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Faculty and Doctoral Scholarship
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles *denotes student co-author
Dr. David L. Albright
Albright, D. L., Landor, A. M., McDaniel, J. T., *Godfrey, K., Fletcher, K. L., Thomas, K. H., & *Bertram, J. (2019). Sexual behaviors and health practices in a national sample of student service members/veterans. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1-10.
Albright, D. L., Lee, H., McDaniel, J., Kroner, D., Davis, J., *Godfrey, K., & *Li, Q. (2019). Small area estimation of HPV vaccination coverage among children in Alabama counties. Public Health, 177, 120-127.
Albright, D. L., Fletcher, K. L., McDaniel, J. T., Thomas, K. H., *Godfrey, K., Grohowski, M., & Dane, J. (2019). Intimate partner violence among postsecondary students with military experience. Traumatology, 25(1), 58-65.
Albright, D. L., Thomas, K. H., McDaniel, J. T., Fletcher, K. L., *Godfrey, K., *Bertram, J. M., & Angel, C. (2019). When women veterans return: The role of education in transition in their civilian lives. Journal of American College Health, 67 (5), 479-485.
Albright, D. L., Thyer, B. A, & Waller, R. J. (2019). Utilization of outpatient social work services among veterans with combatrelated polytrauma: A review and case analysis. Military Behavioral Health, 7(1),4-13. McCormick, W. H., Currier, J. M., Isaak, S. L., Sims, B. M., Slagel, B. A., Carroll, T. D., Hamner, K., & Albright, D. L. (2019). Military culture and post-military transition among veterans: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Veterans Studies, 4(2),288-298.
McDaniel, J. T., Albright, D. L., Lee, H. Y., Patrick, S., McDermott, R. J., Jenkins, W. D., Diehr, A. J., & Jurkowski, E. (2019). Rural-urban disparities in colorectal cancer screening among military service members and veterans. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health, 5(1),40-48.McDaniel, J. T., Albright, D. L., Patrick, S., Beck, A., Piontek, A., Kono, S., Thomas, K. H., & Fletcher, K. (2019). Physical activity and mental health among veteran lung and colorectal cancer survivors: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Military Behavioral Health, 7(2),238-244.
McDaniel, J., Davis, J., Anton, P. M., *Godfrey, K., Albright, D. L., Thomas, K.H., Fletcher, K., & Nuhu, K. (2019). Physical activity and depression symptoms among veteran cancer survivors with heart disease and diabetes. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health, 5(2),67-74.
McDaniel, J. T., Hangadoumbo, F. S., Brewer, K., Moss, A., Yahaya, M., Lockett, B., Alruwaili, M., *Godfrey, K., & Albright, D. L. (2019). Rural-urban disparities in physical activity among service member and veteran cancer survivors. Military Behavioral Health, 7(1),22-30.*Ozturk, B., *Li, Q., & Albright, D. L. Coping strategies among immigrant women who have experienced intimate partner violence in North America: A narrative review. (2019). Aggression and Violent Behavior, 48,17-23.
Parrott, S.,Albright, D. L., Dyche, C., & Steele, H. G. (2019). Hero, charity case, victim: How U.S. news media frame military veterans on Twitter. Armed Forces & Society, 45(4),702- 722.
Parrott, S., Albright, D. L., Steele, H. G., & Dyche, C. (2019). The U.S. military veteran in news photographs: Representation and stereotypes. Visual Communication Quarterly, 26(2),79-90.
Pelts, M. D., Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J. T., Laski, S., & *Godfrey, K. (2019). An Exploratory Study: Informing Health and Prevention Services for Transgender and Gender Variant Student Veterans. Traumatology, 25(2),142-151.
Thomas, K. H., McDaniel, J. T., Grohowski, M., Whalen, R., Fletcher, K., Albright, D. L., & Haring, E. (2019). Depression prevalence and geographic distribution in United States military women: Results from the 2017 Service Women’s Action Network Needs Assessment. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health, 5(2),6-15.
Leah Cheatham
Cheatham, L. P., & Randolph, K. (2019). Education and Employment Transitions among
Young Adults with Disabilities:
Comparisons by Disability Status,
Type and Severity. International
Journal of Disability, Development and Education.(Manuscript accepted Aug. 21st, 2019)
Shah, A., Jeffries, S., Cheatham, L. P., Creel, M., Nelson-Gardell, D., ... Hasenbein, W. C. (2019). Partnering with parents: Reviewing the evidence for MI in child welfare. Families in Society, 100, 52–67.
Babic, M. M., Tkalec, S., & Cheatham, L. P. (2018). Right to education for children with disabilities from the earliest age. Croatian Journal of Education, 20, 233–263.
Schelbe, L., Randolph, K. A., Yelick, A., Cheatham, L.P., Groton, D. B. (2018). Systems theory as a framework for examining a college campus-based support program for the former foster youth. Journal of EvidenceInformed Social Work, 15(3), 277–295.
Randolph, K.Cheatham, L. P., Keller-Weiss, U., & Williams, J. M. (2018). Exposure to parent and peer alcohol use and the risk of drinking onset and escalation among adolescents. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(2), 97–106.
