Table of Contents 2
Welcome Dean Hatcher
Addressing the Opiod Crisis: What Does Alabama Need?
UA Researcher's TechFocused Dementia Care Projects Funded
UA Leading Effort to Increase Vaccinations in Rural Alabama
Student Spotlight
By The Numbers - Research Data
Externally Funded Contract & Research Awards
Faculty Publications
PhD Student Publications
Welcome New Dean, Schnavia Hatcher
A native of Selma, Hatcher brings more than 20 years of experience in clinical social work practice, communityengaged research and higher education to the University of Alabama School of Social Work, where she has assumed the role of Dean. Hatcher is the first Black woman to serve as dean in the School’s 54-year history and is keen to advance the School’s social justice and community well-being initiatives. Hatcher was the inaugural director of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s School of Social Work, where she also established and led the School’s Race and Social Equity Academy. Prior to her leadership roles at UNCC, Hatcher founded the Center for African American Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington, the first one of its kind in north Texas. She also held faculty appointments at UT Arlington’s School of Social Work and Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Hatcher’s first tenured faculty position was at University of Georgia, along with the administrative role of BSW Program Director. Hatcher’s scholarship has focused on issues of race, class, and social policy implications for the Black community specifically, and the broader society generally. She has also continued to emphasize developing health promotion strategies for disenfranchised populations in social justice venues. Hatcher’s research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the U.S. Department of Justice, among others. Hatcher currently serves on the board for the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work and previously chaired NADD’s Social Justice and Racial Violence Taskforce Committee. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice in Social Work. 2 SOCIALWORK.UA.EDU
Addressing the Opioid Crisis: What Does Alabama Need? Alabamians face many structural barriers to treatment of opioid addiction, such as access and transportation to treatment facilities as well as hostile attitudes among the public and family members to addiction, according to research led by The University of Alabama. The findings come from statewide surveys and discussions with community leaders and the public. The assessments are the first step to provide a framework to reduce health disparities related to addiction and opioids in Alabama. The work is part of the Alabama Provider Capacity Project, based at UA, and supported by a $5.1 million grant funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The goal of the project is to decrease health disparities related to addiction and opioids, particularly in Alabama’s rural and lowincome communities. The research began during the pandemic as Alabama’s opioid crisis worsened. Drug overdoses in Alabama increased by 20% during 2020, according to the Alabama Department of Mental Health. Researchers found Alabamians must travel far distances to get access to treatment like detox or inpatient programs. Many people travel to a new city, county or across state lines to access treatment. Over 27% of Alabamians struggling with addiction reported transportation as a barrier to seeking treatment. Further, for over 35% of Alabamians seeking treatment, finding a program that fits their schedule is a barrier.
“This is especially a problem in Alabama’s rural areas when the same people who lack nearby access to treatment also lack the necessary transportation to get to treatment,” said Dr. David Albright, project leader and the Hill Crest Foundation Endowed Chair in Mental Health Research in the UA School of Social Work. “By the time someone secures transportation, gets time off work, and finds a treatment center with availability, they’ve lost interest. We need to be able to help people when they want the help.” The research also suggests a need for more public health education to address knowledge of and stigma surrounding addiction. Attitudes hostile to treatment facilities locating near residential neighborhoods or beliefs about certain treatments being better than others pose as barriers to treatment. Over 18% of Alabamians who have struggled with addiction described family shame as a barrier to accessing treatment. “Many people still view addiction as a moral failing rather than a disease,” Albright said. “That’s simply not true. With the proper resources, this disease is absolutely curable. People with substance use disorder need support, not judgment.” The Alabama Provider Capacity Project is supported through a collaboration between the Alabama Medicaid Agency, the Alabama Department of Mental Health and VitAL, a behavioral health initiative at The University of Alabama School of Social Work. To complete the research, VitAL enlisted the help of UA’s Center for Economic Development, Center for Business and Economic Research, and Institute for Social Science Research. Visit to learn more. 3
UA Researcher’s Tech-Focused Dementia Care Projects Funded The National Institute on Aging awarded $1.6 million to researchers from The University of Alabama and Florida International University to design touch-screen technology to improve communication between dementia patients and their caregivers. Dr. Nicole Ruggiano, associate professor in the UA School of Social Work, said dementia patients often struggle to communicate about their daily care and symptoms they’re experiencing, like trouble sleeping or severity of pain. This can lead to “care-resistant behaviors” misunderstood by their caregiver. “Our technology will be similar to the sensory and communication boards we see with students with autism,” Ruggiano said. “It’ll be a customizable tablet with all the things the person really likes – pictures of their favorite foods, their favorite clothing. So, when caregivers are engaging with them, if they have trouble with words or confusion due to cognition problems, it’ll make caregiving activities a lot easier.” The project will span five years and winclude a pair of clinical sites at both The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Memory Disorder Clinic and Miami Jewish Health. Since 2016, Ruggiano has worked extensively with families affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia in Alabama and has a keen interest in alleviating burdens for caregivers. In Alabama, there are roughly 300,000 people providing care for someone living with dementia, Ruggiano said. Beyond her research, Ruggiano has worked with the Alabama Department of Senior Services to provide statewide training on dementia care and caregiving. Additionally, Ruggiano was recently appointed to the Alabama Lifespan Respite Coalition. Ruggiano’s interest in using technology to improve dementia care spans several years and continued collaborations with Dr. Ellen Brown, associate professor of nursing at Florida International University and Co-PI for this project. In 2016, the pair created “CareHeroes,” a multi-function app designed to improve communication between physicians providing dementia care and caregivers. The app also aims to decrease caregiver burden and depression symptoms, which are often experienced because of the stress of caregiving. In 2018, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality awarded Ruggiano and Brown $300,000 to test the app with more than 60 participants at sites between Alabama and Miami. 4 SOCIALWORK.UA.EDU
Bridging the gap between those with less access to technology can remove complex barriers to care by understanding how different vulnerable groups experience technology, Ruggiano said. For instance, in her work in rural Alabama, where specialty care is limited, African-American caregivers often lack education and information about dementia and were more likely to view symptoms of dementia as normal signs of aging. “I’ve had people tell me that, for the first time, they really understand what’s going on with their loved one,” Ruggiano said. Also, Ruggiano, along with computer science faculty Drs. Monica Anderson, Jeff Gray and Zhe Jiang, will develop a resource database for dementia care across Alabama through a $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundati. There isn’t currently a standard database or resource repository, so caregivers don’t know what’s available, Ruggiano said. This database would require crowdsourced data from caregivers and providers. “For instance, for incontinence supplies, they’d put how much they paid and where they were cheapest,” Ruggiano said. “Additionally, the database will self-assess that information for accuracy.” After a year of development with focus groups, surveys and a prototype, researchers will apply for another NSF grant to build a web app for the database. The final product will allow users to perform needs assessments, and the app would provide resources and maps to match their needs. “A lot of dementia care is being done in primary care, and those providers aren’t really sure about services, so they can’t make referrals for their patients and caregivers,” Ruggiano said. “This database can be extremely helpful.”
UA Leading Effort to Increase Vaccinations in Rural Alabama In a partnership with community organizations, The University of Alabama is spearheading a project to get 70% of eligible people in the state’s Black Belt vaccinated against COVID-19 over the next year. A $1 million grant from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration to UA will assist with vaccine information and outreach programs and support remote and pop-up vaccination clinics throughout the 18 counties. “This is a very important and timely grant award in Alabama,” said Dr. Hee Yun Lee, lead on the grant and associate dean for research in the UA School of Social Work and Endowed Academic Chair in Social Work (Health). “Alabama’s low vaccination rate is more serious in rural areas than urban areas, so our grant targets rural communities like the Black Belt areas to increase the vaccination rate.” Drawing on an interdisciplinary team from the areas of medicine, psychology, nursing, communicative disorders and social work, UA’s team will work alongside the Rural Alabama Prevention Center, a community-based organization in Eutaw, Alabama. The RAPC’s mission is to improve the overall health of people living in rural West Alabama through the provision of preventive health services, education and resources. Loretta Webb Wilson, founder and CEO of the organization, is community lead for the grant. RAPC has deep connections in the Black Belt including with predominantly African American churches and other social service agencies to help with the rollout of the information campaign and vaccinations. Alabama’s Black Belt, originally named that for its rich, dark soil, is a poverty-stricken area of the country, especially outside its small towns, with African Americans making up the majority of its population. As the grant begins this month, Alabama has the highest positivity rate of COVID-19 of any state coupled with the lowest vaccination rate in the country, with only about 34% of the population fully vaccinated, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control. Some counties in the Black Belt have more people fully vaccinated than the state as a whole, while some have a lower percentage. “We will prioritize the counties to intervene based on current vaccination rates and vaccine hesitancy, and we will go to the counties that need intervention the most first,” Lee said. 6 SOCIALWORK.UA.EDU
The program will connect community members with local clinics and pharmacies to create “Shot on the Spot” events while also using UA’s Hear Here mobile truck to take vaccines to more remote areas to eliminate access barriers. It will also strive to improve health literacy on the COVID-19 vaccine using a culturally competent social media campaign. It is possible vaccinations could begin in early September, but helping people learn about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine will be important, Lee said. “It will be very hard to convince those who have not been vaccinated yet in Alabama,” she said. “We will develop and conduct a tailored health literacy education campaign first to reduce the misinformation, vaccine hesitancy and mistrust toward the COVID-19 vaccine by working with community partners. I believe that enhancing the vaccine literacy should come first and then we will go to the community to provide the vaccine.” Along with Lee, UA’s team consists of Dr. Pamela Payne-Foster, professor of community medicine and population health in UA’s College of Community Health Sciences and a preventative medicine/public health physician; Dr. Rebecca Allen, professor and interim chair of the UA Department of Psychology; Dr. JoAnn Oliver, professor of nursing; and Dr. Marcia Hay-McCutcheon, professor of communicative disorders.
Won named CSWE Minority Fellowship Program Doctoral Fellow Congratulations to one of our own, Claudia Won, who was named CSWE Minority Fellowship Program Doctoral Fellow. Won, a PhD student at The University of Alabama School of Social Work, has been selected as the 2021-2022 CSWE Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) doctoral fellow. The fellowship award includes specialized in-person/virtual training, mentorship, professional development supports as well as a monthly stipend. The CSWE MFP is a highly successful training and professional development award federally funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This award is for promising doctoral students in social work who aim to reduce health disparities and improve behavioral/mental health care outcomes for under served racial and ethnic populations. As the MFP fellow, Claudia will focus 7 on mental health issues among refugee populations.
Externally Funded Contract and Research Awards (2018-2021) Investigator
Areas of Funded Research Projects
Total Awards
David L. Albright
Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Military & Veterans, Rural Health
Daphne Cain
Title IV-E, Child Welfare Training, Disaster Mental Health, Parenting Interventions
Catherine Carlson
Community-Based Participatory Research, Implementation Science, International Social Work, Mental Health, Violence Against Women and Children
Schnavia Hatcher
Class & Social Policy Implications for Black Community, Disenfranchised Populations in Social Justice Venues, Health Promotion Strategies for Incarcerated Youth and Adults, Youth Development Models of Success in Higher Education
Laura Hopson
Evidence-Based Practice, School Climate, Social Work Services in Schools
Sebrena Jackson
Foster Youth and Higher Education, Higher Education Leadership, Online Education, Social Work Education
Hee Yun Lee
Health Disparities, Vaccine Hesitancy, Artificial Intelligence and mHealth-Driven intervention, Substance Abuse, Dissemination and Implementation Research, Rural Health
Lewis Lee
Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice Reform, Health Disparities, Macro Practice, Program Evaluation, Substance Abuse
Debra Nelson-Gardell
Child Sexual Abuse, Family Services, Measurement, Practice Evaluation, Social Work Education, Women's Issues
Hyunjin Noh
Aging and Healthcare, End of Life Care, Health Disparities, Qualitative Methods
Nicole Ruggiano
Dementia Caregiving, Health Information Technology, Health Policy, Health Self-Management
Brenda Smith
Child Welfare Policy & Services, Organizational and Policy Contexts of Practice, Policy & Service Disparities
Amy Traylor
Children & Youth, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Publications of Faculty (2018-2021) Tania Alameda-Lawson Associate Professor
PhD, Florida International University MSW, Florida International University BA, University of Miami
Publications Alameda-Lawson, T., Lawson. (2019). Ecologies of collective parent engagement in urban education. Urban Education, 54, 1085-1120. 10.1177/0042085916636654 Ivy, V. N., Richards, K. A., Lawson, M. A., & AlamedaLawson, T. (2018). Lessons Learned from an AfterSchool Program: Building Personal and Social Responsibility. Journal of Youth Development, 13(3), 162-175. 10.5195/jyd.2018.606 Presentations Wilkes, S. K., Alameda-Lawson, T., & Johnson, K. (2020). Advancing Online Macro Social Work Education: Team-based experiential 360 photo tour. Council on Social Work Education, Virtual. Green, S.-R. Alameda-Lawson, T., Bennett, M. D., Murray, D. E., & Wilkes, S. K. (2019). Elevate Social Work. 2019 Social Work Month Symposium, Tuscaloosa, AL. Green, S.-R., Bennett, M. D., & Alameda-Lawson, T., (2019). Social Work Symposium. 2019 Social Work Month Symposium, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Williams, J. D., Alameda-Lawson, T., Traylor, A. C., & Hopson, L. M. (2018). University-community partnerships promote family and community wellness through interprofessional and trauma-informed practices. 64th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando.
