Adapt Magazine May/June 2013 Free Edition

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Vol. 1 Issue 3. $2.99



May/June 2013



(CONTENTS) SPIRITUALITY Confessions of a Beauty Queen Be Strong and Courageous, Monica Solomon (p. 10)

LIFESTYLE Relationships Single and Saved, Kertesha Riley (p. 22) Student Life Turning Words Into Reality, Kathyrn Spell (p. 24)

CAREER & MONEY Career Called to the Mission Field, Paula Kerr (p. 20) Money The Coupon Savvy Student: Shop Smarter and Give Back, Antointette Charles (p. 30)

MUSIC, JUSTICE & ETC. Music Music News: Doing Music Justice, Doing the World Justice, Aaron Kerr (p. 36) Justice Ark of Hope for Children: Building Homes of Hope, Blair Corbett (p. 40) Spotlight on Nonprofit Organizations (p. 44) Projects for Haiti, Inc. CURE at UF Heartbeat of the Arts



One of the things near and dear to our heart is discussing about Social Justice issues around our world. We think these issues are so important that we’ve dedicated an entire issue to it. As much as we hope that you enjoy what you’ll read, we really hope that these articles stir you to get involved through either prayer, your time, treasure or talents. - The Adapt Magazine Team



ALLYSEN KERR Editor/Publisher PAULA KERR Contributing Editor MONICA SOLOMON Contributing Writer ANTOINETTE CHARLES Contributing Writer AARON KERR Contributing Writer KERTESHA RILEY Contributing Writer

Adapt Magazine is published six times a year by UnKonventional Media, LLC. All questions regarding advertising, subscriptions or this publication should be directed to Please visit to learn more about our company.



Paula Kerr, Career Expert

Monica Solomon was recently awarded the title of Miss Black Tampa USA 2013. She graduated from the University of Florida where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Education Monica is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in Public Health at the University of South Florida with a specialization in Behavioral Health. During her year of service, Monica plans to promote workforce health promotion in Orlando and Tampa through her platform: Work, Learn, Pray: My health, My Location.

Paula is a senior writer for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts®. Her background and experience include communications, human resources management, recruiting, benefits administration and communications, as well as training and development. In her current role, Paula develops and writes communication and education resources for Disney Destinations. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications/Public Relations from Iona College, New Rochelle, New York. Paula has been a contributing writer for adapt magazine since 2009.

ANTOINETTE CHARLES, Christian Bargain Hunter

Aaron Kerr, Music News

Antoinette is a hard-working young woman. This wife and student is currently pursing a degree in Education. She and her husband recently moved to Tampa where they felt God drawing them to grow the Kingdom. She has two dogs, Cocoa and Lex, who are very much like children. She enjoys serving in her church’s children’s ministry and looks forward to singing, dancing and praying with the kids each week.

Aaron aka “Raj Parker” loves music. A junior studio art major at the University of South Florida, Aaron has been contributing to Adapt for more than two years. He writes music reviews on the latest releases in Christian Hip Hop. When he’s not writing for Adapt, he’s penning bars for his own music. He started a group on campus called “The Collective” that features amateur rappers, singers and creatives who love Jesus and want to reach the lost through awesome music.

(SPECIAL THANKS) Blair Corbett Ark of Hope for CHildren Gabby Jackson Heartbeat of the Arts Priscilla Zelaya & Berthrude Albert Projects for Haiti, Inc. Kathryn Spell CURE International Hope Kim Doit & Syra Rosario-Cardona CURE at the University of Florida Jon Lash Photos

(LETTER FROM THE EDITOR) I hate injustice.

Every time I hear about a child being bullied at school, another teen being kidnapped or abortion clinics offering discounted abortion services, I get angry. I get angry not just because my moral barometer says I should feel that way; I’m angry because I wish I could make it stop.

I wish I could physically be there to stop the bully, free the slave and save the unwanted baby. While I may not have the ability to be everywhere at once, my Father in Heaven sees it all. He’s there and sees everything and I mean everything... So why would a god who is omnipresent allow such terrible things to happen? Why won’t He stop it? Many times I have no answer to this questions. All I know is that good and evil coexist in this world and God has given us a choice to decide to pursue either path. Either choice--good or bad--will yield consequences. We see the fruit of bad choices all the time: slavery, human trafficking, domestic violence, abuse abandoned children, gun violence, the homeless and the hungry...this list could go on forever but I’ll stop here. One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 61:1. It says: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.” Jesus later repeats this verse in Luke 4:18 when He in stood before the religious leaders for the first time. Not only was He validating His authority, but He was also modeling how we as believers are supposed to live our lives (Matthew 28:19-20).

