April 17, 2018

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@universitystar | universitystar.com

Volume 107, Issue 26


Democracy of tomorrow is student-run today





By Sawyer Click Assistant News Editor Former Student Government President Connor Clegg was impeached and removed from office April 16 during a joint session of the Student Government Senate and the Graduate House of Representatives. Interim Supreme Court Chief Justice Jordan Duran said under Article 7 Section 4 of the Student Government Constitution that Clegg is formally removed from office. Clegg, found guilty by a majority vote of all six articles of impeachment, has 48 hours to vacate his office and is ineligible to hold Student Government office again. Clegg is the first Student Government president to be impeached at Texas State, according to Dean of Students Margarita Arellano. Following Student Government's failure to meet quorum April 11 and students' subsequent 53.5-hour sit-in protest, Arellano tweeted a second joint session would be held in place of Student Government's annual banquet. The session began at 7:06 p.m. with all 40 senators in attendance.

Student Government President Connor Clegg leaves the LBJ Teaching Theater after he was found guilty at his impeachment trial. PHOTO BY VICTOR RODRIGUEZ




Student Government legislation goes missing

Title IX reports over 40 incidents, only one sanction

By Katie Burrell News Editor The Texas State Student government's website shows 23 pieces of passed legislation, the president said the organization has passed double that amount, but members of senate and the president will not provide the full list. During the presidential and vice presidential candidate debate hosted Feb. 12 by The University Star, candidates were questioned about the legislative efforts throughout the 2017-18 academic year under former Student Government President Connor Clegg, who was impeached April 16, and Vice President Jackie Merritt. Brooklyn Boreing, current president-elect, Elijah Miller and Preston Nieves, senators and former candidates said they do not know what happened to the legislation they worked on and passed during the year. Boreing, Miller and Nieves said during individual phone interviews

they believe implementation of legislation falls on the executive branch. Nieves said policy tends to get lost after it gets to the president’s desk. Nieves wrote the Legislative Transparency Act, passed Sept. 18, which was sponsored by Miller and two other senators. The act is not in effect despite passing during the fall semester. According to the act, Chief of Staff Alec Garza is responsible for updating the website with new legislation and provide a timeline for legislation in process to implementation. “The only explanation I can think of is that maybe it’s not a personal priority, there’s some laziness or worst-case scenario, maybe people don’t want transparency because it would threaten their power and position within Student Government,” Nieves said.


By Sawyer Click Assistant News Editor Despite an uptick of Title IX reports of sexual assaults of students, only one sanction has been placed on any of the accused in the current academic year. Nearly 50 Title IX sexual assault reports have been submitted during the current school year, on course to exceed last year’s number. However, last year, five out of 48 respondents saw consequences for the complaints alleged against them. This year, there has only been a single respondent found in violation out of the 47 reports submitted. Currently, 10 of the 47 reports are still under review. A majority of the 47 reports submitted this year were done so online, where complainants can submit a report either signed, anonymously or under a pseudonym. Additionally, it is mandatory that all faculty, staff, and student-employees report Title IX violations that they become aware of. Once the office of Title IX receives the report, interim Title IX Coordinator Vincent Luizzi and investigators scrutinize the report, determining if there is enough evidence to pursue a case. Once approved, a typical investigation is performed: witnesses' statements are collected, the complainant

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and respondent give testimonies, and the evidence is analyzed by investigators. “A majority of the cases are indeterminable,” Luizzi said. “We either are missing names, dates or any other specifics that could help us out. There’s no real lead there, so we can’t pursue those.” For the protection of complainants, special interim measures can be taken to separate the complainant and respondent during the investigative process. However, according to several sources, a current resident assistant with two open Title IX cases involving residents still lives down the hall from them. Cases that leave victims vulnerable can slip through the cracks, leaving complainants like Student Government President-elect Brooklyn Boreing underwhelmed. Boreing reported to Title IX during her freshman year and found the investigative process to be so emotionally distressing after meeting with an investigator that she requested to drop the case. “There was no ethical appeal in talking to him,” Boreing said. “The investigator seemed emotionless. That was when I decided it just wasn’t worth pursuing anymore.”


The University Star

2 | Tuesday, April 17, 2018

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About Us History: The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and once a month in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 5,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright: Copyright Tuesday, April 17, 2018. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor-in-chief. Deadlines: Letters to the Editor or any contributed articles are due on Monday the week prior to publication. Corrections: Any errors that are in the pages of The University Star and are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. Visit The Star at universitystar.com

Katie Burrell News Editor @KatieNicole96

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FROM FRONT IMPEACH Sen. Claudia Gasponi and House Leader Mael Le Noc argued on behalf of the articles of impeachment against Clegg."This is not about if Connor is racist and if we don't like him," Gasponi said during her opening statement. "This is about breaking the code and the constitution. Connor is on trial because he grossly failed to represent the student body."y." During Clegg's opening statement, he encouraged senators to vote against him in order to protect themselves. Clegg said threats have been made against senators absent at the April 11 meeting. "When you're successful, you make waves," Clegg said during his opening statement. "When you're successful, you make enemies." In an interview with The University Star after the trial, Clegg said he is considering filing an appeal. Emmy Orioha, political science junior and president of the Pan African Students react to former Student Goverment President Connor Clegg after he was Action Committee, participated in the found guilty April 16 on all six impeachment charges. PHOTO BY VICTOR RODRIGUEZ sit-in protest and helped draft the list of requests made to administrators, which is one person," Orioha said. "What is needs to change in this institution is extend beyond the removal of Clegg. "At the end of the day, Connor Clegg going to fix this institution and what more than one person."

FROM FRONT LEGISLATION Garza said the delay of implementing the Transparency act has little to do with the amount of responsibility put on him. “We’re the most active senate that we’ve seen and legislation is being passed constantly and it often gets lost with the higher ups,” Garza said. “Updating the website is not too much to do, the problem is just waiting to get the legislation back to us. We have been working on some updates that should be done before the close of this administration.” Clegg did not veto the Legislative Transparency Act and confirmed the organization passed approximately 40 acts since he took office. However, Clegg has not provided the list to The Star and has not responded to multiple requests for the full list. Once the Senate votes on and passes an act, it is sent to Kathryn Weiser, assistant dean of students and adviser to Student Government. Weiser looks over the document for grammar and punctuation errors. Once the piece has been checked, it is sent back to the Student Government president who writes a memo expressing his thoughts. The president has five days to veto legislation. If the president does not veto, he writes another memo to Weiser, who forwards it to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students then sends it to the vice president of Student Affairs, who sends it to the vice president of the departments the policy pertains to. The timeframe of each piece is different, as each one calls for different actions in different departments.