David L. Albright
Distinguished Research Professor Hill Crest Foundation Endowed Chair in Mental Health Research VitAL Principal Investigator PhD, Florida State University MSW, Florida State University BA, Centre College
Publications Albright, D. L., Holmes, L., Lawson, M., McDaniel, J. T., Laha-Walsh, K., & McIntosh, S. (2020). Veterannonveteran differences in alcohol and drug misuse by tobacco use status in Alabama SBIRT. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 20(1), 46-58. Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J., Kertesz, S., Seal, D., Prather, K., English, T., & Laha-Walsh, K. (2020). Small area estimation and hotspot identification of opioid use disorder among military veterans living in the South. Substance Abuse, 42(1), 116-122. Albright, D. L., Landor, A. M., McDaniel, J. T., Godfrey, K., Fletcher, K. L., Thomas, K. H., & Bertram, J. (2019). Sexual behaviors and health practices in a national sample of student service members/veterans. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1-10.
Albright, D. L., Thomas, K. H., McDaniel, J. T., Fletcher, K. L., Godfrey, K., Bertram, J. M., & Angel, C. (2019). When women veterans return: The role of education in transition in their civilian lives. Journal of American College Health, 67(5), 479-485. Albright, D. L., Thyer, B. A, & Waller, R. J. (2019). Utilization of outpatient social work services among veterans with combat-related polytrauma: A review and case analysis. Military Behavioral Health, 7(1), 413.
(Selected from 61 publications from 2018-2021) Presentations Albright, D. L. (2019, November). Building resilience and finding balance: Mettle, mindfulness and veterans’ mental health. Chautauqua Lecture, Eastern Kentucky University. Albright, D. L. (2018, January). Improving health outcome for Alabama rural veterans. National Rural Health Association.
Currier, J., Farnsworth, J., Drescher, K., McDermott, R., Sims, B., & Albright, D. L. (2018). Development and evaluation of the expression of Moral Injury ScaleMilitary version. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 25(3), 474-488.
Albright, D. L. (2018, June). Role of social work in supporting veterans with opioid use disorders and other substance use disorders. Congressional Briefing sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers.
Johnson, R.A., Albright, D. L., Marzolf, J. R., Bibbo, J. L., Yaglom, H. D., Crowder, S. M., Carlisle, G. M., Grindler, K., Willard, A., Wassman, M., Russell, C. L., & Osterlind, S. (2018). Effects of therapeutic horseback riding on military veteran’s posttraumatic stress disorder. Military Medical Research Journal, 5(1), 1-13.
Albright, D. L., Fletcher, K., McDaniel, J. T., Thomas, K. H., Godfrey, K., Grohowski, M., & Dane, J. (2018, November). Intimate partner violence among service member and veteran students. American Public Health Association.
Lee, H. Y., Hwang, J., Ball, J. G., Yu, Y., & Albright, D. L. (2020). Mental health literacy affects mental health attitude: Is there a gender difference? American Journal of Health Behavior, 44(3), 282-291. Parrott, S., Hayes, J., Britt, B., & Albright, D. L. (2021). Communicating suicide: Developing a lexicon of terms related to suicide. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 17(5), 624-634. Washington, K., Demiris, G., Parker Oliver, D., Albright, D. L., Craig, K., & Tatum, P. (2018). Delivering problem-solving therapy to family caregivers of people with cancer: A feasibility study in outpatient palliative care. Psycho-Oncology, 27(10), 2494-2499.
Albright, D. L., Thomas, K., McDaniel, J., Fletcher, K., Godfrey, K., Bertram, J., & Angel, C. (2020, January). Help seeking among women veteran students within postsecondary educational settings. Society for Social Work Research. Cramm, H., Gribble, R., Mahar, A., Muir, K., Muir, S., Daraganova, G., Albright, D. L., & Fear, N. (2018, August). “Military family” in policy: Comparing meaning across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Military Health System Research Symposium. Hanson, B., Fording, R. C., Albright, D. L., & LahaWalsh, K. (2020, September). Dissension in the ranks? Understanding veterans’ support for the trans military ban. American Political Science Association.
McDaniel, J. T., Hascup, K. N., Hascup, E. R., Albright, D. L., & Wallace, J. P. (2021, March). Social Support, Cigarette Use, and Alcohol Misuse among Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Decline. American Academy of Health Behavior. Parrott, M., Albright, D. L., Eckhart, N., & LahaWalsh, K. (2021, August). The media affect them, but not me: Veteran and civilian perceptions of news coverage about U.S. military veterans. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Yablonsky, A. M., Fear, N. T., Albright, D. L., & Cramm. H. (2018, November). Families: What is the importance to the military? Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. (Selected from 51 presentations from 2018-2021)
M. Daniel Bennett, Jr. Assistant Professor
PhD, University of North Carolina MSW, University of Pennsylvania BA, Hampton University
Publications Bennett, M.D. (2021) Still Makes Me Wanna Holler: Challenges, disparities and experiences of African American Males. The Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment ( Bennett, M.D. (2020) So Much Trouble on My Mind: African American males, cultural resources, and mental health: Coping with racism. Urban Social Work. DOI: 10.1891/USW-D-19-00005
Bennett, M.D. (2018) Ain’t No Love in the Heart of the City: Compensatory quasi-adaptive coping among African American males. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 59.2018.1503986 Daniel, J.B., Gaddis, C. L., Legros, J., Bennett, M.D. & Turner, N.C. (2018) Breast Cancer Knowledge, Beliefs and Screening Practices among African American Women in a Rural Setting: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Health Sciences. 6(1), pp. 29-38 2018/3.pdf Presentations McKinney, R. E., Bennett, M. D., Davis, C. H., & Lee, L. H. (2021). Men in Social Work Are Essential. The University of Alabama School of Social Work, Virtual, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States. Bennett, M. D. (2020). Social Work in Sports: New Territory in Research, Intervention, and Practice. Society of Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Logan, G., Ross, L., Birch, D. A., Sanders, A. M., Bennett, M. D. & Paxton, R. (2019). Father engagement and family planning among U.S. men aged 18-44 years. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States. Logan, G., Ross, L., Paxton, R., Bennett, M. D., Sanders, A. M., & Birch, D. A. (2019). Sociodemographic differences in father engagement on child health: Results from a nationally representative sample of U.S. men. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Bennett, M. D. (2019). Martin, Muhammad, Magic & Mizzou: A social work in sports perspective on social justice. Alliance of Social Workers in Sport. Denver, CO, United States.
Presentations Zhang, S., Cain, D. S., & Liao, M. (2019). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Youth Mental Health Service Use and Treatment Choice. CSWE, Denver, CO.
Green, S.-R., Alameda-Lawson, T., Bennett, M. D., Murray, D. E., & Wilkes, S. K. (2019). Elevate Social Work. Social Work Month Symposium. USWO, GSWO & Phi Alpha Organizations, Little Hall, The School of Social Work, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States.
Lee, H.Y., Eyer, J. C., Lee, D., Won, C. R., Hudnell, M., & Cain, D. S. (2019). The opioid crisis in Alabama: Actionable recommendations for prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural communities. Behavioral Health Research Symposium, Birmingham, Alabama.
Daphne S. Cain
Associate Dean for Administrative Services Interim Dean for Student Services Editor in Chief of Best Practices in Mental Health PhD, University of Tennessee MSW, East Carolina University BA, North Carolina State University
Publications Lee, L. H. & Cain, D. S. (2020). Mental Health Policy for Justice-Involved Persons: Exploring History, Perspectives, and Models in the United States. Best Practices in Mental Health, 16(2), 55-68. Lee, H. Y., Eyer, J. C., Lee, D., Won, C. R., Hudnall, M. C., & Cain, D. S. (2020). The Opioid Crisis in Alabama: Actionable Recommendations for Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery in Rural Communities. Best Practices in Mental Health, 16(1). Zhang, S., Cain, D. S., & Liao, M. (2019). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Decision Points of Mental Health Service Use and Psychotropic Medication Receipt among Depressed Youth. Youth & Society. X19871853
Catherine Carlson Assistant Professor
PhD, Columbia University MSW, University of Georgia BA, Emory University
Publications Berryhill, M., Carlson, C., Hopson, L., Culmer, N. P., & Williams, N. (2021). Adolescent depression and anxiety treatment in rural schools: A critical review. Journal of Rural Mental Health. Maternowska, C., Shackel, R., Carlson, C. E., Levtov, R., & Heise, L. (2020). The politics of the age gender divide in responding to sexual, physical, and emotional violence. Global Public Health. Mootz, J., Onyango, P., Carlson, C. E., Helpman, L., Wainberg, & M., Stabb, S. (2020). Why place and space matter for intimate partner violence survivors' mental wellbeing and communities in northeastern Uganda. Women and Health. Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J., Godfrey, K., Carlson, C. E., Fletcher, K., & Thomas, K. H. (2020). Intimate Partner Violence Among Service Members and Veterans: Differences by Sex and Rurality. Traumatology.
Carlson, C. E., Namy, S., Norcini Pala, A., Wainberg, M., Nakuti, J., Knight, L., Allen, E., Ikenberg, C., Naker, & D., Devries, K. (2020). Violence against children and intimate partner violence against women: overlap and common contributing factors among caregiver-adolescent dyads. BMC Public Health. Lovero, K., Lammie, S., van Zyl, A., Paul, S., Ngwepe, P., Mootz, J., Carlson, C., Sweetland, A., Shelton, R., Wainberg, M., & Medina-Mariano, A. (2019). Mixed methods evaluation of mental healthcare integration into tuberculosis and maternal-child care services across four South African districts. BMC Health Services Research. 0.1186/s12913-019-3912-9 Scorza, P., Duarte, C., Lovero, K., Carlson, C., Mootz, J., Johnson, K., & Wainberg, M. (2019). Reaching beyond the clinic: Leveraging implementation science to improve access to child and adolescent mental health services. Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology. 3017 Carlson, C. E., Sweetland, A., & Wainberg, M. (2018). Ethical challenges in global mental health clinical trials. Lancet Psychiatry. Sweetland, A., Norcini Pala, A., Mootz, J., Chien-Wen Kao, J., Carlson, C., Oquendo, M., Belkin, G., & Wainberg, M. (2018). Food insecurity, mental distress, and suicidal ideation in rural Africa: Evidence from Nigeria, Uganda, and Ghana. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.
Presentations Carlson, C. E. (2020). Piloting the implementation of depression treatment in Ugandan primary schools. 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Virtual. Regenauer, K., Barnett, M., Ng, L., Puffer, E., Magidson, J., & Carlson, C. E. (2020). Mutual Capacity Building in Psychology Research: Working to Close the Global Mental Health Gap. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Hopson, L. M., Carlson, C. E., & Berryhill, M. B. (2020). A Systematic Review of Mental Health Interventions in Rural High Schools. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C., United States Nkwanzi, V., Carlson, C. E., Ikenberg, C., Namy, S., Nakuti, J., Nelson-Gardell, D. M., & Anton-Erxleben, K. (2020). Child, Caregiver, and Teacher Perspectives of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Connection to Child Mental Health in Uganda. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C., United States. Carlson, C. E. (2020). Going Glocal: Intersecting Violence and Mental Health Research in Low Resource Settings across North America, Africa, and Asia. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C., United States. Carlson, C. E. Chartier, K., Clark Goings, T., Sabbath, E., & Urada, L. (2020). NIH career development (K) awards for social work faculty: Experiences and advice from recent awardees. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C., United States. Cordisco Tsai, L., & Carlson, C. E. (2020). Preventing Suicide for Survivors of Human Trafficking in Cebu, Philippines. Advancement of Global Mental Health Research Annual Meeting, Columbia University.
