ending privilege and oppression is a matter of placing reasonable limitations on power and ensuring it is distributed fairly. Erecting authoritarian systems lays the groundwork for a great reversal in progress--one that would make Martin Luther King, LBJ, and Abraham Lincoln turn in their graves. Our nation has a lot of progress to make, but it must march forward with prudence and foresight. - Preston Nieves is a candidate for student body president. The publication of this column is not an endorsement from The University Star.


Boreing-Becerra: Giving back to a loving campus By Brooklyn Boreing Guest Columnist Advocacy, philanthropy, love, law and the intricacies of philosophy and ideology run throughout my veins. It is Texas State and the individuals I have met in my time here that awakened this deep love within me. In my five semesters at Texas State, I have crossed paths with many individuals of differing backgrounds, interests and cultures. It is because of the voices and hearts of these individuals that I work to make Texas State a more loving, inclusive and student interest-centered school. It is for each of these students and the way they have affected my life that I want to affect serious change at this school, which so

desperately needs it right now. It is for all Bobcats and the necessity of hearing each of their voices that I want to be your Student Body President. When I first came to Texas State in the fall of 2015, I was going through one of the most awful transitions I could ever imagine. In my first six weeks at Texas State, I started a new journey without my family or best friends, broke up with my high school sweetheart and came out to the world about my first sexual assault. I had struggled with my mental health since I was 7 years old, and in the midst of the sexual assault, it became only worse. I was diagnosed with PTSD and was put on over 200 milligrams of antidepressant and anti-anxiety

medication. I thought I was done; I didn’t know how I could get happy again or acclimate to the university lifestyle. A few months later, I found myself immersed in Texas State. I attended every tailgate and several common experience events, gained leadership positions within my sorority and put myself out there in a way I never thought I could. Fast forward to Spring 2016, and I would find myself co-founding Not On My Campus and within the years, I have seen the culture surrounding interpersonal violence altered incredibly. This organization has taught me so much about being an advocate and a leader, and it is through my work in NOMC I reached the realm of Student Government. In my time with Student

Government, I have been able to interact with so many people and hear the voices of powerful and inspiring individuals. This experience has altered my life and changed my career path, the way I think and my senior year plans. I can’t imagine not serving the great students of this university my final year at Texas State. (I want to) give back to a school that has given so much to me. It is truly incredible to look back on my first six weeks here and think about how weak I felt versus how strong I’ve become. I am so thankful for Texas State for giving me this strength.

to the divide on our campus. It mirrors a widening divide across our nation. Student Government should take steps to lead on these issues and return to its core values of student advocacy, service, democracy, leadership and integrity. Words have failed to promote healing after white supremacist attacks, speeches have failed to bring the university together, and failure to lead has only intensified the problem. As alumni, we will help re-establish these values by engaging with current Student Government members through events, mentorship, and scholarship fundraising. However, students can make the biggest change by voting in Student Government elections and demanding more from Student Government leaders. Reviewing the past week’s events, it is clear that we all love our university. Student Government will never be perfect and improving it for students is the labor of love you all now undertake. We hope all Bobcats will continue to deeply engage the Student Government

through public forums, events and elections so that you can get the results you want. Student Government, through the university committees it controls, oversees $5 million in your student fees annually. How involved you are has direct consequences. After all, it’s only the students who are empowered to choose and remove their representatives. Choose wisely and always remember, whatever else we might be labeled, we are Bobcats first.

Mel Ferrari Student Body President, 2011 Colter Ray Student Body Vice President, 2011 Tommy Luna Student Body Vice President, 2010 Cody DeSalvo Supreme Court Chief Justice, 2014 Megan Trexler Chief of Staff, 2014 Gabe Garcia Executive Assistant to the Student Body President, 2012 Drew Skotak Senate Pro-Tempore, 2012 Sarah Wood Senate Pro-Tempore, 2011 Shanna Schultz Senator, Committee Chair, 2011 Taylor Smith Senator, Committee Chair, 2011 Marissa Parks Senator, Committee Chair, 2015 Sara (Darby) Girouard Supreme Court Chief Justice, 2011 Stephen Brown Senator, 2012 Sarah Hadley Senator, 2011 Rachel Haverkorn Senator, 2010

- Brooklyn Boreing is a candidate for student body president. The publication of this column is not an endorsement from The University Star.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Bobcats, “Students Serving Students” is the creed of Texas State’s Student Government. Sadly, this year we have watched the fulfillment of that mission stifled by divisiveness. Integrity is a core value of Student Government and your elected representatives must be held accountable. President Connor Clegg’s past racist Instagram posts do not represent the organization’s core values; the same values the authors of this letter helped establish. It is rare for Student Government alumni to comment on current administrations. Given the unusual situation though, we must share our voices as concerned former officers of Student Government, and most importantly, as lifelong Bobcats. Student Government has no doubt accomplished much this year, but it is overshadowed by mistakes that highlight divisions on campus. The pain felt by marginalized Bobcats and the failure to truly listen to their concerns contribute