Hyunjin Noh
Kwak, J., Cho, Y., Lee, Y., Noh, H., & Roh, S. (2019). Differences in Advance Care Planning between American Indian and
White Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing.12 (1), 34-43.
Oh, H., Noh, H., Sims, O., Guo, Y., & Sawyer, P. (2018).A comparison of urban and nonurban African American older adults on health-related characteristics. Social Work in Health Care, 57 (9), 762-773.
Hee Lee Yun
Lee H.Y., Ham, Y.H., & Lee, J.W, (In Press). HPV Literacy as a Crucial Determinant for
Completion of HPV Vaccine
Series in Young Adult Women. Social Welfare Policy and Practice.
An, S.O., Lee, H.Y., Choi, Y.J. & Yoon, Y.J.,D (In Press). Literacy of Breast Cancer and Screening Guideline in an Immigrant Group: Importance of Health Accessibility. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Lee H.Y., Hwang, J., Ball, J.G., Lee, J., Albright, D.L. (In Press). Is health literacy associated with mental health literacy? Findings from Mental Health Literacy Scale. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 2019;1‐8.
Guo, Y., Cheng, T. & Lee, H.Y. (In Press). Factors Associated with Adherence to Preventive Breast Cancer Screenings among Middle-aged African American Women. Social Work in Public Health
Albright, D. L., Lee, H. Y., McDaniel, J. T., Kroner, D., Davis, J., Godfrey, K., & Li, Q. (In Press). Small area estimation of HPV vaccination coverage among school-aged children in Alabama counties. Public Health
Lee, H.Y., Eyer, J., Lee, D., Won, C.R., Hudnell, M., & Cain, D.S. (In Press). The Opioid Crisis in Alabama: Actionable Recommendations for Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
in Rural Communities. Best Practice in Mental Health.
Choi, Y.J., Lee, H.Y., An, S.O., Yoon, Y.J.,D Oh, J.M (In Press). Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening Awareness and Literacy Among Korean-American Women. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-9.
Albright, D. L., Lee, H. Y., McDaniel, J. T., Kroner, D., Davis, J., Godfrey, K.,D & Li, Q. (In Press). Small area estimation of HPV vaccination coverage among school-aged children in Alabama counties. Public Health.
Lee, M.H., Lee, H.Y., & Merighi, J. (In Press). Factors Associated with Mammogram Use in Korean American Immigrant Women. American Journal of Health Behavior
Vickers, M., Green, C. Lee, H.Y., Pierce, J.Y., & Daniel, C.L. (In Press). Factors Associated with HPV Vaccination Uptake and HPV-associated Cancers: A County-Level Analysis in the State of Alabama. Journal of Community Health.
Jin, S. W., Lee, H. Y., & Lee, J. (In Press). Enabling factors for adherence to colorectal cancer screening among underserved Korean immigrants. Journal of Psychosoica Oncology
McDaniel, J. T., Albright, D., Lee, H. Y., Patrick, S., McDermott, R. J., Jenkins, W. D., Diehr, A. J., & Jurkowski, E. (In Press). Rural-urban disparities in colorectal cancer screening among military service members and veterans. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health.
Jin, S.W., Lee, H.Y., & Lee, J. (In Press). Analyzing Factors of Breast Cancer Screening Adherence among Korean American Women Using Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Healthcare Services Utilization. Ethnicity and Disease
Zhou, A.D, Lee, H.Y., & Lee, R. (In Press). Who Has Low Health Literacy and Does It Matter for Depression? Findings from Aggregated and Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Groups. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology Rivera, A.M., Zhang, Z. Kim, A. Ahuja, N., Lee, H.Y., & Hahm, H.C. (2019). Mechanisms of action in AWARE: A culturally informed intervention for 1.5-and 2nd-generation Asian American women. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(4), 475
Lee, H.Y., Lee, M.H., Sharratt, M.,M Lee, S., & Blaes, A. (2019), A. Development of a Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Papanicolaou Tests and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in an Underserved Immigrant Population: A Culturally Targeted and Individually Tailored Text Messaging Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, Mhealth & Uhealth, e13256
Allen, E., Lee, H.Y., Desai, J., Pratt, R., Vang, H.M, & Lightfoot, E. (2019). HPV Awareness, Knowledge, and Receipt among Somali American adolescents: Findings from focus groups with mothers. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(1), 55-63
Elizabeth A. Rogers, E.A., Chanthanouvong, S., Saengsudham, C., Tran, V., Anderson, L., Zhang., & Lee, H.Y. (2019). Factors Associated with Reported Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Lao-American Immigrants in Minnesota. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, p.1-8.
Vogel, R., Niendorf, K., Petzel, S., Lee, H., Teoh, D., Blaes, A, Argenta, P., Rivard, C., Winterhoff, B., Lee, H.Y., & Geller, M. (2019). A patient-centered mobile health application to motivate use of genetic counseling among women with ovarian cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial, Gynecologic Oncology, 153(1), 100-107.
Lee, H.Y. Beltran, R.D, Kim, N.G., D & Lee, D.U (2019). Racial Disparities in Cervical Cancer Screening: Implications for Relieving Cervical Cancer Burden in Asian American Pacific Islander Women. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care.