Photo: Monique Dos Anjos

It is good to be all about the Gospel, but living for the FULL Gospel also means caring for the poor, loosing the physical and spiritual chains of the oppressed, and bringing comfort to those who are hurting. Maybe that person you’ve been trying to witness to has experienced injustice in his or her life. Maybe their mom or dad left them as a child, maybe their boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on them, maybe they experienced hurt from the church. Before you try to force them to believe in Jesus, help them to belong to Jesus. Do this by giving them love, giving them hope and giving them Jesus. There are college students and college alums who are not only breaking the chains of injustice, but they are also bringing the Gospel. In this issue, we bring you their stories and an opportunity to not just preach the Gospel but to also live the Gospel by getting involved. Peace and Blessings,






Spirituality Discipleship prayer relationship with God worship

Confessions of a Beauty Queen BE STRONG & COURAGEOUS By: Monica Solomon Photo: Antoinette & Sharmi Charles

"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:7-9




he days are becoming longer, cruises are being booked, and an influx of “Ugh! Studying all night for my final exams” statuses and tweets are suddenly popping up everywhere. Such events can mean only one thing: Summer is almost here! For the majority of college students who aren’t planning any daily tanning trips to the beach, the summer months are often filled with post-graduate college applications, internships, or career-related volunteer opportunities. I am sure the question on your mind is something like this: How can I keep God first, despite the fact that I am stressed about finding an internship (secretly praying that it is higher than minimum wage), finding a summer job, securing an entry level job, or paying off my [insert astronomical amount] student loans? That is an excellent question and one that most college students struggle with. I believe that Joshua serves as a great example because he was stepping in a new role as well. A role that God had ordained for him long before Joshua even knew it. As leader of the Israelites, Joshua was tasked with a big responsibility of leading God’s people into the Promised Land through a series of battles with neighboring armies. Although, God had begun to prepare Joshua in his role as Moses’ assistant, there were still lessons that he had to learn along the way. Joshua’s exciting story of leadership, tough battles, and eventually triumph is extremely applicable to college students because of the new tasks, responsibilities, and trials that we often face while venturing into new internships, jobs, or post graduate degree programs.

The summer is a great time to prepare yourself for the next stage in your life and face your new role with courage, faith and obedience just like Joshua. As always, I leave you with steps for embarking on your new season:

1. No Room For Fear

The scripture above says it all. As you step into your new role, fear can never be an option because it will only create stumbling blocks. As you take on new assignments and projects, do each task with courage. Also, don’t be afraid to try new things, feel free to ask your supervisor for new opportunities for professional development.

2. Conduct Your Business God’s Way

I went to Bible study where the small group leader made a comment that stuck with me, “If you are trying to share the Gospel, but are always late, never do your work, gossip, leave work early, take longer than scheduled lunch breaks... it’s a bad witness. Do youe work first.” Simply put: Try not to Facebook or text while on the job… OK, well maybe you can take one “#firstday #jobflow” Instagram pic.

3. Keep God First

Prayer is essential during this time because it is where you will get your strength and an opportunity to ask God for help during tough assignments or responsibilities. Try reading at least one scripture every day before you go to your internship or job and meditate on it throughout the day.


May/June 2013










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LIFESTYLE College Life Relationships Health & Fitness Dating Beauty Family

Single and Saved

By: Kertesha Riley, Contributing Writer

It comes in various forms. You’re usually in the middle of swallowing a piece of chicken or trying to fade into oblivion. But friends, family members, and the like so cleverly manage to catch you off guard...


re you dating anyone?

Yes, the dreaded question of…well…”singlehood.” Because, let’s face it, people who are “boo’d up” love sharing that news. In a society where reality shows depict it, box office hits play it out on the big screen, and songs are written in dedication to it, it’s drilled into our heads that everyone is in love and if you’re not you’re the dreaded “s” word. We have so many voices whispering in our ears, so many sources telling us that we should be unhappy, claiming to know what it is we need to be doing in our singleness

(mostly about how to get out of it). Yet we should only have one authority in our lives if we claim to be followers of Christ. Yep…you got it: Jesus Christ! Then what makes singleness such a dark, dismal place? We’re made to believe that because we’re not romantically involved with anyone that our lives are somehow devoid of love. Why is singleness viewed as a time absent of relationships? I don’t know where this mentality came from, but time and time again I, too, fall victim to this vicious lie. I feel even more guilt because, as a marriage counselor, I should know better right? You might be thinking, “you’re a marriage counselor…and you’re single?!” Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt my feelings – I 22

get it all the time. Let me explain. Most of marriage counseling deals with couple and family issues. However, I like to put my own spin on things. Often times, the breeding ground for romantic relationships begins in friendship. There are also other types of relationships—ones with family members, coworkers, strangers, even enemies (you didn’t misread that, but that’ll be another topic for another day). I value and respect all types of relationships, and it’s worth taking a look at how you operate within those types. It ultimately determines how you will handle romantic ones.

different when it comes to singleness? Stop compartmentalizing your life and give God all of it! It’s time to put it all on the table…the struggles, the triumphs, the good, the bad, the fun, even the lonely times… and really turn to God to live out “singlehood” the way He’s called us to. Who’s with me?