“The (Student Government) president should know which pieces have been put into effect, the things that they wanted to see changed or improved,” Wieser said. “It’s really Student Government as (it is) making the recommendations to see that come through.” When asked for updates on the pieces, Clegg said he did not know where they were because there were too many to keep track of. Clegg said there are obstacles in the way of implementing each act. “It’s a slow bureaucratic process, but we’re working within our means,” Clegg said. “There are constraints because we’re students, and as much as I’d like to dedicate all my time in one way or another, I do have to sleep.” The Star submitted a public information request for the list Clegg said was 40 pieces long in an effort to collect the accurate number of passed resolutions from the Clegg-Merritt administration. The request was sent March 4 and The Star received a list of five pieces of legislation March 25.According to the Office of General Council, these five pieces are the full list of legislative acts that have made it to the administration meaning there is a possibility only five of the 40 passed pieces have been presented to the office to be implemented. The Star cannot accurately confirm legislation including the Legislative Transparency Act, The Diversity Liaison Act and others have been put in place to be enacted. Since the pieces have not been vetoed, according to Clegg, they should all be available for the administration to

approve and enact, but without the full list, advisers for Student Government have not been able to confirm. The missing legislation has left senators frustrated and concerned. Miller co-authored the Diversity Liason Act, which he said passed by a close vote. Miller said there only needs to be a senator appointed to the position to get the act implemented. “There’s no obstacle to appointing a liaison,” Miller said. “Its free to appoint someone to the senate and it's free to have them go these meetings and it's free to have them report back to the senate.” When asked, Clegg said this piece was one he did not veto and had kept track of, but did not plan to implement while he was in office. Clegg said he believes the duty of a liaison should be filled by all of his senators and assumes the next administration will address it. President-elect Boreing said she has asked Clegg on multiple occasions about the legislation she sponsored but was told they were held up by the administration. Boreing supported the Affirmation Act for Bobcats Living with Disabilities, Open Textbook Resolution and the Constituent Outreach Act. These acts were not found when The Star requested information from the Office of General Council. Requests to interview the adviser and the administration were referred to Clegg. The duty of tracking legislation is on the president according to legislation. Evelin Garcia, news reporter, contributed to this story

FROM FRONT TITLE IX Though Title IX’s investigative process resembles a police department’s criminal investigation, penalties are handled differently. In criminal cases, the guilt of the defendant must be beyond reasonable doubt. Whereas in Title IX’s sanctions, the believability must only be greater than 50 percent. The typical consequences involve suspension, expulsion and being banned from campus. Though investigations are performed in the Title IX office, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Margarita Arellano determines the appropriate sanction to be given. Once a sanction is finalized, it remains on the respondent’s academic record for its duration. For example, a sanction involving a two-year suspension would only be on the respondent’s academic record for those two years. “I don’t have any written rubric for these cases,” Arellano said. “They are all so unique and I have to take them on a case-by-case basis. If there is any violence or definite penetration, the sanction will be expulsion.” This year; however, Arellano has seen a decrease in the number of cases coming across her desk, indicating an uptick in respondents not found in violation. Either the complainant or respondent can request a due process hearing, where a new group of people will review the investigation and determine if the sanction against the respondent was too harsh. If this concludes with the prior ruling and either party is still unsatisfied with the ruling, an appeal can be filed. In total, there are two opportunities for a reversal of the initial ruling. A majority of those that apply for the due process hearing and the appeal is typically the respondents, according to Luizzi. “There certainly have been fewer cases come to me this year,” Arellano said. “Typically, I give out eight sanctions a

McKenzie Godeaux, communication disorders junior, walks into the JC Kellam Administration Building, home of the Title IX office. PHOTO BY SAWYER CLICK

year. There has only been one so far this year.” Kelsey Banton, a mental health specialist at the Student Health Center, has worked for the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center as a victim advocate, where she gave emotional support to victims that isn’t typically available in Title IX or criminal processes. Like in Boreing’s case, the mechanics of the investigation can be exhausting for victims, as the process seemingly favors the respondent with two routes for a sanction to be reversed. A victim advocacy program, like the one at the University of Texas, provides victims with a direct line to a professional who can give counseling and advice. Texas State does not currently have a program like this in place. “We need to do more for the victims,” Banton said. “Of course, we have resources like counseling and mental health strategies, which is what I deal with, but that doesn’t reach everyone.

That mostly has to do with shame and the dynamics behind reporting. A victim’s advocacy program will help fill that underreported void.” The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has victim advocates available for students and community members. Last year, the center helped over 700 sexual assault victims, including both students and community members. Melissa Rodriguez, the director of development and community partnerships, said that the gross underreporting to both the office of Title IX and the university police department has a direct correlation to the lack of sanctions. “Research shows that less than 5 percent of cases involve victims lying,” Rodriguez said. “The investigative process is very much oriented to protect the school against false accusations, but victims get left out to dry in that process.” The Hays-Caldwell Women's Center can be contacted at 512-396-4357.

The University Star


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 | 3 Katie Burrell News Editor @KatieNicole96

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



Trauth holds meeting with minority leaders to find solutions to campus issues By Brittlin Richardson News Reporter Texas State President Denise Trauth and Provost Gene Bourgeois conducted meetings April 4 and April 9 with AfricanAmerican and Hispanic student leaders, respectively, to discuss concerns that arose throughout the 2017-18 school year. The meetings addressed campus initiatives to help students with legal advice on immigration, the implement of a Black Studies minor and a Hispanic Studies minor. According to Emmy Orioha, president of the Pan African Action Committee, the administration's inability to hire an immigration attorney stemmed from hesitations within the Texas State University System, including the Board of Regents. However, Trauth said there are no current limitations on the university hiring an immigration attorney. "The university is going down a path to hire an immigration attorney but in the meantime, is organizing such that there will be pro-bono attorneys available to students," Trauth said. Yunuen Alvarado, journalism junior and president of Underrepresented Student Advisory Council, said they were told Texas State is currently looking for a part-time attorney to start after June that could into a full-time position. Joanne Smith, the vice president of Student Affairs, said the university is in the process of hiring a part-time attorney with immigration expertise in response to student demand. Smith said the decision is not a direct result of the meetings held by Trauth. According to Alvarado, administrators in the meeting said the Provost will be hiring a diversity liaison special assistant to be a consultant on faculty diversity relations as well as a consultant when a faculty position needs to be filled to ensure hiring committees know what departments demographics look like. The implementation plan for the AfricanAmerican studies and Latino studies minors to be rolled out in Fall 2019 was presented by Bourgeois to student leaders in an attempt to assure them major steps have been taken.