The undersigned, Lauren Stotler Student Body President, 2016 Sean Quiñones Student Body Vice President, 2015 Edward Perez Student Body Vice President, 2014 Alison (Sibley) Berry Student Body Vice President, 2013 Albert DeGarmo Student Body President, 2012 Tiffany (Roemer) Friend Student Body Vice President, 2012

The University Star

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | 7


Brooke Phillips Sports Editor @BrookePhillips_

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


A starter’s journey that began at 2 years old By Melea Polk Assistant Sports Editor One Texas State starter has held onto the basketball that was placed in his hands at the age of 2. Alex Peacock, junior forward, had his first glimpse of the game of basketball when his father, Turhan Peacock, gave him his first basketball. Years later, he began to understand the overall concept of basketball and why it was important to his father. “When I became of age, he told me that I could do what I want with it, but that was the sport him and my uncle understood the most," Peacock said. "He told me I could play other sports as well, but this is the one he could really help out with.” Peacock’s family were not outsiders to the sport. Peacock’s father and uncle made names for themselves in college basketball. “My uncle played at Kansas and my dad played at Purdue,” Peacock said. “My uncle is actually in the Kansas Hall of Fame.” Peacock, a Bloomington, IIl. native, began his high school athletic career at Normal Community High School in Normal, Ill. “Growing up, I played basketball,

football and baseball,” Peacock said. “Basketball was the one that kind of stuck. It is the one I had the most love for." Peacock averaged 19.8 points, 8.9 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game in his senior year of high school. Peacock was named to the Second Team Illinois Basketball Coaches Association 3A/4A All-State. The forward was also selected as the co-Pantagraph Player of the Year. Peacock took his talents to Iowa Western Community College for two years after high school as an applied arts and science major. There, he was selected for the NJCAA All-Region XI Second Team. Peacock averaged 10.5 points, 5.9 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 steals per game at Iowa Western. He shot 48.6 percent from the floor and 75.5 percent from the free-throw line. From there, he moved to San Marcos in the summer of 2017 to join the Bobcats. “After my sophomore year at Iowa Western, Texas State was the one who showed the most love,” Peacock said. “I had already seen Coastal Carolina and another team in Nebraska. When I came on my visit here, it just seemed like home. It was the school that just felt like home and was the best fit.”

Alex Peacock, junior forward, has been averaging 5.2 rebounds per game and hitting multiple double-doubles in games this season. PHOTO BY JOSH MENDS

Peacock found himself coming off the bench with only two returning forwards, which was something new for him. “Starting the season coming off the bench was different,” Peacock said. “I had not done that for most of my career.” Early in the season, Peacock was asked to fill in for a starter. He takes this job seriously and is ready to do whatever it takes to keep his spot.

“When I got the position, I just wanted to make it mine,” he said. “I am a competitive person, and so when I want something you are not going to take it from me without a fight.” Overall, Peacock is happy with where he is right now and only wants to work harder to get better. Although he started at a very young age, Peacock is far from ready to give up something that bonds him and the father figures in his life.


Women’s tennis player fights through adversity By Michelle Joseph Sports Reporter Not only has one women’s tennis player been noticed for her hard work and dedication, but also her ambition to be the best. Rishona Israel-Lewis, freshman tennis

player, started playing at a Miami recreational park, not knowing this sport would one day be her life. “At the time, my mom needed a babysitter; her best friend worked at the park and that’s where it all started,” IsraelLewis said. “I really liked it. I had my first tournament there and faced my sister

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in the finals, and from there I got really good.” Israel-Lewis prepares physically and mentally before a match. She makes decisions with facts, instead of her emotions. “A good warm up is necessary, a brisk sweat to get the body warm,” Israel-Lewis said. “I go out there and give my very

best and most importantly, I find what my opponent doesn’t like.” Israel-Lewis never feels excluded even though she is the only American player on the team.


