Univpecs international 2017 02

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Living up to the founders Interview with rector József Bódis What is the significance of the anniversary? Every institute has remarkable dates in their lives. Fortunately, there is a date in the life of the University of Pécs, which also determines the existence of the town of Pécs, the university and the whole of Hungarian higher education: the establishment of the university in 1367. The first Hungarian university was founded 650 years ago, thanks to the united efforts of a bishop, the king and the pope. I think it is of historical significance. Today, 650 years later, it is our responsibility to honour this event and take those further steps that will modernise the existence of the University of Pécs and Hungarian higher education; that will increase its international presence and produces results. And it goes beyond celebration. You frequently mention the significance of bishop Wiliam's work in your speeches. Why is it him you highlight from the triad of the founders? I think it was he who actually organised and operated the university. The fact that he obtained the king's and the pope's support shows the extension and power of his relations and network. A theoretical 'yes' is different from creating something from scratches. It must have been really hard operative activity and organising, worthy for even greater honour. I think that what William of Koppenbach did can be respected as the highest prestige concerning Hungarian higher education. A lot of events and programmes took place during the last semester in connection with the anniversary. Which one would you highlight? I personally would put the National Scientific Students' Conference in the first place. Nearly 2000 students and 400 teachers took part in this event, which was not only about the actual performance of contemporary higher education, but it sent a message to the future as well, since the academic activities of the students are the promises of the future. There were

several academic and cultural events that all enriched the anniversary year, but I would still emphasise the significance of the conference. What programmes are you looking forward to in the next term? The most highlighted programme will be the 1st of September, of course, and it is important to celebrate it in an elevated spirit which is worthy for the birth of the first Hungarian university and Hungarian higher education. I think that the persons and achievements of the attendants will underline the significance of this celebration as well. The Modern Cities Programme is sometimes mentioned as a "second university establishment". How is the university going on with it? I think it is very good that this programme exists and it is very good that such opportunities have opened up for us, and it is very unfortunate that we progress so slowly. It is similar to establishing a university indeed: it is very important to decide on funding and development and to create a professionally arranged and negotiated, detailed professional programme, but it is entirely different to implement it. It is extremely difficult because of the Hungarian and EU regulations, which delays the implementation of the programme. Fortunately the element of increasing the number of foreign students is progressing much faster than we can implement the developments of MCP. We are doing well concerning the number of foreign students, and I hope we can fulfil what we have undertaken entirely, and if necessary, we will find additional resources. It is building and construction, too, although not in the physical sense: we want foreign students to have a great time at UP and leave with valuable degrees. I have no doubts concerning the latter; the careers of several foreign and Hungarian alumni have proved that Hungarian university degrees are valued.

Table of contents FIRST OF THE FIRST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.


RENEWED HALL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11.

ACTIVITY AT THE HIGHEST GRADE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _38.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12.

MAKE IT YOUR OWN WAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _43.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _13.





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _36.

WHAT IS TEJFÖL? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _21. SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE A ROLE MODEL _ _ _ _ _ _ _50. NEW SERVICES, NEW COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, NEW FINANCING FUNDS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _22.

HAVE YOU HEARD OF LACROSSE? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _54.

IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _24.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _55.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _56.


THE VOICE OF UP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _57.

ERASMUS REPORT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _33.

PÉCS MUSIC SOCIETY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _60.


MODERN CITIES PROGRAMME THE DOOR TO YOUR FUTURE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _65. Imprint

UNIVPÉCS INTERNATIONAL UnivPécs International is a special issue by UnivPécs, published in September and February, distributed to UP students. Publisher: University of Pécs Rector's Office, Marketing Department 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4. Editor-in-Chief: Éva Harka

Contributing authors: Edit Hazenauer, Zoárd Halmos, Attila Horváth, Alexandra Kékesi, pte.hu Archive Special thanks to Kata Peltz, Éva Pohárka and Lilla Regényi Contributing Photographers and Illustrators: Éva Bocsi, Szabolcs Csortos, Attila Horváth, Mirkó Márk, Oliver Nivbrant, UnivPécs Archive Modern Cities Programme Editors & authors: Vilma Both, Gergely Kottász Lector: Róbert Marcz

Advertising: Róbert Király kiraly.robert@pte.hu Distribution: Dusán Filákovity djdusan1@gmail.com Printing: General Nyomda Kft., 6728 Szeged, Kollégiumi út 11/H ISSN 1586-1767 Tips, questions, comments? info@pte.hu

First of the first

What does the number 650 tell you? Besides a car model - Fiat 650 - the anniversary of the founding of the medieval university of Pécs (studium generale), of course. In Hungary, this was the first university; the very first of the first ones. Why was it Pécs where a university was founded 650 years ago? Hungary, prospering during the Anjou reign, became a middle power in Europe in economic and political terms. Several towns were eligible for establishing a university in the Carpathian Basin, such as the royal residence of Visegrád, Buda, Pozsony (Bratislava) or Esztergom. Among the higher educational institutions founded in Central-Eastern Europe in the 14th century, Prague (1348) was the royal seat of the Luxembourgs, Krakow (1364) of the Piast dynasty, and Vienna (1365) of the Habsburgs. So why Pécs then? The key here was the person of the bishop of Pécs. Bishop Wilhelm von Koppenbach (1361-1374) of Rheinland-Pfalz was an excellent diplomat, secret chancellor and lord lieutenant to Louis the Great, the leader of the diplomatic body of the ruler. He was the one who recognised the importance of establishing

Interview with Tamás Fedeles

a university; primarily due to the necessity of training diplomats. In connection with Pécs it is usually emphasized that the first Hungarian studium generale was established here. Had there been any significant educational institutions as predecessors in Pécs? The cathedral/prebendal school of high standards had been functioning from the beginning of the 11th century until the battle of Mohács. Besides, education was provided in the cloisters of two monastic orders, the Augustinians and the Dominicans. What was taught at the medieval universities? The structure of the education in the Middle Ages was not as clear as today. The faculty of the liberal arts (facultas artium) played an important role in the teaching of writing, among other things. It might happen that pupils of higher grades of the prebendal school possessed broader knowledge than freshmen at the university. The basic components of the seven liberal arts (septem artes liberales) were grammar, rhetoric and dialectics. These were followed by the scientific subjects arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music -, in Latin, of course. Dialectics and rhetoric were regarded as practical


knowledge, since - among other things - these provided the framework for learning the basics of diplomas and letters. Literacy became increasingly important in Hungary from the 14th century on. Those who did not aim at an ecclesiastic career, could obtain for instance a notary position at loca credibilias in possession of the knowledge required for issuing contracts and titles, the knack of which could be acquired in prebendal schools. Those who aimed higher could study individual disciplines under the guidance of the appropriate teachers, and in the 15th century even history was taught. There certainly was a legal faculty in the institution, where students could obtain the knowledge of canonical law required for diplomatic careers, and the most famous professor of the university, Galvano Bethini de Bononia also worked at that faculty. Doctors also might have been trained here, but there is no direct documentary evidence for that. However, just like in Krakow and Vienna, a theological faculty could not be established in our town, As I have mentioned, the person of the bishop was a determining factor in connection with the university. And the bishopric had remarkable financial resources at that time, which could ensure the financial background of the university as well. What sources of income did the diocese have? Tithing and taxing, for which the demographic conditions were appropriate. The core of the diocese included the counties of Tolna, Baranya, Pozsega and Valkó, which had a relatively high population in the 14th century. The estates of the bishopric and the chaplain were in excellent vine-bearing regions, thus wine provided a significant income as well. Besides the wineregions of Pécs and Szerém, the region of Máriagyûd-Siklós also played a remarkable role in the era.

lor of the university. Today, the university, i.e. education and culture reinforcing each other, serves as a main point of breakingforth for the town, but in the Middle Ages this was different. The establishment of the university can be obviously attributed to bishop William, who was led by practical reasons. The most important one of these was to make university level studies available for future diplomats within the area of the Hungarian Kingdom. And Pécs was eligible for such an institution.

How much cash could this be exchanged for at that time? From the end of the 13th century on, all Catholic bishops had to pay a certain amount of levy (servitium) to the Apostolic Chamber upon their nomination, which meant one fifth or one sixth of the annual income according to latest research. In 14th-century Hungary the bishop of Pécs paid the highest tax, 3,400 golden forints in total. It also supports the fact that the financial background of the university was secured. I must add that further ecclesiastic sources also could be employed by the bishop for financing the institution, primarily the salaries of the staff.

To what extent was Pécs a Hungarian town at the time of establishing the university? It was mainly populated by Hungarians, but with a determining number of ethnic minorities. There lived German settlers, Italians, Netherlanders and Croatians; it was a flourishing multicultural town. The most famous, internationally recognised professor of the university was Galvano of Bologna, who lived here for years. Master Jacopo of Padova led the chambers of minting and mining of Pécs, moreover, he led the national minting industry for a certain time as well. According to the descriptions by a French monk travelling through the country, the town was among the ten most significant ones at the beginning of the 14th century.

Can the establishment of the university accounted for as a question of prestige or an economic enterprise? Today we see such investments differently than in medieval times. Of course, it meant something different is a school was established by a town or by the king. In case of Pécs, the ruler Louis I (the Great) pleaded to the Holy See for the establishment of a university, which was a compulsory element of the official procedure. The bishop of Pécs held the position of the chancel-

How long did the university of Pécs function? The university was working perhaps for more than a decade. The establishment of the University of Óbuda makes it obvious that it has not been functioning by that time, as the assumption of the existence of two parallel studium generale is lacking any realities. No sources concerning the exact date of the closing down of the university have emerged so far. The death of the founder bishop (1374) meant a turning point in the life


of the university. After that, Galvano left Pécs, his new places of work were Padova and Bologna, with outstanding professorial salaries. The 1380s - if the university still functioned under bishop Valentine of Alsán (1374-1408) - meant an era of decline for the university. Medieval Hungarian universities were unfortunately short-lived. King Sigismund established studium generale in Óbuda twice (1395, 1410), but even the second attempt failed at last by 1421. King Matthias established the university of Pozsony, Academia Istropolitana, in 1467; on the centenary of the establishment of the former university of Pécs. We cannot hear of it any more after he had occupied Vienna (1485). Both Krakow and Vienna were in the vicinity of Hungary, and the universities of Northern Italy, mainly Padova and Bologna, also attracted the Hungarian youth with a desire to study. According to latest research, more than 7,000 Hungarian students enrolled in the university of Vienna between 1365 and 1526. Who paid for their education in those times? Was there some kind of student loan? Or could only rich people study here? There are not many surviving sources available about the university of Pécs, but in the cases of Krakow, Prague, Vienna and the Western universities, university registers have survived. Thus on the basis of other sources I can say that students had to pay a certain amount of tuition fee per semester, but those in need could be exempted. Can it be translated into today's prices? It is not really helpful to compare them to modern prices, but we can relate them to contemporary ones. In general we can say that the payment of the tuition fee did not really cause problem, and in several cases, talented peasants were supported by their landlords. We can mention the cleric Goeswin from around Anhem, who enjoyed prebendal benefice both in Pécs and Zagreb in the 15th century, and who serves as an early example for the today popular lifelong learning. He started his university studies in Paris (1394), where he graduated in liberal arts, then turned to medical studies. Then he appeared at the medical faculty of the university of Vienna (1412), where he received a master's degree; then he continued his studies in Cologne and Heidelberg, and finally he also received a baccalaureate degree

in theology (1425). He was not able to pay the enrolment fee of two guldens in Cologne, and he pawned a theological and a medical book in exchange for the sum. However, later he certainly got these back. It did not cause significant problems for him, since he obtained relatively profitable ecclesiastic benefices meanwhile. This practice was typical all over Europe: prebendal stallums and parishes often covered the costs of students eager to learn. Just like today, most of the expenses of the students were made up of the costs of accommodation, catering and travel. The tuition fee must have been like one or two forints per semester. For comparison, let us see some contemporary data on Hungarian prices and wages. The average day-wage in farming was 5-7 denars (100 denars = 1 golden forint); while the price of a draught ox was 2-5 forints; the monthly pay of an infantryman was 2, and the pay of a cavalryman was 3 forints in Matthias's era. It is estimated that a town-dweller could obtain his yearly amount of food for 11-15 forints. Turning back to Goeswin, his ecclesiastic benefices amounted to approximately 70-80 forints per year, so financing his studies could not be very taxing on him. As I mentioned, those who were en need were exempted from the tuition fee or were supported by wealthy sponsors and ecclesiastic organisations. A spectacular example is Collegium Christi (1391), established by János Budai, prebend of Esztergom and archdeacon of Bars, which supported the studies of talented but poor Hungarian students abroad. Galvano Bethini's yearly salary amounted to 600 golds, while an average university lecturer only received 60-80. Galvano got 300 silver marks, which corresponds to 600 golden forints. It was his professorial salary or commission, furthermore he received the tithes from the village of Ürög and was also provided with lodging in the prebendal district (north of today's Széchenyi square). All this could be multiple, even ten times of average contemporary professorial salaries in Europe, according to estimations. And what could be the reason for that? He also took care of legal matters of the bishopric and represented king Louis the Great as a diplomat; presumably that is the reason behind the outstandingly high remuneration. He was certainly envied by many. How can Galvano's salary be compared to modern professorial salaries? I have not conducted such calculations; I rather like to relate salaries within the era. How much is 600 forints in the second half of the 14th century? A cathedral prebendal, as a member of the middle class of the church, could expect an average yearly income of 60-70 forints. A cavalryman could receive 36 golden forints during Matthias, but he risked his life as well. In comparison, 600 forints is a tremendous sum. The famed Draculahouse, which was located at an exclusive place, in the centre of Pécs, was sold for 200 golden forints. The most expensive medieval house in Pécs I know of cost 440 golden forints. Thus,


the Italian scholar possessed an exceptionally high income in comparison with today's Hungarian professorial salaries, which would be competitive even today. As I know, there are very few sources about the university of Pécs. All that is due to the high extent of damages. We only have a few charters, most of which have been preserved by the Vatican Secret Archives. Several documents were issued in relation to the university of Pécs which was under the administrative supervision of the papacy. The establishing charter optimally should be found in Hungary, but unfortunately it vanished, together with several other documents. However, those registers into which the texts of the official documents issued by the papal chancellery were copied, have been preserved in the Vatican. Most of the sources that are available about the studium generale of Pécs can be found in the volumes of the Avignon and Vatican registry series. Pope Urban's bull of foundation, which includes the Hungarian king's plea to the Holy See, can be found in two 6 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

copies as well. The surviving documents also contain some data about the students and the professors, which have been processed by the excellent late researchers of the history of the university, Remig Békefi, then Ede Petrovich, a few decades ago. And finally András Vízkelety discovered a codex entry in the Munich State Library (2001) in connection with the institution. Prebend of Bács Miklós Zimonyi bought three books in Pécs in 1372 from his fellow called András Sasmikó, including a piece of grammatical work. It can be assumed that they were students at the faculty of artes. Can we expect any further results? In 2016 May, I discovered an entry in the Avignon registry series from 1371, reporting on the stipend of university teachers. It reveals that Pope Gregory XI permitted bishop William to provide one or two benefices for the three professors of legal studies at the university of Pécs (in studio Quinqueecclesiensi actu legentibus) in the cathedrals of

Esztergom, Eger and Zagreb. This proves my earlier assumption that a certain person called Rudolf and possessing a canonical legal doctorate, for whom the bishop of Pécs provided a prebendal stallum in Eger, must have functioned as a teacher at the university of Pécs. He later became the provost of the chapter of Pécs between 1383 and 1400. How many students could there be in a year? Where did education take place? We have no exact data on the number of students. Education was divided into fall and summer semesters. Lectures even could be held outdoors in good weather, as Parisian data shows, otherwise in the bigger churches. Smaller classes could take place in the lodgings or houses of the professors. We have data about autonomous buildings for the purpose of university education from the 1420s. What else could be found about the university of Pécs in the future?