Still, just because you’re single doesn’t mean you’re living and roaming the earth alone. Nor does it mean that your singleness should be spent searching for “the one.” God has a plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and it doesn’t include wishing and hoping for something “better.” He didn’t make a mistake and leave you single. Perhaps, in this period of life, He’s calling you to a greater love… What if we changed our outlook on singleness…from a place we long to escape to a place of rich faith-building? What if singleness is a chance for us to seek Him and truly learn what it means to love, obey, and follow Him? Yes there will be obstacles. And sure you will struggle. I know all too well about both. But we have a Savior who wants to help us in all areas of our lives, One who never has nor ever will forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Why should it be any

©Brittney Borowski May/June 2013


Turning Words Into Reality Submitted By: Kathyrn Spell Photo: Courtesy of Kathyrn Spell


tories have given me so much comfort in my life. On a warm summer morning or a cold winter night, I find fulfillment while curled up in a blanket with a piping hot cup of tea in my left hand and some sort of fanciful fiction or enriching biography in my right. These stories grasp the dreams that I hope for while living the monotonous everyday tasks that I can’t seem to get away from. They remind me that life can be so much more if I will only let it. One morning, while reading Donald Miller’s “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” I was forced to think of why I desire to get lost in a book. Miller writes about a tale in our own lives that has yet to be written. While I read his book, I was reminded of the greater story I wish to live myself. The deep love stories, like “A Voice in the Wind” by Francine Rivers, are a sheer reminder of the love my heart desires to share with someone. The stories of adventure, like Laura Hillenbrand’s “Unbroken,” are examples of the quest to find fulfillment in overcoming challenges that I crave. Even the stories of someone else’s life, like “Kisses from Katie’ by Katie Davis or “The Biography of Amy Carmichael” by Elizabeth Elliot, speak of the strength I long for in the act of giving my life over to Christ and to others. I read these books, and at times get lost in a movie, because in my heart of hearts I desire to live these greater stories as well. They are a way for me to forget about the

normal day-to-day and get to be someone else for a while. The question I was presented with while reading Miller’s book is why can’t I be like the characters I identify with so often? About a year ago now, I had to make a decision that would redefine the story of my life in a way I wasn’t sure I was ready for. As a senior in college heading down a path to nursing, I thought I had much of my life figured out. Unexpectedly, I was offered a job with CURE International, a non-profit I had been volunteering with for years. The idea of working with an organization that was having a huge impact on children with disabilities all over the world was enticing, but it also left me filled with fear. This surely wasn’t in my plan. Choosing to work for CURE would have meant that I, a Georgia-raised southern gal, would be moving to the North, giving up the idea of nursing for a while, and leaving behind all the comfort that I was resting in. What it would be replaced with, though, was an adventure I had been waiting for. I would not only get to be a part of the healing of children all over the world, but I would also be helping to develop a program for college students to join this movement and be a part of something so much greater than themselves. The benefits were outstanding and world-changing, but my fears were overwhelming. 24

I became faced with the unsettling disappointment of knowing the real thing keeping me from writing this new story in my life was fear. I was afraid of people thinking I was being unwise by going, I was afraid of leaving my comfort and security of a place I called home, and most honestly, I was afraid of failing and falling flat on my face. In the midst of this fear, though, I was confronted with the extreme desire to really LIVE. Those mountains I wanted to climb, those orphans I had hoped to hold and love, and the adventure of a new life that I craved so desperately all seemed so daunting to achieve, but when I read the stories of others, I knew there was hope. I chose to rewrite the script of my life. I encourage you to do the same. Choosing to live a different story isn’t about going and selling all your belongings and moving to Africa, or maybe it is? What it does entail is just living out your dreams. When you feel stuck in a rut and you desire to be something else, stop daydreaming and start doing. Maybe for you it is to bike across America like Miller spoke about in his book, or choosing to take that dream job you thought was out of reach. Whatever it is, just start doing something. Doing is the first step to writing that greater story. In conclusion to this challenge, I myself am going to start taking on another new story. For years I have dreamed of being a writer. I daydream about writing inspirational stories that move people’s very souls into a greater sense of confidence of who they are and who Christ is in them. I am stepping out in this direction for the hope of something greater.

to change the story of your life. CURE has hospitals in developing countries around the world, with a focus to heal the sick while proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Involve your family by sending a get well card to a child at or just find more out at cure. org. I hope you are as encouraged to write a new script for your lives as I, and many others, seem to have been doing. I can’t leave you with Donald’s words and I definitely can’t leave you with my words, so take heart from the words of the greatest writer of all time. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 This article originally appeared on and was re-produced with permission from the author. Kathyrn is the University Programs Coordinator for CURE International, an organization that provides free surgeries for children with physical disabilities around the world. Learn more at

In the story of Joshua, as he approached the Jordan River hoping to enter into the promised land, God told him the waters would not part until he put his toes in the waters. So, as you are attempting to recreate a new story of your life, just take a step out and do something. You will find that when you step, the waters will begin to part for you to enter into his great promises. I take on that challenge today to walk into the waters, jump from the highest cliffs, face my fears, and, quite literally, write a story for my life. What will you do? For some of you who were moved by the idea of a new story as I have been but are unsure of what steps to take, I am listing a few suggestions below: 1. Read two books that will change your life: “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller and “Love Does” by Bob Goff. You won’t be disappointed. 2. If you are still unsure, start writing out a bucket list for your life. As clichéd as it may be, I did this a few years ago and it has helped tremendously. Be specific with your dreams and wishes and then just do them. It will be amazing how inspiring it is to see your own goals being fulfilled with each check mark. The best part is you can keep adding to your list as you check the others off! 3. In all the books I have read, what makes a story so great is that there is sacrifice. They choose to live this story for someone else. That is one of my biggest suggestions in how to rewrite the story of your life. I can suggest CURE International as a specific way for you May/June 2013

Kathyrn poses with Hope Kim Doit, President of the CURE at the University of Florida, at the chapter’s first annual benefit concert in February.


