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Secretary’s Report
from 2008-2009 Block and Bridle Annual
by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Animal Science
Submitted by: Shantille Kruse
The Block and Bridle meeting held on September 4, 2008 came to order at 6:24 p.m. following a burger and hot dog feed. Sixty-one members were in attendance. Jeremy gave the treasurer’s report, we currently have $1,621.11. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. Andrea announced that the Steak Fry would be held Friday, September 5th from 5:30-7:30 and new members were encouraged to participate. She needed 10-12 people to help with setup at 3:30 and clean up at 7:30. Also, Andrea and Annie will be baking beans at 8:00 tomorrow morning if anyone would like to help. Ticket sales for the Steak Fry are due to Nancy by 10:00a.m. or can be turned in that evening. It was announced that Prairie Stomp would follow the Steak Fry. The club voted to help with the Inaugural Ak-Sar-Ben Livestock Judging Contest. Volunteers would leave at 5:30 a.m. for Omaha and be done by noon. It was also announced that initiate meetings will be held half an hour before the regular meetings, at 6:30. Dues for new members are $25 and $15 for returning members. The meeting was adjourned at 6:44.