A mass discovery of sources is not expected, but a few pieces of data may emerge, which is often a lucky incident. The data I discovered last year was also a lucky example, as I was researching in the archives in an entirely other field. A colleague from Kolozsvár, Adinel Dinca, found a new source in the archives of Szeben last year. It is most probably the copy of Galvano Bethini's lectures from the university of Pécs. The link is Paul, provost of Szeben who studied at the legal faculty in Pécs, and who took his lecture notes to his "ministerial post" with him. What is the significance of the establishment of the university in 1367? The citizens of the University of Pécs can rightly be proud of the 650th anniversary of the establishment of the first Hungarian university, since we can say we are the intellectual predecessors of the erstwhile institution. At the same time, it goes beyond Pécs, since the establishment of 650 years ago is still a remarkably significant event in the history of Hungarian education, erudition and culture. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 7

Jubilee 650 PTE Day Celebrating the foundation of the first Hungarian university, the University of Pécs organizes an all day event which is open to the public.

PROGRAMMES: 2nd of September 10:00-22:00 Széchenyi square - Jókai square

HALOTT PÉNZ, Talent show for children, PTE Dance Team, XY Flies, Pítherapy, Zinger band, DJ Venom, Pannon Children's Choir, Opera, operetta and musical songs, Pole dance, Air dance, PTE Integrated Art Group PTE 1367 Quiz game, Blood donation, Health measurements and counselling, Live radio broadcasting with wishes, Animations for adults and children, Tale corner, Street ball, Skittles, Badminton, Chess, Bartendaz, Pole dance education, Gift shopping, Highway code games, Electronic minibikes, Wheel of fortune, Property protection tests, Crime prevention puzzle, Social Inclusion Program

Pneumatic car exhibition, Orca energy saver car exhibition, Exhibition of architecture students, Pneumatic games, Sight and movement perception games, Teddy Bear Hospital, Dental prevention games, Literary-artisan workshop, Live my life - sensitizing social (adult) live role play, Wound tattoo making, Intubation and resuscitation training, 'Kutyabaj' Program for children, Health visitor corner, Confucius Institution, Tea making, essential oil making, Play with your sense-organs, Wheelchair racing in obstacle course After Party (Pécsi Est Café) Children get a chance to show their talents in prose and poetry, recitation, and dancing and singing contests at the event. Nádor Art Gallery, the history exhibition of the University and the temporal exhibition of Klimó Library can be visited free of charge during the day. The closing act of the PTE Day is a grand concert of the band Halott Pénz.

More information: http://jubileum650ptenap.pte.hu Programs of the event are free of charge and may be subject to change.


Renewed Hall The Jubilee End of the Term Senate Meeting was held on 15, June in the József Halasy-Nagy Hall. On this memorable occasion of the 650th jubilee the restored fresco of the Hall was revealed. The topic of the painting made by Andor Dudits is about the foundation of the University in Pécs. Its restorer was the Munkácsy-prize winner Péter Boromisza. Brand new paintings were placed on the inner wall of the Hall, representing the main fields of science and the unity of the university, the town and the diocese. The painters of the new frescos are Csilla Dittrich and Zoltán Mauks, both are members of the Hungarian Restorers' Association. The renovation of the Hall was given financial assistance by the OTP Bank. Bishop György Udvardy consecrated the renewed hall quoting from the Wisdom of Solomon. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 11



Who was Andor Dudits? Historian Csaba Reisz T. (National Archives of Hungary) gave a brilliant lecture about Andor Dudits, painter of the famous fresco about founding the university in Pécs. The well-timed occasion was at the library of the UP during the Night of the Museums on June, 24. The artist would have been 151 years old on that very day. Although his famous fresco is the most well-known tie, Dudits had more links to Pécs than the painting alone: one of his ancestors, András Dudits was bishop here, however he later he had to resign because he got married. No wonder he was one of the mediators of those priests who wanted to repeal the unmarried status of clergymen. The artist Dudits found opportunity to paint his rebellious ancestor: his portrait is on the fresco in the building of the Hungarian Archives. The artist's father, Miklós Dudits devoted himself and the family's fortune to homeopathy. He was the second entrepreneur in Hungary who wanted to make this approach popular, however it affected the life of his family in an unfortunate way. In spite of the dwindling wealth, his parent's portraits were painted by the famous Mihály Munkácsy. In contrast with his family, Andor Dudits got on the career ladder in a traditional way: he studied in Vienna and Munich, and then in Budapest at the studio of Gyula Benczúr. He made his debut at an exhibition in 1890 with his painting titled "During clinical consulting hours" (Clinical ambulatorium). At the end of his career he repeated this moment: the title of his first painting is an inscription on one of his last frescos: it sets his whole life-work in a frame. His first works are mostly genre paintings capturing moments from everyday life, but he made illustrations as 12 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

well. Thanks to a scholarship named after Lajos Haynald, Andor Dudits worked on paintings about church history, but the Millennium in 1895 drew his attention to the greater turning points in Hungarian history. As a result of a competition about the Millennium he had the opportunity to paint the Sword-Cut, which is a fresco on the wall of the Delegation Hall of the Hungarian Parliament. Dudits defined himself as an experimental painter who can work in various styles. He painted the main scenes of Rákóczi's life on the walls of the Dome of Saint Elizabeth in Kassa. In 1923 he painted a fresco in Tiszapüspöki and after that he began to work on the famous fresco in Pécs. On his painting Vows in Vérmezõ Governor Horthy is also represented which guaranteed the government's financial support to him between the two world wars. However, this was the reason why he was expelled from the official version of Hungarian art history. There is not a word about him in any of the official Hungarian books on art history despite the fact that he was the most frequently employed artist of his time. Although there is an increasing demand for his works nowadays, many of his paintings are lost, though some may be found in various places. As for his frescos, some have been restored, some have faded off while some might have been put aside in lack of financial support. Auction houses haunt for 1:1 models of his frescos as they worth a lot of money. Last year's attempt to organize a memorial exhibition for Andor Dudits failed. However, among the plaques of many painters who worked at the art colony of Kelenhegy in Budapest, his plaque has also been hung. Éva HARKA

Restoring the famous secco Restorers Péter Boromisza and Klára Nemessányi worked from January to March on Andor Dudits' fresco in Halassy-Nagy József Hall, which depicts the foundation of the University of Pécs in 1367. Péter Boromisza told us about the restoration process.


Was Andor Dudits a quality painter? He was a good painter, he taught at college level and his most famous works are murals about Hungarian history. Dudits had his own distinctive style which can be discovered not only on his murals but also on his paintings. The epoch of all of his historical paintings was studied well: he tried to represent typical objects and costumes. It is noticeable on the mural of UP that Dudits had to have studied the artworks of Renaissance painters to depict the groups and to create his composition to recall the mood of the past. He did not paint the real landscape, only its essential elements. He also painted several concrete figures like József Halassy-Nagy, Kúno Klebersberg and even more portraits of gently delineated but recognizable characters, not idealized portraits. Is this mural a fresco or a secco? Frescos are on a layer of wet plaster without the binder where the dried plaster forms an armour which will protect the painting. This is a secco. The painter worked on a dry plaster. The pigments therefore require a special binder such as egg, tempera, glue, or oil paint to stick to the wall. Seccos are more vulnerable than frescos because the grains are not embedded in plaster, they are on the surface of the wall. Andor Dudits and his contemporaries asked for plasters which were made by "rubbing in". By this method grains of the plaster create tiny dots and dimples on the surface. So the pigments fall into these crumpled dimples and stick to them. There were two ways Dudits used this technique: with a specific colour and that colour "sat" in the dimples or he used a darker colour creating a patina. What kinds of problems did you have during the restoration? During the first going-over we investigated the effect of a flooding from a platform. To our astonishment it made a huge impact on the surface, there were big tummies and pouches

under the wall, and they even waggled when we touched them. We arrived just in time: the plaster would soon have become tired and the plaster and stain layer of the painted surface would have fallen off. The secco was dirty and we found several minor mechanical injuries on it. The ornamental decorative painting of the lower tract was made in three phases. The first was the border around the painting - its age is the same as the original secco -, doors and the surfaces around them were made later. The third decoration was the crest with the crown which was painted after the political changes in Hungary. This crest had the weakest painting, a gentle touch smashed it into dust. What phases did you work in? We started with cleaning and preservation, and made tiny supplements. Then the big "tummies" caused by the flooding was injected, and the last step was the aesthetic restoration: retouches and renovation of frays. How were the effects of the flooding mended? As a result of the flooding, salt began to destroy the layer of the paint. The salt, fortunately, did not crystallize inside the plaster but on the surface of the layer of the paint, so the plaster remained undamaged. The salt load was reduced by a pack which consisted of wet blotting-paper pulp, we had to repeat this process several times. After that came the conservation, punctuated, scattered, line, bottom up injection and filling material into the leak with telescopic lifting rods. At last the plaster was pushed back to the original surface of the wall. Acryl paints were used for retouching and botanical paints were used for ornamentation as Dudits originally used the same materials. The retouching affected the whole surface of the secco because of the fact that restoration had already taken place, frays were created in several places, which were all retouched. Robert BALOGH


Good programmes ahead of us

We have had many great events during the past six months and in the spirit of the 650th anniversary, and we will not be bored in the autumn semester of 2017 either. For information on the programmes this semester, click for details at http://jubielum.pte.hu and http://nko.pte.hu.

New Monument: King Louis the Great and William Bishop


On the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Pécs the Parliament decided that 1 September will be the Day of the Hungarian Higher Education and the memorial day of the university foundation in Pécs. The UP Jubilee 650 Strategic Consortium called for proposals with the title of 'Creating the monument of King Louis the Great and William Bishop for the 650th anniversary of the UP'.The model of Norbert Kotormán expresses best of all the spirit of the era, the significance of the university foundation, besides it includes the characteristics of Gothic art. Kotormán's monument will be inaugurated on the 1st of September in 2017 at the jubilee ceremony on the promenade between the North side of Pécs Cathedral and the Medieval University. Louis I, also Louis the Great was King of Hungary and Croatia from 1342 and King of Poland from 1370. He is one of the main characters in historical books, but there is another figure played a key role in the establishment of the university. William of Koppenbach, Bishop of Pécs, originally from Pfalz (Germany), started serving King Ludwig I in 1358, as the monarch's diplomat, counsellor, secret Chancellor and chapel steward (1358 to 1374). During his career in the Church, he was a priest in Bergzabern (Germany), provost first in Èazma (Croatia) then in Eger (Hungary), and finally Bishop of Pécs (1361-1374). The foundation was primarily due to expectations claimed for the participants of the royal diplomacy, namely to bear the canonical legal qualification essential for negotiations. Bishop William, as a secret chancellor and chapel steward, was in charge of the king's diplomatic corps, therefore, he could be more aware of the advantages of a domestic university than anyone else. Obviously, the approval of the king was necessary, however, the monarch's role could be regarded as a formal requirement only needed during the official Vatican process. The initiative role of the high priest is supported by the selection of the seat as well as his role in the remuneration of the professors.

The Fruit of Knowledge is Cooked in a Pot

Gabriella Kohรกry researches the gastronomy of the Middle Ages from the middle of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century. Her enthusiasm is unique, her devotion is deep. Her menu was served during the last official ball of the UP. I asked her about dishes, cooking and passion.

Your research topic is quite unique. How did it take you captive? Originally I studied chemical engineering and I also worked as a chemical engineer for two years after that. But this work did not interest me a lot as my dream had always been to become a people's educator. This is why I studied history, cultural management and archaeology in Szombathely. There I came across a historic cookbook in a course. I read some of it and I plunged myself into the topic. Its wording, its shape, its recipes and its ingredients just carried me away. I learned a lot during archaeology training. I thought there would be opportunity for me to study food samples which had been burned in the pots so I could learn about the foods which were prepared long time ago. However, due to financial reasons, the research unfortunately failed. So I wrote a thesis on archaeological anthropology, where I looked into they ways we can determine what is edible on the basis of the teeth's condition. Later, I attended the University of Pécs and I graduated as a cultural manager. I wanted to write a historical cookbook and began my research in 2001, but unfortunately, I could not do it without financial support. I wrote my archaeology thesis on the topic of medieval eating habits. I studied the late medieval eating culture in the Royal Court of Visegrád. Besides traditional sourcing, my research was primarily based on finds from the palace. At the present I work as a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the UP, Faculty of Humanities. The topic of my doctoral is the Gastronomy of the Renaissance Court from the perspective of experimental archaeology. Where can we find a true medieval kitchen in Hungary? There is a restored kitchen in the Royal Palace of Visegrád. According to historians King Matthias himself went there frequently and he even cooked together with the chefs. This kitchen, whose restorer was Krisztina Orosz, has equipment similar to the original one. We revived this kitchen: I myself, with several others, cooked there in October 2007 for the first time and on many other occasions after that. But, to be honest, there is no need to have a restored kitchen with all the old equipment - all you need is a fireplace. I cooked like that in the castle of Simontornya, at the Ödögkatlan Festival in Palkonya and at the baroque cooking competition in Fertõd or in Esztergom. What are the earliest written memories, records? It is important to know that until 1475 when the first cookbook was published in Italy, a Roman cookbook by Apicius had been the most popular gastronomical source. There are meals which had been published in the Apicius-book, and remained popular until the Middle Ages, but as for Hungary, the most remarkable change in gastronomy took place in the 17th century. These cookbooks could be used even today but readers will soon notice how many new ingredients, new methods


and utensils we use today. These discoveries are surprisingly interesting. They recorded what they had eaten day after day and whom they had corresponded about food and ingredients… Hans Seybold, for example, a delegate from Pfalz, was a guest at the wedding of king Matthias and Queen Beatrix, and he noted that guinea-fowls were served on yellow apples. These tiny crumbles of information, completed with recipes and finds from excavations provide is with a detailed picture about the cuisine in the Middle Ages. But the recipe of the pancakes has been remained exactly the same! The gastronomic definition "a la Hungarian" was used until the middle of the 19th century: however, at that time it did not refer to paprika and salt but rather to apple, onions and wine. The gastronomy of the Hungarian court was affected by many things. The court of Saint Stephen, for example, court had strong ties to the German territories, while English noblemen who arrived to Hungary with their own nurses and cooks, brought new ingredients and cooking methods to Hungary. In Western European literature Eastern Europe is a grey area regarding the history of European gastronomy, but I think it is because of the absence of the scientific research and the lack of its publications in foreign languages. By the way, I presume that the dominance of the apple–onion–wine base is the main characteristics of the Hungarian Cuisine. How do you start to cook a medieval meal? First of all, you have to be able to read and interpret the recipe of the time! (laughs) People living at that time wrote in quite a different way and used different expressions and words for ingredients and cooking technologies – some of them have not even been interpreted, yet. What kind of medieval ingredients are not available today? For example there is a kind of fish called "viza". Fishermen caught some from the Danube during the eighties, but today it is protected by law. I'll never prepare "dancing crayfish" either, because crayfish was thrown into alcohol then burnt alive until they become red, today it seems quite a barbarian cooking method, doesn't it? When we have the opportunity, we buy wild game, wild mushrooms, cottage cheese and sour cream, but we must know that they have not got the same textures as in the Middle Ages. You can strive for the same effect but you can never get it. Which was the most bizarre meal you have ever prepared? I have cooked 300 different meals and I cannot say that any of them was inedible, on the contrary, all of them were delicious! It's important to know that there were no measures mentioned in the recipes of that time, only the ingredients and the type of bowls are given. Thus you must be an experienced cook to be able to prepare the meals.