Photo: Jeremy RIchards |


E H T O T D E L L CA MISSION FIELD “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4, KJV Are You Looking for Missionary Work But Don’t Know How to Get Started? If you believe God is calling you to Christian missionary work, following His call is a great way to serve Him. But before you take off to that “strange land”, the first thing you should do is prayerfully seek His favor and direction in connecting you to the right opportunity. Once the Lord has confirmed His call on your endeavors to do missions work, you may be wondering how you can harness your skills and talents to step up to the challenge. You may also be asking questions like: “Where should I serve?” or “What type of ministry, skill or training will I need?” To answer these questions, it will be helpful to learn about some of the jobs that are available in the mission field. Here are a few examples: • • • •

Pastoral Coach Outreach Team Leader Webmaster Missionary/English Teacher

• Rescue Mission Worker • ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher • Chapel/Community Director • Youth Pastor • Medical Professionals/Nurses You might say, “These sound like great opportunities, but how do I get started?” I’m glad you asked. I can assure you that much preparation -- and prayer -- is crucial to answering the call to missions. So, your next important step is to begin by reaching out to various organizations such as Christian Career Center, a “one-stop” online job search service to help you reach your career potential. Christian Career Center will point you to many organizations and services offering job opportunities in the mission field. Several of the services provided through Christian Career Center include, but are not limited to: Navigators, an interdenominational, nonprofit organization that has administrative and field-staff opportunities available across the country and around the world. Check out Navigators today. Wycliffe Associates, a non-profit Bible Translator organization that also has a variety of missionary job opportunities based on your area of interest. Some positions include: • Project Reports Manager • Business Systems Analyst • Digital Experience Manager Another organization to check out is Christian Jobs Fair, an online jobs fair that has hundreds of employment and ministry opportunities with Christian organizations, ministries, schools, churches, and camps. Also, find work at home 28

and self-employment opportunities. This is better than a typical job fair because you can check out multiple companies, search their job openings, and apply for positions all without leaving home. Your next missionary job could be just a click away! Working as (or alongside) a Christian missionary helps you get to know other missionaries. These could be missionaries who are working in the same field or in other countries and ministries. This gives you a chance to build relationships with people who understand what they will experience on the field. Remember that every Christian called to missionary service is vital to the extension of the Gospel and, with that said, much preparation and prayer is crucial to answering the call. As we work to further His Kingdom and evangelize those around us through missionary work, remember that we are fulfilling the call of God to care for His Church!





May/June 2013



SAVVY STUDENT SHOP SMARTER AND GIVE BACK By: Antoinette Charles, Contributing Writer

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” - Luke 6:45


ave you ever experienced someone asking you for money when you didn’t even have enough for yourself? This always seems to happen to me at the most inopportune times. In the moments I was unwilling I would say to myself, “No way, I can’t afford it!” or, “This is why I don’t like to carry money” but would say something like, “Sorry, I just don’t have anything I can give you, God Bless you though.” It’s easy to assume people are being lazy or unwilling to help themselves. The truth is, we don’t know what someone is going through or what path to God they may or may not be on. God asked me to check my heart and I began to understand that I am not entitled to the provision He gives to me and my family. I felt extremely bad and sought out ways I could help with what God has given me. As I started to give from my heart, I learned that people received more than I was able to offer. Some people just want to be acknowledged rather than paid to go away, to have a friendly conversation and know that someone does care. So if you are pinching pennies like me and wondering how you will ever be able to give to others here are a few ideas:

Corporate Responsibility Shop stores that are willing to give to local causes and en-

deavors. Companies love sharing about their community impact both in store and online. Stores will ask you to participate in outreach by giving a small donation or contributing items that will benefit a local organization.

Shop with an Open Mind Perhaps you don’t have kids, pets or need senior citizen products. You wouldn’t be familiar with the items typically purchased or even know a good deal if it were staring you in the face. Challenge yourself to buy things that you can get a more than 50 percent discount, on clearance or even under a dollar. As you start using coupons more you will see that seemingly unimportant items can be purchased at very low prices. Great places to donate your items include: Animal shelters, family service organizations, food banks, retirement homes and churches.