Monday, February 19 Keynote Speaker Liz Bohannon, founder & CEO, Sseko Designs 11 - 12:20 am | McCoy Hall 119 Alumni Panel Travis Siebenacher | Christina Tusa | Tony Tzanev Liz Ulam | Jennifer Wiklandour 3:30 - 5:10 pm | McCoy Hall 233 Tuesday, February 20 Studies in Entrepreneurship Alan Graham, CEO, Mobile Loaves & Fishes Meagan McCoy Jones, COO, McCoy’s Building Supply 9:30 - 10:50 am | McCoy Hall 119 Business Career Expo 12 - 4 pm | LBJSC Ballroom Wednesday, February 21 Student Organization Fair 10 am - 2 pm | McCoy Hall Wells Fargo Atrium Executive Leadership Panel: Bill Day, VP & Corporate Communication Manager, Frost Bank Daniel Guerrero, former Mayor of San Marcos Brian McCoy, CEO, McCoy’s Building Supply 3:30 - 5:10 pm | McCoy Hall 233 Cowgirl Power, How to Kick Ass in Business & Life Gay Gaddis, author, founder and CEO, T3 3:30 - 5:10 pm | McCoy Hall 119 Thursday, February 22 Distinguished Lecture Billy Petty, Certified Fraud Examiner, Heyman & Associates, PLLC 11 - 12:20 am | McCoy Hall 233 Full schedule of events at:


McCoy College of Business Administration

The University Star


Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | 8 Brooke Phillips Sports Editor @BrookePhillips_

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BASEBALL Jonathan Ortega, junior infielder, winds up his throw to first base during a game from a previous season. Ortega is entering his third year on the baseball team.

Junior infielder aims for champion success By Anthony Flores Senior Sports Reporter An athlete’s success in sports relies heavily on a balance of natural ability and determination to be the best. Jonathan Ortega, junior infielder, is a prime example of this balance and has been a force for Texas State baseball since his arrival in 2016. Ortega began playing sports at an early age. When high school rolled around, it was not long before the other sports faded and baseball became his focus. “I went to Victoria East High School, played a lot of baseball there," Ortega said. "I played multiple sports, but I decided I wanted to play baseball.” Ortega’s focus was a moment of selfrealization. The junior infielder that his size and stature would not transition onto a football field or a basketball court. But, he was right at home in the baseball diamond. “When I was growing up, I liked every sport; it wasn’t really just baseball,”

Ortega said. “Then I got older and started realizing my size and how sports work out, so I was like this is what I think I might have a best shot in, so I stuck with it.” Ortega immediately made a difference as one of only three freshmen to start every game that season. “It was kind of all on the coaches," Ortega said. "It was good for me cause they stuck out my mistakes-my freshman mistakes-and let me just play through the mistakes I made. I feel like they prepared me well in the fall and spring for whenever it was time to go.” As impressive as Ortega’s was, he reached greater heights in his sophmore season. The junior infielder led the Sun Belt Conference with 54 runs scored, totaled 45 RBIs and registered at .339 batting average, notching 81 hits in 239 at-bats. Like most athletes, Ortega believes he could have done better in 2017, but looks to the upcoming 2018 season to improve his game. “I plan to be better than I was last


For one softball player, she had a strong freshman season with the Bobcats. Posting a combined record of 42-17 with a 18-8 home record for the 2017-2018 season, she hit a stellar .259 with 135 at-bats, while starting in all 57 games. Bailee Carter, sophomore second baseman, is looking forward to the upcoming season and all the new challenges it will bring. “I thought the team learned a lot,” Carter said. “We did really well but we are taking what we learned last year and using that to better ourselves." The infielder from Azle gained a lot of experience in her first season. “I can just take what I learned last year as far as game situations,” Carter said. “Last year was kind of a feel-it-out-year coming from high school to college, and now I know what I’m expecting and striving for.” Playing one of the most important positions on the field as a freshman was a bonus for Carter’s growth and maturation as a player. She excels because of her love for the position. “I definitely prefer the infield,” Carter said. “There is a lot going on and there is something to do every play so I see a lot of action.”

year," Ortega said. "I feel like I was younger last year and I’m more mature now about the game. I understand things more and I should be better." Beyond improving his individual game, Ortega takes the role of team leader seriously and wants to help and lift up other players. “I just try to push somebody

to be better than what they are and pick some of the younger guys up that don’t understand it so far yet,” Ortega said. “Just try to motivate everybody, like let everybody know that I got your back, keep working.” The junior infielder has confidence in the current team and believes championship gold is within their reach. “My personal goal is to win the conference championship," Ortega said. "That’s my personal goal and then end up going to super regionals; then go to Omaha. I feel like we have the team to do it this year.”