If I must mention something strange, it would be frog's leg. The title of the recipe is: Cooking Green Frog. I have prepared it by five different ways and I have to admit, that all of them were excellent! It has a really delicious taste! Today you have to order the frogs from France, packaged one by one. I have read about black "lév" earlier, and it meant a kind of sauce prepared with blood. In the original recipe about the frogs the chef of that time writes: spread fresh blood on the frog's leg. For me that has been the most absurd element. The method of cooking is quite a difficult task, you must stay focused. You have to keep your clothes and yourself away from the fire and be cautious not to inhale smoke. Meats and vegetables have to be separated. For example the chickpeas must be completely soft, otherwise it is poisonous. What kind of tools do you work with and where do you get them? I have my own pots (my soil pots, contemporary copies) that I made for one of the Researcher's Night at UP. When I cook I take my bowls and pots with me so I can make the dishes on fire. Washing up is a lot of work, sometimes I have to soak the pots for a few days. Are there any tools that cannot be reproduced? My research also includes collecting equipment and tools used in the kitchen. The name or function of an object is not

always clarified when we examine the artifacts and the sculptural or written sources. The best is to identify the objects and their use if they are a part of a recipe. For example, in an annex to an Italian cookbook from 1570, a picture of an object appears which is described as a "talyigáskarika", which, in fact, is similar to today's pizza cutter. Sometimes, one source helps to identify the subject of another source. It is also interesting to note that many small bowls were found during the excavations, which also supports the theory that the noblemen of the court ate small portions as they had so many different kinds of dishes within a single menu. A feast was brutal: the sorts of meat, the amount of food, the fresh spices required cast-iron stomach. There is an object that can be used in the kitchen, which I identified myself! It is a piece of a mail, (a hauberk constructed of interlocking loops of metal – the ed.) no bigger than a palm. This was the medieval "ruby sponge".I found record that there was a knife, a needle and a piece of a mail in women's graves, in the bag which was buried with them. There was a similar finding during an excavation in Paks and it confirmed what I had suspected. The aforementioned inventory consists of thousands of items, it requires a lot of work to complete it. I would like to make this information database available after my publication so it can be possible to identify objects which has already been and will be found. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 19

In the framework of UP Jubilee 650, the theme of the university ball was also the Middle Ages. There we saw chess pieces made of marzipan. How did you make them? I thought this was a very nice event and I thought it would be good to serve a dessert. We found chess-like desserts in medieval records. But to prepare marzipan chess figures manually for 300 guests one by one, would be highly time-consuming. I asked wood carvers, ceramists and restorers, but no one wanted to make the shapes. That is why we needed 3D printing. The staff of Pazirik Ltd., and CEO András Balogh, found it an interesting challenge, and they did a brilliant job! Chess figures changed centuries to centuries, so I looked it up which was the most typical at that age. It was a difficult job, but the outcome was spectacular so it was worth it! Where did you get the raw ingredients and how long did it take to prepare the menu? I use a cookbook from the 16th century and the recipe of marzipan is written in it. Its method of preparation has remained the same so we could use the recipe. Colouring is another question: for example according to a recipe from an English cookbook carbon is useful to get the black colour. At least they did not get diarrhoea... (laughs) The chessmen were done a couple of days before the ball. Cold dishes, sauces, salads were made one day before the event, and all of the new fried dishes were prepared on the day of the Ball. Unfortunately, it was not possible to do everything according to the authentic technology for such a big event, so we can say that "according to the Middle Ages" refers to the way that dishes are prepared. But we did our best to make and serve the perfect dishes. 20 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

I usually make experiments during these events. After tasting the meal, the participants of cooking often ask me how many times have I prepared that meal, and I give the rapid answer: It was the very first time! Their jaws usually drop. (laughs) The point is that you have to be able to interpret the recipes, you have to make an order about what to prepare first and what will be the next step and what kind of household utensils the meal requires. Cooking is difficult, everyone has an important role. There can be complicated situations as well: I had to send away someone once because he was too self-contained about his task. I told him that I might seem too proud or rigorous but our aim is not to create a completely new dish but to copy the original recipe precisely. It is very important for me to be surrounded by understanding people with whom I can work together. Naturally, the meals that we create do not necessary taste the same as the ones in the Middle Ages, but I'm convinced that King Matthias would not have refused my work as a cook. (laughs) How is this kind of cooking going on? family members often offer their help: fathers cut the wood, mothers do the washing up or wash the vegetables, children crush spices. If one of the children becomes be historian, an archaeologist, a confectioner or a baker, or if one of the adults reads a historical cookbook, we have achieved our goals. As my husband says, we create "edible history". And this requires lot of hard work, reading and researching, the cooking itself is just "the cherry on top". Alexandra “Mandarin” KÉKESI

New services, new communications system, new financing funds The Senate adopted the strategic internationalisation programme until 2020 last year, which, connected to the Modern Cities Programme, determines certain yearly tasks. We have asked the director for international relations, associate professor Dr. Istvรกn Tarrรณsy about the novelties starting in September.

What kind of new services are starting in September? Mental hygiene counselling for students already has existed at the Medical Faculty, on the basis of which - involving the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Humanities - a Student Counselling programme is starting up. It will ensure that all the international students will have someone to turn to in case they struggle with learning difficulties or psychological problems. The programme Legal Aid Clinic will be started by the initiative of the Faculty of Law, a kind of legal help and counselling. They will help with any kind of legal problems, such as those related to tenancy contracts, the studies and exams code, or even other affairs not related to the university. This is a much needed service that fills a gap, since youth from more and more cultures keep arriving, who may be unsure about their being here, and such services serve as a secure point for them. The third programme launching in September is coordinated by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development, but the Faculty of Humanities also takes part in it. It is a cultural sensitization programme which can be taken by foreign students within the framework of campus credits. According to our plans the materials could be acquired via e-learning even before their arrival in the future, but if they are already here, they would receive a framework related to traditions and cultural heritage, contributing to intercultural dialogue and living together. If you think about 22 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

it, the thematic of this course deals with one of the most important dimensions of internationalisation, which aims at understanding one another more successfully. I would like to emphasise that concerning the improvement of services, the Directorate for Foreign Relations works in close cooperation with the Directorate of Education and the faculties. All the services above are provided by the Internationalisation Fund defined in the strategic internationalisation programme. What new training opportunities are available for international students? Our aim was to add some short-cycle programmes to the semester-based degree courses available in foreign languages. These are for example the Study Abroad programmes, the summer universities, trainings, study tours, and other non-semester based and not specifically degreeaimed courses, which, on the one hand, make the educational portfolio of the university more diverse, and they make UP more visible and attractive on the international scene. This development is heading forward very dynamically. Our socalled Summer Trimester programme started this year, and we have found a lot of partners by Study Abroad, from America to China, and these partners keep sending groups continually. There was a Chinese group visiting us recently, but we have also entered into an agreement with a Japanese and a Mexican group during this therm.

What new means is the Centre for International Relations planning to promote the courses offered by UP? The university is facing a great improvement regarding the communication of internationalisation: we are planning to introduce the globally widespread and applied online application system and marketing communication interface Dream Apply; we are starting to build up its environment this autumn. This programme enables those who are interested in taking courses in Hungarian higher education to find the offers of UP quickly and easily, to start the application process on this platform, while we also will be able to track what any given student is interested in and to communicate with them and with potential students. And if students register for a course, their data will be automatically moved to Neptun. I think this novelty will boost efficiency. Several Hungarian universities already use DreamApply, including Eötvös Lóránd University, the University of Debrecen and the Budapest Metropolitan University.

RUN FOR THE CANCER TREATMENT The Run for the Cancer treatment in Pécs! charity run will be held on September 9. The noble goal is supporting the cure of cancer patients. The 3 km long distance run will take place in the beautiful historic centre of Pécs, however it is also possible to walk instead. Participation is subject to registration, which starts at 10.30 a.m at the Széchenyi square (or previously on www.dpse.hu website). The route: Southern part of the Széchenyi Square - Irgalmasok Street - Citrom Street - Jókai Street - Jókai Square - Ferencesek Street Szent István Square (Eastern side) - Janus Pannonius Street - Mária Street - Flórián Square - Nagy Flórián Street - Király Street Széchenyi Square

More info: pte.hu

How many foreign students are studying at UP, and how many are expected? The last number of active students was about 3700; and students from 105 countries have arrived in Pécs. The number of applications has increased due to Stipendium, intense building of relations by the faculties and centrally, and the more and more decisive exposure abroad; so many people apply for our programmes now, that we are trying to select the best ones. Concerning Stipendium, even 400 new students may arrive for the next year. I can see a realistic chance for the number of arriving foreign students to increase above 4,000 by the beginning of 2018. We are celebrating the 650th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Pécs. The Centre for International Relations contributed with a grandiose series of events, International Spring. Will it be continued in some way? Due to the anniversary year the Centre has a lot of extra tasks to do; among other things, the entire administration of the foreign guests of the September 1 gala - rectors or rectorial representatives from every continent are going to arrive to this event, and the leaders of the universities of our macro-region will honour us, too. We are also organising the annual conference of the Compostela Group, and an American-Hungarian conference on healthcare and migration. We are very proud of the International Spring series, and it is no secret that we would like to organise it again next year, though in a compact, fewweek-long form. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 23

It is never too late! This summer was as busy as always at PTE, festivals after festivals, summer schools after summer schools. For one of these summer schools (18th Hungarian Language and Culture Summer School) people came to try their fortune with Hungarian language. In the program we can meet everybody, from youngsters to elders. There are absolute beginners and there are students who were here before but it is not only about the language, they have the opportunity to get a little bit more familiar with the local culture and history.


We would never think with whom can we meet during this amazing program. We were fortunate enough to meet an ex-UN ambassador from Finland. Pertti Torstila is already in his seventies but this does not stop him to learn a brand new language. The man who is not only active in brain activities also likes running, actually six years ago he competed in an orienteer competition in Pécs, so it is not a miracle that we had a talk right after his pilates class. Why did you made the decision to start learning a new language and why Hungarian? Why not? Look, I am a pensioner so I have time and I have been always interested in Hungarian language, mainly because I believe in the Finnish - Hungarian friendship and of course I looked for a challenge too. During my life I learned to speak 5 languages and now I can add Hungarian as well. For me this is the hardest one, although I can speak French, German, Swedish, English and Finnish but it is obvious. I can see that the teachers made a great job because your Hungarian is quite good, we can speak smoothly. What is your opinion about the education? First of all, thank you! During my decades on Earth I saw a lot of things but I have to say that this university maintains a really high standard. The teachers are great, these modern text books also. We talk a lot during classes and just about general facts but about actual topics so it is practical, interactive and interesting in the same time. The groups are small so everybody has the chance to speak which is a good think. Another good point for the alignment because there is only a tiny difference between the best and the worst in each group. We already know that you were here before this program but did you hear here the first Hungarian words? It is funny because I was far away from Hungary and Pécs when I heard the first words. It was in 1952 during the Helsinki Olimpics. If you really think about it it is not so strange because it was a great year for Hungary. The Hungarian team won 42 medals, 16 gold, 10 silver and 16 bronze I can still remember these numbers in turn I was only 7 years old and moreover that was the year when I first heard about Puskás Ferenc and he is unforgettable. I was really young but I can remember that everybody knew that it is a Hungarian party! Can you still remember for those words? Yes! There are two words I remember from my childhood. These are 'dal' (song) and 'zene' (music). Everybody has a hobby or more. I am that type of person who has more, music takes a huge part of my life even though mostly I only play for myself. I think this kind of interest lead to learn these words first. Later I learned the typical finno - ugrian words. For example 'vér' (blood), 'kéz' (hand) or 'fej' (head). I truly believe that there is a relation between Hungarians and Finnish people, that is why I am here! It is quite interesting that most of the foreigners say that their favourite Hungarian word is 'pillangó' (butterfly), 'szerelem' (love) or 'szeretlek' (I love you) but mine is definitely a strange one. It is 'tulajdonképpen' (in a proper sense). I do not know why, I just find it funny when someone says it out loud. Hungarian language is not easy but it is as beautiful as difficult. The program is amazing, really! The fact that every age-group can be a part of it is so good because as the oldest member of the whole summer school I have the opportunity to learn from the younger generations. The fact the we came together from 30 different countries is a great chance to make international friends. Loved every moment of it! Attila HORVÁTH


Fusion of theater and psychology Pécs-based actress and leader of the Englishlanguage theater for foreign university students, Judit Fekete explains, how these two things both have an effect on her life.

First of all what were the biggest milestones in your life? I was born and raised in Pécs and while I was always into theater and film I barely thought I should seriously pursue it professionally. Then - while attending the University of Law in Pécs - I got involved with the university theater group, JESZ and my love for performing emerged again, so much so that I applied to the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. I didn't get in but I got the "acting bug" so I applied to take a year off and go to the US on a scholarship. Well, that year got extended and I ended up earning a BA in Acting from Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA. Then I worked in the Florida, Georgia, South-Carolina area in various films, short films, commercials and started working on my demo reel - which is kind of like a business card for an actor in the States - but I felt I didn't know enough so I applied to the prestigious The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London, and - to my great surprise - I got accepted so I pursued my MA in Acting for Screen there. Then after 2 years in London I thought I should move to Los Angeles, since I just studied acting for film techniques. There I appeared in various commercials, short and feature films but the vibe of the city didn't suit me in the long run so in 2011, I returned to Hungary where I appeared in Hungarian and international television series and feature films and I also got involved in improvisational theater and started working as a co-trainer at a communication company. This is where I realized how interested I am in training and using theater techniques to improve communication skills. The next step was applying to 26 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

the Doctorate Program to pursue and study social skills techniques for mentally disabled patients. So I moved back to Pécs in 2016 to study that and - with close cooperation with the University Theater of Pécs, JESZ - I started an Englishspeaking acting "department" of JESZ specifically for nonHungarian students in Pécs. This is where I am now. I diverted a bit from the original acting track, but now I feel I get to combine and pursue all my interests simultaneously. How does one have to imagine your work at JESZ? I don't actually work for JESZ. I am a full-time PhD student working on my research and in my extra time I work with my English-speaking team. The casting process ended in April so we spent most of May training, doing acting exercises, learning techniques, getting to know each other and so on. JESZ has been kind enough to provide us with rehearsal space and admin support and I am hoping to be able to put up a new show with the team in the fall semester, a play I will be directing. It is still a small group, but I am planning on expanding it so I will probably hold auditions yearly in order for us to grow slowly but surely. What exactly do you study now? What are the main differences between studying in Hungary and abroad (in the US for example)? My research topic contains social communication, social skills trainings, the idea of theory of mind and mentalization which has incredibly rich and fascinating research literature. I would say overall where these mental illness trainings link and over-

lap with communication trainings using theatrical tools. To be honest I can only compare my two-year law school years and another one-year psychology studies in Hungary with the four-year BA program in the US where I majored in theater - so it's a very subjective and narrow scope. Overall I could say that the biggest difference is in the size of the classes: in the States we had small seminars where everyone had a face and a name whereas in my Hungarian university experiences I was just another headcount sitting in a huge auditorium. Also because I studied performing arts, I had more practical classes where we actually had to get up and try things out, voice our opinions, and express in some sort of way with a two-way interaction between us and our teachers. But we have to keep in mind that different fields require different teaching approaches so what works for acting students isn't necessarily appropriate for law or psychology students. When I studied in London, interestingly their approach was a mix of both: practical classes intertwined with some straight, oneway methods. Coming from Europe, the American style was always a bit too liberal for me, so I flourished in the British teaching system. I also got very lucky studying at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama so I cherished every minute of it. Attending the same school as Dame Judi Dench, Sir Lawrence Olivier, and Carrie Fisher gave me the feeling of pride and a sense of belonging, not to mention, that when I was an MA student, Kit Harington from Game of Thrones was finishing his BA there. That sounds really uplifting. If you had to highlight one or two achievements in your life, that you are the proudest of, what would they be? You had a role in the widely-known Hungarian soap opera "Barátok Közt", maybe that? I can only think in terms of things I am proud of: I am proud of getting accepted to the MA program in London as 12 people were picked from applicants from all over the world. That I am proud of. I am proud of getting into this doctorate program and I also consider myself lucky for getting the chance to work in various international series and films in the past 5 years. Though they were smaller parts but some of them were quite challenging. "Barátok közt" was fun and I was grateful to get screen time after having just moved back to Hungary and nobody knew me, but I wouldn't necessarily consider it a highlight of my career. What are your plans now? Do you have any big dreams you'd like to come true? I guess becoming an expert in my field of study, doing trainings, making the English student theater program flourish both in the long and the short run. I am very dedicated toward building this English theater for students as I believe this is somewhat of a "niche" here in Pécs. Of course the city is trying to catch up in terms of providing enough English-language channels in entertainment so my goal is simply to add to this. I hope that more and more foreign students decide to participate or just come and see our shows. Edit HAZENAUER

For those interested: Janus Egyetemi Színház Zsolnay Cultural Quarter 7616 Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos u. 16. Fekete Judit juditfekete07@gmail.com www.juditfekete.com UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 27

An 'average' physio -therapist Ági Kerner is a person you will likely bump into in town, either in healthcare locations, university areas or the centre of the town at night on Fridays. She is there everywhere in community and academic life, and she waves from a distance in the street, with a wide smile on her face. At heart, she remains a student forever. Our physiotherapist citizen, who is doing her PhD at the moment, loves the romantic corners of Pécs, always full of friends. And she never stops!