According to Trauth, the meeting was an open dialogue between students and administration that centered around hiring an immigration attorney and a more diverse faculty. Orioha said the meeting will only prove to be productive if the issues are met with a sense of urgency. The meeting did not adequately confront the issues of the racist fliers posted on campus throughout Fall 2017 or issues of white supremacy on campus, according to Orioha. "We didn't get an opportunity to speak on what is important and (is an example of) why there has to be follow-ups," Orioha said. Alvarado said she was unsure as to why separate meetings were held for AfricanAmerican leaders and Hispanic leaders with administration and would like to see regular meetings with underrepresented students as a whole. "I think it is concerning they made a meeting separately for Black student leaders and Latinx student leaders..." Alvarado said. "I don't know if they are under the impression that black and brown students don't mix, but we do. We are very connected. I think they shouldn't try to separate us in meetings because while many of our concerns may be different we also care and advocate for each other." Nahara Franklin, vice president of the Underrepresented Student Advisory Council, said she is excited for the AfricanAmerican Studies minor to be implemented and hopes to see further discussions with Trauth concerning the campus climate. "As a black student, I do not feel safe on this campus," Franklin said. "I would like to be seen, validated and protected. I would also like to see my other black peers who work just as hard, if not harder, protected and validated as well." Concerning future meetings, Trauth said she would be open to meet with students twice a year to further discuss campus climate issues. "I am happy to meet with students anytime they want to..." Trauth said. "I have eight times a year where students can come and talk to me but in addition to those times, if a group of students wants to meet with me, all they have to do is ask and I am happy to."

Multiple destroyed vehicles remain in the lower floors of the Pointe parking garage. PHOTO BY TYLER JACKSON | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

Residents of Pointe San Marcos work to collect on damages By Jakob Rodriguez Senior News Reporter Residents of the Pointe San Marcos are still waiting to receive compensation for damages to personal belongings that occurred during the storm following the torrential rain two weeks ago. On the morning of March 28, Jordan Kress, business management junior, found his Ford F-150 covered in approximately five feet of water. Kress said he attempted to contact the Pointe's management but was told repeatedly they were busy in meetings. "I emailed again, asking for their policy number and the name of their insurance," Kress said. "They emailed me back saying, 'I do not have an accurate phone number or policy number to provide you with as of yet." Omar Salinas, economics junior, said his BMW was fully submerged when the Pointe's parking garage flooded and has since filed an insurance claim through his provider.

"(Pointe management) just (hasn't) really done anything," Salinas said. "The Pointe said they were sending their adjusters and mine got here before them." Mark Evans, a spokesperson for the Pointe, said the complex is still waiting on the insurance adjusters to get back with the full damage assessment. The building remained relatively unscathed despite the damage to residents' cars and belongings. "From what I understand, the residents were told to report to their insurance companies and we would follow up once we got the assessment back," Evans said. No time frame was given for the reports and claim to become finalized. "We just don't know a whole lot, until we hear back from insurance adjusters and get everything back in front of us," Evans said. Salinas, Kress and other residents of Pointe San Marcos plan to pursue legal action soon.

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The University Star LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Editor @leeanncardwell

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Rescue HerBE battles human trafficking THE VOICE. By Arielle Raveney Lifestyle Reporter

Human trafficking is often referred to as the modern form of slavery in the U.S. and it is no stranger to San Marcos. That is why a new student organization has set out to fight against the issue. Human trafficking, as defined by the United Nations, is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by improper means such as force abduction, fraud or coercion for improper purposes including forced labor or sexual exploitation. Texas is ranked among the top three states in the U.S. for sex trafficking, according to Human Trafficking Search. It is estimated that in the city of Houston, 1 in 3 runaways will be lured into trafficking. Megan O’Shea, fashion merchandising junior, decided to create a branch of Rescue Her, a Dallas-based organization, on campus to raise awareness of human trafficking. O'Shea said Rescue Her is a nonprofit organization that focuses beyond bringing awareness. Though education is a major part of the process, the organization’s main focus is taking action through motel outreaches. “We’ll go and talk to the people at the front desk or the housekeepers that work at motels and try and get an idea at first of what they know about trafficking that goes on,” O’Shea said. “From there we gain a relationship with the staff and come back every month." O'Shea and her team give motel staff information cards that help identify signs of human trafficking as well as hotline cards for housekeepers to place where victims may be able to find them. O'Shea brings a missing persons list compiled from cities in the surrounding area on her follow up visits to the motels. O'Shea said she would eventually like to set up training sessions with the staff about the complexities of human trafficking. This would help reports made by motel staff happen quicker and more efficiently. O'Shea said she hopes one day reports are high enough so human traffickers can no longer use San Marcos

STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING In 2017, 792 Human Trafficking Cases Were Reported In Texas (not including many more that go unreported). HOTLINE NUMBER: 1-888-3737-888 or text 233733 GRAPHIC BY CARO MARTINEZ

as their trafficking hub. "A lot of people don't understand that it's not necessarily a girl being dragged and being forced into it," O'Shea said. "A lot of times the girl is there, in their mind, voluntarily but they've actually been manipulated into it." Rescue Her had its first motel outreach this month. O'Shea said she knows human trafficking is something that happens everywhere in every community yet she was still startled by the major presence of it in San Marcos. "A lot of the motel staff just off I-35

were very open about how often they see these issues," O'Shea said. "They knew that it was not right what was going on, but they didn't know what to do about it." O'Shea said the best thing people can do to help is report suspicions to the local police or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888 if they see a situation possibly reflecting signs of human trafficking. "If you see something is wrong, don't push it away or keep it inside," O'Shea said. "It is so important to make a report,

even if the perpetrator has gone, so the police can have that information and description." According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, signs to look out for include a person seeming abnormally fearful or anxious in a space, nervousness around law enforcement or not wanting to be physically touched. O'Shea said she advises motel staff members to pay attention to the pairing of people. Some potential red flags include a large age difference, a difference in ethnicity or if an older person appears significantly cleaner than the younger person with them. It is important to keep in mind that both men and women can be perpetrators of human trafficking. Rescue Her teamed up with Beauty For Freedom, a non-profit organization fighting to end human trafficking all over the world, for an event called Project Ghana. Project Ghana is intended to bring awareness to the global scale of human trafficking. It will have live music, an art exhibition by Texas State alumnus Travis McCann and a silent auction from 6-10 p.m. April 28 at The Marc. All proceeds made during the event will be going into Beauty For Freedom's beneficial efforts to support survivors of human trafficking and at-risk youth in Ghana. Monica Watkins, co-founder and executive director of Beauty For Freedom, said this event is a great opportunity for people to gain awareness and support a cause. "It's not just 'why should we care about Ghana,'" Watkins said. "It's that we should care about the fact that there are more people enslaved in the world today than at any other time in human history." Like Ashton Kutcher said in his letter to Congress about human trafficking, no one organization alone can end the problem. Together, members of the community can help victims and survivors of human trafficking. Becoming educated on the issue, reporting potential cases and donating money or time to organizations combating human trafficking are steps anyone can take to combat this atrocity. "We need to be the change," O'Shea said.