Sharing is Caring! Be willing to share your unused coupons. When I first learned to coupon I would hear people say, “I love giving coupons to people while I’m shopping. I can usually glance in their cart and notice right away that they can save $10”! May/June 2013


I would think about how awkward I would look handing over a stack of coupons to an already tired and aggravated mother shopping with her infant children. However why should I let my insecurities stop me from sharing with others? Now that I have been couponing for a while, I have yet to meet a person who is unhappy about saving a few dollars. Great places to share your unused coupons include: the grocery store, animal shelters, family service organizations, food banks, retirement homes and churches. Even your expired coupons make a great donation to military organizations as they are able to use them up to six months past expiration at the on-base commissary. These places will either pass the coupons along to the people in need of their services or give them to the people who spend a lot of money purchasing items to donate. Either way, your unused coupon will go a long way!

Clean out your Stockpile It’s always good to go through your food stash and see what will be expiring within the next month. If you are not able to consume or use those items, then they make great candidates for donation.

the items and brands you may come across while you are looking to save a few dollars. “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45, NKJV

Store Spotlight: WALMART Walmart has stood out and made a name for itself with its Lowest Price Guarantee campaign. With many grocery stores getting competitive around couponing, Walmart has also stepped up and announced a new strategy of their own. They have been the only major store that does not offer their customers store coupons to use on purchases but have always welcomed manufacturer coupons. Now, stores are accepting competitor coupons to bring you even lower prices! So feel free to bring along your Publix, Dollar General, Kmart, Target and any other store coupon you can find. Check with your local store to verify if they have implemented the policy. Happy couponing!

Even clothes you haven’t worn in a while can be donated to the people who need them most. Shelters are an excellent place to take a variety of these items and are almost always in need of things. They are great at handing things out to people immediately so that they are used right away. You see, it’s truly the simple things that you can start doing that can make a huge difference in the way people experience God’s love. I encourage you to spend a little time in an unfamiliar part of the store becoming familiar with some of

May/June 2013


The Good Boys of South Florida lighthting up the stage at the Fire In the Andes Benefit Concert in Tampa. April 2013.

MUSIC New artists New releases Music reviews

S K R A P S . K M O R F M U B L A W E N

3 1 0 2 E N U J E L B A L I AVA




A typical problem with most Christian music throughout the years: it always seemed to lack a great deal of quality (and sometimes originality). I mean, sometimes we see a nice change in the genre, with bands like Switchfoot and Sanctus Real, but usually what follows after these bands grow and evolve into success is a plethora of other artists who try to recreate the same winning formula through emulation. That cycle has constantly repeated itself throughout the history of Christian music.


As an avid audiophile and independent artist myself, it is always easier for me to find variety and original, quality music on the secular side of things because aside from hip-hop, Christian music always lacks those qualities. I don’t have anything personal against Christian artists, and I am most certainly not biased towards a single genre over any other, but I feel that music is power, and a divine gift from God. If we as Christians use that as a medium to communicate the Gospel to the world, then we’d better make sure we use it in the most life-changing way possible. Just once I would like to see the same amount of effort that secular artists put into making their music legendary be utilized in Christian music -- across the board. I want to be able to listen to an artist and, after hearing a short selection, place the headphones down knowing they did the music justice -- that the entire process was done right. I stumbled onto Josh Garrels yesterday. (Pictured above) Who is he? At first glance, an indie-folk singer and nothing more. But after playing one track from him, I thought his music sounded like the more famous pop group OneRepublic, if all four members were wrapped into a single being.

Tye Tribbett’s album is expected to release later this year.

The next track I played, “Words Remain” was simply a visceral experience for me, and it was the lyrics of these songs that made me realize Mr. Garrels is a Christian. I was blown away! I went looking for quality Christian music, and came back finding instead, a Christian that made quality music. Genius! Not only does Josh Garrels “do the music justice”, but he also does justice through his music as well. Most of his projects have been free and available through Noisetrade, but whatever tips he earns from his music on Noisetrade, all proceeds will go towards sponsoring an organization called World Relief’s Efforts in the Congo, as they try to address the wars in the country (more info about that here: All in all, I definitely recommend Josh Garrels’ music. Regardless of ones spiritual background, Garrels makes his music relatable and acceptable to all walks of faith, while still managing to not compromise his own. To complete that task alone is respectable. Other notable releases this year to look forward to are Json’s new album “Braille”, with a release date set for June 18. The album already has a single, “Work (ft. Spec)” produced by Reach Records’ Derek Minor (fka Pro).

Album artwork from Json’s new single “Work” Ft. Speck.

Another artist set to drop a new album is Tye Tribbett, who hasn’t released any work since “Fresh” in 2010. Expect Tribbett’s “Greater Than” early this June as well. If you’re looking for gigs to show up to, also look for Andy Mineo’s Album Release tour. The last stop is in Orlando on June 1. Andy’s debut album, “Heroes For Sale,” has been doing quite well, meeting projected first-week sales at around 30,000 albums. It also made it into iTunes top 10 on the day it released, April 16.

May/June 2013

All artwork and photos belongs to respective artists.