Who is Ági Kerner? Why the UP, and how long has been your way here? I had no intention of leaving Pécs after finishing secondary school: I graduated from the Faculty of Health sciences as a physiotherapist, and it has been my vocation ever since. During my Bsc and MSC studies I took part in the work of the Students' Council; living in the dorm, I tried to be actively involved in community life, I felt it was my duty. Besides, I enjoyed my work there a lot, and I'll never forget all those years I spent there! I continued my Msc studied as a correspondence student, and meanwhile I started working at the Confucius Institute at the Faculty of Health Sciences. We are trying to draw the organisation of Hungarian and Chinese education as well as the two cultures nearer. At the same time, I also have joined the world of research: I'm doing my PhD. It's been a real attack against myself! (laughing) I wrote my thesis in physiotherapy, and then I completed the healthcare management Msc. When I finished, I told everybody I would never ever study again, and now here I'm, again... (laughing) What is your PhD research topic? My topic is the following: how could Oriental and Occidental medicine be combined? Primarily, I am comparing the healthcare systems of Hungary and China. Few people deal with this issue, so it's more difficult to find data and materials than usual. There are some works of Chinese researchers published in English as well, but most of the 28 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

websites are in Chinese, so I can't even find where I can change languages. (laughing) Why did you choose physiotherapy? I definitely want to work in a caring profession, which doesn't necessarily mean a clinic. In the last year of Bsc I realised that I wouldn't like to work in a hospital, so I spent the first and most formative year of my vocation at a private surgery in Kaposvár. I gained a lot of experience, I learned a lot, and laid the foundations for my professional knowledge there. I know I've chosen a difficult profession, a very hard one; you must work and learn a lot, all throughout your life. During the university years I felt that I wanted to work with people. It's not easy at all, but I enjoy it a lot. It is also important to mention that besides all your work - which is a lot - you also deal with music. Djing is a hobby, but nevertheless a part of my life, I couldn't imagine my days without it. I learned music form the age of seven, I still play the clarinet. Of course, some say that it hardly fits electronic music, but I love both very much. In my "me time" I do sports because I find it a very good means to express myself. Now I'm doing breakness, which amalgamates the moves and means of break dancing and fitness. Anyone who likes this kind of music and likes dancing to it can do the training as well. Of course, you get soaking wet after 13 minutes, but it's a terrific way of improving your muscles, as well as a very good cardio exercise.

Providing Perspectives How to have a better workplace locally than at a multinational company somewhere else? The South West Hungarian Engineering Cluster (SWHEC) is a network of machine industry companies with significant total turnover, considerable size and wide activity range. The below interview with SWHEC President Péter Kocsis, SWHEC Vice President Markus Hirth and SWHEC Manager Berta Szabó has been conducted in the Majorossy str. headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya. What is the profile of the SWHEC? Péter Kocsis: Our cluster was founded in 2011 and embodies mostly SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and a handful of large enterprise from 3 Hungarian counties: Baranya, Somogy & Tolna. Currently we have 29 members in our ranks, all of them performing various machine industry-related activities. The total number of employees combined is 4000, while the the yearly total turnover is roughly 300M EUR/year. It is important to highlight that although we are talking about a regional cluster, this only applies to the geographical location of the member-companies and not to the location of conducted business: the vast majority of SWHEC members are strongly export-oriented, generating their turnover mostly in the foreign markets (primarily in Central and Western Europe but there are instances for overseas trade as well). This means that we are a world-trade competetive cluster, possessing all the necessary skillset (high level of engineering culture, high-tech machinery and softwares/systems, advanced production techniques) to be so. How can the SWHEC benefit from the regional presence of the University of Pécs and vice versa? Péter Kocsis: The University of Pécs is also a member of our cluster, thus its representatives can have a better picture about the nature of problems arising at the key market players day by day, in live business environment. This way they can identify the possible cooperation areas as well as understanding the demands of the companies in relation to the quality of labour market. A strong an real connection to the economic operators/organizations is a must for the University of Pécs. This is what we can provide. Markus Hirth: Primarily the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) is considered as the strongest partner to SWHEC when it comes for the university. Due to our mutual discussions and agreements the leadership of UP can get information not only through the dual education program but directly from the management of various companies. It is well-probable that this practice can be useful for other faculties too in the future, for example for the Faculty of Economics in the area of production management, this latter going to be a focus area for SWHEC in the near future.

Szabó Berta: The labour market aspects are important for both parties, since the future employees are trained within the university and will be more than welcome to join the ranks of any SWHEC member-company. This is why it is important for the university to know the knowledge level of the graduates, expected by the market. Due to the SWHEC-UP joint tenders the cluster and its members were given the opportunity to develop the quality and methodology of dual engineer training. Péter Kocsis: We have been in close cooperation recently with the university in the area of a new training program called mechatronics (mechanics, electronics and information technology combined). This graduation program correlates with the current global industry trends: the growing demand for a more and more complex knowledge base. Berta Szabó: Additionally, the cluster members provide possibilites for the students from various faculties in relation to professional practice and thesis topics. Our final aim can be of course not less than having the most-talented graduates to join our companies. What would be your advice to our students? Berta Szabó: Apart from the necessary engineering skills, I would highlight the importance of professional language knowledge as it is a big advantage to have at almost all our members. Markus Hirth: My message would be to cling to their chances, to always have a keen eye on the economic trends and on the local/regional possibilities. We can keep up with the big multinational companies in the areas of salary level, production environment and corporate culture. Also, our big advantage is that the SWHEC companies are South West Hungarian, mostly familyowned enterprises who have no intention to move away in case of any future market turmoil. Péter Kocsis: Our cluster members are active players on different levels of the global supply chain. This could have been achieved only by providing high-quality service and manufacturing exquisite quality products through the usage of modern tooling and machinery, well-advanced corporate environment, uptodate engineering knowledge, etc., all of those complying with the strictest European standards. I would like to assure the FEIT students that they have chosen one of the best carreer paths. As for studying, just do it with all your efforts and the result will be amazing!

Further information: http://www.ddgk.hu/; Berta Szabó: bszabo@pbkik.hu www.pbkik.hu www.facebook.com/pecsikamara www.youtube.com/pecsikamara


You are not alone. There is a solution! There is no university student who never worries about what is next, what is going to happen if the exam period does not turn out good, if he does not have enough credits, if he does not get on well with one of his lecturers or just does not find his place in the world. There are students who do not need help in these situations, but there are others who do. There are students who would really need some help but do not know where to go, who to call. Or maybe, they just do not want to call anyone because they think they are able to deal with it. I was in that kind of situation, too. I was not sure whether I was at the right place, but fortunately I found my way out. However, it could be easier with a little help. I had a conversation with Dr Amaryl Árkovits, chief medical officer of the PTE KK Psychiatric Center and chairman of the S.O.S. Phone Service Against Suicide. Dear Amaryl, is it typical that students visit a professional when they need help? In my opinion for a student it is not easier to ask for help than it is for anybody else. It only depends on that particular person. There are times when more people look for that type of help and there are also periods when less people need professional help. There were times when going to a psychiatrist was not something you would tell anybody but nowadays it is not a taboo anymore. There are plenty of articles about this issue. Besides, there are other difficulties because many students do not have constant address at Pécs so they are unable to visit someone for free. Of course if the doctors have spare time they see those who do not have a stationary address in


the city. At PTE there is a program called Khairosz in the framework of which students can go to a free guidance. To make it more comfortable, every single faculty has its own psychologist. Therapy is not an easy thing, this process can last for weeks, months or years. We often see students who chose to see a private practice, fortunately Pécs has several places to go if you think it necessary. Which terms are the most hectic? The exam period, for sure! During this time young adults are the most likely to struggle with stress, to feel fluttered because they want to meet the expectations. The other quite busy period is the beginning of the semester.

Is there a faculty from where a bigger amount of people ask for help or it depends only on the individual? To be honest, it is only up to the person. In our experiences it is not typical that a greater number of people come from a certain faculty, It may happen only if people share the information with each other within a faculty. Although, there are some majors which requires a stronger personality to be able to graduate in time because of the pressure, the stress and the expectations but as I already said it mostly depends on the individual. What kind of problems can the beginning of a semester or an exam period cause? The most common problem is moving away from the family at the beginning of the first semester, when freshmen start their university studies. During the first weeks young adults realize that it is their job now to keep their flat or dorm room nice and tidy, to buy household supplies that they took for granted at home, because their parents took care of it. Their mom will not ask them what they want to have for dinner, they have to take care of themselves and start an independent, adult life. There are a lot more challenges, of course. A lot of students move to a completely different city, where they know no one. In this situation they have to build new relationships, they have to establish a new group of friends. Freshmen camp is a great opportunity to start, but not everyone is able to go there.

As I have mentioned, the exam period is stressful for everyone. Probably it would be easier if students prepared from lecture to lecture, but even if they do so, they cannot avoid all the stress and tiredness, and of course most of them do not prepare from lecture to lecture. At the university there are a lot of changes in people's life, they have to study differently than they did in high school, they have to read a lot more, and they have to schedule everything for themselves. It is important to know their own limits, but this is the first time they face these limits and that is why the first couple of weeks are really difficult to get through. Is there something that they can do to avoid problems? There will always be problems! We should not avoid problems, but face them and overcome them. The ability of handling difficult situations is different for everybody, but you can improve these skills. Not necessarily with therapy, because the relationships we develop, our friends and partners can all help, or cause problems, too. Young adulthood is the time when we start a life independent from the family, and develop our autonomy. This process is called developmental crisis and it can last for years, but we all have to overcome it to find our place in the world, to develop our own identity and to get answers for questions like "Who I am?". During this period, as well as in the case of any other developmental crises, we are emotionally more vulnerable. We might experience crisis, or get into such a psychological state when our emotional balance is so overwhelmed, that we might ask for external help. The situaUNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 31

S.O.S Phone Service The 40 years old Phone service has been giving psychological first aid since 1975. According to statistics, in 2014 we received 1436 calls, and a quarter of these calls were "crisis calls", in which the features of cry for help communication were obvious. The statistics of the Service shows that the number of callers under the age of 25 has significantly increased therefore we pay more attention to emphasize the importance of the youth's mental hygiene. It is often the first place where callers talk about their new problems, for which at the time there may not be any solutions. By solving the crisis in a creative way not only eliminates the dangers of inadequate solutions (suicide, alcohol, drugs, other psychiatric problems), but the person also becomes richer with new problemsolving skills and becomes more mature, more complete. The Service can be called every day from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., toll free in all of Hungary and Europe. The Service provides aid to callers, regardless sex, age, and nationality. S.O.S. ÉLET PHONE SERVICE IS AVAILABLE EVERYDAY FROM 7 P.M. TO 7 A.M. AT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: 06-80-505-390, 116-123

tions that might cause crisis depends on the person himself. It can be a failed relationship, a breakup, or even an unsuccessful exam. It is universal, though, that these crises are the price we pay for our personal development, and if we use all the possibilities to improve and change during a crisis, we will become psychologically stronger and more mature after the crisis. During a crisis you do not have to seek professional help immediately. This is what friends and family are for: to talk about problems, give advice and support. Although, if someone does


not have such intimate relationships and cannot overcome the crisis alone, or has suicidal thoughts, it would be a good idea to ask for help. The S.O.S. ÉLET Phone Service is a psychological aid service in Pécs which has been working since 1975, where professionally trained volunteers answer the calls from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. It is a toll free number (80-505-390), callers can keep their anonymity, and secrecy is provided as well. Attila HORVÁTH

Erasmus Report I learned about the Erasmus+ program during my first semester at the University of Pécs, in Pécs, Hungary. Our coordinator offered ample information regarding the program, placements, and conditions for Erasmus semesters abroad. I was immediately intrigued. After applying and receiving notification that I had been admitted to the European Studies program at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, I began preparing for the trip. Of the many "student cities" in Europe, Kraków seemed particularly appealing; a strong academic record, low prices, plenty of student support, and a vibrant music and arts scene. I found the transition very easy. Accommodation options were plentiful. Students advertise low-cost rooms in shared flats year around. Although prices are considerably lower in Kraków than other cities, I would suggest that the Erasmus board factor in the limited availability in student dorms. The majority of students are forced to seek accommodation outside the university. For a shared room, the price can be as low a 150 euro per month, while a single room is consistently upwards of 230 euros per month. I ultimately chose a shared flat near the city center- roughly a 20 min walk from the main square. My rent fluctuated significantly throughout the year as the cost of utilities increase in the winter months. On average, I paid 200 euro per month. In order to make these payments, I chose to take a small part-time job from with an online tutor group. Transportation prices were never a significant consideration for my budget. University classrooms, concert halls, grocery shops, and parks were all well within walking distance. In the winter, a single ticket to anywhere in the city is around 0.65 euro and even less with student ID. Kraków offers plenty of entertainment opportunities. I spent most of my free evenings enjoying live music at jazz/piano clubs or visiting one of the city's many old theaters. I found the political life in Kraków very interesting as well, especially the recent focus on women's issues. I attended many marches, lectures, conferences, and meetings on the subject of gender equality in

Poland. This was by far the best and most enriching aspect of my Erasmus experience. I now work with other foreign and local women in Kraków to offer education and solidarity in the fight against gender inequality, xenophobia, and LGBTQ discrimination. Already, we have arranged several successful student marches! The Erasmus support group in Kraków has also been a wonderful source for information regarding local events and community service projects. Although I did not attend many ESN social gatherings, I found the local ESN office very supportive and welcoming. During my stay in Poland, I made several small trips to nearby cities and towns, including Waliezca, Warsaw, Zakopane, Wroclaw, and one longer trip to Lviv and Kiev, Ukraine. I feel I have benefitted from the Erasmus experience in many ways. My Erasmus semester has afforded me the opportunity to travel and engage with other cultures. In addition, I am now connected to a circle of incredible people. The friends I have made though the Erasmus+ program have challenged me to grow as an intellectual and a global citizen. Despite our unique backgrounds and skill sets, we are united in our vision for Europe's future. These relationships have encouraged me to network and increase my sphere of influence, leading to shared projects and the emergence of new, exciting opportunities. Ultimately, I chose to prolong my Erasmus stay. I am excited to be a part of the many incredible changes taking place in Poland and I hope to continue my work with local solidarity groups. I believe our contributions make a difference. Overall, my Erasmus+ semester has been the most important semester of my studies thus far. I feel very satisfied with my experience and I would recommend all students to take advantage of this opportunity! Miranda Pursley International Relations 3rd Semester BA Kraków, Poland Jagiellonian University


University Library of Pécs and Centre for Learning The library of the university-with its information system, processed substance and service-centric staff- provides the literary supply of citizens of the university. It is physically present on every campus; its integrated library network is made up of 17 library units. (http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/about-us). The number of its documents is over 1,600,000. The number of its subscribed online databases is over 20??, which covers the fullness of the sciences taught in the university. These databases are only available to UP citizens. http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/adatbazis?dbstype=all The library's predecessor, the first public library in Hungary, was founded by bishop György Klimo in 1774. The Klimo Collection-as a part of the University Library and Centre for Learning-can be found in 3 Szepesy Ignác Street. http://www.lib.pte.hu/tgyo/tgyo-klimo-konyvtar-muzeum The use of the library network is free of charge for every UP citizen but is subject to registration. For enrolment in the library, ID card or passport and UP student ID are required. Library services can be used with valid library card in every library of the network. In 2010, Pécs won the title of European Capital of Culture, in which project the modern building of the Centre for Learning was built. (2/a Universitas Street Pécs) Since then, this building is the centre of the university library network. Here operates the Central Library, the Benedek Ferenc Library of the Faculties of Law and Business Economics as well as the Csorba Gyõzõ Library maintained by the City of Pécs. The library is located on 13,000 square meters, on 7 levels. Its reading room has hundreds of seats. Free parking is available. The library in the Centre for Learning is open on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm, on Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm and in exam period until midnight. There is also a restaurant and bookstore in the building. The most important available services include reading room usage, book rental, photocopying, scanning, printing and wifi usage. Services available at home: – Databases: http://www.lib.pte.hu/adatbazis A video tutorial, displaying the home-based service, is available in Hungarian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijgpzbq8d5I#t=10

FALL 2017 PROGRAMS OF THE LIBRARY: The first-year students are welcomed in September with a "FreshmanTour". This action is publicized with the slogan "If it's Wednesday, it's Freshman-Tour day!". English-language library tours-at the dates published on our website-are available from the end of August by e-mail at golyatura@lib.pte.hu. During the fall, we start a database roadshow with the goal of getting students to get to know our databases and get help from librarians in their use. The locations and times of the roadshows are published on our homepage and on our Facebook page. In order to facilitate scientific publishing, citizens of the university (30 people a year) are allowed to publish their writings in indexed journals of the Akadémiai Kiadó (Academy Publishing House). The claim must be reported to the staff of the Open Access Publishing Office. More info: http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/ek/open-access-publishing-office The "Mindenkép(p)en olvasunk!" (app. One book to rule them all") action is announced every year for UP citizens to show their favourite books in a photo, write a short recommendation that will be published on our community sites and at an exhibition in the Centre for Learning. On August 25, the 2nd Sopianae International Photo Salon opens in the Centre for Learning, which will be available for more than a month. We organize an international university history conference at the Pécs Bishopric Granary Visitor Information Centre in English and German language called "University and universality - the place and role of the University of Pécs in Europe from the Middle Ages to present day", which is open to all those interested. The conference will be held on 12-13 October. More info about the program: http://www.lib.pte.hu/ek/650-eves-a-magyarfelsooktatas-jubileumi-esemenyek-a-konyvtarban-2017 The 10 roll-up travelling exhibition, presenting the history of the University of Pécs, will be exhibited in all university buildings in the 2017 jubilee year. http://www.lib.pte.hu/

– “Chat with the Librarian" where the customers can ask the librarians online: at the bottom right of the site http://www.lib.pte.hu/en/ek/library-news – "Ask the Librarian": information specialist librarians can offer help in literature seeking questions. http://www.lib.pte.hu/tajekoztatas

The University of PĂŠcs hosted EFOTT In 2017 we celebrate the 650 anniversary of the first Hungarian university. On this special occasion the University of PĂŠcs organizes numerous jubilee events and was also honored to host the annual EFFOTT festival! During the festival the University brought unique programs and provided a great selection of cultural and sport activities.