Sophomore player ready for upcoming season challenges By John Paul Mason II Sports Reporter


Carter played more than one position when she was younger and believes this gives her an advantage over opponents. Carter is not one for personal goals; she would much rather see the team succeed no matter what role she is playing. “Our biggest goal this year is just trying to do better as a team than what we did last year,” Carter said. One of the biggest games of the year for the Bobcats was an in-state rival that is located no more than 45 miles away: The University of Texas. “We enjoy playing The University of Louisiana-Lafayette which is always a good game since it’s in the conference,” Carter said. “But the University of Texas game is always fun and it's usually really close. They’re a big rival. We went 3-1 against them last season.” One of Carter’s favorite things about playing for Texas State is the coaching staff. “One of the best things about the coaches is that they are really funny and make jokes a lot, but they always teach us about stuff outside of softball,” Carter said. “(The coaches teach) a lot of life lessons that we can take with us when we are done here. They are always here for us if we need anything.” Carter plans on utilizing the lessons she learned from her freshman year in the upcoming season to strengthen the Bobcats.

Bailee Carter, sophomore second baseman, is at bat during a game last season. STAR FILE PHOTO

Chania Wright, freshman guard, dribbling in a photo shoot for the 2017-18 Women's Baskeball Media Guide. PHOTO COURTESY OF TEXAS STATE ATHLETICS

Moving the Wright way By Region Kinden Sports Reporter A family torch has been handed to athlete to play the game of basketball. Chania Wright, freshman guard, was not fully into the sport growing up, but she used to watch her brother and sister play. As Wright watched her sister's team get dominated from the bleachers, she soon realized it was in her blood to compete and she quickly laced up her shoes. “It looked easy,” Wright said. “I was mad because they were making dumb mistakes that (were) causing them to lose and I wanted to help.” Since then, Wright started to play in the recreational league in the fourth grade. She ended her high school career being selected for the Second Team AllDistrict 6-5A in 2017 and First Team All-District 6-5A honoree in 2016. She was rated the 21st-best player in Texas by Dave Campbell’s Texas Basketball Magazine as well as being on the Dallas Morning News Preseason watch list in 2016-17. Wright was also a McDonald’s All-American nominee in 2017 and in 2016 she was the Dallas Coca-Cola Tournament MVP. Wright averaged 15 points, five rebounds and six assists per game as a senior for DeSoto High School, where

she helped lead the team to the quarterfinal round in the 6A Region 1 tournament. Wright felt that Texas State was a good home for her talent on signing day. “The environment drew me to Texas State,” Wright said. “The campus was one of the biggest things, as well as the team and the program itself.” Wright hopes to become a better player while adjusting to the program as a freshman. "Now I don't really play as much," Wright said. "My weaknesses are being consistent and taking plays off, (but) my teammates have helped me learn to go hard with everything (and not) take plays off." The Dallas native has a total of 58 points on the season including 32.8 percent shooting from the field, 35.9 percent from the 3-point range and 66.7 percent from free throws. Her biggest game was against The University of Texas at San Antonio, where she made five 3-pointers and one free throw in 22 minutes on the court to help lead the Bobcats to victory. “One of my strengths is my ability to shoot the ball,” Wright said. “I think I bring in poise, positivity and another scoring option.” Wright wants to continue to learn and grow with the program and help finish this season strong.

cause all she does is get the ball back from the backboard," Israel-Lewis said. "She doesn’t have much power, but she always wins. I don’t see the problem with that because she’s No. 1 in the world, on WTA Tour and a billionaire.” Israel-Lewis enjoys being a Bobcat because she knows the professors care about their students. She especially appreciates the professors because IsraelLewis was homeschooled for most of her life. “Aside from being on the team, I really enjoy how professors pay attention

to students' needs,” Israel-Lewis said. “It is very nice to have those kinds of professors who go (above) and beyond to give students additional help.” Israel-Lewis never lets her opponents see her sweat because she knows she came to win. “Tennis is a very difficult sport mainly because it is 90 percent mental and sometimes opponents will say nasty things to you to get in your head,” Israel-Lewis said. “No matter what, I keep pushing and fighting because you’re a reflection of your work ethic.”

FROM PAGE 7 TENNIS “It’s a totally different vibe, the whole team welcomes you,” Israel-Lewis said. “Being in college, playing my favorite sport, surrounded by others who feel the same way and think like me is so rewarding.” Israel-Lewis is learning how to manage her time as a freshman even after long hours of practice. She can feel overwhelmed at times, but she never lets that stop her. “Student athletes are tired at the end of the day, but we keep pushing through which makes me feel extraordinary,” Is-

rael-Lewis said. Israel-Lewis has influencers that inspire her to be great and keep her motivated throughout the year. She is especially influenced by her mother, who was a single parent of four girls after Israel-Lewis turned the age of 3. “This might be super cliché, but my mom is really strong,” Israel-Lewis said. “I look up to her because of the person that she is, she never quits; I hope to be as strong as her.” “People compare me to Caroline Wozniacki, Danish tennis player, be-

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