Resources offer support for alcoholism By Sonia Garcia Lifestyle Reporter Drinking can quickly get out of hand due to all sorts of factors, however, no student has to battle alcoholism alone thanks to campus resources. Students battling alcoholism or binge drinking, or students in the recovery process of alcohol abuse are offered a variety of resources on campus. The Student Health Center, Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services and the Counseling Center assist students in their journey to living a healthy life. According to the Health Center’s Core Institutes’ 2014 Data, 44.2 percent of students do not know there is an alcohol and drug prevention program at Texas State. Julie Eckert,health promotion services assistant director, works in the Student Health Center. The Student Health Center provides psychological assistance

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for students struggling with alcohol abuse, as well as alcohol prevention and education programming. “I think students have a basic knowledge (about alcohol abuse) when they get (to college), but we can do more,” Eckert said. “I feel like they need multiple doses of talking about alcohol to remember it.” The Health Center’s Core Institutes’ 2014 Data showed 42.8 percent of students reported binge drinking in the previous two weeks. A binge is defined as consuming 5 or more drinks in one sitting. Eckert said students are more prone to the dangers of binge drinking due to parties. The Student Health Center teamed up with Cenikor, a national non-profit foundation committed to helping those with substance abuse. In fall 2017 the two founded the Student Recovery Alliance. The group is open to all Texas State students and meets at 5 p.m. on Thursdays in the Student Health Center conference room 202. The group's mission is to give students a community that understands the struggles of alcoholism. Meetings are student-run and discussion based so members can explore sobriety together and encourage one another. When the university is closed, the Student Recovery Alliance meets off campus so there is never a lack of support for students. The group plans events outside of the weekly meetings, namely community service. Together

The Student Recovery Alliance meets weekly on Thursdays to support each other in living a sober, healthy life. PHOTO COURTESY OF ELYSE GREENAMYRE

they participated in Bobcat Build and have volunteered at the Hays County Food Bank. Elyse Greenamyre, psychology senior, works for Cenikor and facilitates the Student Recovery Alliance meetings. She is passionate about working with this group to provide a voice of hope. “When somebody is using and struggling with alcohol there is a tendency to isolate themselves and that doesn’t make anything better,” Greenamyre said. “Sometimes coming to a meeting means (a student) doesn’t relapse because they have support and can talk about what they are going through.”

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The Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services is located in LBJ 5-9. Its role is different from the Student Health Center because it assists students in their on or off campus alcohol or drug violations. The office hosts Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well as alcohol education programs for minors, including nonTexas State students, who receive a drinking violation in the state of Texas. AA meetings are open for anyone to attend and are held on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in Lampasas 302. The AA meetings follow the national 12 step program for recovery. The 12 step program begins with admitting powerlessness to alcohol and ends with having a spiritual awakening. The alcohol education program for minors is a state-mandated course offered at Texas State for any minor with a drinking violation. The course is divided into two three-hour courses and is held in LBJ 5-1.16 with limited spacing. Students are required to sign up ahead of time and must complete a pretest and post-test to earn a certificate of completion. In the previous 30 days 60.3 percent of students under 21 consumed alcohol, according to The Health Center’s Core Institutes’ 2014 Data.


The University Star


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 | 5 LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Editor @leeanncardwell

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


New boutique offers handmade gifts By Paola Quiroz Lifestyle Reporter A handmade modern goods business will soon move to downtown San Marcos to provide residents with a shopping experience unlike any other. Son of a Sailor is based out of Austin and will open its second location April 19 at 241 N. LBJ Drive. The shop is a production studio and boutique storefront that features handmade, innovative products made out of raw, natural and industrial materials. Inside the store, shoppers can view the craftsmen creating some of the products on site. The craftsmen mainly work with leather goods, wood workings and jewelry to sell a line of handmade gifts and accessories. Some of the boutique’s products include wallets, leather notebook covers, leather bracelets, collars and leashes for pets, and hand painted leather goods. Alongside its in-house brand, Son of a Sailor carries local and national brands that are likewise mostly handmade. The front of the store is a boutique in which one can find stationery, candles, smoking accessories and room sprays. The production studio is visible near the back of the boutique and is where production assistants can be seen tinkering and hammering away. The products made by Son of a Sailor are handmade in-house, which means

the craftsmen can customize any of the brand's products. Kat Shelby, Son of a Sailor wholesale manager, said they can fulfill your dreams by making your ideas come to life. “This store is not corporate where one hundred items look the same,” Shelby said. “These products are made to order and specifically made for you.” Though Son of a Sailor takes online orders, it has everything available in store. Its production studio will be located in San Marcos, where most of Son of a Sailor's products will be created. Only a small percentage of production will remain in Austin. “If you want to customize something you can come to the store, explain to us what you like and we can make it in the shop,” Shelby said. “If you don’t see something on the shelf but you see it online, we can create it right then and there for you.” Son of a Sailor was created by married couple William and Jessica Knopp in 2011. The boutique's name originated as a reference to the time William Knopp, co-owner of Son of a Sailor and Texas State alumnus, spent serving in the Navy. Initially, the Knopps sold products under the name Son of a Sailor on Etsy but opened a boutique when it was evident the business was thriving. William Knopp said the idea of a store with handmade products was born out

Son of a Sailor will be bringing it's handmade in-house creations to San Marcos April 19. PHOTO COURTESY OF SON OF A SAILOR

of their love of gift giving. “We try to make quality goods that we would love to give as gifts,” William Knopp said. “We wanted to create something that is going to last a while and be thoughtful and unique.” Jessica Knopp, co-owner, said the style transcends demographics. Carrying items for men, women, the home and pets allows for a broad age range of people to find something they are interested in. “We are targeting people who are interested in where their things come

By Alyssa Weinstein Lifesyle Reporter Regardless of whether a person has lived in San Marcos for six months or for 60 years, the city is home to unique, yet relatively unknown spots that even locals may not know exist. The unknown spots range from secret outdoor spots, lesser-known restaurants and unique work-out studios.