The power of interculturality Europe or The United States? Which one is the most preferable from the two? Pretty hard question, we could make a survey to see what people say about it but it does not matter what others say. Every single person in this world is unique, all of them have different necessities and dreams. However, there is a general statement that Europeans are dreaming about the USA and Americans are dreaming about Europe. Most of the people love to travel, experience new cultures but only a few of them are able to settle down in a different environment and feel home. For PTE students, lecturers and also for professors Fulbright is a great opportunity to study or continue their academic work in the USA. During this time they can live the American dream, experience things they could nowhere else. The great thing is that they can also be a part of the Fulbright programme and come to our little country. Mostly the reason behind their trip to Hungary is that they met a Hungarian in the States and that person made them to feel like that they need to visit this Eastern-Middle-European country. From all of these stories my personal favourite is that when a lucky man had a Hungarian Physics professor at the university. Can you guess who? Yes, Teller Ede! Recently there are several Americans in Hungary related to this scholarship, one of them, Robin Valerie Cathey lives in PĂŠcs for a year now. Why Hungary? Everything started when I became a friend of a Hungarian man and when he moved back to Hungary I came to see him and I fell in love with the country. This was my very first travel to another continent. I knew at that point that I want to experience other cultures and lands. It was a real starting point for the rest of my life. Now I live here for a while and I absolutely love it. The city is wonderful, it is quite


historical, there are so many buildings that are just great to look at. This place is an unbelievable cultural centre of the region. I am also so lucky because I found a flat at SzĂŠchenyi Square, when I want to eat something or drink a coffee with my friends I have a bunch of places to choose from. This city amazes me with its colourfulness, it has everything I need and the people, they are just so nice and welcoming. We already know that she did not regret moving here but is her aim here? As she said she wants to give further her knowledge. I love to be with people, I love teaching but not in the sense Hungarians think or at least most Hungarians. When I decided to take part in Fulbright my main idea was to do something helpful that I would like to teach but not at a university. Why? It is easy, just think about it. Those students who could go to a university did not have a lack of good education. Although, now I do teach at PTE at the department of Romology, where my students work really hard and fight against so many obstacles. I hoped that Fulbright will a place where students want to study and they do not have the facility to learn from a native speaker. This is how we found Gandhi.

Gandhi, probably most of the people does not know anything about it, let's change it. Gandhi is a Gymnasium with an elementary art training and a dormitory all in one. This was the first romany school in Hungary and even in Europe which gives high school diploma. The institute was founded in the early 90s with the help of Gandhi Foundation. The main goal of the endowment was to give those opportunities for the Romany students which are given for the other members of the community as well. Now that it is clear let's see what can a native English speaker who also studied applied linguistics during her university years add to this idea. Since I am here I am not only teaching but I learn a lot, too. I participate on Hungarian language courses which are awesome. In connection with English classes I noticed some basic differences between Hungarian and American education. In Hungary teachers give a well-built curriculum for the class which from the students cannot decide what is important and which part is useless. Moreover, I think that they suffer from the lack of communication or I could say that the communication is too one-sided. In the States communication takes the biggest part of conveying knowledge but the exchange of the knowledge could be a better expression. When our education starts in the primary school

we are taught to see everything with a critical eye, be brave enough to express our opinion about something and to be able to give relevant reasons reason which stand for our point of view. Personally I want teach my students to question everything, to be brave to tell their ideas in class. Of course it takes some time to get used to this type of learning when you are not used to it as a student. Robin believes that every teacher has his or her style but every group needs to be treated differently, the teachers should adapt to the class. I truly believe that they can profit from the mentality I brought with myself. I already see the development, they do well on my classes but it is more important that they enjoy them and if somebody enjoys doing something then that person will continue doing it, 100%. It means the world when somebody understands why do we use a tense, a phrase etc. When somebody passes a test with a great result it is a success for me too. Here is an example: "one of my university students passed the ECL with flying colors and it was a wonderful moment for all of us at the department and even the staff at ECL who contributed by waiving the test fee!". I really like my students I see that they give their best day by day.


Legal Aid Clinic A brand new, free service from the Faculty of Law at UP is to be launched offering help to know your way around the labyrinth of legal issues. Dr. Adriรกn Fรกbiรกn, head of department and deputy dean speaks about the new program which is the first of this kind of service in Hungary.

How did the idea of Legal Aid Clinic come into being? The initiative is not completely new: there has been a Legal Clinic as a course at the Faculty of Law. Within its framework students gained practical insights into the everyday application of law from their mentors. It is an obligatory course and students love it for its practical aspects. Dr. Tibor Fรปzy is the professional leader of the program. He and I tried to find out how we could reshape this course to make it beneficial for Hungarian and international students. This is how the Legal Aid Clinic was

born: it offers help to international students by our students and their mentors. Our idea was also welcomed by the Centre for International Relation and the Directorate for Academic Affairs and we are more than thankful for their support. Thus we can try it out! How do you involve Hungarian students? We would like to open a dialogue between the international and Hungarian students. On the one hand, international students will get a detailed picture about Hungarian law and get solutions for their legal problems, while on the other hand our law students will get a chance to practice their foreign language skills and gain in-depth experiences about the practical side of the application of law. It is important to note, that it is not the students who will solve the cases. Their mentors, who are professional lawyers, are also on board and they won't leave their students alone. How can the Legal Aid Clinic be contacted? You should inform us about your problem vie E-mail , but communication is also possible through the Centre for International Relation or through the Directorate for Academic Affairs. As soon as we get in touch we begin to work on the solution. It depends on the difficulty of the case whether an e-mail would be enough to solve the problem or not. What kind of cases do you expect? We expect cases about administration and civil law, especially in the context of residence and housing, but as for me, I suppose more difficult consumer problems may also occur. I hope I'm wrong but I anticipate infringements regarding the fact that international students have to get


used to Hungarian standards which can be different than those of their home countries. I think of for example breach of peace. The University of Pécs has a rapidly increasing number of international students. How many cases do you expect? Not more than a few dozens during at the beginning. Two students will do the administrative work and coordinate the processes, they will not be able to handle thousands of cases. If there are too many problems we will have to reshape our service. Capacity-building requires further plans, because our mentors work with us pro bono, so it seems tome that pouring thousands of cases on them would be like abusing their generous offer. I look forward to getting cases from those students who have come to Pécs recently. How special is the Hungarian law compared to the legal systems other countries? The basic legal institutions are quite similar, but there can be greater differences in the details. For example rental contracts are used in every country but its structure may be different. For example German law protects the person who lives in the apartment more than the one who owns it. So, a person who comes from Germany may have an concept about what it means to be a lodger, which might be misleading in Hungary and it can even be a source of a conflict. We also think of problems like handling a form written in Hungarian or having a conversation with an administrator who does not speak a foreign language.

as the universities themselves. In particular, you should note that Pécs and the other bigger university cities are in a unique situation because the other territorial units of Hungarian public administration do not meet as many foreigners as clients. I notice that they are trying and willing, and there is also the fact that those with tertiary qualifications must have an intermediate language exam. It is questionable, of course, how they can apply their language proficiency in a case and how they can make an international student understand the formal issues. It should be noted that in Hungarian public administration providing support at a high level of foreign language proficiency cannot be expected in most cases. International students must be patient. Is there a similar service elsewhere in Hungary? The aforementioned Law Clinic is part of legal education, but I do not know whether it would have provided a service similar to our Legal Aid Clinic. I have no foreign examples either. I must add that the beginning may be difficult as this will be the first semester of the Legal Aid Clinic. That is why we will be grateful for any feedback as we can learn from these and, if necessary, improve the service so we can be truly proud of the fact that the Faculty of Law is also involved in the internationalization process. We take this job very seriously and plan to provide this service for free for a long time in cooperation with our partners, including the Centre for International Relation and the Directorate for Academic Affairs. Éva HARKA

Are the public institutions so unprepared for international students? The Hungarian state apparatus and the Hungarian public administration system are not as prepared for foreigners

Contacts: jogklinika@ajk.pte.hu fabian.adrian@ajk.pte.hu


Medical Students of the German Programme

aren't left alone I had a conversation with Anikó Kramm, Head of the Office at the Admissions and German Student Service Centre. She explained in which cases the MS students could get help from her and her colleague Kálmán Sebõk, who works as management consultant there.

What are the exact tasks of the Admissions and German Student Service Centre? The primary task of the Centre is to answer all incoming inquiries with regards to the German-language medical education. It includes explaining the possibilities, how applications work, which documents should be enclosed, how the whole recruitment procedure progresses. The application period to the German-language general medicine and dentist program is open each year from the 1st of February to the 31st of May. All the incoming application forms are submitted to our office within this period. We prepare and coordinate the work of the German Programme Committee during the recruitment process and provide the admitted students with every necessary piece of information related to the beginning of the semester. This starts with the medical aptitude test, followed by accommodation issues and ends with the obligatory registration. Since they come from foreign countries, everything is new to them. Upon the students' arrival at the end of August an orientation day takes place, where they are fully informed about administrative issues. The colleagues of the Registrar's Office answer all the questions in connection with entering Neptun


and the educational system in general. This eventful day is also organised for the students of the German Programme by our office. Then after the registration the daily life of the students begin. That is the time when the office becomes Student Service Centre in the first place, that is when we start to assist the students in matters that do not have much to do with their education. For example booking courses belongs to the Registrar's Office, every other social matter is to be solved by our office. How can we imagine these social matters? Just to mention some examples, the students can send their registered mail to the address of the Office if they are not home all day, we take over it and they can pick it up in the breaks or at the end of the school day. If someone's washing machine stops working, we call a mechanic, if their car breaks down, we order a rescue truck, if their landlord does not speak languages and they cannot understand each other, we help in overcoming the language barriers. We are trying to give a hand in any social matter where it is hard to find a way around - since the Hungarian public administration differs

from the German one. We recommend specialists in healthcare, and of course if someone wants to sing in a choir, play in a band or the piano, we give guidance in those matters, too. Based on this can we say that you develop a friendly relationship with your students? Yes, we can. Since we work with problems of a more personal nature, we can say that until the 4th or 5th year we become friends with the students. Maybe we even function as a "replacement" for the family. There are people who come here after an unsuccessful exam and cry in the armchair, others tell us how their anatomy exam went. Of course, first they call their parents, but we can congratulate them by shaking their hands, or patting them on the back personally as well. The Germans studying in PĂŠcs appreciate the fact that we greet them by their names on entering our office. They are not only numbers in a chart, but people of flesh and blood, and it is important for them to know that we care, too. Let us not forget that these people have left homes - even their homeland - and come hundreds or thousands of kilometres to PĂŠcs. They do not have the opportunity to travel back on the weekends. Despite of having internet installed and online contact with anyone, their problems in Hungary must be solved individually. They have to be smart and overcome difficulties, not only in their studies. The challenges of everyday life must be managed alone as well, that is where they can turn to us for help. How many German Programme students are there in the Medical School right now? In last September the number of the active students was around 800. This often changes though, because the school year in Austria and Germany starts one and a half months later than in Hungary. So it occurs that some students get a place at foreign universities in October despite their registration in PĂŠcs. Depending on the successfulness of the exam period, some people may leave the UP of course again. Right now we have more than 700 students in total. The number of students staying here for the 3rd year grows constantly. The first four semesters in Hungary are accepted just like the German so-called "Physikum". After completing those, they can continue their studies directly in Germany (in case the concerned students are accepted at a medical faculty there) in principle. More and more people find the high-quality training of the UP attractive, so they choose to complete their studies here. More and more foreign language medical courses are offered in the surrounding countries, but the number of places in Germany remains the same, so it is difficult to return home. That is why more and more students stay here for the 3rd, 4th and 5th years as well. 100 freshmen started here in 2004, and 2 of them finished their education in 2010. In the following year there were 4

graduates, then 8 graduates. With a joke we could declare this as a 200% growth per year. 34 students have already graduated from our German Programme this year, and 49 people have started their 6th year here. So it is evident that the numbers keep growing rapidly. The Hungarian medical diploma is recognized very positively in foreign countries. The graduates report without exception that the education has indeed prepared them for their path really well. Especially the practical part of the training is acclaimed highly everywhere. After the third year within the framework of almost every clinical course the students have contact with patients, too. They seem to have a safer knowledge and are more confident when making decisions as the residents that graduated elsewhere in Germany. This is all confirmed by the specialist doctors there as well, so the residents get immense positive feedback. They do not feel disadvantaged to those colleagues who had graduated in Germany, on the contrary. What percentage of this 7-800 students visits the Office regularly? At the beginning of their first year we meet every one of them, maybe even more than once. We get in contact with all of the freshmen. Later we mostly meet those students who often receive packages from home for instance, or have other problems more frequently. The year- or group-representatives visit us several times and they present the occuring problems to us. Edit HAZENAUER


The Foreign Language Center of the University of Pécs is organizing language courses starting in September 2017.

English and German language courses are available at beginner, intermediate and advance levels

Why is it cool to study different languages?

It is a motivation It is a good investment It is a great challenge You will be part of the flow You will enjoy the vibe Your mission will be completed

Classes are held twice a week and last 3 hours per lesson on Mondays and Wednesdays or on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm each day Courses start on 25 and 26 September 2017. Courses finish on 30 November and 6 December Price of the course is HUF 36000 / 60 hrs Course on Saturdays are available as well Class starts at 8:30 and lasts 5 hours Course starts on 30 September 2017. Course finishes on 2 December Price of the course is HUF 30000 / 50 hrs You may come in to the office for a placement test. (English and German) You are welcome any time Mon-Thrs 8 am-4 pm between 13-21 September at our office on the first floor 1/b Szántó Kovács János u. Pécs 7633 Application deadline is 21 September 2017 Classes start with a minimum of 7 people further information at: http//inyk.pte.hu 06/72 501-500/22198 Discount for University of Pécs students If you show your valid PTE student ID a class costs HUF 400/ hr

Japanese language and culture classes start in October with visiting professor Classes are conducted in English language Beginner and intermediate Japanese language class costs HUF 600/hr HUF 400/hr for Students of University of Pécs If you are a Medical student of PTE the Japanese language course is free

There is a discount of 25-40% for our language test books until 30 September. You may order our books at: http://ecl.hu/kategoria/megrendelheto-kiadvanyok/

ECL language exam dates and deadlines: in October - (English, German) Levels B1, C1 - 6th October Level B2 - 7th October Deadline for application: 7th September in December - (English, Polish, Hungarian, German, Italian, Slovakian, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Serbian, Czech, Croatian) Levels A2, B1, C1 - 8th December Level B2 - 9th December Deadline for application: 9th November

For further information: www.ecl.hu 42 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

Make it your

own way

What happened next? After I have arrival I attended the preparatory school of Balassi Institute where I studied Hungarian language, History, Social studies, Arts history and Communication studies, all in Hungarian. After I finished this school I could not go to a university because I did not have the Hungarian general certificate of education and of course I could not afford to study. But now you are here, how? To be honest, at this point I had only two options, go home or find a different school to get a new visa. Of course I did not want to go home because I did not achieve what I wanted. Fortunately I found a cook school so I was able to stay in the country. This was not enough, I needed money, so I started to work. I was making sushi at an Asian restaurant every weekend. It was really tiring because we had to go to a hotel and work there too as a practice. I was always tired but now I can appreciate it as I learned a lot from my Hungarian colleagues. During the years I always looked for the opportunity to win a fellowship and finally 2015 became my year. I won a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship.

