Project 1: Department Poster
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
Final sketch finally chose this one to be my poster.
Final Product
School of Art, Art History, & Design
Project Brief This is the first poster that I made in my life. I was so excited about this. I was struggled so many times in chaning the tyoe of shape. The Process is trough, but I was so enjoyed it.
Project 2: Dissent Poster
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
Final Product
Project Brief I chose to do my poster on starving. People die for starving every day in some countries. Even though some of them are living in the developed countries, they still died by starving. I was so struggled with my design at the beginning. But, I don’t know when I got the idea which is the poster I made. In this poster, I use the vocabulary “FOOD” to be the main part. Each letter is broken or missed part of them, and also 3-D. In each of the letter, I drew the sadness face and skinny body to show the starving people. And I also drew the shadow of the food which is red and not broken. This shows the meaning that I want to tell, food is life. In the side of the “FOOD”, I put some splashes of ink which are means the humans who died by the starving. Even though they are different size of brush splashes, I think they are presenting the different died people of starvation.
Project 3: LOGO & Brand Book
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
sketch First time Primary Logo
sketch Final sketch for my logo
Final Product
Final Product Refinements
Project Brief Tea Taste provides many different kinds of tea from all around the world. But we mainly supply Chinese tea in generally speaking. This place also gives you a chance to talk with your friends or clients in a very quiet room. So, you can taste the tea while chat with your friends or clients. The logo that I created are based on Chinese charter “Tea” and ‘Taste’. And I wiped out part of the stroke on the word by using English to replace them. Also, the roof shape on the charter “tea” is kind like an old school style tea shop in China. In the English words—tea and taste, I used capital letter E because it means enjoy every moment in this shop.
Project 4: Magazine
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
sketch Brainstorming the Poster
Final Product
Final Product
Final Product
Final Product
Project Brief When I face this project, the first idea that comes to mind is the movie. I like movies very much. I watch movies of any kind. In this project, I chose to make a film magazine in the way of film review. I chose the movie that I thought was the most worthwhile to watch this year—Deadpool 2, the most popular movie in recently—Fantastic Beasts 2, and the movie Capital Marvel that I thought was the most anticipated next year. Then at the end of the magazine, we mourn Stan Lee-- the father of Marvel.