City Surf Fitness

This non-traditional work-out studio has already gained popularity in the San Marcos community after opening its doors last month. The San Marcos branch is the company’s ninth location in the United States. The fitness studio offers workout classes like no other with its indoor SURFSET boards. These special surfboards involve no water and are built into the ground of the studio floors. By riding these mock surfboards cardiovascular endurance, balance, agility and strength are improved. “City Surf is known for its intense workouts, amazing music, enthusiastic trainers, and the best core workout out there,” said Andrew Heller, the owner. “It is a fun, unique workout and a great way to burn over 500 calories. We are the only studio offering classes on these indoor surfboards.” City Surf Fitness is located at 700 N LBJ Suite 103A.


UNKNOWN SPOTS IN SAN MARCOS Few know of it's hidden cave tucked away within the trails at Purgatory Creek. PHOTO COURTESY OF EMERY PERRENOT


Waterfall at Stokes Park

Located on Cape Street near The Woods apartment complex is a six-acre greenbelt space along the San Marcos river. This area offers a variety of walking trails and picnic areas for the adventurous and outdoorsy type. A secret waterfall is tucked away for those feeling extra adventurous. Visitors have been known to jump off of the concrete structure surrounding the waterfall, diving into the swimming hole below. This is also the perfect spot to kayak to and enjoy a peaceful oasis away from the most popular parts of the park.


P'n'P Asian Market

from,” Jessica Knopp said. “People who are attracted to the idea that the products are not made by machines, and instead are made by people.” Jessica and William Knopp said they are excited to move production to San Marcos because it has already proved to be a welcoming town. “We felt it is a community that we can really be a part of and that we can contribute to,” Jessica Knopp said. “It has really opened its arms to us and our business.”


Xylophone Park

The Xylophone Park, also known as Eddie Durham Park, may seem like an average park with its picnic tables and benches. However, a closer look reveals three xylophones in the center of the park. These xylophones are tuned to be played alongside each other in harmony. Xylophone Park is a unique spot for a picnic with friends and to make some music together. The park is located at 205 MLK Drive.


Purgatory Creek CAVE

Another lesser-known spot in San Marcos is the P’n’P Asian Market. It is the only one of its kind in town, offering a variety of Asian grocery products. A small dining area to the side, Prink Nam Pla, serves a full menu of Thai cuisine and is known as a great takeout restaurant. It is recommended to place an order well ahead of time by calling 512-3969919. “People tell me they love the food and they’re happy that can get what they need here without having to make a long drive,” said John Winn, a store clerk. P’n’P Asian Market is located at 1917 Dutton Drive Suite 104.

A hidden cave at Purgatory Creek is a location for hikers and the adventurous type to put on a bucket list. Purgatory Creek is known for having some of the best hiking trails in town, but they have earned a reputation for being treacherous and difficult. However, what few know about Purgatory Creek is that a cave is hidden among the trails. Kim Williams, mathematics freshman, has hiked to the cave before and said though fallen rocks have closed areas of the cave over the years, it is still a sight worth seeing. “If you start at the upper Purgatory entrance and follow Dante’s trail, you’ll eventually hit the edge of a cliff," Williams said. "If you keep walking past that, you’ll start to walk at a decline and there will be a right turn you can make off of the trail you’re on. Follow that until you see the cave on your right."

to then be directed to the appropriate resources. Each campus resource ensures the confidentiality of all students they serve. To discuss the likelihood of an alcohol problem, the Counseling Center assists students to determine the next step toward

a healthier lifestyle. The Student Health Center's psychologist assists students facing mental instability based on alcohol dependency. For those on the journey to sobriety, the Student Recovery Alliance and AA meetings provide communities of support and encouragement.

FROM PAGE4 ALCOHOL Stacy Stokes Batts, Alcohol and Drug Compliance Services coordinator, is an instructor for the course offered on campus. “Students can recognize (they need support) if their alcohol use is causing problems in their major areas of life: legal,

financial, physical, mental, academics and relationships,” Batts said. The Counseling Center is another outlet for students to begin recognizing a potential alcohol dependency problem. Students can talk with psychologists and social workers on the issues they are facing

HUMANS OF SAN MARCOS "I just got back from Colorado. My boyfriend's family lives over there and we go pretty often. My first time going was back in 2014 and I really enjoy it. This past time we went snowboarding and that was super fun. I really love to travel with my boyfriend, probably my favorite thing to do with him. My boyfriend and I came to Texas State together. Our favorite thing to do in San Marcos is float the river. I

don't get to go as often as I like because I work a lot, but I try to make it out there as often as I can. I'm from Buda, so I'm really always in the area. This summer I will be working a lot, but I really hope I find time to enjoy myself either at the river or taking a trip somewhere." -Payton Morey, marketing sophomore

Payton Morey, marketing sophomore, making a latte at Summer Moon. PHOTO BY SONIA GARCIA

6 | Tuesday, April 17, 2018


The University Star Carrington Tatum Opinions Editor @mogulcarrington

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

Democracy of tomorrow is student-run today Beginning April 11, a number of Texas State students occupied the LBJ Student Center after former Student Government President Connor Clegg evaded an initial impeachment trial due to the Senate failing to meet quorum. It is only natural a group of people who find themselves disenfranchised by their government turned to nonviolent protest against the system that failed them. The dissent from protesters does not come from a democratic vote that was not in their favor, but rather from being denied the opportunity for the process to work. These cowardly so-called "representatives" had to be forced to attend another hearing because they would rather evade the question as a whole than risk losing the vote fairly. Not only is it a testament to the questionable character of these individuals, but it is alarming to think many of these students desire to be career politicians while being satisfied with usurping democracy and justice.

This example of student-run activism in relation to a student-run government, while problematic and dysfunctional at times, is quintessential to shaping the leaders of the future. Displays of the power held by students while tense are indicative of a bright future for the American public. As we see on a national level with the March For Our Lives movement and in our own community with #TXSTSITIN, student-run movements have the ability to spark discussion, encouragement and scrutiny from external and often older forces. And on the same front for student empowerment, we see the deterioration of a free and independent student-run press. According to the Dallas Morning News, Southern Methodist University will take control of their student-run newspaper, The Daily Campus. This acquisition comes as The Daily Campus is faced with a lack of funds, thus forcing it to either dissolve or rely on SMU's school of

journalism. Melissa Gomez, Editor-in-Chief of The Independent Florida Aligator organized a day of action on April 25 around the hashtag, #SaveStudentNewsrooms. With The University Star being no stranger to threats on its independence thanks to Clegg, the editorial board finds solidarity with The Daily Campus, The Independent Florida Alligator and student-run publications across the nation. While it may appear trivial, the importance of student-run institutions is nothing to be overlooked. The government, the activists and the press are the most important estates of our civilization. Protecting the integrity of student-run governments, movements and publications become increasingly important as it is the principles established here that will carry future generations into the highest roles of American society. Furthermore, a university is a large organization with many influences

around money, information and values. Therefore, it should not be exempt from the same accountability we require of all government-funded institutions. Student Government gives aspiring politicians a place to practice representing the interests of a constituency while advocating for students against an intimidating university administration. Student activism gives emerging thought leaders a space to practice civic engagement while shining light on corruption at both a local and national level. And similarly, student media allows young journalists to practice information gathering while actively informing their communities and promoting transparency. Small-scale does not mean less important. Democracy, justice and truth even on a small scale should be defended to the fullest, because justice on the small scale is the foundation for justice on the grand scale.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.