Nowadays more and more people want to go to university. Some choose this to create a better future, some just do not know what to do with their life and there are some who know perfectly why they chose that particular school, faculty, or department. For many people it is quite easy and obvious that after finishing high school they go to a university but for a lot of other people it is not that evident. There are many people who need to leave their country and their family to be able to continue their education on an academic level. TumursurenErdenetsolmon known as Erka, is one of them. He has had a tough journey but finally he has reached his number one goal and studies at PTE. Now he has more goals to fight for. Follow his journey: Erka, when did you arrive in Hungary? I came here in 2013, it was a long travel from Mongolia and it was also a long process to start my academic education at the University of Pécs. For what reason did you choose to move here? At that time I was only 18 and all I wanted was to move to another country and try to succeed on my own. My first plan was not Hungary, it was India actually, but when my aunt heard about it she told me not to go there. She asked me to come here because she has been living here for nearly 23 years and offered to help me with the papers. Her opinion was the main reason why I chose Hungary.

After that what made you choose PTE? I applied for 3 universities, the first was PTE, the second was the university of Szeged and last but not least I also applied for a university in Budapest. A chose Pécs because I travelled here once and I was amazed by the city and its people. The other reason was that I had already lived in Budapest and I looked for a change. Now, this is my second year being a proud student of the Faculty of Humanities and I am studying International Relations, this was my aim and I am so glad that I am here. Since your arrival here how many times have you had the chance to go and visit your family? I saw them less frequently than I wanted, for sure! During my first three years I could not go home because the tickets are so expensive and I had to save up for my education and for my main goal. The first time I could go home was the summer holiday of 2016. I missed my home, my family, my friends so much, I really needed it. I never regretted that I came here because now I know that if I want to achieve something, I am definitely capable of doing it. Today I have a deeper knowledge about the world and how it works. I can only support those who are considering something similar. You said that you have a main goal, what is it? After I successfully graduated I want to work as a diplomat and I would like to contribute to the development of a more positive relationship between Hungary and Mongolia. I know it is a long way but I am working for it every single day. Attila HORVÁTH


Everybody has his own motivation

Most people study English and German because these languages are the most well-known all over the world. These are useful languages for work and also for everyday life because if you speak English the world expands. Recently I met several people who do not speak either English or German and their opportunities are limited in so many ways. Imagine the situation when you are really into a certain song but you have no idea what it is about because you do not speak English. So this leads us to the fact that knowing foreign languages is important and English is a must, in my opinion. But what is the case with other languages, like Hungarian? To pick up a new language, that you do not need, you usually need personal reason, a unique experience. Maybe you have met someone from that nation or something happened that made you become interested in that language. Let’s see why does Tomasko Clemens, a man from Switzerland want to speak Hungarian!

When did you start your Hungarian studies? I began to learn almost 3 years ago. Sometimes I had more time for it and sometimes I had to give it a break. I have 3 sons so it is not easy to keep up with the studying but I am a very ambitious person so I never gave up. How many languages do you speak? When I was young, my first foreign language that I picked up was French and then I acquired English, Italian, Spanish, German and now Hungarian is in progress. It is hard I have to say. My dad was also pretty good with languages, he studied Italian, German, its Swiss version, and he also speaks Hungarian but unfortunately he never taught me any Hungarian words. WOW! Why did your father study Hungarian and why did not he teach you? Actually he is Hungarian. He moved to Switzerland after the events of 1956. This is the reason why he knows these two languages. I never knew why he had not want to teach me, but as I grew up and learned about what had happened back then I realized that he just wanted to forget about it. I always thought that I had original Swiss parents because my dad spoke so perfectly and acted like a true Swiss man, but once one of my girlfriend asked me what kind of an accent we spoke. I was shocked and told her that it was just Swiss German. So this is the reason why I wanted to speak Hungarian, why I am interested in the culture and the language, because it is a part of me. Do you want your sons to study Hungarian too? Do you recommend them this opportunity at our university? I do not expect anything. They do not have to study this language because of their grandpa or because of me. It is totally up to them. If they want I will be happy. This program is really good, interactive, we talk a lot, there are cultural programs too, so overall, it is a great program for somebody who is interested in the Hungarian feeling. How do you like Hungary? I like it a lot! It is a wonderful place, I am always happy to come here and I think we come here quite often, 4 or 5 times a year. I have a cousin living in the capital and I have another cousin, too but I do not know her. I tried to find them on facebook because they do not have a typical Hungarian name but it did not turn out as a success. My dad's brother died and I do not exactly know where they lived, where our family comes from. I hope once you will meet her. Thank you very much. Maybe by the time it happens I will speak perfect Hungarian.

I am sure, you already speak nearly better than me! Is this your first time in this summer school? No, this is my second time here. I really enjoyed it last year and I also made some great friends too. Actually after the previous Summer School I was so inspired that I wrote the anthem of this Hungarian summer school and I hope that this summer we can make a music video for it. What is the song about? It has a very simple lyric because I wanted to make it understandable for everyone at the program. It is especially made for this event. It talks about our experiences that summer comes and we come here to PĂŠcs to study this amazing but difficult language and it is not easy but we are having a great time together. It has several different parts, there is a part which is modern, there is one which has the flavour of Hungarian folk music and there is also part which includes rap. Sounds great! Can't wait to hear it. What do you think, will you come back next summer? Thank you! I do not know, anything can happen, but I hope so. I really like it, I love the city, it is so beautiful and of course there is always something new to study. I already learned a lot, this program is organised at a very professional level, if anybody wants to learn how to speak Hungarian, just come here! Attila HORVĂ TH


Activity at the highest grade Qais Yousufi arrived from Afghanistan on a grant in 2012, and obtained a degree at the department of International Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of PĂŠcs. Currently he lives in Budapest and works for an international organization as an intercultural liaison and adviser. He is recalling the past few years at our request and tells us what living in Hungary is like.

What I first liked in Hungary is the peace and quiet and the independence of people. Since I moved here, I have been traveling a lot around Hungary - I hope I will have further opportunities for that -; I like the character of the countryside here, the monuments, and the fact that anywhere I have been, I was always welcomed. I'd always wished to gain experience abroad, and for me the best experience is studying and when I can immerse myself in the diversity of other cultures, religions and languages. I wanted to visit several countries to study. In 2011 I heard about an opportunity - that Hungary grants scholarship for Afghani youth at Hungarian universities - so I applied immediately, together with a lot of other young people. We had to pass a lot of examinations, and finally seven of us were chosen, with me as one of them. When I arrived in Hungary, I first visited PĂŠcs in March of that year, the time when we were still celebrating the Afghani New Year. I only spent a day here, but I immediately liked the way I was welcomed and how curious people were about me and my story. I also was attracted by the atmosphere of the town. So when I finished the prep course and the language course, I applied to the University of PĂŠcs in the first place. And I chose the International Studies major because my primary aim is to help my home country - unfortunately, in Afghanistan it often happens that such people work in the field of diplomacy who are not trained and not suitable for the job. I think I am lucky to have been accepted into this university community and to have been able to learn from excellent and knowledgeable people. I learned a lot during the lec-


tures, thanks to the fact that information was exchanged in a way that was comprehensible and receptible for me. I could get acquainted and make friends with lecturers who gave me excellent advice concerning my situation and future. By observing them, I can be here today where and what I am. I got a lot of help and I was supported by many people, so I tried to be active during my university years as well. I ran for representative of the Students' Council twice. I visited a lot of lectures and academic conferences, and whenever I could, I contributed to the discussion, and I also gave lectures. As for my future, my biggest desire is to represent my country abroad as an ambassador. Unfortunately, many of today's youngsters don't know what they would like to do, they just decide to get a degree with which they may get some job. I think this approach is wrong, since work and future will be hard and boring for them. In my opinion, everyone should have a clear aim and they have to do their best to achieve it. I am very sociable so I often meet my friends and acquaintances. I do sports, I love football and volleyball and I work out at the gym. I also love reading, I read everything from daily news to high literature whenever I have time. I like reading Afghani authors, but I'm getting acquainted with Hungarian literature as well. Now I'm reading novels by Khaled Hosseini, the Afghani author living in the USA. Three of his novels have been published in Hungarian, and I am reading them in Hungarian, too. So I would like to recommend them to you: The Kite Runner, And the Mountains Echoed, and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Want some extra credits? Learn something useful! Are you familiar with Hungary, with Pécs, with our culture? If not, then these courses are for you! A new program is going to be available on Neptun thanks to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development and to the Foreign Affairs Directorate from this September which will help you get to know more about the place where you study and live. The goal of the program is to make it easier to feel a little bit more at home. It will be useful for those who already study at the university and especially for those who just moved here to start their academic education. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the culture, the habits and also about communication and everyday life in Pécs. Students can meet people from other faculties during these interactive courses. You can find 5 courses on Neptun, they are all worth 3 credits. Look for them among the Campus Credit courses.

The 5 courses are the following: Cultural Heritage of Pécs This course is about the history and the culture of Pécs. During the course students will have the opportunity to visit the historical places in the city: museums like the Zsolnay Museum and places of cultural heritage including the former mosque, the cathedral and the Bishop's Palace. There is much to explore in a 2000-year-old city. Discover the rich and vivid history from the Roman period through to the "Cultural Capital of Europe" - phase (2010) to this great year when the University of Pécs celebrates the 650thanniversary of its founding (1 September 2017). It is much better to experience these beautiful places so we decided that many of the classes will be held all around the city. This is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with the city. Cultural Heritage of Hungary The course is about the heritage of the country. Those who sign up for the course will study about the history of Hungary. The topic will include the art history of Hungary which is quite rich. The course also provides an overview of the most important Hungarian art styles of from the middle ages till the end of the 20thcentury. Naturally, we can leave out neither the famously delicious national dishes nor our folk culture and traditions. The course aims to develop students' understanding of Hungarian folk traditions, customs, identity and gastronomy as well. 48 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

Intercultural Communication, Etiquette, Protocol and Rules of Social Interaction in Hungary The aim of this course is to develop the intercultural communication skills of the students and to give useful information on the rules of communication in Hungary, on how Hungarians greet each other. Students are going to simulate some situations as well. It will include not only verbal communication but non-verbal, too. During the course, students are invited to create their own intercultural written, drawn, photo or video diaries of their experiences in Pécs. Contemporary Hungarian Culture During this course students are going to deal with the current Hungarian culture, they will learn about contemporary artists and what they have achieved. The goal is to show that we, Hungarians, are not only proud of our past artists, but that we cherish the present generation, too. Current Political, Economic and Social Issues in Hungary The course is about the current political and social questions. Students will be informed about the living standard in Hungary, they can talk about unemployment, the economic situation and other controversial topics will also be discussed. At the end of the course they will have a more informed picture about the country. The language of the courses will be English and in the future the university is planning to make an online version of the programme, to make it available for the students before they move here. Assessment will be different for each course, students might have to give presentations or write essays.

Somebody who wants to be a role model We hear about professional football players who became great coaches after they finish their career as a player. Fidel Egbe, however, is not going to be such a person, because if he keeps on working hard, he can be an unbelievable coach and so much more. To study, and to develop his skills and himself as a person, he made a right decision to travel across the world and be a part of UP's family.

Could you explain why you chose Hungary and UP to begin your academic studies? It is easy; the quality of education the UP offers is quite high and it is incredibly affordable to live here, in Hungary, compared to where I have lived. I did a lot of reading about Hungary, about Pécs especially, and I was looking forward to it. I must add that Erika Szilágyi-Kispap, in the registrar's office, did an awesome job during my application process to convince me that I made the right decision to move here. She was very helpful and welcoming and I am glad I finally decided to come here. This is your first year here. What is your opinion about the country so far? It is definitely different. I have had the luxury of travelling around a few countries and I have never come across people who are as patriotic and proud of their country and their heritage as the Hungarians. It is refreshing and intoxicating. I heard that you play football and you would like to become a coach. Could you please tell us about your connection with sports, especially with football? I have grown up doing and watching sports throughout my whole life. Sport lets us believe in the impossible, it is engaging, fascinating and it enables people to work together towards a common goal. As a kid in Nigeria, football is a mini religion you get exposed to it from the moment you can stand as a toddler. The football pitch is the closest we come to a true equality where race does not matter and money 50 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

does not help. Success always depends on the team and that appealed to me when growing up. Do you play football in Hungary, too? Yes I do, I have the occasional fun kick with friends. Unfortunately it turned out that I am a better coach than a footballer. Why coaching? Coaching is something I have always been good at and comfortable with. Some people may call it a job, and others a profession, but in reality, being a coach is so much more than that. It is a calling, an inspiring experience. I am grateful and honoured to have the opportunity to coach and work with kids, to believe in them and to want the best for them. It is about being passionate, and loving the game you teach, so your players will play it with that same passion and love. It is about empathy, making every player feel important. It is about integrity and consistency during good and bad times as well. It is about being a role model; it is about being a teacher, not only on the football pitch but also in life, about optimism, about persistence. What is your plan for the future? I am a young enthusiastic coach, driven and determined with willingness to learn. First and foremost I would love to get my degree and a few more coaching qualifications, then I would seek a position where I can contribute to the development of future talents and also start my career to get experienced. Attila HORVÁTH

No matter what you want, what kind of person you are, you can find your place at Pécs Pham Tran Hung, the physicist, who wants to understand the Universe

Why did you choose to study in Hungary? The Hungarian government offered me a full scholarship, which was quite tempting. Additionally, before I came here, I had been told that Hungarians were very friendly and helpful, which is absolutely true according to my personal experience. What aspects made you choose UP? Pécs, as opposed to Budapest, is a quiet and peaceful place, which is more suitable for me and I also looked up the university and found it promising. And the new English Programme also added to its appeal. Why Physics? The Universe has always been a curious and mysterious place and there is no other subject which is better at exploring it than the one trying to model the Universe. The English programme at the Faculty of Sciences was just launched when you started your studies. What is your opinion about the university? Although there are some problems due to the novelty of the system, everything has been quite smooth thanks to the enthusiastic help from all people at the university. My cours-

es are also quite enjoyable since lecturers try to adjust their teaching to my ability. How do you see yourself in the future? Will you begin an Msc programme at UP? And what comes after that? Since there are quite a few options when it comes to decide where to start my MSc degree programme, I do not have a strict plans, UP, however, is definitely high on my list. I have some ideas what I should do after MSc, but I still want to keep my options open, because anything can happen and I am open for new ideas. When someone asks you about living in Hungary, especially in Pécs, what comes to your mind first? How do you like it here? Would you stay here and settle down? Pécs is one of my most favourable cities. I am glad I can say that I feel relaxed and safe in this city. One thing I truly love about the city is that almost everything is within one hour walking distance, so I nearly never get to use any kind of public transportation. I rather walk as Pécs is a lovely place to do it, with all its trees and vintage buildings. I am not an out-going type of person, so I prefer peaceful places. Though my family and most of my friends are not here, and I do not speak the language, I would still keep Pécs at the back of my mind when it comes to settling down.