Carlson, C. E. Abura, G. Anton-Erxleben, K. Namy, S. Nkwanzi, V., Mufson, L., Nakuti, J., Naker, D., & Wainberg, M. (2019). Adapting Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A) for Ugandan primary schools. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention Atlanta, GA, United States. Mancus, G., Sawyer, M., Ciminio, A., Hasan, M. Z., Carlson, C. E., Campbell, J., Sharps, P., & Stockman, J. (2019). Greenness and resilience to social and built environmental issues. International Conference on Sustainable Development, New York, NY, United States. Johnson, K., Wilkes, S. K., & Carlson, C. E. (2019). An intervention whose time has come: Leveraging Faith and Community to Address HIV, Intimate Partner Violence, and Criminal Justice-Involvement Among Black Women in the South. 100 Social Workers on the Vineyard, MA, United States. (Selected from 13 presentations from 2018-2021)
Leah Cheatham Assistant Professor
JD, Yeshiva University PhD, Florida State University MSW, Florida State University BS, Florida State University
Publications Laklija, M., Milic-Babic, M., & Cheatham, L. P. (2020). Institutionalization of Children with Disabilities in Croatia: Social Workers' Perspectives. Child and Youth Services.
Cheatham, L. P., Randolph, K., & Boltz, L. (2020). Youth with disabilities transitioning from foster care: examining prevalence and predicting positive outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 110. Cheatham, L. P. & Randolph, K. (2020). Education and Employment Transitions among Young Adults with Disabilities: Comparisons by Disability Status, Type and Severity. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Shah, A., Jeffries, S., Cheatham, L., Hasbein, D., Misty, C., & Chapman, N. (2018). Partner with Parents: Reviewing the Evidence for Motivational interviewing in child welfare. Families in Society, 1-16. doi: 10.177/104438941880345 Presentations Cheatham, L. P., Kenney, J. L., Daquin, J. C., Dolliver, M. J., Hall, A., Derzis, N., Holder, A., Mautz, E. K, Foster, D., Roe, V., Lambert, E., & Reid, L. W. (2021). Assessing the Reliability of the Women’s Risk Needs Assessment within an Alabama State Women’s Prison. Annual Program Meeting for the Society of Social Work Research, Virtual/online. Wang, K. & Cheatham, L. (2021). Will cancer worsen older adults’ cognitive functioning: The moderating role of different old age groups. Poster Presentation. The 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research Virtual Meeting. Wang, K. P. & Cheatham, L. P. (2020). Will exercise benefit breast cancer survivors: the moderation role of residential setting. Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education, Virtual/online.
Luo, Y., Cheatham, L. P., Dozier, K., & Ikenberg, C. (2020). Associated Factors with Electronic Personal Health Records Use (ePHRs): An Application of Anderson’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use to Ehealth Service. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Cheatham, L. P., Luo, Y., Dozier, K., Jackson, M. S., & Bertram, J. (2020). Building Capacity within a Campusbased Support Program for Former Foster Youth: A Participant-engaged Approach. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Wang, K. & Cheatham, L. P. (2020). Does Residential Setting (urban v. rural) Moderate the Effects of Physical Exercise and Body Mass Index on Self-rated Health Among Breast Cancer Survivors?," Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Luo, Y., Cheatham, L. P., Dozier, K., & Ikenberg, C. (2020). Factors Related to Telemedical Care Receipt Among Older Adults with Medical Conditions: A Secondary Data Analysis across Race/Ethnicity. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Laklija, M., Milić-Babić, M., & Cheatham, L. P., (2020). Institutionalization of Children with Disabilities in Croatia: Social Workers’ Perspectives. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. Ikenberg, C., Cheatham, L. P., Luo, Y., Dozier, K., & Cardinale, J. (2020). Measuring the Impact of Abuser Role on Chronic and Severe Physical and Psychological Abuse. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States.
Cheatham, L. P., Bertram, J., Luo, Y., Dozier, K., & Jackson, M. S. (2020). Supporting Former Foster Youth in College: Lessons from Students and Stakeholders. Annual Program Meeting for the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, United States. (Selected from 22 presentations from 2018-2021)
Kevin Corcoran Professor
JD, University of Houston PhD, University of Pittsburgh MSW, University of Pittsburgh MA, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs BA, Colorado State University
Publications Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. & Springer, D. W. (2021). Measures for clinical practice and research. vol 1. Couple, families and children measures. NY: Oxford University Press Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. & Springer, D. W. (2021). Measures for clinical practice and research. Vol 2. Adult measures. NY: Oxford University Press.
Ellen Csikai Professor
PhD, University of Pittsburgh MSW, University of Pittsburgh MPH, University of Pittsburgh BA, University of Pittsburgh
Publications Csikai, E.L., & Patyán, L. (in press). Hungarian social caregivers’ challenges in providing home care to older adults with cancer. Journal of Aging and Social Policy. Published online first 19 July 2021.
Kegye, A., Czeglédi, E., Zana, A. Csikai, E.L, & Hegedűs, K. (2020). Influential factors of well-being among Hungarian Female hospice workers examined through structural equation modelling. Health & Social Care in the community. First published: 22 March 2020. https//
Patyán. L & Csikai, E.L. (2020). Súlyos betegséggel küzdő idősebb ellátottak gondozásával kapcsolatos kihívások” (Social Caregivers’ Challenges in Care of Older Adults with Cancer Near the End of Life). Congress of Hungarian Hospice and Palliative Association.
Reese D.J, & Csikai E.L. (2018). Social Work Assessment and Outcomes Measurement in Hospice and Palliative Care. Am J Hosp Palliat Care, 35(12), 1553-1564. [Published online first July 2018]. doi: 10.1177/1049909118788342.
Csikai, E.L., Rodriguez, C., & Chacon, M. (2020). Preferencias comunicativas y participación activa en el tratamiento de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica y su cuidador, Congreso de Latino Americano Cuidados Paliativos. (ALCP). San Jose, Costa Rica
Glajchen, M., Berkman, C., Otis-Green, S., Stein, G. L., Sedjwick, T., Bern-Klug, M., Christ, G, Csikai, E.L., Downes, D. Gerbino, S., Head, B., Parker Oliver, D., Waldrop, D., & Portenoy, R. (2018). Defining Core Competencies for Generalist-Level Palliative Social Work. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 56(6) 886-892. [Published online: September 7, 2018]
Csikai, E.L., Bullock, K., & M. & Maynard, Q.R. (2020). How to transform your best practices to Research to Publication. Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network conference in San Diego, CA.
Presentations Shaw, S., Csikai, E. L. (2021). The preservation of spousal and partner relationships among nursing home residents. Gerontological Society of America Phoenix, AZ. Shaw, S., Csikai, E. L. (2021). No Visitors Allowed: The impact of Covid-19 restrictions on the psychosocial wellbeing of NH residents. Gerontological Society of America Phoenix, AZ. Csikai, E.L., & Maynard, Q.R. (2020). What do older adults consider a ‘good death. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA
Maynard, Q.R. & Csikai, E.L. (2020). How would you define a ‘Good Death’? Perspectives of Older Adults”. Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network conference in San Diego, CA March 2020. Csikai, E.L., Bullock, K., Washington, K. & M. & Maynard, Q.R. (2019). Practice to Research to Publication. Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network conference in Orlando, FL Csikai, E.L. & Bullock, K. (2019). “Professionalism” in “The Expert Series – Foundations of Hospice and Palliative Social Work” pre-conference seminar. Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network conference.
Maynard, Q. R., & Csikai, E.L. (2020). The Psychosocial and Spiritual Components of a ‘Good Death’. Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA
Schnavia Hatcher Dean
PhD, University of Kansas MSW, University of Georgia BA, Spelman College
Publications King, D., Orihuela, C., Mrug, S., & Hatcher, S. (2021). Future aspirations, leisure time, and sexual health risk behaviors among Black youth in one urban city. Urban Social Work, 5(1), 15-27. doi: 10.1891/USW-D-2000007 Barnett, T., McFarland, A., Miller, J., Lowe, V., & Hatcher, S. (2019). Physical and mental health experiences among African American college students. Social Work in Public Health, 34(2), 145- 157. doi: 10.1080/19371918.2019.1575308 Nordberg, A., McCoy, M.K., Stevens, M.A., & Hatcher, S. (2018). Precarity and structural racism in black youth encounters with police. Child and Adolescent Social Work, 35(5), 511-518. doi: 10.1007/s10560-018-0540-x Hatcher, S., King, D., Nordberg, A., Bryant, D., & Woolen, C. (2018). Suicidality and other health risk behaviors among female youth in juvenile detention. Social Work in Public Health, 33(2), 114- 124. doi: 10.1080/19371918.2017.1415179
Holliday, R., Robillard, A., Dyson, Y., & Hatcher, S. (November, 2019). Mothers in prison: Barriers and desire for family reunification. Poster presented at Annual Conference, American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Laura Hopson
Associate Professor PhD, University of Texas at Austin MSW, Columbia University BA, Bowdoin College
Publications Berryhill, M., Carlson, C., Hopson, L., Culmer, N. P., & Williams, N. (2021). Adolescent depression and anxiety treatment in rural schools: A critical review. Journal of Rural Mental Health. =25&sort=PublicationYearMSSort%20desc,AuthorSor t%20asc&sr=1 Guo, Y., Hopson, L. M., & Yang, F. (2018). Socioecological factors associated with adolescents’ psychological well-being: A multi-level analysis. International Journal of School Social Work.
Presentations Kolomer, S., & Hatcher, S. (November, 2021). Leading during challenging times. Leadership Development Institute presented at Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Presentations Traylor, A. C., Hopson, L. M., Komara, B. C. P., Jones, S. B., O'Neal, J., Davis, E., Hall, E., & Mastradonas, L. (2021). Impact of equine assisted activities and therapies on child behavior and family well-being, 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Virtual.
Hatcher, S. (March, 2021). Supporting the Next Generation of BIPOC Scholars in Social Work and Health Sciences. Panel member at Social Work Summit, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
Hopson, L. M., Carlson, C. E., & Berryhill, M. B. (2020). A Systematic Review of Mental Health Interventions in Rural High Schools. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. 18
Hopson, L. M., & Berryhil, B. (2019). Examining the accessibility and effectiveness of behavioral health services provided by graduate interns to students in a rural school district. University of Alabama Rural Health Conference, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Hopson, L. M., Berryhill, M. B., Anderson, A., Andress, J., & Obuya, C. (2019). Transformative SMART-Based Internships for Behavioral Health Students. SMART Student Health, Washington, United States. Berryhil, B., & Hopson, L. M. (2019). School-based mental health. The University of Alabama UA/UWA In-service Center, Tuscaloosa, AL. Williams, J. D., Alameda-Lawson, T., Traylor, A. C., Hopson, L. M. (2018). University-community partnerships promote family and community wellness through interprofessional and trauma-informed practices. Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL, United States. (November 2018).
M. Sebrena Jackson
Assistant Professor Director of MSW Program PhD, Clark Atlanta University MSW, Clark Atlanta University BSW, Tuskegee University
Publications Jackson, M.S., Nelson-Gardell, D., Williams, J., & Yang, F. (2021). International collaboration for mutual benefit: Southwest China and Southeast U.S. partnership. China Journal of Social Work.
Schiele, J.H. & Jackson, M.S. (2021). The Atlanta School of Social Work and the professionalization of “race work.” Phylon: The Clark Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture. Sage, M., & Jackson, M.S. (2021). A systematic narrative review of internet communication technology use by youth in foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A. & Bullock, A., & Li, Q. (2020). Teaching practice skills to MSW online students: An examination of a blended skills lab model. Advances in Social Work, 20(1), 172-183. DOI: 10.18060/23614. Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., Bullock, A., & Dozier, K. (2020). Foster youth pre-college programs: Advantages of building community partnerships. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 12(2), 44-54. Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A. (2019). Development of a pre-college program for foster youth: Opportunities and challenges of program implementation. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37. Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A. (2019). Strategies to address mental health challenges of foster youth transitioning to college. Best Practices in Mental Health, 15(1), 20-31. Williams, J., Jackson, M.S., Thomas, M., & Pressley, T., Barnett, T. (2019). Black mega churches and the provision of social services: An examination of regional differences in America. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought.
Schiele, J.H., Jackson, M.S., & Fairfax, C.N. (2005). Maggie Lena Walker and African American Community Development. Affilia, 20(1), pp. 21-38.
Cheatham, L., Bertram, J., Luo, Y., Dozier, & Jackson, M.S. (2020). Supporting former foster youth in college: Lessons from students and stakeholders. SSWR, Washington, DC.
