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Memphis Athletics Fund


As Memphis Athletics moves into the ‘new age’ of college athletics, the need for alignment and clarity is more important than ever before. When we began auditing our current athletics giving structure, we came to realize that the Tiger Scholarship Fund staff and the supporting structure performs much more than fundraising for just student-athlete scholarships.

Our department is tasked with aligning our department’s vision with stakeholders, like yourself, to advance Memphis Athletics. To reflect this mission, we renamed the Tiger Scholarship Fund to the Memphis Athletics Fund. We are more than just life-changing scholarships, we are changing lives and setting the future of Memphis Athletics. As we transition to the Memphis Athletics Fund, you can expect modifications to old Tiger Scholarship Fund giving levels and perks associated with those levels.

As structured previously, the Tiger Leadership Circle will remain a philanthropic leadership giving society focused on embracing the ‘culture of giving’ in the Memphis community. There, stakeholders that choose to give beyond tickets and parking will experience a heightened level of stewardship and VIP opportunities.

As with most changes, we expect to experience some questions and concerns from our most valued supporters. If you have specific items you would like to discuss, I urge you to reach out to us by phone at 901.678.2334 or by email at MAF@memphis.edu. We hope you join us in saying ‘YES’ to pushing Memphis to the next level as we transition to Memphis Athletics Fund!

Go Tigers Go!

Blair DeBord

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