City Stars of

The Zsolnay Light Festival made the whole city of PĂŠcs gleam between 30th June and 2nd July. At least 60 000 visitors marvelled the acrobats flying 30 metres above SzĂŠchenyi Square, and admired the images painted by lights on the 26 venues. In addition there were open air concerts and performances by contemporary circus ("nouveau cirque"). 1200 guests made sparkling jewels and became luminous participants during the festival by wearing them. The company of Sienta la Cabeza had never worked during rainy days in the past, but its members were so enchanted by the festival that they did not even notice stormy weather: they created extreme, glittering hair-dressings which were quite popular during the three days of the festival. The chief attraction was the International Light Painting Contest: the best nine artists showed their creations on the facade of the dome. The Spanish Ricardo Cancado won first place by his work titled Sacred Geometry.

I've made an interview with Moritz Wüller, a German-speaking student at the University of Pécs. Moritz is currently in his fourth year of studying medicine in Pécs. He was born in Hamburg but lives in Leipzig.

Have you heard of Lacrosse?

Why have you decided to study in Pécs? My neighbour was studying here, I have seen the city and I found it beautiful. Since my first days in Pécs do I love to be here. Especially the international students and the beautiful life are what make the city unique for me. What would you recommend for a foreigner to visit and do in Pécs? I have visited the Tettye Ruins, Orfû and Downtown Pécs quite often. I actually find everything worth seeing here: the Cathedral, Király Street. It's also rewarding to go to the PécsZoo. Yeah, and the Pécsi Est Café… What do you think is worth seeing in Leipzig? A whole lot. The downtown area, everything related to Bach and the musicians. Also St. Thomas Church and the Monument to the Battle of the Nations, where Napoleon got defeated. The view is great both from there and from the Uniriese, which is a skyscraper that looks like a tooth. Leipzig is very green and has a lot of parks. Almost all of the bars are on the same street, the Karli (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße), where you can find some techno and electro clubs, too. The city is like a small Berlin, there are many hipsters, young people and young families with little kids. You can reach everything by bike and it has a charm like Pécs - if you go through the city or along the Karli, you definitely meet someone you know. You can go to a lot of different shops and bars, everything is available here. You hear diverse languages and see diverse people studying or living in Leipzig. Something's always going on, let them be either illegal techno parties in a park or street musicians playing. What is the international atmosphere at UP like? The German and the English courses were often together. A lot of people stay within the fellow countrymen like the Germans, the Spaniards, the Iranians and the Hungarians, but I have many friends regardless whether they are Norwegians, Hungarians or Spaniards or, of course, Germans. I think there


is a lot of potential in bringing all the students together, especially from different faculties. You play lacrosse. How did you find the lacrosse team at the UP? I've played lacrosse for several years in Germany. My neighbour from Leipzig introduced me and my brother to this sport. He was the one to establish the team in Pécs and when I started my studies, he was almost ready with his education. That's how I continued to train the team. We played at some tournaments together, thereby I have known some people from Pécs, even before I came here. Lacrosse is a team sport played between two teams using a long-handled stick called a crosse and a lacrosse ball. Players use the head of the lacrosse stick to carry (called cradling), pass, and catch the ball in order to score by shooting the ball into the opponent's goal. Protective gear is essential, since collisions are an organic part of the sport. What is there to know about Lacrosse? I've tried to make it a university sport, and we are officially a team of the UP Medical School in cooperation with the guys from Budapest and the national team from Hungary. Lacrosse is quite new in Hungary, not generally known yet. Since I speak only a little Hungarian (rather only everyday language and medical), I depend on all the others speaking German or English. Nobody in Pécs has played this sport before, so I have to teach them everything. I have the starting equipment for about 10 players. One needs a helmet, gloves, elbow and chest protection, plus the suspension for those. Lacrosse is the fastest team sport, which is played on two feet. The net, the racket and the other parts of the equipment are like the ones in ice hockey and handball. One tackles like in rugby and hits with the racket like in ice hockey. However, severe injuries are rare! Clearly you can hurt your hand and bruises are more common. Do you have any plans for the future? Working. I don't yet know where. In Germany or elsewhere. We'll see.

Programmes of the UP Sports Office for the Autumn of 2017 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2nd September: Family Day of UP The University of Pécs is celebrating its 650th anniversary this year. Honouring our institition's jubilee, the university is giving place for various cultural, scientific or sport events in 2017. During the series of the 650th jubilee events our university is giving place for a Family Day on 2nd September. On this event the UP Sport Office is inviting for everybody to play several sport games. 20th September: International Day of University Sport 20th September has been designated as the International Day of University Sports by the UNESCO. The University of Pécs decided to join this programme: the Sports Office of the University is planning sport events on several locations. They expect that each faculty will represent itself with a team, which means that hundreds of university citizens will be mobilized. On the occasion of International Day of University Sport the UP Sport Office is planning to organize the Dragon Boat Regatta for the seventh time this autumn. The purpose of the UP Sports Office is to go beyond the record number of applications of the Spring event of 2016, when 16 teams and more than 300 students applied. Rain day: 23rd September (Saturday) 30th September: UP "Rókaûzõk" (Fox chasers) In 2015 the University of Pécs decided to support a sports event that has been organized by the city of Kaposvár and Pécs for 20 years. This is the biggest long distance relay run in the autumn and from 2015 it is also part of the Hungarian University and College and Hungarian Relay Championship! end of September - beginning of October Naturally, the faculty championships organised by the Sports Office during the whole academic year will also be held and the Office also plans to organize the Futsal League, highly popular among male students, in both semesters.

1st October: UP 650 EHÖK Misina Peak Attack The running race of Pécs City Council will be organized the fourth time this autumn. Here the best runners of UP can win 50 000 HUF in the university category. 18th October: 2nd UP Invisible Memorial Tour in Mecsek Last year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution. Mecsek Invisibles was the name of a small group of students, who continued to resist the Soviet forces after the revolution was crushed hiding in the Mecsek Mountains for months. The University of Pécs and the Sports Office paid tribute to their memory with an eight-kilometre tour in the Mecsek Mountains. The tour will consist of several stations where students can compete with each other. The Sport Office would like to continue this commemoration.

NOVEMBER 8th November: 6th UP Floorball Cup The popular Floorball Cup will be organized for the sixth time this year. The purpose of this event is to guarantee that the mixed teams may take part in a fair contest having a good atmosphere. 22nd and 23rd November: 5th UP Night of Sports The Night of Sports is an highlighted event of the UP Sports Office, which was first organized in the year when the Office was established in 2013. Since then it has been held each autumn. This sport event, mobilizing 12 teams in 12 sports during 12 hours, is extremely popular among students.

More information: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ptesportiroda/ Email: egyetemisport.pte@gmail.com


Courses and dance events for citizens of the UP and the city from September 18th 2017 Unique program only at the UP from 2000! Classes can be taken as sports courses o r for credits, too! Application: from September 11 th to 17 th at www.tancolo.pte.hu/en and at Neptun in the course registration period Further programs: Dancing Nations - international dance parties Dancing Daters - where you can get to know not only the dances Dancing Science - dance from a different aspect Dancing Health - physical, mental, emotional wellness for kids, mothers-to-be, elders and patients

Further information: tancprojekt@pte.hu tancolo.pte.hu/en facebook.com/egyetem.ptetancolo/


17:00-18:30 Latin Freestyle Aerobics instructor: Adrienn Szabó venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

18:30-20:00 Hip-Hop instructor: Tamás Horváth venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

20:00-22:00 PTE Dance Team instructor: Beatrix Bánkyné Perjés venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)



16:00-17:30 Body-Shaping Dance Aaerobics instructor: Kata Szalai venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 17:30-19:00 Croatian, Serb, Macedonian Dances instructor: Veszna Vélin venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 18:00-19:30 Pole Fitness instructor: Szilvia Dombai venue: Chrome Bunnies Studio (Tímár u. 23.) 19:00-20:30 Ballroom Dancing instructor: dr. Judit Papp venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 20:30-22:00 Latin Dances instructor: János Józsa venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

Wednesday 15:00-16:30 Yoga instructor: Boglárka Gyenis venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 16:45-17:45 Employees' Ballroom Dancing instructor: János Józsa venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 17:45-19:15 Cuban Salsa instructor: later to be stated venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

19:15-21:15 PTE Dance Team instructor: Beatrix Bánkyné Perjés venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)


16:30-17:30 Employees' Gymnastics instructor: dr. Erzsébet Rétsági venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B) 17:30-19:00 Belly Dance instructor: Indzsi Deniz venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

Friday 13:00-14:15 Self-Defence instructor: Zsolt Lenkei venue: UP Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. building B)

The Voice of UP PĂŠcs has some fantastic singers, bands but there have never been a local singing competition for new talents. This changed in 2017 when the Voice of UP was launched and we got to know some extremely talented singers. The winner of the competition is Mino Rabenjafimanantsoa, who is originally from Madagascar but has been living in Norway for a long time. She studies medicine at the university. Let's get to know her a little bit.

How did it start? How did music become a huge part of your life? Music has always been a part of my life, but when it comes to singing I would say it started in 2008 when I attended a local singing competition in Norway and fortunately I won it as well. Since then, singing has meant a lot to me. Later, in 2011 I was in Norwegian Idol and I got to the top 40 and had the opportunity to sing live in Oslo in the last round I was in. Unfortunately, I did not get any further in the competition, but I was really proud of myself for getting that far. It was a once in a lifetime experience I can remember. I was so nervous to sing live and I also realized that I was going to sing for hundreds and thousands of people! That time I was only 17 years old and I did not have much experiences and I had a lack of con?dence too. I think my fear of failing brought out

the best of me. Now, 6 years later, I feel stronger, I have selfcon?dence and I know my limits. Looking back I can say that it was something that I would not do again. It was a very good experience, but the pressure is beyond high and I remember promising myself not to put myself in a similar situation again. Being close to something you really want and then loose it from one moment to the next is really hard to handle. But all in all, I did learn a lot about myself as a musician and as a person and it did play a large part in my life. Who inspires you with his or her music and why? My biggest inspiration is my sister because she also has a huge passion to sing and perform. There is something in the way she performs which makes me want to feel the


way she does. Even though I look up to other great musicians, she is still my number one role model and I am so proud of her. Not only because she is my sister, but also because she is my best friend. Singing is something we have shared during our life and we have grown together with music. Ever since I was a child I used to watch her perform and it helped me set my own goals, to have the courage to stand in front of thousands of people and share what I love the most, MUSIC. Sharing the stage with her is one of my favorite things in the entire world. As younger sisters you usually look up to their older sisters, I always wanted to be just like her. I do like some well-known musicians, though, especially Drake. The reason why I like him is because of the way he shows his personality through his lyrics and music. The style of his music is so unique to me. I have all of his CDs and every single CD shows different types of his works. I had the fortune to see him live and it was unbelievably fantastic. The way he shows his audience how much he cares for them, and he also sees both him and us as the same people. I know a lot of people do not like him, but if you really listen to his songs and lyrics you 58 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

notice his personality shining through his work, and I think that for a musician it is a good feature. You said that music was always a part of your life but you mentioned that singing started to mean more in 2008. Did you study to play an instrument before singing? Yes, sure, I think it is quite important. I can play the piano and I learned how to play it when I was only 7 years old. Unfortunately, I have not played the piano for some time because in Hungary I have not got one. So it took some time to realize that you have a great voice. Did you learn how to sing or you just know it naturally? Actually at the beginning I used to sing horribly and then something happened. I progressed and when I won that singing competition which I mentioned earlier, I noticed that my voice matured a lot. I had no proper singing lessons, I did not have a teacher to improve my voice. I just learned from my older sister and my dad. We used to have a karaoke-set at home and I used to practice on it almost every day when I was young and I loved it, it was so much fun.

of them sing when we practiced, and they were amazing. I felt like anyone could win. On the day of the final I really felt the pressure but I was already happy because I became a finalist. I truly did not expect my name to be called as the winner but as everybody I was hoping it too. Could you tell us your experiences, ideas in connection with the competition? It was a good experience for sure. The organization was quite smooth. We always knew where we were supposed to be. It taught me to have a better stage presence while performing. Also it challenged me in so many ways. "Bleeding love" the song I sang, was a very difficult song to me. I am so happy that it was challenging because the song helped me grow as a musician. In what other ways did you find this competition challenging? First of all I had to figure out how to keep the balance between my education and the competition. To be honest, it was mostly fun but at the same time it challenged me several times, I had to make decisions. Creating time to rehearse, ?nding the right songs and outfits could sometimes be tiring, especially when you are student at the same time. Mastering both of them can be possible with a lot of hard work, but at the end of the day, all that tiring work do not matter. I go on the stage and I feel incredible that is what matters.

Did someone suggest that you should take part in the competition or you knew that you wanted to be a part of the debut of this competition? My good friend, Betty was the one who pushed me to do it. When she first told me, I thought she was crazy, I thought it was an insane idea. Looking back it was a great idea and I did not regret it at all. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to experience something like that again. How did it feel being on stage? Was it scary? I LOVE being on stage. However, it is always scary until I see the audience. I think the idea that I will stand on that stage and sing always scares me somehow. I tend to think that the worst that could happen, but when I am on stage, I never want to stop and get off... I just love it, I feel free and confident. Only one thing can make it even better and that is when the audience is cheering with me. Did you think that you have a chance to win it? I think the other 11 contestants had something special with their voice. We were all unique somehow. I already heard all

I know you are studying at the Medical School. Why did you choose to study instead of being a full time singer and what are your future plans? I chose medicine because I have always put my education first. Singing can always be my hobby. I can also still sing anywhere! The people in PĂŠcs has been so kind to me and also been showing me a lot of support. Which is something I am thankful for. Maybe I can give it back with my music so I will de?nitely perform here again!

Did you ever want do your own music? Of course! I would love to create my own music. When it comes to singing, RNB and Soul are my favorite genres so it would probably be a mix of the two. Did someone contact you in connection with singing after winning the Voice of PTE? Yes, but unfortunately I cannot make it while I am studying because that is the most important for me at the moment. To name one of these opportunities, they contacted me and asked me to take part of the biggest singing competition in Hungary, the X-Factor. I was happy because they thought of me but, as I said, I do not want to take part in another TV competition, it is so much stress. I would rather perform in PĂŠcs for fun and to enjoy myself. Attila HORVĂ TH UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 59

Pécs Music Society PMS is Pécs Music Society, a group formed by music-loving and music-playing students of the University of Pécs. It's not a band, or a single event, maybe better described as a 'worldview' to promote live music and musicians in Pécs. PMS started in 2010, at a table outside the old Fortuna Cáfé in the medical faculty, by a Swedish student Arvin Lashgarara (now living in Sweden) and Ian O'Sullivan. The Society was born in UP, in the Medical School of UP to be precise, and maintains a close friendship with the university. UP students form the backbone of PMS, and we love to perform for the students and to invite them to participate. The main organizers are Ian O'Sullivan, András Langer and Alan Abada. We organize regular and one-off events around the city to give opportunities for amateur and professional musicians, who might otherwise just leave their instrument at home and play in their bedroom. Pécs has nightclubs, bars, theatres etc. but for many people an evening entertainment involves meeting at a bar or a restaurant with a DJ (or iTunes :) ) in the back60 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL

ground, then going to a nightclub with DJ (or iTunes DJ!)… We always felt there was more space for live music. Live music is a living, breathing thing and we wanted to show that the city has an appetite for real performances by real people and that this hunger has not been satisfied. Over the last 7 years, as our events have grown and grown, we are continuously seeing that there is a strong appetite, a huge appetite for live music. It makes us happy to have people who would have remained 'closet-musicians', doctors, teachers, dentists, electricians or shop workers, to come on stage and show what they can do; We have also met musicians who have gone on to play on the national scene like Márk Járai (Halott Pénz), Dániel Misota (Zanzinger), Dani Ertl and Zsuzsanna Weber (Delusions of Grandeur), Magnus Maloy (Mongooz and the Magnet) and many more. The 'flagship' event of PMS is what is called 'Open Mic'. It runs every second week in a bar called Trafik, and gives an opportunity for anyone (anyone!) to get up and play. The deal

is simple: give us 2 songs, and we give you a free beer. It started as an international event, but now there are as many Hungarians as foreigners, something that makes us very happy! We organize other events around the year and will be organizing a 'PMS: Rhythm against Racism' stage, which will be the main stage at the Pécs City Carnival, the biggest Halloween party in the city (PMS Halloween). We shall also participate in some Medical School events like the International Evening, the Egészségügyi Felsõoktatási Napok, City Race, and more. We want you. Everyone. If you like music. If you play music. If you don't want to sit around and listen to the same 'sláger lista' one million times. Our aim is to give a fresh alternative. If we have live music, it's a range of styles and genres that our DJs provide, if everyone else plays dance, we play hip-hop. We want to give alternatives and broaden the spectrum of events in Pécs. At our one-off events we always try to

make something special happen, we've already had parties interrupted by spontaneous shows like break dancers, brassbands and even Halloween actors with chainsaws! We don't like to be lazy, and give you 'some of the same' every year. It's a great place to meet other musicians if you are an aspiring musician, and our events offer stages that would otherwise be inaccessible to a small band that isn't famous (yet!). We have a very open-minded and tolerant attitude, just like our audience, which is great. Every year we have bigger events, with more people, that everyone keeps asking when the next event is coming, and that people keep coming is the best feedback we can get. You never know what will happen at an Open Mic, who will get up on stage. Even we don't know. That's part of the magic, and why we still love it after all these years. See you at the First Open Mic of the semester! September 13th! Attila HORVÁTH


Winter is coming Have you seen PĂŠcs in winter? Falling snowflakes wrapping you in a thick and fluffy cotton blanket? You know nothing. Winter can be harsh, it may cause traffic jams on the streets, it can be very chilly and windy. Check the forecasts of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ), be prepared and stay active even in the cold.