Presentations Bullock, A, Colvin, A., & Jackson, M.S. (June 2021). “All Zoomed out:” Strategies for addressing Zoom fatigue in the age of COVID-19. Learning Ideas Conference. Virtual
Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A., (2019). Exploring pathways to college for transition age foster youth. CSWE APM. Denver, Co.
Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A. (2021). Teaching practice skills to MSW online students: An examination of a blended skills lab model. Social Work Distance Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Virtual Jackson, M.S., Welker, K., & Blackmon, C. (2021). Recruiting, training, and supporting adjunct faculty to teach online. Social Work Distance Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Virtual Kubanga, K., Suntai, Z., & Jackson, M.S., Adanu, E.K., & Lidbe, A. (2021). Opportunities to build sexual health knowledge: A pre-college program for foster youth. SSWR. Virtual. Dozier, K., & Jackson, M.S. (2020). Championing first generation college students: A critical conversation for higher education equity. CSWE APM. Virtual Poster Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A. (2020). Opportunities to build higher education equity: A precollege model for foster youth. CSWE APM. Virtual. Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A., (2020). Development of a pre-college program for foster youth: Opportunities and challenges of program implementation. International Foster Care Organization (IFCO). Montreal, Canada. (Conference canceled and rescheduled for 2021).
Jackson, M.S., Colvin, A., & Bullock, A., (2019). College is possible: Maximizing resources to address mental health issues of youth. Daniel Memorial Independent Living Conference. Orlando, Fl. (Selected from 14 presentations from 2018-2021)
Karen Johnson Assistant Professor PhD, Columbia University MSW, Hunter College BA, Syracuse University
Publications Lu, J., Potts, C., Allen, R. S., Lewis, P. D., & Johnson, K. (2021). An Exploration of Spiritual Well-being Among Homeless People: A Hierarchical Regression Analysis. Journal of Religion & Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-020-01158-6 Johnson, K. A. (2018). The effectiveness of a groupbased computerized HIV/STI prevention intervention for black women who use drugs in the criminal justice system: study protocol for E-WORTH (Empowering African-American Women on the Road to Health), a Hybrid Type 1 randomized controlled trial. Trials, 19(486). 186/s13063-018-2792-3
Presentations Johnson, K. (2021). The Moderation of Homelessness and Mental Health on SAVA Population Syndemic Outcomes in the WORTH Intervention. 83rd Annual CPDD Scientific Meeting, Virtual Johnson, K. (2021). Academic Consortium on Criminal Justice Health. 14th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Criminal Justice Health, Virtual Johnson, K. A. (2021). Depression, homelessness, and HIV/STI behavioral risk factors among women completing community corrections sentences in New York City. Society for Social Work and Research, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA. Johnson, K. A. (2021). Neighborhood risks, recent homelessness, and HIV risk factors among women in community corrections in New York City. Society for Social Work and Research, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA. Johnson, K., & Pretz, A. (2021). Bridging the Gap: Attacking Stigma, Barriers, and Patient-Centered Treatment. Alabama School of Alcohol and Other Drug Studies, Virtual. Johnson, K. (2021). Social Work in HIV is Essential, Social Work in HIV is Essential. UA School of Social Work, Virtual due to COVID-19. Johnson, K. (2021). Veterans Homelessness. Central Alabama Veterans Collaborative, Virtual (due to COVID-19). (February 11,). Smith, S., Wilkes, S., Shah, A., & Johnson, K. (2020). Own Your Vote Campaign. CSWE, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, CO, United States.
Johnson, K., Alameda, T., & Wilkes, S (2020). Development and Implementation of a school-wide voting engagement campaign Part II. CSWE, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, CO. Johnson, K. A., & Wilkes, S. K. (2020). To adapt or not to adapt? The Women on the Road to Health HIV/STI evidence-based intervention, depression and homelessness among substance-using women in criminal justice system. Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS (PASWHA) and Collaborative Solutions, Inc., Virtual. (Selected from 22 presentations from 2018-2021)
Hee Yun Lee
Professor Associate Dean for Research Endowed Academic Chair on Social Work and Health
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles MSW, University of California, Los Angeles MSG, University of Southern California MA, Seoul National University BA, Seoul National University
Publications Lee, H. Y., Kim, S., Neese, J., & Lee, M. H. (2021). Does health literacy affect the uptake of annual physical check-ups?: Results from the 2017 U.S. health information national trends survey. Archives of Public Health, 79(1). 10.1080/13557858.2020.1850648 Lee, H. Y., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Hendrix, S., Lee, J., Yoon, S., & Huy, N. (2021). Is Pap test awareness critical to Pap test uptake in women living in rural Vietnam? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22(3), 903-908. 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.3.903
Jin, S. W., Lee, J., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Analyzing factors associated with decisional stage of adopting breast cancer screening among Korean American women using precaution adoption process model. Ethnicity & Health, 26(3), 431-447. 10.1080/13557858.2018.1520813
McLendon, L., Puckett, J., Green, C., James, J., Head, K. J., Lee, H. Y., Pierce, J. Y., Beasley, M., & Daniel, C. L. (2020). Factors associated with HPV vaccination initiation among United States college students. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutic, 17(7), 1-11. 10.1080/21645515.2020.1847583
Guo, Y., Qin, W., & Lee H.Y. (2021). Social participation and depressive symptoms in older African American cancer survivors: Comparison with the non-cancer subjects. Aging & Mental Health.
An, S. O., Lee, H. Y., Choi, Y. J., & Yoon, Y. J. (2020). Literacy of Breast Cancer and Screening Guideline in an Immigrant Group: Importance of Health Accessibility. Journal of immigrant and minority health. 10.1007/s10903-020
Lee, H. Y., Choi, E. Y., Won, C. R., Song, J., Gajos, J. M., & Kim, S. Y. (2021). Opioid Literacy of Korean Americans in Rural Alabama: Addressing the Role of Social Determinants of Health. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 10.1177/1043659621995902
(Selected from 71 publications from 2018-2021)
Lee, H. Y., Luo, Y., Neese, J., Daniel, C., & Hahm, H. C. (2021). The Role of English Proficiency in HPV and HPV Vaccine Awareness: A cross-sectional study across race/ethnicity. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention, 22(2), 349–357. 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.2.349
Presentations Choi, E. Y., Hao, Z., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Anxiety and Depression among Korean American Immigrants Living in Alabama. Poster. 2021 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Florida Won, C. R. Lee, H. Y., Hao, Z., & Luo, Y. (2021). HPV and HPV Vaccine Awareness among Korean Americans in Alabama. Poster. 2021 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Florida
Lee, H. Y., Jin, S. W., Henning-Smith, C., & Lee, J. (2021). Role of Health Literacy in Health-Related Information-Seeking Behavior Online: Cross-sectional Study. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(1), e14088. 10.2196/14088
Choi, E. Y., Lee, H. Y., Noh, H., Lee, L. H. (2021). Knowledge of Hospice Care among Korean American Immigrants in Deep South. Poster. Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, Online.
Lee, H. Y., Luo, Y., Daniel, C., Wang, K., & Ikenberg, C. (2020). Is HPV vaccine awareness associated with HPV knowledge level? Findings from HINTS data across racial/ethnic groups in the US. Ethnicity & Health. 10.1080/13557858.2020.1850648
Luo, Y., Noh, H., Lee, L., Lee, H.Y. (2021, November). Awareness of Hospice Care Among Rural African Americans: Findings from Social Determinants of Health Framework. Poster. Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting
Luo, Y., Lee, L., Noh, H., Lee, H.Y. (2021, November). Intention to Communicate End-of-Life Wishes Among Rural African Americans: Is Awareness of Hospice Care Important? Poster. Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting.
Lee, H.Y., Luo, Y., Wang, K., & Ikenberg, C. (2021). Is HPV vaccine awareness associated with HPV knowledge level?: Findings from HINTS data across racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online.
Choi, Y. J., Lee, H.Y, Yoon, Y. J., & Blackburn, J. (2021). The effect of social support on health literacy among Korean American immigrant women. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online.
Lee, J.-Y., Kim, J.W., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Repeat or not repeat?: Countering MMR vaccine misinformation with single versus repeated exposure to correction. Paper. International Communication Association (ICA), Health Communication Division, Online.
Eyer, J., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Data and outcomes from a community-based, multidisciplinary effort to coordinate the opioid response in rural Alabama: Year 1 of the GROW Project. Oral. Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference, Online.
Luo, Y., Lee, H.Y, Li, Q., Ball, J., Guo, Y., & Lee, D. (2021). Is awareness of low-dose computed tomography (CT) lung cancer screening critical to participation in screening? Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online.
Eyer, J., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Development of a new behavioral health opioid ECHO program to promote evidence-based care of opioid use disorders in rural Alabama. Oral. and Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference, Online.
Neese, J., Lee, H.Y., Luo, Y., Lee, D., & Daniel, C. (2021). HPV literacy in adult Minnesotans: Informing targeted intervention strategies to promote HPVassociated cancer equity. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online.
Lee, H.Y., Choi, E.Y., Song, J., Won, C. R. Gajos, J., Kim, S. (2021). Opioid literacy in an immigrant group in deep south: Addressing the role of social determinants of health. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online Lee, H.Y., Lee, L., Luo, Y., Penmetsa, P., Adanu, E.K., Li, X., Lidbe, A., Jones, S. (2021). Anxiety and Depression among African-Americans Living in Rural Black Belt Areas of Alabama: Use of Social Determinants of Health Framework. Poster. 2021 Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development, Online.
Neese, J., Lee, H.Y., Luo, Y., Lee, D., & Hahm, H. C. (2021). The role of English proficiency in HPV and HPV vaccine awareness: A cross-sectional study across race/ethnicity. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online. Wang, K., Cheatham, L., & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Will cancer worsen older adults' cognitive functioning?: The moderating role of different old age groups. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online.
Wang, K., Lee, H. Y., & Gajos, J. (2021). Opioid overdose literacy in African Americans: The use of social determinants of health framework. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online. Wang, K., Lee, H. Y., Deavours, D., Ott, T., & Lee, J. (2021). Technology use and health information seeking behavior in rural Vietnam: Does an annual health check-up matter? Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online. (Selected from 74 presentations from 2018-2021)
Lewis Lee
Assistant Professor PhD, University of Pittsburgh MSW., University of Pennsylvania BA, Korea University
Publications Lee, H., Lee, L. H., Luo, Y., Penmetsa, P., Adanu, E. K., Li, X., Lidbe, A., & Jones, S. (2021). Anxiety and depression among African-Americans living in rural Black Belt areas of Alabama: Use of social determinants of health framework. The British Journal of Social Work, bcab199. Kim, M., Garcia, A., & Lee, L. H. (2021). Dual system youth: Subsequent system re-entry after receiving mental health services. Children and Youth Services Review.
Lee, L. H., Mancus, G., Yuen, H. K., Wolff, P. E., Jenkins, G. R. (2021). What are factors associated with neighborhood park use and personal health in Alabama? A cross-sectional study using a path model. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. Noh, H., Lee, L. H., *Won, C. (2020). Educational intervention to improve palliative care knowledge among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older adults. Palliative & Supportive Care. 10.1017/S1478951520001200 Lee, L. H., Cain, D. S. (2020). Mental Health Policy for Justice-Involved Persons: Exploring History, Perspectives, and Models in the United States. Best Practices in Mental Health, 16(2), 55-68. Suntai, Z., Lee, L. H., Leeper, J. (2020). Racial disparities in substance use treatment completion among older adults. Innovation in Aging, 4(6), 1-9. Lee, L. H., Kim, S.-J. (2020). The effect of government grants on private giving to East Asian nonprofits: Implications for social work managers. Advances in Social Work, 20(1), 95 – 113. Lee, L. H. (2019). Commodities and delinquencies in the prison industrial complex (PIC) in the U.S.: A Foucauldian approach to prison labor. Korean Journal of Social Quality, 3(2), 1-17. SereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART0 02519168
Lee, L. H. (2019). How to better understand criminal desistance: Comparison of three theoretical models and methodological challenges. Korean Journal of Converging Humanities, 7(2), 87-105. SereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART0 02467863 Presentations Lee, H. Y., Lee, L. H., Luo, Y., Penmetsa, P., Adanu, E. K., Li, X., Lidbe, A., & Jones, S. (2021). Anxiety and depression among African-Americans living in rural Black Belt areas of Alabama: Use of social determinants of health framework. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), On-line. McKinney, R. E., Bennett, M. D., Davis, C. H., Lee, L. H. (2021). Men in Social Work Are Essential. The University of Alabama School of Social Work, Virtual, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States Noh, H., Lee, L. H., Won, C. R (2020). Association between Caregivers’ and Care-Recipients’ Advance Care Planning: An Exploratory Study. the Gerontological Society of America, virtual. Halli-Tierney, A., Noh, H., Lee, L. H. (2020). Perception of Life-Control is Associated with Medical Care Satisfaction in Chronically Ill Rural Older Adults, Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, virtual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Lee, L. H., Mancus, G. (2020). What are factors associated with neighborhood park use and personal health in Alabama? A cross-sectional study using a path model. Faculty Research Rounds, University of Alabama School of Social Work, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Noh, H., Halli-Tierney, A., Lee, L. H. (2019). Association Between Level of Pain and Depression Among Chronically Ill Older Adults in Rural Alabama. The Gerontological Society of America's 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, TX. Noh, H., Lee, L. H., Won, C. (2019). Palliative Care Knowledge and Needs among Caregivers of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults. National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research, San Diego, CA. Lee, L. H. (2019). Prison labor producing both commodities and delinquencies: How does Foucault view this? Korean Association on Social Quality (KASQ), Seoul, South Korea. Lee, L. H. (2019). The Relationship Among Work, Substance Use, and Antisocial Behavior Among Formerly Incarcerated Young Adults in Longitudinal Mediation Modeling. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), San Francisco, CA. Lee, L. H. (2018). Association between Work Commitment and Criminal Behavior Among Formerly Incarcerated Young Adults. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington, DC.