Justice nonprofit spotlight justice issues missions

Ark of Hope for Children: Building Homes of Hope human trafficking industry is now the second largest Blair Corbett and Ark of Hope for The industry in the world. Children have an ever growing Why? passion to see the needs of all types Unlike drugs and guns, which can only be sold once, this of child abuse survivors met. Ark “product� is rentable for years. Initially rescued children of sex trafficking were treated as of Hope for Children is a mission- prostitutes and put into juvenile detention facilities. Then move began for them to be placed into traditional foster based organization near Gaines- acare. But common sense shows us that the traditional foster home is not at all prepared to meet their needs. ville, Florida that breaks the chains the shelf-life of a sex trafficking victim is reached or of abuse for victims of child abuse, When when a child abuse victim has not received ample help, child sex trafficking and child bul- what happens to them? If they don’t die in their abusive situation, or by their own hand, they are still with us for years lying. They work with child and to come. Like our prison system, our streets are filled with child victims, young and old. You and I may not adult survivors to help them build homeless be perpetrators of abuse, but when we turn a blind eye or a upon their past abuse, using it as deaf ear, are we doing anything to help? the foundation for their thriving fu- Building Homes of Hope prepare for building Harbourage House, Ark of Hope for ture. Ark of Hope plans to take that To Children asked What are the needs of a rescued child sex same focus and passion to build trafficking victim?Answering that question is the only way to know how to attempt to meet their needs so they will betheir Harbourage safe home for come healthy, fully functioning and independent members of society. Below are many of their major issues that need rescued child trafficking victims. to be met:



Physical Abuse

It is estimated that the average life span of a child trafficking victim is from three to seven years. Once rescued, sex trafficking victims must know they are safe. Their abusers will likely want their source of daily income back at any cost. Victims have often experienced the disappearance of a fellow victim , never to return. Once rescued, if they do not sense safety quickly, they may run, choosing to live alone on street survival instincts instead. Or even return to their traffickers who they saw as safe.

Victims are controlled by all means possible, including physical abuse, rape,etc. Doctors are needed to treat a wide variety of physical damage to their bodies.

Trust Sex trafficking victims are taught to only trust their abusers. A variety of mind control methods are used including physical and sexual abuse, drugs, and more. They are taught that police, and all those in normal authority, are really abusive, bad people. With this in mind, once rescued, those who choose to provide a safe, caring environment must prove themselves trustworthy.This takes patience and unconditional love. A good care taker must be prepared to give ample space, ask many questions and truly listen without quick advice just to reach a level of trust.

Male Victims We are a naïve society if we do not acknowledge that are large percentage of young males are also victims of child sex trafficking. We must learn from the Penn State / Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile horrors and realize that young boys are being sought out, victimized and regularly targeted. Canadian hockey, the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, and on the history shows us. Yet the issue is not being addressed of how to identify young males being prostituted and in need of rescuing from the world’s second largest industry, human trafficking. How do we rescue if we don’t know the signs? How do we care for them if we don’t provide the space?

Age of Victims Needing Care Child sex abuse statistics have proven that children are abused as young as one until age 18. So the use of infants through young people in their mid-twenties, both male and female, are also big targets for the child sex trafficking industry. The child porn industry that thrives on ALL of our social networks proves this to be true.

Emotional Scarring Victims struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, ongoing nightmares, anorexia, self harm, flashbacks, very deep rooted fears and anxieties. That is only the tip of the iceberg. We simply cannot think that once a victim can move past these things without significant help. Even if they are able to bury the memories while they are young, psychiatry proves it will show itself again in adulthood in very traumatic, destabilizing ways. If a victim has been exposed to the horrors of ritual abuse in the process of their abduction and imprisonment, we should be prepared for a very long and patient healing process. Many cannot even speak of these horrors face to face with a therapist for a very long time without specialized help.

Language Barriers Many child sex trafficking victims are brought in from other countries. to Bringing them to a place that does not speak their language is another form of control;. As for the United States and other wealthy countries, the insatiable desire for sex and the ability to pay for it, makes us a haven for the sex traffickers. Willingness to pay provides for a sex trafficking industry that can buy and sell victims many times over before the victims reach the end of their usefulness.

Sex Addiction This is an issue that MUST be addressed for each individual. Imagine being rented out from six to twelve times daily, seven days a week. But once rescued, being expected to just shut off sexual need cannot be expected without significant help.

Habilitation/Rehabilitation Rehabilitation implies that victims once experienced a healthy life and can recognize what that is once they are

Sexually Transmitted Disease Do we really think abusers, pimps and Johns practice safe sex? These young people need help with check-ups and access to ongoing treatment.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Drugs are a favorite form of control for traffickers. At first seeming to be the loving care giver for a victim may work, but not for long. Getting them hooked on drugs and becoming their provider is a way to get them to stay and remain.

May/June 2013

Architectural Rendering of The Harbourage Home


guided back to it. A physically or sexually abused runaway, or a child stolen from home at a young age, has no idea what a healthy lifestyle even looks like. Victims need to be moved from a place of fear and being controlled on one side, all the way to hope-filled independent living on the other. They cannot do that on their own and it is irresponsible to think it can happen by their eighteenth birthday.