Administration has no business in the court

Laura Ingraham is the April fool

By Jordan Drake Opinions Columnist When six articles of impeachment were brought up against former Student Government President Connor Clegg, it was up to elected officials of Student Government or those appointed by elected students on the Supreme Court to determine if he was guilty. Clegg was found not guilty on all charges unanimously. There was not a single justice who dissented on any charge. While many students disagreed with this decision as seen by subsequent protests, ultimately it was done by students in a process that allowed for student representation. It is strange then that Dean of Students Margarita Arellano overturned the unanimous decision of the court. On appeal, she stated that she “disagrees with the Supreme Court and finds that there is sufficient evidence associated with Articles of Impeachment I through VI to warrant

students; it is far more appropriate that students have the final say in Student Government. Regardless of what the decision of the Supreme Court is, it is wrong to have unelected leaders pushing out elected student leaders. Instead of allowing the Supreme Court's decision to stand, a decision which had no dissent, Arellano has made her opinion the only one that matters. She states in the final part of her opinion that “it is my philosophy that matters be resolved in a way that is conducive to civic discourse.” This could not be farther from the actions she has taken. Make no mistake, Arellano is a coward who bowed to the mob even though the civil discourse had already settled the matter. There is no interest from her office in allowing anything but her opinion to be the rule. The administration at Texas State needs to be brave enough to allow student leaders to make decisions even if people like Arellano do not

The administration at Texas State needs to be brave enough to allow student leaders to make decisions. an order for an impeachment trial.” However, this is a direct contradiction to the sentiment of Joanne Smith, vice president of Student Affairs, when she said the student justice system will make decisions based on conduct violations related to the case should they be found and proven. There is confusion among the administration around whether students control their campus government or if the power truly belongs to administrators. Because Student Government exists for students and its functions along with its representatives are decided by the

agree with the outcome. It is the nature of democracy that people have conflicting ideas. Either way, Texas State should not pretend that students have power, and then override that power when it becomes inconvenient. Even beyond the specific issue of Connor Clegg, by giving administrators ultimate power of a supposedly student-run democracy, Texas State usurps the power of a student body that is perfectly capable of rational thought. It is time to treat students like the adults they are by respecting their authority over their own government.


By Jaden Edison Opinions Columnist The month of April has descended upon us and TV and radio host, Laura Ingraham, is the fool. The controversial face of “The Ingraham Angle” recently mocked a Parkland, Fla., shooting survivor for not getting accepted by a few universities. Ingraham tweeted, “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.).” Hogg sent out a list of Ingraham’s top advertisers shortly after, insinuating the companies should boycott her programming. It was not until establishments like TripAdvisor, Nestle and Wayfair took action that Ingraham finally apologized for her belittling words. It is difficult to believe her change of heart was genuine or authentic because she did not apologize until her words negatively impacted her image. It is not surprising Ingraham would deride a young man wanting his voice to be heard, given her earlier reference to the March For Our Lives protest as “political theater lacking substance." Doing so on social media, however,

tells a detailed narrative about her character. Ingraham's remarks continue to obstruct the progress that has taken place in this country. She has condemned individuals whose opinions differ from “right-wing” ideologies on more than one occasion. Earlier this year, Ingraham stated NBA champion, LeBron James, needs to “shut up and dribble.” The bold declaration took place after James made comments about President Donald Trump. Ingraham’s disagreement with James’ words is reasonable. Disrespecting an entire fraternity of athletes is not. Her utterance not only applies to him; it pertains to every competitor who has ever spoken out. To imply athletes need to focus more on performing and less on advocating is absurd. Laura Ingraham's mockery should not stop incoming, current and former college students from speaking out. Just as David Hogg and LeBron James displayed, strength is the only option. Challenging opinions is good for society, but willful ignorance is not. Laura Ingraham must learn to speak without belittling as an educated individual.

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The University Star


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 | 7 Carrington Tatum Opinions Editor @mogulcarrington

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America should not elect billionaires or celebrities to office By Zach Ienatsch Assistant Opinions Editor True to the character of a society enamored by instant gratification, Americans are already looking forward to fielding the 2020 ticket against President Donald Trump. Republican Party challengers in the state primaries and contenders from the Democratic Party in the general election are already vying for the presidency. While many current elected officials have expressed interest, some potential candidates have been mass nominated because they are household names. Most of the members of the latter category are billionaires or multimillionaires. A brief list of individuals considered or declared for 2020 include Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Some of the candidates were merely the target of public approval and never entertained the thought, like Oprah. However, some prominent figures, such as former NFL player Lawrence Jackson has gone so far as to announce his intention to run and even file with the FEC. The decision for wealthy people with no experience in politics to run is not the core issue, it is the public’s selection and enthusiasm for embracing someone’s rise to power based on their wealth and status. Wealthy individuals may have a leg up on the opposition to run for elected office because they can afford it and have name recognition. But it does not mean they know how to govern or prefer civil service over their current professions, which are usually less stressful and more lucrative. Instead of championing the first name that pops into our heads for the highest office in the land, we should support individuals who are passionate about the issues and want to improve the lives of Americans. The existence of the ultra-


wealthy is a direct result of sustaining systems of inequality which perpetuate the social differences in a class-based society. No billionaire is going to help dismantle the system that gave them their wealth. If American voters were as enthusiastic about their state and local elections as they are for the fantasy of another celebrity president, the system would better reflect the population's desires. In most states, midterm voter participation averages about 40 percent of the adult population, with local elections attracting even lower turnouts. Voters should engage in these elections just as fervently because elections are often operated and represented by the

very people in one’s community and can impact everyday life across the board. For 2020 specifically, the idea of clamoring to a celebrity candidate is exceptionally illogical considering it is mostly in opposition to President Trump, who has already shown what it is like to have a billionaire with no prior experience in office. Even electing someone with immense funds who does have political experience is not conducive to a healthy republic. There is no such thing as an honest, wealthy politician. For an elected official to amass millions in personal assets, it requires him or her to take money from interest groups and/or

use their position to nab paid speaking engagements and book deals. The essence of democracy is founded in equality and liberty. The wealthy should not get a fastpass to be elected to key positions in government just because they have money and renown. They will pass and enforce legislation that benefits the ruling class, while American workers continue to suffer. We should not put our faith in hollow, gilded talking heads. Instead, we should consider the best interests of all and the preservation of our ideals for generations to come. - Zach Ienatsch is a journalism senior