Tenesha Littleton Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Georgia MS, University of Georgia BA, Tulane University
Publications Bae, J., Jennings, P.F., Hardeman, C., Kim, E., Lee, M., Littleton, T., & Saasa, S. (2019). Compassion satisfaction among social work practitioners: The role of work-life balance. Journal of Social Service Research.
Presentations Littleton, T. (2021, January). The relationship between affordable housing and neighborhood child maltreatment rates: A geospatial analysis. An oral presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Virtual.
Campbell, R. D. & Littleton, T. (2018). Mental health counseling in the Black American church: Reflections and recommendations from counselors serving in a counseling ministry. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 21(4), 336-352.
Littleton, T., Jennings, P.F., Lee, M., & Caplan, M. (2019, October). Beyond inclusion: Strategies for centering anti-oppressive social work history in course content. An oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Littleton, T., Choi, Y.J., & McGarity, S.V. (2020). Psychological and social correlates of HIV stigma among people living with HIV. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 19(1), 74-89.
Littleton, T. (2019). Coping, trauma, and service utilization as predictors of arrest among youth experiencing childhood maltreatment. A poster presentation at the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
McPherson, J., Jennings, P.F., Arnold, B., Littleton, T., & Lee, M. (2020). Creating global scholars: Experiential learning and reflection transform an international conference into a short-term study abroad. Journal of Social Work Education. Mowbray, O., Jennings, P.F., Littleton, T., GrinnellDavis, C., & O’Shields, J. (2018). Caregiver depression and trajectories of behavioral health among child welfare involved youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 79, 445-453. Saasa, S., Okech, D., Choi, Y.J., Nackerud, L.& Littleton, T. (2021). Social exclusion, mental health, and social well-being among African immigrants in the United States. International Social Work.
Littleton, T., Jennings, P.F., Ellet, A., & Ellet, C. (2019). A statewide mixed methods study of a child welfare employee selection protocol: Implications for policy and practice. A poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Littleton, T., Jennings, P.F., Saturday, J., & Ellett, A. (2018). A mixed-methods implementation study for selecting child welfare professionals. An oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. Jennings, P., McPherson, J., B.H, Lee, M., & Littleton, T. (2018). Using an international conference to engage US social work doctoral students with sustainability and the SDGs. Poster presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD), Dublin, IRL.
Littleton, T. (2018). Coping, trauma, and service utilization as predictors of arrest among youth experiencing childhood maltreatment. A poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Publications Nelson-Gardell, D. M., Jackson, M. S., Williams, J., Yang, F. (2021). International collaboration for mutual benefit: Southwest China and Southeast U.S. partnership. China Journal of Social Work.
Littleton, T. & Miller, S.E. (2018). A trauma-informed conceptual framework for understanding adjustment to special needs adoption. A poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Ellis, T., Li, Q., Bertram, J. M., Meadows, J. T., Ozturk, B., Nelson-Gardell, D. M. (2020). Poetry authored by vulnerable populations as secondary data: methodological approach and considerations. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 33(4), 213-225. 10.1080/08893675.2020.1803614
Littleton, T., Jennings, P.F., Lee, M., Arnold, B. & McPherson, J. (2017). The purpose and scope of postgraduate education in social work: Implications for the advancement of social development. An oral presentation at the Biennale International Consortium for Social Development, Zagreb, Croatia. Lee, M. & Littleton, T. (2017). Shifting paradigms: Approaches to ensure well-being among children in the United States. An oral presentation at the Biennale International Consortium for Social Development, Zagreb, Croatia. (Selected from 14 presentations from 2018-2021
Debra Nelson-Gardell Associate Professor Director of PhD Program Coordinator of International Initiatives PhD, Florida State University MSW., Florida State University BA, Clark University
Yang, F., Maynard, Q. R., Young, S. R., Kenney, J. L., Barber, B. W., Boltz, L., Womack, B., Young, T. L., Nelson-Gardell, D. M., & Zhang, X. (2020). Qualitative research skills acquisition within social work doctoral education using project-based learning. Qualitative Social Work, 19(5-6), 864-881. 10.1177/1473325019881190 Sutton, A., Beech, H., Ozturk, B., & Nelson-Gardell, D. M. (2020). Preparing Mental Health Professionals to Work With Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Literature. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work. THOUSAND OAKS: SAGE PUBLI Alves, R. T., Nelson-Gardell, D. M., Tavares, M., & Young, T. L. (2019). Developing a Functional Code System to Analyze Forensic Interviews with Suspected Victims of Child Sexual Abuse. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 063029599 DOI: 10.1007/s10560-019-00612-z Young, T. L., Womack, B., Maynard, Q. R., Yang, F., Boltz, L., Brazeal, B., Young, S. R., & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2019). A qualitative data analysis: Family victim advocates in child advocacy centers. Journal of Family Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2019.1616239
Yang, F., Maynard, Q. R., Young, S. R., Kenney, J. L., Barber, B., Boltz, L., Womack, B., Young, T. L., Nelson-Gardell, D. M., & Zhang, X. (2019). Qualitative research skills acquisition within social work doctoral education using project-based learning. Qualitative Social Work. 10.1177/1473325019881190
Young, S., Coleman-Reed, F., & Nelson-Gardell, D. M. (2019). Testing and Tainting the Waters: LBGTQ Grandchildren Experiences Coming Out to Grandparents. Fifteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, University of Illisnoi, Urbana, United States.
Shah, A., Jeffries, S., Cheatham, L., Hasbein, NelsonGardell, D., Misty, C., & Chapman, N. (2018). Partner with Parents: Reviewing the Evidence for Motivational interviewing in child welfare. Families in Society, 1-16. doi: 10.177/104438941880345
Nelson-Gardell, D. (2019). Trauma Systems Therapy: An Innovative Partnership Implementing an Innovative Intervention in Tuscaloosa. Annual REACTS Conference, The School of Social Work Youth Services Institute, Bryant Conference Center, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States.
Yang, F., Nelson-Gardell, D. M., & Guo, Y. (2018). The role of strains in negative emotions and bullying behaviors of school-aged children. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 290-297. 055049388 10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.10.016 Young, T., & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2018): A grounded theory study of collaboration in multidisciplinary teams, Journal of Public Child Welfare, 12(5), 576-595. DOI: 10.1080/15548732.2018.1436112 Presentations Nkwanzi, V., Carlson, C. E., Ikenberg, C., Namy, S., Nakuti, J., & Nelson-Gardell, D. M., Anton-Erxleben, K. (2020). Child, Caregiver, and Teacher Perspectives of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Connection to Child Mental Health in Uganda, Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference. Ellis, T., & Nelson-Gardell, D. M. (2019). Poetry Authored by Vulerable Populations as Secondary Data: Ethics, Methods, and Lessons. Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO, United States.
Smith, B, Nelson-Gardell, D., & Maynard, Q (2018). Opportunities to acquire post-MSW practice experience in a social work Ph.D. program. CSWE, Orlando, FL, United States Nelson-Gardell, D., & Rubin, N. (2018). Trauma Systems: An Innovative Partnership Implementing an Innovative Intervention in Tuscaloosa. 17th Annual Fall Social Work Conference, The University of Alabama Fall Conference, Bryant Conference Center, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States. Nelson-Gardell, D. (2018). Trauma Systems Therapy: An Introduction. Social Security Conference, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China. Ozturk, B., & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2018). Intersectionality: A Theoretical Lens to Better Understand Domestic Violence among Immigrants. Paper presented at the Sixteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.
Hyunjin Noh
Associate Professor PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison MSSW, University of Wisconsin-Madison MA, Seoul National University BA, Seoul National University
Publications Suntai, Z., Noh, H., & Won, C. (2021). Examining Racial Differences in the Informal Discussion of Advance Care Planning among Older Adults: Application of the Andersen Model of Healthcare Utilization. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Suntai, Z., Won, C., & Noh, H. (2021). Access Barrier in Rural Older Adults’ Use of Pain Management and Palliative Care Services: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 38 (5), 494-502. Ruggiano, N., Washington, K. T., Luo, Y., Noh, H., & Brown, E. L. (in press). Feasibility of using secret Facebook groups for community-based dementia caregiver support. Best Practices in Mental Health. Noh, H., Lee, L. H., & Won, C. (2020). Educational intervention to improve palliative care knowledge among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older adults. Palliative Supportive Care, 1-9. doi:10.1017/s1478951520001200. Douglas, J., Jung, S., Noh, H., Ellis, A., & Ferguson, C. (2020). ‘If they don’t like you, they are not going to eat for you’: Individual and interpersonal factors affecting Certified Nursing Assistants’ ability to provide mealtime assistance to residents with dementia. The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnaa145
Douglas, J., Jung, S., Noh, H., Ellis, A., & Ferguson, C. (2020). Organizational and healthcare policy barriers to providing mealtime assistance to nursing home residents with dementia: An original research article. Seniors Housing & Care Journal. 28(1), 3-11. Noh, H. (2020). Family and Informal Caregiver Support Programs in the United States: Review of Programs by Administration for Community Living. Global Social Security Review. 12, 28-38. Jung, S., Noh, H., Ellis, A., & Crowe-White, K. (2020). Dietetic Students’ Perceived Facilitators, Barriers and Perceptions of Working with Older Adults: Implications for Curriculum Development. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. 39(2), 143153. Noh, H. (2019). Areas of control desired by patients and families referred to hospice care: perspectives of hospice admissions staff. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 38(5), 656-672 Kwak, J., Cho, Y., Lee, Y., Noh, H., & Roh, S. (2019). Differences in advance care planning between American Indian and White Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 12 (1), 34-43. (Selected from 15 publications from 2018-2021) Presentations Noh, H. (2020). Impact of Pain and Discomfort on the Lives of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults and Their Informal Caregivers. Symposium Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, November 4-7, 2020.
Noh, H., Lee, L., & Won, C. (2020). Association between Caregivers’ and Care-Recipients’ Advance Care Planning: An Exploratory Study. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, November 4-7, 2020. Behren, E., Noh, H., Snow, A. L., & Parmelee, P. (2020). CNAs’ Ratings of Nursing Home Residents' Pain: The Role of CNA and Resident Traits. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, November 47, 2020. Halli-Tierney, A., Noh, H., & Lee, L. (2020). Perception of Life-Control is Associated with Medical Care Satisfaction in Chronically Ill Rural Older Adults. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, November 4-7, 2020. Suntai, Z., Won, C., & Noh, H. (2020). Transportation Barrier in Rural Older Adults’ Use of Pain Management and Palliative Care: Systematic Review. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, November 47, 2020. Noh, H., Halli, A., & Lee, L. (2019). Association between Level of Pain and Depression among Chronically Ill Older Adults in Rural Alabama. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 13-17, 2019. Noh, H. (2019). Family Caregivers’ Advance Care Planning for Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: Service Providers’ Perspectives. Symposia Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 13-17, 2019.
Hong, M., Noh, H., & Kim, K. (2019). Attitudes toward and Preference for Advance Care Planning Among Korean American Older Adults. Symposium Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 13-17, 2019. Noh, H. & Aladeokin, T. (2019). Pain Management Needs among Older Adults in Rural Communities: Service Providers’ Perspectives. Poster presented at the Social Work Hospice & Palliative Care Network 7th General Assembly, Orlando, Florida, March 17-19, 2019. Noh, H. (2018). Mind Frames toward Dying among Terminally Ill Black Older Adults. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America's 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 14-18, 2018. (Selected from 12 presentations from 2018-2021)
Nicole Ruggiano
Professor Director of DSW Program PhD, University of Delaware MSW, Temple University BA, University of Delaware
Publications Ruggiano, N., Washington, K. T., Luo, Y., Noh, H., & Brown, E. L. (in press.) Feasibility of Using Secret Facebook Groups for Community-based Dementia Caregiver Support. Best Practices in Mental Health.