Education It is logical that a foster child may be one to two years behind their classmates due to the abusive home environment, the move to foster care, and possibly bouncing from home to home. Now imagine the life of a child forced to live within the child sex trafficking industry and the lack of education they may receive. These children can be years behind their peers. But they need educational assistance to survive and thrive. We must provide plans and environments where that can take place without shame if they are to be expected to be healthy, selfsustaining adults. Using all of the above and more, this has provided Ark of Hope with a well thought out architectural rendering of our Harbourage Safe Homes for Child Sex Trafficking Victims. The concept for this self-sustaining community comes at

the point of an emergent need. We are hearing fairly regularly in the news of human traffickers being arrested in decent numbers. But where are the victims being taken? Not to places like we have envisioned because far too few exist. We need help getting this built very soon. Ignoring the hundreds of thousands of victims still costs us dearly. Society worldwide has a large stake in healing abused and trafficked children. We often hear from well intentioned groups that �It is easier to build a strong child than to mend men,“ but when you transform a broken child the result is a priceless gem able to withstand great fires and tests of endurance. We hope you will help Ark of Hope for Children build our Harbourage homes for trafficking survivors. We can only commit to their longterm care if people commit to supporting our efforts. Blair Corbett is the president and executive director of Ark of Hope for Children. Contact him at to learn how you can help them provide homes and end the abuse. To learn more visit



GET ON MISSION With First Assembly of God, Gainesville



Acting Justly Displaying Mercy & Walking Humbly

To Change the World

Name(s): Bertrhude Albert, 24 President/Chief Executive Officer

Priscilla Zelaya, 24 Vice President/ Board Chairman


Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hometown: Miami, FL

Year Founded: 2011

School: University of Florida

School: University of Florida


Haiti in Northern Haiti. These people are so resilient. They are some of the most inspiring people I have ever met. They have faced so much economical devastation and adversity, but they are not defeated. Their faith in Christ is strong and their joy is unquenchable. I am always so inspired by their dreams and their determination to accomplish these dreams. Yes they are poor, yes they have little, but they are HOPEFUL.

With Christ at our forefront, we Create. Support. Connect. We create projects that foster sustainable development, impacting both individuals and the nation as a whole. We support Haitians in their endeavors, solidifying ownership through training and empowerment. We connect the world to Haiti through partnerships that build alliances and redefine perceptions. HOW DID YOU GET STARTED? When I went to Haiti on a missions trip, the summer of 2008 I fell in love with the country. I knew when I left I would be back. Two years later I was on a plane with Bertrhude leading 19 others on a missions trip. This trip was incredible, we saw the effects of working together with the people you are helping to make a difference. When we returned to the US Bertrhude and I knew God was leading us to create a long-term investment in the future of Haiti. We decided to create a non-profit that would emphasize sustainable development. We wanted to come alongside Haitians and affirm their identity in Christ. Projects for Haiti, Inc. was then founded in 2011. TELL US ABOUT THE COMMUNITY/ PEOPLE YOU SERVE We serve the poor in Haiti. We are currently focusing on Cap-Haitian,

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY WORKING ON? Projects for Haiti, Inc is currently preparing for our 2nd annual Educator Professional Development Conference in Cap-Haitian. Last year we had a conference for 60 teachers in CapHaitian. We were able to bring teachers from the US to empower and encourage these fellow educators. We also gave them training in classroom management and teaching students with special needs. I'm a teacher and this was one of the most powerful experiences I've had in Haiti. This year we will have over 100 teachers join us for a 2nd conference. We are bringing 8 teachers from the US and we will hold vision casting sessions for the teaching profession and practical teacher training in science, math, writing, and reading education. We are so excited about this year's conference and we have been so overwhelmed by God's provision! We recently won a $10,000 grant from Projects for Peace

Location: Gainesville, FL

to fund this conference. We are going to be able to impact even more teachers and in turn impact the education of hundreds of children in Haiti! WAS THIS WHAT YOU INTENDED TO DO? IF NOT, WHAT WAS YOUR ORIGINAL PLAN? Our desire as an organization is to commission Haitians to be who God has called them to be. I feel like this lies definitively within the bounds of that desire. We are coming alongside Haitians as partners and giving them the encouragement and training to be who God has called them to be. How has the Lord shaped you since starting this organization? The Lord has used this organization to show me humility. I cannot do this on my own, I cannot help lead an organization on my own. I am continually face to face with my limitations and I have no choice but to fall on my knees before God. This organization is for His glory and His glory alone, I am merely only a person answering a call to preach the gospel to all nations. The Lord is the one that can accomplish anything through me. I am so in awe of His grace and I am so thankful he would allow me to see His grace manifested through Projects for Haiti, Inc.