Széchenyi Square / Main Square The most central part of the town, full of life especially, from April to October. You can do there whatever you want. Even, when you are alone, it is fun to be there, it is always stunning. Getting lost staring at the buildings or the people passing by, while drinking a coffee you just bought, so entertaining and relaxing. In the evening, the illumination makes everything more gorgeous. Sometimes you just agree with your friends to meet there - the statue on the square is the most popular meeting point - then decide where to continue the night, but suddenly you end up drinking beer on the benches with a huge group of people you might do not even know, but the friend of your friend does. What is it, if not a perfect spring night?! If you feel cold, you are hungry, it starts to rain, or you just want to be even more social, you can choose among the best pubs and restaurants of the city, as the main street is right next to the square. Also many - many various great events are hosted in the heart of Pécs, such as the Christmas market which helps you to feel the spirit of the holiday, even if you are far from home, different festivals with live music, delicious traditional foods, local wines and pálinka. A lot of funny and memorable things are going to happen here and later, when you will see a picture of the main square you will wish you could be there again. Rebeka NÉMETH Ex Vice - president of ESN Pécs

Need more about Pécs? Check https://pte.hu/english


The door to your future Thanks to Government decree no. 1035/2016. (II.9.), the Modern Cities Programme has opened a source of funds amounting to 24 bn forints for the University of Pécs, the purpose of which is to enhance the competitiveness of the university, to provide infrastructure for increasing the number of students, to improve the quality of education and to increase the number of foreign students. The allocated support is an opportunity not to miss in order to accelerate the development of this institute with its traditional background and to set in onto a new track and enhance its attraction and image. In this process, the mission of the university is to continue to pass on accumulated knowledge, play an active role in research activities and to provide high quality healthcare. A year ago we only had some ideas of how the University would be able to make use of the billions so that the developments could affect the widest areas possible, for the benefit of the local and regional economy, the service sector and the citizens as well. Now clear decisions back up not only the areas of development but the actual projects as well. It is clearly seen what can make the offers of the university unique and attractive. The goal and promise of the development programme is that the processes until 2020 will reshape the life of the university, causing a change in scales, making the University of Pécs reconceptualise its strengths and reinforce its presence in the Hungarian and international academic scene. We are convinced that the development is much more than a series of investments: they are only means for the university to show how it preserves its traditions and how open it is to the world; to demonstrate its values and

views; to conceive what kind of future we imagine for ourselves and to take steps in order to realise this future. Therefore the success of the development does not only depend on the quality of the developments, though thanks to the preparatory work and the architectural plans, Pécs will be enriched with contemporary buildings integrated into the natural and architectural environment, taking the nature of the town into account, while contributing to the improvement of the urban environment of the campus by their innovative solutions. That is, the message of the development may add new content, refresh the image of the university and can make it more attractive. The newly built and renovated buildings will be used by several different generations; our aim is to create an inspiring working and educational environment of quality and character. Of course, you may ask if such a change in scales can be achieved within a few years. The answer is, on the one hand, in the history of sciences in which knowledge and creativity often has been a serious motive and has brought great and positive changes. On the other hand, it lies in the traditional relationships and new kinds of co-operation which encourage innovative thinking and help transmit messages to society. Here we would provide you with an illustrated outline of the grand development programme. We hope you will find it convincing! Dr. József BÓDIS, rector Zoltán JENEI, chancellor


Modern Campus on the Faculty of Health Sciences


The financial support received within the framework of the Modern Cities Programme allows for the development of a modern campus of the Faculty of Health Sciences in the town centre. We wish to place our demonstration and simulation units from several sites to one location, and to improve our infrastructure and equipments. Our plan is to develop a Human Patient Simulation Centre to ensure an opportunity to prepare for situations requiring clinical decisions, for imitation, and an environment simulating the actual service environment. Our aim is to place theoretical lectures, demonstrative and simulation practices in our central buildings located nearby, thus both students and teachers would be able to access them conveniently. It would allow for an effective scheduling of classes and rooms. Our faculty intends to accept 300 foreign students by 2020, but it seems we may be able to receive even 400. With respect to the expected increase, classrooms also will be extended. Due to the European Capital of Culture project the centre of Pécs has enjoyed remarkable development during the last decade, however, it is well known that the centre has been emptied. Our faculty, as a both old and new resident of the centre can contribute to a sparkling and successful town centre with its nearly 2,000 students. József BETLEHEM Dean, UP Faculty of Health Sciences

Development at the Faculty of Pharmacy


The developments to be implemented at the Faculty of Pharmacy will cost approximately 450 million forints. The development will result in significant improvements of the quality and capacity of the infrastructure of pharmaceutical training, thus the faculty will be able to provide a worthy service for the increased number of Hungarian and foreign students. Professor Pál Perjési, dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy said in connection with the developments, 'It is a fact that pharmaceutics is one of the most dynamically evolving sciences. Besides theoretical training, a modern infrastructure ensuring practical training plays a huge role in it. The capacities of our laboratories at present are scanty, and the building shows that it has not been renovated for decades. The developments which already have begun will enrich the faculty with new laboratories, modern equipments, education and community rooms, providing a befitting location for pharmaceutical training in Hungarian, English, and as planned, in German', the dean pointed out. 'If we take internationalisation seriously, which we do indeed, and we wish to keep pace with international markets, we cannot save this development. There are 150 foreign and 170 Hungarian students at the faculty at present, and we undertook to double the number of foreign students by 2020. At the same time, it is important to emphasise that our Hungarian students will benefit from these developments alike', the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy pointed out.

Improving healthcare and clinical education


'Firstly, the infrastructural development of the Rákóczi road site will be implemented; four blocks will be renovated during the first stage (buildings B, K, T and C), ensuring significantly better and more convenient access to healthcare services. The second component includes strengthening of the base of clinical education and expanding the framework of practical medical training by adding 15 beds to the Clinic of Internal Medicine no. II. And the development of classrooms in Édesanyák road; furthermore by a significant procurement of equipment', president Dr. Andor Sebestyén said. The Clinical Centre is responsible for 50% of classes in medical doctor training and 75% in dentistry in Hungarian, English and German, and also plays a role in education at other faculties. 'The clinics involved in the developments provide healthcare for more than 100 thousand patients a year, so the Modern Cities Programme also has a determining social significance. The management of the Clinical Centre regards the Modern Cities Programme as remarkably important, since the developments allow for high quality hospitalisation and healthcare for the patients of the town of Pécs, Baranya county and the Southern Transdanubian region. We wish to implement the development of clinical healthcare in the view of this social responsibility', the president of the Clinical Centre added.


The Medical School at the start line The ideas of renewing the campus of the Medical School of the University of Pécs (ÁOK) have gained actual forms within the framework of the Modern Cities Programme (MVP). The Hungarian students also will benefit from the largescale development, as Dr. Attila Miseta, dean of the UP MS emphasises. The development will affect not only the Medical School but will reshape the whole university and the district as well, and even can become a determining factor in the future of the town of Pécs. As a result of the large-scale renovation, the main building of the MS in Szigeti road will be extended by a new wing, which will be able to house four institutes from the increasingly crowded theoretical block. Their moving will allow for reconstruction of the main building as well. In close relation with the developments, there is another investment planned from another source of funding, as the result of which the Dentistry Clinic would be able to be moved to a worthy location. All the above are pre-conditions for expanding the number of students and teachers significantly, Attila Miseta points out, adding that the faculty has improved its staff successfully from their own resources by luring back successful researchers from abroad and by creating favourable conditions for young talents. According to the professor, financial incentives are only one side of the formula: it is equally important that researchers and teachers can work in an innovative and inspiring atmosphere at the faculty, or as he says, 'Many internationally recognised professionals come back to us because they feel they only can work in peace here. It is very important to maintain this atmosphere.' With the help of the MVP, the circumstances of Hungarian students also will improve, the head of the Medical School adds. The improvements of the main block and the procurement of new equipment for the clinic will affect all the students regardless of their nationalities, while the renovation of the Balassa János Hostel will mostly favour Hungarian students.


The Faculty of Humanities is getting onto a new level


The popularity of the Faculty of Humanities (FH), possessing the highest number of students and an exceptionally broad educational portfolio, has increased even further among Hungarian and foreign students alike. In this view it is obvious that the developments of the Modern Cities Programme can bring extremely positive changes into the life of the faculty. 'The already existing psychology, politology and English studies will increase the number of foreign students with nearly 100, and a further increase of 200 students is expected in new majors until 2020', Prof. Dr. Tamás Bereczkei, dean of the faculty said in connection with the developments. It is well known that several departments of the FH shares the use of some buildings with other faculties in Ifjúság Street, Rókus Street and Zsolnay Quarter, therefore it was necessary to elaborate on such a complex development concept which is satisfying for all involved faculties and ensures the necessary but yet lacking conditions for their functioning. The reconstruction of the roof of building M at the campus of Rókus street, from which the present and future students and teachers of the Institute of History, the Library of Social Sciences and two departments of the Institute of Social Relations, namely the Department of Community and Social Studies and the Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology will benefit as well. Besides, the development contributes to the united exterior of the Rókus street campus and of the townscape. However, the developments involving the FH will not finish with that, because building B of the Ifjúság street campus will get an additional floor according to the plans, increasing the number of lecture rooms. Of course, these rooms would meet all the demands of our age, with modern equipment and 21th century technological devices, serving Hungarian and foreign students alike.

The developments of the Faculty of Sciences


The developments of the Faculty of Sciences (FS) embrace two areas: sports and scientific projects. The former seems to be of a larger scale, since the athletics field and the sports hall would be renovated. Professor Róbert Gábriel, dean of the FS points out, 'We view these projects as the interests of the university as a whole, as these sport complexes are not only used by our own students, but - thankfully - they are popular among all the other faculties and the people of the whole town.' According to the plans, the athletics track would get a tartan surface instead of cinder, which is not only much better for the joints, but its maintenance is much more cost-effective on the long run. In addition, the drainage of the field, and the floor and ventilation system of the sports hall would be renovated as well. Among the investments involving the scientific field, the improvement of the chemistry lab is an outstanding project. According to the dean it is highly in need since its technical background has not changed significantly since its establishment in 1972; thus it does not meet modern requirements. Besides, the lecture hall and the optics lab of the Department of Physics also will be renovated. 'I find increasing the number of foreign students important, but I think improving our research capacity must be highlighted as well. It was with this fact in view that the Faculty of Sciences produced its development plans', the head of the faculty added.


Architectural experiment - where else than than at the Faculty of Engineering


The final and ideal structure of the main campus of the faculty of Engineering has been achieved along a complex development concept, within the framework of the Modern Cities Programme. It is an amalgamation of sites of serious volumes, which provides space for the ambitions of the young faculty of Pharmacy in Rรณkus Street, while allows for the rational uniting of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology in Boszorkรกny Road, which is divided at present (Rรณkus Street, Boszorkรกny Street). Labs and workshops, essential for education of engineering at an international level, will be renewed, and the strategic research project of UP, the 3D Engineering Centre and FabLab will be built within the main campus as well. As Dean Bรกlint Bachmann pointed out, 'Due to the amalgamation of the sites, and even more because of the significantly increased number of foreign students, two new laboratory buildings can be constructed. G56 will be built in the southern area of the site, facing the future 3D and the new metal labs; making up an object-oriented engineering micro-campus modelling industrial production; while A81 will give a finish to the northern exits and outdoor community spaces of the main building. Experimenting departments requiring larger spaces and not ex catedra but community education will be placed here, as well as the workshops of the doctoral school of the faculty. These two buildings are architectural experiments as well; with so-called repeatable primary structures, made of mounted steel sections, with black armour and large, transparent surfaces for the sake of education, with non-separated, multifunctional see-through spaces. The interior is contemporary industrial design with clear colours, industrial materials and green walls and plant blocks for organising space and giving shade, etc. The length of A81 is 81 m, while G56 is a little shorter. The surroundings of the new buildings are as important as their interior; modern education requires high-standard outdoor spaces catering for community needs. Students will see more of the already remarkably extensive green areas, as well as street furniture, and the outdoor walking areas and the two new micro-campuses will be connected to the already existing sports areas.

A modern recollection of the past at the Faculty of Law


The Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs wishes to honour the 650th anniversary of the first university of Pécs established by King Louis I (the Great) in 1367 by establishing a Studium Generale memorial room in the building of the campus in 48-as square, under the Modern Cities Programme. Faculty dean professor László Kecskés says, 'We aimed at evoking the site of medieval education, a 14th century lecture room in a way that it still remains adequate for giving smaller lectures, while the exhibition conjures the history and memories of the medieval university. The room would include a tableau, interactive screen and display cases exhibiting the medieval university, while a tableau between the windows would present the view of medieval Pécs.' For the purposes of education, desks, a platform, and sockets for charging tablets and laptops would be produced. The exhibition and implementation programme has been produced by archaeologist Gergely Buzás, director of King Matthias Museum in Visegrád, accurately evoking the furniture and furniture-making techniques of the European university rooms of the 14th century. 'Besides its educational functions, the Studium Generale memorial room would provide unique historical information of the era for its audience', the dean emphasised.

Top quality equipments at the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts


'Moving the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts to the Zsolnay District has clearly proved to be the right decision. The doctoral school, the institute of musical arts, the faculty library, the faculty of sculpture, the institutes of visual and media arts have been moved to an inspiring environment. The teachers of the faculty are well-known and recognised artists. The number of foreign students has doubled since last term. Students are mainly interested an applied arts, which determines the expansion of our portfolio and providing the conditions of training', dean Tamás Lakner has summarised. The procurement of a top quality concert piano and modern visual equipment, co-funded by the Modern Cities Programme, improves the quality of the education in musical and visual fields as well.


Economic studies with a new approach A University Business Centre will be added to the existing, traditional building Faculty of Business and Economics (KTK) within the framework of the Modern Cities Programme, with services contributing to obtaining practical experience for the students. According to the plans, the building will belong not only to the faculty but to the whole of the university and the town as well. It will function as a business centre allowing for implementing new ideas, innovation and community life. Dr. Zoltรกn Schepp, dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics said, 'It was dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Bรกlint Bachmann's father, professor Bachmann, who dreamed a building next to the Faculty of Business and Economics. We have imagined it at a smaller scale, but the ideas for the Business Centre already existed 15 years ago.' According to the plans, UBC will be a 500 m2 per floor, four-storey - i.e. with an area of 2000 m2 in total - urban and youthful, modern building. 'Among other things, we are planning a business lab and a space with hidden cameras for simulating job interviews', the dean added. 'We have prepared our students for a lot of things, but we haven't been able to do so for instance for what they would have to do at the very first job interview in their lives - for example in a glass palace in Budapest, as the location of a job interview has its own micro-climate. We would like to provide them with a place where they also can prepare for that. There will be several functions and opportunities, and we will be glad if as many people make use of them as possible. We want this building to actually represent business careers with all of their elements. Even failure, since according to an old phrase, only those who have failed at least once and stood up on their feet again will be real business people.'


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