Brown, E. L., Ruggiano, N., Agronin, M., Clarke, P., Davis, D. L., Framil, C., Geldmacher, D., Hough, M., Muñoz, M., H., Roberts, L., & Yang, X. (2021). Integration of health information technology and promotion of personhood in family-centered dementia care: Intervention trial. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 14(5), Ruggiano, N., Brown, E. L., Roberts, L., Framil Suarez, C. V., Luo, Y., & Hao, Z., & Hristidis, V. (2021). Chatbots to support people with dementia and their caregivers: Available applications, opportunities, and challenges. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Hao, Z., Li, Q., Ruggiano, N., Yang, B., & Pan, X. (2021) Disparities in Depression among Chinese Older Adults with Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1871879 Hao, Z., Yang B., Ruggiano, N., Ma Y., Guo Y. & Pan X. (2021). Depression prediction among Chinese older adults with neurodegenerative diseases: A performance comparison between decision tree model and logistic regression analysis. British Journal of Social Work, Ruggiano, N., Ellis, T., Gibson, K., Smith,S., Turner, C., Curington, A., Phelps, C., Ferruccio, A., & Fendley, K. (2020). The Unity Wall Project: A Student-led Community Organizing Effort to Advance Public Discourse on Social Justice. Journal of Community Practice, 28(2), DOI: 0.1080/10705422.2020.1757007
Guo, Y., Yang, F., Hu, F., Li, W., Ruggiano, N., & Lee, H. Y. (2020). Systematic Analysis of Existing Smartphone Apps for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias to Support Self-Care Management. Journal of Medical Internet ResearchAging, 3(1) e15290. Shtompel, N., Ruggiano, N., Thomlison, B, & Fant, K. (2019). Dyadic, self-administered cognitive intervention for healthy older adults: Participants’ perspectives. Activities, Adaptation, and Aging. Brown, E., Ruggiano, N., Li, J., Clarke, P. J., Kay, E. S., & Hristidis, V. (2019). Smartphone-based health technologies for dementia care: Opportunities, challenges, and current practices. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 38, 73-91. (Selected from 16 publications from 2018-2021) Presentations Guo, Y., Yang, F., Lee, H.Y., & Ruggiano, N. (2020, January). A Systematic Analysis of Mobile Apps for Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer's Diseases. Presentation given at the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C. Ruggiano, N., Bangerter, L., O’Malley, K., LuetkeStahlman, H., Gruber, M. M., & Wolff, J. (2019, November). Strengthening Dementia Caregiving Networks with Technologies: Intersections of Policy, Research, and Practice. Poster presentation given at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.
Hao, Z. & Ruggiano, N. (2020). Family-Centeredness in Dementia Care: What is the Evidence? Social Work in Health Care, 59, 1-19.
Ruggiano, N., Brown, E. L., & Clarke, P. (2019, November). Integrating Health IT into Clinical Workflow for Dementia Care: Provider and Caregiver Perspectives. Poster presentation given at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.
Ruggiano, N., Brown, E., Clarke, Li, J., P., Roberts, L., & Hristidis, V. (2018). Integrating Communication and Information Technology into Dementia Caregiving: The Movement towards e-Caregiving. Paper presented at the 8th Aging & Society Interdisciplinary Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
Bangerter, L., O’Malley, K., & Ruggiano, N. (2019, November). Federal Policy Efforts to Support Family Caregivers: Past, Present, and Future. Poster presentation given at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX.
Ruggiano, N., Brown, E., Clarke, P., Roberts, L., & Hristidis, V. (2017). Health Information Technology for Rural Caregivers: Intersecting Science, Policy and Practice. Poster presented at the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, CA.
Hao, Z., Li, Q., & Ruggiano, N. (2019, November). Disparities in Depression Among Chinese Older Adults with Neurodegenerative Diseases. Poster presentation given at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX. Hao, Z., Li, Q., & Ruggiano, N. (2019, November). Disparities in Depression Among Chinese Older Adults. Poster presentation given at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX. Ellis, T., Ruggiano, N., Curington, A., Gibson, K., Turner, C., Smith, S., & Phelps, C. (2019). Giving Students the Opportunity to Engage in Activism and Discourse through the Unity Wall Project. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL. Ruggiano, N., Ellis, T., Curington, A., Gibson, K., Turner, C., Smith, S., & Phelps, C. (2018). Promoting Interprofessional Education through Social Work Student-Led Responses to Social Injustice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Social Work Education, Orlando, Florida.
(Selected from 11 presentations from 2018-2021)
Avani Shah
Associate Professor PhD, University of Alabama MA, University of Alabama MSW, University of Alabama BA, University of Alabama
Publications Shah, A. A., Anderson, K., Meadows, J., & Raveis, V. (2019). Gerontological social work and cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Social Work in Health Care, 58(7), 633-650. Morthland, M., Shah, A., & Scogin, F. (2019). Development of an audio and computer-based intervention for depression in older adults. Aging and Mental Health.
Shah, A., Jeffries, S., Cheatham, L., Hasbein, D., Misty, C., & Chapman, N. (2018). Partner with Parents: Reviewing the Evidence for Motivational interviewing in child welfare. Families in Society, 1-16. doi: 10.177/104438941880345 Shah, A., Anderson, K., Meadows, J., Breitsprecher, T., & Li, X. (2018). The role of diagnosis on scope of practice by state. Clinical Social Work Journal ( Shah, A. A., Kraemer, K., Won, C., Black, S., & Hasbein, W. (2018). Developing digital intervention games for mental disorders: A Review. Games for Health Journal. Presentations Cheatham, L. P., Johnson, K., Shah, A. A., Smith, S. T., Turner, C. A., & Wilkes, S. K. (2020). “Own Your Vote” A Mobilizing Intervention to Build Student Competence in Civic Engagement. Council on Social Work Education, Virtual Raveis, V., Pretter, S., Carrerro-Tagel, M., Kraus, M., Shah, A. A. (2019). Couples Living with Advanced Care: Ramifications of Social Isolation and Embedded Social Networks. Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX, United States. Shah, A. A., Morthland, M., & Scogin, F. R. (2019). Intervention Development: Participant Experiences with Novel Technological Depression Treatments. Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX, United States. MacDonald, H. V., Zagdsuren, T., Richardson, M. T., Wingo, J. E., & Shah, A. A. (2018). Efficacy of a Newly Developed Phase II Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program in the Rural Southeastern United States. American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Shah, A., & Will, H. (2018). A systematic review of digital mental health games for older adults. Gerontological Society of America Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Stewart, C., Williams, J., & Avani, S. (2018). Never See Me Sweat: The importance of self-care learning in the foundation year of MSW programs and proven techniques. NASW Texas Annual Meeting, TX, United States.
Cassandra Simon Associate Professor
PhD, University of Texas at Arlington MSW, Louisiana State University BA, University of New Orleans
Publications Melton, P.A., Sims, O.T., Oh, H., Truong, D.N., Atim, K., & Simon, C. (2021). African American Ethnicity, Hypertension, Diabetes, and Arthritis Independently Predict Co-occurring Depression and Obesity among Community-dwelling Older Adult Alabamians. Social Work in Public Health, 36:3, 344353. DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2021.1895019 Presentations Simon, C. (2021). Social Justice in Social Work Education, Research and Practice. Society for Social Work Research, Online. Simon, C., Pryce, J., & Melton, P. (2019). How to maximize community partnerships in engagement scholarships. Society for Social Work Research. San Francisco, CA.
Simon, C.E., Pryce, J., & Melton, P. (2019). Special Interest Group – The Role of Social Justice in social work education, research and practice. Society for Social Work Research, San Francisco, CA. Pryce, J., Simon, C., & Carter, V. (2019). Authentic Community Engagement and social justice. What is the connection? Simon, C., Pryce, J., Carter, V., & Melton, P. (2018). The Utilization of community partners in engagement scholarship reported upon in one scholarly journal. Engaged Scholarship Consortium. Minneapolis, MN. Simon, C., Pryce, J., Carter, V. (2018). Navigating and negotiating engaged partnerships: maximizing community partners contribution. Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Brenda Smith Professor
PhD, University of Chicago AM, University of Chicago BA, St. Olaf College
Publications Smith, B. D., Li, Q., Wang, K., & Smith, A. M. (2020). A national study of child maltreatment reporting at the county level: Interactions among race/ethnicity, rurality and poverty. Children and Youth Services Review, 122. Li, Q., Luo, Y., Smith, B. D., Guo, Y., & Cheng, T. (2020). Risk factors of cyberbullying perpetration among school-aged children across 41 countries/WHO regions: A perspective from Routine Activity Theory. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.
Smith, B. D., & Pressley, T. D. (2019). Do surprisingly low child maltreatment rates in rural southern counties reflect lower rates of substantiation? Children and Youth Services Review, 107. Smith, B. D., Kay, E. S., & Pressley, T. D. (2018). Child maltreatment in rural southern counties: Another perspective on race, poverty, and child welfare. Child Abuse & Neglect, 80, 52-61. Presentations Smith, B. D., & Li, Q. (2021). A National Study of Social Association and Child Maltreatment Reporting at the County Level: Implications for Social Distancing. Society for Social Work and Research. Li, Q., & Smith, B. D. (2021). Moderating Effects in the Association between Substance Use and Adolescent Delinquency. Society for Social Work and Research. Dinata, E., & Smith, B. D. (2021). Organizational correlates of child maltreatment: An institutional analysis of child welfare administrative structure. Society for Social Work and Research. Smith, B. D., Li, Q., & Wang, K. (2020). A national study of child maltreatment risk and reporting at the county level: New revelations about rural counties. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC Smith, B. D. (2020). Advancing socially just services for children, youth and families. Social Work for Social Justice: Creating Responsive and Inclusive Institutions, Policies and Practices. University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration.
Smith, B. D. (2020). Examining child maltreatment reports using linked county-level data. Child Maltreatment Incidence Data Linkages Project Webinar. Lee, M. Y., Franklin, C., Smith, B. D., & Zippay, A. (2019). Successfully navigating your future on the academic job market. Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO. Li, Q., Ozturk, B., & Smith, B. D. (2019). A crosssectional study of cyberbullying perpetration risk factors among children: International perspectives. Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO. Smith, B. D., Pressley, T. D., & Li, Q., (2019). Are surprisingly low child maltreatment rates in rural, majority African-American counties related to substantiation? SSWR, San Francisco, CA. Li, Q., & Smith, B. D. (2019). Ecological risk factors associated with adolescent delinquency in the United States: A systematic review of the literature. SSWR, San Francisco, CA. (Selected from 16 presentations from 2018-2021)
Amy Traylor
Associate Professor Director of BSW Program PhD, University of Georgia MSW., University of Alabama BA, University of Alabama
Publications Trahan, M.H., Smith, K.S., Traylor, A.C., Washburn, M.E., Moore, N., & Mancillas, A. (2019). 3Dimensional virtual reality: Applications to the 12 Grand Challenges of Social Work. Journal of Technology in Human Services DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2019.159975
Presentations Traylor, A.C, Hopson, L.M., Komara, C., Jones, S., O’Neal, J., Davis, E., Hall, E., & Mastradonas, L. (2021). Impact of equine assisted activities and therapies on child behavior and family well-being. Presentation made at the 25th Annual Conference of The Society for Social Work and Research, Conference held virtually due to COVID-19. Lim, C., Williams, J.D., Trull, V., & Traylor, A.C. (2020). Engaging key stakeholders for solutions in applied research on human trafficking. Presentation made at 9th Annual Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii. Traylor, A.C. & Williams, J.D. (2019). Engagement, action, reflection: Connecting students to their futures in introductory-level experiential-learning courses. Presentation made at the 65th Annual Program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO. Trull, V., Williams, J.D., Lim, C., & Traylor, A.C. (2018). Addressing juvenile justice through multidisciplinary teams. Presentation made at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (IPSCAN) Caribbean Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Lim, C., Williams, J.D., Trull, V., & Traylor, A.C. (2018). A comprehensive solution to human trafficking and sex tourism in the Caribbean. Presentation made at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (IPSCAN) Caribbean Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Lim, C., Trull, V., Williams, J.D., & Traylor, A.C. (2018). Trauma-informed victim centered multidisciplinary team approach to child protection. Presentation made at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (IPSCAN) Caribbean Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Williams, J.D., Alameda-Lawson, T., Traylor, A.C., & Hopson, L.M. (2018). University-community partnerships promote family and community wellness through interprofessional and trauma-informed practices. Presentation made at the 64th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Publications of PhD Students Haley Heckman Beech Publications Rahill, G. J., Joshi, M., Zlotnick, C., Beech, H.H., Sutton A.R., & Burris, C. (2019). "Give me proof": A covert but coercive form of non-partner sexual violence contributing to teen pregnancy in Haiti and opportunities for mental health intervention. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment, and Trauma. Sutton, A.R., Beech, H.H., & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2020). Intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion. Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Jessica Bertram
Publications Albright, D. L., Fletcher, K. L., McDaniel, J. T., Godfrey, K., Thomas, K., Tovar, M., & Bertram, J. (2019). Differences in mental and physical health by military service status in service member and veteran students who identify as American Indian and Alaskan Native. Journal of American College Health. Presentations Albright, D. L., Thomas, K., McDaniel, J., Fletcher, K., Godfrey, K., & Bertram, J. (2020). Help Seeking Among Women Veteran Students with Postsecondary Educational Settings. SSWR: Society for Social Work Research. Washington, D.C. Albright, D. L., Landor, A., Fletcher, K., Godfrey, K., McDaniel, J., Thomas, K.H., & Bertram, J. M. (2020) Do Sexual Behaviors and Health Practices Differ Among Student Service Members and Veterans. SSWR: Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, D.C.