Hope Kim Doit, 20 President/Founder Hometown: Philippines School: University of Florida Syra Rosario-Cardona, 20 Vice-President/Co-founder Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL School: University of Florida Website: Location: Gainesville, FL Year Founded: 2012 What is your mission As UF students, our aim is to provide prayer and financial support for medical treatment to those in underprivileged countries, and to give students the opportunity to go on medical mission trips; all with the purpose of spreading the message of God’s love. CURE International's overall mission is to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God.

ganization so we can get more hands to help fundraise for a child to get a surgery. We are also working on improving our leadership team and developing it to a more functional body of Christ who has one heart for missions. Was this what you intended to do? If not, what was your original plan? No, the original plan was to gather a small group to pray for CURE International and what they do as an organization. The Lord evidently has a greater plan for CURE at UF since we are now a student organization on campus. How has the Lord shaped you since starting this organization? The Lord taught me so much to trust Him with all my heart and lean not in my own understanding. Even though I am still under the process, He has taught me to become a better follower of Christ by leading this group. He definitely showed me what dying to myself means every time things do not end up how I want it to be. I am very humbled to be used in this organization.

How did you get started? I e-mailed CURE international about the passion that the Lord placed upon my heart about medical missions. They led me to their CURE outreach coordinator who also started a CURE chapter at UGA a couple years ago. We kept in touch throughout Summer 2012 and I finally gave in to God's call to start this organization. Then, I met Syra at the gym. We talked about CURE. We prayed about CURE. We started CURE at UF. Tell us about the community/people that you serve. CURE operates 27 hospitals and programs around the world; Kenya, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic to name a few. We provide physical care by conducting surgeries to children with curable disabilities. Spiritual healing is provided to patients, family, and friends through prayers in the name of Jesus. What are you currently working on? We are currently working on getting the word out as an orMay/June 2013


Name: Gabrielle Jackson, 20 Position/Title: Founder/Executive Director Hometown: Gainesville Location: University of Florida Website: Location: Gainesville, Fl Year Founded: 2012

What is your mission Our mission is to revolutionize forgotten communities by redeeming the essence, innocence, and freedom of childhood through the arts. How did you get started? Heartbeat of the Arts began in June of 2012, after I finished choreographing a dance for Rawlings Elementary fifth grade class. One of the fifth grade teachers Sarah Myhre, invited me to teach the 5th graders a dance for their graduation. I accepted the offer and began the dance instructions. The children in fifth grade knew me as the dance teacher, and that title began to spread to different students and teachers within the school. Near the end of the school year, approaching the graduation, the fifth grade students began to ask questions about a future program they can be apart of during the summer. I knew I wanted to start this organization eventually, but as I heard the desire and saw the need, I began to pray about starting the organization sooner. So I went and talked to 6 different people and shared the mission and the vision of the organization and asked them to volunteer and help create this corporation.

Tell us about the community/people that you serve. As an organization we serve forgotten communities. Currently we serve Village Green/Forest Green housing facility, that is a governmental housing facility. What are you currently working on? Currently we have partnered with By Ear Music Studio to take part of a Peter Pan production. This production is mixing Heartbeat children, with other people from within the community. We are trying to raise funds to get 9 of our children sponsored to be a part of an opportunity that they may never receive without our help. We currently started a campaign to get different people in Gainesville to sponsor a child, and pay for a childs "play tuition" that is $150. Was this what you intended to do? If not, what was your original plan? This is not what I intended to do. Before I came to Gainesville, when I was in my junior year at my high school, I had a dream about this organization, and I woke up with the thought in mind that this was where my life was heading. But after telling this dream to family and friends, opposition came my way. My family was not excited about the dream that I felt the Lord placed on my heart, and they continually told me that there is no money in this dream. 48

So, I came to the University with the idea in mind, that I was going to get my degree in Finance and Marketing, and keep this dream in the back of my mind, just in case I have enough money one day to do this. After a semester of classes at the University, I failed two classes, but felt peace from the Lord that, that was his plan. I went to my academic adviser nervous that I was going to be kicked out of school, and she told me I must change my major, and then asked me if there was anything that I actually wanted to do. So, I thought for a while, and remembered the faint dream in the back of my mind, and then explained to her the vision. She then placed me in the major Recreation and Event Management so that I can have my dream come to pass. How has the Lord shaped you since starting this organization? When I started this organization, I continually asked God why he chose me. Every time I would conduct a meeting, delegate task, communicate with people, I always looked at my imperfections and asked the Lord to chose someone else who was better than me. I consistently tried to get other people to do the work the Lord was calling me to do, and it always failed.

As I continued working with the organization, I discovered that I may never know why exactly the Lord chose me, but I always remember that he chose the weak things of the world to shame the wise. I looked at myself and saw my imperfections, but then I began looking at Jesus and saw his perfection. I knew I was inadequate, but I also knew I was equipped. The Lord showed me how to trust in him, and not myself, and through this process I discovered hidden pride within myself. The Lord humbled me, and is continually humbling me. I am no where near finished, and Lord knows I am messed up, but I am willing to be changed my the one who can change me, and that is all that matters. The other thing I learned was that even though I stepped out and followed the Lord, everything is not and will not be easy. Nothing went well, the times I thought things were going to work out they usually didn't. The Lord taught me to trust him, and not myself. I have learned that the Lord knows what he is doing with me, and this organization, even when I don't see it myself.

Gabby pictured with two of her students from Heartbeat of the Arts. The students performed earlier that evening at a benefit concert for UF CURE.

May/June 2013




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