Token black women TPUSA's hypocrisy By Temi Ikudayisi Opinions Columnist With the wave of social vocalism, specifically by or on behalf of minorities, the illusion of diversity is important for every organization to maintain a favorable public perception. Diversity statistics are often highlighted to prove faux inclusivity, otherwise known as tokenism. Oxford Dictionary defines tokenism as “the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing, especially by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workforce.” In other words, tokenism stems from a misguided attempt to portray diversity, simply by giving the appearance of equality without actually achieving it. A common example of this is a person who attempts to excuse their racist behavior with the age-old argument, 'My best friend is black.' Another example is the individual who thinks sitting in the proximity of a

homosexual couple without spewing homophobic epithets makes them an ally of the LGBTQIA community. Recently, Texas State’s chapter of Turning Point USA, TPUSA, a right-wing student organization, was called out by Student Government's Director of Diversity Outreach Eli Miller for perpetuating this false sense of inclusivity to make itself appear up on their diversity quota while not addressing issues affecting minorities. TPUSA promoted itself as a Second Amendment-loving organization and welcoming students who did not want their right to carry arms infringed upon. A student rebutted that the notion of the Second Amendment was erected by the same people who enforced the enslavement of African-Americans, and therefore might be an outdated concept worth reconsideration. Senator Miller added that the scope of the Second Amendment and its avid supporters tends fall short of the African American community, noting the murder of Philando Castile, a legal gun owner who disclosed he

was licensed and carrying a weapon to police before they shot him, as an example of Second Amendment rights not applying to black people TPUSA responded to criticism of their selectivity in advocating for gun rights by promoting Antonia Okafor, an African American woman proSecond Amendment speaker it had arranged to visit campus this semester. This is a prime example of how tokenism operates. TPUSA is happy to parade a woman of color as a testament to the diversity of supporters who share their beliefs but remain utterly silent when that same demographic falls victim to a violation of the rights they so staunchly support. If the Second Amendment is the right of all Americans it should be applied equally. Similarly, NRATV, the news outlet for the National Rifle Association, aired a prerecorded interview with Atlanta rapper Killer Mike. Killer Mike is known for his revolutionary and conscious brand of alternative rap. His social activism includes advocating for economic equality and the need to

dismantle the two-party system. The NRA, has never shown an ounce of interest or concern regarding the gun ownership rights of black people. But they utilized this interview with an African-American man speaking about minorities in this country and their gun rights to disparage the recent wave of anti-gun protests following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and March for Our Lives. Diversity is meant to pull ideas, perspectives and strengths from a wide variety of communities. Tokenism will always remain an empty movement with no real impact beyond causing confusion and frustration. It allows a false sense of achievement. Putting one black face in front of 100 white ones is not diversity. It is not inclusion. Its abusing and misusing minority existence to support stances that actively work against their safety. Empty visual politics cannot be considered action. - Temi Ikudayisi is a public relations senior



The University Star


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 | 8 Brooke Phillips Sports Editor @BrookePhillips_

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Heart Over Height

Horizontal jumper turns pressure into success

Jacob Almendarez, junior outfielder. PHOTO COURTESY OF SPORTS INFORMATION

By John Paul Mason II Sports Reporter Standing at 5' 7" and weighing only 170 pounds, one baseball player makes up for what he lacks in size with his confidence and productivity at the plate. Jacob Almendarez, junior outfielder, has gone under the radar this season. The outfielder has been consistent throughout the year — hitting .241 with 83 at-bats this season — while batting towards the bottom of the lineup. Although many might look upon this as a difficult thing to do consistently, Almendarez approaches every at-bat with the same mindset; put the ball in play. "I'm just trying to put the ball in play and see what happens," Almendarez said. "I'm not a big power guy, so I wanna keep the ball on the ground and on a line when I go up there. Usually, they pitch away from me, so if I like what I see I can hit it down a line." Beyond being a consistent batter on offense, Almendarez has also been holding down the outfield; he had one error on defense this season. And while playing the outfield is challenging, Almendarez is focused on keeping it mistake free. "I'm trying not to make mistakes out there," Almendarez said. "Our pitchers have been pitching good, and our job is to do whatever we can to keep the baseball in front of us, which is catching it and making outs." The team has been in a slump after a solid start to the new season. After opening the season against the defending Big 12 Champion Oklahoma State Cowboys, the Bobcats have been playing against power-five teams to help to prepare themselves for conference games. Playing against better arms than what the Bobcats are accustomed to is going to benefit them down the line. "We have been struggling lately as an offense with seeing some of the better arms," Almendarez said. "But hopefully we will get on the right track for conference play." Conference play is underway for the Bobcats, and while still fresh in the season, the team has played universities such as Appalachian State University and Coastal Carolina University. Sitting at a conference record that the team is not proud of, Almendarez knows the slump will break soon. "We are pressing a little bit," Almendarez said. "We just need to stay relaxed up there (at the plate) and have that cockiness that we had at the beginning of the season." With a lineup that consists mostly of upperclassmen, having some players that can slip under the radar and perform consistently is exactly the formula the Bobcats need to turn the season around.