Cheatham, L., Bertram, J. M., Luo, Y., Dozier, K., & Jackson, S. (2020) Supporting Former Foster Youth in College: Lessons from Students and Stakeholders. SSWR: Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, D.C. Cheatham, L., Luo, Y., Dozier, K., Jackson, S. & Bertram, J. (2020) Building Capacity within a CampusBased Support Program for Former Foster Youth: A Participant Engaged Approach. SSWR: Society for Social Work Research. Washington, D.C.
Laura Boltz
Presentations Boltz, L., & Smith, B. (2018). Sense of responsibility: Roles of caseworkers and foster parents in health care. Panel presentation for the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Edson Chipalo
Publications Chipalo, E. (2021). Is Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Effective in Reducing Trauma Symptoms among Traumatized Refugee Children? A Systematic Review. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 1-14. Suntai, Z., Smith, N.L., Chipalo, E., Kubanga, K., & Won, C. (2021). Effectiveness of support groups for caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 21.1925613 Choi, E. Y., Kim, Y., Chipalo, E., & Lee, H. Y. (2020). Does geism Widen the Digital Divide? And Does It Vary by Gender? Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 315. 37
Presentations Choi, E.Y., Kim, Y., Chipalo, E., & Lee, H.Y., (2020). Does Perceived Ageism Widen the Digital Divide? And Does It Vary by Gender? The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2020 Annual Scientific. Chipalo, E., (2021). Is Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy effective in reducing trauma symptoms for traumatized refugee children? A systematic review. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) held virtually January 19-22, 2021. 41220.html
Krystal Dozier
Publications Luo, Y., Dozier, K., Ikenberg, C. (In press). HumanTechnology Interaction Factors Associated with Electronic Personal Health Records (ePHRs) Use Among Younger and Older Adult Users: A Secondary Data Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Jackson, M. S., Colvin, A.D., Bullock, A.N. & Dozier, K. (2020). Building university community partnerships: A pre-college program for foster youth. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 12(2) 44-54. Presentations Dozier, K & Scales, J. (2021). Helping them stay: Exploring the role of faculty and administrators in retention. Paper presented at 67th Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (CSWE APM).
Dozier, K., Curington, A., & Smith B. (2021). My voice matters?: Exploring diverse students’ experiences in field conversation for higher education equity. Paper presented at 67th Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (CSWE APM). Jackson, M.S. & Dozier, K. (2021). Exploring foster youth voices in a pre-college program: A qualitative study. University of Alabama School of Social Work Research Rounds. Virtual. Dozier, K. & Jackson, M.S. (2020). Championing first generation college students: A critical conversation for higher education equity. Poster presented at 66th Annual Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (CSWE APM). Virtual. Ikenberg, C., Luo, Y., & Dozier, K. (2020). Measuring the impact of abuser role on chronic and severe physical and psychological abuse. Paper presented at 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C. Pryce, J., Dozier, K., & Albright, D. (2020). The state of Alabama GI Bill school certifying officials’ challenges and concerns report. Alabama Veterans Affairs Association. Virtual. Dozier, K. & Jackson, M.S. (2018). Social work’s role in championing first generation college students. Paper presented at 47th Annual Alabama-Mississippi Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Taylor Ellis
Presentations Ellis, T., Nelson-Gardell, D.& Meadows, J. T. (2019). Poetry authored by vulnerable populations as secondary data: Ethics, methods and lessons. Accepted for presentation at the 65th Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education.
Kefentse P. Kubanga
Publications Mootz, J. J., Basaraba, C. N., Corbeil, T., Johnson, K., Kubanga, K. P., Wainberg, M. L., & Khoshnood, K. (2021). Armed conflict, HIV, and syndemic risk markers of mental distress, alcohol misuse, and intimate partner violence among couples in Uganda. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1– 11. Suntai,Z., Smith, N.L., Chipalo, E. Kubanga, K. & Won, C. (2021). Effectiveness of Support Groups for Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, DOI: 10.1080/26408066.2021.1925613 Wang, K, & Kubanga, K. (2021) Correlates of internet use among African American older adults: Gender and age differences. International Journal of Population Studies, 6(2):26-38. doi: 10.18063/ijps.v6i2.1226
Yan Luo
Publications Luo, Y. (2021). The Association of Delayed Care with Depression among US Middle-Aged and Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-sectional Analysis. JMIR aging
Cheatham, L. P., Luo, Y., Hubbard, S., Jackson, M. S., Hassenbein, W., & Bertram, J. (2021). Cultivating safe and stable spaces: Reflections on a campus-based support program for foster care alumni and youth experiencing homelessness. Children and Youth Services Lee, H. Y., Lee, L. H., Luo, Y., Penmetsa, P., Adanu, E. K., Li, X., Jones, S. (2021). Anxiety and Depression amongst African-Americans Living in Rural Black Belt Areas of Alabama: Use of Social Determinants of Health Framework. The British Journal of Social Work.
Luo, Y., Hao, Z., & Hristidis, V. (2021). Chatbots to Support People with Dementia and Their Caregivers: Systematic Review of Functions and Quality. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Marti Haidar, Y. M., Akilova, M., Carlson, C., Zantaria, A., & Luo, Y. (2021). Application of social work in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for children: A case study from Abkhazia. International Social Work. Lee, H. Y., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Hendrix, S., Lee, J., Yoon, S., & Nguyen Vu, Q. H. (2021). Is Pap Test Awareness Critical to Pap Test Uptake in Women Living in Rural Vietnam? Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Yoon, S., Wang, K., Luo, Y., Lee, J., Neese, J., & Lee, H. (2021). Cancer Screening Literacy among Vietnamese Population: Does Annual Checkup Improve Cancer Screening Literacy? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. Lee, H. Y., Luo, Y., Neese, J., Lee, D., & Daniel, C. (2021). Targeted Intervention Strategies to Promote HPV-associated Cancer Equity. Health Behavior and Policy Review. Lee, H. Y., Luo, Y., Neese, J., Daniel, C., & Hahm, H. C. (2021). The Role of English Proficiency in HPV and HPV Vaccine Awareness: A Cross-Sectional Study Across Race/Ethnicity. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. Ruggiano, N., Washington, K. T., Luo, Y., Noh, H., & Brown, E. L. (2020). Feasibility of using secret Facebook groups for community-based dementia caregiver support. Best Practices in Mental Health. (Selected from 13 publications from 2018-2021)
Presentations Won, C.R., Lee, H.Y., Hao, Z., Luo, Y. (2021, November). HPV and HPV Vaccine Awareness among Korean Americans in Alabama. Will Present at the 2021 Annual Conference of Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, Florida.
Presentations Ellis, T., Nelson-Gardell, D., Meadows, J.T... (2019). Poetry authored by vulnerable populations as secondary data: Ethics, methods and lessons. Oral presentation for Council for Social Work Education 2019 Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Luo, Y., Noh, H., Lee, L., Lee, H.Y. (2021, November). Awareness of Hospice Care Among Rural African Americans: Findings from Social Determinants of Health Framework. Will present at the 2021 Annual Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, Phoenix, Arizona.
Meadows, J.T., & Cheatham, L. (2018). Comparative Health Outcomes of Military Families with Members with Disabilities. Poster for Council for Social Work Education 2018 Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. Meadows,
Luo, Y., Lee, L., Noh, H., Lee, H.Y. (2021, November). Intention to Communicate End-of-Life Wishes Among Rural African Americans: Is Awareness of Hospice Care Important? Will present at the 2021 Annual Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, Phoenix, Arizona.
James Meadows
Publications Morthland, M., Shah, A., Meadows, J., Scogin, F. (2019). Development of an audio and computer cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in older adults. Aging and Mental Health. Shah, A., Meadows, J.T., Granda Anderson, K., Raveis,V.H., Scogin, F., Templeton, S. Simpson, K.& Ingram, L. (2019). Gerontological social work and cardiac rehabilitation, Social Work in Health Care. Shah, A., Anderson, K., Li, A.X., Meadows, J., Breitsrecher, T.B. (2018). Clinical social work scope of practice related to diagnosis. Clinical Social Work Journal.1-11.
Meadows, J.T., & Cheatham, L. (2018). Military Families with Members with Special HealthCare Needs. Poster for Society for Social Work Research, 2018, Washington, D.C.
Burcu Ozturk
Presentations Li, Q., Luo, Y., Ozturk, B. & Smith, B. (2019). A CrossSectional Study of Cyberbullying Perpetration Risk Factors among Children: International Perspectives. Poster presented at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO. Ozturk, B. & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2019). Unheard Stories from Middle Eastern Immigrant Female IPV Survivors: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the 15th Annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urban-Champaign, IL. Ozturk, B. (2019). Coping Strategies among Immigrant women who have experienced IPV in U.S. and Canada. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Ozturk, B. & Nelson-Gardell, D. (2018). Intersectionality: A Theoretical Lens to Better Understand Domestic Violence among Immigrants. Paper presented at the 14thAnnual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), UrbanaChampaign, IL. Ozturk, B. (2018). Predictors of Receiving Medical Attention among Rape and Assault Victims by Using National Sample. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC.
Tracy Pressely
Publications Williams, J., Jackson, S. Barnett, T. & Pressley, T. (2019). "Black Mega Churches and the Provision of Social Services: An Examination of Regional Differences in America”. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work Smith, B.D., Kay, E.S. & Pressley, T.D. (2018). “Child maltreatment in rural southern counties: Another perspective on race, poverty and child welfare”. Child Abuse & Neglect. Presentations Pressley, T., Simpson, G., Stansbury, K. (2018). Survival Strategies of African American Grandmother Caregivers. American Society on Aging in America Conference San Francisco, California.
Ashley Prowell
Presentations Prowell, A. (2020). Rethinking risk and resilience through the retrospective stories of African-American students from low-income families (poster). International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, May 20-23, 2020 (Accepted; canceled due to COVID-19).
Flantroy, K., Campbell, E., Summerville, K., Prowell, A., & Shelton, S.A. (2020). Finding solitude: Four black doctoral students exploring the philosophical (mis)understandings of qualitative inquiry (roundtable session). American Education Research Association (AERA) 2020 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2020. Prowell, A., Summerville, K., Campbell, E., Flantroy, K., & Shelton, S.A. (2019). Finding ourselves as women of color in eurocentric theory: A collaborative biography on learning qualitative inquiry (paper). International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, May 18, 2019. Prowell, A. (2019). Writing, thinking, and connecting: Qualitative research special interest group (SIG) mentoring session. American Education Research Association (AERA) 2019 Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 5, 2019. Prowell, A. (2018). Problematizing the resilience discourse within the social work profession (poster). International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, May 17, 2018. Prowell, A. (2018). The role of social capital in fostering resilience (panelist). International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, May 17, 2018.
Shanae Shaw
Publications Ruggiano, N., Brown, E., Shaw, S., Geldmacher, D., Clarke, P., Hristidis, V., & Bertram, J. (2018). The Potential of Information Technology to Navigate Caregiving Systems: Perspectives from Dementia Caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Natalia L. Smith
Publications Mumba, M. N., Jaiswal, J., Smith, N., Mugoya, G., Brown, W. & Davis, L. (2021). COVID-19 and opioid use disorder: Expanding treatment access in rural settings. Nursing, 51(9), 44-47. doi: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000753988.30717.7e Suntai, Z., Smith, N. L., Chipalo, E., Kubanga, K., & Won, C. (2021). Effectiveness of support groups for caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. Mumba, M. N., Mugoya, G. T., Smith, N. L, Glenn, A., Potts, C., Campbell, M. H., Kirwan, C., Butler, A., & Davis, L. (2020). Development of a novel behavioral intervention for opioid use disorders. OJIN: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 25(3).
Kun Wang
Smith, B.D., Li, Q., Wang, K. & Smith, A. (2021). A national study of child maltreatment reporting at the county level: Interactions among race/ethnicity, rurality and poverty. Children and Youth Services Review, 122, 105925. Lee, H., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Hendrix, S., Lee, J., Yoon, S., Nguyen Vu, Q. (2021). Is Pap test awareness critical to Pap test uptake in women living in rural Vietnam? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22(3), 903-908. Lee, H.Y., Yan, L., Daniel, C., Wang, K., & Ikenberg, C. (2020). Is HPV vaccine awareness associated with HPV knowledge level: Findings from HINTS data across race/ethnicity. Ethnicity & Health, 1-12. Lee, H.Y., Yoon, Y.J., Xiong, S., Wang, K., & Choi, Y.J. (2020). Colorectal cancer screening awareness and literacy among Korean American women: Importance of health care accessibility. Public Health Healthcare 2(1): 001-007.
Publications Wang, K., Cheatham, L., Marbut, A. R., & Chen X. (2021). Longitudinal associations between cancer history and cognitive functioning among older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 97.
Paxton, R., Bui, C., Daniel, D., Stolley, M., Oliver, J., Wang, K., & Dubay, J. (2020). Associations between physical activity, sedentary behavior, and treatmentrelated symptoms: A daily diary study of cancer patients. Cancer Nursing.
Wang, K. & Kubanga, K. (2021). Correlates of Internet use among African American older adults: Gender and age differences. International Journal of Population Studies, 6(2), 26-38.
Presentations Wang, K., Suntai, Z., & Chen, X. (2021). Internet use and cognitive functioning at the interaction of age and gender among older adults. Poster accepted by the Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting.
Yoon, S., Wang, K., Luo, Y., Lee, J., Neese, J., Lee, H. (2021). Cancer screening literacy among Vietnamese population: Does annual checkup improve cancer screening literacy? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22(3), 927-933.
Wang, K., Suntai, Z., & Chen, X. (2021). Chronic stress patterns among older adults and associations with cognitive functioning. Poster accepted by the Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting.
Wang, K. & Suntai, Z. (2021). Racial/ethnic and gender differences in older adults’ chronic stress patterns. Poster accepted by the Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting. Johnson, K., Wang, K., Carlson, C., & Lee, L. (2021). Preventing HIV among juvenile offenders transitioning into adulthood: Sava syndemic precursors, gender, mental health, and neighborhood risks. Poster accepted for the 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo for the American Public Health Association in Denver and Online. Li, C., Zeng, X., Wang, K., Zhu, C., Neugroschl, J., Aloysi, A., Cai, D., Martin, J., Sewell, M., Loizos, M., Greenberg, J., Xu, M., Evans, K., Pun, K., Tocco, C., Ardolino, A., Meuser, C., Sheppard, F., Gamino, J., Velasco, N., Sano, M. Smartphone ownership and usage in Chinese- and English-speaking older adults. (2021). Poster Presented. The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® 2021 (AAIC®) in Denver and Online. Wang, K., & Cheatham, L. (2021). Adherence to the American Cancer Society Physical Activity Guidelines: Examining differential benefits by cancer history and age. Poster Presentation. The 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research Virtual Meeting. Wang, K., & Cheatham, L. (2021). Will cancer worsen older adults’ cognitive functioning: The moderating role of different old age groups. Poster Presentation. The 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research Virtual Meeting. Wang, K., Lee, H.Y., Deavours, D., Ott, T., & Lee, J. (2021). Technology use and health information seeking behavior in rural Vietnam: Does an annual health checkup matter? Poster Presentation. The 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research Virtual Meeting.
Wang, K., Lee, H.Y., & Gajos, J. (2021). Opioid overdose literacy among Black people in Deep South: The role of social contact. Poster Presentation. The 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research Virtual Meeting. Wang, K., Lee, H.Y., & Neese, J. (2020). The moderating role of age on cognition among old cancer survivors: Comparison with older adults without cancer. Poster Presentation. The Gerontological Society of America 2020 Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting. (Selected from 15 presentations from 2018-2021)
Kirsten Laha-Walsh
Publications Albright, D.L., Fletcher, K.L., Thomas, K.H., McDaniel, J., Laha-Walsh, K., Null, D., Vohra, S. (2021). Behavioral Health Outcomes in Alabama: VeteranNonveteran Differences by Rural/Urban, 2015-2018. Health and Social Care in the Community. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13392 Albright, D.L., McDaniel, J., Laha-Walsh, K., Morrison, B., McIntosh, S. (2019). Polysubstance abuse associated with more frequent opioid use among patients in rural primary care settings. Journal of Opioid Management. Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J., Suntai, Z., Laha-Walsh, K., McIntosh, S. (2021). Medication-assisted treatment and self-help group participation among military veterans with opioid or alcohol use disorder. BMJ Military Health. doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2021-001845 Albright, D. L., Laha-Walsh, K., Thyer, B. A., Godfrey, K., & Waller, R. J. (2020). Combat veterans with polytrauma and traumatic brain injury: Exploring variables affecting access to social work outpatient services. Traumatology.
Albright, D. L., Holmes, L., Lawson, M., McDaniel, J. T., Laha-Walsh, K., & McIntosh, S. (2020). Veterannonveteran differences in alcohol and drug misuse by tobacco use status in Alabama SBIRT. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. doi: 10.1080/1533256X.2020.1705109 Albright, D.L., Johnson, K., Laha-Walsh, K., McDaniel, J., McIntosh, S. (2021). Social determinants of opioid use among patients in rural primary care settings. Social Work in Public Health. doi: 10.1080/19371918.2021.1939831
Presentations Albright, D. L., Holmes, L., Lawson, M., McDaniel, J. T., Laha-Walsh, K., & McIntosh, S. (November 2021). Veteran-nonveteran differences in alcohol/ drug misuse by tobacco status in Alabama SBIRT. Accepted at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J. T., Suntai, Z., Laha-Walsh, K., & Williams, C. (March 2021). Older Veterans in the State of Alabama. Accepted at the Alabama Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL.
Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J., Kertesz, S., Seal, D., Prather, K., English, T., & Laha-Walsh, K. (2019). Small area estimation and hotspot identification of opioid use disorder among military veterans living in the South. Substance Abuse. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1703066
Albright, D.L., Laha-Walsh, K., Thyer, B.A, Godfrey, K.K. & Waller, R.J. (March 2021) Combat Veterans With Polytrauma and Traumatic Brain Injury: Exploring Variables Affecting Access to Social Work Outpatient Services. Accepted at the Alabama Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL.
Albright, D. L., McDaniel, J., Suntai, Z., Laha-Walsh, K., Williams, C. (2021). Aging Veterans in the State of Alabama. Journal of Aging and Health.
Laha-Walsh, K., Godfrey, K., Li, Q., Albright, D. L., Fording, R., & Hanson, B. (January 2021) Civilians Vs. Veterans: Who Is More Political on Social Media? Accepted at the Society for Social Work Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Eckhart, N., Laha-Walsh, K., Albright, D. L., & Parrott, S. (2021). Presidential and gubernatorial tweets involving military servicemembers and veterans. Journal of Veterans Studies. McDaniel, J., Albright, D. L., Laha-Walsh, K., Henson, H., & McIntosh, S. (2020). Screening and brief intervention for alcohol use among service members and veterans: Rural-urban disparities. BMJ Military Health. (Selected from 13 publications from 2018-2021)
Suntai, Z. & Laha-Walsh, K. (2021). The effects of spousal relationships on the caregiving experience for caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors. Oral presentation. Accepted at the Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network Virtual Summit. Albright, D. L., Godfrey, K., McDaniel, J. T., Fletcher, K. L., Thomas, K. H., Bertram, J., Cobb, D. I., Stephens, T. M., with additional findings by Laha-Walsh, K. (April 2020) The significance of oral health when applied towards mental and physical health of student veterans. Accepted at Military Social Work & Behavioral Health Conference, Austin, TX.
Hanson, B., Fording, R.C., Albright, D.L., and LahaWalsh, K. (September 2020) Dissension in the Ranks? Understanding Veterans’ Support for the Trans Military Ban. Accepted at Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Cho Rong Claudia Won
Publications Lee, H. Y., Choi, E.Y., Won, C. R., Song, J., & Gajos, J.M. (2021). Opioid literacy of Korean Americans in rural Alabama: Addressing the role of social determinants of health. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. Lee, H. Y., Won, C. R., Hao, Z., Luo, Y., Allen, R., & Jones, S. (In press). Attitude and responses to the pandemic and COVID – 19 vaccination in rural Alabama: The importance of transportation. Best Practice in Mental Health Suntai, Z., Noh, H., & Won, C. R. (2021). Examining racial differences in the informal discussion of advance care planning among older adults: Application of the Andersen model of healthcare utilization. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Suntai, Z., Smith, N.L., Chipalo, E., Kubanga, K., & Won, C. R. (In press). Effectiveness of support groups for caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. Kim, J., Lee, H. Y., Won, C. R., Barr, T., & Merighi, J. R. (2020). Older adults’ technology use and its association with health and depressive symptoms: Findings from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study. Nursing Outlook.
Kim, S. Y., Guo, Y., Won, C. R., & Lee, H. Y. (2020). Factors associated with receipt of mammogram among caregivers: a comparison with non-caregivers. BMC Women's Health, 20(1), 216. Ko, K. S., Lee, H. Y., & Won, C. R. (2020). Latent growth model of predictors of health status in Korean older adults. American Journal of Health Behavior, 44(3), 364-374. Lee, H.Y., Eyer, J., Lee, D., Won, C. R., Hudnell, M., & Cain, D.S. (2020). The opioid crisis in Alabama: Actionable recommendations for prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural communities. Best Practice in Mental Health. 16(1), 1-11. Noh, H., Won, C. R., Lee, L. (2020). Educational intervention to improve palliative care knowledge among informal caregivers of cognitively impaired older adults. Palliative & Supportive Care. 1-9. Suntai, Z., Won, C. R., & Noh, H. (2020). Access barrier in rural older adults’ use of pain management and palliative care services: A systematic review. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. (Selected from 11 publications from 2018-2021) Presentations Noh, H., Suntai, Z., & Won, C. R., (2021). Rural older adults’ experiences with pain from chronic illnesses and its treatment. Paper. Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, Arizona. Won, C. R. (2021). South Koreans’ attitude toward immigration of North Korean defectors and threat perception. Poster. 2021 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Florida
Won, C. R. Lee, H. Y., Hao, Z., & Luo, Y. (2021). HPV and HPV vaccine awareness among Korean Americans in Alabama. Poster. 2021 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Florida Won, C. R. (2021). Behavioral health intervention for unaccompanied children trafficking victims during the asylum proceedings. Paper. 2021 Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium, Online.
Lee, H. Y., Lee., J., Hwang, J., Ball, J. G., Yu, Y., Albright, D. L., & Won, C. R. (October). Mental health literacy affects mental health attitude: Is there a gender difference? Behavioral Health Research Symposium, Birmingham, Alabama. (Selected from 11 presentations from 2018-2021)
Lee, H. Y., Choi, E.Y., Song, J., Won, C. R., Gajos, J., Kim, S. (2021). Opioid literacy in an immigrant group in deep south: Addressing the role of social determinants of health. Poster. 2021 Annual Conference of Society for Social Work and Research, Online. Luo, Y., Lee, H. Y., Daniel, C., Won, C. R. (2020). HPV awareness across age groups: Different role of technology and social media. 2020 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Online. Noh, H., Won, C. R, & Lee, L. (2020). Association between caregivers’ and care-recipients’ advance care planning: An exploratory study. Gerontological Society of America 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting, Online. Suntai, Z., Won, C. R., & Noh, H. (2020). Transportation barriers in rural older adults’ use of pain management and palliative care: Systematic review. Gerontological Society of America 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting, Online. Lee, H. Y., Eyer, J. C., Lee, D., Won, C. R., Hudnell, M., & Cain, D. S. (October). The opioid crisis in Alabama: Actionable recommendations for prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural communities. Behavioral Health Research Symposium, Birmingham, Alabama.
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