By Michelle Joseph Sports Reporter Senior year for some student-athletes is a bittersweet experience, especially for those who have been a part of athletics all four years of college. Alvin Chikaeze , senior horizontal jumper, has dedicated time and work to the track and field program. The athlete initially did not take any serious interest in track until his junior year of high school. Chikaeze preferred basketball over track. “I thought I was going to play basketball in college,” Chikaeze said. “I ended up on this route, but I’m very grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have received on the track team.” Track has not only been a commitment for the athlete but also a way to appreciate perseverance. “I have learned to never sell myself short which is why I never gave up,” Chikaeze said. “I give 100 percent into practices and meets because I want to (best) represent myself.” Being part of the team is an experience he will always remember. “The best part about being on the team is traveling,” Chikaeze said. “We get to visit various places while focusing on track.” Chikaeze appreciates winning and being successful on the track team, but said finding time for himself can be difficult. The sport can be demanding at times, however, he does not feel pressure because he has become a master of time management. “My everyday schedule is the same with few minor changes from time to time, so I know what is expected of me,” Chikaeze said. “I do not waste time because I like to do other things outside of track.” Throughout his four years on the team, Chikaeze has learned to value his support

system. “My close friends and family kept me motivated and grounded throughout this entire journey,” Chikaeze said. “I know that they will continue to encourage and root for me even if it does not involve track.” Chikaeze’s friends and family have also noticed his character on and off the track. He has left an impression upon those who look up to him on a personal level. His younger brother, Greg Chikaeze, admires Alvin Chikaeze's “go-getter” mentality. Being a University of Texas San Antonio track athlete himself, Greg Chikaeze is very thankful to have Alvin Chikaeze as a brother because he sets no limitations on his life and has greatly influenced his own personal growth and ambition. “He has taught me that nothing in life is given to you and to work hard and take what you deserve,” Greg Chikaeze said. Alvin Chikaeze's girlfriend, Kastina

Fishback , appreciates how selfless he is. She recognizes how Alvin Chikaeze listens to others and offers helpful advice; she respects his work ethic towards track because he pushes himself and others to be the best. “Everybody needs someone like him in their lives,” Fishback said. “He is a senior, so the younger guys look up to him as a great role model to follow.” Although Alvin Chikaeze's track career is ending at Texas State after this season, he is prepared for his new journey. His plans for the future involve his goals and continuous efforts to be great. “I have plans to continue my track career at the Olympics, God willing,” Alvin Chikaeze said. “Until then, I will be working towards starting my own foreign exchange trading business while pursuing a career in software engineering.” Alvin Chikaeze will continue to represent success and build legacies wherever he goes. Alvin Chikaeze, senior horizontal jumper, competes in the NCAA indoor championships. PHOTO COURTESY OF ALVIN CHIKAEZE


Football club demonstrates ambition By Region Kinden Sports Reporter As most collegiate football teams prepare in the spring for the upcoming fall, a Texas State club is currently in season. The San Marcos Bobcats club football team is an organization within the university. The team was established in 2012 by cofounders Marco Regalado and Taylor Wild, and was the first university club football team in the state of Texas. The team's sole purpose was to allow former football players to continue their passion for playing the sport. Wide receiver for the club’s football team, Ja’Ron Fells, said he is glad to continue

playing the sport he loves. “I was researching what sports the university had to offer since my eligibility was up (in college),” Fells said. “I ran across this club football team and have been having a blast since joining.” The San Marcos Bobcats welcome student and non-student players. The team is a part of the Semi-Professional league known as Crossroad Amateur Football league. The San Marcos Bobcats are also the only team that is affiliated with a university. The team has made the playoffs three times since starting in the spring of 2013. In 2016 the record was 6-4 and they were also the CRAFL north conference champions.

The San Marcos Bobcats club team allows University students to continue the enjoyment of playing football in college. PHOTO BY VICTOR RODRIGUEZ

In the spring of 2017 the club did not play because of a short list of players and funds, but the team recruited many new players via social media and word of mouth around campus and within the community. This 2018 season, the club has bounced back and is trying to reestablish its success in order to make it in the playoffs. Even with the season being halfway over, and having an overall record of 1-5, the club has plans to turn around and shock the league. “We can definitely beat the teams we played already,” said Silvester White, wide receiver for the team. “If we get a full, committed team, I don’t think anyone can beat us.” Head coach of the club football team, Jay McCool, said the team is doing well despite the current record. “We are always a very athletic team and very competitive in our league,” McCool said. “We are coming into the halfway point of the season. We can win out and finish 6-4, and still make the playoffs, but our record does not reflect the amount of talent we have.” Darius Donatto, the club football team’s president, said the team can get better in order to turn the season around. “We’ve gotten to know each other, and I know each and every one of those guys will have my back,” Donatto said. “We can get better on both sides of the ball, defensively we need to press more in coverage and fly to the ball quicker, offensively we just need to be able to get into and stay in a rhythm.” The team will continue pushing each other and hope for the best outcome during the upcoming games.


One golfer learns to adapt to diverse team By Daisy Colon Sports Reporter

The women’s golf team at Texas State is comprised of six women from all over the world. Regardless of the different backgrounds and cultures each player has, they’ve been able to form a bond that is comparable to that of a family. For one golfer, this team has become a family away from her own. Sean Yi Yip, criminal justice sophomore, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, said she left home at an early age to attend boarding school in Australia. “I left Malaysia when I was 14 years old," Yip said. "I went to boarding school for 4 years at Presbyterian Ladies College. I started golfing around the time I left home. It was my dad who pushed me toward golf.” One of the biggest challenges for Yip is

being so far from her family and friends. Luckily, she has found a second family between her teammates and coaches. “Obviously being away from home, you miss your family and friends,” Yip said. “This team is my family away from home, we see each other every day and even outside of golf. We spend a lot of time together and we all get along. Everyone looks out for each other, I really appreciate them. They’ve all pushed me to be a better golfer and person.” Being a part of a team with five other people from all over the world can be challenging, but Yip has learned that adapting to different cultures is important when trying to reach a common goal. “I’ve learned that everyone is different," Yip said. "Between six of us, four are from four different countries. The way we grew up is different and the way we communicate is different.

One thing I can take away from this is you have to be able to adjust yourself to adapt to the community you’re in if you wish to be successful.” Head coach Lisa Strom describes Yip as a role model for her teammates. Strom applauds Yip’s mature perspective on life despite having gone through personal hardships. “Sean has probably been the consummate team player," Strom said. "I think having lost a family member, she has a bigger perspective on life than most kids her age. We both experienced a loss in the family at the same time almost 2 1/2 years ago, so we had that connection. When she starts to get off line with things, it’s good that she reels it back in and realizes what’s important. She’s able to provide that good perspective to her teammates.” Strom said Yip’s game is improving

every day. Strom sees Yip work hard and knows she is determined to do anything to help her team succeed. “Her game has improved every day and I think it’s the commitment on her side, she definitely wants to make an impact,” Strom said. “She doesn’t want to just go through the motions, she’s putting in extra time and doing the little things that she needs to do to improve herself so that the team gets better.” Strom adds that Yip’s attitude reflects who she is; a caring teammate and friend. “Sean is selfless and coachable," Strom said. "She’s always the first to say thank you, she’s always the first to see if we need help with anything. As far as being coachable, she’s open to new methods and she never gets stuck, she goes and works on her game on her own. It’s not just while we're around, but it’s also when no one is looking.”

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